;-> SUNDAY MAGAZINE FOR APRII 4 1909 . .... ;i and at turn he is met Chat's it!" says Bug, and more as l>i_^ as boned ham, every .... *<\u25a0;.!\u25a0- with the friendly smile. !!<• finds town a place we're bein' rolled up of the stone and this •\u25a0 maj be the Latin remarks. kind and sunny corners. He was just say; \\ liv. he's livii' of hearts he, < r "Well, Swell outl eh'" says Bui;, takin* was he want stayin' here long iilong here,"' says now! " ing how lie sorry But if Doc's struck as enough to get Utn-r acquainted with more of us Oh, Do r when he has the cash! Lei a }K>ep at the entrance. it when he's struck with a sudden spasm of memory lub he told \u25a0 to? Had rich as 1 susi>ect. this would just suit him. And if something to do with colk . he ain't here, Ireckon they ran put us or.hi- trail. great snakes!" says he, swattin' his knee Yon don't mean the Ui -I I'llrun in and see ." •\u25a0 lidn't stay All he found oat was WHYII- •\u25a0 I've plumb forgot He lon^. that about lookin' up old Hoc Keezar. Professor Keezar's name hadn't been on the list for Don't happen to know anybody ten years ick might try the telephone book," says I of that name," do you, Henry M. "-You Keezar? Hooj-er did; but there want a Keezar of any "No," says I. "\Vhal kind of description in it. Then we strikes a dru£ store and — the X's city directory. a doctor is he, pill, !<.-.;h, ..r paws through in a Nothing horse?*-' doing there, either. his "Huh!" growls Mr. Hooper. "That's -peer. Mr. Hooper explains that Henry M. friend want a rcg'lar doctor <>f Mean to tell me a man like Keezar. .1 pro- brand: but got his tag <>n fessor and a rich inventor, can't be found anywhere any in this town?" account of havin' been a professor " in some college] Bug had met him ll : I out West, where the !><><\u25a0 had gone health. They'd ;^ot some for his \u25a0 chummy <>n a couple of prqspectin' trips, located some claims, and in he's Keezar got so interested the cm! \u25a0 in mmm' that he went to work and invented a self dumping ore . IUT I car. He can't get the D«x: out of his mind, though. a mighty slick thing, He goes or. tellin' me what a tir.e old ch.ir* he "It was was, ' all ri^ht," says Hooper; "but it and all about his gentle ways, ..: how wasn't worth wasting so much hor.est am! white he was clear thn •:-!: time over. Why, just as I*«1 figured \u25a0"Ami to think." says Hooper, "that out a scheme to develop our pro probably he's right in this city,maybe nding j»ertv, he takes itintohis head lie's around just—" like we are; ant! Ican't so gottocomeon East anil sell that much as "fhis Was willing to cash patent flow in allhis holdings, t<>o, for enough Sj\l< HOOPER'S of vain regrel \u25a0 money to take him to New Yorl stops as sadden as ifhe'd swallowed Wclh Iscraped it up and let lii'ri i «/ork. i Iks around to see what's have it; but'of course Iwouldn't ha{.'{filed,and finds him star::.', with take such an advantage of a friend. his eyes set and his month open,• at I never had the share transfers the people on the sidewalk. i-t car made. That's nearly two years has been held up by a line < f cross- ago, without his writing a single tov. •. traffic, and as we art- next t» line He'll!•<• some surprised when the curb he .cets a t;ood view. he hears what his share is worth As near as I cai make out, today. Guess he must have made though, what he's lookus' it hard- good on here, though; for they're est is only—one of tries* waßrin' making those rars of hi l>\ the handbills. a seedy, wa^erv eyed thousand. Say some of 'em only olil pan with mangy whiskers, yesterday." whose costume ismostly . cvered The more h< tall aboul Doc Here's Some of Youi Property Yo« Can Keep!" Explodci Hooper. Ccntnu?3 on p.:ge 2~

LIFE AND DOOM OF THE BILLrecently before the British House of Com By Rene Bache - 1 A which had ill 1 the Lords, pro so disposed . c hibit; the importation \u25a0>! the skin ol hummingbird light . whence the peculiar •hi objeel of the measure being to preveni the ex- The chid enemj termination oi those exquisite leathered creatures the date of the landing of Columbus About OtheT , even hawks , of course, are i xeeedingly numer- dred species are known, the smallest being Pr Swift and incredibi; o tropical America; but, when it is considered Helena's• hummingbird, native to Cuba; while the ingly at a pursuer's i thai no fewer than ;ix thousand millions of their is tin- giant hummingbird of the Ande reach a fraction ol skins have been .sent to market up to date, it willbe inches in length, which, as it hovers over a Bower, steal the eggs of hummingbirds realized that they are in serious danger ol being wiped flaps its wings with ;islow and powerful naovi firi>r the sake of safi off the face ofthe earth. Afiinner Governor of Trini- This is a striking characteristic, inasmuch as other the eud.s of long dad ti tified before a committee of the Lords that hummingbirds arc remarkable t'«»r the rapidit) with