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Various Threat Reports were received of possible attacks in Kabul over the past few days, and the insurgent’s intent and capability to conduct attacks in the Kabul City remains elevated. There are daily Threat Reports, but the received reports are mainly generic and lacking detail. It is possible that suicide attacks and indirect fire attacks can be expected in the city, but no time frames and/or specific targets were reported. Any attack in the city can be seen as a success for the insurgents, and they will make maximum use of the propaganda value of such an attack.


Intimidation: IVCP: 15 Jul, Province, Mazar District – Early during the morning insurgents staged an IVCP on one of the city roads.

Attack: 13 Jul, , Kandahar City, District 7, Ghondigan village, at 21h30 an IM/ANCOP base was it by a suicide VBIED.

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Threat Reports Received Last 5 Days

BOLO: 11 Jul, Kabul, reportedly four insurgents infiltrated into Bini Hesar area, planning IDF attacks on GIRoA installations and Serena hotel before the Kabul Conference. The likely attack site is from Zemburek


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Killed and Wounded, Captured and Arrested as per the reporting’s of the SSSI DSR.

(Kindly note that these are from the SSSI DSR and are not official statistics and may differ from those released by ISAF or other agencies and organisations.)



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Miscellaneous: 14 Jul, , Kabul City, Counter Terrorism personnel searched a PSC. Five PKMs and six RPKs were seized due to supposedly incorrect documents.

Success: Cache Find: 14 Jul, Kabul Province, Sarobi District, an ANA Ranger truck collided with a civilian vehicle. ANP searched the local civilian vehicle and seized three RPGs. Four civilians arrested.

IED: 14 Jul, , Mohammad Aqa District, Ab Bazak Village, an IM vehicle was hit by An IED in the village. No casualties reported.

Attack: 12 Jul, , Khwajeh Omari District, on 09 July, insurgents shot and killed a District Attorney, then insurgents attacked the mourners at the District Attorney’s funeral on 12 July. Three ANP members wounded. Six insurgents were killed.

Attack: 13 Jul, Ghazni Province, , reportedly insurgents launched a small arms fire attack, which resulted in the death of an NDS officer and a Ghazni Province official.

Attack: 11 Jul, Uruzgan Province, Tarin , Chenarak area, at 20h30 a group of insurgents approached a camp of nomads in the area, asking for hideout. A verbal dispute led to an armed clash. One insurgent was killed, while one insurgents and one nomad civilian were wounded.

Attack: 12 Jul, Uruzgan Province, , Shali Nawa area, at 09h00 insurgents shot and killed a district Shura member on the way to his home.

IED: 12 Jul, Wardak Province, Sayidabad District, An ANA patrol vehicle was hit by an IED on Highway 1, in the Sultan Kheyl area. Seven ANA members were killed.

IDF Attack: 14 Jul, Wardak Province, Maidan Share City, insurgents launched rockets towards the city centre. No casualties reported.

Ambush: 14 Jul, Wardak Province, Sayidabad District, a PSC was ambushed by insurgents in the Zarni area. One local national guard was killed and one wounded.

IDF Attack: 14 Jul, Wardak Province, Jaghato District, the ANP District HQ came under IDF attack by insurgents. No casualties reported.

Attack: 14 Jul, Wardak Province, Sayidabad District, insurgents attacked a District ANP CP. Two civilians killed and one wounded.

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IED: 14 Jul, , , ANP found and defused an IED in the Khawja Khor Village.

Attack: 14 Jul, Herat Province, Guzarah District, insurgents attacked the Char Kochaki ANP checkpoint. No casualties reported.

IED: 14 Jul, Herat Province, Guzarah District, An IED detonated in the Bazaar area. No casualties reported.

IDF Attack: 12 Jul, , Dowlat Yar District, at 09h30 one rocket was directed towards the DAC during an IDF attack. The rocket impacted in an open area. No damage or casualties were reported.


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Insurgency: 15 Jul, , Faizabad District, Karikuli Area, reportedly insurgents had emplaced IEDs on the Kishim – Faizabad Highway in the vicinity of Karikuli area. An International Road Construction company working in that area swept the area, but couldn’t find any devices.

Attack: 12 Jul, , Emam Saheb District, at 09h30 an ANSF/IM convoy was attacked by insurgents during a sustained attack in the Hijkili area. During the incident, the convoy was targeted with sporadic heavy and small arms fire. Six insurgents were killed.

Success: COIN OP: 12 Jul, Kunduz Province, Dasht-E Archi District, during an ANSF operation in the area of Khalilia, one insurgent commander was killed and two insurgents injured. Three insurgents were arrested.

Intimidation: 15 Jul, , Mazar District – Early during the morning insurgents staged an IVCP in one of the city roads. Reportedly the insurgents stopped vehicles, looking for foreign nationals and wealthy local nationals. According to the received information no foreign nationals or locals were abducted by the insurgents.

IED: 14 Jul, , Burkah District, Hollow Village, one insurgent killed and three wounded as the IED detonated prematurely while emplacing it.

IDF Attack: 14 Jul, , Shibirghan City, a rocket detonated in the city. One civilian killed and one wounded.

Success: IED Find: 14 Jul, , District 12, ANP found and defused a RCIED.

Insurgency: IVCP: 12 Jul, , Yangi Qal’ah District, insurgents manned a temporary illegal vehicle check-point on a main road in the Omar Kheyl area. All vehicles were stopped at the check-point and asked for some form of identification.

Attack: 14 Jul, Takhar Province, , insurgents attacked the Hazrat Sultan ABP checkpoint. One insurgent was killed and two wounded.


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IDF Attack: 14 Jul, Lagman Province, Qarghaie District, insurgents conducted heavy weapon IDF targeting the Chino and Kalimol checkpoints in the Tangi Abrishom area. No casualties reported.

Success: IED Find: 14 Jul, Lagman Province, Ali Negar District, ANP found and defused an IED in the Malyar Area.

Kidnap: 12 Jul, , Watah Pur District, insurgents abducted and killed a local civilian. The usual claims were made by the insurgents that the civilian had been found guilty of spying on behalf of the security forces and GIRoA.

IDF Attack: 14 Jul, Kunar Province, , the Silab ABP checkpoint was attacked by insurgents with indirect fire. No casualties reported.

IED: 14 Jul, Kunar Province, Surkh District, Fatah Abad Village, a civilian vehicle was hit by an IED in the village. No casualties reported.

IED: 14 Jul, Kunar Province, Khugyani District, Kamp-e-Chantal area, a civilian vehicle was hit by an IED in the village. No casualties reported.

Attack: 14 Jul, , Barge Matal District, insurgents attacked the ANP District HQ. No casualties reported.

IDF Attack: 14 Jul, Nuristan Province, Barge Metal District, the district ABP checkpoint came under an IDF attack. No casualties reported.


Attack: 14 Jul, Paktya Province, Shwak District, Gardez – Khost Highway in the vicinity of km 28. It is reported by the an International Road Construction Company that it’s PSC teams were repeatedly attacked by insurgents at approximately 14h05 and 15h05. The insurgents

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attacked from static positions in the mountains with a 12,7mm DSHKA, RPG7s, PKMs and small arms. No injuries were incurred during the incident.

Attack: 12 Jul, , Sperah District, a road construction company vehicle was targeted with an IED and follow-up small arms fire. Three guards were killed and six were wounded.

IDF Attack: 12 Jul, Khost Province, , eight mortars were fired towards the District Centre. Three of the rounds impacted in a GIRoA-associated compound. Four security members were wounded.

IDF Attack: 14 Jul, Khost Province, Sabari District, six rockets were fired towards the ANP District HQ. No casualties reported.

IDF Attack: 14 Jul, Khost Province, Tanai District, four rockets were fired towards the ANP District HQ. No casualties reported.

IDF Attack: 14 Jul, Khost Province, Gurbuz District, insurgents launched an IDF attack on the Nariza ABP checkpoint. No casualties reported.

Attack: 14 Jul, Khost Province, , insurgents attacked the Spera ANP District HQ. No casualties reported.

Success: COIN OP: Arrest: 14 Jul, , Sharan City, IM/ANSF conducted an operation in the Goral Area. One insurgent was arrested and 1 AK-47 was seized.

Attack: 14 Jul, Paktika Province, Sharan City, insurgents attacked a PSC in the Madarasa Aljahad Area. No casualties reported.

Attack: 13 Jul, Paktika Province, Yusuf Kheyl, at 11h00 insurgents attacked a compound used by a road construction company during a complex attack in the Malakh area. The compound was targeted with heavy and small arms fire. One civilian killed.


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IDF Attack: 13 Jul, , , Qalat City, at 20h00 a rocket was fired towards the old hospital area. No casualties reported.

Attack: 12 Jul, , Marjah District, at 11h00, insurgents attacked the IM/ANSF facility at the Shura Building area with small arms fire and RPGs. No casualties were reported.

Attack: 12 Jul, Helmand Province, , during the day, insurgents attacked IM facility using RPGs and small arms fire. One IM soldier was wounded.

Ambush: 13 Jul, Helmand Province, Sangin District, during the day, insurgents ambushed an IM foot patrol in the area. One IM member was killed.

Success: COIN OP: Arrest: 13 Jul, Helmand Province, Sangin District, during the day, an ANA search operation in the area came under attack by insurgents. One 82 mm mortar and a machine gun were confiscated by the ANA. Eight insurgents were killed.

IED: 13 Jul, Helmand Province, Nahr-E Saraj District, an IM patrol was hit by an IED southwest of Gereshk in the area of PB1. A secondary device detonated. Two IM members were wounded.

IED: 13 Jul, Helmand Province, Marjah District, IM patrols were targeted with pressure- initiated IEDs on two different occasions. One insurgent was arrested.

Ambush: 13 Jul, Helmand Province, Sangin District, an IM patrol was targeted with small arms fire. One IM member was killed.

Attack: 13 Jul, Kandahar Province, Kandahar City, District 7, Ghondigan village, at 21h30 an IM/ANCOP base came under attack by a suicide VBIED Toyota Corolla vehicle that was detonated near the gate of the compound. Three suicide BBIED attackers then entered the compound while insurgents provided fire support with small arms fire and RPGs. All the suicide bombers detonated their devices. Three IM, four ANCOP and four local interpreters were killed. Two IM, four ANCOP and six civilians were wounded.

Attack: 13 Jul, Kandahar Province, Kandahar City, District 4, two insurgents on motorbikes shot and wounded four civilians in the Kot Baba Kosa area. The victims were transferred to Mirwais hospital.

Success: IED Find: 13 Jul, Kandahar Province, Kandahar City, District 8, Peer Paimal village, an ANP patrol found and defused two roadside IEDs.

Success: IED Find: 13 Jul, Kandahar Province, Panjwa’i District, Nakhoni village, an ANP patrol found and defused two road side IEDs.

Success: Arrest: 12 Jul, Kandahar Province, Kandahar City, an ANP patrol in the north of the city arrested two insurgents in Police District 9.

Attack: 13 Jul, Kandahar Province, Kandahar City, Police District 1, in the area of Ashrafia Madarasa at 10h30 insurgents attacked and killed the Education Administrator for Mianeshin district.

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IDF Attack: 12 Jul, Nimroz Province, Khashrod District, the Delaram District Administration Centre came under attack by three rockets that impacted in a open area. No casualties were reported.

Attack: 13 Jul, Nimroz Province, Khashrod District, Delaram District Administration Centre, insurgents attacked the DAC with small arms and RPGs. Three civilians were wounded.



The New York Times By ALISSA J. RUBIN July 14, 2010 KABUL, Afghanistan

After intensive negotiations with NATO military commanders, the Afghan government on Wednesday approved a program to establish local defense forces that American military officials hope will help remote areas of the country thwart attacks by Taliban insurgents.

Details of the plan are sketchy, but Americans had been promoting the force as a crucial stopgap to combat rising violence here and frustration with the slow pace of training permanent professional security forces — the bottom-line condition for the American military to begin pulling back from an increasingly unpopular war. Many parts of Afghanistan have no soldiers or police officers on the ground.

Over 12 days of talks, Gen. David H. Petraeus, the new NATO commander, overcame the objections of President Hamid Karzai, who had worried that the forces could harden into militias that his weak government could not control. In the end, the two sides agreed that the forces would be under the supervision of the Afghan Interior Ministry, which will also be their paymaster.

“They would not be militias,” said Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon spokesman, at a briefing in Washington on Wednesday. “These would be government-formed, government-paid, government-uniformed local police units who would keep any eye out for bad guys — in their neighborhoods, in their communities — and who would, in turn, work with the Afghan police forces and the Afghan Army, to keep them out of their towns.”

It is, he added, “a temporary solution to a very real, near-term problem.”

The program borrows from the largely successful Awakening groups that General Petraeus created in Iraq, though the two programs would not be identical. Unlike the Iraqi units, the Afghan forces would not be composed of insurgents who had switched sides. They would be similar as a lightly armed, trained and, significantly, paid force in a nation starving for jobs.

In fact, the program runs the risk of becoming too popular — it will create a demand in poor communities around the nation that could turn it into an unwieldy and ineffective job creation program.

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While some American officials said the forces could have as many as 10,000 people enrolled, Afghan officials indicated that they wanted to keep them small, especially in the beginning.

Questions remain, too, about whether the Interior Ministry will be able to manage the forces. While the ministry’s leadership in Kabul has been working recently to reduce graft, the police at every level are widely viewed as corrupt and, in many places, incompetent.

American military officials said, however, that they would be intimately involved, and that United States Special Forces units, which have created smaller-scale programs locally, especially in southern Afghanistan, would continue to set up and train the forces.

The agreement was hammered out during a particularly violent spasm in the war here. Seven American service members were killed on Tuesday and Wednesday in southern Afghanistan, and one NATO soldier died of wounds received earlier in the week in the unstable south of the country.

The negotiations were an early test for General Petraeus, appointed overall commander in Afghanistan last month, both in pushing a difficult war forward and forging ties with Mr. Karzai, an often prickly and unpredictable partner against the Taliban.

The relatively fast agreement on this new force could give momentum to the general’s efforts to work closely with Mr. Karzai’s government and move forward on other, still harder issues, including improving Afghan governing skills and decreasing corruption.

Depending on how quickly the program starts running, it could also help NATO forces control the Taliban in areas where there are few NATO soldiers. People close to Mr. Karzai said he had resisted earlier efforts to expand another iteration of the program that was largely created by the Americans and organized by Special Forces units because he feared that it could undercut his government’s power and foster the creation of militias.

“We have tribal rivalries, and tribes may think they can benefit from this, and it could strengthen rivals in a village,” Waheed Omar, the spokesman for the Afghan president, said in an interview this week. “We don’t want a short-term objective to endanger a long-term objective for security.”

Another worry was creating any government structures reminiscent of the period of Communist rule here, when Muhammad Najibullah, then the president, created local armed forces to help bolster the government’s fight against rebels — a move that alienated many Afghans.

This week, General Petraeus offered a new proposal that included a number of elements to help make the program more acceptable to Mr. Karzai. Mr. Omar said that the president was looking for agreement on safeguards to ensure that the program did not get out of control.

It was particularly important to Mr. Karzai that it come under his government’s jurisdiction, that the forces be uniformed and that their chain of command run through the Interior Ministry because several other local forces created during nearly nine years of war here had only a tangential relationship to the Afghan authorities — or undermined them.

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The new Afghan forces will be armed, but their role will be “purely defensive,” said a senior NATO official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record.

“In some cases people may bring their own stuff, but part of the goal of getting government support is to standardize equipment,” he said. “They will be armed and equipped and trained to defend their communities.”

Community defense has deep cultural roots in Afghanistan, where local men form village watch groups to keep out foes. The hope is that villagers will be comfortable with the new units because they are familiar with the concept.

There are now several different semiofficial armed forces operating in the country; they would all be “gradually disbanded and reintegrated” into a single new force named the Local Police Force, according to a statement released Wednesday by the Afghan National Security Council.

One major risk of the program, which all sides tacitly acknowledge, is that it will multiply the number of well-armed people in Afghanistan, which even with safeguards could foster fighting rather than quell it.

For that reason, perhaps, both Mr. Karzai’s administration and the American military are describing it as a short-term remedy to the problem of a lack of police officers and soldiers in many areas of the country.

“Our position has been to develop a solution that bridges between having nothing and having Afghan National Police, and this program does that,” said the senior NATO official. “So it’s a good development and especially so since it has consensus within the Afghan government and the ownership that come with that,” he said.

Richard A. Oppel Jr. contributed reporting from Kabul, and Thom Shanker from Washington.


Afghanistan Weather for Friday 16 July 2010 Kabul Jalalabad Mazar Kandahar Herat

Clear Rain 20% Clear Clear Clear 36° C | 23° C 42° C | 24° C 45° C | 26° C 43° C | 28° C 46° C | 25° C

Farah Khost Kunduz Gardez Faizabad

Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 46° C | 31° C 36° C | 23° C 44° C | 27° C 31° C | 16° C 41° C | 17° C

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20 Jul 10 - Kabul Conference 19 Aug 10 - National Day. 11/12 Aug-10/11 Sep 10 - Ramadan 18 Sep 10 - Parliamentary Election 08 Oct 10 - Parliamentary Election Preliminary Results Expected 30 Oct 10 – Parliamentary Election Final Results Expected 16 Nov - 17 Nov 10 - Eid-al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice).

Note. Muslim festivals are timed according to local sightings of various phases of the moon and the dates given above are approximations. During the lunar month of Ramadan that precedes Eid al-Fitr, Muslims fast during the day and feast at night and normal business patterns may be interrupted. Some disruption may continue into Eid al-Fitr itself. Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha may last up to several days, depending on the region.


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AA Anti-Aircraft MNF Multi National Forces AGE Anti-Government Elements (Generic term for MO Modus Operandi insurgent groups) MOD Ministry of Defence ABP AFGHAN Border Police MOI Ministry of Interior ADZ AFGHAN Development Zone (in Central NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation HELMAND around LKG) NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical AEF AFGHAN Eradication Force NBD Non-Battle Death ANA AFGHAN National Army NBI Non-Battle Injury ANP AFGHAN National Police NDA NAD-e ALI (in HELMAND Province) ANSF AFGHAN National Security Forces NFDK No Further Details Known ANSO AFGHAN NGO Safety Office NGO Non-Governmental Organisation AMF AFGHAN Militia Forces NSTR Nothing Significant to Report AO Area of Operations NDS National Directorate of Security (Afghan) AP Anti-Personnel OEF Operation Enduring Freedom (US Operation APC Armoured Personnel Carrier with a separate command structure and remit to AQ Al Qaeda ISAF, predominantly operating in the ASF AFGHAN Special Forces EASTERN region) AT Anti-Tank OP Observation Point BBRCIED Bicycle Borne Remote Controlled Improvised OPCEN Operations Centre Explosive Device OPSEC Operational Security BBIED Body Borne Improvised Explosive Device P2K PAKTIKA, PAKTIA & KHOWST BDA Battle Damage Assessment PAK PAKISTAN BME Bomb Making Equipment PB Patrol Base BP Border Post PBIED Person Born Improvised Explosive Device CAS Close Air Support PD Police District CASEVAC Casualty Evacuation PEF Poppy Eradication Force CNP Counter Narcotic Police PPIED Pressure plate IED CivPop Civilian Population PRT Provincial Reconstruction Team COIN (Ops) Counter Insurgency (Operations) PSAF Precision Small Arms Fire CoP Chief of Police PSC Private Security Company CP Checkpoint PSD Protective Security Detail CQA Close Quarter Assassination QRF Quick Reaction Force CWIED Command Wire IED Recce Reconnaissance DC District Centre RC Radio controlled / Remote controlled (as in DDR Disarmament, Demobilisation, Reintegration RCIED) DF Direct Fire RL Rocket Launcher DIAG Disarmament of Illegal Armed Groups RPG Rocket Propelled Grenade EF Enemy Forces (Generic term for insurgent RTA Road Traffic Accident groups) SAF Small Arms Fire EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal SAFIRE Surface-to-Air Fire FOB Forward Operating Base SAM Surface-to-Air Missile FP Firing Point SF Special Forces / Security Forces GIRoA Government of the Islamic Republic of SIOC Security Information Operations Centre AFGHANISTAN SOP Standard Operational Procedure GOA Government of Afghanistan SRA Security Risk Assessment GR Grid Reference (Provided in MGRS – Military SVBIED Suicide Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Grid Reference System) Device GSK GERESHK (in HELMAND) S Suicide i.e. SIED – suicide IED, SVBIED – HIG HEZB-I-ISLAMI GULBUDDIN suicide VBIED HME Home-made explosives (usually fertiliser- TB TALIBAN based) TBD To be determined HMG Heavy Machine Gun TTPs Tactics, techniques and procedures HQ Headquarters UGV Upper GERESHK Valley (HELMAND HVT High Value Target Province) IDF Indirect fire (Rockets and mortars) UN United Nations IEC Independent Election Commission UN DSS United Nations Department of Safety and IED Improvised Explosive Device Security IM (F) International Military (Forces) USV Upper SANGIN Valley (HELMAND Province) INGO International Non-governmental Organization UXO Unexploded Ordnance INS Insurgent(s) VBIED Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device ISAF International Security Assistance Force VCP Vehicle Check Point (Also, IVCP – Illegal IVO In the Vicinity Of (i.e. mil-speak for near) VCP) JEMB Joint Election Management Body VOIED Victim Operated IED JTF Joint Task Force WB World Bank KAF KANDAHAR Airfield WFP World Food Program KAIA KABUL International Airport WIA Wounded in action KCP KABUL City Police WHO World Health Organisation KIA Killed in action LKG LASHKAR GAH (in HELMAND Province) LN Local National (i.e. Afghan) MCIED Motor cycle improvised explosive device MCN Ministry of Counter Narcotics MEDIVAC Medical Evacuation MG Machine Gun MIA Missing in action Privileged and Confidential 15 This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information is strictly prohibited without the explicit approval from StrategicSSI Management.