PLF09*9RO1$SSHQGL[$ &(*(6620$0LFURILOP&ROOHFWLRQ (QJOLVK/DQJXDJH,QYHQWRU\1 %\8QLWHG6WDWHV+RORFDXVW0HPRULDO0XVHXP &DWDORJXHU6RILH'HVFDPSV 6XSHUYLVLRQ3URMHFW+HQU\0D\HUDQG.ODXV0OOHU *HQHUDOLQWURGXFWLRQWR,QYHQWRU\&(*(6620$ 0LFURILOP&ROOHFWLRQ9ROXPH E\6RILH'HVFDPSV This catalogue contains a survey inventory of the contents of the CEGES/SOMA microfilm collection. D PRUH GHWDLOHG KLVWRU\ RI WKLV FROOHFWLRQ FDQ EH IRXQG DW WKH HQG RI WKLV VXPPDU\ The catalogue has been inventoried in six volumes: Volume 1 contains numbers 1160-8033 Volume 2 contains numbers 8034-14907 Volume 3 contains numbers 14908-21781 Volume 4 contains numbers 21782-28650 The basis of the first four volumes follows the original register-numbers. Volume 5 : Appendix A 1-281 A smaller number of microfilms did not have an original registration number. As they are part of the collection and contain relevant materials on concentration camps, we decided to assemble them in an appendix in volume 5: The microfilms received a continuous numeration preceded by the letter A. In this appendix A, we used per category sub-headings such as camps, prisons, labor, Marburg. We also structured the materials from concentration camps following their respective provenance (Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz). Volume 6 : Appendix P 1-532 An estimated 5% of the films have been surveyed prior to this inventory by CEGES archivist Mrs. Isabelle Ponteville. This early partial catalogue was conducted in French and used a more detailed database format (number, description, language, provenance, names and/or keywords). The description covers the numbers 1-982 and 28653-31719 (with most numbers catalogued). We added this catalogue as an appendix (P) as well as translations of key words. 2 ,QWURGXFWLRQWR,QYHQWRU\&(*(6620$0LFURILOP &ROOHFWLRQ9ROXPH Volume 5 : Appendix A 1-281 A smaller number of microfilms did not have an original registration number. As they are part of the collection and contain relevant materials on concentration camps, we decided to assemble them in an appendix in volume 5: The microfilms received a continuous numeration preceded by the letter A. In this appendix A, we used per category sub-headings such as camps, prisons, labor, Marburg. We also structured the materials from concentration camps following their respective provenance (Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz). To facilitate the research for records on a specific subject, we used a classification based on themes. For each category, we chose a main heading (please see listing below). Some of the main headings are followed by names of locations, others are directly followed by the description of the contents. • Camp records CAMP RECORDS, Auschwitz, CAMP RECORDS, Bergen-Belsen, CAMP RECORDS, Buchenwald, CAMP RECORDS, Dora-Mittelbau, CAMP RECORDS, Dachau, CAMP RECORDS, Flossenbürg, CAMP RECORDS, Gross-Rosen, CAMP RECORDS, Lublin-Majdanek, CAMP RECORDS, Mauthausen, CAMP RECORDS, Natzweiler, CAMP RECORDS, Neuengamme, CAMP RECORDS, Ravensbrück, CAMP RECORDS, Sachsenhausen, CAMP RECORDS, Treblinka, CAMP RECORDS, Majdanek CAMP RECORDS, Stutthof CAMP RECORDS, Beaune la Rolande CAMP RECORDS, Gurs, CAMP RECORDS, Les Milles, CAMP RECORDS, Noé, CAMP RECORDS, Pithiviers, CAMP RECORDS, Vernet • Transit camp records TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Malines, TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS, Drancy, • Records on Jewish persons • Prison records PRISON RECORDS, Name of the prison, description of the contents. • Resistance records • Forced Labor Related records Slave Labor Related records 3 • Death Certificates • Press records PRESS RECORDS, Name of the printed publication, date. • Judicial records • Underground press records UNDERGROUND PRESS RECORDS, Name of the underground journal, date. • Gestapo Records • Records on Collaboration • German Army Records • Belgian Army Records • Hospital records HOSPITAL RECORDS, Name of the hospital, Description of the contents. • Hostage records • Majestic records For some of the records, we used combinations of the main categories. Some have a double or even triple main heading. Several records received the double main heading CAMP RECORDS/PRISON RECORDS, containing mostly testimonies on camps (not necessarily concentration camps), prisons or prison camps (Straflager). Another double main heading is JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, used for some official journals. A third grouping is FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS, used for records on persons who refused to carry out forced labor. 0DLQKHDGLQJV &$035(&25'6 This main heading includes all kind of records on concentration- and extermination camps as well as on the .RPPDQGRV of those camps. However, in some cases it is also used to indicate records on labor camps, prison camps (Straflager), even on prisons. Many of the microfilms regarding camps were filmed at the International Tracing Service (ITS) in Arolsen. For camp-related records of the ITS we used a specific description: CAMP RECORDS, Records of the International Tracing Service. These records contain information on individual persons. Besides the ITS, there are also other organisations that produced camp-related records (such as the United Restitution Office). In this case we used the description: CAMP RECORDS, Records of the QDPHRIWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQ. As for the records on concentration camps, the name of the camp is mentioned in its original language followed by a description of the contents (transport lists, lists of internees, reports on camps, testimonies on internment in camps, extract from registers,) 75$16,7&$035(&25'6 Records on Drancy, the main transit camp in France, and the Dossin-Kazerne in Malines/Mechelen, the main transit camp for Jews in Belgium, (lists, testimonies, certificates of internment in the camp, requests for certificates to document the internment in the camp, individual cards). 4 5(&25'621-(:,6+3(56216 Records of Jewish organisations (such as : Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre, Vereeniging van Joodsche Politieke Gevangenen, Comité Israélite des Réfugiés victimes des lois raciales, Centraal Beheer van Joodse Weldadigheid en Maatschappelijk Hulpbetoon, Jodenvereeniging van België, Unie der Joodse slachtoffers van den Oorlog – Union des Juifs victimes de la guerre, Comité Central Israélite, Service Européen des Recherches des Juifs déportés et dispersés). These kind of documents are described as follows: RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS, Records of the QDPHRIWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQ These records contain diverse material on Jewish persons: testimonies, passports, lists, requests for certificates as evidence of looted Jewish property, requests for information on persons, questionnaires on persons, records on looting of property. If you look for records on individual Jews, you can easily find them by looking for the main description RECORDS ON JEWISH PERSONS. Only when we found specific records on individual Jews, we used the description UHFRUGVRQ-HZLVKSHUVRQV. For that reason, we also advise you to check CAMP RECORDS and TRANSIT CAMP RECORDS. Additionally, it could also be interesting to look for JUDICIAL RECORDS/PRESS RECORDS, Moniteur Belge. Sometimes, they include measures on Jewish persons. )25&('$1'6/$9(/$%255(/$7('5(&25'6 Forced labor : Compulsory labor beginning in October 1942. Slave labor : Forced labor in/for concentration camps. This main heading does not only include records on slave and forced labor but also on voluntary labor. It is not always clear whether we are dealing with slave or voluntary workers. Due to the time restrictions of the development of this inventory, we could not make this distinction and instead used a general heading. This main description contains a range of various documents: - FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Specific documents related to labor: convocations, 'LHQVWYHUSIOLFKWXQJVEHVFKHLGH, travel passes,… - FORCED LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Requests to be recognized as a deported forced laborer, decisions of committees on this status. - FORCED AND SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Testimonies: Testimonies from slave laborers on their summons of departure to Germany, internment in a camp, eventually arrest. Mostly, those testimonies do not contain detailed reports. The term ‘testimony’ includes not only testimonies from a slave/forced laborer but also on a slave/forced laborer. - SLAVE LABOR RELATED RECORDS: Lists of persons who worked for a company dependent on a concentration camp. 5(6,67$1&(5(&25'6 As the main heading indicates, this kind of records gathers documents on the resistance and its members (attestation on members of the resistance, testimonies on persons who were arrested for their activities and eventually on the prisons and/or camps where they were imprisoned, testimonies on and from members of the resistance, information forms on members of the resistance, certificates, cards of political prisoners, questionnaires on political prisoners,… Only in a few cases, the organisational structure of resistance is mentioned. I included the (records on) political prisoners under this main heading without indicating their act or reason for detention. 5 Decisions of the Ministerie van Wederopbouw – Aanvaardingscommissie der Politieke Gevangenen en van hun Rechthebbenden (Ministry of Reconstruction – Commission on the status of Political Prisoners) are decisions on the recognition of the status of political prisoners. When a journal/article is about the resistance, we used a double main heading: PRESS RECORDS/RESISTANCE RECORDS. '($7+&(57,),&$7(6 As for the records on labor, the death certificates contain diverse material as death certificates, lists of deceased
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