This catalogue contains a survey inventory of the contents of the CEGES/SOMA microfilm collection. D PRUH GHWDLOHG KLVWRU\ RI WKLV FROOHFWLRQ FDQ EH IRXQG DW WKH HQG RI WKLV VXPPDU\ 

The catalogue has been inventoried in six volumes:

Volume 1 contains numbers 1160-8033 Volume 2 contains numbers 8034-14907 Volume 3 contains numbers 14908-21781 Volume 4 contains numbers 21782-28650 The basis of the first four volumes follows the original register-numbers.

Volume 5 : Appendix A 1-281 A smaller number of microfilms did not have an original registration number. As they are part of the collection and contain relevant materials on concentration camps, we decided to assemble them in an appendix in volume 5: The microfilms received a continuous numeration preceded by the letter A. In this appendix A, we used per category sub-headings such as camps, prisons, labor, Marburg. We also structured the materials from concentration camps following their respective provenance (Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz).

Volume 6 : Appendix P 1-532 An estimated 5% of the films have been surveyed prior to this inventory by CEGES archivist Mrs. Isabelle Ponteville. This early partial catalogue was conducted in French and used a more detailed database format (number, description, language, provenance, names and/or keywords). The description covers the numbers 1-982 and 28653-31719 (with most numbers catalogued). We added this catalogue as an appendix (P) as well as translations of key words.



Volume 5 : Appendix A 1-281 A smaller number of microfilms did not have an original registration number. As they are part of the collection and contain relevant materials on concentration camps, we decided to assemble them in an appendix in volume 5: The microfilms received a continuous numeration preceded by the letter A. In this appendix A, we used per category sub-headings such as camps, prisons, labor, Marburg. We also structured the materials from concentration camps following their respective provenance (Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz).

To facilitate the research for records on a specific subject, we used a classification based on themes. For each category, we chose a main heading (please see listing below). Some of the main headings are followed by names of locations, others are directly followed by the description of the contents.

• Camp records CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, CAMP RECORDS, Dora-Mittelbau, CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, CAMP RECORDS, Lublin-Majdanek, CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, CAMP RECORDS, Treblinka, CAMP RECORDS, Majdanek CAMP RECORDS, Stutthof

CAMP RECORDS, Beaune la Rolande CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, CAMP RECORDS, Noé, CAMP RECORDS, Pithiviers, CAMP RECORDS, Vernet • Transit camp records TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, • Records on Jewish persons • Prison records PRISON RECORDS, Name of the prison, description of the contents. • Resistance records • Forced Labor Related records Slave Labor Related records 3

• Death Certificates • Press records  PRESS RECORDS, Name of the printed publication, date. • Judicial records • Underground press records UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Name of the underground journal, date. • Records • Records on Collaboration • German Army Records • Belgian Army Records • Hospital records HOSPITAL RECORDS, Name of the hospital, Description of the contents. • Hostage records • Majestic records

For some of the records, we used combinations of the main categories. Some have a double or even triple main heading. Several records received the double main heading CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, containing mostly testimonies on camps (not necessarily concentration camps), prisons or prison camps (Straflager). Another double main heading is JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, used for some official journals. A third grouping is FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, used for records on persons who refused to carry out forced labor.


&$035(&25'6 This main heading includes all kind of records on concentration- and extermination camps as well as on the .RPPDQGRV of those camps. However, in some cases it is also used to indicate records on labor camps, prison camps (Straflager), even on prisons. Many of the microfilms regarding camps were filmed at the International Tracing Service (ITS) in Arolsen. For camp-related records of the ITS we used a specific description: CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. These records contain information on individual persons. Besides the ITS, there are also other organisations that produced camp-related records (such as the United Restitution Office). In this case we used the description: CAMP RECORDS, Records of the QDPHRIWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQ. As for the records on concentration camps, the name of the camp is mentioned in its original language followed by a description of the contents (transport lists, lists of internees, reports on camps, testimonies on internment in camps, extract from registers,)

75$16,7&$035(&25'6 Records on Drancy, the main transit camp in France, and the Dossin-Kazerne in Malines/Mechelen, the main transit camp for Jews in Belgium, (lists, testimonies, certificates of internment in the camp, requests for certificates to document the internment in the camp, individual cards).


5(&25'621-(:,6+3(56216 Records of Jewish organisations (such as : Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre, Vereeniging van Joodsche Politieke Gevangenen, Comité Israélite des Réfugiés victimes des lois raciales, Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon, Jodenvereeniging van België, Unie der Joodse slachtoffers van den Oorlog – Union des Juifs victimes de la guerre, Comité Central Israélite, Service Européen des Recherches des Juifs déportés et dispersés). These kind of documents are described as follows: RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the QDPHRIWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQ These records contain diverse material on Jewish persons: testimonies, passports, lists, requests for certificates as evidence of looted Jewish property, requests for information on persons, questionnaires on persons, records on looting of property.

If you look for records on individual Jews, you can easily find them by looking for the main description RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS. Only when we found specific records on individual Jews, we used the description UHFRUGVRQ-HZLVKSHUVRQV. For that reason, we also advise you to check CAMP RECORDS and TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS. Additionally, it could also be interesting to look for JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge. Sometimes, they include measures on Jewish persons.

)25&('$1'6/$9(/$%255(/$7('5(&25'6 Forced labor : Compulsory labor beginning in October 1942. Slave labor : Forced labor in/for concentration camps.

This main heading does not only include records on slave and forced labor but also on voluntary labor. It is not always clear whether we are dealing with slave or voluntary workers. Due to the time restrictions of the development of this inventory, we could not make this distinction and instead used a general heading.

This main description contains a range of various documents: - FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Specific documents related to labor: convocations, 'LHQVWYHUSIOLFKWXQJVEHVFKHLGH, travel passes,… - FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Requests to be recognized as a deported forced laborer, decisions of committees on this status. - FORCED AND SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Testimonies: Testimonies from slave laborers on their summons of departure to , internment in a camp, eventually arrest. Mostly, those testimonies do not contain detailed reports. The term ‘testimony’ includes not only testimonies from a slave/forced laborer but also on a slave/forced laborer. - SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Lists of persons who worked for a company dependent on a concentration camp.

5(6,67$1&(5(&25'6 As the main heading indicates, this kind of records gathers documents on the resistance and its members (attestation on members of the resistance, testimonies on persons who were arrested for their activities and eventually on the prisons and/or camps where they were imprisoned, testimonies on and from members of the resistance, information forms on members of the resistance, certificates, cards of political prisoners, questionnaires on political prisoners,… Only in a few cases, the organisational structure of resistance is mentioned. I included the (records on) political prisoners under this main heading without indicating their act or reason for detention. 5

Decisions of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of Political Prisoners) are decisions on the recognition of the status of political prisoners. When a journal/article is about the resistance, we used a double main heading: PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS.

'($7+&(57,),&$7(6 As for the records on labor, the death certificates contain diverse material as death certificates, lists of deceased or buried persons, testimonies on deceased persons/deportees, testimonies and information on missing persons, requests for information on missing persons, identification cards of deceased, records on exhumations and (re)burial, records on repatriation.

The collection contains a large number of information sheets on deceased people - information forms on deported persons, which give information on their identity, the prisons or camps they were interned, the place of death and/or possibly information on the repatriation.

-8',&,$/5(&25'6 Extracts from trials, 3HUVRQDO$NWHQ.

81'(5*5281'35(665(&25'6 For illegal press, we used the main heading underground press records. In most of the cases, the main heading is followed by the name of the printed publication and the complete date, month or year of publication.

6+$() SHAEF is the abbreviation for Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces. We only used the main heading SHAEF. They always include Shaef-cards. In regard to Belgian citizens those Shaef-cards contain information about the liberated political and Jewish prisoners (prisons, camps) and the large number of Belgian forced laborers in the industrial centre of the ‘Ruhrgebiet’. The questionnaires of repatriated political prisoners are included under RESISTANCE RECORDS.

0$5%85*DQG0$-(67,& Record groups named after the location where they were found. Marburg records document the German Military regime in Belgium and the North of France. Majestic records contain documents concerning the German occupation in France (except for the North of France).

35,6215(&25'6 The main heading is –if possible- followed by the name of the prison. These heading contain prison cards, lists of inmates, extracts from registers of the prison.

+263,7$/5(&25'6 As with the prison records, the main heading is followed by the name of the hospital. It deals with lists of hospitalised persons, medical records (Krankengeschichten,… )


35(665(&25'6 This category contains extracts from printed publications.

*(50$1$50<5(&25'6 Cards of the :HKUPDFKWVDXVNXQIWVWHOOH, information forms of the Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle on missing/deceased persons, testimonies on incorporation in the German army.

5(&25'621&2//$%25$7,21 This category contains testimonies on and lists of persons who joined German or pro-German formations. The testimonies not only identify persons who wore German uniforms but also contain rumours on collaboration without the evidence included under this main heading.


Names of cities and towns can be spelled in diverse ways. For example : Brussels, Brussel, Bruxelles. (following the original language of the documents?)

Due to the large number of small microfilms, altogether containing 31719 numbers, some records didn’t receive a complete description, but only an indication, for example: Letter or Lettre (French), Note.

As some of the records don’t really belong to a specific theme, no main heading was mentioned: Attestation of invalidity. - Bill. - Records on compensation. - Medical records. - Records on civil war victims. - Records on traffic accident. - …

In the continuous numbering, some of the numbers are missing. We mentioned this with the description ‘Not on the roll’.

+LVWRU\RI&ROOHFWLRQ E\.ODXV0OOHU  &(*(66RPD has a large collection of post-war microfilms that originally were part of the collection of the ‘Administration du Service des Victimes de la guerre’ at the Belgium Ministry of health. Originally founded as the ‘Commissariat Belge au Repatriement’ (CBR) in 1944 by the Belgian government in exile and functioning as the central Belgian agency to coordinate repatriation affords, the CBR and later ‘Administration’ was connected to various ministries until it became a subdivision of the Ministry of Health in July 1950.

The main function of the CBR in the immediate post-war years was to help with the repatriation of Belgian citizens. This work was done by Belgian Liaison Officers (BLO) who worked closely with and under the supervision of the Supreme Headquarters Allied 7

Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF) and the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). Both were responsible for the large-scale repatriation affords. The 400 Belgian Liaison Officers were placed under their military command and reported back to the `Commissariat' or the `Mission Militaire Belge' or the Belgian Red Cross or the Belgian Secret Service, due to the unclear post-war administrational situation. The CBR became the central agency to deal with these questions until 1950.

Although the immediate task of the various Belgian Liaison Officers was to identify Belgians and facilitate their repatriation, archival searches for relevant materials in prisons became a sideline of the immediate post-war activities. The activities of the Belgian Liaison Officers started to generate archival records, in the first years very selective records from various archives and funds.

In July 1945, 274.070 of 300.000 Belgians were repatriated; the search for the resting 30.000 also lead to an increase of interest into a more solid documentation of the still missing Belgians as well as of the war crimes committed against Belgians.

Probably the most important Belgian Liaison Officer became Madame de Dorlodot , both the Belgian representative at the `International Tracing Service' (ITC) in Arolsen since 1955 and the Belgian representative of the `Mission Belge en France' . Madame de Dorlodot microfilmed most of the documents relating to incarcerated Belgians in Nazi camps and prisons within the ITC-archives in Arolsen. Buchenwald, Mauthausen and Auschwitz are the three most extensively copied collections. The vast majority of Auschwitz- related documents were neither filmed in Krakow nor Arolsen, but were copies of the French mission that had collected a vast amounts of documents earlier. Madame de Dorlodot copied them later for Belgium.

She also filmed systematically in French departments. However, whereas she copied entire registries and transportation lists of the camps, her work in France was different. She selected in the respective departmental archives in France only documents concerning Belgians and often created lists from original documents, thus bringing a more diverse collection to the `Administration' microfilms, original documents, lists created by her based on original documents.

Living herself in Paris, she worked for the CBR and later the `Administration' until 1982 and collected archival materials on Belgians in France (hospitals, prisons, camps), but also got copies of already existing microfilms from French ministries and the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (JDC). Many of the films from the collection were provided by her. Madame de Dorlodot resigned in 1982 as the last Belgian Liaison Officer still working on the field. Her resignation also meant the closure of the Belgian archival microfilm acquisition program.

Another important Belgian Liaison Officer was Lt. De Maen who was representing the CBR and its successor organisations in the British zone (since 1949), the American zone (since1951) and the French zone (1955) of Germany: The `Administration' continued to work with the `zone' structure also after 1949. De Maen' s mission ± although focused on pension and recognition questions ± collected documents and microfilms as well. He died in 1962.

Early missions to East- and Central Europe in the late 40' s focussed on repatriation, documents were acquired as secondary sources and not systematically as e.g. later in France 8 and Arolsen. However, the various activities of the Belgian Liaison Officers contributed to the large microfilm collection.

The `Administration' of the Belgium Ministry of Health treated the microfilms as secondary sources and used them for their main tasks: identifying victims; providing documentation in individual cases for pension, health, repatriation and war crimes trials. An estimated 95% of the microfilms were printed and the print-outs became the basis for the paper collection of the Ministry of Health, with the exception of documents originating in Belgium and some original documents Belgian Liaison Officers collected abroad (see example Madame de Dorlodot).

Due to the minor attention that was given to the microfilm collection itself by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry transferred the collection in the mid-90' s to CEGES/SOMA. The collection, consisting of the original and small microfilms of altogether 31719 rolls, was restored in the process of its inventory in 2001/2002 and copied for USHMM Archives. 




A1. – A14. CAMP RECORDS, Beaune la Rolande and Pithiviers, Card-index (1-10 and 12 15). A15. – A30. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Card Index of Drancy (film 6 – 15, film 17 – 19, film 21 - 22). A31. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 23. September 1942 von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Mérignac, Drancy II, Poitiers, Clairvaux, Besancon, Belfort, Drancy I, Beaune-la-Rolande, La Lande, Nancy; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 25. September 1942 von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Vernet, Rivesaltes, Drancy I and Drancy II; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 27/28. September 1942 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 29/30. September 1942 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 3. November 1942 von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Drancy I, Drancy II, Angoulème, Chalons sur Marne, Voves, Besancon, Saint-Quentin, Nevers, Caen, Nantes, Evreux; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 3/4. September 1942 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 10. November 1942 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 6. November 1942 von Drancy nach Auschwitz aus den Lagern Poitiers, Rivesaltes, Kreis Saone, Drancy I, Drancy II, Drancy III, Angers, Angouleme, Le Creusot, Dijon, Chalons-s-Saone, Le Mans, Melun, Mérignac, Nancy, Rouen. A32. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 25. März 1943 von Drancy nach Lublin-Majdanek; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 24. Mai 1943 von Drancy nach dem Osten; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 21/23. Juni 1943 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 24. Juni 1943 von Drancy nach dem Osten; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 18. Juli 1943 von Paris-Bobigny nach Auschwitz (Ostarbeitertransport – Juden); TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport am 31. Juli 1943 von Drancy nach Auschwitz. A33. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transportlists (Pithiviers, Mérignac, Poitiers, Clairvaux, Belfort, Beaune la Rolande, La Lande, Nancy, Vernet, Rivesaltes, Voves, Saint-Quentin, Nevers, Besancon, Caen, Chalons s/Marne, Nantes, Evreux, Angouleme). A34. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Alphabetische Liste des Transportes vom 7. Dezember 1943; 10

TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Alphabetische Liste des Transportes vom 20. Januar 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Alphabetische Liste des Transportes vom 3. Februar 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Alphabetische Liste des Transportes vom 10. Februar 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Alphabetische Liste des Transportes vom 7. März 1944. A35. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport, 27 March 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Alphabetische Liste des transportes vom 27. März 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Alphabetische Liste des transportes vom 13. und 29. April 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Alphabetische Liste des transportes vom 15., 20. und 30. Mai 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Departure on 23th and 25th March 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transportlists. A36. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport, 23 March 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport – Liste spéciale, 8 March 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport – Gurs, 4 and 6 March 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport, 2 and 13 February 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport – Drancy II, Drancy III, Feburary 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport – Compiègne, Angouleme, Versailles, Valenton; Romainville, November 1942. A37. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport, 24 May 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport, 21 and 24 June 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport, 28 and 31 July 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Abtransport, 7 October 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport des 31. Juli und 2. September 1943 (Juden); TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 23. und 28. Oktober 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 20. November 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport, 17 Dec 1943. A38. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 13. und 29. April 1944 von Drancy nach Auschwitz (Arbeitsjuden); TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 15., 20. und 30. Mai 1944 von Drancy nach Auschwitz (Arbeitsjuden).  %XFKHQZDOG

A39 - A67.CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Zugangsbuch (9001-139538). A64 – A67.CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Zugangsbuch Frauen (1 – 39483). A68 - A70.CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Zugangsbuch (1 – 9000). 11

A71. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Death books and registers – Daily death reports, 14 June 1939 and 10 Jan 1940 – 31 Dec 1943. A72. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Death books and registers – Daily death reports, 4 Jan 1943 – 31 Dec 1943 and 1 Jan 1944 – 2 Feb 1945. A73. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Deceased (daily reports of the camp hospital), 17 August 1943 – 31 August 1944 and 1 Sept 1944 – 13 March 1945. A74. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Dachau, 27 Sept 1939 – 17 Nov 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Dachau, 4 Dec 1944 – 2 April 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Dora-Mittelbau, 16 Nov 1944 – 22 March 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Flossenbürg, 17 August 1942 – 24 March 1945. A75. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Gross-Rosen, 6 May 1942 – 12 March 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Lichtenberg, 31 July 1937; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Lublin, 3 April 1943 – 22 Sept 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Mauthausen, 2 Dec 1942 – 11 Dec 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Natzweiler, 10 March 1943 – 30 August 1945. A76. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Neuengamme, 2 Oct 1943 – 22 March 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Ravensbrück, 17 Dec 1942 – 24 Jan 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Riga, 11 Dec 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Sachsenburg, 27 July 1937; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Sachsenhausen, 20 August 1942 – 31 March 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Auschwitz (Women), 31 July 1944 – 31 August 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Stutthof, 19 Oct 1943 – 29 Nov 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Wevelsburg, 13 April 1943 – 3 May 1944. A77. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Auschwitz, 31 July 1944 – 26 Jan 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) from Bergen-Belsen, 19 Oct 1944 – 21 March 1945. A78. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) of women from the concentration camp Ravensbrück, 23 August 1944 – 13 Sept 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) of women from the concentration camp Ravensbrück, 14 Sept 1944 – 6 Oct 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Transports (incoming) of women from the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen, 19 Oct 1944 – 21 March 1945. A79. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Aussenkommando – women - Leipzig ‘Hasag’ ; 12

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Aussenkommandos - women - Schlieben-Taucha- Torgau-Wolfen-Bitterfeld; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Aussenkommandos – men – Köln (Fordwerke, Hansestadt Köln, Westwaggon) – Langensalza (Langenwerke A.G.) – Sallfeld- Örtelsbruch Laura. A80. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Aussenkommando – men – “Martha”- Muhlhausen/Th – Mühlenwerke AG – Langenwerke A.G. – Niederarschel – Oberndorf “Muna” – Osterode – Plömnitz Leau “Leopard” – Quedlinburg “Fliegerhorst” – Dernau/Ahr “Rebstock” – Rothenberg a/ Saale Mansfeld A.G. – Heinrich A5-Thyrawerke Rottleberode; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Aussenkommandos Männer – Abteroda, B.M.W. ‘Anton’ – Allendorf b/Marburg, ‘Hasag’ – Dortmund-Hörder- Hüttenverein AG – Duderstadt, Polte-Werk – Elsnig ‘Wasag’ , Westf.-Anhalt- Sprengstoff AG – Essen-Krupp. A81. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Aussenkommandos Männer – Köln-Drutz- Kommando Nixei, Kommando Osterhagen/Wieda, Kommando Machenrode/Walkenried; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Aussenkommandos Männer – Berga “Schwalbe V” – Billroda “Gustloff Werke II” – Kommando Klosterwerk Blankenburg – Eisen- und Hüttenwerke AG Bochumer Verein E.M.MW. – Böhlen – Braunschweig. A82. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Veränderungsmeldungen Frauen, 1944 – 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Berichtigungen von Namen und Änderungen von Gefangenen-Nr., 1939 – 1945. A83. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, List of deceased prisoners (Belgians); CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration cards - Israelites.


A84 – A99.CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Zugangsbuch (1 – 23756). A100. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, List of entries (1 - 50000). A101. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Register (list of entries) (50000 - 90000). A102. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Registers (120011 – 157014). A103 – A114.CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis. A115. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Zugangsbuch (131583 – 146174). A116. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Penal orders of Dachau concentration camp, 1 Oct 1933; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Report of investigation of Alleged War Crimes, 23 July 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Annex I and II to report of investigation of alleged war crimes, 23 July 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Ladislaw Brück Exihibit; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Memorandum over the condition of the Lager Muhldorf-Ampfing; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Order of punishment over a prisoner; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Testimonies of various ex-prisoners; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Die Todesfracht der “Cap Arcona”; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Records on Krüppel-Häftlingstransport; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Records on Entlassung von Schutz-Häftlinge, 20 April 1939; 13

CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, History of the International Information Office Dachau; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Report about concentration camp Mühldorf – Mettenheim; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Reports on proceedings; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Miscellaneous.


A117 – A121.CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Prisoner’ s number book (1 – 89970). A122. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Nummernbuch Männer (1801 - 3700). A123. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Nummernbuch Männer (3701 - 9000). A125. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Nummernbuch Männer (18001 - 27000). A124. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Nummernbuch Männer (40001-189875).


A126. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Sterbebuch. A127. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Sterbebuch. A128. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Sterbebuch; CAMP RECORDS, Helmbrechts (Kommando of Gross-Rosen), 621 Überstellungen weiblicher Häftlinge vom Konzentrationslager Gross-Rosen nach dem Aussenkommando Helmbrechts, 6 March 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Häftlingskarten.


A129 CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Zugangsbuch (30000 – 43000). A130. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Zugangsbuch (57261 - 100000). A131. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Zugangsbuch (70001 – 77021). A132. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Zugangsbuch (77022 – 84014). A133. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Zugangsbuch (84344 – 95000). A134. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Totenbuch; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Totenbuch, January 1945 - March 1945. A135. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Patients of 131 American evacuation hospitals. A136 CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Krankenbau – Registers of Dr. Klar Zoltan (doctor in the Jewish hospital of the camp); CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Totenbuch Jewish hospital Block 6; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, D. Med. Zoltan Klar – Consignation Jewish Hospital Block 6; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, D. Med. Zoltan Klar – Naplo Jewish Hospital Block 6, 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, D. Med. Zoltan Klar –Jewish Hospital Block 6 – Zugangsbuch, 1944/1945. A137. – 139.CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Nummern-Buch. A140. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Zugangsbuch Frauen (1 - 3077). A141. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Veränderungsmeldungen, 1 Jan 1945 – 27 Feb 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Veränderungsmeldungen, 15 April 1945 – 14 May 1945. 14

A142. CAMP RECORDS, Gusen (Kommando of Mauthausen), Veränderungsmeldungen, 19 Feb 1944 – 31 July 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Gusen (Kommando of Mauthausen), Veränderungsmeldungen, 1 Dec 1944 – 31 Jan 1945. A143. CAMP RECORDS, Hartheim, Todesmeldungen, 11 April 1944 – 8 Jan 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Report on information of Alleged War Crime – ill- treatment and murder of Allied prisoners of war; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Statements in English translation made by former prisoners of Mauthausen and its Kommando Ebensee. A144. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Report on information of Alleged War Crimes : Statements of former Mauthausen prisoners. A145. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Alphabetisches Namensverzeichnis zum Sterbebuch, 1941 and 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Gusen, Freigabescheine des Krematoriums Gusen, 7 September 1941 – 30 December 1942.


A145. CAMP RECORDS, Dora-Mittelbau, Löschungslisten von Buchenwald-Häftl. Nr., die ab 29. Oktober 1944 als Nummern des Kl. Mittelbau anzusehen sind. A146. CAMP RECORDS, Dora-Mittelbau, ‘Hygiene Institut’ der Waffen-SS – Stuhl-, Urin- und Blutproben von Häftlingen; CAMP RECORDS, Dora-Mittelbau, Leichte Arbeit.  5DYHQVEUFN

A147. CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Abgehende Transporte nach verschiedenen Lagern und Kommandos, 30 October 1941 – 31 August 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Transportlisten - Abgänge, 1 Sept 1944 – 4 Sept 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Abgehende Transporte nach Buchenwald, 7 Sept 1944 – 21 Sept 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Zugänge von Buchenwald, 24 April 1941 – 21 Feb 1945. A148. CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Abgehende Transporte nach Buchenwald, 22 August 1944 – 18 Feb 1945. A149. CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Kommando Scheiderei, Kommandoliste, 4 March 1942; CAMP RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Records on the trial of Ravensbrück. A150. CAMP RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on the trial of the chiefs of the camp Ravensbrück – Higher Court of Rastatt – Records on Suhren Fritz and Pflaum Hans accused from war crimes, 17 April 1950 – 13 May 1950.


A151. CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Lists of questionnaires protocol J. Shen – Arrivals, 25 July 1942 – 28 Oct 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, List of deceased, Jan 1942 – June 1942; 15

CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Veränderungsmeldungen, 12 Jan 1944 – 28 April 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Veränderungsmeldungen, 9 July 1944 – 21 July 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Crematory lists – Einäscherungsverzeichnisse für Schutzhäftlinge; CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Book of E. Rosenfeldt – Tüttlingen – President of the ‘Association des Victimes du Faschisme’ . A152. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Block-Buch (109001-115000); CAMP RECORDS, Golleschau (Kommando of Auschwitz), Monthly report for labor – statistics; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Block-Buch (121001-140345); CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Block-Buch (115000-121000). A153. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Block-Buch (109001-115000); CAMP RECORDS, Dora-Nordhausen, Dora-Nordhausen labor concentration camps and information on the Nordhausen crimes case of the United States of America by A.K.Andrae et al. – trial commenced at camp Dachau on 7th August 1947; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Numerical list; CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, Sterbefallanzeigen des Städtischen Ordnungsamtes Hannover an das Sonderstandesamt Arolsen (Sterbefälle 1944/1945), Nachkriegs-Aufstellungen; PRISON RECORDS, Panrak, Abschrift des erhalten gebliebenen Teiles des Buches über Hinrichtungen im Gefängnis Pankrac, 5 April 1943 – 26 April 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis über Konzentrationslager, Internierungs- und Arbeitslager, Gefangenenlager und Gefängnisse in Böhmen und Mähren und in der Slowakei während des 2. Weltkrieges; Records on prostitution; Erlasse des Reichssicherheitshauptamt und Himmlers; Verschiedene Erlasse, Rundverfügungen pp herausgegeben von der Gestapo in Frankfurt; Behandlung der im Reich einges Tschechen; Russische, ukrainische, weissruthenische, kosakische und kaukasische Emigranten im Deutschen Reich; Arbeitseinsatzung Gefahrenabwehr; Sonderbehandlung; Eheschliessung zwischen Reichsdeutschen und Protektiratsangehörigen; Ermordung von 87 Gefangenen durch die SS in Hirzenhain. A154. CAMP RECORDS, Cards?; CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, Book of deceased of the Glyn-Hughes Hospital in Hohne/Bergen-Belsen; MARBURG RECORDS, Documents sur les camps de travail du Nord de la France (Watten, Mayer-Quade, Calais… ). A155. CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Alphabetisches Namensverzeichnis zum Sterbebuch, 1941 – 1943; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, Photos of the Dossin-Kazerne; CAMP RECORDS, Card-index of the French Red Cross of politic deported persons in Germany – Ambulances et circles norvégiens, Dachau, Ravensbrück; JOURNAL RECORDS, Bulletin Hebdomadaire de renseignements zone nord-zone sud, Jan 1943, August – Sept 1943 and Nov-Dec 1943, Feb – April 1944. A156. CAMP RECORDS, Diverse camps, Registration cards; 16

CAMP RECORDS, List; CAMP RECORDS, Rivesaltes, List of Belgian or probably Belgian internees; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Transportlist from Natzweiler-Kochendorf to Dachau; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Neuzugänge von Natzweiler (Neckarelz, Auerbach, Meppen Heim, Mannheim, Kochendorf), 2 April 1945. A157. CAMP RECORDS, Lists?; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/CAMP RECORDS, Ausführliche Niederschrift über die Besprechung beim Militärverwaltungs-Vice-Chef am 11. November 1943 über den Einsatz von Strafgefangenen Suhe unter Geheim, 19 April 1943 - extract from the Archives Departementales des Alpes Maritimes; CAMP RECORDS, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Nachweisung über die französischen, belgischen, holländischen und luxemburgischen Staatsangehörigen die im Erziehungslager in Grossbeeren verstorben sind; CAMP RECORDS, Reichenau, Transportliste, 3 March 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Stutthof, Registration card. A158. CAMP RECORDS, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, Registration card; CAMP RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Trial Nuremberg (Archives du Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine). A159. CAMP RECORDS, Records on transfer of Konzentrationslager Esterwegen to Sachsenhausen, 5 Sept 1936 – 30 Sept 1936; CAMP RECORDS, Transfer of all women prisoners from Konzentrationslager Lichtenburg to Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück, 15 May 1939; CAMP RECORDS, Installation of Arbeitserziehungslager Hundswinkel near Ludenscheid, 24 August 1940; CAMP RECORDS, Establishing of Arbeitserziehungslager Recklinghausen, February 1941; CAMP RECORDS, Closing of Arbeitserziehungslager Recklinghausen, March 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Installation of Arbeitserziehungslager Essen-Muelheim (Flughafen) in June 1941; CAMP RECORDS, Installation of an ‘Arbeitslager fuer Schutzhäftlinge’ near the ‘Steinbruehlager’ Kommando Struthof concentration camp Natzweiler /Elsass; CAMP RECORDS, Transformation of Arbeitslager Gross-Rosen into an independent Konzentrationslager Gross-Rosen, 1 May 1941; CAMP RECORDS, Establishment of concentration camp Stutthof, 20 Feb 1942; 17

CAMP RECORDS, Transformation of camp Vught near Hertogenbosch into a concentration camp, 15 Jan 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Installation of Konzentrationslager Riga, 15 March 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Transformation of prisoners of war working camp at Lublin in a Konzentrationslager Lublin, 9 April 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Installation of Konzentrationslager Warschau, 15 August 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Installation of the concentration camps Kauen and Vaivara, 15 Sept 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Transformation of Arbeitslager Plaszow into a Konzentrationslager Plaszow near Krakau, June 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Request for the permission to open a Kommando of concentration camp Mauthausen in Wiener Neudorf, 14 July 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Installation of camp Soldan in 1939, used in winter 1939-1940 for the purpose of exterminating Polish political prisoners and also ‘mentally diseased’ ; CAMP RECORDS, News about the concentration camp Fossoli (Carpi- Modena) – Italy; CAMP RECORDS, Installation of concentration camp ‘Zasaviza’ in Serbia; CAMP RECORDS, Records on NN-prisoners; CAMP RECORDS, Records on Porto-Aktion, Oct 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Decision concerning the deportation of some Luxembourgian families; CAMP RECORDS, Decision on extermination of the mind and nervediseased; CAMP RECORDS, Records on Aktion Meerschaum; CAMP RECORDS, Records on Aktion Bibelforscher; CAMP RECORDS, Records on Aktion against the catholic priests; CAMP RECORDS, Records on the Dirlewanger; CAMP RECORDS, Secret letter concerning the extermination of Russian prisoners of war; CAMP RECORDS, Various categories of prisoners arrested by the Reichssicherheitshauptamt; CAMP RECORDS, Various tasks in the concentration camps connected with the different camp officials. A160. CAMP RECORDS, Breendonk, Ernährung der Häftlinge – food questions in ‘A’ Lager Breendonk; CAMP RECORDS, Records on Papenburg.

&RPSLqJQH  A161. CAMP RECORDS, Card-index of the ‘Préfecture de Police’ of deported persons from the Camp Compiègne. A162. CAMP RECORDS, Card-index of internees and deported persons of the camp Compiègne. A163. CAMP RECORDS, Cards of internees and deported persons of the camp Compiègne.


A163 – A164. PRISON RECORDS, Charleroi, Gefangenenbuch, 3 Dec 1941 – 31 August 1944. 18


A166. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Card-index of the Arbeitsamt Freiburg. A167 and A168. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Labor records – Wurtemberg – Rottweil. A169. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Kreisversicherungsanstalt Saarbrücken - Card index of foreign workers employed by private companies working for the Atlantic Wall; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Landesversicherungsanstalt für das Saarland – Inventar-Kartei – Mitglieds- und Leistungskarten den AOK und KWA. A170. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on workers – Berlin. A171-A174. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Medical records on workers – Berlin. A180. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Salary cards of Belgian workers who worked in the steelworks of Voelklingen (Sarre).


A181 – A188. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Überweisungsscheine (Lier).


A189. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Ergänsende Verhaltensvorschriften; JOURNAL RECORDS, L‘ Effort, May 1949; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records – Amtsgericht Hamburg. A190. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records – Landgericht Arnsberg. A191. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records – Amtsgericht Düsseldorf und Gerresheim und Salzgitter. A192. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial files. A193 - A194. Meldekarten Ortspolizeibehörde Berlin – Crimes allemandes en Pologne. A194. Les Crimes Allemandes en Pologne. A194 – A254. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Personal-Akten.


A255 – A269.GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle card.


A270 – A271. GESTAPO RECORDS, Gestapo-Kartei Koblenz (Wiesbaden). A272. GESTAPO RECORDS, Gestapo-Kartei - Index Gestapo Frankfurt.


A175-A179. MARBURG RECORDS, III Wirtschaftsabteilung – Gruppe VII – Arbeitseinsatz und Sozialwesen. A273. Lists of Jewish persons – Extracts from registers of Jews – diverse localities; Verordnungen gegen Juden. 19

A274 – A275. MARBURG RECORDS, Verwaltungsabteilung – Gruppe Kultur; MARBURG RECORDS, Verwaltungsabteilung – Gruppe Fürsorge; MARBURG RECORDS, Verwaltungsabteilung – Gruppe 7. Arbeitseinsatz und Sozialwesen; MARBURG RECORDS, Wirtschaftsabteilung - Gruppe 7 - Arbeitseinsatz und Sozialwesen; MARBURG RECORDS, Military administration - Abteilung 7 - Goods of enemies; MARBURG RECORDS, Verwaltungsabteilung - Gruppe 6 - Kultur; MARBURG RECORDS, Verwaltungsabteilung - Gruppe 7 - Fürsorge; MARBURG RECORDS, Verwaltungsabteilung - Gruppe 7 - Arbeitseinsatz und Sozialwesen; MARBURG RECORDS, Verwaltungsabeitlung - Gruppe II - Medizinalwesen; MARBURG RECORDS, Wirtschaftsabteilung - Gruppe I - Gewerbliche Wirtschaft; MARBURG RECORDS, Verwaltungsabteilung – Gruppe 7 - Fürsorge-Juden; MARBURG RECORDS, Verwaltungsabteilung – Gruppe 7. Arbeitseinsatz und Sozialwesen.


A276. MAJESTIC RECORDS, Übergang der pol. Aufgaben auf den höheren SS- u. Polizeiführer – Ordonnances; MAJESTIC RECORDS, Ausstattung der Arbeiter mit Reisepässen (passports for Belgian workers, social insurances); MAJESTIC RECORDS, Records on Anordnung von Sicherungshaft, 31 March 1942; MAJESTIC RECORDS, Records on Erschiessungen als Sühnemassnahmen, 14 March 1942; MAJESTIC RECORDS, Records on Aktion ‘Kommunistische Geiseln’ , 10 Feb 1942; MAJESTIC RECORDS, Meldeblatt der Fahndungszentrale für die besetzten Gebiete in Frankreich und Belgien, 25 Jan 1941; MAJESTIC RECORDS, Records on ‘Festnahmemeldung’ ; MAJESTIC RECORDS, Besondere Anordnungen Nr. 3, 4, 18, 21, 22, 23 und 82 der Militärbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich der Militärverwaltungschef Abteilung Wirtschaft; MAJESTIC RECORDS, Lagebericht für die Zeit vom 16. Juni bis 30. September 1943.


A277 – A281. Fichier of the Istitut Sikorski – Individual cards.


A. 282. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Card-Index – film V. A. 283. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Card-index of the camp Drancy – liberated persons, 18 August 1944; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Card-index of the camp Drancy – film XVI. 20

A. 284. CAMP RECORDS, Beaune-la-Rolande, Card-index - Film XI; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Card-index of the camp Drancy – Hospitalised persons; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Card-index of the camp Drancy – liberated persons, 1942 – 1943. A. 285. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Card-Index – film XX. A. 286. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 2. September 1943 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 7. Oktober 1943 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 28. Oktober 1943 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 20. November 1943 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 17. Dezember 1943 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 7. Dezember 1943 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 20. Januar 1944 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 20. Januar 1944 von Drancy nach dem Osten; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 3. Februar 1944 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 10. Februar 1944 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 7. März 1944 von Drancy nach Auschwitz; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport vom 27. März 1944 von Drancy nach Auschwitz. A. 287. TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Beaune la Rolande, 23, 28 and 31 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Pithiviers, 24, 26, 28 and 31 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Belfort, 24 and 31 August 1942 and 7 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Drancy I and II, 24, 26 and 31 August 1942 and 2, 4, 7 and 11 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Rivesaltes, 26 August 1942 and 9 and 11 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to the free zone/diverse camps, 26 August 1942 and 9 and 11 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Noé, 28 August 1942 and 4 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Les Milles, 28 August 1942 and 7 and 9 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Récébédou, 28 and 31 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Bordeaux, 31 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Tombebouc, 31 August 1942; 21

TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Septfonds, 31 August 1942 and 9 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Brahm, 31 August 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Chalons, 31 August 1942 and 14 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to departments (Haute-Vienne, zone non-occupée Dordogne, Creuse), 31 August 1942, 2, 4 and 7 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Gurs, 4 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Vernet, 4 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Poitiers, 9 and 11 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Casseneuil, 9 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Saint-Sulpice, 9 and 11 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to La Lande, 12 and 14 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport, 14 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Toulouse, 14 September 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Transport to Compiègne, 14 September 1942; CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Card-index – cards annex Beaune la Rolande and Pithiviers; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Drancy la Juive ou la Deuxième Inquisition – J. Darville et Simon Wichene; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Records on transport of Jews; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, List; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Etat des juifs faisant partie du convoi du 10 et 18 juillet 1942; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Liste ‘R’ ; TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, Liste des internés volontaires pour le départ au travail, 18 July 1942.


A. 288. CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, Report on Bergen-Belsen concentration camp after the liberation by the British Army; CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, Report on the search I Belsen by Lt. François Poncet (French search officer); CAMP RECORDS, Various decisions of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt to all ‘Polizeileitstellen und Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD an alle Kommandeure und den Beauftragten des Chefs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Brussel’ concerning concentration camps and Arbeitserziehungslager (AEL). CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, Nominal rolls of various nationals liberated in Bergen-Belsen; CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, Photos of Belsen.  %XFKHQZDOG


A. 289. CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Aussenkommandos Leipzig-Thekla ‘Emil’ , Leipzig ‘Hasag’ Hugo Schneider AG, Firm Christ. Mansfeld G.M.B.H. Leipzig, Leopoldshall firm Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke Schönebeck ‘Einsatz Leopoldshall’ , Lützkendorf Wintershall A.G., Magdeburg-Rothensee Brabag Braunkohlen und Benzin A.G. ‘Magda’ , Magdeburg-Rothensee Poltewerke (men and women), Meuselwitz ‘Hasag’ , Lists of men; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Aussenkommando Schlieben, Transportlists of men; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Aussenkommados Tannenwald, Taucha bei Leipzig ‘Hasag’ , Tonndorf Bauleitung der Waffen-SS (Kdo 72), Bad-Berka Martynwerke (Kdo 121), Sandgrube Berka-Blankenheim (Kdo 91), ‘Wille’ , Transportlists of men; Archives Départementales de Creusse – Camp d’ Evaux-les-Bains, Diverse material; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Photos of inmates.  'DFKDX

A. 290. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Death book, 11 May 1941 – 27 April 1945. A. 291. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Death book, 11 May 1941 – 27 April 1945; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Photos; CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Beim Fliegerangriff auf Ness.a.g. im Stadtgebiet Augsburg am 16. März 1944 zu Tode gekommenen vom Aussenkommandos Konzentrationslager Dachau.  )ORVVHQEUJ

A. 292. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Transport of 1000 persons from Flossenbürg to Bergen-Belsen.


A. 292. CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, Photos.


A. 292. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Various statements; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Report on information of alleged war statements of former Mauthausen prisoners; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Judge advocate section – Third United States Army – War crimes investigation; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Various statements of former official persons of Mauthausen-Administration, between them the Deathbedstatement of Ziereis, commander of Mauthausen and various Kommandos, also statements of former prisoners; Report on the Deathbed statement of Ziereis commandant of Mauthausen and various Kommandos by Sec. Lt. of the French Stephan Thomas Victor Blocher attached as French Liaison officer to the 511th Detachm. HQ 11th Armed Div. 23

A.293. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Pictures of Mauthausen concentration camp and some representatives of its administration and pictures showing the conditions at the time of liberation by the American Army; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Statements. A. 294. CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Description of corruption in Mauthausen concentration camp by Mr. Konthak ‘Kriminalkommissar des Polizeipräsidiums’ in Berlin since 1922, former prisoner of Mauthausen; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Report of the convoy of 46 prisoners which arrived in Mauthausen on September 5. 1944 composed of American and English officers as well as Dutch police-men, who were killed the next two days in Mauthausen; CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, Cards of Belgians or persons probably living in Belgium.  5DYHQVEUFN

A. 295. CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Veränderungsmeldungen, 2 Dec 1942 – 25 Feb 1943; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Veränderungsmeldungen, 30 August 1943 – 18 March 1944. A. 296. CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Veränderungsmeldungen, 21 March 1944 – 31 August 1944. A. 297. CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Bezeichnung der Dokumente, Sthe ‘Grünes Zuwachsblatt’ ; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Namentliche Aufstellung von weiblichen Häftlingen die in der Zeit vom 8. Oktober 1944 (Transport 105) bis zum 18. November 1944 in das Lager kamen; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Zugangsliste des Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück (vom 8. Oktober bis 18. Oktober 1944) von Warschau, 8 Oct 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Zugangsliste des Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück (vom 8. Oktober bis 18. Oktober 1944) von Bozen, 11 Oct 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Zugangsliste des Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück (vom 8. Oktober bis 18. Oktober 1944) von Sachsenhausen, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 18 Oct 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Zugangsliste des Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück (vom 8. Oktober bis 18. Oktober 1944) von Flossenbürg, 12 and 13 Oct 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Zugangsliste des Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück (vom 8. Oktober bis 18. Oktober 1944) von Kroatien (Bosnien), 13 Oct 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Zugangsliste des Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück (vom 8. Oktober bis 18. Oktober 1944) von Buchenwald, 13 Oct 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Zugangsliste des Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück (vom 8. Oktober bis 18. Oktober 1944) von Tilsit, 14 Oct 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Zugangsliste des Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück (vom 8. Oktober bis 18. Oktober 1944) von Breslau, 14 and 15 Oct 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Zugangsliste des Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück (vom 8. Oktober bis 18. Oktober 1944) von Veldes üb. Laibach, 17 Oct 1944; 24

CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Namentliche Liste von Kranken (Frauen) mit Angabe der Diagnose, welche sich im ehemaligen Lager Ravensbrück in Behandlung befinden und sich in die Obhut des Poln. Roten Kreuzes Posen begeben mit dazughöriger Korrespondenz, Nachkriegs-Aufstellung; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Nachkriegs-Aufstellung mit Schriftwechsel des Polnischen Roten Kreuzes betreffend namentliche Liste von Frauen die sich zur Kur und Erholung im ehemaligen Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück befinden; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Namentliche Liste von Frauen welche in Ravensbrück geblieben sind, Nachkriegs-Aufstellung; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Namentliche Liste der Operierten (Frauen), Nachkriegs-Aufstellung; CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Individual cards of information of missing women (+photos); CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, Individual cards of missing women.


A. 298. CAMP RECORDS, Vught, Registration cards. A. 299. CAMP RECORDS, Vught, Registration cards (only partly readable).  'LYHUVHFRQFHQWUDWLRQFDPSV

A. 300-301. CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, Neuzeugänge und Überstellungen von anderen Konzentrationslagern nach Flossenbürg, 1 Sept 1944 – 1 Nov 1944; CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, Registration cards; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration cards. A. 301-302. Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Miranda, Records on repatriation; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Miranda, Liste de Belges internés au camp de Miranda de Ebro et ayant obtenu leur visa de sortir d’ Espagne; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camps Montreuil-Bellay et Linas-Mont Chéry, Etat nominatif des internés de nationalité belge ou se réclamant de la dite nationalité au camp de concentration des nomades Montreuil-Bellay; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camps de Montreuil-Bellay et Linas-Mont Chéry, Relevé des différentes pièces d’ indentité des internés belges ou se réclamant de la dite nationalité au camp de concentration des nomades Montreuil-Bellay; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camps de Montreuil-Bellay et Linas-Mont Chéry, Records on the concentration camp Linas-Mont Chéry; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Mayenne; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Monts (camp de la Lande à Monts), List of inmates; 25

Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Monts (camp de la Lande à Monts), Questionnaire réservé aux évacués obligatoires se trouvant au résidence forcée; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Monts (camp de la Lande à Monts); Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Bois Gillet à Orches (Vienne), List of inmates; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Bois Gillet à Orches (Vienne), Questionnaire réservé aux évacués obligatoires se trouvant au résidence forcée; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Quarré les Tombes (Yonne); Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Reims, Demandes d’ Ausweiss pour la rentrée en Belgique des prisonniers civils du camp de Reims; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on repatriation from the camp Reims; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Bois Gillet à Orches (Vienne), Problème des jeunes gens belges arrivant irrégulièrement de Belgique et qui sont condamnés à Bayonne ou Biarritz soit par la justice allemande, soit par la justice française; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10. camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Saint-Maurice aux Riches Hommes; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10- camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Troyes, List of inmates; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Troyes, Records on persons; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Troyes, Liste de demandes de retour en Belgique; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Troyes, Ressortissants belges demandant leur rapatriement en Belgique; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Tuffé, Liste des étrangers arrivés le 20 novembre à Tuffé (nationalité belge); Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Vibraye, Liste des étrangers arrivés le 20 novembre à Vibraye (nationalité belge); Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Vibraye, Questionnaire réservé aux évacués obligatoires se trouvant au résidence forcée; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Vibraye, Liste des réfugiés belge à Vibraye; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Vibraye, Liste des Hollandais réfugiés à Vibraye; 26

Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Vibraye, Liste des Grèques réfugiés à Vibraye; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Vibraye, Liste des Polonnais réfugiés à Vibraye; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Vibraye, Liste des Tchèques réfugiés à Vibraye; PRISON RECORDS, Lyon, List of internees; PRISON RECORDS, Fresnes, Diverse records; PRISON RECORDS, Dijon, Rapport du Délégué de consulat Général de Belgique à Paris sur la visite aux camps de prisonniers civils belges à Dijon et à Romainville; PRISON RECORDS, Autun, Diverse records; Liste des belges rapatriés d’ Espagne et dirigés vers la Belgique par train direct passant par Liège; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Drancy, Records on repatriation; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp de Chalons s/Marne, Diverse records; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Compiègne, Liste n°4 des internés civils se trouvant au Frontstalag 122 Compiègne; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Drancy, Report on the camp of July 1943; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Eperlecques – Mayer-Quade– Watten; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Fourchambault and list; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Gurs; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp La Motte Beuvron, Records on and lists of inmates; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Ferte Bernard (Sarthe); Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Langeais; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Mans (Sarthe), Liste des étrangers arrivés le 20 novembre au Mans (nationalité belge); Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Bouloire; Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp Berroughia; 27

Archives de l’ Ambassade de Belgique – dossiers Croix Rouge – dossier 10 - camps d’ internement et prisons, Records on the camp d’ internment des Belges dans le département des Ardennes; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Archives de la Creuse – Israélites sursitaires ou inaptes définitifs; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Archives de la Creuse – Liste des Israélites ayant changé de domicile; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Archives de la Creuse – Liste des Israélites convoqués pour le lundi 25 octobre 1943; Liste des entreprises pour lesquelles il a été délivré un certificat d’ usine prioritaire vitale par l’ ingénieur en Chef des Mines de Limoges, 20 Dec 1943; Certificat Usine Prioritaire (Région de Limoges); Instruction concernant la classification d’ entreprises françaises dans la catégorie S/ Betrieb, 30 Dec 1943; Attestation concernant le classement comme entreprise «S», 1943; Liste mise à jour au 25 décembre 1943 des établissements de la Région de Limoges classée «S» par Direction du Ministère de la Production Industrielle; Instruction concernant des contigents pour l’ Allemagne, 16 Feb 1944; PRISON RECORDS, Prison militaire de Ceret, Registre d’ écrou des détenus étrangers de la prison militaire de Ceret (Pyrénées Orientales). A. 303-304. CAMP RECORDS, Liebenau, Diverse material on the camp of internment Liebenau. A. 304-305. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Groβe und kleine Operationen (begonnen am 1. Januar 1942); CAMP RECORDS, Vught, Registration cards. A. 305. CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, Registration cards; List?; CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Registration cards. Remark : unreadable. A. 306. CAMP RECORDS, ?, Card-index. A. 307. Cards – Revieraufnahmen (camps or prisons?); CAMP RECORDS, Photos of persons in camps; CAMP RECORDS, Extract from book/text on camps; CAMP RECORDS, Maps with the concentration camps and their commandos; CAMP RECORDS, Circulaires concernant les camps – camp de Voves – Documents divers sur le camp. A. 308-309. Carcasonne; Fiches individuelles des réfugiés arrivés à Bram; Lists of persons in the camp Bram; Notice de renseignements concernant le camp de Rivel; Notice de renseignements concernant le camp de Bram; Bulletin Hebdomadaire de Renseignements; Individual cards; Individual cards (Oranienburg, divers, Johanngeorgenstadt, Hamburg, Nieder Roden, Flossenbürg, Stuhm, Lublin, Kradischko); Fichier de la Préfecture de Poice des personnes fusillés sous l’ occupation allemande, 12 September 1944.



A. 310-311. CAMP RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Trial of Nuremberg – records of the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine. A. 311. CAMP RECORDS/JUDICIAL RECORDS, Records on the trial of Nuremberg.


A. 312. LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Book/extract from book or text on labor (Überweisung von Lohnersparnissen, Betreuung, Beschäftigungsgenehmigung Arbeitserlaubnis und Befreiungsschein, Arbeitspflicht, Arbeitsbedingungen der ausländischen Arbeitskräfte… ). A. 313. LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Lists of laborers in Germany and France, 1943; LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records on labor; Records on forced labor (Dienstverpflichtung), verordeningen betreffende de dienstverplichting (1942), Lijst van arbeiders afgereisd naar Duitsland (Arbeitsamt Brugge, 1943); Records on Algemeine SS Flandern, aanwezigheidslijsten, lijsten contractbrekers in diverse kolenmijnen. A. 314-319. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Cartes d’ invalidité – Sarre. A. 320. FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Diverse companies Flensburg, List of laborers; Liste der im Landgerichtsgefängnis Flensburg eingesessenen Angehörigen der Allierten Nationen.


A. 321. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial files. A. 322. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial files. A. 323. JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Trèves (Rhénanie), Liste der am 28. Februar 1946 an die französische Militärregierung abgegebenen Krankenblätter der Ausländer; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial records, 1942; PRISON RECORDS, Worms, Register of incarceration, July 1944 – March 1945; JUDICIAL RECORDS, Judicial files – Trèves; Cercle de Wangen – Medical records of Belgians; HOSPITAL RECORDS, Aufstellung der französischen Häftlinge aus dem SS Sonderlager Hinzert, die im St. Josefskrankenhaus in Hermeskeil stationär behandelt wurden; Medical records – medical files Wernigerode, Bitterfeld; Cercle de Mainz – Medical records; FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS, Records from the Arbeitsamt Wangen; Cercle de Worms, Medical records; Cercle de Mayen, List of ill/treated persons; Medical files – Unreadable; Thüringische Landesheilanstalten Stadtroda, Krankengeschichte.


A. 324-326. Bulletin hebdomadaire des renseignements - Direction des renseignements Généraux – Vichy, 7 – 21 June 1943, 26 September 1943 – 1 November 1943, 22 29

November – 12 December 1943, 20 – 30 December 1943, 10 January – 13 February 1944, 27 March 1944 – 23 April 1944; JOURNAL RECORDS, Le Monde du Travail (Organe de la Fédération Provinciale Liégeoise du Parti Socialiste Belge (Liège - Verviers - Huy - Waremme).] - quotidien / édité par Parti Socialiste Belge/PSB. - Liège. - [Quotidien socialiste de combat et d'information.] ); PRESS RECORDS, F.G.T.B. Organe d’ Unité Syndicale Hebdomadaire de la Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique, 8-14 Dec and 15-21 Dec 1945; PRESS RECORDS, L’ Echo de Belgique (Hebdomadaire de Renovation Nationale), 23 and 30 June 1945, 7, 14, 21, 28 July 1945, 4, 11, 18 and 25 August 1945, 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 September, 6, 13, 20, 27 October 1945, 3, 17, 24 November, 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 December 1945, 14, January 1946, 10, 17, 24 February 1946, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 March 1946, 7, 14, 21, 28 April 1946, 5, 12, 26 May, 2, 9, 16 June 1946; PRESS RECORDS, Coeurs Belges – Organe de la Résistance, 1, 15 January 1946, 1, 16 Feburary 1946, 1, 15 March 1946, 1 April 1946; PRESS RECORDS, La Libre Belgique – Nouvelle série de guerre fondée le 15 août 1940, 1 July 1942, 1 June 1942, 15 May 1942, 15 April 1942, 15 December 1941, 1 November 1941, unreadable; PRESS RECORDS, Liberté – Organe de la Fédération Liégeoise du Parti Communiste de Belgique, February 1942; PRESS RECORDS, Libération – Organe du Front de l’ Indépendance de Brabant, June 1942, January 1943; PRESS RECORDS, La Légion Noire, 21 July 1943, 1 January 1943, ?, June 1943, 1 December 1941, 1 January 1942; PRESS RECORDS, Het Kompas, 15 August 1943; PRESS RECORDS, Justice Libre, January 194(2), 15 March 1943, December 1942, September 1942, June 1942, May 1942; PRESS RECORDS, La Voix des Belges – Organe Officiel du Mouvement National Belge, 18 and 15 November 1945, 23 December 1945, 14 July 1946, August 1946, 26 January 1947, 2 February 1947; PRESS RECORDS, Le Maquis - Organe de Défense de toutes les Victimes de la Guerre, August 1945; PRESS RECORDS, Vérité – Organe hebdomadaire officiel du front de l’ Indépendance pour la Thudinie, 24 June 1945, 16 September 1945, 14, 21, 28 October 1945, 4, 18 and 25 November 1945, 9 December 1945, 20 January 1946, 10 February; PRESS RECORDS, Front – Organe National du Front de l’ Indépendance, 5 October 1944, 4 September 1944, 3 June 1945, 4 November 1945, 18 November 1945, 3 March 1946; PRESS RECORDS, La Libération – Hebdomadaire de la Résistance pour l’ Epuration, 14 July 1945, 20 October 1945; PRESS RECORDS, L’ Indépendant – Organe du Front de l’ Indépendance et de l’ Amicale des Prisonniers Politiques Rapatriés d’ Allemagne, 1 November 1943, 20 October 194 ?, 15 December 194 ?; PRESS RECORDS, L’ Insoumis – Bulletin hebdomadaire d’ informations et de combat, contre les mauvais belges, 2 December 1944, 25 November 1944; PRESS RECORDS, Extrait des discours de la séance de Limoges (30 Mai 1940); PRESS RECORDS, L’ Appréciation – revue Politique, economique et financière, 30 September 1944; JOURNAL RECORDS, Le Pays Réel, 1 and 27 Oct 1943; 30

Nota aan de leden van het onderwijzend personeel der Pruissische agglomeratie.


A. 327. GERMAN ARMY RECORDS, Cards of the Wehrmachtsauskunftstelle.

'LYHUVHPDWHULDO  A. 327-328. Liste du personnel de la Légia; Liste de soldats allemands, légionnaires, travailleurs en Allemagne, etc.; Liste des priorités de chargements de Gaz comprimé accordées aux particuliers par l’ autorité allemande; Adresses de légionnaires, travailleurs en Allemagne, etc.; Divers communiqués; Liste de personnes possédant une carte d’ affiliation au Mouvement National Populaire Wallon (Liège); Liste des individus qui suivent régulièrement les séances du tir organisées par les services allemands; Liste du personnel du journal ‘La Légia’ ; Liste de personnes ayant été ravitaillées pendant l’ occupation par l’ autorité allemande militaire et demandant actuellement des cartes de ravitaillement belges; RECORDS ON MÖBELAKTION, Documents de la documentation de la firme ‘Van dyck’ Montigny – Tilleul concernant la ‘Möbelaktion’ à Charleroi; Raport d’ une enquête faite les 14 et 15 avril 1960 par monsieur Dumonceau de Bergendael à Dilbeek et Molenbeek concernant Klahr Maurice; RECORDS ON MÖBELAKTION, Rapport des enquêtes faites par monsieur Dumonceau de Bergendael le 30 et 31 mars 1960 à Bruxelles concernant la Möbelaktion; RECORDS ON MÖBELAKTION, Rapport d’ une enquête faite le 7 avril 1960 par monsieur Dumonceau de Bergendael à Bruxelles concernant la Möbelaktion; DEATH CERTIFICATES, Rapport d’ une enquête faite le 1er avril 1960 par monsieur Dumonceau de Bergendael à Borgloon concernant des sépultures non identifiées au cimetière de Borgloon et dans des localités environnantes; RECORDS ON MÖBELAKTION/RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Rapport d’ une enquête faite le 19 avril 1960 à Liège par monsieur Dumonceau de Bergendael concernant le transport de meubles confisqués à des Israélites pendant la guerre à Liège; Rapport d’ une enquête faite le 6 avril 1960 par monsieur Dumonceau de Bergendael à Charleroi concernant une personne disparue; Rapport d’ une enquête faite le 11 janvier 1960 par monsieur Dumonceau de Bergendael à Bruxelles concernant un accident de travail; Te stellen vragen omtrent de Vlamingen uit Oost- en West-Vlaanderen die krachtens de Duitse verordening dd.12 november 1940 naar Limburg gestuurd werden; PV de la Documentation Générale de la SIPO de Dinant; RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Rapport des enquêtes faites par monsieur Dumonceau de Bergendael le 30 et 31 mars 1960 au sujet du régime subi par les Israélites du camp d’ Overpelt; Bermerkungen über die Behandlung mit Praeparat 3582; Documents of the Office of Chief of Council for War Crimes; 31

CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, Rundschreiben betreffend Aenderung der Haeftlingsportionssaetze, 13 October 1944; Documents of the Office of Chief of Council for War Crimes U.S. Army, Erklärung unter Eid ordentliches Vorstandsmitglied der I.G. Farbenindustrie; Note for Herr. Dr. Ritter on the transfer of construction workers for J-program- protection for the allocation of firms and concentration camp inmates and convicts, 6 May 1944; Notiz für Herrn Dr. Ritter betreffend Abzuege von Bauarbeitern fuer J- Programm/Schutz des Firmeneinsatzes und der Einsatze von Kz-Haeftlingen und Justizstrafgefangenen, 6 May 1944; Notiz betreffend Lage bezüglich Abgabe der 14000 Bauarbeiter, 12 May 1944; Partly unreadable. A. 328. The National Archives – Reference Information Circular N° 39 – Materials in the National Archives relating to World War II. A. 328-329. Cercle de Rottweil – Records on foreigners (Ausländer). A. 330.-331. Records on German nationality. A. 332-333. Archives Départmentales de Limoges.