CCaalleennddaarr ooff CCuullttuurraall EEvveennttss SLOVAK TOURIST BOARD 22000033 JANUARY 2003 24th January THE BLESSING OF YOUNG WINES - the social event in Západoslovenské Museum the place of the event: Trnava, the address: Trhová 3, Trnava Tel: +421/ 33/ 5906 111 26th January THE St. PAUL´S CONVERSION FEAST - the social event the contact: Municipal Office in Nevidzany Tel.: +421/ 37/ 634 32 21 THE CITY DANCE FESTIVAL - the 12th dance festival the place of the event: Robotnícky dom, Banská Bystrica Tel.: +421/ 48/ 414 24 72 EUROPE IN LEVICE - the presentation of European countries with international participation the place of the event: Mestské kultúrne stredisko(the City Culture Centre), address: Sládkovičova 2, 934 01 Levice Tel: +421/ 36/ 631 24 67, Fax: +421/ 36/ 631 28 22 1 FEBRUARY 2003 14th – 16th February THE St. VALENTINE´S WEEKEND AT THE CASTLE – THE KISS 2003 - a guided tour through the castle enlighted by the spirit of St. Valentine, love stories, games, competitions and duels of chosen couples, St. Valentine´s night at the castle with refreshments for two, and other surprises the place of the event: The Bojnice Castle, the contact person: Ms. Adriana Jelenekova, the address: Hrad Bojnice, 972 01 Bojnice Tel.: +421/ 46/ 543 06 24, 543 06 33, Fax: +421/ 46/ 543 00 51 E-mail:
[email protected] , 28th February – 2nd March FISHING - specialized exhibition address: Incheba a.s., Viedenská cesta 7, 852 51 Bratislava 5 Tel.: +421/ 2/ 672 71 111, Fax: +421/ 2/ 672 72 055 E-mail:
[email protected] , THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CALENDAR OF SLOVAKIA 2002 - the 11th annual exhibition of calendars about Slovakia the place of the event: Štátna vedecká knižnica (State Scientist Library), address: Lazovná č.