BATTLER, Ting Glance of Mr
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Front the .ontsviLIo Journal, of Monlay. They are more pitiless than the Arch fien.1, likely you may bo there in person JACK, The W-SJO- THE FINE Thorough Bred Stallion, ' Denmark, Tli i; I'll ion of tins Caijiiitiitioa arid the under cirtuwutaaces more fiyorabiO to a gtvea ;.lr. Hay the ccmmission of HN MMURTItY,L Washington Euiorc.",i:ietit of the Laws." i;:2"tn of pity sent iii:a to you with some blank bouks and i YOUNG COMPROMISE, r-0 t!ii.-- SOVEREIGN, JR., Yet the ab i:i extreme and ojher blanks, to aid ia the reconstruction, ARCHITECT. diBtinfuished Clav, in hd' tneraorabla ppinoh heforo monstrous stage of their development, bavo Ho will explain tho manner of using the th.e bi cf . Mr. GFFICE-Fa- k'i Corner, 2d Floo, WILL Rt,b" TyiLLsUad the present Tni8 and sweepstake Lsi-.Utur- of Konucky ia 1S50, the Rudnery to erect thair super infernal blank'; also, my gsnoril views on the suh-- s ftwt&pija ert S. Taylor, in Clarke tha t 1 aca.9wu mauiw stallion will make bis 4ih of Lienry is Corner of .Hal a and Upper Streeti, lt Kentucky Elver Turnpike, lead- - st ur andard ia F ght of the prive ject. It dssirsble for all to but V- mihes North-eas- t of season my stable "Lf the as'taiioo. in reference to tbo fugi- from the Winchster pik to Combr F trry, at three Clf, and t call upn t.'ie pilriot of Ken ; if irrecor.ciliible differences of opinion arise, lej - miles fi xrtu of should and in- i Lexingtoi, sear Sanders- the .ewtowa pike, tive slave sUva Uv coatinm to in the you are I Ky. and will 8rr jsnneuai will serve mares lead lucky uai.e wi'h them co'npjft:rg ranter. wish the thing done in LEXINGTON, money d ua within th leaion). wioi,(itbai vl!l, nd will serve mares at Tea Dollar! the anl at SIS to Insure a mare la crease and bccomo alarinirj?, it will to 'Ihaason foal, the money soon as Is ruin at tin jiro contemplation of whicU be the most spnedy way possible, so that when ommenoed and will expire with ta year, with seajuD, ,atab'e the first of July. Any mare not due ai the feet ascer formation of two pariiea, ono for the twenty-fiv- e or mare ihs tot charitably supposed they woo'd shrink bark done it be within tho range of my late proc practical kaowleda of of rsturnicg the jennet if u Joea provlcg In foal gas be bred again the fallowing tained tbe parted with. Mare from a tbo Union. V years experience buildi02, and extenaive tie privilege dlstanoe kept to any manner desired by the Cnioaand the ctber rgainst W no la not prove in lose It, the leasoa, season free ef charge. In the event he is told, all m dipmy and horror. is simple lamation oa that subject. Tho detail of la observation Kurope, as a in foa!,orhoold ext owner a fair price. Pie-on- t parlies have been created by division in well the Stated, of thejwk. mares net proving ia foal the season money will at 6 provided we are then the oaorii enout;'i to imagine, thai, in tho presence of bor wiil of cour-- havo to be done by others. 1 believe myseti eompatent. ana will to be He of opini'in aa to tha system of national po!i endeavor Good graaf farnisbsd at $1 por menth, aud grain refunded. be bs proved himself a fine all this and rt'.ii. the patriots cf Ken but I slul! be greatly obliged if yon will give discharge all duties entrusted te me to tae inter- breeder as his eolts will show. Description & Pedigree. to Gunc--- fne lo, or protection, ?u:. fed on reasoaable terme if d'sired. All cere will oy is tr. mcky will a ear to tho yoics of it you est asdsatiiifaetioa of oy employers. Wat He Is a black, haadeomely marked with a star. I turn such general supcrvisioi as can fiad betaken to preveat aeeidenti or escapes, it-- improvement of an lorbor?, tha DESCRIPTION A PEDIGREE. - rvsis Henry (Jlav, brsvhinsj tha added spell of consistent with your strictly military duties. "It is admitted by all having experienee in snob reeponsibilityihould any ecenr. and ens white foot, sixteen bands high. Bis ae- dis'-ri'W- of tbo of toe pabro Komr.EitiS, Is years bean- - .i in proved save mon Ja., i old this spring, tion, eoustiteuion, gaits and style plate him ahead deaih, and ircle down like so many charmed A. Lincoln." matters, that an arohitect can and will of all horses of &i; but the at stems of policy spring ey, (produce ooraforts) and appearances of ele- Pedigree and Description. tifol bay, lSU bands high, with Sae action and his class. Uls grand sire and land. hinis into t'.e artioula'.ing jaw.s cf abolition grand dam thorongh-bred- , of tha itddiiitist ration "f tho govern Tho expedition, numbering G,000 or 7,000, gance, on an avertge of ten times what he eoeta." TOUKO COMPROMISE was bred by Mr. Levi appearaoee:by imp HuvcroigM. dam Bellamira,by his ether in? out is:u? The notion is absurd. Kentucky has imp ilona'ch; dam Kitty Heath, by American strictly saddle stock. all their iotetent and was placed by Gilmore's order under Gener- ocK7ilti(? Arttnan, Prewitt.of Favette eounty. Ve w throe year Id niaot of the Union of ill u l,l 3d dam Pomona, by 4th dam In the way of recommending bim to stratvgers, pioved nobly tru to tha cooafel her 3 al Seymour, and Rear Admiral fur- lnal Ra,.l.,nl,.r bluck, with mexly note anl Laupie: B:r Alfred; Union is :o be Dahlgren - tJ I e importance if that tiinus soa ia respect to tho disunionists; and hpecial attention given to maainring and estl- Mi. ixtecB taEds hisrh, and h lew if anv to by ir Harry; (th daa Pomona. Imported by state that he has taken more saddle end sweep-sUk- iti Seance b.'fore nished three gunboats. The particulars of mating all kinds of work in the building line. Worth, own brother to Waxey; 6th dam Comedy, and general utility premiums any Tuty nk into utter insin'. she will pr.eve no', lass true) to his counsel in equal Mm in form or sublance. Ho was eired by than e these operations are given, which by liutptrd; 7th dam Hnneamanca, by Highflyer; stallion in Sentueky. His eolts were shown all important, perva-w- and p,n::i"-- i t have been All orders through the Post Office or other- the groat Compromise; hisdam a very finejonnet lest the rosp-ec- to tbo r.bjluuiiHts; occiuseshe can- ;ypner, fall at Paris and Cynthia from of the Union and the platform .substantial! communicated to the press wise will be promptly attended to. by Blak Semfon; grand dam the celebrated atn dam by Pqutrrei; tb dam by Rega n, three year eld interest itlf, not be 'alse to tho latter, as she cia'd not be 21 ins; lutn aara by ri&rtiett's L'bilders; dam by down to tucking eolts, and when thero were more will be the Uni m of tho heretofore. march bi breeding jennet Black Mcllv. by Old Warrior. nth of that Union party to the f.T.ner, without being fahe to herself. UOUKRT 8. TAYLOR, Heueywood'rf Arabian; 12th dam Byerly mare dam than one in the ring, it was premium and certia- - of the The Constitution a id the E iforcement be false to E. BATTA1LE. ol me two a rue Bine. eate. first eolt he sired was the premium lu She in truth could not eitner JAd. sweepstake, l'emans Law; and, if it should ho accordingly form 0O"We have heard rumors for several Clarke eo. april 1J frO JAMES C. MOSTAOTE. the desiring to raise horsee wirhont beioS false to both as well as to her- inarch JS that will answer throe purposes, to ride, drive 1 announce rays.df, in thU place, a mem tl ed, self. Hc-- coi'.ception of tiJility to the Union days of an invasion of Kentucky by the in Kentueky I hereby certify that tho above vedigra and and look at, will do welt to call and seaW. D. Union party, v hatever may te of the FINEST JACKS ber of that involves fidelity to the Constitution. She ONE ean be seen at my farm S miles fipm description is correct, and I regard all of Vie Young before breeding. He will not bo shown anywheie Sir, I go further; rebel forces. The following, which we among the best Kentucky. The Fine Trotting Bred Stallion, its component clement. will bo faithful to both in the future a3 in Newtown, on the Newtowa and Leesburg turn- crosses ia this season. Mares lett with the horse will have and r ntidsnce in this find in the Louisville Democrat of Thurs He LEVI PRKWITT. my personal attention. All care to pre- I have had grant hopes the pe,st. They who think otherwiso will pike. is three years old, sixteen hanus high, AMERICAN CLAY, taken principles of the Whig party, as haing most day, relates to the subjest: blaok, with mealy nose, and of fine vent accidents or escapes, but sot responsible bo apt to stare with amazement, when, at JOHN M.