

IN T riE



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• For the sale of official publications excluding those of the Legislative Department. P REF ACE.

THE cams m the com cabinet of the Phayre P rovincial Museum were first listed and catalogued in 1909 by Mr. Taw Sein Ko, late Superintendent, Archceo­ logical Survey, Burma. T here \Vere then only 69 typical coins, including pieces of silver bullion, and t hey were classified as follows:- -

l.-.A r ak <~ ne se 16 II.-Burmese 8 III.-lnJian 41 IV.--Siamese I V.-Chinese 2 VI.-European I

Total 6g

While the number of Arakanese, Burmese, Siamese, Chil'lese and European coins has almost remained unchanged, the number of Indian coins has increased by about 6oo, a nd for an intelligent classification of them, it has been found I?ecessary to arrange then: a ccording to the dynasties of Kings in India to which they belong , from the earl iest time down to the latest period. They were all found in India and presented to the coin cabinet of the Phayre Provincial Museum by the various Provinces in India. For the identification and classification of a good many of them, I a ~, , indebted to the Government Epigraphist in India and successive Curators in the Provincial Museum, Lucknow, which I have acknow­ ledged, from time to time, in my Provincial reports. A greater prominence has be,en given to the Arak::J. nese and Burmese coins by placing them first in the list. l ndeed, thr: y ar e the only coins that ha.ve been found in the Province and that have anything to do with the history oft he country. They are no doubt very few, and only a few have b~en added to them since 1909, the year in which their first catalogue was prepared. But when a more systematic search is made fo r them, it is expected that many more will be brought to lig ht. For Burma, especially Arakan, can boast of the knowledge of the art of coinage from an ear1y time, as is testified to by the discovery of coins, some of which, indigenous no doubt, are as old as 8th-9th century A.D. 1 H owever, they appear to be intended only for commemorative purposes, and their:__ use as currency was an afterthought only at a very late period. In the meantime, the use of uncoined currency in the form of lumps of metal seems to have been prevailing throughout Burma, and, if the statements made from Chinese sources can be relied on, the practice is of ancient date.

5ir Richard Temple, in his notes on c, Currency and Coinage among the Burmese " refers to some interesting passages from Chinese sources supplied

him by Mr. E . H. Parker. In one of these it is stated that cc l n the year A.D. 97, the King of T'an (in Northern Burma) by name Yung Yu, selected and sent interpreters to offer precious things from his country. The Emperor Ho rewarded him with a gol den seal and a purple vest, adding money

1 Plate Jl, Sir Arthur Phayre's "Coins of Arakan, Pegu and Burma," and Nos. 1-4, pa.ge 1 and Nos. t--- to, pages 2 and 3 of the present catalog ue. ( 2 ) and clothes for the smaller chieftains " ~ It is not kno>vn what that T'an money was, but the following seems to be more precise. Parker in his " Burma Relations with China," p. 1 I. ff. , gives a very inte resting fact. Quoting from the annals of the T'ang dynasty (6 !8-907) A.D., he shews that the Piao (Pyu) kingdom mentioned therein was undoubtedly Burma, and then goes on to quote : ''gold and silver are used as money, the shape of which is crescent like." 3 The use of this currency was in vog ue in Burma up to t he time of the Briti~h annexation of Upper Burma in 188s. In 186 r, King Mindon struck some coins for use as c urrency, but the use of bullwn c urrency was also allowed at the same time. The Arakanese on the other hand1 seerr.. to have been familiar with the use of coins as legitimate currency from about the middle of the fifteenth century A.D. Sir Arthur Phayre, in hi s account of the "Coins of Arakan, of Pegu, and of Burma," which still remains t he standard work on the subject, writes as follow s : " At the beginning of the fiftee nth century of the Christian era, the king of B.urma invaded Arakan, and the ruler of the latter country, Meng -tsau-mwun, fled to Bengal in the year 1406 or 1407 A.D. The exiled monarch lived at Sunargong, then t he Muslirn capital oi Bengal, for twenty-four years. The Sultan of Bengal then undertook to restore him, and this was effected in the year A.D. 1430. He agreed to be subordinate, or tributary, to his benefactor. How this subordinancy was carried out in detail, is not· stated in the chronicles of Arakan, nor, as far as l am aware, in any history of Uengal. But coins are still met with in Arakan, bearing no date, but having the Kalimah inscribed thereon, which are said by learned rnen among the Arakanese to have been issued during the reigns of several successiv e kings, commencing about the year A.D. 1440. But the first prince of whom there is trustworthy evidence upon this point is Batsauphyti, the nephew of Meng -tsau-rnw•un, who ascended the throne of Arakan in the year A.D. 1459· He is termed in the history of Arakan, Kalimah Shah, in consequence of his having issued a coin bearing the Kalimah." As is stated above, the Arakanese and Burmese coins in the coin cabinet of the Phayre Provincial Museum are ; very few. They do not form a representative selection of the specimens of all the coins of Burma, and in these circumstances full justice cannot be done to them here. It is hoped, however, that a more complete list illustrated with plates will be brough·t out ,~; h e n t he Phayre Provincial Museum is put on a more satisfac tory footing. If possible, casts of those coins now in the British Museum and the Indian Museum, Calcutta, which are not found in the present list, ought to be obtained for the Phayre Museum Cabinet. Since the present catalogue in 1uanuscript has been in the Press some mor(! lndian coins have been received in th ~ P hayre Provincial Museum. These will be catalogued and shown in a supplementary list to be issued later on. I specially cesire here to place on record the very intellige nt and precious help given by my Archceological Assistant Maung Mya, in this compilation. His special knowledge of Arakanese and Burmese numismatics has proved very useful. CHAS. DUROISELLE, Super£ntende nt, Archa:ological Sur7Jey, Burma Circle. M.uwH.AY, xst Duember 1913.

" lndian Antiquary, Vol. XX VI, page 23:1. -' Cf. also Indian Antiquary, Vol. XX V I, page 13t· TABLE OF CONTENTS.

PAGB l,-ARAK ANK SB CoiNs l &; :1 II.-BuRMESE-EARLY CoMMEMORATIVE CoiNS ;. , : ~ 3 III.-Bu RMESE-LATER CoiNs 4 THE E ARLIEST {NDIAN CURRENCY COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE INDIAN PUNCH•MARK.ED COINS 5 AunA MBARA CoiNs, ABOUT wo B.C.- Rudradasa s Sivadasa 6 Dha r agh osa P 6 ANDHRA DYNAS TY RULIN G OV ER M IDDLE !NDIA- Dhutuha l a nanda Mul ananc!a '..."} 6 N ame of King uncertain ... WESTERN SATRAPS: Nahapana dynasty 6 G AD HAIYA CorNs 6 MBDIJEVAL I NDO•SASSANIAN COINS 6&7


THE TO MA R/1 DYNASTY 0 11 A.J :.J IR AND D ELlll.:.... Kumar a-P a la· D eva 7

THE RATHOR DYNASTY OF K t.NAUJ­ Gov inda·Chandra 7 THE D YNASTY 01' N :\RWAR ­ M a \aya Varma Deva Chahada Deva ... 8 Asalladeva '"1... Gopaladeva S&g


VIJAYANAGAR DYNASTY Ol' SouTH lNU!A- H ar ihara 11 .•. D ev a Raya l l .. lt Krishna Deva R<~ya '''1 Achyuta Raya .... 12 Sand a siva Raya

K INGDOM 011 MYsO RF.­ Haidar Ali u Tipu Sultan '"... } Krishna Raja 12 NATIV I'> S'IATKS IS ltiDOlUI STA.TS .. ( 11 ) ' PJ.GI!. BARON. STATE 13 EAST INDIA CoMPAliT 13 FRKNCH EAST INDIA CoMPANY !3 RoMAN CorNs I3 ,_ CHill llSE CorNs ... 13 PERSIAN COINS-- Nadir Shah 13 CoxNs oF THE SuLTANS oF DELHr- Muhammad lbin Sam .. . 14

Shamshu-d-din Altamsh .. . ~~ Alau-d-din Masaud Shah 14 Jalaluddin Firoz 14 Alau-d-din Muhammad Shah 15 & r6 Qutbu-d-din Mubarak Shah I t6 Ghiyasu·d·din Tughlaq I 17 Muhammad Ill bin Tughlaq 17 Firoz Shah Tugltlaq r8 Bahlol Lodi ... xS Sikandar Shah II Lodi 18 & I9 Sher Shah 19 Sultan Muhammad (Ahmed) Malik 19 CorNs OP THE SuLTAN S 011 BENGAL- Ghiya5u-d-d in Bahadur Shah, Govern01 of Bengal, under the Emperor of Delhi 19 iNDEPENDENT KINGS OF BENGAL­ Fakhru-d-din Mubarak Shah lO

Shamsu-d-din lliyas Shah '20 Sikandar Shah I lo Ghiyasu-d-din Azam Shah 20

]alalu-d-din Muhammad Shah 2 Cil Ghiyasu-d-din Mahmud Shah 20 Barbak Shah 20


Taju-d-din Yaldaz 21

, Nasiru-d-din Quhacha ... 21 Jalalu-d-din of Khwarizm :11 BAHMANIS OF KULBARGAR 21 THE ADILSHAHI KINGS 01' BIJAPUR 21 THE KUTBSH.HII KI NGS OF GOLCONDA 2I

SHARQl KINGS OF ]AUI!iPUR- lbrahim Shah :u Husen S hah ... 2:

KtNGs 01 ­ Ahmad Shah ... t2 Mahmud Shah I St & S3 Muzafla r Shah ll 23 Mahmuci Shah Ill 23 MuwA KINGS- Mahmud Shah Khalji Il 13

CoiNS oF THB Mu G HA.L EMP ERORS oF HINDUSTAX­ Akbar '4 Shah ] ahan ... 2


0 z 0 z Metal. Obverse. Reverse. R ema rks.

~- (l) _( 3) __ (4) (6)

lA S il ver A recumbent humped Trident of S iva with C omrnencing with the Nandi bull, bull, wi th ornament . garlands pendant the ernblen,.s ct r e s ;vaite in th eir round the neck. from the outer character. Legend a bove : blades S un a nd I •< iV1ti Challdnt." moon above. Below i' I five round dots . 8 21 D o, A recumbent bull. I A tris ul emblem or a Legend indist in ct. t ~e e Hanked by two cobras nnd resti ng on five rou!'d dots.

A recumben t bull. A trisul emblem or a 3 Do. No legend. tree flanked by two cobras and resti "g on three round dots.

8B 4 D o. A recumbent bull wi th A trisul emblem the legend " Niti resting on f.ve Chandra." round-d ots,

8c 5 Do. roor. Sin Ni Thakin S an!e as on obverse... Dale corresponds to 1639 A. D. T he Sin Byu Thakin King- is the 2lnd of the IVl yauk·u Thado M in Tazeik. Dynasty of Araka n (1 4 .•4--1782 A.D ). The transla tion of the. legend is " Seal of King Thado, the Lord uf Red Elephants and the Lord of White Elephants.''

6 Do. Io14. Shwe N a n S ame as on obverse ... Three coins. Date cnrresponds to Thakin Sanda r652 A.D. The I

8D 7 Do. 1014. Shwe Nan Same as o n obverse ... Date corresponds to 165·2 A.D. Thf! Thakin Sanda K ing is the 2.1rd of the same Thudhama Y a za dyna s ty a s No 5. (C ha n da-S udham­ ma raja).

2H 8 D o. l o] ~. Shwe Nan Same as on obverse... fi our coins. Date corresponds to r 7ro Thaldn S anda A. D. The King is the 34th of t he Vvizaya Yaza same dynasty as No. 5· (Chanda- Vij aya­ raja),

SE 9 Do. 107~ . Shwe N a n Same as on obverse . .. Date corr'lsponds lu 1710 A. D. Tl1ak in s ~ nd a The King is the .) 4th of the same Wizaya Yaza dynasty as No. 5· (Cha nda-Vij a ya­ raja ). I 10 Do. lOp. Shll'e Nan Same as on obverse ... Date corresponds to 171 o A. D. Thakin Sand:< The King is the 34th of the same Wizaya Yiiz ii dynasty ao N o. S· ( t ~ h anda- Vijnya­ raja) IlB 11 D o. 1093. Shwe N;m , ·S ame as on obv erse ... Date corresponds to I 73 r A. D . Thakin S 'tnda I' The l ~ in g is the 35th of th e sarn

12 Do. 1093. S hwe Nan Same a s on obverae ... Date corresponds to 1731 A.D. T hakin Sanda The King is the 35th of t he snme Thuriya Yiiza dynllSly as No. 5· (Chuda-Suriya­ r a ja). ( 2

Ciitatoglfe ol Coins zn tht P lt «yH P rovincilill Museum.

Metal. Obverse , l~ever sc, Remarks.

··-·--- , (6) I 1.-.·\RAK ANESE COlN S- cou cld.

S il 'l!er IO!J7, S hwe Nan Same as on obverse D :< te correspond& to 1.735 A. D. Thakin Naya- The Ki ng is the 36th o[ the 5ame Favaya Yaza dynasty as N o. 5· ( Nara-Pava r a-ra ja.).

I • \ 14 Do. 1104. S hwe N a n Sa me as on obverse D a te corresponds to t74t A.D. Tha kin Narapaya The Kin g is the 4 t st ot the same Vaza (Na ra para- dynasty as No. 5- raja).

Do. 1123 . S hwe N an Sa me as on ob verse ... Date corresponds to 1761 A.D. Thakin Sanda The Kin g 1s the 43rd of the same Parr1111a Yaza dynasty as No. S· '1 C handa- par;unrJ. ­ r;'ija) .

~ , , t6 Do. ue6. S hwe N a11 Same as on ob1•ersc ... Two coins. D a te corresponds to Thakin Abhaya 1764 A .D. The King is the 44th Maha Vii za (Abha­ o[ the same dynasty as No. s- ya-maha -raja).

Do. 1 rt6. Shwc Na n Same as on ob verse .. J" wo coins. l >ate corresponds to T hakin . Abhaya 1764 A .D. The King is the 44th Maha Yaza ( i\bha­ of the s a me dynasty as No. s. ya-maha-nl j3).

S ]) IS Do. 11 35. Shwc N a 11 Same a s on obverse ... Date corresponds to I 77 3 A. D . Thakin Sanda The K ing is the 45 th of the same Thuma na Vaza dynasty as No 5, (C ha ndasuma na ­ ra ja).

D o. 1140. Shwc Pyi Same as on <'bvt·rse .. Date corresponds to r778 A .D. Thakin Dha mma yi t T he King is the 47th of the same Yaza (Dha m ma raj­ dynas1y as No. >:: . rt~ jii.). SF Do. 114+· Shwe Nn n Sa me as on obver se Two coin~. Date corr es ponds to ·rhak in Mahatha­ I 782 A.D. The King is the 48th mada Yaza (Maha a nd last ,_,f the same dynasty as Sama tn-raja). Nos.


Silver I A conch shell c rown ed i A triang uh r sta nd Commem o r ~ tiv e coin or. medal in­ by an um brella a nd I s urmounted b v the tended t c: be deposited in the relic ll c.nked by two c o bra~ ! sun a nd o rn arn~nte d chambe ro; of pagodas. resting- on a cu rvcd on eit her side wi th line. a streamer resting on a triple series of d uplicated sh ott curved lines which are supported by Z 1 sl1" peel figu res. J I 13 ' 3 Do. Trisul emblem s ur­ A d t s ~ u s wit h a double I Found at Var"ethin. mounted by th'! sun d otkd fringe and the moo n and I supported on three circular dots, a nd fla nked, on the right I by three c ircu lar dots resting· on a t riangula r stand, a nd on the left, by I a Swastika, I . . -·- · . ------______!______- ( 3 ) Catalogue of Coz' ns z'n the F ht!tyre Provincial Museum. ------,-- -~------~ -~ ------~------r 0 z ci Oi z I c ~.1etal. Obverse. Reverse. Remsrks. :'§ :~...n ..,.... I 0 CFJ I I -(I) J.!)_ (3) (4 ) -~-- ---Csl __ ~-- :6)

ll.-B U 1 ~ \i ESE--- EM\LV COJ\1M E,\101,ATl VE COl NS-concld

lO 3 Alloy of .-\ lobster l llegible cha r:1ctc rs in Commem0rative meda l intended to tin and T a laing or Burme>e . be deposited in the relic·chambers lead. of Talaing Pag odas.

21 4 D o 1or commemorative m edals with to various indistinct devices and ~6 ill egible chMacters intended for the sam e purpose as N n. 3. , 5 A li nga rest ing o n r1 T ris ul e mb lem Five coi ns. reCL « ngu!ar ped estal fl a nked on each 3ide by a series of fou r circles :.t nd 1he hea cl of a l\ ch;a. C !1 se to the side of the Niiga is a sym bol which loo ks like a crab. The l i 11 ,ga is sur mounted by the !U!l a nc the me-on, I the former being on ! its p roper ri ,· h t a nd I the la tter on its pro­ per le:t. I 6 Do. r n the centre, n ine stu pa-l Wit hill a circle of thick Three coins, each of th e siz e of a shaped d ot s fl a nked l line and a border rupee found in the H mawza on either sid e by ? 1 of circula r cl ots are Township, P rome District. T hey Jlfaga. Above, a · t wo sets o f d uplicat­ a ppear to belong t o A rakan, but forked line repre­ ed triang les placed their origin and dates a re other­ sent ing the sky ey apex to ap ex with a wise unknown. R eferences : (1) dome separa ting the streamer tied at the P hayre's "Coins of Arakan and sun fr nm the moon. place of junct ion. Pegu and of Burma," P late V, Below, thick and The upper set of fi gure 1, (2) Arch ;:eol ogical Sur­ wa vy line5 repre­ tria m~ le •; is sur­ vey of India, Annul\! Report, rgto­ senting t he ear th mounted by five II, pages go - 93 . and wate r. Close t o i stupa-sh:-1ped d uts. the sides of each Niiga is a conch 011 I the r ight, and ;1 .. Joub le-he cJded trid ent on the left.

7 Do. Same as in No 6 in D o. One com of t he size of a r up ee. respect of the fi gu re s For references, etc., please ~ee represent in g the No. 6. skyey dome, Nigas a nd ea rth, but in- I stead of the nine ' stupii-shaped dots in 1 the centre, there is a fig ure which looks like a conch. The I double-headed tri- I dent a nd the conch on the sides of the Nagas a re ~d s o wa nting here

8 Do. S:a me as in ~ o. 6 ... i Do. Three coin~, each of the size of an eight-anna piece. For referenc{'s, . I e tc., please raee N o ._ 6.

Do. Do, I 9 .. 1 Do. Thrte co ins, each o£ the 1~i7. e of 'a four-a nna piece. For reference., etc., please see No. 6. # 10 Do. Rising sun in dotted Various symbols Thirty coins. Cj~ l ,M.C .l., No. 6, porder. page 133· 4 )

Catalogu~ of Coins in the Ph•yre Pr!Jv£ncial Muuum.

0 z 0 ea z Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks. '5'.l c; "' ·-;: ....


. Silve:r 1146. Amarapura Sin· Same as ~ n obverse Coin of Bodawpaya , King of Ava, byumyashin Shwe who reig ned a t Amara pura, and N

2G 2 Do. 1146. Amarapura Sin- Same as on obveroe Date corresponds to 1784 A.D. and byumy:!lshin Naing belongs to an era specially estab· Ngan, lished by boclawpaya, Kmg of Ava,who conq uered Ara kan.

3 3 Do. Four pi eces of silver bullion. Do. Six broken pieces of silver bullion.

5 Do. Pe&cock, the emblem In the centre within Twenty coins. Struck by King of Burmese Roy<y floral designs Mindon in I S6t bearing date [ss~, with the legend "Rupeeone I:II4" the year in which he ascended the "T>t:zeiktaw" (l{oyal Around the edge, throne. seal) in Burmese '• Ratanab~n Ne.pyi­ around the edg e. daw "(Ratanapura j.

6 Do. Do. Do., but One-half-rupee. Struck by King " half -rupee " in Mindon. place of '' i~upee one"

7 Do. Five pieces of silver bullion used as currency in the *ime of Burmese Kings, Found in a glazed earthen jar at Payagyi Village, Twante Township.

8 Do. Six pieces of silver bullion used as currency during Burmelie times. One of them has a hole punched through one side of it showing that it had been used as a sort of ornament. Found at Ywange Vfllage, Yesagyo T ownship, Pakokku District. 5 )

ci z 0 ~ Z Metal. Obver1e. Reverse. Remarks. - ~ fC ·~ 0 J5 ' ( 1) ~ ___0)_ _1____ ~ 4_)- - 1' <51 (6) --- ' ------~---


l to JSilver irregular pieces with i Found in Tric:hinopoly. 10 Huddhist symbols punched on the sur- face. I 1.1 & } Do. Punch-marked coin .~ I 11 of primitive type. : I

13 l' o. Upper left, wheel; upper! Centre, Taurine; upper: Oval. Found m P alanpur State, edge,six arch:!d chai- ~ left, wheel ; b ottom I and preseated by the Govern- tya; bottom edge, ed1e, wheel of & ment of Bombay. lotus. different variety. 1

Do. Upper left, wheel; I Three-arched chaitya j Square with right edge clipped. upper edge, circle I to left s nd railing to i Found in Palanpur State, and with taurines on right ; lower right, pre~ented by the Government of either side ; upper lotus ; crescent and Bombay. right, fish and circle marks in taurine; lower right, upper su face. lotus ; centre, wheel.


Copper Sacred tree with snake Three--storeyed temple 1 beneath and front and trident. Br&hmi put of elephant to legend to top and riv ht. K haroshti right reading , legend to left,reading [Mahade]va [sa]rafia Rudratlasasa. Rudrada [sasa].

Do. As No, 1, but K haroahti As No. I 1 but Brahmi legend on t op, right lerend to right of in the middle of the trident reads Rt4d· eoin, re;.ding Maha­ radasa. devasa R111ia.

3 Do. A~ No. 1 Aa No. 1 1 but Brahmi legend to top reads Jl.fahadevasa and to left R utlf'a.

4 Do. Sacred tree within rail· Three-storeyed temple ing, Kha.roshti legerd and trident, Brahmi on left and top read- legend on top and ing [Mahad1] ·~~asa right resding aa on Ra1ia Rud~adasara. the obverse. s Do. Tree and forepart of Three-storeyed temple elephant to right. with Brahmi legend To left fragmentary on top reading[ M a) Kharoshti legend htJd6vasa. reading Dtisa.

6 Do. Tree in railing, front Three·ltoreyed temple part of elephant and with trident and Kharoshti legend to fAint traces of m­ left. · scription.

------·-·------·-- -·- ·- -·--···------( 6 )

Cataiogu~ t~[ Coins z"n tlu Phayre Prorn nd al Museum.

------,------~------~------0 1 z 0 ~ ,z c M etaL ' Obverse. Reverse. I Rernar ks. 'EIJ -;;; ·;::; ·;;: i Cll 0 ffl I I (l) ~_s]~)- ____ if~' - 1-·--- ___( ?_)______! ______j ~)__ ----·----- AUDAMBARA COI:'IS, A BOUT too H. c.-··concld


Copper Tree in r;Jiling, front Three-storeyed temple p ~1rt of elephant and and trident, i nscrip­ K!1aroshti legend ti on much worn. a bove, ri ght a cros!.

I Do, Traces of tree :1. nd I Th ree·storeyed tern }-) le Kharoshti legend with traces of Brahm on top (Odumb:t ri sa).: i nscri tJ tion to left.

3 Do. SnaW:e, trunk o i ele­ T emple, below it snake. phant &nd fr a s;·rnents To righttrident r~ n d of Kharos ht i legend to left B rahmi to left. legend, obliterated. diJ.S.

Diz araghosa. (?,

Copper Tree in railing and ' T hree storeyed telf•plf> I{ haroshti legend and triden t to its le ft "Mahadevasara" on with legend obliterc1t­ top :and left, ed.


Dfl'wfukalananda. Ch . I~ead li attya or stupa Bodlii tree within Found in the Karwar District, railing. Bombay Presidenc y.

Mu lananda.

Lead Chaitya of two tiers of Bod hi tree wi thi n Fou nd in the Karwar District, arches. r ~ ili ng . Bombay !:'residency.

Name of King UJZ ce rtai n .

Lead Horse fac ing right -.. Found at N ittur, A nanta pur District.

2 Do. Horse toe Bla nk Five cuins. Found in Ana~tapur.



A I< in g's head A shield a nd a s pea r Found in th e Nasik District.

Four encircled dots E ncircled dots joined 1 Found in the Nasik D is trict They joined by a cross. together, who se are supposed to be coined by number ranges from Gaut :1 miputra Sat:1karni. 3J ,, 6.


Silver One Gadhaiya Coin.

Do. Rude imitation of Lines and dots s u ~ ­ Ga dhaiya coin cu rrent in Rajputnna Sa5sanian bust. gesting the Sassa·n­ and Gujar::tt from about 750 to in n fire a lta r. 1100 A.lJ • .

3 Do. Do. Do. 0<1. MI!.DI!EVAL lND O -SASSANIAN CO I NS.

Silver Rude head r,; Sri in 1 1nd ication of Sassa- F our coins. I.M.C., Vol. J, Nos, r

I 1ar ge letters in front 1 ni an alt:ar with -1 3, pp. 239-21 0. liastern or of face ; V£graha i attendants. M3g dha type. _ _ j__ below. 1 ------· ~ ---. ------7

Catalogue of Coins £n the Phayre Provinct'al Mustum.

-·-· ... ------~- ci z 0 Cii z <= Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks;. .!?.0... ~.. cu Q r.n

1!2 (~) _ ill_ ___ _ji_) ______------~------______:_(6)_ ____~ _


2 Silver Traces of human head ]{epresentation of Found in the .Jubbulpore District, a nd legend- S assanian fire altar. and presentee by the Director of (r) Sri. Industries, Central Provinces. (2) Demo. •

3 Copper Five coins of A di-Varaha type. Cf. I.M,C., l,pp. e.p and a.p.


Siimanta- D eva, early in tenth century, A. D.

~ pp e r Recumbent bull I. Srt Horsem ctn r, letter Found in Ranjitpore Province, a nd Stlmantaclev a above. bhi in I. fi eld a bove presented by the Superinten­ horse. dent, Arch::eological Survey, Frontier Circle, Peshawa r.


Gang1ya D eva, about IOI .)-1040 A.D.

Legend in Nagari A four-armed goddess I f ound in the Manjhanpur Tahsil, character. seated, facing, cross­ Allahabad District, and presented legged. The head by the Government of the United ha 11 ~ nimbus be­ Provinces, hi nd.

~ Do. Do. Do. Found in the Gondal District.


.Madana-V ann a, about 1 130-1 16 5 A.D.

Sil ver S1'1 Manma dana v a [ Rude figure of a seated ( 1') m a. goddess facing cro5s­ legged with hands spread at sides.

Do. Sri Ma n (ma) dana Do. va.r (rma).


I Ku-marrt•Pal n.-De·va., :tbout I O! g-·10 49 A,D.

1 I Gold Sri I<.umarapala ... j Figure of a godde~ s. I THL~ RAT I-! 0 1{ DYNASTY or KANAUJ ,

Got•i •·zcla Chm1dra, ·a bout I tOO-t 160 A. D.

I ! Goid Legend 111 three Crude figure of fo ur­ r ound in the Benart'IS District, a nd lines:- armed goddess sea­ presented by the. Government of [Srinzad-Go] t•ind ted, f

One base gold coin found m the 1\.anchi District. ( 8


zl 0 li Z Metal. Obverse. Reverse . Remarks.

..~ :: 11 ·;:"' ... ., 0 Vl (•) 1_(>) __ __ W_ ---1 (5) (6) THE DVN ASTY OF NARWAR.

Malaya Va Ym a Deva, a bout 1H0-1:132 A.D,

Copper Sri-mad laya-varn-ma Crude r e pre s ent:o~tion j Found in the Bijnor District, and [de] va and traces of Chauhan horseman.· presented by the Government of of date, 1 the United P rovinces. 1 t Do. Do. Do. Found in the Jhansi District. · Date 1 s83, Sa m vat. Described as No. 43 · a t page 7+ of "Thomas' Chroni­ cles. "

Chahada Deva, about 1'l 3'l-1260 A.D.

Copper [Sri-mad-cha [ha) da- Bull Nos. 1-11 wer e found in tl,c territory deva. of His High 11f' SS :hP Maharaja Scindin of Gwalior, and pre~ e nterl by the lndian Museum. 'l Do. Sri-ma -hada ·de 1309? Do.

3 IJ o. Sri-mach·cha had a- Do. deva Sam l1 X)( 4 Do. Sri-mahada-de' 131 x Do. 5 Do. mach·rha da-deva Do. 131 X I 6 Do. Sri-mach-chaooda-dev a l Do. Sam l3X X I 7 Do, Sri- mahada·deva Sam Do. 13 X X 8 Do. Sri-mach-cha [ha] da- Do. deva 13X X 9 Do. [Sri] i-mach-cha [ha] Do. da-deva. 10 Do. [Sri)-m:Jch-cha [ha] Do. da-deva. I I Do N agari character a nd Do. Cf, Thomas 39 ;]. nd 4o. I. horseman faci ng proper left.

Asalladeva. lt55-IS78 A,O. Copper Sri-mad·A Saldeva I Horseman s Do. Sri- mad- A Salade ( va] Do.

3 Do. Sri· ma Sal-dev Do.

4 Do. Sri-mad-A [sa] la-deva Do. Found in the Do. territory of His 5 Do. Sri-ma Sal-de Hig-hness the Maharaja Scindia ~ Uo. of Gwalior, and presented by 6 Do. [Sri] mad Sala-de the Indian Museum. 7 Do. [Sri) mad [sa] la-deva Do. I 8 Do. Sala-de (va] Do.

9 Do. Mad-A [sa] 1- deva n,,,

IO Do. Srima Pal D o. J

fS opaladtva ?

C rude representati

Cst,.la[ue c1 j Coins in the P h"Y' re P'l'ovimilll Museum.

--.-~------.------0 z 0 ~ z c Metal. O bverse. Reverse. Remarks. :§ ·~c 0 r.n"' I ~ ~ (3) ___--.J.±!. -----· I __ (S) (6 ) I

TH F ~ ~I YNA S TY OF NARW AR-concld.

Gopaladeva ? - concld.

4 Copper [Sri] mad 4 la deva Crude representa tion of a horse. Do. [Pa] la-de 5 Do. It is open to doubt if coins Nos. 1-- ~ are not of Asala deva. 6 Do. Sri-ma-la de Do.

7 Do. . Sri-mao-la-de Do.

8 Do. Sri-ma .. Ja-de Do.


Rudra Si 11liz • J , lt93-·I7I4 A.D. Silver Rudra Simha I D? .te in Soka 16 18.

Si1' a Si .'mha, 1714-1744 A. D.

Silver Siva S!mha with Phule-1 Date in Soka 1 646. svan. , Do. Siva Si m ha with PhuJ, ,. D a te in Soka 1651 ... Squa re coin in Persian character. svari (Pra matesvP ~~) 3 Do. S iv~ S imha with I ,--:n4 Da te in Soka 1658. b:ka.

PYamat ha Simha, 1744-1751 A.D. Silver •Pramatha ~-S i m ha . . ) Date in Soka 1667.

Lakshmi Simha, I77o-I780 A.D.

Silver T~ akshmi Simha ... / Da te in Soka r 6gs.

Gourinath Si mha, 178o-t795 A.D. Si!·· . G · h . {er Half rupee of ounna t ; F ound in the Hakimpur District • S irnha with regnal · year 7·


IS Silver Inscription in four lines Inscription in four lines Eight octagonal coins (Small)·. Two octagonal coins (Large).

2 Do. D o. Do. r These ten coins were found in the Sibsagar District. T I-lE vVE.ST ERN C H ALUKYA DYN ASTY O F KALYANI. Gold Probably of J ag·ade- 1 kamalla.


\1old F our punched areas. Blank Believed to ag ree with one Jagadeva In one a ppe:t.r the mentioned in Elliot's Ccil'l5 of letters Sri T:.gadeva Southern India. and in the others ornamental desig ns.

.2 (' 10 ) ·-·-··------Catal------ogue of Coa'ns in tie Phayre p 1,---0 vt'ncial1 - ----Mus-e-um.- ______

~ Remar k s ,

---- ~ ~)__ _ - --­ EARLY ANONY tvlOUS CO I NS OF SOUTH·ERN l NDIA-concld.

2 Gold r Concave cup--shaped Blank. eight petalled lotus flower on bottom of cup ; on sides sym• bols a nd a n in scrip ­ tion in Nagari. PALLA VA DYN ASTY.

Gold Pmbably , _~f King Maheudra-:arman I (abJ)ut \ 61 1:> A.D.) beartng the • legen( \ l(atachitra or K atachinu in Pa\lava·Chalukya n.


Gold Govir da IV (918-933 A.D.) bearing the l e ~ ~e nds (a ) G a ja or Ga jga (b) G:>,ji' •· r Gaje' in D e. vanagari. I C!-JOLA COi l\ lAGE, Bronze Unid en ti fied symbols I U nide11t ifi ed syrn bo!s Four co in s of the Choln dynasty, of SouthP.rn { ndia. 2 G old Six coins of Telugu-Chola Chief, I l\lell ore District, I3th century A.D. [. beari nr.; the foll ow ing legends .'-:ujnvi1'a, Bujavi, Bujava, Buja­ vir am., a nd Puja, a ll in T a mil Grantha, and Bhufabala in Teb g u.

P AN DYAN C OINS FROM SOUTH CA, 1\J/\RA. Gold Sri·Pa-npa in Nagari I Emblems.


Gold Symbol believed to be Plain I F ive coins. . Found in South Arcot . rude form of Kali. ' 2 Do. Standing fi gure of a Sta nding tigure I Anony mous. F iv ~ ~ Coin s found in God (Vishn u ?) with (Garuda ?) ahd lamp., C<. ' org ~ symbols lfl four ha ~ d s . 3 Do, P resented by ' the Go":ernment Museum, Madras. Fou:· ud m Akka­ cla walathala Dona, c,;·1ddappah District. 4 Do. Twelve dots and a Ten dots within two I 'l-hree very small coins founo ' in the curved li ne. curves, whic h are Coimb rttore District. surmounted by a thi rd curve.

THE GANGA DYNA S TY 01,· KALI NGA ( to7c;-r r46) G OLD FANAMS. Gold Unidentified lettcro ... Bull standing r. Cres- Two coins found at Singandhora­ cent :1bove. palam, Vizagapata m District. Pre,ented by the Government of Madras. s D o. n ~ . U ni dentifie'd symbols , Do.

3 Do. Do. Do. Do.

4 Do. Do Do, Found in the Raipur District of the Central P rovinces.


Copper Thick dabboes with Sew:n coi ns. Found in the Bellary frag ments of in · District. scription and an oval on both sides con- taining nine dots. ------· ------( I I

~ Catalague of Coin s z"n tlze Ph«yr~ P r ov z"ncz'al Museltm. --,---,------·-----·-----·------· 0 z ci Cii z c Metal. O bverse. Reverse. Remarks. 'bi:J ~ ·;:: ...... 0 [f) ~-~~- . ( 2) ~ -----~1 ±L ______(S .i ,_ _ _ __...@______


Gold Hanuma n in centre Blank Found in the Sata ra District. with name S1'i Simlw in N agrtri,

2 Do Do_ts r: presenting rudeJ Do. Two coins, Found m the Satara hon m centre, District.


Gold Elepha nt to~ fi lcra l desig n Found in Ma labar District. I Do. P o. l!o. Found at Kocl ur in the Nellore 2 1 District.


l1a •iha1·a If, about 1379-1406 A,D.

Gold Three-line N ag ari i God a nd goddess legend. I seated. 2 Do. Do. D v.

Dtva Ray a. 11 , abou t 1422- 1447 A, D.

G old Sri Pratapa Deva God a nd goddess F ound in Bnrsi T a luka, Sholapur Raya. sented . District.

~ Do. Do. Do. H al f pagoda of-( H ultzsch India n Antiquary, September 189I No. 6). Found in South Canara. 3 Do. Do. Do, Do. Two c oins. 4 Do. Do. Do. Found in Southern Mara tha Country. 5 Do. Do. D o. 6 Do. Do. Do.

7 Do. Do. Do.

K r ish'l. a Deva Raya, l509- • l ')30 A.D.

Gold Device unknown Illegible Sanskrit Fo ~r; cl 111 H n n se k o p~a Villng e, cha racters. Sh1kmput· T aluk, Shlm l'o-a Dis- trict, Mysore. "' ..., It is surmised that the coin was issued during the reign of Krishna Deva Raya. 2 Do Sri r'ra tapa, Krish na Do. Raya.

3 Do. D(•, Do. Pagoda of---Found m the Nutakki V illage, G untur D istrict. 4 Do. Do. Visnu sea ted with F ound in South Canara, d iscus a nd conch .

Achyuta Raya, 1530-154'2 A.D.

Gold Sri Prata pa-chyuta­ A double headed eagle Half pagoda of-Found 1n South Raya . holding elephant in Canara. its beaks and claws.

2 Do. Do. (defa.:ed) Do. Found iri l:l arsi T <:l uka, Shola:'lur D istrict. 3 Do. Do. D o. Do. Do ( IS )

CMu.logul" of Coin s i n l.he P IJayr~ Prov£ndal Muuum.

0 i z 0 ! ~ z c Metal. Obverse. R everse. Rema r ks . . 'Gil ·;:: I ·;:: "'.., I 0 Ul I ~ ~l_ (3) (4) (6) 1-·-·-- -(~------'-'----:------


Sadasiva Raya, 1542-1573 A.D. I G old Sri Pratapa Sada-Siva God and godaess seat- Half pagoda of-Found in Sou'h R ay a. ed. Canara.

2 Do. Sri Sada Siva ... Do, Pagoda probably struck by Sada Siva, the first N a yak a of lkkeri. Do. fi'ound in South Canara. 3 Sri Sada Siva-ra-yara Do. D o, Do. 4 Sri Sada Siva-raya ... Do. D o,


Haidm' lli,-Died Decembe r 1782 A, D, 1 Copper Elephant ... I Chequered desig n ... I T en coins. Found in Coimbatore.

Ti pu Sultatl 1-Died 179 9 A, D. C op per 1 ...... One Sill'er ru pee, Mint, P atan I Seringa patam ; year H ll6.

Krishna Raja, 1799-1 868 A, D .

I Gold Mysore Pagoda of Siva and Par vat i, S ri Found in Cuddapa h. Krishna l{aja. Kri&hna Raja ( Deva N ag <~ri )

'l Do. D o. Do. Found a t Dha rwar.



I Silver Two swords crossed in Sun face in the c entre One Indore rupee. middle.

2 Do. Do. Do. One Indore half-rupee. D o. 3 Do. Do. One I ndore qua rter-rupee. Do. 4 Do. Do. One lndore one-.eig hth r upee, Do. 5 Do. Do. One modern lndor e rupee. 6 Do. P ersian inscription ... P ersia n i :1scripti·on One Maharaja Sahi l ndore r upee. Copper 7 ...... One Dabu (lndore pice). 8 Do. ·- ... One half Indore paisa, ( 13 )

Catalogue of Co£n s in t i1> Phayre Pro'llincia! Museum.

ci z ci ~ z Metal. c: O bverse. Reverse. Rema rks. ~ :~ ... 0 (/)"' ~ ( 2) _ (JL (4) (S) (6)


Saya Rao, I. Silver S\\'ord and Persian Persia n cklr3cler Two. coins, Date, 12 ~x H., 36 r.y. character.

D o. Do. Do. Date, 12 xx l--1., 38 r.y.


Brunxe l nd ian characters ; T. NE I LE, Ex. ; and Prob:tbly !'!coin s.truck by the East a lion ; and the date Persian characters. India Comp.1ny. !838:

2 Do. Do. D o. P ie coin of tS48 of the East India Company.

3 D o. Do. Do. Arcot ha lf-rupee, :'ll.int, Madras (in­ dented cord milling). Found in T anjore.

4 Do. Do. D o. Arcot rupee, Mint, Calcutta. F ound in Tanjore. 5 D o. Do. D o. Rupee; Mint; Madras (indented cord milling). Found in Cuddapa h. Do. 6 Do. Do. Madras star pagoda of the English East Ind1a Cnmpa ny found in the Paramesvar :1 ma nga lam Village, Chingleput Distr'ict. FRENCH EAST INDIAN CO M I' .c\ NY. Silver Rupee of F_rench East India Com­ I p;my; Mmt, Arcot, ROi\IAN COINS.

Bronze The head of a Roma n The coin is embEdded Dc, cribed as a n "Ancient Italian Emperor (uniclenti· in a vitrified sub­ coin discovered at ~ e suvius." fied). sta nce.

2 Silver Bust with undeciphered Seated f-ig ure with un- H.oman Dcnarius of Augustus. R om an inscription. deciphered Roman inscription. D o. 3 Do. Two upright fi g ures Roman Denarius of Tiburius. with undeciphered Roman inscription.

CHINESE CO!NS. tl ronze Cheng Pei-Fu Li Blanl; Two Chinese Coins. ·The legend on ( t) means:-'' S tandard currency ; ha ppiness a nd wealth" and that 2 Do. Sheng Yung Do. 30B T~d i on means" \!lay there be accu­ Cheng. (2) mulation of wealth; (Emperor) Yung Cheng ", 17~3- t735 A,D.


Silver Legend in Persian ILe gend · in Persian Mint, Meshed Mukaddas. character. character. I Catalogue of Co£ns z"n t he J hayre Pr o~dnctal Museum . . ------·------· 0 z ci c;; z - ~


I Muham!nad I bin Sam- s89- 60:)A.H , = 1 193· -1 205 A.D I Copper L '-'gend in t'ersian H orseman with lanc e • I. M.C., Volume ll, 4. Thomas 25. character. facing left. T races I of a legend in N agari I craracter. Do. i· Legend in Nagar! A k g end in >-agari T homas ro. character with' b ull ' cha racter a nd horse- sitting· a nd facing ma n faci ng right. left. 3 Do. Legend in Nagari f<. ude fig ure of horse· Thomas J3 . ch ·J racter with mark: l"l an. ciagger. 4 Do. Legend in Persian C hauhan ho rserrwn t c Five coin s. 1. \1. C., Volume 1!, 9· character. right. Abovt , Nagari character.

Shamshu ·d·din Allamsh- 60?- ·613 A,H = I2I0-1235 A. D. Copper Legend in Persi::.n Horseman to ri <' ht · Thomas 48 cha ra cter. a b ove, N;gari eh aracter. 2 D o. Bull to left, vn jhul 1 Ch auhan horseman tu l.M.C., Volume 11, 42. on hind quarter '7 ; r ight; above, ·> nd to around a legend in righ ~ , a legend in Nagari character. Nagari character. 3 Do. Bull to left, on jhul Chauhan horsema n to l.J'I'l.C , Vulume ll, 49· ~ , on hind qua rt er right ; a bove, traces + ; above within of N agari charActer, border of dots, a legend in Nagari cha racter. Do. Legend in Pers ian Ch;wha n ho rseman to Five coins. I.M.C., Volume ll, 55· character right; above, a nd to right, traces of Nagari character.

Alau-d-din Ma saud Shah - 639-644 A. H, = 1241- ! 'J46 A.D, Billon Legend in Persian I Chauhan horseman to j From Sulla npur, two coins. character. . n ght.

Nasiru·d-din Mahmud- 644-- 664 !I. H. = t246-1265 -~ D .

Bill on Legend 111 Persia n C. ha uh. n horseman ; I Tw o coins. rrom Sultanpur. character. above, legend 1n Nagari char:ct cter. 2 Silver Legend in P ersim t Legend in !-' ersia n F ound in the Ballia District and ch:


Bill on Legend tn Persian A legend in Persian From Rai Bareli District. character. character in square, a rou nd traces of a legend in N agari character.

- -L-..!.----L------'----- ~..:atalogu e of Coins in the } hay re Provz'ncz·az Museum. •

,\'1 et a l. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks.

( ') (2) ( 3) (4) (S) (6) -·-·-1 -·------~- - ·------


KHl.LJIS- co ntd.

Alau-d-di n Muhammad Shah f l , 6g5-7I5 A.tl. = ~ ~ JS ·· 13£5 A.D.-contd.

Bill on Legend in Persi an In centre, m double Date, 700 H. ? character. circle, a legend m Persia n character ; margin, a legend in N<~ga ri character.

2 Do. Do. Do. Do.

3 Do. Do. In centre, within From Shajahanahad, cf. Thomas double circle, a 136· legend in Persia n character ; margin 700, rest not fully come out.

-1 C0pper Do. Legend 111 p ,; rsia.n Date, 701 H. Thoma> 135• character.

5 Do. Do. Inside circle, a legend Da te, 702~ H. Thomas r36. in Persian cha racter, around a legend in Nagari character. 6 l.Jo. Do. ln double circle, legend Date, 702 H • in Pe r s ia~ character ; outside date.

7 Silv

8 Copper Do. Do. Date, 702 H. Two coins.

9 Billon D o. Do. Da te [7]03 H.; from Shajahanabad cf. Thomas I35•

ro Do. 0 . I n centre, m double Date, 705 H. circle, a legend in Persian character ; margin , a legend in Nagari character.

II Copper Do. Legends as above Two coins. Date, 705 1-1. Thomas 136· : 2 D o Do. Legends as in No. 2 2 Date, 70S H. Two coins. Found m the Champaram District and presented by the Government of Bihar and Orissa.

13 Billon Do. Do. Date, 707 H.

14 Copper Do. Do. Date, 707 H. Thomas 136.

15 \ Do. Do. Do. Date, 709 H. Foul1d in the Cham­ param District and presented by the Government of Bihar and Orissa.

r6 Billon Do. Do. Date, 70 H.

17 Do. Do. Do. Do. - --'----·------( 16 )

.. Catalogue"} Coini t'n the Ph•yre Provincial MtHeum. ---.-----,------·---.,- - - 0 z 0 c;;s: Z Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks. 'bi! ~ · ;::: J,.., 0 Jj .f!2_ ll) ____tL _____(_..:_4 )'------1------(sl ___ (6)

COINS OF THE SULTANS OF DELHI-contd. I K HILJis-·contd, I' Alau-d-din Muhammad Shah ll, 695 -715 A,H. = rsgs-1315 A.D.-concld.

18 B ill on Legend m Persia n l-egend in Persi&n Date, 712 H. Thomas 135. character. character. 19 Do. Do. Do. Date, 712 H. 2o Copper Do. Do. Date, 713 H.

21 Billon Do. Do. Do.

Silver Do. Do. Mint Delhi; da te, 713 H . Found in double square. in double square within in the Hardi•· District a nd present­ ~ circle. ed by the Government of the United !~rov in ces. Do. Legend in ~enian Lc,'end m Persian Mint, Delhi, Thomas 130, chara.cter. · character. Bill on Do. D o. Date, 714 H . from Shajahana bad , Thomas 135. Do.' Do. Do, Date, 715 H. From Sha jahana bad, Thomas 135.

Do. Do, In centre, in double Da te,- 7 H. circle, legend in Persian chuacter, margin, Nagari character, Copper Do. Legend a A above Seven coins, No, date.

28 Silver Do. Legend m Persian Six coins two of which were mintfd character. at Asafabad, Bareli. 29 Copper Do. Do Found m Buddavarman, Kistna District. Qutbu-d·din Mubarak Shah I, 7 16 ·- 7 2 0 A. fl , =1316 - 1320 ,;,D.

I Billon Legend in Persian Legend in Persian Date, 716 H. character. character.

s Copper Do. Do, Date, 716 H. Thomas 147.

3 Billon D o Do. Date, 71 6 H. Thomas 148.

4 Do. Do. Do. Date,717 H . Thomas 1.48.

5 Do. Do. Do. Date, 7•7 H. Thomas 149.

6 Do. Do. Do. Date, 717 H .

7 Do. Do. Do. Date, 718 H. 8 Do. Do. Do. Date, 718 H .

9 Do. Do. Do1 Date, 718 H. Square,

10 Do. Do. Do. Da~e, 719 H.

I I Do, Do. Do. Date, 719 H.

IS Do. Do. OCJ. Date, 7 '9 H . Square, Thomu 151,

13 On. Do. Uo. Date, 719 H. T homas 149.

I4 D o. Do. Do. Date, 7'9 H . Thomas 149.

IS Do. Do. Do. Date, 7JO H. Thomas 152. If. Do. Do, Do. Date,- I, M. C., Vol. ll, 153.

---~------· ------Catalogue of C ~ins in the Phay,.e Provincial M:tseum. -,, -,,----,------z.... lz 0 .: Meta l. Obverse. Reverse. Rema rks. · ~ '"iii ·.:; ·.: 0 ~ ~ ( l )- .J]l_ - --- (4) ______(5L ______(6 )'-----

COINS OF THE SULTANS O F DELHI-contd. I TUGHLAQS, I I Ghiyasrt·d·din Tughlaq {, 7')0-725 A.H.=132o-I325 A.D. I I Billon Legend in P ersian I Legend In P ersian Date, -, ~o H cha racter. I character. 'l Do. Do. Do. Do.

3 Copper Do. Do. Date, 7'1o H. T homas, 16 ~. Found in the Sitapur District, and pre- sented by the G overnment of the United Provinces. 4 Do. Do. Do. D ate, ru H. !i Bill on Do. D o. · Date, 77. 2 H .

6 C opper Do, Do. Date, 72'1 H.

7 Bill on Do, Do. Do.

8 Copper Do. Do. Date, 71 3 H.

9 Bill on Do. Do. Date, 723 H . Two coins.

10 Copper Do. Do. Date, 7l4 H.

I1 Bill on Do. Do. Date, 7'~4 H. Two-coins.

It Do. Do. Do. Date, 725 H.

13 Do. Do. Do. Date, 726 H.

14 Do. Do. Do, Date, 7'7 H. 15 Do. D o. Do. D ate x6 Do. Do. DC~ . Date

17 Do. Do. D o. Date

MU hammad Ill bin Tughlaq, 725-75~ A.H.=I325·-I35I A,D.

I Billon .' Legend in Persian Ii Leg-end in P ersian Date, 7'l5 H. 1 character. I character 2 Do. Do. 1 Do. Date, 7116 H.

3 Do. Legend in Persian ) Legend m Persian Date, 726 H. Two coins from Shah - character in double character in double jihanpur, cf. Thomas No. 1 ~ 9. circle. , ci rcle. 4 D o. Legend m P ersian Legend in Persian Date, 727 H. character. character. 5 Do. Do. Do. Date, 733 H. 6 DG. Do. Do. Date, 733 H. From Shahjihanpur, cf. Thomas 194. 7 D o. Do. Do. Date, 734 H . From Shahjihanpur, cf. Thomas 194. 8 Do. Do, Do. Date, 735 H. F rom Shahjihanpur, cf. Thoma5 194 . 9 Do. Do. Do. Date, 737 H. From Shahjihanpur, cf. Thomas 194. , 10 Do. Do. Do. Struck in the name of the Khalifa AI Hak im II. I! Gold Do. Do. Date,- Mint, D elhi. Found at Jub­ bulpur. cf. lM.C. ll, 3I I). ll Do. Do. Do. Date-( square). { tS )

Catal i'J gu.'? of Coi ns in tht P hay re P ro vz"nct'a l Museum.

~~--- - ~------~----

;g Z Metal. \ Obverse. H.e verse. Remarkz, .bn ~ I 5 rJl I ..0_)__ J.~- __jj_)__ l ______! 4)_ __- -- - ___,_.( 5'--!___) _ _ _ _ _ ------______(0 ---


T ua r-ILA QS-concld.

Firo:o Shah Tughlaq- 7 j2 -79'l A. H . = 1351-138!l A, D.

1 I Copper Legend in Peni a n i Le·;·e nd m Persia n Mint, Delhi ; da te, 769 H . cha racter. ch"'aracte r. 1 · Do. Do. D e. Date, 77 1 H., cf. l. M.C ., Vol. II, 41 :;, Thomas, 228. 3 D () , Do. D~ . Mint, Delhi ; date, 772. 4 Do. Do. D o. Mint, Delhi ; date, 77 8.

5 Billon Do, Do. Min t, Delh i Hazrat; date, 7!o H,, l . M.C. 434· 6 Dl'l. Do, Do, Mint, Delhi Darul-M ul k; date,- -, I.M .C., 4$ ~ - 7 Copper Do. Do. Mint,-; date,-, from Etah District, cf. T homas , 229. 8 D ~1 , Do. Do, Mint,-- ; date,--, from Etah Distric t, cf . Thomas, 235. Do. Do. Do. Mint, Delhi,

1'1» D t0 , Do. Do, Two coins bearing the conjoined, name of Firoz S hah and his son Fateh Khan. LO D!S.

Bahlol Lodi-Bss - 894 A,H, = 1451 --1488 A.o. Bill on Legend in Pers ian I Legend in Persian IMi nt, Delhi ; date, 893 H., cf. I. M.C. character. I Character. Vol. II, 561,

Sikandar Shah li Lo di- 894 - · 923 A,H ,- T4 88-1517 A,D,

Billol'l Legend 11'1 Persian Legend I ll Persian Cf. I M .C., Vol. ti, 582 ; d att ~, 895 H. chllracter. character. 2 Do, Do. Do. Cf l ,M.C., Vol. II~58 ·1 ; date,896 H.

3 Do. Do. D o, Cf. l.M .C., V ol.ll, 582; date, ll 97 H .

4 Do. Do. Do. Cf. I. M.C., Vol. Il, 582 ; date, 898 H. s Du, Do. Do. Cf. I.M.C., Vol. 11 , 582; d!!te, 899 H. Do. 6 D ®. Do. Cf. I. M.C., Vol. I I , sBs ; date, 900 H.

7 De. DG. Do. Cf . I. M. C., Vol. Il, 582 ; date, 901 H . 8 Do. Do, Do. Cf. I,M.C., Vol. II, 582; date, 90 2 H . D o. 9 Do. Do. Cf. I.M,C., Vol,II, 582'; date, go3 H . · 10 Do. Do. Do. Cj. I. M.C., Vol. l l,s8s ; cate, 9o4 H.

l o Do. Do. Do. Cf. I. M.C., Vol. II,s82; date,905 H.

IS Do. Do. Do, Cf. I.M.C., Vol. II, 582; date,go6 H.

~ 13 D o. Do. Do. Cf. I. M.C., Vol. 11, 58 l ; date, 907 H . 114 ) I & ) Do. Do. Do. Cf. I. M. C., Vol. Il, 582; date,Qo8 H. I IS !0 Oo. D o. Do , I Cf. I.M.C,, Vol. II, 582 ; date1 909 H . I I Do. Do. De. I 17 Cf . l.l\1. C., Vol. I I, 582 ; date, 91o H. Do. 1 ,s Do. Do. Cf. l,M.C., Vol. Il, s s ~ ; date, 9 11 H . ------I Catalogue oj Coins zn the Phayre Pr1vz'ncial Museum.

o' z 0 ";;i ;z; I: Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks. ':lJJ .. ... ·.,;:; 0 r.n (I) (2) ( 3) (4) ----· ---(--S) --- - , (6)


L ODis-concld,

Si lw11der Shah ll Lodi-894--923 A,H. qSS-15 17 A.D. -concld. 19 & } Billon Legend Ill Persian I Legend in Persian Cf. l. M.C., Vol. 11, ss:a ; date, 913 H . 20 character. character.

:n Do. Do. Do. Cf. I.M.C., Vol.ll, 582 ; date, 914 H.

22 to }cop- Do. Do. Date, 91 5 H. 24 per.

25 Do, Do. Do. Date, 9 16 H,, upper line pa rtly pre-· served, cf . Thomas 316 and V.S. Lane Poole •• Sultar.s of Delhi " No. 495· ::6 1 & j Do. Do. Do, Date, 917 H. l] I 28 to } Do. Do, Do. Date, 918 H . 30

31 to }DG. Do. Do, Date, 919 H. 33

S lur Sha h- 946-952 A·H· = 1540 - 1545 A,D,

Silver Legend 111 Persian Kalim a Date, 946 H., l.!VI.C., ll, 6:;5. cha racter. l Do. Do, Do. Date, 947 H ., I.M.C., II, 664. Do. Do, 3 Do. One co in . Mint, Shergadh ; date, 947 H., I.M.C., ll, 642. 4 Do. Do, Do. Four coins. Mint, J a hanpanah date, g4 8 H., l.M.C,, li, 627. 5 Do. D u. Do, Three coins. Mint, Jaha npa nah date, 949 H., I.M.C., II, 634. 6 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Shergadh; date, 948 H., l. M.C., ll, 042. . 7 Do. Do. Do. Date, 948 H., I,M.C., I I. 66~.

8 Do, Do. Do. Date, 949 H., I.M.C., II, 666. 9 Do. Do. D o, Two coins ; Large type, Date, 949 H., I. M. C., 11, 6 70. ·

Sultan Muharn mad (Ahmed) Ma li!.:(?) Gold Lege11d In l:'ersian j Kalima ... [ Found in Upper Valur,South Arcot character. District,


Gh iyas u-d·din Bahudur Shall, Governor of Ilmgal u nder the Emperor of Delhi. 710-723 A.H. = lJIO-I8l3 A,D .

Silver Legend in Persian ln double square, Mint, Lakhnauti, Ref. I.M.C. 11, 1.:1. . character in square legend in Persian area. character. ( 20 )

Catalogue of Coins in the Phayre Provincial J1useum.

'-; ! I' z 0 ""@ z Metal. I Obverse. Reverse. R~m arks. c ea I ·;:~ ·;:;;



Fak hru-d-din Mubarak Shah, 739-750. A,H.=1338-t349 A.D.

Silver Legend 111 Persian Legend in Persian Mint, Sunargaon. cha~acter. character. Do. Do. Do. Mint, Sunargaon; date, 7451-l. Ref. I l.M.C.,H, 17. 3 Do. I Do. Do. Mint, Sunargaon; date, 746H. I 4 Do. Uo. D ~. Mint, Sunargaon; date, 747H. Ref. I.M. c .• 11, 18. 5 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Sunargaon; date, 748H. Hef. I.M.C., il, 19- 6 Do. Do, Do. Mint, Sunargaon; date, 749H. Rd . I.M.C., II, zo.

Shamsu·d-din lliyas Shah, 7 40-7 59 A. H.= 1339·-1358 A,D,

1 Silver Legend in Persian I.egend Iin Persian Mint, F erozabad; date,-Type A. ctaracter. character. 2 Do. i)!), r:o. Mint, F ero.zabad; date, 754H. Type J\. . 3 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Suna rgaon; date, 7 54H. Type D. 4 Do. D o. Do. Mint, Ferozabad; date, 75oH. Type E. 5 Do. Do. Do, Mint,--,date, --.

1 .Silver In circle, l11gend xn ln cxrcle, traces of a Type D. Persian cha racter. legend m Persian character.

Ghiyasu-d-din A.zam Shah, 792-799 A.H. :.: 1389-1396 A.D. Silver In la rge quatre fo il; In circle-legend in Type C. legend in Persia R Persian character. character.

Jalalu-d-din Muhammad Shah, 8r7--J.835 A,H. = 1414-1431 A.D.

The Kalima surround· A legend m Persian Type B, 3 coins. c.,,., I ed by no border. character.

Ghiyasu-d.din Mahmud Shah, 933-945 A. H.= 1526-1538 A.D. I I Copper 1 Legend in Persia n Legend m P ersian character. character. I BarbakShah, 949 A.H. = 1552 A.D. I Silver Legend 111 Persia n j' Legend 111 Persian Date, 949 H. character. character.

--~~~------~------·------( 21 )

Catalogue of Coins £n t/ze Phayre PYovt'ncz'al Museum.

ci z ci -;;, z Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks. " 3 ·~J) .. Cl.> 0 lfJ (3) (4) (6) (_~)_ ~ ( 5) ____ -----


Copper I Persian ch:uacter s ... Legend in Nagari Ref. Thomas, 24. characters not clea r. , Below horseman, a I star.

Na > in~-d-din Qubacha, too A. H. = 1203 A,D,, 625 A. u. = 1228 A, D. Copper Legend in Nagari Legend m Nagari I Ref. Thomas, 86a, character, and bull character, and 1 facing left. horseman facing , right. 1 2 Do. Within border of cl ots. Chauhan horseman to Ref. L M.C., p. 184, i. Legend in Persian.. ri gh t, underneath, a characler. star. To right, Legend in N agari character:.

J alalu-d-din of K!twariz m, 617-621 A.H . = t2SO-I2Z4 A.D. (in India), Copper_ Legend in Nagari Legend in Nag:ni ReJ: Thomas, 74. character, and bull character, and hor:se- fa cing left. man fac i;.ii· right.


Copper Ahmad Shah II D.J.t eless B.M.C. No. 46r, r6; picked specimen. lt Do. Humay un S ha h Do. B.M.C. No. 472, 14; picked specimen. 3 D o. Mahmucl II Date doubtful B.M.C. No. 474.

4 Do. Mahmud Shah II Legend Ill P ersia

1 Copper K ing Ali I Type I .. I 2 Do. King Ibrahim ll I Type Ill 3 Do. Do. Type IV Presented by the Superintendent, no. King Mailomecl I Type VI Arch

Copper Legend in P ersia n Lerre nd in Persian Date, 841 H. Ref. l.M.C., ll, p. ~ o8 character. cl1aracter. No. 27. Found in the Banda District. Do. Do. Ref. LM.C., !I, p. : oS, No. '~7 · Found in the Banda District. / ( 2~ )

Catal ogue of Coim in the Pllayre P ro'IJt'ncial Museum. --0 - ,- . --. ------­ z 0 ~c: Z Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks. •to:o · ;;: ~

(Coins b earing hi s name were struck as late a s A. H. 9 10 , )

Bitlo n Legend 10 Persian Legend lll Persia n Datc,875 H. cha racter. character. 2 Copper D o. D o. Date, S7 9 H.

3 B ill on D o, Do. Date, 8So H. From S ulta npur D istrict. · 4 D o, Do. Do. Date, 88 1 H. From S d!tanpur Dis trict. 5 D o. Do. Do !)ate, 882 H, F rom Sul tanpur D istrict. 6 Do. Do. D o, Date, 883 H , From Jalam District. 7 D o. Do. D o, Da te, 884 H. From Sultanpur D istrict. 8 Copper Do. Do. Da te, 885 H.

9 D o, Do. D o. Date, 886 H .

10 Do. Do. Do. Date, 887 H.

JI D o. Do. Do. Da te, 888 H.

12 Do. Do. Do. Date, 88 9 H .

13 D o. Do. Do. Date, Sgo H .

'4 Do. Do. Do. Da te, 891 H .

1 5 D o. D o. Do. Da te. 892 H.

r6 Do. Do, D ,: , Date, 893 H. 17 Do. D o. D.o. D.1te, 894 H . r 8 D o. Do. Do, Date, 895 H.

19 Billon D o. Do. Dale, 896 H . F rom J a lam District.

20 Copper Do. Do. Date, 897 H.

u 1:3 illvn Do. Do. Date, 898 I-I. From Jalam Di strict .

112 D o. Do. D u, Date. 8~) 1 H. Fr<)m S ultanpur. D;st rict 231 D o. Do. llo. Date, goo f i. From J a la m D istrict 2 4 De. Dn. Do. Date, 9,4 H. F rom J alam District. 25 Copper D o. Do . Da te, 905 H. From jala m District. '3 6 Do. Du. D o. :Jatc, 90 ::; I !.

27 B ill on Do. Do. Date, 9 10 H . F rom J:llam Di st rict.

ll8 Do. Do. Do. D.·tte (?) Fr om Sulta npur District, Kl NGS O F (_iU JARAT .

Ah mad Shah I , 8 c 3 -8~ 6 A.H. =qr0-1443 A.D.

Copper Legend in i·:;c 1s ian Le:;end in f'e r;ian C; . !, \L C., Vol. III, PI. IX, 7· I I cha racter. I character. l

Mahmud Shah ! 1 <:>6 3·- 9'7 A.H , :::: 1458-- ; 5J r .·\ .D ,

Sih e r Legend in P ersia n Jl Legend i ·~ P ersian ~· ~)a te, 88 3 (?) chara cter. characler, .,..-_:_------·------·---- .. ------· -·-~-- - · - - --· --- ·- ··· ( ~~ ' ) Catalogue of_ Coins z'n t.he Phayre Pr1vincial Museum.

--~------~------~------z0 -;; c Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks, '!in ' I .. t1l , 0 rJl Q2_ ( 2) (3) (4) (5\ (6) • - --~ ---- - · ----


Mahmud . Shah I,863-9Y7 A,H.= t4S8-I5ll A.D,-conc!d.

~ ~ Silver Legend in Per . (' swn Legend in P ersian Date 901 A. H., Mint, Shahr-i- I ch:tracter 10 'plain character (in square). Mukarram (Muh&mmadabad), circle). 3 Do. Legend in rt'ersian Do, I.M-C., 13. character. 4 Do. Do. Legend in Persian I.M.C,, 16. character. D·•, 1 ~ r 5 ), Do. Do. 6 Do: Do. Legend in Persian character (in square with peaked side!!). 7 Do. Legend in Persian In hexagon; legend ~h1racter (\a!!t line in Persian character. :·ncomplete). 8 Do, l.egend in Persian In square; legend in character. Persian character.

Muzaffar Shah II, 917-932 A, H.= ISn-r:;•s A,D, I Silver Legend in Persian In square; legend in Date, 921 H. character. Persian character, 2 Do, Do. Do. Date, 9'3 H.

3 , Do. Do. Do. Date, 91 (7) H.

I 'f Do. Do. ln scaliop~d circle; Date, 919 H. legend in Persian ch:uacter. I 5 Do. Do. In peaked square; leg~nd in Peraian character. I 6 Do. Do. Legend m Persian Very crude, no date. character (incom- plete). I 7 Do. Do. Legend in PersiAn character (enclosed I within brackets).

Mahmud Shah Ill, 943-961 A. H.= 1536- t553 A.D. Silver Legend in Persian Lege ad in P ersian Date, 961 H. Found in East character. character. Khllndesh. 2 Do. Do. Do. No date. Th~ee· coins found in East . 3 Do. Do. Do.

4 Do. Do. Do. Date, 961 H.

5 Do. Do. Do, Found in the Hoshangabad District of the Central Provinces.


Mahmud Shah Khalji Jl, 916-937 A,H.= ISI0-1530 A.D.

1 Copper Legend in Persian Legend in Persian Found in the ChhJLbra Pargana of character. character. the Tenk Stale in Rajputana. I 'J Silver Do. Do. Square type. ( t4 ) ',. _,, Cata!o[u1 oj Cot'ns t'n the Pha :yre Pro'Vt'ncial Museuw.· ;, ------~ ------

Obverse. Reverse. 1 Remarks. I

(5 ) (6)


Akbar, 963-1o14 A. H.= 1556-r6oS." \.D.

S1lver. J Kalima: Marginal Legend in Persian 1\'; int, Jaunpu~; date, 979H. ~qu:tre legend in Persian character, type from Mirzapur, U.P., if. character. I.M .C., s oo.

, Do, Kalima in square: Do. M, int, Fathpur; date. g'l6H. Square Marginal legend in t: ype from Mirzapur, U .P .• if. Persian character I. M .C., 192 . imperfect.

3 Do. Do. Do. Mint, J:. "athpur; date, 9S7H. Square type f. rom Mirzapur, U.P·., cf. I. M.C •. , 192. 4 Do. Kalima: Marginal Do. Mint, Dar ,·• Jl Sultanat, Lahore; date, legend in Persian 987 H. S,quare type from East charactt:r giving Khandesh ~District . names of Kalifs imperfect.

5 Do, Kalima in square : Do. Mint, Fllthpur; da,•e, g88H. Square Marginal :legend in type from Mir.za ~ . pur, U,P., if, Persian character I.M.C., IQ2. imperfect,

6 Do, Do. Do. Mint, Fathptq; but date, _Q8l)H .

7 Do. Kalima Do. Mint, Darul Khilafat; dalte; 998H. Square type from East · K1 handesh Distri ct,

8 Do. Kalima and names of Legend in square Mint, Urdu-Zafar Qarin ; C!!ate, Khalifs in square formed of dots. toooH. Type same as No. 7. formed vf dots.

9 Do. Legend in Fer!ian Legend in Persian Mint, Ahmadabad; date, roooH. character. character.

10 Do. Do. Do. Date, 39 r.y., cf. I.M.C., 318·19.

I I Do. Do. Do. Mint, Tatta; date, 41 r.y. Azar. Square type, from East Khandesh , District.

12 Do. Kalima. and names of Do, ;\dint, Darul Sultanat, Fathpur, Khalifs. Square type from East Khandesh District. I I3 Copper Legend in Persian I Do. Found in the Kair;:; (Kasia) District character. and de~cribe..:l as '' Chan Tamka of Akbar.''

Silver Legend in Persian Legend in Persian Mint,-; date, 7 r.y. Found in1 the character. character, Sambalpur District.

2 Do. Kalima in square : Do. Mint, Patna; date, 8 r,y., 1045H. Marginal legend in Persian character.

3. Do. Legend in Persian Do. Mint. Akbarnagar; d~te, 2'1 r.y., cf. chara~ter. l.M:.C. Ill, 839.

4 Do. Du. Do. Mint, Go! kunda; date, :a6 r.y., cf. I.M.C. Ill, 339· ( ~s )

ci z 0 c.: z Metal, Obverse . Reverse. "; Hem arks. .~ ·;:: 0- V)"' (I) (s) (~) ·------~(~4~) ______~( 5~)------~------(~6~) ______


Shah '}ahan, 1037-Jo68 A . H.= 16sll-1658 A.D.-roncld.

59 5 Silver. Legend i::: Persian Legend in Persian Mint, Lahore, character (indistinct). character (indistinct),

6 Do. Legend 1n Persian Legend in Persian Mint. Golkunda; date,-c(. I. M.C. character. character, Ill, 839.

Awranrz•b Alamgir 1, 1o69-1 r 18 A. H.- x659-17o7 AD.

Silver Legend 111 Persian I Legend in Pe1sian Mint, ; date, 9 r.y,, 10 77 H. character. character. Found in the N imar District, and presented by the Director of Industries, C. P·.

2 Do. n u. Do, Mint, Gol kunda ; date, 5 r.y., 1081H. Found in the Poona District, Do. 3 Do, Do. Mint, Surat; date, s 3 r.y., rogrH. Presented by the Director of Industries, C,P .

4 Do. Do, Do. / Mint, Surat; date, lS r.y., 1092H

5 Do. Do, Do. Mint, Surat; date, 25 r.y., ro93H. 6 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, 7 Do. Do. Mint, Surat; date, '17 r.y., Ic9sH. 8 Do, Do. Do. Mint, Surat; date, 28 r.y., 1096H.

9 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Surat; date, 30 r.y., I ogBH . F onnd in the N agpur District, 10 Do. 54 Do, Do, ~ vlint, Ruhat; date, 37 r,y., liOSH. Found in the Nasik District. li Do, D o. Do. Mint, Sural ; date, 38 r.y., I 1 o6H.

1:1 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Cambay; date, 48

Catalogue ~1 Cgins in tllr? PJusyre Pro'l!inci•l Mttseum. -·--- --·- --·------o' z 0 ] Z Mct~. Obnrs~ Reverse, Remarks. 'tiQ ~ ·.: ..... 0 Jj (S) J.~ --~--·--··· (42_ __ , - -··-·-·-·- -·-----· - ~<6.:...) ------


Shah A!am 1 Bahiulur Shah, 1 r 19__:112\4 A. H. = I7C7-I7I~ A. D.

Silver Legend In Persian Legend lll Persian Mint, l:3a reli; date, Ahd. (r.y, r ). character. character.

2 Do, Do. Do. Mint, Lakhnau ( Lucknow); date, Ahd, (r.y.).

I 3 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Itawa ; date, • r.y., IUOH.

4 Do. Do. D o. Mint, Chinapata m ( Madras); date, 3 r,y,, IHOH,

5 D o. Do. Do. Mint, Lucknow ; date, 4 r .y. 6 Do. l io. D o. Mint, Tatta; date, r.y., defaced.

7 Gold Do. D o.

Jahcm dat· S hah, lll4A. H. = l ] l~ A .D. Silver Legend in Persian ILege nd in Persian I Mint, Akbarabad; date, Ahd. character. character. (1 r.y.).

Do. Do. 1 Do. \'lint, Shahjahanabad; date, Ahd. (1 r,y.).

Parrukhsiyar, U~4 -II3l A.l+.==1 713-17I9 A.D.

Silver Le gend In Persian Legend 111 P ersian Mint, Sahrind; date, s r,y,, u 2sH •. character. character,

2 D o. Do, lJo. Mint, Shahjahanabad; date, 2 r.y., 1t25H.

3 D o. Do. Do. Mint, ltawa ; date, s r.y., r r28H. Found in the F arrukhabad Dis- trict.

4 Do. Do. Do. Mint, A z: unabad l\-1 usta·girru-t iVl ulk ; date, 6 r.y; [ r 1] 27 A.H.

5 Do. Do, lJO. Mint, Burhanpu r ; date, 7 r,y, (!,I) 3oi·L

6 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Shiihjahanabad ; d ate, 7 r.y.

7 Do. Do. D o.

::, hg!J J ahan 111 1131 A.H.==I7I9 A .D.

Silver Legend in Persian Legend in Persian Mint, Lahor ; date, Ahd. ( Il31 H.) character. character.

2 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Shahjahanabad ; d ate, Ahd. (XXXI H.)

Muhammad Shah, I I3l-·ll6I A. H. ::= 1719- 1748 A.D,

Silver Legend in Per~ i an Legend in Persian Two C oins · Mint, Surat; date, 2 character, character, r.y. 1:' ound in the A mraoti District, and presented b-y the Director of Industries, C.P .

2 Do, Do. Do. Mint, S urat; date, I 13XH., 3 r.y.

3 D o. Do. Do. Mint, Lahor ; date, II3XH., 4 r.y. ( 27 )

0 z Metal. Ob ve r ~~. Reverse. Remarlcs.

(5) ______( li)


M uhr.mmad Shah, 113l:-ll6I A . H . = t 719-174 ~ A .P-c11 ncld.

4 S ilver Legend in Persi:1 n Legend 111 Persian M int, S hahjahanabad; date, n48H., cha r:lcLer. eh a r·acter. 18 r.y., cf. I. M.C ., 20 50.

Do. D u. Do. M int, Shahjahanabad ; date, 114 (9) H ., 19 r.y.-Frorn Moradabad,

Do. Do. Do. Mint, Shahjahanabad; date, S J r,y.

Do. Do, Do. Mint, !tawa; date, 1 153H., ~~ r.y.

Do. Do. Do. .Mint, Shahja ha niibad ; date, r 15 (3) H., 23 r. ) ., c.f. I.M.C., ::ao59·

9 Do. Du, Do, Two Coins. Mint, Surat; date, ~3 r.y. Pre!lented by the Director of Industries, C.P.

10 Do. Do, Do. Mint, Sha hjaha na bad ; dilte, z rS gH 29 r.y.

11 Do. Do, Do. Mint, Surat ; date-

IS Do. Do. Do. Mint, Surat; found m the Panch Mahal District,

Do. Do. Do. Found in Man Taluka Satara Dis­ trict.

14 Copper Do. Do. Twenty-eight coins. F ound in the Hoshangabad Diatrict, C.P.

A l~>nad.S h ,. h Bahadur, Il6r-It67 A.H. = t741-J754 A.D.

1 Silver Legend m Persian I Legend tn Persian Mint, Uihor ; date, 4 r.y. character. eh ;:~ racter,

Do. Do. Do. Mint, Shahjanabad ; da te, 1166H., 6 r.y.

Do, Do, Do. Mint, Katak ; date, 6 ~ : Y.

Ala"'gir 11, 1167-1t73 A.H. c= 17 54-1759 A.D.

1 Silver Legend m Persian Legend in Persia n Mint , Shahjahaniibad; dale, Ahd. character. character. (1 167) H , I.M.C., !!::aS r.

s Do. Do. Do, Mint, Sha hjAhanahad ; date, ll7o­ ~; cf . l.M.C., :~:~ 5 4 .

8 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Mohammadabad-Benares· date, I171-4 '

4 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Balevantnagar; ... date, 4 r.y. Coins of this mint a re extremely rare,

5 Do. D o, Do. ~ in t , Bareli; date,6 r.y.

6 Do. Do. Do. On. 0 z 0 Cii z -~/) ~ Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks. Q"i: !(f)"t (r) , (2) _~(3~___) __J____ ~ (::!!4)_ _ _ J______~( 2.!_s l _ _ ----'------'-(6~) ______--~- 1 ' COINS OF THE MUGHAL E'MPERORS OF HINDUSTAN-contd.

Shah Alam II, II73-122i A.H.=I7S9-I8o6 A.D. Silver Legend m Persian Legend in Persian Min t, Muradabad; date, I 19oH,, character. character. 17 r.y. 2 Do. Do. Do. Mint mark :: ; date [r 19) rH., 17 r.y. :' Do. Do_ Do. Mint, Allahabad; da te, I 191H,, 12 r.y. Do. Do. 4 Do. Mint, Allahabad; date, II9ll--I,, r8 r.y.

5 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Allahabad; date, 19 r.y. 6 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Farrukhabad; da te, I r ~7 H., L 3 r.y.

7 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Farrukhabad; date, r 198H., 24 r.y. 8 Do. Do. Do. Mint, M uhammadabad (Benares) ; date, 24 r.y. 9 D o. Do. Do. Mint, Fa rrukhabad; date, 1 198 H ., 25 r.y. ro Do. Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (Benares) ; date, 25 r.y, 11 Do. Do. Do, Mint, Muhammadabad (Benares); date, 26 r,y. 12 Do, Do. Do. Two Coins. Mi nt, Farrukhabad; date, 1199H., '7 r.y. IJ Do. Do. Do. Do., cf. I.M.C., 2~9~ . 14 Do. Do. Do. Mint, M uhammadabad ( Benares) ; date, 12o rH., 26 r,y. 15 Do. Do, Do. Min t, Mu hammadabad (Benares); date, I20 JH., 26 r.y. 16 Do. Do, Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (Benares); date, 1204 H. 17 Do. Do. Do, Mint, Ahmadnagar·Farrukhabad date, 12o5H,, 31 r.y. 18 Do. DG. Do. Mint, Roshannag;u-Sagar; date, 29 r.y. Found in the Sangar District. 19 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Roshannagar-Sagar; date, 33 r.y. Found in the Sangar District. ' 20 Do. Do. ' Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (Benares); date, n o6 H. 21 Do. ,Do. Do. Mint, Ahmadnagar-Farrukhabad ; date, 12o6H., 31 r.y. 22 Do. Do, Do. Mint, Ah madoagar-Farrukhll.bad; date, l~o7H., 31 r.y. 23 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (Benare!!); date, I 208H. . Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (Benares); date, llo8H., 18-35 r.y.

I 0 z ~ ~ z -~ -;; Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks. -~ ·;:: 0 J) j_0__~ \ _ (3) - ____,_(4 '-'-)------


S hah Alam If, r 173-1221 A.H.=1759- I8o6 A.D.-coHtd. 25t Silver Legend in Persian Legend in Persian Mint, Ahmadnagar-Farrukha>bad; character. character. date, 12o ~ H., 31 r.y.

26 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad ( Benares); date, 1209H.

27 Do. Do. Do. Mint, A hmadnagar-Farrukhabad; date, I2ogH., 31 r .y. ·

28 D o. Do. D o. Mint, Ahmadnagar-Farrukhaba d ; date, :) 1 r.y.

29 D o D o. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad {Be a res) ; date, IliOH.

30 Do. Do. D o. Mint, Ahmadnagar·Fa rrukha bad; date, tUr H ., 31 r.y.

31 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Muhamm-adabad (Benares) ; date, UII 2H,

32 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Ahmadnagar-Farrukhabad; date, Ul2H.

33 Do. Legend In P ersia n Legend In Persian Mint, Muhammadabad ;Benares); character (fragmen- 1 character (fragmen- date, I 2t2H,, 17-40 r.y. tary). I tary). 34 Do. Legend in Persian Legend in Persian Mint, A hmadnag ar-Farrukhabad; , character. character. date, IS1 31-I.

35 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Ahmadnagar-Farrukhabad ; date, Ili3H.

36 Do. Do. Do Mint, l:lhopal; date, 12o6H., 34 r.y.

37 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Bareli Qita; da e, xusH •. 37 r.y.

38 D o. Do. Do. Mint, Ahmadnag a r-Farrukhabad · · date, 12151-I. '

39 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (Benares); date, ur6H.

40 D o. Do. Do. Mint, Ahmadnagar-Farrukhabad; date, ut6H.

41 Do. Do. Do. Mint, M uhammadabad (Benares); date, 1217H., 17-44 r.y. I I 42 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Ahmadnagar-Farrukhabad; I date, ISI7 H. ·

43 Do. Do, Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (llenares) ; date, J2 t8H., 26 r.y.

4~ Do. Do. ~ D o. Mint, Ahmadnagar-Farrukhabad; date, ut8H. 145 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadab:ad ('J!e na res) ; date, u 191-I ., s 6 r .y.

1 46 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Ahmadnagar-Farrukhabad; date, urgH., 39 r.y. I / ( 30 )

o" z 0 "jg Z Metal. Obverse. Reverse. H. emarlcs. 'iiiJ ~ "i: "L: 0 ~ --(t) (t)- 1 (3) (4) ____(S) ______,!..(6_,_) ---- IC,OINS OF THE MUGHAL EMPERORS OF H INDUSTAN-contd.

Shah Alam 11, 1173-12'll A.H,=t759-18o6 A.D.-contd.

47 Silver Legend in Persian Legend 111 Persia n !\l int, Ahmadnagar-Farrd!

Do. Do. Do. Mint, Ahmadnagar·Farrukhabad ; date, 122oH.

49 Do. Do. Do. \1int, Ahmadnagar-Farrulthiibad; date, J21IOH., 39 r.y.

so Do. Do. Do. Ali Ga ur type. f

54 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (Benare~); date, 12•3H., 26 r.y.

55 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (Benares); date, 1M5H., 26 r.y.

s6 Do. ,Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (Benares) ; r:nsH., 17-49 r.y.

57 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad (Benares); date, Il'l6H., ~ 6 r.y. 58 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Subah Oudh.

59 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Muhammadabad ( !:l enares); date, ugA.H., 17-49 r.y. From Allahabad.

6o Do. Do. Do. Five silver coins struck at Bareli to Qita. They belong to the reign 64 of Shah Alarn II. But though they bear the name and date ef that king, they are llller than the introduction of Briti5h rule in Rohilkhand and must have issued und er British authority. Cf. Wright, Mu£hal Emperors of India, page xxx iv. The dates of these coins range from x:n6 A.H. (:t8ot A.D.) to 1 ~ 3 oA. 1-l. r::. r!!r,.A.D.). It is to be noted that the regnal year 37 is recorded on the reverse of all the specimens, irrespectiYe of the Hizra dates.

65 Do. Do. Do. flive silver coins minted at Lukhnow to (Lucknow) by the earlier Nawab 69 Vizirs in the name of the titular Emperor Shah Alam 11 and in his 16th reg nal year but with widely differing Hizra years (te14, 1•14, 1118 and 1:129). ~ Found in the Lucknow District.

7o ' Do. Do. Do. Mint, ; dale, 27 r.y. hsued by some Native Sta te.

71 Do. Do. Do. Found in the Mandla Diatrict, United Provinces. ------'------( 3 I )

~ ~ Me<•l. Ohm" . I "'"""· ~~~ R'm""'·

;§ Ji I I - ~~ _i1_ -~-1---J~.L -- --- ~----(=s )'------1 ------·(6)


' Shah Alam 1!, ll73-n·n A.H.= 1759-t8o6 A,D,-concla.

7'l S ilver Legend in Per sian I Legend in Persian Mint, Abadkha na or Nanabad character, character. ]hansi, Found in the B uldana ·District and presented by the Director of Industries, C, P,

73 Do. Do. Do.

74 D o. Do. Do, 75 Do. Do. Do.


Silver Legen d in Persian I Legend in Persia n Mi'n t, Pondicherry; date, '5 r.y. character. character,

British East India Compa ny .

Si lver Legend in P ersian Legend 111 Persian Mint, Muhammadabad (Benares), character. character. date, Ilo7 H., t6 r.y.

Do. Do. D o. Mint, Muha mmadabad (Bcnares) ; date, lll7H., • 6 r,y, Both these coins (N e&. I and ·1) belong to the · ~ 6th year series and display the device of a fish. They were struck • I by the East Ind ia Company in the i name of Shah Ala m 11 for circu­ lation in Oudh. T he legend on I b oth sides is what is found on Shah Alam's rupees.

3 Do. Do. Do, Five coins struck by the East India to Company in the na me of Shah 7 Alam ll. They belong to the l6th year series, Mint, Muhammada­ bad (Benares) ; date, UH ·-Il3t H, .

Mu hammad A kbar Il.-1 IH-I:J53, A. H. :: 18o6-r837 A.D.

Copper Legend m P eraian Legend 111 Per!lian Mint, Shahjahan:ib i1 d ; date, !:1~6 H., ch arnter. character. cf . UVI.C. 11 I, No. ~5d.

2 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Shiihjahanitbii.d; date, 1 133H,, cf. l.M.C, No. lSl~ (a). .

3 S 1lver Do. Legend in Persian Mint, Ahmadabad. character with tw.fus,

4 Do. Do. Do. De.

5 Do. Do. Legend ,., Per!lian Do. character.

6 Do. ITa. Legend m Persian Do. ch aracter with a11ku s.

7 Do. Do. Legend 111 Persian Do. character. ( 32 )

C•t•logu, ~1 Coi~ts in tlu PJ.ayre PrrJvt'ncial Museum.


z 0 ~ Z Metal Obverse. Heverse. .Rcm11.rks. :§l ·~ 0 Ji ~ J& i___j})__ l (S) (6)


1 , Sil"er Legend in Persian Legend in Persian Found in the P oona District. Said character. character. to belong to the P ~s h war, and the legends are fragments of the later M ughal legends. The Hi ~ ri date I in Marathi figure is Il3I, corres· ponding to r8rs A.D. 2 I Do. Fragment of Persian Fragment of Persian legend of later legend of later l Two silver coins ot' Native States Mughal Emperors, Mughsl Emperors. j found in the Belgaum District. 3 Do. Do. Do.

4 Do. Two coins of Native State of India } with fragments of legends of the • later Mughal Emperors.:. J<'ound 5 Do. in the Satara District. 6 Do. Star and fragments of East India Company's coins-Surat. Peraian inscription. 46 San' Issue. Found at Alrn1ll, Sindgi Taluka, Bija pur District


Ahrn ad S hah Durrani, 1747-1773 A.D. SilYer Legend in Persisn I/ Legend in Persian IMint, Shahjahanabii d; date, · -( character. , character, 1170 A.H., IJ r.y.

Shah S huja'a Durra 11 £1 r8o3- 15 and 1839-42 A.D. Silver Legend in Persian Legend in Persian I Mint, Bakhai. character. character.

I . I


______II___ -- ( $3 )

Catalogue of C1ins in t he Phayre Provt'ncial Mu.seum.

0 z 0 -; z c: Metal. O bverse. Reverse, Remarks. 'bi, ~ ·;::: '\ 0 Jl (1) ( ~) ( 3) (4) .. ( :, ) (6)


l.-Ghasiu-d·di ot Haidaf', A.H. 1S 3+ - 1 ~48 = A . D . rS rQ-182 7.

I Sil ver Legend in Persian O udh coat of a rms in Ghalliu-d-din ; struck in the na me, character centre ; on either of Shah Alarn ; Mint, Luck now; side Persian ch arac~ date, r·•34lcl., 26 r.y. Found Ill ter. ins ide fi 1h circle, the Hardoil District of th e U~

Copper Do, Oudh coai of a rms Ghaziu-d-din; struck in the name • withi n ci rcle for med of Sh a h Alam; Mint , Lucknow; by two fi shes, a nd date, LS .)-4H., ~6 r.y. Persian legend.

3 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Luck no w; date, ts3s H ., • (ahd). ' 4 Silver Do. Do. Do. do, I 5 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Lucknow; dnte, U1 36 H., • r,y . 6 Copper Do. Do, Do. do,

7 Do, Do Do, Mi nt, Lucknow ; date, I:l37H ., 3 r.y. "I

8 Silver Do. Do, Mint, Luckn ow; date, 123BH., 4 r,y.

. 9 Do. Do. D o . Mint, Luck now; date U 39H,, 5 r.y, I I

11.- Naui,. u-d-din Haida r, A, H. 1243-1253 = A,D. t82]-t837•

I S ilver Legend In Persian Oudh coat of a rms Mi nt, Luc know : date, 12431-I., character. a nd Persian legend, (ahd,),

2 Copper Do. Do. Do, do,

3 Do. Do, Do, Mint, Lucknow; date, 11 44 H ., (a hd,),

4 Do. Do. Do. Mi nt, Subah Oudh, Luck now; date 1245 H,, 3 r,y.

5 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Subah Oudh, Luckn ow ; date, r~ 46 H., 3 r.y. 6 Do. Do. Do. I Mint, s ame as above ; date, rt46H,, 4 r .y.

7 Do. Do. Do. Mint, same as above ; but date, IS47 H., 5 r,y.

8 Do. Do. Do. Mint, same as above; but date, U 48 H,, S r,y.

9 Do. Do. Do, Mint, s!l.me as above; but d&te, I . 1249H., 6 r. y.

10 Silver Do. I Do. Mint, same as a bove ; bu t date, I 1252H., 9 r,y. I I 5 ( 34 )

Catalogue of C oir.s in the Phayre Pt'ovinciat Mu1eum.

z0 I I 0 I ~ :2: . c Meial. Obverse. ' bi:, Reverse. I Remar ks, ·;:: -~ I 0 Vl"' i (•) I ~ (3) (4) (5) ' (6)


111 .-Jfuham mad Ali Shah, A,H. I '2 5 3-I~ S8= A·D, 1837-184z.

1 Silver Let;enci m P ersian In circle, mermaids Mint, Lakhnau; date, 1253H. character. holding crown; below (ahd.). a fi sh ; around Persian legend.

2 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Lakhnau ; but slightly vanes from the a bove. 3 Do. D o. Do. Mint, Subah Oudh, Baitul-saltanat, Lakhnau; date, 12 5 ~ H. (ahd.). 4 Do. Do. Do. Mint. Lakhnau; _date, 1254H., 2 r.y. 5 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Lakhnau; da1te, I25SH., • 3 r.y• 6 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Mulk Oudh; date, 1256H., 3 r.y. 7 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Mulk Oudh; date, as6H., 4 r.y. 8 Do. Do. Do. Do. do,

9 Do. Do. Do. Mint, Subah Oudh, Lakhnau; date I 257 H., 5 r.y,

1 ~'-·Silv e r Legend m Persian Two swords around, in Mint, Mu lk Oudh, Paitul.s~ltan~t, character, centre fis h surmounted Lakhnau; date, usSH. (ahd.). by umbrella and crown Marg ins, lege 11 d in Persian character.

2 Do. D o. Do. Do. do, '.better specimen). , 3 Do. Do, Do. Same as No. 191 but 1259H.

4 Do . Do, Do. Same a s No. u), but tZSgH., and 2 r,y. 5 Do. Do. Do. Same as No. xg, but 126oH., and 2 r,y, 6 Do. Do. Do. Same as No. 19, but 126rH,, and 3 r.y, 7 Do. Do. Do. Same as No, Ig, but IJ61 H., and 4 r.y. 8 Do. Do. Do. Same as No. rg, but u6:~H., and , 5 r.y,

• V.- fVajnd .A ii Shah, A. H. U63-127lZA.D. I 847-18!-6·

I Silver Legend In Persian Oudh coat of arms in Mint, Mulk Oudh, Baitul-~altanat, character, I centre ; around Per- Lai

3 Copper Do. Do. Date, ahd. r 4 to } Silver Do. Do. Same as No, •J, but with different li dates. ~

11 -\ 1Do. Do. Do. Mint, Ba itul-sa ltanal, Lakhnau; 13 :\1 ulk 0 udh Akhtarnagar; dllte, 14 1267H., 5 r.y. to 1Do. 'Do, Do. Same as No. 12, but with different 21 dates. ( 35 )

Catalotue of Cot'ns in the Plu.yre Provincz"al M useum. ------z0 -;; 0 Nle c z tal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks. 'Si:i -;; ·;:: ·;::.., 0 !l.l _Q2 i!L (3) (4)__ _ _ (S) (6)


Silver Persian characteri Persian characters Four square coins.

I4A Do. Do. Do, Two circular coins. These six coins were found in the jhansi District.

3 Gold Unidentified symbols l!mdentified symbols Found in the Yizagapatam District.

4 Bron.oe Do. Do. T wo 5mall thick co ins with Indian devices and characters.

5 Silver Persia n characters ... Persian characters An India n coin.

6 .po, A recumbent bull with The trisul emblem Six coins minted by th~ same Indian ancient Nagari char- King. acters.

33 7 Do. Persian characters (?) Persia n characters (P) Probably an Indian coin.

34 Bronxe Do. Do. Fifteen very small coins; devices unidentified; probably of Indian origin.

6 8 Do. Fleur-de-lis Telegu cha racters ... Two French coins found in the ::iouth Arcot District.

9 Silver Per!!ia n legend Persian legend Three thick coins of unknown date.

10 Do. Device unknown Device unknown,

II Do. Persian legend Pe rsian legend Five thick coins of unknown date.

12 Do. Do. D o. Devices indistmct • probably a Siame5e coin, •

13 Do. Oo. Do. Ma he _ Fanam. French Company, Pondtcherry, and letter P. Found in Malabar.

14 Do. Mahesvara rupee (with lin~a.) .

15 Gold Specimen of a coin discovered in the Kambalipur village A neka l Taluk Bangalore District: .. '

Silver Figure of a king round Coat of anns round Found in a glaze? earthen jar at which ili inscribed which is inscribed Payagy1 vJilage, fwa.nte Township «• Caro-S-II I Dei­ '' H ispan·et lnd-Rex Hanthawaddy District. , Gratia, 1777.'' M.R.M.l." ( 36

Catal~gue ~1 c~ins ,·,.the Phayre p,.ovi1ecial Mu1e'Htx.

0 7 ci (;j z Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Remarks. ~ (;j 'bj, ·;: ·;:;


17 Silver Figure of a king round Coat of arms as above Found in a glazed earthen jar at \ which is inscribed ro und which is P ayagyi village, Twante Towrlsh ip, " Carol us I I !I Dei­ inscnbed " Hi span· et· Hanthawaddy Di strict. Gratia, I 799·" In cl. ~e x M_ 8. R.F. M."

18 Gold Venetian Ducat. Found in the Ratnagiri Di!trict.

to191 Silver Coin known as Larin. P'o11Rd 23 at Saryameawar, Ahmednagar District. I I ~~~ ! Do. French Colonial Mahe 1/5th rupee I r7:;X. Found at Payyamur, Mala· bar District.

25 Gold Coin with the legend YaHa in Telugu-Ksnada.

Do. Coin with the legend MaHav Madana or Bavan a in Telugu,

'l7 Silver A king's head Sanskrit character ... Two very small silver coins found in the Poena District said to belong to "Mah:t.r&jendra-datta-putra­ Parma-Vaishnava-Sri-Maharaja Dalragana."

28 Copper Persian character Persian character ... Found at Kotar village in the Rewa State.

29 Do. Tankah Doulatabad 730 ( ~r). Two coins. Found in Bellary. I

3o Gold One Kabul current,

Do. Vishnu standing under lllegible Dewanagari Elliot coins of South India. No, :176. an arch. inscription.

,3l Silver Three lumps of silver bearing a i defaced impression on the side l and a star-shaped impre!sion at the bottom. Found at Ywang~ village, Yezagyo Township, PakOkku Di,trict.

G.B.C.P.O.-No. 3, S.A.S., Q·6·I9a4·-soo.