
V1 Rail Transit

Public Disclosure Authorized

Environmental Impact Assessment Executive Summary Public Disclosure Authorized


Public Disclosure Authorized LTD. June, 2010, CHENGDU Public Disclosure Authorized

1 1. Introduction Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., under the commission of Kunming Rail Transit Co., Ltd., undertook the environmental impact assessment for the World Bank –funded Kunming Rail Transit Line 3 project. Safeguards policy under the World Bank Environmental Assessment (OP4.01) in regard to environmental screening and classification requirements, the project belongs to category A projects, need to submit an environmental impact report (EIA), the Executive Summary and an Environmental Management Plan (EMP). This Environmental Impact Assessment Executive Summary document will provide a summary of the key contents of the environmental impact assessment and environmental management plan.

2. Overview of the project (1) Location Kunming Rail Transit Line 3 is the east-west backbone line in the Kunming urban rapid rail transit planning network. This line from the Chunyu Road Shizui station, after along the Chunyu Road, Renmin Road,Dongfeng Road ahead, to the planning terminal located in eastern terminus of Kunming. Order from west to east across the Xishan , , and . Project is located in Kunming city, along the central location for the downtown area with both ends in the city outskirts. (2) Project main content This line length is 19.54km, including underground lines 14.7km, overhead lines 4.4km and transition section 0.44 km.For this line , 19stations will be set, i.e. 16 underground stations , 3 overhead stations.And ,1 rolling stock depot (Shizui rolling stock depot) and 1 parking lot (Fangmaqiao parking lot) will be set too.Project design two main substation, set up in Mianshan station and Fangmaqiao car park; Shield assembly site 3, located in Mianshan Station Wenhuagong Station and the Taiping Station; Laying base 2, is located in Shizui Station and Taiping Station. Project Permanent covers 48.97hm2 (do not take basic farmland), temporary construction sites 36.51hm2, which mainly for urban construction land and urban green space. Works across the board the underground stations and tunnel excavation volume of 449.84×104m3; engineering side to the use of total 69.11×104m3; project total disposable party is 308.76×104m3, another of the projects produce large amounts

2 of demolition, construction demolition waste will be generated about 36.9×104m3. The total project continues 58 months, the project startes in 2010 in the first half, completes in 2015.

3. Regional environment (1) Along the environmental profile Line 3 is located in the main city of Kunming, the crossing of the Xishan District, Wuhua District, Panlong District, Guandu District. 1) Xishan District Line 3 in the Xishan District along Chunyu Road and Renmin Road, the future of Majie Street is focused on planning the future of one of the regions of Kunming. For the built-up areas along the basic, mainly along the residential, commercial finance, transport, culture and entertainment oriented sites. 2) Wuhua District Line 3 in the Wuhua District along Renmin Road,Dongfeng Road, Nanping Street laying. In the First ring to Second ring Rd, the north Renmin Road to housing, education, business, the main administrative office space; Inside first ring Rd, the both Renmin Road sides of commercial finance, culture, sports, health, residential land-based; Nanping Street is a famous pedestrian street in Kunming, with very "old Kunming" style. 3) Panlong District Line 3 in the Wuhua District along Dongfeng East Road.Dongfeng East Road along the main administrative office, culture, sports, public green, residential land-based, is the administrative center of Kunming business. 4) Guandu District Line 3 in the Guandu District along Dongfeng Road extension , Dongfeng Road extension. Along the mainly residential, land-based education. (2) Along the state of the environment 1) Acoustic Environment Engineering evaluation of sensitive points within the total 26,8 of them on the ground, underground station air pavilions around 17, around a depot. 3 schools, 1 hospital, 22 concentrated residential areas. According to monitoring results status, elevated section of sensitive targets along the eight measuring points in all environmental noise functional areas all over the

3 corresponding standards. Underground section of the wind around 17 booths sensitive targets in four sensitive targets day and night are compliance, the other sensitive targets have different acoustic environment exceed the standard. Depot, parking field locations in the standard noise. 2) Vibration Environment Evaluation of vibration-sensitive target area along a total of 99, including seven schools, 13 hospitals, eight heritage buildings, 71 residential buildings. Based on current status monitoring, environmental vibration sensitive points along the corresponding day and night can meet the standard limit requirements. Project Line heritage on both sides of a maximum speed of response of the structure are not required to meet the appropriate standard limits. 3) Electromagnetic Environment According to the survey results to determine the engineering TV watching along the elevated section 5 a sensitive point. This works along the broadcast television signal strong, status monitoring a total of three monitoring channels to broadcast all of the provisions of the service areas the Department of nominal usable field strength values; while all the channel status signal to noise ratio greater than 35dB, accounting for 100% of the total number of all channels . Therefore, the use of antennas to watch TV is better. Sensitive point of the village only some very small number of rural residents into the cable is not for economic reasons, still use antennas to watch TV. According to field investigation, Minshan main substation and the eastern terminal substation in the three main frequency electromagnetic field site office lower than the background value, a better capacity of the electromagnetic environment. 4) Water Environment Surface Water Works involved in the surface along the river have Panlong, Xinyunliang River and Jinzhi River, belong to the Jinsha River tributaries, eventually import the Dianchi. Under the Environment Quality Bulletin of Kunming in 2008, present water quality to inferior mainly poor water quality. Around fangmaqiao car park and shizui rolling stock depot are no water, rain water drains along the road scattered row. Groundwater Kunming basement and surrounding strata from Cambrian to Jurassic have intermittent distribution of large thickness of Tertiary and Quaternary are widely

4 distributed in the basin. Water erosion type is generally: on the concrete structure and reinforced concrete in the steel non-corrosive, corrosion on exposed steel structure with a weak, weak acid corrosion corrosive generally. 5) Ambient air According to information, line 3 regional environmental quality along the line better, to achieve ambient air quality standards. 6) Ecological Environment Project is located within the main city of Kunming, line both sides of the basic urban built-up area, planning routes do not involve nature reserves, scenic spots, forest parks, farmland and other ecological sensitive areas. Works mainly distributed along the existing vegetation along the project’s urban greening urban areas of cultivated vegetation.The fangmaqiao car park place within the distribution of economic forest, mountain, Taipingcun Station to the eastern terminal station interval has not yet developed to farmland, woodland and wasteland dominated. 7) Solid Waste Municipal Solid Waste in Kunming current output (including construction waste) 102.63×104t, rushed to east, west of solid waste sanitary landfill for sanitary landfill, Wuhua power plants burn waste incineration.

4. Scheme comparison The project route and station location based on the overall direction, "Kunming Urban Rail Transit Development Plan" and determined that the construction plan has been the State Development and Reform Commission and the Government of Province, Kunming Government approval. At the same time according to "The People's Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment Law", the construction unit evaluation unit commissioned the preparation of the "Kunming city rail transit construction plan environmental impact report" and approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Therefore, comparison of this program compare only the local program. (1) The scheme comparison of the Chunyu road No.1 Line in the Chunyu Road from the starting point of an elevated road on the right leads, Into Chunyu Road in Majie Station, after the line turned to Chunyu Road on the

5 left to Mianshan Road. Program No.1 consists of three stations were Shizui Station, Xiaoyucun Station, MajieStation. No.2 Line in the Chunyu Road from the starting point of an elevated road on the right leads, backing side of the road along the red line set up ,north to Ma Street station on the road with a focus on cooperation Programs No.1.and No.2 consists of three stations also. Conclusion Comprehensive comparative analysis, although the program No.1 for Chunyun Road reconstruction project is relatively large, it is necessary diversion part of the pipelineHowever, environmental impact, urban landscape, urban development planning and reconstruction planning, conservation of land resources, reduction of urban demolition project point of view, Road in the program have a more obvious advantage, so this evaluation program No.1 is recommend. (2) The scheme comparison of the Xichanglu Station to Wenhuagong Station No.1 Line stand from the Xichanglu Station, beneath the city of Grand View commercial parking into the Dongfeng Road, at Wuyi Road intersection located Shengbowuguan Station, after the station the line gradually overlap alignment, using the tunnel north of the recent pre-established channel in the Century Plaza set Baihuodalou Station, the station gradually opened and the line beneath the and Nantai Bridge, located in the former Palace of Culture Palace of Wenhuagong Station. No.2 As the department store stops poor station, so this study will be the west side of the tunnel has set the standard island-style department store to compare station program. Conclusion The core business segment for the Kunming area, traffic and are subject to the recent impact of the tunnel and the surrounding buildings and control, department stores and station potentiometer, narrow space, construction difficult. After comprehensive analysis and comparison, from attracting tourists and connecting transfer conditions, stimulating regional economic analysis, a recommended program No.1

6 (3) The scheme comparison of the line from Dashuying Station to Taipingcun Station No.1 According to network planning, Setting the station before Dongfeng East Road and the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway crossing.After the station down towards the northeast through the village, Dashuying cloverleaf junction,to extend the line along the south side of Renmin Road. In Taiping Road and east to connect branch are located Taipingcun station alignment coincides with the Programs No.2. The line beneaths the dense housing, demolition difficulties, the high cost of demolition;through district units to be protected under the quasi-ji, vibration greater impact on the abandoned temple construction.And Dashuying cloverleaf junction complex business overpass pier, pile depths are diversity, the line can not cross the overpass. Line network planning is not feasible. No.2 The program laid along the Dongfeng East Road,after turning southeast along the length extension through Jinma cloverleaf junction. After the station installes along the East line connecting branch. Conclusion After comprehensive analysis and comparison, the program No.1 along the basic feasible network planning programs; program No.2 linear good, and shorter lines, a reasonable distance between stations, traffic coverage area, house demolition area is small. Therefore recommend the use of program No.2.

5. Environmental impact (1) Environment influences during construction 1) Noise influences During construction, noise mainly comes from construction machines and vehicles, such as large excavators, air compressors, drills, hammers, heavy trucks, etc. The construction will influence the residential areas, schools, and hospitals within 100m. Construction unit should strictly comply with the relevant provisions "Noise Limits for Construction Sites", thus prohibiting night work of high noise, high- vibration operation. 2) Vibration influences

7 The underground station by open excavation or tunneling method construction, foundation walls or retaining structures bored with a continuous column in the form; interval Tunnel open excavation, shield, mine construction method. According to this construction method, the mechanical vibration generated mainly operating excavators, bulldozers, road rollers, drilling machines, concrete conveyors, air compressors, air releases and other heavy vehicles. As the line in the tree camp through dense residential areas, construction vibration generated in the process inevitably affects the lives of the public. According to the analysis of the vibration source, if the construction does not use blasting, piling and other strong vibration operation and construction of the scope of vibration of the vibrating source in the 30m range, the old houses on the surrounding residents and sensitive equipment within the normal impact on the work. 3) Sewage influences Wastewater construction projects mainly generated from rainfall runoff, construction wastewater and sewage construction workers. Construction waste including excavation mud generated in the process water, cooling water, mechanical equipment, and washing water; sewage water for daily life, including construction workers, canteen water and toilet flushing water. In addition, rain water runoff erosion surface dust, construction sand and gravel, spoil, etc., may be a small amount of entrained oil and other pollutants. Produced during construction mainly mud and gravel dump, mismanagement and easy to create on-site mud and pollution. However, the first phase of construction under the current circumstances, the construction of waste water was smaller, by taking sediment, grease measures, less impact on the surrounding water environment. 4) Atmospheric environment influences Air pollution sources during construction are: construction of demolition, excavation, backfill and transport vehicles, construction machinery and take the lane caused by dust; construction materials in the shed; construction of transport vehicles and construction of mechanical power fuel exhaust soot emissions; construction use volatile odor, toxic odor materials, and restoration of road surface evaporation caused by hot asphalt air pollution. According to pollution sources, the construction of major impact on the atmospheric environment is dust, dust on the ground, buildings, environment and hygiene adverse effects of dust floating in the air absorbed by the body easily cause a variety of

8 respiratory diseases. The construction process should strictly enforce the "safe and civilized construction site in Kun Ming health management approach" relevant regulations. 5) Dumped soil and construction waste During construction of the project including the underground station, solid waste, produced by tunnel construction Spoil; construction site layout, station kiosks at the entrance and the wind caused the land occupied by construction waste generated by house demolition; construction workers and other sources. Residue should be timely collected, transported by professional transport units to the designated receiving site residue. Pay the local garbage sanitation department of the deal. 6) Interference with traffic and influences on daily life a. Station will open excavation occupy urban roads, reducing road capacity, causing changes in the dynamic urban traffic, traffic and residents to travel inconvenience, or even the phenomenon of traffic congestion. b. Easy construction of the rainy season in the natural water storage area of excavation sites, and may lead to slope collapse. Spoil or backfill dumps shall take effective measures to prevent water erosion, prevent soil erosion. c. Construction of the site will affect the open and enclosed around the organs, store, the normal business activities, operations, while the surrounding landscape to some extent. d. Construction material in transport and urban roads of moving spoil clearance and transport, not only to increase the traffic load along the area, returned to the city to bring air and noise pollution. Soil dumped by trucks causes sanitary problems. e. Project excavation, cut and cover construction, will give the city’s public works, especially water, electricity, gas, communications, and other underground pipelines impact, interference, to some extent affected the normal life of residents. (2) Environmental influences during operation 1) Noise influences The engineering of acoustic environmental impact of operating the main wheel and rail for the overhead lines and underground lines wind noise Pavilion noise, followed by the base of the admission of vehicles and vehicle base line noise, noise. 2) Vibration influences Rail vibration of the main factors affecting the environment, including traffic conditions, wheel track conditions, track structure, the tunnel structure, tunnel depth, geological conditions, ground building type, distance.

9 This project mainly laid along the city roads, the residents along the distribution of more homes, schools, hospitals, cultural and educational offices and other vibration- sensitive buildings, and some residents through the buildings, the environmental impact assessment findings, will take rail shock absorber, steel spring floating slab track bed and other damping measures, so that project to meet the standards of vibration effects. Line along the route of bypassing the protection of heritage and listed buildings, will not damage the impact of heritage buildings. 3) Atmospheric environment influences The major impact of rail transit atmospheric environment for the staff canteen gas stove fumes generated by wind Pavilion odor. After the project put into operation, will reduce pressure on ground transportation, effectively reducing the pollutants in vehicle exhaust emission amount on ambient air quality of the environment produce favorite influences. 4) Water influences Rail operators of the environmental impact of water main base station and vehicle sewage wastewater, domestic sewage. Sewage through septic tanks, sewage through grease traps canteen, public bathroom by the hair gathered well after the initial treatment of municipal sewage discharged into the pipeline system. The water washing trucks can be reused after treatment. 5) Solid waste influences During operation, solid wastes are mainly passenger stations, vehicle manufacturing base and vehicle maintenance personnel garbage production waste, and waste battery. Garbage is collected by the sanitation department of the treatment, replacement battery recycling by the manufacturers. Solid waste brings little impact on the external environment. 6) Electromagnetic radiation influences The major impact of electromagnetic radiation operating as an elevated line along with the antenna to watch television on the user’s interference and the main substation to the surrounding electromagnetic radiation generated by the impact of rail transit based on the existing elevated lines and the main substation analog electromagnetic radiation monitoring, electromagnetic radiation generated by subway train passengers and residents will not affect physical health. According to relevant regulations, the horizontal distance from its borders 3m, frequency electric field, magnetic induction

10 frequency were much lower than the relevant technical specification frequency electric field 4kV / m, frequency magnetic induction 0.1mT limits requirements. 6. Measures for treatment of pollutions The project alignments, station settings, and line laying way Kun Ming Rail Transit network planning is based, and with the planning and coordination, to optimize repeated study determined that, consistent with the overall urban planning and rapid rail transit planning. Construction have some negative impact on the environment, but the report made in the implementation of the environmental protection measures, the negative impact of works on the environment can be controlled and remission. In the design, construction and operation of pollution control measures taken in the following table.

11 Table for measures Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization A. Designing period 1)Further optimize the route options and selection, to reduce land acquisition and relocation area. Wuhan Demolition of Kun Ming 2)Partial line programs compatible University; houses; land World Bank Kun Ming Rail 1) alignment design Route with urban planning and Resettlement Before acquisition; Prepared fund Loan Project Corporation World 2) "World Bank OP / BP choice environmental impact of the smaller Office of the construction vibration Office of the Bank project team 4.12 " building programs. construction influence Rail Company 3)Resettlement program development organization and project impact area should be full public Pavilion on the elevated section at the bottom of wind, cooling towers and landscape surrounding the Kun Ming Green land Constru greening of special design. Rail Transit Kun Ming Rail occupation; Designing Greening, landscape design Before ction The shizui depot and put Ma parking Prepared fund Corporation Corporation World destruction of organization construction design within the green design. Bank Loan Bank project team landscape The total green area of about 100ha, Project Office the detailed design of units required to design green

12 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization Closed 1)well-developed programs and construction vehicle traffic diversion measures to caused traffic ease; congestion, 2)people living in the more inconvenience to Kun Ming Rail concentrated areas, schools and pedestrians Transit Kun Ming Rail Facilities across the street people’s life is closely related to the Designing Before crossing the Prepared fund Corporation Corporation World design and traffic easing lot, pedestrian bridge, traffic lights, organization construction street; there is Bank Loan Bank project team Plan zebra crossings and other facilities traffic safety Project Office across the street special design; hazards; difficult 3)on the handicapped and pedestrian for persons with access facilities across the street disabilities across design; the street 1)section on access lines near the Verde District Court and the spring section of settings 3m loud barriers; 2)Tsui Village on the stone along the small fishing village, Ma Jie Cun sensitive points such as 6 to set entire closed sound barrier; Kun Ming Rail "Sound environmental 3)called sound barrier is not set to an Transit Kun Ming Rail quality standards" and Noise control Designing Before elevated section, reserved for sound Prepared fund Corporation Corporation World "industrial enterprises for measures organization construction barrier conditions. Bank Loan Bank project team environmental noise 4)further optimize the air pavilion, and Project Office emission" ensure that the control distance of 15m required. 5)Depot field boundary south, east field boundary set 3m solid walls, parking lot west field boundary, south field set 3m high solid boundary wall.

13 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization 1)excessive sensitivity of the target section 35 to take steel spring floating slab track bed, track length of the vibration meter 5800 × 2m; 2)20 goals exceed the standard level- sensitive segments to adopt a flexible short-sleeper bed, vibration meter Kun Ming Rail "Sound environmental track length of 3600 × 2m; Transit Kun Ming Rail quality standards" and Measure to control 3)22 sensitive spots exceed the Designing Before Prepared fund Corporation Corporation World "industrial enterprises for vibration standard level section with up to 5 ~ organization construction Bank Loan Bank project team environmental noise 10dB damping effect of the elastic Project Office emission" fastener, vibration track length of 3550 × 2m. 4)the protection of the six historic buildings and cultural protection units in two short sleepers were to adopt a flexible, steel spring floating slab track bed and other damping measures. Kun Ming Rail Shizui parking production vehicles Transit Kun Ming Rail Sewage Designing "Integrated Wastewater Before and put Ma to sewage treatment Prepared fund Corporation Corporation World deposition organization Discharge Standard" construction floatation + filter reuse. Bank Loan Bank project team Project Office B. Construction period 1)the construction unit must apply the Contractor Kunming World Ecolog provisions of good Yuni residue (By the design Bank Loan Project ical Dust, discharge procedures have been unit is Office of the Rail Supervision: and Project funds Soil erosion, approved before backfill construction responsible Corporation; Residue volume, debris daily environ 800.0 contained in landscape, wastes in designated field stacked. for its Kunming location, green areas monitoring mental the contract covering 2)Strengthening the management of inclusion in Environmental governor protecti backfill earth dumps. the tender Protection Agency; on 3) do partially, a reasonable allocation documents) Kunming

14 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization of earth work, temporary spoil pile up comprehensive points should take protective administrative law measures. enforcement 4)of the temporary sites and car parks, detachment; depot and other venue sites in the Environmental green promptly after the completion of Supervision restoration.  good construction site drainage ditches, set the car wash tank inside the vehicle must rinse the venue only after the roads.  within the scope of the area of transplanted trees, involving occupation of forest land and vegetation before construction required to follow relevant regulations of the compensation procedures, payment of forest land compensation payments, compensation shall only be used for tree planting and restoration requirements.  clear responsibility of the Kunming World construction noise control; rational Bank Loan Project Contractor arrangement of construction Office of the Rail (By the design machinery operating time. Corporation; The noise of unit is Sound  non-noisy, high vibration equipment Project funds Kunming Construction site boundary Supervision: construction responsible environ break at noon or night operations, the 300.0 contained in Environmental noise and sensitive points daily machinery and for its ment construction units should be used with the contract Protection Agency; day and night noise supervision transport vehicles inclusion in low-noise mechanical equipment or Environmental the tender sound insulation, noise reduction Management; documents) equipment. Kunming  rational distribution of construction Environmental

15 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization equipment, high noise exposed areas Monitoring Station should be away from the noise sensitive points, and using reasonable construction method. 4)take temporary noise reduction measures.  nighttime construction noise on nearby sensitive points to monitor. Night construction should be reported for approval and record, and should be announced in advance, night construction noise reduction measures such as insulation envelope.  Construction of strong vibration machinery used to strengthen control and management of all construction work to avoid the oscillation of a Kunming World nuisance at night. Bank Loan Project  In the building structure is bad, old Contractor Office of the Rail houses near the lower level of (By the design Corporation; construction, should make full use of Vibrati unit is Kunming Construction low vibration equipment, or to avoid Project funds Construction site boundary Supervision: on responsible Environmental machinery and the oscillation operation. 70.0 contained in noise and sensitive points daily environ for its Protection Agency; transport vehicles  worn directly under the protection the contract day and night noise supervision ment inclusion in Environmental of buildings and along the historic the tender Management; buildings, heritage conservation units documents) Kunming to monitor the construction period, Environmental prior thorough investigation, make Monitoring Station records, which may cause the housing cracking, reinforcement of ground subsidence influence adoption of such preventive measures.

16 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization  strictly enforce the requirements of the relevant documents in Kunming, no construction waste chaos row, misplacing. According to Kunming, the actual rainfall characteristics and site conditions, the good drainage facilities, development of drainage programs during the rainy season.  urban sewage wastewater, domestic demand in the engineering construction site to build water Kunming World catchment grit chamber to collect Bank Loan Project water and mud of high turbidity Contractor Office of the Rail "Integrated Wastewater wastewater, partially treated before (By the design Corporation; Discharge Standard Construction discharged into municipal pipe unit is Kunming Standard" and "Kunming Water waste water and Project funds Supervision: network. responsible Environmental municipal infrastructure, environ sewage 38.0 contained in daily  Temporary resident construction for its Protection Agency; housing construction and ment construction site the contract supervision septic tanks, sewage treated by septic inclusion in Environmental construction site workers tanks into the city municipal pipe the tender Management; management Interim network. documents) Kunming Provisions"  Set the construction site-specific Environmental painting oil depots, the Treasury made Monitoring Station impermeable wall ground handling, storage, use, storage specialist is responsible, to prevent the run, run, drip, leak; on the construction process, use of toxic, hazardous, dangerous chemicals to be safekeeping. 5)exclude dewatering of groundwater utilization, into the municipal storm sewer or near rivers, or for green construction site, car washing,

17 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization watering and so on.

1)in the excavation, drilling should be watering when wet the drying section; on the construction site should be within the sprinkler jet wet to prevent dust; backfill earth, the surface soil drying in the watering should be appropriate to prevent the dust generated when backfilling operations Raising; construction period to strengthen the management of backfill Kunming World Contractor earth dumps to develop earth surface Bank Loan Project "Ambient Air Quality (By the design compaction, regular jet wet measures Office of the Rail Standards" and "Kunming Atmos unit is to prevent dust on the environment. Project funds Corporation; municipal infrastructure, Supervision: pheric responsible Construction Dust Construction site of the spoil should / contained in Kunming housing construction and daily environ for its be covered or clean up and transport the contract Environmental construction site supervision ment inclusion in time. Protection Agency; management Interim the tender  the construction vehicles on routes Environmental Provisions" documents) and times should be prepared to run Management; programs; on the environment require a higher region, according to the actual situation of transport options at night to reduce the impact of dust on the crowd. Closed residue collection, transport vehicles used to reduce secondary dust pollution.  live gate set flush Department vehicles, vehicle wheel and chassis

18 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization appearance shall rinse.  In the course of construction, construction materials is strictly prohibited waste as fuel combustion. 5)strict implementation of the relevant documents requested, not to establish concrete mixer at the construction site. 1)prohibited all kinds of garbage incineration of waste at the site. Solid waste separation and recovery of useful ingredients first, to ensure that resources are not wasted.  Strengthening the residue Contractor management, the site can be set (By the design Kunming World Construction residue field within a reasonable and unit is Bank Loan Project Project funds Construction site boundary Supervision: Solid waste, spoil, timely collection, transport; not on a responsible Office of the Rail / contained in noise and sensitive points daily Waste construction construction site outside the for its Corporation; the contract day and night noise supervision workers refuse unauthorized dumping Yuni residue. inclusion in environmental 3)provide harmless toilet handle toilet, the tender supervision garbage collection to be concentrated, documents) and designated storage areas, delivery sanitation department. 4)construction waste and engineering spoil transported to other venues by the Government’s landfill.  ease the development of roads, Contractor Kunming World diversion, and temporary access plan, (By the design Bank Loan Project Social and the establishment of a sufficient unit is Project funds Traffic jams, Office of the Rail environ number of traffic control signs. And responsible / contained in Public complaints Supervision: channel change Corporation; ment should advance notice; strict control for its the contract daily environmental station project construction period. inclusion in supervision supervision  before the construction of the road the tender

19 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization along the underground pipeline documents) involved a detailed investigation, and relevant departments in advance collaborative relocation, diversion programs, emergency preparedness, to ensure the construction process without Along the residents of a normal life.  the construction process should be ceased immediately if cultural relics found in earth excavation work and report to the local conservation department. Artifacts in the identification of competent authorities is not the end of the work and the necessary protective measures are not taken before the excavation work shall not be restarted.  construction unit should be established with the construction of the local neighborhood committee to contact the course of construction at any time observe the situation, timely treatment measures

C. Operation period

20 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization  Check noise reduction measures are in place;  the sound barriers on the project to Yunnan Provincial take measures to monitor, to assess the Environmental effect of noise reduction; Kunming Rail Protection Bureau; "Sound environmental  monitor the outside wall in the Kunming rail Transit Kunming quality standards" and Rail depot noise value of sensitive points, company, Before Noise control 200.0 Corporation Environmental "industrial enterprises for traffic noise reduction measures by the Acceptance operation Bank Loan Protection Agency; environmental noise acoustic environment can reach the Unit Project Office Kunming emission" appropriate functional area Environmental requirements Monitoring Station  Check station air pavilion distance from the sensitive point is to meet the control requirements. Check engineering measures and plant measures are implemented, run the disposition effect is satisfactory; Inspection Depot, parking and an elevated section of the bottom of the Kunming City Bureau of Ecological green recovery Parks the relevant Protection groundwater pumping capacity of provisions of the green plant the surface settlement of the situation; residents affected by the building situation, ensure protection of cultural protection units and listed building safety.

21 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization  Check vibration control measures are in place;  damping measures taken on the project monitoring, to assess the "Urban Environmental vibration reduction, to ensure that Vibration Standard" and sensitive points along the vibration "ancient building anti- environment to meet the appropriate vibration technology standards. industry norms"  on the protection of cultural relics protection units and listing of historic buildings for long-term tracking.  Check the station sewage disposal measures implemented; 2)stations, car parks, sewage is discharged into the city depot under the water supply network;  measured up Ma Bridge car park "Integrated Wastewater wastewater treatment facilities Discharge Standard Water Pollution discharge of sewage water up to Standard" and "urban Control relevant standards are appropriate sewage treatment plant requirements; emission standards"  Depot Shizuitang measured discharge wastewater treatment facilities, sewage water up to relevant standards if the corresponding requirements.

22 Cost estimation Sources of Supervision Type Potential influence Treatment Organizations Supervision indicators Frequency (Ten Thousand) funding organization "500kv EHV Transmission  Check the wall of the main Line Environmental Impact substation frequency electric field, Assessment of power frequency magnetic field meets Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Radiation the standards; pollution control Technical Specification"  Check the residents on both sides of and "high-voltage ac the elevated section of TV signal by overhead transmission line the interference. radio interference limits"

23 7. Environment management and supervision plan (1) Environmental Protection Agency to set Early in the project construction, from the Kunming Railway Co to exercise management responsibility, therefore, proposed the project started before the Kunming Railway Co is responsible for pre-construction environmental protection coordination. In the construction and operation of the building the original full-time or part-time Internal environmental management is responsible for construction and operation of the environmental protection work, their business is subject to Kunming Environmental Protection Agency guidance and supervision. (2) Environmental management measures 1) Pre-construction environmental management measures Early in the project construction, from the Kunming Railway Co is responsible for the relevant approval procedures. In the engineering design phase, construction units, design units and local competent department of environmental impact report and approval of the views in the design of the implementation of various environmental protection measures and budget. Work in construction project bidding, construction units should be placed on environmental protection projects of equal importance with the main project status. Construction contract should be the content and terms of environmental protection requirements. The underground station and parking lot construction involves the release Ma Bridge Road Green Belt and urban green space, this evaluation recommends that the next stage of design, the design unit should seek the views of Kunming Garden Bureau, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the migration are listed in need of protection trees, the number and types of green space, and the total investment into the project budget, reported urban landscape and other relevant authorities for approval. In the project started construction before the design documents required by the construction unit to the relevant department in charge of felling trees, transplant procedures, complete formalities before they can start construction. 2) Pre-construction environmental management measures Early in the project construction, from the Kunming Railway Co is responsible for the relevant approval procedures. In the engineering design phase, construction units, design units and local competent department of environmental impact report and approval of the views in the design of the implementation of various environmental protection measures and budget. Work in construction project bidding, construction

24 units should be placed on environmental protection projects of equal importance with the main project status. Construction contract should be the content and terms of environmental protection requirements. The underground station and parking lot construction involves the release Ma Bridge Road Green Belt and urban green space, this evaluation recommends that the next stage of design, the design unit should seek the views of Kunming Garden Bureau, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the migration are listed in need of protection trees, the number and types of green space, and the total investment into the project budget, reported urban landscape and other relevant authorities for approval. In the project started construction before the design documents required by the construction unit to the relevant department in charge of felling trees, transplant procedures, complete formalities before they can start construction. 3) Operation of environmental management measures Operation of environmental protection established by the Operations Management unit after the commitment to environmental management is mainly the management, maintenance of the environmental protection facilities, to ensure its proper operation and discharge standards, give full play to their role; well along the sanitary engineering, green work; do routine environmental monitoring work in a timely manner to project the operating conditions of the environmental protection facilities, if necessary, Zaicai Qu appropriate pollution control measures, and Jie Shou Bu Men’s supervision and management of environmental protection in Kunming. Depot and the parking lot of waste generated in diesel (clay), clean linoleum, waste transformer oil, hazardous waste, should strengthen the centralized management, specialized sites located indoor concentration of stacking, in accordance with national and Kunming, the relevant provisions of hazardous waste, disposal by qualified institutions, such as hazardous waste disposal center in Yunnan Province. (3) Environmental monitoring plan This works in accordance with the development of the construction and operation phases of the environmental monitoring program following table.


Construction and operation of the environmental monitoring program Phased monitoring program Type Project Construction period Operation period Jinma Village bulb factory family Jinma Village bulb factory family area (urban), the dawn of area (urban), the dawn of residential residential and other sensitive and other sensitive spots are spots are beneath the bridge and beneath the bridge and protect the protect the country, quasi-ji and country, quasi-ji and other cultural other cultural protection units, protection units, Kunming Hotel, Kunming Hotel, Provincial Provincial Museum of outstanding Museum of outstanding historic Monitoring historic buildings. Jinma Village buildings. Jinma Village bulb Sites bulb factory family area (urban), the factory family area (urban), the dawn of residential and other dawn of residential and other sensitive spots are beneath the sensitive spots are beneath the bridge and protect the country, bridge and protect the country, quasi-ji and other cultural quasi-ji and other cultural Vibration protection units, Kunming Hotel, protection units, Kunming Hotel, environment Provincial Museum of outstanding Provincial Museum of outstanding historic buildings. historic buildings. Monitoring Land subsidence observations, the Land subsidence observations, the

factor vertical Z vibration level VL10 vertical Z vibration level VL10 Quality GB10070-88 GB10070-88 Standards of Discharge / / Implementation Measurement GB10071-88 GB10071-88 1 times / month, the construction Monitoring frequency 1 / quarter process 2 times / day Implementing agencies Entrusted with the monitoring unit Entrusted with the monitoring unit Responsible agencies Kunming Rail Office Operations Management unit Kunming Environmental Kunming Environmental Protection Oversight bodies Protection Bureau Bureau Ma Jie Cun residential area, family area smelter in Kunming, West King Festival, the First Affiliated Sound Hospital of Kunming Medical Monitoring sites border the station construction site environment College Hospital No. 2 Building, Overseas Chinese Village, District Public Security Bureau and other family members. monitor factor Equivalent sound level A Equivalent sound level A Quality / / Standards of Discharge GB12523-90 GB3096-2008 Implementation Measurement GB12524-90 GB3096-2008 Monitoring frequency once/mouth once/season Implementing agencies Entrusted with the monitoring unit Entrusted with the monitoring unit

26 Phased monitoring program Type Project Construction period Operation period Responsible agencies Kunming Railway Co Operations Management unit Kunming Environmental Protection Oversight bodies Kunming Environmental Bureau Shizui depot, parking lot sewage Monitoring sites Protection Bureau outfall discharge Ma monitor factor 5 wells PH, SS, COD, BOD5, oil Water quality, water level Quality / "Groundwater Quality Standard" DB44/26-2001 "water pollution Standards of Discharge / discharge limits" (second time) 3 Implementation emission standards Underwater GB6920-86GB11901- environment Measurement / 89GB11914-89 GB7488-87GB/T16488-96 During the construction period (58 Monitoring frequency months) 1 times / month, operating 1 times / year period (2 years) 1 times / month Implementing agencies Entrusted with the monitoring unit Entrusted with the monitoring unit Responsible agencies Operations Management unit Operations Management unit Kunming Environmental Kunming Environmental Protection Oversight bodies Protection Bureau Bureau The same time, protect the country bridge the provincial cultural relics protection units and quasi-ji district-level cultural relics protection units and along the Kunming Hotel, Provincial Museum of seven long-term conservation of historical buildings listed on the tracking and monitoring, in the construction and operation of the grasp of Ancient Buildings damage and dynamic, and timely disposal of the impact. (4) Environmental training 1) the construction of environmentally friendly full-time, part-time training Commissioned by the construction unit qualified units on the project, construction, environmental supervision units full-time, part-time staff for training. Proposed that the project construction and supervision units in determining, by the construction unit organized a construction of environmental training. Target for the construction and supervision units and technical managers and professional managers. The content includes: a.The State, Yunnan Province, Kunming on the construction project management on environmental protection, soil conservation, heritage management, regulations, documents and related requirements; b.This works in the design of the environmental protection measures and environmental requirements of the construction period; c. The construction of environmental protection guidelines. 2) operation of environmental protection full-time, part-time training

27 Operation of the new full-time environmental protection, training of part-time staff from the construction unit is responsible for organizing the implementation of the environmental protection department, can employ universities, research institutions and operations management unit to conduct the environmental Zhuanjia teaching, or to participate in short-term training courses.

8. Public Consultation To take paid survey, held public participation forums, visits and other forms of investigation to conduct a public opinion survey. Along the street at Grand office, protect the country and district offices, Tuo Dong Street Office, Kinmen and Matsu Street Office held a public forum at which the public views collected in different regions. Meanwhile, listen to city government agencies including the Environmental Protection Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau, Cultural Relics Bureau, Planning Bureau and other competent government departments. Public opinion questionnaire were distributed 217, 210 back, rate was 96.8%. Which support the construction of public accounting for 95.65%, 3.22% of the public expressed conditional support, failed to support construction of the public. Summary of public consultation Implementation Type organization Inquiry objects Time Main items Environmental See Report Assessment The first Grand streets and protect of Agency: Institute of the country from the streets Jan. 2010 Investigation round of Iron II interviews of the 26 participants visited Owner: Kunming 14.2.12 Rail Company See the Environmental Protection report Environmental Agency, municipal Assessment The first authorities, the Water views of Agency: Institute of Conservancy Bureau, Jan. 2010 round of Iron II relevant meetings Cultural Relics Bureau, government Owner: Kunming Planning Bureau of 9 Rail Company departments participants along Environmental See Report Assessment The second Agency: Institute of Kinmen and Matsu from of round of the Tuodong streets and Mar. 2010 Investigation interviews Iron II streets of 28 participants visited Owner: Kunming 14.2.22 Rail Company See Report The second Environmental of round of the Assessment Evaluation along the 217 Mar. 2010 Investigation survey Agency: Institute of within visited Iron II 14.2.23 The second Environmental Shek Tsui Village, Ma Jie See Report round of Assessment Cun, Taiping Village, Mar. 2010 of individual Agency: Institute of Kinmen and Matsu town, Investigation interviews Iron II Provincial Tumor Hospital, visited 28 interviews Iron II Provincial Tumor Hospital, visited trees Ying Village, 14.2.24 technical institutes, and 21 provincial sport The main environmental issues of public concern, including construction noise, dust, vibration and operating noise and vibration during. Meanwhile, the public want to build units from thinking emphasize environmental protection, from the actions of the environmental good governance Shangluo Shi measures, strive Jiang Ditie construction and operation of the environment minimized the protection of public interest Fahui fully on the basis of this project should be economic and social benefits. Evaluation units will be the recommendations and requirements of public feedback to the construction unit and design unit, and has been proposed in the report corresponding environmental protection measures to be implemented, so that some of the environmental issues of public concern can be solved.

9. Information Releasing January 1, 2010 and February 12 in the "Kunming Daily" on the Kunming Rail Transit Line 3 project EIA first and second information publicity, while Yunnan Province Department of Environmental Protection web site (http://www .7 c.gov.cn) also conducted a publicity and "Kunming Rail Transit Line 3 Environmental Impact Statement (simplified version)" link on the website. After the EIA report, environmental technology assessment experts, organized by the Department after the "Kunming Rail Transit Line 3 environmental impact report (official version)" link in the Kunming rail company’s Web site (http://www.kmgdgs.gov.cn) for public inspection. Summary of Information Disclosure Document Date of publication Position Jan. 1st, 2010 “Kunming Daily" Yunnan Provincial Environmental Project Information st th Jan. 1 ~16 , 2010 Protection Bureau websitehttp://www.7c.gov.cn th Environmental Feb, 12 , 2010 “Kunming Daily" th th Yunnan Provincial Environmental Impact Report Feb, 12 ~27 , (Draft) 2010 Protection Bureau websitehttp://www.kmgdgs.gov.cn Environmental th th Jun. 15 ~30 , Kunming Rail impact report 2010 websitehttp://www.7c.gov.cn (issued)