Notes and References
Notes and References INTRODUCTION I. Elizabeth Gaskell, The Life of Charlotte Bronte·, ed. Alan Shelston (Harmonds worth: Penguin Books, 1977) ch. vn, p. I 55. This is a reprint of the 185 7 first edition. 2. Frank Kermode, The Genesis of Secrecy. On the Interpretation of Narrative (Harvard University Press, 1979) p. 117. 3. David Novarr, The Making of Walton's Lives (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1958) p. 495. Nearly thirty years ago Novarr modestly noted the disregard of form in the study of biography. More aggressively, Leon Edel presses the case for the formal analysis of biography in 'Biography: The Question of Form', Friendship's Garland, Essays Presented to Mario Praz, ed. Vittorio Gabrieli (Rome: Edizioni de Storia e Letteratura, I 966) pp. 343-60, and more recently in 'Biography: A Manifesto', biography, I: I (1978) 1-3. 4. Edward Gibbon, An Essay on the Study of Literature (I 761, French; New York: Garland Publishing, 1970) pp. 99-100. Gibbon adds that the rarest quality is meeting 'a genius who knows how to distinguish them [the types offacts] amidst the vast chaos of events, wherein they are jumbled and deduce them, pure and unmixed, from the rest' (p. 100). 5. On Donne, see Novarr, The Making of Walton's Lives, p. 56; on Boswell, Robert Gittings, The Nature of Biography (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1978) p. 32; Thomas Carlyle, History of Frederick II of Prussia Called Frederick the Great, ed. John Clive (University of Chicago Press, 1969) pp. ~; Lytton Strachey, Eminent Victorians (1918; New York: Capricorn Books, 1963) pp.
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