BEYON D THE BLANKET: T OWAR D S MORE BEYonD THE BLANKET: E FFECTIVE PROTECTION FOR ToWARDS MORE EFFECTIVE PROTECTION For INTErnALLY DISPLACED PERSONS in SOUTHERN AFGHANISTAN I NTERNALLY DISNTERNALLY P LACE D PERSONS IN S OUTHERN Brookings-Bern Project on Brookings-Bern Project on A Internal Displacement FGHANISTAN Internal Displacement 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, NW The Liaison Office (TLO) Washington, DC 20036 USA May 2010 (T) +1 (202) 797-6168 (F) +1 (202) 797-2970
[email protected] BROOKINGS BEYOND THE BLANKET: TOWARDS MORE EFFECTIVE PROTECTION FOR INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN SOUTHERN AFGHANISTAN A Report of the Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement and The Liaison Office (TLO) May 2010 III REPORT AUTHORS his report was written by Susanne Schmeidl (The Liaison Office), Alexander D. Mundt (Guest Researcher, Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement) and Nick Miszak T(The Liaison Office). Susanne Schmeidl, Ph.D. is a co-founder and Senior Advisor to The Liaison Office (TLO) and has worked on Afghanistan since 2002. She is also a Visiting Fellow at the Asia-Pacific College on Diplomacy at The Australian National University. Her work experience spans the sectors of aca- demia, non-governmental organizations, and the United Nations and she has combined academic analysis and practice in the areas of forced displacement, civilian Peacebuilding, and conflict preven- tion. She holds a MA and Ph.D. in sociology from the Ohio State University. She has published widely in the areas of Afghanistan, protracted displacement, early warning/conflict prevention, civil- ian peacebuilding and state building, human security, gender, and civil society.