Minutes of the Regular Meeting of City Council
Council Chambers City Hall, Saskatoon, Sask. Monday, March 22, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: His Worship the Mayor, in the Chair; Councillors Alm, Birkmaier, Dubois, Fortosky, Heidt, Hnatyshyn, Neault, Paulsen, and Wyant; City Manager Richards; General Manager, Community Services Gauthier; General Manager, Corporate Services Veltkamp; General Manager, Infrastructure Services Uzelman; General Manager, Fire and Protective Services Bentley; General Manager, Utility Services Hewitt; City Solicitor Dust; City Clerk Mann; Councillors’ Assistant Long. Moved by Councillor Heidt, Seconded by Councillor Paulsen, THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of City Council held on March 8, 2004 be approved. CARRIED. HEARINGS 2a) Proposed Development Plan Amendment Boundary Alterations to DCD3 Area and Site Definition University of Saskatchewan – Preston Crossing Applicant: Mr. David Miner on Behalf of the University of Saskatchewan and Rencor Proposed Bylaw No. 8291 (File No. CK. 4351-1) Report of the City Clerk: “The purpose of this hearing is to consider proposed Bylaw No. 8291, a copy of which is attached. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2004 PAGE 2 Attached is a report of the Community Services Department dated February 13, 2004, recommending that City Council approve the proposed amendments to the City of Saskatoon Development Plan to: 1) alter the boundary of the DCD3; and 2) alter the term ‘site’ as used in the DCD3 guidelines. Also attached is a copy of a letter from the Secretary of the Municipal Planning Commission dated March 2, 2004, advising that the Commission supports the above-noted recommendation, along with a copy of Notice which appeared in the local press under dates of February 28, and March 6, 2004.” His Worship the Mayor opened the hearing.
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