4 THE BRIDGE... June 2016 Celebrating 90 years Marking of the Estate 25 years The 90th anniversary of the at Christ Downham Housing Estate was celebrated on 14 May with Church the inaugral ‘Downham & Whitefoot’ Community Parade. Croydon St John the Baptist Church, part of the Catford and Christ Church, Sumner Downham Team Ministry, were Road, West Croydon will among the organisations which mark the 25th Anniversary took part in a celebration of of the current church the past, present and future On 2 April a group of 24 adults and 4 children from St Alban’s, building with a Holy with costumes and fl oats Cheam had a guided tour of the Houses of Parliament. Communion service representing all aspects of this celebrated by Bishop diverse community. Jonathan on Sunday 5 June at 10am. Other organisations taking part included The Metropolitan The church was Police, St John the Baptist completed in April 1991 on School, Whitefoot and The parade kicked off at Choir and Downham Tamil the site of a Gothic style Downham Community Food 10am at St John’s Church with Association. Local MP Victorian church which Project, Phoenix Community performances by Bellingham Heidi Alexander and Sir had been closed in 1978 Housing and Downham Community Gospel Choir, Steve Bullock, the Mayor of due to structural problems. Celebrates. St John’s Primary School (photo left) also took Services were held in the part. church hall thereafter. The parade moved off at Plans were prepared for 11am and made its way to a rebuild but in December Forster Memorial Park where 1985, the church was badly more than 6,000 residents damaged by fi re. enjoyed a day of free activities So a new building retaining the undamaged and fun, along with music th from disco legends Odyssey Six members of St Mary’s Farleigh celebrate their 70 parts of the original and garage superstar Kele le birthdays this year, and a seventh is 80 - a total of 500 building was built and Roc. The festival also featured a years. This was marked by a party in Farleigh Hall attended opened by the Bishop of circus, funfair, BMX track, stilt by families and friends with a cake decorated with the in June 1991. walkers, and petting zoo. birthday names. Meanwhile St John the Baptist Church hosted a free exhibition ‘Downham at 90’ featuring photo, maps and “...cry God, for Harry, memories, which stayed open to the end of May. England and Saint George!” On Sunday, 24 April, St tree with much roaring, Eltringham took on the role George’s Church in Crowhurst ready to pounce on a host of of mighty St George and St (Surrey) staged a St George’s screaming princesses. George the younger was played POSTGRADUATE STUDY AT HEYTHROP Day pageant complete with This prompted everybody by Matti Maldonado-Young Knights, princesses, dragon to adjourn into the church riding his pony Koko. and a real live horse! post haste where the story Revd Anna Eltringham, SPECIALIST KNOWLEDGE IN The pageant started in the continued with the ultimate Vicar of St George’s said, “The PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY, churchyard with St George face off between the dragon pageant was a real success. It brandishing his sword and and St George and his band was wonderful that so many RELIGIONS & ETHICS crying the immortal words of knights in the nave; whilst children and adults came from Henry V; “Cry God for the congregation sang a song dressed for the part, whether Harry, England and Saint about dragons who are bullies, it be knights, princesses or Don’t miss your chance to study a Masters programme with us this George”! The seven year old all accompanied by the guitar. simply in St George’s colours. younger St George came up The dragon was slain, but The message of St George - to September: behind riding his pony, all a miracle occurred during the defend the vulnerable and MA Abrahamic Religions MA / MRes Pastoral Theology decked out in red and white. singing of Jerusalem as he was powerless, stand up for good ‡ ‡ The procession wound its pardoned and forgiven for all and resist injustice and evil - is ‡ MA / MRes Biblical Studies ‡ MA / MRes Philosophy way around the churchyard to his wrongdoings! as relevant in today’s world ‡ MA Canon Law ‡ MA Philosophy & Religion a mix of narration and music, Sarah Brindle wrote and as it ever was. Long Live St MA Christian Spirituality MA Philosophy in Education before the dragon appeared directed the production, Nigel George!” ‡ ‡ from behind an ancient yew ‡ MA Christian Theology ‡ MA Philosophy of Religion & ‡ MA / MRes Christianity & Ethics in Education Interreligious Relations ‡ MA Psychology of Religion ‡ MA Contemporary Ethics All MA/MRes programmes are for full-time study with afternoon/evening teaching. An enhanced range of funding is available for 2016-17 to support eligible students including Academic Excellence Scholarships, Tuition Fee discounts for 4XDOL²HG7HDFKHUVDQG6WXGHQW6XSSRUW%XUVDULHVIRUWKRVHPRVWLQQHHG OPEN EVENING: TUESDAY 14TH JUNE, 5.30 - 7.30PM

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