Watson Named New Dean of Coc Scheduled Classes, Noting That the !Rst Few by P
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Friday, April 1, 2011 • Volume 2 π r, Issue ∞ • aprilfools.net Movers and Shakers CRC spikes in gym attendance with addition of Shake Weight classes.!3 TechniqueThe South’s Liveliest College Newspaper CAMPUS CRIME UPDATE Snow make- Home Park tunnels to reduce crime up days announcedBy Oliver Tabooger Contributing Writer Mandatory Saturday school sessions will begin tomorrow at 8 a.m. to make up for the days canceled earlier this semester due to snow and ice. "e last six Saturdays of the semester will require mandatory attendance in hour-long class sessions. "e ice storm this past Jan. 10-13 caused the !rst three days of school to be canceled due to the dangerous and slick roads in Atlanta. Professors will schedule hour-long ses- sions for each of the missed classes this by the end of week. Many professors have decided to hold review sessions during these times. Others have decided to teach additional in- formation. “"e class time lost earlier this semester altered my schedule for the class and chap- ters I wanted to cover. I’ve had to change test Photo by Eve Elle/ Student Publications dates several times, so I’m glad I can teach A student returns home from class in Home Park using one of the newly constructed Home Park tunnels. The tunnels more information to my students. "ey will will be fully completed by Fall 2011 with the rest of the construction occurring throughout the center of campus. only bene!t from learning more,” said Up Andaway, AE professor. By Al Coholic from GTPD, the tunnel will focus on Route down Howell Mill. "e mov- “It was very di#cult on my part to make Contributing Writer keeping the crime rate in the area imme- ing sidewalk inside the tunnel will have the decision to cancel classes due to the in- diately surrounding campus safer. GTwireless access for Facebooking and clement weather. I think making up for those In response to the numerous crimes "e tunnel will connect Ethel St. to Tweeting on the way to and from school. missed days by holding Saturday classes can against Tech students, Parking and the Hemphill Tech Trolley stops. Students "e Department of Marketing is serve as my o#cial apology to the sta$, facul- Transportation along with the Geor- will soon be able to leave their houses, polling students for a nickname for the ty and students for canceling their work and gia Tech Police Department (GTPD)- avoid hobos and trash on the way to the Hewett Connector. Choices include the classes,” said Institute President G.P. “Bud” has initiated a construction project to access-controlled tunnel which will re- Homepark Penetrator, the Fun Tunnel, Peterson. build a tunnel into the heart of dark- quire an active Buzzcard. Trogdor and the Engineer Assembly Line. "e time allotted to professors to sched- ness itself, Home Park. Funded by the USG fee, the new con- Students can vote online until April 1 at ule classes will only be permitted during Primarily to alleviate the pressure struction project will divert the Green the very bottom of the Weekly Digest. the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students are advised to clear their Saturdays until May 7 and commit to the mandatory attendance. Earlier this week, the O#ce of Student Integrity (OSI) stressed the severity of the repercussions if students do not attend all Watson named new dean of CoC scheduled classes, noting that the !rst few By P. Katchu now, I just want to express myself through a life- days of the semesters are the most important. Sta! Writer long passion of mine: dance,” Galil said. “Class credit on students’ transcripts will “Ever since Prof. Watson was on Jeopardy, not given if students do not have a perfect "e College of Computing announced this we’ve been wondering when this would happen. attendance during these additional days,” past Friday that Zvi Galil will be stepping down "e administration dislikes social interaction as said Sandy Tinkles, administrative assistant as dean of the college to make way for one of much as [the students] do, so why not start re- of OSI. technology’s rising starts: IBM’s Watson, who moving it wherever possible?” said Mike Rowe- All professors are required to submit their defeated two of Jeopardy!’s all-stars this past Soft, third-year CS major. attendance sheets to OSI for their review and February. Some, however, are concerned about some of further action. Galil, the college’s current dean, will be leav- the technical implications of replacing people “Tech desires the best for their students ing academia to pursue a lucrative career in in- with hardware. and holding additional classes will help stu- terpretive dance in southern Ontario. “I’ve spent dents gain a stronger grasp of their educa- most of my life expressing myself logically. For See Dean, page3 Photo courtesy of the CoC tion, morals and values,” Peterson said. RHA, Technique host campus photo scavenger hunt By Bud E. Weiser hunt list will be assigned a time sta$ during this time, George Sta! Writer in which students may come in Burdell, organizer of the scaven- to search for it. "is will ensure a ger hunt, said, “I work very closely RHA and the Technique an- steady stream of students in and with the RHA sta$ on a regular nounced today that they will be out of the RHA o#ce for the en- basis, and they have mentioned hosting a week-long scavenger tirety of the week-long scavenger that they are expecting productiv- hunt open to all students April hunt. Items on the hunt list in- ity to increase during this time.” 4-8. In addition, RHA will be clude taking a picture each day Despite the limited space in providing free Chick-!l-A spicy of the team reading the Technique their o#ce for the scavenger hunt, chicken biscuits to the !rst 100 inside the RHA o#ce. "e Tech- RHA o#cers maintain that they students to come to the RHA of- nique will provide free copies of want as much student participa- !ce in the Flag Building to gener- the newspaper for students par- tion as possible for the event. ate interest each day. ticipating and will be judging the “"e more students, the merri- "e event will follow up RHA’s event. er,” said Ima E. Diot, fourth-year initial scavenger hunt last month, Members of RHA have ex- STAC major and RHA president. where students took pictures of pressed their excitement of work- “We really want to get in touch themselves at famous Tech locales ing closely with the student body with the student body.” such as the Dean George Gri#n during the hunt. When asked Photo by Dawn Belowmi/ Student Publications statue and the Technique o#ce. about the possibility of decreased See RHA, page 3 In addition to the scavenger hunt, RHA will give away free Chick- Every item on the scavenger productivity of the RHA o#ce !l-A spicy chicken sandwiches at their o"ce in the Flag Building. From the !les of the GTPD... A detailed plot to steal the Council Clippings famous Tech Tower “T” was thwarted by GTPD’s special T- This week in Student Government Campus Crime task force the night before it was to be stolen. By Polly Tico, SGA Editor By Young Boozer In recent weeks, more and Contributing Writer ach week, this section includes coverage of different aspects of Student more T’s around campus have gone missing. GTPD came upon EGovernment, including the Undergraduate House of Representatives, Crazy Juice Graduate Student Senate and the Executive Branch of both governments. In the police report, o#cers a lucky break when an RA drunk- GTPD o#cers were involved caught the smell of battery acid, enly stumbled into one of his resi- IAC attempts coup in House simpleton engineers,” said Mutch. in an undercover sting aimed at a key %avoring ingredient in the dent’s room on accident. "e RA Chaos reigned in UHR as “Our downfall was calling Will crippling the illegal production ca$einated brew. According to immediately phoned the housing members of the Ivan Allen College a Management major. Evidently and delivery of original formula the report, it was a “dead give- administrators to report a pos- of Liberal Arts (IAC) attempted they’re serious about that Business FourLoko alcoholic energy drinks away” as to where the drink was sible hoarding situation. When to seize control of SGA dur- Administration thing.” onto Tech’s campus. being manufactured. the matter was investigated fur- ing Tuesday’s meeting. For a last After Urboss’s outburst, the For months, o#cers have been During the bust, one o#cer ther, it was found that all of cam- minute defection by their allies room came alive, and Executive trying to !gure out how the re- was temporarily blinded and had pus’s missing T’s could be found in the College of Management, Vice President Banga Ergavel cently outlawed beverage was to receive medical treatment at in the room stashed in countless representatives of IAC would have attempted to close debate on showing up at dorm and fraternity Grady Hospital after one of the trash bags. Housing immediately succeeded in causing the most Mutch’s motion. In a last ditch ef- parties. A group of seven chemical students splashed a mixture of contacted the police task force profound shake-up of student fort to save the revolt, INTA Rep. engineering majors were busted blue raspberry and watermelon with the information; the student government since representatives Marge Hatcher dove at Ergavel, making the potent beverage in FourLoko in the o#cer’s face.