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Jiménez Martínez 20 HOW TO GET THERE TRANSLATION Claudia Reynaud 21 AT A GLANCE: 7 REASONS TO MEET IN MEXICO Sarah Muñoz GRAPHIC DESIGNER REGIONS C 24 Carlos Caso / KSO M 26 BAJA CALIFORNIA PENINSULA Y PENINSULA PARTNERSHIPS CM 32 NORTH MY MEETINGS ON THE BORDER CY MEETINGS GUIDE TO MEXICO 2019 CMY This guide is produced by Meetings Alliance LLC. 36 CENTRAL K Every effort has been made to ensure the MEXICO’S INDUSTRIAL POWERHOUSE accuracy of the contents. Neither the authors nor the publisher will be 46 PACIFIC COAST responsible for any errors THE COAST WITH THE MOST or omissions. 56 YUCATAN Copyright © 2019 by Meetings Alliance, LLC. MAYAN MEETINGS All rights reserved. 62 GULF COMMITMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY MEETINGS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO Meetings Alliance is committed to combating human trafficking and the commercial sexual 66 QUINTANA ROO exploitation of children. As a socially responsible THE INCOMPARABLE MEXICAN CARIBBEAN company, Meetings Alliance stands firm in our resolve to create awareness of these crimes by utilizing our professional 74 SOUTH resources. We ask our business FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE COAST partners to do the same. WELCOME MEXICO: A GLOBAL PLAYER Dear Meeting Professional, Thank you for your interest in Mexico as host for your next destination meeting or event. If you’ve already visited this fascinating country and know of its endless possibilities for both work and play, we’re happy to have you back and look forward to sharing what’s new in its ever- evolving meetings industry. If this is your first glimpse of Mexico, we are honored to be your window into one of the world’s top meeting destinations. At Meetings Alliance we continue to work proactively to connect you with the right professionals and venues and have as seamless an experience as possible, which is why this year we have formed an alliance with Mexican Meetings Industry Council, or COMIR by its acronym in Spanish. COMIR is made up of and represents twelve associations and organizations that conform the meetings industry in Mexico, serving as their spokesperson with the federal and local government agencies to promote the segment, and working Sandra Reed to standardize the subject matter and language of Mexico’s meetings industry across international boundaries. As you might be aware, the new year has brought Mexico into a transition period with a new government and a new president. It will be interesting to see the country’s top performing industries evolve in 2019, but it’s safe to say that within the meetings industry all forecasts are stable. Within the pages of the 2019 Meetings Guide to Mexico you will find a comprehensive look at destinations, new and notable infrastructure countrywide, and vital industry-specific information to help you choose your next event venue. This printed edition is complemented by a frequently-updated digital online version that will provide you with expanded information including lists of top hotel properties with meetings facilities, DMCs, PCOs, and much more, available at www.meetingsalliance.com. On behalf of Mexico’s thriving business events industry, we look forward to guiding you through the best of what this country has to offer the international MICE segment and we encourage you to choose Mexico as your next successful meetings destination. Sincerely, Sandra Reed Director Meetings Alliance We are the main source of information that connects international meeting planners with Mexico’s MICE segment. 6 WELCOME MGMX 2019: AN INVALUABLE TOOL Dear readers, The meetings industry is one of Mexico’s most powerful drivers of growth, generating 1.8% of the GDP, which represents 3.17 times the GDP generated by the sum total of concerts, shows, and every type of amateur and professional sports events, including all of the country’s leisure activities. Given this, the Meetings Industry is equivalent to 17.50% of the country’s total GDP generated by tourism as measured by the Mexico Tourism Satellite Account (CST 2014) and represents 18.8% of the country’s total hotel occupancy.* Beyond the economic spillover throughout the extensive value chain, the increase in per capita spending per visitor, and an improved hotel occupancy, Mexico also benefits from the academic and social spillover, as the industry promotes the professionalization of its citizens via presentations by top speakers on a national and international level, the networking be- tween participants, and the creation of productive jobs in an industry that’s both sustainable Jaime Salazar Figueroa and socially responsible. The Mexican Meetings Industry Council, COMIR by its acronym in Spanish, is the entity that integrates and represents the 12 most important associations of the meetings industry in Mexico to promote and defend their interests before the government, legislature, and other organizations both national and international, and is dedicated to the promotion of the profes- sionalization and development of all of the sector’s participants. As President of COMIR, I am pleased to present to you an invaluable tool that can be relied upon to provide relevant and up-to-date information on the MICE industry in Mexico: The Meetings Guide to Mexico. Sincerely, Jaime Salazar Figueroa President COMIR * Source: Mice Market Plus Consultants with information from “The Economic Relevance of Meetings” SECTUR/ 8 CPTM 2016 that uses data from 2014. EXICO IS A COUNTRY OF EXTRAORDINARY Mexico has an ample variety of convention and expo natural and cultural wealth that has taken centers with spaces that range from 13,000 ft² (1,208 m²) to advantage of its status as a leader in world 960,000 ft² (89,187 m²) located in more than 56 destinations tourism to distinguish itself in the competitive that include big cities, beaches, and colonial cities. Every Meetings Industry, presenting meeting and event year there are improvements and expansions to the venues, planners with an incomparable offer. not to mention new meeting spaces. The hotel infrastructure The numbers tell the story: according to the latest report is also on trend: during the National Meetings Industry published by the International Congress and Convention Convention (CNTR) held in Zacatecas in August 2018, it was Association (ICCA), the country is 22nd in International announced that between 2018 and 2019 hotel investments in Meeting Tourism and is in the top 5 in Latin and North Mexico could reach up to $5 billion, mainly to destinations America in the number of congresses (2017). In fact, such as Los Cabos, Cancun, Riviera Maya, Puerto Vallarta, according to the MICE Travel Report from IBTM Americas, and the Riviera Nayarit. Most of this investment is in ultra- Mexico captured 44% of the meetings tourism, events, luxury and five-star properties, with dedicated space for conventions, and incentives in Latin America between 2016 meetings and events. and 2017. On par with its excellent infrastructure, Mexico has also This ranking could very well improve once events data for emphasized the education of industry professionals, training 2018 is posted: the Strategic Information Portal for Mexico’s them on different topics including the segment’s value chain, Meetings Industry (PEIIR) has informed the sector reported event planning and marketing, segment promotion, the latest growth during the third bimester of 2018 versus the same market trends, the creation of unique experiences, the use period last year, despite external uncertainties such as the of the latest technology, and more, elevating the country’s economy in general, the renegotiation of the North American competitiveness. Free Trade Agreement (now United States-Mexico-Canada Associations such as MPI Mexico, PCMA Mexico, and the Agreement), and last year’s presidential elections. Mexican Association of Fairs, Exhibitions, and Conventions Every year Mexico welcomes more than 266 thousand (AMPROFEC) spearhead the education and certification of these events with over 29 million attendees. This translates professionals. Meanwhile, the creation of entities such as the into 30 million room nights and a revenue that equaled Mexican Meetings Industry Council (COMIR) and the Mexico 1.8% of the country’s GDP.
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