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6 : A GLOBAL PLAYER Welcome letter by Sandra Reed

8 MGMX 2019: AN INVALUABLE TOOL Welcome letter by Jaime Salazar Figueroa





32 NORTH MY MEETINGS ON THE BORDER CY MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 CMY This guide is produced by Meetings Alliance LLC. 36 CENTRAL K Every effort has been made to ensure the MEXICO’S INDUSTRIAL POWERHOUSE accuracy of the contents. Neither the authors nor the publisher will be 46 PACIFIC COAST responsible for any errors THE COAST WITH THE MOST or omissions.

56 YUCATAN Copyright © 2019 by Meetings Alliance, LLC. MAYAN MEETINGS All rights reserved.

62 GULF COMMITMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY MEETINGS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO Meetings Alliance is committed to combating human trafficking and the commercial sexual 66 QUINTANA ROO exploitation of children. As a socially responsible THE INCOMPARABLE MEXICAN CARIBBEAN company, Meetings Alliance stands firm in our resolve to create awareness of these crimes by utilizing our professional 74 SOUTH resources. We ask our business FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE COAST partners to do the same. WELCOME


Dear Meeting Professional, Thank you for your interest in Mexico as host for your next destination meeting or event. If you’ve already visited this fascinating country and know of its endless possibilities for both work and play, we’re happy to have you back and look forward to sharing what’s new in its ever- evolving meetings industry. If this is your first glimpse of Mexico, we are honored to be your window into one of the world’s top meeting destinations. At Meetings Alliance we continue to work proactively to connect you with the right professionals and venues and have as seamless an experience as possible, which is why this year we have formed an alliance with Mexican Meetings Industry Council, or COMIR by its acronym in Spanish. COMIR is made up of and represents twelve associations and organizations that conform the meetings industry in Mexico, serving as their spokesperson with the federal and local government agencies to promote the segment, and working Sandra Reed to standardize the subject matter and language of Mexico’s meetings industry across international boundaries. As you might be aware, the new year has brought Mexico into a transition period with a new government and a new president. It will be interesting to see the country’s top performing industries evolve in 2019, but it’s safe to say that within the meetings industry all forecasts are stable. Within the pages of the 2019 Meetings Guide to Mexico you will find a comprehensive look at destinations, new and notable infrastructure countrywide, and vital industry-specific information to help you choose your next event venue. This printed edition is complemented by a frequently-updated digital online version that will provide you with expanded information including lists of top hotel properties with meetings facilities, DMCs, PCOs, and much more, available at www.meetingsalliance.com. On behalf of Mexico’s thriving business events industry, we look forward to guiding you through the best of what this country has to offer the international MICE segment and we encourage you to choose Mexico as your next successful meetings destination.


Sandra Reed Director Meetings Alliance

We are the main source of information that connects international meeting planners with Mexico’s MICE segment.



Dear readers, The meetings industry is one of Mexico’s most powerful drivers of growth, generating 1.8% of the GDP, which represents 3.17 times the GDP generated by the sum total of concerts, shows, and every type of amateur and professional sports events, including all of the country’s leisure activities. Given this, the Meetings Industry is equivalent to 17.50% of the country’s total GDP generated by tourism as measured by the Mexico Tourism Satellite Account (CST 2014) and represents 18.8% of the country’s total hotel occupancy.* Beyond the economic spillover throughout the extensive value chain, the increase in per capita spending per visitor, and an improved hotel occupancy, Mexico also benefits from the academic and social spillover, as the industry promotes the professionalization of its citizens via presentations by top speakers on a national and international level, the networking be- tween participants, and the creation of productive jobs in an industry that’s both sustainable Jaime Salazar Figueroa and socially responsible. The Mexican Meetings Industry Council, COMIR by its acronym in Spanish, is the entity that integrates and represents the 12 most important associations of the meetings industry in Mexico to promote and defend their interests before the government, legislature, and other organizations both national and international, and is dedicated to the promotion of the profes- sionalization and development of all of the sector’s participants. As President of COMIR, I am pleased to present to you an invaluable tool that can be relied upon to provide relevant and up-to-date information on the MICE industry in Mexico: The Meetings Guide to Mexico.


Jaime Salazar Figueroa President COMIR

* Source: Mice Market Plus Consultants with information from “The Economic Relevance of Meetings” SECTUR/ 8 CPTM 2016 that uses data from 2014. EXICO IS A COUNTRY OF EXTRAORDINARY Mexico has an ample variety of convention and expo natural and cultural wealth that has taken centers with spaces that range from 13,000 ft² (1,208 m²) to advantage of its status as a leader in world 960,000 ft² (89,187 m²) located in more than 56 destinations tourism to distinguish itself in the competitive that include big cities, beaches, and colonial cities. Every Meetings Industry, presenting meeting and event year there are improvements and expansions to the venues, planners with an incomparable offer. not to mention new meeting spaces. The hotel infrastructure The numbers tell the story: according to the latest report is also on trend: during the National Meetings Industry published by the International Congress and Convention Convention (CNTR) held in Zacatecas in August 2018, it was Association (ICCA), the country is 22nd in International announced that between 2018 and 2019 hotel investments in Meeting Tourism and is in the top 5 in Latin and North Mexico could reach up to $5 billion, mainly to destinations America in the number of congresses (2017). In fact, such as Los Cabos, Cancun, Riviera Maya, Puerto Vallarta, according to the MICE Travel Report from IBTM Americas, and the Riviera Nayarit. Most of this investment is in ultra- Mexico captured 44% of the meetings tourism, events, luxury and five-star properties, with dedicated space for conventions, and incentives in Latin America between 2016 meetings and events. and 2017. On par with its excellent infrastructure, Mexico has also This ranking could very well improve once events data for emphasized the education of industry professionals, training 2018 is posted: the Strategic Information Portal for Mexico’s them on different topics including the segment’s value chain, Meetings Industry (PEIIR) has informed the sector reported event planning and marketing, segment promotion, the latest growth during the third bimester of 2018 versus the same market trends, the creation of unique experiences, the use period last year, despite external uncertainties such as the of the latest technology, and more, elevating the country’s economy in general, the renegotiation of the North American competitiveness. Free Trade Agreement (now United States-Mexico-Canada Associations such as MPI Mexico, PCMA Mexico, and the Agreement), and last year’s presidential elections. Mexican Association of Fairs, Exhibitions, and Conventions Every year Mexico welcomes more than 266 thousand (AMPROFEC) spearhead the education and certification of these events with over 29 million attendees. This translates professionals. Meanwhile, the creation of entities such as the into 30 million room nights and a revenue that equaled Mexican Meetings Industry Council (COMIR) and the Mexico 1.8% of the country’s GDP. This important impact in the City Meetings Industry Association (ATR CDMX), together with economic development of the country encourages the the strengthening of the different destinations’ own conventions constant improvement of the offer and highlights the strong and visitors bureaus, ensure that meeting planners can find the advantages the country has over its competitors: an ideal support they need for their events, meetings, and conventions. location, connectivity, infrastructure, accessibility, excellent There’s no doubt the meetings industry is a priority in value for the money, and a mature supply chain. Mexico. Please join us in exploring its many possibilities 11 EXICO, THE SECOND MOST COMPETITIVE ECONOMY in Latin America and one of the leading destinations in meetings and conventions, is known for continually investing in the segment. Below is a look at Mexico’s newest and most relevant infrastructure.


Year after year, Los Cabos surprises the industry with the quantity and quality of its resorts —and 2019 is no exception. Among the several ultra-luxury hotels that are opening this year is Zadún, A Ritz-Carlton Reserve, with 115 suites and villas —each one with a personal butler—, one of most exclusive spas in the area, and a 27-hole golf resort featuring three distinct courses designed by two of the sport’s legendary figures, Greg Norman and Jack Nicklaus, among many other features. It will also have a well-equipped business center and space for private meetings and events. The new Hard Rock Hotel Los Cabos is a high-end all-inclusive with 639 rooms and a total of 55,000 ft² (5,110 m²) of space for meetings divided among 22 rooms and a high-tech business center. The Nobu Hotel, the first in Mexico backed by actor Robert de Niro and Chef Nobu Masuhisa, has 200 oceanfront rooms with 14,000 ft² (1,300 m²) of meeting space in 11 rooms with a business center. Mar del Cabo, a boutique offering with only 46 rooms, is perfect for exclusive C-suite stays —it has a single meeting room with 153 ft² (14 m²), perfect for 180 people. The Los Cabos International Airport is undergoing upgrades to welcome a growing number of flights and international visitors. The work is expected to be finalized mid-year and includes the expansion and integration of Terminal Building 2 with Terminal Building 3.


There are several infrastructure projects on tap for 2019 in Puerto Vallarta, among them a new terminal for international flights at thePuerto Vallarta International Airport, and the renovation and modernization of the Cruise Terminal. There are two pending projects in the latter: the Puerto Vallarta Aquarium that will house 300 species of marine life and will be one of the top three in the country along with the ones at Veracruz and Mexico City, and the Hacienda Tequilera, both part of what is being called the Puerto Mágico. 13 WHAT’S NEW AMERICAS The Riviera Nayarit has plans throughout 2019 that include the opening of new resorts and the expansion of already-established properties. This year will see the grand opening of Marival Armony Punta de Mita with 260 rooms and an Iberostar Where 1000s of meetings, events and incentives property in Litibú with 300 rooms; and the Grand Sirenis Matlali is already in its second stage of its luxury development and will open an additional 140 suites. La Tranquila Resort has plans for a remodel that will include a name change to Conrad Playa Mita; industry decision makers meet to share their and the renowned Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita is expected to finish its $30 million re-do this year. The Four Seasons has 147 rooms and 3,178 ft² (344 m²) of meetings space indoors in addition to its lovely outdoor spaces. The Reflect Krystal Grand passion for EVENTS! Nuevo Vallarta opened in February with 410 rooms and suites, and an ample 16,000 ft² (1,486 m²) of indoor space for meetings and several outdoor areas. Its Flamingos ballroom can welcome up to 1,500 attendees. Mazatlán continues on trend with new projects and improvements to its existing infrastructure, which includes the renovation of the Historical Center and the expansion Save the date: May 29th to May 30th, 2019 of the Malecón (Boardwalk), as well as the complete renovation of the Teodoro Mariscal baseball stadium. Still pending is the Mazatlan Central Park project that will Centro Citibanamex include bike paths, a picnic area, restaurants, and a new thoroughfare for cars. It will Mexico City also be home to the new Sea of Cortez Aquarium (2020) and the City Museum. Work has been started on the Pueblo Bonito Centro Histórico, a 50-room boutique hotel, and construction is expected to begin on a Sheraton hotel in the northern part of the city. The Pueblo Bonito property in the Golden Zone is undergoing a $25 million • Join 500 suppliers from across remodel that will be finished mid-year. The Americas , host of the 2019 Tianguis, is ready to welcome providers, buyers, and journalists from around the world. The Paseo del Pescador, one of the port’s • Quality one-to-one meetings most traditional attractions, has been redone. The Acapulco International Airport More than 50 expert speakers inaugurated its new terminal less than a year ago, which increased its passenger • capacity by 50 percent. Hotel refurbishments include the Pierre Mundo Imperial, the • Dozens of networking Princess Mundo Imperial, and El Grand Hotel Acapulco by Dreams Hotels & Spa with 605 rooms. The XTASEA zip line, which extends across the Bay of Puerto Marques, has opportunities added new launch options as part of its renovation, as well as the remodel of its exit platform. The Thompson recently opened its doors in this beachside resort town. Previously the Viceroy, the 54-suite boutique hotel is located on Zihuatanejo’s Playa la Ropa and is ideal for executive clients that expect privacy and luxury. It offers space for corporate events of up to 200 people and two rooms for small meetings of 12 to 50 attendees.


The W Retreat & Spa Kanai at the Riviera Maya will open this year with 180 rooms, an enormous spa, and more than 10,500 ft² (976 m²) of indoor and outdoor space, plus 7,500 ft² (697 m²) of event space. Also opening in 2019, The St. Regis Kanai Riviera Maya, with 124 rooms and suites, 32 villas, two golf courses designed by José María Olazabal and Nick Faldo, and a Remède Spa. Cancun recently welcomed the Royalton Suites Cancun Resort & Spa, an all- inclusive resort with 180 luxury suites and the exclusive SkyClub for adults-only. The Paradisus Cancun inaugurated 75 Ocean View Luxury Junior Suites in March of this year, for a total of 658 oceanfront suites. AMResorts is currently remodeling the Grand Oasis Sens, which will reopen in June as the Now Emerald Cancun with 427 rooms, and the Grand Oasis , which will become the 360-room Sunscape Akumal Beach Resort & Spa. At year’s end the company will open the Now Natura Riviera Cancun with 556 rooms only 10 miles (17 km) from the Cancun International Airport. The first Marriott International Renaissance-branded hotel has opened its doors: Renaissance Cancun Resort & Marina has 180 rooms in Puerto Cancun’s new marina and several meeting rooms, a room for executive meetings, and an ocean view terrace www.ibtmamericas.com Host City Media Partner for events. In Playa Mujeres, Atelier & Estudio Playa Mujeres, a member of Preferred Hotels & Resorts, offers 608 rooms between the two all-inclusive properties —one for Follow us #IBTMAmericas families and one adults-only— and 14,900 ft² (1,384 m²) of meeting space in its own convention center. The new Paradisus Playa Mujeres is an all-inclusive hotel with 498 rooms and Contact: +52 (55) 8852 6210 / [email protected] 14 suites with four business centers and a grand ballroom for up to 1,500 people, as well

Organized by The ibtm® is trade mark of Reed Exhibitions Limited, used under license. WHAT’S NEW

as restaurants and open-air spaces for events. Palladium Hotel Group opened two EXICO’S TRANSITION TO A NEW GOVERNMENT SPARKED properties at the end of 2018: Grand Palladium Costa Mujeres Resort & Spa, a family a series of changes and challenges on many levels, including within hotel with 673 rooms, and the TRS Coral Hotel, with 473 rooms for adults only. The the country’s tourism promotion and its influential meetings industry. resorts share a convention center with space for up to 1,380 attendees The closure of the Mexico Tourism Board and its offices worldwide could be seen by some to have left event planners without a centralized source of information to meet the needs of the MICE market. However, CENTRAL from these changes, solutions have arisen that not only promise to maintain the growth of the segment, but also to increase its projection. The Ritz-Carlton, Mexico City is set to open this year with 153 rooms. Located “I think that it’s a great opportunity for the associations to take the leadership on between floors 36 and 47 of Chapultepec Uno, the hotel will offer unimpeded views the promotion of Mexico and become that source of information that the American of the famous Chapultepec forest and castle from its guestrooms, event rooms, and meeting planners, and planners around the globe, are looking for,” said Eric restaurants. Grupo Posadas inaugurated the Fiesta Americana Mexico Satélite, Álvarez, CMP, CASE, President of Destination Services of Mexico, current president expanding the room offer in this business and industrial area. Located in the Sentura of the National Association of DMCs (AMDEMAC), and member of the Mexican Shopping Center, it has 223 guestrooms and a business center, four meeting rooms, an Meetings Industry Council (COMIR). “Right now, our associations are contacting the open common room, and event rooms. specific destinations directly and with great success —Mexico City, Cancun, Merida, Guadalajara, capital of Jalisco, has a total of 16 new hotels with another 8 in the Guadalajara, Monterrey, for example— so they can move outside the ‘umbrella’ of process of obtaining building permits. Among the top projects is Midtown Jalisco that Mexico as a country and begin promoting themselves independently. To me, it’s a opened in December 2018 in the city’s financial district near the Expo Guadalajara expo natural step that had to be taken and I’m very pleased that it’s happening.” center. The mixed-use project includes accommodations at the Hilton Guadalajara According to Álvarez, the destinations’ offer is mature enough to work Midtown with 225 rooms and offers a swimming pool, a gym, and an event room, as with the promotion, management, and coordination of major congresses well as restaurants, boutiques, green areas, galleries, movies, and a supermarket. The and events. Associations such as COMIR and the new Mexico City Meetings most outstanding characteristic of Midtown Jalisco is its 27-story office building, one of Tourism Association (ATR), among others, are taking the lead in the promotional the tallest in the city. advertising and coordinating with the different destinations and tourism bureaus so they can provide better marketing and more destination-specific information to meeting planners according to their needs, besides providing strong support when NORTH dealing with the formalities involved in carrying out a successful event. And therein lies the future of the meetings industry in Mexico: when destinations Monterrey recently welcomed the Showcenter Complex, located in the Valle promote themselves, they have the opportunity to focus their efforts directly on the Oriente area in the municipality of San Pedro Garza García, bordering Monterrey. planner that is most compatible with their offer. “In other words,” Álvarez said, “it’s a It offers 75,347 ft² (7,000 m²) of space ready to welcome up to 6,000 people in great advantage for event planners to be able to contact the associations directly, which different configurations and is ideal for concerts, Broadway-style shows, symphony in turn feel free to actually make suggestions and put the planners in contact with the performances, expos, fashion shows, and corporate events. The Cintermex providers and destinations that best fit their program. It’s going to translate into better- complex has finished the 4th stage of expansion on its western side (Fundidora located events and a more streamlined information process with the meeting planners.” Avenue); with this it concludes an important increase in its infrastructure, expanded At press time the changes in government were still recent, but the plans to parking, plus a new façade and entry into the complex. The Westin Monterrey overcome the challenge were already on the table and the associations have Valle will open mid-year in the heart of the San Pedro Garza García district, with already begun to work on the participation in the most important trade shows and 16 174 rooms and suites, as well as meeting rooms with cutting-edge technology. the coordination with the country’s top destinations. At the same time there is an 17 MEETINGS INDUSTRY

increase in partnerships between the government and private initiative to maximize the industry’s potential, and the results are beginning to show. “It’s very difficult to predict what might happen in the future, but I’m completely optimistic because, as the saying goes in Mexico, in rough water a good fisherman can get the best catch,” added Álvarez. “I believe we’re in the middle of a complex international scene and we’re facing some challenges in the industry. However, this is when creative people with drive shine the best. In Mexico we’re creative in this industry and come up with great solutions that get us in a better place. I think it’s an interesting time, but I’m sure that our industry is mature enough to overcome these challenges.” With changes and challenges come solutions. By positioning the destinations as business partners and not simply tourist destinations, they can create a relevant relationship with planners who will return time and again to work with their most compatible counterparts. When the culture of a destination matches the profile of the attendees, it creates a difference that centers around the creation of unique experiences —and there, in large part, lies the key to the success of any meeting, convention or event. Having an international accreditation endorsed by the Convention Industry Council and being a part of a professional association is essential when it comes to generating trust in global clients within the meetings industry. Meeting Professionals International (MPI) and the Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) are two examples of organizations with chapters in Mexico that train professionals at the highest level, while groups such as the National Association of DMCs (AMDEMAC) ensure the planner is working with professionals who “speak their language” and understand their needs. The process to become certified or be a member of these associations is not simple: for example, to be certified by the AMDEMAC a local DMC has to provide a series of documents and proof that it is a solid and respected business, contracts, letters of recommendation, proof of its relationship with a local CVB, and many other details. Mexico has always been known for the warmth of its people and the quality of its service, to which can be added an excellent level of professionalism in the production of all manner of meetings and conventions-more than enough reason for the meeting

18 planner to trust that their event will be a complete success. 19 Mexico offers 7 major advantages for meeting planners looking for the right fit for their group and their budget.

1. EASY ACCESS offering cutting-edge technology and top-level business services. Mexico is next door to the United States, sharing the border with California, Arizona, and Texas, 5. VERSATILITY which makes for easy ground transportation from certain cities. There are also hundreds of direct While fun in the sun may be the first thing planners flights connecting the United States, Latin America associate with Mexico, it’s actually one of the and Europe with Mexico’s extensive network of world’s prime business event destinations. Mexico international airports every day. has hosted world conferences on climate change, major association conventions, corporate meetings 2. COST SAVINGS for leading-edge U.S. companies and, of course, thousands of incentives. Mexico offers an unbeatable cost-benefit relationship for planners of any size event. On average planners 6. MATURE OFFER can save from 10 to 50 percent on programs thanks to HE CONSTANT STRENGTHENING OF ticketing services, staff increases, and more. In the savings on food and beverage, labor and more. Mexico is in 6th place worldwide in international Mexico’s connectivity with the United country’s capital, the Mexico City International tourist arrivals, with more than 43 million visitors States —and the world at large— Airport (AICM) is initiating maintenance work on 3. TAX BREAKS per year. The country hosts over 266,000 events included the addition of 1.5 million seats one of the runways and is expanding Terminal 2. every year, and offers a high level of professional on direct flights in 2018 alone, an increase And, at press time, the new President’s plan to Planners save money through the Tax Incentive for services from EarthCheck-certified venues to a large that boosted the total of seats on direct flights to a develop a three-airport system (AICM, Toluca, and foreign event organizers (0% VAT) that applies to number of professionals that hold CMP, CIS, and whopping 30 million by the end of that year. Today, Santa Lucia) to satisfy passenger demand was still foreign attendees to international conventions and CSM certifications, among others; as well as certified Mexico continues to be among the top 10 most- in play. (Meanwhile, plans for a new Mexico City congresses. Another nice break is that conventions, hotels and suppliers that guarantee the level and visited counties in the world, welcoming more than 10 International Airport (NAICM) have so far been seminars and meetings held in Mexico are fully quality of the services they provide. In addition, million US visitors and growing. So far, 2019 has seen cancelled.) deductible for U.S. Federal income tax purposes. Mexican hospitality is renowned worldwide. even more direct flights added to the tally, as well as With 63 international airports, an ample network And the best news is that planners don’t have to do increased frequencies from the principal cities in the of domestic airlines and airports, and more than the paperwork to get the VAT exemption: hotels and 7. DIVERSITY United States and Latin America to important MICE 94,450 miles (152,000 km) of top-notch roads and DMCs are happy to do it for you. industry destinations such as Puerto Vallarta-Riviera highways, Mexico boasts an extraordinary level of Mexico has 34 UNESCO World Heritage Sites; Nayarit, Cancun, and Los Cabos, among others. connectivity both in and out of the country. Coupled 4. INFRASTRUCTURE 47,000 archaeological sites (160 of which are The country’s main airports have responded with its proximity to the United States, this translates open to the public); over 1,229 museums; large to this boom by investing millions of dollars into lower travel costs for attendees to congresses Mexico boasts over 39 convention and exhibit cities, luxury beach resorts and charming towns, in upgrades and expansions to their facilities, and conventions, as well as a savings in travel time, centers in dozens of cities, over 320,000 4- and 5-star including 121 Pueblos Mágicos; 2 of the TOP 50 among them the airports at Merida, Los Cabos, not to mention a better overall experience —all big hotel rooms and hundreds of luxurious resorts with Best Restaurants in the World; and Mexican cuisine Guadalajara, Acapulco, and Cancun. Improvements advantages for any meeting planner who chooses to space for meetings and events, which represents is recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of 20 include new baggage handling and claims systems, hold their event in Mexico millions of square feet of meeting and exhibit space Humanity by the UNESCO. 21 NORTH CENTRAL


Monterrey Guanajuato Leon San Miguel de Allende JALISCO

Guadalajara CDMX




Zacatecas Veracruz-Boca del Rio Merida BAJA CALIFORNIA




Los Cabos La Paz



Cancun PACIFIC COAST Riviera Maya Isla de Cozumel SINALOA Isla Mujeres Mazatlan NAYARIT

Riviera Nayarit JALISCO Puerto Vallarta SOUTH


Acapulco Oaxaca Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo CHIAPAS



The Baja California Peninsula extends along the northeastern portion of Mexico for approximately 777 miles (1,250 km) and is comprised of the states of Baja California, home to the bustling border city of Tijuana, and Baja California Sur, home to the luxurious sun and sand destination of Los Cabos. The runs parallel to the peninsula —also known as the Sea of Cortez or the “world’s aquarium” thanks to its amazing biodiversity. Baja California has several economic strengths that encompass agriculture —it’s the country’s main provider of grapes— ; livestock; the textile, electronics, and automotive industries; tourism; commerce; fishing; and aquaculture. Baja California Sur, on the other hand, bases its economy on tourism and ecotourism, which together generate over 40% of the state’s GDP, along with agriculture, fishing, salt extraction; and mining. Tijuana and Los Cabos —two very different cities STATE OF BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR ternational stage, with a stunning combination of desert and ocean that makes it a privileged setting but both strong contenders in the national meetings industry. 3Los Cabos for unforgettable incentive travel.  WHERE TO STAY. There’s an ample variety of ho- Los Cabos is known as “Land’s End” —literally the tel developments in Los Cabos mostly luxury ven- last stretch of dry land at the southern tip of the ues that range from the boutique variety to larger Peninsula of Baja California. The destination is high-end resorts, many of which also focus on ca- comprised on one end by Cabo San Lucas — a vi- tering to the meetings industry. vacious hotspot for nightlife, shopping, and seeing This is home to the five-star Pueblo Bonito Pa- and being seen — and San José del Cabo on the cifica Golf & Spa Resort and Pueblo Bonito Sunset other — a town that has embraced the authentic- Beach Golf & Spa Resort in the exclusive Quivira ity of its Mexican culture and is much more serene Los Cabos development. Though both are all-inclu- than its neighbor. In between lies the 20-mile (32- sive properties, the former is for adults-only while km) Corridor. Los Cabos’ extraordinary luxury ho- the latter is 100% family oriented. These extraordi- tel infrastructure, upscale restaurants, manicured nary properties share the Armonia Spa and the Jack golf courses, and myriad attractions tailor-made Nicklaus Signature Quivira Golf Club, but each one for high-end meetings and conventions can all be has its own dedicated space for private business found within these two towns and the Corridor. To- meetings or banquets for up to 300 people. day, this destination is one of Mexico’s leading sun Halfway between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose and sand destinations and a standout on the in- del Cabo in the tourist Corridor lies the Grand Velas 27 28 BAJA CALIFORNIA PENINSULA meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 29



3 CONVENTION CENTER Los Cabos International Convention Center

3 AIRPORT Los Cabos International Airport (SJD) Los Cabos, a luxury all-inclusive hotel that received 10 additional rooms, a business center with three If the preference is for land activities, the Ran- tional both in culture and economy —an excel- 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION the AAA Five-Diamond award in 2017, just one year meeting rooms, and two oceanfront terraces.. cho Carisuva near San Lucas can welcome groups lent example of this is the Cross Border Xpress, Beach • Luxury • Culinary • Ecotourism CLIMATE after it opened in 2016 (note: Grupo Velas is the hotel  WHERE TO MEET. Los Cabos International Con- for team-building exercises or incentive tours that a closed pedestrian walkway that connects the its Golf chain with the most AAA awards outside of the U.S.) vention Center: Located in San Jose del Cabo, include horse-back riding or ATVs, always keeping airport with that of San Diego, which has been a 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE BAJA CALIFORNIA PENINSULA This property quickly became a favorite of meeting this center’s largest room is the Los Cabos Grand in mind the conservation of the environment and huge success. 17,000 The climate to the north is planners, not only thanks to its 304 suites with a view Ballroom with 66,779 ft² (6,204 m²) of flexible space the native species. There’s much adventure to be  WHERE TO STAY. There are approximately 30 four- 3 CVB CONTACT temperate and much drier of where the Sea of Cortez meets the Mexican Pa- and a maximum capacity of 7,000 people audi- had in Los Cabos, it all depends on the needs of and five-star hotels in Tijuana, with at least four www.visitloscabos.travel in the south. Average annual cific, but also for its flawless meetings space. torium style; this ballroom can be divided into 9 the group, from zip-lining to scuba diving, camel new properties opening in 2019. Rodrigo Esponda Cascajares temperatures fluctuate between The Grand Velas Los Cabos boasts a Conven- smaller rooms with anywhere from 1,560 ft² (145 rides, sailing, and much more. A Tijuana classic that opened up in 1985, the Executive Director 64ºF (18ºC) and 68ºF (20ºC); high tion Center with 16,145 ft² (1,500 m²) of flexible m²) to 11,883 ft² (1,104 m²) each. There are also an Los Cabos is also one of Mexico’s premier golf Grand Hotel Tijuana is a five-star resort with 384 [email protected] temperatures can rise above meeting space that can handle up to 20 sessions additional three smaller rooms that add up to an- destinations thanks to its seven extraordinary pro- rooms and suites, and 11 event rooms that to- Lourdes Bizarro 86ºF (30ºC) from May through simultaneously. The center’s cutting-edge facilities other 8,277 ft² (769 m²) of meeting space. The CIC fessional 18- to 27-hole courses-four in San Jose gether total more than 18,298 ft² (1,700 m²) of in- Congresses and Conventions Manager September with lows dipping to allow planners to organize successful events, from offers every service needed for a successful event, del Cabo and three in Cabo San Lucas-designed door space for meetings. The largest, the Grand [email protected] 41ºF (5ºC) in January. Rain is gala dinners for over 1,200 to 600-person cocktails including an event production team and tech sup- by some of the top names in the golf world includ- Ballroom, offers 5,317 ft² (494 m²) and can wel- scarce; hurricane season for Los on its seaside terrace. It also provides the latest in port, graphics design, on-site branding, IT sup- ing Jack Nicklaus, Robert Trent Jones Jr., and Greg come up to 500 people. WHAT’S NEW Cabos is from November 30th high-tech audiovisual aids, specialized personnel, port, and food and beverage. Norman, among others. Ideal for business travelers and meetings at- through May 15th —Tijuana is out business services, and translation services.  WHAT TO DO. Ecotourism is a big draw for groups tendees thanks to its central location in the city’s fi- of reach of this type of weather The five-star One&Only Palmilla woos planners and incentives in Los Cabos, and outfitters such For more area hotels and convention facilities, please nancial district, the five-star Hotel Real Inn Tijuana LOS CABOS event. with its leafy grounds and traditional hacienda as Sunrider Tours are on-hand to offer experi- visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com has 13 meeting rooms with flexible configurations Live Aqua (2018) style, a beautiful setting for corporate meetings ences such as sunset tours to the famous Land’s for events and meetings for anywhere from six to Montage Los Cabos (2018) HOW TO GET HERE and incentives. Outdoor setups are a specialty and End Arches in Cabo San Lucas. The tour is avail- 1,100 people. Le Blanc Spa Resort Los Cabos (2018) include patios, beach areas, and gardens that can able from April through December for groups of The Marriott Tijuana is another five-star option Mar del Cabo (2019) LOS CABOS be set up to welcome anywhere from 50 to 300 up to 250 with music and dinner onboard. Hump- STATE OF BAJA CALIFORNIA with meetings and events space. This hotel and Hard Rock Hotel Los Cabos (2019) Los Cabos International Airport (SJD) guests in an ambiance that still remains private. back whales congregate offshore from Decem- its very Mexican design is located adjacent to the Grand Luxxe Los Cabos East Cape (first phase: 2019) United States: Atlanta, Baltimore, Its conference center can host up to 200 people, ber through March, an excellent time of year for 3Tijuana Tijuana Country Club and offers a total of 16,737 FourSeason Los Cabos at Costa Palmas Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas/Ft. however, it can be divided into four smaller halls events as groups can go on unforgettable whale- ft² (1,555 m²) of space with 11 meeting rooms, the (2019) Worth, Denver, Detroit, Houston, for more intimate meetings. watching expeditions with certified operators to The border city of Tijuana has been highly indus- largest of which can accommodate 700 attendees. Nobu Hotel (2019) Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Closer to San Jose del Cabo, the premium all- observe them without endangering the animals. trialized and steeped in manufacturing since the  WHERE TO MEET. Baja California Center: Located Zadun, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve (2019) Newark, New York, Oakland, inclusive Barceló Gran Faro offers 350 luxurious Cabo Adventures, another reputable DMC, also mid-20th century, particularly in the aerospace in Rosarito just south of Tijuana, the Baja Califor- Villa La Valencia (2019) Phoenix, Portland, Sacramento, rooms and suites and excellent facilities for meet- offers among its many tours a snorkeling excursion and electronics sector. Medical tourism and the nia Center is one of the most modern of its kind Los Cabos International Airport (expansion: 2019) Salt Lake City, San Diego, San ing planners to hold their events. The Gran Faro to the Cabo Pulmo National Park just north of San meetings industry are key components of the city’s in Mexico. Its expo area offers 99,027 ft² (9,200 Cachet Deluxe Corazón Cabo (2019) Francisco, San Jose (California), Ballroom, which can hold up to 1,400 attendees Jose del Cabo, where small groups can immerse economy thanks to its cutting-edge medical facili- m²) of column-free space that can be divided into Vidanta East Escape (2019) Santa Ana (Orange County), in its 10,763 ft² (1,000 m²) of flexible space, is the themselves among giant schools of fish and watch ties and high-end hotel infrastructure. Because of five rooms with a height of 49 ft (15 m) and a foyer Amanvari by Amán Resorts (2020) Seattle, and Washington, D.C. largest area in the hotel and is complemented by the sea lions, sea turtles, and many other species. its shared border with California, Tijuana is bina- with 25,833 ft² (2,400 m²) of space. The center also Solaz Resort Los Cabos (2020) THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 31

has 32,711 ft² (3,039 m²) of meeting space over 17 available spaces; Via Corporativo, a conference simultaneous-use rooms and a garden spanning and events venue with three rooms with a capac- 24,756 ft² (2,300 m²) that can welcome up to 2,000 ity for anywhere from 20 to 400 people; the World attendees in cocktail style. Trade Center Tijuana with meetings and confer- Alternative meeting venues include the Tijuana ence rooms; and the Tijuana Country Club that of- AT-A-GLANCE Cultural Center, which can welcome up to 6,000 fers the Aguascalientes Ballroom for events for 300 people on its esplanade and has several other to 1,100 people and the Oro Ballroom for events TIJUANA for 40 up to 200 guests.  WHAT TO DO. The busiest border city in the world 3 CONVENTION CENTER isn’t just all about business: it hosts popular yearly Baja California Center festivals and has become Latin America’s capital 3 AIRPORT of microbrewing —the perfect accompaniment to Tijuana International Airport (TIJ)

its Baja-Med culinary scene, on display in its many 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION restaurants, street food vendors, and over 80 food Urban • Culinary trucks, making it an ideal spot for dine-arounds 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE and other culinary activities. Baja California also 3,831 produces 90% of Mexican wines —the Wine Route 3 CVB CONTACT that heads down to the Valle de Guadalupe is a www.descubretijuana.com treat for groups and a great place for out-of-the- Gilberto Leyva Camacho ordinary events in vineyards and wineries. President Group city tours can head over to the Pasaje [email protected] Rodriguez, a vibrant arts district with galleries, Laura Maldonado studios, cafés and bookstores the upscale busi- Congresses and Conventions Manager ness district of Zona Rio for great eateries, night- [email protected] life, and shopping; or the Calle 6, or La sexta, for cool cantinas and clubs. Tijuana also has its share WHAT’S NEW of quieter pursuits at interesting museums includ- ing the Tijuana Cultural Center and the Tijuana Museum of History, as well as two golf courses for TIJUANA impromptu meetings on the links. City Plus Tijuana (2019) Hotel One Tijuana Otay (2019) For more area hotels and convention facilities, please Holiday Inn Express Otay (2019) visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com Hotel Ibis (2019) NORTH


The northern region of Mexico is the gateway to the United States: thanks to this proximity, the economic development of these Mexican cities and states is intimately linked to its neighboring country, mostly by way of capital investment in industries such as automotive, technology, agriculture, and aerospace, among others. This has created a strong infrastructure of facilities and services built for business and ideal for the meetings industry.

STATE OF NUEVO LEON Located in the heart of the city with 217 rooms, the Sheraton Ambassador Hotel has 11 meetings 3Monterrey and conventions rooms with a total of 1,204 ft² (948 m²) of space, including the Grand Salon with Nuevo Leon is proud of its financial strength, and a capacity of 800 persons. Just a few blocks from its productivity (80% of its exports are sent to the Pabellón M, the majestic Hotel Crowne Plaza Mon- United States) is reflected in its having the nation’s terrey offers 403 rooms as well as 15 meeting rooms highest salaries and the largest population of skilled with a capacity of 1,200 people, a business center workers. Over a third of the economy of its capital with three rooms and an ample foyer. city of Monterrey is focused on manufacturing, fol- The area known as Historic Monterrey near the lowed by secondary industries like metallurgy and Cintermex is home to Gamma Monterrey Gran Ho- the production of food and beverage. Monterrey tel Ancira, a resort with 244 rooms ideal for business is one of Mexico’s most relevant metropolises with travelers. The property has a business center and 18 an infrastructure in constant growth, making it the rooms for congresses, conventions, meetings, and leader in the region for meetings and events. events. The Hotel Krystal Monterrey has 207 rooms  WHERE TO STAY. Modernity and quality service and focuses on formal events and business confer- are the hallmarks of the more than one hundred ences and has a team of expert executives ready to hotels located in Monterrey, which include well- help planners exceed expectations. The combina- known national and international chains with ex- tion of three of its 10 rooms offers a maximum ca- cellent staff and facilities for meetings and events. pacity of 750 persons in 6,619 ft² (615 m²) of space. 33 34 NORTH meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 35



3 CONVENTION CENTER Cintermex • Pabellon M • Centro Convex The Valle-San Pedro Zone is an elegant area area, executive and banquet halls, business cen- Showcenter Complex

of Monterrey and home to the Hotel MS Mille- ter, medical clinic, and restaurant. It can welcome 3 AIRPORT CLIMATE nium with 303 recently-remodeled, ample, and events for up to 1,800 people. Monterrey International Airport (MTY) luxurious rooms and suites. The hotel’s Conti- Showcenter Complex: Opened in 2019, this is the 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION NORTH nental Room is the largest indoor area, ready to state’s newest meetings facility and is located in the Urban • Adventure • Ecotourism This region’s climate is warm welcome up to 600 people auditorium style. Out- Valle Oriente area in the municipality of San Pedro 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE and semi-arid. Each season is doors, the Garden Terrace can welcome the same Garza García, adjacent to Monterrey. The complex 13,000 very defined, as are the extreme number of attendees for open-air banquets. The offers 75,347 ft² (7,000 m²) of space with a capacity of 3 CVB CONTACT conditions within it. The average MS Millenium offers some 20 spaces for meetings 6,000 people in different configurations. www.ocvmty.com.mx annual temperature is 77ºF and events. There are also several alternative venues, includ- David Manilo Valdés (25ºC) with extremes that can  WHERE TO MEET. Cintermex: This is one of ing the Arena Monterrey, which can host large- Managing Director swing from 32ºF (0ºC) in winter to Mexico’s top venues with over 25 years’ experi- scale events for over 17,000 people, cocktails for [email protected] 104ºF (40ºC) in the summertime. ence in the industry. The center offers more than 250 attendees, or banquets for 1,200; the Citibana- Claudia González Salinas There’s very little rain in the 139,930 ft² (13,000 m²) of space between its rooms mex Auditorium, a multifunctional venue for differ- Events Attraction Manager summer; the Atlantic hurricane and foyer; the rooms in the expo center add up ent capacities for a total of 7,000 people; and the [email protected] season extends from June 1st to 263,715 ft² (24,500 m²) of space, along with the legendary Fundidora Park with its historical and through November 30th. restaurant La Arcada 1200 with 42,237 ft² (3,924 m²) cultural significance, which offers 10 event spaces and the lobby with 7,394 ft² (687 m²). Cintermex is with different dimensions and capacity of 270 to WHAT’S NEW HOW TO GET HERE currently undergoing a 4th stage in its expansion, 2,880 attendees. centives to the Chipinque Eco Park, the Huasteca And, big city that it is, Monterrey also has its adding another 32,291 ft² (3,000 m²) to 86,111 ft²  WHAT TO DO. The Fundidora Park was given the Canyon, and the Matacanes Canyon. Another type fair share of shopping centers with the latest MONTERREY MONTERREY (8,000 m²) to its Salon A, as well as three additional title of Industrial Archaeological Museum Site by of adventure awaits groups in the towns nearby, fashions for an afternoon group shopping excur- Auténtico San Pedro (2018) Monterrey International Airport car lines for easier access. the state government for the historic value of its ideal for a pre or post event day trip: tours to the sion, as well as an active nightlife in its many bars, Courtyard Monterrey Airport (2018) (MTY) Pabellón M: Located in the center of the city, 27 macro structures, 127 iron and steel tools and Cola de Caballo waterfall, the Grutas de Garcia pubs, and dance clubs for after-meeting fun. Its Showcenter Complex Monterrey (2019) United States: Atlanta, Chicago, this multifunctional complex includes the Monter- machinery, and an endless array of other items grotto, the archaeological sites at Boca de Potre- restaurants offer exquisite fusion, gourmet, and Westin Monterrey Valle (2019) Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver, rey Convention Center with 41,979 ft² (3,900 m²) of that represent the priceless industrial heritage of rillos, and the Via Ferrata. international cuisine, great for dine-arounds; Misión Garza Sada (2019) Detroit, Houston, Las Vegas, Los total space for events, plus the Pabellón M Audito- Nuevo Leon. Once there, groups can board a boat Back in the city, there is an ample variety of mu- event attendees should also sample the iconic JW Marriott Punto Central (2019) Angeles, Miami, Nueva York, rium with a capacity of 4,199 people. The five-star for the Santa Lucia tour, which takes them overwa- seums to visit. Among the musts for groups are: “cabrito” —kid— and the many delectable local Marriott San Pedro (2019) Four Points By Sheraton Monterrey Orlando and San Antonio. Fiesta Americana Monterrey Pabellón M is adja- ter to the Macroplaza and offers gorgeous views of the Monterrey Museum of Contemporary Art, the cuts of meat. Airport (2019) LATAM: Panamá (Panamá), Punta cent and offers 177 rooms. the Cerro de la Silla mountain. Museum of Mexican History, the Museum of the Safi Royal Luxury Metropolitan Center (TBD) Cana (Dominican Republic), Centro Convex: This center’s recently remod- Monterrey is known as the “City of Mountains,” Northeast, the Alfa Planetarium, the Glass Mu- For more area hotels and convention facilities, please Hard Rock Monterrey (TBD) Varadero and La Habana (Cuba). eled facilities include a theater, auditorium, expo and thus offers all kinds of ecotours perfect for in- seum, and the Horno 3 Museum of Steel. visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com Cintermex (expansion: 2019) CENTRAL


Mexico’s industrial power is in its central region, where the most important factories and plants are in the aeronautic, automotive, technological and agro-industrial sectors. The strengths of this region’s destinations are also present in its culture, gastronomy, finance, politics, and education. All this, in addition to the natural riches found in every corner of Mexico and the excellent infrastructure of services that generates attraction for all types of events.

MEXICO CITY portant consortiums such as Camino Real Santa Fe Mexico and NH Collection Mexico City Santa Fe, 3CDMX which are part of Preferred Hotels & Resorts. The Marquis Reforma Hotel & Spa is part of the pres- Mexico City (CDMX) is globally recognized as a tigious Leading Hotels of the World, while The St. city of business. It is Mexico’s political center and Regis Mexico City and Las Alcobas are part of the its main economic activities are finance, commerce Virtuoso network. and tourism. CDMX is first in the nation in terms  WHERE TO MEET. WTC International Exhibition of flights and passenger traffic, not to mention and Convention Center, Mexico City: Home to meetings and professional events held annually. the Pepsi Center WTC, this venue holds the most As for infrastructure, it has the top hotels, conven- events in the country annually with over 1,000 tion centers, restaurants, tourist attractions, and meetings hosted in its 322,917 ft² (30,000 m²). It services to carry out any type of event, from the can welcome from 5 to 15,000 people in 30 multi- most exclusive and private corporate meetings to functional rooms, the auditorium, and the business large-scale gatherings. center. It’s centrally located with 25 hotels nearby,  WHERE TO STAY. Event organizers will find in as well as restaurants and shops. CDMX hotels with the highest distinctions, such as Citibanamex Center: This venue is second only to the AAA 5-Diamond Four Seasons Hotel Mexico the WTC in terms of hosting more events in CDMX, City and the AAA 4-Diamond Presidente Intercon- with 369,019 ft² (34,283 m²) of column-free space for tinental Polanco, as well as others belonging to im- exhibitions, divisible into four independent rooms. 37 PACIFIC COAST


Hospitality and quality are the two hallmarks of Mexico’s Pacific Coast, and both are evident in the region’s excellent hotel infrastructure and meetings services, the warmth of its people, and its thousands of miles of shoreline dotted with towns and beaches at the foot of jungle-clad mountains. The waters of the Pacific are temperate, and the diversity of recreational activities tied to the region’s natural surroundings is enormous.

STATE OF JALISCO specializes in the MICE segment and is home to nearly 30 hotels focused on events, which together 3Puerto Vallarta make up more than 129,167 ft² (12,000 m²) of ideal meeting space. Just over 100 years old, Puerto Vallarta is a favorite Besides boasting a beautiful golf course, the ex- beach destination in Mexico for events and meet- clusive area of Marina Vallarta is home to some of ings. Its reputation continues to rise among event the best resorts in the region. Such is the case with organizers for several reasons: its location by one Casa Velas, an all-inclusive, adults-only 5-star hotel of the most beautiful bays on the planet, warm with an elegant convention center with an area of climate, ample air connectivity, beachside hotels 4,628 ft² (430 m²) that can accommodate up to 450 with high-end infrastructure, and an enviable first- people. Its team specializes in conferences and class convention center. Puerto Vallarta’s new slo- events and offers secretarial and translation ser- gan says it all: “You live it more than once.” vices, and the hotel has a fully equipped business  WHERE TO STAY. Leading the charge in Puerto Val- center. The Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa is larta are all-inclusive, high-category hotels —most inside the same Marina Vallarta complex; the ho- of them beachfront— as well as small boutique tel has been extensively remodeled over the past hotels with styles ranging from the most classic two years. It offers 14 flexible event meeting rooms and colonial to the most contemporary and novel, totaling 8,880 ft² (825 m²), of which the Vallarta the latter located mostly along the cobblestone Ballroom stands out as the largest available space streets of the city’s historic center. The destination in the venue, able to receive up to 700 guests. 49 50 PACIFIC COAST meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 51


PACIFIC COAST The climate in the Mexican Pacific is tropical, warm, and humid with slight variations between the different destinations. Hurricane season officially begins on May 15th and ends on November 30th, with peak activity in September. The rainy season runs from June through October, and summers are hot with temperatures that can surpass 91ºF (33ºC). In contrast, winters are delightful, They also have 12 rooms for private meetings and the “malecón” or a few blocks away— and are STATE OF NAYARIT One of the first hotels built in the destination was with temperatures ranging from 20,000 ft² (1,858 m²) of outdoor space. open and available until dawn. the 5-star, all-inclusive Paradise Village Resort & 60ºF (16ºC) to 69ºF (21ºC). The Now Amber and Secrets Resorts are within One of the newest attractions with great poten- 3Riviera Nayarit Spa, which has one of the largest ballrooms in the the port’s famous hotel zone, just 15 minutes from tial for groups and incentives is the Vallarta Botani- destination with 11,560 ft² (1,074m²) to accommo- HOW TO GET HERE the airport. The two beachfront, 5-star hotels share cal Garden. This immense space full of beautiful Riviera Nayarit, “Mexico’s Pacific Treasure,” is made date up to 1,100 people in theater style, 600 in ban- several meeting rooms with cutting-edge technol- flowers and plants offers its visitors the chance for up of more than 20 coastal towns that include from quet, and 800 in classroom style. It has a beautiful PUERTO VALLARTA- RIVIERA ogy. The rooms can welcome from 60 to 280 peo- tours and events, as well as a culinary adventure, the most traditional —such as San Blas, Sayulita and amphitheater facing the sea and another meeting NAYARIT ple each; its largest hall exceeds 6,835 ft² (635 m²) vanilla plantation, greenhouse, hiking trails, and San Pancho— to the super exclusive and modern room with 2,906 ft² (270 m²) and a maximum capac- Puerto Vallarta International with capacity for 870 people in theater format and other activities to enjoy before or after meetings. luxury developments of Nuevo Vallarta and Punta ity for 150 people, ideal for smaller events. Airport (PVR) 450 in banquet format, as well as a terrace for small The famous boat tour Rhythms of the Night - Sa- de Mita. This tourist destination boasts countless  WHERE TO MEET. Grand Vidanta Convention AT-A-GLANCE United States: Atlanta, Chicago, groups that require more privacy and a variety of via is a great recommendation for groups to enjoy awards for its excellent infrastructure and its efforts Center: This is one of the largest meeting venues Dallas/Fort Worth, Denver, beach areas for events. after a long day of meetings. This is a tradition in to conserve the environment. It hosts more than 80 in the Mexican Pacific, with 32,378 ft² (3,002 m²) PUERTO VALLARTA Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles,  WHERE TO MEET. Puerto Vallarta International the destination and includes a performance, din- large-scale events annually and has positioned it- divisible into four meeting rooms able to receive Minneapolis, Newark, Oakland, Convention Center: This complex has a total area ner on the beach and fun and revelry surrounded self as a go-to for organizers of all kinds of events. up to 2,400 people, complemented by a foyer 3 CONVENTION CENTERS International Convention Center of Puerto Phoenix, Portland, Salt Lake City, of 76,757 ft² (7,131 m²), most of which is concen- by nature. It’s also only one of the more than 30 For many reasons, tourism is a main driving force with 13,993 ft² (1,300 m²) of space. Its cutting-edge Vallarta (CIC) San Diego, San Francisco, Santa trated in the Vallarta Grand Hall, with 53,819 ft² tours offered by Vallarta Adventures, which also of- in the coastal part of the state of Nayarit. And, if technology and spacious facilities, unparalleled in Sheraton Buganvilias Resort & Convention Ana (California), and Seattle. (5,000 m²) of column-free space divided between fers the The Flight freefall simulator. you’re talking incentive activities, there are endless the destination, have attracted events such as the Center LATAM: Panama City, Panama. eight unique meeting rooms and capacity for El Marigalante pirate ship is another attraction options to enjoy its natural bounty. 2018 World Meetings Forum. The tourist complex 3 AIRPORT  WHERE TO STAY 5,500 attendees. The outdoor space totals 290,626 to consider, as it can take groups to visit the beau- . Nuevo Vallarta and Flamingos at Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta has a pair of smaller- Puerto Vallarta International Airport (PVR) MAZATLÁN ft² (27,000 m²) divided among three squares; Plaza tiful beaches south of the port in the area of Mis- are home to the greatest number of hotels in the scale meeting rooms, five luxury hotels and two 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Mazatlán International Airport Mayor is the largest area at 226,042 ft² (21,000 m²). maloya. Mahahauitas, for example, is festive day region as well as some of the most luxurious, al- professional golf courses. Beach • Golf • Spa • Gastronomy (MZT) Sheraton Buganvilias Resort & Convention Cen- or night. Another novel option is swimming with though Punta de Mita has some posh examples Sanctuary Convention Center: Whether for 3 United States: Dallas/Ft. Worth, ter: Recently remodeled, the hotel has a 16,146 ft² dolphins in their natural environment, an activity that rival these locations. Of note is the fact that conferences, banquets or concerts, the style of NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE 12,201 Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, (1,500 m²) convention area with capacity for 1,200 offered by Wildlife Connections, where event at- Riviera Nayarit is a Virtuoso Preferred destination. the Hard Rock Hotel Vallarta is a great addition to Phoenix, and Tucson. people, 15 multipurpose rooms, and an exhibition tendees can join families of dolphins that inhabit The St. Regis Punta Mita Resort and Four Sea- the center’s 12,900 ft² (1,200 m²) of flexible space. 3 CVB CONTACT area with space for up to 30 stands. the bay. The El Jorullo Bridge, thought to be the sons Resort Punta Mita are both in Punta Mita, two The center is available for up to 1,500 guests and www.visitpuertovallarta.com ACAPULCO  WHAT TO DO. Puerto Vallarta’s “malecón,” or longest suspension bridge in the world —1,540 ft iconic 5-diamond hotels with meeting rooms no offers a unique experience that includes checking Mayra Valle Operations Manager Acapulco Int. Airport (ACA) boardwalk, is the main attraction for meetings (470 m) in length and 492 ft (150 m) high— is of- larger than 4,305 ft² (400 m²) but with the utmost in out the musical instruments and art of the music [email protected] United States: Houston or fly into and convention attendees. This pedestrian area is fered by Canopy River and is sure to boost the exclusivity and luxury. industry’s best and brightest. Mexico City and connect with the home to an art walk where groups can enjoy sculp- adrenaline of any adventurous attendee. The Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit is in Nuevo Krystal Grand Convention Center Nuevo Val- coast via a short, one-hour flight. tures, art galleries, and a variety of artists putting Puerto Vallarta has much more for incentive Vallarta: this 5-diamond resort has meetings space larta: The newest convention center in the destina- WHAT’S NEW on a live show by the famous boardwalk arches. groups to do at sea, such as whale watching, sport that, while not immense, is the most modern and tion offers planners the Flamingos Grand Ballroon IXTAPA-ZIHUATANEJO Admiring the sunset from this point is a must, and fishing, snorkeling, scuba diving, and kayak rides. luxurious in the destination. It has three meeting with 15,069 ft² (1,400 m²) of multifunctional space, PUERTO VALLARTA Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo International there are several restaurants offering terraces with They can also traverse mountain paths on roaring rooms, with Grand Marissa the largest at 6,619 cutting-edge technology, and highly qualified per- Airport (ZIH) incredible views. Attendees can continue walking motorized vehicles or enjoy a hike along beautiful ft² (615 m²) and a capacity for up to 600 people. sonnel able to tend to 1,500 attendees. New terminal for international flights in the United States: Chicago, Dallas/ south to reach Old Vallarta and its popular Cuale trails with stunning landscapes on their way to a Nuevo Vallarta is also home to Marival Residences The Marina Riviera Nayarit located in La Cruz Puerto Vallarta International Airport (2019) Puerto Vallarta Aquarium in the Vallarta Fort Worth, Houston, Los Angeles, River, where they can buy crafts and souvenirs that waterfall or river for a refreshing dip. and Marival Resort, with 4 diamonds and 5 stars, de Huanacaxtle, is an alternative site with a spec- Maritime Terminal (2019) Minneapolis y Phoenix or fly into celebrate local culture. At nighttime groups can let respectively, which share the Gran Marival lounge tacular view of the Bay of Banderas. Besides offer- Remodeling and modernization of the Mexico City and connect with the off some after-hours steam at the local nightclubs For more area hotels and convention facilities, please and can receive up to 950 guests in its 7,750 ft² ing top-of-the-line nautical services, an enormous Maritime Terminal (2019) coast via a short, one-hour flight. and bars —most of which are concentrated along visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com (720 m²) of flexible space. space, and flexible outdoor facilities, the marina Hacienda Tequilera (2019) 52 PACIFIC COAST meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 53

can host concerts, cocktails, award ceremonies, The sea and mountains offer a variety of activities Event organizers can also find high-end proper- gela Peralta Theater, Museum of Archeology, and and inaugural or closing events. for adventure lovers and are perfect for incentives: ties in Nuevo Mazatlán, most of them under the Plaza Machado should be appreciated at length. AT-A-GLANCE  WHAT TO DO. The famous photo of Hidden Beach for example, the ruggedness of the Nayarit coast- all-inclusive format. Just north of the area is the Beautiful panoramic views of the sea and the work in the Marietas Islands has traveled around the line allows visitors to see species such as sea turtles, Gran Turismo-category, AAA Four-Diamond Hotel of talented artists are a sight to behold along the MAZATLÁN world and turned the national park into the top humpback whales, endemic birds, and much more. Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay Resort & Spa, one of 13 miles (21 km) of the Mazatlán boardwalk, or AT-A-GLANCE natural attraction in this destination. Practically the most awarded resorts in the region. This exclu- “malecón.” The busiest segment is at Playa Olas 3 CONVENTION CENTER every micro-destination has a tour operator that For more area hotels and convention facilities, please sive property offers 21,527 ft² (2,000 m²) between Altas, where groups can enjoy statues and histori- Mazatlán International Center RIVIERA NAYARIT can take groups to this natural wonder to spot en- visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com lounges, terraces, esplanades, gardens and the cal sights. Nearby, the towns of Cosalá and Copala 3 AIRPORT demic species such as the blue-footed booby. beach. Its largest space is Claussen Hall, capable retain great cultural and historical wealth worth see- Mazatlán International Airport (MZT) 3 CONVENTION CENTERS The Riviera Nayarit is a golf destination thanks of receiving up to 370 guests in a cocktail-style set- ing —Pronatours offers specialized tours for groups 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Grand Vidanta Convention Center to its seven professional 18-hole courses, which ting, while the terrace of La Cordeliere restaurant to these and many other destinations in the area. Beach • Golf • Colonial • Gastronomic Sanctuary Convention Center Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta Convention are located in Nuevo Vallarta, Flamingos, Punta de STATE OF SINALOA can accommodate 300 attendees in a banquet- The Mazatlán Aquarium is worth a visit for its 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE Center Mita, and Litibú. Luckily, there is no bad time to style setting. The hotel’s Spa Armonia is one of its great variety of fish, sharks, turtles, jellyfish, and 6,000 3 3 AIRPORT sneak in a few practice shots in these courses, cre- Mazatlán most enticing assets. other species. The Lighthouse, which is almost 500 3 CVB CONTACT Puerto Vallarta International Airport (PVR) ated by the best designers in the world. Meanwhile, the master-planned Playa Espíritu feet high (152 m) at Cerro del Crestón, is the high- www.gomazatlan.com Each town has a particular offer, so event and Mazatlán is known nationwide for its agriculture, development is already underway, with the firm in- est still-active lighthouse in the world. Event and 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Julio Birrueta Beach • Golf • Gastronomy • Ecotourism incentive planners will surely find something dif- which is on par with other local industries such as tention of hosting 100 hotels and 44,000 rooms on incentive trip attendees can see humpback whales Tourism Office Director ferent for their groups. In Bucerías, for instance, livestock, trade, and fishing —especially shrimp, a 7.5-mile (12-km) stretch of coastline. (during season) and enjoy sport fishing, and there [email protected] 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE handicrafts shopping happens along the Calle- sail, dorado, marlin, and tuna (the city has the larg-  WHERE TO MEET. : are impressive islands with beautiful beaches such 9,200 Mazatlán International Center José Alberto Ureña Trujillo jón del Beso —Alley of the Kiss— and visitors can est tuna processing facility in the continent). These Modern, with an avant-garde design and state-of- as Isla de Venados and Isla de la Piedra, where Executive Director MIC 3 CVB CONTACT partake of the largest oysters in the region, while attributes make this port a fantastic option for the-art technology, versatile, and functional, this groups can enjoy local restaurants and activities [email protected] www.rivieranayarit.com La Cruz de Huanacaxtle is home to the impressive business meetings related to any of these sectors. huge space ensures the success of each congress, such as horseback riding. If your event is held at Jorge Daniel Cornejo Marc Murphy Marina Riviera Nayarit, the first Blue Flag-certified But it also has enticing leisure offer: Mazatlán is conference, meeting, concert or event. With five the end of February and the beginning of March, Commercial Director MIC CEO [email protected] [email protected] marina in Mexico and home base for sailing tours home to an exciting annual carnival, much archi- meeting rooms, a lobby and terrace on one side of the Mazatlán Carnival will allow attendees to expe- of the beautiful Bay of Banderas. Sayulita is perfect tectural wealth, and natural attractions, all of which the building, the convention center’s ground floors rience the most Sinaloan of festivities. Silvia Duarte Events Manager for a surf lesson during the day and fun well into make “The Pearl of the Pacific” a great option for offer 74,007 ft² (6,882m²) of available space; on the WHAT’S NEW [email protected] the night. San Pancho is all about culture when event organizers and incentive planners. upper floor, the Mazatlán Grand Ballroom can be For more area hotels and convention facilities, please groups come to tour the town and visit the Entre  WHERE TO STAY. Mazatlán’s Golden Zone is the divided into six meeting rooms of different sizes, to visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com MAZATLÁN Amigos cultural center, where they can take in the port city’s main hotel sector, with an enticing loca- which four small adjoining rooms and a vestibule can WHAT’S NEW local efforts on issues such as community devel- tion near the historic center and home to the great- be added to include another 67,306 ft² (6,253 m²) of City Express Marina (2019) opment, environmental protection, and artistic est number of rooms in the city. There is a wide column-free space. Its mezzanine has four halls and Holiday Inn Express Marina (2019) RIVIERA NAYARIT development. And in the historic port of San Blas, range of internationally-recognized hotel chains, in- two vestibules that add another 36,209 ft² (3,364 m²) STATE OF GUERRERO Pacific Sands (2019) attendees can savor the most traditional cuisine cluding El Cid Resorts, which has four hotels in the of space, plus two restaurants and a business center. Mazatlán Museum (2019) Fairmont Costa Canuva (2019) Playa Espiritu (first phase: 2019) of Nayarit —dinners can be set up in Chef Betty area: El Cid Castilla, El Cid El Moro, El Cid Granada,  WHAT TO DO. Meetings and incentives planners 3Acapulco One&Only Mandarina (2019) Courtyard By Marriott (2019) Susurros del Corazón (2019) Vázquez’s restaurant El Delfin (the Riviera Nayarit’s and El Cid Marina, all with meeting rooms for will find that in order to truly experience the city Pueblo Bonito Mazatlán Beach Resort Conrad Hilton Playa Mita (2019) Culinary Ambassador)— or they can take a boat events, business centers, and other facilities such as the group needs walk its historic center and take The largest city in the state of Guerrero, Acapulco (renovation and expansion: 2019) Parque Temático Cirque du Soleil (2020) ride through La Tobara to the crocodile preserve. a golf course, a marina and a DMC office. in its architectural wealth. The city’s cathedral, An- has historically been synonymous with tourism in One Hotel (TBD) 54 PACIFIC COAST meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 55

AT-A-GLANCE Mexico, due in part to its presence in films in the Dreams concept, which means a world-class spa, from more than 80 feet (25 m) high into the sea Hotel Fontán Ixtapa on Playa El Palmar just re- 1950s and 60s during the golden age of Mexican gourmet dinners, unlimited premium drinks and below with a lit torch for a truly spectacular show. modeled its meeting rooms, which can fit up to cinema. It played such an important role, in fact, luxury facilities. Groups can also enjoy this feat from an area res- 1,000 people. Hotel Las Brisas Ixtapa offers its Vis- ACAPULCO that this port city is where Tianguis Turístico, Mex-  WHERE TO MEET. Acapulco International Center: taurant with enviable views, enjoying a delicious tahermosa Hall of 10,075 ft² (936m²) and is able to ico’s most important tourism event, was born in This is one of the largest and most well-equipped dinner of Acapulco’s traditional cuisine. welcome 1,100 guests, auditorium-style. Its Solar- 3 CONVENTION CENTERS Acapulco International Center 1975. This is also the reason why meeting planners convention centers in Mexico and indeed Latin XTASEA Zip Line, one of the newest attractions ium and Los Espejos courtyards are also available Imperial World Expo will find it has a first-class infrastructure. Fishing and America, with roughly 813,751 ft² (75,600 m²) of of the port, is the longest over-the-sea zip line in the for banquets for 400 and 750 people, respectively. Princess Mundo Imperial agriculture also greatly contribute to its economy. indoor and outdoor space in 30 meeting spaces world, with 5,905 feet (1,800 m) in length and able UMA Zihua, a huge project by the airport with 3 AIRPORT  WHERE TO STAY. Acapulco has a great variety of composed of halls, theaters, terraces, gardens, a to reach a speed of 74 mph (120 km/h) at 328 feet a convention center, golf course, residences and Acapulco International Airport (ACA) hotels, from small elegant villas on cliffs for private square, a gallery and a business center. Teotihuacán (100 m) in height. It’s a true challenge for adrenaline more, is about to be announced, coming off the AT-A-GLANCE 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION meetings to famous, all-inclusive hotel brands of- Hall is its largest indoor space, with 70,557 ft² (6,555 fans. The highest climbing wall in the world is being heels of Punta Garrobo, a roughly $300 million in- Beach • Golf • Adventure • Spa fering the highest category of service and quality. m²) and capacity for 6,000 people. Outside, its built in the same location, plus other surprises for vestment in an 198-acre (80-hectare) project. IXTAPA-ZIHUATANEJO Mexico’s longest macro tunnel, almost two miles gardens to the south and west feature 282,186 ft² corporate activities and team programs.  WHERE TO MEET. Azul Ixtapa Convention Cen- 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE 3 12,358 (3.2 km) long, is already in service and connects the (26,216 m²) and 166,710 ft² (15,488 m²) respectively, Event attendees and incentive groups can en- ter: Hotel Azul Ixtapa has the largest convention CONVENTION CENTER Golden Zone with the Diamond Zone in less than open to up to 10,000 and 5,218 guests. joy a large number of activities throughout the center in the destination, with 21,527 ft² (2,000 m²) Azul Ixtapa Convention Center 3 CONTACTO OCV 3 AIRPORT www.guerrero.travel five minutes, facilitating the connection between Expo Mundo Imperial: As part of the Resort port, including sport fishing, jet skiing, water ski- of multifunctional space with all the services and www.visitacapulco.travel the two hotel areas that house the best and most Mundo Imperial Acapulco facilities in the Zona ing, paragliding, diving, and sailing sports such as capacity to welcome up to 2,400 guests. Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo Int. Airport (ZIH)  WHAT TO DO. Selene Salas González resorts of the destination. Diamante, this convention center has 242,000 ft² windsurfing. Year after year, the Mexican Tennis The destination’s restaurants — 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Director of Meetings Event organizers who wish to host their groups (22,500 m²) of column-free area for exhibitions and Open is held in Acapulco at the end of February, a ideal for dine-arounds— showcase the area’s cui- Beach • Golf • Spa [email protected] where all services are at their fingertips will no 112,332 ft² (10,436 m²) of meeting and conven- meeting of the best in the sport. sine, with fresh fish and seafood and traditional 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE Abraham Garay Velázquez doubt head to the Mundo Imperial complex in ex- tion space, as well as 50 halls and a forum for up fare such as the “tiritas de pescado” (fish strips 4,977 For more area hotels and convention facilities, please Executive Director clusive Punta Diamante. The complex was created to 4,000 people. Its services include a restaurant, cooked in lime juice), “aporreadillo” (a dried beef 3 CVB CONTACT [email protected] holistically, taking into consideration all conceiv- medical services, parking, a business center, au- visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com and scrambled egg dish) and “pescado a la talla” www.visitiz.travel able needs. diovisual services to exhibitors, and recommenda- (grilled fish), among others. Pedro Castelán Reyna WHAT’S NEW The Acapulco Real Zona Diamante, awarded tions from trusted suppliers. The Mexican Pacific is a paradise for sport fish- Executive Director with the AAA Four Diamonds, is a luxurious resort Princess Mundo Imperial: This luxuriously re- 3Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo ing, of course, and this destination has been in- [email protected] in the Diamond Zone in Puerto de Marqués Bay, modeled hotel has 125,797 ft² (11,687 m²) of space ternationally certified for the sport. Sunny Side is ACAPULCO Dessirée Dufóo with four meeting rooms that can receive up to 220 in meeting rooms with state-of-the-art multimedia IIxtapa-Zihuatanejo is a dual destination made up a trusted local DMC that can take groups on an Promotion Manager [email protected] Emoción Intensa Adventure Park (2019) guests depending on the format. services for a total of four exhibition centers, a of two separate towns. Its main activities are ag- outing. They depart from Las Gatas beach to snor- Pierre Mundo Imperial (renovation: 2019) With a privileged location in Acapulco Bay’s lobby, an amphitheater, four meeting rooms and riculture, fishing, and increasingly strong tourism kel and search for the Cristo Rey, a 13-foot-high (4 Princess Mundo Imperia (renovation: 2019) Golden Zone, the Grand Hotel Acapulco & Con- outdoor space. thanks to its natural riches, historic buildings with m) bronze sculpture in the depths of the sea. The WHAT’S NEW El Grand Hotel Acapulco by Dreams Hotels vention Center features 14 meeting rooms that  WHAT TO DO. La Quebrada cliff divers are a symbol varied architecture, and delicious gastronomy. DMC also offers cultural tours to the archaeologi- & Spa (renovation: 2019) add more than 36,579 ft² (3,400 m²) of space, with of Acapulco and an unparalleled and truly Mexican  WHERE TO STAY. While Zihuatanejo developed cal site of Soledad de Maciel, also known as the Hotel Prince by Mundo Imperial, Hotel IXTAPA-ZIHUATANEJO El Cabaret offering the most space: 7,717 ft² (717 performance. For more than 80 years, brave souls organically with small, personalized hotels, Ix- Xihuacan Museum. Marqués Boutique (2020-2022) Second part of the macro tunnel between m²) that can welcome up to 900 people. AMRe- have performed deep dives at different times and tapa was conceived more as a tourist resort, so it’s Proyecto Punta Garrobo (TBD) the Golden and Diamond zones (TBD) sorts has made an agreement with this establish- heights-at noon, at dusk, and, most impressively, home to mostly high-end, all-inclusive hotels, as For more area hotels and convention facilities, please UMA Zihua (TBD) Acapulco International Center (renovation) ment to lease, remodel, and operate it under the at night. At 9:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., divers jump well as the destination’s two golf courses. visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com Hotel Thompson Zihuatanejo (renovation) 38 CENTRAL meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 39

It has 25 rooms for congresses and conventions 2018 in the financial district of Guadalajara, near ranging from 1,087 ft² (101 m²) to 32,108 ft² (2,983 Expo Guadalajara. Located within a 27-story build- m²), with simultaneous maximum capacity for ing —one of the tallest, with panoramic views of 42,957 people; its largest area can receive up to the city— the complex’s many services and facili- 7,390 attendees. ties include the new 4-star Hilton Guadalajara Mid- Expo Santa Fe: Located in the Santa Fe finan- town, with 225 rooms. The hotel offers 10 modern cial district, this venue is third in the city in terms multifunctional meeting rooms able to fit 670 peo- of number of events hosted, with 348,750 ft² ple; the largest room has 6,027 ft² (560 m²). (32,400 m²) of divisible space in three rooms for The Gran Turismo-category Fiesta Americana exhibitions, as well as an outdoor area of 55,165 Guadalajara Country Club has received AAA’s 4 Di- ft² (5,125 m²). There are seven salons that add up amonds for 10 years straight. Besides offering 207 to 60,364 ft² (5,608 m²) of space for congresses rooms, the resort is adjacent to the Guadalajara and conventions; the largest has 19,827 ft² (1,842 Country Club golf course and is a 100% smoke- CLIMATE m²) with a capacity for 1,980 people. It should be free space. It’s able to fit 450 people, with several mentioned that it can be divided in up to 20 sepa- halls, meeting rooms and a business center. CENTRAL rate areas.  WHERE TO MEET. Expo Guadalajara: This is the Temperate sub-humid and dry CDMX also has numerous alternative venues for largest venue of the destination and second in climates predominate in the events. Expo Reforma, located a few steps from terms of hosting events nationwide. Its facilities central region, with some areas the emblematic Paseo de la Reforma Avenue, of- are made up of three mega-rooms, each with in the warm sub-humid and fers four rooms with a total of 36,482 ft² (3,390 m²). their respective lobby, an events room, a space semi-dry ranges. The southern The Blackberry Auditorium, located in the exclu- for runway shows, four smaller meeting rooms, states —CDMX, Guadalajara, and sive Condesa neighborhood, has an innovative two business centers, a terrace, an exhibition fo- Puebla— have a mostly temperate architectural design and is ideal for concerts and rum, and an open-air exhibition area with 128,434 sub-humid climate, while the shows, fitting just over 2,000 attendees and offer- ft² (11,932 m²) of space. The Jalisco Room is the northern area is much drier. Rainy ing 13,627 ft² (1,266 m²) of space for exhibitions largest space, with 274,178 ft² (25,472 m²) and five season is nearly uniform in the and other events. rooms with continuous floor space, followed by entire region, beginning in June  WHAT TO DO. Due to its magnitude the city is di- the Mexico Room with 240,185 ft² (22,314 m²) of and extending through September vided by neighborhoods or “colonias,” which also multifunctional space. The Guadalajara Room has or October. The summer is hot makes it easier for groups to explore it effectively. the largest, column-free carpeted space in Mex- with temperatures rising to Each one has restaurants, bars, hotels, shops, ing a tour to Xochimilco to the south: a group of ico, with 141,470 ft² (13,143 m²). is surrounded by mountains home to myriad birds around 86ºF (30ºC) and winters museums (note: CDMX is second only to London canals where visitors can hop on a flat-bottomed Palace of Culture and Congresses (PALCCO): U and other species. Visitors wanting a respite from the are cold with lows between 32ºF when it comes to museums) and other attractions. boat —or “trajinera”— as they are serenaded by Located in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, it bustle of Guadalajara can walk along its jetty or visit (0ºC) and 44ºF (7ºC). The starting point for a group tour is the city’s mariachi music. offers a total exhibition space of 581,251 ft² (54,000 the Isla de los Alacranes (Scorpion Island). historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site m²). The venue’s complex architectural design in- HOW TO GET HERE with attractions such as the Zócalo (the city’s For more area hotels and convention facilities, please cludes spaces for congresses and conventions as For more area hotels and convention facilities, please main square), the National Palace, the Palace of visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com well as three theaters, a music and dance, and a visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com CDMX Fine Arts, the Metropolitan Cathedral, Garibaldi radio and television museum. Mexico City International Airport Square, and the ruins of the Templo Mayor, where Guadalajara also has a considerable number (MEX) the Mexicas settled. Paseo de la Reforma is an of alternative venues for meetings and events. AT-A-GLANCE United States: Atlanta, Austin, avenue that crosses three important “colonias” STATE OF JALISCO Among them are the Conjunto de Artes Escénicas STATE OF GUANAJUATO Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, —Zona Rosa, Juarez, and Chapultepec, home to (CAE), El Refugio Cultural Center, the Degollado CDMX Dallas-Ft Worth, Denver, Detroit, the National Museum of Anthropology and the 3Guadalajara Theater and Hospicio Cabañas, a UNESCO World 3Guanajuato Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Chapultepec Forest and its historic castle. Heritage Site. 3 CONVENTION CENTERS Huntsville, Las Vegas, Los The two most popular “colonias” are to the Guadalajara, or “La Perla Tapatía,” is the second  WHAT TO DO. Guadalajara offers plenty of daytime Guanajuato, capital of the state bearing the same WTC International Exhibition and Conven- tion Center • Citibanamex Center Angeles, Louisville (Kentucky), south: Roma and La Condesa, where groups will largest metropolis in the country. This is the land of and nighttime entertainment for groups. Event name, has been recognized as a UNESCO Cul- Expo Santa Fe Mc Allen, Miami, Newark, Nueva find pleasant parks, cafés, and a variety of res- tequila and mariachi, with a full service infrastruc- planners will find art, music, culture, shopping, en- tural Heritage Site since 1988. Its worldwide fame York, Oakland, Orlando, Phoenix, taurants that are ideal for dine-around programs. ture for congresses and conventions. Although tertainment, festivals and sports among the city’s is partly due to the Museum of the Mummies, as 3 AIRPORT Mexico City International Airport (MEX) Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San These neighborhoods also have a very active parts of it still retain a provincial air, Guadalajara attractions, but one must-do is an outing to try the well as the excellent quality of leather goods man- Antonio, San Francisco, San Jose nightlife in their bars and pubs, perfect for letting is very much a modern city. It is the technological traditional sandwiches called “tortas ahogadas.” ufactured here; indeed, tourism and commerce 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION (California), Santa Ana, Seattle, off some steam after a day of meetings. Farther capital of Mexico and the main software producer Incentive trips to the outskirts of Guadalajara are its main economic activities. At the state level, City • Colonial • Adventure • Gastronomy and Washington DC. north lies the financial district of Polanco, with in the country, plus it manufactures a great deal of should include visit to the Magical Town of Te- its economic strength lies in the textile and auto- 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE LATAM: Bogota and Medellin luxury shops and restaurants, as well as the attrac- electronic and technological products. This makes quila, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This motive sectors —Guanajuato has five assembly 30,400 (Colombia), Buenos Aires tive Museo Soumaya; and even farther north is the the state of Jalisco the main exporter of techno- “Agave Landscape and the Ancient Tequila Indus- plants, making it the nation’s leader. The state is 3 CVB CONTACT (Argentina), Guatemala, La Basilica of Guadalupe, a must. Coyoacan, home to logical products and services in Mexico, providing trial Facilities,” as it’s called by UNESCO, is the star also a main academic center, with 25 universities. www.fmpt.cdmx.gob.mx Habana and Santa Clara the mythical Museum of Frida Kahlo —a favorite of it with a stable economy. Other strengths of the of the new Tequila Route, which traverses seven  WHERE TO STAY. Planners will find the prevailing Giovanny Melgar Hernández (Cuba), Lima (Peru), Managua groups—, offers them a festive atmosphere thanks state are manifested in education —it’s home to other towns. In Tequila per se, a variety of tours al- trend in Guanajuato in accommodations is bou- Director of Congresses and Conventions (Nicaragua), Panama City to the live music in its squares. more than a dozen universities— as well as agricul- low groups to learn about the town’s colonial and tique and traditional colonial hotels housed in old [email protected] (Panama), Paris (France), Quito, There are two UNESCO World Heritage sites ture, livestock and forestry. pre-Hispanic background, as well as the tequila- buildings such as houses and haciendas, although (Ecuador), San Jose (Costa Rica), worth a visit for pre- or post-event day trips. Teo-  WHERE TO STAY. New hotels open almost yearly making process (tequila tastings can make for an there are also a handful of modern hotels with na- WHAT’S NEW San Pedro Sula (Honduras), San tihuacan lies northeast of the city, an archaeologi- in Guadalajara; at least seven resorts will be inau- ideal setting for an executive event). There are tional and international brands. Salvador, (El Salvador), Santiago cal complex that includes the Temple of Quetzal- gurated between 2019 and 2020, adding to the hotels, restaurants, and events scheduled in town The 5-star Camino Real Guanajuato, set in the CDMX de Chile (Chile), Santo Domingo coatl, the Pyramid of the Moon, and the Pyramid wide range of accommodations in the destination. throughout the year. former Hacienda of San Francisco Javier dating (Dominican Republic), Sao Paulo of the Sun, as well as the Museum of One of the newest projects is the Midtown Jalisco Pre- and post-event day trips can include a visit to back to the 17th century, is emblematic of the Ritz-Carlton Mexico City (2019) (Brazil), Tokyo (Japan). Culture. Planners might also consider schedul- commercial complex, which opened in December the immense Lake Chapala, just an hour away, which Camino Real brand. Its spaces for groups and Hard Rock Hotel Ciudad de México (TBD) 40 CENTRAL meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 41

center of the Bajío region, with continuous growth 452,084 ft² (42,000 m²) of space and multifunctional in several industries: automotive and auto parts, areas. It can receive up to 24,000 attendees in audi- footwear and leather goods, specialized medical torium-type assembly, with 129,166 ft² (12,000 m²) care and diagnostics, higher education and re- of specialized space for congresses and conven- search, and meetings tourism. In fact, it ranks fifth tions and rooms that can welcome from 10 to 5,000 in the nation in the latter, with about 30 percent of people in the same floor. Its exhibition area covers its visitors linked to this segment. 236,806 ft² (22,000 m²) divided into five rooms with  WHERE TO STAY. Leon’s hotel infrastructure ex- specialized services. It is lies within the Conjunto pands as healthily as its industries, with more than Poliforum, a business, culture, and entertainment 100 hotels —national and international chains— complex strategically located in the hotel zone just offering more than 8,800 rooms in all categories. five minutes away from the historic center. The Silao corridor adds an additional 16 hotels and Conjunto Poliforum is unique in Latin America, AT-A-GLANCE 1,200 rooms. with 67 hectares and several venues for events: the One of the favorite hotels for event organizers Velaria de la Feria, with 161,458 ft² (15,000 m²), is is the 4-star Courtyard by Marriott at The Polifo- ideal for massive shows for 25,000 people; the En- GUADALAJARA rum, which is directly connected to the Poliforum tertainment Center can host conferences for 6,928 3 CONVENTION CENTERS venue. The hotel has 140 rooms and a total of attendees; the Explora Park kiosk offers 48,437 ft² Expo Guadalajara • Palace of Culture and 1,646 ft² (153 m²) split among three event halls (the (4,500 m²) outdoors for social and cultural events, Congresses (PALCCO) largest space can receive up to 110 people). and the Foro del Lago can host 2,200-just some of 3 AIRPORT HS Hotsson Hotel Leon is a 5-star property with the spaces in this mega development. Guadalajara International Airport (GDL) 221 comfortable rooms and is a member of Pre-  WHAT TO DO. The annual International Bal- 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION ferred Hotels & Resorts. Part of the local Hotsson loon Festival (FIG) is one of the most important City • Colonial • Cultural • Gastronomy chain, the AAA 4-Diamond hotel has seven meet- events in Leon. Taking place in November, it’s ing rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technol- ideal as part of an incentive travel itinerary that 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE 15,000 ogy for business travelers, as well as garden areas can take groups on an aerial tour to see the city able to welcome 1,200 people. from above. El Bajío Aquarium, the third largest in 3 CVB CONTACT  WHERE TO MEET. : Its world-class Mexico with 10,000 specimens of more than 300 www.guadalajaramidestino.com Poliforum Leon facilities can host congresses, conventions, fairs, species, is another option with a friendly atmo- Gustavo Staufert Buclon exhibitions, and social and business events in its sphere for group activities. Executive Director [email protected] Ligia González Business Manager events include three rooms for events —the larg- gastronomy enhances the destination; to explore [email protected] est can fit 450 people— as well as a terrace and an its traditional cuisine, visitors only need to walk executive lounge for private corporate meetings, its underground streets, an ideal area for a dine- GUANAJUATO which together add more than 12,163 ft² (1,130 m²). around program. The popular “callejoneadas” The Quinta Las Acacias boutique hotel, built —beloved of groups— are walking tours follow- 3 CONVENTION CENTER in a 19th-century mansion that has been restored ing the lively “estudiantinas,” groups interpret- Guanajuato Convention Center and converted into a luxurious, AAA 4-Diamond ing traditional Mexican music, as they wind their 3 AIRPORT property, is an elegant space for a meeting of 35 way through the main alleys of the city such as the Guanajuato International Airport (BJX) people or a banquet for 80. Callejón del Beso or the Alhóndiga de Granaditas. 12,800 events held We create “Mexico Congress City” 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION  WHERE TO MEET. Guanajuato Convention Cen- The city also hosts incredible annual festivals, Colonial • Cultural • Gastronomy ter: Equipped with hi-tech features and a sophisti- such as the Madonnari Festival, the Medieval Fes- 35 million visitors We are the first venue in Mexico to have achieved 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE cated communications, projection and audiovisual tival, and the Guanajuato International Film Festi- Earthcheck Gold Certification 1,456 system, this venue has six rooms with different ca- val. However, the main event is the International 105 million m2 used 3 CVB CONTACT pacities, available for small meetings of 50 people Cervantino Festival: culturally speaking it’s the We host the largest International www.gtomeconquista.com/ocv-guanajuato or large congresses for 2,000 attendees. most important event in Latin America and takes Medical Congress. “World AIDS Congress” María Teresa Domínguez Silva The State Auditorium is one of the most mod- place in October. than... More 8.6 million meals over the last 17 years General Director ern alternative venues, with a maximum capacity Day trips to communities surrounding the capital (26,000 people) [email protected] for 1,800 guests and an adjoining room for meet- before or after events can include the Wine Circuit, [email protected] ings of up to 130. The Teatro de Minas can wel- Tequila Circuit, a tour through one of various ar- First Exhibition in the country with more than @CentroCitibnmx 2 Raúl Jaramillo come up to 400 guests in an Italian-themed stage; chaeological sites or a trip along the route to see 60,000 m Meeting Tourism Coordinator Venue operated by other theaters for conferences include Teatro the giant Christ at the top of the Cerro del Cubilete. @CentroCitibnmx [email protected] Juárez, Teatro Cervantes and Teatro Principal. For /CentroCitibanamex Graduation of law students with more than Contact us! 5,250 people. larger cocktail parties and banquets, Guanajuato For more area hotels and convention facilities, please +52 55 5268 2000 WHAT’S NEW has a variety of restored old haciendas, such as the visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com The biggest of its kind in Mexico City! www.centrocitibanamex.com Hacienda Antigua de Dolores, the Ex Hacienda de GUADALAJARA San Gabriel de la Barrera and the Mina Guada- Location: Conscripto #311, Lomas de Sotelo, 11200, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX We’ve parked more than 28,000 cars in 2 days. lupe, to name a few. Aloft Guadalajara Punto Sur (2019)  WHAT TO DO. Guanajuato is a Magical Town with 3Leon Hotel Thompson (2019-2020) unparalleled historical and architectural riches. Hotel Indigo Andares (2019-2020) Among the city tours for groups is a visit to the Leon is an important metropolis of 1.5 million in- JW Marriott Hotel (2019-2020) Candlewood Suites (2019-2020) Museum of the Mummies of Guanajuato, the Pipila habitants located in the macro region of the indus- Hotel Hotsson (2019-2020) Monument —offering the best views of the city— trial corridor dubbed the “Diamond of Mexico.” It Fiesta Inn Aeropuerto (2019-2020) and the Museum of the Holy Inquisition. The local is considered the economic, social, and educational 42 CENTRAL meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 43

The Conjunto Poliforum has the Cultural Forum Guanajuato, with pleasant spaces for art-loving groups such as the Bicentennial Theater with its musical shows and the Museum of Art and History of Guanajuato, home to the Greek Canon and its 33 sculptures, among other outstanding exhibi- tions. Zona Piel is the ideal place to go shopping before or after meetings to discover why Leon is world-famous for leather apparel and footwear. The city’s international cuisine is notable, with AT-A-GLANCE luxury restaurants in the Historic Center and the countryside; a must for visitors is a taste of Leon’s LEON famous “guacamaya” sandwiches.

3 CONVENTION CENTER For more area hotels and convention facilities, please Leon Poliforum visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com 3 AIRPORT Guanajuato International Airport (BJX) 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Colonial • Cultural 3San Miguel de Allende

3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE +3,000 The Magical Town of San Miguel Allende contin- ues to shine for its colonial architecture and gener- 3 CVB CONTACT www.leon-mexico.com ous cultural contribution, which helped it earn the crown of UNESCO Cultural Heritage of Humanity Ana María Valenzuela Gómez Executive Director in 2008 and for which it was selected as a 2019 [email protected] American Cultural Capital by the International Yazmín de Jesús Quiroz López Bureau of Cultural Capitals. Its worldwide tourism Events Director growth continues thanks to a multicultural commu- [email protected] nity that brings together more than 60 nationali- ties and a great variety of plastic and scenic arts. SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE Indeed, its economic drivers are tourism, followed attraction in the Parish of San Miguel Arcángel. The with the largest number of private and public uni- convention space. It is one of the venues with the AT-A-GLANCE by trade and —on a smaller scale— agriculture, Sanctuary of Jesus Nazareno de Atotonilco is an- versities. Its economy is spurred by a wide variety most activity per year in all of Mexico. 3 CONVENTION CENTER electricity production and manufacturing. It is an other beautiful area with boutique hotels, and ther- of industries: metalworking, chemistry, plastics, William O. Jenkins Puebla Convention Center: La Casona de San Miguel PUEBLA excellent destination for small high-level meetings mal waters where groups can relax post-conven- textiles and clothing, furniture, agroindustry, med- Located in the historic center, it has 49,675 ft² 3 AIRPORT or incentive trips. tion. DMCs in the city are available for day trips to ical services and information technology, among (4,615 m²) of exhibition space and 48,857 ft² (4,539 3 CONVENTION CENTERS Guanajuato International Airport (BJX)  WHERE TO STAY. Throughout the city there are the vineyards of Cuna de Tierra, San José La Vista others. The state is home to 18 industrial and/or m²) of meeting and convention space. Puebla Convention and Exhibition Center Queretaro International Airport (QRO) 144 hotels, 50 percent of which are 4-star and or Toyán, which is 15 minutes away from the city’s science/tech parks. Alternative meeting venues include the Cholula Puebla William O. Jenkins Convention Mexico City International Airport (MEX) Center 5-star properties that range from small boutique historical center and can host dinners and pairings  WHERE TO STAY. Hotels in Puebla are mainly Center, located in the Magical Town of Cholula. 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION hotels in restored classic buildings to well-known for anywhere between 10 to 500 people. small boutique hotels and medium-sized luxury This ultra-modern convention center has 86,111 ft² 3 AIRPORT Colonial • Cultural • Gastronomy brands that bring their own style to the forefront The San Miguel Adventure Park has activities that hotels. In the medium category is the Fiesta Inn (8,000m²) of meeting and exhibition space with ca- Puebla International Airport (PBC) 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE without losing the essence of San Miguel. can be integrated into a team-building program, Puebla Finsa, which offers an event space for up pacity for 14,000 people. 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION 1,556 The Live Aqua Urban Resort San Miguel de Al- such as ziplining, suspension bridge, ATVs, rappel- to 800 people.  WHAT TO DO. The City of Puebla has been a Colonial • Cultural • Ecotourism 3 Gastronomy CVB CONTACT lende, which opened in November 2018, came with ling, and spectacular hot air balloon flights to see The recently inaugurated Rosewood Puebla UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987, thanks www.visitsanmiguel.travel the nickname of “most chic hotel.” Also new is the the city from above. Another great option to learn has reinforced the destination’s luxury hotel offer- to its 2,600 buildings protected by the organiza- 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE Laura Torres Septien-Torres Hotel Casa Blanca 7, recaptures the past which in more about the destination is the tram tour, which ings. The prestigious Rosewood brand has been tion. Its central square layout is perfect for walk- 6,060 President its 10 extraordinary suites that exceed demanding takes groups to its most emblematic places, such inspired by the cultural richness of the colonial ing tours before or after an event. To appreciate 3 CVB CONTACT [email protected] standards. The Hotel Amparo, a delightful jewel as the viewpoint of the city and Benito Juárez Park. city to create the resort, where meetings can be the city from another perspective, groups can take www.convencionespuebla.mx Salvador Fideanda for lovers of detail, is ideal for private meetings or organized in 4,949 m² (53,270 ft²) of interior spaces Puebla’s aerial tramway or board La Estrella de Paola Blancas Meeting Coordinator Bids and Events Manager [email protected] festive events for 150 guests. The three hotels are For more area hotels and convention facilities, please divided among four meeting rooms, in addition to Puebla, a Ferris wheel with 262 feet in height. At [email protected] located in the heart of the city. visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com 594 m² ( 6,404 ft²) of outdoor spaces in its patios dinnertime there are three can’t-miss dishes that [email protected]  WHERE TO MEET. La Casona de San Miguel: This and terraces. need to be on every event menu: a dish with “mole WHAT’S NEW is the largest space in the destination, with 6,243 Built in a remodeled house from the 18th century, poblano” sauce, the decorative and tasty “chiles ft² (580 m²) of exhibition space and 16,792 ft² (1,560 the Cartesian Hotel offers 78 rooms that take event en nogada,” and the prehispanic dish “mole de WHAT’S NEW LEON m²) of meeting space for 1,500 guests. The Hotel STATE OF PUEBLA attendees back to another era, with the addition of caderas,” a traditional dish made with goat meat. la Casona is adjacent, with another hotel being modern and sophisticated amenities. Its innovative A tour to the Ex Hacienda de Chautla can be an PUEBLA Hyatt Place Leon (2019) planned nearby. 3Puebla facilities and unbeatable location in the city’s his- excellent pre- or post-meeting day trip or team- Hilton Garden Inn (2019) Hampton Puebla (2019) Fiesta America Grand (2019) Among alternative venues are the Allende In- toric center make it a great option for small meet- building activity. This 148-acre (60-ha) retreat is just stitute, the Ignacio Ramírez Cultural Center, the Besides being renowned for its “mole poblano” ings, executive sessions or other celebrations. 45 minutes away from the city and offers sport fish- Fiesta Inn Parque Puebla (2019) Fiesta Inn Explanada (2019) Municipal Palace, the Casa de Europa, and the sauce, Puebla is recognized for its place as the  WHERE TO MEET. Puebla Exhibitor and Conven- ing, camping, zip lining, kayaking, and a luxury ho- SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE Marriot Puebla (Renovation 2019) Angela Peralta Theater. second largest automotive producer in the coun- tion Center: Among its extensive facilities, the tel, as well. Groups can also be scheduled to visit Presidente Intercontinental (Ren. 2019) Hotel Matilda (Renovation 2019)  WHAT TO DO. A colonial, architectural, cultural and try, with top names such as Volkswagen and Audi, center offers 40,000 m² (430,556 ft²) of exhibition the Tehuacán Biosphere Reserve, recently named Coutyar by Marriot (Renovation 2019) Marriott Hotel San Miguel de Allende (2020) religious destination, San Miguel de Allende’s main among others, and for being second in Mexico space and 55,972 ft² (5,200 m²) of meeting and a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2018. Just Wyndham Puebla (2019-2020) 44 CENTRAL meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 45

and Cultural Center of the State has a capacity for Queretaro has much to offer meeting planners, up to 3,000 people in different areas and halls; and including other Magical Towns, golf courses, polo formal events are a hit in the historical Teatro de la fields, a ski yacht club, ecological camps and ar- República, which can fit 400. chaeological sites, as well as its fine gastronomy  WHAT TO DO. The best way for groups to start and the nightlife in the capital. exploring Santiago de Queretaro’s historic center, a UNESCO Cultural Patrimony of Humanity since For more area hotels and convention facilities, please 1996, is a walking tour or a tram tour to take in visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com its colonial architecture, baroque buildings, muse- ums, and crafts. The city also offers Segway tours, a fun way to get to know the historic center. There are several routes established in the com- STATE OF SAN LUIS POTOSI munities surrounding the capital that are apt for pre- or post-congress tours and incentive trips. 3San Luis Potosi Visitors can take hot air balloon rides during the Cheese and Wine Route in the Magical Town of Te- The homonymous capital of the state of San Luis quisquiapan; there’s the Route of the Sierra Gorda, Potosi houses the best hotels and rooms. De- a Biosphere Reserve; and the Route of the Haci- spite the growth in the hotel and restaurant sec- endas that goes along the Camino Real de Tierra tors, its metallurgical, mining and automobile in- Adentro, now a Cultural Heritage of Humanity. dustries continue to dominate as the state’s main There’s also the Semidesert Route, which passes economic engines. At least three new industrial through an area declared as Intangible Heritage of parks opened in 2018, upping the count to more Humanity for its intangible values as well as its cus- than 20. toms, which includes the Magical Town of Bernal,  WHERE TO STAY. San Luis Potosi is an attractive home to La Peña, the third largest monolith in the city for doing business —so much so that 75 per- world. Finally, there’s the Religious Route, which cent of those using its airport are business travel- reveals a legacy of customs and sacred buildings. ers. This segment is so important to the destination

20 minutes from Puebla’s historic center lies the  WHERE TO STAY. Queretaro is home to a variety Archaeological Zone of Cholula, which boasts the of hotels, from modern resorts with prestigious AT-A-GLANCE largest pyramidal base in the world with the shrine brands to boutique hotels in colonial haciendas of Our Lady of Remedies perched on the top. Next and remodeled colonial buildings. The 5-star hotel QUERETARO to it is the Regional Museum of Cholula, where Queretaro Juriquilla has 196 rooms and focuses on they project ancestral stories via video mapping. events; one of its 15 halls is the destination’s larg- 3 CONVENTION CENTER Another option for groups and incentives is the Si- est located in a hotelwith 24,757 ft² (2,300 m²). An- Queretaro Convention Center erra Magica Route, which runs through mountain other 5-star property suitable for event organizers 3 AIRPORT villages where visitors can enjoy handicrafts, cul- looking for something different is Real de Minas Queretaro Intercontinental Airport (QRO) ture, gastronomy, and ecotourism. Tradiciones, which offers 199 rooms and 19 meet- 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION ing rooms, including the second largest within a Colonial • Cultural • Ecotourism For more area hotels and convention facilities, please resort in Queretaro, with 17,761 ft² (1,650 m²) of Gastronomy visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com space. 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE  WHERE TO MEET. Queretaro Convention Center: 5,735 Built to the highest international standards on an 3 CVB CONTACT area of 344,445 ft² (32,000 m²), this facility offers www.queretaro.travel STATE OF QUERETARO an exhibition floor with 69,427 ft² (6,450 m²) of di- David Trejo Ramírez visible space in four rooms, as well as 43,281 ft² Meetings Tourism Logistics Manager 3Queretaro (4,021 m²) of space for conventions distributed in [email protected] 10 different rooms. It also has 91,880 ft² (8,536 m²) Deneb Lucia Falcón Ledesma The State of Queretaro is the most important aero- of public areas that include five lobbies and two Meetings Tourism Promotion Manager nautical cluster in the country; it’s also relevant in terraces, among other spaces and services, not to [email protected] other industries such as biotechnology, household mention a three-runway heliport. Attached to the Alfonso López appliances, information technology, and automo- QCC is the Metropolitan Theater, a good venue Tourism Marketing tive. Queretaro is home to 22 industrial parks and for plenary sessions of up to 1,335 people. [email protected] more than 1,000 companies with foreign capital, There are plenty of alternative venues with archi- and also houses more than 55 universities and tectural beauty and historical value in Queretaro. WHAT’S NEW 45 research and development centers. Meetings The Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez Auditorium can tourism has 699,654 ft² (65,000 m²) of event space, receive up to 4,700 people; the Industrial Club of most of which is in the capital, Santiago de Quere- has 10 high-tech rooms in 107,639 ft² QUERETARO Queretaro Corporate and taro, that offers visitors history with a modern and (10,000 m²), of which the largest can welcome 400 Congresses Conventions Exhibitions social events Aloft Queretaro (2019) avant-garde lifestyle. people; the Manuel Gómez Morín Educational

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AT-A-GLANCE that both sophisticated boutique hotels and the areas, each with a capacity of 5,000. The Labyrinth modern, 5-star complexes have elegant and mod- Museum of Science and the Arts is a cultural space ern meeting rooms and business centers. Sixteen and social meeting point that offers an outdoor fo- SAN LUIS POTOSI new hotels are slated to open throughout the state rum for up to 500 people, plus various areas for 3 CONVENTION CENTERS through 2020. meetings of between 100 and 350 people. San Luis Potosi Convention Center  WHERE TO MEET. San Luis Potosi Conven-  WHAT TO DO. Groups can enjoy tours of the Potosino Convention Center tion Center: This immense venue has 484,375 ft² capital, home to beautiful baroque and neoclas- University Cultural Center (45,000 m²) of surface space on three levels with 30 sical buildings, mansions and churches, as well as also contribute to its economic development. Its tour to take in its buildings dating from the 16th to 3 AIRPORT meeting rooms of different proportions. It has an fantastic museums, theaters, and galleries. One cultural and natural attractions are great options the 20th centuries. Another way to get to know the San Luis Potosi International Airport (SLP) exhibition floor with 97,379 ft² (9,046 m²) of space, example is the Potosi Regional Museum, which for incentive trips and ecotourism. city is by taking a tour of the remodeled cableway, 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION divisible into four meeting rooms, and a conven- houses pre-Hispanic pieces from the Huasteca  WHERE TO STAY. Its colonial buildings house sev- the first in Mexico, which connects (along 2,132 Colonial • Cultural • Ecotourism tion floor of 49,513 ft² (4,600 m²) distributed among culture. Options for incentive trips are plentiful. To eral hotels in remodeled properties, but there are feet) the La Bufa hill with El Grillo hill, home to the Gastronomy 26 areas. In addition, it has 118,575 ft² (11,016 m²) the north in the Altiplano region lies the Magical also hotel chains that have built modern hotels in Eden mine —one of the most popular attractions AT-A-GLANCE 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE of public space between its three lobbies and two Town Real de Catorce. To the east, groups can ex- new structures. In the area of the Convention Cen- of the destination. 3,520 terraces. It is located 25 minutes from the airport plore the Grutas de la Catedral in Rio Verde. Fur- ter planners will find the 5-star Fiesta Inn Zacate- The Camino Real de Tierra Adentro is another ZACATECAS 3 CVB CONTACT and 10 minutes from the hotel zone and the his- ther to the east lies the Huasteca region, without cas, Hampton Inn by Hilton, and Spa Hacienda Ba- UNESCO World Heritage attraction in Zacatecas. 3 CONVENTION CENTERS www.visitasanluispotosi.com/occ torical center. a doubt the one with the most attractions: this is ruk, while the downtown area is home to the new It’s also a good pre- or post-meeting excursion for Zacatecas Conventions Palace Centro Potosino de Convenciones: This neo- home to the Tamul waterfall, the Cave of Swallows, Zacatecas Curio by Hilton, Hotel Emporio Zacate- groups of 10, lasting three hours and operated by Imelda Salazar Zacatecas Trade Fair and Exhibition Center Convention and Meetings Bids classical-style venue is able to receive 250 people the Sierra Gorda, Xilitla, the fantastical Edward cas and the Casa Torres Hotel, both also part of the Río Grande DMC. Of the five Magical Towns 3 AIRPORT [email protected] in its main hall and has four additional meeting James sculpture garden, and the Tamtoc archaeo- the destination’s 5-star accommodations. of Zacatecas, the closest to the capital is Jerez Zacatecas International Airport (ZCL) Erika Quintero rooms, each able to welcome 50 people. logical site.  WHERE TO MEET. Zacatecas Convention Palace: de García de Salinas, which lends itself to a day Counseling and Site Logistics University Cultural Center: The site has a the- Built with the environment in mind, the Palace has tour where groups can enjoy a relaxed provincial 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Colonial • Cultural • Ecotourism [email protected] ater with capacity for 1,368 people, 13 work rooms, For more area hotels and convention facilities, please a main hall with 4,850 m² (52,204 ft²) of divisible atmosphere and admire its neoclassical build- and a lobby with more than 6,996 ft² (650 m²) of visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com space in five or 13 meeting rooms for simultane- ings and its beautiful handicrafts; this tour can be 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE 2,316 WHAT’S NEW exhibition space. ous events. A lobby of 14,531 ft² (1,350 m²) can be complemented with a visit to the Sierra de Cardos. San Luis Potosi also has a wide variety of alter- divided into 28 meeting rooms. In addition, it has For a further look into the past, the state has 500 3 CVB CONTACT nate venues with different capacities and condi- a business center with 3,659 ft² (340 m²) and 26 car- archaeological zones, with Altavista as one of the www.zacatecastravel.com SAN LUIS POTOSI tions that can be adapted to different types of STATE OF ZACATECAS peted meeting rooms. most famous. It lies south of the Sierra de Órganos Brenda Sánchez Director of Congresses and Conventions HHampton Inn San Luis Potosi Hotel (2019) events. The Domo of San Luis is an entertainment Zacatecas Trade Fair and Exhibitions Center: National Park, where groups can enjoy ecotourism [email protected] Farifield by Marriott (2019) center for up to 11,000 attendees. The historical 3Zacatecas This is the largest venue in the city, with 172,222 options such as mountaineering and hiking. An- Hotel Boutique SLP (2019) monument of the old penitentiary, now the city’s ft² (16,000 m²) for exhibitions, with 22 rooms and other famous archeological zone is La Quemada, Holiday Inn Quijote (Expansio: 2019) Arts Center, offers open spaces for up to 5,000 The State of Zacatecas is quintessentially a mining spaces for events. with its Mesoamerican ruins and an on-site mu- WHAT’S NEW Holiday Inn Express (Expansio: 2019) attendees (guided tours are also available). The site —it has large deposits of silver and other min-  WHAT TO DO. The Historic Center of Zacatecas is seum. Fiesta Americana (2019) City Center, formerly Hotel Progreso (2019) neoclassical Teatro de la Paz, available for 1,315 erals, though agriculture, livestock, and tourism a UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to its ar- ZACATECAS Hotel Plaza Mexico (2020) guests, is located in the historic center. The head- feature among its main productive activities. Other chitectural, historical, and cultural wealth, ideal For more area hotels and convention facilities, please Ankara Suites (2020) quarters of the Potosina National Fair has several sectors such as forestry, manufacturing, and trade for groups to experience during a guided walking visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com Hyatt Zacatecas (TBD) YUCATAN


The Yucatan Peninsula is comprised of the states of Yucatan and Campeche —as well as Quintana Roo. Over 4,000 years ago these states were home to the Maya civilization, a culture that continues to thrive to this day in its people, traditions, and many archaeological sites. The state of Yucatan is considered the financial, cultural, academic, industrial, commercial, and medical center of the Peninsula, bolstering its economy with tourism, agriculture, livestock, and the food, beverage, tobacco, textile, and leather industries. Campeche, meanwhile, is a player in Mexico’s oil industry —its main economic activity— followed by tourism, logging, agriculture, and fishing. A strong infrastructure of meeting venues, highways, maritime ports, and airports make Yucatan and Campeche the gateway to the Mundo Maya, a place where meetings and events or incentive trips become experiences imbued with nature, history, flavor, and culture.

STATE OF YUCATAN  WHERE TO STAY. The city of Merida has more than 4,800 four- and five-star rooms alone, which 3Merida means meeting planners can find everything from accommodations in gorgeously restored hacien- Merida, the capital of the state of Yucatan, is also das with 21st-century services, comforts, and tech- known as the “White City” and boasts a privileged nology to luxurious new builds from well-known geographic location just 30 minutes from the brands touting the highest quality standards-the coast of the Gulf of Mexico: on the one hand it’s latter located mainly in the heart of the city. Me- the closest point to the eastern seaboard of the rida also offers a number of high-end boutique United States; on the other, it’s tucked in right be- hotels, ideal for executive meetings and C-suite tween the cities of Campeche and Cancun. This is getaways. also home to some of the most iconic remains of The five-star Fiesta Americana Merida is a favor- the Maya culture including the famous pyramid of ite for stays in the historic center, as it combines Chichen Itza. Along with its colonial treasures and the flair of turn-of-the-century French architecture exquisite gastronomy —not to mention a massive with the modernity demanded by the 21st-century investment by international hotel chains currently traveler and a good dose of Mexico’s famous hos- building over a dozen new properties (approxi- pitality. This property is an excellent option for mately 1,200 new rooms are in the works)— Me- meeting planners thanks to its business center and rida comes out on top as a strong contender in location adjacent to the Southeast Industrialists Mexico’s meetings industry segment. Club and a shopping mall. 57 58 YUCATAN meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 59

Another five-star property, the Hyatt Regency, Yucatan International Congress Center: This Palace, the building that houses the Historical Ar- Other amazing incentive trips and tours can be underwent a recent renovation and is located in novel venue opened recently and is located in the chives of the Merida City Hall, the Santa Isabel arranged to the towns of Izamal and Uxmal, the the heart of Merida’s commercial and business city center near the hotel zone. Its modern facili- Hermitage or La Mejorada parks. Any of these is archaeological site of Ek Balam, or the Celestun district just a few minutes from the international ties are not only cutting-edge but are also sustain- ideal for events of no more than 150 guests. Biosphere Reserve, not to mention the option of airport. The hotel has flexible meetings and events able and environmentally conscious. The center  WHAT TO DO. ”The White City” is one of Mexi- taking a dip in one of the many cenotes (freshwa- space as well as cutting-edge audiovisual equip- offers 100,104 ft² (9,300 m²) of total space with a co’s most unforgettable destinations, thanks to a ter sinkholes) that dot the peninsula of Yucatan. ment and personnel dedicated to these types of maximum capacity of up to 6,000 people on the cultural fusion that began centuries ago: this is a events. The Regency Grand Ballroom is the largest lower level and another 2,000 on the upper level. city that still preserves the grandeur of the Maya For more area hotels and convention facilities, please with 6,426 ft² (597 m²) of space with a maximum There are many alternative venues in Merida: civilization while keeping its French heritage in its visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com AT-A-GLANCE capacity of 600 people theater style; this room thanks to the growth of its MICE segment, the mu- architecture, visible in the resemblance of its main can be divided into four or other different com- nicipal authorities have opened up different facili- avenue to the Champs Elysees in Paris. Every after- MERIDA CLIMATE binations. There are another seven smaller rooms ties for meeting planners to use as meeting rooms, noon different public spaces in the city transform available for private meetings of no more than 96 auditoriums, and banquet halls. into stages, hosting artistic and cultural events for STATE OF CAMPECHE 3 CONVENTION CENTERS YUCATAN attendees. The City Museum boasts French architecture every taste. Yucatan Siglo XXI Convention Center The predominant climate is sub- The luxurious Presidente InterContinental® Villa and offers an audiovisual room with a capacity of Although Merida has magnificent museums and 3Campeche Yucatan International Congress Center humid, with a small drier region Mercedes Merida was once a late 19th-century 50 people auditorium style, as well as a balcony galleries, not to mention an iconic gastronomy even 3 AIRPORT in the north. Average annual mansion. This elegant and well-appointed resort that can host up to 150 people for a banquet. within Mexico’s own culinary arena, its most famous The State of Campeche is considered the saf- Merida International Airport (MID) temperatures hover around 78ºF is ideal for business travelers and event attendees, The imposing and contemporary Olimpo Cultural icon is, undoubtedly, the pyramid of Chichen Itza, est destination in Mexico and boasts one of the 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION (26ºC) though they can reach up with facilities that include nine multifunction rooms Center has a beautiful and ample central patio declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998 best economies in the country: its maritime ports Colonial • Cultural • Ecotourism to 100ºF (38ºC) in May and won’t that can be configured to welcome anywhere from that can host up to 400 people for a banquet, and named one of the New 7 Wonders of the World are among the top crude oil exporters to North Culinary go much below 60ºF (16ºC) in the 10 to 350 people. while its auditorium has 285 seats for a confer- in 2007. The ruins are located between the cities of America and Europe. It’s also rich in natural re- 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE wintertime. Summer rains are Note: There are approximately 13 new hotels under ence or seminar. The center also has a video room Merida and Valladolid and offer a variety of tours sources, which is why the destination also stands 4,822 abundant and hurricane season development in Merida; however, as of press time the with 85 seats and a balcony available for up to 150 that can be enjoyed pre or post event. out in regards to sustainability: it currently holds 3 CVB CONTACT runs from early June through the authorities had yet to release the brand names. people banquet-style. One of the most memorable events to take 40% of its territory as a protected area. There are www.occyucatan.com end of November.  WHERE TO MEET. Yucatan Siglo XXI Convention For larger events, planners can turn to the José place onsite is “Kukulkan Nights,” a sound and 16 archaeological sites in the state that reflect four Daniel Molina Center: Located in the north side of the city, this Peón Contreras Theater, a venue that can wel- light show that recreates the construction of different architectural styles. San Francisco de Marketing and Advertising Director HOW TO GET HERE venue’s architecture is reminiscent of Maya archi- come up to 700 people seated and a foyer that can Chichen Itza in tribute to the god Kukulkan —also Campeche, the capital of the state, is recognized [email protected] tecture and can host congresses, conventions, hold another 250 people for a cocktail. An unusual known as Quetzalcoatl in other Mesoamerican civi- as the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. MERIDA seminars, performances, and more. It has 123,085 and symbolic banquet venue for up to 250 people lizations—, the feathered serpent whose head is  WHERE TO STAY. Campeche is home to beautiful WHAT’S NEW Merida International Airport (MID) ft² (11,435 m²) of combined space in its seven can be organized at the top of the majestic Paseo sculpted at the base of the pyramid. The highlight boutique hotels and restored haciendas converted United States: Houston and Miami. rooms that can welcome a maximum of 6,500 at- Montejo Avenue, which can be closed off and is of the ruins, however, is during the spring and fall into luxurious resorts that offer all the modern MERIDA LATAM: La Habana, Cuba; Belize; tendees. It also has a theater and is home to the used for this type of events. equinoxes —March 31 and September 21— when amenities while keeping their original ambiance. Santo Domingo, Dominican Mundo Maya Museum, an ideal venue for inaugu- Other alternative venues include the Dzoyaxché the sunlight creates a giant shadow that snakes The Casa Don Gustavo Boutique hotel, styled af- Hotel Wayam by Xixim (2019) Republic. ral or closing ceremonies. and Anicabil Haciendas, as well as the Municipal down the pyramid and joins the giant heads. ter a posh 18th-century Campeche residence, is an Fiesta Inn Express Merida Montejo (2019) THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 61

extraordinary space for planners to book exclusive ing its famous hammocks, the “hipiles” (traditional corporate meetings in its Private Salon or Garden dresses), and the handmade “jipi” hats. Terrace, both able to host a maximum of 30 peo- Bahia Tours Operadora is one of the many lo- ple at a time, or its Central Patio, which can wel- cal DMCs that can take your group to the Edzna come up to 100 guests for a banquet or cocktail. archaeological zone. Known as the “City of The hotel also enjoys a privileged location in the Echoes,” this ancient site is a reminder of the in- heart of the city. credible knowledge of the Maya as far as religion, The Hacienda Puerta Campeche, a restored engineering, and astronomy. The destination also 16th-century hacienda, is a special category luxury hosts a spectacular light and sound show called property from Marriott and an ideal place to do “Mirror of the Gods” that should be on every business or a enjoy a social networking event after group’s itinerary. a day of meetings. Incentive travel planners will want to keep in  WHERE TO MEET. Campeche XXI Convention Cen- mind that ecotourism is one of Campeche’s main ter: Located right across the boardwalk and the attractions thanks to its lush jungles, mangroves, Campeche Bay beach, this venue offers 123,257 ft² and “cenotes” (freshwater sinkholes), with all the (11,451 m²) of total surface area and 22 meeting flora and fauna that call these ecosystems home. In rooms with space for up to 11,390 people. fact, the city’s north side borders the Los Petenes AT-A-GLANCE There are a great variety of alternative venues as Biosphere Reserve. well, including the Casa No. 6 Cultural Center, the Campeche’s museums and historical buildings CAMPECHE El Claustro Cultural Center, the Jesuit ex-Convent fall into three categories: those that revel in the —also known as the Campeche Institute Clois- Mayan culture, such as the Maya Museum of Ar- 3 CONVENTION CENTER ter—, the Ah-Kim-Pech Forum, the San Miguel chaeology at the San Miguel Fort; those that hark Campeche XXI Convention Center Fort, and the San Luis Battery, among others. back to the city’s history with pirates, such as the 3 AIRPORT  WHAT TO DO. The best way for groups to get a Museum of Subaquatic Archaeology in the San Campeche International Airport (CPE) feel for the city’s history is by trolley, followed by a José del Alto Fort; and those that focus on its co- 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION pleasant walk along the Calle 59 Tourism Corridor lonial legacy, such as the ancient Campeche Light- Colonial • Cultural • Ecotourism to view the architecture. One of city’s iconic sym- house or the city’s Cathedral, just to name a cou- 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE bols is the Puerta de Tierra, the main access to the ple. Groups will find these glimpses into the past 1,016 city through the massive walls that surrounded it are still very much present in modern Campeche, 3 CVB CONTACT and thus the most fortified of them all. Attendees creating a unique and unorgettable dynamic. www.campeche.travel can shop for souvenirs of their trip at the Tukulná Lucyney Rodríguez Bojórquez House of Handicrafts, where they will find a selec- For more area hotels and convention facilities, please Director of Congresses and Conventions tion of the state’s traditional arts and crafts, includ- visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com [email protected] GULF


The Gulf of Mexico region is abundant in natural riches: its depths hide several oil deposits, its wet climate and fertile soil make agriculture an important source of income, and its waters are bountiful fishing grounds. Meeting planners will find many attractions along its shores, including history, adventure, culture, gastronomy, sun and sand, and architecture.

STATE OF VERACRUZ pacity of 900 attendees. The DoubleTree by Hilton is a four-star resort with several multifunction rooms 3Veracruz and Boca del Rio for a total of 15,069 ft² (1,400 m²) of meeting space and two rooms built for events with an ocean view. The State of Veracruz has a solid economy founded Camino Real Boca del Rio is a five-star resort mainly on agriculture and the management of its with a unique boomerang-shaped design and a many resources —oil, water, and minerals—, un- contemporary Mexican feel. It has ample meetings derpinned by sectors including livestock, forestry, and events facilities including six multifunction fishing, the business sector, and maritime trans- rooms, among them the Camino Real ballroom portation. The Port of Veracruz —economically that can welcome up to 480 people. Events can be speaking the most important in all of Mexico— held in the two outdoor gardens, while the beach and Boca del Rio together offer a sizeable tourism area can serve up to 800 attendees. The Fiesta infrastructure that make it doubly attractive to the Americana Boca del Rio is a four-star hotel that, meetings industry. like others of the same chain around the country,  WHERE TO STAY. The Port of Veracruz and Boca provides on-site services for business travelers. Its del Rio are home to the best hotels in the state, proximity to the WTC Veracruz plus its 11 meeting many of them housed in beachfront high rises. rooms with a maximum capacity of 1,400 people The elegant architecture of the five-star Hotel make it an excellent option. Emporio Veracruz is sophisticated and classy and  WHERE TO MEET. World Trade Center Veracruz: Lo- offers several meeting rooms with a maximum ca- cated in Boca del Rio, this venue has an intelligent, 63 64 GULF meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 65

CLIMATE AT-A-GLANCE GULF Its climate includes humid warm VERACRUZ AND BOCA DEL RIO and sub-humid areas, with an cutting-edge design that prioritizes multifunction- several islands across from Veracruz that are part annual average temperature of ality and adaptability for its events. The center of the Veracruz Reef System National Park, offering 3 CONVENTION CENTER 78ºF (23ºC). Maximum temps offers 221,618 ft² (20,589 m²) of space on a single incentive groups a perfect replica of the Mexican World Trade Center Veracruz (Boca del Rio) of 89ºF (32ºC) can occur during level, with 12 rooms, four of which have more than Caribbean’s crystal-clear waters and white sand. 3 AIRPORT April and May, while minimums 21,527 ft² (2,000 m²) of space. The other eight range For day trips, pre- or post event planners might Veracruz International Airport (VER) average around 55ºF (13ºC) during from 1,614 ft² (150 m²) to 8,826 ft² (820 m²). want to look south to Catemaco, famous for its 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION December and January. Rainy  WHAT TO DO. If you’re planning an event for the shamans, and its homonymous lagoon —there Colonial • Ecotourism • Adventure • Historic season is usually confined to end of February it will coincide with the tradi- attendees can enjoy a ritual cleansing ceremony Beach the summer from June through tional Veracruz Carnival —the most vibrant in all to banish any bad vibes. This is also home to the 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE October, but on the southern of Mexico— and undoubtedly the best time for Nanciyaga Ecological Reserve, where groups can 1,851 (Port of Veracruz) border it rains all year. The Atlantic groups to truly experience festivities, gastronomy, enjoy outdoor activities in the jungle, stay in the 3,188 (Boca del Rio) hurricane season extends from and music in the distinctive “jarocho” style. Both rustic cabins, and take a guided tour to discover 3 CVB CONTACT June 1st through November 30th. destinations boast several museums, including the the magic of the Tuxtlas and the Olmec culture. www.veracruz.mx Agustín Lara House Museum, the Wax Museum, For more extreme adventure and team building Sergio Silva Salmerón HOW TO GET HERE the City Museum, and the Historic Naval Museum, events, consider heading north to the Filobobos Managing Director for the WTC among others. The two municipalities are sepa- River for white water rafting and kayaking. [email protected] VERACRUZ rated by the Arroyo Moreno State Natural Reserve, Beatriz Castellanos Ortiz Veracruz Int. Airport (VER) a gorgeous natural attraction for groups to enjoy For more area hotels and convention facilities, please Marketing Manager for the WTC United States: Houston. on a boat tour through its river system. There are visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com [email protected] QUINTANA ROO


Quintana Roo is a magnet for event organizers for many reasons: its ancient Mayan culture, delicious cuisine, the professionalism of its people, its endless white-sand beaches and turquoise waters, an ecosystem abundant in flora and fauna, a solid infrastructure of hotels, meetings venues, roads, airports, maritime terminals, golf courses, tourist attractions... the list goes on and on. Cancun and the Riviera Maya are two pillars within Mexico’s meetings industry and ideal for any type of event. STATE OF QUINTANA ROO tural and natural heritage that is both unmatched and truly worthy of appreciation, unbeatable when Isla Cozumel and Isla Mujeres, meanwhile, offer great services within this 3Cancun coupled with everything that man has created and segment, especially for top-level corporate meetings and incentives. built. Isla Mujeres, just 8 miles (13 km) from Can- Cancun is the most visited sun-and-beach tourist cun’s Bahía de Mujeres, is a perfect complement destination in Mexico and among the top 10 busi- for incentives options. est in Latin America. It stands to reason, then, that  WHERE TO STAY. When it comes to hotels, Cancun it’s probably the country’s best known destination has hundreds of options for all styles and tastes- worldwide and a strategic component of its meet- adults-only, for families, affordable or on the luxu- ings industry. Its airport is the second busiest and rious side, either all-inclusive or European plan, on most important airport in Mexico, just after Mexico the beach or in the city. In fact, new resorts are al- City’s international airport, with direct flights from ways in development, with a few new ones having North America, Latin America, and Europe as well debuted in the first quarter of 2019. as options to connect from Asia and Oceania. Ev- Cancun’s hotel zone is located on Boulevard ery year it welcomes new routes. Kukulcán, extending along the nearly 17-mile- When it comes to its meetings infrastructure and long (27 km) Punta Nizuc-Cancun highway, with capacity, suffice it to say that Cancun has regularly the Caribbean Sea on one side and Nichupté La- scheduled medical, architectural, and business goon on the other. It is in this coastal strip where congresses that return year after year to its con- the most exclusive resorts of the destination are vention center. This destination has a blessed cul- found, with one fifth focusing on meetings tourism. 67 68 QUINTANA ROO meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 69


QUINTANA ROO The state’s climate is warm and sub-humid with hot summers that average around 91ºF (33ºC), while the winter lows can dip down to 62ºF (17ºC); the yearly average is 78ºF (26ºC). It rains throughout the year, with June through October being the wettest months. Hurricane season in Quintana Roo starts June 1st and extends through November 30th, El Garrafón Natural Reef Park for zip-lining, kayak- with most of the activity occurring Approximately 25 percent of Cancun’s resorts are Late 2018 saw the opening of the new all-in- ing or other activities; or explore pieces of modern AT-A-GLANCE from August through October. categorized as 5-star. The AAA 4- and 5-Diamond clusive Melody Maker Cancun. Previously the ME art and the Caracol tomb, a Mayan archaeological Yucatan. distinctions are plentiful in Cancun, with some of Cancun, the hotel received a top-to-bottom make- site located in the Punta Sur Lighthouse. CANCUN the destination’s best hotels and restaurants de- over in addition to eight new floors with luxury A fantastic group activity would include a visit HOW TO GET HERE servedly boasting these ratings. suites, beach villas, and a dynamic and innovative to Xoximilco, a park just south of Cancun, where 3 CONVENTION CENTER The Ritz-Carlton is always a great option for concept that combines the best in entertainment, the colors and flavors of Mexican folklore are en- Cancun International Convention Center CANCUN - RIVIERA MAYA art, concerts, and gastronomy for planners looking luxury and excellence. Not only does the resort hanced by a traditional open-air celebration en- 3 AIRPORT Cancun Int. Airport (CUN) have a AAA 5-Diamond rating, two of its restau- for a high-energy alternative for their groups. joyed on board a “trajinera” (flat-bottomed boat) Cancun International Airport (CUN) United States: Atlanta, Austin, rants —The Club Grill and Fantino— have also re-  WHERE TO MEET. Cancun International Conven- with mariachi music, typical Mexican dishes, te- 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, ceived this distinction. It offers 356 rooms and its tion Center: With a wonderfully convenient loca- quila, and Mexico’s most traditional activities. Beach • Golf • Ecotourism • Cultural Chicago, Columbus, Covington, boardrooms are preferred for elegant corporate tion just 20 minutes from the Cancun International In Cancun groups can enjoy all types of water 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver, meetings. Airport and surrounded by at least 4,000 hotel activities regardless of their preferences by taking 30,000+ (Cancun) Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, Hartford/ The family-friendly Moon Palace Cancun All In- rooms, diverse restaurants, and all the natural full advantage of the beach and Nichupté Lagoon. 1,000+ (Isla Mujeres) Springfield, Houston, Indianapolis, clusive Resort, recognized with AAA’s 4 Diamonds, wonders of Cancun’s hotel zone, this impeccable Other options for offshore exploration offshore 3 CVB CONTACT Lansing, Los Angeles, Miami, has among the most flexible, large, and techno- meetings venue can host executive breakfasts, include Isla Blanca, , and Isla Holbox, www.cancun.travel Milwaukee, Minneapolis, logically sophisticated conference facilities in the corporate meetings, congresses, conventions, the San Miguelito archaeological zone, a Mayan each with its own special attributes and great for Rocío González Nashville, New Orleans, Newark, country, with the added value of being able to of- and grand exhibitions, as well as theater produc- settlement predating the 16th century and today incentives. Director of Tourism of Meetings Orlando, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, fer all-inclusive meetings. The new Moon Palace tions and concerts in its 152,847 ft² (14,200 m²) of home to the Mayan Museum of Cancun. The mu- A golf course is always a good place to close a [email protected] Phoenix, Raleigh, San Francisco, Arena Convention Center covers approximately total space. The exhibition area is on the ground seum houses the most significant archaeological deal: Cancun has six excellent courses, plus one Ken Torres Salt Lake City, Seattle, St. Louis, 139,930 ft² (13,000 m²) with a total capacity for up floor with 50,590 ft² (4,700 m²) and an auditorium collection of the Mayan culture, as it not only in- more in Isla Mujeres. Business Development for North America Tampa, Richmond, Des Moines, to 10,000 guests. Among its facilities is the 55,664 of 7,179 ft² (667 m²); on the first and second lev- cludes pieces from Quintana Roo, but also from [email protected] and Washington DC. ft² (5,190 m²) Universal Hall, which can receive up els, eight rooms range from 1,270 ft² (118 m²) to Mexico’s entire southeast region. El Rey, another For more area hotels and convention facilities, please LATAM: San Juan (Puerto Rico), to 5,000 people on the ground floor; its upper 13,885 ft² (1,290 m²), as well as a small terrace. On archaeological site in which to explore Mayan ar- visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com WHAT’S NEW Medellin, Bogota, (Colombia), floor, which has another 36,005 ft² (3,345 m²); the the third level planners will find the center’s largest chitecture, is in the same area. A little further north, Belize; Buenos Aires (Argentina), Galactic Room with 26,802 ft² (2,490 m²), is com- area, the Gran Cancun, boasting 28,847 ft² (2,680 about 4 miles from the center of Cancun, lies the Guatemala, La Habana (Cuba), Lima plemented by a permanent stage and an adjoin- m²) of space and exceeding 28 ft (8 meters) in El Meco archaeological zone, where 14 structures CANCUN (Peru), Panamá, San Jose (Costa ing meeting room; and other spaces for smaller height, with a dynamic load of 400 kg per m². reveal the way of life of the region’s ancestors. 3Riviera Maya Melody Maker Cancun (2018)

Rica), Santiago de Chile (Chile). meetings. Après meetings, the resort’s 27-hole,  WHAT TO DO. Cancun is a cosmopolitan destina- The Cancun Underwater Museum, submerged Royalton Hotel (2019) Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course and its won- tion with international restaurants and shopping in the waters of the Mexican Caribbean between The Riviera Maya stretches along the coast for Fairfield Hotel (2019) COZUMEL derful spa await. centers with some of the world’s most recognized Cancun and Isla Mujeres, has more than 470 statues approximately 86 miles (120 km). Its tourist devel- Renaissance Cancun Resort & Marina (2019) Cozumel Int. Airport (CZM) Grand Fiesta Americana Coral Beach Cancun, fashion brands. If dancing away stress is in the surrounded by marine life and reefs, which make opment began with greater strength in the north, Atelier & Estudio Playa Mujeres (2019) United States: Atlanta, Charlotte, which has received AAA’s 5 Diamonds for 15 con- cards after a long day of meetings, a great variety it even more incredible. Groups can go diving or where it borders with Cancun and its airport; from Paradisus Playa mujeres (2019) Sunscape Cancun (2019) Dallas/Fort Worth, Miami, Chicago secutive years and is a Preferred Hotels & Resorts of nightclubs and bars in Cancun’s hotel zone is snorkeling to visit to this museum and afterwards there, it has been expanding its infrastructure to- Hotel Ushuaia Cancun (2019) O’Hare, Detroit, Minneapolis/ member, offers 602 elegant suites, a total meeting always at the ready. continue their day on land at Isla Mujeres, where ward the south. The destination consists of several Live Aqua Beach Resort Cancún St. Paul, and Houston- space of 32,291 ft² (3,000 m²) and a professional Groups that appreciate cultural attractions but they can also tour the Tortugranja, or turtle farm, coastal towns, among them Puerto Morelos, Playa (renovation: 2019) Intercontinental. staff that will make your event a success. would rather stay close to the hotel zone can visit and witness their efforts to conserve the species; del Carmen, Akumal, Tulum, Mahahual, Bacalar Hard Rock Riviera Cancun (2020) 70 QUINTANA ROO meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 71



3 CONVENTION CENTERS Grand Velas Riviera Maya Conv. Center Princess Theater Hun Ka Ox Convention Center

3 AIRPORT Cancun International Airport (CUN) Chetumal International Airport (CTM)

3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Beach • Golf • Ecotourism • Cultural


3 CVB CONTACT www.rivieramaya.com Rocío González and Chetumal, capital of the state of Quintana The award-winning, AAA 5-Diamond Fairmont Director of Tourism of Meetings Roo and home to the Chetumal International Air- Mayakoba, north of Playa del Carmen, sits on 240 [email protected] port by the Mexico-Belize border. The destination acres (97 hectares) of tropical forests and canals Ken Torres is a smorgasbord of paradisiacal beaches, reefs, facing the Caribbean Sea. It has 16 meeting rooms Business Development for North America lagoons, lakes, archaeological zones, and the larg- and an indoor terrace for events. The Riviera Grand [email protected] est jungle surface in Mexico. Ballroom is the largest, able to fit up to 1,100 peo- The investment of national and foreign capital ple, while its foyer can simultaneously welcome WHAT’S NEW in Quintana Roo has grown to double the national 250 guests. Together, the ballroom and foyer add average, largely due to the Riviera Maya, which up to total 10,000 ft² (929 m²) of space. Outside One of the most unique places to stay in the Riv-  WHERE TO MEET. Grand Velas Riviera Maya Con- RIVIERA MAYA still has several developments under construction. planners can book the beach area or the garden iera Maya is in one of El Dorado Beach & Resorts vention Center: Located in the town of Playa del More than 10 new hotels are set to open between “island,” two spots suitable for banquets able to by Karisma’s 30 “palafitos” —over-water bunga- Carmen, this convention center is part of the AAA Haven Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa (2018) 2019 and 2021, although the destination already receive up to 570 and 1,200 people, respectively. lows-on lovely Maroma Beach. It’s the ideal place 5-Diamond Grand Velas Riviera Maya and is one W Kanai Retreat (2019) has the necessary infrastructure to warmly wel- After meetings, attendees will want time to visit for groups requiring luxury and privacy for their of the destination’s largest and most modern. It The St. Regis Kanai Resort (2019) come the meetings sector, including a wide range the Willow Stream Spa and El Camaleón golf club. corporate meetings —if a conference is warranted, offers 32,291 ft² (3,000 m²) of space, including 32 Nickelodeon Hotels & Resorts Riviera of resorts. Among these are luxurious 5-star prop- Another AAA 5-Diamond hotel with great meet- the resort’s restaurants can be set up for one. rooms and private business offices for up to 3,000 Maya (2019) Xolumado Inspiration Village by Karisma erties with AAA’s 4- and 5-Diamond awards, most ing space is Secrets Maroma Beach Riviera Can- Puerto Morelos welcomed Haven Riviera Cancun guests. A foyer ideal for exhibitions and welcome (2019) of which have meeting rooms with all necessary cun. Endowed with the beauty and elegance that Resort & Spa towards the end of 2018, an adults- cocktails for up to 2,700 attendees is adjacent to Destino Xcaret La Casa de la Playa (2019) facilities to carry out events. characterizes the AMResorts brand, the hotel has only all-inclusive hotel with 333 luxury suites that’s the site. The resort has a total 91,493 ft² (8,500 Belmond Maroma Resort & Spa  WHERE TO STAY. Event organizers can find re- 6,458 ft² (600 m²) of avant-garde facilities designed also a member of the Preferred Hotels & Resorts m²) of outdoor areas and interior spaces available (remodeling: 2019) sorts for all tastes in the Riviera Maya, but luxury for events, with a main hall for 600 auditorium-style L.V.X. Collection. Planners with VIP clients will find for events. Kasa Hotel Parota Tulum (2019) enclaves top the list as this is the tourist destina- and 400 banquet-style. It also has four modern excellent options here for strategic planning, C- Princess Theater: With 27,254 ft² (2,532 m²) of Kasa Hotel Riviera Maya (2019) Kasa Hotel Ceiba Tulum (2019) tion with the most AAA 4- and 5-Diamond hotels meeting rooms, four outdoor terraces, a full-ser- suite meetings, and events indoors and out, as well space and maximum capacity for 1,500 people in Breathless Impression Playa del Carmen in Mexico, most of which are located around Playa vice business center, and an extensive beach area as assistance with off-site group tours, recreational cocktail or theater setups, this is the largest of 10 halls (2020) del Carmen. with a capacity for 500 people. activities, team-building excursions, and more. in the 5-star, all-inclusive Grand Riviera Princess. This 72 QUINTANA ROO meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 73

a good option for meetings of up to 210 people. Both Westin and Meliá have the added value of being located in the same area as the Cozumel Country Club, so a round of golf before or after a meeting is always a possibility.  WHERE TO MEET. Cozumel Convention Center: This is the largest meeting venue on the island. Ball- room I and Ballroom III have the same dimensions, with an area of 4,789 ft² (445 m²) of space each, while Ballroom II measures 754 ft² (70 m²). The total area for events is 17,144 ft² (1,590 m²). Its location just 15 minutes from the airport is very convenient.  WHAT TO DO. Cozumel was made for snorkeling and diving. The Cozumel National Reef Park is part of the second largest barrier in the world, so tour The Presidente InterContinental Cozumel Resort operators have concentrated their services around & Spa, located next to the Marina Fonatur Cozumel, this natural wonder. The Chankanaab eco-park, lo- has 218 rooms and three meeting rooms that can cated around a lagoon with underwater caverns receive from 150 to 250 guests, depending on the where dolphins, sea turtles, and manatees frolic, is a setup. One of the benefits for meetings planners at great option for groups looking for outdoor adven- this resort is that it’s duty-free for international groups ture. Other options above the waves include wind- holding conventions, conferences and exhibitions. powered sports and sport fishing. On land, there are At the 5-star Fiesta Americana Cozumel All In- very good bars and restaurants to enjoy a night out clusive planners can organize banquets to wel- to let off steam after a long day and, as in the entire come up to 600 guests. The Westin Cozumel has Yucatan Peninsula, there are Mayan ruins to explore. three meeting rooms totaling 5,468 ft² (508 m²) of family-style resort is located 10 minutes from Playa Down the map lie the beaches of Mahahual, the space; the largest meeting room can receive up to For more area hotels and convention facilities, please del Carmen, with gardens, restaurants, a terrace, seven-color Bacalar lagoon, and the last but not 80 people. The Meliá Cozumel Golf All Inclusive is visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com and a beach area for different types of events. least stop: Chetumal, which borders the casinos in Hun Ka Ox Convention Center: With an ap- Belize’s free zone. proach that blends architecture with nature-and The archaeological zone of Cobá lies toward the art with culture-this convention center has an center of the peninsula, 45 minutes from Tulum, area of 12,916 ft² (1,200 m²) able to welcome a tour that event organizers can enjoy with DMC 1,100 people auditorium-style. The venue is part Alltournative. This Mayan site also offers incentive of the Hotel Xcaret Mexico, an all-inclusive resort groups an amusement park with zip lines, rappel- south of Playa del Carmen. In addition to several ling, kayak rides, cenotes, and, of course, more lounges, the hotel also has an incredible outdoor Mayan ruins. It should be noted that Playa del Car- space in a henequen hacienda, with a lounge for men has its own archaeological zone within the up to 1,420 people and a patio able to receive up development of Playacar. to 500 guests. The Riviera Maya is also home to five profes-  WHAT TO DO. Event planners will find a wealth sional 18-hole golf courses designed around its of activities for their groups in the Riviera Maya, idyllic landscapes, making a game on any of them from water activities in freshwater lagoons, lakes, an unforgettable experience. rivers, “cenotes” (freshwater sinkholes) or the sea AT-A-GLANCE to activities on land, either in the lush jungles and For more area hotels and convention facilities, please trails or at one of the many archaeological sites visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com ISLA COZUMEL in the area. The environmentally-friendly park of Xcaret represents the Riviera Maya beautifully, with 3 CONVENTION CENTER more than 50 wonderful activities for groups and Cozumel Convention Center incentive travel itineraries. In 2018, Xcaret was rec- 3Isla Cozumel 3 AIRPORT ognized as the best theme and water park in the Cozumel International Airport (CZM) world for the third consecutive year. Cozumel is the third largest island in Mexico and 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Another show tailor-made for groups is Joyà, the second largest in population. It’s known as the Beach • Ecotourism • Diving a theatrical, musical and culinary experience cre- diving capital of Mexico: this is what positioned

3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE ated by the great minds of Cirque du Soleil, part Cozumel on the world stage when news of its 3,508 of the offer at the AAA 5-Diamond Grand Luxxe at beautiful reef system began to spread after trips Vidanta Riviera Maya. by French ocean explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau 3 CVB CONTACT www.cozumel.travel There’s more to do towards the south. First, in the mid-20th century. Nowadays, diving, sport there’s the village of Akumal, where planners can fishing, and tourism power its economic engine. Rocío González

Director of Tourism of Meetings put swimming with sea turtles on the itinerary,  WHERE TO STAY. There are more than 50 hotels on [email protected] something totally unexpected for international the island with approximately 30 percent of them Ken Torres groups. Next is Tulum and its archaeological zone, offering meeting rooms, mostly for small groups of Business Development for North America one of the most important in Mayan culture, and between 250 and 300 guests. It is an ideal destina- [email protected] the gateway to the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve. tion for high-end private corporate meetings. SOUTH


Oaxaca and Chiapas (along with Guerrero) are the states with the highest diversity and population of indigenous people in the country —approximately 20 different ethnic groups who call it home. Its varied ecosystems make it a land of contrasts: steep mountain peaks, lush jungles, and mixed forests create unique landscapes for unparalleled incentive trips. Event and meeting planners will love the off-the-beaten path locations offered by these destinations, as well as its inhabitants’ closely-held traditions.

STATE OF OAXACA 120 to 600 attendees depending on the montage. The Quinta Real also boasts a business center and 3Oaxaca another six rooms for meetings indoors and out with a capacity of anywhere from 10 to 150 persons. The capital city of Oaxaca de Juarez is the state’s A boutique hotel and gallery, Azul Oaxaca of- commercial and tourist center, with streets lined fers a blend of modernity and traditional style that with exquisite colonial buildings made from volca- lends itself to small group meetings or upscale nic rock or adobe. Many have been restored and cocktail parties in its gardens and terrace. Planners serve as boutique hotels, museums, or galleries. might want to consider taking advantage of its Agriculture and livestock are the main economic ac- cooking classes for their groups to immerse them- tivities; there is also excellent fishing along its coast selves in the regional gastronomy. as well as some activity in the petroleum sector. El Callejon Boutique Hotel is another excel-  WHERE TO STAY. The Hotel Quinta Real Oaxaca lent choice for C-suite meetings: the property has is right in the heart of the city and has an architec- adobe walls paired with a contemporary décor and ture that reflects the days of the viceroyalty of New its rooms are decorated with upscale traditional Spain. The hotel’s convenient location just one block handicrafts from Oaxaca. from the tourist corridor lined with museums, galler- If a beach event is on the itinerary, there are nine ies, and upscale handicraft shops make it an excel- bays in the beachside destination of Huatulco on lent option for meeting planners, as does its lovely the Pacific just a short flight from the city with over La Capilla space, which can welcome anywhere from 2,300 four-star and above hotels rooms available. 75 76 SOUTH meetingsalliance.com THE MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 77



3 CONVENTION CENTER Monte Alban Convention Center

3 AIRPORT Oaxaca International Airport (OAX)

3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Colonial • Culinary


3 CVB CONTACT www.oaxaca.travel Karina García Department Head Association Services [email protected]

 WHERE TO MEET. Monte Alban Convention Cen- —a specialty of the area. Its gastronomy is exqui- rooms and 12 rooms that can welcome up to 1,000  WHAT TO DO. Relaxing pre- or post-event options Misael Cortez Department Head Group Services ter: This venue is located in the city’s historic district site and very traditional, a gift for any event at- people at a time, with a total of 6,544 ft² (608 m²) include walks through the historic center in search [email protected] and can welcome up to 6,000 attendees; it offers 10 tendee’s palate. for meetings. The other five-star venue is the Holi- of handicrafts such as the famous lacquer, or “laca,” rooms with differing dimensions ideal for events. day Inn Tuxtla Gutierrez, with 219 guest rooms and used to paint different artifacts, the traditional hand- TUXTLA GUTIERREZ Alternative venues for events for anywhere from For more area hotels and convention facilities, please 8 meeting spaces that together can welcome up embroidered dresses, and beautiful amber jewelry, 150 to 1,200 guests include the Oaxaca Popular visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com to 1,200 attendees in 8,266 ft² (768 m²) of space. not to mention the local and very tasty hand-made 3 CONVENTION CENTER Art Museum in San Bartolo Coyotepec, the Oaxa-  WHERE TO MEET. Chiapas Convention Center candies. There are over a dozen museums in Tuxtla Chiapas Convention Center and Polyforum can Painters Museum, the Macedonio Alcala The- and Polyforum: This venue has eight rooms and for tours, including the Chiapas Coffee Museum, 3 AIRPORT ater, the Palace Museum, the Ethnobotanic Gar- an auditorium; the Gran Salon Maya and its foyer the Marimba Museum, and the Laca Museum. Tuxtla Gutierrez International Airport (TGZ) den, the Juarez Theater, and the Alvaro Carrillo STATE OF CHIAPAS together comprise the largest space with a total Planners with more adventurous groups might 3 TYPE OF DESTINATION Theater. of 26,629 ft² (2,474 m²) and a capacity of 1,500 at- want to check into a pre- or post-event tour to the Urban • Adventure Travel • Ecotourism 3  WHAT TO DO. The State of Oaxaca is home to Tuxtla Gutierrez tendees. The Polyforum has 3,875 seats available Cañon del Sumidero National Park for a boat ride 3 NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS 4 AND ABOVE three UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the histori- for the same amount of people. —just 17 minutes outside of the city of Tuxtla— or 1,453 CLIMATE cal center of the city of Oaxaca, Montel Alban, Chiapas is one of five Mexican states that were Three of the best alternative venues are: the Dr. a more adrenaline-pumping visit to one of its look- 3 CVB CONTACT and the Prehistoric Caves of Yagul and Mitla in the home to the Maya empire and it still conserves its Manuel Velasco Suarez Convention Center with outs for a different perspective. Both Senda Maya www.ocvchiapas.com SOUTH Central Valleys. pre-Hispanic cultural legacy, majestic monuments, room for 1,200 people in auditorium style; the and Chiapas Touring are well-prepared to offer Roberto Alabat Albores The climate in the southern The Archaeological Zone of Monte Alban —just festive ambiance, and delicious gastronomy. Emilio Rabasa Theater with 1,130 seats; and the this particular tour and others near the capital in- CVB Director region is predominantly warm 20 minutes from the capital— is the destination’s Its varied landscape of waterfalls, lakes, rivers, Chiapas Fair Palapa, which can host banquets of cluding the Sima de las Cotorras sinkhole inhab- [email protected] humid and warm sub-humid. most iconic attraction. It was once the capital of beaches, and mountains make it the second most up to 1,200 attendees. ited by thousands of green parrots, the El Agua- José Luis Pichardo Rosales The average high temperature in the Zapotec empire and is today a favorite with biologically diverse destination in the country, and, There are six other outstanding venues ready to cero or the El Chorreadero waterfalls, the Zoomat Director, Convention Center the summer is 87ºF (31ºC) and visitors to Mexico. DMC Monte Alban Tours is a thanks to the strong currents of its rivers, it’s also host corporate events in this destination, includ- zoo, the Christ of Chiapas or a trip to the Magical [email protected] the average low in the winter is good pick to take groups on tours of the ruins and the most important supplier of electricity in Mex- ing Gluck Eventos with a capacity of 1,500 people Town of Chiapa de Corso. The archaeological zone 59ºF (15ºC). Rainy season is quite the on-site museum. ico. The capital city of Tuxtla Gutierrez is the state’s in the auditorium, and Country Royal, where plan- of is one of the country’s most important WHAT’S NEW intense during the summertime; Other ad hoc tours for groups can be organized transportation hub and home base to visit the ar- ners can host a banquet for up to 1,200; the other sites; however, it’s at a fair distance from the capi- it rains year round in the northern along the different tourist routes in Oaxaca: the ea’s many attractions. Its economic development four can welcome smaller groups from 150 to 500 tal. One recommendation would be to include a OAXACA part of the region. Mescal Route, the Sierra Juarez Route, the Mixteca is fueled by agriculture, livestock, and commerce, attendees. visit as a pre- or post-event add-on by plane with Route, the Magical Handicraft Route, the Juquila with an incipient petroleum industry underway. Aside from Tuxtla, Chiapas is also home to Ta- a minimum stay of five days to take advantage of Grand Fiesta Americana Oaxaca (2019) HOW TO GET HERE Religious Route, and the Oaxacan Coastal Route.  WHERE TO STAY. The capital of Chiapas has two pachula —where a new convention center is under the trip and tour other attractions such as the Agua Any visitor to Oaxaca should never leave with- five-star hotels —its accommodations are mainly construction— and the Magical Towns of San Cris- Azul waterfall. TUXTLA GUTIERREZ OAXACA out tasting at least one of the region’s seven mole four-star— and both have excellent facilities for tobal de las Casas, Palenque, and Comitan, all of Oaxaca International Airport (OAX) sauces, the Oaxacan-style chicken livers, a pozole meetings and events. One of these is the Marri- which also offer adequate infrastructure for small For more area hotels and convention facilities, please Hotel City Express Plus en Tapachula (2019) United States: Dallas. mixteco stew or the very popular grasshoppers ott Tuxtla Gutierrez Hotel, a resort with 210 guest to mid-size meetings and events. visit our website a: meetingsalliance.com Tapachula Center (2019) YOUR SUCCESS, OUR COMMITMENT

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