Newsletter | Department of English and Rhetoric | Georgia College
Newsletter 1.1 February 2009 Georgia College THE DOER The Department of English & Rhetoric Newsletter 1.1 February 2009 Writing Blazer, Alex E. "Glamorama, Fight Club, and the Terror of Narcissistic Abjection." American Fiction of the 1990s: Reflections of History and Culture. Ed. Jay Prosser. London: Routledge, 2008. 177-89. Friman, Alice. "Ace," "Modigliani’s Girls," "Because You Were Mine," "Depression Glass," "Learning Language." [Poems.] Prairie Schooner 82.3 (2008): 64- 70. ---. "Autobiography: The Short Version," "Diapers for My Father," "Silent Movie," "Snow," "Vinculum." [Poems.] When She Named Fire: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry by American Women. Ed. Andrea Hollander Budy. Pittsburgh: Autumn, 2009. 122-25. ---. "Coming Down." [Poem.] Shenandoah 58.2 (2008): 106-7. ---. "Leonardo’s Roses." [Poem.] Alhambra Poetry Calendar 2009. Bertem, Belgium: Alhambra, 2008. Poem for 26 July. ---. "More Clearly This Time Around." Rev. of Hazard and Prospect: New and Selected Poems by Kelly Cherry. New Letters 74.3 (2008): 151-55. ---. "On Deck." [Poem.] The Georgia Review 62 (2008): 373-74. ---. "The Refusal," "The Arranged Marriage." [Poems.] Boulevard 24.1 (2008): 101-3. ---. "Siren Song for Late September," "Borne Again." [Poems.] The Southern Review 43 (2008): 389-91. Gentry, Marshall Bruce. "A Closer Look: Cheers! Interviews Review Editor[4/24/2013 11:09:57 AM] Newsletter 1.1 February 2009 Marshall Bruce Gentry." With Avis Hewitt. Cheers!: The Flannery O’Connor Society Newsletter 15.2 (2008): 1, 4-5. ---. "On Getting Published (in the Flannery O’Connor Review): Notes from Bruce Gentry." Cheers!: The Flannery O’Connor Society Newsletter 15.2 (2008): 5.
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