v£ EIGHT PAGES SO CENTS A MONTH Uailjj Sfc VOL. 12 NELSON. B. C. TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 10. 1913 TOO SOME OF THE DISTINGUISHED MEN HONORED BY THE KING ___1TUHL. | T m GRANT ALLOTTED Time for Marriage of Chur­ ToA.k Property Owners to Extraordinary Weather Being Twenty-Seven Thousand for ches, Says Pastor. Pay Half Paving Cost txperienced in East. British Columbia. t ilO SACRIFICE SATISFIED WITH FEAREO DAMAGE 5IR JOHNSTON* CABINET MINISTERS, OF PRINCIPLES BITULITHIC METHOD ' FOftBE..- 51ft_LD.rRENCH, :***V&41---W WILL BE IMMENSE TO TOUR WEST Edward 8rown Not Proud ofCemen t Trust Invites Com­ BAPTISM LOSES Injury to Garden Produce Three Ministers Will Visit Vinancial Record--Dr. mittee to Take Trip to CHURCH MEMBERS and Trees-Cold in Coast— Premier May Go Grant Manager. the Detroit Streets. New York, to London. Pactor Urges Recognition of Associate Membership—Convention Insists 'telR - EDV*V. A 5l*\oMER*60UtN, OCN. SIR V..©.*- on Retaining Ceremony, r_i s r '• fBy Pally News Leased Wire.) I Postponement of considerationpfthe tjHAFER BART; " H.C'_M.G.^ -QS3Mk fRy Dally Nows Leased wire.) my Dailv News Leased Wire.) (liy Dally News I_c_se*_ Wlr*.)' TORONTO, June 1).—Rev. David street paving bylaw, which colls for MOOSE JAW, KHHI-,, Juno 0—A Tult-'NTtt, June fl.—Tho wealher OTTAWA, June ..—The minister of Christie «r Winnipeg, who has not been lho expenditure, of $10,000, 0n wliich locally since the thunderstorm on agriculture, acting on the advice Of specially strung for church union In tho Interest and sinking full(, „ro to question of mon- moment to the Bap- On his birthday King Goorge conferred numerous titles, nnd not leist l-'riday night lias not been warm, a C. C. James, ex-deputy minister o_ the pant, mado u striking speed) on be met out of Hie genera) revenue of llst church than any other was among the honored ones wera dieting uisho-d man from the Dominion. chilly wind from the north and ogrlculturo for Ontario, .who has been thc question n't tlio meeting of the tbe city, for the permanent Improve­ bron-'hi Up at yesterday's session, northwest serving to keep tbo torn- engaged by the government to admin­ general assembly today, 11 had been ment of linker sired, in order that Uie -when the matter of associate member­ perature down. The mean for tlio ister the annual grant for aid to feared, lie aald, that the holding of question of currying out the work as ship' was considered. Tho Itev. Mr. whole day was only *ls degrees, III agriculture under the vote of $10,000,- thc great Pros by Ierliin congress at­ a local improvement on the feufe of a payment of 50 per cent of the com More Destruction by Morgan of lhe I'lrst Baptist church. Toronto the highest poini reached by 000 passed thi* HCSSIOQ, has announced tended by vwry member of tbo de­ by the property owners immediately Saskatoon, along yvbh Bay. A. E. Hay- lhe details us to the spending of the nomination would huve, thc effect of tho thermometer was 58, and during affected and 50 per cent by the city don, also of .Kusl,:itoint, gave arguments money this year. The total appro­ strengthening the denominational tho night the mercury dropped us a whole, might*'be gone hilo, wns for ussoelute membership, stating thai priation io be distributed among the spirit. Methodists had said tu bim io -ll. frost mude an untimely ap­ decided upon by lhe city council last Militant Suffragettesit wa s lo aceommoilale thOSO who did pearance «ui Saturday night. Light provinces during the current fiscal thnt Ihey believed the congress might nut like the baptismal ceremony of year Is ffi00,000. Ontario's share on have this effect. The result hud not night. touches were general over llio pro­ 'I'imt th property owners pn Baker the Baptist church, but who could at vince, and In Toronto a ground frost lho per capita I-a ids Is $17fi,733; Que­ borne out these anticipations. Tho fi tho same time give ample evidence of street should bo called on* to pay 50 of about half a degree was experienc­ bec, $130,482; Nova Hcotla, $34,28*; 'thought left on llnj mind by the con­ (By Dally News Leased Wire.) Christian living and belief. One per cent of the cost of ihe work,' Uie have acted as adviser in tin- suffra­ ed. Reports from outside points In­ New IJruiiHwIcIf, $8.1.00; British Co­ gress wns that the church was a LONDON, Juii, 0.—Thp "arson church m particular, at hi Ike, was on payments to be spread over a term of gettes In their campaign, Little In­ dicate a recurrence again ttiis morn­ lumbia, $37,884; Manitoba. $31,730; •grout fight in:? force, and that tin squads'' of the militant suffrage lies record through Its pastor thai two- years, was considered a fair division terest wan slunvn by the public In lhe ing, although this district escaped. SaskateiTowan, $84,-06; Alberta, $26,- powers opposed to It wcre entrench­ have once more become very active. Ibirds uf Its membership bad been lost of Ui cost liy the council, but the trial. Then, wai a big array of coun­ Tlie official forecast for tomorrow 004, Half of Hie appropriation tor ed und prepared to fight lo the last. 0 Beside lhe $70,000 fire ut the Burst through Its baptismal ceremony. No­ method of employing the frontage 'ax sel when the cftSo opened. Sir John each province Is lo he paid at once ]f the ehureh wos a great fighting park race track last night, they -de­ ticing thai in every case ihere was a Indicate, warmer conditions will pre­ system was left open. Some aldermen Simon, thf. solioitof-genoraJj was lhe as soon IIK the agreements arc signed force, and if It find a real battle to stroyed this morning a boolhouse on real fellowship with lb ehureh, it was vail. favored the plan authorised under the lending barrister on behalf of the gov­ e by tlie respective provincial minister the death before It, 11 was obvious tho River Lea and also the grand- tho opinion of Rev. Mr. i'arme lhat new local Improvement act, passed at ernment. r nf agriculture. The balance will tie that it ought to get- together under stand at the North Middlesex cricket the question was nol 0, vital one to Snow in Montreal, the last session of the legislature, car- •laid as Koon an the federal govern­ one head. With reference to the re­ grounds. Tho flro at Hurst park was (fBy Daily Nowa Ixiased Wire.) •Ting on certain work OH a local Im­ ihe church, Thi„ opinion was con­ ment Is satisfied lhat the provinces ports from the union committee! of started in the royal 'box, the furniture Makes Voluntary Confession. MiiXTKI'AI,, June D. Snow foil provement, mid that if objections ore demned by the convention in a special an- properly upending tho money for •which thero were two, n majority re­ of which had been sut united with oil. (Ry Dally Now** Leaned Wire.) for a short time on the streets today, not entered within 30 days by 50 per resolution insisting on the ceremony. lho purposes Hpoclflcd. It Is provid­ port and a minority report, he waa The flames wer(, not extinguished un­ DONf'ASTlSH, jipigtand, Jun,. D.~ wbilo the li imperii l tire.-- recorded cent of tlie property owners affected, ed lhat the aid given to the provinces •dissatisfied with both, From an ex­ til J* o'clock ibis morning. Whilo tho examination of a servant reached from a minimum of 3ft In representing three-fifths of the as- ALDERMAN HAS SCHEME shall be mipplemonlary to the agri­ amination of those two documents il girl charged with an attempt to sot positions exposed to lho cold wind BOSHCd value, the work may be pro­ TO DIVERT RIVER culture voles now mude hy each pro­ Is clear thnt the minority had nol flro of Westfleld house wan proceed­ prevailing to 56 In the sheltered spots, ceeded with, tinder the old plan it Suffragette on Trial. vince, and ishall not In nny way cur- only prepared the minority report, ing today May Dennis, alias Lilian Severe Damage. was necessary for a petition signtiti liy fBy Dally News Leaned Wlre.l mv Dnlly Nawfl Leased Wlre.l tall present grants by tho provinces. but that il had nlso had far too much 50 per cent of the directly Interested LONDON, .Tunc 0.—The trial of the Linton, who was wanted by the police MI'IilHNI' MAT. Alia,. Jmn- 0.—AW, Quebec province and thc murll.ime in connection with ItloKew garden suf­ McClellan hns n movement on foot io provinces arc at present experiencing band In lhe- preparation of the ma­ property owners, representing three- suffragette leaders charged wilh con­ divert tlie Kii-*kat'-li--wtiii rivet" for I liree- The Manitoba and Saskatchewan jority report, lie had often in de- ftflliH of lhe assessed value, to be se­ spiracy under the Ma-lleloug Damage fragette outrages last February, caused Joinlng to lhe (Strangest weather Tor June that voles for this year Include the fol­ 'batc heard of the action of a lyrun- cured, mil this method presented dif­ lo Property act, began lodtiy at the a sens/Ulna by entering the court and 'oin1, i •i-till v thu has been known for many ye. lowing specific purposes! acknowledging that It w»s .she who ty by t .initio ; iont The W'liii,.
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