
MAY1 1992 t VOLUME 20 NUMBER 18 "> island 3 SECTIONS « PAGES


City adds sites to historical register Nomination procedure called unfair, Catch-22 By Dawn Grodsky ^llon Commlilee Instigated all the Staff Writer nointt allons and passed thetr Seven sites have been nomi recornii ndation to the Sanibe! mled to Sanibel s Rrgfstcr of His Planning Ctmmisslcn which in torlc Landmarks and while all of turn will forward thiir recom the piopertj owners said they mendatlon to the Sanibel Cllv were pleased to be recognized in Council o Hits manner several asked their vSmlmtlons were for "the nominations be postponed be Cumiuunlty House the Rutland U cause of development in the Graves th Beach House the worky Sinfbe] Community Church the According to the cUj s land dc o Shore Haven house (he Bailey velopment code no permits can ° store Miss Charlotta s lei Room be Issued during the nomination and \. i lyings Point process The Sanibel Community Church constructed in 1917, is one of seven Sanibel s Historical Prcserva " please see page 2A landmarks recently nominated ,lo the isl/md s historical register -^ Museum finally approved; July ceremony set By Dawn Grodaky the bridge w&j'd cost Staff Writer The museum ste off Sanibtl CaptKa Road The Bailey M-nthews Shell Museum uas is is located in the Interior Wetlands s ied Its developmei t permit Tuesday ind Conservation Districl where fill for ground balking ceremonies are scheduled for drlvewajs Is prohibited except for single fa£> Jul> 7 c ^ ily homes u >r^ Actor Klymond Burr and his business \ numl cr tA lt'f-npts to cinn^r'ho's s i partner producer Robert Bcucvidc^ vail it d irdb failed ind projCLt iiu, ^ s L iii i ! nd the ceremony Bolh nvn art fi t rrir- stead recently wstWrxu. tnc nVst ip i i r btrs of the shell nmsuim s bo ir 1 o ir istits IfOI iul a r boro ir\ c 3 Hi-Mrm n of the°f md £ Sc v. tl the orii. nal plars (cr j]n\ n J d^Ue ^ct tvie.tniiseuni\^lll he constn i|ti Museum tdimnl^fr Uor lit tin r Rtji 1 Vs \o one N iiigr> disappom tti rcsc i r r Khy ct id public oriented ev ert Is (!n d ar> of'hose things Eve^rneJb r ^!>1? c! n! d Tor \avi nber a Unit when, a I irj cr o ^et going We wanted (o do tl e nftht ih [ *, number of snj powers vjtfle <> i t'ie is! m 1 nd fitl o\tr the roaJbktcks in hi mu*-i i>.pr further details ngirdlng ciiht ceiemonv ti lions nimtur possible Ix-Ls. ct n vvi [i it have yet to be annotinrcd ld said The shell museum project h is been In the A rendering of the Bailey MfltUCjra Museum o i=ITTr museum should be open to the p iT>J c in works for six ye us and regarding the long Julvori993 she adn*ed though noted not all awalled development permit Reynolds sild scheduled for\o\cmbfrof l'JDl ind April and Thire Is no question ill board members ind the exlilblts will be completed bj thai lin^c Ma> ofthisjear she noted The 33 planned exhibits include she'ls of bteering committee members arc extremely Tlu permit was postponed niotnlj because enthusiastic about starting and ha\e been the projects developers tried to build an ac ganibel and Capttva —known JS the third oes* chomping at the bit for about three months ' cess driveway fnste id of (ht required pilirij shelling beaches in the world shells of Previous ground breaking certmonlcs^Aert. bridge when they discovered how muth morr * please soe page 2A Police request help apprehending island robber By MaiyJeanne McAvard her in a cho*c hold again Stajf Writer When she iskcd wh> he was dofng this the Sanibel police have asked fur public Irlp in suspect Ilegcdh, replied Mikes paying me a apprehending in unknoun mile whom thej 'ot of monev to O this Job ^ beliivc-His m\ohc1 in iht eailv Apil The susnect tnen p it the worrm in s in tsl^r burfiiir> of i West Guif Drive slnglt fiinfK t ttifj )n< closet anl ok1 her Tin! oc I * p r i'lncr and the robi t*\ ti a 76 \i u oil u n ^ n ii within K home 1 oilce found bo 1) phone* ,111 } t sr \ 11. -ding tr pol'ri reports i Hun Su ia ln r l d from Itn irj icks lut left in the bom > riKnilif! April i in Is an I \ a nan IVJVL Detectives are Investigate sevrral kads 1 I (V find fti unknown rn in s i idnuj in Inr fun this time and released the coii(>dsue skttch ll> ronin " tnd description of the suspect if fuflnc tin ir The woman lotieul te'evKions and \\d a n sfile rtcordcts tnt] bien imuvid from tlie* rhe suspect Is rirscrlbcd is 1 HIspaji e. ntik home When she confronUd theQinkno«n in his lite 20b to carlv. 30s five foot stven m 11 polite reports indfc ite he acted surjjrLsLd inches to five foot nine Inches tall with black ind iskcduhit she was doing tn re I -lir brown cya He does not ha\e i bcird or \t that Koiiil the suspect put tin uonnn in a I1 isldche cho! i hold and led h^r to a bedroom where 1 c At the time of the incident the suspect wore a white shirt tnd~black pan's directed her to He down r He covered her head with rlothrs am' Another man U'IO assisted the suspect Is r 'tn ti mo her i nkn iu.ii \, rpiMr (orairai - also sought However pollrc have nit released ti tl\ aisc in the hon L to LrliiL. 1 it i thf \ a dcscriplion'bf this s^sj3ect I s purse \A ads Include mmprous serviee worktrs ind contractor r"Iated persinnil who na\e he isp et rcwu 1 i sinji avtir jnt of 1 i i f \ £roi i the ,) ir i 1 s!u ! the v n in ftKfti tht v t ma 1 estimates abwl \\ i JI_S 1 r lier j( AL r» u line up IIHJ she n quested in the we kspr i shelj hiu le ! iiutlnve • pi* as-e, sot pjj^t. 1 \ Police have tlib composite sketea of the suspect f i i t jttttl-\ ihcsusjtct c t [set ^HISTORIC ——~ :, - ' ; !i Planning commissioners had no choice but To be considered for trie register. the land i! •frompage 1A _ - ; to approve their nominations because^the development code dictates the site must have vj Concerns were raised by; the owners of four only criteria they can use ^elates to the prop: historical, architectural., geographical_orar> n of those seven nominations.- crty's historic value. .: ; n : " - ^" chaeologlcal importance. '-?. .-: ";-•'..; ~. Preservation Committee Chairman Sam Since the land development code.requlres I ••- -Commission counsel Beverly Grady said ^ Bailey said his group's goat is to preserve and commissioners could not vote "no" now and < irestore as much of Sanlbel as possible,. r vote "yes" after jenovatlons,_wcre complete. *.- The committee has no intent to cause any- Incentives to owners whHse property is put ^.hardships to the property owners, he added, on the register and the specifics of such a des- 5 noting that once named, only the cxtcriorof a ,--lgnaUon are soon "going to be considered by . =, building is subject (o the added restrictions. '^the city council/.. u '%-v/' : :. 3 Out the Sanibel Community Church nnd the Proposed Incentives include; recognition a Jj~ Shore Haven house have current development for the owners, such as giving them old pho- r plans, which'the nomination brought to a ' tographs and a plaque; conveniences, such as 3 halt. "-'•• :-..••'• "••'?•••-.._• 17 - applying special development processes. _ £ Additionally, if finalized, the sites can un- " _:" Representing Ihe community church. Ruih1 5 tlergo no exterior alterations or construction Rcik told cbmrnis'sloncrspTWe believe our past **- and cannot be relocated or demolished.with: proted,Ion and safekeeping of this building- out special permission. • .-•;• l dcmonstrale our sincere .design for Its preser- Additionally, lt^emains unclear as to how Q The Community House was built hi 1928? vation. Our reason for not w:intfng the build- " the replacement of specific items, in case of expediency for nominations instigated by Ihc ing included in your official listing is directed loss or damage, would be regulated. city —so the owners know exactly what the si- : to our total campus redevelopment...Tht'pre- tuation is as soon as possible— there Is no sent sanctuary will remain as It Is externally, • -leeway for continuances. :; ^ "/ only the Interior will change;..We" believe the - When commissioners voted Tuesday, a "no": permitting process for Phase HI of our build-- "'vote would have rfieant the landmark was not.. Ing program will be far simpler If we are not historic and no one,- not even, the owners, listed In your historical register a\ this lime." . would dispute that fact.: ;! • Reik said If she was in the commissioners" , Commissioners were/ synipathetlc abut" position, she too would have to vole yes and : could only agree there Is a flaw in the_iprocess. called ths process a Cffich-22. -' ;> ", sd- *•' Hunuiiel. whose hobse Is on IMrd Lane,1 said he did not think it fair to be told what he can do with his property, for which, he pays taxes of $10,000 a year. His family'would'not tic- . stroy the htstoric'valur of the'lionic by adding Shore Baven, located on Bird Lane, Is an a rootn, he nolfd " •••=-• • -. The nomination put at least a nine nionlh • original moll order home from Scars. : hold on,JJie addition Hunimcl sald he^needs i The Sanlbel Community Church is begin- very much. '-_• -- ;-^ .•'.':'•- -.- _ nlng.the final phase of a three tiered.,ren'6va-: " Other Historical Preservation Committee . lion program and the owner of Shore Haven, members were pres*n,l aria they asked com- Harrison Hummel, hired a contractor who de- : ; mtsstoners to remember the issue: prestrva- T signed plans for a room addition, .• • • tlon. " ••• "• •- ". ' • - •"""•••••".- "; '-\ ' ,, ; "We need to stick to the subject (and decide) '• •••" ,'• :- :^ %... :•;/ •'-•:•":-.'• whether it is hislorlc'or not aiid notVorry MIM Chariotta'B Tet HOUM IS located near the about, or. think about, or consider what will. Wulfert correction Island Historical Muieum, on Dunlop Road. > • ' • '" • . . • please see page 12A A story In last week's, April 24 edition of SHELL MUSEJJM—~—^——- the Island Reporter, ''Lake depth Increased at • frompage'lA - ; -.u \'h programs, library and reference-facilities and Wulfcrt development," incorrectly.reported by the creation and distribution, of popular that increasing the lakes' depth would save Florida; shells of the world;'£hells in the7lne and scientifically accurate literature on _ the developer $250,000. - , .r?^ arts; shells and man; biology and the lives of .shells." 0 ^ _-^=^ - ••'/•••" -.".••-• "Attorney Steve Hartsell said he (lid not' mollusks; shells In todays arts and crafts and Conditions for the museum's development -know how much money the move would save. shells In 'antiquities and religion. _ permit Include: vegetation clearing must be =**• The Stated_flgure Is the amountmmoney There will also . be a computerized r the developer, Wulfert Holdings Limited, is conducted between June 1 and No> ember 30, donating to Ihe cllyte below-markct-rale conchologlcal historical reference library;^ so as not to Interfere with an active osprey 1'housing program. ..'..-." : ' : ^ , and the creation of a(central Shell Vision nest; previsions for a.cily-3pproved, revised » Bank ' of photographs iand^ scientific drainage plan and that-.the bridge's plans illustrations. > -' ;: : - must be approved by the city engineer. - The museum's mission Ms to "compile, ft Additionally, he museum will be a "refuge- "j inicrpret and distribute knowledge about of last resort" in casejjvacuatlon procedures . ~mollusks ;' through meaningful . and are Interrupted during a 'storm.'1 comprehensible exhibits, simple educational ;., Sanlbel's Emergency" Management Direc- tor, police sergeant Jack Primm, said that 'a Weather: •-'••• , -. while none of- the seven such designated Is- High Lew Rain / landLsltes are "shelters, * and do not Imply A(r S3 88 |er o safety, ii is important to have-somewhere to Apr 33 91 70 = 0 . go In a life or'dcath situation. ^ / % Apr 34 ., 88 '68 0 Museum representatives asked the building Apr 35 . not be classified as a refuge,;_ because of limited Air aa SsaB 7eo.1 ; o0 space and the rare exhibits to be housed then*. Aor 37 - 88 eo o "There are...areas I don'l think would be Apr 38 72 '• ! 33 .-a 0 •; . wise to have pcopleswandering around,' said The total rainfall for April so far is 2.60" architectCcorgcTuttle. . " ••- - compared with 1.26' for the entire month last : year. ••."".-:••':"• ROBBER .':. •' :g;.-. ^;-: -^""'— Note: rainfall levels are recorded from the • frompagc 1A : ; •'••.'. - ; • ', ne morning of the day given.lo t following to the incident at tier home, .;'* . . - ^ morning. ' : ^^. " • .. ; Latent print cvldencf, is being processed fit Sources: Rain - Island Water Association. the Lee County Sheriffs Department lab= DELI MARKET LIQUORS J Temperatures - Sanibcl-Captiva Chamber ol Also found !n the driveway of the house

Gommerce. r1 : S were two -Martini's beer cans that may, have Huxters'...- ,. "['• •-. ":-. •• C Stolichnaya been left behind by the perpetrators. ' 'Specials .-: 8 N Purchase (1) one • $3.00RtUU 23 | . 47Z-15B7 UellHnl.Casetunch Stop at Bailey's , y «Jwrtt!lng 472-1587 = M***rtwn3:472-1587 S[)cclal and Hcc^lve - " Sub«ci(U5P5 8IJ5TO1 h puWlshaJ wttW MIST\»ML.. S. 'i or Hardware:Needs :, _" rrVf>vb>'GuUCoiiilWt*Uin.iir.,PO. Dt*werfiO9. ln-Slorc Specials on SanlVI Fli. 33957. .. ; -, " - . - - - and Stop 'at °; SiibwriplVaa SwiM *>p!M *nJL« Cantu, $19 75 kK. »!i Ilccr, Soda. ^. U'II t». pt>\fT. COTBHT-IIIIWud S<*i*%. i?6 he. ilatt u'« !*i pti yt«, forrtyi. J*C pri y*M. $*«od-daw poiieg* peH »I Sundries. " Nicks FrozenvCustardo - - San Jwt. Fia POSTMASTER: 5md »ddit» changa ta the Uind • Ilencli Items and ^({..rwr, RO. Dnt«r 809. Sunfotl, FU. 33957<>?09. r-\i " _. All your ' •: -'••." .; On The Way Home. ; -; - OjitOMv'Wf tWte fn? pubi'Sho Sit TORT MYTHS BFAQI Stevenot S ORStH\TB. FORT MY1J1S OBSIBVEH. - - Grocery Needs : Ch8d6nnay,!6'' ISLAND RLPOHTEP, CAFTTVA CURRENT : • "' ' i3O3PF.RIWINKtf,WAY BAILEY'S CENTER ONE STOE SHOPPING of.TarpuflBkj' Hd. & Periwinkle Way ».#*•


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• Custom Georcfan Drobnyk Built •36 Unit Gull Front • 3 Bedro$ms/2 5 Batns mmmmmmmm • 2 Bedroom/2 Bath Unit \ 104 • 2 Porches 2 Sundecks 25S9 Sq Ft •Lo[»1 Boulder Drive u • Great Ren'a Performer •20 Dock Water & Electric • Closest to Beach Easement • Large Pool/3 Tennis Courts • Listed at $468 000 Unfurnished • Large High Lot w/Water Weter •Furnished at $410 000 • Call Ted Holland 472 9518 •Offered at$145 000= •CallTed Holland472 9518 • Call Ted Holland 472 9518

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: t' y* New erosion" prevention systems explored By Dawn Grodsky . It has a year round population of about 7.000 Dune grasses should be planteii.ftist. f»l- Staff Writer „ . '• •- Including a large number of retirees and has a^ . - lowed by other, deep-rooted plants arsl trees-. ' With erosion becoming a major issue on the property value of about $4 billion. ; ,.n "ISx seen roots on those things .14 or 15 fret barrier Islands,, the City of Sanibel and 'Island A difference between the two Islands Is long. It can give tremendous support fora residents have been scouring (he .country. : Sanjbel has much less tidal^activity than the ; r ! • dune." he said. . ^^ --;' -".:" ' " looking for.feasible solutions "which work. Atlantic coast Island. he nottd. \ •'•": 1 Small fences, with "3-foot intervals between Tills spirit prompted Sanibel resident ^. Andres said .Ills fonncr home Is about 200/ poles, were constructed to aid in sand trapping Frank Dentz to bring to attention an erosion "~ feet from the.duri'e and. at low tide, lie now has and overall stability and were moved forward control system'which has not yet licen dis- : 200jcet of good beach on the dune's seaward as the dune grew> Andres said Sanibel could a r cussed locally," located nearhte sccoiiu'homc. sjSe.' "' •." - -• -."• . ;\" „-. " . '.- ." ; probably suffice with 2-foot IntervalsAand f If on a barrier Island off the coast of New Jersey. ..: ^ He built his dune at a very minimal cost C added the benefits of.the fences might eventit^, There, a large dune has been In place for 30 and very gradually,.with careful calculations.:^; ally be achieved with, vegetation alone. /_ years, protecting northern islanders ever : After the storm of'62, Andrcs^made a model He said a community could construct a sim- since a 1962 storm destroyed more than-200 • study: of the Island's beach. Most important/v ilarly abed dune for well less thai? $100,000, homes and killed three people. :-==•" he noted, ts to calculate the north-south drift especially if residents offered their services as ; Thedune was conceived and constructed by'"; and use a formula to detennlne the slope of : volunteer laborers. - -; - Stan Andres, an industrial engineer arid a thedune. ••=•-. ;:>" V;. J. . A small, test patch could be done for a few former co-worker of Dentz. " « ~- The slope must be sufflcienl to absorb the thousand dollars, he noted. . v - •• Andres is quick to note that the dunc-crc-. -energy of the waves, he said;: : . "H la important that people "understand this ation project works. It survived iwoblg . Slowing the waves allows sand that Is^sus- - issue and get Involved. We should be keeping storms In 1991 and of late, a number of local. -s . pended In the churning surf to drop out and ,., things from being destroyed, and it's not that , slate and federal government officials have ' . collect on shore; Andres noted. , . j . . difficult if we alt pitch in together" Andres •* 5 been studying the project. •',» •".-• In Sanibel's case, he said many factors will said. ... " •••'. " '"'~ .? ' """>."••-"•-. •'.. -"The proof of the pudding Is what we've got.-., come Into play regarding the slope calcula- He is currently lobbying the Beach Haven There it Is. It's no theory." Andres said re- tion. Including the strength of the flow from Township to enlarge'the/dune, and possibly cently from his Stafford Township residence.' the Caloosahalchee and the.drift from the ; build one which would surround the whole Is-; : : - The dune was begun on a small scale and Gulf/ : , . . -i: ,.:\-^ land. ,-.„•"• -.. v - ' - •"--••-*•"• '""• -' "." today stands 10 blocks long. 50 feet*wlde'and Once the correct slope is determined -K)ne. ' Along with govemmentallntercst, his plan about 20 feet high.-It is centered 200 feet from that Is sufficient to break the strongest of is receiving local support. J"; <& --" .'•"_• Andres former home in Beach Haven, on Long storm surges— the dune should be started from.; Beach Haven Taxpayers Association presi- 7 Beach Island. ' •-, ~; its back and gradually be built. - o dent,Mlchale Vitulll said. "His plan U> pic- \ The Island Is similar to Sanibel, lie noted.. Andres said he found native vegetation It Is 17 miles long, with an inlet at both ends. works the best to hold the sand. - - •'',.. : •_ please see page 6A

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TIMMY'SNQOK ; 9 2 Da^e3Bt'5Ch Accesses" Gated Secu-^i ' RESTAURANT AND MARINA -,. ; STerj^CoiJtS'Car^i^^rooiiSpa. J • Saturday Night Is Prime Rib Night Hffltiesiles frail) $230,000-"'„ •;• CAJUN COOK1N' CAPTIVA STYLE Come Tour Out Premier Blackened Fish; Shrimp & Steak ••• Model Home Seafood Specialty Items "The Tesoro" •Shrimp & Scallop Malson r Pre-completlarV Bonus > Grouper Imperial Package Available Scrv^ng'Lunch 11^ pm. : " NOW Serving Dinner 5:ib p m. Goscd Wednesdays " t: ; If 172-9441 . .v •.; Butierknite^ token/ ' -' consultants erf sanibel \tCz. , CAPTIVA ISLAND Your Island RResidential and Commercial Properly Specialist

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"'"• island Inn mis ts\ab\iif,f4 : iritfulau lS90s."'the . "*"•!• [ .-. -Maithat's family, from j>i,»lii: ''.uli'hMltiU I-l > nNri :• Teiu'e??, XfntucKy. tame to SaniSdl stand to farm " ~- I nuts \ ~~ - -.-.- tomatoes; To help suppfe- n aii^ii -Jiuul .Sliachriu.r i ?>. ' ment ide {timUu vxonic, they opened their home to ' :.~ CereaC ~. -. •: ;, wnier visitors lit the • island for bed and breaks fast.'lhilnnfwaperate^ J •ynn'Juki^S it; •5rr.t» taa: krofV'... firjdxl 'M'.iU-,^- V;(/.i,l;.l ii'hufl • 'in tht'S&tne indnr,cT'titt' since-, onfu t^anding to" - '£#" :4--\, '-,.. , ^ include dinner during tin. jiur^M^c'J.50 xnvd k-.l*i (cot •._„ _. ^'Omefets ~. '•.- ,;"... •.. '- '.•• In ihe main building cf c u.^t»Li!i\^itita£(()iinMKitt.i(iiv.ii.) 115 \\\h U\ul =. •' \(ic Inn.; tfert art slill . Beams and a fiytpuue from tfu original house 6uut >n ~'Xot Cafe ~~ /[, >•-.-" '"';-..- ' I595.*"1fif deiofeftfu -•'rooms', as well as the main - nff pylfTj, urea ami ttxwjflii .. • .room, isas'mucfcofdj.'' ^-Side Orders^ '' • ••"-.-" ". -,-" .^, ylcridd aspossibU, tiilfi

-'pastel fiordpaMms

, Every dspd-i of the Inn ,-u : Open to'J'ubfic , ilijie and e\smplifwi thi j I 7:30 a.m.) 10:30 a.m. 'Daifij' • - peaceful surroundings cj I . - 'Sonibct Island- • " ' I 5>

Council coffee idea gets on questionnaire for input By Dawn Giodfiky go Lrnment and Incrcisc cumtuuuliaUoi s bira Minclc be innicd is the commit tet Staff Write between the council and consliti t ntr Other council ic*nbcrs said ft would not be In order to fiigc lute LSI In proposed coffre The newsletter suggestion wa<. ofTcrcd b> i good idea s nee thai commiUn* had i public chats wllh Sinlbci Cily Council members and •ranees Adams a reporter forjthc Sinibel stance as to Us views on various Issues Improve communications wllh Island rcsl CiptKa Islander newspaper -iftf council Another suggestion by Miracle was to Issue dents city employes drafted a t,ucstlonmire members offered and rejected t number of *, i letter to various fshnd groups such as-thc for Inclusion In (he June nt,wclcltcr and Ihefr own ideas Sinibel Capti\a Chamber of Commerce the Islard newspapers lo find how many people Originally members wanted to orginize an Committee of ^.he Islands et cetera and ask would be Interested In partictpiling Inform ll comnilitec to Invite pirMclpants (o each gioup to appoint a member to the corn The first questlonn ilrc Is in this cdi'ion of coftce sessions mlUee ^ the Island Reporter on pi£e B B Sanibel Major Mike Minclc suggested th* But City Attorney Robert I ri t saia even if it The coffees arc at the suggestion of City Sanibel Charter Defense Lcigue which was was not official such a group would be d de Manager Gary Price who wants lo find ways headed by former mayor Mike Klein ^ id facto committee and be obligated to compl) to illevlile residents dlssitlsfictlon with whose treasurer wis the majors uife Bar with Florida s Government In the Sunshine Laws Tnese laus require among ether thlrgs Hunt to be organization president paid advertisement of meetings and a secre Anchor Drive resident Divid Hunt was re Europe Hunt was responsible for 18 compa (a-y to make an official record ** cently chosen president of the Business Dc nlcs with combined salts of more than $3 bil City Manager Gary Price said his stalT could vcloptnent Corporation ending a flve month lion not handle the additional work such a gr^up national search to fill the position Currently Hunt is chairman of (he board of o would cause The private non profit corporation based Vlslcon a Knoxvllle Tennessee baied firm hr As It stands whatever action taken wilt de In Fort M>ers was formed In 1984 by Sojlh helped found In 1984 pend upon th» response to the newsletter ques west Florida businesses with the goal of d ver Vlslcon developed technology which offered tionnalre slfyliig the regions economy high speed f nlargement of photographs with Adams "suggested two questions be Included Hunt and his wife Penny have owned out the use or negatives -, Would >ou be Interested in meeting infor property In Southwest Florida since 1*174 Hunt will remain chairman but will nol be mlly with a council member? and Would >ou The couple moved full time to the area in involved in day lo dav operations like tO meei with a spcclfK member? -=£^ 1983 after Hunt fooit an eirly retirement from His local business ventures Included a 23 year career with Eastman Kodak Florida Freezer in North Fort JLIjcrs Hunt In his last position with (he company as Auton otive and Ihc reno\atlon of the Edison vice president and general manager of Kod ik Theater building in downtcvn Fort Myers NOW OPEN! SUMMERLIN Sanibel group part of pet week plans SQUARE Sanibel s Care and Rehabllltat on of Fxotlc let Owners group and dog obedience DRIVING RANGE Wildlife will be one of the exhibitors during sc-\iccs <• celebrations for National Pet Week Sunday Tree refreshments will br served A Clydcs Sjiimcrlin San Carle May 1 at Kindness Animal Hospital In Cape dale horse will be on display and there will be Coral where former care and rehabilitation clowns balloons and free ponv rides for chfl Open 9AM to 10 PM* Weekdays veterinarian Dr Rence Slmoneaux Is now drcrt r employed Those attending the celebration will be able Weekends til 11PM Admission Is free and demonstrations will to tour the animal hospital talk with velert be offered by the Cape Conl Pollre Narcotics mrians and sec an acti a! surgery -• 20 Lighted Tees - Detection Dogs Lee County Sheriffs Depart Donations for the Humane Society and the GA Professional nient Mounted Posse Southeast Gufde Dogs wildlife clinic will be accepted. For more in Sheriffs K 9 unit Lee County Humane Society formation call ^45 0111 Lessons Ava.lablc


LISTINGS OF THE WEEK CONDOniNIUMS ATOCHA. PLANTATION VILLAGE »312 0.SLU PO NTE SANTO da SAN BEL HOUSE T(JC5DAV. V/Ei/-jF;Sf?AY TM-»^ OAV 1 4 V) GULF FRONT WEST \,ORNEH 025 °TAO Bed oom Two 8a h SbCiind PtNTHOUSC WD ROOHOP SU JDECK F oo Gii and Cou lya d V ew S p1 Spaf-cus Th ee Bed oom 'wo Ba h Low Ren -s Unr G OSEQS ^?S COO P cerf Not sJiHe the pirate 8ay» Dens ty East Gu t D Loca ion ofr cl Bio has thin unique collection of L ne Compa» C eai Sunse s Tl S IS Spanish treasure coins been available ONE OF SAN BEL'S BEST KEPT D4 Fourih Floor PEN HOUSE W h SECRE rs pn CED AT sea? 500 CAC^ SPECTACULAR Pnva e Roof op Sundeck We invite J-OU (O ronie foci touch and h T*o Bed oom Two Su h W n a The Ejr as ownn piiteaf history NOW FOR YOUR f"H VATE S OW NG Lt arn the lrgvtid of thn Atochi SHELE L HARBOOR RCf\\^M f\\^ f now nt Congress Jowders /S CONCH COUF1T V e n a Th ee Boil oom Two OahW h Fa / Room La go So id Facing So a Hea od Poo and Boat Doch and Dav 5E£LCtIl m comp ei ftecentlj He ncdefed HURRY irWU. NOT LAST LONG 5S5O00OFLH NS ED «

GULl RENTED SOL D FOR 99 LUXLfiY IN oy YOUR ne* Two *495 000 Fu n ^ht-d d a »a I Bat* VJ it} a Den i shod I OTO awiy at- home PRIVATE HOMES FOHO^YS '50 000 UNlQUF c)pPOnTUNl"j Y o o*n a a tje £ 02 SAN.BCLS FINLST FLQpfl PLAN. Tfi ee Oeo oo n Two Un l\ floso I RBP I Home V ^ GUQS Co g*1 De3Ch Accoss Don o Th d Bed oom A SOU HWEbf Ac oss tt si eel ^ Si CED AT ONLY EXPOSLrF rJllla^cea Tl- B GLLF TFIONT $350 000 rURNSHfD AND DCADY TO rlENT UN ONLY"S?S0 000 AMT ITS YOURS


c HjH i I IF CtNTFR OF OLDE SAM! 1.3* rou « »tus elov. Dens v S * EFL CFNTEfl "RCAT TRAFFIC STORE U Con [in F Ijfun tiMi Honl. Un t FtAIUHtS T UPSCALE S~m TED Uenoih the P nos RLACrl ACCESS LOOK SLPLR Of POITlJN fY CALL FCfl DETA LS NO V

PERIWINKLE SALES CENTER I50J lYrimnkkU v S^iUlI iJnd H-33357 Realtor* SI3* 472S187 \ IP ifeiUt) Group Inc 1 800 553 733d After Hours 813 466 0514 Da d L Sc hu dnifrci UIU EROSION • from page 4 A it Is the cleanest Tte said llo*cvei this «ymd Tlie onl> duAiisidr lo the sjstim Andres should not be tiken directly from the beich noted is there needs to be room for the dune serve protect ind niiintiln the dunes viH front i u anoihat a dune of this sl/e would most likcK * save taxpayers thousands and thousands of Otherwise yi u con pound the problem block shoreline residents Gulf view dollars in the coming years I%e been over to \ndrcs s ild the area where he his worked on the dune and The communi y has (.instructed wooden Not man} cin see tljc^otean u\er a 20 fo9| It b beiutlTul I think his phn is gn U \v-ilkwa>s brth on the groi nd incl suspended dUne But \ou have toTTecide w*nt is inipor Each rommunlty musl devise its own for to access the beach ind h is lisa created pith t-intind leimuhat you can actijl he said 1 tnula to ingle the slopci whlcli^houM be ^cn-j wa>s in the sand Use'f allowing for i(s nor As he Ins said to res dc s in his rt i tie and disslpite the energy While Andrts mil drift Bc-idts you\e Rot to heconern rd ibo it tin would not venti re a guess for Sinibel he *.iid AH of them have held up Andrrs said _beach Cier>on'- in the world v, ints to en m he could not Imagine i slope here nccc'fng lo As for cumi lathe destructive effects An be higher than 20 feet dres said that is not ^ problem The dune itself It should take i maximum of Tour years to his only complemented idjicent arc-is he I in not saying 1 would rtbui'd (he whole* gradually build up a proper dune Andre*- said said beach better thin it ^«is 1 m Juil saj Jug tin! Sand for constructing the dune should be he has fot nd jetties help i dune project the beach <*an be maintained to a certain •'x brought in from the ocean since that is where while bu khc ids dcstro> (hem tent and we should Iryvtrry hi.d iodothii Humane society special Lee County Hu mane Society is host i ^ing an op^n House on The Prudential \mn Florida Realty Surdiy may J from "noon 4pm atlnt Huminc Soclei) Adoption Shelter to celebrate two very special weeks u May 3 9 m/Tk-s the .CONPOiN SMALL COMPLEX 77th anniversary of the Amerlcin Hu mine Assoc at Ions Secluded 'akeside villa Approx Ready to occupy 2/2 condo in small Be Kind to Animals-^ 3300 sq ft under air 210=lake complex Nicejy fjrnished many Week and N ttioml Volunteer Week front Great views1 All new' extras Across^he street to Gulf $449 500 To see call Rosemary beaches Call Charlie Suter Tlie adoption fee fs $35 for a cat and &(5 Robinson GR1 for a dog I&55 for a female dog over 50 a! SanTjel Arirs Wesl Beautitully deco lbs! t rated 2 bedrooms

Priscilla Murphy Realty, Inc. Beach Front Condominiums > Canal Front Homes • Cottages • Hideaway Retreats Golf Course Living • Luxury Resort Properties • Buildable HomcsitesCCommerciar

ULTRA-LUXURY LISTINGS SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION TENNIS VILLA ^ \LL ROOMS OVERLOOK Th s buutfjally decor«ted ore bvd-w»m one b-Mh set i nd fl ior corner utut overlooks the tennis courts and THE GUIJi ! \K ol It is in the guaranteed lease-back p-ogram and as Gjnlnnj'Y T»iy Umqut Dtjnu ic kev wonis. an owner you ran enjov all of the iijnntion s fi^ut u\ In des nbr this qj;0 |\ b nit lrchitecturallj rfsor* a-rvntiv* Available completely equipped ard fur design d bnch front homo Features nc'ude 3 nisheii for only *141 000 kiirtoms Gait Koom pm-ite dck= firep'acc LaliknsHauktns at 472 5154 >•;• ral stairca<*. appealing decfi' arci furnnkings The gu!f \ie,vvs arc outstanding and. (i~\. privacy is DUPLEX h. uxnly Ci I ft ra complc c infonr.it on package \iu1abiforU2° 000 UNSURPASSED BEACH VIIVVS J Contact Mary Lou Vailcy at 472 Ml Captiva Shores nins f-om Pint Island Sound to the f\l( ol Mexico and .offers a luxurious vacation lifestyle including the fincM rcsort amentia Our 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath h imt. has been recently rwlecoratwl and •.huwi Kaunfullv A gnat rcnta1 of vacation prorctiy Availabk WEDGEWOODOFSWIBEL^ „ _Sanibel * nu\est ultra lu\ur/ Gulf (runt condi Call lorrtta Cetgtt at 472-4121 minium community is locited on pre^tig uus West Culf Dmc encompassing over 3 1/2 acre* vnth XJ 200 feet of Gulf from beach Wedgewoorf of CONDOMINIUMS Sanibel uill nrluae ISunils cacn vi ho\cr2,80t) MJ ft of living arr *q ft of WAI K TO BOWMA*CS BEACH laiai ^nenitic* inciudc pmale covered pjrkm*, Orn. of the mos' natural beaches in America Is only a heated pool and spa lounging area girdins chic short walk from this two bedroom two bath Blind Pass condominium lound on the grtund floor in a qu rt sec ki hut tennis court and more 1 ncin^ begins at tion (if the compli* Amen tics include puol ,lenm= ard So60 000 Call for a complete infomation pk LlJbhoir^ ~Idt*i ten a! un t Available for onlv S 7i000 Contact John Smith at 472 1511 furnished J ^ Call \l*iy Lou Bulky at 472 ISM u, GREAT GULF VIEW One of the most popular Gulf front complexes c Sanibcl' Island Bfjch Club features sviimminj, club- JUST LISTED HOMES hou<* shuffieboard and a beachfront location Our two bedrrsim two bath untl offers a spacious hvmp area "SUNSET BAY" PRICE REDLCFD1 ° ivnn around porch storage (erri/ic rentals and more 3 Charming ip island living lor jou and your gui*.tsTh s ISLV\DESC\PE Av iHabk furnt-hed and equpped (or S2«" a00 " property provides an ideal location for the bolter fisher The ptr cct rtsrcit Th s chanr nv, f land heme is found Call Carol Hnsiy at 472 l*tl LOGCERHEAD CAY man and nati-a loser The home is situated ti tix* v Li i n a quaint shel* roul mar thi. histont lij.hthou^ end of ( A Miperb rental producer with garden \w Th s well the wittrfront and offtr*; a firLpiicc voluim? ceilings Sambcl It o ft.r5 a RIVM*.^ and katun-^ t* o'^iirooi-is tnamtaini-il apartment fiattms t^o bedroom^ iv.o cedirtnm J at 471 IStl Xmcnticsincludfpool tennis clubhouse ard Culf front \reunh A %try ••^i.cial packagt a^nhblc tor ih Watnn \vaifablcforS2350t)0 p _ *& I *KX) Call DfirotAy ^ n u . at 472 6160 i alJTrtA Mueller at 472-4U1 ^ WCSEILSFA5HEL1S Unr ct the test values en the i Una*1 This ?>ea Shc!l« ol ^ HOMES •Vmitx1 unit is lix.ited on the first floor corner and fea turesiwibtHlnwrns uobaths bnghl Bor dadwor «f DUNEb I OOL HOME Thi* ibsoiiutly dcli^h ful old Bor di st> ^ hornt imrg/din nh-roorn new Roonng l^hingand more A found in the Dunes Country Club and ftatuns T ivt t real tipportumtv at the neht price Available tot rut ms 2 baths kitchen with breakfast ncok and bi 5177 OOlf ^ wind m miMersuiiL with sunning deck wutntd pt i Lull lohrt Buskuk at t?2-6509 ^ btautiful andscjpink,and morL A\J)IJWL fS349 0''H> Call Mary 10KBditfy.it 472 15II r. THE MASTER TOLCH HOMES1TES An o nsiandmg canal ftpnl home v,iiY all the markings of i true classic Oifcnng luxurious appointments through TIIEDUNES COUNTRY CIUB em th « c! i P riis stvle res df-ice featu-cs 3 bcdrooTis I'you watt to live in a golfing commun tv here v»r at room t i**t( t c ilots ^^-i ^^o\%C3se decorat^o tr^at ihan e This lot overlrwks Ibt green aid alaVe on J ireri 2 baths h-\rdei /j. - 1 n cm screened heated p» o' street S22aOOO " ML ^ d e> w thcixtnf lrJ vmr hi*riljndscupirga'idmuib Call thsabeth Smith «t 472 6500 m n ^Lur^frr^ 4jOtxi ~~r ^ SAMBEL SHORES Lull Wary It J Bmliv J( *"- I">'1 >our nc*\ islaid home will only bemruw fr beacbh h Thiis largge corneor r lot< < n a private **bb ' priced righhtt to selll nod Only S99 IFTUFVitnflTS O Call Barbara Lhaptn at 472 5154 fUl IT Vt4 the laki. \ i ilY s will rri ntamed httrc is i n *ih v» ihtht pmeiij, loul'livethe watervis las oft r d trf n on two * e Jrcom v- th den (or third COMMERCIAL Wxi oon) two bath heme ieatunng a larv,e enc'osed BEACI1V1EW COUNTRY CLUB ^ CAITIVA COMMFRCIAL PROITRTY lanji ird 'creered lietV leiw rm nlenanco yard mature Commircwl lots in Taptiva Beach subdivision One o The fiol* course lifestyU w all desire You 1! k u IKis \ oei-Ut on and mori_ A uper Jue a-atfatfc for onlv twoCl parcel* thit can bt bought together or separately I ' v%ell maintained home featurmg'SvSpjCious wo be 1 52 9flu> Call \rt Corace al 4~2 I5H Call Pegg]) Miller far Jetatl\ VT. 5I>4 room two bath split floor plan vaulted beaned cei1 irgs screened lanai healed spa and mon> It is found along the Sanibel River sutrounded by mature vegui tiun A\,iihbleforSJ19900tumished Call Date Sitverberg at 41-650Q DEPEND ON PMR... * "l\£ LIKE THIS HOME" It is represen ative of the type of Island living many folks come to Sanibel for It is found on a canal in a quie' Since 1955, Pnscilh Murphy Realty has been the leading real estate specialist on Sanibcl island niche away from everything but the tn?cs birds and Captiva Islands You simply can't find a more experienced REALTOR md nature Special features include two bedrooms (ami ly room tvv-o baths remodeled interior deck patio dock No matter what kind of property you desire, wejiave it listed and available for immediate and much more Sf« it We know you 11 liki this one sale Leam about island real estate from an expel and buy with confidence and trust ti-o AvaiUb!eforS2379jO Call lohn Smith at 472 15U o Let PMR's many years of experiencp e gguid e yyou r wayy MLS

DEEP WATER CANAL (f This home is found in one of the best locations m Shell CallCll Us Todayd Harbor third addition Features include tv.<. bedrooms eat In kitchen Great Room with beamed cathedral SANIBEL (813) 472-1511 • CAPTIVA (813) 472-5154 ceiling, Milar heated pool OocV and a long lagoon vtev* Available for 5475 000 AFTER HOURS CALL OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER 1-800-233-8829 Call Ron Silveusal 472 15JI > 5 Convenient Locations • PO Box 57 • Sanibel, FLO3957 Dead alligator brings problems to Hurricane Lane By MftryJettnne McAward unit counlerpirt only 1 is ncrk V.MS found Staff Writer dnd Mondi) <-> A deid six fool alligator ippircnlly iwoKc A lngcd> ptrnips for an amorous rtptilc and vnlkcd from its watery firavc in i Hurri on the \crfic of flood times but lie Irrge cane Lane pond lo the public right of w > on bloated reptile, proved T J rob'im 'or (he West Gulf Drtvc Wednesday lftemoon 11 cord Snitlis ird thtir iictt,hborv Ing to Assistant City Manager Dill Mills li 11 Robert Smllh bc^in i scries or phone c ilis son between the city and btilc in alligator to the Cit> of Stnibel tht ccuntj licilth de matters ^ p irtmenl the count} inlr i ll co itm Jrpirt Late that day ctty worRcrs transported ill" nicnt the Florida Cine ind rrcshw Her Fish carcass to a tnct of land owned by the J N n Commission Brou-Tilng I-erris InduMrits and Ding Dirling wlldlif refuge induselbvthe T stite licensed nulsince^lllgitor ton'rol city as in alligator gra\eyard Mills iddcd igcnt ° nils closes i turbulent and fetid feu di\b in Smith siid everyone he lilkct to told him i normally serene neighborhood the s.ime thing the decomposed il%itoi uas Robert and Erlki Smith live on Huirtcnne someone plsc S problem John Harden of HunicanLane pulls this Lane in a st'lt home bordering i pond Laltl\ It got fatter ill the time Smith sildc dead iHlAgtor out of his neighbor * pond the nocturnal bellows of courting nlllgitors in iddln^ cooler weather since \tomh\ helped on city land and publfc right of wa>s and the pond hive echoed through the neighbor Keep the odor lc*s offrnshc cannot remove dead alligato-s from pri\ tie 3 hood they said Hc first called Care and KehiUIltii on ol ponds But a six foot n tie allfgilor which iccord Wildlife bt,ciU5t_ he ihouj,! t the wildlife rescue John Barden president of the ilurrlcinc ing to the Smllhvvns being chased bv its fc =$-oigani/nlon might be m ercstrd in conduct Lane Properly Owners Assort lion alsosrokt i tr rf in JU oj sj of the dnd icptllc- Ailh Mills Wednesdi> He toll Mi'Is ht '. .i Snilth *>itd lint orjtinf7it rt sponsibk ib tit in -inlnnls ing If Vt In iled the reptile to the p ib lemi t> iccordlnji_ to the homcov-ncrs ss ciiii n BIKE THE ISLANDS * Kara to Find, But ^ Mills later said he mpnlioncd tl t littering RENT THE BEST FOR LESS Not-JCcisy to Forget clnifie onl> Inlf ser'onsly Also Tandem, BMX, Child Blkss If it ended up on the right of v*a\ I supposr Accessories Available ^> ^ • please see page It \ Free Delivery & Pick Up On - Multl Day Renlals ° 472 5B0O- TlMb 1Spd °3Spd 10Spd 1hr $ 1 SO $200 $300 RENT BOATS 4hr $350 $450 $700 Golf &. Tennis riub 24 hr $500 $700 $10 00 uoin you Jnu\(ls and rnafce if an 2 Day $900 $13 00 $18 00 mtUnnte dinmq expent rice "qolftldc " JENSEN S TW'N PALM 3 Day $13 00 $18 00 $23 00 m a casual ofmospfuTt. with the sun RESORT AND MARINA 4 Day $1700 $22 00 $26 00 setting otx^r the Dunes 5 Day $2000 $25 00 $29 00 6 Day $23 00 $28 00 $32 00 rcaturini* J S Water Taxi to Outer islands BREAKFAST 8 3O lOAJd DAILY Weok $25 00 $30 00 $35 00 *^ LUNCH 11 3PM DAILY AddadDwoointi fw 2 We** or mort DINNER S 3O-SPM THUR BAT BeyourownCaptan OPEN 7 DAYS 8:30 •5:3• 0 MON ft WED NIGHT UUFFKT 6 8PM a Closecl to outer tshnaS Call f r 1-KIYAT* IAI11FS ra ui Fabulous Shell ng on Deserted Btiachas WEDDIVO ANM/FHSAHltS t-OKIXJKATt OUnS( S Excellent Fishing Ar**as CAT> HJN A N (JK1 OlOSanticastle Rodd i l' ( 75' „ CAPTIVAIS. — 472 5800

THE CROC SHOP Food For Thought I* Old Grand Dad « By Paul Gaeta Bourbon % I II s efficient lo mannale meal wh le it s delrosling Pour marinade inlo a Ireezer bag with meal return lo 'he relrtgeralor anif turn the package frequently Meat w II absorb flavor as it lhaws ? * * * Tea is full of good lor the teeth fluoride Green lea has twice as rnuch per cup as black n * * * Have you tasted Chinese chickenburgers? Mix together an egg t !sp eacfj sesame oil and soy sauce 1/4 cup each dry bread crumbs and chopped peanuls and a_sl ced green onion Fold inlo 1 poufid ground chicken shape into patties Gnll about 18 minutes turning once * * * Turn m crowave snacks into quick meals M cro-cook a small baking potato jnt I done While it slands micro cook a container ot chili Spirt open potato spoon in chili and top w th a slice of cheese_^ a 0 * * * Here s an easy dessert slices ol fresh pneapple brushed wihixmer and sprinkled wilh brown sugar Broil abojt 2 minutes then top w th a l ttle shredoed coconut ^^ u Congratulations to Lisa Ehrenreich and Matt Scott on The * * * Arrival of Thomas David Scott Ap.ii 16 1992 Weighed in at 7 Here s an easy d nner bring the (am ly to lbs, 20 1/2 Tall David says Mom and Dad Doing Great T|-e Jacaranda or 1a-\ nk es Sei'ood Empor urn They re BotnGfea!'


'A* I 11 \i IM hi !' < '-j\> ni\*n ii t I'LW' 'HIM i'K fhrnui h hi'nr* ii \«. 'if r s' vi * ill *(ii(i (iiem a* Si"' 1 U 1 . i h'S r> It if pfttit, i, M 'Un\ ( ' I'M* h < i tf >! a n in' f Cfi > c -* vi t •-, i.c -.i I'II cl( ^ ,11* (f - r^ rooi jr^i li- "Jv 1 An ml ft }fn JCT f* n r i h a' i i< tpm-' I- it u^ •.! t Int

Thsi^vou' p\ liltmiolv-i }ii oni ul iKn DiiiKi't \\'U*iiiiiki'fi

n \t i n.iv dam ont vl Ik . ixjdwi CUMOIJ home si'« aion-> [he Ins (,(-! (n'uin \ d "DA mi fr tn e is ,>i !i Ft) h *\ r.s tirmil trn-n iht nut) *2iH)i Oj>riHF,u prttw !"\ifA 'he <- I WANY GOLF HOMESITFS & LUXURY RESIDENCES Mn -^1 ircn the i\-'( on> ot \otir rue'ref luxurv rondaTitn bn, pfcH ALREADY SPOKEN FOR.. In til ihe m'.i SI KK V tuM ! nh lh -\ nit1 011 hn to i V\V r \ou Miouid n<' (Jiff.1-*- i to watt ATiripalran^for T*!e nur prislipi a\iium*nt ft i\ - Stnt,(ij,-> his ban intone And \.e can hon^tlv df-enbe lh.s as a palidind tov [ttHf(f«so I1 plan 'lion 'ioic't nib. I'cnij ..rtnt We urt;e von to \m\ nurPre\iW\ lnv1 srti IN ind I'I f I i f n ^ iufl ""j!i(.n Center tn 1149 PeriwtnUe \\a\ This .tttnvw

•".fefi^^ -

,-;>.^v,,-, \,> : (=} 5 gnality leadership business seminar from Chamber In Chamber of Southwest Florida Is pre business executives with quality managiment Fdisor Community College featuring Peter F sent1*1-} a speakers forum Tola1 Qualit> bickgrounds appointed bi. Hit governor to D nicker Lcailti-slilp in State Government at the Url help implement Hit stale policy Druckex will talk about business and rmn \ersit Club Thursday, May 7 Prior to Plenos talk i live satellite vldt? agL-nent Tlic tele conference btglns at I La m J Join Pieno Florida s Secrctar> of Admin tele conference wfll be held al Hcndrj H ill dt and ends at 3 p m •"~ 1st] it-on will address Issues rclitlng to trie ere it on of quality councils Florida s quality team showcase and the governors Sterling Benjamin Cyclery free fitness series Award pilot programs created by PIcno In i nunil r- of state agencies The Fitness Store al Benjimin C>clcry has gram will present Back Pain and Healthy \ r option begins at 5 30 p m dinner Is it added four sessions to its free health excrclst. Back Exercise "Thurwlaj Ju*ie4 6pn and Picnos talk will follow Regis! n and fitness lecture scries during the next two Ourrwachtcr has a bachelors degree in tion i -?J5 per person and seating is limited months sports medicine from East Carolina Co lege -iner United States Nival officer Plena Dob Barker a ph>sltil therapist specials and a Masters degree in health fitness irfin ha •> business immgemenl degree from ing in sports medicine for Fort Myers physl agement from American UnhcrsHy dm John Kagin u 111 present Sports and Ex P itl> Scnoiicld director of health promo Southeastern I^uislana Unhcrslty ind is c completing his masters degree in aviation crcl e Injury Rehabll'tallon Thursday May 7D tlun for Cape Coral Hospital will present science it Embry Riddle Aeronautical UnKcr Darker is a former tralmx for the New ^ork Stress Management and Exercise Thursday slty He is a graduate of the Armed Forces Yankee* and has. a bachelor's drgree In physl June 18 ^ Stiff College and the Niv il Post Graduate cal education and sports medicine from the Schofleld h \s i bichclors degree in lieillh School Aviation Safety State University of New York phjslcil education and recreation from Perm Dr Kim AHcn, a Fort M>ers chiropractor Stitc University and a masters in business Pl^i was nppolnted Secretary of the Dc wtl present Nutritional Counseling & Hair administration from Nova Urlverst^ pirtm it or Administration in 1991 and in Aml>sfb as it relates to vitamin and mint'a 1 All of the prog-ams are free ind each begins " trod set 1 Totil Quality Mimgement to that deficiencies Tliursd 21 dcp-i^i t ni then to three other stale agencies at 6 15 at Benjamin Cyclery and Filncss on lit ils) serves as chairman of the Florida Susan Dumvachtcr exercise physiologist CIe\ eland Avenue across from the Edison Quail \ Mimgement Committee i group d for Sojthucst Rcgloml Rehabilitation Center Mall Reservations are not required work hardening and weight.mimgement pro ° >or more information call 939 2899 P.R. award banquet The Florida Public u Relations Assocfa tlon will announce WE STARTED PLANNING its 1992 Image Award Winners at a banquet Saturday May 16 at Worthlngton Country FOR YOUR RETIREMENT Uub Tickets for the event are $35 a per 24 YEARS AGO. son and everyone is encouraged to wear Lta<-kin 19b7 uitln visionf r v.h t veth tit,hl iht vkii t!i *m ii (I fine li\ ira» o ^ year s Dlack and white Ihemc WLLJ it* ntd it ii n univ Sponsored by the Southwest Florida riLhin iviil blct\pen ict aid Chapter of tne s Floridaioiblfc Rela" inuitiL with lift t\K ih tubt i ions Association a virds for 3T differ i rt entry categories mus m im it LLCI rrorn video to news aper programs wilt Wet u\\\ 1 c I it inmu! I\ uc distributed to t le •sest pjblic relations tint \\ ibRuplut 1 HI «tch\ r ampajgns in Ihe irci i(j idlilk Iht i Liihrprtnit For reservations "> call the assoUatlon Iht h&l**t \iu ht\ -"lifttluithisoilcriurlllnn rll n information center at 338 62t>8 For morc » \\< ueattdl vtl\ i r mnk <;h p ill it | P -pi ib -\ (l t. nformatlon call An < HI I u lntVi!1 M-U Ji Ml irn All h i >,, nil 0097

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TolearTim it 11) 11 iM idtltjjihh\ 0!'** 1 tWillli 0 t iu 1 r 10 Yeare Expfrlence Over $30 Million 1 Or mail the c UJK ibtk^t ihelPi r \iil «t 1 OOOM, In Transactions rnt li uio ird Ft Mjrr\ I lunda o°Ji)^ I mature Propcrt) GULF FRONT UVING 3 Bedrooms 2 baths I aiiy decks screened porch 162 fret of gulf beach luxury Vine . _ . Atallahir for il.275.000 „ __ —N3e Zip p Buy or Sell with an Experienced FOR 24 YEARS, AMERICAS PREMIER Professional 1813) 472 1611 or RETIREMENT COMMUNITY. "" 473 2905 PrlscUU MurphJ Rcsltjr lnc^ 'S* t


Comedic talents Fitness club offer s On the Marc Entertainment announced Club Sanlbcl Fitness and Nutrition Center £ Tom Drake will Join Us island staff Is offering a 15 percent discount on its jculy 5 Drake has ten years of experience In the rates for members of the Sanibel Captha Is -* comedy entertainment field as a professional lands Chamber of Commerce -5 comed'an and talent coordinator for se\eral Members can receive a free workout pi;>s so jg Southwest Floridi comedy clubs they can become acquainted with the ficilttj ^ With Drakes experience On The Marc will oeforc joining and the 15 percent discount ap ~- be able to bring comedians from ihc Tonlghl plies In addition to any other dlscmrht chini r Show Da\id letlerrmn Evening at the Im ber members ma> already be entitled to d z prov and Showtime to area events at an af Club Sanibel ofTen. aerobics >oga ucighl o fordible costs lifting cardiovascular equipment nutrition ^ counseling ma&sage.. therapy and $ven a -D ALLIGATOR beauty salon C • from page 8A The cenler is located al ihe comer of Snnl H the city would remove It^ Mills said whitii is bel Capilva and Rabbit road* For more in Cg just what happened thirifiemoon formal Ion conticl Judy DcCresceriTe or Don No one wis chaiged with Uttering nfter the Gny at 395 body ^1 dlligitor was found on West Gulf Dri\ r In this neighborhood drama whal to do with a reptile cada\er there wis some mcT Realty class offer sure of bravado The Fort M^ers Association of Realtors Bardcn had told homeowners he would pre !nc will offer a nine hour course lo^repire area residents for the community association stdc over the reptiles disappearance bv hook S&nlbtl fitness owners are offering discounts or b/ crook before rundown Wcdr^stlav mamger state exam Attorney Christopher Shields will be ihc 1 Instructor Cost Is S100 for members and $125 for non members King's Crown ochef receives promotion The course will be oficxed from 6pm to 9 The chef at Souths beas Plan itlon Resort Abrarnimon began with ihe Plantation In p m Tuesday May 12 from 9 3 m lo 12 p m and Yacht Harbours'Kings Crown rcsl iur,ml Ssp ember of 1988 as sous chef at Kings Saturday May 16 and from 6 p m to 9 p m wis promoted to a new position at the resort Crown In October of that same >cat he wis se Thursday May 21 ™ last week Iected as an apprentice member of the United The course will le£ch students about the Chef Peter Abrahamson Is now Chef dc Cut Slates Culin-uv Olympic Team and traveled to laws and regulations of Ihe profession pre sine for the resorts Chadwicks Restaurant He Gemnnv representing the mtlon In intern^ pare them for Ihe exim and provide basic In Is assuming responsibility for all of the culi tional competition structlon about )he history operation and mt) work at Clndwicks conference center * management of a communltv association b banquets the resorts bikery which supplies In February of 1900 he was promoted to Items to South Seas three restaurants and two Chef de Cmslne and the fallowing year the delicatessens as well as coordinating the Vfra Kings Crown under Abralnimons direction La Chef monthly luncheons kitchen tours was awarded the "Best Continental Award in halheimer's and cooking demonstrations Lee County by Gulfshare Life maga/inf N T^J i t V\ VH t R S Commercial real estate course offer where excellence is a tradition An introductory, commercial property fate brokerage and the basics of compounding Southwest Florida's course is being offered In tort Myers Friday and discounting to anal>ie basic real estate and Saturday June 5 and 6 problems Premier Jewelers offets Cost ofthe two day course Is $125 $98 lftlie The course Is offered by The Commercial you the very best in... participant Is a member of the Florida Certl Investment Real Estate Insdtule The Florida fled Commercial Investment Member or Fo-t Certified Commercial Investment Member Myers Association of Realtors and rcgis'e s Chapter and The Fort Myers Association of by May 6 Classes are held at the Realtors of Realtors flee on Wlnkler Avenue Participants will learn about the relation For more information contact the ship between users and Investors for real es Association of Realtors 936 3537 patches

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EARLY BIRD SPECIALS Fort Myers 5 6PM $7.95 In The Belt Tbwer Shops " 489 0141 Naples .UNCH SERVED IN LOL :HOM 17 NOON TILL C 253 13th Axenue South (LOUNGE MENU) DINNER DAILV S 1O PM 261 8422

SEAT ODD EMPORIUM Police watch 2 AS818T--Early Monday morning,-April 27, over to police and uiier returned to Its owner. _'- c ^ Dlhklns Lake Road woman »-* Sanibel police responded to a request by the ••• ASSIST-Early Sunday morning."April 26, ° babysitting at a Century CourT address was ~i Lee County sheriffs office to look for a pon- police assisted a stranded motorist on a Saul-* unable to open the door to the residence Sat- 3 toon boat, van and trailer possibly at the bel causeway Island. The driver's father was. urday afternoon", April 25,, She called police O Sanibel public boat ramp. Police we're unable" called to help. ' . ._,,.' • "- '-• wiien sh^ thought she had locked herself out. tr to locale the vehicle, boat and trailer. Later TICKETED-Early Sunday morning, April Police responded.- turned lhe«ke>* In ihe right '' £ that momliig the Coast Guard located the boat._ 26, Carl J. Hughes, of Fort Myers; was cited for direction and unlocked the Hcoff : _-, --• £ near Upper C'aptlva Island and towed It to driving 09 mph on the Sanlbcl causeway. The KEY WRANGLE-Saturday morning: April £ South Seas Plantation. -.-.: -*'. -"' ticket cost $1SS: •-•^•L " 25, police responded (Q trie Lighthouse beach w ARRESTED-Chrlstopher Dean Shacfer, of -'• OVERFLOW-Pollce responded to a Whelk parking lot about a report of aUlspute. Upon Q Fort Myers, was arrested afler Sanibel Police?. Drive address about a report of water front a arrival police spoke wlih an Oliva Street man ;. Z discovered warrants had been issued for his one-Inch pipe draining into the'eanai from a ^who allegedly took theTccy from the Ignition 5 aiTCSt. r - '-• "" : :" 7 - ' • ., o • . • : . - : pool al the residence Saturday night, April 25. of a vehicle drtverf by a^Sextant Drive man 52 An ofTicer or: routine patrol stopped an al- %No one was home at the lime. An officer, and would not give it back. The Olrva Street • ^v Icgcdly speeding vehicle on Sanlbel-Captlva ' turned off a spigot connected to'a hose which t man told police he took the key after he al- - ^ Road. The'driver; Antonello c: CoHu- also pf ran Intq-thc pool. :. U'• v legedly observed the Swtant Drive man hit a i Fort. Myers, was cited.for driving with a sus- FOUND--Saturdayevening, April 25, a wal-: bird.: He to!d police lie beiieved the Sextant ^ pended license and driving 58 mph. Shaefer - let belonging to. a Fort Myers man was found Drive min Intended to leave ihc bird. How- .^ was a passenger In the vehicle. Police checked ' on San Carlos Bay Drive and brought to po-- - ever, when police arrived Care! and Rehabili- tation of Wildlife responded and picked up the G his Montana driver's license;and discovered--" lice. The owner was notified and 'picked up his •, * the warrants. • --'"••'- •"- v • • '-. Xvaliel. ..-• ••'"•'•) •'" bird- The Oliva Street man gave the Ignition '.._. ASSISTr-Sunday night. April 26, police ARRESTED-Robert Michael Golasky. of key back to the Sextant Drive man. The dis- were alerted to a potentially drunk driver on Fort Myers, was issued a notice to appear In? pute was settled without further bloodshed or Island roads, An'oITlcer stopped^! vehicle court on charges of possession of .marijuana, action. .-, ^~i - " matching the vehicle description given and - drtvlng on a suspend-d license and driving NO PARKING-A Coconut Drive man founft - determined the driver was not impaired. . _";. with switched vehicle lags Friday'evening. - a?strange vehicle parked on his property Sat-~'i INSECURE-An officer conducting vacation April 25. A Sanibel police omcer on routine . ^urday morning. April 25. Police edvlsed the man he had the right'to tow. the vehicle at the homt checks found a rear door Insecure at a patrol stopped the vehicle on T^riwinkle Way f Sandcastlc Road residence Sunday evening. when he noted the tag numberdid not match . owner's expense. -,- -"-, °- < April 26. The officer secured (he doo'r, : Ihc dcscnption of vehicle It was registered to. •" ACClDENTr-MKchelt Owen Garrclt, orukje u CITED-Sunday afternoon, April 26. police A search of the vehicle subsequent to the Iraf- Murex Boulevard, and John ^Idrldgc Day^bf responded to Buttonwood beach access about a flcstop turned ,up evidence of the drug which Fort Myers, wcrp Involved in an accident on complaint of illegally parked vehicles..Two later tested positive for.marijuana. A passen- P^Im Ridge Roaq Saturday morning. April 25. citations were Issued. ' .••--. (' ger ln;Gqlasky's vehicle, Michael Alfred Nl- _ There were no Injuries. Garrelts vehicle suf- FOUND-Sunday afternoon, April 26. an . chola of Lehigh Acres, was issued a notice to fered $800 in damage and Day's vehicle had Alton, Illinois woman left Ther wallet at a appear In court on charges of possession of-V $3,200 damage. Garrctt was cited for turning •• Periwinkle Way shop. The wallet was turned marijuana. . : : . : : left into oncoming Ijafflc" -" ' HISTORIC ——^—-—r^- ,^ happen down the road," said member Ellnore Commissioners approved the nomination^ •from page 2A : i; - ^Dormer. '"' ;-. ; . ... of the Rutland Graves,.nfar the Periwinkle^ : The nomination for the Community House Trailer Park, with the condition that no was continued at the request of the commu-. - plaque be placed on site. -' : ; "• nlty association's president".'Ra^Jond Cum- The request comes fromJhe owners, the

mings, - --('. .- • -. .; ;-•_. - ••• .._;;."" ^Mutjneh family, who said the. site Is close to- Continuances can only.be asked for by the Ihe bike path and they do not want lo do any- : owner and Cummlngs requested it because,'^ e i.hing~to encourage people to come on the prop- association's board wanted more time tore- search the matter. He said the former board ^ • he nomination of the Beach Mouse, on: supported the nomination but added six new ' Vt/pt Gulf Drive, was also'approved,^3d with board members were recently named and need f the^blesslng of the owner Virginia Johnson. ^ : : to be consulted. o . :.• .:• ; «. ; Johnson said she has made every v/fort to The nomination for Woodring Point was retain the historic value of her home and v, withdrawn by the historical committee be- '. commended the committee for the nomina- ? cause the site named In the application Is Es- - tion. ".••"• ; - "-.,:•• . "•" ; -.i..•--".•' • ,; peranza Woodring's home, when the commit- : <-• Finally, commissioners approved the nom- ulee meant to name the actual point, which is inations of Miss Charlotta's Tea Room and owned by the federal government. the Bailey Store. Itolli oC these buddings were ' The Beach House WSJ> built la 1913 and had , Ralph Woodring, speaking for his mother . previously moved lo city property, near the lsv: the only octagon outhouse on the Island. - :• Esperanza. asked the home be left alone. land Historical Museum. .. - a


. . .however you really must see it lo believe the incredible beauty of Heron's Landing. Sparkling waters, diving birds, private nature trails all provide the perfect setting for your Island retreat. -i; Waterfront homesites J.i Elegant custom homes r,i Luxury, waterfront villas

Iks, bic. 5101 San-Cap RJ • San.lx-1 • FI. '-W57 (813) -472-3040 AreBy Kathleean Blas candidate ^ e throw"Economisc an dha transportatiot intn linkageo s arredistrictine g race Stajf Writer * common and therefore anything that affects With state re district ing possibly on the this {southern) district would have impor- way, former island resident Ralph Livingston tance on Sanlbel as well." tic poted. '-.--• • -_ 53-yeai-okI Republi- has announced his Intention to run for a new Livingston1 said-there has been poor state~ can tad former Is- seat In the Florida House of Representatives represcntatlonforthe southern district and . lander, announced he Livingston, 53, is a Republican ;ind hopes ; the need for change is great, i; . will run for State ° Sanlbel will be Included in the district. ..."Our legislature and its leadership have Repreeentathreofa " "When I came to Lee County 14 years ago. been a miserable failure. Neycr has so much new Sooth Florida Sanlbel was the first place i visited. My father public money been spent to produce such mea- district, the boundary and step-mother also live there."'- he contin- ger results. The legislature haiTu'scd the rcdis- lines of which are ued. tricting process as a means of maintaining now being drawO 'There is a strong possibility for Us inclu- Democatic control, to entrench incumbency sion in the district, although" according to and to carve out certain districts to satisfy the' pcrsonarambitlon of several key legislators." Livingston, "logic does nol;always prevail." ; Exact district boundaries are still subject to he claimed. _ o; :>' .' -.'"''.-. Rehearing "denied a court decision, but a new.district may in- A resident of Heritage Fanns in South Fort .. Sanibel's request to have a lawsuit the city clude most of South Lee County and portions Myers, Livingston Is president and co-owner., ! losfreheard failed this month. :.;: of Cape Coral and Northern Collier County. of The Extra Closet mini-storage business .-i 'V TKtSecond District Court of Appeals de- ' nled Sanibel's motion for a rehearing a lower court's decision finding In favor of Helmark Guard training may move to Sanibel Incorporated, which wanted permission to The land near Sanlbel's'llghthonse could ; there have been several changes in the Coast build a dock along Lighthouse Way. ^ ' : . become a training ground for the. United Guard's procedures regarding leascs.^nd we -.- City codes require 1.000 feet between docks States Coast Guard, reported City Manager , are at thtr^nercy of the 'bureaucracy' and and Heimark's proposed structure was JU"stri, Gary Price last week- awaiting a decision from Tiit coast guard, next door to a fishing platform creeled In Ihec J The coast guard owns the land, which Sani- Prlcesald. • •! - "" •* =.-.. .;!'* "•'".. •-•-.-• water of San Carlos Bay. is -/-."-.P. bel rents. The city, In tumt leases the two care- Meanwhile^ one of the cottage tenants lease ^ ;" lleimark successfully argued the neighbor- takers' cottages to city employees. expired April 30 so the city renewed his lease ing structure was not really a dock, so the The coast.guard-city lease agreement ex- on a month-to month basis. I: :'_= V 1.000 fool standard dfd nof apply.- - : ~ ; pires tomorrow. May 2 and city officials have This extension wil! allow the tenant. Police' "I do not think there Is sufficient bases for been trying.to get a 10-year renewal since Detective Kevin Morehousc. to remain In the Jurisdiction In the Florida Supreme Court 16 January. '^ cottage until a determination Is made by the carry the matter any furthcr."-Said Sanlbel "As of (his date, we have not been able.lo'se- coast guard. " " " c City Attorney Robert Prltt, recommending the cure an' agreement for renewal. Apparently • > Morehpuse pays a rent of $215 per month. case be dropped. u

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'CZ'7711/IO' UKAl.TY COKPOKAXJON1'' Distance Within ',: Ei Rl EB +7-(ligit Number ?99 W Camino Gardens Dlvd. * "*". Boca Raton, FL 33132 •-'•-. Film Society series brings classics, foreign films a, Those hungering for the cultural Influence Casablanca Jul> 3 9 is Raise the Red The Edison Park Eight theater is located In ? of European films and those yearning to sec Lantern Jury 10 23 Is "Where Angels Fear To rort Myers on Wlnk'er A enue almost _ classics on the big screen not late night tele Tread July 24 30 Is Lei Him Have It and icross from the, Edison Mai) >• vision no longer have to make the two hour u July 31 August 7 Is AWomansTale Film society members receive a $2 dfs 2 trek to Sarasota to Indulge ~ Curtain lime !s 2 p m 5 p rn and 8pm count equal to the senior price of $3 50 All • Last week the Film Society of Southwest dally other tickets are $5 50 for the nightly shows cc Florida began showing art films at Cobb All are Invited In ittcnd sprclal discus For all shows before 5pm the ticket Drtce is £ Theater's Edison Park Eight slons scheduled for the occasional Thursday $350 *=> __j or The promotion is a part of a cooperative night immediately following the 8 p m show The Sarasola Film Society is also showing §iagreement between the society the Lee County Ing flms In Naples For more Information call i" Alliance Of The Art arftLthe Sarasota Film Guest speakers will lead the discussions 481 8333 _ °E Society z Showing this week Is the critically ic 5 claimed film Europa Europa Screenings Engravings depict !L9th Century life w will continue until May 7 Wood engravings by Illustrator Winsiow tions for hundreds of wood cngrav'ngs Beginning Ma> 8 and continuing through Homer will be disphyed In the Fine Arts Displayed will be his recordings from the 8 May 14 is Barton Fink <- Gallery a* Edison Community College begin Civil War a sojourn In Paris and his deplc May 15 21 Is Kafka May 22 28 is nlng Sundiy Maj 10 and continuing through tfons of the Jo>ous aspects of middle and 1 Madame Bovary May 29-June 4 is Make It May 31 lower class llfejn America durirg the la'c Lunch June 5 11 is High Hceis June 12 18 The engravings (lite from 1857 1888 I9ih Century * is Anlorua and Jine June 19 25*fc The Homer known chiefly for his watercolor The reception open to the public Is from 2 •I Double Life Of Vcronlque June 26-July 2 Is painting* also creifed little known Uluslra 1pm Sunday Series of new exhibits arrive in St. Petersburg The Saint Petersburg Museum of Fine Ans tlon of 50 19lh Century British watercolors witercolors will give a lecture at 3 p m Sun will open four major exhibitions this month from the West Foundation housed in the High diy June 7 i Sunday May 10 a display of almost 100 Museum in Atlanta^ind T collection of 19th The-Roberts prints tilled Along the Nile to antique fans collected by Elsa James Zelley Century prints by Da\ld Roberts depicting Nubia were produced during a period pst be ofBradenton opens ""> indent apghacoloklcal sites In Lgypt fore the advent of photognphj ard ga\e Eu This exhibit includes some of the world s The final exhibit Passport to the World lopeans their first detailed glimpse of the u ilnest examples of 18th and 19th Century fans Is a selection of paintings and pp* Columbian Mies landmarks which took years to collect Many are hand African and Oriental artifacts from the While Roberts was not the flr&l British palntrd some with miniature court and ev Wayne and Frances Knight Parrlsh Estate artist to visit Egypi and Israel he was the flr&t cryday scenes The British wdlercolors exhibit Is doml professional academic artist to independently Fans from Europe the JDrlent and the mted by Victorian paintings of the Jatle^half travel there United Stales wi'l b*, on display Some are of the 19th Century An earlier romantic The prints are from the collection of Peger licquercd while others are made of carved style Is represented b> the work of artists such M W egc arfd donated by the Grand Rapids Art ivory tortoise shell silk lace feathers and as James B?ker Pync Cople Fielding and Museum 3= net Chrkson Stanfleld The Passport to the World exhibition rep Exhibit organizer museum curator Cyn But it was during the litter decides of the resents a sampling of works collected by thfa Duval will present i sped ll lecture The century that watercolors grew to rival greit Wayne Parrlsh and his wife Frances Knight Social Aspects of Paintings on 18th Century oil paintings In size and high finish who heided the State Departments passport Fans at 10 a tn Siturday Miy 16 In conjurclion with the exhibit Thomas A office for /ears The other three exhibits open May 24 Deans of Tallahassee an authority on Qrilish All exhibits continue until August 30 Two originally hail from England a collec

Sanibel Creative Tile Co View o£ GutS and Beach "S«rvlnf! Ihc UUnd* nines 1979" Th* P«>/«.I°non lag!! Dinner 430-9 P.M. Ojwn HF J I 47 A ZHrl or 47^ Til F r EJVfjl_ Closed Sundays sj=mnW Located in SanUva 4££y Turt before BUnd Pass Bridge sexixi} 472-1910 f@ "551 Carry°Out S£ Si


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ONFOFAKESD' ENJOY THE PRtVAO! "Tliis'grwl family Vacation Retreat has; it ail! 3 bdnns/2- This excellent homcsi'e is over 1/3 of an acre It also bths. walk out screened potch to sand beaclt Pool, Tennis, borders conservation land and the Sarubcl nver Ne^r BBQ, Activities in Private Qubhousc for children. Joan shopping and minutes to the beach' Large, Private ana Lalocy, Broker Salesman, "Selling Island Style" (472- Affordable - sum it up, Jim Anderson, Realtor 3l2lor454 5984) Associate (472-0008 or 395-0743) •$419,000- -RFALLY GREAT @ $79,000- LARUF, ESTATE SIZF LOJ With room (a a pool or tennis coun1 Comer lot adja ceri io The Sanctuary development Enjoy gred view DOCK YOUR BOAT HERE! FOR THF FAMILY of Go'f Course fromjour private individual residence. Smuhuig Victoria dcjigneil Canal Horn" feaiunng your ' This 3 bdnn/2 bth split floorplan is perfcel! Ki!>.hcn has Call Tor tnfo Ann Gardiner, CRS (472 3121 or 472- own Pod and Spa & private beach acce*t. Drum Master breakfast ba. k dinning ^ea mcrliwVs open & screened Suite has ItU/Hei farilitici. Gulf view [mm Roof girden porches Vaulted ceilings m living loom In quiet area 34865 -ONLY $209,000- & sun deck. Many other smenilici lo fall in love with! w/landscapcd lawn Tracy Walters Realtor Associate Preview Anytime. Cul Docmo, Realtor Associate (472- (47? 3121 or 472 8055) BEAirrU-ULSEASPRAYHOMLSnE 3121 or 472-3042),, CLOSE-OUT PRICED FROM Bdild your "drean home" on this esfaie size lot! $580,000. Community pool & ttnnis also included in the cscluwe ' URGE "OLDER" FLORIDA STYLE SEASPRAY subdivmon Jusi steps to the Gulf Frank Home on txautiful. dead end street; 4 Mrms 4 2-1/2 Wis Knvas, Rcallnr Associaie (472 3i 21 or 466-03301 on canal, boat lift incfuded! It's an Island bargain for -$A»,000. _ S3O9,9OO! Furnished and ready to move in. Call to vie*. Fied Spring1 BroVer Salesman (472 3121 or 472-6726) •ONLY 1309,000- ENJOY SANMKL LIVING BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME ~ To the fullest! Buy this beautiful 1-1/2 level home wAnini- "Perfect lot" with Gulf Beach Frontage and Bay View mum steps.. On lake junounded by golf course, designed Dockage in your backyard! Cleared dock ready io build for family living &. entcnaining gucsis.'.;fj car garage, 4 on. Capiiva Estate area. Fred Spring, Broker Salesman Wrms; 4 bths, pool & vrate. Jean Reed, Realtor Associate (472 3121 or 472-6726) (472-3121 or 472-1663).^ -5685,000

BEALTinX DINES HOME Ovciiooking Lskc tc S13 Fairway. Fantastic views! 3, udims/3 oihs and Poul. SJaturtf'Iandscaping, Custom design Golf k Tennis Club amenities available; Jack •Sarnici; Broker Salcuman (472-3121 or472-3571), ONE OF CAPTIVA'S FLM.ST -S4!M,000 UF- 20,000 SQ FT.OFGROINDS Exquisite estate offers the lifestyle you dream about' Magnificent 1 bdrm/3 bth deep waier home also has cxltn Tropical deep *atcr lagccEi direct access, boat house, sive landscaping Rcccntl) rcmoikd it otfm long *atct tennis & living level pool Spacious living areas, 4 THE !rt ST Or ROTH \\ ORLDS views A spaaous screcrtcd enterummem area JunounJs bdrms. beautiful property Jane Weaver, Realtor THIS Beautiful Home in San>bcl's premier subdivision Sea pool & spa Pamela Pfahlet, Brotn Salesman (472 3121 Associate (472-3121 or 472 8789) Spray' A in le*el Vpmatc master suite i a loft for office or 472 3897) or TV 3 bdrms, plus >our own private beach board walk •$795,000 Round out this exciting new offensg Jane R Weaver Realtor Associate (472W8 or 472 8789) •$650,000- MARCH 1992

^ StASlH-LLSOFSAMBFL ) (,ny \T \ALIK/GRFAT CONDITION H ' (orncr Urn • E^knsivc Ceramic Ttte * Ntai IKach 5. i'^ Pool L Buber Carpet * On site Maragcmenl * New f Miung Room FJiiitute, Dan Cohr, CRS (472 3'2I or A STRESSl.ESS RETREAT! , Discover trie easy beach lifestyic you deserve in this r 47! 9137) remodeled ISLAND HIDE-AWAY! Includes separate , * -ONQ $181,500- Sales guest quancrs or rental apt. On the romantic cast end of c "=^ Lynda Trayerso imibel Call Beiky Williams. 'She SilK Sjnibel", PRLMHOCATIOVrOPNOlCIIRLNTAl. Eves. 489 3201 BroVcrSalcsman(4723121or47254'7j ==> •JUST $249,000 Lumr> 2 bdrm/2 blh gulf rroni unil on W Gulf Dr HariiMjmel> appointed imnorcd *a!l Only 9 owncs share secluded scuing tennis, hcatci pool 4 tiki huM Marge -McCombi Rcaluir Associate (472 3121 or 472 61)18) Q v -$375,000

CAPTIVA CONDO WlDEEP WATER DOCK 1149 Periwinkle \Vay/24a7 Pcrininklc Wny, Sniiibcl Island, 1"L 33957 BeaJiifulij jpjwmtid aniio has great wci* of tfii. GulT hxil, boat dockage," k private cabana. An excellent tenta! 813/473-3121 • 800/232-<30<>f'• Fi«: 813/305-0855 histon r^uVi this a ttix! mvc^trru' or 2TJ hrnn \riii 11508 Andy Howe I^nc, Captha Iihuid, IX 33984 Ur mi (IS RiJlor V«rxiKi41 *l2ur4i; 14WI •ONLYM7S,00l). 813/472-0008 • 800/232^500-1 • VAX 813/472-5607 tsottt 1J LI \tttbti the AWM I Its MLSirnjnrlrtcflrc. l k!l trti «,1i £ w-Uviljr m Ihe mukfl. A,' MAY 1.1992 • -, : ' t^'rV-ff|$p^* :^ef;Ifr^

Exploring new frontiers Where no one has gone before By MaryJcanne McAward ihe same age as their children aiid . Slajf Writer telling tales of projects entered at From the practical —how to in- fairs in the 1960's and 70s,' cubate and hatch chickens— to A project which asked If one the impractical and potentially = can plant invisible seeds,-,-mold toxic— melting crayons in Mom's spores-seemed to garner off-the- oven lo see which color melts cuff remarks frum onlookers first— the youth of Sanlbel proved faster than a shower stall deco- Imaginative and polenllnlty off rates with mildew on the barrier their rockers at Sanlbel Elemen- Jslands. tary's annual science, fair Tuesday This project, which featured evening, April 28, various substrates such qs straw- Students participated In three berry Jam, and what grows on categories: kindergarten and first them, may have proved more U grade; second and tlilrd grade; and toxic to midnight snackers graz- fourth and .fifth grade. ing refrigerator shelves next to First, second and third places this work-in-progress than fifth- J«uid, on occasion, an "honorable grader- Michael Pitt's crayon mention was awarded for (wo di- melting experiment. visions, in each category: Earth- Like many of. the uniform-clad Cahrin Burney experimented with Styrofoam and nail polish remover. Life •- Science and Physical children at the fair who came Science. straight from Little League games, on°reused Lean Cuisine ^dishes Her hypothesis was" proved and - Beneath the patina of compcU: Pitt had the excited aura endemic heated in his mother's microwave the Wizard formula worked best. lion al every school science fair is. to opening night at the opera, or "oven This recipe includes three to a common human bond as strong that of an already - hyped chili 1 But the crayons burned holes In four cups of Karo mixed wlUi the plates, so Pitt put his colors in three £ups of Joy. foil .muffin cups and Instead - FoTTrth grader Shane Adams baked the experiment In^a con- likes balloons and wanted to find^ ventional oven. ,, out If they are good for the cnvi5 White melted fastest: black was ronment.4 second; blue third: red fourth and His experiment,included three yellow last so th'S' hypothesis balloons' mistreated in various failed. ways, as well as" Information A further refinement of the ex- ^ about where the latex material of perlment Involved painting half balloons comes" from" and the ef- the foil cups black. ' vv fects of balloons on the environ Asked what he rriosl remem- mem" and wildlife. bered about the experiment. Pitt: One.of the most^elaborale and said after It was well underway he colorful experiments was fourth thought his family might be poi- grader JonajhanFucella's Colors soned by toxic fumns from melt: experiment? which demonstrated ing crayons. what argon and neon gas do when Which^Bubbles Are Best was used in luminous tubes of differ- third grader Sorrel Concodora's ent colors. — % experiment. ^ A materials list including glass Her materials Included a magl- tubing, electrodes, blow- hose, Sorrell Conoodora found the best bubble solution with her experiment. caMobklng bubbje wand bought canon fire* ribbon fire and other earlier this year at the Medieval science fair exotics seemed the as the He between atoms. who has Just eaten a half-dozen Fair In Sarasola and a variety of most'sophisttcated of all at, the 'At some point In their lives sugar danuts. o cupboard standbys like Joy dish competition. most people have endured one of PHt admitted his project. Mat- detergent and Kara syrup. The student bent neon. and these sonic times-cut throat com- ing'Moments, was a last-minute !Thls looks like a pancake spelled COLORS in neon shades of petitions and either struggled horse. flipper." a fellow fair participant the ralnbty^. with a last-minute project, or tri Cooking crayons in a conven- told.Concodora as he waved the Whlle$Fucella; bent tubing, umphed with a winning, techno- tional oven, Pitt theorized dark- pretzcl-Uke wand. J~ fourth grader Christine Valentine logically creative leap of the est colors —the ones that hang The backboard of Concodora's tortured sliver lace ivy plants mind. around the crayon box forever- experiment featured photos of her Science fair war stories were would melt before the brighter odyssey through bubbletand. • please see p?ge 3B passed among attending parents hues, which enjoy a Ml dance head end shoulders above their card. ec t children, becoming In many w.i>s Initially Pitt melted crayons AnIn ihed kindergarte then andwinner first Rachel "Mayeros are..n took second. ' grade category. Earth-Life Science place"and Danny derrick"third division, the firsT^pl.ire winner place. " ^ was Kent Plckard. * In the fourth and fifth grade Karl Halverson took, &c< ond category,.Earth-Life Science divi- place and liana Masearl tliltd sion. 'Halite NachlshcttTi won first placp o place. In the Physical Science dlvl- Elizabeth Armltage took sre- slon-Vance Colin won first placed on;l place and Tcshla Sanders Ashley Sanders look second \h\rii plarc.^ n place and Jennifer Webb •thini Two honorable':, mentions in place. (his category were Sonju Smith In the second arujHhirtl grade nnd JosoGarcia. calcgory, Earth-Ufe Science dhl In Ihe Physical Scicncc-caJc- ^ton, Ain^id.1 Webb took tirsl i^ory first plate was a UP between [ilace Second pl;xc w is ;i ll'- bo Jennifer T"homas and Anva'f tween/fla Utfi-sby and April Ar- Cieslcnskl. cmp. « CcpfTGoas won tliinl .plare. In thi- Physlral Srlomc dM Two honorable "nienlions nv •iiorr Michael Cohn won^-Jirst this category were Taylor \V,nk Taylor,Wackcraian simulated area climate temperature.variances. place; ennan and Shelly Fr\e -*^ •,. ••£%"'•

filX; I Alleged moped theft results in crash, hospitalization _J By MaryJeanne McAward Bundesinan told police he had been Biindesmanh said he did riot.remember what ••- r.Staff Writer \- ...... -:• ing.and was unable to find the keys. " happened. . " ''"-r;'-- ~';.'•';• ., \- Tr .A 26 year old New Jersey, man allegedly tie told police he relurncd to.{lie restaurant, J ^Icdics said according lo his injuries It I T ; looked as though Eundesmanri had been fl4ht- - < stole a moped from the, parking lot of a- ate some oysters, exited and slols a pink Puch 2 Sanlbel restaurant and then drove the scooter '. moped parked in the lot. ; ;) ., "! -fng., ..-• -;."• • •=..-; •:•••:•":.: . y :»;.= \ O Into ^mailbox on'Llndgren Boulevard early .After ihc crash, he went tci; the door of a.. Bundesmann was transported to Lee Memo- -., ~ £ .Monday morning. April 27, v>"_ ->;r ,. •'. I.indgrefi Boait*vard address and yelled for rial Hospital while officcro investigated. -• b The man, Harry S. Bundesmann of Clemen- help. Tile woman in the residence called pa- '.. ton - "Police found the mofsd arid noted a broken , § - New Jersey, was in stable condition at Lee lice .". •'••, --• " • - y,-\, -^ • . •_ • -=. g. Memorial Hospital late Wednesday, suffering . -. Police responded and medics were nollflerl."'- mailbox vat a nearby Lindgrcn Boulevard ad- cc from a compound fracture of the collarbone There was blood and grass on the moped • fJ o andiother Injuries. : " , and a" large bloodstain on the bike palh. o " 'If Willie In the hospital, police look -blood '•'"• Church's birthday ".' The Periwinkle Way woman reported her ^ samples from Bundesmann and later charged The Lutheran Church of the Isles Is one", I : month old and growing, reported church or- - iri9ped missing early Monday morning. _ ~ him with thefC • " . , o ' ,!?• ?• '.=> - The moped was valued at $50 by Us owner, a V ganizers this week. ; : • ; : ., _ w . Services are at 5:30 p.m. each Sunday, at. Periwinkle* Way" woman, -_• -.o a Engagement set ; ,.-.' -". According to police reports, Dundcsiriahn the Congregational Church, and about 3§.pco- 7 ^Mr. and Mrs. Richard R=Turney of Dralc- ; •-'' and a friend, David Sulock of Haddonfleltl.y- ple have been attending each week, u .. nahl, Ohio and Sanlbet announced the en- - New Jersey, attended a business meeting Sun- ,r, The new church boasts Ann Gehris as the : 1 11 '-- gagement of their daughter, Jacquelyii Rae, to~ organist and the reverend Paul R. Suttercr. ~v day evening, AprU 26, at the Sonesla rcsiirt In : John Francis Bcecher. II.'' - : who is donating his expertise. -•'•-' . -.«J ,.. Punta Kassa.- '""..•- '^BeecherlslhesoriorthelateMr. and Mrs! : " -; Afterward the men, drove 16 the Lazy Sutterer Is the full time pastor at Trinity Thomas R Deecher of Buffalo New York. - Flamingo restauranl'on Periwinkle Way. Lulheran Church of Cape Coral and this is the J -,, Ttimey. 28. is a graduate of Middlcbury Col- . - While at the restaurant the men argued. Su- ,rfourth church he has helped to establish, _ lege and was an advertising account managers '" The congregation hopes to start a Sunday • , ,,._ lock threw the car keys on the ground of the, : :; with Magazine Services Inc., in New. York City ' ; restaurant parking lol and left, school class this fall. i : •$'• - priori to her recent move to Buffalo. She plans : : . to start her own business. : - -,~ " . Reform foruin set Beechere 36. Is an insurance broker with : : Npylon Companies in Orchard Park, , The American Association of Retired Pcr^ .-- The couple plan a June wedding, a honey- sons 13 holding a hearing about health care re- moon in the Caribbean and they will live in form Tuesday. May 7. at the Sheraton Harbor East Aurora, New York.: . . ' Place in downtown Fort Myers. ', o Free parking will be provided and everyone, is invited to the fortim, which runs from 9:30 ••Isiaeli independence , a.m. to noon.. , ; '•-.•" .";: \ w The Jewish Federation ^of, Southwest ' Foi more information call (2021 434-3720. Florida will host a celebration x>f Israel's In- Chiarino has searched everywhere The Sheraton Harbor Place Is located at 2500 - dependence Day Sunday, May 3. The event will be Held on the grounds of the to find the most sophisticated sculptors, Edwards Drive, near the downtown yacht :'. basin. •'•'• ; '}- '•'' . Lee County Alliance of the Arts. Call 939- . artisans & purveyors of unusual giftware. ' 2787.- .;-_ ,. _-..•+.," -,/A ••"-.," ••i-.:' ^ Sometimes Grcsl Ideas • ORIGINALS • LITHOS •PRINTS - '; Just Come to You. P The best pla Featuring v aboubout dccontidtin That's why ourColoran brings lhoui»cd» of Bam pica to "JANEEN MAES „ your bamcoroondominium. - ChoQw draperies, carpet, wall- YANKOWSKI" CDV^iam «nd fumiBhingi. Weifhandlo all the dcUilj Cjraluatcs. Tram the order right U Ihc ^ u . A welt-known artist throughout our area. inalallalion, trven in your Janeen produces works in a combination When it comes to making Brides to"Be of lithography, elchinn and collage tech- dcorBliriKdrtHsiom, there's no . pJques that um both.T<,.T.bolic and piacu liVe Decorating Den. provocative. . . 472-6551 , SanibcliCnplivn - Someone you know 395-0444 • " has a " • . decorating Don -••'m--. : Open Dally 10-6 SaH. & Stin. 12-5 ; --special day v,v: . Located In I'eriwfnkle Place Upper DRAPERY • nUNITURK • .CARPET • WALLCOVERING <; Level fl2-l West -• '•• . corning up. vi;-: we've made it easier for "V you to~give them ISLAND REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES JNC. o sohiething Located at Island Real Estate Center " really special •-.- -, '-.<•._- 11711 Periwinkle Way • Sanfbal, Florida i (800)771-1123 (813)472-1123^' .•20-5056 SAVINGS

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Desigrjer Collections, Fine Jewelry & Watches if Heart of the Island. *-" '-.-. )^p ' . - .1620 Periwinkle Way .'•"..."• - Sanibei Island 472-1454 I &:•:•:•• :-5.:*zm SCIENCE—7 — _-,,.. - -T,.—?~ * from page'3B 80 degrees in a brown'house placed on. a -i fresh from a Little League game1 with his team. ? wHh,music blaring from her FM radio in a , square of turf, '•-•' ."'.. :'. .>*' "•- •.the Mets..••"'•: *" :: ; •_. /''•:.• •«•'•*-}•- month-long experiment. r/.,. - ^ " The temperature within a white beach» , His experiment asked what would happen" Three plants received equal amounts of - house was 100 degrees opposed to 80 degrees ,! when Slyrcfoam was placed In nail polish re- sunlight, water and plant food. - Ll. - • •" -for a white turf house, , :; • ~'"•- Her hypothesis was that ivy, subjected to 96 -••' ; Wackerman explained sand retains heat -=• He hypothesized (he Styrofbam would "go K-Rock, around the clock, would do the worst: while turf, which is damp, disperses heat. •_• Hat," which it did. A chunk'of the foam lay In the plant stuck with Shore 94 easy listening Fourth grader Parker Archibald : con- /a Petrl dish of pungenlly scented, plnk-tlngcd would fare the best,, and the one left in peace , structed a camera obscura from" a large coffee K-Mart polish remover, looking as up tc speed r can. wax paper-and rubber bands for his ex- '.. as the silver laceJvy Christine Valentine tor- and quiet second best. ..-" . ~.. • '" ' : ''• : Her hypothesis proved correct-the rocked- periment \Vliat A Camera Sees.. ^ '"••• ' ~ tured^Hh FM rock. • •::>'• - - --. A^smallhole was punched through the. bot- .. .-'. In the Raw Egg Mystery, third grader Justin out tvy was stunted and dazed-looking, as 1 plants go. :..•'• - '-•• ";.. " lorn of the can and'wax paper covered the ; Gulnac hypothesized, he could remove the However Valentine said she really needed other end. •" ]••-' shell from a raw egg without breaking the egg. - - He placed the egg In vinegar, an acid which harder rock'muslc, in the genre of Metallica; _ -With a bath towel draped over the user's and softer easier listening music with less ^ ate away the calcium of the egg. j' -..'.-•' \" ' L . head to create darkness and the can —hcld_at Jazz, to further define the effects of music on Once the shell dissolved, the egg expanded. annai length—^ pointed to a source'of light, (he Placed in tap water It grew to the size of a flsl-- plants. ' • -r ' "'.- r r. __._•• -^1 camera produced an upside-down image. Fourth grader Nlkki Aniadio hatched baby an Item totally imrecognlz?ible fromfAmadlo's Towel-headed Archibald posed with his chicken eggs across the room. 3 _- •'. chicks In a homemade Incubator. Her hypoth- -o creation for a photo, taken with1 n more ad-"-' csis—thatwithout warmth, moisture and ro- •: vanced form of this early technology* • The world, pianarta population Is deel- ' tatlon eggs^vili not hatch-was proved true. ; Fifth grader Jennifer Tliomas: proved her . mated in the,name of science on an annual : * Tlic proof of this was borrie by a half-dozen " . hypothesis that some liquids conduct electric-, '•' basis."'•'-*• - •-'; ' - - "- ""••;'-~" '^. • •"-'"., .=•"•' chirping yellow and black chicks.^ • -'-'-• ." But first grader Kent Plckard's winning pro- ity while others do not. - _: '":: • ;," '-•••• ject dealt with regeneration of sliced and diced During the evening, an egg began to chip" 1 and crack as the chick within stirred to life. ilt % Materials; Included eight Jars and solutions, planarta —giving something back to this tlnyis Amadlo said she likes pets and counts tap water, tap water with salt, milk, Clorox 'Tlatwonn wltlr a trifld intestine, which in the chickens as well as dogs and cats among her Plus, ammonia, Coca-Cola, windshield wiper, more advanced scientific world offers much •£?/. animal friends. ,~ ' - " fluid and mineral spirits, one light emitting promise to researchers working In tissue re- - Fourth grader Taylor Wackcrmari hypothe-t ^ diode, two electrodes and two batteries, growth and nerve regeneration. : - ." . 1 sl?cd lhat the colors of-Hny mbdel houses ' Mineral spirits was Ihe only liquid which placed in beach and turf environments arc re- - . . did not conduct1 electricity. ;i . lated to Internal temperatures when exposed "•-; Clorox Plus and lap water wltlvsalt proved -. Shell Harbor Canal Home to sunlight—In this case Identical heat lamps. the best conductors. •> - !? >-° The temperature within a brown, roofless "I found the electrodes rusted really quickly v house In a beach environment-sand next to a , when placed tn bleach." Thomas noted. ,' . dish pan of water—was 100 degrees opposed to k Third grader Calvin Bumey. like Pitt; was Raccoons remain at Wulfert, for iiow _When Steve Muilins addressed Sanibel's goes entirely against inherent Sanibel. ;_ -' Wildlife Committee, last week to ask lhat the 'That bothers me." said Commissioner members endorse the'trapping and removal of Louise "Johnson. . ". . ;•; \ -_- ' - raccoons at Wulfert Po!nl,;hc^oked about While questions remains as to where ex- selling the animals to be used to assist the' actly the raccoons will be taken, if they are : training for raccoon-hunting dogs. ~ removed, Muilins said no raccoons will be - V*V* 775 Conch Cqurt ° ;:;^., Before the meeting, Mulllnssaid he tele- sold to assist hunting doga. ? ;....,;, r •- = Immaculate Michigan Home in exceptional phoned committee member Alice Kyllo to . Muilins further stated that as things stand . neighborhood. (&Tl>;eG bedrooms;* two: , warn her what he 'planned, to do and to remind now, there Is a ban oh transporting raccoons her not to take It seriously," •./_'. baths. Jiving room, dining room, family because of problems with disease. ' room, caged solar heated pool, two car The committee voted to recommend the c The raccoons will remain at least until the raccoons removal and the joke went awry. bans arc lifted. c garage, electric boat lift davits at canal. Kyllo reported to the Sanlbcl Planning ': Their removal was suggested because they ' ^$430,000 (ComiHIsslon that 10 of (he 12 member" arc a threat.io the fledgling gopher tortoise •=> Call Dave Schuldenfrel, GR/t wildlife committee voted to approve the rac- : population on,the Sanctuary at Wulfert Point 813-472-5187 or Evenings 813-466-0514 coons be sold as hunting dog trainers. One project r » member. Mark Wcslall, abstained and Kyllo said she was the only one to vote against. The commission was upset..concerned and r very surprised. Members noted such ah acjlon Play the best^wfess^ ?M. Golf tournament t The Bonita Day Club will host an Invita- ^.play Beachviewllfsfhe * r Uonal golf tournament Saturday, May 9,. y > Individual and corporate teams arc invited w play In this fundraiser for Florida's tenth newest, most talked about, \ ; university. : ' .: , F,or information call the. Bonita £3av Club,' 1 -800-495-0200 or 1-800-277-1209. '• • challenging arul&ijoyable

REAL ESTATE •v "'„ 18-hole course on p 0 -•",'. LOANS•-.>.: Samhel Island' -* ' .Financing Arranged for ' ' PRtUAHY 'SEGCNO HOME 'INVESTORS . CaU472-2626 ^ • , - 'FIRST* SECOND MORTGAGES. JUMBOS ; .'CONSTnuCTION/PEPMMJENT. -- - - " ". for tee times ° =' COHOOS (UNDER600 SF^t] ~'... :-."" ^•CONOOTEUDAILYIUNDERMOAY) . ' * REFINANCE (SENIOd CITIZEN CK) ^


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Apply S3 %re For Visa Card : ' Public forum abstinence, fidelity stops sexual diseases To the edf*or ^ wom^n and HPV causes venereal vy its and participants believe they arc being protected Except for the common cold and flu SCXJ cervical cancer The physical properties of latex condoms ally transmitted diseases are the mos com Too many people have the Idea that ir they are also subject to a host of conditions lire? that each day 33 000 people contract a tell us we have only seen the beginning Yet sexually transmitted disease (STD) That the safe sex gurus whose bankrupt policies In spite of the evidence the entertainment equates to over 12 million cases per year up have largely contributed to this epidemic advertising and publishing Industries con tlnue to promote "condom mania and the from 4 million in 1980 continue to promote condoms for preventing r ^ Statistics from the Centers for DFsease Con sTDs including AIDS — safe sex myth while nillions o Americans trol on this unprecedented outbreak of 5fOs But If the truth be known condoms are not suffer the consequences are staggering as safe as they seem By believing the lie we Yet In the rrldst of this high profile • There arc now approximately 1 million only promote the tragic psychological tragedy there lies a golden opportunity to cases of HIV infection nation wide emotional and physical consequences of advocate the on'y common sense foolproof • 500 000 new cax"S of heroes occur annu STDs approach to protect us from the deadly ally over 25 million Americans arc infected diseases mat He In wait - abstinence before with this disease more than Ihe population of Nowhere In the safe sex message Is there marriage then marriage and mutual fidellt> Florida Georgia and Alabama conbintd mention of condom failure Yet according to a for life " j. D study by the research arm of Planned Parent • 1 3 million new cases of gonorrhea occur True comprehensive sex education requires annually in the United States 35 000 In hood publisl ed In Family Planning Pcrspec lives in 1989 condoms can fill at least 15 7% parental Involvement at home the first de \ .' Florida partment of education We should teach our • Syphilis Is now at a 40 year high with of the time annually In preventing pregnancy They fail 36 3% of the (line annually in pre children about the prevalence and severe con 128 000 new infections per year in the U S sequences of STDs not Just AIDs the facts re with over 10 000 of those cases occurring in vent pregnancy among young unmarried ml notify women * gardlng condom failure and the importance of Florida ranking It fourth highest in the coun abstinence But It Is not good enough to "Just try ^ Even more alarming Is a mcdlca1 report say no" We need to say "yes" to lasting friend • 4 million cases of chlamydla occur annu published In the Journal of the American ships and monogamous marriages We must ally In our nation 70 000 in Morlda Medical Association In 1987 found HIV to be be living examples lo our children Instll'Ing • There are now 24 million cases of Human 1/25 the width of sperm capable of passing In them solid values such as virtue Integrity PapiMoma Virus IHFV) in this country easily through even the smallest gaps in con self control and moral responsibility Sobering as they may be these numbers are doms cold and faceless But they represent real pco The real path back to a san" and effective pie with real pain - pain that ruins lives and According to a scientific report In Nature pollcv to prevent STDs Is not an easy one but shatters dreams 1988 researchers studying surgical gloves It Is the only one that will work This pain re * M Dions of people are waking up to the re made out of latex the same material In quires That we who value our children and allly that free sex has not only demanded a condoms but thicker found channels of 5 grandchildren compassionately commit to very high price of them psychologically and microns that penetrated the entire 'hlckncss parental Involvement at home at school and emotionally but is now costing them physl of the glove " in our communities working with a moral vl cilly as well — -C sion to strengthen true family values The AIDS leads to death herpes can lead to The HIV virus measures only 1 -nlcron (1 hopes dreams and lives of our children and Infant death gonorrhea often causes pelvic in micron equals 39 mllllont'is of an Inch) their children depend on H according to a 1987 report of the American flammalcry disease and sterility s> phflls MarkW Merrill can result In brain disorders --heart disease Medical Journal of kursing Thus the virus can be easily transmitted even while riorldi Family Council and death chlamydla may cause sterility In \

TAbortioo the editor n gag rule unfaithe 1830s anrd 1840tos physicianswas lold tha,t heJiapatientd not told bis stafsf where A recent Neus Press Guest Opinion" ex Only m trt, late 20th century have antl he stood but if Heft my name ihe> d "get back pressed Indignation over the Idea that (he choice forces a gued for anti abort'on laws to me In a cpuple of weeks" tarty suffragist* were supporters of a woman ^ In Ld on the concept of protecting the fetus as The last time this Issue was \oteo he stood ri^ht ID choose abortion I wonder how manv " person with J«*sse H"lms and Bill Dannemc>er and know th it abortion was lC^al under common History is fun and it does giCe perspective refused to revoke the rule 1 iw except in late pregnancy for hundreds but ue can t ignore the present Roe v Wade is ThTe ire many of us not Just physicians -z~ of years Including the I'me when our Const! now threatened by the. Supreme Court-Jn ad who are heartily sick of having politicians U lion was written dition while the Bush administration has dlctale what people decide to do with (heir Not until the 1 te 1800s was lh"re a move j reicndcd that its Infamous Cag Rule has own bodies or wjiat they can discuss with ment to curtail women s reproductive options been relaxed it clearl> has not o I heir doctors and other counselors whom they n the United States It was spearheaded by On March 30 1992 when Congressman should be able lo 'rust Tails takes abortion> -nhjslclans anxious to exclude midwives and Henry WTamn quizzed Dr William Archer of polll(rs much too far Will we remain silent or tnditional practitioners from doing abor Hea th and Human Services Archer made 11 contact Mr Goss and let him know that gov lions or my other medical practice Mso In clear that a physician still nny not teli a eminent Interference at this Wei Is tinac lhuce days abortion raised legitimate health uomin in an> family planning clinic recelv c j ceptaole It is up to us whether we will speak coi cenib ^ ing federal funds where she can obtain an up and whether we will return him and his fcl They were Joined by Protestant nattvists abortion There never was a retreat from the low anli chotde colleague Connie Mack to iv ho opposed abortion on the grounds that d ctum that * social workers psycholo °Congress Their telephone numbers are In the limiting child bearing would cause Ihe na gists or other health care professionals In blue governmental pages of the Fort M>ers tlon s while Protestant population to be these clinics are lo be forbidden to discuss the phone book •J? ovenun by immigrant Catholics who had abortion issue fully and honeslly ulth their LcClalx BUsell HD patients Only the physicians gas was loos ° Sanibel entered th" United States In great numbers ened and that only slightly Even If one is not in favor jf abortion per ""V island sr the precedent Gf censoring -nedical speech New books at the REPORTER is extremely dangerous None of us would tol erate a physician who when a heart patient Sanibel library Caren L Herman asks for referrals would silently hand over the Yellow Pages Whos Who in Congress 1992 Congressional Edifor Quarterly What if the government decides that other __John Hedgecoes Complete Gatde to Ptiotoq Kathleen Blaia mcalcal procedures are too costly and decides raphy b> John Hedgecoe ^ o MaryJsanne McAward that physicians cannot suggest catarac' Final Gifts understanding the special Dawn GrodiVy surgery because th!3 prortdure Is too fre au arcness needs and communications of Ihr Ed torial Staff cjiiently done or doesn t fit guidelines for cost dying bv M Callahan and P Kclley containment? The Insider- the FBFs undercover "u isegi y goes public by Donald Goddard Colleen CoaHey Yergeru As a ph>sic!an I commit malpractice If I Advertising Sa es Manager Hug Dancing by Shelby Hearon withhold full Information from a patient As Wise Children by Angela Carter Jim Agio sieve Eryman a cill7cn I am being asked to allow govern merit censorship of medlril speech Infomia {Remember by Dan Rather Advertising Sales tlon Professional Malpractice by Irving Sloan Legal wise by Carl Battle Shlrfene Orasgreen Hitler and Stalin parallel Hies by Al=»n Ctossfocft CvcukJton This mom Ing Mondav Apr 1 20 1992 I called Congressman Porter Gosss office lo Bullock Klrtc Wilson learn his plan": for when the Gag Rule comes , Free IOU sctfFrom Depression by Mlctnrl r P odi*_ t on f lancyor up for a vote on the 29 o 30 of Ihis month i Yapko ^ Page Turner By Mary Colemon of revolutions made with machetes bullets to do with them. In some places Giat had been Book Reviewer ° poems and kisses of hallucinating land cleaned out of pesos these receipts became a In the last twenty years we have seen a great * scapes where reason is lost substitute for currency their value dine tdlrg Renaissance In Latin American literature of Now a young Frenchman named Louis dc upon the amount of writing upon them so ' which Nobel laureate Jorge I uls Borges of Ar Dernicres who is widely tnveled ind remark Uiat one could hear such remarks as I paid genlim was the grandfather The average ably talented has given us his version of the fourteen words for this machete or One uW North American reader probably became ac a Litln American nove' The tt or of Don Em for four mangoes People being raided by qudlnted with the genre upon the publication manucls NethejParis (Morrow 1991 feGl guerrillas would beg their raiders to write In English of One Hundred > ear*, Of Solitude The v.ar begins when the wciilhy Donna their receipts (n euen greater detail this which the New York Times re\lewer said was Costanza tries to dlvtrt the \il!ige river lo fill caused, however aiXnd of word inflation and about the rape of innocence by his ory I s he swimming pool The government sasptcts the guerillas eventually ran out of the good fictional family the Buendias were sa d to be i querllla uprising and there arc guerillas in wilt to write them. (mentors artisans soldiers lovers mystics Hit iiea A lunitic yet ojstemalic system of Tiiere Is a beautiful >oung Indian girl who dooned to ride a biological Ingl cjclc in l"rro- b> the police ind a rogue gcrcnl en is a ghost and a president trying to revive the circles from solitude to ma^ic lo poctr> to arclent art of alchemy to boost the cilami science to politics to violence back again to The brilliance of dc Bernieres lies iT Ms tous nitlonal treasury Jaguars tame them ibflily to help us m.ikc scnM> of the senstle?^ sches and join the residents of Don Em Marquezb other grc it title Loic Ji the violence In this jungk country that is prob i imruels village In their communal exodus 7 tint oj Cholera itself conveys the peculiar b'> bised on Columbli He spells out clearly into the mountains Donna Costanza falls In combination of fa allsm romance 0c super na (.omlcally for us he (rony that rpvaht love with a guerilla and an honest patriot n mini and macabre that is the essence of the thnirles In order los cure ^eace justice and named General Fucrte conducts a raid on the nodem Lnlin Americ in novel i better dMributlon of ucalth must arpro Army School of Eleclrfcil and Mechanical Isabel Al uidr of Chile ha» received well \,n itc cash and poods from t'ie ordln jrv peas Engineering which Is In fact a school jyid earned rccif,nliion in this country for her lilt* whose interests they have it liLirt aid laboratory for torture feminist pcr=pecti\e on political terror in The ul o tin least afford u Tlic guerillas consci As one revtewe noterj de Bernlcres Is able House of Spirit* In a 1989 lecture at the ^ew I nl 3 isly Icive reci! ig fir ill goods anpo to make even (he most brutal passages bear ^ork Publ! Lbrary sporisiSyd b> the Book priii d to be redeerrr i iflcr the victory lble To scant TV covengc of drug w^rs and of Hit Mori Club she tri-d to '•xp'ii i th- of the people "TJ dd not read these rL burlesque dictators this book w-ili pro- ide an \"Citiinj> bj-[ rbole of Latin \nitrtcii tcr^ cH andd fttf-osc Wn& ~>u\d did not kvow u hai cjcellent remedy ___ It re to rea Icrs unfamiliar W 1 Vv* tutf e lo an I rr uho n uis) Jwnsr'F r iitr self on imu s and passion to be h m in i Monetarrr shortfall misleading in story To editor u fafmlous i litnent is a ptlviletje In Latin appreciate the 1 hud reporter's Interest The shortfall mentioned is actually in 1991 untrfta acdon i tiaic to stretch our i naqwa revenues versus costs It amounts to S289 500 In \ s Annual Mt linfe onc! generally con lions Cnti m Fuwpe ana the United States cur i the article Ii ic \prtl 17th issue on ind It Is not i cash shortfall but a net figure ufttn start i i disbelief at Latin An erica i caused by assuming that lWAs $14 million ^ tha bject r Books ash q how thr aiilhors dare to invent dollars worth o physical plant became less those inert tihle lies ofuoung uomen it ho flu Tv, a figures InviKi suns of money how valuable because of age by $360 000 durit g (o htai en u rapped in liner sheds of black ev *• em to have b n Juxtaposed Tlie irti the > ear 1991 (in other words a depreciation clt 11 ntlons a $J i illlion shortfall to be allowance) fun d b> a rate tnerc <. IWA Is in a very healthy financial condi T ! figure was i Fid itl ichcd to liie tlon Us Ia»it two audits have however pro encin ring estimate foi the cost of replacing 0 T vlded an early warning that inflationary OJ erciLr^ias un nieir uuti> uj IK-IOIIL thi I t.ctodnl>sis P mt wOJt the new RO pressures cannot be withstood indefinitely If ttiranls U-hi order their mo htr^ to ix,flogqid fai Ii i s [What aNo OioulcFbe mentioned is it wants ^p sta> healthy and refrain from naked i i j out of th° troops and nodem th \t ' will uHini llely cast more Uian that, 1 mining" its valuable physical plant ~~* ujra its who order children lo be tortured ir fig i o refurbish the L D TUni tcrallow Us Thomas A. Sharp President front of their parents of hurricanes and coil edtisc) Island Water Association Board of Directors earthquakes that turn the uorld upskle doj)n

—T r-i I 3DE ZJ i—J ' —

Ten £<*•••> Villas

Homes Why pay through the nose for it.

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eriy Ifi," i "ihcrre n9v»islandsvour».redfiJ«Ty aoo6 ra-ea i cgOHcred tine lets AXJUSP that credt ff "uneed1" TOTdvCalustDdavoTdturn /our c ea t n*o read\ cash tor rtmode1 ng ajtD pur chases i nexperted rra ntenaice crsts or whatao' 7X1 Distinguished by Us « „ , Ki}\ji* oej rnone, for w»save tiTie and h gh interest Quiet Privacy ^ ^i£fe^HS

^Sl,075,000-S1 2S0 1)0

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813/472 IP -;;%£%" Community Bank «..-«.-» am :::.1, of the Islands •""?, By R. Tucker Abbott, Ph D Shell museum musings. ^Thomas Say—America's first conchologist . ..llidelphia on June 27 1787 insects A JourmJ »is founded ciused the disintegration of the HIs Quiker inceslors hid a me tn through 'he support of Wlll'im social experiment a les=»on e\\ American nboard Willhni I cnn *> M lclurt. which Siy type set in the dently ovrlookrd by Lenin ind ship the Welcome Siys father bisdncnt In it Siy begin describ u TS a prominent physiciin a ing new sp-cles of shells collected !n a socl-ly that condoned frte state senitor ind i Un[ ed Stnlcs ly his friends in "New Jersey ann lo\c Say courted Miss Lucy Sis Repiesentatue from PennsyKi Pennsylvania In the winttr of lilre from New ^ork Ci|\ bu'the nil to the Tenth ind Fleventh 1817 he undertook an fxpcdilloi two of them ran off secrclly to Congresses Under thp tutehgc of to Georgia and c istem Florida Springfield to be ma rled en Jin his great une'e the botimst witb Matlure Chides LFSiiet r uary4 1827 Say was elected is Willlim Dirtrim he earl> ic Ceorge Ord°md TWin R. Peale SupcrlntendenL-jOf Literature qu red i strong interest In mtu Unrrlend!v Indlin tribes under Science and Education He art! ral history In 1812 at the ii,c of the control of Spiln forced them I ucy taugh' the school children m Dr R Tucker Abbott Pb D Is 25 he Joined such prominent men towil TW tn (he sprl tg of ISIS bow to set type print and hand director of Sanlbel s Bailey is Dr Gerald Truest Alcxinnci Cl irlps Alexander Lrsi cur in color plates They produced scv Matthews Shell Museum a noted Wilson ind John Speikmin in artM and mtunlist wis bom In e al issues of thr Ncu Harmomi conchologlfit sjod author of many fnmding the Acadtni} ofMturil Prnfc ind lived in Phtlidelphii D( scnxlnator contiining de shell books This column Shell Sciences of Phihdclphn .from 1816 to 18^1 He described scriplions of new frcs iwitcr Museum MuslnjB appears weekly Then fimnclil disaster struck nnnj new fish peligio mollusks mussels and Says famous Amrr In The Island Reporter Sjy when endorsed notes for ind our common biit stjukl k.an Conchology which consisted friends beca nc due ar d his UAtgo peal I Later h*- ret trncd to of eight pirts with CB colored tranreand died in 1846 ilHivre Whal we do today what we rmy ph-irma'-euticil flnn uas fo crd plites-of shells Complete copies attempt 10 accomplish in our io assume the tosses Fven the Titian R Peale was the son of ire very rare and bring scUral short lives Is merely i replica of loose chmf,c in Sivs pockets *o the. famous portrait painter thousands of dolhrs in the old what others hive done before us one iccounl stiles was used o Cb irlcs Wlllson Peale who book market Soon after part Thomis Carl>le in his 1834 essay satisfy the creditors founded Peale s Museum which sr\cn was finished Tbpmis S-iy for a while was located in Indc died In Maclure s house In New On History said tint history is Say took sohce In his work Harmony on October 10 1834 it the essence of Innumerable bl md gave himself up entirely to pendence Hall In 1819 be and Say wen* appointed as 7oologists the age of 47 Lucy returned to ographics and Ralph Waldo tending to the Academy living in Philadelphli to arrange to have Emerson proclaimed "there Is its rooms eiting the plainest of to Major Stephen 11 Longs expe U dltlon to the Rocky Mountains part eight Issued with the help of properly no History onlj Blogri food md sleeping su It Ins been the concbologlst Tlmolh/ Abbott phy said under the skeleton of a The exppdi"on which included climbing Pike s Peak for the first Conrad in 1838 Coincidentilly Although the early history of horse In 181!j the growing COIIT Lucy died In lexlngton Mis conchology in the Americis Is lions of insects corals and shells time was largely beset with acci denvS bad weither Indian raids sachusctts in 1886 the yeir that lost tn the ruins of the A?tec and were moved fo a new hall it 35 Dr Filsbry 1 lunched Americans Mi> an civ Ui?dtIons and the Arch Street but Say Jolncd the and thievery Siy made copious 0 observations about the inlm first stirrings of serious recorded ind Cherokee What few spec! shell book about our marine The activities of the Academy mens of shells and Insects he ob iLsearcli about mollusks began In grew as It added several men of shells He described 33 of our Philadelphia In 1817 tained were later lost in a fire in most^vommon Atlantic bivalves means to its membership In 1817 Philadelphia Thomas Say wis born In Say wrote his first paper about Including the Coqulna Clam Say Peale Lesueur Maclure Doiax vartabills and the Pon and Dr Troosl were lured by derousArk Noetta pondprosa as Robert Dale Owen a Scotch social well as 32 common gastropods reformer and cotton manufac such as the Marsh Penwlnkie turcr to Join in the establishment Lttiortna Urorata FHEE COFFEE of a "New Moral World" on 30 000 purchased acres surrounding Ne* (For further reading see GOT AN IDEA, A SUGGESTION, A COMPLI Harmoiy Indiana In 1825^ The Thomas Say Early American 1 Boitloid of Knowledge as their Naturalist by Harry B Weiss and MENTOR A GRIPE ? craft crowded with books was Grace M 7legler 1D31 Chas C dubbed arrived In Jinua*y to be Thomas Pub! Springfield and gin their idyllic communist c so American Malacologlsts edited WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNITY BY cie > Quarrels about money and r by R T Abbott First edition GEFTING INVOLVED*? the d'\ («ion of 'a' Q Hnalli 1973 1974 Ffilis Church Va 1 WOULD YOU, YOUR,GROUP OR ORGANIZ/v TION JUST WANT TO MEET YOUR ELECTED Offical cited for accident By MaryJeanne McAward u driven by John Worthington COUNCIL MEMBER TOR A GIVE AND TAKE Staff Writer Madden Jr of Larkspur Col DISCUSSION? Cap*Iva Erosion Prev ention on Jo ^^ District Commissioner Jack Maddens passenger Marjone Zwick was Injured in an accident M-wSien v-as ii>Jui-d In llie ccl H so then plcnse 5 gn up for the City s COhFFF (or ten) VilTl* \ on Periwinkle W^y it Bailey Roid o (0U\Ut W \tBFR program scheduled for Ue-Jnesdny mornings The dent crly Friday iflerhoon April 2-1 7wlck then collided head on coffee onl> takes tv-o hours (9 *o 11 00 \ \I) nn i jou will find it to bo T Zwick a Captivi Roid resident 1 v.6rth\\hilc exporicnc will anothei vehicle directly be wis charged with careless driving hind WorthliifMon s vehicle hit in the aftermath of the three car ting a 1989 Lincoln drtven by lf>oi arc interested please cnll the City Council Office 172 4135 or incident His vehicle was complc A. the form below and return to S in be! Ci y Hall 800 Dunlop equipped with an air bag which , Harold Metal-r of Periwinkle Kn d S mil el FI 31957 was actl/at-d in the accident According to police reports Zwick s vehicle hid $5 000 Cofff Oh will I L scheduled on n first come fir t ^ened I 3 1 Zw ck was driving his 1990 Lin damige Madden s $5 000 and coin east on Periwinkle Way Metalers $3000 To PHI ntpin the one on on" ntmosphere that will foster open when his car crossed the center According to reports Zwick did comrnumcitiGn hr group aizt will be limited to 15 unles otherwise line into oncoming trafflc at Dal not remember driving Into on tr q irslt 1 ^ lc> Road coming traffic or hitting the other M e sldcswipel d a 198S I inco'n cirs NAM! Code citation forms on hold Code Enforcement Gnteer Dick rcctly drill Sanibels Anuui ss I3aker has issued 7tro \iolit on Once the form is dnflcd the 11 [ ckcts because the proper forms t ltlons will go into effect iniim have not jet bctn drafted dlitcl> but I riit sild be ha i no idea when the> will be con plettd III1 PHON1 MUMBI-R . Various components will be taken from triffle tickets and other citation forms both irom Baker was authori7ed list Uc ( ROUPAI Ml lATIONMif nv> SaniD-1 and other cities and (.ember to dole out the tickets counties which direct illrged code offend ers straight to complHnce or to NUMBER 01 PARIICIPAN1S qtv At-^vncy Robert Prilt siid he Is currently studying these circuit court and bypiss-the Code 1 \Pl CI P D (if i fernupj r onns to determine bow tG cor Enforcen eni Bna-d ' Goings on Reform forum set When the Topic is The American Association of Retired Per sons Is holding a hrartng about htallh cm re form Ttiebday May 7 at the Sheraton Ilirbor Place In downtown Fort Myers Free parking will be provided 4nd everyone is Invited lojhe forum which runs from 9 30 a m to noon For more information call (202) 131 3720 The Sheraton Harbor Place Is located al 2TO0 Edwards Drive neir the downtown yirht basfn Contact the Free tennis clinic Experts at -- Free tennis clinics open to ^11 skill levels will be offered Saturday May 9 by Uniled SOUTH SEAS States Professional Tennis Association pros John Kamosa and Terry Sec Part of (he issochllons nationwide efforts PLANTATION. (o promote Ihc sport (he clinics will be held al the Sinlbel recreation center and the Dunes A true_lsland 1 idcanay uitn an golf and tennis club abund-jnee of resort amenities Kamosa will offer a clinic al the Sinfbel available lo you There arc actlvi recreation complex courts from 9im to 11 1 m Saturday morning For information call ties day and night, for chlldrrn Kamosa 454 6046 and adults of all ages An open air^ Terry Sec will offer a clinic -U the Dunes trolley provides continuous transportation to all comers of Uie lesort or If you prefer >ou rrnyo from lpm lo 2 p m Saturday aflemoon For bicycle jog or stroll down the tree lined roadways & a u information foil Terry See 472 3522 Isn I that» hat Island paradise Is all about?

Free park concert LAND S I'.ND VILLAGE The final concert of the Spring Fling Con nestled at the northern cert Scries at University Park Is Friday Miy 8 from 5 7 p m Up of the Plantation adjacent lo Andy Wahlberg and VocalilU a group Redfish Pass Pine Island Sound which speclall7cs In Jiz/ harmony vocals nndtheOulfofrlcxico thisunique from the 1930s and 1940s will provide the and secluded collection of vaca afternoon entertainment lion villas offers incomparable fhe concert Is free and cverjone Is Invited scenic vistas and pnvacy Refreshments will be available In the park * courtyard $469 000 - $780 000 University Park Is al the comer of College Parkway ind Summerlin Road BEACH VILLAS Overlooking Captivas natural Oulf Beaches the Beach Christian women Villas enjoy arii&ceptlonal loca The Sanlbel Captlva Christian Women s tlon framed amid the Islands tropical vegetation Club invites all women to a brunch Thursday May 14 at the Sonesta Sanlbel Harbour Resort BAVS.DE V.LLAS » L from 10 a m until noon Quiet and secluded Bayside villas offer the finest luxury condominium living This self Sailing Through Summer In Style Is the contalred complex Is comprised of three buildings with all offering beautiful Bayside Boat Basin theme with fashions presented by Jacobson s and waterfront vistas Department Store The speaker is Rene Matthals For reservations call Mirliyn Fnncis TE1X1IS VILLAS- 472 0612 Preschool nursery (s ivallaule Cill TheTennis Villas are nestled amid Mozella Jordan 472 1616 natural tropical ls>and vegetation and overlook tennis couruTahd a pnvate pool area Located anja Newcomers lunch cent to the main tennis complex A luncheon meeting for The Nencomers South Seas Tennis villas offer Oldtimers both men ind women will be held rtsidents ternis fun every day all Wednesday May 6 al the Palm Rldj,c Cite at >ear round 1130am Judy Malsel of Uy Appointment will pre SH9,500^ S141 000 sent a fashion shew MARI1A VILLAS The cost Is $7 50 per person and reserva o lions must be made by Saturday May 2 Call Superbly located In a prhate setting overlooking the golf course Pine Island bound and Faye Granbcrry 472 6940 ^ the South Seas Yichl Harbour The Marina Villas leatjre a blend of comfortable island Irving hf vith maximum space efficiency S250 000 ^ Land . End Villiej Bruce K Drobnyk «IMl.i*00002bdnn 2talh »i62?'S\>50lJ02bdrm 2tuih • lasSfOflOOZb 2bjlh Builder uf th Finest Qujlit) Hotiis on Sanibel ^ Gipuu [or tight )i n «2113'S2i>0OOlbdnn I bjlh

Tcnmi Villaj «31l6'S1330U01Mrm 1 balh • 1227-s 34fJ00lbJnn 1 ba h Tor More Information on these u and other fine properties please call (813) 472 1556 j or Resort Extcntlon 5162 \t_u Construction * Ut_*n morii Sandra Barany 1 red Newman 813/472 0150 Gary Dclaney C riannery bu <-nlH«utlm,C ur » Jul Doroth) Pirtndge =£>

Arts ' > '" ildren, art combine, creating perfect-delight i Grodeky ' <— However, at the opening of Gr»-at Expectations -itcr !H energy Jumped from the piintings to the he opening or tlic spring fashfon -spectators and back in Paris; oh how those cameras Camcorders whirred and tl>r child arUslft many dressed to Ihe nines. r«m pbotil and 1 ^ misstep could have flung tlic Imnu- gorged on SWCLIS ick dab Into the middle of a proud fa11*" While the> were not posing thai is * A -At any one momet.l. fl\c or more children horlagc of film there was not, were standing near one of their p.iiu(ing^, is there iTdeftcIl of smiles al'thc Bar- heads held high'and facts puffed with p-ido at J. Center for the Arts Friday night. the display While a proud pannt, or i ""' 11/ openings arc \tiy sated affairs or friend clicked off shot afttr shot with the camera., recording Ihe evenTfcr postcrliy ° The cultural mix of people was ama/lng uunly because It Is, so sadly, r,n cly seen But for one night, all were as%ne ns Is landers browsed and poichasid Iht si vr> special works - o Incidentally. these children all <_f .Uinm nre very talented artists, bctweui the -^c<- oi seven and i i couU not have aflurdet* to tike the class if not for the efforts of mena) T* J the Darrltr Island Group for the ArU u '\ J v Lcr Counly Alllince ct tht* Arts The Alliance pnddul Jht (IT-^KI all supplies for wies-\ art classis center provided tht -.p icf-fcjr the <\\o- A. 1 might noi othtrulsc h.n'1

Seriously, Johnson and fellow am in in Dean deserye nothing but accolades"K> *nat they have done And the classes arc not finished w* Tlit. group will continue to meet each Saturday jn til one Urge painting, a group effort mm ml} in Us fomwlive stagp, is complele This work, the children will donate 'u theh own charity, the Arts for ACT Auction nlcd this fall lo benefit the Fort M>m "llm'tV ni££t You," By Mr J ^Tnnu.8. Counseling and Treatment Center All p1' 'iJI> renraiu , ,i t> '' 111 tlie The artists arc Timichel Ar'< sho^sfi coiiiyjlelc a ^rank!^n Alfaro, Diego Alvarc/., Rich(n ^ 1 Hie g a \^ |H-n fri M 1 S* ilv and ger, Julia Goidenberg Lillys Golot, f ti i Johnny Nflxon, Matthew Tuma. \' Tuma, Barry White, C.irlton White JP Williams. John Zunt(..i and Rosa Zun! The current show in the Founder „. Ihe island arts c i'rr ^11! haiu u 17 More than S3 \, , tredisph. Tie for sale At pr< I iiie, 20 hj\* 1 b^cn sold "*" fe - Off-Bear- Playc begin n sect Tickets are a\ r i for Iht summer 'Season ai O'd Srhnoihl. •- L iiter. AintAUd." by j The Off-Beach P1 "•. first prod T • s year is "Barefoot 1 '• Park," on 4 >^ manccs begin Ma> The p!a>crs .r n Jaz. societ 1 •ing mer'ienants at the U t'er on Periwin -! A iv The S< o-west Horida J For the first shm the communltv tn> » ci present F feln ai d his U s id for group Is featuring Vr'fr Stearns as direc'or all cvcnln i kJt.kingup.jt.n] nday. and actors Katie B Mark Johnnc Linda May I, a e Holiday Inn I' Fort Gregsnn. Gale Galbrta'h and Tod Keen Myers. Rehearsals are uoli underway for the N'ell Dancin; o dixieland, blues Simon comedy ^ s be en tax Hh Morey Stales -- Il'ibbj Curtain time is M p m and pcrFonnance ultar, Kd Grlgo!!, • Kfn ilatcs arc May 21-21 28 30. June 4 6 and 10 Fitzgerald L tbs and Stein on rtu ' 13 ^ There *i' be a cash baruMcl t Tickets are $10 for idults and starting this p m and u, i clng will begin at . season, patrons 17 \t irs old and joungcr wn j.mtll 11pm ^ attend for $5 •*! Admissl i for~soclety mcml Additional!}. spt< kil groups rah. iiive members &•" •* been established for clubs and organ!/ ti TA Proceeds will benefit "With theater tkkct prices steadily Olniti Scholars! , Fund for As, ing. the Off-Beach ILncrs continue'lo oifcr Musicians — T quality entertainment at their orlglnnl 1188 For mo 4 ^formation, call i?""* ticket prices,* noted producer Emil\ Hewitt fhe HolJ My Inn is located nu With Purple Hair," by 12-yea For tickets or more information call 172 Tower Ma" -t the comer of Dv il£«ro, U part oi the local thow S802 and US 4! -j.Vsu^.jp.^ -"i^v*

^ ^

Crafts in a whole new way, whole new light By Dawn Grodsky irtlst and the cnftspcison shoul i seek Staff Rciicwer I was fort unite to find that bilim e of lit When someone mentions crafts i pletl on and enft csj euaily iinong the winners sii 1 of Images will certainly be envisioned but II Greg Jones a well known pointer from Lake Is doubtful the minds c>e would IK ihU to hnd who Juried (he show Imagine anything as colorful c ciluc or in The mtdlums used for the 30 entries vyicd gcnlous as the trail shov. cum nil) it Hie O r fiom collage to waiving to to clav to taku io rier Island Center for (he Arts needlepoint lo K'1SS (° painted wood to bulk The shov- the seventh annual exhibition t y o etchings to painted silk and more the Southwest Florida Craft Guild Is a ufde There v-cre stilues pointings baskets and and varied array of beautifully cr iftod stuffs clothing ^ It was my pleasure to find treat \lty at Most strik ng of ill was how the whole ev work among the craftsmen of this organl/a hlblt came together because neark every tion crcatlvlt) without losing the touch of the craftspcrson chose (o use only the brightest skilled hand Ideally Mils is what bo h the and sometimes the most wild comblna'Ions of colors The show was one of the best yet In terms of space and lighting lice use most of the pieces || were small the works had plenty of room and ' the viewer could completely circumvent many "We Three Queen*," first prize Elaln Towne Lane rf them ^ Prizes and ribbons were donated by-i Bailer for the fiber* Janes Basket and Con Congress Jewelers and Gary David Designs &uelo Hol/er for the mixed media piece Earth both of Sanibel Drtams The winners were The $100 David award presented by Gary First place ($100) Elaine Toune Lane for David Designs went to E'alne Towne Lane for the rakii We Three Queens the clay piece "Alllgaier Tea Parly Second place ($75) Esther Rumaner for the The^ongiess award a sterling silver ncLk needlepoint vest Barbs Fantasy lace and pair of earrings from Congress Jew Third place ($50} Chris Westcott for the elers went to Jo Anne Bedlent for lh<" raku II pitnted wood Serpents Tongue " tied Tatchwork Raku Merit await; ($25) Katie Bollman for the Many of the 72 crafi guild members a e fiber vest Have A Good Day from Sanibel and Captlva Tl e guild com Honorable mentions (Ribbons! Helen prises Let Charlotte and Collier counties Of Ihe 86 pieces entered 80 were accepted The entry fee was $12 per person for as many as five worki ° The show will hang through May 17 and most pieces areTorrsale Price range Is from $40 to $1 250 with most railing in the $200 Serpent* Tongue " third place Chris Westcott $400 range As of press time the Barrier Island Center , Tourism career fair set £ for the Arts reported that three pieces have Nalional tourism day Is Tuesday May 5 * been sold thus far one of those places is the ° and In honor of the day the "arborside Con > winning needlepoint vest which sold for vcntlon Center will feature a career fair and * $800 tourism trade show Gallery hours are 1 4 pTh dally and ndmis For more Information rail 335 2631 Artist Esther Rumaner "Once Thei« Was " sion Is free

Barrier Island 0Arts dinner winners By Dawn Grodsky dinner for two domted by the party ship Stuff Writer Herb Jol nson won one ticket lo all of the » The annual dinner at the Barrier Isiind Series A concerts at the Island arts center do Center *br the Arts w is a huge success and a mled by the Barrier Island Group for the Arts lot of fun with more thin 150 people attend \ final prize one ticket to all of the island s Ing reported Shiron nroadwrll Series B concerts was ils-" given but the win The only damper was unusually cool tiersrnnieIns>ct lobe relc tsed """ weather for the outdoor festivity T cktts cost $1 cich or six for $5 and all the But tables were crowded under the tenl and proceeds will benefit the arts center sonic orthe side flaps were let down to prmfdr some relief she noted ^ New York gallery show Also thit evening thr arts center held i raf Kathcrtne Carter will discuss the current fie *uid the winners A1, ere New York scene a slide and lecture lour of trc Jenncttc Burke who won a glass salmon cilys g-illertcs beginning al 7 30 j. m Mon *jRnei Baiket honorable mention Helen phtltr a botllL of wine and a ran of salmon diy May 4 at the Foalds Theater Call 9J9 Bailer. Just one of the man; laland entiles domtcd by Bailey s General Store 2787 Jay I! ilerov. who v*on in evening at the 1= land Cinema wlih 20 friends followed by an Ice cream sociil at RU/> s Diner donated by the bus nt«^ses owners Ed md Shelly Kaplan 13111 FJoswcll won a room for any two nighls LL \SS1C CUSTOM C \RLTON S \UM \N STUARTCOLVIN Rl-AITOR ASSOClATF it the West Wind Inn dinner for Iwo it the SPECIALIZING IN SANlBt L ARMS AND HOME on direct access sailboat canal SAN1BEI ARMSUT-ATPROPtRTIFS t Urn Ridge C lfe a id two tlckelb lo the Old elegantly comfortable 3 Wrm op«.n flowing plan PRICF^ FROM %M9 000 TO $239 000 Schoolhouse Tl eatt_r do idled by the afore w/largc island kitchen 50 ft screened lanai 30 ft •N\ KSTORS DRt AM ' These two complexes have mentioned businesses shown a consisted apprccial on in value and are ore of entry f replace A. 4th floor possible^ Assumablc 1 Betsy Pdyion won i luncheon cruise for 1 the best rental income producers for ihcir cos on San bcl four donated by Ann and Al Park who will Hrt mortgage Pnccd at S469 (XX) AMUSTSFE -Call me today for mor" infomiai on on these i»o com VskforUaudF (ole472 1546 or 27S 7761 (11) picxes or any Sanihcl Hand Property Ask for Sluarl provide their sailboat Cohin 1 8OO-226-O210 or ncmngs (813) 466-<464 Cirol La*rcni.e won i Europa Fun Km/ and

SAMUEL CONDOMINIUM I \RGF \FFORDAULF ^ State meet condominium near Bouman s I)each Florida Governor Lawton Chiles pro $129 900 claimed the week of May 11 17 as Freelance Two bedroom two bath condo with laundr> Spin floorplan with laundry nom Ask for Writers Week and special events across the Near causcwa> \sk for 1'elc Skelun at 472 Mjryanne Skchan dl 472 1546 or 275 0097 state will culmln He In a spcciil weekend conference ^ 1146 or 275 0097 evenings evenings ^ The Florida Stite "Vrlters Conference will convene May J5 17 at the Atlimonlc Snrings Hilton near Or ando 01 DSVMBFI with Uautiful sun cL on Sunut ISLANDS INTERNATIONAL At least three do/cn speakers including au Bay S nctmrv v 11 n^ lots of bird animal jntl H h ^V__l- ,,_ _ REALTY INC thors of best selling novels and non fiction I KllTlilK — Promenade C«nler writers will leid 56 workshop-^esslons life tlia tlKk wuti lilt mil direct access 5mnuic VJCI llUy>M 6q5 Tarpon Bay Road wall. i&4)CJLh Beamed \olumc ceilings lir^c ^^^—» J\ Sanltwt Island FL33957 planntd for the weekend -^_ I &=3« (813)472 1546 Wrtlcrs can obi iln conference information kttch P 2 bcdrCKims and 1 < baihs Onl> $468 (XX) National toll free 1 800-226-0210 j b> cilling 1 800 Til 9278 \sVf«r I-ranklrvin472 Ia46or 472 9b9 (H) ^ There arc in cstini ited 10 000 freennce EACH OFFICE IS NOEPENOENTLV OWNEO ANDOKR ATED writers In Mo Idi Ohio woman searches for lost works of art r } Dy Dttwn Grodiky ^ stable period of her life and *hen but said they met at a bar near -^ •woman gesturing her hand The Staff Writer she moved from the area she left Tage Field -, piece Is done malnlj In blues and An artist, formerly of Fort My behind four pilnttngs which she Snc said she d'd not ihink tc grtens ancTKarp believes she in ers Beach, Is searching for four had put in storage with a man she get an agreement from Jim re scribed "Kiss the universe for me" paintings believed to have been cai» only remember as Jim gardtng the return of the paint on the back of the work. sold to a Captlva resident "Thais what evervone called ings He was simply doing her a 1 j The woman Sue Kromcnacker him That s what he was known favor she noted A second piece ts a 2 foot b> 2 (now Sue Karp) lived in Fort My as " she said Karp [^interested In recovering foot acrylic on canvas also done era beach during the late 1970s Jim a carpenter by trade was — the paintings because she !s hav in blues and greens It depicts two . She said while living there, she and may still be— a beach resl ing an art show soon In her home intertwined figures has a velvet ; was going through a bad and un - dent Karp cannot find him now town of Toledo Ohio and would liner a deep green velvet mat and like to display those works a platinum frame She Is willing to purchase her "Both of those are ically qual paintings but If the new owner ity p'eces * Karp sdld does not .vanl to sell she merely The two others are both about w-jnls to borrow them for the du three feet square and contain sin ration of the show -^ gle female figures These two All four paintings are signed pieces are done in golds and ycl and all are abstract, but she is not lows with acrylic paints on Ma sure if they are dated If they are sonlle it would be from 1978 or 1979 Anyone with Information as to The piece she is mosi Interested Q the location of these works In recovering is a large 4 foot bv should call the Island Reporter at 30 inch acrylic on canvas of an 472 1587

flit VTHSGHIGIIVUII' COUHINMUVI Co** rntmnl 1 fint Mtnna Hu*ine«i)

\ fn e workshop ind pn *inldli(n ^^

Dr Ikrb.rlA Marlowe Jr of Uir In^iime of ILfiliLr ideation c Lnt\i.r*il* of Honda

•• Mfinilm, May 1 6pm SitiiUI Cunimunily Wuciation

l)r M irlowt. i* i rorutillnnl who *|n rialuos in upJadng and *I ream lining {,tnf rnnicnt and rduleif budg t prcittf"< • lit !** rurrcnll\ working lo '"right «izi_' po% ernmcnl anil ihi hudgt t pro^< <*s in I^h Coiinl)

Durum his Sinib. 1 upp< aranccT Dr Mnrlov,. vill add/cs" uh\ we ninM in ih i higli

b iiuhf 1 9 tily falhtrt nly «laff mid all inl< rr«lid rili7ins and taxpaji r«, ir< limit d to mlc ml tin* fret o\cninp llnl will (on^H of Dr Marlowe'* 15 miniit pn »< nlaiion followi >I Ity^n open ilt'cu^sioti p< rim)

SrflilrmkiwiIIh « rv^ij v

lh. Itudf.. t < i>mmitl< • Set your sights fifth? ( oninuttif oTllit 1-limdrt __,. rormor. lnformalion call ( hmk Hi-1 •. (722121 009 Ihi homts iUo until CteU\ mdcotiiplit llictu uithall tin otlur lnmu s\ou h nt siu» U mp in disiqn onuq\ tfltduiM cosrnUIc 'mishiri'pnd blond ml It ltuits "^ Sl\otu siqhKs 1 in i()lilx>ihoo(t suku ilks imfofcouisi pun s.t )oiir sights( n janninuni'v i ith i uill stotKul I ik. usilmqi Kjlts mil llishiu i ilfpnutuii.lt in) in trus not to (million Hit Old I lot id i qiA.lx> for those 117\ illu'uvins (omiuiu tipph s\w\\\apple*- Coconut Ckihhonu f)iict.s $ TomTrauclit inchuk UH lol UK tnliistiucttiii. spniiKlusuith null lush i imlsr ipmq [ I in dudiu/v itko/tUt.pltout, nt Iworh "ThaSlnging Postmaster uu in tht w ill Usl IXkiibc.ind inut.Ii moii S (join siqlits un t|ti iht\ locntion iiiilsout u On Our Deckl * muiicj suoith


2255 West Gull Drive on Wesl Gun Dnve between Casa Ybel and COCONUTJfe CREEK A GR0W1ING COMMUNITY l)if>uqliltn>iHib\ tuitcnnutJV*\ilopniuito'lci OHIMU IK HO20Oki*leCjiuturIV)ulL\mi hilN«rs (813)^66-9600 Painted ceramic tiles bring art to home life By Dawn Grodaky ^> translucent of watercolors, be- V fe •~^r--t^L-iiii~i -••>> i f-t' $t "P^ T jdRS ' °'"fr utruor cause of the natural reflective pK33TI % ~ * !L&Ii^*iA&$\ ^ "*§ &- 5 18*^ " Staff Writer qualities of ceramic tiles, he ; Remember the last time you - noted. " :; •--" .saw the most beautiful sunrise, . VHien the painting is, finished. and as luck would have It, you had Liber re-flres them, to more than your camera and snapped the per- , U500 degrees. -^L'1- . r _ * feet shot? • : ' : . "It Is ,vciry permanent. UHien" ? :<-Ever since then, you have been; trying tyfigurc out something re- they come out. they're tough,". ally special to do with that photo- Hartmann said, noting this type graph. ' : : ^ -V • of art, like no other, ran be kept -..•'-Well,, give it to artist and "en?, outside or even In water! - , •'• ,t trcprcneur DlcW Hartmann and - He has soaked.finished tiles In jure Chlorox for days, has poured he ^ould put lls;lmagc In your c~ shower. Then, every morning, re- ^ammonia on them, has scrubbed, . gardless of the- weather or how them with a Brillo pad. has left late you actually, sleep, the new •them In the sun all day and in the SI day's light will aid your awaken:." _ freezer'all night: nothing hascj o happened. "a"'I .; *i ;f Ing. '••• •• •-.;•_.;:--;-:__ Or, say you were In Africa on "They have been through this gl _ safari and you Just; happened to •• ^cycle"20 -limes and ihcre have o! besn ho'changes," Hartmann said."'* "-• take a photo of.a hippopotamus, Dick Hartmann and an Installer with hta handpalnted ceramic tUes. .? half submerged In a swamp, that1 Hartmann has lived In the area could rival those In National Gco-^, ..since 1956 and has been doing art If a person does not know i»x- •:' and Harlmann said he and Liber and design all that lime.. He has *-; -.' •-- - * --.-I.— *>.-» havc the'capacHy.lo expand the graphic. „ """ . t T-;. .. /• : • actl "Hartmann can put the hippos, • always painted and also docs in-,*MM y ^ha„ t kind or design they . buslnessi quite, a bit without : likeness In^Hhe family pool or iertor design work. ; . : . . -•'' wanlsketc- hHartman anS-wiin rsai word hk e"wit wUhI dtho ae adding any cmployees.- •- Jacuz?,t,: for you to swim with for client from there, ; u ;'• Both he land Uber, a. well The two began just more ihan all times, -. ; ., - , 'ITh(Thee potentialpotential) Is limited only known ceramlci?t and potter, b half a year ago and are sending Too exotic, you say? •- - :i. have fine art work available for V «« designers' Imagination." he the word to distributors and de-^ : . Well, Hartmann, along with his signers. "~ -; -. " sale at the Sanlbel Gallery. • Hartmann declined to discuss ;v partner Duey Liber, can center on He said he got the idea to try ••/ the more mild tastes. "I don't know anybody else dol- Perhaps ' you have always ing thlsjdnd of work," he said. dreamed of adding a depletion of For more information call 489- :• the famuiis Sanlbel Lighthouse to 3847. the patio wall. : •'-. - ! : commonly seen In this country : He did not attempt to do any- Kelly Greens Kelly Greens Kelly Greens Hartmann and Uber can com- thing with this Idea ^because of the expense or Just trying It out- f "They have begun a very new untll he caught up with Uber. who •' - form of lasting and durable art. also owns Benchmark Ceramics. „ Rentals Southwest Florida Hartmann paints Just about Liber, had all the kilns he /-'anything onto ceramic tiles. After needed, plus lhe_expcrience with Fort Myers ••••-- Liber ftres the tiles, they can be - using them, and Hartmann said Installed anywhere. Indoors or . she offered her assistance. fr Gateway to Sanibel/Captiva Islands £>./, Out. : • :' -,, - . ; -•• '. ': .,"• ;". •" '• "I did a few lilies) and got Inter- (Furnished One Month Minimum);*' - ;- JEach piece is totally hand_ ^» ested and 1 did a few more and It "•"",. pointed with ceramic glazes, the ^c Cinnamon Cove Till Dec. $800/UP: same kind which add color to the " lust got started.from there." he, bathroom tile. -•• - ; said. •".:••""" o » . • ==Wlnter$!200-$2!00 Now, the two have a catalogue "^ ---Hartmann J- a'former Sanlbel - -n resident who Is quite renown for er'""of completed work to show to In^ Kelly GrecnB Golf & Country Club teresled customers and are cur- v his watercolor paintings, has per-" Till Deri $1000/UP 1 rently taking commissions. y- fected the tricky technique of-' -Winter $2000-$4 000 ' painting on such a slick and There are no stock pieces. Just v b photos cf completed works and a -'•""." shiny surface.-- ° " few sample tiles. Unfurnished Annuals : "The glaze Is thick, almost the : A completed four-and-one-half consistency of prepared mustard. S650/MO & UP As Available' by six foot piece hangs In tne: (Applying) iris a bit tricky be- lobby of SanlbeVs Caribe Beach cause the surface has totally no r •--.. absorption. It Is a little like doing' Resort. > •• ''• CALL: watercolor on log. of Formica,": •• Afiothcr one was done Tor a iil^llyCo^ Carolyn Craver "• '- Hartmann said. ^' J T"--,y home in Saint Charles Harbor. , > Once mastered.'' the finished Next year, the team will actu- l\calty Q ally make a mural steed piece for •,"" product ts even'fuller in'bril- IT KELLY GREENS -: 813-466-7477. liance and lighter than the most a German-owned hotel, 12300 lteily Green Blvd. 1-800-741-2571 Kelly Greens * Kelly Greens KellyGreens

2_| Year Island Resident Joan Joyce Ukocy Broker Salesman

>'»fJJJ titt/ir/tftfili >'"»•'' V > -ir

11ns brand i-stJIe tHimt1 c» !OC-JIH] rKTrre fi\nn Ik .inil Ix su|M.rb VLSLLS IIILS mMom (^ KL iifTtTi e\m p*walA ,imcim> induding s»ir- pwt t;(niniHi Kikbtn, formal dmini: nxim, tkl.uk.tl twiklinHS Lnt.li ir«.»s(Lr wild •ilnuni. nxilu nxnn .tml tniKii imin NOH rilTcrtd (KMIJTIIT ckviirat «l ami fullv funitslml jl $8831)00 Call nun .U)rJ ask for IIM II \I I, (,KI al TO 5187 (ir 472 KZ aftir ' liftirs HOMtS 1OIS STFALTIHS WAI FR FRONT 1I0MF :, GOINI, G This home is brand ness and Bank owned Just a stnjii'o the Gulf this ilurv referc t Kd"cni p!u loft Ccndtir nun »il> Bay \ie» on IVW Vasts gounnet kitchen vs/Conat lumnous master built n spa F * Trc^.alCyT^AISLAND Cloy.toCai>sa\i!Lir£1s\iiingdiaaae sreat nwm w/vaulled ceilings and gorgeous views! TH BANK fira sing asalaH- ra t a 1 JO*N IEE al 4i2 5I«7 o-472 323" to beAh s*ioci>-k tesJJTJi H\PCONNFLLYali72 eSS~ en i11 SAYSSELL' Call JiNI MALL GRI 31472 5187 or 472 y> snd a' rhiijrs Sf 'Ol, "3> IM'iataiKMs Off-rid a. J-'Oron make ai offer S409«K) MlDDlFblltDRlM \0lW0NT BANKOKNFD c Ibis biand tk.vs near beach home is prual to sell1 Spccal feature* 8 IJsunrprvittusfeedi etllj i.ro-s 4 urn s Jubtes. a, j a k-u 'u! Na^ti built in spa .nd lots n ore Priced loscElal $390000 CalNiM l 1IU1, GRI at 472 5187 or 472 3322 after hours for mor info KSTATHIOMlilll 1 1SUND SANCTLARY I ixalioo l/Kauon' this osersued pa'el is m JK K-s ka J«I ocJjUv. GlIFHOVIBUTCORVFIlFFMIimsr 1 Grourd level J bedroom 2 balh la-ge deck vsith Jaonyi enclosed is'and Ocr an a^rc in siic n bcijcn acres of cor-crvatiT anl »ill allc* OVT^IJO fcfp,relnur/C4,iri. jcursunhlh 'BFt^B^ Pi-M L [tcsugious Is* iTi,its Eaj, Gu FDnst j'd. Call Anns CoslanTO 472 SIR or 472 4765 after hrurs Jim Hall CRIal'72 5lS7e LIMRi IVATR0FICA1 P\R*DISI an esculent locai builder Splash pool 2-niler suilcs I" replace 3nd . R^mc infoma!(viea!Usat4"2Mf7 ' Be ajiiong those sshc enjey the Kauty corfefl and qyirt s&k.Skn of Blind •eliiar SS75M Call KATHYUIIiTfc at 472 5187 or 26'-6306 Pass ssith tins Jargc 2BR,iB\ gnuid flftf alt toutvild frrus port after hrurs R\Rf l)FFERl\r, s tSiase & unspcjkd bea.hcs S225rB0 Call JOE m LEI al) A, NFARBF.ACIID1PUX 1 Tbis is llv orj) Ess- Parcel available TI R-x v 'It Cnaiutl ^This ma 5IS7«472 5.03 after lurs Tvso for the pnee of one Each jidc of this Sanibcl Durla is CM-ifon 1 ably fimiihcd and fully equipped1 Perfect for Scaiona! o- Annual 5i cd lol Ivjajls' S acre snared Inn is £(MTL boat d^ ii arid Eotcfots TIllSKILLGOtAST o rertrsi 2BR,1BAeachside. limslorpnredafS177l Cajrr.it - Ready for vour diea-T horre aivj pud 13 sel' Orjy VWIXM L^olspke. : lar$e bedreons 2i bihs p«d utnie arii the pr-tl u LMHALCIU>2SII7472i}rflhI beac'ictiSanM Allfaorly SlisM ViS,aUelh.54r 1 trt' Cal CV\*LDIRKTA(.(.FiS 10EMLLFY31472(lS7oH72'-033ftrrboirs >|4*~ Just''epfocc for your sailboat Nice open 3 bcdrrxnis 2 balh offers RmRNTOTIIF(ll\SH.S o"* Vi)tRIA?TCHA\CI-J 1 l lots of swage gicalrwIaTaand Mercantile Offered for S4;Q(iu ITiqu:-*'tbft r*KvJ of eulusochcfrc U\t!y lire 11 close • JOkFiOiER ONFIIFT NB, CONSTSlCTiON, 3B*om ur'uirisiml Please call KATIIi *HfTE al 472 5187 or 267 6306 rjrS) mealies pcii I Ecr Tiirfcwc j(Vj ma ulLhen ISHO so ft. of liv ng spa.e Px] vjjfc afieilrars H155SO anjlCvkcrs. Trch.las) ruerj^alS3 0000 PliaccalllOANliFal ikauh. a _S24)«B.Ca.lJlMIKLLat!7:5IS «472L'22)'ij FidMLtFLlSlOCATlOV -IMS'cr 4711 !9aftn\«rs 1,-24 1 bui >H>9J it re is snll umc 10 cuslomi/c ih s gorgeous Yiti: ( u'f Drise F.M3U miR.KHiii.nimn K)|MFS\ViT)DFS\MBFLF4J !BR.1B\ FAST CORNER Him Tins new 4 bcdn«n bwie snll base H all invljdjig a full acre Lostly build -g srte Jait a \E°Y sftfl dislarki to IK GLLF I)^\CH J fillF FRONT FtVrilUlSF WKBJRmtF ROOFTOP Sl\ roniuina conirvauon land gulfvicu* gourmet kitchen huj>ri.<-l f l ( P'en!vo r«nfoelhatspecialh-TK OnerfthefkstBastorSirpt'aJ DFCh Onlv untcfit5kiPd 'RaerlIvrcnicrf-tedar-lreadvlor=ni mon for 'uuib court aod m 190ffO O*ar nas ciu-Mdcr firi'vingfrt a CiS ri J" tieau^'tV if sHl fast at S25QpiX) fumis'ieii Ca'IDAVlDI SCIULDENFRFI ijjinedbirjti FaiuceinfnT]Wnca.llHI>CONNnn at47)5iS7 alirloirs SI5579 «<7>«ftiafliruurs. 1W70 TOTAILYRFN(mT>D' IS Tbi) rear beach ground kvel home ha! jusl bcui mcticuiousis rcnod SFA PINES ABSOLITFH PO->rfl\FLY T& r clej and is ru !y for ocojpancj Special features of this honu. i^lude 1 EsJus ve K dm i!y sn units coilained in ihrct l'aTxirs. (1)716 i. cts aaoss LV slrcrt P-ictd ?. S.69 &(b% dJai UDAViDL DHIDUVIV |-A\ill> IIOMF n consennm Sou* Fl V)er> and do e 10 Ixa^h 14 hi1) sq f' (anprn ) borjid'on consens ion land ^ilh la ge lake " INBFWMII ( TR1CF 1 jnj shipping Four bcdrpun enetgj cfllcicn! hnne wih [\»1 sstnch Khnd. All club amjuties asailaole ailh m Tt*.rsV Sv»cr ard uivk-r jc » Ih ibis IBRyCiBA trss-ih^se cv-rlrl nj oeajiifu n j 1 tv sun 10 apprioats Call DAVID L SCHU OENFRFI (466- " t ciourj jtili ics O-rtrfiniMigasiiabi^ Uint 5'5> Cn Ca^AM ccijrtzii Ihie N-a id r5ll A lnamuinid3BR'2B\ Shell Hartor Pool Ilnre ssih bfLl d \k. COMMLRCIAI SIM)IAU DI AC!) & TFAMS RtSORT jndib^ls Bring ih" famils andlhcboaltojourshctt/parajiscfor url» S4VI10I) D,,,,IIn!!ih1ji.rulyjiJ5j)AiiiDLSCHlLDF\ PFLICtVPUCF mHa472 5ia7or466-05l4aficrbcu5 »IH9O Ret3i!tyfice Cencr 'Ou!i.ts lulyoccuped. One of ihc best com ivpe iln.1 ssilh jl^fUreriaiiikora^JoroTlvSI^Oy Call BOB ^ wrci3l mvt tnienis on SambeL Offered a. SI fT5 (fO Plu>e call \UTiStlCal'9<«10 or Toll Fret I S'W STK h r-n i-J L SCHLIDENFRU al 472 51(7 014664611 after hours for e anrlorsfijiin^appiitiicni. ^ Oscr 2jI0sgfi of customtwili home ssuhin walking dislarce of Gulf deials H13660 Tilt BliT ONF BFDROOM APARTMFNT B ach't Country Kitchen suih Hickorv Cabmels! Tile Floors' GRFArCOMMFRCHl LOCATION : For salt- in SutfiJ Nw dLat v :sv don Tropic! Garden to Gulf of Ro Mil Bath in Mi leniiltl GrealRooinl Call HAP COWEUya Pcrftt for a retail business w 3 (T-fesiitrj) Uus tetalion is m one of the M-si.0 AlnoslWalls rsfuihsfcd,asli N RnbnHienrtjcy lost*1* you 47Ml«V4;24XI!5akrtars $289900 115271 bu -stJFCiSonPciw.kc ThjsquamlbuiUi'is>EiciiidesalBR,lB\irs- this hc^ev aputnem. Call Roctn on 39S 'iGS or a home on 472 rtf 12, SFASPRA1 (.LLmiOSrf.STATF OJualapanniscflhcseconlfleM S'!9IXC AskforM'OGlEGR.4 outc"s vaull^l ccilirgs v. xx] flcors foTnal diring n>*n cal in kitchn " LSTABMSHFDHO\UNS HEAR SHOP Only S^f/CaTtiiS yosia^jndalg"la*avara.tincoL riusdrmone andmoic F'xinlomaionandpnsalcviLWiig ca'l FR'C ROSEN 3! Salrsxn stLdo «i pnpjlai icrial Call BOB Hl^SIAN d jecuy at the or- irlMH rW-M'Hlflerhours 514950*1 Sh219 fP31* iVle and Ta-^o Ba, Ri Super» urns dotisra fT nc fried ute sa.es clfse fcf-cma. hist (y {W) 19^(^211 or Tcilre(8e0l 262 'il'iitUu Hun Cai|OAVlDLSCHlLDFNraElal.73MS7n '"111 Ctl I MIR PHOTOS ARnoflNYF.STMFNTllLNTINO" • l f r \ -\ 1 [rjtlive u, s a'c h nj c 22K) s ft 3RH t ^BA u th tJi J-a imisiNBHrriiivtoW ! oi. are-IvVrrg fora eft vd coir on.1 in a full ir- ( u n "la'c i nion 'Ijjes Hii i| li Ogi'fwl Bcai-h iseects (all VXRY JSV L Da a dav ioiUAtl o r fujii. 7^1 and is < i liK at TJS SriftX DJ «•! r> VJ) i-,< a K> if >~0i |4^5h7[' 4 2S'(i2afuib.n \j» <|i -W NM \LLSONSf«a;TA-n^ KLi a s A-,* s-nj-js (AHUiOM ( COMMFBIIAI OFHKIV, '(\Ja-' "cft%3j<-ls"^ C™>**vp*'ijK aNjiirx-J a Nex^ -jv i.i'vf jll in ja.1!. JJ* .hrprr wsp "inv.iu :i\iv u 1J..1 te-UVr - Plu 1 lu* all ma-idTs- Lvx Tl f^lAU. pjr UIPOliNHiViiH" ha.], ,na! J la MERObi s > 1 « a 'V(1FCP\ E h 01 i- 1 - < • ^re of Affiliated CompanltR SIP Reahy Group, Inc. 395-6020 • 1-800-262-8703 Island Reporter - C

Community Center Friday, ^ 5 30 p in May 1 Sanibel Amateur Law Day Seminar Radio Emergency EsUte Planning Ba Unit meeting Conn slca" Sanibil Com ell Chambers at City munllyCenter 9ini Hall 7 30 p m 472 3130 Walk In the Wet lands Sanlbcl Ci)> Introduction to HVT Conscrvillon Dance Center Tor the Foundation Ans PrcBallct 4 Mon Tucs pnd S-rt . 30 p m Ballet I 8 30 a m 472 2329 4 30 5 15 p m Ballet n 5 15-6pm Advanced Tap Adult/Teen 6-7 15 u Dancing 9 30 10 p m Call 395 0900 a m Beginning Tap for cost Dancing h irn noon Center for the Walk In the Wet Arts 3% 0900 lands Sintbcl Cap tiva Conservation Rotaiy Club Tir foundation winkles Seafood Lm Mon TUPS and Frl porlnin ""lOim 810am 472 2329 472 2880 J N Ding1 Da>Ung Tuesday, Wildlife Refuge CLOSED Fridays May 5 Alcoholics Master Gardeners The catch of the day inSantbeL Anonymous w6mens ard Horticultural So- closed dincusslon ~~ ciety meeting Sard Newcomers and from South Seas Beach Walk, spon Mon Tues and Frl 12 30 p m Congrega bel Public Llbnry 10 Oldtlmera Luncheon Plantation 1 hr nnr sored by Sanibel ,, 8 30 a m 472 2329 llonal United Church a m 472 6940 Palm Ridge Cafe rated trip about Captiva Consetva of Christ 11 30 T m Fashion North Capttva and tion Foundation 8 30 Advanced Yap Walk In the Wet Show by Judv Malsel RcdflshPass $16 50 10 30 a m Meet al Dancing 930-10am Alcoholics lands Sarlbcl Cap Men and women in Reservations 472 parking lot Rcserva "^"Beginning Tap Dane Anonymous speaker tiva Conservation vtted $7 50 Rcser\a 7549 lions 472 2329 Ing 11am noon meeting 8pm SI Foundation tons 472 6910 by Ccnte- for Ihe Arts May 2 Open Alcoholics Sanibel-Captivt 395 0900 i Michaels Church Mon Tues and Frl Art League Paint Out, •172 61GO 8 30 a m. 472 2329 Anonymous meeting Beginners Water 6 30 p m. Congrega Pertwtnkle Gardens Alcoholics Shopping Center 9 Center for the Arts San-Cap Art Color with Marjorte liana! Church 11 ** Anonymous 8pnv — Bronsted Center for step discussion and am 466-1247 St Michaels All An 900 Dunlop Road League doss, a ^ Phillips ind o Creativity tn \our the Arts 9 30am mediation gels Church 2304 c noor Sanlbcl Senlon Periwinkle Way Founders Gallery Own Style Center for IJody Fltncsi 10 30- Dail> I4pi i, On>e Island Historical Speaker niecdng v the Arts 9-im 1130am Sanibel 472 6160 _ hours Tues through noon $8 • Ions Dinner Meet Museum Wed Sat Ing Sanibel Commu 10am 4pm.850 Community Center fri 1 -1pm 305 Introduction to 090(1 nlty Center 6 30 p m Dunlop Rd American ASSOCIB Dance Center for the Alcoholic* UOD of Retired Per Arts Jazz A, 3 4 15 Current Events Anonymous closed sons CAJVR P) meet Saturday, p m Jail B 4 15 5 Discussion Sanlbcl Thursday? discussion meeting Ing Sanibel Commu 1 May 2 pm Jau&Modem CoTimunlty Center St Michaels Eptsco nllyCrnter l^Oprn a 5 45 p m Call 395 10 a m noon May 7 pal Church 8 p nr 0900 for cost 454 0330 Rotary Club Tar3 Alcoholics Anony Sanlbel Seniors Zonuintcraa o winkles Seafood Em mow men a cloacd Social Bridge St Country Western tlonal rrcetmg porium 7 30 a m group big book dls Isabel Church every Ballroom dancing 2 Snooty F(K Restau 472 2880 cussion meeting 5 Tues lpm Singles rant Periwinkle Friday, ^ 3pm Sanibel Com I lace 7 30 a m 472 pm f^cry Satu»di> Invited 472 5365 j> munity Center May 8 Alcoholic « Anony i Sanlbcl Community 1222 mous At)men s closed Church Sanlbcl Seniors Alcoholics Walk In the Wet discussion |2 30 -Body Fitness Sa Ubcl Anonymous Ojx_n Great Book Series Unds Sinibcl Cap p in Sanlbel Congre Sunday, Community Center Step Meeting Sintbcl V 10 30 noon $0 ^tlva Conservation gittonal United 10 30 U~30am ev Conmunlt> Church each session Center Foundltlon A Church of Christ May 3 eryTu^s indThun, 8 101 m ^ for the Arts a Friendship Bridge Beginning Water •A AppreDtlces Dance Alcoholics Color 9 30 noon r\er> Tucs 1 10 4 Anonymous St Recital, Center for the p in Congregition ll Center for the Ans Mis 2pm Michaels Fpiscopil United Church c f Church 7 7 45 a m Chr st Closed disu sslon How lootf ii U injaJ to dn>J> JD '•Ding" Darling Life Drawing with Wildlife Refuge .-Ki meeting 154 0330 G lie Bennett Center ttrs eci er closed Wednesday fcrt'ieArt" 7 9pm Sundljs Wlldltf- May 6 KIWKXU* Club •MO breikfisl e\tr>Wed Preschool Story- 7 30 i m the Dunes Mrlng Again Sup- Monday, Hour Sinlbt.1 Public 172 b910 port Grot-p span I Ibnry 10 30 i ii sored bv Friends in s, "What U your ti, May 4 <4^s 2 5 with adult Natural History Si rWct Merc Sinibcl - favorite television »how?"...page 6 Cuist story person Boat Tour by Sanl Community Church 1 Committee of the Mtilfl rosier md be Capthn Conner e\cr> Thurs 10 JO Islands (C O T ') [ uppct MKs Be-ri \atfon Foundillon - am 39b 0130 or 472 • CtouwonL..page 8 • > meeting Sin b 1 Dnr 3 3O 4 30 p m 1M I\ C Mooring laws for boats in south Florida waters *~. By MaiyJeonne McAward . •' >>Y c^ and overturned Lee County's loosely written each have thefr own ordinances.';""-~" •-'' ?- -io.' r Slqff Writer . :" *••' "• .c -" .. * Marine Sanitation Ordinance, or MSO.'passed The city of Sanlbsl requires a permit for. r <-' Coast Guard Commandant William Klme v in 1988, „-••- '• %" ,:; '•'['••• _, anyone anchoring In r.'ty waters for more 2 has ordered his agency's chlcflega! counsel to In part tills law which governed anchoring than 48 hours, according (o Code Enforcement O conduct a full legal review of the boating pub- . in unincorporated areas of the county prohlb- ^Officer Dick Baker. ' . ,. J; • .. - \m • - -U-. ffi He's right to anchor In navigable waters. ^ n , llcd anchoring in one location for more than Chief among requirements of the permit y~ 'This action is In response, to a recent re- 72 hours, .f, ' . ;•. ; ; : :£ : include Inspection ofthe vessel for approval O quest from the 415,000-member Boat Owners .The ten who sued, many living on boats In of Its marine sanltafTon device.": ' n ; ^Association of the United Slates. .. . ^_ x the Mantanzas Harbor area, were cited for vi- > The Sanibel marine patro! In's'pscls vessels a. Until now, as with enforcement efforts of olation of this law. " : ; o for the city, Baker added.'; r •" I j - Q the Recreational Vessel Fee program, each dte- Lislowsky said the Judge ruled In favor of The permit cosls $10 and application may, ? tricl has taken a different tack in approacti- the livc-aboards based upon the vagueness of be made at City Hall. " . „-. r,^- . : v J ing the problem. the ordinance.: \} • . "' if - ';-Beaters in Sanibel. Fort Myers and Cape Dtil (he county's showdown ordinance Is Coral waters already race local laws regulal- taking a new form as Uitr'Manlanzas Harbor •"- ing length of stay and in some cases permit Plan, according to Lisldwnky, •; . i- ' requirements for anchoring for longer than a Still in Us fonn^tive stages ;th!s plan will . specified period. '-;/' " i= -'-.- allow for state and county governing of sub- = Nationwide many state and local laws aim merged lands and Include anchoring regula- I tions In unincorporated areas of the county. ^ io clean up sewage pollution of waterways . r - through outlawing or severely restricting ilvc- ! Until the new plan Is approved by county I abdard boats. •: • '. commissioners and in place Llstowsky said -According to several local'ordinanccs llve- people can anchor anywhere In the county not . aboard Includes setting out the anchor for a -governed by local ordinances, i" ^ , .i- night's rest at sea. : : Allhougn in the Interest of preventing poi- Chuck Llslowskir;director of Lee County's nt lutlon marine sanitation devices must meet ••\ Division of Marina Sciences, said that earlier strict standards, enforcement of these taws Is ! Anchor laws vary in different municipalities. ' thlsycar a group of ten Individuals challenged,. difficult. -: • -- : • -i . ,/ . "". vNationwide, local ordinances which pro-, But according to^Asslstant City-Manager ( * v*J;^r-kBif \&r +sJ **S t? hfbll a boater from anchoring pfTshor? for no BIU MfUs.^requesls for permits are few and far . : more than 72 hours are increasingly common : between; , . ^ . -. • 74 : : r ' - Q and 24 hour anchoring limlls are not unheard . , Mills said lie has been with the city for six : : : '.. Of.' " ""-,. ^i "' '• '-'• - " ;-• " ,,- e ' " ;•- years and during that period the city has Is- '- " And Sanibel, Fort Myrrs and Cape Coral sued two permits." -^ •7™SV - ; ',.., -.~ ..A more recent applicant was denied a per- mit. Mills said, because (he marine sanitation AUTO FRIEND Yacilllles on-board the applicant's boat did, • l,tobi!o Car Citfo-Ai yow homo or'wotk '-•' - • a - , not meet permit requirements. • •;- SANIBEL/CAPTIVA RENTALS • Wash - Wax • Detail - Down to earth picoa • Suit Up 4 Wash Sorvce when you go away '• .;.. The Seventh District'offlce in Miami which •J WEEKLY, MONTHLY, ANNUALLY : • EnvironmentFrfer>dlyProdt*cts ;!. ; " -.- - govcrris this arta previously slated, in cut and • Ower 16 Yrs, Aulo Dealership.Ejporionco . - dried language, that municlpaUllcs cannot In- -1630'PERIWINKLE WAY •Friendly, dependable, licensed Island resident - - • Cult for appointment : tcrfere with a boater's right to "navigate. _ .« SANIBEL; FLORIDA 33957 472-0436 .This district contended anchoring is part of ••••' . -813-472-6565 - Jack Barone - navigation. . '..:" ...^,..,„'• ' -, -•:-:'. _ .p"' ; . - •"•please see page 3C 1-800-5-SANIBEL Ca/oforyoijrcar 7 Day-5 A Week 9 a m.-9 p.m.

f The Religions „ v «> Taoism: Fish happens ;-•''-. : -.. ^:< i!induism:Tliisfish happened before "• --".;«' ;" Confucianism: Confucius say: Fish happens - ; Buddhism: It is only an Ilinsion of Fish happening Zen: What Is Ihc sound of Fish happening? ]. _'..-.. " Islam: If Fish happens, It Is Uic will of Allah ' - - = Jehovah's W!t;icsscs: Knock, Knock: Fish happens ".,"; Atlieism: Tliere is no suclj, thinj* as Fish •--•'-'•"•". ••-,.«;• AgnosUcIsm: Maybii Fish happens, arid maybe it doesn't WHISPERWOOD COVE - Protestantism: Flsb won't happen If I work harder ...j." ; Catholicism: If Fish happens, 1 deserve it" - ;,.: - ' :\ y. > •: • AT EMERALD LAKE :, , Judaism: \Vliy does this Fish always happen to me : Six soon to be residences, all providing a delightful water ^orientation with exceptional views. These lots'are generous- Televangclism: Send money or Fish will happen to you! ly proportioned and thoughtfully spaced by dense natural vegetation and additional landscaping, creating a sense of Tiniberism:" " -w.:.!»^:K'": ,- privacy and seclusion. Each estate comes complete with its own sandy beach, private boat dock and fishing pier. There H FRESH FISH HAPPENS! is a tennis court located within,the neighborhood, exclusive to all Whispcrwood residents: ' * ;-..~- ' - -; ; fi rft>w ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR /- This precious 27-acrc develop-, ""; *----*aSfc- """""** i r MOTHER'S DAY, SUNDAYpMAY 10 # ment is nestled along Emerald y > f\~]\Q PS Lake.-Sanlbcrs largest priva(^_vV; M)'^5^ r^'^v'N. Serve It At All!' its crystal clear water is home to a vjiriety of water fowl arid fish. Lot prices starling at $230,000. i . . -

-•• Contact ERIC ROSEN at - , • ..(8.13)472-51878^= ^ : (8131 J95-04S8 Evenings ttieTIMBERS '" V. ^ " or: ' • •-••SHERRY ANDERSON at RESTRCRAKT a FISH MAMLT •'• . (813)'il54-l868- • If -'WINNER TOTIAWAIIDS FOR BEST SEAFOOD AND BEST STEAK ; • 1933»1984M985M987«1988«19$9M990M991-' N*0W. AT OUR NK\V HOME 703 TARPON BAY UOAD-472-3128 _«L!LJB» VIP REALTY GROUP, fNC. ;^> Home of The SanjbcUirill sen-ing from 11:30 am Mon.-Sat, 4: pn; SUP-, -^ 1509 PERIWINKLE WAY, SANTBEL? FL The Timbers Rfttouraal Open 5 05-10:00 / fiay?Fish MarVot Op^t Now, 2 pn Suadsy Sfl ^ <•

MOORING Cape Corals ordinance ilso makes it Lllcgit palltles hold rlparlm rights to liml within Q •Iromp-ige2c lo spend a night on a boat which is not in a their boundiries permits IT? now necessary to g But according to I Istowsky the Seventh marina licensed b> the clt> icconllng to Act inchor for a da> or more Q 5 District recently restated Us position to re ing Code Enforcement Supervisor Ray Nfchol Some also charge fees up to a few hundred rf fleet the fact thit certain state and local agen son dollars to allow a boat owner to drop i buojed^, _, clcs may develop regulations lo govern ("»n Cape Corals ordlntrce stales people may mushroom mooring for seasonal use g chorlng on riparian or underwater linds live aboard boats moored at a licensed ma e The city of Fort Myers owns the submerged nna and as In Fo-t Myers not docked al a wn riverbed of the Caloosahatrjiee RNer from tcrfront residence <- Pump-out stations I shore lo shore according to Mirlc Adams o Whll" the Seventh District in Miami rets sued Its position with regard to local ordl Pump out statlonsTor vessel holding tanks § city clerk for Fort Myers J There Is no midtlne division of the river be nances other Coast Guard districts such as arc available In three locations on the barrier 3, tween that city and the city of Cape Coral the I4th District in Honolulu Hawaii passed islands Eg According to the Fort Myers ordlmnce up Involvement In locil Issues from the word These Include Sanibel Marina on Sanibel o bents may dock at private residences provided » fi° which charges a nominal fee for off l*ie water ^ clients m the boats are not used for habitation Consequently the Hawaii legislature ap 3 Any boat used for habitation mus be docked proved a statewide 1909 anchoring law that Captiva locations include Tween Waters at a public or private marina licensed by the limits boaters to 72 hours of free anchoring Marini which charges $15 and the Yach* =** city and the boat must be connected to a source Regulations currently being drafted In that Basin at South Seas Plantation winch offers of electricity she said stale to implement the law would require _thts service for free Fort Myers ordinance makes it illegal to boaters to pay a fee and obtain a permit to an The pump-out station at the yacht basin is anchor within city waters and stay on i boat chor after this 72 hour period located at the end of an unmanned T dock and overnight In some arcis of the country where munlcl is available for anyorv s use

Tides FridiyMsyl Stmdsy May 3 Monday May 4 High Low IB£h Low lOgb Lo» ingh Unr mgh Low m«h Low pm Redflsl* Fait ^ I 35 5.X 12 23 728 228 aOS 1249 807 3 19 &20 120 R52 4 IB 037 9™11 'u' •—\\ ID6 Capttra (£1 1 4-1 6.H 12.32 825 2.37 6.0O 12 58 1 328 714 1-29 34B , 427 2.05 10-35 "I Capti>a (WK 12 10 136 10-58,1 6.14 103 451 I124il &53 1S1 a.061155n 738 ^aa 5.23 12 31 S27 Point TKel «. 12 40 5.52 1128a 730 133 6.07 11 Ma BSft 2.24 632 12 2*h RSI 323 6^J9 101 943 u Punts Rassa IS 5.45 12 17 723 2 22 6.00 12 43 aO2 313 ai5 1 14 8.47 412 a32 I'M S>36 Tuesday Mny 5 Wednesday, May 8 Htunday Mqr7 I'rktayM 10(11 Bljti Low Low ffijh Low High Low mjb Low Low Low am an pm pm am am pm pm •an am am pm Radnah Pan* lfrOT 325 113-1 420 12 37 530 Capttoa (E) 2:46 1131 3.34 1Z28 4 29 131 5:39 1 12 ZOO 10-20 Z55 1123 405 Point Ttxl 142 1039 2.30 ~il 36 325 12 39 435 Punta RsftH 2.31 10-32 319 1129 4 14 12 32 5(24

\ Taxes & Recounting IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN BLIND PASS YOU'VE MISSED THE BEST VALUES! (Our *91h year on San bell Large Spacious Beautiful gulf beach Roams Walking trails Tax Preparation mdiv dua s Corporal ons Lots of closets Covered parking " " Parlnersn ps Trusts & Estates Huge heated pool Weekly rentals Accounting, General Ledger Pay oil Two tennis courts 9ulet secluded Accounts Pa/abte Arcoo is Rece vatite Clubhouse friendly Tropical plantings Clients Indv duals Restaurants Beta I shops Condom nunAssociat ons Otner Island Financial Services, Inc (A Pro ess ona Cocpu enzed ACOT t 3 s Ta* Oga.'oza or Pel cap Phce Shopping Center 2440 Palm Ridge Road UNITS WITH l.: Sanbel Florida 33957 A 206 2 bedroom, 2 lath. letteDcd porch, good reotlii OUT (813)4721439 Elliot H Gclbcrg, EA 5174 500 V ^ (Enroned la pfactice l«fo o 1R S )J/ C 304 2 bedroom, 1 & baths 2 poichei. It cm be Toon [or only I promise > ou won t Bnd more "ipocc or better value S189«00 £205 ToTokowtiu.lt 2 bedroom Hum and call Joe Kelly at SIM 900 472 5187 or 472 5403 evenings Fill Dtiigntrtonlihtd2bedroom.2bi'.hink«ilhjotthoter looking cooAjud. Reil good renttls A nine ti $225 000 J 1509Periwinkle\Vd> G 'OS \ double unit with 3 bednomt 3 bithl luxuHomlr ddooo DDreltl l [uralihlnfi[lhl , coral ladd ccd du ippolnlntentllntentf gold pilled Sanibel Fl 33957 OYSTER GO. fiuceu. It cutic dupllutid and I. • cnlr $378,50$378,5000. UI l^ilty Croup Inc. Seafood Restaurant The Inst hlllt.Uptian.1 LUNCH on the Isfrimh" EARLY BIRDS DINNER ALL YOU CAN EAT bDAYS \ WEEK MS 7DAYSAWEEK^-6 7 DAYS A WEEK 5 10 SPECIALS II EARLY BIRD 11 *0-2PM ^ ENTREES BaroLxnll-JO-t w rg PrneRib B a,k«i"d Shiunp "DAVSAWECk PJVCJ CI upcr Mm«l> Marnurj TO CHOOSE FROM S7 96 $6 3S Menu a ailablr all day C ab u f\iF!oupJ Lohltt Tails EAKLT BIRD SERVED FROM S-4PM DAILY n iho loungt Alaskan Snow Bn> H <*a I p (Tale a?i>' F ttutiru All )o Crvb Raw BJI Mnu.i \Mv V -gCaMc Prima -ra •^Ixvult App.1 / is Chi UP rjrm(3.m Steamed Shnmp Diverts — fX-ss fts — CrabCale^ BOTTLE OF WINE Sia ouJSorrplT with dlpnsr per table ^jl'd B aJ Rj c * b TV. I c for Ut-syri \\DMLCI MICH MORE CranchyGroujxr (Explf»«B2»«J*Hhthta eoopoo

ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT HAPPY RAW BAR SHRIMP SI4.9& HOUR OPEN7tl\YSAWLEK 7DWbAWlEKH307 Wil's JilO •> snFQ i S ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT 0! OFF BOTTLE BFtR IANDING SOC OT WINE *Sanp)t CRAB LEGS $I4.?<> I 00 DRAITb a t)li)tj(Sl( On Beautiful Snnlbef Islan am C»fc» mi O

To be settled over dinner! THE MOST TENDER PRIME RIB OH THE iSLAtJDa STEAKS • CHOPS • PASTA • CHICKEN • SH«WM FnESH FISH TOO! ill* Tin* Island *> iNeu*""t Rfstaurniit 1 -4

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[MortgngoFowcr •=?> -

The week ahead at area Lee County schools : By MaiyJeanoe McAward grades eight through twehe will elect class of- •Saturday, May 2, !* graduation night for Staff Writer ficers. ^- J~ Canterbury seniors at Disney World." The tpark - Sanlbel Elementary •Grades seven through iwcjve left for Dis- Is open all night for this annual event. Stuj ; •Congratulations lo Summer Murphy, who, ney V/orld early this morning, Friday. May 1. dents and chapcrpnes will be bused to Disney } was the top fond raiser for (he 1992 Blke-A- THe group Is due lo return laicjhis evening. World from Canierbury. ' & ( Thon for St. Jude's Children's' Hospital. •The high school drama gioup will perform •Monday, May 4, through Friday, May.8, ; 'The Miracle Worker," (he story''of Helen eighth graders end chaperones will board a ! •Sunday, May 3,''the Big Arts Dance Dance o< Apprentices will present their spring concert Keller, al 7.30 p.m tonight. Friday, May 1. " train ^Washington, D.C. Students will meet ! at 2 p.m. at Hie arts center on Dunlon Road. and Saturday, May 2, Admission^is $2 for stu- U.S. Representative Porter Goss. slghl-see [ dents. $3 for adults and, $6 per family. through the nation's capital and visit the j Admission is $2 for children, $3 for adults. 1 •Anyone Interested in.a small black puppy Cypress Lake Middle School .. ° headquarters of the Federal Bureau oflnvcsti- ' can call the Gcmandts. 395-2595. •Today, Friday, May 1. students who met gallon. • -•Barbara Ward, principal of.Sanlbel Ele- the school's strict criteria for good citizenship •Saturday evening. May 9. the Senior Prom ; menlary, is seeking volunteers to leach Span- will attend a rock concert by the band will be held at Galearia Ford's showroom in ish to students, for 45 minute periods a few "Renegade" from 2 p.m: to 3 p.m. at Cypress Fort Myers. Tlcketsare still available and limes a week...Volunteers need noLbc certified - take High School. , may be purchased at the school. teachers. Ward said. She wilt work with vol- •Also today, the middle school's,, unteers regarding necessary teaching skills" "Overcoming Exceptionality" peer group will Stick puppet play Anyone Interested should call Ward al the visit the Riverside Exceptional Center and school. 472-1617. A mini-stick puppet play. "Joey Runs Away" -Judge,the science fair staged by that school's ^ from the story by Jack Kenl, will be performed St. Michael's Lutheran students. 3 p.m. Tuesday. May 12 at the Sanlbel Public •Tuesday evening. May 5, Ihlrd through •Saturday. May 2. health club 'members will Library. eighth grade students will offer a spring band hold a fund raising car wash at the school. The Tuesday afternoon volunteer kids, and choral concert. The program is free and •Tuesday, May 5, a group of students will at- fourth graders Hallle Nachtsheim. Suzanne begins al 7 p.m. at the school. tend anall-day leadership "conference about Knapp. Sonja Smith and Betsy Pavelka are •Wednesday. May 6,^5 observation day. drug awareness at (he University of South the puppeteers, * , Parents interested In enrolling children in St. Florida campus -" ,j Preschool children, ages 2-5 accompanied Michael's are welcome to observe classes by •Wednesday. May 6,-'eighth graders will by an adult, are invited to attend. ~ appointment. Call the school office. 939-1218 visit Cypress Lake High School for orienta- The play Is the story of a young kangaroo Thursday evening. May 7. preschoolers will tion, who runs away In search of a belter place to ' present their spring musical program, •Thursday, May 7, the Cypress Lake High live. While other animals try out his mother's Evangelical Christian School band will perform for eighth grade empty pouch, his mother continues to search . 'From now through Wednesday, April 8, students in the cafeteria. for her wayward son. •Also Thursday, Ihe health club will visit Shell Point Village. Preschool stories •The lottery drawing for sixth'graders hop^ Dean's list named Muff Prosscr will be. the guest story lady for Casey Lyn Arnold, of.Coquina Drive In 1 ing to attend ^Cypress Lake Middle, School, the ' preschool slory^ hour, 10:30 a.m. which next fall will be a magnet school for Sanlbel. has been named to Ihe dean's list at Wednesday. May:6. at the Sanlbel Public creative and expressive arts, will be held Providence College for (he fall -semester of Library. Thursday..evening. May 7. 1991. """ " Prosser will bring a puppet. Miss Bern Students must maintain a 3.250 grade point Bear.:.-.which will'talk to the children and Cypress Lake High School average or higher with no grade lower than a c; * Introduce "stories such as. Dear Shadow by" •Today, Friday, May 1. from 2 p.m.lPto 3 p.m. to make the annual dean's list. _, r Frank Asch. Do Bears Have Mottwrs, Too? by the high school audftortum will host a concert ^.Providence College Is under the direction of Aileen Fisher and Afr. Dear's Chatr, by for Cypress Lake Middle School. the Dominican Fathers and Brothers of Ihe Thomas Graham. Canterbury School Province of St. Joseph and.is a coeducational, All children, ages 2-5 accompanied by an •Today. Friday. May 1. parent-teacher con- liberal arts and sciences institution with an adult, will be welcome^ o ferences will be held. There will be?no classes. >^undergraduate enrollment o£3.800 students Street talk

r. By Dawn Grodsky ^ Staff VVrilcr Roy I ufEmaa Colleen Egan Salesperson Student Dloomflcld HtllB Watcrtown Wta 2 What is your fa- Michigan consul 7( auila uui Doogli. Hoiiser fevorite television tknttlLjXLausc 1 # cause I think it s T I show? v i ch l"f»*viston to cute ^how ^ Gene DeCanlllis History teacher Kingston New Jersey '1 watch the news Carolyn Pool J ii^t hockey the news Homemaker for the InformitIon Harlan Iowa •mil the hockey for entertainment Joseph Foley Retired "Chrcrs It is Just - Wendy Becker Boston Mas so entertaining It Therapist sachusctts just really is * 9 Providence Rhode 'Bill Co^lnj because IB land 1 like him tve iiked I would say Mur htm for>ecirs I think Duplicate Bridge pfu; Brmi n (because) Cosb> has a lot of Duplicate bridge at the-^nnihel communli> well a number of rea g »od messages to de renter \!onda> evening April 90 produce! sons First of all I IKcr tspectilly to the following wlrners miong 11 nbles of the think its tunny I Mds Mitchell movement like the polllicil North south winners were Sar^h and i-icy comments and I like Fendley followed by Helen and PrestonII is the role she (Candacc sell In second phce an<» Wendell law* and Ce u Bergen) plays as in orge Ilimmcs in third place * intelligent worran" East west winners were I it md John Cichcnlaub followed by Jo\ce TnJiit and Bill Clrrlto In second phce and Murr ModV\ ^nd Helen Qulmby in third place Duplica'e bridge Thursday ^flemoon Anril 16 produced the followir^winners nmoiu seven tables of the Mitchell moici lent Slashed Prices! _ North south winners were Sirah and Lary =TePd!ey followed by Nonna Loos and Gtnn> Reeves In second pla^e and Sterling Basscit Reduced 50% to 75% and George Hamines In third phce cFast west pinners were Tommj Jicger -\tid Mary Bums foUowed b> Jo>ceTruilt md I3II1 0 Cirrito in second plaic and N m^ Ilcnlcy and Ruth Frank In third phce

LStPP\ IS! WD - On the Intraciastal Law OfTces of \\aterv.a> bdwc«n Sanib 1 1 land and Itoca WAGGONFR&COLLMAN PA Crande Uscppa is a pr xaic s!and with a J ep Attorneys water \3chl I arhor Hakrfr nt re taufanl anJ • RE «. ESTATE • a full c( mpltmcni f us am nitiU • TFIE INSURANCE • •RE\LESTATFLITI \T1OS- The epitome ~» ESTATE PL miSC ' • PROBATF • • CORPOR/MIONS • of island home • BUSINESS CONTRACTS • ownership..^ Paul H Waggoner Richard \ C< lln-an 2340 Pen* rkle Way Su Ic It ^=> C me a true i land Ore u ih h n ted SOtTH KNOIL HOME M^ • cat ) bed oom 1 bah ho « Sim bel FL 339a lommandng a sp^t^ul iw if !lx w aridnp watn5 and cafdullt conir I td atcu* A place *httr nf^inJulaentc n tht i hnd I fe ii (813)1126700 FAX(813)472 5123 re , cif 1!> a t mn iJakJ h n f I • ftwy tin mponun

T HARBOUR - Dree \j on boli ? hi VKH (tuhmr ^ st th asta \\ i this miqje "Jsui ixf M feat» $ WUIK. xt "*~^ Vs and pj ioii klc toe tile uivip w \*. vxial May 1 - 9 , JO f obedixjfm pius (Jen Partia! I KFW,M J6 O»

\ IIUWII 1^1 \M)UIIJ 1lnliri>l< fnnih hf f *i f 25% off \\ r i > u i i ( L 11 i 1 LinJ 3 d I ui Regular Priced Merchandise il ir > n | l^nd fr perl in the Ladies Dept \| p 11 i ti m r q r d jnj mas W 1 diianeid t\ J!I I K fncfuc c5 tfeuclrv Accessories (813) 283 1061 and Swim Suits

'kinibel s Only DepariTiOit Slate Propt.rryo itouJS Iton Sol S^SOC^" rrpan\ me C!a?scl Vxloys I !U \ 1MKI \1 1 I\7III 1 I I TheAporty 472 1858 'enhorsc shop 3^2 Pet ivmkk Wiy County asks for state funds to remove beach vegetation By liz Freeman tfon programs pines are falling Into the Gulf creating an im Stajf Writer The county is seeking $177 375 from Ihc safe condition according to the grant appllea State financial assistance to clear exotic slate agency which requires a 25 percent tlon «^f vegetation from Bowman s Beich In Sinlbcl match of local funding equitlng to $59 i25 Is being requested by the Lee County Division from Lee County according to the county s The tree roots also cause hardship for sei of Planning and Construction grant application turtle nesting I The Lee County Commission gave the okay Once the exotic vegetation Is removed ihc Wednesday for the planning and construction If the grant Is awarded county planning county Intends to plant native trees and division to submit an application for grant and construction Intend to remove Australian shrubs to help curb beach erosion in the area assistance from the stite Department of Natu pine and Brazilian pepper for a depth of 100 Previously the county received $50 000 ral Resources feel along the Gulf and bay shorelines of the from the state agency for a slmlhr program The state agency through (ts Beaches and noithemmosl 5 500 feet of Bowmans Beach for 4 000 feet of the southernmost portion of Shores Div'slon provides funding to locil The exotic vegetation has encroached the Bowmans Beach The state agency provided governments fo- a variety of beich preserva beach and in several locations Ihe Australian $50 000 for that program In 1989 PERMITS found^'lon nnd deck by Frey and Son Homes for pool enclosure by CrealKe Builders * from page 4C $7 918 ° $10000 =3 The City of Sanlbel Issued the following Tlgua Ca> Condo 183 489 E Gulf Dr for re _ Robert DIFazio 988 Whelk Dr (or dock ex building permits during the week ending April pairs by Gatcwood Custom Carpentry $9 000 "tension by Docks and l.lfis Inc $o00 17 Jimes \rtale 5243 Indian Ct for pool en Martin J Harrlly 1263 Isabel Dr Tor Iat closure by Die Cam AJurrlnum $G OOO tlce work by The Damex Corp S2 t>00 Paul and LuclUe Roth 528 Kirtfle Island Ct Tennis Place Condo 1250 Tennis Place lor fire alarm by Fountain Fire Equipment Send your calendu Items to Island Re for single family home by Frcy and Sons $5 400 a porter, P O Box S09, Sanlbel FL 33057 $167 580 Biileys Store 2477 Periwinkle Way for fir" Items must be received one week prior to Hal D Tray 1250 Tennis Place Ct for al alarm by Sentry Security Systems $1 000 publication tcration/remodrl by Keystone Const Mgl Robert Hageminn 5212 Indian Ct for pool £ t Inc $6 000 will and deck by Krnnuly Construction Don Busch 5750 Pine Tree Dr for boat lift 5000 NOTICE Oi MEETING/HEARING by Florida Marine Constr $4 400 Robert Hageman l 5242 Ind an Ct for pool George Matsik 4202 Old Banyan Wnj for SANinF.i.ronF. will ind deck b> Richirdson Pools $12 000 ENFORCEMENT HOARD u single family home by Gail Reynolds Inc Michigan Homes 1100 Par View Dr for $68 137 planter by Michigan Homes $5 000 Ktn and Sindy Nirenberg 775 Limpet Dr Container Products Corp 22^8 Starfish L.1 NOTICE IS GJVEN THAT a for aHcratlon/remoael by Mel Ke Construe n lion Inc $20 000 nvetirg/heanng will bejield in accordance Cecil Steele 489 COST Ybel Rd for^lab and wi'h Sanibel Code of Ordinances Section driveway by John R. Price $2 167 You get more Article V, Sections 2 61 through and Davey II19 Periwinkle Way no 188 for addition b> guaiity Industrie^ $7 000 including 2 68, on the 21 SI day of MAY David Stark 1308 Par View for pool deck for your peso at 1992 at 9 00 A M This meeting/hearing screen encl by Barnes Pools $16 000 will take phce al Sanibel City Hall in the Richard Welsh 4556 Bowcn Bayou for LP Council Chambers (MacKenzic Hall) at tink by Pelican Propane $400 Casa Lupita! Davey 1119 Periwinkle Way no 188 for 800 Dunlop Road, Sanibel, Florida screen room by Quality Industries $7 000 Paul Roth *t18 Kln7le Island Ct for pool It's our new all-you-care-toeat If J person decides to appeal any decision of ihe body with respect to any matter con Lunch Buffet * sidcred at such meeting/hearing, he will | Including our NEW FAJ1TAS' ] need a record of the proceedings, and for GALLERY such purposes he may need to ensure lint j verbatim record of the proceedings is ARTIST COOPERATIVE Y^ur luncli enc ces incl mide which record includes the testimony ~° ORIGINAL FINE ART Enchiladas RumUH ind evidence upon which the appeal is to Doal D roctly With 7 ha Art si BELL TOWER MALL • Tacos be bastd .==> •Tostadas 13499 U S 41 S C FORT MYERS "V On me way lo the Airport (813)433 0070 Soips IR/llfl 2 92 | •Saljds OurNEWFAOTAS

MONDAY SVH D\Y- 3pm. The Sunset Chair AOu [usIW a-

NEW I IS! ING Recently redone by prtknt owner 3 bedoom hoiu on one of Captiva s txst pnvale raids Wk lo beach and to 'he ul lage Pnvale selling $375000 on our popular ESTATE HOMF ARF \, 2fois $165,000 Sunda) Brunch! each A NEW CI ASSIC! tANAI FRONT HOME on culde sac Custom designed aM handmade by island Tttoi vmrcelf and your family to our $285,000 unlin-lxd international hiffel now sa trafisman Barry ^nanley The Sunset Owir new tiiwer pn« and including out new FJIAJ Evtry Sundn you can enjoy caplurcs the essence of a breezy Iropi al CHARMING SOUTIIr RN COLON! \L with almost in Si utu-j*««,flunVomtt:aM delh 4000 so, fi screened veranda $69i 000 ddlBlnk sun-tt The style is fun tn pical and relaxed durable yet honderfullv comfortable PRICE REDUCFD' Spoonbill Cme Spectacular 6 SunstlCha r5areconstructiilfmmqiial !\ I bayou/gulf fmnt with deck oer'ooking Clan Bayou & gulf cedar and finished inwhite vijthoistnm 3795000 Even Sunday I^OOtm to200p*n accenl colors of ynur choice AdiS69 Kjfe5 12' S39S d«fivecaFREE M75™eatt. for* hfdtnH. < f beautiful sLnstts ^-.. (813) 395-0417 INTCRNATIONAl, RE&TY CASA LUPiTA Mexican Restaurant SAMBLI tOKTMUKS L\PrLOR\L FI Mjrn 1/ 13 S Cievtllivl A Sanibel Island • Florida (813) 472 8300 (811) 411 (1044 iSI»} 549 1700- Ahilfmle t hc'PantFtttd Color rtiolm An UHt I F°n Hcq •3"

island crossword

LAST ROUNDUP By James E Hinish Ir

ACROSS 1 Cinch 34 Aud tors 66 Boat parts 95 Rockol-" S The last <> 35- Actress 68 Unrel ned 96 Cavorts 100 Quiwer Lytton 10 One who Andersion 70 Th ckel •ppra ses 38 Twit ->71 Cortdemn-d IS Gemstons 40 Cui stitut anal man % »a!k 107 Ir island 19 5 A capital 43 — Pans" 74 Res dence 109 Nose ? 20 Pacific Island 48 Woe 13 me' 75 4 77Inventory 109 Paraqon v 11Q Breath republ c ' 49 A Turner account rq 21 Wn by — 50 Depots flbbr method - hcavly 22 Cotton bundle 51 D gw g 73 Mo lit Thomas or 23 Uke wine 53 Lettuce 79 Tedious one Horace 24 Tapestry varety B0 Sw ss river 112Clemenc?au 25 Carries on 54 Fnal attempts 81 F rat word o( ep thet 38 W1H eat 58 Old Roman Mass motto 113 Lustrous 27 J F Cooper 62 Paul Mum him 114 flefe endng , SB Large planes 115 "Just ~ doch tills GO Survives longer art domi" 31 Tomonal 69 Bulrushes 62 Bete - SO Cup d necusttts leather 63 First word ot taat- 32Hck a toast 91 Char 33 Medicinal 64 Gf coins 93 Voonsh net s 117 Refrigerants amounts G5 Fasteners need 118 Colors

DOWN 1 Blind parts 29 Booh par! abbt 56 Old time It 83 Name in Fr 2 Darkness 29 Cenlers statesman printing 3 Afghan VIP 30 Tine fruit 57 Develop 84 Calm before the storm 4 Security sulli 58 Butler or 35 Finally fiction SS Denied devices 36 Kind ot dally 59 Tiller 86 Jano or Zane 5 Fuegan tnbe 37 Lacking 61 Hot to much 87 '•wllanTeir 6 Shopping place u Interest 65 M nor prophet 7 Kangaroo 39 Certa n levy 66 Alex of 32 Branch 8 Spee or •>. football 93 The last — Zeppelin 39 Amo - amaV 67 Ancient 94 Macbeth eg" 9 Venna 9 land 40 S 'e ot ascetic 95 Embellish 10 Melted cheese Baylor U 6B Half a dance 97 Nasty person dih 41 Baseball 69 Debacle 98 —net 11 -What s in —I™ brothers name 70 Drays 99 Locations 12 —aval 42 Triumphal 71 Author 101 Fit of pique (useless) twist r O Flaherty 102 Garment for 13 Tallinn native 44 Tolkien 72 "— lor Life" Qaus 14 Remains creatures 73 Summers Fr 103 Of a poem 15 SSRrJ strict* 45 Autocrats 75 M splace 104 Celebration 16 Patriot Thomas 46 Dislikes 76 Fairies 105 Two 17 At — (bpw I 47 Expansive 79 Stab I ty 106 Name in dered) 52 — de deux materials autos IB Writer 54 Sip 81 Barred legally 107 "I ~ Camera" Oeighlon 55 Inappropriate

LANDMARK LANDSCAPES Sanibel Beauty s/ NOTICE Sanibcl/Captua Subjixts' "IK " Salon , • Accounting By American Impressionist FREE Bottle o*— • 1V« Consulting Nail Polish with a • Financial Reports Manicure & Pi t]j WILLIAM NORTH I with coupon 1HOMAS It. LOUWERS, M S T. hPXrZS, Tndent Gallena - '472-1111 'QiftfyS^ Village Shops I Nails By Alice 395-2022 1619 Perm inkle Way, Suite )f)2 -10 YEAHS OF LOUFLETC & PflOFtS' ^JA,Vi%5. 2340 Periwinkle Way MA ft a rMAiL CARE FOR THE ENT RE 472-5152 S-f % o Sambcl AT BAILEY'S SHOPPING CENTE coMn.nt K$m fiETA^ a N

COME JOIN OUR FAMILY! putting Pelican Restaurants Bar OPEN TO THE PUBLIC „ «i BREAKFAST BREAKFAST SPECIALS STARTiNGJAT $1 99 >>Q AUo offerini] omelettes pancakes, pggs any style, and our "house ° specialty" Trench Toast 1 LUNCH _ /. Olfering All American Sandu-lches from Grilled Cheese to Chlcfcen Salad, Burgers, Steak Sandwiches, Lunch Served fish & Chicken Sandwiches the Diet PUle, variety of salads, dally 11 30-2-30 Chel Specials and more > DINNER 1 Dinner Featured uilh a continental dalr"! Serving APPETIZERS from BlackHean Soup to Norwegian Salmon, 5 00 9 30 ENTREES Include Shrimp Scampi Fresh Gulf Grouper, Veal Picalta Chicken Marsala Filet Mlgnon, NV Strips and Nightly Specialties 472-3434 DELICIOUS DESSERTS AVAILABLE. LOCATED AT BEACHVIEW GOLF CLUB =o Closed Sunday / Cred ( Cards Accepted / Located on Andy Bosse Lane "Sanibel > B»»t Kepi Secret" S 7 D Deep ir the hear! of downtown Captiva p Direc'ly on the Gull ol Mexico 172^1391 1100 PARVIEW DRIVE, SAMBFi Calendar of church services in Sanibel and Captiva

Lultietan Church of the Isles 5050 Periwinkle Monday through Friday 472 2684 school 10 am Church office open 10 a rr Way (Sanibel Congregational United Church St Michael s and All Angels Episcopal •= , 3 30 p m Monday Friday 472-0497 or 472 8100 of Christ) 5 30 p m Ho y Communion every Church 2304 Periwinkle Way Saturday 5 SI Isabel Catholic Church'3559Sant>el- Sunoay Rev Paul R Sutteror 772 345? pmSundayworshp7 309 Wand II 30 Cap'rva Rd Scturday mass 5 30 p m Sunday Chapel by Ihe Seo Captivo Island Services a m Holy Eucharist at a'l services Weekdays mass830am 1030am and noon Daily beglnningNov 17througoApri Watll am Wednesday 9am Holy Eucharist willi heel mass 8 30 a m Holy day schedules same as Pastor Rev Gorden S Price *v ing Thursday 7 30 a m Holy Euchanst fol Sundays Msgr Robert W<£2h!efen and Rev Congiofialion Bat Yam Temple ol Ihe Is lowed by B Die study Roctor t-r William Dodd Carmen Caruso 472 2763 Associate Fr Bill Walker lands, Reform Synagogue Services 8 pm Sanibel Capltva rust Church ol Christ Scion Fridays at Sanibel Congregational Un ted Church of Ihe Islands 4115 San bel-Captrva list, 2950 W Gulf Dr Sunday .service and Sun- Church of Chnsf 2050 Penwinlde Way 472 3016 Rd Regular Sunday service 10 o m Home day school Ham Wednesday meetings 8 Care Group Wednesday 7pm on and off the p m Reading room open Wednesdays ana Sanibel Community Church Cmulti bland Intercessory prayer meets every day denom national) 1740 Periwinkle Way (next to at the church Friday praise and worsh p Fridays JO a m to noon 472 8684 Jerrys) Sunday worship 8 9 11 15 am practice7pm Pastor JamieStilson 472 1018 Unitarians Unr efsolists of Ihe Islands meet Sunday School at 10 15 and 11 15 a m for all Sanibel Congregational United Church of a Sunday 7 30 p m In ihe Fellowsh p Hall of the ag^s Childcare provided for all services Dr ChrU 2050 Periwinkle Woy-acros. from Perc- San bol Congregat onat United ChOrch of • Dennv Denn son pastor and Dr Bill Schram wnkle Place Shopping Center Sunday serv*ce Chnst Minis'er Is Reverend Will am puinside assoc'ate pastor Office open 9am to 3 p m at 10 am Dr Randall H N ehoff Sunday Golf Third was a tie between Join Kent Millie Fcrd and Nora Krieger with 70 Nifty niners golf Flight B low net winner was Jean Cor Beachview men The Dunes Nifty Niners played a points topisse with 59 The Beachview iren s golf association tour game Thursday April 23 Betty Long was In second place with b5 namenl Tuesday April 21 pruduceJ Ihe fol r Flight A winner was Grcthd Christenson Eileen Harris was In third place with 68 •> lowing winners U and runner up was Frankle MacNulty Flight C low net winner was Cindy Adarris Dick Grant Jim Hornbrook Dorrel Luce Flight B winner was Betty Boers and runner with 69 and Bob Neth took first place with plus three up was Belte Gadicnt Laura Cope was in second place with 70 Second was a tie with eveascores between Flight C winner was Syrll Rubtn and run Third place was a tie between Frankle Mic the foursome of Lee Gibson Dave Harrison ncr up was B J Welnier Nully Peg Wedleyanrf Nancy tamll with 72 Tom Hunter and Rudy Mikullc and Les Snpll * light D low net winner was Jean Burns Pat McGuffin Joe Slelnert and Jack Harrin^ with 66 Joan B-iumler v/-\s In second place Ion *u Dunes' women sejt with 68 Evelyn BadgT was in third place^with The Beachview men s golf association tour Tlie Dunes 18 hole uomens golf assochlion 69 -, nament Tuesday April 14 produi.fd the fol Joinne Roscnberger made the longest irive lowing winners held a fun dav tournament Friday April 24 First place was a tie with plus three be FJrbt. place for Flight A was a He for low net on hole number 16 Betty Gidlent made the 1 longest drive on hole number 3 Iween the foursome or Fred SchcUig Jerry between Mamie Kent and Em'ly Schoflcld Pajlsen BUI Reynolds and Bob Lafierty and % with 63 Adrlenne Cross was closest to the p!n on hole number 2 •£* the threesome of SUi Merz Hob Mauier and Ed Barb Slsson (oak second place with 66 Reed " OBSERVER MINERS PLAZA (al M ners Corner) 15501 McGregor Dlvd . 472-1587 ISLAND REPORTER OFFICE Af IHE VILLAGE 2340 Per wipk e Way FAX# 482-6365 UNIT K 1 DEADLINES 114,500 readers each week!!! NOTICE OFFICE HOURS 8 30 500 Ft. Myers Beach Observer As Low Island Reporter OBSERVER DEADLINE S 50 FRIQAY 400 PM As 4 ISLAND REPORTER DEADLINE Per Week WEDNESDAY 1000 AH Ft. Mvers Observer Captiva Current

| Electronics & Cameras | | Medical | [ Miscellaneous j [ Miscellaneous j | Musical " | I COMPUTERS

Canon AE 1 p ogram A 2 RHEUMA11SM ARTHRITIS UNCLA MED WHITE bEW NG Yvd Maintenance For Sate Bef.al trombone COMPUTERIZE powof winder Kiron SO 200mm KILL THIS MALADYi Not IUM MACHINE'; AND SEHGcnS S op Pa n Tomporarly Usi ng rfgtunow' HOt^OROfRCE f/4 macto Kfon 2dmm (2 Unsold due IO budgol cuts P'icfie by 7 00 a m-nnd recpiwo u Canon 50mm 1 8 Canort^eBA Rolol Avnlable! Suffer No condlion Sew all fafancs S k to Lea her sane day service No wa eng speedl lo Excellent cond t on Mo el Dal 1 (B00) 9179160 Case has some KARDWARE Rogula $199 Now 3168 Cu Tenlly seekng 10 rripnihly $450 OBO 466 2924 Tree Cal! Day of N ghl rr IXK damage Sorgo s S268 Nc» dccouits Lots cleared over SOFTWARE Guiranloed COD o Citdl $100 g D*lh removed Pep^r tree ACCESSORIES ^73 9094 Card 1 (BOO) 658 43 6 Ext removal our specialty Chps*RUs I Miscellaneous | COMPLETE SYSTEMS Household 472^721 or 693 7786 AUTHENTIC ND AN RECIPES | Pets & Livestock | BUILTTO YOUR ORDER STPAIGHT FROM THE ^•}SUN * V/OLFF TANNING TUTOR NG by a professional KITCHEN OF INDIA a^DS N*.w commercial homo educator From elementary F« Sao TwobfOAn COLLECTION OF ?00 un ts !f6m $199 Lamps through college level For MOLLYS EXP2HT LOVING rocnorcfars $40 REUPES FOR ONLY $12 Lo ans Accessor es Monihly 1 PET SITTING SERVICE fofpair Ffm ALLOW 4 WEEKS FOR n onuaton ca * -133-48J4 paynents lo* as 518 Call HELPS vi Is youf ho-no -^ 4&3 447e DELIVER/ TIME SEND Todiy FREE NEW color Piov d(.s yourOpet' « If- AT SANIBEL SQUARE MONEY CflDER OR CHEQUE HUNTERS MEMBERSHIP Catalog Call 1 800 22B 6292 perswia if<) fov ng ca e a *d TO RAJ BOX 224 ESTcRO AVAILAB E in 35 000 ac C prolesii anal fif'Oft long leim 'ROHDA339 8 p valo hunt rtg club .\3 th p 472 0381 FOR SAl E TANNING SEDJ WASHER DRYER Central Flonda Deer TJ hey WOLFF SYSTEMS N^wSUsod a ding 16 y sland B and new washer Dryer Hog and Squ rrel (Mintful Ci I Commcrcal/ Homo Un is Iiom c oicolflnrccndion^ Chuck 900am 500pm P $1 955 Leasing ava able lo Lctn^ed Member Natonaf S2W takes both (904) 4Q8 55CO Daj- J72 1&67 Qual ad Buyers Immcd ate Association of Pet ^ tiers [Sports Equipment) isklof Cion Sh pmont f om B rr- ngnan 1 472 1176 (BOO) 221-6743 Gun S law May 2nd 8 3rd IHE SHELl H«RB0fl DflECCING PBOJECT IS PHOOUCING HI" HAPPY JACK MANGE LOTION Kntghts of Columbus hai toot Prom61e5 f"J!al ng and ha r Po Sat) IBMSoiuctnc Pd h M«adcAS Dr va Fort g owth lo any mango hot spoT typowntr with AVAILABLE TO ALL SAN BU. ISLAND PROPERTY OWNcRS AT Myo s 9 00 5 00 Saturday (jngus on dogs & botse^ BoJd ng bodsprLid w Ih ttitra co o ''ng nbbons 9ELOW MARKET PBItESWHLESUPPLVLASTS 9 00 2 33 Sunday Everyone witnouf co t sane At nil «j d ipos ncl dod $80 Excolkn cond i on we co-re Bjy sell talc *c ncitron low t QVLn us -d 1. 3 ft •; L vts Mnrf" of wG0( g Excel en a dton Ju<,( MUM OC e^scnib and di s gn made! kpg 51c0 Wlfn^got i fepa rtfld J-l ct ChA"g r HCKEHJAN OVERSEAS CONTRACTING CO USA. m th tho nghl persor \V f vctpl ft -fc 51 irfJ^ Ca i. e 6JO I o c or unt n s*ied 2 7 7 S 210 E Jwoupen Awnu? Kesi-nmee a3'74l CaQdiys 472 158 Monday - ( SCO 4 00 1 B30& n-°I 2 976Q Phona (*07) 333 270* Fai (4«7} 0335541 4r^ 7fc 936 5676 1 ^ g| COMPUTERS | Icomm Property For Rent| |Comm Property ForMJ Is. For Rent | condos For Sale i 5 » • ——— W WANTED ONE MONTHS FREE RENT South fort Myo B Beach 2 PROFESSIONAL SUITES ISLAND TOWER PLAZA bedroom 2 ban fabulous 5j Used Inoxpsnsvo (undst Summorlm/ lona aroa To qualified tenant 1619 Pewinlucj Way condo Beach and sunset S $300) WORD PROCESSING Secrolar at sorv cos $250 Sanibol ofllco building 750 square foet views pool A term s Apr I ^ SYSTErV «v Ih docenl pnnler 466*662 locetod on Second (tocf office Nov $600 monthly Also ^ Must be ui ablo basically bug Periwinkle Way Unctef StO perBq ti ava [able 1 bed oorn cendo < (reo Modom A Plus Please 1122 2244 or 472 W4 $500morlNy Call owner 7G5 S call Dana 472 227* 1770 .q tt 5109 n • JL_li Ull IU1L2— BEACH Carol Arnold Auoclate STORE FRONT BBVK Inc Broker 693 1000 ^|Conwi Property ForSale} $400 ^ | Condos\Apls For Rent | Ono bodroom one bath concto Cozy cute 9 oat (or1 Pool tonnrs co> rt aihrs fans SANIBEL OFFICE SPACE g ft shop offico bouttque NEAR SANiBEL targo scroonod patw "loan » Centrally located includes in bodroom house Cal now carpet $370 a month FAX cop or and word AND BEACHES thW sl apnrtmont tented 765-1939 or 463-8070 Corner of ^umnGflin & $16-10-north processor and mhos $300 16731 MCGREGOR BLVD Glatfolus CaB433 165! CAPTIVABEACrT&BAY C ill Mac 472-8135 1 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED SUaoOOdupo Sooth one bodtoom ono tvi3» CAPTIVA SHORES 900 i,q ft on ce space on S3O5 PER MONTH bedrooms each sdu • villibk In $285'a month first ^isi $100 Dock your Inc udes vacant lot Barkley Circle near Sumnwtin security 433 9022 fl'tnf 12 00 boat on the Bay & swim Pott OMIce building and Colonial Brvd Pa ttionod ' T " "" l-H— and sun m the Gutf Phone 454 5775 or pirited ready for occupancy Two bedroom txxtxi on Southc^do T#o bedrooms Spacious 3 bedroom 481 2423 wHcarpot losuto Sf2 pwsq CALL 466-1616 canal averlook.ng bay two baths Re eontd larn townhouso BoautifiiEy ft Cirri mcluood P ostio, ous dot* $U9 900 $550/a month Ci1*91 1*05 docoraled pnvate 3ot*ng access bio local on Call «•>' "" t_li— Perfect secoTd home FULL COMMERCIAL CONVENIENT Watwfror manna s to o*ner 935«23 San bel Ward Ona bedroom Owne financing !o Zored bus-rasi 2 docks SPACE AVAJI ABLE APARTMENTS rurmshed «1 uM tms and cabfo quanfied buyer w ih frontage or) duplex & 2 bedroom houso ON THE BEACH TV ncluded $650 Frsfia&t ^ Asking 5299 900 Purr* nkto Way lor 8S0 sq ft first floor ollce/ Vaca-ii lots to oxpa-xl Cory 1 4 2 bodroofns on enna] secuniv roqu ed 472 5509 as low as %8 per square foot reta I space 1930 Park Ctosa 10 evwythrng Banal Lwnw "77015/4273 Ask only (or Bar Fischer Meadows Drive great access Mot.i! and Bus ness bu-Wng ReasonablQ mon^ty ratos fj " " "" !U-I— for your owl show ngs lo Summer! n and Rte 41 Near beaches ehopprg- 472 2311 Boautituf cathodnl ce I ng $675 pw month Cam included H-wrm Johnson 765 1389 or 463-8070 centrx IMrm *u fished apl £ or 472 2332 eves olficG space no arty Up t ont discounts for long Broker Owner 6R/2 BA mob In home same (-&0a3D^2311 t 000 square f*«ei tn term Pa nted part t oned and 21/1 EsteroBtvd Walertront Large 2 BFU2 BA a ea 4544)774 HE/VAX o» me islands p cfoss onal contor ready for mmodiate w th covorod park ng Tenns occupancy Will carpet to suite fshng pool spa Last on Fo/moro nto Call owner 936-8523 Townhouse 2. BrVZ BA WD before San be! toll Top floo Rivets Edge V 4 CC at 6th ca l B okers/Cortsultams at d shwasher caihadral cgil ig spectacular view1 Fum shed or hole 3 bedroom 2 bath "AIMBIDG6 472 2255 Of 500 sq 't 2nd Hoor oflco lledpatio Ft h/panieU ty unfumshetf 454 C9M oetachod home 2 car ga age TOWN CENTER (800) 553 2246 1930 Pak Meadows Drive lr>e lako Clo e to evB'yt'i ng pato lana Make a^v oi L m tod cornrnorc a! Corner o( grcn access to Summorlm and \arvT\ca C oirlymomngs lease $97 500 4544190 Close to beaches Two Tarpon B ly Bd and L braiy Ro 41 $350 por month cam or events 3^-0115 tut mi fit* > " ' ' Dsoounts for long bed oom two bafyr condo //ay 16 200 sq ft $230000 $600 The flub two bedrooms u torn intei 308 561 J9B1 Prestigious two baths $600 Island Pack pafllored and feady for three bedrooms S600 Commercial Space occupancy Call owner 936 Twennaflel Realty 461-4051 WfeUndng 8523 nin r WEID NO BUSINESS 20X40 ready for occupartry FCfiaALE Furnished (optional) Off co space lor rent 1 200 sq Condo on Nmth Fa rv.ny of San Mobnoo- kind and sea Compel ve rale ft 2 700 sq ft off ce space Caries Gcff Course 2BW2BA boat and a most ninv moto Must see In high traffic area. Negotiable caJiedral eel ngs screened One bedrooT f rnshed pool wcldino, rmciunn indixfcd 813 4724702 Call 94^2272 900-400 tarn $550 fu n shed $425 lajfidry on p EITWS1 Mile wwt 1 Fac ory warranty all other untumshed 481-6665 « 267 o! Summofl i cf WnWer Road equipment and woidng rods Pelican 5659 2nd 'loof . Sell That Stuff view Fjrn d $500 mo Great locaton South Fort pus uS ties 3 3767 FABULOUS VIEWS OF With A Classified Ad! Myers near Santel 2BFV2BA SANCARtOSBAVAhO Frat Boo t comer un L Washe' THE GULF OF MEXICO) a dryer Redecorated ANT UAL screened patio heated pool, tenns court $500 Frst and RENTALS 4tli(toor end unn win security 466 5151 Days or double balconies &rrv iCovu u Beajbfuf sunsets evenings tail collect (613) 9£3 Frt Mo 9452 Ownee finanang o V fds $172500 Ftk Mo ASK only for Ban Fiscta DEADLINE. Friday, IVc Manor 4^2311 4'00PM FiS. •O'l or 472 2332 eves A12BRC edpafkng 1600388 2311 /ailabHty RE/MAX of the isla-Vi 472-1587 CALL I TODAY' VANOV ASSOC Evcoplxinal 2 bedroo Si ^ 4B9-J52' Bbnd Pass oon6 First floor w sctt3on«t neit to pool LOGGERHEAD CAY MGN many upgrade LCCORATOR FURNISHED lul y fyrnishc 2 bedroom Sbathunt /E $169 900 Available lor Jan Feb cwn ^-io! SamboTBoa i era by ^nciy rao i^«MU Wflrewn«[T«nghl arg^ a nvturvlFn^^cJasv'ralc^. Itt 00 March 1993 icent k 472-6565 Call for rate I — "ocJV i 2 ircft>|cde nx^l Kevrpiry an «ne ti KtaeStbWB^ BI^ieTOUf id rev] cva.^ Aok for Paul el Jew Only 1 fta-472 2311 24hours Pnvate Real Estate/Business 1 800363 2311 F r %n EHS\BEACH $3 50 $4 50 Ca 7atly SAN1BEL\CAPTIVA $4 50 $5 50 San bel One bedroom Van Dv^ lAssoc apartment near beach Annual 489 2522 ALL NEWSPAPERS $5 50 $6 50 * lease All utiltms pad $550 per month 4724467 ANNUAL. RENTALS Condos For Sale 5 6 NopetsAAowd,, -' WEST GULF DRIVE 9 10 ~i A. Harbor Pomt Gutl from cond&nrmjm 13 1* 2BFV2BACondo Smail complex hea>jfyr«nod Fh 17 18 Youil fork you're *i the Scuih Pacific. Cal now (of ya 21 22 pnvate showing Windward Potnt 25 Wo PauIPnmeaiJi 1BR7BA condo 1 800-36e-2311 2$ 27 Fumshod n 613-472 2311 24 hours $600monih RE/IMX of The Islands -»o 3t House on 34 35 Condo South Fl Mye Linda Loma Dnve PUNTA H'SSA McGregor/ Cypress a es 38 39 3 BR/2BA Unfurnished vaieffto avertookmg owner 2 bod rooms £ tatn $675 month GU!D Vxicoi W'D healed pool n plus twn care Nairn SanCi os Bay carpeting $48 000 4S2 ^9 m ts to chc-otB from Addas Prudential Florida Realty pa I.M g lop Boors Pointe Roy«te B 70^ RENTAL OiVlSJON Close out pneos Ctohh3bd 1 800 237 6285 ° Gotrg fast' barhs covered parking tennis 463 3151 45 320 poof $165000 3.2 MM LU I lilU- I Condos For Sale \ (Duplexes For Herit] iGenera! RealEstate | | Homes For Sate"] j Homes For Sale"] 1 Homes For Rent] g Punta Ras&a Overlooking THE DUNES c Sanbol on San CatlDS Biy Orto bedroom one bath d1 pit* ANNUAL RENTALS Magmhcenl view ol golf course S Fur-itshed 2 twdrooms Zb«tfv; Enst Did of Sanbol Two and ^aVes beautifully ^ Royal Woods many amenities Manna m mita walk to Guli Avalabk Pnviie Large Home decorated 3 bedfooms 3 baths _, .mmoctatoly Call 472 5241 and 2BFV2BA adjacent $f<14 5O0 forquck Wrapping arcutx) a pool w th swnn ng pool Ava ia&le ^ loavo message Un*umishod salo Owner financing or partial Fami y faooi w th (irvptKe "or two w-tks or longer 1«92 i yj »"»' •£» 2KU OaadPlox IKenew propotty K .do posKiblo (B13) CaJ itxtey StMSOO 1393 iaRcol'ect J719) 616 ^ 543 6767 $550 7135 e«os Vi logos c( Asccl r Florida's Firefl Realty 2BIV2BA Oo*>oa Devi r Brokar DAVIS LAKE General Real Estate Unfurnished, hVe TOW $550 466 5222 Of «3 3666 ANNUAL Noar San tol Causoway -* Pool/Spa 2txHioom t 1/2baiS 2 bedrooms 2 baths Summori n Wcods South Fort Myers Sales and 2BR728A Dock. furf!C*iod g'oundflow scruonod perch Rorttals Sales from $3( 900 "jrn ^od1 Greil Un I Scicenod po'chcs-Tans condorHrjum Located at Rodooxalpd and up R^ntas from $405 ard $590 professionally landscaped Captans Waik Attordtbly First Itoof pool tonnts up Ono month 10 one yoar pnet-d at $6^5 pM monrh Achuon Assocalos inc/ Glad^ui Gardens Designer tumshed $47000 fiim. ^Brotor 433 4555 "~ 1 BR furnished , •BY OWNER* °- Otfcohou's Marvtgof *"" ""-—liiii^T— S425 813 472 0060 SaiosU San bol 1 BOO 237 &00i '811)466-5151 we «!o on Ows & oihc H fttl l FMB Condo Royal Pol can ? GorgGous 'Otti Row rental oflmngs Wdtorfront EnptyMestl SAHtBEL 8dm 2 balh 2 balconies 1 ducorator furnished $950 House BO BG Watorfront with boa I dock lift 5AN1BEL REALTY Just oft Island m esQbHhcd A Division ot John Naumaf^ NATURE LOVERS' & Associates Inc Realtor Direct access to Gull All (813) 472 6555 no>griborhood ORtAM HONES' On tOT of direct acces*

1-800 445 1566 o canal witfi nver vww $137 900 7655228 _^ D reS access canal front •SEllOR EXCHANGE" 3-4 beanmm 2 bath tin 4 bedroom spackxn homo home tffn covered boat sbp Torturs noxl to Edison Mall St Chartes modal honw and huge W6>g draigarca *1> dock aid ecceis O n Sp-KJtwi 2 story 3 BR/3 BA Fuimshod studio Pool Mu»t KLBJ Pam Court OverSOOOsaft PLUS4 Gulf and bay CBS conttrudwn soil Reduced to $25 900 694 3-2 double car garage car p d Annual refllal only Beautiful landscaping hdlkdl Groat sopatatOr $1325 2090 Play and work space gatoro Homcane shutters ot space loi htds gues! Only $274 900 New Approach Garden Villa no lawn to maintain or fven mother m-law' 3 bedroom 2 bath Seniors 2 QCV2 DA End unit (Condo Assn) AH for $249 000 unfurnished stilt homo Spocous Lake tronl homo $192 500 CALL OWNER Wood floors fireplace oucriooking Dn>g Dariing room convnniont to beach Equity Membership Indudod* TO SEE TO BUY 2 story privacy vegetation Sanctuary 482 0676 „ sports complex shopping almost new causeway Now carpet and tie itl .... iltllT Family w Rot*omanl Home end of Island Tiloroot CBS constnjcjjon_ Noar Sambol & Kofiy G -Illl- MH»> Bu Icing lot drecfly kitchen dimng room living 1 800-232^004 $165900 % J NO BRIDGES NOCAhS across ifom Beach 813-472-3121 room liroplaco cathedral 'Ea,u ly Membership Included 300 (L to access #7 ceilirgs. screenGd deck w th Evenings a CALL FOR FREE $79 900 fantastic view ot golf course 813-WH-3553 •MANOR n BROCHURE ard sunsets $1 350 month Kolly Cove Hd LUXURY WATERRONT unfurnished 472 2501 Provincotown 2 OD Garden 2 2 overlooking lake and (813)472-3000 ^DUPLEX t V John Fl Wood t Aisoc CaN owner]600) 3S5-1352 HIDE0OT COUNTRY CUIB KoBy Sands Way "" ""- •""• 2 2 ground Hoof view of BECKYVJlLUftMS; --• Lake & Course Duocl access 10 12 FMB 4 bedrooms 3 baths A Contract by 5 15-92 Fum is hod or unfurnished iShe SeH deep canals tpacnus canal front Includes gueot aaL S1225OJ $119900 2 600 square feet of Iwing wthdock boaihousa anrfrtt ****** rYOUGETAFREE SINGLE 'Equity Member &h p Included' 813472-3121 area MtcrMQan built home Rcducea to $209 900 765 WIDE SELECTION > 1YRG0LF MEMBERSHIP 0956 J CONDOS & HOUES •$4000 towards Go" Cart 800-232-6004 pool and spa •TEHRACE- ALL PRICES Ttis 3 B( FiiTf Fum. urB B walk 3 m nutes to the Causeway ft MYERS t SMIIBEL ing d stares ID Acive Ckibhouw Only S267 700 EZ. TM times Lowest denstyggf Kelly Sands Way CALL LOUISE cnmmurMyn Fillers 2 2 3rd floor Only $47 900 for this VIP HEALTH CBOUP, Mexican tie kitchen & lana INC r 2 BFV2 BA condo CallWaL'y Don 1 Wail Carport ft storage locket Homes For Sale backs up to Keily Green RENTAL DIVISION VanOyte&Assoc Unfurnished 2nd noor umL Pool 1 100 237-7536 $119900 (111) 4tt S067 481 2522 tenn s and covered pa-twig 1 'Equity Memberj h pjncludod 11 n -I"'- "" ' A_k only lor Ban Fe&Ser •TERRACE' 472 2311 MYERLEE Bkjg «3 %xvpt your own pooii UNITS KaVy Sands Way 3rjedi(?orris 2 baths Fif^t bfno on^nftQ RE/MAX ol &ie Islands ALL NEW untu nalied 2 2 Ground lloor er>d un t II eoOperrrontri • Gaiocns' Area 2 BR 5 bedroom home nca Clubhouse ^.afl 481-3003 Sjpol) Cone inn "69 900 rentd 'irpift A spacious floor plan Manor 2 BH FR *S3 500 Cirport S Slvagg 'ocker it Eicincni»ry SJIJ< p waler canal 1/2 b.ock to near teach access %o# eiecubv") home annual • Pc-nfrouse DM Urn, A S179 WO o p piiO 4BRT1/2 8A 4G0O-*) J, Groat Buy At M 60 000 $116000 bod tarn t bath down boat 1 '1 GuH Shores t. Poo' saura Caial w bo«! YOWHYERLEE EXPERTS Eqii ty ML "nbcrsb p t*»cjudoo educed owner anx ous Was only 5585,000 *t naiy B*IMS East end Many to choose !rom -229 500 now belo* S^ GOO -nwtt (313) 472 4o05 Creativol ancng ava lar c /bytftujood Realty Corp cprasal $208 900 765-0955 CallMKo f Jo Obligation n ntef 4 00 p -n 1> e^o ur i, va vacant and Van OykB & Assw ra^y to shdSfnn short nolic" Fb 5a a by owner FMB 3 431 9991 FT MYERS BEACH h£j oorn 1 1/2 balh cana front home boat raiip dock S SUGAR SHACKS' KEL.y GREENS Boajtjfui 3 bedroom 2 bath boathouse wiih lift Directly Private homes REALTY homo oo tfccp wiilcr fcigoon [Duplexes For Rent | crois from beach Priced Dour-k. dot-k, scroon eictose1 456 4892 below market value lor quick Gkwtous 'unse.5 ° pool luxuious master «u-to H gh Dune; Turn stied Shon sale reducod to $135000 765 easy Island living $299 000 turn l^ase Ihrough August 2 S755 alt* 4 00 P M 1 2 31 4bodiooms Ciil for an appt J63 4471 b-drowTis pool tonnis $700 a From $450 per moflth month fcvonmgs (503) 420 Fully equipped 15P8 Call Ralph Hamen 765-19&9 or 453-8070 Boalers Paradise r Specializing iri^ MANY EXCELLENT "Ad Isle^ d rocT access to PPER CAPT1VA Guf (No bridges) 32 ft dock PROPERTIES AVAILABLE Premium Properties P^ofgssona! couplo Or small PPCPERTY A n ut 1 ties cJoso to beaches fam£y neod"d 'or this beautiful IN THIS BUYERS MARKET MAUAGEMEtfT Sir^K Naw luxury 3 tx,*oom San-bet East end 3 oodroom 2 lk ng distance to boach_ 2 l?l h MocV.1 opon CdH &jn Annual lease p teta«cd Ktand fl iiy Center Inc Renliofj, bath piol and ienirs homo $550 month living at ts best J66 1323 or 456 1616 Walking distance lo the Mam**j Ca I Gfanoo Island Real Estate Groat beaches shel ng GREAT OPPORniNITIES All services included Imrredole occupancy $1 400 813 472 5322 4 fish ng To own a piece ot pnr«j -^ P vio paity Would !IVP I No cars no ao*ds Sail halt tho p'tco of anonth Call Fred {agent) 472 tjfchaie home or dupl«* o i7 iust,bicycles goltcacs 3121 days °'^ 2 6726 San bei and GaspanBa __ FI'H fithoSTOs 5498170 Foil Myfirs BtJdi Canal & nice lolks even igs "" VHO bedroom 1 t/2 bath Aa CerimictHc larqolanii RE.MAX V T.1 or dryor Pjivale dock1 FREE BWXHURE and a let ot p»opomei 01 The islands FMB Convenient •ocation Anntifll $635 ava (able C'ina1 front 2 bedroom ground Hi! btock '0 beach ci hedtal celing Old Flo idi 472-2311(days) 813 472-9400 C'tenoi 3278 700 Helonbroon floor Furnehod 1675 mdudes Boaut'ulvew 472-2499(eves) uJtKJS 755O9S6 1 649 7&77 UC RE Broker HOT*- (813)466 4030 o| Homes For Rent | [Homes For RentJ j Lots&Acreage~l [ Lots & Acreage [ | Rental Sharing^

ANNUAL/SHELL HARBOR ^anlbeTs East End oul1) UWronl pr vncy RIVER FRONT Ca ge San bet home 1o sha e Annual Ronlal largo 3 Ain" w d fs your cho co 9o h Tt Mytr-; fake and fwpr One block to buich J5G0 PC 4 bedroom 3 bah canal b^d oom 3 bath new Od 3 4 acre HIGH 4 ^DSY to ted ooms wo baths t oil bu !d ig s tcs ava I b SAN BEL DEEP LOT W3 king nonih UtlWJS ndudeo No boat I ft pool lurmsbod FIcxida hone Noar Manna ano 0 no or Jiioe bod ooms SD<.n n in oslabi hed pnv& u d starij to BOWMAN S , pats Avaiablf* May 1st 472 no pots ro'orencos roqu tod boach wth healocJ pool 4 ubilh 5650 (S,rro) $650 BEACH CallANrTIMt: Dfbb.e h'9313 Lease option possible ton court Fumtshcd Jt 400 inui) 482 *!346 lac tos poo1 lenns pa k a 574 560? $1 600/month per month (6t3)472 2tot Can Kort or George at c bhousavvth ostag qnt Ca I '«»» "" ••»' Prudoniial ftanOa Realty ANNUAL/SUNSET BAY Jt ry Co) on JEC FUe s d Big kir on Wtsl Gi, f Dnve San bol Prrvate unfurnished 2 Ocv 462 5281 472-4000 Pool boat dock 515^000 Owner/ Reallpr bed ooms 1 bath appl aicos Vacation Rentals btajtlul setting dose (813)472 3057 tlo Hours dock coveted 1 1' ti.« mi 1 to Gu f boach porch $750 utltos ei! a P ne Is) ind UL. Canal Iront Manco r av rig veh CuHr access n OWNER RNANC1NG Call (919) (216) 338-8031 ANNUAL/LAKE MUREX FtondaKe/s Catt Alan Wortzcl 835 7311 1215) 338-5281 3 bedrooms 2 1/2 balhs _al 472 22K) « (800) 553 2246 Itfppaco spa porches fenced ol Brokers' ConsullanTS ot SANIBEL DESIRABLE EAST SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION yard bonus rooms Lake v ew San bol Inc 'Lxpencttce tfie refutation and C->9 LOT in s*nall subdiv s on Lands End SuperbtocaSoo o n Unfunshed $1 350 monthly w J- amen t es lot Appra sod Gulf Luxunous 2 bedroom 2 References requ red (013) secCasion onCy an Island Vacation bat) lor rent by owner By week 395 £447 Qrtalty near boach building lol $89 900 472 9643 can provide . acre + walor mctLr socl oVsd or month (416) 961 17S8 clea od For easy view ng Call evonHgs or (416) 961 -4900 V nco with Brokers/ Rent or own a week In a fully furnished Constants al 472 2255 or call II you have 30 days or more to and luxuriously appointed tfe*}dominlum (or a brochure on overs zed and spend at perhaps the nicest unusual island buldng lots pltiCQon Sanibol are a canng with all the vmtion amenities your (B00>55%22« person or fa/ruty we tieve the family could ever want place for you' 2 000 sq fl Gulf front coftdc 2 bedroom 2bash For Sales Information LAKEFRONT BY OWNER wtfiden Jacum Lm dorery c complex 2 lap pools sauna 6 Sanlbil Bench Club 172 1515 Rare San bet tn>d xceptioml vew on boauU.fl ake tot in Cahted tenrns courts like new Surfrtdcr Beach duo 472 6135 Gumbo limbo on Balsa Cou t & would ldored Fo sale by owner M nutes to tnach Excellent $100 per week February NEAR THE BEACH (2C5)9&5 4447 huntng Palmetto Proper! es M tOQ per wnok March ' »«» *•» * " * Boautjful park modtri home (904)835^113 11 2VJperwrotL April $1000 w th just bu t raised glass GOPHER WALK per week 10% dscount Icr onclosod Florida Room _ WEST GULF DRIVE s ngln couples only Additional 4 brand OPW centra a r a heat. HOMESITES d scount tor extended stay New vinyl siding EXCLUSIVE ASSOCIATION INTERVAL OWNERSHIP $99 000 Gumbo Ljrrbo CH(903J223674J Beautiful ticptcal landscap 119 Derdod beach access "*"6o! call the Island C*perti fu \i Furnished $46 000 Overlooks W Wlito aiaa Pncfd $79 900 Noar Bowman-. D STINCTIVE Outslandng South Seas & CapUva Properties Inc OWNER RELOCATING Io5en Pmate party {G12)4 1 Beach bpau lulTjr secluded 3 BR 2 4 aero prox Weeks Available at HoJida/ Park. 9533 BA San bel home on ac e Call 4S4 3719 J59B00 Centra ^njbd Dtk ovortoohmg tropical lake • PUn'ation Beach Club f3a e| 01 Tastefu ly 'urn shed fu !y DEEP WATER CANAL SiOWOand 9900 equ pped w th all amon t "s • The Cottages at South bcas SELLERS PRIVATE DOCK San Carlo*, ark Bast boaJirjRenl f r>n c*ne • Phn&tion liaj VIIIT; Yo car so! t yo rself t you OFF SAN-CAP ROAD paved r- >s and save j?14) &43-O°37 tran ( fnv * ble Advert se ~\ 2 b t> k to bea h Ea< Ask tor tAiryarft «*an G • South Seas Club 1 crnato'ia y w h Inlo Net accts to GJ f a*id Da CaB HH. I Hf Pub! cations Ma« mum Reasonab-y pneed B/ ownp 4'2i5- • Plantation Moils'" exposti 0 r n mun «S* P)2)47i9S33 2 0097 Lots & Acreage Dvta •; Call (813 466 4445 Spcctiliul lr SllHSl's Mon F*i 10 00 am 4 00 are il\ a}s incl led Mj*lse! San Ct«1os loL brokers / 1 blocV ofl pavw) roar1 cS Call for information $6 900 Best i consullanls 472 4435 267 3340 of sanibel, Inc -

Two ftex Ho w«&. it Humcam CASAYBEL 2 i23 booster Une btr 5 Sanilx! H 339a7 House 2 bed ooms 2 bath; Luiunous 2 bedfoom UgtthOU«B Resort 8 Uub All amen ties Sfl5oOp- WLL 2 bath condo 00 Gull lo*E e Weeks 11 S 12 SPECIAI. OPPORTUNI1T jrStfiOOO fo h>Q*eoks "enns pool WecfitS Ti,po soasononSanbp 8G rfOff Sdrfert btotrort (ofat (BOO B24 5404 Ext J? [fnd M lrcli party Ao d) S19 500 Days (703) ?S6 GSG9 at L $22000 t^ end of Mentbn on Sunnse OWNERS SLASH PRICES Swbi owner 4/2 3W3 500pm. Crete Only 7 honesties on the 2 **6fl! 2892 \e^ Hi ch lf» sun nse ovei ll» lake Gve7 day Dnwbyand FOR A QUICK SALE see tor you sei Apprarsed at H70O0 yours lor S74 900 • I acre hstate HomeSite wilh d«d oom 2bdlh ntervalfWc K »I6}for TCbyo-^nGt S1 000 MAHINER SERVICES CORPORATION Call 454-5449 spectacular Gulfvit \vb vaiin picod T\ $15 000 I m Pltaso Leavi) Mtssage • $249 000 • ==> 278 3&3P Registered Real Estate Broke. O*ne 'Brofcor 14 BroVer pirttcipfition wakximo • 1 acre C inal homcslU with Tc tugi Be h C *i Wi.rt.\, n is urp at^pdoo^s COMPARING INTERVAL OWNERSHIP RESORTS' SOO of fronlafit 2 b t s rpsfl Q DON T ' 1ISS 1 HE VERY BES 0 : HEKON S LANDINQ Cut i-; go p v pg R/ VISIT rVRHERS FIVE STAR RESORTS • Prcpirni Direct Access OH THr GULF ON 131 AUTIKJLS JIQU ISLAND 4*(»> In >lw» plitA s C im! homesile on Icwtl Uox CAaA Y6FL f f fl ^ • ^269 000 • I RT A i L ^ * CASA YEEL RESORT °472 3531 * • I ast Gulf Drue Homesile A TORTUC& BfACltCLUD 472 5044 * with lm cl fiul! bc^ch iccrbs « SA»1BEL COTTAGES 472 1868 * •M47 500-"1" * HURRtCANb HOUSE 472 J377 *r 4 Se ^U ISLAND BEACH CLUE 3Q5 0220 * CAM fOKlMORMAHON Please Cad For More Information 813 472 22r)3()HH00 ID! 224t> r Vacation Rentals] | Vacation Rentals^} | Vacation Rentals | | Vacation RentaiTj [ Vacation Rentals] | Vacation Jtentals| a Sand Pomte Newty operated j Fl Myors Beach Md Island New 3 bedroom 3 1/2 bath CAPTIVA GULF FRONT BEACH HOUSE One and two bedrcon garden BOCA GRANDE ' ground level home Catfred.al j^and well supplied condo witfi ; apts just 300 horrGuif Ncwiy Remember Sambet of ceilings fireplace central poo! ^view of Gull on SaniN?l 2 ; Beaulilul Private Beach AT Your Doorstep renovated 4 refurnished new 15 ygars ago? ^Sou'hern oxposure Quiet bedrooms 2 baths Ca5 owner , Palm Tees, sunsets and privacy in a sunny, appliances nil amonil es Than try Boca Grande neighborhood near Preserve 1-B0O43B-3822 exit Call for photos detail spacous '0 d Florida S'yte" I'oms includng TV microwave (hs year ^telephone 4636602 Boacnfroftl accomrrodations (207* 923-3972 All nei tuimshings Bleached w5/ floors, v lbs and/or jKNalo homes Real Estate Wanted two TVs, maowave, ivasher/dryer, etc available CAPTIVA ON GULF W!1 ton free for mformason Three bedrooms 312b3lhsplusden SANIBEL Soulhwmds Drive ESTATE HOME ^ noir Casa Ybol Resort 2 t (000) 8S1 2622 3 4 bedrooms 3 53ths WANTED BEAUTIFUL NEW SWIMMING POOL! Boca Grando Real Estate 'nc W.J00 p«r we«k, Doe 15 - April 26 (92- 93) bedicoms 2 baths beautify !y Ult>~iatB lunu'y At wentes GULF FRONT HOME It-misSod fully uquippod pH ng 3 b-xxoom (m>ni'TOj^) $1,800 per waek, April 26 D«c. 14 hamo on tho beich Noir Walortror $1500 000 (manmuiTj ahops^813) 395 2475 Have cjsamor (Days) Ml 563 2111 (Weekends) 31 ^ 637^360 with covered p -• Ca J &arxJio Coron I *>hng poo) spa Lasl"*einl VIP Realty Group Inc SAND DOLLAR beto'C San.be! loll Top floor SOUTH SEAS Signal Inn on Snmbel island 1 KXH38 3822 GULF FRONT 'pc"t3cular view! Fumrsriod or PLANTATION Florida Gulf from beach 1 I H nil- t«H) I Pdrte Santo OeSartbd Lj>uty Gull 'ronl condo lop i,n'j n sftod 454*920 collage? 1 2 3 & 4 bedroom Wo havo a ^ bodroom aid a 3 House in Trade Winds d stnet LUXURIOUS GULF FRONT lto« 3bo#ooms 2baBisw:h condos n a small S secluded bodroom (juM conplU«J} Gi>l( patio tonn s courts pool Near bridga on a canal 1 March ^3 472-0594 PENTHOUSE CONDO env ronment Avaiab'e wrekly tror>t lu«unous units Private outdoor barbecuo Rent btdroom of! oenciGs start at 2bodroomc 2 baths Now boomng for 1992/ 1393 pool and spa Tho resort Bi*ough ownof £3S0/wk plus ta* One 2 scrooood lanm with season' 1 (800} 992 4650 1 faal t>os arfs option il spiral staircaso to 1-800-333-8235 (613} 472 46% fjiivalo rooftop sundocn Cni OWNER Bfior 3 00 pm L Automotive Gorgeous sunrrsc (EST) _ 201-836-2889 and sunsets 219 272 0889 CAPTIVA 3 bodroom INSURANCE-TiCKfcTS- ASHLEY OAKS LOGGERHEAD CAY Boaudfully decorated ^ 219 271 0115 condition Village location ON BEACH DUI CREDIT LIFE TO and fully equipped Yoarl> or seasonal rentals 2 PrvatO'oad Ava table January COVER CAR LOAN bedrooms * loft, 2 baths Dork thru Apfil or by month Call New on rental market TERRY KEITH Substantial savings "•' ATRIUM & pool May rent doc* today James Agency Ltd Discounted ratea ^ AGENCY -i separately 17863 San Carlos Inc (813) 472 8300 or (813) Beautifully rioco'aled ^ T (215) 664-2371 EMCIUSIVO Quit front condo 402*3040 tosidenro Two week minimum Blvd Ft Myers Beach 466 ^472 51^7 evenings Barbara 2Bft2BA ^_ 3393 J Call ownw at (708) 887 7826 Luiury condo w Gulf view 1988 Hondd Acco'd LX SANIBEL ISLAND gaf course Pool Tennis ~ excelteni condition Ive speed Coquma Beach 2 bedrooms 2 LOGGERHEAD CAY community Deautilul 3 Owner 1 800-359OB35 days auto-na c everything AMFM balhs Gull side Newly SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION betiroori pool homa Avalabto 513-574 3293 evenings cassette • crutso conwaj^Ca't deco-aied al' amenities penthouse for Apnl Call today James 472-6278 'eavo messarjff"' GULF COTTAGE Available weekly bi weekly or with boaiiliM Gulf view Age-wy Lid Inc (813) 472 Discount Rates monthly Cai' (215) 8o0 1365 8300 or (813) 472 5147 SURFSIDE4 Vaulted codings paddhrians Dodge 1S88 Diplomat Salon A forSunvner after 3 00 pm evenings Barbara KING'S CROWN " microwave pool tennis door Sedan one owner 11 000 u ^sleeps 6 3 bodrooms 3 baths toft GULFFHONT m 'os showroom naw $7 500 pool tennis otc Tropical vacation West Gu'l 4 GULF VIEW Available wsokfy or WHI consider offer 456 3166 for extended stay Beautifully Furnished Drve 3/2 Sanibel homo Fully Captfva Cottage CiB 1^(»227 1783 equipped immodalo beach Call owner lor &pooal ralos I BFV« BA close to Two A Throe bodroom urj access Available lor vacation S13-81M205 after 10 AM Gulf beach $ rso/week. ooe and two woc4^ m^wr^u 1987 Pt/mouTh Sundance rentals Call ovcnmgs J8f or 1 714 499-1783 Cs 1 Paul Carvey Associate Also have tUwr Gu'f 4 Door good condiboo £Z. 5566 BEAUTIFUL CAPTIVA JXISI -JUl: U1MJ Island Real Estate completes and three bedroom S26O0 ISLAND Associates Inc pool home 4634471 GULF FRONT aftor6COpir A now pnva'a home with (SCO) 77* 1123 . BOOK}«3SEASONS5 Victorian Key West cham COTTAGES CAPTIVA ISLAND (813)472 1123 OFFSEASON'992NOW blondod with contemporary Pnvato homes nght Cafl owner 1-800-325-1352 1989 Lincoln To#n Car space and luxury A2mmulo , onlhedull •VLLAGE- BINDER DRIVE Signature Se'ics 1 owner strofi from a boautiful pnvato Groat off season ralos On Bay 2BFV1BA THE ATRIUM 1 leather fully loaded A 1 boadi on tfw Gull 2bodroom From (395 per wook plus guest room and bath Uxurloua Gulf Ironl condition' J10 500 fimi' Call ATTEfmON OWNERS 2 hid baths completely Several to Chooso trorp- Spectacular water condo 466-9661 ^ Do you want to increase j our equipped Scree nod veranda OJ views and oock A dull a only -rental mcome? Supplement rumshad w th lovely SliaKor ^ 765-1989 or 453-6070 Weekly Z week minimum Porsche 944 1989 A/C power ycur rectal agents or your own anbquos Photo and roforencrs Available •ftor April 4 windows, aulomalic renul^^fforts available SUNSET CAPTIVA transmissrao" sun roof whita THE ATRIUM Join our referral nefrvork Doc-15-Apr 30 $950 M Pool docks tennis courts Call or write for with bluo leather interior, Excfusiva beautifully Call Mr Stocke May 1 Aug 31 S65OWk 1 and Golf beach % color brochure 2* 000 miles excellent decorated Gul Front luxury 2BR/2BA Condo t 800-325-1352 Sopt 4 Doc 14 155OrNvk 2 BR^ BA den wrap-aiound condition $17 450 Call (612) 2 BR'S 1/2 BA homo C G Leach, UD Rate appl cs to 4 people balcony Sunsets' 936-0023 Wnto Honry Romcrsa Weekly 7497 - 99th St Ct N CAPflVA WATERFRONT Call owner at While Star Lake, CONDOM.NIUM3 6P [Captva)49tl TanglewoodDr (203) 43a 5879 V LincohMaftS 1979 B •VILLAGE'MANGO COURT MN 55110 lofl pool dock beajnlul specia, d, on Blue whrte ^ Nashville TN 37216 (800) 494 7304 E D 2 BR/2 BA duplex grounds every amenity -^ anrfexterwr Loaded 615 262 93c9 After lone B?86 (612) 426-5759 teflOf Weekly monthly or annual SHELL HARBOR INN SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION SanibetPirxflse ESTATE ZONED (in)&li-4056 Sinibol Gull view condo 2 BR Manna Villa premium 2 One two bedroom waterfront •>; Main and gitosi house 2BA waster/dryor Full bedroom 2 bath Golf tennis condos Sugar while boach 'act Gulf with pool Steeps 8 kitchen screened porch pools 2 mile boach gorgeous great views shells wldltre V/oekty ro*ug«s shop* lostau rants Quiet pn>ale and sunounded sloops 6 Rcslaurant (ennis view Rosort ame-iit os dock Jy lush Kland vsgatatton 2 sailing Ava>iablo daily woeUy optiofidl Cablevision Renting Tree bikus pool tdnn s From ESTATE ZONED IVAMk 1513)7913439 Woroom 2 bath home on 908-241-9430 weekly 1902 1993 Somobmos Jusl Ccmpte'ed can a1 Enclosed pool Steps available en short notice at torn Gull beech Cost less Ic 5 BR on Gu f wth pool TIME SHARE UNITS AND, - discount ralos Call owner rent lhan comparable condo Vacafcr House Weokly CAMPGROUND sav' (914) 737 6121 dais CallSuo (813)263-3058 "" You've Always Wanted (914) 528 SSBt eves I MEMBERSHIPS Distress Moving Must sell" SANIBEL ISLAND Sales Cheap < Worldwide MoM pnvato beacti (ioch Hd 3 badroom, 2 bath houaa, onhayou healodpool selections Call VACATION 19S3CadfflacSevi>te 2681 COCONUT DRIVE alto l bedroom, 1 bath wido porches open sunning T.f TWOflK U S and Can-»da 1 Leather interior SUNSET CAPTIVA 3 BfV3 BA on Bay apirlmani Both newly docks Chateau Sur Mor aici Luxury 3 bodroom 2 bath home JSOOi 736 8250 or (305) 566 remodaled, mfd-taland, Exc cond in and out Monthly idyllic luiury and comfort in condonuiiuTi complen Gulf 2203 Free renhl infomat on teach acceaa Annual or U.995 oasyca-u noettoi « bay accOi.1 Pooi Innnis (3CS) ">63-55e5 •elfonal 463 99*2 2baS COCONUT DRIVE vacation homo screonod porch on 2 sides 2BR.2BA Call 466 5372 Thioo bodioo^is Biree ba'hs Microwave VCR and many EVERGLADES CITY 10 000 MonSily rentals extras Call (517) 321-6324 plus loft wtt~r*ms Ca,l (of rains On Bay 1991 Mteutxshi Eclipse (314)993 4843 Monthly GS Turbo automatic ffioencies all at low POINTE SANTO hca\^ Orio month minimum fulfy loaded $16 500 2498 TROPICAL WAY COURT summer rales' Barton River DE SANIBEL Avi lible May through -anuary Can 559-1439 •B zt v -a it -a - Urooue 2 BFV2BA Manna Motel RJ Park, t (600) Newly furnished Guf front [708)481-8188 ^ on Canal 535-4961 2 bedroom 2 bath condom Olds S3 Regenry 4 door I*a , SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION tropical paradise sertng w Ih Monthly 2 bedroom 1 bedroom WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA new power seat/ locksr LAND'S zHQ VILLAGE Elhcency wi!h Kitchen window Blue valour interior magnificent vwws o' the MOUNTAINS CaJIToB Free for 3 bedroom 3 hath (an [astic 5099 JOEWOCO DRIVE $3 995 CBO 693 1307 Gulf & beach.^Vit <*r 438 8159 Weekly or monthly rates tv 3 BR/2 1 -2 BA on Guf Broker Owner Raper Realty Inc P O Box Save direct thru owner Community pool and terms 2171 EstefoBlvd (2151 539 9281 ^ 619 Murphy NC 28906) Ask for Sruce One rental por year 463-6756 I Boats & Motors | 1 8OO-227-3S33 Beach House 3 bedrooms 2 CASA YBEL GULF FRONT E01 627 126? Eves Helen Thom&Reafty.bt C bat*is on Shell Basket Lane RESOPr "SANIBELISLAND" 16 3 1972 Sportcraft Tn hull B TT ISO yards from Ihe Gu'f All tr tr n w 813 472 6669 GULF FRONT 2 bedrooms A 2 bains sleeps with 1963 50 H P Evinru^P amnn'ies Miy September 800-74 MSLAND 6 adu ts WK 22 May 29(h BoatonaPWIinsfraHDr Needs $400 per week Oct lo PENTHOUSE SUNDIAL _=:June 5'h & WK 23 June 5th steering cable $1 000 oro'ter Christmas $700 per wrck ROOFTOP SUNDECK Luxurious GJK condo 2 BR2 june 12!h 1992 Fully 939 2159 Chnstmas lo Apn' $1 100 per Ssmbol Bayview Monthly Spectacular vnws fialh den Beautifully >u mshed (no pets} pool & week NopoG (813)267 7557 rnnta $3 000 & J1 500 Quiet > Avaiiablu Apnl 1st furnished Spectacular view of si do J85O ea week 995 6445 Half ih» prlc« ol reniing or (B13) 395 2076 M ne or Pnvato bay and qit beacn Gull Pool S tennis goll RoasonaUo or 543 5369 Gave 3480 per Miny timat cheaper Maria access 2 & 1 bedroom 10 00 nemby Avalablrj itioi May Phono 1-80O-232 SOW Itian owning Join our 3rd Summer nfns avihb's 500 pm 472 1404 • Ask tor Glenn Boat Club (612)4849148 0 Or evenings ° vacations House cr Boal Lovers USA SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION PoJnle Santo 813-481 J5^3 ,, Corido on SdmbtH in August in 454 6495 CAPTIVA Beach Vila Kino's Crown gi^hangc for tafjc bcajltful 1 t t> -,,,, Hill ' ""•* 2 bedrooms "2 bat*is SmsetCapttvaHorne Chalet in G eon Mountains ct Luxury Gull Ifont house 2 Island Beach dub bodroom 2 tuth sloufs 6 *" Bay ado Villa Z bedrooms 2 baths Ffcpiaoo Southern Vermot Stratton Mairum 1990 24 foot Cuddy Pnva o boa'-h hcaiod pool 5 bedroom 2 battis Ocean* Reach tan* and sun dock Washer/ Avalablu July ar August tabm Hoad NowJofylM? Alt Lu»unous2bedroom 2ba dryer Beautiful y decorated Nearby go" tennis summe; avoilookitg Gul* Vaulted ^rvsort lac 11 es are optional condos w ih boautiful Tennis and pool privileges 200 platform Loran f^> dnder co lings al anun bet. Weekly Sa*e d rect mrough owner Cull views yards from Gulf i314) 842 r, References available Call Radio Like new cond lion 613 472 1764 1(800)899 7327 313-332 2777 5174 ;5t6) 757 6328 116900 482 2708 m " I Boats & Motors | | Recreational Vehicles | pAn"nouncemenls~| | Announcements | (Business Opportunh^ | [\~Hi?lp Wanted;

North Near f-75. RVs (or font. BECOME A PERSONAL ! BUSINESS PROMOTION $ SAN1BELTAXI $60weekandup Air, pool.kkS" COMPUTER EXPERT. iTJser :: ••••••••• SERVICE, our Knowlodgo "mate ' Immediate openings _ OK. 543-2919.- •: ^ friendly" Homo Study Learrv - •: - for drivers BASEBALL CARD DOS. Software' Applications. you an etport in promotions. 4 COMIC BOOK SHOW Program Language, Database . . High Profit, No Foe. tidusrvo -Day shirr and •• % Trucks & Vans- FormaG Much Moro. Frno.' Area. Can be horns based, ukfnigMtoQ.OOam. Career Uieratura. 1 (800) X2--> ParVFuil Time. (404) 2*6-7628. Island residooi- 7070,Oe?LKE717. Good drNffvg records. . 1S63 Ha'l Ton Crtoyy pick-up. SAT. WAY 2nd & 3rd Caf 472-4169 Fluns good. E*collnnt work DEALERSHIP i.OG HOMF^- ROBERT E. LEE '"" between" Wk. 130.000 miles. $2,500. ATTENTION STUDENTS! $4 ^America's Imos! Log Home SELL -TRADE- LEASE -gV 13021 N.CLEVELANDAVE. 800am. to600pm. . .472-0502. -' .: V1 --"'• "• BILLION AVAILABLE! " manufactuf9f needs quality NORTH FT. MYERS - Monday through .Saturday: Scholarships, grants, loans! 6 wholesalers. Earn eicellent 51 It 19S3BLUEWATER'. .Sources guaranteed or you pay HU -WM-UJSSi Plymouth, 19B9 Voyager 7 -' 900AM ^5«)PM " profits: Full or parl-time. ; Motor Yadit nothing! Free Info! Funding, Passenger, 6 cylinder, cruise/-; O.T.R. DRIVERS^ if you are (userfrieodfy luxury).' 25 QUALITY DEALER TABLES Lifetime warranty. Ceil Mr, tiil, luggago rack. AM/FM tape. 71C3 120lh Avenue North; Jones fof trea dealer info/O. one oi the best drivers in Steeps 8. Partios 50. , MANY DIFFERENT DEALERS Largo, FL34643, -. ." _; America, and il you want a A/C-Asking 55.950. of bosl EACHDAY (BOO) 321-5647. Old Timor Log - - Futuristic dosign.- : better opportunity -for good "o(tcr. Call 481-5800. „ BUY/SEIJJTRADE Homes, W , TN. ' - ^ ^ 12KW generator. wages, benefits and working Twin 350 HP. Ciusadws FREE 900*5 • Two hour video conditions, cat the Lane Team '• .: 160 total hours. FREE ADMISSION. o on how u deyslop/ promote a - today, i 800-239-4239 Lam , Owner8O4/425XJ526 - Announcements DOOR PRIZES Auctlphs'V supcesstulrfllioir campaign. Trucking, Mne. )* '00%' MAKE ME AN OFFER Consultation' available. No Ktinwcrth tieet and we are ,.- A WONDERFUL FAMILY "FOHINFO: " FORTMYHRS AUCTION CO .- I CANT REFUSE setup costs. Extremely limited located in Uothan. AJgp- EXPERIENCE,.Scandinavian. • GAIL PALMER -;" " . ;2255 Alicia St. - : after 1(800)944-2213 (European..-^outh American, - j- ••334-1739 " , '. - (813) 772-0254 ": 101 Avon Hard Bottom Japanese ^Htgh School ; ! PAYING CASH • For retail sites on SambtH 8 MARGE HONKANEN < inflatablo 3 0 Rovof ; •• Exchange Students Arriving in Caphva. Mature and re!>ab!u ,1965-Good condition, "August. Become a Host Family/' ~ (813) 574-7731 > Tuesday 7:00 PM.'' Full and • pan lima,, Some weekends Pay depends "on " $750. -;" • - Amancan Interculturai Student •£'••••••• - : '.: • AUCTIONS ejporionco and performance 267-1782 • -Exchange CALL FLOHINE " ... . i; AB773AU43 " . •-- (B13) 677-4200 or Call 1 (800) WE BRL»B OUR TRUCK Tote paif 46fr5896 .y = . Located t block east --" For sate - 33 X 12 fl. Catamaran SIBLING. . ..•• and cash for your lurmluro. M.p. $40,000 fmn/463 4721.. of Fowor between -•• Appliances, antiques, tools,.. COVENANT TRANSPORT - 8E A PARALEGAL: Attorney UFsyelta & Marfcet. fishing gear, golf dubs, boat - Hiring Tractor Trailer Drivers Instructed. Homo Study. Conslflnmenl25%-35% - motors and boats, small items. New Eijtiiprnent Coming £S) yr Wollcraft, Iflfl7. 250 Coastal.' Established 1976 FREE »,.t -..„- iwi.r- etc or compfeto estates, - O.T.R.-Teams 27-31 conls 2.7L. outboard, now. motor. Catalog. 1 (800) 669-2555. •- QUICKSERV1CES - East Coast Pay. Incentives.

J19.5O0. 432-4397. Southern Career Ir.sbtute, Boi 463-5096 r, 694-5572 Bcnete, Age 23- Singlo 19 22 2158. Boca Raton. FL33427. . [ Business Oppbrtunjti&s { ;t -. 332-5828 : , Cents. £asl Coast Pay. * (BOOi v 441-4394. :: .: r • .. ' Opening April 15th Casa Ybel. INTERIOR DECORATING - 'Last Chance Real bargains 2 I Motorcycles & Bicycles! ' Romodoling. alt - types of. DECOKATING DEN TOP 10' ' cane back counter chairs crv- ~sr 4j: Proj«tSale$ tomodoling," repairs;- new Franchises rlor". 90's in .rollers. Tiileisl' goll pullcart.; People leedod MustbeFfcyidao H.rfey Davidson. 1Se9FLH, lu!l const-jctioii. Free ostimaios. 'MONEY" Magazine. Entonsiv Leather gall: bag. Electric, licensed real esiatfl agent.' u •dress, black. $9,800. or make Sialo Codified CRC050163 - Looking tof blonde woman. - Contact June Denrson, Sales ii ing. H bbased - hedge clippers. Pole .saw pfor. Call Bob 693-1834., .^Telephone 472-1003. Como eccent, with two WiicklJrown .^Antique gold mirrored vanity ' Manager, Blue&ill Proporftes. Business." Lew Investment/ and sea our showroom, 1711 - dogs, heavy leashes, ' ._sot.-Two bathroom counter Inc. 4S3-1141 or 1-300458- Financing' 1 (800) 752-2157 Periwinkle Way. Open 8 0CK ^j> choko collars. - ^accessory -. sols king siie " 2766.-..'"• - ,•-.".,-• 1 : Efl. 5600 lor Interview; [Recreational Vehicles 1 500. ' • •/ • • " v • •" O0&3 attacked and badly - bedspread. Ceramic docorator irtfurod our blind poodto. . lamp Insulated hip waders and Earn up to it,000 per vjweK -. HORSE SUMMER tlAY CAMP . Bailey Rd 100 yoar oU aH cash business. much more. 1573 Sandcastie Procossrng HUD, FHA, gov't Knr Kaddy lor sals? Used vety Monday..,through £riday. All Thurs. April 23rd Mako ai Isast $30,00O>early. Road The Dunes, Sanitwl.' refunds. No experience : lit'lo In'good condition." 334- summor long. Penning lor),, 4724332.'^ part-timo Small investment, S.OO^a.m. to 2.CS=^p m. necessary. Cail 1 (315) 736- 0G01.- . " Farms. 275-FAHM „ , ' . Calls corlidential. '•." huge profits. 1 (800) 32I-126B itiirtiay. May 2nd. 7376, E«L M FL FL 24 hrs •

"We can fill the pol holes in your driveway or CONSTRUCTION parking lot wilh she'l or stone & keep sand from bracking into your home or business." '- -_. • Grading • Chippinai,* Fill Dirt •• •"".:•."• 'FREE ESTIMATES " > General Contractor , •Licensed 472-2898 • Insured '• "Sewing the Islands for 15 years' r-


1705 Seten,!/ Lane • San.bel. FL 33957 "• 12 YEARS ISmND EXPLR*HC£ REMODELING tecOH >**~.IV&2X>XZ •tiURGLAIWim-:. v DrOtCIOMl MEDICAL ALARM tS OUR ONLY BUSINESS -"»•'' I .^M«V?5s3J!#/.----:SYSTEMS If \IJII HTC nfrradv ll^ui*! In Ihc prrfctl tiomt.-u-liy not make iJic Since IQ7G :> ElECTRICRL i --•" CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS LICENSED • INSUIHO' MUSIC AND SOUND STEREO INTERCOMS i DONDED jarJ(J« • KfcrtS* lt-»nLi .: '• Hfcrmtloo lloont ^li>*-fiA'ShcKing »Dtrn .. • Pilr.un^ . >WI(vWi mum DutMtKjt'will work »nh you lo ilrslfin your tcniadfi'.nfl ;cd

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Cm \ M BtBtv* TMV 19M Price* In tm BewiiHiI * ntk. (ami |y hor*i K looted m pmiipoui » V™ ^n«on. LrtllB fr GREAT BIT! Michiim "Si*^" »nh Irje «Iiiinral finui? mm Fta

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