Uebersicht .lor in den jähren 1880, 1881 und 1882 nur «tain gebiete der englischen philologie erschienenen bttcher und aufsätze.

Von Friedrich Lüns.

I. Allgemeines. Sammelwerke* Bücherverzeichnisse. Gelehrtengesohiohte. Storni (Prof. Job an), Englische Philologie. Anleitung zum wissenschaft- lichen Studium der engl. spräche. Vom verf. ftir das deutsche publikum bearbeitet. I. Die lebende spräche. Gr. S (XVI, 40S ss.). Heübronn, Henninger; n. m. 9. S l. l Siehe Anglia IV, Anzeiger, 128—31 (Moritz Trautmann); Engl. Studien V, 250—59 (Thmn), 39*—408 (Ernst Regel), 459—60 (Thtim); Herrig's Archiv LXV, 2. 3 (D. Asher); G5tt. Gel. Anz. 44 (H. Sweet); Literaturblatt fiir germ, und nun. Phil. Ill, 200 (E. Sievers); American Journal of Phil. Vol. II, No. s, 4S4 ff. (Garnett); Zeitschr. f. d. österr. ttyumaaien W, 4 (Schipper); Rev. Crit. 4t (von C. J.). Seh mit z (Beruh.), Encyclopedic des philologischen Studiums der neueren Sprachen, hauptsächlich der französischen und englischen. 2. siippl., 2. aufl. Nebst einer abhandhing über begriff und umfang unseres faches. Gr. S (VIII, 124 ss.). Leipzig, C. A. Koch; n. in. 2,50. 81. 2 — Dasselbe. 3. suppl, 2. aufl. Nebst einer abhandlung über englische philologie insbesondere. Hrsg. von August Kessler. Gr. 8 (X, 138 ss.); n. m. 2,80. 3 Siehe Engl. Studien IV, 513 f. (E. Kölbing).

Mahn (Prof. Dr. A.), Ucbcr das Studium der neueren Sprachen auf Hoch- schulen. Gr. s (S ss.). Berlin, Dümmler; baar n. m. 0,50. 80. 4 Asher (Dr. David), Ueber den Unterricht in den neueren Sprachen, spe- cieller der englischen, au unseren Universitäten und höheren Schulen. Anglia, VI. band. Bücherschau. l

Brought to you by | Freie Universität Berlin Authenticated Download Date | 7/9/15 10:22 PM 2 LitNS, Ein inahnruf an die Unterrichtsbehörden. Gr. 8 (46 ss.). Berlin, Langen- scheidt; baar n. m. 0,80. 81. 5 Siehe Anglia V, Anzeiger, 54 ff. (Moritz Trautmann); Zeitschr. f. nfr. Sprache IV, 2 Rec. (Koschwitz). Körting (Prof. Dr. G.), Gedanken und Bemerkungen über das Studium der neueren Sprachen auf den deutschen Hochschulen. Gr. 8 (83 ss.). Heilbronn 1882, Henninger; n. m. 1,40. (i .Siehe Anglia V, Anzeiger, 51—64 (Trautmann): Engl. Studien VI, 268—72 (E. Kölbing). Trautmann (Moritz), Zum Studium der neueren sprachen. Anglia V. An- zeiger, 54—64. 7 Wernekke (Oberlehrer Dr.), lieber den Unterricht im Englischen. Vor- trag, gehalten bei der 5. Versammlung des sächs. realschulmännervereins (aus 'Central-Organ f. d. Interessen d. Realschulwesens'). Gr. S (15 ss.). Berlin 1879, Friedberg & Mode. M). 8 Vie t or (W.), Die wissenschaftliche Grammatik und der englische Unter- richt, Engl. Studien III, 106—124. 9

Encyclopaedia Britannic a, a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. 9«> edition. Edited by Thomas Spenser Baynee. Lon- don, Siinpkin. * Vol. X and XI. 80. 10 Siehe Academy XVIII, 2—3 (Jas. S. Cotton): Athen.ll, 1880,s.30lf. — Dasselbe. Vol. XU. 81. H Siehe Athenaeum 1881, II, s. 10. — Dasselbe. VoL XIII and XIV. 82. 12 Transactions of the Philological Society, 1880—S2. Published for the society by Triibner & Co., , and K. J. Trübner, Strassburg. 13 Anglia, Zeitschrift fiir englische Philologie. Enthaltend beitrage zur ge- schichte der englischen spräche und literatur, hrsg. von Richard Paul Wülcker. Nebst kritischem anzeiger und einer bücherschau, hrsg. von Moritz Trautinann. Gr. 8. Bd. III 596 seiten, SO; bd. IV 4?8 selten, anzeiger 134 Seiten, 81; bd. V 502 seiton, anzeiger 147 Seiten, 82. Halle, Niemeyer. Der band 20 m. 14 Englische Studien. Organ tür englische Philologie unter MitberUck- ftichtigung des englischen Unterrichtes auf höheren Schulen. Hrsg. von Dr. Eugen Kölbing. Gr. 8. Bd. Ill 543 seiten, so· bd. IV 514 Seiten, 81; bd. V 494 seiten, 82. Heilbronn, Henninger. Der band 17m. 15 Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Hrsg. von L. H err ig. Bd. 63-64, 80; bd. 65—66, 81; bd. 67—68, 82. Braunschweig, Westermann. Der band 6 m. 16

Trautmann (Moritz), Uebersicht der in den jähren 1877, 1878 und 1879 auf dem gebiete der englischen philologie erschienenen bücher und auf- sätze (beigabe zu Anglia IV). 67 seiten. 17 Jahresbericht über die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der geruian. Philologie, hrsg. von der Gesellschaft für deutsche Philologie in Berlin. Erster Jahrgang 1879 IV, 239 ss. Berlin, S. Calvary & Co. [Der eng- lische teil von J. Koch.] 18

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Jahresbericht etc. f r isso. :to7 ss. 19 — Dasselbe f r Isxi, ;t22 ss. 20 Books of 1ST«», as recorded in the Publisher's Weekly. With Descriptive Notes and Library Headings for those Chiefly Important. 8vo, sd. pp. 127. New York. 4/. SO. 21 Publisher's Trade List Annual, ISS2, embraeing the Latest Cata- logues Supplied by the Publishers; preceded by a Verbatim Reprint of The Publisher's Weekly Record of Books Issued from July 2, 1881, to July 1, 1SH2, with complete Judex of Authors, Titles, and Subjects; also the American Educational Catalogue for 1882 (10th year). 8vo, pp. 2248. New York. 7/1». *2. 22 London Catalogue of Periodicals, Newspapers, and Transactions of various Societies. With a List of Metropolitan Printing Societies and Clubs for 1880. Svo, sd., pp. If». Longmans. I/. 23 — Dasselbe fUr 1881. 24 — Dasselbe fiir 18S2. 25 Jones (L. £.), Hie best Reading; Second Series: A Priced and Classified Bibliography, for Easy Reference, of the more Important English and American Publications for the Five Years ending Dec. 31, 1881. Cr. Svo, pp. IV—11«. New York. δ/. 82. 26 English Catalogue of Books for 1879, containing a complete List of all Books published in Great Britain and Ireland in the year 1879, with their Sizes, Prices, and Publishers' Names, and Index of Subjects. Roy. 8vo, sd., pp. 112. Low. δ/. 80. 27 — Dasselbe fiir ISSO. 28 — Dasselbe fiir 1881. 29 — Dasselbe: January, 1872, to December, 1880. Compiled by Sampson Low. Vol. 3. Roy., 8vo, pp. 504. Half morocco. Low. 42. 82. 30 Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, and En- gravings, Collected by Henry Huth; with Collations and Bibliographical Descriptions. 5 vols. Imp. Svo. Ellis and White. % 10, 10s. 80. 31 A Reference Catalogue of Current Literature. Containing the full titles of Books now in Print and on Sale, with the Prices at which they may be obtained of all Booksellers, and an Index to 35,000 Works. Cr.Svo. J.Whitaker. SI. 32 Ley po id t (F.) and Jones (L. E.), The American Catalogue. Under the Direction of F. Leypoldt. Vol. 2: Subject Entries of Books in Print and for Sale (including Reprints and Importations). 4 to, folded, pp. IV and 402. New York. 105/. SI. 33 Clarke (Rob. & Co.), Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of Valuable Col- lections of Books and Pamphlets Relating to America. Supplement for 1879. 8vo, sd., pp. 11—92. Cincinnati. 1/0. 80. 34 Russell (A. P.), Library Noten. New ed. Revised and enlarged. Cr. 8vo/ pp. 402. Boston, lo/. 80. 35 Free (The) Libraries of . By an Assistant Librarian. Post Svo, sd., pp. 32. J. Smith, Glasgow. Od. 81. 36 Thackeray (F. St. John), Eton College Library. Reprinted from Notes and Queries. Sq. Jliino, pp. loo. Williams (Eton) Simpkin. δ/. 61. 37 1*

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Triibner's Catalogue of Dictionaries and Grammars of the Principal Languages and Dialects of the World. A Guide for Students and Book- sellers. 2n<* ed. Considerably Enlarged and Revised, with an Alpha- betical Index. 8vo, pp. 170. Triibner. /. S2. 38 Halkett (Samuel) and Laing (Rev. John), A Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain, including the Works of Foreigners Written in or Translated into the English Language. Vol. I. Roy. 8vo, pp. 850. Paterson (Edinburgh). Simpkin. 42/. 81. 39 Brewer (E. Cobhain), Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 12«»» ed., revised and corrected, to which is added a Concise Bibliography of English Lite- rature by Eric T. Robertson. Post Svo, pp. Htö». Cassell. 3/0. *1. 40

Botkine, L. Von R. P. WiUcker. Anglia V, 501— 2. 82. 11 Herrmann Freiherr v. Friesen. Engl. Studien VI, 293 (R. Koppel). 42 Guest, Dr. Edwin. Athenäum 11. ISSO, s. 744. 43 Dr. Guest and Mr. Nicol. By A. J. Ellis. Transactions of the Philo- logical Society 18*0—81, p. 253 -55. London and Strassburg. Trüb- ner & Co. 44 Hertzberg, Wilhelm Adolf Boguslaw. Von D. Rohde. Anglia V, 283—88. 45 Leo, Heinrich. Von R. P. Wülcker. Anglia III, 158—00. SO. 40 Milller, Eduard. Von C. Deutsehbein. Anglia IV, 421—25. 81. 47 Siehe Engl. Studien V, 208 (E. Kölbing). Nicol, Henry. Academy XIX, 118f. (Henry Sweet). 48 Wagner, Wilhelm. Von A. Fels. Engl. Studien IV, 188—94. 49

. Geschichte. Kulturgeschichte. Altertümer. Lappenberg (J. M.), A History of under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. Translated from the German by the late Benjamin Thorpe. New ed., revised by E. C. Otte. 2 vols., 12mo, pp. 930 (Bonn's Stan- dard Library). Bell & Sons; ea. 3/0. 81. 50 Freeman (Edward A.), A Short History of the Norman Conquest of Eng- land. 12 mo, pp. 150. Froude. 2/0. 80. 51 Siehe Ac&domy XVIII, «16. Elton (Charles), Origins of English History. Roy. svo, pp.450. Qua- ritch. 20/. 82. 52 Bright (Rev. J. Frank), A History of England. Period I. Medieval Mo- narchy. From the Departure of the Romans to Richard III., 449—1485. 3«i ed. With Maps and Plans. Cr. svo, pp. 420. Rivingtons. 4/0. 80. — Period'!!. Personal Monarchy. Henry VII. to James II., 1485 — 1088; pp.505. Sm. cr. 8vo. 5/. so. — Period III. Constitutional Monarchy. William and Mar}'to William IV., 10S9- 1837. Cr.8vo, pp.TIO. 7/0.80. 53 (Von demselben werke erschien die 4. aufläge 1882.) Green (John Richard), History of the English People. Vol. 4. Svo, pp.520. Maemillan. IG/. 80. 54 Siehe Academy XVIII, 19 f. (George Saintsbury); Athenaeum II, 1880, 3.167 ff.

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Guizot (M.), History of England. New and cheaper ed. Vol. 1. Royal Svo; pp. 520. Vol. 2 pp. «20. Vol. :t pp. «20. 10/0 each. Low 82. 55 Hume (David), The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in I OSS. :» vols. Svo. Ward & Lock. 15,. 80. 56 — The Student's Hume from the Karliest Times to the Revolution of 16ss, based of the History of David Hume, incorporating the Correc- tions and Researches of recent Historians, continued to the Treaty of Berlin in rs's. New edited, revised and corrected by J. S. Brewer. Post Svo, pp. So4. Murray. 7,6.80. 57 Lecky (W. E. H.), A History of England in the Eighteenth Century. Vols. a and 4. Svo, pp. loTo. Longmans. 36/. S2. 5S — Geschichte Englands im IK. Jahrhundert. Mit genehmigung des vcrf. nach der -/weiten verb. aufl. d. engl. originals bers, von Fcrd. L we. 2. band gr. S (XVI, «!>·> ss.). Leipzig, C. F. Winter; n. m. 9 (I. und 2. band n. m. 17). so. — ;t. band gr. 8 (XII, 577 ss.) n. ID. 7 (L—3. band n. m. 24). S>. 59 McCarthy (Justin), A History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of to the General Election of 1880. New ed. 4 vols. Vol. I. Post 8vo, pp. 344. Chatto and Windus. β/. 82. 60 Siehe Engl. Studien IV, 471—479 (R. Thum); Athenaeum II, 1880, s. 393 f.; Litt. Centralblatt ISM, no. 10, s. 324 f. (C. Th. Lion). Molesworth (W. N.), The History of England, from the yoar 1830—74. New ed. 3 vols. Post Svo, pp. 1230. Chapman & Hall. 18/. 82. 61 Owen (T. M.), A History of England and Wales from the Roman to the Norman Conquest. With Notes and Tales from the Original Authorities. 2«'. so. Part II. 1S30—35. 8 vo, pp. 564. I5/. 82. 69 Memorials of the Civil War between King Charles I. and the Parlia- ment of England as it affected Herefordshire and the Adjacent Counties.

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By the late Rev. John Webb. Edited and completed by Rev. T. W. Webb. (Longmans.) 70 Siehe Academy XV11I, 145-4« (Edw. Peacock). Adams (W. H. Davenport), The Great Civil War, from the Accession of Charles I. to the Dissolution of the Long Parliament. Post Svo, pp. 250. Routledge. 3/6. 81. 71 Edgar (J. G.), The Wars of the Roses; or, York and Lancaster. With Illustrations. New ed. Post 8vo, pp. 30S. Warne. 2/ . So. 72 Birchall (James), England under the Revolution and the House of Han- nover. An Historical Manual expressly Arranged and Analysed for the Use of Students. Post Svo. Simpkin, pt I, 4/., 2, 50. **o. 73 Caro (J.), Das Bttndniss von Canterbury. Gotha, Perthes. 74 Siehe Athenaeum 11, isxo, s. 233 f. Gardiner (Samuel Rawson), The Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I. 1637—49. 2 vols, Svo, pp. 900. Longmans. 2s/. S2. 75 Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen. Unter mit Wirkung v. Felix Bamberg, Alex. Bruckner, Felix Dahn u. a. Hrsg. v. Wilhelm Oncken. 27.—3l. abt., gr. S. Berlin, Grote. Subskriptionspreis ä 3m. - Inhalt: Geschichte der Revolution in England. Von Prof. Dr. A. Stern. (III, 329 ss. mit eingedr. holzschn. und einer chromolith. karte.) M. 76 Herbert (Lord), Autobiography and History of England under Henry VIII. New ed. Post Svo. Ward & Lock. 3/6. so. 77 Klopp (Onno), Der Fall des Hauses Stuart und die Succession des Hauses Hannover in Gross-Britaiinicu und Irland im Zusammenhange der europäischen Angelegenheiten von 1060—17 M. 9. und l o bd., gr. ** (XVII, 528 und XV, 433 ss.). Wien, Braumüller; n. m. 15 (l.—10. bd. n. m. 76). 81. 78 Froude (James Anthony), History of England, from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada. New ed., 12 vols. Post *vo. Longmans; ea. 3/6. 81. 79 Burton (John Hill), A History of the Reign of Queen Anne. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. 1040. Blackwoods. 30,. SO. 80 Siehe Academy XVII, 57 (W. P. Courtney), 98—99; Athenaeum 1, 1880, s. 118 ff.; II, 1SS2, s. l IS. England and Ireland. The Fortnightly Review. XXXV, 407—25 ss. (). SI Froude (J. A.), The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. New ed., 3 vols. Post Svo, pp. 16<»o. Longmans. l\. 81. *2 Gilbert (J. T.), A Contemporary History of Aifairs in Ireland from 1641 to 1652. (Dublin. Printed for the Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society.) 83 Siehe Academy XVII, 40; :*79 (S.R.Gardiner). Ireland, A Short View of the State of. Written in I tins by Sir John Harrington, Kiit, and now first edited by Rev. W. Dunn Macray, F. S. A. (Parker & Co.). $4 Siehe Athemeiim II, ISSO, s. 232 f. K eating's History of Ireland. Book I, Part I. Edited, with Gaelic Text from a Manuscript of T. C. D., Literal Translation, Explanation of

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Gaelic Idioms, Complete Vocabulary, £e., by P. W. Joyce. Post 8vo, sd., pp. 174. Gill (Dublin). Simpkin. I/ft. SO. So Siehe Academy XIX, 128 (David Fitzgerald); Athenaeum I, I8SI, s.227. Kirkpatrik (\V. B.), Chapters on Irish History. 2<"» ed. Post Svo, pp. I or». Patridge. 2/0. 80. SO O'Grady (Standish), History of Ireland, Critical and Philosophical. Vol. I. Svo, pp. H10. Tr bner. 7/0. SI. 87 Siehe Academy XX, 270 f. (David Fitzgerald). — Vol.11. Post svo. Low 7/0. 88 Siehe Academy XVII, 204 (David Fitzgerald). Sherlock (P.T.), The State of Ireland Stated Historically from the Ear- liest Time. AVith a Gazetteer. 12 mo, pp. 352. Chicago, δ/. 81. Si) Smith (Goldwin), Irish History and Irish Character. Cheap ed. Post 8vo, sd., pp. 198. Parker. 1,0. SI. 90 Wai pole (C. G.), A Short History of the Kingdom of Ireland, from the Earliest Times to the Union with Great Britain. With 5 Maps and Appendices. Post Svo, pp. 590. Paul, Trench & Co. 10/0. 82. 91 O'Toole (St. Lawrence) and his Contemporaries. Containing the True Account of the English Invasion, or how the Land War began. An extract from an unpublished work by Eblaua. 12mo, sd., pp. 84. Simpkin. I/. 81. 92 Skene (W. F.), Celtic Scotland. A History of Ancient. Alban. Vol. 3: Land and People. Svo, pp. 522. Douglas (Edinburgh). Hamilton, lo/. 80. 93 Made ay (K.), Historical Memoirs of Rob Roy and the Clan Macgregor, including Original Notices of Lady Grange, with an Introductory Sketch illustrative of the Condition of the Highlands prior to the year 1745. Post Svo, pp. 3*22. Brown (Edinburgh). Simpkin. S/. 7/0. 82. 94 Stewart (C.), The Gaelic Kingdom in Scotland: its Origin and Church. With Sketches of Notable Breadalbane and Glenlyon Saints. Post Svo, pp. 100. Maclachlan (Edinburgh). Simpkin. 3/. 80. 95 ('assel (Prof. Pred. D. Paulus), Ueber die Abstammung der englischen Nation. Ein Sendschreiben an Revd. Mervyn Archdali. Zugleich als 'Antwort'. Abteiig. II, lieft 4. Gr. S (IV. und s. 55—so). Berlin 1880 (Wohlgemuth); n. m.0,50. si. 90 Are we Englishmen? The Fortnightly Review XXXIV, 472 —4S2 (Grant Allen). 97 Bonwick (James), Who are the Scotch? (Our Nationalities No. 2.) 12mo, sd., pp. 132. D. Bogue. 1;. SO. 98 -- Who are the Welsh? (Our Nationalities No. 3.) 12rao, sd., pp. 128. D. Bogue. I/, si. 99 Ï ¹ art (John), Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation. 3rd Od., Svo, pp. 840. Gill (Dublin). Whittacker. 12/0. 82. loo

Vincent (B.), A Dictionary of Biography, Past and Present. Edited by Benjamin Vincent. New ed. 8vo. Ward & Lock. 7/0. 80. 101 Herbert (W. II.), ['Frank Forester'], Henry VIII. and his Six Wives. New Issue. 12 mo. Illust. Philadelphia. 0/0. SO. 102

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Nannton, Sir Robert, Master of the Court of Wards. Fragmenta Regalia (1653): or Observations on the late Queen Elizabeth, her Times and Favourites (1630). (A r b er 's English Reprints, 20.) 6d.; L.P. 15. 6 d. lo:i Leader (John Daniel), Mary, Queen of Scots, in Captivity. A Narrative of Events from January 150» to December I5S4, whilst George, Earl of Shrewsbury, was the Guardian of tin» Scottish Queen. *>vo, pp. 060. Bell. 21./ 80. 104 Siehe Athenaeum I, 1881, s. 14—15. Note on the Character of Mary, Queen of Scots. The Fortnightly Review XXXVII, 13-25. (A. Ch. Swinburne.) 105 Sepp (Dr. B.), Tagebuch der unglücklichen Scliotteiikönigin Maria Stuart während ihres Aufenthaltes zu Glasgow vom 2:*.— 27. Jan. 1507. Hrsg. gr.8 (XII u. $288. mit l lichtdruck). München, Lindner; n. m.2. 82. 106 Death Warrant of Charles 1. Atlu»na»iini I, l^sj, s. i:tl (R. F. D. Pal- grave); s. 198, s. 29S. 107 The Trial of Charles 1. Athenäum II, I8so, s. 110f. (E.Scott). los Cromwell (Oliver), His Life, Times, Battlefields, and Contemporaries. By Paxton Hood. Post 8vo, pp. 430. Hodder & Stoiighton. 7/0.82. 109 Picton (J. Allanson), Oliver Cromwell. The Man and his Mission. With Steel Portrait. 8vo, pp. 520. Cassell. 7/0. *2. no Waylen (J.), The House of Cromwell and the Story of Dunkirk. Royal Svo, pp. 396. Chapman & Hall. I2/. 80. Ill Life of Oliver Cromwell. New Issue. 12mo. Philadelphia. 00.80. 112 Cornish (F.W.), Life of Oliver Cromwell. With Maps and Plans. (Histori- cal Biographies.) Fcap. 8vo, pp. 4:*4. Rivingtons. :i/e. sj. m Siehe Academy XX, 2:*I f. (Edwin Peacock); Athenaeum II, 1881, s. 848. Burke (S. H.), Historical Portraits of the Tudor Dynasty. 2». 115 Life of George IV. Including his Letters and Opinions, with a view of the Men, Manners, and Politic of his reign. By Percy Fitzgerald. 2 vols., Svo, pp.89o. Tinsley Bros. :«»/. s|. 110 Siehe Athenaeum I, 1SS1, s. H59. Wiclif (John), Life of John Wiclif, the Herald of the Reformation. By William Chapman. Post Svo, pp. 110. Sonnenschein. 1/0. 82. 117 Burrows (M.), Wiclif s Place in History: Three Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford in 1881. Post svo, pp. 134. Isbister. 2/0.82. 118 Mathew, Wyclifs place in history. Academy 1882, 27. Mai, 20. Mai (Ramsay). 119 Lechler (G.), John Wiclitf and his English Precursors. Translated from the German by Peter Lorimer. New ed., l vol., 8vo, pp.48. Paul, Trench & Co. 10,6. 81. 120

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Dictionary of the English Church: Ancient and Modern. Post 8vo, pp. W». Gardner & Darton. 7,6. sl· 121 Ross-Lewin (Rev. (I. II.), The Continuity of the English Church. Gr. 8. W. Poole, ISM». 40 s. 122 Blunt (Rev. Dr. J. II), Reformation of the Church of England. Its History, Principles, and Results. A. D. I5I4—47. Vol.1. S«i cd. 8vo, pp. 578. Rivingtons. Hi. S2. — Vol.11. A.D. 1547— 1662. Svo, pp.620. 82. 123 Blunt (John Henry), Sketch of the Reformation in England. With an In- troductory Chapter by Cunningham G eikie. Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 326. Davies. 2Ë S2. 124 B u rne t (Bp.), History of the Reformation of the Church of England. New ed. With Notes and Index. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Reeves & Turner. 20/. SO. 125 Dixon (R.Watson). History of the Church of England, from the Abolition of the Roman Jurisdiction. Vol.2, Svo, pp.001. Routledge. 10/. SO. 126 Siehe Academy XIX, is;» f. (Nicholas Pocoek). Du Boys (Albert), Catharine of Aragon, and the Sources of the English Reformation. Edited from the French, with Notes, by Charlotte M. Yonge. 2 vols. Post Svo, pp. H30. Hurst & Blackctt. 21,'. SI. 127 M as k ell (William), Monumcnta Ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanac. The Oc- casional Offices of the Church of England, according to the old use of Salisbury, the Prymer in English, and other Prayers and Forms, with Dissertations and Notes. 2·^ ed., 3 vols., Svo. Froude. 50/. 82. 12S Gascoigue, Loci e Libro Veritatum. Passages Selected from Gascoigne's Theological Dictionary. Illustrating the Condition of Church and State, 1403—5S. With an Introduction by James E. Thorold Rogers. 4to, pp. 340. Froude. 10,6. 121» Geikie (C.), The English Reformation. How it came about and Why we should Uphold it. 10«» ed. Post Svo, pp. 4%. Patridge. 5/. SI. 130 H re (Rev. A. II.), Eighteen Centuries of the Church in England. 8vo, pp.700. Parker. 15 . si. 131 Jennings (Arthur Charles), Eeelesia Anglic-ana. A History of the Church of Christ in England from the Earliest to the Present Times. Cr. Svo, pp. 536. Rivingtons. 76. s2. 132 Lee (F. G.), The Church under (Jucen Elizabeth. An Historial Sketch. 2 vols. Post Svo, pp. 7«.Mi. AV. II. Allan. 2I/. So. 133 Siehe Academy XVII, ΙίΜ. Moles worth (W. Nassau), History of the Church of England from 1660. Post Svo, pp. 43S. Paul Trench & Co. 7/0. S2. 134 Mountfield (D.), The Church and the Puritans. A Short Account of the Puritans, their Ejection from the Church of England, and the Efforts to restore them. 3«

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Perry (G. G.), The Student's English Church History. A History of the English Church. l»t Period. From the Planting of the Church iu Britain to the Accession of Henry VIII. Post 8vx>, pp.582. Murray. 7,0. 81.— Second Period. From the Accession of Henry VIII. to the Silencing of Convocation in the Eighteenth Century. 2»|d cd. Post S vo, pp. 034 Murray. 7/0. 81. 13S Siehe Athenaeum II, 1881, s. 091». Stoughton (J.), History of Religion in England, from the Opening of the Long Parliament to the End of the Eighteenth Century. New and revised ed. 0 vols. Post Svo. Hodder & Stoughton. 45 . 81. 139 Wordsworth (Bishop of St. Andrews), A Discourse on Scottish Church History, from the Reformation to the Present Time. With Prefatory Remarks on the St. Giles' Lectures, and Appendix of Notes and Refe- rences. Post Svo, pp. loo. Black woods. 2,0. $1. 140 The Scottish Church, from the Earliest times to issi. To which is prefixed an Historial Sketch of St. Giles Cathedral. By W. Cham- bers. (St. Giles' Lectures, I*1 series.) Post ^vo, pp.37S Chambers. 5/.8I. 141 Marrat (Rev. Jabez), Popery and Patronage; or, Biographical Illustrations of Scotch Church History. Sq. 10mo, pp. 224. Wesleyan Conference Office. 3/0. SI. 142 M alone (Sylvester), Church History of Ireland, from the Anglo-Norman Invasion to the Reformation with Succession of Bishops down to the Present Day. W ed. 2 vols. Cr. Svo, pp. XXV—827. Gill (Dublin). Burns & Gates. 80. 143 Siehe The Antiquary III, 33. Ross Lew in (Rev. G.IL), The Scoto-Irish Founders of the Anglo-Saxon Church. Svo, pp. 40. W. Poole. 1,. So. 144

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