A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
252 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS [114 114. PARKER'S CORRESPONDENCE. \ ~, ' [ L . jT ames vac. Codex chartaceus in folio, cui titulus, EPISTOL^E PRINCIPUM. In eo autem continentur, 1. Epistola papae Julii II, ad Henricum VIII. in qua regem orat ut eum et sedem apostolicam contra inimicos defendat, data 14 Martii 1512, p. 4. 2. Henry VIII's recommendatory letter for Dr. Parker to be master of Corpus Christi College, dated Westminster ultimo Nov. anno regni 36°. original, p. 5. 3. Letter from queen Katherine [Parr] recommending Randall Radclyff to the bayliwick of the college of Stoke, dated Westm. 14 Nov. 36 Hen. VIII. p. 7. 4. Warrant for a doe out of the forest of Wayebrige under the sign manual of Henry VIII. dated Salisbury Oct. 13, anno regni 36, p. 8. 5. Letter from queen Elizabeth to the archbishop directing him to receive and entertain the French ambassador in his way to London. Richmond May 14, anno regni 6*°. p. 13. 6. From the same, commanding the archbishop to give his orders for a general prayer and fasting during the time of sickness, and requiring obedience from all her subjects to his directions, dated Richmond Aug. I, anno regni 5*°. p. 15. 7. From the same, directing the archbishop and other commissioners to visit Eaton-college, and to enquire into the late election of a provost, dated Lea 22 Aug. anno regni 3*°. p. 21. 8. Visitatio collegii de Eaton per Mattheum Parker archiepiscopum Cantuariensem, Robertum Home episcopum Winton et Anthonium Cooke militem, facta 9, 10 et 11 Sept. 1561, p.
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