Annual Report 2013/2014

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Annual Report 2013/2014 2013 2014 ANNUAL REPORT MISSION Learning for life in a dynamic world. VISION To be a leader in relevant applied learning in our provincial, national and international communities. BOARD OF GOVERNORS April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 STAN MACPHERSON CHRIS BULMAN SHELLEY LILLY Chairperson until July 2013 Summerside Summerside Charlottetown JOAN CONNELL JESSE JENNER KATHY O’ROURKE Stanhope Winnipeg, Manitoba Chairperson after July 2013 Cumberland BARRY BECK KYLE MACKENZIE Montague Stratford KENT SCALES Vice-Chairperson SHELLEY MACLEAN-ELLIS DR. ALAA ABD-EL-AZIZ Charlottetown O’Leary Ex-officio President, UPEI MICHAEL O’BRIEN GRAHAM HICKEN Charlottetown Mount Stewart DR. BRIAN MCMILLAN Ex-officio PHIL JOST PAUL MURNAGHAN President, Holland College Summerside Charlottetown SUSAN MACKENZIE TODD GALLANT Charlottetown Charlottetown 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE This has been an exciting year for the college. We celebrated many milestones, includ- ing the first graduation from our new Summerside Waterfront Campus, which is fast becoming a showcase for the college and for the City of Sum- merside. The Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce presented us with a business excel- lence award for the impact that we have had on the community as a result of our commitment to provide students in Summerside and the sur- rounding area with meaningful, relevant train- ing opportunities. One needs only to walk into the building to understand the profound change this campus and the approximately 200 full-time students and 250 part-time students who attend classes there have had on the city. In November, we announced our intention to beneficial educational experiences to all of our renovate the gymnasium at the Charlottetown students, and to extend the college’s presence in Centre and create a performance hall for our the greater Island community. School of Performing Arts students. Throughout the year, we conducted fundraising activities to I would be remiss if I neglected to mention the support the project. Once the hall is completed, generous support that we receive from donors, not only will students benefit from the venue, but community volunteers, and members of the Hol- local, regional and national groups will also be land College Board of Governors and Foundation able to access this state-of-the-art facility. Board of Directors. Their dedication to Holland College has been invaluable throughout the year. Our students and alumni never fail to make us proud. Once again this year, several of them received recognition for their achievements from Warmest regards, their peers and their communities. Congratula- tions to all of them. Additionally, many of our staff received awards for their professionalism. It is the high quality of the employees of Holland Brian McMillan, PhD College that enables us to provide enriching and President, Holland College 3 STRATEGIC DIRECTION STUDENTS LEARNER EXPERIENCE LEARNER SUCCESS, WHICH IS ACHIEVED THROUGH TEACHING EXCELLENCE, APPLIED LEARNING AND RESEARCH, AND FLEXIBLE DELIVERY MODELS, REMAINS HOLLAND COLLEGE’S PRIMARY FOCUS. THE LEARNER EXPERIENCE WILL BE RELEVANT AND ENGAGING, AND WILL BE OFFERED THROUGH SEAMLESS LEARNER PATHWAYS. LEARNER SUCCESS HOLLAND COLLEGE BELIEVES THAT CENTRAL TO LEARNER SUCCESS IS THE NEED TO: ENHANCE THE LEARNER EXPERIENCE BOTH ACADEMICALLY AND SOCIALLY FOR LEARNERS OF ALL AGES, IN ALL PLACES OF LEARNING; ENGAGE IN PROACTIVE RECRUITMENT THAT ASSISTS LEARNERS IN SELECTING PROGRAMS THAT MATCH THEIR INTERESTS AND ABILITIES; AND RESPOND TO THE NEEDS OF DIVERSE LEARNER POPULATIONS THROUGH THE PROVISION OF APPROPRIATE SERVICES. 4 SOPA STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN ATLANTIC CANADA’S BIGGEST MUSIC INDUSTRY EVENT Holland College School of Performing Arts Music support the music industry, including musicians, Performance students had the opportunity to learn artists, agents, managers, record companies, stu- from, listen to, and perform with, the region’s best dios, media, related corporation and retailers. during East Coast Music Week in April. Among the hundreds of acts that were featured The East Coast Music Association (ECMA) is an during the week, SoPA students showcased their Atlantic Canadian collaboration of people in the music several times. Holland College’s Outreach music industry. Dedicated to the music of Atlantic Music Ensemble was invited to perform on Radio Canada, members of ECMA include those working ECMA’s Opportunity Stage, the ensemble played in any sector of the music industry and those who R&B, pop, jazz, and Latin music, and much more. HOLLAND COLLEGE STUDENT RECEIVES CIPS AWARD Adam Howatt, a student entering his final year in the two-year Computer Information Systems pro- gram at Holland College, was awarded the Canadi- an Information Processing Society PEI Scholarship Award in August at the ITAP gala awards night. Fraser Cameron, past president of the P.E.I. chapter of the Canadian Information Processing Society, left, congratulates Adam Howatt after awarding him the organization’s PEI Scholarship Award. 5 PHOTOGRAPHY AND DIGITAL IMAGING ALUMNA WINS EMERGING ARTIST AWARD Holland College Photography and Digital Imaging graduate Valerie LeClair won the regional BMO 1st Art! Award from BMO Financial Group. The awards are presented to emerging student artists across the country, with a $10,000 national award and twelve regional awards of $5,000 each. LeClair won the award for her image, Taking the Plunge, a colour photograph reminiscent of painter Alex Colville’s work. 2013–2014 ATHLETICS ANNUAL REPORT This was a very successful year for Holland Holland College and the Hurricanes were pleased Hurricanes Athletics. to host the 2013 ACAA Golf Championships, 2013 ACAA Soccer Championships, and the 2013 ACAA The men’s golf team took the regional title of Men’s Volleyball Tip-Off Tournament. Holland Atlantic Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s College was selected to host the 2015 CCAA Men’s Golf Champions. The women’s soccer team won a Volleyball National Championships. gold medal at the ACAA Soccer Championships, while the men’s team secured a silver medal. Individually, Hurricanes players were recipients The men’s basketball team won their second of many regional and national awards including straight ACAA Championships, while the women seven ACAA 1st team All-Stars, eight ACAA walked away with their first ever ACAA silver 2nd team All-Stars and seven ACAA golf All- medal. For the second year, the men’s football Conference. Two Hurricanes received the team hoisted the Atlantic Football League distinction of CCAA 2nd team All-Stars, four championship trophy, the Moosehead Hurricanes achieved the ranking of CCAA All- Cup. At the national level, the men’s Canadians and four were CCAA Academic and women’s basketball, women’s All-Canadians. Women’s basketball team soccer and men’s golf all made member Jazlin Barker was named the strong showings. ACAA Rookie of the Year. 6 We were proud to have 62 student athletes recog- On the recreation side, the Hurricanes nized for their academic and athletic achievement Fitness classes continued to refine in the sports of golf, soccer, football, volleyball, their selection of classes. ’Canes Camps basketball and hockey in the 2013–14 academic expanded, offering numerous camps for year. Forty-one students who participated in Cana- students during school professional devel- dian Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) sports opment days throughout the year, as well as a were nominated for the national Scholar-Athlete March Break camp. The concept of a Hurricanes Award. Twenty-one student athletes in football Academy, dedicated to sport development on and hockey were recognized with Hurricanes P.E.I., continues to be developed. Scholar awards. Student athletes must have an honours standing in order to be recognized. Five of these students competed in two sports. Major award winners at the annual Athletic Awards Banquet included: Hurricanes Award Sports Centre Physiotherapy President’s Award Hurricanes Women’s Volleyball Team Leadership in Sport Alex Howling Bell Aliant Award Laura Younker Coach of the Year Mark MacDougall (Football) Female Rookie of the Year Kristin Hood Male Rookie of the Year Eugene McMinns Female Athlete of the Year Jazlin Barker Male Athlete of the Year Eric Locke 7 STRATEGIC DIRECTION STAFF STAFF IS INTEGRAL TO THE SUCCESS OF HOLLAND COLLEGE, OUR LEARNERS, AND OUR COMMUNITY. WE ARE DEDICATED TO STAFF SUCCESS, BOTH PERSONALLY AND PROFESSIONALLY, AND WILL: SUPPORT STAFF THROUGH ONGOING ENGAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT; CELEBRATE CONTRIBUTIONS AND ACHIEVEMENTS; COMMIT TO CROSS-COLLEGE COLLABORATION; AND ENCOURAGE EXCELLENCE IN PERFORMANCE BY SUPPORTING STAFF TO SHARE NEW LEARNING. 8 HOLLAND COLLEGE STAFF PARTICIPATE IN SYMPOSIUM IN CHINA Holland College staff participated in the fourth applying CBE in vocational training, as well as Educational Joint Venture Best Practice Sympo- her leadership and commitment to the EJV part- sium in Anyang, China in August, jointly hosted nership with Holland College. by Anyang Normal University and Holland College. The symposium is for post-secondary institutions in China that participate in Educational Joint Ven- tures with Holland College. For more than a decade, Chinese technical schools and universities have participated in Educational Joint Ventures with the college. The primary objective of these ventures is to share educational methodology and to create educa- tional and career opportunities for students both in China and in Canada. Participants discuss educational methodology
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