No. 69.




TUESDAY, 2 JULY, 1895. 1. The Hou,e met purSUltllt to adjournment. The President took tbe Oh air at balf-p"st Four o'clock. Mmnqers Present:- Tbe Honorable Sir J obn Lackey, K.C.M.G., Pre8ident. Tbe Honorable Richard Rytber Steer Bowker, Tbe Honorable Jobn Luc•• , M.D., M.R.C.P., Lond., The Honorable Jobn Macintosb, The Honorable Alexander Brown, The Honorable Charles Kinnai"rd Mackellar, The Honorable William Robert Oampbell, M.B., C.M., The Honorable Samuel Charles. The Honorable Henry Norman MacLaurin, Tbe Honorable George Henry Cox, M.D., LL.D., The Honorable John Mildred Creed, M.R.C.S., The Honorable Henry Mose., The Honorable Thomas Dalton, The Honorable James Norton, L'L.D., The Honorable Henry Carey Dangar, The Honorable Richard Eclward O'eaTInOr, The Honorable John Davies, C.M.G., The Honorable William Hilson Pigott, The Honorable GeOl'ge Day, The Honorable Oharle, Edward Pilcher, Q.C., The Honol'able Andrew Garran, LL.D., The Honorable Sir Arthur Renwick, Kt., M.D., The Honorable Cbarles Augustu, Goodchap, F.R.C.S., The Honorab!e Charles Gilbert Heydon, Tbe Honorable Charles James Roberts, C.M.G., Tbe Honorable Louis Francis Heydon, The Honorable Patrick Lindesay Crltwford Tbe Honorable Ricbard Hill, Shepherd, 'fhe Honorable James Hoskins, 'rhe Honorable Thomas Hawkins Smith, The Honorable Frederick 'rhomas Humphery, l).1he Honorable William Henry Suttor, The Honorable Solomon Herbert Hyam, The Honorable George Tbornton, The Honorable Archibald Hamilton Jacob, The Honorable John Thomas Toohey, The Honorable Henry Edward Kater, The Honorable William J oseph Trick.tt, The Honorable Andrew Taylor Kerr, The Honorable Ebenezer Vickery, The Honorable Philip Gidley King, Tbe Honorable John Henry Want, Q.C., The Honorable Geol'ge Lee, The Honorable J ames Watson, The Honorable George.A1fred Lloyd, The Honorahle Edmnnd Webb, Tbe Honorable William Alexander Long, The Honorable Robert Hoddle Driberg White.

2. CONSOLIDATEO REVENUE FUND BILL (No. 2) ,-The President reported and read tbe following Message from His Excellency the Lieutenant.Governor :- FREDK. M. DARLEY, Mes8age. Lieutenant- Gove'l'nor, A. Rill, intituled, "An Act to appl,1f certain Sums out of the Oonsolidated Revenue 1i'1tnd of t01Oa1'ds the Serviceso.ftlte Year 1895-6,"-a8 finally passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly, having been presented to the Lieutenant-Governor for the Royal Assent, His Excellency has, in the name of Her Majesty, assented to the said Bill, and now transmits it to the Legislative Council, to be numbered and forwarded to the proper officer for enrolment, in the manner required by law. Government House, Sydmey, 1st hly,1895.

3. PUBLIC WORKS CARR:rED OUT BY DAY LABOUR :-Mr. Macintosh presented a Petition from certain persons assembled in Public Meeting at the Builders' Exchange, Pitt-street, , stating that the course now pursued in changing the established custom of. carrying out public works by contra.ct through tender to that of day labour will largely increase the ~ost of such works, and indefinitely extend and perpetuate political patronage j and pra.ying the House to take the matter into con­ sideration, and gra.nt such relief as to the House may seem fit. And requiring that the said Petition sbould he read at length,- Petition read by the Clerk accordingly, and received. 4. 248 MINUTES OF 'rRE FROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLA.TIVB COUNCIL. (2 July, 1895.)

4. PAPERS :-Dr. Garran laid upon the Table the undermentioned papers:- (1.) Report of the Royal Commission to inquire into the case of George Dean. Ordered to be printed. (2.) Amended By-laws of St. Jobn's College, . (3 .) Notification of resumption of land, under the Public Works Act, £01' wharfage accommodation at Alumy Crcek. (4.) Notification of resumption of land, under the Public Works Act, for works of water supply for the town of Armidale. (5.) By-law of tbe Borougb of Bombala. (6.) By-laws of tbe Municipal District of Inverell. (7.) By-laws of the Municipal District of Concord. (8.) Return to an Order made by this House on 27th June, 1895, on motion of Mr. Creed, in reference to Oouncil Bill, forwarded but not dealt witb by the Assembly. 5. STANDING ORDERS CO:llli.UTT'EE-PROPOSED NEW STANDING RULES AND ORDERS :-Mr. Jacob, aa Ohairman, brought up the Report from the Standing Orders Co mmittee, together with a copy of the proposed new Standing Rules and Orders prepared by that Oommittee. Ordered to be printed. 6. LIVE STOCK AND PASTURES :-Mr. Creed having, pursuant to Notice, asked the Vice-Pre~lident of the Executive CouDcil,- (1.) Is it a fact that matters relating to "Live Stock and Pastures H are governed in New South Wales by twenty-two Acts of Parliament; if not, what is the number of Acts dealing with this subject? (2.) Is it a fact that a draft Bill consolidating all these laws is in the possession of the Stock Department, founded on the joint deliberations of the officers of the Department, the various Stock and Pasture Boards, and meetings of stock-owners? (3.) If so, what is the reason of the delay in bringing this Bill before ParEaruent? Dr. Garran replied,- (1 and 2.) Yes. (3.) The state of tbe Government bURiness bas not admitted of the Bill being introduced. 7. NEPEA.N COTTA.GE HOSPITAL BILL (Formal Business), Oil motion of Mr. Trickett, read a third time, and passed. Mr. Trickett then moved, That the Title of this Bill be" An Act to vest in tlte t1'ustees of the Nepean Oottagc Hospital certavn lands of the Pem'ith District Hospital, and to enable the said trustees to deal with tlte said lands for the pu,rposes of tlte said Nepean Oottage Hospital." Question put and passed. Whereupon Mr. Trickett moved, That this Bill be returned to the Legislative Assembly with the following Message :- MR. SPEAKER, The Legislative Council having this day agreed to the Bill, intittlled "An .det to vest in the trustees of tlte Nepean Oottage Hospital ce1·tain lands of the Pem'ith District Hospital, and to enable the said t1'ustecs to deal 'With t/~e said lands fm' the pU1';Poses of the said Nepean Oottage Hosp£tal,"- reLul'os the same to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. '*' ,., '*' :) ,. :) :) '*' ,.. '*' Legislative Oouncil Ohambcr, Syrke;¥, 2nd July, 1895. Question put and passed.

8. MESSAGES FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLy:-The President reported and read the following Messages from the Legislative Assembly:- (1.) Parkes to Condobolin Railway BiIl;- MR. PRESIDENT,- The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill, intituled ,~ .tin Act to sanction the const1'lwtion of a line of 1'ailway from Parkes to OondoboU1~; and to provide that the Oonst1'ucting Autltm·ity shall not be requi1'ed or compelled to make or maintain any fence along tlte said line,"­ presents the same to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly Ohambcr, J. P. ABBOTT, S!ldney, 27th June, 1895. Speaker. BiU, on motion of Dr. Garran, read a first time. Ord"'ed, that the second reading stand an Order of the Day for To-morrow, and that the Bill in the meantime be printed. (2_) Newcastle Harbour Improvements Bill;­ MR. PRESIDENT,- The Legislative Assembly baving this day passed a Bill, intituled ".An .dct to sanction the ea''J'rying out of certain 'works of Iwrb01{,1' improvements at Newcastle, and fm' other pur-poses,"­ presents the same to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly Ohamber, J. P. ABBOTT, Sydney, 28th June, 1895_ Speaker_ Bill, on motion of Dr. Garran, read a first time. Ordered, that the second reading stand an Order of the Day for To-morrow, and that the Bill ID the meantime be printed. 9. SUSPENS(QN OF CERTAIN STANDING ORDERS :-Dr. Garran moved, pursuant io Notice, That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would preclude the passing through all its stages in one day of a Bill, intituled "A Bill to authorise tbe raising of • Loan for the Public Service of the Colony, and for other purposes." . Debate ensued. Question 249 MINUTES 01' THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNOIL. (2 July, 1895.)

Question put. The House divided. Ayes, 9. Noes, 35. Mr. Suttor, Mr. Hyam, Mr. Trickctt, Mr. King, Mr. Jacob, Mr. Humphery, Dr. Go.rran, Mr. C. G. Hoydon, Mr. Taohey, Mr. Webb. Dr. Bawker, Mr. Long, Mr. Goodchap, Dr. M!l.cLaurin, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Want, Mr. O'OonDor, Mr. 1'. H. Smith, Mr. CaropbeU. Mr. Pilcher, Mr. Watson, Tellers, Mr. Shopho,rd. Mr. Moscs, Mr. Ken, Mr. Hoskius, Mr. Day, Mr. Luon!, Mr. Hill, Mr. Macintosh. Mr. Charles, Sir Arthur Renwick, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Dangar, Mr. C. J. Roborts. Mr. Kater, Mr. Pigott, Dr. Mackellar. Mr. L. F. Hoydon, Mr. Lee, Tellers, Mr. Cox, Mr. Brown, Mr. Da.viclI, Mr. Creed. Dr. Norton, 10. CUSTOMS DUTIES BILL-GRAIN OROPS:- (1.) 'Mr. Day presented a Petition from certain persons of Lallarook a.nd its vicinity, praying the House to prevent the caJamity falling on them of a repeal of the existing duties on grain. Petition received. (2.) Mr. Day presented a Petition from certain persons of Pleasant Hills and it. vicinity, with a similar prayer. Petition received.

11. LAND TAX :-Mr. Pigott presented a Petition from the Mayor and Aldermen of the Municipal District of Canterbury, praying the House to reject any mea.sUl'e for the imposition of a Land Tax. Petition received.

12. PARLIAMENTARY ELECTORAT:KS .AND ELEOTIONS ACT AMENDMENT BILL :-Dr. Garran moved, Tha.t this Bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. Question put. The House divided. Ayes, 14. Noes, 26. Mr. O'Oonoor, Tellers, Mr. HyaID, Mr. Wai;son. Mr. Suttor, Mr. Jaoob, Mr. Trickett, Dr. Gnrran. Mr. White. Dr. MacLaurin, Mr. L. F . Heydon, Mr. H umphel'Y, Mr. Cox. Dr. Bowker, Mr. Tool:aey, Mr. W ant, Mr. Lucas, Mr. C. J. Roberts, Mr. Campbell, Mr. KerT, Dr. Norton, Mr. Goodehap, Mr. Lee, Mr. T. H. Smith, Mr. Webb, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Dnngar, Mr. Creed, Mr. Oharles, Mr. Day, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Pigott, Mr. Pilcher. Mr. King, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Macintosh. Mr. Long, Tellers, Mr. Dll.vics, Mr. Rater, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Brown.

Th~ House adjourned, at twelve minutes before Ten o'clock, until To-morrow at Four o'clock p.m.

JOHN J . CALVERT, Olerlc of the Earliamtl11t8.




WEDNESDA.Y, 3 JULY. QUl!:STIONS :- 1. MR. CREED to ask THE V ICE~PREBIDKNT OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL,- (1.) Has Oonstable Alford, who was so severely injured on 1st February, 1894, when assisting to arrest the criminals Montgomel'J and Williams, yet sufficiently recovered to be able to return to duty? (2.) What allowance bas he received whilst he has been disabled? (3.) Is this more than is allowed to any constable of similar grade who is unfit for duty from illness not consequent on injuries received in the meritorious execution of his duty? (4.) Has the Chief Secretary given attention to this case ; if so, on what date was his decision in reference to the allowance to be made to this constable given, and what was it? (5.) Has this direction been acted on by the police authorities j if not, why not? (6.) Do the police authorities desire it to be understood by the members of the Police Force that when a constable risks his life, and is severely injured when arresting dangerously violent criminals, he is to expect no greater consideration than if disabled by ordinary illness arising from no such meritorious cause? 2. MR. OREED to ask THE Y ICE-PRESIDENT OF THE EXECUTIVE OOUNciL,-When will the Address of this House to His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, . asking that the papers in the case of Oaptain Olose be laid upon the Table, be complied with?

GOVERNMENT DUBINEaS-NOTICE OF MOTION:- 1. DR. GA.RRAN to move, That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would preclude the passing of the undermentioned Bills through all their stages in one day,- (1.) An Act to sanction the carrying out of certain works of harbour improvements at Newcastle, and for other purposes. (2.) An Act to sanction tbe construction of a line of railway from P""kes to Oondobolin, and to provide that the Constructing Authority shall not be required or compelled to make or maintain any fence along the said line.

ORDERS OF THE DAY:- 1. Parkes to Condobolin Railway Bill; second reading. 2. Newcastle Harbour Improvements Bill j second reading.

GENERAL DrrBINESS-NOTICES OF MOTIONS:- 1. MR. PnCHER to move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Oonstitution Act, 18 and 19 Victoria cap. 54, in certain particulars, aod to provide for the appointment of future Members to the Legis­ lative Oouncil of New South Wales, the maximum number of such Members, and for regulating the power of veto to be exercised by the Oouncil

2. MR. JA.COB to move, That this House now agrees to and adopts the Standing Rules and Orders, as brought up and ordered to be printed on th€'l 2nd instant, and authorises the President to present such Standing Rules and Orders to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor for approval.

THURSDA.Y, 4 JULY. GENERAL BUSINESS-ORDER OF THE DAY;- 1. No Liability Miuing pompa.nies Bill; second reading.


1. Eight Hours Bill j second reading.
