Time for Marriage of Chur­ ToA.k Property Owners to Extraordinary Weather Being Twenty-Seven Thousand for ches, Says Pastor. Pay Half Paving Cost txperienced in East. British Columbia. t ilO SACRIFICE SATISFIED WITH FEAREO DAMAGE 5IR JOHNSTON* CABINET MINISTERS, OF PRINCIPLES BITULITHIC METHOD ' FOftBE..- 51ft_LD.rRENCH, :***V&41---W WILL BE IMMENSE TO TOUR WEST

Edward 8rown Not Proud ofCemen t Trust Invites Com­ BAPTISM LOSES Injury to Garden Produce Three Ministers Will Visit Vinancial Record--Dr. mittee to Take Trip to CHURCH MEMBERS and Trees-Cold in Coast— Premier May Go Grant Manager. the Detroit Streets. New York, to London. Pactor Urges Recognition of Associate Membership—Convention Insists 'telR - EDV*V. A 5l*\oMER*60UtN, OCN. SIR V..©.*- on Retaining Ceremony, r_i s r '• fBy Pally News Leased Wire.) I Postponement of considerationpfthe tjHAFER BART; " H.C'_M.G.^ -QS3Mk fRy Dally Nows Leased wire.) my Dailv News Leased Wire.) (liy Dally News I_c_se*_ Wlr*.)' TORONTO, June 1).—Rev. David street paving bylaw, which colls for MOOSE JAW, KHHI-,, Juno 0—A Tult-'NTtt, June fl.—Tho wealher OTTAWA, June ..—The minister of Christie «r Winnipeg, who has not been lho expenditure, of $10,000, 0n wliich locally since the thunderstorm on agriculture, acting on the advice Of specially strung for church union In tho Interest and sinking full(, „ro to question of mon- moment to the Bap- On his birthday King Goorge conferred numerous titles, nnd not leist l-'riday night lias not been warm, a C. C. James, ex-deputy minister o_ the pant, mado u striking speed) on be met out of Hie genera) revenue of llst church than any other was among the honored ones wera dieting uisho-d man from the Dominion. chilly wind from the north and ogrlculturo for Ontario, .who has been thc question n't tlio meeting of the tbe city, for the permanent Improve­ bron-'hi Up at yesterday's session, northwest serving to keep tbo torn- engaged by the government to admin­ general assembly today, 11 had been ment of linker sired, in order that Uie -when the matter of associate member­ perature down. The mean for tlio ister the annual grant for aid to feared, lie aald, that the holding of question of currying out the work as ship' was considered. Tho Itev. Mr. whole day was only *ls degrees, III agriculture under the vote of $10,000,- thc great Pros by Ierliin congress at­ a local improvement on the feufe of a payment of 50 per cent of the com More Destruction by Morgan of lhe I'lrst Baptist church. Toronto the highest poini reached by 000 passed thi* HCSSIOQ, has announced tended by vwry member of tbo de­ by the property owners immediately Saskatoon, along yvbh Bay. A. E. Hay- lhe details us to the spending of the nomination would huve, thc effect of tho thermometer was 58, and during affected and 50 per cent by the city don, also of .Kusl,:itoint, gave arguments money this year. The total appro­ strengthening the denominational tho night the mercury dropped us a whole, might*'be gone hilo, wns for ussoelute membership, stating thai priation io be distributed among the spirit. Methodists had said tu bim io -ll. frost mude an untimely ap­ decided upon by lhe city council last Militant Suffragettesit wa s lo aceommoilale thOSO who did pearance «ui Saturday night. Light provinces during the current fiscal thnt Ihey believed the congress might nut like the baptismal ceremony of year Is ffi00,000. Ontario's share on have this effect. The result hud not night. touches were general over llio pro­ 'I'imt th property owners pn Baker the Baptist church, but who could at vince, and In Toronto a ground frost lho per capita I-a ids Is $17fi,733; Que­ borne out these anticipations. Tho fi tho same time give ample evidence of street should bo called on* to pay 50 of about half a degree was experienc­ bec, $130,482; Nova Hcotla, $34,28*; 'thought left on llnj mind by the con­ (By Dally News Leased Wire.) Christian living and belief. One per cent of the cost of ihe work,' Uie have acted as adviser in tin- suffra­ ed. Reports from outside points In­ New IJruiiHwIcIf, $8.1.00; British Co­ gress wns that the church was a LONDON, Juii, 0.—Thp "arson church m particular, at hi Ike, was on payments to be spread over a term of gettes In their campaign, Little In­ dicate a recurrence again ttiis morn­ lumbia, $37,884; Manitoba. $31,730; •grout fight in:? force, and that tin squads'' of the militant lies record through Its pastor thai two- years, was considered a fair division terest wan slunvn by the public In lhe ing, although this district escaped. SaskateiTowan, $84,-06; Alberta, $26,- powers opposed to It wcre entrench­ have once more become very active. Ibirds uf Its membership bad been lost of Ui cost liy the council, but the trial. Then, wai a big array of coun­ Tlie official forecast for tomorrow 004, Half of Hie appropriation tor ed und prepared to fight lo the last. 0 Beside lhe $70,000 fire ut the Burst through Its baptismal ceremony. No­ method of employing the frontage 'ax sel when the cftSo opened. Sir John each province Is lo he paid at once ]f the ehureh wos a great fighting park race track last night, they -de­ ticing thai in every case ihere was a Indicate, warmer conditions will pre­ system was left open. Some aldermen Simon, thf. solioitof-genoraJj was lhe as soon IIK the agreements arc signed force, and if It find a real battle to stroyed this morning a boolhouse on real fellowship with lb ehureh, it was vail. favored the plan authorised under the lending barrister on behalf of the gov­ e by tlie respective provincial minister the death before It, 11 was obvious tho River Lea and also the grand- tho opinion of Rev. Mr. i'arme lhat new local Improvement act, passed at ernment. r nf agriculture. The balance will tie that it ought to get- together under stand at the North Middlesex cricket the question was nol 0, vital one to Snow in Montreal, the last session of the legislature, car- •laid as Koon an the federal govern­ one head. With reference to the re­ grounds. Tho flro at Hurst park was (fBy Daily Nowa Ixiased Wire.) •Ting on certain work OH a local Im­ ihe church, Thi„ opinion was con­ ment Is satisfied lhat the provinces ports from the union committee! of started in the royal 'box, the furniture Makes Voluntary Confession. MiiXTKI'AI,, June D. Snow foil provement, mid that if objections ore demned by the convention in a special an- properly upending tho money for •which thero were two, n majority re­ of which had been sut united with oil. (Ry Dally Now** Leaned Wire.) for a short time on the streets today, not entered within 30 days by 50 per resolution insisting on the ceremony. lho purposes Hpoclflcd. It Is provid­ port and a minority report, he waa The flames wer(, not extinguished un­ DONf'ASTlSH, jipigtand, Jun,. D.~ wbilo the li imperii l tire.-- recorded cent of tlie property owners affected, ed lhat the aid given to the provinces •dissatisfied with both, From an ex­ til J* o'clock ibis morning. Whilo tho examination of a servant reached from a minimum of 3ft In representing three-fifths of the as- ALDERMAN HAS SCHEME shall be mipplemonlary to the agri­ amination of those two documents il girl charged with an attempt to sot positions exposed to lho cold wind BOSHCd value, the work may be pro­ TO DIVERT RIVER culture voles now mude hy each pro­ Is clear thnt the minority had nol flro of Westfleld house wan proceed­ prevailing to 56 In the sheltered spots, ceeded with, tinder the old plan it on Trial. vince, and ishall not In nny way cur- only prepared the minority report, ing today May Dennis, alias Lilian Severe Damage. was necessary for a petition signtiti liy fBy Dally News Leaned Wlre.l mv Dnlly Nawfl Leased Wlre.l tall present grants by tho provinces. but that il had nlso had far too much 50 per cent of the directly Interested LONDON, .Tunc 0.—The trial of the Linton, who was wanted by the police MI'IilHNI' MAT. Alia,. Jmn- 0.—AW, Quebec province and thc murll.ime in connection with ItloKew garden suf­ McClellan hns n movement on foot io provinces arc at present experiencing band In lhe- preparation of the ma­ property owners, representing three- suffragette leaders charged wilh con­ divert tlie Kii-*kat'-li--wtiii rivet" for I liree- The Manitoba and Saskatchewan jority report, lie had often in de- ftflliH of lhe assessed value, to be se­ spiracy under the Ma-lleloug Damage fragette outrages last February, caused Joinlng to lhe (Strangest weather Tor June that voles for this year Include the fol­ 'batc heard of the action of a lyrun- cured, mil this method presented dif­ lo Property act, began lodtiy at the a sens/Ulna by entering the court and 'oin1, i •i-till v thu has been known for many ye. lowing specific purposes! acknowledging that It w»s .she who ty by t .initio ; iont The W'liii,. •ralcal minority. The negotiations be­ ficult'••« on nccnimt of absently prop­ central criminal court, old Bailey, The nm Hitnny and cool Manitoba-, for demonstration farms, had tried to burn the bouse. Thc ofnt Is a imt ll ml nnrk ttiul Hn- amor- tween the churches in Cnnada had er, y owners, w.ih whom It won not accused Include Mlsg Harriot Kerr, lap **ayn i hiii Uf iiuihiiiiK or IL truffle with .sbowei'*-, I bo nights arc chilly $16,000; for demonstration trains, been compared to a courtship loading easy to get into touch. Miss Agrtcs Utlte( Miss Rachel Barrett, servant girl was dxscluirged and Miss brldgo across the river would cost as a/Id depressing. l-nat nlglit tho tom- BTI as tin- cost of diversion, lb- also $-1,000; course of lecturos, $6,000; to :marriage. Instances might bu Mrs. ppatrlcdj Saunders, Miss Annie Dentils was arrest-'// Harry Johnson, peratiii-M v ol b ' w in. The v---;-:! ;i : Aid. Cunllffe mnde the proposal that s thai MM- I ll v would mulo- J:'. 1W I. IK Hi plow ii;* mi'!- '.i-;-.._j$_,'ift'. quoted of hasty marriages, but 11 '.vat* Kenney, Miss te-U-fl Lennox olid Rd- a young newspaper man, implicated I" reclaimed land ami it would alsonro- bureau of tbo United States fe'rocasts Ihe work should too done partly us a Saskatchewan, college of agricul­ also possible to hear or courjsmps too wyn Clayton, the ehotnI_t alleged to the sain-., case, was committed for trial, • the city with a largo m-tl.lrlul lake. u cool wave of unusual severity, nl- local improvement, stating that Curl ture for extension work, $16,000; weed prolonged. Thin courtship had been mopt unprecedented for tlio lime of M. Mohr. managing director of the control, $.1,000; dairying and poultry, section of pavement cut out of the year, sweeping up lhe gulf. C ji continued through nine yours, and the Nelson Investment company, which $1,000; live stock, $4,206; supplemen­ •• time had now come when It should street which had been laid nine years forecasts are similar. Fronts a._ ._ owns JI large amount of property on and It would be sent here for inspec­ tary grants for live stock and farmers either be terminated or arrangements Baker street, had favored the front­ War Cloud Lowers pori od from almost every q unrter of organization*., $7,500. made for a wedding, The report of tion. Quebec province, and also from seve­ age tax plan and had declared that I" Alii. John Bel| spoke highly of tti' Ministers Leaving. the majority was loo much like milk Winnipeg the property owners paid ral pCctiona of the maritime provinces, and water. II was time i'or a more Itullthlc method. The cabinet ministers are arrang­ four-fifths of tho post and the elly as •Mayor FCcdf, made a Special report ami more fropt in expected tonight. ing in most Instances for a prompt definite and absolute pronouncement. a whole one-fifth °f 'he expenditure Over Balkan States Serious damage has already been _lr. Christie than gave notice that he on an inspection which the committee exit from the capital, and wilt com­ on such wnrk. Under the circum­ mnde of an automobile fire h°se and done to garden produce and trees, and would place in tho hands of the clerk bine business wilh pleasure in various stances in Nclfion 50 per cent had been hnbhr truck which wero lested on if tbc cohl continues the losses will a new motion looking In the direc­ trips throughout Uie Dominion. Hon. agrco-fl upon its being a fair propor­ grades Up to 20 O-IO per cent, travel lie immense. tion of un early consummation of thc tion for the property owners to pay. Robert Rogers will leave for Winni­ ling up tho steepest street ot 20 mile! (Bv Dally News Lensed Wire.) spatch to lhe Dally Mail says that peg in ii day or so, and after some union. LONDON, Jun,- !P.—\Vlt|, both sides the departure »f the Bulgarian minis­ Cold in New York. Mayor Keefe agreed wilh the front- per hour. The committee had also vis­ lime tliere will go through lo the Pa­ ago lax propositi n"il Aid. I. A. Austin ited an incinerator plant and hod been stubbornly refusing te make th0 stlght- ter- accompanied by bis family, for 'By Dallv "Jews Leased Wire.) cific coast. looking after public works Tiie debate, which proceeded meal es-t. concessions, war between lhe Bal­ Belgrade hu caused much comment. expressed Some doubt \s to whether much Impressed hy Its value. a NKVV YORK, June !»• AI| records requirements, Including arrangements of tho afternoon, will be resumed at Uie original bylaw, calling for lhe total kan states is hourly becoming moro Bulgaria's reply to tho Servian note, for cold weather in this section of the thc beginning of the session tomor­ The council adjourned to June 10. for const met lug t lie proposed new expenditure to he met by the city »s Those present were; Mayor Keefe, imminent, if Htllgarla (lends a nega­ lho despatch adds, wUl bo lo the ef­ country npd New England have been row afternoon, and it Is hoped thai government transfer for grain and a whole, would pass. -, Aid. ('nt-liffc, AM. Perrler, Aid. Kerr. tive reply to the Servian note—and fect that Bulgaria is nol In n position broken loday and tonight. For ,-i few a vote may be reached tomorrow. nothing indicates thnt the answer will to make concessions of nny kind, OS minutes after midnight until a o'clock terminal ele valors nt Moose Jaw, The street railway and Ebbs hylaws Aid. Austin, Aid. Johnston-, and Aid. Hn.sk., Calgary and Vancouver. Dr. J. M. Duncan, editor of BflSJ were also laid over until next weok. Bell. be otherwise, .Servla and Greece will she feels Mini sin- is absolutely ill the tliis morning lhe tomporaturo In this and West Presbyterian Weekly, made Offers Trip to Detroit. proclaim the annexation nf the occu­ right and llmi Sorvlu'a claims are city was down to 17 degrooa and by lion. W. T. While will also shortly a speech on tho union Issue.- Ho be­ pied Macedonian territories, thereby ti o'clock this morning li was mill at leave for a trip through tbc west, Another trip to view paved streets totally unfounded. gan by decluringjils rn nil den re in llio establishing a definite casus belli, Tlie I!). During the late afternoon and eve­ lion. Col. Hughes will spend the next was offered to memher„ of the coon- only hopeful feature of tf'o situation ning ihe northy/ost breeze moderated month accompanying; Gen. Ian Hamil­ sincerity of men like Dr. Robert ell at the meeling, J. h. K, Uorman, OPERATOR STRUCK PROMINENT JOURNALIST consists in tho belief lhat Bulgaria Is and the temperature crept up lo CO ton on an Inspection trip to militia Campbell of Montreal and Dr, Seilf- representative of the Canada. Cement DIES FROM PARALYSIS •Wlck of Nova Scotia, who have oppos­ lacking lhe sinews of war. Servia and degree* at ti tonight, but later il fell training camps. The minister of company, Inviting tho city fathers to Greece un; not only -better situated in again and at a late hour il was around ed union most vigorously from the f BY LIGHTNING mllltla will visit tho camps In eastern send u committee, at tlie expense 'f this respect, but occupy superior stra­ OTTAWA, Jim.- H. -The death <«-•• first on the ground of principle. He M, The average temperature for 'be Cnnnda during- the next two weelts, Ills company, to Detroit, Mich., to In­ tegical positions. Tlieao fueta prob­ currqd here today, in bis BSlh year, of referred to the disruption of the day was fi-!, while oh tho corresponding and will then proceed lo western spect concrete streets In that cily. Ad­ Thrown to Floor, Clothes Torn and ably account for tho balmnow with Sir. O, Scott, an o!d-Mme journalist and ijjChunDli of In 18*13, when -10.' Tor many years a member of the par­ dale last year it. was (10 ami lhe aver- Canada, going as far as thc coast. vantages ho claimed for -cement over Arm Injured—Hotel and Store which Servla regards the prospects of |^ Scottish ministers loft the church. oilier pavings wus that it would cost Also Struck, liamentary press'gallery. Death was ago for the last 33 yeiu'j- was fi7. Hon. Frank Cochrane will leave In a .Wlias been mild that this could, not probably only about half ns much »s due lo paralysis. The deceased loaves few days for an inspection trip over have happened In any country but In bitulithic, that it could be put in by (Special to The DaHy News.) several relatives, Including Horace Co- tlie Intercolonial. Premier Borden Scotland. Thero was ono other coun­ day labor, that It whs easily taken up SOUTH SLOCAN, Jun,, f).—A severe Claims Unfounded. vJello, engaged iu ranching at DWBlng- FIRST BERRIES OF will remain In Ottawa until the end try where thu same thing could hap­ for repairs to sowers and otlicr piping electrical stwm passed over the Junc­ LONDON, Juno 10.—A Sofia de­ ton, Vancouver island. of tin- month, ll is altogether prb- pen. Thut was Canada, and It, the below, and Hint tlie cost of mnii'lu- tion at 2:Jlj on Monday afternoon. T. hable thai ho, in company with Hon. test was applied to the .Canadian liancn was small. There were 00 miles Davidson, ihe operator at lho Cana­ YEAR AT ASTLEY'S John U Maxen, will again go to church the first man to leave church of concrete streets In Detroit, which dian Pacific railway depot, was struck London Ibis summer to resume ne- and iminse in defence of Christian had not coat $300 for maintenance In while he was silling working the In­ goliations with tho admiralty., Crop in Kootenay and Boundary Dis­ principle would bo such lenders us many yenrs, ho declared. struments, ife was thrown over opto trict to Be Heavy, Say Reports— Dr. Sedgwick nnd Dr. Campbell, or tho floor, his right arm being affected Tlie council agreed to supply Mr. and his clothes torn. When he recov­ Shipments to Bcyin Soon. Will Study Conditions. the whole church would be proud of tlo.-mnn, through tlio elly engineer, ered -Ohsctpusness the office was filled CBv Hnllv News Leased Wire.) tliom. ' The speaker was, however, with the cost of material In this city with smoke. Ho rushed up to the Ripe Straw-berrlos, believed lo he the OTTAWA, June ..—The Evening satisfied that tliey were mistaken ln In order that an estimate of the ex­ store, where Mr. Humphrey was just first of tin- HeiiHon lit tlii.t illMrkl, ivi-n- Pi'ee Press (Liberal) says: "A revi­ their, opposition lo church union In penditure per yard for cement street gathered yesterday at W. J. Astloy's recovering from n, slight shock, being ranch a.TONS tbo lake, facing Nolson. sion of (be general tariff of Canada Cuhuda, He had examined the ques­ paving here could ha made. sitting writing in his office when there The sdrawherrv crop In Kootenay and will be elaborated Mils summer. 'Rep­ tion with all care, and had never been tt was made clear *-h*-t the style « was a great hang at tho telephone. The Boundary In reported to IM ox-optlonat- resentations are being obtained from able.to discover a religious principle ly heavy this year and ll is expected paving hod not yet been decided upon. boll rang and flashes of fire flared. Hint shipments to the market and to recognized represenlRtives of the In­ which' tl*e Presbyterian church was Mffvd. Keefe, Aid. John Bell und G* The shock was nlso felt at the Koot­ the local jiim factories will commence dustries of the Dominion, Including called on to sacrifice for union. There '.:. Mrickay. city engineer, the commit­ enay I'nlls hotel, where the flash of In the next two or three weeks If thu tho banks nnd Hie railways. They was no trace or stioh a principle. On tee which went with W. P. Whitley of lightning went through the bar-room weather conditions continue favorable. will he carefully considered when j] tHo previous dny In Knox church the Warren brothers Bitulithic com­ and oul at the door, doing somfi dam­ the schedules are dealt with; It Is they had sat down together lo eole- pany to' Portland, Ore., to inspect the age and causing great consternation expected that next session will'bo ..Jjfate the Lord's Supper, It Mothod- streets in that city, reported that «f among the guests. WATER NINE FEET largely devoted to Hie tariff. Flnnnce tilsts and Congrcgntionallsts had met the many pavements laid In the Ore­ Minister White is leaving for the west t with them no question would have gon city the principal appeared to be within a few days for lhe purpose bf plbecn asked. They would have joined bitulithic, of which over 200 miles \vei> AUTO DASHES INTO TRAIN BELOW HIGH MARK .studying til first band the Industrial Mln, the observance, If theso Method- .n use. This pavement consisted of a COWICHAN CRICKETER KILLED conditions on lhe prairies and In i la ts and Congregut lonn lists who Unlt- macadam base coated with bitumen, British Columbia. In tariff matters (By Dally News Leased Wire.) Reached Twenty-eight Feet in Year ' cd with them In the celebration br over which was placed a surface of the views of tbo west and east have VANCOUVER, B, C, June .0-—A _r of Big Floods—Was Twenty- the Lord's Supper at a later time ex- grnded small rock thoroughly impreg­ B always differed, The west has fr.- lous accident, resulting \ the death of three Feet T«n Years Ago. |itpressed a wish to unite wilh them in nated with bitumen. The rock was n (tuontty demanded free admission '_f so graded as to leave ies than 12 per V. V. Murphy, a well known Cowlehan ¥ ''the great, battle against moral evil, 3 Water In the west arm which last agricultural implemenis and othei* cent of voids, and the amount of bitu­ cricketer; and injuries probably fata! what answer could be made to thom niKht, according to tho gua-jo or the artlcles which it uses largely. THfe men used slightly more than filled In Capt. Cliffen, who owns a ranch Nelson !•''M A- Launch nun pany, had land how could the Presbyterian east has stood for protection. Tlite these voids. at Westholme, look place at McKin­ reached a JiHght of 18 ft. VA iu. above ii church refuse? The question' was low water mark; has to so S rt. -ty. In. pinch of comparative hard times has non Junction, on the Esquimau & Na­ K not an t ecclesiastical one, and there to reach the high water mark of istu" mado the west rather more InsisttArt Lai:! on Heavy Grades. naimo railway, about noon today. The the year or tbe big flood, according to was only one answer. than In lhc past, when money was It was claimed that the graded rock two wore motoring Into Duncan and Old-timers who have records of the rise I Other speakers of/'the afternoon in that year, Another record place, the easy. In view of this fact, and Dff- would carry the load applied by traffic when attempting to make the level mere.President Murray of the Univer­ rise in J«!M ut .7 fl. 2 In., which gives n cause the financial situation or tho and the bitumen was only _ binder. crossing t McKinnon Junction the car margin of 3 ft.

(By Dally Mews Leased Wire.) ADVERTISEMENTS. grudge against sales in general. LONDON, Juno !).—Tho death of Alfred AuBtln has opened 'the ques­ tion again whether lhe post of poet We Ask You to Come and Investigate Health and Beauty Hints laureate should be refilled. The Verdict BY MRS. MAE MARTVN'. Most papers agree it ought to be abolished, and many seize tho oppor­ Don't hold us responsible for the sins of Dolly: I know canthrox shampoos will tissues, The only safe way by which tunity to ridicule lt. Writers in make your head feel good and restore this can be overcome Is with tha aid of general agree on abolition, W. H. the former gloss and fluff to your hair parnotls. Vou cun prepare your own our less progressive brother merchants.. Is and the color will then be rich und treatment by dissolving 4 ounces par­ Davles says: "Certainly the post even. Dissolve a tesBpoonful canthrox notls in l'_ pints hot water. The dose should be abolished," while Edward In a cup of hot water and rub briskly as is a tablt-spoonful before each meat. you pour a little at a time on the bead. TIIIB treatment rarely falls und Is de­ Onrnett says: '"It "Might" ns well re­ You will be surprised at the weulth of void of danger Or inconvenience. When main for some time In abeyance wilh rich, white lather canthrox creates and you have taKeii uil' enough fat the lines Unanimous how quickly lt dissolves every particle of the figure will be greatly improved object of recuperating. It has of dust, dandruff and excess oil. Rinsing and your general health will lie much suffered from many chilling years of OPEN EVENINGS leaves the hair and scalp wonderfully better. anaemic depression." sweet and clean, while the hair dries quickly and loses Its dull, harsh ap- Joseph Conrad says it depends on Mary B.: Those ugly hairs on your the holder. On the other hand, Mau­ iearance. You will find that the hair face will quickly vanish after an appli­ .45 Iooks -better after each shampoo. cation ot a delatone paste, made by mix­ rice Hewlltls says lt should not bo ing delatone with waler. This paste abolished, as it is n state recognition should bu left on the hairy surface 2 or 3 Suits Half Price Blanche: Your blood troubles are not $4 Shoes Today $2 of art, and' Sir A. Qullter-Ooeh says necessarily serious and I am sure you minutes, then removed and the skin will find quick relief In kardene. Make washed. The delatone treatment Is sim­ it is always a pity to abolish old Some of them broken lines from our regular stock, as well as Ai a special inducement for a rousing Suit Day, we li.tve a tonic of this hy pouring 1 ounce ple, effective ami quite liarinks-*, hut be institutions in haste, There are only kardene into % pint alcohol (do not use sure you get delatone. one or two completo range of sizes, Gimmeta! and vici kid, Am­ mussed a lot of $15.00 Suits, mostly dark patterns, good styles, whisky), then add % euprul sugar and ton many suggestions for an appoint­ ment with a general agreement thai erican lasts, and worth from $3.50 to $5.00. Today Only splendid workmanship and materials for Today, hot water to make a quart. Take a tea­ B.O.: Your eye-lashes will grow beau­ spoonful three times a day and your there aro outstanding figures worthy biliousness will disappear and these se­ tifully long, silken ami curly If a Utile vere headaches will also vanish. 1 have pynuin js applied nightly at lash-roots of recognition. often recommended tills kardene tonic with thumb and fo.etingi.-i*. Rubbing* py- CHOICE $15 Values for Impure blood, loss of appetite and roxln on eyebrows will induce them to Though tho name of Kipling ap­ come in thick and glossy. Be cautious pears on every list, at the same time strength, and to give to a sallow, pim­ and don't get any pyroxin where no hair CHOICE ply skin a healthful color and clearness. is wanted. It Is considered unlikely that he will $7^ be chosen If the post Is continued. $2*^ Ruth: You should use a plain spiinnax Lottie: That faded and "stringy" Thomas Hardy, who Is 73 years old, lotion in place of pore clogging powder. appearance of your hair will soon dis­ and Austin Dobson, who Is a few This lotion Is very beneficial to any skin appear If you shampoo ucciisionully with because It toneH the delicate tissues and canthrox tsee answer to "Dolly"), then months Hardy's senior, . are both Every Suit in the Store Remorselessly Slaughtered for Quick Selling ermlts the pores to breathe properly, rub some Kjulriioln tonic into the -scalp thought too old tn accept, and William ¥o prepare, dissolve 4 ounce-* spurmax and hair-roots twu ur three limes each Watson, as everybody knows, is in­ in % pint witch hazel or hot water, then week. Tho qulnzoln tonic corrects all add 2 teaspoon fills glycerine. This lotion unnatural conditions, such as dandruff, discreet. The Daily Citizen, the . will not blow off nor spot like powder, ex«eBalVe oillness ur extreme dryness, principal labor Journal, suggests a nor can It be detected when on, as It und to faded, brittle, unmanageable, hair woman, Mrs. Alice Meynell, really seems part of the skin. Thc regu­ will give a rich, natural color and soft THE WARREN COMPANY FOR lar use of the spurmax lotion corrects The list of names so far discussed the shiny, sallow, lifeless or aged con­ fluff, ay that doing it up will be a de­ dition of the skin and gives to the com­ light. Is ns follows: plexion that youthfulness so much ad­ Rudyard Kipling, Robert Bridges. mired. Its use will rid the skin of tan Girlie: I am always glad to repeat a and freckles. recipe. The wrinkle-remover formula Henry Newbolt, William Watson, VV. which your friend found absolute In Its H. DrtvieH, Maurice Helett, Austin action is easily and cheaply made at Dobson, Alfred NoyeH. Thomas Hardy, Ethel: No, dear; nothing wll] change home by mixing 1 ounce of aim essoin the color of your eyes, but the aching with Vis pint cold water and adding _ tea- Alice Meynell, Stephen Philips and will stop If you put _ or _ drops of - spoonfuls glycerine. Stir and let stand Richard Legnllienne. for one duy. To remove or prevent J. A. GIUKER crystos tonic In each eye a few times a day and you will be surprised at how wrinkles, apply the vegetable cream Judging from the newspapers, the bright and sparkling they will be. jelly thickly and leave over night, choice seems to lie between Henry then wash °'f end with more of the This tonic Is made by dissolving 1 ounce cream massage thoroughly. I have Newbolt and Ruber*: Bridges, John crystos In a pint of cold water, and it consequence „f Inst month's plentiful todny tn Paris. Hc was In his Goth can do no possible harm. This crystos found nothing to eoual ahnozoln Jelly- Maxfield is considered too outspoken, cream to remove wrinkles and keep them and it Is not believed thai W. B, rainfall tho hay crop promises to ho year. tonic quickly relieves the smart and away. It contains no fatty substances NEW DISEASE ache of tired muscles and Is excellent which might promote growth of hair. Yeats would bo accepted. iin extra hlff ono. Potatoes and other DRUDGERY' for granulated lids or to remove foreign You will nlso notice by its use not only root crops hnve nlso made nn excel­ MANITOBA MINISTER'S particles. your wrinkles disappearing but the large CONDITION IS IMPROVING BANISHED pores of this entire face getting much PEND D'OREILLE ROAD lent start. In tho orchards lho blos­ BAFFLES DOCTORS Louise: Some physicians say over* smaller and the skin very soft and IS MUCH IMPROVED soms ol pear, plum and apple have set fatneHB is caused by an unnatural velvety. ___ WINNIPEG, Jun fl.—Word was re­ FOREVER % well. Spreading Rapidly in France and West e amount of nutrition absorbed by certain (8pociar*to Tho Dally News.) ceived in the city today from Clifton •WANETA, B. C, ,lun0 „.—-j. Falls A. G. Lung hns an article on Koot­ of England—Mortality Among Springer, N.'Y., to the effect that the at tho rate of 17.5 per 1,000, which is vr teu ust THI BIRTHS AND DEATHS is taking his motor back in Spokane. enny t,u'mlnK conditions ln the latest Children High. condition of Hon. Colin Campbell, at­ DECREASE IN ENGLAND an increase of 0.8. W. Duncan, road foreman, has a big numhor ot Che "Fruit and I'nrm" torney general, continues to -Improve. gang of men at work. Already tin- magazine. r of scarlet fever or measles, tance Clott in. Three Bedrooms, Dining Room, Parlor, Kitchen, Pantry, Bath­ policy Is written by hc Yorkshire In­ The matter of the Prince of Wales' Paris is suffering from a similar epi­ marriage, even though tt would be room. Every convenience. Excellent condition. Price $2,650. Torms: surance compnny ot York, England. demic and there the death rate among three years off, as he ta only 19 years $400 cash, balance to arrange.' Claims paid exceed »30,00u,000. children affected averages 15 to 20 per of age, is now engaging the attention cent, which is worse than the mortal­ of court circles and the royal family ity from diphtheria before the days of as the question means the choice of Agents antl-toxine. a future queen of England. There Is a dearth of matrimonial possibilities, WYNDHAM DIES IN PARIS only two, the czar's eldest daughter If your dealer cannot supply you, ti McQuarrie & Robertson and Elisabeth, daughter of the crown J. I.. Mathleu Co., Sherbrooke, P.ff McQUARRIE & prince of Roumanla, both 17 ^ears old, sends box postpaid on receipt or 1~" LONDON, June 9.—<5eorge Wynd- ROBERTSON ham, who was chief secretary for Ire­ being considered. Queen Alexandra IB land from 1900 to 1-05, in Arthur J. said to favor the Russian alliance, hut the Cobourg all la nee. with RompiilJ queen Mary, while very reticent, thinks the more destroWe. TRAIL, B. C. Balfour's Conservative cnWnet, died (fie TUESDAY JUNC 10. Cle lallj ftem, MOI TMMt m I LrelltvM bim and held the game _fc Cobb and WUIet hit home runs. R. H. •' i Detroit C Washington 4 7 News of Sport I Battertee—WHlett, Dubuc and Mc Kee; Hughes, Gallia and Henry. R. M. R.'AGAIN MEET NEW HANDBALL FALKENBURG LOBES GAME SALE « 1 (Br DaNr News LATUM. Wire.) BOSTON, June 9.—Palken burg's WITH 0ISA8TER ' CdU&f AT Y. M. C. A.strin g of It consecutive victories was •jl. :>H i —--- 3 • • ended by the Red Box today. Cleveland The Store That's Built on Y.M.C.A. Pute Ranger* Hopelessly Has Been Completed and Tourns- being beaten, 4-1. The score was _ - when t-alkenburg was taken out In the Out of Running for City League mente for Juniors and Seniors Are seventh to allow Lajoie to bat for him, Quality and Low Prices •Championship and Robley Shield Now Under Coneideration. BROWN & CO. Boston grouped its hits off Falkenburg and Mitchell and a wild pitch by each Th. y.M.C.A. footballers handed an­ A new handball court has been assisted the local run getting. The*| other beating to the R.M.R. eleven last erected In the gymnasium of the Clevelands were unable to bunch hits "TTHE popularity t>f Brown & Co.'s Unloading Sale was attested again Mondav morning when ' evening by the score of one Konl lo Y.M.C.A., and already the handball off Bedlent. R. H. 1?, nil,* and put the RM-R/'team hopeless­ .enthusiasts are dally practicing to •i. promptly at opening time the bargain seekers began to put in an appearance, and it ly out of the running for the Sobley Cleveland .1 8 1 get jn shape for the tournaments Boston 4 7 3 * shield, emblematic of the City league which are to he arranged. Batteries—-Falkenburg, Mitchell and really has been a pleasure all day to wait on people possessed of so much enthusiasm for our championship. The lines qf the court will bo put Gnrlsch; Bedlent and t'arrigan. The grounds and ball were very in tomorrow, and the tournaments Unloading Sale opportunity. We have decided to make this week a slippery,- and, combined with the long will be arranged during thc latter part BROWN. SHUT OUT grass, tbis. made fast football 1m- of this week. NO CHANCE TO SCORE | possible. Several..-minor accidents The present plans of James Thomp­ occurred during the game, and as a son, physical director of the Y.M.C.A-, CRT Pslb* Nr.ws Leased Wlr*.) & result of a collision Haydon, the call for two series of games, one* for PHILADELPHIA. June 9.—Bender i spe'r*_y left wing of the R.M.R. eleven, Juniors under 18 yours of sge and one pitched a great game today and Phila­ for seniors. delphia won, 5-0. St. LOUIH secured Genuine Bargain Carnival £ had to retire from the game. only two hits, both scratches, »nd nev­ I •*!-_«» first half was a series of rush- Thcre are many splendid handball . ' en from one end of the field to the pluyers In Nelson, says Mr. Thomp­ er had a chance to score. Hamilton Every article that changes ownership over our counters will be reduced in price. Wc are 5 oilier, with both teams pressing hard son, and ha expects that two Inter­ was effective for three Innings. In the • OH ocrasloiis, but the Y.M"O.A. had esting series of games will be ' ar­ fourth Baker scored the first run with determined to redute the amount of stock; as wc must have room for more goods now under considerably the better of the argb- ranged. a drive over the right field fence, : TTii-iit..' On « couple of occasions the R. H. K. order. We will sell cheaper than any store in town. .* rooters were brought to their feet JUNIOR LEAGUE BALL St. Louis 0 2 0 Philadelphia 5 11 2 | when ihobnll was within an aoe of the GAME THIS EVENING ja goalj'but their hopes were dlaajipoint- Batteries—Hamilton and Agnew; McAlester, Bender and Schang. ; ej.'ln; atl coses, as thero was no score The Y.M.C.A. and High School Jun during this -half. lor ball teams will meet this evening HIGHLANDERS WIN ANOTHER 'The second half opened with the at _ o'clock in a Junior league game VICTORY OVER WHITE SOX '- R.MR, pressing, but from an unsue- The butteries will be: High School, Great Reductions in I ceSsful corner Iti'il* the "Y" obtained Bradshaw and Braschi Y.M.C.A., (By Defly N-we T-eosed Wli-*M f the'ball, nnd after a series of brilliant Whitchend and Fairbanks. NKW YORK, June 9.—The New [ passes Charlie- Hreli took possession York AmerWan Wngue team, still en­ ,• nhtl beat both the opposing bodes ami thusiastic over Ihelr victory of Satur­ lhe redoubtable "Weolty" with a Well day, again defenlerl Chicago today, 4-1. * pluceil nnd enrefully limed shot, wltlnll | NATIONAL 1 The Highlanders won by bunching hits Men's Tailored Suits won the game for the Y.M/'.A. off Cicotte in the fifth. Ford was hit I'Yom thi_ time <>n Ibe Y.M.C.A. Imd In spots, biit'goofl Support pulled him It pretty much their own way, and STANDING OF CLUBS. OUt of sfeverfli ttght places. R. IT. TO. the. lull was very seldom v/iiliin rr:i*|i' Chicago .. .', ••..•' 1 T1 2 : of Iheir goal, nJlrt Iln; mime ended Won I_ost p.c: New1. YoA ;.....* •..:-.-. .'..- 4 8 2 Philadelphia. ...28 12 . .700 Our 20th Century brand of Tailored I with the score one goal to nil. HrttterW.s-1--01cot!o, While, Lang and New York .-. 24 J8 .571 Charlie Brett, O. Hrown, Bealby and Scltiilk; Ford and Sweeney, Suits, which stands out so pre-eminent r Brooklyn 23 19 .647 •Graves were* undoubtedly the alarn fo Chicago 24 23 .01(1 -- the "Y," while for Ibe. R.M.R. Rates, Pittsburg 22 21 .473 amongst Men's Clothes, has been a great NORTHWESTERN. Williamson and Tyler were the pick. Boston 18 24 .425 T, Jones "made an efficient referei St, IJOUIS ....1 20 27 .425 attraction all day, and we have decided to I wh'le A. Atkinson and 12. f.uploh act- Cincinnati .--17 20 .300 j ed in the capacity of linesmen. STANDING OF CLUBS. continue to offer them at ihe phenomenal | The teams lJn*> _.»^7 .18.. 0.| 1 E cricket, elub,. nnd the Advnneo sale bf Butteries—Ragon, Curtis and Miller, .J*"***-;*. - "*./. *.•.* ____}__ _ES*|0' - Uekfus. hits been large. I'hwln, W. I-'lsher; Robinson, Adams The concert will commence at 8 and Simon,' INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. oVIoeit, and n Boqiowliat long program 1 Watch Our Window hns been arranged for the evening. V: BRENNAN HELD REDS Shirts! Shirts! Women's Shoes For Bargains in BOYS' 8UITS. We are only A. fltnrkey will occupy the chair dur- RUNLES8 UP TO NINTH STANDING OF CLUBS. ln*j.the evening*. Last call for tho SHIRTS. A few left of boginninp, feeling the public pulse. If you Only a few pairs left. My, how they wont (By Bally News -Leased Wire.) Won •Lost P.C. those in tlie window. Tho demand was great, CINCINNATI, Jnne 9.—Brennan had want more reductions we will make them. FIRST LACROSSE GAME OF Buffalo ..2fi 18 .ROO and we had to call on out- reserve stock. Any —and exclamations of surprise at the prico. Clnctnnat'1 completely at his mercy to­ -tochCHter 27 SU SEASON ON WEDNESDAY day and as 6 result Philadelphia won, WATCH THE WINDOWS. Newark 28 .671 of our regular Seo our Shoe Tilde. Prices 10-1. Brennan allowed four hits and .600 Tonight thcre will be a full prac­ kept Cincinnati runless until the Providence 23 .4-lti tice of the lacrosse team, and It is ninth. R. H. E. Baltimore 21 $1.50 Shirts for irlarrfl-a from expected that arrangements will bn Toronto 10 .441 .95 Philadelphia 10 18 .95 .431 completed for o game on AVednesday Cincinnati 1, 5 2 Jersey City ..10 affernnnn between two locnl teams Montreal .17 .418 Men's Hard Hats wWch will be nnmed lhe ShamroekB GIANTS ENJOY 8WATFE8T At Toronto.—Score: R, H. E. TOWELS REDUCED IN PRICE. and Thistles. FIELDING GILT-EDGED Any of our rc_ulnr $3 00 HAT3—all standard Montreal 6 7 0 HANDKERCHIEFS FROM 5c. Arrangements are at present under makes and in all way for n game here with Rossland fBv Bally News Leaned Wire.) Toronto 0 3 3 MEN'S COLLARS—ALL SIZES. ALL RE­ Butteries—McOraynor and Madden; sizes. Unloading Hose! Hose! on * Wednesday, Juno 18, nnd further CHICAGO, Jnne 9.—New York bat­ DUCED IN PRICE. gomes will, ho arranged immediately ted tho Chicago pitchers all over the Hearns, Gonllat and Graham. Salo Pi'ice field und evened the aeries by winning $1.95 A GREAT VARIETY OF FANCY VE3T3— Our Stock of HOSE is too large, ar.d we by the ninnngement of the local club. At Jersey City.—Score:: R. H. VI. lite second game, 11-3, Mathewfian, ALL SIZES—AT UNLOADING Providence 0 2 0 have decided to reduce it at all costs. Look Daily New. "Want- Ads. Get Results. who was on the mound tor the visitors, wns In fine form and although touched Jersey ftlty ....".,.....' 270 SALE PRICES. CAN'T QUOTE PRICES TODAY—TOO BUSY for a Hose Window Today, anrl the pricas will for seven hits he pulled himself 0ut Batt-j-r-tes—CMtio ana- Kosher; Mc- SUCH A GRIST OF TIES AND ALL CON­ Hule nW B,l«lr. of pinches. The fielding was gilt- WAITING ON THE RUSH OF CEIVABLE SHADES. simply be no consideration, and if you don't edged. Pitcher Overall opened for Chi­ At Newark.—Score: R. TT. F„ PRICES RANGE FROM 25c cago and pitched only four balls, two BARGAIN-SEEKERS. see it in the wintlow ask for it. Wc hnve it. Balls and two strikes. In delivering Baltimore :. 1 2 0 the last ball he wrenched his back Newark 2 3 2 slightly and retired. Mathewson quit Batteries—Danforth and Egan;* At­ the game to allow Jim Thorpe, the In­ chison and Higglns. dian nthtete, to bat for him In the ninth. Thorpe made a single, At Rochester.—Score; R. TT. The Store That's Built on ' R. H. K. Buffalo 9 14 f_F New York 11 12 1 Rochester 4 It BROWN Quality and Low Prices Ratlerles—Beebo and Gowdy; Qu EveryMy Chicago 3 9 8 and Williams, ^E^tip^TSHOE CARDINALS DEFEAT BRAVES IN FREE HITTING CONTEST NORTHERN LEAGUE. FOR SUMMER SPORTS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. oil nrlli far Ibe mm-,, liand. Is hound togel , ' ASK YOUR DEALER.. I (By Dally News Leased Wire.), nanl will rod or circuit. Thil of conscience. In | plained. ST. LOUIS, June 9.—With Hnu«eP In loam on earth co happy family it Is o y one for biin- Siipcrioi "Mr. Johnson i ittpremc. He orga the game at short, St. Loiiis defeated At Minneapolis.—Score: self. The nssociaU* Wlnnlpi nitnt wltliont tho J iitaoil tho loagti' seems to take Boston, 12-6, In a free hitting contest. Minneapolis ami ;I|IK IV it Three visiting pitchers were driven notent commando: through great delight In kci __ ils admluis- Kansas City trying war until he gained Automobiles from the box. Snlloe was hit hard, but II. ejiml re ignition by the National. It tratlon upon tho ho Virginia , 25 111 r-;.>Hi ntli •«r doubt, tightened up when the basfy* were full. At Toledo.—Score: was Mr. Johnson who vindicated the "Tbe executive is •ted for a term Bailee opened the sixth Inning with a Kl. Paul 5 This is tmnnsslhlo will confidence of his h Toledo i of his hackers and shaped no longer than one ar and cnise* For Hire homer Into the right field bleachers. filtl'clcd head. A ti'am tbo destinies of Ills mture along the Louisville • II. quontly In trying to >nse everybody R. H. K. liahlo leather Is about as lines of romiinerlativ Investment DlllllCli . ie he pleases none, a; He old fable Boston fi 10 1 as would bo ati army During tlie .stormy war days his fol- At Indianapolis.—Score: R. TT. rirali,! !•-. without i taught 'us. Tbis )a> ol' harmony is St. Louis 12 12 2: . 9 1 corn. I know, for I bav. lowers learned to put their trust in Indianapolis biH-n thro evidenced on every ml. ll shown Batteries—Perdue, James, Noyes, Columbus ' • •• thp mill. Frank Sol«> tho shrewdness of the young pro- Htraiiii and Rorldon; Bailee and Mc- WESTERN CANADA LEAGUE motor, and hi the flays of their real tin .'1*111** squabbles lhat manager, and I nm foi Lean. prosperity ihey havo nol forgotten; characterize tal meetin.: of At St. Poul.- oxpoi dor him. Mc St. Paul him. Absolute confidence wits typi­ the National Die desperate gasltntoon . G.aw was Mil,. Hai Milwaukee .... fied in his appointment to tlio execu­ fights aiuoiH .MIMJ.SU J;uv bluyan.. -loo Tinker, who played un­ tive position for a period of 20 years AMERICAN der mo In Chicago, is Iho brainiest at a salary or $25,000. liorinrmor I have ever Seen. 1 tli Ink "Tbi> National leiifruo. on the other COAST LEAGUE. Medlolne .Joo '['inker will prove aa great a man­ Daily NewE Want Ads q.t refiiiltt. QTANDING OF CLUBS. licKliia, .. ager as he has boon a player, yet If Klamo . tiled l'"d ninth InniilB). he iloi's I will nol claim tho credit foi' a Won T_6st (By Dally News Leased wire.) it any more than ho claims tbe credit Philadelphia 3d 10 At Los Angeles.—Gume postponed. It. II. of making me successful; McGraw Dry n<* Steam Cleaning, Press­ Cleveland 34 14 Edmonton .10 13 gained from Haiiicin, but bo gave Washington 26 22 At Sacramento.—Score: R. TL Fi. Calgary ... . 3 10 something in return, 24 ft ]0 Chicago *. •{, .._6 Sacramento " "Loyalty In lhe broadest possible J ^aH'houra. i ' .• v NEW YORK, June 9.—Tho United thusiasm I could not but admit that SOFT .'VN I 1 STIFF HAT? celled In every, department and won its States tennis team won Its right to Ban Johnson's younger association CI.KAXI 01 > A N p n game from Washington today, 8-4. The play Germany in th8 second round of "Does tho manager'mako tlio play­ '** [Uppertoucan Launch Service visitors, aided by errors and Hughes' the Davis cup international match by ers, op do Hip players mako lhc man­ p !SjflU Uttnch- -BidBSIE) wilt make wlldness, took the lead in -the third defeating the Australian combination ager?" muRfil'Manaffer Chance of the Inning. WlHet had the locals at his here this afternoon In the fourth match New York Americans to a group of [weekly trips, Ilon*er t Healy's Land­ 0 morey until the sixth inning, when he of the series. This gave America the friends recently. ing ana return, each Thursday. became wild and filled the bases on three out of four single matches and J "Personally t believe it is an equit­ ShilohM Phone.: Shop >153. House.3-3 SIMPSON BROS. balls and was hit for a single. Dubuc Australia the one double. • •• ' - able proposition. - Thc greatest -tnan- [be tkmlt. *_cntMr far Coughs nd Cotda Nbilgll «Mt» w little aad dou to.much 1' 518 WARD STREET. m^mmm**

TUESDAY JUNK MOI FOU* Cfle ftaflp j5rtw

li.iinliui. w*e bav with Ills Majesty's borne in the many Kootenay men Derby. If they continue their mad few week*-, a rut they Cfe Sail, flttoa. belng very much alivt methods they will make martyrs for return. Published at Nelson Every Morning lhe opposing cause and bring disaster Except Sunday, by on their efforts lo secure the fran­ Vancouver, K.C,. June 6. chise. Thi News Publishing Company, Limited. COURTSHIP TOO W. & POSTER. Editor and Manager. What the Press 1$ Saying' LONG DRAWN OUT TUESDAY, JUNE 10. Greedy Millionaires. (Continued from Page One.) 'Speaking seriously, if seriousness Is possible when discussing a certain Last year the church adopted attitude of Englishmen toward Am­ budget plan, merging all the Varloui ericans who squander money in Eng­ philanthropic undertakings of the de- A TRAVESTY THAT SHOULD BE land, It seems likely that the present nomination so far us securing thi ABOLI8HED. enforced economies of the American, money Is concerned In one scheme squanderers have so greatly depressed The finance board, consisting chlefl! The system of divorce tiy act of the Iiritish antiquities murket that of wealthy Inymen,, was named l< pnrliament, which is In force in five the need has been felt of 'special In­ hove charge of the matter of secur ducement' to buyers. Nothing more of the nine provinces of fanada, is Ing the large amounts required. IM surely Induces an American million­ ward Brown of Winnipeg made thi being severely criticised In the por­ aire to buy, us all foreign dealers principal speech of the day. Th tion* of the Dominion where it ap­ know, than placing every possible ob­ church, he said, had congrntulni plies. At present the only method of stacle in the way of sales."—New self on the fact that In the pnsl year securing a divorce open to residents Vork Times, there bad been an increase of |166,000 of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta In gifts to its schemes. Mr. Brown Smalls Tailoring Satisfies Guard Statesmen's Good Namo, paid that his object waB to lead the or Saskatchewan is by means of a Re the Roosevelt libel suit: "Almost members of the assembly to look No firm In town can show you as good a lint of fashionable fabrics «=*» petition to parliament. A committee everyone, certainly every good citizen, their position In the face, to mnke —no firm in or out of town puts more conscientious work into a suit— The Hand That Moves The ol' the Senate listens to the evidence, l-i glad that one of the most famous the church realize Its condition, and no firm out of town can prttond to fit you as well at long range as wo and a' bill based on the committee's of living Americans Is declared free he did not propose lo offer any con­ ean who aro right on the spot. Wo consider wry peculiarity of shape, Lever Saves 162-3 Per Cent finding Is Introduced and passed or from the reproach that was levelled gratulations. The fact was that th> lint and slat, and build your suit accordingly. at him in the heat of the campaign church had proposed last yenr te rejected as the legislators see fit. last year. There is much of hero secure 11,000,000, and although It had of Your Coal BUI Discussing the situation, the Mon­ worship In a democracy and a great made n Inrge gain over the prevlou** treal Star says: deal of It is woefully misplaced, but year, the total sum obtained wa" Dave Small & Co. lhe good name of public men Is al­ only $685,000. Thev were $116,000 PHONE 84*. MERCHANT TAILORS. ANNABLE BLOCK. Here is the opportunity for the housewife to It Beemg Impossible that this ways a public treasure tn be guarded short. If he owed bis banker a mll- «*» deal the high cost of living question a hard jolt farce of parliamentary divorce diligently*"—Buffalo News. Pon dollars and brought him SSSFi.OUfi without any effort on her part. ean continue much longer. When he banker would instantly wnnt some cases were all practically settled Land Heritage, information, would want to know The way is to make sure that her new range is by a Henute Committee, and lhe "The laws of economics aro work­ where the balance was and where the controlled by a Gurney Economizer, which will voting In bolh Houses of J'arlia- ing in regard to the return of the borrower was going lo get It. 9 save 1 ton of coal in every 6 burned in an ordinary ment was largely mechanical and -lews to Palestine. A missionary hns Brown Net Proud. «5_ range. perfunctory, It was possible to staled ln Toronto that land In Pales­ The assembly might feel proud of argue that we bud something like tine which could have been bought n the record of the past year, but he The Economizer is to the stove what the con­ court of Justice dealing with few years ugo for (100 Is now held at was not proud of it. The church had trol lever is to the engine or automobile. Without these delicate queslionsquestions. But M.0G0. Unless the Zionists institute come yet to close grips with lhe now that members of both Ho the Jubilee and have the land revert issue. There had been no actual sac­ control neither is efficient. have come to discuss the evidence to the rightful heirs every fifty years rifice on the part of tho church, but With the Gurney Economizer it is possible to presented In these cases—evi­ ihey may find their movement pro­ this was the thing for which the quickly vary the heat of the oven. Various foods dence not heard hut only read— hibited by boom prices."—Toronto world was waiting. The man on the Easier to Use nnd to take the liberty of revers­ tilobe. street wanted evidences in the money Gives a Quick, require different temperatures. The Economizer ing the decisions of the Senate given of the reality of the faith of Better for keeps this desired temperature absolutely uniform. "court" without seeing either the the church. The record Indicated that Brilliant Polish witnesses or the principals, we the members were giving on the over­ That Lasts the Shoes It also means that when cooking is over, you have reached Ibe last stage of age $_.f»6 for the purpose, and this No Turpentine may have a cool kitchen and still have your fire confusion and even danger. The This Dag in showing was not flattering. Hon. W chances of justice being done A. Charlton followed Mr. Brown. going—while you can have the fiercest heat in a have considerably fallen; and the Canadian History iiiatlon of a union. Mr. Fauquier bopOH from parade. The regiment hnd Just few minutes by a slight pressure on the lever. that during the next two or three years been presented with the colors and sordid instrument of the "lobby" The report of the finance board a province-wide fruit selling organiza­ may now become a feature of a asks that Rev. Dr. A. S. Grant should tion will be formed _H be believes that were returning when McKendrlck If you possess a Gurney-Oxford your advantages divorce "campaign." In the year after Lord Selkirk's re­ give up his position as general sup In the plan which offers tlie successful dropped from overexertion and expired are innumerable. The Divided Flue means heat turn from '-iitiadii. ami before that In erlntendent of home missions, ond solution of the marketing ";.> Victoria, West summerland. recognized in Cnnada at all, why Parry Sound llli Merits WINNIPEG, .lune IV—The Cals.iry should not Its granting be plaeed London 33 MOOSE JAW MEN Nalaon Branch, L. B. DeVeber, Mgr. team thlw afternoon carried off the Nelson Branch, J. 8. Munro, Mgr, Toronto 41 of the hands of the courts tho judges of honors In lho r'unudlan Pacific rail­ which are specially qualified Kingston 40 WILL LIVE HERE Minard's Htawa ;is way first ni,] ci'mpetltlnn, Iwld In the handle matters of this kind? Montreal 4.) Hotel Alexandra. The Aiwrtnna, W Liniment Gcaeril Coitracttn (ii'*b. u H. Green House Leased to New Ar­ heir Meellont work, ran up «• '<"•" Joh______n Burns & Sons •»" Bnllden EDITORIAL NOTES. 3t, John rival—Delamare Residence IB ,t 290 marks, or a 7B per cent aver- NELSON PLANING MILLS, SASH AN"5 DOOR FACTORY. Hill 1 lux . Again Sold at Profit. 1Be „B nCTln»t 2M>, the futures chalked ,„ by their nearest rivals, tho tentn VERNON STREET, NELSON, B. C. Probably one reason why the Sen­ ; Two fa 1111 lies from Moose Jaw have from'Sutherland, Sask. The:*«"• Every Desci ption of Building Material Kept in Stock. Eatimatee Given ate hesitates to abolish Its preroga­ made arrangements during the past few on Stone, Briok, Concrete and Frame Buildinga. days to locate In Nelson and have rent­ ver entry was third, with Wi marks, tive In the granting of divorces Is ed or purchased houses. ,n,i Winnipeg Inst, with MI- MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. COMMUNICATION Prank R. Perry or MOORP Jaw, a di­ KENSINGTON BOX 134. PHONE 171. that were this done its members TWO HUNDRED EXECUTED. rector of the Nelson Investment com­ would be robbed of their last excuse pany, has rented, through Mil'uairli: & Nelson's New Suburb for drawing $_.."iini per year and ex­ Robertson, A. H. Green's residence at (Bv Dally News leased Wire.) VANCOUVER CHAMBER OF MINES tbo corner of Carbonate and Ward penses from the public treasurer. streets and expects to live In Nelson In PEKINO, June s.--name .women of future. modern education were among tho al­ To the Editor or The Dallv News: W. H. Mohr of the prairie city has leged nntl-govomment conspirators The mad methods of the suffra­ Sir,—I shall be mucb obliged ir vou purchased through the same firm the win be good enough to give me a little residence of William Morris, on Second won were plaeed under arrest at gettes have at last produced one mar­ space to correct a niisnii|ireliension Tientsin and at Peking ln the past wbich bas arisen in tlie Koni.-nuvs, avenue, Falrvlew, Mr. Morris, who Is tyr for the cause, Miss Davison, who arising out of a brief paragraph which also from Moose Jaw, brought this pro­ few eoks. It Is repol.en that 2011 3 to 4 Acre appeared recently In your Journal, which perty a Tew weeks ago from P. M. died as a result of her Interference Delnmare and has now resold at a good conspirators already have been intimated that the Vancouver Mining executed after U.!ly, a Binntnnry ex­ Exchange had gone out of business for prorit. deals are luck or financial support, A good many Several Important real estate amination. It is difficult to know mining men In the Kootenays appear said to be pending. whether President Yuan Shi Kai Is Plots to be or opinion that the organization re­ WAS A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC ferred to Is Identical with the Chamber winning or losing In tho present enm- or Mines*. This Is not so. The Vancou­ pnlgn that Is now being waged for ver Mining Exchange was an organiza­ In Fiiis IU Plusin to Enjoy Meals tion for. facilitating the sale of mining BUILD ROADS IN the presidency, but Important" move­ stocks and shares. The Chamber or ments of troops aro continually being mines wns In no wise connected with it, and the work we do Is confined to at­ FAUQUIER DISTRICT made. Bereis ft case which seemed u Ud tempting to stimulate interest In mining Large Lots ind as hopeless as yours can possibly he. In the province, and to encourage Its SOLDIER DROPS DEAD This it the experience of Mr. H. J. Brown, development along legitimate lines, and Many New Settler* Take Up Fruit 107x235 ft. 384 Bsthurst St., Toronto, in bis own by providing an admirable collection or Childrens' Waggons the mineral resources of the province, Land—Crop Promises to Be Heavy fBv Tin liv News L**_se<1 Wire.) to supply mining men generally and —Postmaster Appointed. WE HAVE OPENED UP A LARGE SHIPMENT OF CHILDREN'S 1 visitors with eloquent evidences or the WINNIPEG, June 8.—Hubert Me- Between Granite Road and River 'Gentlemen—I have much pleasure in mineral poteatlalitles of the province. In Kendrick, aged 45, cornetist of the mentioning to you the benefit! received Great Improvements are beliiK made to ' WAGGONS—ALL SIZES—ALL PRICES—FROM addition, we furnish an immense variety 100th Grenadiers regiment--, 1 hand, oan be bought en from yonr Na-Dra-Co Dyspepsia Tablets of Information appertaining to mining th-a roads In the Fauquier district or ln the province, particularly to mining the Arrow lakes, stated F. G. Fauquier dropped dead nn the return murch •nd can cheerfully recommend them. I men from abroad and ta enquirers' from of lhat place, who was at the Hume MONTHLY PAYMENTS simply hod confirmed dyspepsia with all all over the world. We undertake noth­ last night on his way to tbe prairies to its wretched symptoms, and tried about ing of a brokerage business, but we make arrangements ror the disposal of may lay claim to having been the means Ids fruit crop this year. Thirty-five moil Secure a beautiful building lot $1.00 to $8.50 Each •11 the advertised cures with no success. whereby foreign capital bus been fur­ were employed on the grading of the on the river. These lots are You have in Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia nished with the desired opportunity for road to Fauquier landine and several Always Reliable getting Into touch with what they gangs were working between Fauquier equal to about six oity lots and FFOM THE CHILD'S TOY WAGGON TO THE HEAVY DELIVERY Tablets the best curative agent I could sought, and as the result of which lt Is and Burton, a section of the trunk Relief from the ailments caused find. It is now such a pleasure to enjoy probable that at (east two, and possibly highway between Apple Grove and Na­ by disordered stomach, torpid •re within five minutes' walk of WITH WOOD WHEELS, meals with their consequent nourish­ throe deals of considerable magnitude kusp. Murdock McLean, road superin­ the C. P. R. depot. See will be put through, for tho serious de­ tendent for (the Sloean riding, had last Viver, irregular bowels is given ment that I want to mention this for the velopment of properties, or Tor In­ week given Thomas Lone, foreman. In­ benefit ol others." creasing the plant and output of ship­ structions what would be practically an —quickly, safely, and assur- Best Prices inTthe City Tbe feet that a lot of prescriptions or ping properties. automobile road, said Mi*. Fauquier. cdly—by the tried and reliable ~H so-C-lkd "cures'' have f ruled to help you During the past winter 2" new settlers Ferguson Land ^______•_____H—-i__•___- Is no sign that you have got to go on We are at the present time equipping had arrived In the district and Were de­ toff-ring. Try Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia fine new quarters, and shall possess, lighted with the improvements wbleh without doubt, the finest purely mining were being made to the roads, particu­ Tablets and see how quickly this sterling headquarters in Canada, and one or the larly as they would provide them with BEECHAM'S remedy will give yon relief and start your finest exhibits or minerals, properly a means of transportation In the winter Company housed and cared for. in the event ot the lake freezing up, re­ Nelson Hardware Co. stomach working properly. If it doesn't marked Mr. Fauquier. Alan Block helpyott,youEetyourmoneyback. 50c As the note In your Journal has been He explained that he was going to tbc copied Into other journals, and with un­ Cor. Baker and Ward Sts. a bo* at your druggist's. Compounded friendly criticism, I shall be obliged If ra trier to arrange tor the marketlne of PILLS Phone 21 ' Nelson, B. Cf IB fruit crop, as at present the*dlstrict I by the National Drag and Chemical Co. you will find space for the correction G 8eM wtywlwte. _stw«fc »••"*• •I Cauda, Limited, Montreal. ui of a somewhat widely spread mlsappre- IB not sufficiently developed for the for- I __7 TUESDAY * JUNE IS. Cfe Ballf'iVtil.- MHPIVI *• WOULD PROHIBIT THE BELL When Taking WOODENB0ATH0USE8 a Vacation Should B* All af Corrugated Iron, TRADING CO: Declares Launch Club Commodor* go ti tbo grsa Want* Aahtan Lease Changed. •prlngo, wboro ra* ean • mull not only raat, but at tba aa_> tlaao In the opinion of L. B. DeVeber, baro tbo benefit ot tbe baat medi­ commodore ot the Kootenay launch cinal water* aa tba continent, un- club, voiced at last night's meeting of equaled for rheumatism aad kind­ the city council, a regulation should red allmenta. Tbe springe era eaay he passed forbidding the construction of acceaa to travallera and the hotel haa been fitted up end la oaa- uf new boat houses on the water ducted with a view to tho mail- front of material other thnn corrugat­ The Summers Greatest Economy-Time in White mum of comfort aad eonvaalaaao ed Iron In order to reduce the danger tor gueata. MI fire. This matter and the Question of compelling all owners of boat Goods and White Wear of Every Sort Retooi lit and tM per weak, ar at houses to Install electric light to do per dav an. upworde. away with the use of candles and matches was referred to a committee When the doors of this store open this morning one of the greatest White Sales we have ever held starts with great stocks of snowy consisting of Aid, Kerr, Aid. PetTier, WhiW Goods and White Wear of every description at prices that set a rew economy record. Mr. DeVeber, W. J". Astley, Harold A great number of the country's good manufacturers und wholesalers have contributed of their best and finest stocks to help us make, Hclous, thc city nnglneer and L. W. Halcyon Hot Springs this a great and successful event, and now the entire store offers-values that are unprecedented in tho history of this establishment. Strawberries Ashton, which wns appointed to de­ cide what space should be allotted In each and every instance the quality is of the better Borts, and the values are of such unusual merit that the store should be thronged Fresh on-the express from the Sinitarium Mr. ABhton for his proposed new from morning till night throughout the entire sale, with eager and purse-wise shippers. south. WM. BOYD, Proprietor. launch repair house. It was stated by purchase your entire White Goods needs for the coming Summer at these exceptional prices, the savings in every Instance are large and Pull baskets 25c Haleyea Arrow Lekee Mr. DeVeber that If the space which < >, It was proposed to leave to Mr. Ash­ worth while. * We open at 7:30, eo you can get ton wero taken up it would leave the them for your 8 o'clock breakfast. launch' club members only about 1-1 ft in which to take out their boats. HOTEL ARRIVALS OF A DAYThe y needed about 60 ft., he aald, 35c White Vest­ and suggested that the Ashton allot­ 75c White Under­ Butter ment should be 40 ft. further back to­ ing ior 25c ward the city. Another suggestion skirts for 60c We keep talking butter because was that Mr. Ashton should secure from the Nelson Boat & Launch com B00 Yards of White It Is to your interest to know thut Made of good quality our shipment:- come to us direct pany part of Its lease. Mr. Seious Venting- In assorted strip­ from the creamery and nre kept The Home was added to the committee at the Cambric with tucked tn sanitary refrigerators with plenty suggestion of Aid. Kerr, who thought es and spots; all the very of Ice, away from all other article* that the former mayor's knowledge of flounce and a full range finest quality and full _ that taint and spoil the flavor, ana TabU d'HoU and a la Carta the situation at the water front would you get a fresh, appetizing article be exceptionally valuable In allotlng of sizes to choose from. inches wide. Regularly that makes brend "nd butter a deli­ space and making other arrangements Reguhir 75c. 35c. cacy. governing the regulation of lhe water 1IUMB-W. M. Arc h I Im W, Mrs. El, B, front SALE PRICE 60c. SALE PRICE 25c. Curlew Creamery 40o Honeypeuny, Trail) V, u. pauauler, FaMauler; A. O. Williams, a. u. liop- Alberta Creamery, 2 lbs 75o pina, uuiguiy; ttobert Mcintosh, Victoria Haslew-od 40c Dick. Mun, it. j|* _:__r_, llowncr; Al. $1.25 White Underskirts for $100 Middy Blouses for $1.25 Wilehce, Winnipeg; John a. Boyle, Two Dosen Norfolk Middy Blouses, white, trimmed witli navy uuuvna Bay; O. B. Wilson. Murbk'ieau; PHAIRlLEASES Made of fine quality Cambric, trimmed at flounce with whip ii. J-'. Inchon, .Marcus; Mr. and Mrs. or rod, and a wide black patent leather belt. Sermon, u. u. Slater, wStley; Jaine« embroidery and cluster tucks. All sizes. Regular f!._*5 value. N. Alaoarulruw, Crescent Vull_y; li, D. HOTEL AT SAANICH SALE PRICE 11.25. Bananas Uiaiide. J6hn thinner, Spokane; T. \V. SALE PRICE 91.00. . . A. Flanagan, Victoria, w. A. Buchanan White Muslin Dresses at Half Price. Values We'buy the large Jumbo Bananas, Vmlr; Ali.su ti. _*, Brquliart, Kdmuritoii; Hundred Thouaand Dollars Retort picked especially for ua, and give S. H. Kerr, A. Dlutjivull, Vancouver; Under Construction Ten Mi lea From you only select, firm golden fruit W. 11. Blll'tSL-HH, KilrillJ. Victoria on Car Line. $1.75 White Underskirts for $1.45 up to $10 for $4.95 )o_en 40c Two Dozen Ladies' Muslin and Voile Dresses; some pure while Mude of extra fino Cambric, Willi flounco of wlilo omliroldery, E. E. Phnlr, formerly manager of nnd some with a touch of color/ some with high and some with the Strathcona hotel, Nelaon, has and flnlBhcd wilh cluster tucks. Extra vulue at »1.75. Dutcli neck, CANNED TOMATOES mnde iirrnngements to lease the new SALE PRICE (1.45. SALE PRICE $4.95. 3 cans Mo Brentwood Bench *100,GOO hotel which IH being built at Sannich, 10 miles CANNED CORN •from Victoria, by English capitalists 2 cnns 25c Electric cars from Victoria pass tlie CANNED BEAN8 hotel, and It la located on a first class Muslin Drawers White Combinations for $1.65 Nightdresses for 50c automobile road. In connection with Made of fine English Nainsook, trimmed at tlio neck with Made of fine quality English 2 cans 25c the Brentwood Beach hotel will be n for 25c fine embroidery and ribbon, and at lhc bottom with wide Swiss Cotton, trimmed with pure salt water swimming pool, lf>0 x 75 fl. in dimensions. 5 Dozen only, Ladies' Draw­ Embroidery. Joined at the waist with embroidery beadng. Sizes linen torchon lace; made In Mr. Phalr is a great bonater for ers, mude of fine English Cot­ 84 to 40. Regular 12.00 values. pull-over style. Good full size. Nelson, deciure recent visitors t<- 8ALE PRICE $1.65. Regular 7fic, Victoria. ton, finished with hemstitched THE BELL frill. Regular 96c and 40c. $2.50 Combinations for $2*00 SALE PRICE 50c. F. B. WHITING. Proprietor. STRATHCONA—Oeorge H. Hoi**.. .T. SALE ppiCE 25c, Made of fine Nainsook, trimmed with Tine embroidery, Joined S. Armstrong, Violet Green, Victoria! T. $1.00 Nightdresses J*. Graham, Bortun; George 1'outer, IMPROVEMENTS TO at the waist with embroidery beading; made in wide legs or TRADING CO. Winnipeg! Joseph C, Tyler. IJ. W. Mc­ Phee. Siiokn.ni>; Mr. and Airs. Mtllfgan, 65c Ladies' Drawers French knickers style. Regular 12.50 values. for 75c Phone 56 Toronto; Fred Coleman. Montreal; J. STREETS ORDERED ° SALE PRICE *|2-00. w. Wells, Mkhi-rnn; Tt, A. MoFarland, Made of extra fine quality Nnkiisn; .Major .1. 8. flnoch. Crawford for 50c The Up to-Date Grocers Bay; T, W. Brown. Trail: H. II. Web­ English Cambric, trimmed with ster. Cranbrook; Air. and Mrs. Allan City Council Decides \0t. Carry Out Made of exy-t Clod English Princess Slips for Princess Slips $1.45 Cameron,- L. M. Hills, Calgary; G.-'J.. WorR-Pfc-kHff, Wart,*amaff.,.. Cambric, trimitieti with 4-lnch These .,,ure made of extra pure linen torchon lace and McKenzle, Colfax. For Alleged Lose. frill of Swiss Embroidery and $1.00 nuality imported Cumbrii embroidery beading. Pull-over Made of good fine Cambric, trimmed at neck nnd flounce Oore street, between Kootenay and cluster titcka. Open und closed, style and good Tull size. Reg­ trimmed with luce. All sizes with fine embroidery und lace. Tremont House EnllH Btreet, will be Improved aha 2 styles. Regular 65c, ular $1.00. •Mgmlk will be continued to Eulls 34 to 40. Sizes 34 to 40. Regular $1.T_ •akar Streat, Nalaon w,, tt wal win bB ,um , 1 t,1B Queen's Hotel __ * a f - " west SALE PRICE 60c. SPECIAL $1.00. vulues. SALE PRICE $1.45. SALE PRICE 75c. RAN80ME 4 CAMPBELL side of Stanley street for two blocks •akar Street one block above Innls street and one Proprletere bloek below that street, a bole on Silica A. LAPOINTE, Proprietor .,'i • ",V_t't," ],,il11* aml Railway street -Buropean plan, 60o up will be filled, Front street from Cedar American plan, 91.35 and 11.91 Renovated throughout Sli­ street to the city limits will be repaired, Meals. SEo t-ten new rooma added, all ele­ and the city engineer will call for ten­ Wash Coats $2.25 White ders for the grading of Victoria street Spaolal Rataa par Month gantly furnished. Steam beat Between Hall and Hendryx streots it ln every room, wns decided nt last night's meeting of Values up to Blouses for $1.25 tne city council on tlie recommendation 10 Doz. Ladles' Blouses. TRKMONT-W. B. Smyth. Valllcan; or the public works committee. i Q. Lynch, C. Watson. Silverton; F. QUEKNS-J. Stewart Bonnlngton: N. A catch basin will be built on Hall $8.50 for $4.45 bought especially fur this r. Nowlttn, Thomas Stones, Phoenix: O. Mason, Marjorie Sparrow, Hel.ord; Mines road to take care of the surface . F, Lolze, Dell Deacon, Salmo; W. L. R. Chabln, Salmo* Mr. nnd Mrs. water complained of by J. L. Hlrsoh Ih sale; made of extra fine a letter to the council. 15* Ladies' Wush Coats Unro, D. . J. .MeLeod, L;inlo; A. J. Slater. Proctor; W. H. Sinter, West ley; quality Muslin with Ibion, M. Beadle, G. C. Brown, D. H. V. Lewie, Mirror Lake: Prod Mc- Aid. Austin reported thnt ns far as in -White and Tan only; mining. New Vork; 1*. CQIO,- Grand Glblion, KIIMIO; !•'. (\ Newcombe, Hanoi, he could ascertain the city hnd carried hand-embroidered fronts, .irks; J. Morris, Ruby Rogers, KUBIO; Man.; P. S. Bluck, Karl C. WeaUutt, out nil it had agreed to do In the lane made of good quality near the fire hall adjoining A. G , S. Creasy, Harrop. Vancouver, some with high and some Shaw's property. The nltv should not Repp anil Linen. Slues be cnlle-i on lo look after private lots, With Dutch neck; nil bo snid. The report was mude as a re­ 84 to 42. Worth up to A Home for tha World at 91.00 a day sult of a complaint entered by Mr. have 3-4 sleeves. Regular Shaw. is.r.o. $_._5. Grand Central Hotel A request from J. A. Tlyo for permis­ sion to attach a hose to the city pipe SALE PRICE $4.-»5* SALE PRICE $1.25. Lakeview Hotel in order to secure water on lots 1 and 2, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE block -jr., for irrigation .purposes was Corner Hall and Vernon Streets. granted. 'lfi Dresses worth up to $22.50( for $9.95 . 50c Corset Covers for 40c Renovated and refurnished through­ The fire, water and light committee will Investigate a request from Fred Eighteen only in this lot, nnd some of tlie best we have shown. Ladies' Corset Covers, made of flnp Cambric, trimmed at out Best of wines, liquors and American and Buropean plan* Williams for a change In the location (cigars served in the bar by Union of electric wires at the corner of Hous­ All good style. Some of beautifully embroidered lawn and others neck nnd sleeves with fine lace and embn Idery. Sixes 34 to ID. ton and Palls street. Bartenders. To the bonrd of works was referred of Fancy Volte. A good range of sizes. SALE PRICE 40c. H. H. PITTS, Propriator a request for a sidewalk on the west SALE PRICE $9.95. GRAND dENTRAI_~I_. Johnson, W. aide of Josephine street between Lati­ Ryan, I. Larson, Qua Nelson, Silverton; mer and Hoover streets and for the 65c Corset Covers for 50c J. J. Street, Kaslo; J. Crandall, Cres­ grnding of pnrt of Delhruck street 35c Corset Covers for 25c cent Valley; P, Colvln, Marcus; J. Samuel Rndcllffe Is claiming J25 recom­ Made of extra quality imported mhrie Lace nnd Embroid- Godln, I. H. Davis, Trail; R. Wilkinson, pense for the lean of some eggs or Made of good fine Cambric, trimmed nt neck and armholos Kootenay Hotel Phoenix; W. 11. Ross, Sandon; E. Vike, chickens, caused, he claims, by tho blow­ cry trimmed. Slues 34 to 40. K. Nelrlielm, Three Forks; Frank 13. ing out of a fire hydrant on Hall Mines with narrow embroidery. Regular 3Bc values. Two Doors from Postofflce rond on June 4. SALE PRICE 50c. Kleiilimd, Portland; M. Shannon, Pern- SALE PRICE 25c. Vernon Btreot dale' J. H. Newly, D, Boyes. Spokane; A 4 In. water main will ..bo built on Rataa 91.00 and 91.95 por day. J, MeLeod, Bruce. Innls street to give service to the resi­ dence of A. K. Frosen. The cost will Every convenience given to tha be about 1100. [traveling public. Electric piano and The lmard of .works will Inspect Mill anion bar In connection, where thi street but ween Ward and Josephine with THE STORE FOR STYLE baft of wines and llquora ara kept, a view to recommending Improvements, • BAKER STREET, NELSON MBS. MALLETT, Proprietress, Madden House SHOT BY REBELS MEAGHER & CO KOOTENTAY-O. Kirby, Spokane; N. •. C. CLARK* •elenti, Carml; T. Singh, D. Doe, Qcr- (Bv Dally News Leased Wire.) ihJ; M. Feitz, Ainsworth; J. Datroviti, BROWNSVILLE, Texas, June 9.-. t. Hogan, Cranbrook: K. Llonl, Marble- Capt Bruno Trevino, an officer or the of Spokane, directors of the Rambler- members of the union were in the vi­ ead. .___•-_ Mexican federal army,', was shot to Curliiuo Mining company, who wereat cinity of the mine with the object of Cor. Baker and Ward BUt, Nelaon. death by Mexican rehel guards be­ the Strathcona last night, will leave inducing the strike-breakers not to go cause he tried to bribe Oen. Blanco, New Copper Furnace this morning for Kaslo, where the an­ to work. The half dozen men wh" commander of the rebel forces. Blanco nual meeting of th0 company will bo were willing to go to work returned MADDEN—M. C. Monaghim, Tagliumj home. There wore no disturbances and Silver King Hotel Mr. and Mrs. Cascade;; B. B. Christen* chnrgeg Trevino entered the rebel held today. •akar Stree* son, Northport; Herbert B: RusBell, A. camp ag a. messenger from Huerta nnd no signs of intimidation shown. It ,is Groves, Eastbourne, Sussex, England; stated that the company will keep tho Under new management offered Blanco $300,000 if he would Is Blown in at Trail VOTE NOT COUNTED FOR Q. A. Relnpel, Renata; A. Blawn, Revelstoke; E. J. Hr^jile^ Castlegar, join the Huerta army. MINERS' UNION PRESIDENT mine open for several days in an at­ Wall fumlahed rooma, 11.00 a tempt to have operations resumed. day and up. Beat *_ meat ta m'v Dallv KewB Leased Wire.) Nation. Belt brands ot llquora and TJrrilimiDGE, Alta., June O.-Thc otgaxa, aerved by union men. Has Capacity of Four Hundred and Fifty Tont of Or# Daily—Charge Is election for president of district is. United Mine Workers of America, which N. MoLEOD, Propriator Nelson House Taken in by Cart Run Through Furnace — Economy in Handling coinprlsi** part of southern Alberta und FAJALLY.CRUSHED_ Hotel Outlet : , r British Columbia, took place today. The , :tn.li«!ules were ex-Presldont Clem SILVER KINO—A. .Garrison. O. Mc- W. A. WARD, Propriator « F..tur.. - .liBi:i!|::Hti:/.r4'.''.I. ra :' ennan, E. flchater, J. Abbts. J. Hector, proctor, Mtulilis nf liellebiie and J. T. Smith of . At SECOND RELIEF . Beattle, P. Splor, J. Alnsworth. Kernle. Owing to the nature of the dis­ CAFE—Open day and night-SAR Pishine, Boating, Bathing. trict tlie vote was not counted at a late hour tonight. Tourist ana Commercial rates (Special to tlie Dally News.) neater than the old form of steel up­ E. Shallenburg Meets Instantaneous Morohanto- Lunch 12 to I Death When Portion of Hang­ weekly and monthly. ""TRAIL, B. C, June 9.—The new cop­ take and saves considerable head room ing Wall Falls. Klondyke Hotel Phono 17 P. O. Box W7 per furnace at the Trail smelter was In the main furnace building. i Tho Q. A F. SNOW, Proprietor!. successfully blown in at 11 o'clock this centre feed system has been adopted COMPANY FAILS TO 'Special to Th« Daily News.) j, Vornon (treat NELSON-W. Av Stock, Midway; E. morning. It is the largest one at the in the new furnace and It takes a train E. Smith. P. Bowers, Marcus; J. Davles. Trail plant, being 35 feet lohff. and it of five cars to each charge. The water YMIR, B. C, June fl.—"0. shallcif* Headquarters ror minora, Smel- Burton City. will have a capacity of 450 tons of or*} connections to the furnace jackets BREAK STRIKE burg, a miner in the employ of the termon, loggers, railroad man. Second Relief mine, near Erie, was in­ every 24 hours. Th0 style of the up­ have also been changed and are much SHERBROOKE-A. Pnge. E. Futcher, stantly killed while ut work today. It Roleo, 1140 por day up Castlegar; George Leggan, A. Jackson. take differg materially from that of ensier of access than the previous B. Thompson, Sloean; p. Simon, Mrs. Leland Hotel the others at present In use, a circular style. The charge car track Inside the Lets Than Half Dozen Men Out of Two appears that a portion of a hanging B. Porevln, Molson; I. Moore, Porcupine furnace is water cooled by mean of Hundred and Fifty Respond wall became detached and fell while NILSON * JOHNSON, Props. NAKUSP, B.C. brick arch being built over the fur­ s E. Adams, John Kcarne, Grand Porks; nace Itaelf. This Is bound by steel two pipes which run lengthwise un­ to Invitation. he was at work beneath. He was confc* 6. McCuslck, Spokane; J. Rldgeway J. Why not spend your vacation at pletely covered by the falling rock and Carlson, Wardner; A. HawksfQrd.Mark- Nakusp? An ideal place to spend a rails of the same form which are tied der each rail, the rails being support­ KLONDYKB-J. P. Johnson, H. De dalei_3______*ojL_D. A. Wilson, city. week. Bowboats and motor boats by rods transversly above the furnace ed by two large pipes crosswise, theBe, (By Dally Newa T*aaed Wtre.l death was instantaneous. anall, A. chanley. Winnipeg. for hbe. Beat of fishing in one of walls. A steel box extension Is car­ too, having water circulation. The re­ NANAIMO. B. C, June 9.—The at­ the nicest lakes in the province. For maining furnaces will probably ho re­ tempt of the Vuncouvcr-jlannlmo Coal TEN0QRAPHER8 MAY ried from the arch direct W the main FINDING A MORE good WMtner and fine fishing Nakusp brick flue. In it are- two large 'steel modelled after this type later on. company this morning to> open Its IND EMPLOYMENT lead*. ATTRACTIVE ROOM Eotel Westholme hoppers for the purpose ot settling the Jingle-Pot mine, near Nanaimo with especially at tills season ot the men not members of the United Mine Is the labor of hut a day, if you use VICTORIA, B.Q. The Leland Hotel solicits your flue dust. These are placed'above year, when many changes nre patronagk It offers the best to be tracks, thus allowing-**!*, rapid and econ­ RAMBLER-CARIBOO ANNUAL Workers of Amerjca was a complete The Dally News Want Column*. "Home of tho Kootenay Boys." had at a moderate price. Rates $2.00 made by employers ln their help, omical method of handling'.'-; MEETING AT KASLO TODAY failure. Less than halt a dozen mQn, per day. Family rates on application. out of a total working force of 250, WANT ADS BRING V PLACING A DAILY NEWS Free Bua—Ratoa $1.00 par Day and up. The general appearance. Is much T. H. EOHART, Proprietor. responded to the call. Three hundred •; ANT AD TODAY F. F. TROTTER, Manager. J. S. Armstrong and B. W. McPhee QUICKEST RESULTS. TUESDAY .:... jbNC «. fAOe MX »anj» jUteiS

DAILY NKWt n-.^ **"_?_^ , CLAMIFJED AD RATES N IMPLQVMINT AOSNCV Vegetable Pints F. A. Ntmrit. M«Mf«. Om ntnt a war. par in_sHi»_,fa WHILE THEY LA_t»:' % l^rMW-bT rURNIBHKD. eanU a word psr waak- fiftaan esrrts word p»r month whan tNh «• House Hunters, Attention! Transplanted mid hardened paAioo iho or4ar. , Otharwiaa oho 1 THI WORKrtlOMAN't EMPLOY- por ward por initrtton otraigM. il Juet 4 Blocks south of Baker Street—A double corner on car line, which is all fenced, good wooda'n-H, U*y MINT AGENCY. aooountt aponod for Want Ada. Mil LASOR COMMISSION in rear, fine lawn in front, vegetable gardan in rear. Its location it th* beet in the City. On the property in the following varieties; Wake- mum chargo SS eonta. WAiNTBD—RailwaN y builders, fare r is a 2 storey frame dwelling, 6 rooms all modern conveniences. Ifs In splendid repair. We have j*»t been fit-M, Flat Dutch. Autumn King, Red Sittings of the Provlnclsl Labor Com- smoaneeiw ; asemen, railway work; wai Cabbage una Hrussei Sprouts, mlMon will be held as follows: LOST. Instructed by wire to sell this property. The Owner says it must be sold; has given us authority tc sell for B smes; women and (Iris, housework: Mc pe IM. Cranbrook—Tuesdsy, June 10th, Mam. purse; sawyers; teamsters; sawmill r Klmberley, Wednesday, June Uth, laborers; IS river drivers, at once. It t p.m. day snd-board; woman cook, summer re­ vers Fertile—Thursdsy, June 12th, 8 p.m. sort; -dssrman; teamster*, fW per month. Friday. Kindly - return to Muson Michel-Baturday, June 14th. 11 a..n. W. Paifceiy «2 Baker Mrset, fhone ia. Rlsrb- store. Baker str-et. .47' Snt*vb-*1], 7Rf per 100. Creston—Monday, June l&th, 8 p.m. i; Kaslo—Wednesday, June 18th, z p.ra. $2,150 Nelson—Thursday, June 19th, 4 p.m. WAMTEO-MISCELLANEOU* Queen Mine-Friday, June 20th, 1 i.m. _-,^^^\t^_-^^^w^^\^^— — — ____^ ^ ____ HOtEL DIRECTOR And think of it; on terms te suit purchaser. This is the greatest house bargain in the City. Earlians, $1.50 per 100. ftslmo-Friday, June 20th, 4 p.m. SnVerton—Tuesday, June 24th, 10:»-t.m. TANNBRT-Calgary Tann«y Company, You could not build ths houss today for $2,600. The lots are worth more than $1,000. Limited, East Calgary. TVe Un and SHERBROOKE HOTEL CUry Nakusji—Weilnesilay, Jun* 26th, 2 p.m. drew fur ud bides of every description. See us today. Once only in a great while does an opportunity come to secure a choice location and Tbe Commission IH empowered to in- Work guaranteed or money refunded. Ndson, I. C. White Plume, .1.00 per 100. ' ' ulre into alt matter*- Affecting the con- home away below market value on your own terms. We un leather. Up-to-date machinery, One minute's walk! from C.P.n. . Cash with all orders. Out of! IItlons of labor In Iiritish Columbia. All fop prices paid for hides. Freight paid. parsens Interested are Invited to attmd Price liat on application. tlon. Cuisine anescelled; well heat town customers, where there is nd • and give evidence. "25 -M and ventlluted. agent, will include enough money H. 0. PARSONS, MEN WANTED-Salary and expenses or JOHN E. TAYLOR, REAL ESTATE Chairman. LAVIGNB -BUNK. -. Tor express. commisalon. Must be active, ambiti­ F. R. McNamara, ous, energetic. Splendid opportunity. City and Farm Lands, Ltd. FINANCIAL AGENTS . ormer expenlence not necessary. Write General Managtr. •*-MW^M*_M_W_i_-_^___M_-___P--iL-l HEAD OFFICE: NELSON, B. C. for particulars, El Creo Cigar Company, Business Directory LOANS Ed. Grizielle London, Ont. . 35-26 ALEX. CHEYNE, Branch.fi at Vancouver, Lethbridgs, Moos. Jsw Florist. \\ ANTKD-HtenOfirapher with some ex­ AS8AYIRS Successors to SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES T«I. MT Box 211 perience desires position. Apply Box Sec.-Treas. WESTERN CANADA INVESTMENT CO. FOR RENT. IM, Dally News. •44.4 E. TV. WIDDOWSOX, ASSAYER Al Nelson, B. C. CliemiHt. Box A1106, Xelson, B. Wanted—Waitress for restaurant at Charges: Gold, sliver, copper or..le once. Kaslo hotel cafe, Kaslo, B.C. 11 eachMJiild-sllver, ll.*;. sllveMel 46-4 $1.60. Other metals on'applluatlon. •with large dir-fereneM to meet at the fortnightly settlement will he an an­ months, fiend particulars. Apply Box AUCTIONEERS xious time on the stock exchange, and 174. Daily News. 47-3 the market will not he surprised if one HIGHWAY BRIDGE. or two fuilures are unniiuntvd, The A. G.Lambert WANTED—Qlrl for generul housework cT_~WATER_»»4 ft CO.-P.O. Bo« NEWS OF THE MARKETS ] Halkiiii situation is an additional lause Lower Duncan River, Howser Lake, and to look after one child (girl aged for II la tin und the markets opened eusy Kaslo District. H. C. 4V.). State wages and references. Mrs. NBI_DN AOCTION. HART-W .Ol tpday. Prices dropped on local und !•'. W. McLalne, Greenwood, B.C. 47-tf. I.ER. licensed auctioneer. Auction • foreign liquidation and closed weak, •ales rooms. •» Ward atrett, tlou lirav.\Iiun lulls were steady fXceiitlons Co., Ltd. In the Matter of Chapter 115, "Navi­ WANTED—Men with teams, at Ymlr, to •xw.uo. lbs. in Kin-plus copper stocks shown hut consols lost V\ point. American se­ gable Waters Protection Act," skid and hunt poles. Address F, L, in tne May statement was regarded "*• curities opened quiet. Union Pacific lout _, , R.S.C. 1900. Churchill, Ymlr, B.C. «47-0 mvurulu--, U luiieo io com, m< lu ex- I'H points ami the rest of the list from Notice Is hereby given that drawings GROCERIES PRODUCE ptSlatloiiH lor im- naoe Wnlch ima unm­ _W% during the forenoon on nallilug. of the new utruclure for the Lower WANTED—Employment us bookkeeper, et] ior u somewhat lurgur -unim-ii-u. Prices milled u fraction later but the Duncan River at Dowser Lake. B.C.( timekeeper or ledger clerk, used to exports were hguier man tiau been mre- murket declined again in Die lute have been deposited with the lion, the shipping; and freight work. Cutler, Win- A. MACDONALD * _h_%__- uabted una pruuuciluu was umi.~u.iiiv trading, Lumber Minister of Public Works, Ottawa, and luw, B.C. *»4T-0 Oroiers and Proflslon MarohMU. lurge. lias w-a.s oiisut lo some di-gree, duplicates thereof with the Registrar of porter, ol Tea* Co'»"K_lpl0iS!__ MONTREAL PROVISION MARKET However, ny noavy deliveries io uomt-s- Deeds, Nelson, Ii.C, and that, thirty WANTED—Housekeeper who is good Srnlts, SUple and Fancy <"»•_ lie euHioiiit-is. Tut; nielul storks were SPOKANE MARKETS. days after date, the Hon. the Minister cook. English woman preferred. Ap- Tobaccos. Cigars, Butter, Bin. CM Shingles of Public Works In the government of ply Box UB, Dally News. ~ 47-tf. •nd Packing Housa Produce, on (Bv Dallv News Leased Wire.) i specially weak touay, me coppers ue- 0M iiniiiig nil a uie steal i-: nm 11 out tin; British Columbia, Will apply to thn Oov- WANTED—Good general servant. Ap«ly mnd warehouse corner of .« _ MONTREAL, Juno _.-*__« tone of the (Reported by St. Denis & Lawrenca) ernur-Oeiiei-al-lu-Cuiinel| fur their an- Hall Streets. P. O. /Box lMk T butter market Is easier and prices have mummy btatelnetit "mi tittle intent on Hid A.iked provaJ thereof. m filjica or Box llOU, '. . *47-tf J.llet-N. Windows phones fl and fl. •; a downward tendency owing in the lack i !..• fallowing New Vork stock market Q. C. Copper ..18.40 J. 15. GRIFFITH. WANTED—One or two furnished rooms, of demand. ,'iileilolila uiuther and son, aged 17, board preferred, Cheene, finest westrrns, l_Q__lic; fint-st quotations nit- stlpjilled by UBler, luim- Canadian t'onsoifiiated .. fifi.OO _ , Public Works Engineer. WHOLESALE PRODUCE : inonii tv. AUIIKIII, Winnipeg! Departmonl of Public Works, victoria, on Kuotenay lake at goud beach, July •easterns, UV"H 'v-. Qranby and August. State termi*. Apply Box Open Close Doors H.C.. l,-,tb .May. 1_j:i. _g.i ...w..* Butt«r, oholcest creamery, **•»©__!•; Iiitei-nutloiiul Coal .. .32 rt, Manor, Sask. '47-4 X1TTio^_rv___^o-wiKi_»A Be-Uiids, 2a_i\ Amalgamated Copper iir,fe \*>'MLuck y Jim .. .07 .11 Importers and UonilfaMUMjf Afai KggH, fresh, •£•(; Aiiii-rn an i ar .outlUry I i-m -uy_ UcOiUlvray .. -H NOTICE; TO CREDITORS WANTED—Tho Jcwel-Denero Mines, Produce, Fruits, Flour and reed. P. Pork, heavy Canada short maw, hnr- Ainuricab bocomotive _. »j» Nugget .. .23 Etc. Limited, Greenwood, will n-piire two • Bo, H. Nelson. B.C. Phona IU. " rels, -WHS; piu-i'N, ^sv__: Canada short AJIIui'lCatl hJiiellilig _.»"i %»•(_ Itanihli'i-L'dilliDo In lht\ym£tier*WHn\$Bt$B,U ot Erie first class stumper men at the end of cut buck, harrelB, 'Gis I'vleJislori Uie present month. Wages ft. Apply to Anaconuu • "t*,_ Mvs Fors, late of Tlirutn**; in the province of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Snowstorm I .. .3(1 British Coliiiuhla, ,d_ye_»edi Intestate, ". A. Banks, manager, Box !_>, Green- AlcniSull U--/H !»t;4 Standard .. l.as ood. . - - - 47-3 i.iutiiinii'e tv uiiio Un -_ Notice is hereby. given that ul) credi­ J. BT^_<™osiirSr_lKElf ST., RR Stewart ' tors and others havlti" claims against Block. Installation of electrical imiutilyil hnpid i'., ex-iliv. .. _|.,M h-'ji, Utlca ..' .13 .20 BAKER STREET, NELSON. •S.ANTED—By experienced general ser­ Canadian Piuitie -in -i-*** tiie estate uf the said Eric Fors, who vant, position on ranch or lu town. chlhety, telephone jilantH, house wlrl; STOCKS i in-hapeuke tit. Ohio »i>!4 M _J died on or about llio 10th day of May, Apply Box L., Dally News. **'-'• Rt.ialr work. Supplies carried. Ph< -lllcagO *_ Alton 8 VANCOUVER STOCKS A.D, 1812, are required on or before the AJ!I. P. O. Bo< «5. Chicago, M. _; at, Paul .• l*«u 103 ICth day of June, 1913, to Bend by post, 1'meugo ,v NortawcsU:-i.i ...... t-1 I-OVH daily turnover of mure than 10,000 tdiures prepaid, or delivered to E. A. Crease, of (Special to the Dally News.) last week dealings fell to less than 4.U0U Orlffln Qlo-.lt, Baker street, Nelson, HOUSE CLEANING WINNIPEG STOCKS < onsoialaied tins i_- J--'/- Hid Asked «_^^s^i_»rf^>s^»>^^JK>-K><^w^^_-«-<^^<-«V'S^w^ l it-lawure BL Hudson Ill*a sliareH. l_ondoil feeling Wan exemplified British Columbia, solicitor, administra­ Konlenuy Oold lfi* early In the day by the lower isolations tor of. all and singular the personal es­ WINDOWS, CAni-KT AND CIUMNI Wile UVt -.i'*. Nuggot | .20 j ._* for C.P.R. and Hratlllan. The fonnsr (By Dolly News Leased Wire.) Kile, lBt pfd 87 -U tate and cf reels ur the said Eric Fors, cleaning. House clnanliig our special Bid Asked Dominion Trust iia.oo mm opened 2 down at -18 and under the In­ tlieir Christian and surnames, addresses FOR Rl-NT-furiilKhed suite, with Awnings,' H«W and rnpalrs. VOou Uirie, Und piii. 80 H. C, Permanent Loan 140,00 fluence, of New Voi'k suld as low as dishes, cooking utensils aud all Unen ClenninK Ctimpany, riionc- '*«, Box Canada Fire. RP m ... tielieral Lloetrle | l_%, La_J_ -\t\\\ around noon. and descriptions, tlie full particulars of City & I-rov. 1_HIII HO Ureal Nortm-rn, pld. .'. i_- lU-» their claims, the statement of their ac­ supplied. Kerr Apartment l.loi*k. •JT-tf. •1 - ^ >- 177 TORONTO STOCKS The only tratntaetlon ln the afturnoon counts, and the nature of the securities, Cum. Loan ill) (•rent Auitiii-rn Ore UBft -lid van ut 217, leavliiK a net loss uf :; points O. W. Permanent 1BQ 186 Illinois Centra] H-'/i 111 ir nny, hold hy them. us the day's change. Uraiiliun opened And further taka nut leu that after such H-jne Investment i#> liiterlioro l_*w iBft (By Dally News T-enfied Wire.) weak at 881. und mild off to 88 on light FOR RENT—House, four rooms, Stanley PROFESSIONAL CAR! Nor. Crown liaiik Kansas CUv Southern 1-2 I-- TORONTO, June -.-UniKlllaii, B_Vfl trading, clused at the low with . a Inst mentioned ilr.te the sold adminis­ trator will proceed to distribute tlie street; cars ono block; (10 month. Ap­ Nor. Mortgage 107 Luhtgh Valley IbU iii-i_ N8V.. loss uf 2 polntH. Power dropped ulirupt- ply "Rent," Dally News. *Mfi-3 Nor. Trust ••» LoUISVlllo *- Nash !_-'/_ l-Mi i^u Rose, _K*_*a0, ly frutti 213 ou Ruturday tu 21M. in tha assets of the deceased among .the Occidental Fire 1*4 41. St. P, & M. H. M, (Htio) ... iaiV_ 121 t'aiiadlan Pacific, 21JM/217. moi-nlitg hefure uniting a demand, then parties entitled thereto, having regard FOR RENT-Rooms, at tlio Voung Wo- OREEN BRO&, BURDEN A CO Standard Trust "I Missouri, Kansas Ac T I-"*. HI Toronto Rails, lS^iitl-, held firmly around that level through only to the claims of which hc shall then man's' club. Apply I'hoiie 397, "tG-. Civil Engineers. Dominion and B. Unlqn Bank 13- 1*<> Mlsxuuri Pucltle 2S '£!% Winnipeg, 20O®lW. the rest uf the- dny, elaHlng at 2US^ with have notice, and the said administrator Land Surveyors. */ -, Winnipeg P. & G 112 New York Central B_tf W Hollingcr, I;,I,./.I|J. a net luss of i%, Kicheiieu fell buck will not be liable for the said assets, or POR RENT—Six roomed boUBe, closo In; 8. A. Warrants 1200 ... Northern Pacific no lift1,- NiplsMlllg, .SUtlftiN.*'!. Hi tu 107 nnd clum'd unly \i, higher; Iron any part thereof to any person or per­ S25 month. J. W. Gallagher, iff. Baker. aorreyi of * Lands, Mines, Townolt Sales: 6 Nor. Crown. ©Mi; 1«0 >><>r. IVnusylvuiilu UR'T- HIS Richelieu, 107*4. dropped I to AA uud closed at the low; sons of whuse claims notice shall not •M0-U Timber Limits, Etc . Mortgage. I"*:**}-; _ Nor. Cmwn. !B; ID (I. Reading IM IH General Kleelrlc, I0!t. Cement 1 to toft; Laurentide 6 to 190. have been received by him at the time Nelson, Gtt Ward Street; A. -rt;,.Qri r Despite the alienee of urgent lli|iildii- KENT a Remington typewriter model W. Permanent. 13_>/_. l'l at 1.-14; .> Nor. Southern Pacific W IJ1% Heserve., 860, * or such distribution, No. 7 three uiuuilm for 15. Visible wilt­ Mgr. Victoria, 114 Femlierton Bttt.^ Mortgage, 106%, - nt io_v_; 10 No. Southern Hallway -Hi ayft Pnlisted: Pearl, 4214*743. tion a number of shirks bruke tu new Dated the 15th day or May, 1913. C. Qreen . Ft. Georue, Hammond Btre ll luw level.* fur the year. Of these the ing Remington |3 per month. Apply V. Crown, 80. Tenn. Copper BlW - Peterson, SlV__rSIs principal one was Detroit, Which weak- V E, A. CREASE, . D. Doty, eare. Canada Drug & Book coiu- F. P. Burden.' Texas Pai'iilc * 11*44 tied Hi tu (!'[>/,, (Lining at the lowest, Administrator of the Estate of pnny. Nelson. 'ii-n METAL STOCKS WEAK Twill City 101 *M Eric Fors' Deceased, Intestute. A. L. MCCULLOCH . l'nlon Pacific H-Jt H-T. ANOTHER DECLINE ON FOR RENT—Five roomed cottage, pari* ON NEW YORK EXCHANGE Spanish, which broke .-p,. to I!*'... and l-2a.w-8. ; P. S. itulilier 68 60 MONTREAL MARKET Canners offereiL/it «IH4, uud Canada Car, furnished; foil'* roomed'cottage, partly Hydraulio Englnoor • U. S. Steel '"'":ii 58U furnh-hed; alw. two. rpmuM for light whieh at 7*i ,«oKf I polntH helow the last -....rTENDERGv,,-,, •• f.-| Provlnaial Land SurVaVof (By Bally News I_»nsed Wlre.j P. ti. Steel, pfd IIS 104% fBv Dallv News Loosed Wire,) sale uf u full lot, were other stucks tu NEW YORK, June fr-Tho principal se­ I' L*I h Copper •Hw ';i'ftt MONTREAL, June 9.—The Wbaker stablish new low quotations fur the ' '.-.''• ..••_•; O. Boi __.-••••".•;. curities markets of tile world were again feeling In Kuropcuu markets furnlslit^l ,'enr. Hank storks Were liquidated Builders hnd contractors are Invited to Office phone. L_G; residence phons, R under pressure todny and the movement Western union 6--M .">!% New York traders wilh un Incentive to utetly, nieetliiK unly moderute support. lender for erecting the Outlet Sports Office, Suite 6, McCulloch W_r of stocks here wus sharply downward, Wisconsin Central '2'4 attack tlielr own list sharply. The com­ ?loyal sold at tiiu year's lowest of 310 club house nt Proctor, B.C, FOR «ALI. -Baker 8titt-t. Nelson, B. 0. Union Pacific, Steel. St. Paul and mar­ Total sales: l_i,IOa. bination of declining prices uhroud and Tor 100 shares. , Plans, specifications and details can ly 70 other stocks of all descrlptlona In New York was too much for local Total business „,!M2 shares, 2,785 mining be seen at the Outlet hotel after Satur­ FOR BAI.E-Choice fruit land. IM acres T. M. RIXEN, AUDITOR AND stocks and the trend was downward reaching new low levels for the decline, ANXIOUS TIME ON shares and fll/iOO bonds and debentures, day, .lune 7, Properly sealed and en­ in fertile Pend d' Oreille valley. Close countant Room 16. K.W.C., BIOCIL siinl while some Important shares reach* throughout lhe duy, leading Issues dorsed tenders to be addressed to Mr. to,route of new ratlway. Would sell part. ed bottom figures there wen- substan­ LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE closing around low levels for tiie day Snow. Outlet hotel, Proctor, by June 15. Very easy clearlu. Snap. Apply P. O, with net losses from good sized fractions H. PERRT LEAKE, CON8ULTH tial losses In nil iiiiaiters. up lo.J'li. poliHt*. Against uniiverage The lowest or any tender hot neces­ box 165, Nel ne- 2fi3-tf Although the de.T.-it.se of mora than y LONI'UX. Jung ______\ METALS sarily accepted. Engineer, NelBon, B.C. 300* FOR BAI.E--8.foot steamboat, with en­ FOR L10SSONS IN THIS FR13NC Notice of Atlin (Ymir) Gold Mining m gine and boiler complete, cheap. For liUiKiiiiKi' plcaso apply tu I'.d. ll. L< particulars apply to Forest Mills of v J Milling Co., Ltd. B. C, Limited, Box IOCS, Nelson, B.C. I'l'iilfli-iti'il Ficnch tcaoher, -arc* . (Speclnl to the Dallv News.) A meeting of tlie stockholders of the '* ^* 3-tf. C.A., Nelson. ; NEW YORK, June 9.—Silver, fO%. shove company will be held In Ymlr on LONDON, .lune ..-Sliver, 279-10; lead, June 13th at 10 o'clock a.m. FOR SAI-E-Restaurant, doing host 1 .busl*!*-** In town. Forty to 50 nt a er. Cosh onts closed V_P _____ J° *c Nakusp-June 17th, 2:10 o.m. Agent or Bug-Agent of Dominion UuU house," because it is a "straight" beverage in every sense, higher. Cash flax' closed ,HP^-J0*V¥r- Now Denver—June lfith, 7:30 p.m, • Winnipeg, wheat, close-July. B-c; Oc­ Nelson-June _lst, 7:30 p.m. POULTRY AND LIVE ITOCK Deputy Minister of -the Intarlor tober, 91%c. , , «_ Nelson-June _«h, 10 a.m, N.B.-tfnauthorlsed publication of U and although there's "not a headache in a gallon," its " Minneapolis, whent, close-July, 89%c. South Sincan-Jine Sth, 1 ) a.m. -tdvprMsAment will not ho nalfl ft*.. Balfour-June 27th, 10 a.m. FOR SALE—Five teams _heayj* horses, genial stimulus may sometimes bring a "royal flush." , Kasto—.lune acth, 2 p.m. weighing from S800 to 3200 ptitinds per • 3_K:*& ctort^ilV. *0»; Son- Creston—June _Sth, _ p.m. - Icam. Will sell double or slnglh. Can Cranbrook-July 1st, ^-JO a.m. lie seen any time. Apply to A. 12. John­ Winnliiftr, outs. cIOBe-_lly. 3CC; Octo- WasaWuly 1st, 7:30 p.m. ston Logging company, Vallk'an, B.C. LQDg£JJOTICE! 'King George IV" is "top notch" in all ltt;r, IBIic • • Wl,ndemon—July 2nd, 7:30 p.m. 32-20 Wllmer-.Inly *jrd, tt a.m. KOOTENAI LODGI Wo. ». *-Q;-i r FOR SALE-Bay horse, 1,000 pounds, ' Meets avery Monday nljnt » .—a ENGLISH CRICKET Golden-July 6th, 10 a.m. the essentials of a high grade Any person Interested In the nbove _.. Pull single or double, ride and nark. fellows' hall at' 8 o'clock. fiulry and appearln-f before the said Quick sale, $80. -Apply C. Harmm QUEEN CITT REBEKAH IfflJJ; whisky—great age—fine my nails- N«W» i_f_,wi«.) Commission at the place and time stated AlnBworth, B.C.. •«-12 No. 16. I.O.O.F., meets first and Ml LONDON, Juno 9.—Surrey scored win be Riven every opportunity to Iny FOR SALK-Hcavy tenm of horses and Tuesdays. Oildfellows' hall, 7:» o'cloi 177 agslnst Middlesex oh Saturday, before the Commission such evidence as MBLSON ENCAM_1BNT NO. -7. t bouquet—rounded mellowness his Judgment may have a bearing upon two wagons, cheap. Apply Box 1-D. which let! thom 71 runs, behind on the. Dnlly News. *'2.D O.P., meets second and toiirtli TO the subject matter of this enquiry, daya' In Oddfellows' tiall 'at 8 - o'clot ^ —and perfect purity. first IniMnus. In "the second Innings / » ™_£cJ& HATWARB. M.iA. FOR SALE—Baby chinks. Leghorns, etc. Middlesex scored IM 'or Ave wickets. C. B. CHRi8TB^8EN. a_crrtary. Price . list en application. Charles CANTON CORONA NO. I BeMl JJ Provan, laingley Port: *H-_4 aecond Tuesday la Oddfellows' hall Essex, who were 94 rank behind In the 8 o'clock. first Innings against . Northampton, Cambridge's first Innings closed for FOR SALK-Ono fresh milk cow of have lost throe wickets In the second heavy milking strain. Apply J. H, KNIOHTa OF prTHIAS MEET TtfB 493, *wMch savti them a Wad bf -lVurw McJ-ormack. Burton, P.C. ••5-0 day nliiita In K. of P. Hall. innings for 25 runs. (Junes started •on the Wt-t Innings. building. ' . last Wednesday resulted as fbllowB: FOR SALE—Iron grey gelding, perfectly R. B. La-sd-n made 151 of that total --sound--.- hands.-1900 pounds, 12-yoar- NELSON Loflgo.N* Kent heat I-_ica«ter by 10 wickets. and William, Riley 121. Hampshire In old; handy In single or double harness. meets 2nd and 4th Thu The .YorkBhlre match the second made 123 for four wickets Apply to Lord Aylmer, Queens Bay, B.C. day at 8 p.m. ln Ea Vm .">.".- _ »«-0 was left drawn. Oeorge Ounn made before play ceased. L0.0.K. hall. 200 for the former club. FOR SALE-ScotCh Collie hitch. Pure * bred, young. Box B.C., Dally News, Nelson Aerie No. a ma Worcestershire beat Gloucestershire ALL READY FOR POLO MATCH .. IM Ind and 4th Wednesdaya :** bs- an innings and 1S6 runs. v FOR HAL-fi—Strong working horse, nge F.0.L Eagle Halt. vv . Somerset heat Derbyshire hy.91 row. (Br Dailv Nam Leaned Win.. 8 years, Weight 14,1*. Drives single Sussex beat Leicestershire by an in­ WKSTBITRY, N. V., June ^-^Every­ or double. Price t_W. Q. A. Q. Mac- Court Royal Kelson nings and 09 runs... thing Is ready for the first game tomor­ kcnile, Sunshine Bay, Proctor, B.C. -J04 meeta on Ind and row on tho Meadowbrook field for the - • *»4--G • Mondays each month' The match between Cambridge nm- polo match between teams representing A.O.F. K.P. hall at 8 M I**a verslty and Kan*iplhlfe Was drawn, the United States und England for -pos­ FOR SALE—Hens, Rhode Island Rrds court meets first and third Wednei" session of the International > cup, now and Buff OrplngtonB. Apply 301 I-Hl- liekl in this country. Tonight the turf mor street. *~-G Court Kootenay Belle nu has been mown and rolled to billiard FOR SALE—Airedale puppies. Price Si.*;. 2nd and Ith, Frldaya table smoothness aod tke players are io Apply George'XvIs, Perrys, B.C. •I7-12 A TOP-NOTCH^HASD good form. - C«.F. s P. Hall, Essie Bio FOR SALE-Three good saddle ponies. Apply E. Peterson, Crescent Valley. CLAN J&HNSTONK'2U meeta In I., Daily Ntwi "Want" Adt, Oat Results _,_ . ? «-2 r, hall first and third Friday,. • p. PAOC SEVEN (cd TUESDAY JUNt «. ci* _WlB&**.

and several cars were ditched. This engine lg supposed lo haul 30,000 feet of logs to a trip, making one trip a Phone 10 day. Kootenai) and Boundary The firm of Christian &. Jones, con­ These Splendid Values tractor- and builders, have dissolved partnership and the business wll] be For Monday and Tuesday Should The Star Grocery Co. continued by A. K. Jones. The enrollment at the public schools for the month of May wag 4__ and the Be a Great Shopping Attraction Store of Quality FIRE RAGING HUNDRED AND FIFTY average attendance 364-03, or 81.25 per cent. The enrollment at the manual NEAR GLENBANK MEN ENGAGED training Bchool for the same munth JUST RECEIVED <__ was 89. Girls' White Lawn The city band gave Its UBuai Sunday Misses' and Wo­ Forty Man Ar* Fighting Flams*— Improving Great Northern Track Near afternoon open air band concert ;it the Dresses Scarcity of Leber U Unusually Salmo—Gsn«reus Contributions . hand stand in front of the government men's Wash Toward New Church. building. A bargain at. .$1.45 Mrs. W. B. McFarlane and children Dresses 'Special to tht Dally Newa.) (Special to Tha Dallv News.) left on Saturday for the const. Mrs. Girls' Whits Liwn Dresses, with nVETONSPOTATOES GLE3NBANK, B. C- June ..—The SALMO, B. C, June ..—The steam McFarlane will attend as a delegate Dutch neck, short sleeves and Reg. values to $6.50, to first serious bush fire of the sea-son shovel and 60 grave] cars, to be used the provincial meeiing of the Rebekah tucked waist; collar and cuffs is raging immediately north and east In gravelling the Great Northern track. lodge, as well »» the provincial con­ trimmed with Swiss Insertion; ths sell for $2.95 WHICH WE WILL SELL AT pf the -settled portion of Olenbank, cov­ came into Salmo on Saturday after­ tention of the W.C.T.U., at New West­ skirts are pleated and hava deep ering, it Is estimated, not less than 200 noon and started to work tbe same minster, after which «h will spend a hem. In sizes to suit 8 to 14 This it the greatttt offering evening. About 150 men will he en­ P acres of fruit lands owned chiefly _y month with friends before returning. years. this season, and on* that should Munro & Hewitt of Winnipeg. gaged In this work during thu present meet with a ready response. Brigadier and Mrs.. Oreen of Van­ PER 100 The origin of the fires, which were summer, A Leader Monday and Tuesday They ars New York styles, in E. B. Flnnessy, general track mnster couver will visit Cranbrook on June Ginghams, Zephyrs, Fancy first noticed l«»t Tuesday afternoon, 14 and 1ft and conduct services at the at $1.45. Is unknown. A crew of 40 men have °f the Great Northern, came in on the Muslins, Percales, ate. Coma gravel train on Saturday. Salvation army quarters on Hansen POUNDS been pressed Into service by R. M. street. in stripes, checks, Fancys and 75C Baird, district fire warden, and are A grant of $500 hag been received self colors. One-piece style*, dolng all in their power to head off the by Rev. Mr. Gillies toward a building K. Chapman returned on Friday from White Muslin Under­ with Gibson pleats or cross­ conflagration, which threatens the fund for an English church to be built a business trip to Spokane. over bodice, with trimmings of thick timbers bordering the Kooskan< In Salmo. Many generous contribu­ Mrs. A. B. Morton nnd children nre shirts Swiss Embroidery, reversed kaax creek. Only one building has as tions have already been received, visiting Mrs. J. L. Walker. materials or fancy buttons. S. G. Newell of Nelson Is spending yet been destroyed—a stable adjacent among which are: J. Billings, $100; <*. To sell for 65c Mostly elbow sleeves and round a few week in the city in the In­ to the camp owned by the Quance J. Archibald, $50; Cellar company, 8 or square necks, finished with terests of the Excelsior Life Insurance Women's Underskirts, made Star Grocery Co. Lumber company. $50; G. Kennlngton, $50, various styles in cuffs and col­ company. from good quality White L.iwn, Difficulty In securing men for the Mr. Barclay, the MeadoWa rancher, lars. All colors to choose from. Harold Stephens and W. M, Harris with deep flounce tucked, and late spring ranch work, as well as for and daughter Mary paid a visit to Sal­ Regular values to $6.50. mo on Saturday. left this week-end to attend the grand finished with lace. Phone 10 clearing contracts, building and road- lodge of thc I.O.O.F. at Nanaimo, B. C, On Sale Monday and Tuesday making has been more apparent this Ft. B. Bell, W. Mcintosh and J. Very Special, Monday and Tues­ for $2.95. spring than at any time In the past. Crowther drove to Vmlr nn Friday eve­ Mrs. W. P. Do ran left this week for a five months vacation in the east. day Only, 65c. The foremanship of the government ning to attend a meeting (,f the Ma­ sonic lodge. The third degree was Mrs. W. F. Gurd and family left on road work has been given to Samuel Thursday for Vancouver, where thoy Reld, sr., who, with a small gang of conferred on one member and after the SUMMER business of the lodge wa_, completed will reside. Imperial Bank of men, all that are available, has started Mr. and Mrs. IT. White left on Sat­ Embroidery Flouncing and Allovers 'the season's operations. The Crescent supper was nerved to about 12 mem­ drive has received some attention, and bers. urday for a vacation nt the cnaBt, The city band will give a lawn so­ Reg. values to $1.00, to sell for, />/} •Work is now being done on Shake­ W. R. Salisbury and family an 19U. Final return limit Oct. SI, through to Galena bay by the end of All chance for high waler Is now GOLDEN, B. C, JunG ..—Much im­ Mil. the month, and Mrs. Jackson's gang past and the Salmon river, which has portant evidence relating to labor eru­ Liberal stop-over privilege!. will then be brought back and begin reached the highest point for years, ditions In this district was brought It is HUH Time Tickets'and all Information may to carry it south from here toward Is now rapidly lowering down to nor­ before the labor commission at a ses­ be obtained from any C. P. B. agent Nakusp, and another crew will be put ma] again. sion held In Golden on Friday after­ or write on to carry It north from that point. Garnet Pair, assistant engineer In the noon. Those testifying were James The road is being built on a 4 per shingle mill, and J. P- Mclnnis have Henderson, a builder and contractor, 4. V. MURPHY, cent grade, but the work now being left.for Sheep creek to>do assessment and J- M. Carroll, an old-timer in East District Passenger Agent, Nelson, done is only preliminary to the making work on the former's claims. Kootenay. i.e. of a standard wagon road. The pres­ C. I, Archibald, manager of the Sal­ Mr. Henderson said that labor was ent specifications call for a track but mo Cedar compnny, left for Victoria more plentiful In the Golden district four feet wide—the object being to eg on Tuesday. this year than In the 1>""t 10, Ho at­ tabllBh the grade an(] make It easy to Mrs. P. Campbell left last week for tributed this to the large influx from put on gangs at a number of points Moose Jaw, where she will spend n points on the prairies and the coast. Jlasnn $c itsrlj {Iianos next year. month's visit wilh her dunghter. TOMATO PLANTS! Thc witness suld thai he favored si "FROM FACTORY TO HOME" Earllanna and Garden Giant, $1.00 The lako here hns risen over three scheme whereby the government would per 100; $7.00 per 1*000. have control of employes' compensa­ 17 WESTERN BRANCH STORES feet the past week and has now reach CRANBROOK NEWS BUDGET CAULIFLOWER ed the average high' water mark of tion and also -Approved legislation that Autumn Giant, 70c per 100. would provide a universal (Jlglit'-flbur the end of June. All the driftwood (Special to Ths Dally News.. No maliir what prlfo ynu pay for a Mason Brussels Sprouts. 50c. and logB on the banks are afloat and CRANBROOK, June 8.—Mr. Dudley, day with a minimum of $33 per diem • ' BEDDING PLANTS the tatter are being gathered up by international secretary of the Rail­ for common laborers, lie did not think jit Rlach Plnno, it is always reasonable, for 20c dozen or 6 dozen mixed $1.00. the mill steamer und Mr. Boyd's road Young Men's Christian associa­ the eight-hour day should bo mad,, to QUA1-1TY is tho only clement that enters Asters, Stocks, Zinnia, snapdrag. launch, which brings in about 125 logs tion, spent a couple of days in Cran­ apply to farm workers. There was INTO the price, I The plumber was called when tho bath ons, Loblla Candytuft, CalllopslB, a certain class of men available for I leaks or the faucets are out ot order. a day and has a large boom here ready brook this week and looked over the lu Mason .t Blsch Pianos, Wo havo Incor­ Verbina, phlox, petunia, etc. for the tug. local building, recommending several thia work from which the supply could I No end of damage may ensue, Best tn be drawn, he said. porated all that's beautiful and _ood—all the I take time by -the forelock and antici­ W, 6, KENNEDY A gay party of about a dozen ladles alterations and improvements, possible quality that tends to produce a hlgh- pate disaster by having- faulty plumb- Willow Paint Nuraariaa. and gentlemen went to a dance at •Reports coming tn town over thc J. M. Carroll touched on many mat­ urado Instrument. I jng attended to at once. Wo do first* Beaton In the launch. wires are to tho effect that tho citizens ters, among which were those of san­ I .laes repair work as well as new Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Oliver of Leth­ of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, are dyking itary conditions In lumber camps anil I Plumbing, and guarantee every Job. bridge have been here for a week. to keep the high water out of their the necessity for safety switches on |, )ur workmen are sober and rellahle, 10. M. Slmonson, saskatoon, Sask.; town. logging railways. He suggested that MASON & RISCH LIMITED Theodore Giles, Port AlbernI, and M. Dr. Maxwell and wife of Fort Steele changes be made in tho Truck act that 407 BAKER STREET NELSON, B. C. hnd our charges moderate for thc claa* would make centralization of capital [it work. Best, Phoenix, arrived on Thursday. were in the city on Wednesday after­ W, B. Cochran, Grand Forks; Ncall noon. less likely. The witness referred t<> Murray, Kamloops; B, W. Bowden, Se­ The funeral services over the re­ the recent abolition of the poll tax und K. STRACHAN attle, and J. Bendls, Tunnel, B. C, ar­ said that while he favored Ua partial Mi^ __* mains of the lntc Cari Johnston, who repeal sonic plan shotlld have heen bAKER STREET NEL8 rived on Saturday. died as a result of being thrown from devised whereby It could still be levied Almost the requlslta number of ap­ Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Graham of Win­ his motorcycle on Monday night, was nipeg, who arrived Saturday week, are held in the Baptist church, and the on foreigners, who pay no taxes, and plications has been received, hut for still here, as are Mr. and Mrs. J. R remains worn sent by the westbound who, in his opinion, entailed half lhe the benefit.of those residents of near­ Bremner of Ymlr. flyer In his home In the states. Mrs, expense In the maintaining of law and by towns who desire to join, the char­ .Tohnson and s"n and tho deceased's order. Sullivan Machinery Co'y ter will be kept open a few days brother, A. A. Johnston, accompanied The commissioners who Sat here the remains. were H.. O. Parson, chnlrmnn; J. A. Rock Drills Air Compressors longer. Arrangements have "been made To Make Hair Quickly Mackelvlo, A. M. Harper. John Jar- with tho C.P.R. for/special rates by The institution of the Fernip lodge of the Loya] Order of Mons last Mon­ iline and K R- McNamara. Commis- Diamond Drills Quarry Machinery rail and boat for the day of Initiation. Disappear From Face e sinnur Stoney having been detained In day evening under the direction of W. LARGE STOCK OF DRILLS AND PARTS CARRIED IN NELSON. Applications received nnd any infor­ M. Erler of Cranbrook, who is district Victoria. organizer for the sunrom lodge, wan a Th?y were entertained while hero by V/RITE FOR PARTICULARS OF SULLIVAN STOPER. mation In regard to the order may be (Aids to in-auly). e USED BY MOST OF THE MINING COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT. had at thc office of F. A. Starkey, local splendid success. The charter mem­ the Golden bonrd ui trade, automobile organizer. The beauty-detracting superfluous bership consisted of 124 members, trips being made to many points of AGENTS— Summer Homes growths of hair on a woman's face eryone of the number being present intBK'st. They left at noon on Saturday can be quickly banished with a paste at the meeting. A MOO«Q lodge nrches. for Athalmer, wher0 they hold a ses­ The Nelson Iron Works, Limited Charter Fee $20. made by mixing powdered delatone and tra was formed prior to the institution sion on Monday. .Lockhart Beach water and applying to hairy surface and furnished tlie music. Among the for 2 or 3 minutes, then rubbing off. membership secured are three alder­ Kootenay Lilt. - B.C. This take8 with tt every trace of hair men nnd a number of the leading husl and after the skin is washed it will ness men of tlie city. Tf1(> officers are Summer Residence be clear and spotless. This delatone ns follows: Past dictator, Charles $30—$75 Underwood, L. C. Smith, Remington $30—$75 The Government of the Province treatment Is quite harmless and rnrely Olarldgc; dictator, T, uphill, president "All makes." Write •klet in colors and save Is more than one application necessary nf the miners' unlnn; viee-dlc.tntor. |50 to flit on any typow Rebullts have Identical of British Columbia will offer for Special to Th» nail* NAWS.} finish, wear Ukoand < t equal tu brand now •ale by Public Auction at Nelson, to remove even a stubborn growth. Jameq Anders: prelate, James Wilson; .For Sale secretary. Fred Vance; treasurer. Wil­ ELKO, B. C, June 0.—Provincial machines, •Ate* •*.- B. O, June 16th, a aub-dlvlslon To beautify eyebrows, rub a little e D Lake frontage, \_ miles from liam Mills; Inner guard. W. Wnrthlntr- Government Engineer Westcotl of CANADIAN TYP W 'TFR EXCHANGE, Dent. suitable for summer home, on the pyroxin on. Thi8 makes them grow •Nelson, Government Agent Alexander, famous Kootenay Lake. town. This is a pretty little °t*e- thick and lustrous. Applying pyroxin ton; outer guard, .Tame* Cla-'k; trus­ ,12, 543 Hastings W., Vancouver. atory house In A1 shape, having tees, Fire Chief MoDOUgal, J. Gnrley Fernie, and Ron'd Superintended Mc­ The Lota vary from about one at lash-roots with thumb and fore­ Nelsh, visited Bull River, Waldo, date- two bedrooms, large living room, finger causes them to grow long, silky nnd W. Simpson. At thn close of in­ quarter acre to two and one half kitchen, etc. itiation a soclul spread was entoyed. way and Roosvllle valley lust week and aoree. and the upset price haa been and curly. Use care and don't get any with the exception of Waldo the accepted m payment ot tuts in an> Ibe came to Nel**1 recently. Append!,- pyroxin where no hair 1» wanted. 1 litis and compile placed at 1100.00 and 1200.00 per lot. Fine, large veranda, with a beau­ Cranbrook I_oval Ornnee lodge No. bridges ore all safe and the rivers get­ "C the subdivisions fir-bund Elko, if her death at the Kootehay LakoGeh* on easy terms of payment. tiful view of the lake, being situated 1871 has definitely decided to celebrate ting down to normal once more. Society notes and Queen Bee meet* •ml hospital on Sulnr-hiy evening. Sho on a half an acre, planted with with the Creston lodge at Creston. Tt. ln«M In uur next. leaves a husband and a daughter, five Kootenay Lake, attuate In the young fruit trees of various vari­ Mrs. Anderson anri „ galaxy of grace years old. heart of the Selkirk range of the C. nn July 12. Tt l« understood thnt and beauty came down from Fernle eties. Eighty feet lake frontage. A Nelson and several other lodges will be Rooky Mountains, Is famous as a good boathouse gocg with the prop­ and picnicked nt the falls. summer resort, also for Its fishing, Expert present In full torce. The Creston nen- No mnn In Elk0 considers it much NELSON NEWS OF TBE DAT erty. A snap at $1,750; $500 cash, nle are arranging a program, which, In hunting and boating. balance eaay terms, of a feat to beat his wife playing curds. addition to the usual parade and Admiral Hobson fears that the Pan­ Say! Oar new Phone number Is tit. Write for particulars to: Gasoline The hospital directors will meet this Vacuum Cleaning company. Box 16l>. speeches, will Include athletic snorts of ama canul will not pay. Well, never evonlnft ai 8 o'clock at the hospital -0-t.. W. F. TEETZEL, C W. Appleyard all kinds. The Cranbrook lodge is mind; see what a lot °f fun you fel­ bulldtn-f. Government Agent, Nelson, B. C. IS K. W. C. Block. Engine completing arrangements for a spe­ lows have had building it. cial train of four coaches to convev Tliere will tic a meeting nr tlie Trades W. Cutler will hohj an auction sale of A. Cummlngs, P.U.S.. Fernie, and and Labor council at Miners l'nlon hall household furniture, etc., at th« auction Repairs their brethren nnd friend* to Creston. party of surveyors are subdividing the ut s o'clock tonight. room, G09 Ward street, ul -:.'» ihls after­ Beverley Keith 'eft on Saturday aft­ old Manning estate In the Roosvllle noon. 47-1 ernoon for Gflllowav to take a posi­ valley Into 10 and 20 acre tracts. The city treasury has been enriched FRESH STOCK OF tion with the Crows Nest Lumber com­ to tin- extent of J_i nml costs as tho re­ John Burns *_ Ron have pnrcliaaod the pany. .There's « young lady down Haynes sult of a tine Inflicti'il in Hi.' city police entire cut of lumber trom the Cooke I THORPE'S Ashton & Smedley lake way who is so fashionable that court on a drunk and disorderly charge. mills at Kaslo, and are moving; it by P. O. Be* 101 Phons Ml ,T. Telfer of Fernie. Canadian Pacific she wears one of ihem swell elastic barge to N'clson. Tliey have also re­ V _ DRINKS Northern 6 Dry Batteries The Nelson sittings or the provincial ceived one car of while oak, quartered railwav roodtnaster, spent Saturday in cot-sets that go over the head, "Ever and plain, from St. Louis. Miss. All the JUST ARRIVED this cltv, henr of 'em." royal coininisslon on uKrifiilluiv will !..*• above lumber is thoroughly weather Shooting Stnr, Crazy Hors and i-H'i-i at tin' city council chamber on dried. 45-8 The Canadian Pacific railway hns e Juiu» 21 at 7:H0 oVIot-k In tin- evening completed n new board walk from the Henp Much Shiver have a string of ami on June '-'l at 10 o'clock in the morn* ig. :• Jl s.; • - STRONGEST ON THE MARKET north end of the station platform to ponies in training at the reserve. To­ have been inadi the front of the Y.M.C.A. on Bnker bacco plains, for the July 1 celebra­ tary of the board of trade, al the re­ street. tion along the pass. quest or the secretary of the commission Golden Gem tuut a hail be secured for the meetings. Reporter Wanted Price 35c Each. A new walk Is being laid nround The famous Bradley-Martin hai] was JMMER PLANS. the front of the Royal hotel property cast completely In th-. shade by the The funeral of Mrs. Libby McCoy, wife Vacation tints will bo here be­ Adding Machine on Cranbrook street. dunce given at Hie Waldo hall. or J. P. McCoy of Nelson, took place Who can securd us information as tb R. H. Bohart nf Wardner spent a The Knllspeli orchestra supplied the yesterday from D. J. Robertson's un­ the building an,* engineering work go­ fore you know It. There's an music, a recherche supper was gob­ dertaking parlors, Hev. I'. W. King Of­ advantage In being prepared for couple of days In Cranbrook this week, ficiating. The deceased was bom in ing on in Nelson. We pay commis­ Elford Boat Co., Ltd. did also T. T. McVlttle of Fort bled up with much gusto and did great lilllhiiick, il.C, some '.ii yenrs ago but the vacation time, wall In ad- $15.00 credit to the reception committee. sion on information secured. No ex­ Builders of Launches, Rowboats Ac. Steele. lived most of her life in Washington, ' vance. In getting track of sum­ Agents for flcrlpps, Hssard, Detroit. Honey back If not satisfactory. The traction engine of the KlnjJ About "0 couples tripped the light fan­ perience necessary. mer homes ln the country, In the tastic until the cold daylight splashed Gray <_> Doman Engines. Call an« examine. Lumber company, engaged In hauling mountains, at the shore, make logs from the other «lde of Wj-cllffe through the windows. It was theswel- Factory: Foot of Ward St Livery: lest blowout Waldo had *p'-n since [ | Tour plana early- Foot of Josephine fit. Phone LIU. Pi 8. HALL to the local -mill, mAfe: with* (ftl accident R. L. AUSTIN Si THE DAILY Phone any hour of the day or night while turning** enrW nt Slntervllle, Rmplre day. SMMLOM for launch trln P.O. Box Mt. Nslson, B.C. '•Tainted money" will b-j cheerfully auichly Rtopa couBhu. cure- colds, nnd h-_1_ BVH WANT ADS. just close \a i^tnHl. when /'the #nglno •he throat and lungs. i> « **9 -<*nu 121 £jlmc_o St., Toronto, ont. PACE EIGHT ] %t(lj» jfcrto-. TUESDAV JUNE 10.

IELSOAHEWS0FHEDAY POULTRY MATCHES Do You Know? StarlandTheatre Houses That after Ira veiling oyer a goud bit of the world that »'e are able lo SPECIALS offer you a M-i'riiun of Jewelry, DYER'S STARLAND ORCHESTRA Grit and Shell Boxes, Drlnkll Vie If. Ray Noiseless watclje-ri, B1IVill.:». 107 MiiieB road, six rooms, bath- The Love Chase The Brackmatt Kt rootn a"d -tune bascmi-ni —$22.00 Crown Derby *i«ud comedy pictures are rare, but C. A. Benedict 1002 Front Street, nix rooma, Milling Co.. Limltel thi-- one lifts tbc mark.. TJii.s livi- Josephine St. bathroom UUd range $25.00 rec| offcriii-; lel!n ;, very di-li^ntfnl • 11"«. • atory. Kmii'* (ntereBtiDt. vlewn ot 51. Kootenay Street, four targe Niagara P_lli hnd n'Oiif • fn»m Uie Horn, on .Sunday, .httic R, to Mr. and rooma and bul broom $20.00 faraoue ainger building ore includ­ Mrs. 10. U. MeNi-llly of Nelson, a ed in lhc plclurea. daughter. Copland's Auction Sale Building Tmie Is Here Daily Daily "Want" Ads. Got Recult3. Ilebnsen Street, eight rooms and but broom, threp lots with frnlt \ 8EE US FOR PRICE. Tliere will int a mooting of the library tr_e $35.00 on .all kinds ef directors this evening at _:U o'eloek iii a Auction Room 009 Ward Street. tlie library rooms. Imp. Drama BUILDING MATERIAL China Tuesday, Junv 10, 2:30 o'clock. Six-roomed flat on linker Special attention to Mt off town Oi A. McKurlane „t Nakusp reached TRY OUR Street $25.00 '"THE 6EE-SAW OF LIFE" ConslstlDg of tables, chairs, sidu- Nelson ou I lie coast train laat night and work and r****—•*• registered at the -Strathcona. W0 aro th. I**lfl-J CllanH People; Through tho tender tiiiliixirntioiiH of lards, bnliy buggieH, dreawhig tables, Store In Uriel-. Block on Raker Seo llio benulii-' of oar f*un«uiul- , Salvation Ami-- lasa society cheat of drawers, onr^ets- aewing ma- 5 ; a Waters & Pascoe •lorn, at the Kooienay Lake Maternity ICE CREAM Street $6 -°° iiign iiirougji a iu*i.-m Binocular. leader was saved from degradation. chinoM, Healers, -prookfiry and linwnre, In'; ij'lal, on Jane 7. to Mr. and Mrs. .1. throe nilKuioii oak dining chairs anil BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR! O. Covington of Sloean City, a son. Made dally on tlio premlBOgj only W Invite your insi»ectlon, pure cream aibl the best fruit and 0 two ml-sloji tnbjcsr '.'hntham Incuba- Offic. and Factory: The monthly mooting of tbo Nolson tor, bedsteads, Bprlngs, mattreaseH, etc. FRONT STREET flavor-* UB_d. For home une, phone Gnumo.-; Comedy board or trade win be hold on Thurs- your order for any ijtiaiitily. TMItAIK: CASH, day evening next at 8 o'clock. "SIMPLE S|MON" The KnlghtS or Pythian will hold fl Choquette Bros. The laugh Jumps out of thi- picture regular meeting tonight in Castle hall, H. & N. Bird Bakers and Confectioners. J. 0. Patenaude wlii-ii reports of delegates to ibe maud lOdge will bo delivered. Makers of High Grade Pastry, Nelson. B. C. Manufacturing Jeweler, Watchmak­ AS COOL AS Al Nelson, B. C. ADULTS 15c. CHILDREN 10c. W.CUTLER Miss Madelon t'\ .llOllUOn and MltfH er nnd Optician. Nellie Annable will leave this morning CUCUMBER for (irainl I'.ii -1 ~ .-• to take tiai'l In a musi- Auctioneer • iil cut'rtalunieiit lo be In Id in that city. < !d suylng). ' We have lhe Cucumbers, 25c each.| TO"special meeting or tile llr.iltiefhood Wu ul»o have a cou| store on i of Carpenters is called ror tomorrow cool corner; Jn Wet, tivcrylhlnj*: inl evening al 7*:» o'clock In Miners' mion DRINKS FOR SUMMER lhc store in fresh unu rendy to do-r ENO'S FRUIT SALTS-Per bottle 85c •part lo your homo in exchange fori Unequalled for General Use, MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE—Per bottle 40c nn.l 76c FRUIT SYRUPS collateral in the ttvtn <*f lawfun money -if Canada, ur If ymi ure off GRAPE JUICE—TOP NOTCH-Per bottle 40c anil 7Dc -,'ood character you can i*-1 credit J LYON'S OLD COUNTRY LIME JUICE CORDIAL—Qt. bottles COc WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF PURE KRUIT JUICES AND SYRUPS THAT MAKE AN IPEAL AND h'Ut" not ns milch a** lhe bile J. PI LEMONADE iPOWDER—Per/tin _0 Morgan w:«s ready tu Blvr* in the| THIRST-QUENCHING DRINO FOR WARM WEATHER. LAURENTEA MILK—Suitable fop pampers 10c and 20c aha|>u of iiiUMon-doLliir cucquofl, Toduy we also offer— THE GREAT llrookfleld Under, 3 U.K. for.,..76«| A IRVING & Cn SUPPL'Y HOUSE Welch's Grape Juice Raspberry Vinegar Strawberries, •)_,• Imx 26c*] J • •**•• **» * *il« Ot VU. Raker St. Phone 161 Boiled Hum, per lb. W. P. TIERNEY, General Sake Agent. Tho expressed juice of Spanish grapoo in this An invigorating fruit flavor, unexcelled in quality. A few cans of liloliKarry M»!i!o_ mart palatable state. Recognized as tho standard of Nelson, 8. C. Price 35c. Syruii at, jicp can ' Care shipped to all railway point*. family thin evening at s o'eloek in the all Grape Juices. Price 40c and 75c. panors ot Trinity Methodist church un­ Joy will .meet you nt.the, door al der the auspices oi' the ladles of tho Mrs. A. Momeret .Mil leave oti the fiiiip ii. A musical program win bo Lime Juice IH SI", und the poKta'Sidon of the cup, unit purchaser- owner will cuuuld-| gctlos," "Krank Bleb Minstrel Maids." iiiK in the Conservative club rooms al which is now held by the !*o l*"1' present nt the meeting. cr*l-u„e fur '>n0 year. Hand Spray Pumps, $1 each on Thursday, June 12. for oho year. ... Ladies' Aid "f tho Methodist church will hold n reception 1" honor Miss Cecil Mo-fat, In lho nhsojice of HOPE TO SHIP CAR if the Rov, Mr. Nixon and Mrs, Nixon, Mrs. Moffat, poijred ten at the tennis Rutherford Drug Co. Rossland News dr. Nixon succeeds Mr. Kinney us court on Balurday afternoon. LIMITED *»GEM OF M'INTOSH RED idstor of ihe Mothodlst church. Western Provinces At tho police court on Saturday Ward St. Nelson, B.C. Ventilation perfect. Temperature ROSSLAND; B.C., Juno U.-ilrs. J. M Prank Vucksloh, cm remand from l"H- Two Ronatfl Rnnches Promise Big Mcnomiid ii-rt on s lay night for ai da.v, wan found guilty of theft and Bon- Co-operative Realty Co.] SELECTIONS ORCHESTRA Production of This Variety of Ap­ oxtonded visit to oastorii cities. tencod to three month. Imprisonment. 7Ya// News 0. II. Oivon drive to Trait on Monday ' Limited ples, Says Union Manager, afternoon un IHI^MHSS. — The nionthty meeting of tho radios' Lubin Special Fcaturo in Two Thr reKiilar Ill.mllilv meeting of (In club took placo nn Hnturduy in the Phone 188 McCulloch Blooll A carload of Mcintosh Red apples, W.C.T.lf, will ho iiostpoiied until fur- Parts lOltr, club rooms. After Lho rojriilnr order fSpeclnl to The Hnllv Newii.l which would bo tlio first slrulglii ear or buslncffs wns Kone through wilh, A HIT tii.' evening taorvlco lit I lie Ttt.MI-. B.C.. .Iiihe fi.-lir. J, VV. Coffin P, O. Drawn-. 1107, N.lion, B. C. of lhia variety ever made up In Koot­ Sueroil lliari ehureh mi Sunday lho lhc Collowlni,* officer** wero elOoUd for nnd wire of lto;-Hlnud dn. <\vh t Ladles' Altar society and file Knights Tt-j.ii on Sunduy afternoon. NEW Heroes, One enay, will ho bundled by tin- Koot­ nf Columbus hold a reoeptfon in ibe the coming term: prcBidettt, Mrs, ll. It. TmvnseiKl; vlee-|ireHidclit, Mi'n. Tho feti- which was lo llli.. .lieo n hclil enay Fruit Growers' union al Renata K. of c. hail tor tlio archdeacon. in lho Trail link oti June Is by tho An absolutely now Uno 'it _ooda If the presi-nt QXCOllon' prusiierls nre There were Ti candidates cohflrmcd at S. 1!. Heoll; Hecrctary, MisH P.. IDIderj Women's auxiliary, of Ht. the Sncreii Heart Church -oa Sunday Ainlivw;. Daily News "Want" Ad.. G.t Resull wc nre carrying from now ,,n. and All treasunr. Mlsn J. stewtirt; librarian, church lias been postponed. moiniii*,' l.y Arclnleaeon ('imey. This la Mr. nml Mrs. P. J. Hall, wjio have Tlieyrume In yesterday. A thrilling picture, which tGB.ts thq tho first eunflrniatlon held hero in two Mrs. H. W. Atkinson; assistant libra­ licet] residents of Troll for the Jinst (hn-c rian, MIBH (1. Martin; cxceiillve e"m- yi-ars, left on Monday evening for Nel­ Tuilei soaps of a!i descriptions. real bravery uf many and displays Miss .M:ni..n Martin of Vernon, who son. Daintily perfumed for dedicate tho quick wit of » pretty telephone Is ia town to attend the Bsjinuy-Moffolt mlttco, Mosditmes Cornish, boinpste'r, Nelson Opera House ivfddhtg, is the gucHt of Miss Marjory Doschnmps, Langford und flneott. It •Inniis llat'iter of Russia ud visited skins. opera lor. Trail on Monday. June Once More Moffatt. was det-Ided ly close, lhc bTub for lho Mis. .1. It. Maclougall vlslletl Trail oti l-ook at thq window a Tew ar The regular monthly meeting or th.- Vita graph Comedy Ronlruul hiKin! of trndii will lie hold ill aummer months a»d reopen the first Monday, being the guosl of Mrs. I_. \v. there. .Many va l'l olios ,,*' u„. Ijcsl r the pecroltary oa Tuesday, Saturday in September. llii/.lewnod. Sln\ li-ft for her home III T|m Matrlmuiilul -Month. "'THE MAN HIGHER UP" Special Matinee nt :liM makes are here. Some if lhe va­ Mrs. .]. s. Deschaimjs will nol rc- Nolson on thr evening " IlU il ,0 rieties are Ro Bluab, Violet, r.i*.i: John Bunny, llughoy Mack, Prank Moran loft oil Monday evening Nu need to "t i »t lowl sc This afternoon at 1 o'clock celvo mi Thurailuy und hot again until for his home lu New York stftto. He Savon Rose, Peroxide, l*'ncinl Bogps, Kate Price and Harry T. Moray, fori Wedding 'liria. JUBI I*>1 This will litlto tha wrinkles oul of lhe flr.«i Thursday in Septombor, experts lo ho g'-ile uliolll a inonlh. uver uur sluek and yuu will fll etc. Fre,. samples. Those who ask PAUL .1. RAINEY Airs. J. A. Anderson ami daughter, von]- faces and wreathe them wilh Mrs. I.,. A. CArnph'ell, whn has been i.ornhi. arrived hi Trull on Saturday that we can satisfy the most '-J will obtain dainty samples. KOOTENAY LAUNCH CLUB ; S Hill Hen. Visiting in Simkaiie fOr.'tho P '- l tvw evening from Spokane. Tliey were in- UclillK tllHleH. f When you want yOUr toilet •_"'•'• |» Members are warned ttlia*. the days, bus rohirncd. oompnnli'd by Mrs. A. K. .Tessiin nml llon'i send out of lown. don't __'_ down lhe street. Jusl call "WARWICK CHRONICLE" .1. Casey left nil I'Hduy morning fof son of Vancouver. African Hunt river 1H still rising mid that it few can save yuu money right hel in. (I. F. Chapman left nn Mmiibiv eve- . A good special, more feet will float the Mat- Ireland via the Hreat Northern. lihig for a three weeks' visit to Iho and give yuu ubuulutu saliafal houses and walks clear of t'Hj pil­ I". li'-mii'iix, ,T. Mcl,eod, W. D. l"*r»HH eniist cities. While a wuy he will at­ tlon. and H. Clomng left on Kalnnlaymoriii tend tin' convention or the A.P fi A.M. ADMISSION 15c CHILDREN 10c Picture ing. They are ihercroro re-ju-slod lodge to be held In New Westminster. to look after tiioir own boathouaes, Wednesday, at !* i>.m„ n Adults SQc. Children 25c. especially those located on Lhe outer PUBLIC HANCE walks. C. A. Drake Co Al Nelson Bout & launch Co.'s Toni-jlit'at 8:30 lty o,der: J. J. Walker 911 Stanley Streat pavilion. Lord Chesterfield Reserved 50c. Gen. Admission 25c. UHAKD Ql? aoVWHNt")ItS. Box 974 Phone 101 Dents 50c, Ladle's Preff. Jeweler and Optician Said: Baker St. Nelfon. B.l Linoleum, Rugs "A man should dresc at*- well, and in | House Heating the same manner, is tho people of We Have sense and fashion nf the placo whore and Shades Think of It nuw and you can have ho is: if h** dresses more than they he "Cheapest rn th. City." It next winter. For Sale -Vi; the is a fon; if he dresses less, he is un- for Rent pardonably negligent; but of tho two, TWENTY-ONE (21) LOTS, BOUNDED BY GORE AND Mill Street — Six-roomed t hou«i The Ark B. C. Plumbing & Heating Co. a young fellow should be rather too on corner, 3 bedrooms, -bath and INNES, HALL AND HENDRYX STREETS. ON CAR LINE. all cohvcnicncog '...•* New and Second Hand Furniture for prices, much than too little dressed; the ex* Phona L395 806 Vernon St OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Victoria Stroet—Cottngo, 4 rnnmrj EASY TERMS, $2,100. cess of that side will wear off, with a Nelson, B. C. P.O. Box 485 Phons 181 and bath, dose In and commandj little a_* a"d reflection." ing fln0 view >...... |20.0 Rallwnv Street—Cottage, S r"omal With Fit-Reform as you mooitor, you SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, BOUNDED BY LATIMER STREET, r bntif axiA jiantry, cerhent ba*laj will always be dressed in perfect lasts. ment n'rij fin largo rirtiindiJ |2l KOOTENAY STREET AND MINES ROAD. MODERN, HOT c Fit-Reform sanctions only what is correct These figures include water rates! Lawn Mowers WATER HEATING. THREE LOVELY LOTS IN HIGH in style, design, pattern, effect. All the STATE OF CULTIVATION. FIRST - CLASS LOCA*LITY. IF VOU WANT THE MOST SATISFACTORY LAWN MOWER essentials of fashion and t-iiloring are un­ MADE IN CANADA BUY A EASY TERMS , $3,300 conditionally guaranteed by the Fit-Reform trade mark in every garment. Several very desirable dwelling^ WOODYATT HIGH WHEEL In different residential *__ctlon_.

WE CARRY THIS MAKE IN 14, 16 AND 18 INCH. Auk us for full particulars or le| WE CAN ALSO SUPPLY THE "GREAT AMERICAN" BALL-BEARING Have Two Furnished Houses to Rent i Summer Suits in Endless Variety his show you the houses. —THE BEST AMERICAN MACHINE—17 INCHES. $15 to $35 Wood-VaDance Hardware Co. Ltd. Chas. F. McHardy Emory & Walley St Denis & Wholesale and Retail. Nelson B. C. BAKER STREET, NELSON, B.C., Lawrence HAMILTON TORONTO VANCOUVIR WINNIPEG FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, Clothiers and Hatters M.CUIIM* JMMlMi -_.~-'np.----.- -•••—. - EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE.