24 tips for feeding veggies and vegans at barbecues

It doesn't have to be stuffed mushrooms and salad

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Barbecues are a really fun excuse to get together, enjoy good weather and have great company. However, if you're hosting a BBQ, you may experience the sinking feeling of cluelessness when it comes to veggie or vegan options.

Luckily, I'm a long­time vegan and have found lots of great alternatives to meaty burgers that are simple to cook and delicious. Plus, I've got some little tips to get you around tricky areas, like meat­veg contamination and mix­ups. Trust me: cater well for a veggie or vegan at a BBQ and they'll appreciate it big time.

1. There are now many options for meat substitutes that cook just as well as the real deal on the barbecue, from protein shaped into and burgers to . Don't be afraid to start cooking them indoors before taking them to the barbecue – it'll save time.

2. If using tofu, buy a firm type as it retains its shape best (Cauldron tofu is firm and is readily available in supermarkets.) Pat the tofu with kitchen roll before use to get any excess moisture out. It'll absorb more flavour that way. 3. For cheesy burgers and sausages, try Yorkshire­based company HECK's's veggie range, available in Waitrose and online. They also do vegan quinoa balls, which would make a great side or veg kebab bulker.

4. VBites have beef, chicken and chorizo style pieces that are suitable for barbecues. It's also worth checking out their other veggie and vegan ranges, like patés and pies.

5. If you really want to impress, Yumbles stock lots of premium meat alternatives. There's a great range of vegan cheeses too, including chilli cheese, soft cheese and spiced cheese. They genuinely taste good, unlike some of the out there.

6. Fry's vegan and veggie sausages and burgers are a cheaper alternative, but are by no means sub­standard. Available in Morrisons, Holland & Barrett and Nisa stores amongst other places, they're a safe bet if you're short on time to source food.

7. While all products are vegetarian, only some of them are vegan. Look at the top right corner of the Quorn packaging ­ the vegan ones have a green corner and say 'vegan' on them. There's a list of which ones are and aren't vegan on the Quorn site.

8. The fat content in and veggie/ vegan meat alternatives tends to be lower than that in meat. Brush them with a light coat of Vita Coco Coconut Oil to keep them from catching when you first put them on the barbie.

9. Avoid cross­contamination on the barbecue by wrapping veggie and vegan food in tin foil. Or, to cook it without losing the flavour of the coals, pop a ProCook Griddle on one part of the barbecue. It acts as a second and separate base, so you can keep meat juices well away. You can also use the griddle on household cooker tops, so you can get good use out of it after.

Getty 10. Another tip to avoid cross­contamination is to colour code your plates. Get three colours of plates, then choose one colour for veggie food, one for vegan food and one for meaty food. Pop a plate under each bowl to indicate what's suitable for who. Easy! If you don't have different coloured plates, just go for different coloured stickers on the outside of bowls.

11. Lots of sauces and marinades that you can use on meat can also be used on tofu or meat alternatives. Just check bottles and packets for the main non­vegan culprits: egg, milk, lactose, whey, honey and gelatine. For more on non­vegan ingredients, check out PETA's list.

12. Slather Clearspring's Umami Paste all over blocks of firm tofu for a strong soy sauce savouriness. You can choose from chilli or ginger flavour.

13. For an authentic BBQ taste,Jack Daniel's Barbecue sauces deliver. There are six in the range ­ some smokey, some spicy ­ all of which are vegan except for JD Honey Barbecue Glaze, which is veggie.

14. If you want a smokey herb and spice rub that's vegan, opt for Santa Maria's BBQ & Grill Mesquite Grinder. Grind it to unleash smoked chipotle chilli, tangy red and green bell peppers and garlic, with no hidden nasties.

Advertisement ­ Continue Reading Below 15. Shop­bought prepared salad bowls often have non­vegan ingredients in the dressings. Stick to no­mayo options and check the label before buying. Steve's Leaves make a yummy pre­prepared salad bowl that is vegan ­ the Terrific Thai Salad. You get a large amount in a bowl so it'll go a long way, plus the leaves are crispy fresh.

16. Make some easy vegan sides that meat­eaters will love too. Try baking sweet potatoes in the oven then finishing them in tin foil on the BBQ. Drizzle with lime and plain Alpro yoghurt for extra flavour.

17. Some crisps aren't vegetarian, let alone vegan. Flavours like cheese and onion often have a hard cheese powder called rennet in them, which comes from animals. Either find a veggie/ vegan packet of crisps or go for something different, like Nairn's Organic Super Seeded Oatcakes or Yushoi Snapea rice sticks. These both work well in dips, too.

18. Like meat­eaters, vegans love sweet treats after a BBQ. It's not too hard to cater for, either. You could serve kebabs drizzled in melted vegan chocolate (try Bournville, Ombar or Maza), or buy some vegan marshmallows or Crunchie­style nibbles from Fabulous FreeFrom Factory.. If you're after vegan cakes and biccies, head to the free from aisle in the supermarket or a health shop. Many cakes are veggie ­ just check the ingredients.

19. If you want to make a fruit salad for everyone to enjoy, toss some edible flowers onto it to make it more appealing. The colour and novelty will have people flocking to it. Healthy and Instagram­worthy!

20. Many people don't realise, but some wines and beers aren't vegetarian. Thankfully, Waitrose has found over 50 vegan wines so everyone can enjoy a glass. The full­bodied Chene Bleu Rosé is well worth a go. As for beers, check out London Beer Factory, whose entire range is vegan (and a crowd pleaser).

21. For online recipe inspiration when it comes to side dishes, have a scout around Instagram. Look at RawVeganBlonde, TheFlexiFoodie and DeliciouslyElla for interesting, easy and delicious ways to create fresh, flavourful food.

22. Stuck without your laptop? Download BiteAppy,a recipe app that has hundreds of free from dishes to choose from. Alternatively, if you want to completely de­screen, order a veggie HelloFresh box. You'll get a box full of ready­measured ingredients and recipe cards so that you can create yummy veggie dishes with ease.

23. Prep is key with barbecues, and this goes for veggie and vegan dishes too. The more you can do in advance, the less of a pickle you'll be in on the day. Try to get your side dishes done the night before, buy in where you can and part­cook anything that takes a while indoors. 24. The final tip is to have fun! Even if you only manage to get one or two veggie and vegan options out, your guests will really appreciate the effort you went to. Barbecues are all about enjoying the weather and the company, so try to relax. If you're completely lost, just ask your veggie and vegan guests for some help. Most people love getting stuck in!

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