CHAPTER: 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION the Kirana Area Comprises of Meta
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CHAPTER: 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Kirana area comprises of meta-sedimentary and igneous Precambrian rocks which have been intruded by dykes and sills. An indication of mineralization in the form of quartz veins is also present in the area but as yet no significant deposit has been reported. The Kirana Hills are a major source of crushed rock aggregates for private and public sectors in southern and central Punjab. The pre-Cambrian rocks are considered to be very important throughout the world as these contain valuable mineral deposits. Hematite mineralization has been noticed in the area. 1.2 OBJECTIVE The primary objective of the field work was to enhance our knowledge and to understand, how to analyze the different rock formations, how to measure the dip and strike of the formations and draw rough sketches of the area. Also the purpose was to make our practical knowledge sounder and to identify the various features that are exposed in the outcrop. 1.3 LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY Sargodha is the 11th largest city of Pakistan and 5th largest of Punjab. It is located in the north-east of Pakistan. It is known as best citrus-producing and also one of the ore producing cities of Pakistan. Map 1.1 shows the satellite view of Sargodha. Map: 1.1 Satellite image of Sargodha The coordinates of Sargodha are 32.0836° N and 72.6711° E. The city is easily accessible from Islamabad via Islamabad motorway. Sargodha is located 206 km (128 miles) from Lahore 1 the second largest city in Pakistan and 244 km (152 miles) from Islamabad. The route map from Islamabad to Sargodha is shown below in map 1.2. Map: 1.2 Route map from Bahria University Islamabad to Sargodha Chiniot city is located between the heart of river Chenab with the heads of small rocky hills, it is known for its wooden furniture architecture which has a great attraction in all over the world. Map 1.3 shows the satellite view of Chiniot. Map: 1.3 Satellite image of Chiniot 2 The coordinates of chiniot city are 31.7200° N and 72.9789° E. Chiniot is located 55km from Sargodha and is easily accessible. 1.4 METHODOLOGY The methodology by which we studied Stratigraphy is: 1 Observe the formation members, outcrops, and lithology and make cross-sections. 2 Measure the dip strike and draw the sketches of the deformational structures 3. Take samples and cross match to observe similarities and differences. 3 CHAPTER 2 GENERAL GEOLOGY 2.1 TECTONIC SETTING OF THE AREA Kirana Hills in Pakistan are exposed in the Punjab plains and represent remnants of the Precambrian igneous activity within the Kirana-Malani basin of NE Gondwana. They are mainly comprised of mafic and felsic rocks which belong to tholeiitic basalt-rhyolite magma association with meta-sediments. Mafic rocks are mainly comprise of tholeiitic basalts, basaltic andesite and felsic rocks are rhyolites and minor dacites. Rhyolites and dacites are meta-aluminous to pre- aluminous sub alkaline rocks which are generated from partial melting of continental crust. Rhyolite volcanism occurred during the separation of Radinia supercontinent as a result of tectonic events with Kirana Malani basin. The Kirana Hills area has total estimated aggregate reserves of about 3097.3 million tons. The total reserves for dolerites are 487.3 Mt, 337.0 Mt for rhyolites, 209.1 Mt for volcanogenic slates and 2063.9 Mt for quartz. 2.2 TOPOGRAPHY OF AREA The Kirana Hills is a small mountain range in Pakistan's Punjab province. It spans approximately 40 miles across the districts of Sargodha and Jhang. The highest peak in the Kirana Hills is Koh-e-Kirana, which is about 980 feet high. The region is also known as "Black Mountains" by locals because of the dark brown colors of the range. The Kirana Hills and its environs are heavily infested with wild boar or wild pig. 2.3 FORMATIONS OF THE STUDY AREA Table 2.1 shows the various formations of the Kirana area. 4 Group Formation Description Sharaban formation Conglomerates with slate intercalations. Hadda formation Calcareous quartzite Machh Super Asianwala Formation Mainly quartzite with sub ordinate Group quartz wackes / arenaceous slates, gritty quartzite and slates, often showing cross bedding and ripple marks Tuguwali Formation Slates, fine grained quartz wackes / arenaceous slates Chak 112 Conglomerates Polymict conglomerate with clasts of dolerite and acid Volcanics. Volcanogenic slates Often interbedded with rhyolite / Hachi volcanics rhyolitic tuff and dolerite Volcanics Dolerites, andesites, dacites, dacitic tuff, rhyolites and Rhyolitic tuff. 2.3.1 Hachi Group Named after the type Locality at Hachi Hill lies between latitude 31° 54' 09" N and longitude 72° 41' 59" E, north of Sikhanwali railway station, this formation consists of quartzite, slates, phyllites, tuffs and lava flows. At the type locality it is 404 m thick. The quartzite in the formation are light to medium grey, medium grained and comprise rounded to sub-rounded quartz grains with clay minerals .The tuffs are light grey, interlayered with lavas and meta- sediments. The lavas are largely rhyoloitic to dacitic with minor andesite and no pillow structures. 2.3.2 Tuguwali Formation 5 This formation is named after the Tuguwali Village which lies between the latitude 31° 56’N and longitude 72° 42'E and the type section is south of Kirana Hill, located at the coordinates 31° 58' 3''N and 72° 42' 0''E .This formation is entirely composed of sedimentary rocks with phyllites and slates dominating its upper part, slates in its middle part and cross bedded quartzite, phyllites and slates in its lower part .The formation is about 1189 m thick. The lower contact of this formation with the underlying Hachi formation is obscure. Its upper contact with the Asianwala formation is gradational. 2.3.3 Asianwala Formation The formation drives its name from the Asianwala canal rest house which lies between latitude 31° 59' 38''N and 72° 43' 42''E. The Kirana Hill, near Sargodha, is the type locality. This formation is largely comprised of quartzite with subordinate intercalations of slate .The quartzite is off-white to light grey or mottled brown. It is comprised of well-sorted surrounded to rounded quartz grains. It is thick-bedded, cross-bedded and ripple-marked. The interbedded slates are grey and occur in thin layers. The upper part of the formation is covered by alluvium .It has a gradational contact with the underlying Taguwali formation .No fossils have yet been found .At the type locality the formation is about 250 m thick 2.3.4 Hadda Formation The formation has been named after the hadda canal rest house, 20 km from Sargodha. It is largely comprised of quartzite, slates conglomerates and lava flows. At the type locality it is about 372 m thick .The quartzite are the dominant rock type .They are rusty brown, fine- grained and at places cross-bedded. Slumping of beds is also evident at some locations. The upper part of the formation is dominated by conglomerates, interbedded with lesser amounts of quartzite. The conglomerates contain flattened pebbles of quartzite slate and lesser amount of limestone. The middle part is largely composed of light grey to brownish grey fine grained, thin bedded quartzite. The lower part of the formation is comprised of light grey quartzite which are highly ferruginous at places. 6 No fossils have been found .the formation is exposed in isolated hillocks without any connection with older sequences. According to Alam et al (1992), it is conformably overlain by the Sharaban formation 2.3.5 Sharaban Formation Named after the type locality at Sharaban hill, about 18 km SE of Sargodha the formation is characterized by a 120 m thick sequence of conglomerates with minor lenses of fine-grained quartzite. The conglomerate is thick bedded (5-10 m) and contains flattened and elongated pebbles and cobbles (1-10cm) of quartzite and slate, apparently derived from the older sequences in this region. The conglomerate also contains limestone pebbles that must have come from distant source since there are no limestone outcrops in this region. No fossils have been found in this formation .Its upper part is covered by alluvium. According to Alam et al (1992) strati graphically it overlies all the other four formations. CHAPTER 3 - Day 1 Area 7 Killa Hills – Chak#100 3.1 Stop 1 Geographic location of this station was 31, 58’, 19.623’’ N latitude and 72, 38’, 14.142’’ E longitude. Grey to greenish color outcrop had not showed any bedding planes or foliation planes. Outcrop had no vegetation and texture was medium grain. It was dolerite which was hypabasal igneous rock. Plagioclase and amphibole was present in outcrop and greenish looking was due to feldspar. Outcrop was extensively sheared and had quartz veins which was confirmed by acid test. Figure 3.1. Light greenish colored dolerite 3.2 Stop 2 As moved further to station 2, another outcrop was observed that was part of shear zone because rocks were extensively deformed. This outcrop was rugged, non-foliated and greenish to dark grey in color. At some places changing in color was observed that might be due to mineralogical change. Deformation in the outcrop was visible as anticlinal structure appeared in outcrop as shown in fig below. The pattern and inclination of folded beds suggested that it had been formed via dragging effect. 8 Figure 3.2. Anticlinal Structure The absence of layering and shistosity in the outcrop led to the conclusion that it was neither sedimentary nor metamorphic. But the presence of cryptocrystalline chert and the absence of porphyritic texture concluded that it was not igneous body.