Contribution of infrastructure and interoperability on combined transport growth path availability

Martin Burkhardt Director General UIRR

2007-04-17 page 1 Train path availability: analysis 2005 Main rail network in the Brenner corridor and branches Augsburg München

D Salzburg

Innsbruck A

- CH München I Core Section Trento

Trieste Milano Verona Padova - Verona Bologna Extension Bologna

2007-04-17 page 2 Train path availability: analysis 2005 Infrastructure improvement Brenner Base (EN)

ƒ „Horizon 2010“:

München Mühldorf - actual line incl. capacity improvements (automatic block Brennero-Verona, 2006) - removal of bottle neck Unterinntal 65km (4- expansion Kundl-, 2010) -> 18 Mio. t Capacity 170km 32km Kufstein ƒ „Planning case 2015“: Wörgl - 2-track Brenner-Basetunnel, 2016 73km - Partly expansion of branch lines Single track NEW 1-track Fortezza-, Double track NEW 1-track by-pass Bolzano 57km - partly expansion of expansion line 105km 425km München-Mühldorf-Freilassing Fortezza/

48km - freight train relieve Mühldorf-Rosenheim Bolzano/Bozen -> 60 Mio. t Capacity ƒ Additionally, simultanous necessesary: 55km Trento - Rosenheim-Wörgl - Bolzano-Trento 150km 95km

Verona H. Maak, Schrittweiser Ausbau der Brenner-Eisenbahnachse, ETR 7/8 2004

2007-04-17 page 3 Considerable structural change: 2007

RoLa Services

New situation 2007 Regensburg Ökombi Relation both directions

Wörgl - Trento 56 Wörgl

Wörgl - 170 Brennersee Verona Brennersee + from May 2007 Regensburg Trento Trento Trains/week 228

2007-04-17 page 4 Unaccompanied intermodal services 2006/07

Regular Trains per week Operator both directions Kombiverkehr / Cemat 186 TI / TX Company Trains 18 KombiDan / Cemat 12 Hupac (since 2007) 12 Trains/week 228

2007-04-17 page 5 Train path availability: analysis 2005 Infrastructure and System Framework

„Natural Breakpoints“: München and Verona for BRC-railways 3 Language

München Mühldorf 3 No Driver Change 3 Brake Sheet Grafing

65km 3 Wagon List Rosenheim { Signalling System 170km 32km Kufstein Wörgl Fritzens 73km Innsbruck *) *) 2. > 600to Single track NEW Double track NEW 3. >1200to 57km 105km

425km { Language Fortezza/Franzensfeste { Change Driver 48km 1200to/550m Bolzano/Bozen 1300to/450m { Driver 1+1 { Brake Sheet 55km Trento { Wagon List { Signalling System 150km { Train-Tail Plate/Lamp

95km { Freight Note/Data Entry { Signalling System Verona Source: BRAVO RA33 Meeting Frankfurt 2007-04-17 page 6 Train path availability: analysis 2005 Velocity Profile (München – Verona)

MUNICH WÖRGL BRENNERSEE BRENNER TRENTO VERONA km 0 km 114 km 208 km 210 km 346 km 446


100 km/h 70 km/h 30 km/h 0 km/h 1 H 07 MIN 1 H 27 MIN 3 H 13 MIN

Source: ÖBB - Project Brenner Rail Cargo

2007-04-17 page 7 Train path availability: analysis 2005

Highly used capacity: e.g. München – Rosenheim

2007-04-17 page 8 Train path availability: analysis 2005

Use of Brennero/Brenner station during 24 hours

2007-04-17 page 9 Train path availability: analysis 2005 Current Bottlenecks – Line infrastructure

Apart from general saturation: ƒ Decreasing possibilities of parking trains in the infrastructure of DB Netz (hampering buffering of trains in case of operational irregularities): ¾ Intensification of bottlenecks at departure and arrival stations by back-tailing of trains in the network or already at the departure terminals ƒ Availability of reserve and evasion slots in case of operational irregularities: ¾ Avoiding of train stops at transfer stations because of loss of connecting slot (train path) ƒ Nodal point of München and operations on München – Grafing – Rosenheim

2007-04-17 page 10 Train path availability: analysis 2005

Bottlenecks at stations / nodes

ƒ Brenner station (Change of System) ¾ Complex (time consuming and costly) operation concept for locomotive change because of rigid separation of systems (no reversible tracks or routes) ¾ potential capacity bottleneck hampering increase of freight trains in relation with current operation concept and regulations of RFI ƒ Bolzano station ƒ Occupied by passenger trains ƒ Manual switches and signalling/train control does not allow to use as locomotive changing station ƒ Capacity bottleneck to optimise locomotive cycle times

2007-04-17 page 11 Train path availability: analysis 2005

Conclusions ƒ Current overall capacity is satisfying, whereas bottlenecks have been identified ƒ Further Operational Analysis can just be carried out by Infra Managers using timetable/simulation-tools ƒ “Round Table” between IMs and customers useful to agree upon priority measures ƒ Infrastructure Investments needed: ¾ München-Augsburg (two additional tracks Augsburg-Olching) (ongoing) ¾ Truderinger Kurve (for direct access to München-Riem Ubf) ¾ Kufstein-Innsbruck (two additional tracks between Kundl- Baumkirchen) for segregation of fast and slow traffic (ongoing)

2007-04-17 page 12 Train path availability: analysis 2005

Analysis of catalogue train paths

ƒ 30 catalogue train paths ƒ 24 additionally available in each direction ƒ average time Munich Verona 7:30 h ƒ no difference to scheduled trains

2007-04-17 page 13 User requirements for train path allocation

The role of the intermodal operators in train path scheduling

5. Acceptance/Rejection

Leading 4. Improvement feedback loop Leading

intermodal 3. Improvement request railway I M

operator 2. time-table/train path offer undertaking

1. time-table/train path request


Partner Future option: direct path intermodal allocation to intermodal operator operators!

2007-04-17 page 14 User requirements for train path allocation

8 months but if a customer comes after the deadline it can be up to 20! Short term: within 5 days if slots are available!

2007-04-17 page 15