Abbreviations and Bibliography
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ABBREVIATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Albeck Hanoch Albeck, Sifah Sidre, Misnah, Seder Zera'im (Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1957) Arak. 'Arakin Aruch Alexander Kohut, ed., Aruch Completum, 8 vols. (Vienna 1878-92; second edition, 1926), and Supplementary Volume, ed., Samuel Krauss et al. (Vienna, 193 7) A.Z. 'Abodah Zarah b. Babli, Babylonian Talmud; ben, "son of," as in "Simeon b. Gamaliel" Bacher Wilhelm Bacher, Die Agada der Tannaiten (Strassling, 1903) B.B. Baba' Batra' Beer-Holtzmann G. Beer and 0. Holtzmann, eds., Die Mischna: Text, iiberset::;ung und ausfiihrliche Erkliirung, I. 7-8 Seder Zera'im: Maaserotl Mauser Sheni by Wolfgang Bunte (Berlin, 1962) Bek. Bekhorot Bert Obadiah b. Abraham of Bertinoro, d.c. 1500, Commentary to Mishnah, in Romm edition of Mishnah Bes. Be~ah Bik. Bikkurim Blackman Mishnayoth, I. Order Zeraim. Pointed Hebrew text, English transla tion, introductions, notes ... by Philip Blackman (London, 1955; second edition, New York, 1964) B.M. Baba' Mesi'a' B.Q Baba' Qamma' B.R. Julius Theodor and Chanoch Albeck, eds. Midrasch Bereschit Rabbah (Berlin, 1903-1936) Bunte See Beer-Holtzmann Celsus Aulus Cornelius Celsus. De Medicina, W. G. Spencer, trans. (Cambridge, MA, 1935-1938) Columella Columella. De Re Rustica, trans. H. B. Ash, et al. (London, 1941-1955) D Tosefta, editio princeps (Venice, 1521) Dalman, Arbeit Gustav Dalman, Arbeit und Sitte in Paliistina, 8 vols. (Gutersloh, 1928- 1942) Danby The Mishnah, trans. Herbert Danby (London, 1933) Dem. Dem'ai Deut. Deuteronomy Dorland W. A. N. Dorland, ed., Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (Philadelphia, 195 7) E Tosefta, MS. Erfurt. See Lieberman. pp. 8-11 Ed. 'Eduyot EJ Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 19 7 2) Er. 'Erubin Ex. Exodus Feliks Yehuda Feliks, Ha-Haqla'ut be'eres_yiira'el bitqupat ha-mifnah veha-tal mud (Tel Aviv, 1963) Gereboff Joel Gereboff, Rabbi Tmfon: 1he Tradition, the Man, and Early Rabbinic Judaism (Missoula, 1979) 2374 INTRODUCTION Git. Gittin GRA Elijah b. Solomon Zalman ("HaGa'on Rabbi 'Eliyahu," or "Vilna Gaon," Lithuania. 1720-1797), Mishnah commentary in Romm edition of Mishnah (Vilna, 1908); Tosefta emendations in Romm edition of Babylonian Talmud (Vilna, 1886) Green W. S. Green, ed., Approaches to Ancient Judaism, Vol. I (Missoula, 1978), Vol. II (Chico, 1980) Guthrie H. H. Guthrie, Jr., s.v., "Tithes," in H. Buttrick, ed., The Inter preter's Dictionary qf the Bible (Nashville, 1962), 4:654-655. Hag Hagigah HD Hasde David, David Samuel b. Jacob Pardo, ed. [Tosefta com mentary], I. Seder Z,era'im (Livorno, 1776) Hul. Hulin Jaffee Martin Jaffee, Mishnah's Theology qf Tithing: A Study qf Tractate Maaserot (Chico: Scholars Press, 1981) Jastrow Marcus Jastrow, A Dictionary qf the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi and the Midrashic Literature, 2 vols. (New York, 1895-1903) JE The Jewish Encyclopedia, ed. Isidore Singer (New York, 1901) Kasovsky Chayim Yehoshua Kasovsky, Thesaurus Mishnae: Concordantiae ver borum etc., 4 vols., rev. ed. (Tel Aviv, 1967) Kasovsky, Tosdfa Chayim Yehoshua Kasovsky, Thesaurus Thosephthae: Concordantiae verborum etc., 6 vols. (Jerusalem, 1932-1961) Kel. Kelim Ket. Ketubot Kindler Arie Kindler and Ernst Klimowsky, The Function and Pattern qf the Jewish Coins and the Ciry-coins qf Palestine and Phoenicia (Jerusalem, 1968) Klimowsky Ernst Klimowsky, On Ancient Palestinian Coins, their /iymbolism and Metrology (Tel Aviv, 1974) KM Joseph b. Ephraim Karo, Kesep Mifneh, commentary to Maimo nides' Mishneh Torah, in standard editions of the latter Krauss Samuel Krauss, Talmudische Archiiologie, 3 vols. (Leipzig, 1910-1912) Lev. Leviticus Lieberman Saul Lieberman, comm., The Tosdfa According to Codex Vienna, with Variants ftom Codex E:fort, Genizah MSS. and Editio Princeps, I. The Order qf Z,era'im (New York, 1955) Lieberman, Hellenism Saul Lieberman, Hellenism in Jewish Palestine (New York. 1950) Lieberman, TK Saul Lieberman, Tosdfa Ki-:fthutah: A Comprehensive Commentary on the Tosdfa, I. Order Z,era'im, 2 vols. (New York, 1955) Loew, AP Immanuel Loew, Aramiiische Iflan:;:.enname (Leipzig, 1881) Loew, Flora Immanuel Loew, Die Flora der Juden, 4 vols. (Vienna and Leipzig, 1926) Ma. Ma'aserot Maim. Maimonides (Moses b. Maimon 1135-1204), Kitab es-Sirqj [Mish nah commentary] in Romm edition of Mishnah Mak. Makkot MB Min! Bikkurim, comm. Samuel Avigdor b. Abraham Karlin, in Romm ed. of Babylonian Talmud Me Me'ilah Meg. Megillah Mekh. Mechilta d'Rabbi Ishmael, ed. H. S. Horovitz and I. Rabin (Jeru salem. 1970) Men. Menahot M.Q Mo'ed Q;ltan .