On the Vacancy of the Apostolic See by Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI 14/03/18, 7 55 PM
On the Vacancy of the Apostolic See by Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI 14/03/18, 7*55 PM HOME TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC FAITH MASS LOCATIONS PUBLICATIONS CMRI LINKS STORE PHOTOS CONTACT US CMRI Home > Article Index > Sedevacantist Position On the Vacancy of the Apostolic See By Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI Our conference on the vacancy of the Apostolic See, the sedevacantist position, is most important, for it is a theological position which is very misunderstood, often misrepresented, and emotionally difficult for many groups. But before we proceed on this topic, it is paramount to stress that it is because of our belief in the Papacy and in Papal Infallibility that we necessarily must reject Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI as legitimate Popes. Many accuse us of rejection of the papacy. That is furthermost from the truth. In our earlier conference, we made reference to the main errors of religious indifferentism, false ecumenism and religious liberty which have infected the Conciliar Church of Vatican II. It is for us to demonstrate that the true Catholic Church—the Pope and the Bishops in union with him—could not promulgate such errors to the universal Church, and that no true Pope could promulgate a defective liturgy (Novus Ordo Missae) and a sacrilegious law (1983 Code of Canon Law 844.3 and 4 Communion to non-Catholics). It is for us to demonstrate that men who promulgate heresy are heretics; and as such, they lose the authority in the Church Although we can consider many different aspects of our position with the papacy, it will be sufficient for us today to limit our studies to a few main premises upon which our conclusion (the vacancy) rests.