Vol. 4 No. 11, January 7, 1909
THE A WEEKLY REVIEW OF POLITICS, LITERATURE, AND ART No* 748 new seriesVol. IV. No. 11] THURSDAY, JAN. 7, 1908 registered at G.P.O] ONE PENNY CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE NOTES OF THE WEEK . .,. 213 FROM THE LAND OF SHADOWS. By Stanhope of Chester. 221 PENSION DAY. By V. 215 VIOLETTES. By F. S. Flint. 222 THE MAELSTROM. By C. N. L. Shaw. 216 CHESTERTON FACING BOTH WAYS. By G. Bernard Shaw. 222 BOLES. By Maxime Gorki. 223 INDIAN NOTES. By B. K. Das. 216 BOOKS AND PERSONS. By Jacob Tonson.... .,. 224 THE FACT, MAN. By Edgar Jepson. 217 BOOK OF THE WEEK: Charles Lamb. By J. M. Kennedy 225 WHY CHURCHMEN BECOME SOCIALISTS. By Rev. Conrad REVIEWS : The Taxation of the Liquor Trade. 227 Noel. 218 Health, Strength, and Happiness. 228 UNEDITED OPINIONS. -I: By A. R. Orage. 1:: :I: 219 DRAMA: Pinkie and the Fairies. By G. B. :: 1:: 228 MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. By E. C. Reed. 220 CORRESPONDENCE. .,. 229 - ALL BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS should be ad- as it is from the heart fibres of the speaker : “Feed its dressed to the Manager, 140, Fleet Street, London. children as freely and as well as it feeds its seagulls.” All EDITORIAL matter should reach the Editor by Saturday Yes, Mr. Shaw and others amongst us who have car- at latest for the following week’s issue, and should be addressed to ried on the fight for this children’s feeding, well may 1 & 2, Took’s Court, Furnival Street, London. we feel brutal to this British people who endures with- ADVERTISEMENTS: The latest time for receiving Ad- out a pang the miseries of its unemployed, the pain and vertisements is first post Monday for the same week’s issue.
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