Ml.KINSaNU tGttNlC1S ••••• "ill, hm><1r1lXl;II; !I"Y~!l!!ht ,~WII>\1<l<\S;IQO', 1'Jw .I'l\tO~l ~ ~l!.~ ~~It'l>~h""I~', \"0011 ~~t ,,~~ fiQO" !I"Ys ,I> lac~I~S;) y~I c~"~ th~ "lei, who 4'~ rI!1.h'lilt y<l<I, h \ really <!'~. Att~nb~ a d4~ Qt ,\$A; e><OI'I>!1.Mal>-I€»-Man HY~<;onntt'- .~>S 10 get 10 kl>ow eoch other right aw'~y,O~t the phone, No OOttab- No loud mllsie. \,~,'~ at \~u'lI ralk with more gu),s on one call then you did all lasr month. l'It~ I~liSw 3014 THROCKMORTON, DALLAS, TEXAS (214) 559-0650 caven@airmail.net l$ Q ; ----------~-,!!!!!!!J GOT TALENT? VOLUME 23, NUMBER 41 DECEMBER 12 - 18, 1997 16 LOOKING BACK Gay USA, 1952: Fairies at Neiman-Marcus? Part 2 by Phil Johnson 20 MOVIES Amistad Tells Compelling Tale of A Slave Rebellion Reviewed by Mark Deaton 29 BACKSTAGE The Women's Chorus of Dallas Kicks Off Its Ninth Season with "Visions of Sugarplums" 37 CURRENT EVENTS 41 STARSCOPE Mercury Retrogrades, Giving Us Free Rein for the Next Two Weeks 51 TEXAS SPORTS 52 TEXAS NEWS SHOW 56 ON OUR COVER Jason Virachack of Dallas photos by Jerry Stevens 58 FRESH BEATS DJ Krush, The Porn Kings and Jennifer Bolton by Jimmy Smith 60 TEXAS TEA 70 CLASSIFIEDS " 77 GUIDE 1WT (This Week In Texas) Is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co., at 3300 Reagan Street in Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhelmer In Houston, Texas 77r:JJ6.Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of its staff.
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