desiderNov 2012 Issue 54

Carriers – a ‘Made in the UK’ success story

Variety of front line rations expands to include kosher food See inside

Viking On way to Watch out for Rapid work Scout proves reborn the front line Murphy’s Law on the Rock pulling power

des Steve Moore [email protected] [email protected] Ralph Dunn [email protected] Dick Naughton © Crown Copyright desider [email protected] 7155 7379 (0)207 +44 Fax: 1819. 7657 (0)20 Tel: +44 1NU WC1A London Holborn, High Street, Anthon Linton Advertising Distribution Manager: Editor: Deputy Relations: Public Head, Assistant expressed in in expressed Views omissions. or errors for accepted be can liability no accurate, is produced material all ensure to care inthose the While editor the takes defence industries. including MOD, the outside readers to available made be sponsor. and the can also equipment Copies capability relevant MOD project team before publication. before team project MOD relevant the by cleared be must advertorials for content All MOD. the or DE&S by endorsed necessarily not are advertised, Printing: Printing: from well-managed forests. Stewardship Councilcertified material post consumer waste andForest cent recycled andde-inked pulpfrom Silk 90gsmwhichcontains 50per This magazineisproduced onCocoon FEATURES 28 26 24 22 is distributed free of charge to DE&S employees employees DE&S to charge of free distributed is

Services take thetaste test Merlin getsshipshape Between aRockandhard place Vikings are onthemarch again at thecompany's plantinSweden million contract withBAESystems withwork already starting known asVikingsare to beregenerated underanew £37 The 'fleetofamphibiousall-terrain vehicles Sandown Park Racecourse in Exercise JointCaterer infront ofappreciative audiences at best ingredients served upbyDE&S,have beenbattlingitout The best culinarytalent intheservices, usingsomeofthe to Mark2standard withtrialstaking place on programme to upgrade theRoyal Navy'sMerlinhelicopters Another milestone hasbeensuccessfully passed inthe help ofaDE&Steam territory's airfield,hasbeen repaired in rapid timewiththe which housesaradar crucialto airtraffic control around the A badly-weathered radome on top oftheRockGibraltar, Illustrious - 9352 30257 or 0117 9130257 0117 or 9130257 30257 -9352 - 9352 30537 or 0117 9130537 0117 or 9130537 30537 -9352 desider, – Ten Alps Publishing, 1 New Oxford Oxford 1New Publishing, –Ten Alps ider - 9352 34342 or 0117 9134342 0117 or 9134342 34342 -9352 :

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HMS HMS 21 18 16 12 10 8 7 6 NEWS

Second UKLightningIIaircraft delivered Nimrod R1goesonshow A key role indefence transformation Scout shows itspulling power More Phalanxto defend ships Private sector disciplines ‘essential’ Air capability refresh Chinook headingto thefront Museum at Cosford with the help of DE&S of help the with Cosford at Museum RAF the to over handed was XV249 after attraction avisitor as on live will aircraft Nimrod popular The transformation role whichwillplayanimportant partindefence General Peter Fox hasbeenappointed -isanew Director Customer Design-to whichMajor Army isunderwayinAustria deliver mediumweight armoured vehicles to the A key test oftheScout Specialist Vehicle project to radar-controlled gunsystem Phalanx, thelatest version ofthehighly advanced The Royal Navyisto receive adelivery ofmore to public procurementproductivity sector private bringing backed has Technology and Support Equipment, Defence for Minister new The Eglin AirForce BaseintheUnited States landing fighter hasbeendelivered into UKhandsat The second F-35LightningIIshorttake-off, vertical (Air) Materiel of Chief DE&S new the facing challenge the is capability air Forces' UK of refresh complete almost An todeployment Afghanistan first its for preparation in Chinook Mk4 improved the in US the in begun has training Operational

aircraft carriers beingbuiltfor theRoyal Navy on progress on engineering skillsduringavisitto Rosythto catch up Prime Minister DavidCameron haspraised UK cover image

HMS Queen Elizabeth, Queen HMS

thefirst oftwo 25

Picture: Babcock Insider november 2012 Bernard Gray

Chief of Defence Materiel

‘I was pleased to note that DE&S project teams have achieved significant milestones’

Hats off to Claire as The Prime Minister gave achieved an initial in-service a clear and powerful date. carrier’s first crew endorsement of the Queen The Materiel Strategy Elizabeth class aircraft continues to make progress LEADING Hand Claire Butler, 29, is the first crew member to joinH MS Queen carrier programme during across a very broad front. Elizabeth. his recent visit to Scotland. Ongoing activities were Claire was presented with the first He said the first of class, the reflected by Minister for HMS Queen Elizabeth cap tally (hat Queen Elizabeth, which is Defence Equipment Support band) by Rear Admiral Steve Brunton, in build at Rosyth, was the and Technology Philip Dunne DE&S’ Director Ship Acquisition (above), most impressive thing he had in his speech to industrialists at the head of the ship assembly dock in Babcock’s Rosyth facility on 2nd October. seen since he became Prime last month. The Minister Claire is one of eight Minister. explained that MOD has been personnel selected as the first crew desider has charted the engaging with industry to members to join the ship during the steady progress of the Queen develop options and to begin assembly process. Elizabeth from its inception, to develop a commercial Claire said: “Becoming the first but what was once a concept strategy. He went on to say member of the Royal Navy to wear this cap is now visibly taking shape as that MOD would ensure tally is a fantastic honour. We are all well trained and as a team will make sure this reality. Within the next few industry was kept properly warship becomes operational and helps to weeks we expect delivery of informed and its concerns safeguard the world’s oceans.” the last of the major lower taken into account. hull units to the assembly A second round of “soft yard at Rosyth and by the market testing”, during which end of next year we expect we talk to industry about how the ship to be structurally they could work with us in the complete. It is also pleasing future, is under way to feed to see continued progress into our developing thinking on the closely-related F35 on the best management Lightning II programme, with structure for DE&S. the second of our operational In the meantime the test and evaluation aircraft Materiel Strategy team successfully delivered to its is working closely with operating base in the US. the Centre to confirm the In other areas too, I was current assessment that pleased to note that DE&S a Government Owned project teams have achieved Contractor Operated (GOCO) Duke tour delights staff significant milestones. solution is the stronger of two The Julius programme to options under consideration – The Duke of Edinburgh, above, became the second Royal visitor in a week to view upgrade Chinook helicopter the other being an Executive progress on HMS Queen Elizabeth. cockpits to the latest Non-Departmental Public The Duke’s visit to Rosyth came just standards has achieved its Body. The Value For Money days after The Princess Royal toured the initial operating capability benchmark case, which ship and met the workforce. and aircrew are now under underpins this work, is Programme Director Ian Booth said: training. Head Mounted Night nearing completion as other “As Lord High Admiral of the Royal Vision System, an important work continues to develop the Navy and someone who has seen active service the Duke of Edinburgh wanted programme for the infantry, scope of the DE&S-Plus public to learn about how these ships are being and which is currently in sector comparator against constructed and what benefits they will use in Afghanistan, achieved which the assessment will be bring to the Royal Navy. its in service date ahead of made. As always, as decisions “Everyone who is part of the Aircraft schedule and the Royal Navy’s are reached, I will make Carrier Alliance is proud of the work we latest radar programme, the every effort to keep you fully have accomplished on this programme, informed. and it was an honour to be able to Medium Range Radar, has also demonstrate our progress.” news 5

Lower Block 04, the biggest hull section of HMS Queen Elizabeth, is loaded onto the AMT Trader barge at . The 11,300 tonne block was inched onto the barge in preparation for the 600-mile journey to Rosyth set to begin early this month

Now biggest Carriers are a ‘Made in piece is on the move

Workers at BAE the UK’ success story Systems have moved the biggest section of HMS Queen Elizabeth out of the company’s shipbuilding hall at Govan in for the first time. Prime Minister David Prime Minister sees technical and A team of 40 moved the Cameron has praised UK 11,300 tonne aft section, engineering skills on a visit to engineering skills of carrier team known as Lower Block Rosyth to see progress on HMS 04, across the specially Queen Elizabeth. reinforced tarmac at the yard The 15th October visit saw incredible feat of engineering.” Jim Bennett, power and using 450 remote controlled transporters. him briefed on carrier strike Mr Cameron added: “We are a propulsion director of the Angus Holt, Queen capability and the work of the very peaceful country but I think Alliance, Elizabeth class Block vast range of people involved in it is important that we always said: “The project team has Delivery Director at BAE one of the biggest engineering demonstrate we are prepared pulled together to meet critical Systems, said: “This marks projects in the country. to have strong defences. And we milestones. The on-time delivery the culmination of months of Mr Cameron told also believe that we should be a of the 110-ton GE Advanced hard work and preparation shipworkers: “I get to see some country that plays its role in the Induction Motors is a key and I am extremely proud of the team’s achievements in pretty impressive things as world. element in the success of this loading out the aft section Prime Minister but I haven’t “This is four acres of UK undertaking.” on time and built to an seen anything as impressive as sovereign territory that we can GE won the contract in exceptional standard. this. deploy anywhere in the world. 2008 to deliver major elements "The sheer size and “This is a success story “We want to make sure that of the Integrated Full Electric complexity of the block that the whole of the United ‘Made in the ’ is Propulsion systems. which highlights the skill of Kingdom can take great pride a badge we can be really proud comprise all shipboard workforce on the Clyde and the huge amount of progress in; just as with the Olympics we of. These aircraft carriers are electrical power generation and which we continue to make showed what we can do when we making that plain and clear.” propulsion systems. on the programme.” come together, you are showing Mr Cameron’s comments GE hopes to deliver The block has been it here in Rosyth with this came as another milestone was increased fuel efficiency plus loaded onto one of the two successfully high levels of survivability with biggest sea-going barges negotiated with the ships expected to consume in the world for her journey GE Energy no more fuel during routine around Scotland to Rosyth. The load out comes 34 Management’s operations than the Invincible months after the first steel P o w e r class carriers they will replace. was cut on the section in Conversion Propulsion is being designed January 2010. business and built under a cost-effective The aft island for the delivering the sub-alliance which brings first ship is under way at last of eight together expertise from the company’s Scotstoun propulsion companies including Thales UK, yard while BAE Systems is also manufacturing sections motors for the GE Energy Management, Rolls- of hull at its two carriers. Royce and L-3 Communications. facility. 6 news

Advertisement Soon to be ready for the front: Chinook Mk4

Latest Chinook set for front line action

OPERATIONAL TRAINING has begun in the US on the improved Chinook Mk4 aircraft in preparation for its first deployment to Afghanistan. Seven Mk4 helicopters have already been accepted by the MOD with 12 aircraft inducted into the modification line. The UK’s Chinook fleet is being modernised under Project Julius, which will improve capability and flight safety with a new integrated ‘glass’ cockpit.

‘The MK4 aircraft is a huge success’ – Darren Ash, DE&S

Above: the first Mk4 is Modification is based on accepted at a Thales cockpit procured RAF Odiham through prime contractor earlier this Boeing and will upgrade the full year fleet of 46, introducing multi- Right: the new function displays to replace cockpit boasts analogue displays. digital displays The new cockpit has significantly improved capability and situational awareness while contributing to a reduction in pilot workload Initial operating capability “The team here is incredibly as they spend less time focused was declared in June and the proud of the improvements on instruments. Mk4 aircraft supported UK delivered, and rightly so; the Feedback so far has been security during the Olympics. Mk4 aircraft is a huge success.” positive. “I flew the commander Darren Ash, Chinook Future The Chinook team is also of the Joint Helicopter Projects leader at DE&S, added: working to deliver 14 brand Command in the front seat last “MOD staff and our partners in new aircraft – known as Mk6 – week and could assure him that industry have worked tirelessly currently in production, which none of us has ever spent more to address technical and will emulate the Julius cockpit time looking out of the window,” software issues together and design and bring uniformity to said Sqn Ldr John Butler. the results speak for themselves. the fleet. Our engineers are proud to be working with British cyclists as part of a £1.5M technology partnership BAE Systems has with UK Sport. OUR ENGINEERS By adapting a series of lasers and smart tags from battle eld identi cation technologies, cyclists HAVE WORKED now have a precise timing system to track multiple velodrome rides. Sports and engineering – a winning combination! WITH UK SPORT TO DEVELOP A PRECISE TIMING SYSTEM FOR BRITISH CYCLISTS. 8 news

Picture: Geoff Lee Queen of the skies

Three VC10s mark the 50th anniversary of transport aircraft, based at RAF Brize Norton, from RAF Lossiemouth as well as VC10 to the first VC10 flight with a formation tribute are due to go out of service next year as their VC10 refuelling. over the skies of the UK. replacement, the Voyager, comes on line. The VC10 is known to some as ‘Queen of The flight also marked the 28th The third aircraft – XR808 – sported a the Skies’ because she is graceful, fast and anniversary of the RAF’s 101 Squadron commemorative tail. smooth to fly. operating the aircraft and the squadron’s 95th During the sortie one VC10 carried out in- The photograph was taken in an air-to-air anniversary. The air-to-air refuelling and flight refuelling of three Tornado GR4 aircraft refuelling area over the North Sea.

An almost complete refresh of UK Forces’ air capability is the challenge facing the new Air capability refresh DE&S Chief of Materiel (Air). Air Marshal Simon Bollom moved into post as a DE&S Board member on 1st October – the challenge is on as a number of new capabilities are set to come on line. “Absolutely the firstreplace VC10 and TriStar. “The Materiel Strategy is a have a workforce which has priority is to deliver fit for We have our first aircraft massive opportunity to sort a clear vision of the future, purpose equipment to the in service in a passenger out the ways and means of feels valued and is confident front line to cost and time,” carrying role and next year the delivering DE&S outputs. that it can deliver against the he said. “Our reputation will capability will be extended to Whichever option is chosen it challenges ahead.” always depend on that. include in-flight refuelling. will be a very different way of There is pressure on DE&S “But there are a number “Close behind that we doing business for us. I think too to improve still further of challenging air system have Airseeker, which is a there will be an opportunity the safety culture. “Since programmes reaching a very massive increase to remove some the Haddon-Cave report and important stage. From my in capability of the shackles since the Military Aviation own background in Combat in terms of which have Authority was stood up it’s put Air we have the delivery of intelligence, frustrated us a lot of pressure on us, both to the Lightning II, our future surveillance and here in DE&S in review our systems and put in combat air capability. We will reconnaissance. enabling us to place more robust processes,” also be continuing to enhance Some uncertainty train and equip he said. the capabilities of Typhoon. exists over the ourselves to “I think there’s been And we have Watchkeeper future of Sentinel, prosecute the some excellent work done in and Reaper which are due to post Afghanistan, very challenging that respect, but we need to be our first core unmanned air but it has proved acquisition and continue the efforts here to systems into service soon. itself in theatre in support tasks ensure that we can support the “There will also be a terms of support which are in front in-service air platforms in a radical reorganisation of the to troops on the ground. of us.” safe and professional manner.” training systems through “And finally in the air He added: “The reduction Air Marshal Bollom has the continuing roll-out of the transport portfolio we have in head count is forcing us to previously been Director UK Military Flying Training the A400M – Atlas – which will do a fundamental reappraisal Equipment Capability System.” be a world-beater, replacing of how we do business more responsible for battlefield The Air Support side of the C-130 in due course. It will efficiently with less people. helicopters and was leader his business will see equally probably be the best in class in To do that we need a highly- of the Tornado team before demanding tasks. the world inventory in terms of trained and well-motivated becoming Director Combat “We have a lot of ageing tactical air transport.” workforce and this is where Air in January 2008. aircraft and a big re- The Air Marshal has also I need to provide, along with A keen sportsman, he is equipment programme,” he pointed to delivery of the my management team, strong married with two children and said. “Voyager will ultimately Materiel Strategy. He said: leadership to ensure that we lives in Cambridgeshire. news 9

NEWSREEL Second UK Lightning II More cash backing is delivered Extra financial support to reserves and injured service personnel has been announced by the Government, including £5 million Lift-off: the on improvements to the Defence Medical second UK Rehabilitation Lightning Centre at Headley II aircraft Court. In a new takes off measure, civil from Fort servants from Worth on every government its way to department who Eglin Air volunteer as Armed Force Base, Forces reservists Florida will be guaranteed a minimum 10 days’ Picture: special paid leave Neal to conduct their Chapman military training. This comes into effect next month and will allow central government employees to attend the mandated annual period of The second British Lightning US Marine Corps F-35B to be at the F-35 Academic Training continuous training II aircraft has been delivered. ferried to Eglin. Center were at Eglin to meet the without having to The short take-off, vertical The F-35B short takeoff, jet. draw on their annual leave entitlement. landing version of the F-35 took vertical landing variants are the The UK aircraft are off from Naval Air Station Fort embedded in the Marine Fighter Worth for delivery to Eglin Air Attack Training Squadron 501, Recruitment Force Base in Florida on 19th n DE&S’ Combat Air and are used by both countries October. to conduct F-35 training. DE&S is recruiting The UK aircraft – ZM132 priorities: page 20 There are now 13 B variants 200 C2 to B2 or BK-2 – was piloted on the of the fighter at the squadron. engineers to fill 90-minute flight by RAF Sqn Combined with the nine A safety critical and Ldr Jim Schofield, the UK test variants flown by the US Air safety enabling pilot. The aircraft joins the 15th and 16th F-35s to ferry to Force, Eglin is the largest fleet of roles. Closing Date first UK F-35B which arrived at Eglin this year. F-35s in the world. for applications is 9th November. To Eglin for operational test and Arrival of the second UK An RAF and Royal Navy pilot apply, visit: evaluation in July. aircraft increases the capability are soon to begin instructor Sqn Ldr Schofield was for pilot and maintenance pilot training, making them the DefenceInternet/ followed on the flight by Marine training. The first class of first international pilots trained AboutDefence/ Corps Major Adam Levin at RAF and Royal Navy aircraft at Eglin on the fifth-generation WhatWeDo/ the controls of the eleventh maintainers attending courses multi-role fighter. Scienceand Technology/ DESG/Defence Equipment AndSupport UK industry is gearing up for increased F-35 production Engineering Vacancies.htm A new production line for the Lightning II has been support the horizontal and vertical tail assembly builds. switched on at BAE Systems’ Samlesbury site. Chris Allam, F-35 Senior Vice President for BAE Ellamy figures The new line, known as the Integrated Assembly Systems, said: “Less than six months since completing Line (IAL), is the latest phase of the manufacturing the extension to this world-class facility, we’ve now During Operation facility, opened at Samlesbury last March. got a world-class assembly line to go with it. As far as Ellamy last year, Since the start of the programme through to 2016, manufacturing goes, this puts us right at the top of the UK forces employed BAE Systems will have invested more than £150 million premier league.” a combined total in F-35 buildings, infrastructure and specialist plant Over the past ten years BAE Systems has made of around 80 and machinery at its Samlesbury site. significant investment in the F-35 programme, Storm Shadow and The new IAL will use an automated overhead including a new titanium machining facility which Tomahawk Land monorail system to ‘pulse’ sections of the rear fuselage opened in 2010, a new office building, the newly- Attack Missiles; of all three types of F-35 (Conventional, STOVL and extended manufacturing facility and now the new and around Carrier variant) around an assembly line, building them production line. BAE Systems employs almost 2,000 on 230 Dual Mode as they go and allowing more units to be produced more the F-35 programme. Seeker Brimstone efficiently. Fifteen per cent of Lightning II work is carried missiles, latest This will help ramp up production from the current out in the UK with a supply chain of more than 130 figures revealed to level of one per week up to the required level of one per British companies. The programme is worth more than Parliament show. day by 2016. £1 billion to UK industry each year and will support A similar IAL is planned for production next year to thousands of British jobs over the next 25 years. 10 news

NEWSREEL Caroline to Team delivers night vision ahead of time find new home More than 2,500 head-mounted night vision “The HMNVS forms the primary night The Government systems have been delivered early to enhance vision device for the dismounted soldier.” is proposing the the Army’s pre-deployment training. Procurement has been through the transfer of HMS The Head Mounted Night Vision System Dismounted Close Combat Consolidation Caroline to the (HMNVS) is a monocular night vision goggle Programme which was originally a four-year National Museum of the Royal Navy. The manufactured and supplied by US-based ITT programme. ship is considered Exelis. However ITT were able prioritise their to be the second “The soldier gets an ‘intensified image’ manufacturing line and deliver the first batch most important ship of the surrounding area, amplifying the very to Donnington in May 2012 rather than the in the UK National small amount of lights to a level that their eyes estimated March 2013. Maritime collection can see with,” said Andrew Davies, project And through various opportunities it has after HMS Victory; she is the only manager with Dismounted Soldier Systems. also been possible to compress deliveries for surviving veteran “This enables them to operate at night the future three years into this year with an afloat of the Battle which they wouldn’t be able to without the use additional 5,675 planned for delivery by the of Jutland (1916). of the night vision goggle. end of next March. HMS Caroline has been moored in Belfast since January 1924 and has been a depot ship and Royal Naval Reserve training Private sector disciplines ship. She was decommissioned on 31st March 2011.

Brazil move ‘essential’ to procurement

General Dynamics UK has established a Brazilian New Minister’s first speech subsidiary General Dynamics do Brasil backs ideas for DE&S reform which coincided with Prime Minister David Cameron and Bringing private sector more important to make a British business discipline and productivity to sure incentives are aligned, delegation visiting public procurement has been but also to ensure that the country. The company plans described as ‘essential’ by the interests of defence to replicate its the new Minister for Defence and equipping our south Wales-based Equipment, Support and Armed Forces remain Edge facility in Technology. paramount. Brazil to support That is why the MOD is “Whatever we relationships looking at restructuring DE&S decide and whatever between British and Brazilian SMEs. to allow for the injection of new we do, I would stress ideas and new experience from that we will continue the private sector, he said. the engagement we Name change In his first speech to industry have started with our DE&S’ Medium as Minister, Philip Dunne backed main contractors to Range Air Defence the Government’s already-stated ensure industry is team, part of the preference for options including well informed and Weapons Operating a Government owned contractor any concerns can be Centre, has been operated DE&S. taken into account.” renamed. It will But he acknowledged Mr Dunne said now be known as legitimate concerns, mainly he would continue Philip Dunne Maritime and Air Weapons Systems. relating to propriety, c h a m p i o n i n g accountability and measuring small and Refuel stats performance. medium-sized companies “That is why we have been for their work in defence. During Operation engaging with industry in recent “They make a vital contributions to contracts Ellamy, on months to gain your input, as we contribution to the national placed with larger companies.” average three explore further the options and economy and often provide Mr Dunne, a businessman mid-air refuelling begin to develop a commercial the source of innovation and before entering Parliament, operations were strategy,” he said. adaptation which can lead will also continue encouraging required for each “And that is why we have also to breakthroughs in defence overseas-based suppliers to Tornado strike mission to Libya a soft market testing exercise applications,” he said. invest in the UK’s defence and from RAF Marham with potential providers to “So I am keen to encourage security sector. He pledged and two for the sound out their issues. our prime contractors to do to maintain a dialogue with return, according “This is undoubtedly an a better job at informing my industry, cutting bureaucracy to the latest innovative approach to defence officials of the number of and helping companies with Parliamentary procurement and so it is all the SMEs and the value of their their exports. statistics. news 11 Viking work gets a head NEWSREEL Completing addresses start Allies Computing – which provides international address data – has added the 658 UK-style British First Forces Post Office addresses and vehicles are postcodes to its World Addresses on site in web service. This means customers Sweden as can provide Forces personnel overseas programme with the same access to internet to reinstate goods and services they would get fleet of at home. Emma Gooderham of Allies Royal Computing said: “Prior to the Royal Marines’ Mail and the MOD working together, Brigadier Robert Talbot Rice, head of Combat Tracks Group at DE&S, discusses all-terrain many servicemen refurbishment of Viking powerpacks with Jan Rautio, project manager for BAE and women Systems. The engines are from the first stripped Vikings ready for phase 1 of the vehicles is would experience regeneration project. Looking on are Royal Navy Captain Chris Hodkinson, left, Peter difficulties when Nyren and Alan Lines of BAE and Tim Barnard (second from right) of the Platforms under way entering a BFPO team address on an online form, which risks failed deliveries Work to regenerate the Royal seen during this visit that BAES accompanied on his tour by of personal Marines’ fleet of amphibious all- Hagglunds have all the industrial Platforms Team leader Tim packages. New UK-style postcodes terrain vehicles is already under elements in place to deliver a Barnard, who said: “Viking eliminates these way. successful programme. regeneration is an exciting issues. We will Brigadier Robert Talbot “There is also a constructive programme which has include the Rice, head of DE&S’ Combat working relationship between demanded that Platforms Team information in our Tracks Group, saw at first the user, the project team, and within Combat Tracks Group standard World hand preparations to deliver BAES Hagglunds which has and BAES Hagglunds work Addresses package.” the programme on the Viking already proved itself. together to achieve contract vehicle during a visit to BAE “Although the decision award and get the first vehicles Academy Systems Hagglunds in Sweden to proceed was only made into the facilities in Sweden. This on the way on 16th and 17th October. in August, with help from 3 is an impressive start and a good Nearly 100 vehicles are in Commando Brigade the first example of sound engineering A turning of the line for a major overhaul in a vehicles are already at the and effective supply chain earth ceremony £37 million contract with the plant, and the first stage of management underpinning a has taken place at company. the regeneration is already challenging programme.” what will become the Afghan National Already 28 Vikings have underway. The programme to Captain Chris Hodkinson Army Officer been delivered from the UK reinstate the fleet is on track.” of Navy Command was also Academy (ANAOA). to Hagglunds’ plant, with 12 Vikings were deployed to impressed. He added: “I was Once fully already stripped down. The Afghanistan in 2006 but have delighted to see clear evidence operational, the first vehicle is expected to have since been replaced in theatre of a good working relationship ANAOA will train completed the overhaul phase by Warthog vehicles. The between DE&S and BAES up to 1,350 male of the programme by early next programme will return Vikings Hagglunds. In particular, it students and 150 female students month. to their original amphibious was very good to see the first each year. Based on Brig Talbot Rice said: “I standard. batch of Viking undergoing a model resembling am confident from what I have The Brigadier was refurbishment; a major step the Royal Military towards returning protected Academy Sandhurst, manoeuvre capability to the it will help to n Vikings on the march: pages 22 and 23 Royal Marines and amphibious sustain the ongoing forces.” progress being made in building a capable and The MOD has repeated its warnings to It is a reminder that personal and professional Afghan MOD civilian and service personnel to guard operational security should be a primary National Army. This repeats personal information when using social concern and that social media merely work will take place media channels. provides a different context where during and after social New guidance has been released for sensitive details can be found. transition of security staff using social media sites like Twitter, Risks include posting details of troop responsibilities media Facebook and YouTube so they don’t do movements and operational events, to the Afghan or say things that bring themselves and locations and travel details of ships or Government post- warnings their service into disrepute. aircraft, and people’s home addresses. 2014. 12 news Marines’ landing craft centre is well on course

The commanding officer of the new facility being built for the Royal Navy’s fleet of landing craft, hovercraft and fast offshore raiding craft has welcomed on- time progress of the project. This part of the £30 million Devonport Landing Craft collocation will be the hub of the Royal Navy’s amphibious capability when completed next spring. Colonel Garth Manger said: “This is a fantastic new asset Heading for the finish line: the slipway under being built in Devonport and construction at Devonport. Below: Col it underlines the naval base as Manger a centre of specialisation for amphibious support and training. “We can centralise amphibious landing craft and Commander Tim Geary added: availability of the amphibious other small craft along with two “This new centre is part of the assault forces. Assault Squadrons, managed as development of the naval base. It will include buildings, one whole fleet. “It is good news for hard standings, waterfront “The training will also be in Devonport and represents a facilities, a wide slipway, jetty one location. The site is alongside big investment underpinning and pontoon berths. the jetties where the Royal Navy’s the presence of the amphibious The jetty will be equipped amphibious ships such as HMS centre of excellence within the with a ship hoist to lift the Ocean and Bulwark are berthed.” base.” 168-tonne landing craft out of The centre will also provide The centre will train and the water for servicing. fully-equipped engineering develop core amphibious The centre is being delivered facilities for Royal Marines to and surface assault skills by the Defence Infrastructure maintain their craft and vehicles. and equipment to maximise Organisation with building by Joint project leader operational capability and Debut Services (South West).

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BMT half page_DESider_Aux_July2012.indd 1 11/06/12 10:29:03 news 13 More Phalanx on way to defend Royal Navy ships

The Royal Navy will receive a delivery of the latest highly Rapid fire: advanced radar-controlled gun Phalanx 1B systems, thanks to a new DE&S contract. The Phalanx Close-In Weapon System is a rapid-fire, computer-controlled, radar and electro optical-guided gun system designed to defeat Church anti-ship missiles and surface threats. welcomes It features a 20mm gun Royal visit capable of firing armour- piercing bullets at up to 4,500 The Princess rounds per minute. More than Royal, 890 systems have been deployed o Phalanx 1B, the latest Commodore-in- in 25 navies. upgrade, with its surface Chief Portsmouth, visited the city’s DE&S has ordered an mode configuration, has an additional electro optic naval base on additional five of the upgraded infrared sensor and re- 18th October, Phalanx 1B systems, which are designed gun barrels. above, to mark two planned to be fitted onto Royal anniversaries. Navy vessels under a £42.8 o Phalanx can also She visited St million contract with Raytheon. defend the ship against Ann’s Church in the Steve Ranyard, who leads other threats such as base for a service of thanksgiving DE&S’ International Guns, helicopters and high- speed groups of gun marking the Missiles and Rockets team, said: boats. Queen’s Diamond “This contract will help provide Jubilee and the the Royal Navy vessels with the o Phalanx 1B also adds 30th anniversary best possible ship self-defence 24 new functionality giving of the Falklands hours a day. situational awareness evolution of the threat demands Conflict. “The Phalanx system can that allows operators the most successful and reliable The Princess unveiled a plaque defend against all types of to visually track and method of protection, which identify targets before commemorating air and surface threats in the engagement. Phalanx provides.” the Jubilee and the naval environment and has The Phalanx system is Right Reverend Dr proved to be a reliable system currently installed on 14 Royal Stephen Venner, on other Royal Navy ships.” Navy vessels including the Type Bishop to Her Paul Gilligan of Raytheon 45 . Majesty’s Forces, added: “The constant dedicated two new glass doors which are decorated with a jubilee and Falklands insignia. Naval base JAMES takes another leap forward chaplain Reverend Keith Robus, who An information system which keeps tabs on the The system will also now provide a view helped organise condition and utilisation of military equipment has of equipment condition – awaiting spares or the event, said: taken a major step forward. maintenance for instance – to give managers a “The visit was the Data from JAMES, the Joint Asset Management quick sight of outstanding work, and project teams culmination of and Engineering Solution, informs engineering and with the latest on fault reporting. major restoration fleet managers and DE&S teams of the availability A spokesman for the JAMES team said: “The work completed in and tasking of equipment at any particular time. Dashboard is a significant enhancement to JAMES St Ann's Church. The information improves decision-making, and it will pay for itself within ten months by The official opening indicating what is needed to get fit equipment to replacing manpower-intensive and less accurate and dedication where it is required at the right time. manual reports. brings a new light From this month the computer-based system “It also enables DE&S and Front Line and perspective to will provide extra planning capability – presented Commands to make decisions about fleet size the church. on screens as Dashboards – to improve engineering and support solutions that could save millions of “We at St Ann's and asset management. pounds.” are delighted with An addition to the system – enterprise resource All information will be updated daily at our new facilities planning – will provide one combined view of midnight. which will enhance equipment status and usage; whether it is fully fit, Further info from http://defenceintranet. our service to can perform a limited role, or is non-taskworthy those who worship and whether that equipment is tasked or free. BrowseTeamCategories/Orgbased/DES+- in the church, This will improve equipment management and +Defence+Equipment+Support/ those in the base allow project teams to see how their equipment is JointAssetManagementAnd and to our many used, if availability targets are being met and if their EngineeringSolutionsjames.htm visitors from the fleet is the right size. wider community.” 14 news Eurocopter’s Romania Puma makes its debut flight

The first life-extended Puma to be Modifications will significantlyPonta, and Chairman of the All-Party modified at Eurocopter’s factory in improve the safety of the aircraft and Group on Romania in the UK Parliament, Romania has made its maiden flight. enhance its performance, particularly Lord Davies. This is the first of 20 production in demanding high altitudes at hot Other attendees included the British helicopters that are being fitted with temperatures. Four trials aircraft Ambassador Mr Martin Harris and new more powerful engines, a digital modified in France complete the DE&S’ Puma 2 Gazelle team leader Group flight control system, enhancedprogramme fleet total of 24. Captain Malcolm French. communications and ballistic protection. A formal event held at the factory Gp Capt French said: “This in Brasov on accomplishment marks another important 18th September milestone achievement in a programme to celebrate the that will deliver a highly effective, medium p r o g r a m m e support helicopter capability until 2025. achievement also “I am extremely grateful for the marked the tenth successful joint efforts of everyone at anniversary of the Eurocopter Romania, my own team and official creationthe many others in industry and defence of Eurocopter’s who have made this possible.” production factory Eurocopter UK is the prime contractor in Romania. It was for the Puma Life Extension Programme attended by the with work being completed at the company Romanian Prime in the UK, France and Romania. Aircraft Minister Victor delivery will be complete in 2014. Flight debut – 24 helicopters are being modified in the Puma Life Extension RJ100 will be Programme quieter, more reliable and cost effective

New aircraft will help train future pilots Image copyright of Iveco

QINETIQ has modified an Avro RJ100 aircraft to be used initially THE WORLD by the Empire Test Pilots School at Boscombe Down for training future test pilots and flight test engineers. The aircraft, owned by QinetiQ but funded by a Long Term LEADING DEFENCE Partnering Agreement (LTPA) with DE&S, will be joined in 2014 by a slightly smaller Avro RJ70 aircraft, which is currently & SECURITY EVENT undergoing extensive modification. Although used previously as airliners, the Avro RJ aircraft + Over 1,400 companies To find out how to join the are a major advance over the existing Andover world’s largest integrated C1s and BAC-111s which date from the 1960s and have been + Unrivalled visitor base used at Boscombe Down for many years. defence & security exhibition + Access new markets As well as being quieter, the new aircraft will have much Contact Us Today - reduced maintenance costs, improved reliability and availability, + High number of Official T: + 44 (0)20 7384 7770 and be more representative of current aircraft types. Delegations DE&S’ Trials, Evaluation Services, and Targets team is F: + 44 (0)20 7384 7773 responsible for the management of the LTPA. + Networking E: [email protected] Team leader Steve Horrocks said: “The Andover and BAC- + Engaging content 111 aircraft have given excellent service at Boscombe Down over many years, but the advent of the new Avro RJ aircraft brings us into a new era, delivering an enhanced and more reliable IN ASSOCIATION WITH OFFICIAL PUBLICATION PLATINUM SPONSORS capability with reduced running costs, leading to significant long term financial savings.” 303mm in. Bleed 303mm in. 297mm Trim 297mm 280mm Live

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o The Scout SV project will incrementally deliver a fleet of medium-weight armoured vehicles to replace the existing Real pulling power! Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked (CVR(T)) fleet, in addition to introducing new vehicle roles. Scout's Mobile Test Rig base platform, at the front, makes light work of towing 92-tonnes worth of vehicles during 300km of testing o The first increment delivered will be Reconnaissance Block 1 which includes one of the Army’s highest equipment priorities and A key test of the Scout Specialist Mobile Test Rig helps project the replacement for Scimitar. Vehicle project – which will deliver Recce Block 1 also includes a fleet of medium weight armoured pass propulsion system tests replacements for Samson and vehicles to the Army – is under way Spartan. in Austria. Testing of the Mobile Test Rig (MTR), assembled during the summer at General Dynamics European Land Systems’ Steyr facility, is a risk reduction asset of the project. The test involved towing three vehicles totalling 92 tonnes as a mobile dynamometer to load the propulsion system in the MTR, and demand maximum power in various gears. Some of the towed vehicles are fitted with retarders that can increase the drawbar load on the MTR vehicle to achieve the necessary load. Successful testing under these demanding conditions for 300km follows earlier shakedown trials of 265km. This form of stress testing demonstrated the ability of the mobility system to perform under extended full load conditions. Resplendent: Scout SV demonstrator pictured at Andover Once these basic tests have finished at Steyr, the vehicle will be Demonstrator shows Army HQ the appliance of science despatched to General Dynamics Santa Barbara Sistemas in Spain A demonstrator of Scout SV was among about Dstl’s role in developing these work for extensive mobility performance equipment on show at Army Headquarters in programmes. trials in hot, dusty conditions on Andover. Dstl calls on support from science and a test track modelled on the UK The one-day showcase last month was technology teams in DE&S and the Front Line Army Trials and Development Unit’s put on by the Defence Science and Technology Commands to ensure a coherent and focussed Bovington circuit. Laboratory (Dstl) to demonstrate its land research programme. environment science and technology capability. Work by Dstl scientists has been welcomed These will be followed by a Scout SV proved particularly popular, by the Army. Major-General Bruce Brealey programme of reliability and alongside other kit including pelvic protection, of DG Capability said: “It is already clear that durability testing, collectively future helmets and body armour, and a portable the Dstl Science and Technology Gateway is totalling 10,000km. respirator system. Scientists and military a fundamental core element of the Army’s advisers were on hand to answer questions capability management organisation.” news 17 Mainmast boost to intelligence LTPA capability T&E begins here

New intelligence systems under Project Mainmast have been delivered to the Royal Navy Mainmast (Maritime Imagery Manipulation and Storage) Are we on provides the ability to store, retrieve and exploit imagery to support high quality and timely intelligence. Delivered initially to HMS Bulwark to support security at Olympic sailing events off Weymouth, Mainmast has wider uses your radar and will be installed on a number of ships deployed on operations to provide greater situational awareness to commanders and help intelligence-led operations. It will also support sharing intelligence with wider UK and for T&E? coalition forces as the system is designed to Nato standards making it interoperable with coalition intelligence systems. The Long Term Partnering Agreement (LTPA) Mainmast equipment was procured by DE&S’ Imagery and is an innovative collaborative approach to Geospatial Systems (IMAGE) team through UTC Aerospace provide Test and Evaluation, Training and Systems. It took an existing off-the-shelf design deployed in Operation Herrick to produce a maritime variant for use as support services to the MOD. maritime task equipment with installation managed by DES Ships. IMAGE project manager Richard Leach said: “Just like a successful medal winning team in the 2012 Olympics this delivery The LTPA is a framework agreement under was the result of good teamwork bringing together the right skills which the majority of your fixed costs all focused on a clear goal and a hard deadline. associated with Test and Evaluation are “Significant credit goes to DES Ships, Navy Command, ships’ staff, UTC Aerospace Systems, QinetiQ, CAP C4ISR and Defence centrally funded. Intelligence.” Chief Petty Officer Paul O’Shaughnessy, Royal Navy Imagery Analyst, has been using the system. He said: “Mainmast’s near If your project has a T&E requirement call real-time exploitation of full-motion video and other forms of now, or visit the website to find out if the imagery will be crucial in operational situations, from counter costs of your trial are covered under the LTPA. piracy to high-end war fighting operations.”

Minehunter HMS Grimsby hits half way Grimsby has taken to the water again, a significant milestone in her £3.9 million overhaul. Air The Clyde-based ship, left, is half way Land through an eight- month support period Sea (docking) carried out by Babcock at Rosyth which will see her refurbished by early in the New Year. During her time at Rosyth HMS Grimsby has been rewired for a new computer system, received a new main gun, had the latest generation of echo sounder fitted and enjoyed a substantial overhaul of her sonar. Enhancements mean that the Sandown class 0800 015 0594 ship will remain at the forefront of minehunting technology. is a QinetiQ registered domain name. 18 news

The former Head of Interface Design in The Materiel Strategy team has New role will play a big been promoted to Major General and appointed as Director Customer Design in the MOD – a new role that part in transformation will play an important part in defence transformation. Major General Peter Fox, Mr Slater said: “Working support system. I am very colleagues that I have worked pictured, will report in his with Barry Burton, Director excited about this new role, with at Abbey Wood.” new role to Director General Materiel Strategy, Peter will which plays well to my Before his recent Transformation Jonathan be responsible for leading a previous experience and is experience in The Materiel Slater and through him to parallel design a very good fit Strategy team, the General Chief of Defence Materiel p r o g r a m m e with some of the spent nearly four years in the (CDM) Bernard Gray, in CDM’s to strengthen work I have been DE&S Weapons Operating capacity as Senior Responsible the customer undertaking Centre as Head of Team Owner for the overall end to function in the in the Materiel Complex Weapons, Head of end acquisition process. C o m m a n d s Strategy team Programmes and, latterly, as Mr Gray said: “Major and Head during the past acting Director. General Fox is well suited Office to match few months, He has completed to lead the development and an improved where I was three appointments in the design of the Intelligent DE&S. He responsible MOD Central Customer Customer function in Head brings extensive for leading organisation, most recently Office and the Commands. experience in the design of from 2005 to 2008 as Director He has extensive experience acquisition, from the interfaces Equipment Capability Deep of working in the Capability London and between the Target Attack. He was Sponsor area and in DE&S and Bristol, to this new post.” future DE&S, MOD centre, the commissioned into the Royal will bring a great deal to this Major General Fox said: Commands and international Regiment of Artillery in 1980 entirely new post. “Taken together, the Materiel partners. and has served on operational “His work for me in The Strategy and Customer “Although I will be based tours in Northern Ireland, Materiel Strategy team has Design programmes present in London, I expect to remain Bosnia and Kosovo. already covered some of the a strategic opportunity to a frequent visitor to Bristol The General lives with same ground and will have significantly improve theand, on a personal note, look his family, Marie and Sophie, helped prepare him for the overall performance of the forward to keeping in touch near Malmesbury in north challenges of his new post.” defence acquisition and with the many friends and Wiltshire. YOUR INVITATION TO

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8483 A5 Advert 2 AW.indd 1 11/10/2012 16:22 news 19

The fifth of the Royal Navy’s six new Type 45 destroyers has begun the long road to Defender sets sail front-line duties, sailing from Portsmouth for the first time under the White Ensign. HMS Defender is now as York bows out undergoing trials and training off the south coast ready to be declared operational early next year. Defender arrived in Portsmouth at the end of July. She entered harbour under the Blue Ensign, before the ship was formally handed over by BAE Systems and the flag was replaced by the Royal Navy’s famous standard. As well as readying systems and stocking up on supplies over the summer, gunnery senior rating PO Andrew Cload has been drilling the ship’s company in the art of naval ceremony – which came in very handy when HMS York made her final entry into Portsmouth. It is customary for ships to salute each other as they pass – an officer salutes while a rating pipes, normally on the bridge wing or flight deck. But given York’s career, Main picture: Defender departs Portsmouth Defender’s crew felt the while, right, her crew cheer the final arrival White Rose warship deserved of HMS York something a little extra – and obliged by lining the upper deck and ‘cheering ship’: doffing caps and giving three As the Type 45 destroyers cheers. come on stream the Once the formalities were the ship another step closer is testament to the hard work retirements of their over it was straight back to deploying on operations of all involved that the ship predecessors continues with to work in preparation for wherever in the world we are has achieved this on time the end of HMS York’s 27-year Defender’s trials. needed. and in a strong position to go Royal Navy career. “Taking this “I know my sailors are into a challenging sea trials The White Ensign was to sea for the first time is no proud to be part of Defender’s programme. lowered on the , pictured above mean feat and represents the first ship’s company – I am “The on her final entry into culmination of more than two equally proud of them.” is a hugely capable platform Portsmouth, at the end of years of hard work for my Commodore John Newell, already proving its value to the September following her team,” said first Commanding Head of DE&S’ Ship Support Royal Navy. We look forward 750,000 miles of service. Officer Cdr Phil Nash. (Alliance) team, said: “HMS to Defender successfully Her Commanding Officer, “Leaving Portsmouth Defender is the fifth vessel completing sea trials and Commander Rex Cox, said: as planned and on time is a of the class to reach this becoming a fully operational “It is time to say farewell to a distinguished lady who has huge achievement and brings significant milestone and it Royal Navy vessel.” been both a home and a way of life to so many.” The last of the Navy's Lynx tests latest Type 45 Type 42s, York was built by at Wallsend and Defender has used her flight deck in anger for launched on 20th June 1982. the first time as a Lynx passed aviation trials. Commodore John Newell The Lynx maritime attack helicopter from at DE&S said: “This is another 815 Naval Air Squadron, pictured right, tested milestone not only for HMS Defender’s ability to launch, land on, refuel York but of the Type 42 class and look after a helicopter in challenging sea of destroyers which have conditions. provided the Royal Navy with a Sub-Lieutenant Dan Drew, the ship’s Deputy vital capability since 1978. Logistics Officer, said: “Preparing for an aircraft “As noted by Commander to land onto a warship is a task which involves Cox HMS York has had a long everyone on board. From the obvious things like and distinguished service planning and executing these operations, to the which is rightly celebrated as less obvious such as painstakingly checking the we bid the ship a very fond upper deck for debris which could be harmful to farewell.” the helicopter, everyone plays a part in increasing HMS Edinburgh is now Defender’s capabilities that little bit further.” the last of the Type 42s still in service 20 news

Advertisement The second F-35B Lightning II aircraft – BK-2 – destined for UK hands is pictured, below left, at Fort Worth before delivery to Eglin Air Force Base in Florida on 19th October. On the right is BF-16, the latest to be delivered to the US Marine Corps. Picture: Neal Chapman

Added value

Delivering value in a critical environment

With the British Army set to lose up to 20,000 soldiers by 2020, outsourcing services may well become commonplace. So why not benefit from Combat Air chief outlines it? Support services companies such as Interserve are well placed to provide a diverse range his operating priorities of services and can apply best practice gained from a broad industry base. Air Vice-Marshal Graham air warfare test and evaluation as well as the emergence of Farnell took up his new squadron, currently based at nanotechnology, and the exciting By developing effective appointment on promotion as Eglin Air Force Base. That was a range of fixed and rotary wing partnerships with industry, DE&S Director Combat Air just a hugely satisfying and rewarding training solutions for the UK. the military is now finding few days after he choreographed, experience, for me and the “I am already experiencing new ways to meet some in his former role as head of the Lightning team members based the challenges presented to of its requirements but Lightning project, the successful in UK and the USA. the operating centre, with an also, to improve facilities handover to the UK of the first “In my new role the Lightning incredible mix of platforms at and create long-term cost of the stealthy fifth-generation II will remain part of my challenge every stage of the equipment benefits. combat aircraft. and now I will be embracing the lifecycle, ranging from hand-held Value is also being He said: remotely piloted maximised with support “As I leave the Combat Air priorities unmanned air services procured on a Lightning team, it vehicles (fielded multi-activity or prime is fitting to reflect • Continuing development of the Operating as urgent contracting model to on the incredible Centre towards meeting the demanding operational deliver significant cost achievements of the targets of the interim structure and beyond; requirements) savings and more scope team in securing to the most • Developing means to routinely achieve for innovation and approval to invest in a d v a n c e d the demanding standards set for operation change. this superb aircraft, within the UK Military Aviation Environment combat aircraft securing the means in the world. Head count is reducing for the combat air portfolio; to fly and share “ T h e and costs are being resources with the • Developing wherewithal to deliver operating scrutinised. Outsourcing US Marine Corps required numbers of suitably qualified centre has a may well be here to stay, and securing the and experienced personnel to enable complex task of but, if it is to provide achievement of the required UK real added-value, it must necessary evidence standards and practices in supporting international be focused on delivering and understanding platforms at every stage of life cycle; collaborative comprehensive services to ensure a flight procurement, that go beyond the test permit is safe to • Working with industry, in the UK and overseas to meet the focused delivery aviation needs of the services; routine and improve the issue. of the whole safety and well being of “The F-35 UK flying Lightning II project • Continuing improvement of existing platforms alongside training system, our forces. introduction of new equipment against a backdrop of financial has dominated austerity. supporting almost four years of force readiness my life, culminating preparations in acceptance for future and delivery of BK-1, the first full Combat Air portfolio, with operations and supporting Lightning II aircraft to be added Typhoon, Tornado, remotely current operations while to the military register, now piloted air systems including accommodating continuing successfully delivered to the the Watchkeeper system manpower challenges.” news 21 Nimrod R1 goes on show

Air Marshal Sir Kevin Leeson, left, joins staff at Cosford welcoming XV249 to the RAF Museum as he he marks his retirement from DE&S, and, right, hands over Focus turns the logbook on bahalf to human of DE&S to resources DE&S helps find XV249 a Peter Dye Materiel Strategy new home at Cosford museum human resources lead Steve Goodbourn led a focus group at Abbey Wood on the Transfer The Nimrod will live on as deeply grateful to those who been hoping for a Nimrod for of Undertakings a visitor attraction at Cosford flew in, maintained or otherwise some time now and although (Protection of after the RAF Museum unveiled supported the Nimrod during its there were a number of technical Employment) XV249 as its latest acquisition. long and faithful career.” challenges in actually getting one Regulations The R1 surveillance version of In a twist of fate XV249 was to Cosford we are very pleased to 2006, pensions, the iconic aircraft had flown for flown by the museum’s curator have an aircraft that actually flew remuneration, training and staff deployment more than 18,000 hours during and ex-RAF pilot Al McLean, in both the maritime patrol and at the first of a series its life before the Nimrod fleet during its earlier career. electronic intelligence gathering of events looking into was finally withdrawn last year. Mr McLean said: “We have role.” human resources It was handed over to the issues. museum at the end of September, The event began one of a small number of with an update on The Nimrods which can be seen at But ‘final approach’ proves tricky Materiel Strategy. Delegates were museums and sites around the asked what questions country. they might put to The aircraft was unveiled to prospective bidders in an audience including Air Chief a Government owned, Marshal Sir Brian Burridge contractor operated (rtd), DE&S’ retiring Chief of (GOCO) body. Materiel (Air) Air Marshal Sir They were also asked, from an HR Kevin Leeson – who handed over perspective, what could the aircraft logbook on behalf be changed to enable of DE&S – and past and present DE&S to work more personnel from 51 Squadron, effectively in a DE&S the only RAF Squadron to have Plus model. flown the Nimrod R1 during its Mr Goodbourn said: “The Materiel Strategy 40 years of RAF service. team welcomes RAF Museum Director feedback from DE&S General Peter Dye said: staff. In advance of each “Maritime surveillance, anti- focus group attendees operations and will be issued with the intelligence gathering have been questions to enable key tasks for the RAF for much of Narrow scrape: The wings make their way under the railway bridge at them to prepare and gather the views of its long history. Cosford en route to the RAF Museum colleagues. Staff of all “When the Nimrod was The final few miles of XV249’s history proved to be some of the most grades are welcome to finally retired from service in difficult. attend and can sign up 2011, the type had operated with With the runway at Cosford too short to fly the aircraft in, it had to be through event booking.” distinction for over 40 years in all flown to Cotswold Airport at Kemble, home of Air Salvage International (ASI). If you work outside these roles, and more. The company dismantled the wings and tailfin so the 38-metre fuselage Abbey Wood and would “Given the importance of could be transported to Cosford by low loader last March. like a focus group in The rest also followed by road to Cosford, negotiating some tight spots your area, contact DES the aircraft and its unrivalled under bridges on ‘final approach’ to the museum. It was then reassembled CDM-MatStrat-Team@ contribution to the front line, the and is already on show to visitors. RAF Museum was determined Such a Herculean effort to transport the aircraft to Cosford was only Email thoughts are to acquire an example for made possible through sponsorship, with BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, welcome to the team permanent exhibition. We are , Selex Galileo, , L-3 Communications and ASI all mailbox. offering to complete the work at minimal cost. 22 viking Vikings are on the march again

Royal Marines' amphibious all-terrain vehicles to be regenerated in new deal between DE&S and BAE Systems

he Royal Marines’ fleet of original amphibious standard, having amphibious all-terrain vehicles – been adapted for the rigours of land TVikings – are to be regenerated operations. under a new £37 million contract with Minister for Defence Equipment, BAE Systems. Support and Technology, Philip Dunne, The 99 Viking vehicles, which can said: “The £37 million mid-life upgrade be launched straight from the back of a to the Viking fleet of amphibious vehicles ship and propelled through water before will keep these highly capable vehicles in landing for a beach assault, are in line for service with the Royal Marines into the a major overhaul. 2030s. They were deployed to Afghanistan “With a balanced defence budget, for in 2006 for their versatility across the first time in a generation, we are able tough terrains before they were later to deliver with confidence the equipment replaced by Warthog. Viking will now our Armed Forces require.” be fitted with new mine blast protection A delighted Commandant General bodywork and brought back to their Royal Marines, Major General Ed Davis, added: “Viking is an essential asset for

• Work on the programme will be carried out on BAE Systems’ new armoured vehicle production line in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. Restoring the UK armoured amphibious capability will ensure a vital asset is available for disaster relief or military intervention in trouble spots. The programme is expected to be completed by the end of 2014. • The Viking reset is part of a planned DE&S/BAES coherent management of the fleet until its current out-of-service date of 2031. More improvements towards the end of the decade are expected. • Sweden announced an order for 48 Viking Mk2s and a support package last January. France bought 53 in December 2009. The Netherlands is the fourth customer. All four nations share operational information and co-operate on support through a multi-national user group. viking 23

the Royal Marines in conducting short have the latest mine-protected v-shaped notice crisis response operations around underbody which is designed to protect the world and any modification which the occupants should it drive over an enhances operational effectiveness and explosive device. makes life that bit safer for our personnel “The highly versatile Viking is is always welcomed.” fundamental to the Royal Marines’ Of the 99 Vikings, 19 are set to be ability to carry out littoral operations fitted with top-mounted guns and nine and this cost-effective programme will more will allow the firing of an 81mm sustain this vital capability,” said Alan mortar from the vehicle. All will have Lines, support services director at BAE improvements made to their braking Systems. “Such regeneration and upgrade and suspension systems to bring them programmes are a growing part of our up to Mk2 standard. As well as new work as defence budgets tighten around front and rear car hulls the Vikings will the world.” ‘The highly versatile Viking is fundamental to the Royal Marines’ ability to carry out littoral operations and this cost-effective programme will sustain this vital capability’ – Alan Lines, support services director at BAE Systems 24 airfield support Rapid repair – between a Rock and a hard place A DE&S team helps riggers replace radome more than 1,000 feet above sea level with a commanding view of the Mediterranean

badly weathered radome on top of aids is complex with local government the Rock of Gibraltar – visible to and commercial airline interests to Athousands for miles around – has consider. So we worked with them to been repaired in rapid time by riggers keep disruption to Watchman operations and a team from DE&S. to the absolute minimum. The project The radome houses a Watchman plan reflected a minimum ‘outage’ and radar and protects it from the extremes accommodated flight safety checking.” of Mediterranean weather at Rock Gun, hundreds of metres above the town. Replacing the radome presented a Watchman is used to control air traffic number of challenges: and is vital to operation of Gibraltar’s • Rapid manufacture of a airfield which handles a mixture of replacement radome – L3 juggled their roads – local company Eurogruas had to military and civilian aircraft. production lines to prioritise the safety- perform a trial run up the roads using a Damage to the radome was critical radome; tracked spider crane unit. discovered during routine maintenance • Health and safety issues – Work decommissioning the old last March. It presented serious risks to riggers working on the radome with a radome started on 25th August and performance and integrity of the radar – 400-metre drop on the east side; finished ahead of schedule, returning affecting its critical flight safety role – but • Timing and minimising the radar to full operational use just two also to the inhabitants of the town below the radar downtime – requiring the weeks later. at risk from falling debris. agreement of the Gibraltar government; No 90 Signals Unit at RAF Leeming Radar engineers from DE&S’ Air • Transporting the new radome provided a team of riggers along with Defence and Air Traffic Systems (ADATS) panels up the precarious and narrow two from the Ground Radio Section at team along with RAF technicians devised Rock road system; RAF Gibraltar. Team leader Sgt Steve a temporary solution to the problem, but, • Handling panels in the blustery, Tildesley’s task was to replace the radome working with the radome manufacturers swirling winds of the Rock; in accordance with the ADATS team’s L3, concluded that a replacement radome • Finding a crane big enough to installation brief. RAF Gibraltar provided was the most cost-effective, long term do the job, but small enough to get up the logistics support from its Movements solution to the serious structural defects. And it was needed before the autumn weather kicked in. “Failure to do that would present a serious risk of the radome breaking up with the potential for collateral damage to the housed radar,” said Flight Sergeant John Summerson, deputy project manager for ADATS’ Antenna Systems and Radomes team. “And there was also the possibility of injury to people at the foot of the Rock.” He added: “Operation of the airfield in Gibraltar along with all its navigation airfield support 25

This picture: the radome at Rock Gun and, below and far left, work continues to replace it

Flight, Airfield Services Mechanical Transport Team and Royal Gibraltar Regiment Mechanical Transport Troop. Chris Carpenter, Head of the ISTAR Delivery Group, said: “This project has demonstrated the best of DE&S skills in supporting operations by keeping defence equipment running. Safety was their paramount concern, but it has also shown the agility of the ADATS team and their supporting industry partners. “To see the project come in on time, within budget and in such testing circumstances is a real credit to their ability and their commitment to defence.”

‘To see the project come in on time, within budget and in such testing circumstances is a real credit to their ability and their commitment to defence’ – Chris Carpenter, Head of DE&S ISTAR Delivery Group 26 merlin Merlin gets shipshape Next generation Royal Navy helicopter makes its debut at sea

‘Success of the trials bears testimony to the excellent joint working between all parties including ship’s staff’ – Capt Andy Lison, Merlin team leader merlin 27

he Royal Navy’s next-generation an environment where the systems had While on deck, tours of the new- Merlin helicopter has made its not previously been tested. This new look aircraft were given to the ship’s Tdebut at sea undertaking industry technology will allow Royal Navy crews Commanding Officer, Captain Martin trials aboard HMS Illustrious. to track multiple targets on or below Connell, his deputy Commander Matt The trials were a great success and the surface which will greatly enhance Harvey, and officer cadets. will support the delivery of a key DE&S capability while on global operations DE&S’ Merlin team is responsible for system training milestone. in support of the anti submarine role delivering the Mk2 as part of the £850 Captain Andy Lison, leader of DE&S’ and undertaking counter piracy, anti- million Merlin Capability Sustainment Merlin team, said: “This embarked trial smuggling and counter terrorism Programme. is the culmination of many months of missions. The Mk2 replaces the Merlin Mk1 hard work by the project team, industry The project is on schedule to deliver which has been in front-line service with and the Royal Navy and is an essential the first three of the 30 converted Merlin the Royal Navy since 2001. milestone as we move into the delivery Mk2 aircraft this year to allow crews to phase of the project. begin training at RNAS Culdrose. “The success of the trials bears testimony to the excellent joint working between all parties including ship’s staff.” During September, a joint MOD/ industry team – including personnel from the Fleet Air Arm, constructors AgustaWestland, defence giant and Air Test and Evaluation Centre experts from Boscombe Down – operated from HMS Illustrious undertaking navigational embarked trials with the Merlin Mk2 test aircraft, ZH826. This aircraft, one of the first of 30 Merlin Mk2 helicopters to be delivered by DE&S, flew ten sorties from Illustrious in the Western Approaches between Plymouth and the edges of the Atlantic. The primary aim of the trials was to assess performance of the new navigational equipment including the new EGI (embedded GPS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS) while at sea,

The Mk2 aircraft, above and facing page, will update the capability of Mk1, pictured here, which has served the Royal Navy well for more than ten years 28 food services More variety heads for the front line DE&S team develops kosher food rations for Jewish troops on operations as the best service chefs in the business go head to head in their annual culinary clash

new range of kosher rations is be light enough to carry and easy to cook, life on the front line and it is vital that we being made available to Jewish and able to withstand storage in extreme provide nutritious and interesting meals Atroops serving on the front line in temperatures – have been approved by to our troops and we also acknowledge Afghanistan. Rabbi Reuben Livingstone on behalf the various dietary needs associated with DE&S, in conjunction with the Jewish of the London-based Sephardi Kashrut different faiths.” Armed Forces Committee, has developed Authority. It means Jewish troops Andy Killey, Head of a specific range of menus which use only can still keep kosher while serving on DE&S’ Defence Food Services, added: raw ingredients from approved kosher operations. “Whether on a ship, in a submarine, on suppliers. Minister for Defence Equipment, the battlefield or in the air, food makes The new ration packs – food has to Support and Technology Philip Dunne a major contribution to the morale and taste good, provide nutrition and energy, said: “Food plays a very important part in operational fitness of service personnel.

Army chefs get to grips with their tasks on day one of the three-day Exercise Joint Caterer

Story: Hannah Swingler Pictures: Andrew Linnett food services 29 More variety heads for the front line

This new ration is the latest addition to Challenges included a range of foods that ensure that all who preparing and cooking a serve in our culturally diverse Armed three-course meal for fine Forces are appropriately fed.” dining to creating innovative The new rations have already received and interesting dishes out of the thumbs up. Colonel Martin Newman, ingredients found only in ration chairman of the Jewish Committee for packs. UK Forces, said: “The new Kosher meals Gp Capt Killey said: “Food are excellent and I am sure they will is regarded as much more than be popular with our Jewish troops. It just fuel for troops and often a may also encourage more young Jewish warm and hearty meal at the end people to consider a career in the Regular of a challenging day is the one thing or Reserve Forces, knowing that their that the troops look forward to on religious dietary requirements are operations. It keeps them healthy in specifically catered for.” body and in mind too and this is why our The Kosher rations are the latest military chefs are trained to be addition to the range available to British the best.” troops depending on their dietary Gp Capt Killey was one of the judges requirement. As well as Halal and earlier last month as a team of chefs vegetarian menus, there are also specific from the three services stormed to a rations available for Sikhs and Hindus. dozen gold medals at the World Culinary The new rations were announced just Olympics, a contest held every four years as hundreds of service chefs put their for the world’s best chefs. appetite for success to the test in the annual three-day DE&S-run Exercise Joint Caterer at Sandown Park in Surrey. Army, Royal Navy and RAF chefs took part in a series of competitions designed to showcase the professionalism and unique skills of catering staff across the Forces. 30 land capability

Advertising Meeting evolving land features systems needs While the air and maritime components of DSEI have developed significantly in recent times, the exhibition is still recognised globally as a definitive land systems event. One of the main themes for DSEI 2013, which takes place at ExCeL London from 10th-13th September, will be the UK Government’s plans for reshaping the British Army as outlined in Future Force 2020. Secretary of State for Defence Philip Hammond has stressed the need for the British Army to be sustainable, capable and adaptable − essential qualities at a time of evolving threat profiles and budgetary austerity. Industry is challenged with producing innovative solutions to these shifts in requirement, which apply not only to the ‘DSEI will once UK but also the majority of traditional markets for land systems. DSEI will once again provide again provide an international showcase of the products, systems and technologies an international that will be crucial to future land operations capability. showcase of the The dedicated Land Systems Zone at DSEI 2013 will show dramatic growth, with o The Foxhound light protected patrol vehicle, above and products, systems more than 70 dedicated stands located in below, now in service with UK Forces in Afghanistan, was and technologies one easy to navigate area. one of the highlights of DSEI 2011. Throughout the halls the land The vehicle is at the cutting edge of protected patrol technology, providing unprecedented levels of blast that will be systems content of the show will feature protection for its size and weight. a Who's Who of the global industry, Featuring high levels of blast survivability, Foxhound crucial to future ranging from prime contractors to niche is ideally suited to manoeuvring around the narrow specialist suppliers. They include BAE backstreets of Helmand’s towns and villages. land operations Systems, General Dynamics, Nexter, ST Weighing in at six tonnes, it has a top speed of 70mph Engineering, Navistar, Daimler, Streit and can do 0-50mph in just 19 seconds. Four-wheel capability’ Group, JCB, Land Rover, Patria and steering makes it extra agile, with a 40ft turning circle. Supacat. The exhibition floor will also host seminars with a programme that includes sessions developing themes from the Future Land Forces conference that took place in Amsterdam from 9th-10th October 2012. The conference was staged by DSEI organisers, Clarion Events. The Vehicle Display Area, which was introduced to widespread acclaim at DSEI 2011, will be located in the Land Systems Zone in the north hall. In 2011 the display area saw the launch of BAE Systems ADATIV technology and OVIK’s CVR(T) Meerkat upgrade. DSEI 2013 has already been earmarked by leading manufacturers as their showcase to launch significant new platforms and equipment. In recognition of the contribution of SMEs the DSEI organisers will again be mounting the Innovation Challenge awards scheme that proved so popular in 2011, DSEI will be held at ExCel, London from 10th-13th when the winner was Revision Military with its fully integrated modular helmet system. September 2013 land capability 31

Vehicles need more than capability

As cuts in military budgets be reliable too. And reliability continue, it’s clear that measurable needs to be built-in during vehicle financial savings have been made development; it’s not something in many engineering teams within that can be added as an after- Home of the the defence sector, writes Julian thought. The reality is that no Bryan, head of military strategies planes will fly and no ships will sail BATTLEFIELD MISSION at Millbrook. without reliable vehicles on the However, as project managers ground. emerge in the place of engineers The next crucial element is Millbrook is an the knowledge and experience vehicle availability. We cannot independent world-leading needed to get under the skin of use availability as an opt-out for organisation specialising in the the military’s requirements is not having reliable vehicles. It’s development, becoming increasingly important like someone walking around the enhancement and research to the future of land vehicles on supermarket pushing a trolley and of military vehicles, as well as being the front line. their partner following them around home to the MoD For specialist vehicle with another trolley just in case a manufacturers the aim should wheel falls off. Battlefield Mission be simple – sell quality vehicles Expert industry advice should that are sustainable, in this sector be provided by third parties, who it appears not to be quite that have the skills and experience For further information: straightforward. The military needs to support military personnel contact Bruce Lornie on impartial judgement to assess in all areas of defence vehicle +44 (0)1525 408476 the suitability of land vehicles engineering, testing equipment to [email protected] deployed, so it’s crucial that any exhaustive, repeatable standards advice they are given is objective and solving engineering problems to ensure that only the most that reflect the changing needs of capable and reliable vehicles are the military. Most importantly we delivered. need to be very careful about the Capability and reliability go quality of advice to ensure there hand in hand; there is no point is no commercial conflict and that MSDGin a vehicle Desider being advert capable new telif it no_Layout all 1 advice 10/09/2012 remains 13:02 impartial Pag eand 1 breaks after five minutes, it must open.

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Effective use of central Fourth centre opens to contracting keep logistics on track The MOD is making more effective use of central contracting, according Front: Debbie to Minister for Defence Docherty, service Equipment, support delivery (east) and Technology Philip manager for Dunne in answer to a Boeing Defence Parliamentary question UK. Behind, last month. from left: Air The approach is being Commodore led by the Cabinet Office, Barrie Thomson, through the Government Head of DE&S Procurement Service Log NEC; Mike (GPS). Kurth, MD This has accounted Boeing Defence for around £220 million of UK; Iain Stewart, MOD expenditure in the MP for Milton first quarter of the current Keynes South; financial year. Jeff Pete, Boeing Mr Dunne said the Defence LogNEC MOD uses GPS contracts programme and electronic catalogue director systems to purchase most low value items under £1,000, including stationery, information technology consumables, printing and furniture. This procurement approach maximises savings to the MOD and reduces the need to use The fourth and final Turing.” Boeing Defence other purchasing routes. infrastructure facility to UK Managing Director improve logistics information Michael Kurth added: to the Armed Forces has “The partnership enables opened in Milton Keynes. exploitation of logistics Turing House – close to information for better the famous wartime cipher decision making.” centre at Bletchley Park – Turing House will be is part of the partnership home to Boeing and MOD between DE&S Logistic employees as they provide Network Enabled Capability a more secure, stable and (Log NEC) and Boeing resilient Logistic Network THE UK MARITIME ENGINEERING ENTERPRISE: Defence UK. Enabled Capability for the It is named after Alan British military community BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCED Turing, the father of computer and their allies. TECHNOLOGY IN THE 21st CENTURY science and artificial As a mathematician, intelligence. logician, cryptanalyst and A national conference that looks at the application of advanced technology across the spectrum of the UK’s maritime engineering enterprise and the business opportunities The building completes computer scientist, Turing that are emerging. Speakers from the highest echelons of the industry will promote the basic infrastructure was highly influential in the debate on these topics and discuss the critical issues. promised by Boeing of two development of computer competency centres, the first science, giving a formalisation of which is in Bristol, and two of the concepts of algorithm data centres in Corsham and and computation. Farnborough. The UK is celebrating Tuesday 9 & Wednesday 10 April 2013 “Turing House is the the 100th anniversary of The De Vere Grand Harbour Hotel second competency centre Turing’s birth this year. Most West Quay Road, Southampton for Log NEC, a collection prominent of events was the of logistic applications, passing of the London 2012 systems and services that Olympic Torch in front of his delivers asset management, statue in Manchester on his Preceded by an industrial visit to the National Oceanography Centre at Southampton and with the engineering and supply birthday. opportunity to visit Ocean Business, the showcase exhibition for advanced technology in the maritime environment, that runs in parallel with the conference, the event also includes a structured programme of information,” said Air “We owe a great deal one-on-one meetings and a conference reception and dinner. Commodore Barrie Thomson, to Alan Turing,” said Air It promises to be a “must attend & unmissable” networking opportunity. Head of Log NEC. Commodore Thomson. “It is Organised by the Society of Maritime Industries “Stringing together men and women like him who in co-operation with Intelligent Exhibitions information to allow people to fought the war effort at home do their operational job is the then and enable us to support For further details go to: reason we’re here – support our British Armed Forces for operations. We owe that today. After all, they’re the capability and legacy to Alan reason we’re here.” news 3333

DE&S has been given a first-hand update on progress of the A400M Atlas flight test and production schedule. Outgoing Chief of Materiel (Air), Air Marshal Sir Kevin Leeson, visited the Airbus Military production line in Seville on 27th September for an update on the RAF’s next generation tactical airlift aircraft. The flight test programme has been extended due to issues with the engine gearbox but, this one aspect aside, the aircraft is performing well across a host of mission types with the RAF scheduled to take delivery of its first aircraft in 2014. Air Marshal Leeson’s visit coincided with a test flight of MSN4, the aerial delivery test aeroplane. The flight gave the Air Marshal the opportunity to view aspects of the cargo handling system and aerial delivery equipment as well as a chance to fly the aircraft and experience its handling.

Above: Air Marshal Leeson at the controls of MSN4 and, centre left, DE&S takes to with Richard Thompson, Chief Executive of Airbus Military UK and Ed Strongman, Atlas chief Atlas controls test pilot BRITISH INGENUITY. PROVIDING NEXT GENERATION DATA CENTRE INFRASTRUCTURE TO HM FORCES...

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Creating an effective workspace environment 34 news

Support to a communications system has been extended by Babcock another 20 months. Babcock will now support the system – a UHF/VHF link called Lambeth for both voice contract and data communications throughout the islands – into 2014. DE&S provides first line maintenance with continues the company supplying more complex support. The contract was awarded to Babcock Lambeth following competition in 2008, with options to extend the service up to a maximum of 24 months. comms Babcock provides a resident engineer who supports all sites and carries out repairs and system maintenance in-situ or off-site at Babcock’s local base, or by provision of locally-held spares or replacement equipment as necessary. support Babcock also provides continuation training on the system for new military staff on arrival in the Falklands. Babcock’s Paul Herring said: “We are delighted to have been awarded this contractual option, following successful delivery of an effective engineering support service over the last four years, demonstrating our skills and expertise in maintaining and operating legacy equipment. We will now continue to provide this service to support the communications system until 2014.” A spokesman for DE&S’ Networks team said: “We are very pleased with the dedicated Part of the Lambeth system at Pleasant and professional way in which the Babcock Peak on the Falklands resident engineers carry out their duties Picture: Derek Smokcum and are delighted that this service will be continuing for the next 20 months.” news 3535

Laser protection treatment to give pilots a clearer vision of the future

A new type of eye protection for pilots spectacles made by Glasgow company issues and development needs before they who can be dazzled by light used in laser Thin Film Solutions can filter out a would be ready for service.” weapons and laser pens is being assessed range of different laser wavelengths, Evaluation work has also benefited by DE&S and scientists at the Defence allowing greater operational benefits and from Dstl’s partnership with the US Air Science and Technology Laboratory. flexibility for pilots. Force. Testing took place earlier this year. Specially designed spectacles can This is achieved by a composite “The bilateral work at the United filter out different wavelengths of light structure comprising a polycarbonate States Air Force Tri-Service Research from the spectrum, including those layer made with a special absorbing Laboratory in San Antonio proved used in laser pens, which are becoming optical dye, bonded to a thin glass lens invaluable,” added Dr Williamson. “The increasingly available from the internet. with a special coating to reflect certain results from the human performance Dstl scientist Dr Craig Williamson wavelengths. testing carried out in the US on spatial said: “There is an increasing number Pete Douglass, air lead for Technology detection and colour perception have of incidents of inexpensive lasers being Delivery at DE&S, said: “The project set the benchmark for future work, used to distract pilots, so we have been work on the LEP is a good example of and we’re hoping that further bilateral researching advanced technologies to how DE&S and Dstl work together to funding will be available to research the mitigate this hazardous and potentially evaluate and de-risk technology and next generation of eye protection in the lethal distraction.” assess it for potential benefits and uses. coming years.” Unlike conventional laser eye “With funding from the equipment Optical performance and protection (LEP), which tends to filter programme we were able to task Dstl to environmental testing is to be carried out and block just one wavelength from evaluate this new LEP against older, more out by Dstl, with laser dazzle and the colour spectrum, the prototype conventional filters to understand specific performance testing at QinetiQ.

Right: new Defence Minister Pensions revamp is announced Mark Francois is pictured on a visit The MOD has made a key change to ensure sustainable public to Portsmouth to to the proposed Armed Forces service pensions, but recognises pension scheme. the unique commitment made by learn about life in Consultation on an outline the Armed Forces and therefore the Royal Navy. design published in July has protected them as much as The Minister resulted in personnel now having possible, making these changes in toured Navy more flexibility for the money they the fairest way possible. Command HQ at receive if they qualify for an early “Armed Forces personnel Whale Island and payment at 40. will continue to receive one of the met key personnel Service personnel will still best and most valuable pensions, at Portsmouth not have to make personal maintaining the non-contributory naval base. contributions and the normal element, an early pension point He also toured pension age will be 60. For most at 40 and a lower normal pension HMS Illustrious, other public service pensions age than other public sector the Naval the age will be linked to the state employees.” Historical Branch pension age, which is higher. A copy of the final agreement and the National Minister for Defence Personnel, can be found at: http://www.mod. Museum of the Welfare and Veterans Mark uk/DefenceInternet/AboutDefence/ Royal Navy Francois said: “The Government WhatWeDo/Personnel/Pensions/ had to make some tough decisions FinalAgreement.htm 36 news

Engineers pick up the scent of Bloodhound

Work by DE&S graduate build and maintain the car over engineers is to be taken forward the next two years. Record by the Army in the bid to break the attempts will be made in South current land speed record. Africa in 2013 and 2014. The Royal Electrical and Mr Dunne said: Mechanical Engineers (REME) has “Bloodhound is an inspirational joined forces with the Bloodhound project that will have a lasting SuperSonic Car Project. legacy for the UK by inspiring Bloodhound aims to design future generations into and build a car capable of 1,000 careers in science, technology, mph, eclipsing the current British engineering and maths. These land speed record of 763 mph set are essential skills to British by the Thrust SuperSonic Car in industry, particularly within the 1997. defence sector. Philip Dunne, Minister for “This is also a great Defence Equipment, Support opportunity for the Army’s and Technology, has signed mechanical engineers to share a concordat with Bloodhound experience and develop their director Richard Noble to promote skills while working on this science, technology, engineering The REME team with Philip Dunne, Wg Cdr Andy Green (driver) and innovative technology here in and mathematics in the UK and Bloodhound Director Richard Noble the UK. raise the profile of science and “That experience will feed technology in defence. Armed Forces tomorrow. directly back into the front Revolutionary technology being built Some DE&S engineering graduates line as they progress through their Army into Bloodhound today paves the way for have already spent time on the Bloodhound careers.” the equipment that will be protecting our project. Now five REME engineers will help Posting to the Forces? Info at your fingertips

Fresh, innovative, free and easy to use – a new app has been launched by British Right: Sgt Leanne Gabbitas from HQ BFPO Forces Post Office (BFPO) featuring all you demonstrates the design need to know about postal services to the Forces. For a long time, BFPO has wanted to get Below: Major Mark Lloyd mail information out quickly and efficiently shows the App to the wife to its large serving customer base from of a serviceman places like Germany, Brunei and the Falkland Islands and operational theatres, to deployed personnel and the global locations of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The new app is the brainchild of Lieutenant-Colonel Colin Code, the wizard behind its design and functionality. “The app is intuitive, it has a simple interface and is very responsive – it can find an answer to your mail query within seconds,” said Lt Col Code. For example, the app can locate all BFPO numbers globally – the user simply inserts the country they are posting to. It lists all British retailers who post products to BFPO addresses and gives a reminder of dangerous air-cargo restrictions. It will calculate the cost of your parcel once you enter the size, weight and destination and it even gives final mailing deadlines for key annual dates like Christmas. “We welcome comments and ideas – we aim to update the app soon,” added Lt Col Code. The BFPO App, developed by Locassa, is now available at the App Store in iTunes; an Android version is to follow soon. Users can offer suggestions through BFPO enquiries – email at [email protected]. news 3737 Abbey Wood helps raiding craft celebrate their finest hours

Towering achievements: DE&S-supported vessels flank the Royal Barge during the Diamond Jubilee Thames pageant while, right, the team lines up at Abbey Wood

Staff at DE&S have been handed a flavour of raiding craft, both capable of up to 40 knots, the busy work of the Ships Operating Centre were on show to observers at Abbey Wood on supporting some of the biggest events seen in 28th September. the UK for many years. Cdre Dave Preston, Head of Commercially A range of small boats, ranging from fast Supported Shipping, said: “It is fantastic to rigid inflatables to P2000 patrol vessels were give staff at Abbey Wood the chance to see up needed to provide security on the River Thames close some of the boats that feature so greatly for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee pageant in maritime operations. My team is justifiably in June. More were then seen as part of the proud to have the opportunity to show boats Operation Olympics security operation. which have been in the public eye so much this Two of the more high profile boats, the year. In theatre their role is fundamental to eight-metre long Pacific 24 rigid inflatable and ensuring that military capability is sustained in the larger nine-metre troop-carrying offshore the global maritime environment.” IQPC-UK IAV 2013 Desiders Ad 1.1:Layout 1 12-10-19 9:33 AM Page 1


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Abbey Wood’s Cricket Club six- o Corsham’s orienteerer a-side team topped off a successful Abbey Wood’s first title Flt Lt Geoff Ellis is now a season by clinching their first triple domestic champion after winning three CSSC national title at Tring Cricket regional titles in 2012 in Club. boasts six appeal the M35 category. The competition saw them play Victory in the the winners of the CSSC regional Southern Championships competitions across the country. in Epping Forest by Following on from their the wide margin of 14 undefeated run that saw them minutes at the end of September capped titles win the Southern regional in the Northern and championship in August, they Midland events. remained undefeated at Tring He also confirmed on 13th September, surviving a retention of the M35 UK nailbiting last match with London Masters Cup he won in to take the crown. 2011. The team, right, led by Rich Geoff also took part in an event around the Hughes, was made up of Josse City of London the day Vandeweyer, Ali Gardner, Andy before the Southern Somerville, Paul Drennen, Jamie Championships, Lavender and Mark Biggs. competing at elite level and finishing 15th. An inch is as good as a mile!

Report: Hannah Swingler Or even 4,500 of them as DE&S team puts

A team of DE&S cyclists completed the 4,500 foot to pedal for charity at Abbey Wood miles from Abbey Wood to Camp Bastion in Afghanistan – more than half without moving an inch! The team, pedalling furiously on exercise bikes in the Atrium of Neighbourhood Two, covered the full distance in a week. The 25-strong team hopes to raise more than £4,000 – around £1 per mile – and the proceeds will be split between The Felix Fund (a bomb disposals charity) and the Bristol Children’s Hospital’s Wallace and Gromit Appeal. The challenge combined five days of static cycling at Abbey Wood which realised 2,391 miles, followed by a 130-mile return ride by team members from Bristol to Vauxhall Barracks in Didcot, home of 11 EOD Regiment, and a 30-mile local cycle ride. Team leader Steve Glass of Special Projects SCM said: “The team works closely with the military supporting operations in Afghanistan and UK. We also live and work in the Bristol area and were keen to support charities relevant to our military colleagues and the local community. “Many of us cycle to work and this was a great way to raise some funds for really worthwhile causes; the team have really put a tremendous effort into it.” To make a donation go to http:// Saddling up for charity: team members put their backs into it in Neighbourhood Two Picture: Andrew Linnett bristoltobastionbybike

DE&S A collection of graduates on the Defence Movember, a charity set up in 2003 by people in Engineering and Science Group scheme are taking Melbourne, Australia, has blossomed into a global signs part in ‘Movember’. fundraising drive which generated £79.3 million up to For the whole of this month they will join last year and more than £180 million since it began. thousands of others across the country growing Donations to the DESG team should be made to: Movember silly moustaches with the aim of raising vital where you’ll again funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically also be able to follow the Mo Bro progress through prostate cancer and testicular cancer. regular updates and photos. people news 39

Army team battles Alan takes to the hills rain and mud in Wales rally

Left: the crew of R6 hard at work on the Epynt special stage run on the mixed surface roads of the MOD’s Senneybridge Range complex.

Below: jumping to victory on the Likes Land Rover Super Special stage in the Walters Arena near Neath.

Pictures: MJ and ME Brinkman

DE&S’ Alan Paramore led a five- acknowledged by the crowd at the vehicle Armed Forces Rally Team ceremonial finish in front of the entry on another successful outing in Welsh Assembly building in Cardiff. the Wales Rally GB – the UK Round Despite moving forward to of the World Rally Championship September from its traditional and round seven of the Armed Forces November date, conditions on the Championship. fast forest and mountain roads of Major Paramore of DE&S’ central and south Wales were tricky Protected Mobility team is director with heavy rain making many of the of the Armed Forces team, part gravel tracks treacherous. of the British Army Motorsports Association whose chairman is DE&S’ Director Land Equipment Maj Gen Carew Wilks. Alan was partnered in the Land Rover Defender XD by co-driver Lt Col James Sunderland from the Royal Flying training comes up trumps Logistic Corps and the 2012 AFRT Championship leading crew fought From their way up the starting order to earn left: Glen an expectation busting 20th overall Killourhey, finish from the original 48 starters Kate Leonard, and 35 finishing crews competing in Tom Read, the National Rally Event. Steve Card, The National closely followed Air Cdre Terry the 31 mostly professional crews Jones, Ady in the WRC International event Rowlands, Melanie over the same slippery but fast and Skinner spectacular special stage loose (Cancer surfaced tracks over the mid-Wales Research mountains and deep into the Welsh UK), Trevor forests. Nash, John A smooth and fast run over the Camilleri, final three stages high in the hills Geoff Roynon above the mining valleys of south and Karl Wales on day three saw Alan and Curtis James complete the event more than six minutes ahead of their nearest Members of UKMFTS (UK Military Flying Training System – a partnership between DE&S and Ascent Flight Training) raised more than £2,000 for Cancer Research UK from the Bristol half Armed Forces teammates. marathon on 30th September. The duo’s distinctive white Land Thirteen Bristol-based staff from 22 Training Group, the DE&S team and Ascent took part, Rover also proved more than a including the Director of Flying Training Air Commodore Terry Jones in specially designed match for many of the specialist-built UKMFTS shirts. highly-developed rally cars seeded All completed the 13-mile course around the streets of Bristol. ahead of them. The team’s fastest time was run by Steve Card who came in with some of the elite runners The crew was generously and finished in one hour 28 minutes. 40 people news Quality support earns its just rewards DE&S engineer An operational honour has continued a ‘fantastic’ period in leads the life of a DE&S engineer. John latest Gorman completed his third tour in Afghanistan with a Queen’s honours Commendation for Valuable list Service for maintaining aircraft support to the UK mission. David The 31-year-old served as a senior engineering officer where sweeps off his leadership in the pressurised and intensive environment of into optimising aircraft availability retirement helped maintain operational effectiveness. Roadsweeper “It was a real surprise and a David Lott has privilege to discover that I had retired from his job been nominated for this award,” at Devonport after he said. 50 years of dedicated “The last year has been service to the MOD and commercial incredible; I was promoted into partners at the naval an exciting and challenging six- base. month deployment after which I David, pictured returned to the UK just 16 hours above, joined the Sqn Ldr John Gorman's third tour of Afghanistan has seen him earn a before the birth of my first child. Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service for maintaining aircraft fit Dockyard in 1962 To receive this award brings a at the age of 15 as for UK operations a ‘yard boy’ in an great end to a truly fantastic era when the base period in my life.” employed more than He was also praised for his and superb supervision made Marshall Aerospace in 12,000 people. strong leadership and high a direct contribution to the Cambridge. He said: “This was It was a time standards during the deployment overall mission success; my third operational tour in when the workers which led to his team setting the this was made all the more Afghanistan and was definitely maintained warships example during external audits. impressive by this being his the most rewarding; when you but also helped to build them. His citation said: “Squadron first squadron leader tour, provide aircraft on a daily basis A well known Leader Gorman’s inspirational which sets an example for us all to support the UK mission you character around the leadership, unwavering support to follow.” know that your efforts make a base, David could be Sqn Ldr Gorman is an real difference. seen in all winds and a i r f r a m e “I would like to extend weathers keeping the m a n a g e r a massive thank you to the roads and pavements w i t h team that worked with me in clean, providing a ‘This award brings a great valuable service to D E & S ’ Afghanistan, who enabled the base community. end to a truly fantastic H e r c u l e s outstanding operational At a leaving T r i S t a r effectiveness to be delivered presentation period in my life’ t e a m over a sustained and difficult attended by based at period.” colleagues and with representation from the Royal Navy and Defence Infrastructure Honour for Kandahar ‘volunteer’ Organisation, Interserve Regional PFI Director A spell of 14 months out of 18 serving in asked to return. With a large turnover of Simon Cowls said: Afghanistan helped a weapons engineer earn a manpower and gapped posts he stayed for eight “David has made Joint Commander’s Commendation. months. an invaluable contribution to the Chief Petty Officer Gary Booker – “surprised CPO Booker is based at Portsmouth. community of the but extremely proud” of his honour, he said – He was joined on the list of three DE&S- base over the last 50 deployed as part of a team to Camp Bastion in related commendations by Flt Lt John Dipper years. It is people like 2010. who works in Information Systems and Services David who ensure the He was stood down but volunteered for Service Operations at Corsham, and Acting base has a reputation further work in Afghanistan and was soon on his Warrant Officer 1 Christopher Fishwick of the for high standards of way to the airfield at Kandahar where he spent six Royal Electrical and Mechnical Engineers who service and customer care.” months supporting UK operations. works at Abbey Wood for the Joint Support Shortly after his return to the UK he was Chain's Supply Chain Management. people news 41

Safety and DE&S goes the extra mile efficiency take top A DE&S Flight Sergeant has won a prestigious RAF award for his billing contribution to engineering efficiency. in latest FS Ken Holmes, who works in the International Guns, Missiles and awards Rockets team, is this year’s winner of the Adrian Ray Memorial Award Safety consultant Jo Davidson which recognises RAF engineers has been rewarded for going the extra mile at DE&S. and technicians for their outstanding Jo of BAE Systems received a contribution to engineering efficiency. Director Ships People Award from Having identified an increasing Tony Graham, DE&S Director Ships, trend in availability problems for the key role she played during for the Tornado’s Mauser 27mm a period of significant change and cannon on Operation Herrick FS challenge within the Capital Ships Holmes undertook a root and branch and Destroyers safety team. She maintained and progressed engineering review of procedures the maturity of compliant and which identified significant issues. robust safety management systems His motivation, determination and within amphibious and Type 45 ship resourcefulness enabled the review to projects. be completed and recommendations Jo said: “After three years implemented within eight months. working within the Amphibious Improvements have reversed and Destroyers safety team in Abbey Wood it was a great honour deteriorating availability, increasing to receive the award. This ‘right first time’ maintenance with acknowledgement from Tony more than 90 per cent of cannons Graham has given me a great delivered to the Front Line without sense of achievement and need for further rework. personal satisfaction and I Improvements have been hope to continue working with welcomed by the users and have Director Ships and the project teams in the future.” also been adopted by other Tornado Right: Jo Tony added: “This award partner nations. Davidson, recognises where Jo has made FS Holmes is pictured, above, on winner of a a difference. Safety remains the the left, being congratulated at Abbey Director Ships foundation of effective military Wood by Air Commodore Mike People Award capability. She helped lay the Quigley, Head of Engineering with the foundation for our Capital Ships and by her determination and hard work Weapons Operating Centre. has become a perfect ambassador for BAE Systems.” DINs - released this month Defence Instructions and Notices (DINs) are defence-wide instructions, guidance and notices for military and civilian staff, containing up-to-the-minute information to help people carry out their duties. Some of the latest issued on Defence Equipment and Support are:

2012DIN04-138: Update biosecurity policy has been issued to ensure appropriate measures are implemented for safe movement of vehicles, equipment and personnel worldwide. When conducting operations and training in countries without a robust biosecurity procedure it is necessary for all deployed forces to take all reasonable steps to ensure personnel and equipment do not inadvertently contribute to the biosecurity threat.

2012DIN04-135: An e-catalogue for administering arrangements for acquisition of equipment in support of military working dogs is now operational and should be used with immediate effect.

2012DIN04-131: This is to ensure all MOD staff are aware of and comply with policy and low value purchasing notices to use mandated pan-MOD/Government Procurement Service enabling contracts and frameworks when purchasing common goods and services. It provides clear guidance on the respective roles and authority of buyers across the MOD.

Further information and more details on the latest DINs see: 42 people news

LATEST DSRA LOTTERY DE&S helps Ethiopia take on WINNERS communications challenge August A force for good £10,000: Gerrard Di Ethiopia’s armed forces will Santo (Babcock). look to improve communications £5,000: Geraldine Bell (Aldershot). capability, helped by a two-week £2,000: James input from DE&S. Bowman Colonel Richard Spencer has (Pirbright). just returned from the Horn of £1,000: Africa where he led a five-strong Christopher team looking at communications Cowan (Abbey and information management Wood). £500: for an army and air force which Simon Ruddick now enthusiastically backs (Foxhill). £300: Anthony Dignan multi-national peace-keeping (Liverpool), Gillian operations. Quirk (Whitehall), The colonel is deputy team Cheryl Henderson leader of the Bowman and Tactical (Lisburn), Communications and Information Steven Lapsley Systems team at Abbey Wood. (Glasgow). This made him an ideal choice for £200: Ronald the series of workshops run for Law (RAF military commanders in Addis Lossiemouth), Col Spencer, centre, with his UK team and Ethiopian communications Doreen Smith Ababa. specialists (Portsmouth), “The hand of fate came Christine down on me,” he said of the trip on UN and AU operations. They what to do, rather how to think. Allington (Abbey organised by Army Command wanted us to look at where they It was more about getting away Wood), Robin after offers of help from the UK are, which is probably where we from thinking about networks, Draper (RAF to East African nations. “It was were about 15 years ago when and more about managing the Marham), Jane a great opportunity for me and a we were using Clansman with a information and moving it so Clayton (Catterick very good opportunity for the UK small data capacity and working commanders can plan, control and Garrison), Graeme to back up its offers of help with predominantly insecure.” make better decisions.” he said. Bakhsh (RNAD Coulport), Thomas actions.” Col Spencer’s workshops “They are aware they have Barrie (RNAD The trip was split between the addressed issues of big challenges but they bought Coulport), Robert capital and Mekele, the location communications procurement, into the idea that we can’t solve Dowdle (Gosport), of Northern Command where the delivery, support, through- problems for them. It’s not a bunch Michael Matthews Ethiopians have a communications life management, personnel, of Westerners turning up to tell (Corsham), school. organisation and training, and them how to operate.” Michael Quarrell “Ethiopia conducts operations ended with a full operational A report will now go back to (Glasgow), with the UN and the African deployment scenario. Ethiopian authorities for follow- Darren Merritt Union which means their “We weren’t there to tell them up activity. A number of their (RAF Innsworth), £100: Chloe communications are reasonably communications specialists may Rudge (Ipswich), good. The country also has a come to the UK on information John Ball (Abbey burgeoning communications management and exploitation Wood), William technology sector,” said Col ‘It was a good courses. Hutchings (Abbey Spencer. opportunity for Col Spencer said: “It’s very Wood), John “They want to improve evident Ethiopia is seen as a force Drummond management, sharing and the UK to back up for good in Africa. Their primary (Innsworth), protection of information to role is defensive and they are Janice Parker make them better prepared in focused on helping the UN and (Beith), Adrian offers of help Critchell terms of national defence and, AU. Hopefully we have helped (Wareham), more importantly, when they go with action’ them in developing a bit further.” Eileen Elgar (ATR Winchester), Mirette Jean- Francois Gary earns his Afghan award (Warminster Gary Cotter, the first civil servant to be Road, Bath), Tracy posted into a new front line position by DE&S’ Sexton (MOD Information Systems and Services, has received his Main Building), Anthony Metcalfe Afghanistan campaign medal. (Credenhall), Gary, (pictured on the right) from the Anne Eastham Operational Planning team, spent three and a half (RAF High months in the ISS Forward position. The newly- Wycombe), created post was critical to the smooth delivery of Andrew Gigg ISS services in theatre. Gary was based at Camp (Gutersloh), Bastion. Patrick Wattam He was presented with his medal by Air (RAF Digby), Commodore Tim Bishop (on the left) who was due Donald Turner (Shrewsbury), to hand over to Air Commodore Andy Powell as Elaine Dugan Head of Service Operations in Corsham at the end (Grantham). of last month. people news 43

Medical information systems take top billing

The MOD and industrial partner Logica have The joint earned competition success for medical MOD/Logica record systems used by front line and non- team picks operational personnel. up its award. The Corsham-based Defence Medical The MOD was Information Capability (DMIC) programme represented has won the Excellence in Major Healthcare by Brigadier IT Development category as well as being Martin crowned overall winner at the ehealth Bricknell, Insider Awards. fourth from The field of entries was more than 300. the left, who The programme is joined by the Whole manages the Hospital Information System (WHIS) which programme has been shortlisted for an award at the BCS Computing awards to be held later this month. Defence Medical Services provide primary, intermediate, secondary and dental healthcare for every member of the Armed Forces anywhere in the world. DMIC has replaced paper systems and means Murphy lays down the a patient’s single medical and dental record is updated Police dog has a nose for instantly so there is only 'one version of law at Clyde! sniffing out trouble the truth'. Clinicians can access a patient’s record, improving Clyde has a new four-legged health outcomes crime fighter in the form of and inspiring patient confidence. Murphy the Springer Spaniel. A significant The police pooch has a nose reduction in for sniffing out trouble and paperwork leads that’s why he has taken his place to improved as the MOD Police Dog Section’s record-keeping new explosives search dog. and reporting, and Murphy and handler PC administrative savings. Analysts can Steven Crook have become access concurrent a common sight performing health data for vehicle searches, office searches epidemiology and and working alongside police health surveillance, boat units to keep those who while managers can work and visit the naval base apply governance and safe. monitor performance. WHIS operates Before arriving at Clyde, at Camp Bastion in Murphy and PC Crook Afghanistan, providing underwent months of training electronic patient around the country to further records, patient their experience in sniffing out administration and explosives at different venues. business intelligence PC Crook said: “Before capability to one of the world’s busiest Murphy I had only ever worked trauma units. with regular police dogs used Explosive start: Murphy and handler PC Steven Crook get down to Front line for tracking and detaining business at Clyde commanders benefit suspects. When the chance to from having more work with an explosives search troops fit for duty, dog came up I jumped at it. can’t help but be motivated.” The kinds – everything from military and improved health “It takes two or three-years two-year-old pooch was donated and commercial explosives to information on deployable manpower. to train a dog to the level you to the MOD Police and is one of the home made variety.” WHIS has helped want, but I was definitely up the few dogs kennelled at home, The pair also conducts out- improve efficiency for the challenge. Working living with PC Crook and his of-hours searches of offices at and save lives. Phase with Murphy has given me family. Clyde, leaving behind their own 1 initial operating a whole new perspective. A “He is definitely the noisiest business card letting workers capability was friend of mine who has worked dog I’ve ever met and that’s an know that when they were out successfully achieved with Spaniels before described advantage when it comes to “Murphy has been about”. in four months with exceptional system seeing them in action as like explosive searches. He has gone “He does a fantastic job, but reliability since, watching a box of fireworks from not being able to recognise it’s probably best that you lock despite the tough going off. Murphy is so full of a single explosive to being able your sandwiches away when he’s environment. energy and enthusiasm that you to recognise eleven different around!” said PC Crook. 10,000 WAYS TO BUILD A MORE SECURE UK

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