Stated Session Meeting January 21, 2020

_____Approved _____Approved with Amendments

Trinity Presbyterian Church


P3: Agenda

P4: Upcoming dates

P5: Clerk’s Report, including Session minutes & membership reports

P21: Moderator’s Report

P22: Committee Reports organized by 8 Core Values cover sheets highlighting dates from each ministry

P59: Appendices






OMNIBUS MOTION to approve Consent Agenda (see next page) Richard Floyd


TRUSTEES Charlie Moseley and Tom Jones MOTION: To create a Trust Fund for Major Maintenance of Trinity Presbyterian Church

COMMITMENT Susan Foxworth Hamilton John Shepard

MISSION Velma Tilley and Craig Perdergrast Esther Stokes MOTION: That the Session approve adding Trinity Presbyterian Church as a campaign partner of the Second Chance legislation to expand Georgia’s expungement laws.

FINANCE Christine Quillian




Consent Agenda  To approve minutes of the Called Session Meeting on December 10, 2019.

UPCOMING DATES Session/Coordinating Council Session Meeting Monday, February 17, 2020 Williams Hall Called Session Meeting to receive new Sunday, February 9, 2020 Chapel Parlor members Presbytery Meeting Saturday, February 8, 2020 Alpharetta General Interest “Like” Documentary Screening Sunday, January 26, 6:00 pm The Loft Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday, February 2, after services The Loft and Sanctuary Called Congregational Meeting to vote Sunday, February 16, during on Elder Slate worship hour Sanctuary Trinity Explores Monday, February 24, 7:00 pm The Loft


5 2019-2020 Presbytery Commissioner Assignments

Saturday, February 8th Alpharetta

Alex Erwin Jim Balloun Keith Knight Shelby Holihan Bill Montgomery Shirley Davis Christine Quillian Richard Powers

Saturday, May 9th Calvin Center

Barbara Robertson Doug Benn Kim Mansfield Lasley Gober Callie McDonald Sarah Shoup Shannon Sale Steve Karasick

If you cannot attend as assigned, it is your duty to find a replacement from any active or inactive (College of Elders) Elder or switch with someone already assigned. Please inform the Clerk of Session Alex Erwin [email protected] and Karen Simmons [email protected] of any change. There will be a brief class the Sunday before each meeting. A reminder and a digital copy of the Commissioners Handbook will be sent approximately 1 week before the meeting.



Following an opening devotional by Judy Garland, the meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Clerk of Session Alex Erwin declared a quorum.


Alex shared a letter from June Bishop, a copy of which was provided in the Session Packet. In the letter, June summarized a recent discussion in her study group. The group agreed that Trinity was a church that stood for social justice, community service, and education around current issues. She believes that many of the recent congregational issues and complaints seem trivial vs. issues involving Christian behavior or Trinity’s historical positioning. June wanted to encourage the Session and other church leadership to use the interim period to reinforce Trinity’s roots as a progressive body. Alex shared that he had a discussion with June, and she was complimentary of the College of Elders presentation by Richard. She believed he effectively outlined the topics that Trinity needed to examine during the interim period.


Richard previewed the theme for this year’s Advent season: “What Can’t Wait”. He summarized the many planned events and services that will take place during December. He also reminded everyone that, as is typical, there would be no Session meeting in December. The Session retreat, which usually takes place in January, will be put on hold for the time being. Timing for the retreat will be revisited following the start of the interim pastor. In place of the retreat, there will be a regular Session meeting on January 21 (the Tuesday following MLK Day).

Richard also provided an update on the Engagement Working Committee, which includes a number of current Session elders. The group had held their first meeting and their initial focus has been to define what “engagement” means for Trinity and how we might best support it. Trinity Director of Engagement Sarah Wikle is helping to coordinate this effort. Once the group gains greater clarity on this topic, Richard anticipates they will come to Session with a report and discussion.

Unfortunately, members of the Interim Pastor Hiring Committee were unable to attend (as they were meeting with a candidate). In their absence, Richard reported that the group’s work is continuing. To date, they have talked with over 50 people, conducted remote video interviews with seven people, and had in- person interviews with three candidates. They are in the process of conducting references checks and hope to have a candidate to present to Session shortly after Thanksgiving. Richard also noted, as he communicated in a congregational email sent earlier that day, that he is not a candidate for the interim position. He believes that, at this moment in Trinity’s life, the congregation would be best served by someone coming from the outside, with a fresh set of eyes and fresh perspective. Richard reinforced that he is fully committed to being acting head of staff until the arrival of the interim, and after his or her start, he will continue to support the interim in any way he can.

7 OMNIBUS MOTION Richard Floyd

The minutes from the October Session meeting were approved without objection.


COMMITMENT Susan Foxworth Hamilton & John Shepard

Susan and John provided an update on the Commitment Campaign, which has a goal of $3.9 million. As of November 12, we had received 231 pledges totaling approximately $1.65 million. The team believes they are off to a strong start and are paying close attention to the number of new and reactivated pledges. Additional telephone and email follow-ups are underway. Age group-based and small group communication and follow-ups are also taking place. Session members thanked Susan, John, and Betsy for their continuing work in this important area of ministry.


Tom has been leading an effort to update the church rolls, but various activities to validate and refine the membership rolls has been underway for many years. Last year, Molly ran a report of church members with no record of financial contribution during the preceding five-year period. From that list, confirmed members were removed as well as members who were students, members of the military, or residents in senior care facilities. That resulting list of about 600 members became the starting point to more closely review in terms of validating membership.

As a next step, staff, clergy, and many well-connected members carefully reviewed this list to identify any member who might have some involvement or participation, and thus should not be removed from the roll. After this screening, the list stood at about 450 names.

Next, individuals on this list were mailed a personal letter from the Clerk indicating that we had missed their active participation and asked for how we might help them reengage with the church. The letter also included a card and email address they could use to indicate how they understood their current relationship to Trinity: did they want to remain an active member on the rolls?, did they want to be moved to the inactive roll?, or did they want to be dropped from the roll. The mailing yielded a 15% response and 23 letters were returned undeliverable (a total of 65 responses).

As a result of this work, the Session was provided with the names of 379 individuals to be removed from the active membership roll for various reasons: 1) those requesting to be removed because of a change in church membership, 2) those asking to be deleted at their request, 3) those who have moved with no forwarding address and no activity for four years, 4) those requesting to be moved to the inactive roll, and 5) a final group to be moved to the inactive roll after having no response to the inquiry letter. Should we receive any subsequent information from anyone in this last group, their names can be added back to the active roll or other adjustments made at their request. The Book of Order no longer requires churches to maintain an inactive roll. It simply states that the Session may remove any person from the roll if they have been inactive for at least two years. Tom recommends we maintain an inactive roll in case there are people who want to come back, for one reason or another. Moving them from the inactive to the active roll is easily done.

The Session reviewed the list of individuals in each of the five categories and then voted on 5 separate motions covering the 379 people*:


Motion 1: Persons to be deleted from the from roll of Trinity Presbyterian Church because of membership transfer to another church. (6 individuals)

Motion 2: Persons to be deleted from the roll of Trinity Presbyterian Church at their own request. (13 individuals)

Motion 3: Persons to be deleted from the roll of Trinity Presbyterian Church due to inactivity for four years and having moved with no forwarding address. (24 individuals)

Motion 4: Persons to be moved to the inactive roll of Trinity Presbyterian Church at their own request. (23 individuals)

Motion 5: Persons to be moved to the inactive roll of Trinity Presbyterian Church, having received a letter noting their membership inactivity with a request for information, but no response received. (313)

* A listing of the individuals by category may be found in the November 18, 2019 Session Packet.

All five motions carried.

Session members thanked Tom for his hard work on this project.

PROPERTY Esther Stokes

Esther reported that the church roof had sustained considerable hail . The Property Committee engaged Williamson and Associates, a roofing consulting firm who had previous experience with Trinity, to lead the church through the contractor bidding process. This was to ensure that all bids were “apples-to- apples” – comparable in terms of scope, materials quality, etc. – and especially important given the size and complexity of this project.

Property received bids from three roofing contractors, and they awarded the contract to Ideal Building Solutions, the lowest cost proposal. Williamson and Associates believes this contractor is a reputable firm and a member of Williamson’s staff will be available to support Tommy in overseeing the project.

The grand total cost of the project is $704,008, which includes a bond of $9,137. This will be a major endeavor and will cover all of our flat and shingle roofs, including the roof on the manse and the Boy Scout hut. The roof over Williams Hall is excluded from the project because it was more recently replaced. If approved by Session, the work is scheduled to begin in January and conclude in April.

The church has already received a check from our insurer Church Mutual in the amount of $643,382.29. There is a $25,000 deductible and Trinity should receive the remaining amount of “recoverable depreciation”, listed as $218,145.62, after the project is completed.

Motion: That the Session approve a contract between Trinity and Ideal Building Solutions in the amount of $7s04,008, including a bond of $9,137, to replace the roofs on all Trinity structures, including the scout hut and the manse, but not including Williams Hall (where the roof was relatively recently replaced).

9 The motion carried.

FINANCE Christine Quillian

Christine shared an update on the church’s finances (details through the end of October provided in the Session Packet). The financial position of Trinity remains positive. Year-to-date income is about $90,000 higher than budget projections for this time of the year. Likewise, expenses are lower than budget due to savings from Personnel and other areas. Finance will continue to monitor the financial picture actively as we move to the close of the year. They are also monitoring next year’s commitment campaign results closely to fully assess the 2020 financial health of the church.


Alex presented a summary of the role and membership of the Elder Nominating Committee (ENC). The ENC has nine members who serve three years in three different “classes” in order to maintain continuity and institutional memory. Each class is composed of two current elders from the senior Session class and one member-at-large elected by the congregation. Every year, the Session selects two currently serving elders from the senior Session class and the congregation elects one at-large member. This year, one additional congregationally elected at-large member will be chosen to fill Gay Gunter’s position, as she is moving to Savannah. Nominations will close on November 20 and a slate will be presented and voted on during a congregational meeting scheduled for December 15, 2019. The Session then voted on the following motion:

Motion: To call a congregational meeting on December 15, 2019 at the 11:00 am worship service for the purpose of electing four members to the Elder Nominating Committee.

The motion carried.


Judy Garland suggested the need for more pre-Session meeting dinners like the informal one held that evening. A few others agreed and saw this as an opportunity to get to know their fellow elders on a deeper and more personal level. During the discussion it was also noted that the key will be finding the right balance. There have been concerns in the past that Session dinners prolonged the monthly meeting time unnecessarily. This is an item that the interim pastor as moderator will likely have a perspective and, working together will Session, can explore further. Finally, Chris Betts reminded everyone of the Madrigal Feast on December 5. This congregational event includes wonderful performances and decorations, and everyone is encouraged to attend.


Tom led the Session in a closing prayer and the meeting concluded at 8:06 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian Williams Assistant Clerk of Session

10 Trinity Presbyterian Church Session Attendees (In Bold), November 18, 2019:

Name Name Name

Betts, Chris Basler, Kelly Balloun, Jim

Brown, Caroline Borland, Bill Benn, Doug

Dearing, John Calhoun, Jr., Jack Blitch, J.D.

Erwin, Alex Garland, Judy Davis, Shirley

Harrison, Jane Mansfield, Kim Gober, Lasley

Howerton, Richard McDonald, Callie Holihan, Shelby

Kalen, Todd Perry, Calico Karasick, Steve

Kurlander, Carrie Sale, Shannon Krause, Amy

Montgomery, Bill Williams, Brian Pendergrast, Craig

Quillian, Christine Powers, Richard

Robertson, Barbara Shoup, Sarah

Segrest, Carlton Stokes, Esther

Sullivan, Ellie

Watson, Juanita

Willingham, Kirk

Other Attendees:

Andrew Esqueda Tom Farmer Susan Foxworth Hamilton

Richard Floyd Elizabeth Davis John Shepard

Betsy Lyles Swetenburg Amanda Edwards

Molly Faircloth

* Attendees in Bold




Richard Floyd, Moderator, called the Session meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Clerk Alex Erwin declared a quorum and Richard opened with a prayer.


Richard announced that Amanda Edwards, a student in Columbia’s Master of Divinity program, who was hired as a part-time Director of Adult Education and Spiritual Formation this Fall will be leaving to accept a Fellowship in an Atlanta congregation of the United Church of Christ come January.


Richard introduced Lesley Carroll, chair of the Interim Pastor Hiring Committee. Lesley was invited to the Called Session Meeting to announce her committee’s interim pastor recommendation to the Session and to make a motion to hire the candidate.

Lesley began by thanking Richard for his steady leadership during this period between Pam’s departure and this announcement and expressed the congregation’s gratitude for all of his fine efforts on our be- half. Lesley then began describing her committee and introduced the members to the Session - Bert Broadfoot, Steve Karasick, Allen Moseley, Susan Reese, Sarah Shoup, Juanita Watson. She then walked through the interim process - a process designed to allow us to come to terms with differences within the congregation; discover/rediscover our strengths and weaknesses; and reacquaint us with our herit- age. And she then described the committee’s search for the candidate most qualified by background and temperament to lead us through an 18 to 24 months interim process. The committee sought a per- son able to work with the Congregation, the Session and the Presbytery who could successfully lead us to be fully prepared to call our next senior pastor.

She spoke about how the committee found candidates using references from the Presbytery and Trini- ty’s network of friends. The committee had conversations with over 50 candidates, narrowed that list to 7 prospective candidates with whom they conducted Zoom interviews and then narrowed that list to 3 candidates who came to Atlanta for more intensive face to face interviews. From those interviews, one candidate rose to the top. After checking references within Trinity’s network (including: Scott Black Johnston, Joanna Adams, Richard Dubose, Ted Wardlaw and others) as well as members of the church where she is currently serving as Interim and, then hearing her preach over Thanksgiving weekend, the committee unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed her to be Trinity’s next interim.

Lesley then, on behalf of the committee, recommended the Reverend Doctor Kimberly L. Clayton to be our Interim Pastor. Kim graduated with honors from Birmingham Southern and received her MDiv and Phd from Columbia. She also served the as Director of Contextual Education there. She has also served as Associate Pastor at Central and Senior Pastor at Grace Covenant in Asheville, NC as well as other churches. She is currently serving as Interim at the Brick Church.


The Brick Church is a church much like Trinity. It is located prominently on the Upper East Side of Man- hattan and emphasizes excellence in music, preaching and mission. The Brick Church also emphasizes early childhood education having a very well regarded pre-K and Kindergarten school on its premises. At the time she took on the role of interim, the Brick Church had significant issues with its finances which she helped it address and turn around. Kim has two children, a daughter who attends Georgia State and a son who works as an application developer here in Atlanta. She has a partner in life of 12 years, Mela- nie Sovine. Lesley reported this relationship was very broadly accepted at Brick.

The committee had pre-negotiated terms for Kim’s compensation package. The cost of this package is within the same financial footprint that Trinity had with Pam. This negotiation preceded the Session presentation as it was necessary to know we were in agreement on terms in order for the Session offer its approval to all aspects of the arrangements and so Kim could announce her imminent departure to her congregation. She planned to do that on December 18 with a start date, subject to the notice re- quirements with her current contract with Brick, of March 2nd.

Lesley then asked for questions. A lengthy conversation ensued. At the conclusion of the conversation Lesley offered a motion:

MOTION: The Interim Pastor Hiring Committee moves that the Session approve the Interim Pastor Hiring Committee nominee, The Reverend Dr. Kimberly L. Clayton, to serve as Interim Pastor for Trinity Presbyterian Church under a contract call beginning March 2, 2019 for an initial term of 12 months. She will be paid an annual salary of $170,000 plus benefits..

The motion passed unanimously.


The Session meeting concluded at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alex Erwin Clerk of Session


Trinity Presbyterian Church Session Attendees (In Bold), December 10, 2019:

Name Name Name

Betts, Mrs. Christine (Chris) Basler, Kelly Johnson (Kelly) Balloun, James (Jim)

Brown, Caroline Dupuy Borland, Dr. William C. (Bill) Benn, Douglas W. (Doug)

Dearing, Mr. John Jackson (John) Calhoun Jr., Mr. Jack Jetton (Jack) Blitch, J.D.

Erwin, Mr. Frank Alexander (Alex) Garland, Mrs. Judy Katharene (Judy) Davis, Shirley Harrison, Mrs. Jane Watters (Jane) Gober, Lasley

Howerton III, Mr. Richard Thomas (Rich- Mansfield, Mrs. Kim C. Holihan, Shelby ard)

Kalen, Mr. William Todd (Todd) McDonald, Callie Ranae (Callie) Karasick, Steve

Kurlander, Mrs. Carrie Johnson (Carrie) Perry, Mrs. Carolyn Maxwell (Calico) Krause, Amy

Montgomery, Mr. William D. (Bill) Sale, Mrs. Mary Shannon (Shannon) Pendergrast, Craig

Quillian, Mrs. Christine Richardson (Chris- Williams, Mr. Brian C. (Brian) Powers, Richard tine)

Robertson, Dr. Barbara C. (Barbara) Shoup, Sarah

Segrest, Carlton Allan (Carlton) Stokes, Esther

Sullivan, Mrs. Eleanor Leigh (Ellie)

Watson, Mrs. Juanita Goodman (Juanita)

Willingham, Mr. Charles Kirk (Kirk)

Other Attendees:

Andrew Esqueda Tom Farmer Lesley Carroll

Richard Floyd Elizabeth Davis Bert Broadfoot Betsy Lyles Swetenburg Frank Fuerst Molly Faircloth Cindy Ferguson

* Attendees in Bold


CALL TO ORDER Richard Floyd

At the conclusion of the 11 am worship service, a congregational meeting was held for the purpose of electing representatives for the Elder Nominating Committee (ENC). Clerk of Session Alex Erwin declared a quorum and presented a brief description of the ENC.

The ENC is a standing committee of 9 members who work to prepare Session elder nominee slates as well as slates for other congregational committees. The members serve 3-year terms as part of 3 classes. This year the congregation will elect 3 individuals for the class of 2022, plus one individual who will replace a vacant position in the class of 2020.

The nominees of the slate of the ENC Class of 2022 were presented:

• Caroline Brown, nominated from the Session Class of 2020 • Carlton Segrest, nominated from the Session Class of 2020 • Jennifer Kahn, nominated from the congregation as the at-large member

In addition, Pat Wildman has been nominated from the congregation to serve in the vacant at-large seat for the remaining term ending December 2020.

Once elected, these nominees will join the other ENC members: Susan Foxworth Hamilton, Paulette Slawson, David Caldwell, Forrest Speed, and Blaine Kelly (Chair).

Motion: We move that Caroline Brown and Carlton Segrest, along with Jennifer Kahn (session and at- large representatives respectively) be approved to serve as the Elder Nominating Committee Class of 2022. Furthermore, we move that Pat Wildman be approved to serve the remaining term as the at- large member of the ENC Class of 2020.

Other nominations from the floor were invited, but none were received.

Motion carried.

The congregational meeting concluded with a benediction from Richard Floyd.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian Williams Assistant Clerk of Session

15 Trinity Presbyterian Church Statistical Report for September 2019 to December 2019 For a full listing of members moved to "inactive" status, please see the "roll motions" from  = Session Action Requested the October and November 2019 Session meetings. Baptisms (6): Caroline Ale parents are Margaret and John Ale 11/24/2019 Clemente Griffiths parents are Ian and Mariana Griffiths 10/6/2019 Eby Johnson parents are Matt and Erin Johnson 9/15/2019 Hanle Kraft parents are Kenny and Catherine Kraft 12/8/2019 Sterling Sturm parents are Jim and Meagan Sturm 9/15/2019 Preston Touchstone parents are Jared and Melissa Touchstone 11/24/2019

Births (6):

Christian Belisle parents are Andrew and Brooke Belisle 12/31/2019 Palmer Carr parents are David and Jennifer Carr 11/16/2019 Davis Cunning parents are Jenny Cunning and Kevin Runge 9/29/2019 Henry Dixon parents are Joe and Ali Dixon 11/4/2019 Ford Glenn parents are Aaron and Ali Glenn 10/2/2019 Charlie Jennison parents are David and Jen Jennison 9/27/2019

New Members Reaffirmation of Faith (2): Joe Dixon 9/29/2019 Reese Jackson 9/29/2019  Certificate of Transfer (6):

Logan Brown from Fellowship Presbyterian in Tallahassee FL 9/29/2019 Ali Dixon from First Presbyterian Atlanta, Georgia 9/29/2019 Judy Graham from Winter Park Presbyterian in Winter Park FL 9/29/2019 Lindsey Greene from Roswell Presbyterian in Roswell GA 9/29/2019 Amanda Jackson from Prince of Peace Lutheran in Johns Creek GA 9/29/2019 Hanna Ribner from Dexter United Methodist in Dexter MI 9/29/2019

16 Trinity Presbyterian Church Statistical Report for September 2019 to December 2019 For a full listing of members moved to "inactive" status, please see the "roll motions" from  = Session Action Requested the October and November 2019 Session meetings.  Requests Change from Affiliate Member to Active Member (2):

Betty Halford 12/3/2019 Travis Halford 12/3/2019

 Recommend for Change from Active to Inactive Non-Resident (3):

Julia Buchmiller Family request 9/30/2019 Tim Buchmiller Family request 9/30/2019 Sellers Crisp 9/30/2019

 Requested Certificates of Transfer Out of Active Members (5): Barbara Allen to First Presbyterian Greensboro, Georgia 9/18/2019 Kathleen Pritchett to Preston Hollow Presbyterian in Dallas TX 10/16/2019 Robby Pritchett to Preston Hollow Presbyterian in Dallas TX 10/16/2019 Ann Voit to First Presbyterian Atlanta, Georgia 10/29/2019 Eberhard Voit to First Presbyterian Atlanta, Georgia 10/29/2019

 Requested Certificates of Transfer Out of Inactive Members (2): Mark Spinner to Unity Presbyterian in Fort Mill SC 11/4/2019 Melissa Spinner to Unity Presbyterian in Fort Mill SC 11/4/2019

 Requested Certificates of Transfer Out of Baptized Members (3):

Hill Spinner to Unity Presbyterian in Fort Mill SC 11/4/2019 Mary Martin Spinner to Unity Presbyterian in Fort Mill SC 11/4/2019 Wiley Spinner to Unity Presbyterian in Fort Mill SC 11/4/2019

17 Trinity Presbyterian Church Statistical Report for September 2019 to December 2019 For a full listing of members moved to "inactive" status, please see the "roll motions" from  = Session Action Requested the October and November 2019 Session meetings.

 Requests for Deletion of Active Members (12):

Philip Allgood Lives in Florida 9/30/2019 Anna Almquist Lives in Indiana 10/14/2019 Jonathan Bassler Family request 9/30/2019 Mia Bassler Parent is deactivated 9/30/2019 Madeline Benn Attending church in NYC 9/30/2019 Benjamin Chandlee Attending church in Alabama 9/30/2019 Evan Chandlee Attending church in Alabama 9/30/2019 Hannah Chandlee Attending church in Alabama 9/30/2019 Jane Cowan Attending other church 9/30/2019 Will Cowan Attending other church 9/30/2019 Justin Howard Moved 12/18/2019 Kari Howard Moved 12/18/2019

 Requests for Deletion of Baptized Members (1): Davis Howard moved out of state 12/18/2019

Deaths (Active = 5, Clergy Affiliate = 1):

Bob Ahlstrand November 6 interment in TPC Memorial Garden 10/31/2019 Carolyn Baker November 22 memorial service at Trinity 11/11/2019 Pat Clark 11/20/2019 Bill Holland Died in 2008. Church only recently learned of his death. 11/7/2019 Terry Summerville Memorial service at Presbyterian Village 9/20/2019 Jim Wilson 11/7/2019

18 Trinity Presbyterian Church Statistical Report for September to December 2019 Membership numbers reflect regular monthly activity, database reconciliations and corrections, and roll / membership updates as approved by Session in October and November 2019 ("roll motions") Current Month's Activity Inactive Inactive Bapt Child of Clergy Active Baptized Local Non-Resident Inactive Affiliates Affiliates

Month's Beginning Balance 2,172 523 125 188 5 7 13

Additions Certificate of Transfer 6 Reaffirmation of Faith 2 Baptisms/Profession of Faith 6 Other/Corrections 66 122 1

Total Additions 8 6 66 122 - - 1

Category Transfers Active to Inactive (360) 357 3 Inactive to Active Inactive Local to Inactive Non-Res Baptized to Active (Confirmation) Other/Corrections 2 (2)

Total Category Transfers (358) - 357 3 - (2) -

Subtractions Certificate of Transfer (5) (3) (2) Death (5) (1) Deletion (12) (1) Other/Corrections (29) (3) (8)

Total Subtractions (51) - (7) - (10) - - - - (1)

Grand Total 1,771 522 538 313 5 5 13

Net Gain/(Loss) (401) (1) 413 125 - (2) - -

19 Trinity Presbyterian Church Statistical Report for September to December 2019 Membership numbers reflect regular monthly activity, database reconciliations and corrections, and roll / membership updates as approved by Session in October and November 2019 ("roll motions")

Year to Date Activity - 2019 Inactive Inactive Bapt Child of Clergy Active Baptized Local Non-Resident Inactive Affiliates Affiliates

Year's Beginning Balance 2,152 542 120 183 5 7 13

Additions Certificate of Transfer 10 1 Reaffirmation of Faith 16 Baptisms/Profession of Faith 20 Other/Corrections 66 122 1

Total Additions 26 21 66 122 - - 1

Category Transfers Active to Inactive (366) (3) 362 7 Inactive to Active Inactive Local to Inactive Non-Res Baptized to Active (Confirmation) 29 (27) Other/Corrections 2 1 (2)

Total Category Transfers (335) (30) 362 8 - (2) -

Subtractions Certificate of Transfer (8) (5) (2) Death (5) (1) Deletion (12) (3) Other/Corrections (47) (3) (8)

Total Subtractions (72) (11) (10) - - - (1)

Grand Total 1,771 522 538 313 5 5 13

Net Gain/(Loss) (381) (20) - 418 - 130 - (2) -


Moderator’s Report

21 Committee Reports

Welcome Intentionally  Engagement

Worship Creatively

Care Compassionately  Pastor’s Aid  The Gathering  Visitation  Stephen Ministry

Learn Purposefully  Adult Education

Gather Joyfully  CFM  YFM  Congregational Life & Activities

Serve Wholeheartedly  Mission

Lead Humbly  Personnel  Property

Give Generously  Commitment


We believe that the Gospel is Good News for all people. We practice an evangelism of intentional welcome and hospitality, inviting all into an inclusive fellowship characterized by authentic relationships and mutual respect.

23 Numbers Report 01.14.20 Sunday

Worship Formation/Education Morning Events Evening Events During the Week

Chancel Youth Adult Youth Date 9am 11am CFM Event # Event # Date Event # Choir Ed Ed Group Service of Madrigal 12.01.19 83 262 41 Brunch 105 Lament 19 12.05.19 Feast Women's 12.08.19 118 327 47 36 69 23 12.10.19 Advent 76 12.15.19 71 392 50 48/36 120 12.22.19 69 447 51 59 4pm 6pm 9pm 11pm 12.24.19 393 470 485 98 12.29.19 150 30

01.05.20 86 305 49 16 Brunch 80 01.12.20 74 324 52 20 142 12

Worship Totals 2019-20 Sunday 10/27/19 11/3/19 11/10/19 11/17/19 11/24/19 12/1/19 12/8/19 12/15/19 12/22/19 12/29/20 1/5/20 1/12/20 9am 73 68 73 100 101 83 118 71 69 n/a 86 74 11am 272 311 503 207 268 262 327 392 447 150 305 324 Total 345 379 576 307 369 345 445 463 516 150 391 398 Christmas Eve: 4pm - 393; 6pm - 470; 9pm- 485 2018 -19 Sunday 10/28/18 11/4/18 11/11/18 11/18/18 11/25/18 12/2/18 12/9/18 12/16/18 12/23/18 12/30/18 1/6/19 1/13/19 9am 49 85 215 52 80 106 104 106 108 n/a 74 11am 211 370 261 690 247 290 372 578 407 216 342 281 Total 260 455 476 742 327 396 476 684 515 216 416 281 Christmas Eve: 4pm - 521; 6pm - 717; 9pm - 436 2017 -18 Sunday 10/29/17 11/5/17 11/12/17 11/19/17 11/26/17 12/3/17 12/10/17 12/17/17 12/24/17 12/31/17 1/7/17 1/14/17 8:45am 61 92 37 58 75 88 41 70 74 45 11am 252 335 675 331 249 328 251 548 352 270 Total 313 427 712 389 324 416 292 618 426 315


We believe worship is the heart of our life together. We seek to be a community of theological integrity and depth, that glorifies God and proclaims the Good News with creative expressions of worship that challenge the mind, nourish the spirit, honor tradition, open us to the Spirit, and address the needs of all ages and all individuals and families.


We believe that to bear one another’s burdens is to fulfill the law of Christ. We seek to build relationships with each other, caring for one another with grace, compassion, and mutual support, loving each other as Christ has loved us.



VISION STATEMENT: Making God’s Love Visible The Pastors’ Aid committee provides support to the families of Trinity, especially when they are ill, homebound, bereaved or marking life’s milestones.

COMMITTEE CHAIR(S): Elizabeth S. Lear


I. CURRENT ACTIVITY REPORT Committee November The Gathering (Pat Ritsema/Calico Perry): A lively group of about 12 gathered this month. Flowers: Chair: Cindy Ferguson and Peggy Alford Helpers: Berney Bridges, Sally Sinkler, Nancy Broadfoot, Elizabeth Lear. November 3: Carolyn Baker – home from hospital Barbara Reed – lost husband Sis and Jim Newsome – recommendation from visitation Jimmie Phillips – At Atlanta Medical Center November 10: Buddy Enniss – Broken arm Peggy Ahlstrand – lost husband, Bob Jack Calhoun – lost father Susie Goode – lost brother Nancy Spetnagel – lost niece Clyde Draughon – stroke Jean Murphey - surgery

27 November 17: Anita Adams Jon McRae – knee replacement Clare O-Shaughnessey – lost mother Eleanor Wilson – lost husband Jim Kiley – heart attack Veronica Ridenhour – 25 years at TPC

Bereavement: Martha Sides wrote to Peggy Ahlstrand on the death of her husband Bob, Nancy Spetnagel on the death of her niece, Susan Goode on the death of her brother Bob Nagel, Harriet and Adam Jett, Colin Mackey on the death of his father Dan, Clare and Michael O’Shoughnessey on the death of Clare’s mother, Carolyn Baker, and Eleanor Wilson on the death of her husband, Jim. Births: Ginni Festa wrote to Ali and Joe Dixon on the birth of Henry Alexander born on November 4, MacKenzie and Michael Atkinson on the birth of Ian Barratt born on November 5th (Ian is the grandson of Anne and Peter Barratt), Jennifer and David Carr on the birth of Palmer Grace born on November 16. Get Well/ Encouragement: Nancy Spetnagel sent get-well/thinking of you cards to Margie Deer, Jane Smith, Bill Schotanus, Helen Layng, Anita Adams, Beechey, Jimmie Phillips, Kathy Bernhardt, Clyde Draughon, Buddy Enniss, Harriet Jett, Jean Murphey, Kathlyn Patillo, Catherine Williams, and Jon McRae. Birthdays: Elsie Jester sent cards this month.

II. UPCOMING & NEW PROJECT REPORT No upcoming projects at this time.


No motions at this time.


The Gathering December 17, 2019 Session report

Vision Statement - Making God’s love Visible

The Gathering provides a monthly opportunity for a small group of widows, widowers, care givers or singles to meet for a lunchtime session of conversation and sharing to enrich and strengthen our lives and faith through prayer and scripture, giving and receiving support, inspiration, and deep connections with one another.

Chair: Patricia Ritsema


Each moth attendance varies from 7-14 members.


Our Gathering was a Christmas Celebration. Our devotion was an Advent thought about waiting for Jesus, the light of the world, story of the sacred meaning of the candy cane, and a take home reminding us to hang our Hope on Him. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him. Romans 15:13

Rich sharing and caring happened within the whole group and one to one. Everyone seemed to enjoy the time together.

Motion for Session:


Submitted by, Patricia Ritsema



December 2019


1. To expand the outreach to Trinity's congregation by providing a visitation partner to those identified by staff and/or visitation team as being unable to regularly attend worship and fellowship with our congregation.

2. To assist with extending the Communion Table to those at home and in retirement homes.

Committee Co-Chairs: Adair White and Berney Bridges

Committee membership: Rev. Tom Farmer, Meredith Daniel, Calico Perry, Paul Marston, Veronica Ridenhour, Cindy Stancil, Nancy Broadfoot, Sally Sinkler, Eve Eckardt, Nancy Hubbard

Attendees at December 2 meeting: Rev. Tom Farmer, Meredith Daniel, Calico Perry, Paul Marston, Nancy Broadfoot, Eve Eckardt, Nancy Hubbard, Adair White, Berney Bridges (presiding co-chair)

Thirty-one (31) Trinity individuals or couples who are unable to attend regular worship and activities are on the Visitation List. Currently, eighteen (18) members who are experiencing recent set-backs in health and needing special attention are on the Watch List. Rev. Tom Farmer regularly refers those needing visitation to approximately 21 Trinity members of the Visitation team. Visitors update leadership with any changes or suggestions for additional support and care as well as referring other individuals needing special attention from the church.

Rev. Tom Farmer accompanied by members of the committee plan to extend the Communion Table to six (6) individuals who are on the lists including Jimmie Phillips in Opelika, AL. One individual will be invited to attend the Gathering.



Submitted by Berney Bridges - Co-chair

31 Stephen Ministry COMMITTEE REPORT for January 2020

VISION STATEMENT: Making God’s Love Visible Stephen Ministry seeks to follow Christ by preparing lay ministers who commit to one-on-one relationships with members of our congregation who have asked for help during a difficult time.

COMMITTEE CHAIRS Scott Calhoun, Meredith Daniel, Paul Marston, Calico Perry, Cindy Stancil

COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: There are 37 active Stephen Ministers with several Stephen Ministers on Sabbatical.

I. CURRENT ACTIVITY REPORT The January Stephen Ministry meetings welcomed Kevin Lacson, who told about his experience as a Chaplain at Northside Hospital. Fourteen Stephen Ministers now have confidential care receivers. Other Stephen Ministers are active in the Visitation Ministry.

II. UPCOMING & NEW PROJECT REPORT Stephen Ministers will be available during the coffee time following the 9 o’clock worship services to speak with anyone who wishes to share a pastoral concern or request a Stephen Minister. Following the 11 o’clock worship services, a Stephen Minister will be in the Narthex.



We believe that lifelong learning is at the very heart of the Christian faith; to be a disciple is to be a student. We encourage intellectual inquiry and spiritual curiosity at every age, knowing that Christian unity does not require uniformity. We believe that learning is holistic, and so we are purposeful about exploring spiritual practices that connect us to God and one another.

33 ADULT EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, January 14, 2020 In attendance: Richard Floyd, Kelly Basler, Lewis Wilson, Bert Broadfoot, Nancy Purdon, Tom Jones, Terri Pendergrast, Lasley Gober (chair)

Worship Creatively. Welcome Intentionally. Care Compassionately. Gather Joyfully. Learn Purposefully. Serve Wholeheartedly. Lead Humbly. Give Generously.


BRIEFLY NOTED Gun Issues Discussion about Out of Hand Theater performance on guns and discussion of gun violence from a Jungian perspective. Request to distribute flyers at Trinity discussed. Lasley will follow up with an email to Cathy Shepherd about her expectations regarding our involvement beyond distributing flyers. Staffing Changes Richard Floyd reported a search to replace Amanda Edwards is in process. Meanwhile, Kevin Lacson has been serving our support staff needs. 2020 Call to Mission Sarah Wikle asked that we drum up interest in Trinity’s engagement in missions. Hope to have info in the convener announcements on Sundays

REFLECTIONS AND UPDATES First Week of Session III Strong attendance reported for all classes, each has been recorded for podcast. Kelly Basler reported she is working with JP (sound manager) on possible purchase of product that will enhance production and distribution of recordings of classes participants miss or, having attended another class, would like to hear during the week (similar to putting weekly sermons online). Feminist Theology Dr. Martha Moore-Keish (conveners Lasley Gober and Juanita Watson) Announcement regarding TheoEd Speaker Wil Gafney Feb 6 at First Pres Tix $15 History of Slavery Dr. Bill Cooper (convener Lewis Wilson) A Second Chance: Faith in Action (convener Kelly Basler) Connections GenZ (convener Sarah Williams)

Discussion about future planning for continuity in class offerings, building on a theme. Committee will include a bible class in each session going forward. Tom Jones will ask Kevin Lacson to add the following to the convener checklist for Sunday morning classes: W9 and permission forms for speakers regarding class recordings for podcast. Budget: Honorarium $200 per class. Request to cover travel expenses for guest speakers from out of town. Terri Pendergrast will follow-up on needs and process.

Finalizing plans for remaining sessions in Sunday class schedule for this church school year: SESSION III (pt 2) Feb 2-Feb 16 Liberation Theology Tim Hartman from CTS (convener Juanita Watson) History of Slavery Dr. Bill Cooper (convener Lewis Wilson) Connections: Faith, Family, Church

34 NO CLASSES: BRUNCH FEBRUARY 23 SESSON IV March 1-April 5 John Updike with Mac Irvin (6 wks) March 1-April 5 (convener Bert Broadfoot) Wisdom Christine Yoder from CTS (3 wks) March 1-March 15 (convener Kevin Lacson, Richard Floyd will introduce Yoder) Old Testament Bill Rothschild (3 wks) March 22-April 5 (convener Nancy Purdon) Budget Deficit John Fenton Transitions in Aging Paulette Slawson March 22-April 5 Tom Jones will check with Paulette about her plans, availability Connections “Unselfie” NO CLASSES: EASTER BREAKFAST APRIL 12 SESSION V April 19-May 10 Juanita Watson’s Favorite Gospel: The Book of Mark (convener Tom Jones) American Literature Gina Caison (convener Lewis Wilson will check for more details) College Debt John Fenton (conveners Kelly Basler, Terri Pendergrast) Moved from Session IV to V Modern Marriage Betsy Lyles-Swetenburg and Richard Floyd Connections Healthcare (Women’s Health in GA) Lasley will check with Al Brann about developing class for future

TO DO LIST PUBLISH DEADLINES for blurbs, etc. for rest of year TRINITY EXPLORES Initiative in Charlotte NC led by Brian Collier “Leading on Opportunity” (continuing previous conversations at Trinity); In planning phase with Trinity members/Terri Pendergrast CONTINUE WORK ON PODCAST PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION Kelly Basler CREATE A RESOURCE BANK – coordinate with Sarah Wikle Ideas for Adult Ed Classes – according to category, variety of presentation formats Speakers Bureau – Trinity membership, Guest Speakers from larger community CONGREGATIONAL SURVEY Continue pursuing input from congregation about Adult Ed COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP – We could use more heads and hands! Keep thinking about folks in the congregation who might be willing and able to contribute Tom Jones will approach Khrysia Waldren BEGIN DEVELOPING COURSES FOR FALL 2020 SESSIONS – Next meeting Feb. 11


George Stroup led us in an opening prayer and the committee followed with a rousing thank you to George for all his work with Adult Education, particularly the culminating class SHAPING THE FOUNDATIONS which called participants to remember the past as a means of understanding the present and where we go from here…in their own lives and the life of Trinity in transition. We also celebrated Amanda Edwards, who will also be leaving us for a new opportunity, as she has done so much to facilitate and support the work of our committee, including a luminous study of the poetry of Mary Oliver and the nature of incarnation and transcendence. The committee welcomes our newest member, Nancy Purdon, and continue to send prayers to Sarah Williams and her family. Conveners shared updates on current Session II classes, in terms of attendance, payment of guest speakers, and protocol for recording presentations for podcasting. Tom Jones reported on the availability of permission forms and Kevin Lacson sent out the following deadlines for check requests and Session II weekly titles and blurbs:  Overall Title for the class and an Overall Description of the class (4-5 sentences) – due Friday, December 27  for the 1/12 class, a weekly title and a short blurb (1-2 sentences) – due Monday, January 6  for the 1/19 class, a weekly title and a short blurb (1-2 sentences) – due Monday, January 13  for the 1/26 class, a weekly title and a short blurb (1-2 sentences) – due Monday, January 20  for the 2/2 class, a weekly title and a short blurb (1-2 sentences) – due Monday, January 27  for the 2/9 class, a weekly title and a short blurb (1-2 sentences) – due Monday, February 3  for the 2/16 class, a weekly title and a short blurb (1-2 sentences) – due Monday, February 10

Amanda presented an update on the congregational survey developed with the expert assistance of Valerie Egan. Distribution will be done through enews, in paper form at Sunday morning classes, and possibly during the Sunday morning services to catch under-represented demographical groups. Committee will use data in an effort to increase attendance and participation in adult education as we Welcome, Gather, and Learn together. Two points of discussion about class planning and communication: As the “Let’s Talk” class and “Income Inequality” both fall under the category of “Contemporary Issues,” and attendance was weak in one featuring a guest speaker, we determined to avoid doubling and create greater categorical variety in planning future Sessions. Following an email discussion about the upcoming slavery course to be taught by historical scholar Dr. Bill Cooper, we brought to the table concerns about possible misunderstandings given the overall description of course and one of the individual class titles within the course. During the discussion, there was some tension:  between historical circumstance and contemporary norms  between the accountabilities of a church and specific academic fields  between different ideas of what education is  around the dynamics of questioning authority, especially regarding the validity of concerns depending on one’s contextual experience or traditionally merited attributes such as title, degree, status, age, and sex

A thoughtful conversation ensued about our moral and spiritual responsibility as “educators in faith”. In recognition that language matters, suggestions were made to rephrase one of the Slavery course’s class titles for greater clarity that Trinity does not condone slavery.

36 Convener Lewis Wilson will contact speaker and perhaps also compile a short reading list of Cooper’s works and other titles relevant to the history of the Antebellum South and to social, ideological, and theological issues facing America today. The church’s definitive stance on slavery as evil will also be explicitly stated before and after each individual class session in the slavery course. Prior Trinity education opportunities and discussions around race at Trinity were lifted up, as well as the need for continued conversation and work around this issue. The committee is encouraged to consider more broadly its moral and spiritual responsibility in light of its overall educational program and course offerings, and how their structure, objectives, and implementation (including any consideration for possible needed pastoral care around triggering issues) directly shapes participants’ formation as people of faith.

WORK TO BE DONE IN NEW YEAR: Build a Resource Bank of course ideas and development, along with a Resource Bureau of potential speakers within various areas of expertise from within the Congregation and beyond. Continue development of podcasting options to expand our reach. Think ahead to 2021 Kittrell Lecture speaker possibilities. Begin to conceive and flesh out Adult School classes for 2020-21.

PRESENT: Carlton Segrest, Nancy Purdon, Terri Pendergrast, Bert Broadfoot, Tom Jones, George Stroup, Juanita Watson, Lewis Wilson, Amanda Edwards, Lasley Gober (chair)


We believe that spiritual growth and the abundant Christian life are experienced in community, not in isolation. The Psalmist reminds us that fellowship with one another is a “very good and pleasant” blessing, and the book of Acts teaches us that the first believers “spent much time together…with glad and generous hearts.” And so we gather, not only for worship, education, and service, but also for sharing life among those in a similar life stage and for celebrations that include all generations.

38 Children and Family Ministries (“CFM”) COMMITTEE REPORT for January 12, 2020

VISION STATEMENT: Making God’s Love Visible With the Spirit’s guidance, we seek to provide opportunities for the children of TPC to play, learn, grow and serve. Programs/activities of CFM seek to nurture: - Faith in Christ, Wonder in God, Curiosity for God’s Word, Hearts for Mission CFM prays that our children, with the help of their families and the family of God, will integrate faith throughout their lives so that they may become mature, committed and joyful disciples.

COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: Chuck Prellwitz (Chair), Kathryn Edmunds (past-Chair), Todd Kalen (Elder), Shannon Sale (Elder), Chad Harris, John Martin, Amy Speer, Anne Weaver, Elizabeth Thompson, Heather Edwards, Nick Leet, Mary Ellen Poindexter, Zach Wall, Melanie De’Amecourt, Tom Owens, Dean Cleaveland, Elizabeth Davis, Andrew Esqueda

I. CFM Assistant position a. The job description is ready and will be send for review. b. We will hold on this position until we know the budget for 2020. Currently, the Church is about $500,000 off of the target. II. Property a. Elizabeth emailed Finance and Property Committee to utilize 2019 funds for needed furniture for the 4th and 5th grade classroom. Finance and Property did not respond and so funds were not used in 2019. III. Interim Pastor Update a. The Committee discussed the Interim pastor announcement and would like to provide feedback. IV. Children’s Sunday a. Children’s Sunday will be February 23rd for both 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. b. The theme will be using our gifts and skills to go out into the World to share God’s love. c. Sign-ups went out in this week’s CFM email. V. Lent/Messy Church a. Will target families through 2nd grade taught by Elizabeth

39 b. Andrew will teach 3rd – 5th c. The theme will be Wilderness d. Will take place the 6 weeks of Lent VI. Vacation Bible School a. Narrowing options among curriculum b. Need to define the intent of VBS, hoping to serve both our community and a broader community c. Dates will be Jun 15 – 18 VII. CFM 2020 – 2021 Calendar a. All staff calendar planning this week. b. Kick-off date for the Fall planned to be August 23rd VIII. Children in Worship a. Elizabeth handed out talking points for Children in Worship IX. Prayer Request a. Elizabeth shared several prayer requests.

Elizabeth closed in prayer

UPCOMING & NEW PROJECT REPORT Key Dates / Events Coming Up:  January 26th: 4th/5th grade recreation and Dinner 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.  Next CFM Committee meeting February 9th at 8 a.m. in D-130  February 11th: Women of the Church Lunch  February 23rd: Children’s Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship  Febrauary 25th: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner and Race 5:30 p.m.



Youth and Family Ministry Committee COMMITTEE REPORT for January 2020

VISION STATEMENT: Making God’s Love Visible The youth ministry of Trinity Presbyterian Church seeks to nurture youth and their families, to engage their hearts and minds, and to equip them for a lifelong faith that embodies God's transforming love through Jesus Christ.

COMMITTEE CHAIR: Lane Rhoden COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: JD Blitch and Shelby Holihan (youth elders), Class of 2022: Neal Williams, Reid Willingham, and Lindsey Greene. Class of 2021: Lane Rhoden, Steve Karasick (elder), Jack Calhoun (elder) Class of 2020: Molly Jamieson, Patti Lander, Dave Sullivan

II. CURRENT ACTIVITY REPORT • Winter Attendance Summary • Youth Christmas party in the Loft 40 + kids, including college students • HS Ski Trip takes place this month – 30+ are registered to attend. 4 chaperones • MS Mystery trip- 40 registered, 11 leaders • MS Escape Room outing – 16 kids attended • December Mission Project to BCM Thriftique – 4 Middle school students • College Montreat - 9 students - Andrew Esqueda - Cole Sandridge chaperoned • College Care Packages were sent this fall • YFM is hosting a screening of “The Like Movie” on January 26th in the Loft. It is an IndieFlix documentary about the impact of social media on our lives. Registration is taking place via EventBrite. • The LOFT was open for studying during final exams. Around 20 kids utilized the space. YFM members and parent volunteers hosted.

II. UPCOMING & NEW PROJECT REPORT • Summer Trips – Registration is open for HS and MS Montreat. Mission Trips are planned to New Orleans for HS, and Raleigh, NC for MS. Search is on for chaperones to accompany trips. • Youth Auction – Discussion began to get this on the calendar for the spring of 2021. YFM will need 2 Chairs for this event. • Summer Intern – Discussion underway for bringing in a male college student • Ongoing Projects • Billing and collections for trips – Neal Williams and Dave Sullivan offered to follow up on outstanding balances for 2019 • Group discussed sending reminder requiring payment in full before getting on the bus. Lindsey Greene to check people in before ski trip, Lane Rhoden and Molly Jamieson to check people in for Mystery Trip. • Financial Review Practices – meeting scheduled with Andrew, Walt Gilikin, Lane Rhoden and Martha Kelley • Goals- improve control and review processes • Review 2020 budget


42 Congregational Activities and Events Committee COMMITTEE REPORT for January 2020

VISION STATEMENT: Making God’s Love Visible We are engaged in a concerted effort to identify, implement and support activities and events involving a broad range of the church membership by encouraging their full participation in the life of Trinity Church.


COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: Hutton Dhue, Mary Elizabeth Jackson, George Parson, Nancy Parson, Cissy Smith, Kay Summers, M J Thorne, Margaret Smith

I. CURRENT ACTIVITY REPORT John Adams has officially resigned from the committee, as he completed his three year commitment of editing the Advent Devotional Book. (During the December meeting he brought a detailed description of his duties and gave them to Mary Elizabeth Jackson. He also agreed to email the document to Jason for the official church records.) Mary Elizabeth reported on her proposed schedule for the 2020 Advent Book. She has already identified a list of 70 people, who she will fit into the grid that represents gender, length of membership and age to reflect a cross section of the congregation, and bring that list to the March meeting. Committee members will be asked to submit their suggestions at that time. After the list has been reviewed, Committee members will invite these individuals to submit their devotionals. Mary Elizabeth plans to have this process completed by June 1st with a final submission date for September 12/13. She will work with Elizabeth Davis to help secure illustrations during Vacation Bible School and to follow up on two Sundays once school starts. She has also identified an individual she plans to ask to take over the final compiling and editing component in preparation for the printing and mailing in time for Advent 2020.


MJ Thorne brought a detailed report on the procedures required for ordering the poinsettias, wreaths and Christmas trees. She also included a timeline for installation and decorating the church from 2018-2020. She has already secured a date on the church calendar for decorating the Sanctuary (Saturday December 19th). She gave both a hard copy and a thumb drive to Chris Betts for her to keep in the Heritage Room and to give to Jason Ranke for the church computer records.

Nancy Parson distributed a budget with the expenses for the Madrigal Feast. The budget reflects a deficit of $700. Nancy commented that in the past, the church budget had always included funds for the Madrigal Feast of around $1,000. There were several one-time expenses that will not be incurred when the event is held in December 2021. Nancy reported on all the positive comments she had received about the event, and praised the Hospitality staff for their work and especially for the food, which was prepared by Jerome and his staff. Nancy will submit her final report to Jason and to Chris for her to keep a hard copy in the Heritage Room.

Calendar issues were discussed. Chris reported she had sent suggested dates to Jason for consideration on the 2020 calendar to include: a March reception for the Interim Pastor; the BBQ lunch in May; the June 7 Jazz In The Courtyard event; a September Celebration Sunday dinner, and a Christmas Dinner in early December for adults in place of the Madrigal Feast.


We believe in serving the common good by reaching out beyond ourselves, caring for God’s creation, and boldly addressing human needs through social action and advocacy. We serve wholeheartedly as an expression of our faith, remembering that Jesus “came not to be served but to serve.”

45 [Mission Council] COMMITTEE REPORT for [January] [2020]

VISION STATEMENT: Serve Wholeheartedly Mission Council serves as the formal body of representatives for Mission Ministries and through regular review of all activities, determines the vision and course for this ministry.

COMMITTEE CHAIR(S): Victoria Wolle, chair; Barbara Robertson, vice-chair

COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: Steven Darst, Shirley Davis, Janet Edwards, Marie Foster, John Hitchins, Julie Hope, Betsy Lyles Swetenburg, Sally Montgomery, Craig Pendergrast, Barbara Robertson, Jim Stokes, Scott Wolle, Victoria Wolle


Betsy reported that a budget surplus between twenty and twenty-five thousand will be carried over from 2018 and added to Mission’s funds. Also, the next Mission Council meeting will occur on February 5th, when members will receive the impact grant applications for review.


Partners to use Church Facility The La Gonave partnership and Buckhead Christian Ministry (BCM) Board will have their upcoming meetings at Trinity. The BCM Thriftique has now doubled in size, gained much needed additional space, and been reorganized to look like a regular retail store. Its grand reopening will take place on Saturday, January 25th.

Mission Opportunities this Month TPC members can volunteer this year over the MLK weekend by helping Saturday, January 18th with preparation for the Thriftique’s grand opening or on Monday, January 20th helping plant trees in local parks with Trees Atlanta.

46 Agape Dinners Trinity is scheduled to provide and serve dinners to Agape students each month of 2020. Members are encouraged to sign up and volunteer.

Christmas Market Review Julie reported the results of this year’s Christmas Market: The gross receipts totaled $34,300, with a current estimated profit of $22,000. This year the “Gifts for Good” were slightly higher than ever before ($14,532). Monies from food gifts totaled $3,000, which was pure profit. Non monetary benefits included the engagement of 70-80 volunteers and 260 shoppers in a joyous, goodwill event. 27 Members donated art, crafts and books. 7 fair trade organizations were supported. Thought for next year: a one-day market is much better than multi-day, although this plan poses a risk if the weather is bad the day of the market.

Faith in Action Velma Tilley and Esther Stokes were guests at the meeting and reported on activity surrounding Second Chances, an initiative aimed at addressing the negative effects of mass incarceration. Velma described how she, Esther and others were introduced to this area of advocacy at the Montreat Women’s Retreat. Afterward, they attended a conference about mass incarceration and have worked since to define ways to address a piece of this problem. Georgia is reportedly first in the nation for the number of people under correctional control.

Those engaged in this advocacy area would like to hold a record expungement event. To prepare, Trinity will offer a three class Sunday School series on mass incarceration to educate the congregation. Afterward, interested individuals could be involved in an expungement “summit.” Another opportunity for participation would consist of “2nd Chance” Days at the Capitol in February. A key concern for this advocacy initiative will be describing the classes and expungement event so that it is well understood by the congregation. Also, Velma proposed that Trinity become a supporting partner of 2nd Chance legislation through a vote at the next Session meeting.

47 Presbyterians for a Better Georgia (PBG) This advocacy group had a wakeup call when they did not receive funding from Trinity last year. They had presumed they would automatically receive funds and did not submit a grant application. They are currently restructuring and revising their approach.

Outcry Betsy reported that this group has not kept good records of their activities or of Trinity’s support. Our funds have largely supported Graham Younger’s time dedicated to Outcry concerns from under the umbrella organization, Faith in Public Life, which is multi-faith and national in scope. The Mission Council decided not to continue financial support for Outcry. The congregation’s energy has now shifted more to other issues, such as lack of affordable housing , income inequality, and mass incarceration.


The Mission Council voted unanimously to support the following and moves that the Session approve adding Trinity Presbyterian Church as a campaign partner of the Second Chance legislation to expand Georgia’s expungement laws.


Restriction & Sealing of Certain Convictions in Georgia: A Proposal from Georgia Justice Project

Problem 40 states allow a rehabilitated individual an opportunity to expunge some convictions after a period of time. In Georgia, the only convictions that can be restricted and sealed are certain misdemeanors an individual was convicted of before they turned 21 years old. Expanding access to expungement will improve public safety, strengthen our economy, and remove barriers to employment and housing for families. Proposal Increase access to employment and housing by expanding expungement. Amend O.C.G.A. § 35-3-37 to provide fo he eicion of ceain conicion fom an indiidal official Geogia ciminal hio if he hae remained crime-free for a certain period of time. Allow an individual whose conviction has been restricted by the Georgia Crime Information Center to petition a court to seal the public record of the conviction. Eligibility Misdemeanors: Automatically restrict certain misdemeanor convictions 4 years after the date of conviction, provided no pending charges and no new convictions. Felonies: May petition the court to restrict certain felony convictions 5 years after completion of a sentence, provided no pending charges and no new convictions in the five years prior to the petition. Limitations Any offense excluded from consideration for First Offender (see O.C.G.A. § 42-8-60) would be excluded from restriction and sealing, including serious violent felonies; sexual offenses; trafficking; elder and disabled neglect; crimes against children; crimes against law enforcement; DUI. Any offense excluded from Youthful Offender (see O.C.G.A. § 35-3-37 (j)) would be excluded from restriction and sealing, including sex crimes against children and by persons with supervisory authority; certain other sexual offenses; crimes against minors; certain theft charges; serious traffic offenses, including DUI. All felony domestic violence convictions and all misdemeanor domestic violence convictions not currently allowed under Youthful Offender will be excluded from restriction and sealing. Certain sealed charges would remain available for employers who serve vulnerable populations, including children, the mentally ill, and the elderly (see O.C.G.A. § 42-8-63.1 for list of First Offender discharges subject to disclosure). Information about charge remains available for use by law enforcement. Does not restore firearms rights. Process Restriction by GCIC: Misdemeanors: Automatic based on period of rehabilitation for Eligible Offenses. Felonies: Petition based; use same process in place since 2013 for Youthful Offender.

Sealing by Judge: Not automatic; motion to judge; prosecutor may object; judge reviews and decides. Court considers harm to the individual vs pblic inee in knowing.

For More Information: Doug Ammar, Esq. Brenda Smeeton, Esq. Executive Director Legal Director [email protected] [email protected] 404-827-0027 ext. 228 404-827-0027 ext. 235


We believe that we are called to cultivate servant leaders to serve in the church, the community, and in the world. We seek to lend a voice to conversations related to the most pressing local, national, and global issues of our time. With humility, we seek to be a catalyst for renewal in the larger church and in ecumenical and interfaith partnerships that renew the world in God’s love.


VISION STATEMENT: The Personnel Committee is charged with stewardship of the human resources of Trinity Presbyterian Church. In this capacity, the Committee is responsible for maintaining a non- discriminatory work environment where the Clergy and Staff who have been called to Trinity can do their jobs in a way that glorifies God and meets the needs of a vibrant and growing faith community.

2019-2020 COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: Frank Fuerst (Chair), Cindy Ferguson (Chair Elect), David Gracey, Alex Irwin, Brian Williams, Mickey Benn, Mike Kerman, Mary Kelley Speed, Alex Erwin, Jim Balloun, Janet Reed. Staff: Richard Floyd, Molly Faircloth

I. CURRENT ACTIVITY REPORT We have updated and streamlined the forms to be used for annual reviews of staff. We will start using these January 1.

Richard and Betsy are actively searching for a replacement for Amanda Edwards.

The numbers are still being finalized but Personnel actual expenses for 2019 will likely come in well under budget. This is primarily due to various clergy and staff positions being vacant for parts of the year.

We are beginning discussions with David Beasley and the Finance Committee on the 2020 budget and will refine that budget once the commitment campaign wraps up.

II. UPCOMING & NEW PROJECTs REPORT We are working with Andrew to update Trinity’s Child Protection Policy and are planning to have an updated version completed in January. After this is finalized, we will be looking at updating our general Workplace Conduct training and guidelines.

We’ve been discussing plans for the redistribution of staff responsibilities once an interim is hired. Our goal is be able to present recommendations to the Interim once she is in place.

Reverends Kim Clayton and Richard Floyd are in discussions with Lesley Carroll on how to introduce our new Interim Sr Pastor to the staff between now and March, and beyond. Personnel will assist as needed.


51 Property Committee Minutes December 4, 2019

In attendance: Esther Stokes, Chair, David Caldwell, Anne Carson, Hank Hall, Lea Holliday, George Parson, Christie Woodfin; staff: Molly Faircloth and Tommy Boling.

Esther opened the meeting with prayer.

Esther explained that since the last Property meeting she and Molly had met to discuss signage needs at Trinity—both wayfinding signage and outreach signage. Before that meeting Charlie Moseley, chair of the Trinity Trustees, had reached out to Esther to suggest investing in signage at Trinity, indicating that the Trustees might be supportive of such an effort. Since the Trustees meet infrequently and they were meeting on November 20, Charlie suggested that Esther come to the meeting to present this idea. Esther did make that presentation and reported that the Trustees seemed generally favorable to this idea.

Esther suggested forming a Signage Subcommittee, which was met with approval by those in attendance. Esther volunteered to chair the group, and Callie McDonald has agreed to serve as vice-chair. She asked for volunteers to serve, and the following additional members volunteered: Christie Woodfin, George Parson, and Anne Carson. Others may be added. Esther said that the Signage Subcommittee will need to work with the Security Task Force, because the decisions of that group will have a direct effect on decisions of the Signage Subcommittee. A substantial amount of research will be needed to figure out the signage needs/costs.

Hank Hall gave an update from the Security Task Force. He presented a document to the Committee which suggested 9 recommendations for consideration and implementation, based on the recommendations we had previously received from Invictus, our security consultant, and asked for Committee feedback. The Committee embraced the first 7 recommendations, leaving the other 2 (closing the Howell Mill entrance and providing additional police officer presence) for another time of discussion. Hank indicated he would work with our security consultant to address the 7 recommendations, coming up with cost implications if any) of each for those 7 recommendations. The ultimate

52 plan is to have a document that can be approved by Property and taken to the Session for action.

Both the Signage Subcommittee and the Security Task Force will be working going forward, with an eye to addressing both of these needs as soon as is reasonably achievable.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55am.

53 Property Committee Minutes January 8, 2020

In attendance: Esther Stokes, chair, Anne Carson, Stuart Grubb, Hank Hall, David Quillian, Paul Marston, George Parson, David Sullivan; staff: Molly Faircloth and Tommy Boling.

Esther opened the meeting with prayer.

The minutes from the December meeting were approved.

Paul Marston gave an update on our roof replacement project. The pre- construction meeting will occur today; Ideal Building Solutions, our contractor, is expected to begin the work next week. The contract has been signed. The project is to be completed by Palm Sunday, April 5.

The wall and double doors near the Trinity Preschool in D Building are not yet installed. Tommy Boling reported that the doors will cost approximately $1000 more than expected because full-light doors are more expensive.

Esther and Paul reported on the steeple inspection that occurred last Friday morning in driving rain. Two men from Renaissance Roofing in Belvidere, Illinois came to Atlanta specifically to inspect the steeple’s condition. They work all over the country with churches, city halls, and colleges and universities with historical roofing systems. They utilized a man lift to inspect the steeple on the outside and went up on the inside and took extensive photos. They indicated we can repair things and extend the life of the steeple or we can replace the covering and make other repairs to last another 70 years. They will price the job two ways—(1) repair and (2) replace.

Dave Sullivan had suggested a local steeple jack, Fred Franklin, who also inspected the steeple this past week on the inside and will return to inspect the exterior.

Hank Hall reported that he will meet later in January with Dan Stephens from our consultant, Invictus, to go through the security upgrade recommendations that Property Committee agreed on at the December meeting. He will ask for ball park pricing for each job on the list.


Esther reported that the Signage Subcommittee will meet Jan. 13. Their focus is wayfinding signage and also outreach signage.

Molly Faircloth reported on the December and end of year financials. It was decided to charge the HVAC unit in Williams Hall C and other expenses related to that to the Property Capital Reserve. We ended 2019 with $518,811.80 in the Property Capital Reserve and $351,167.82 in the Building & Grounds Trust Fund. She projected we would be under budget for 2019.

Tommy reported that Trinity has received a $1200 rebate from Georgia Power for LED retrofitting in 2019.

Tommy reported that he has priced replacement doors for Five Points (two sets of doors), the double front doors in B Building, the double doors near the coke machine toward the rear parking lot, and the welcome center double doors. The total for the doors and hardware is $27,027. He estimated installation will be +/- another $7500 for a total of +/-$35,000. We will re-use our motorized handicap controls. It was moved, seconded, and voted to approve this expenditure and move ahead with securing the new doors.

Tommy submitted pricing for replacement of our walk-in cooler in the kitchen which dates to 1994. Committee members thought we had dealt with that previously. Esther will check the minutes.

The topic of solar possibilities at Trinity was brought up again. Craig Pendergrast had suggested to Esther that there are ways to accomplish this without seeking investors from among Trinity members. David Quillian, who previously chaired our Solar Subcommittee, said he would call Craig to discuss.

Molly reported that the senior pastor’s office needs a re-fresh. She is working on assembling the furniture that was there previously.

Molly noted that the list of Trinity facilities use in January was included in the packet so we could see the full range of groups that utilize the building. It includes outside groups, and she pointed out that we need to have security on campus when outside groups are using the building.


It was pointed out that two different groups have been spending the night at Trinity lately. Molly and Esther will meet with Andrew Esqueda to discuss challenges.

Complaints have arisen about unleashed dogs being present on the Trinity campus. It was suggested that we may need signage to discourage this practice for the safety of individuals on the campus.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05am.


We believe that generosity is the only antidote to fear and scarcity. As stewards seeking to love God and our neighbors, we give generously of our time and resources in response to God’s generosity toward us. We recognize that we are called to be responsible stewards of our facilities, our financial and natural resources, and the gifts of our staff and members.

57 2020 Commitment Campaign Daily Analysis Summary As of January 14, 2020

Where We Stand Right Now

$3,925,000 Campaign Threshold

$3,458,858 Total Pledge Amount (Adults and Undesignated Operations Only)

517 TOTAL PLEDGES (Adult Only)

88.12% % of threshold to date (undesignated operations)

$33,480 New or Reactivated Pledges included in Total Pledges (Adult Only) 30 New or Reactivated Pledging Units (Adult Only)

$466,142 Pledges needed to reach goal (Undesignated Operations subtracted from Threshold) $237,057 Potential Pledging Units Remaining (Pledged in 2019, Not Pledged Yet in 2020)

Some Additional Percentages

4.21% Percent increase/decrease to date in pledge dollars of units that pledged in prior year

82.06% Current Year's Total Pledging Units To Date as % of Last Year's Total Units (630, Adult & Child Pledges) 55.65% Current Year's Total Pledging Units To Date as % of Potential Pledging Units (929)

Comparison to Last Year at Approximately the Same Time (2019 Campaign, Elizabeth Borland and Peter Barratt)

72 This report's days since beginning of campaign (November 3, 2019 - Kick Off Sunday). $3,382,779 Pledges made last year at this time (Week 11 of 2019 Campaign ) 526 Number of pledges at this time last year (Week 11 of 2019 Campaign) 85.6% Percent of 2019 Threshold ($3,950,000) at this time last year 83.5% Percent of 2019 Total (Adult) Pledges at this time last year

(9) Increase (Decrease) in Pledging Units over last year at this point in the campaign -1.7% Percent Increase (Decrease) in Pledging Units $76,079 Increase (Decrease) in Pledge Dollars over last year at this point in the campaign 2.2% Percent Increase (Decrease) in Pledge Dollars

58 Appendices 1. Financials 2. Trinity BG Trust document 3. Second Chance legislation documents 4. Inactive Roll List

59 Trinity Presbyterian Church Monthly Financial Statement Summary YTD Actuals to Budget Analysis As of December 31, 2019 preliminary

ABCDEF G YTD ‐ 12.31.2019 2019 Actual 2019 YTD Budget Relative To BUDGET Comments Favorable + Unfavorable = Net F/(U) "‐" = Under Budget; "+" = Over Budget 1 Income 2019 Prepaid Pledges $471,529; 2018 Prepaid Pledges $413,580; 2017 Prepaid Pledges $334,057 2 Pledged Income $ 3,737,831.40 $ 3,804,664.00 $ (66,832.60) Current Yr Pldgs (‐$76,915); Prior Year Pledges ($14,083) 3 Non‐Pledged Income 61,670.85 90,000.00 (28,329.15) 4 Trust Fund Income 98,000.00 98,000.00 ‐ 5 Other Income 59,602.41 65,000.00 (5,397.59) Loose offering (+$8,603); Interest (+5,963); Bldg Usage (‐$‐20,164); Wedding fees (+$200) 6 Activities & Recreation $64,690.60 65,000.00 (309.40) Basketball (‐$2,299); Activities (+$1,690) 7 Stock Gain/Loss 6,657.30 0.00 6,657.30 8 Total Income$ 4,028,452.56 $ 4,122,664.00 $ 6,657.30 $ (100,868.74) $ (94,211.44) 9 10 11 Expenses Congregation $ 55,078.44 $ 42,215.00 $ (12,863.44) Congregational Care (‐$3,487); Congregational Events (+$1,613); Advent Book (‐$2,883); Activities 12 (+$15,020) 13 Children & Families 16,746.49 28,400.00 11,653.51 Milestones (+$4,728); Curriculum (‐$6,856); Supplies (‐$4,490); New Programs/Tech (‐$5,062) Mission (‐$4,362); Youth Group (+$2,602); Relational Ministry (‐$1,368); Trips and Retreats (+$14,421); 14 Youth & Families 66,606.11 68,521.00 1,914.89 Transportation (‐$10,172); Technology (‐$2,325) 15 Adults 15,152.48 31,750.00 16,597.52 Adult Education (‐$13,644); Engagement (‐$1,581); Young Adults (‐$2,290) 16 Worship and Music 71,200.61 74,850.00 3,649.39 Worship (‐$1,692); Music (‐$1,958) 17 Mission 605,687.71 617,928.00 12,240.29 Partner Funding (‐$2,000); Mission Support (+$10,240) 18 Commitment 2,917.83 6,000.00 3,082.17 19 Finance & Administration 367,984.20 401,120.00 33,135.80 Administration (‐$32,812); Technology (‐$10,227); Food Service (+$10,654) 20 Property 576,155.58 586,000.00 9,844.42 Cleaning (‐$32,229); Building Maintenance (+$8,131); HVAC (+27,051); Security (+$1,465) Utilities (‐ $19,253); Grounds (+$9,354); Vehicles (‐$3,838) Personnel 2,028,543.38 2,235,880.00 207,336.62 Vacant Exec Pastor February thru October offset by clergy supplement; Vacant Sr Pastor September thru December; Vacant PT Payroll & Benefits thru July offset by new PT Sound Tech, staffing 21 consultant and clergy raises eff 7‐1‐19 22 Childcare 20,860.82 30,000.00 9,139.18 Sunday Childcare (‐$3,870): Weekday childcare (‐$5,269) 24 Total Expenses$ 3,826,933.65 $ 4,122,664.00 $ 308,593.79 $ (12,863.44) $ 295,730.35 25 26 Net Y‐T‐D Total $ 201,518.91 $ ‐ $ 201,518.91 27 28 29 Prior Month $ (255,918.03) ($557,851.20)$ 301,933.17


This Statement of Intent is made, effective ______, 2020, by Trinity Presbyterian Church of Atlanta Inc. (hereinafter sometimes “Trinity”, “Trinity Church” or the “Church”), acting by and through its Session and by the Trustees of the Trinity Presbyterian Trust Fund (hereinafter referred to respectively as the “Trustees” and the “Trust Fund.”) “Trustees” as hereinafter used refers to those persons elected by the Session as provided in the Bylaws of the Trust Fund and at the relevant times then holding such positions. On the date of this Statement of Intent, the Bylaws governing the Trust Fund are the Amended and Restated Bylaws adopted June 13, 1996. “Session” as hereinafter used refers to the Board of Directors of Trinity Church, which, in accordance with the requirements of the Bylaws, consists of the Elders, including Youth Elders, in active service. The Trust Fund for Major Maintenance of Trinity Presbyterian Church (the “Major Maintenance Fund”) was created at the request of the Session and certain long-time members of Trinity Church (the “Donors”) desiring to provide funds to supplement those available from Trinity’s existing Trust Fund for Building and Grounds. The Donors have made a generous initial gift in the amount of $250,000 which has been received by the Trustees and invested as part of the Trust Fund. The Donors have requested for the gift to remain anonymous at this time, except for disclosure of the Donors’ identity to the Chair of the Trustees. The Donors reserve the right to “name” the fund at a later date, subject to the Session’s and Trustees’ reasonable approval. The purpose of the Major Maintenance Fund is to establish a permanent trust fund for major building and grounds repair and maintenance needs of Trinity Church. It is the intent of the Session, Trustees and Donors that the principal and income from the Major Maintenance Fund be used to pay for maintenance, repair and/or replacement beyond the maintenance, repair and replacement that is intended to be provided through the normal operating budget. No amounts may be distributed to cover in whole or in part the annual operating expenses of Trinity’s buildings and grounds. Potential uses might include, but are not limited to, repairs or refurbishing of existing buildings and hardscapes, replacement of HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems, and any enhancement of church facilities to improve security or operating efficiency.

62 It is the Donors’ desire and vision that the fund will grow in size and impact over time through appreciation as well as subsequent contributions from the Donors and other faithful Trinity members. In 2021, there will commence an annual distribution (the “Annual Distribution”) of that percentage of the Major Maintenance Fund as shall from time to time be utilized by the Trustees in determining distributions from the undesignated assets of the Trust Fund. Such Annual Distributions shall be made from the Trust Fund to the Church’s Property Operating Reserve Fund, maintained as a balance sheet reserve fund for accounting purposes, or in such other form of distribution as the Trustees deem to be best and consistent with the purposes of the fund. Should the Session and the Trustees conclude that the purposes for which the principal and income of the Major Maintenance Fund are to be used are obsolete, inappropriate or impracticable, then all amounts remaining in the fund shall be added to the undesignated assets of the Trust Fund, and the Major Maintenance Fund shall cease to exist. Should Trinity cease to exist, all amounts in the Major Maintenance Fund shall be distributed by the Trustees in accordance with Article Seven of the Bylaws of the Trust Fund, as the same may be amended from time to time. This Statement of Intent is subject in all respects to the Bylaws of the Trust Fund, as they exist on the date hereof and as they may hereafter by amended from time to time. Subsequent additions to the Major Maintenance Fund shall be held, invested and disbursed in accordance with this Statement of Intent and the Bylaws of the Trust Fund. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit amounts credited to the Major Maintenance Fund from being commingled with other funds within the Trust Fund for investment purposes. It is the understanding and intent of the Session that this and all other funds held as part of the Trust Fund are subject to and governed by the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds act as adopted in the State of Georgia; provided, however, that the principal of the Major Maintenance Fund may be used and distributed as provided in this Statement of Intent.

Adopted by the Session: ______, 2020 Adopted by the Trustees: ______, 2020


63 ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS (as of January 2, 2020)

The following organizations have endorsed the Second Chance for Georgia Campaign’s goal of changing Georgia’s law so that certain misdemeanor and felony convictions can be expunged after a period of conviction free years. They recognize that expanding expungement will unlock opportunity for thousands of Georgians who want to work, rebuild their lives, and provide better futures for their families. They want Georgia to join the 40 other states that allow expungement of convictions, which, research has shown, increases public safety and benefits the economy.

Americans for Prosperity - Georgia The Liberty County Re-Entry Coalition, Inc. Athens Re-Entry Collaborative Midway Community Resource Center Atlanta CareerRise Martin Luther King Sr Community Resources Atlanta Center for Self-Sufficiency Collaborative Atlanta Friends Meeting (Quakers) Multifaith Initiative to End Mass Incarceration Atlanta Women’s Club National Action Network Buckhead Christian Ministry National Incarceration Association Central Presbyterian Church New Life Second Chance Outreach Charles Christian Tuller House Nimno AME Church Cobb Smart Justice Coalition Racial Justice Action Center Crawford & Boyle Foundation Re-Entry Coalition, Inc. Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta Reform Georgia Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) Rehabilitation Enables Dreams Southeastern Synod Advocacy Report Injustice Georgia First Step Staffing, Inc. River Edge Behavioral Health FreedomWorks Sconiers Homeless Preventive Organization Inc. Gateway Center SOAR Re-Entry Center Georgia Advancing Communities Together, Inc. Southern Center for Human Rights Georgia Budget and Policy Institute Southern Poverty Law Center Georgia Center for Opportunity The Temple Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda Trans(forming) Georgia Interfaith Public Policy Center Tyson’s Storehouse Education Center Georgia Justice Project United Way of Greater Atlanta Georgia STAND-UP Urban League of Greater Atlanta Georgia Supportive Housing Association, Inc. Virginia-Highland Church Georgia Watch Women on the Rise Georgia Women (And Those Who Stand with Us) Georgia Works! GreenLight Fund Atlanta Inner-City Muslim Action Network – Atlanta (IMAN) Jewish Community Relations Council Kirkwood United Church of Christ Legal Action Center Libertarian Party of Georgia

404-827-0027 ext. 248 SecondChanceGeorgia.org64 [email protected]

Restriction & Sealing of Certain Convictions in Georgia: A Proposal from Georgia Justice Project

Problem 40 states allow a rehabilitated individual an opportunity to expunge some convictions after a period of time. In Georgia, the only convictions that can be restricted and sealed are certain misdemeanors an individual was convicted of before they turned 21 years old. Expanding access to expungement will improve public safety, strengthen our economy, and remove barriers to employment and housing for families. Proposal Increase access to employment and housing by expanding expungement. Amend O.C.G.A. § 35-3-37 to provide for the restriction of certain convictions from an individual’s official Georgia criminal history if they have remained crime-free for a certain period of time. Allow an individual whose conviction has been restricted by the Georgia Crime Information Center to petition a court to seal the public record of the conviction. Eligibility Misdemeanors: Automatically restrict certain misdemeanor convictions 4 years after the date of conviction, provided no pending charges and no new convictions. Felonies: May petition the court to restrict certain felony convictions 5 years after completion of a sentence, provided no pending charges and no new convictions in the five years prior to the petition. Limitations  Any offense excluded from consideration for First Offender (see O.C.G.A. § 42-8-60) would be excluded from restriction and sealing, including serious violent felonies; sexual offenses; trafficking; elder and disabled neglect; crimes against children; crimes against law enforcement; DUI.  Any offense excluded from Youthful Offender (see O.C.G.A. § 35-3-37 (j)) would be excluded from restriction and sealing, including sex crimes against children and by persons with supervisory authority; certain other sexual offenses; crimes against minors; certain theft charges; serious traffic offenses, including DUI.  All felony domestic violence convictions and all misdemeanor domestic violence convictions not currently allowed under Youthful Offender will be excluded from restriction and sealing.  Certain sealed charges would remain available for employers who serve vulnerable populations, including children, the mentally ill, and the elderly (see O.C.G.A. § 42-8-63.1 for list of First Offender discharges subject to disclosure).  Information about charge remains available for use by law enforcement.  Does not restore firearms rights. Process  Restriction by GCIC: Misdemeanors: Automatic based on period of rehabilitation for Eligible Offenses. Felonies: Petition based; use same process in place since 2013 for Youthful Offender.

 Sealing by Judge: Not automatic; motion to judge; prosecutor may object; judge reviews and decides. Court considers harm to the individual vs public’s interest in knowing.

For More Information: Doug Ammar, Esq. Brenda Smeeton, Esq. Executive Director Legal Director [email protected] [email protected] 404-827-0027 ext. 228 404-827-0027 ext. 235


Prepared by Georgia Justice Project Quick Facts on Expungement Contact Ann Colloton How Does Georgia Compare? [email protected] 404-827-0027 ext. 248

Rates of Correctional Control

Georgia has the highest rate of correctional control in the country, yet it has one of the most restrictive expungement laws. At least 40 states allow expungement of some convictions, but currently in Georgia, only arrests that did not lead to a conviction and certain misdemeanor convictions before someone turned 21 can be expunged. Everything else stays on your record forever in Georgia, creating lifetime barriers to opportunity.


The Second Chance for Georgia Campaign aims to change Georgia’s expungement law to allow expungement of certain misdemeanor and felony convictions after a period of conviction-free years. A conviction shouldn’t be a life sentence to poverty and unemployment. Help us change Georgia’s law. Visit our website!


(approved by session November 18) MOTION: That the following persons be deleted from the roll of Trinity Presbyterian Church because of membership transfer to another church:

Bradburn Bruce Bradburn Fran Darrah Vicki Hayes Blythe Mellinger Jeanette Roberts Matt Johnson Scottie Roberts Holly White Hillary

MOTION: That the following persons be deleted from the roll of Trinity Presbyterian Church at their own request:

Abelita Lillian Broyles Tony Broyles Holly Burst- Terranella Fran Cushing Carolyn Hardwick Mary Houser Beth Howard Justin Howard Kari Leser Cornelia McClendon Mary Anna Moody Allyson Murphy Colleen Myers Tom Scott David Scott Debbie Seigler Charlotte Simons Bob Woollcott Laura

67 MOTION: That the following persons be deleted from the roll of Trinity Presbyterian Church due to inactivity for four years and having moved with no forwarding address:

Barr Lane Benton Carl Bjorkholm Laura Blair Samantha Bradshaw A.T. Broadfoot Rob Broyles Katie Case George de Olano Greta Dewberry Heather Dobbs Whitney DuFresne Jeff Evans Will Eynon Laurie Furness Robyn Hartness Ruth Hines Pepper Johnson Donna Manning Scott Manning Ann Robbins Joy Runge Bill Sinclair Dell Sinclair Angela Sullivan Lucy Wells Penn Wells Sally Whitehurst Celadon Nelson Eric York Jonathan

68 MOTION: That the following persons be moved to the inactive roll of Trinity Presbyterian Church at their own request:

Barr Kitty Beasley Virginia Behr Lee Bell Frank Black Margaux Cunningham Lauren

Grant Tricia Jordie Hall Jordan Houser Joyce Jones Andrea Kenan Alex King Dudley Land Elizabeth May Rob McCarthy Steve McCarthy Sissel McCartney Doug McCauley-May Mindy Mueller Richard Mueller Karin Rogers Jack Spratlin Chandler Spratlin Margaret Stone Barclay Strickler Helen Strickler Leigh Tansil Allen Tansil Jo Ellen Watters Anne Williams Mac Williams Hayden Williams Dianne

69 MOTION: That the following persons be moved to the inactive roll of Trinity Presbyterian Church, having received a letter noting their membership inactivity with a request for information, but no response received:

Allaman Jeff Anderson Ty Baker Adam Berry Betsy Black Krystl Campbell Tim Coleman Will Cosky Heather Deer Hart Dobbs Palmer Gendell Carol Henry Steven Johnson Jonathan Johnson Tara Jones Robert Jones Doris Marston JP O'Neal Terry Pritchard Cathie Reeves Quillian Schuver George Shepard Duncan Stair Ben Stastny Debbie Steuer Lisa Stuber Brent Tanner David Welch Tom Welch Debbie Whitcomb Robyn Williams Susan Willig Amanda Wood Lib Akers Winnie Algarra Corneille Amato Peter Amato Pat Anderson Walker Anderson William 70 Antrim Katharine Arnall Taylor Arnold June Arnold Susan Arnold Chuck Assenza Amanda Bach Cathy Bach Gillian Bailey Chris Bailey Cathie Baird Weldon Beerman Mary Black Cameron Blair Kevin Bland Walter Boyd Bob Boyd Barrie Branch Amy Brewer Boone Brewer Melissa Bristol Doug Brooks Steve Brooks Bobbi Brooks Dore Brown George Brown Sarah Brown Frank Brown Robbie Brown Tina Brown Gail Buckley Tom Buckley Amanda Calhoun John Camp Betsy Campbell Christina Carlock Mary Lynn Carmichael Sharon Carson Gerry Carson Ashley Catherman Gary Catherman Margaret Chastain Kenny Clark Carter Clark Diane Coleman Lee Cook Blanton

71 Cooper Pat Copeland Braden Court Emily Cowan Keith Coyne Tricia Cravey Dick Cravey Linda Crawford Jess Dedini Corinne DeGrace Liz Dobbs Nancy Dobes Kat Dooley Shawn Dreyer Meg Drummond Carly Drummond Kevin Drummond Carol Durrett Mac Durrett Tom Durrett Caddie Durrett Will Durrett Amy Dwyer Dave Dwyer Lisa Elliott Jim Elliott Nancy Ellis Erin Elrod Mike Erickson Jan Evans Mollie Fant Emily Fant Sara Fenton Elizabeth Ferreira Ellis Ferreira Ashley Fey Lorenne Finch Todd Finch Jen Fondren Frances Fozzard Peter Fozzard Drew Fozzard Libby Freeman Millar Friestad Gary Friestad Kathy Fuller Jennifer

72 Gelber Matt Geraghty Kate Gillespie Ben Goad Brianna Gober Zack Hall Lindsay Hancock Dorothy Harris Jack Harris Roger Harris Diane Harty Page Hauseman Adam Henderson Eleanor Herndon Joy Hessel Taylor Higgins Judy Hill Laura Hoffman Brian Hogeman Bert Hogeman Lori Houghton Alex Houghton Laura Houpt Brian Houpt Katherine Hoverman Chris Howerton Rob Hughen Hank Hughen Laura Hughes Lauren Hutton Annabella Ingram Libby Jamison Larry Johnson Melissa Johnson Kim Johnson Randy Johnston Ellen Jones Florence Jones Gordon Joyner Sharon Kelley Alan Kelly Nancy Guy Kenan Laine Kenan Melinda Kerlin Patricia Kimbrell William King Markeal

73 LeFevre Joffre LeFevre Kristen Lischer Briggs Little Paul Little Erin Lockwood Lynda Long Debbie Love Todd Mackey Colin Mansfield Whit Marriott Martha Marshall Michael Marshall Whit Marshall Kacey Matthews Bill McCartney Jenny McDuffie Edward McDuffie Nora McGahan Martin McGahan Kasey McHugh Chris McLay Shannon Medford Fleet Medford Kellie Merritt Christopher Mocek Joyce Montgomery Anne Moore Lisa Morton Peck Morton Erin Moynihan Patrick Moynihan Morgan Muir Bob Muir Linda Mulvaney Jennifer Muzii Mark Muzii Allie Myers Dan Myers Debbe Neumeister Bess Neumeister Donald Nipper Elizabeth Nurkin Andrew Ogram David Ogram Laura Ogram Connie

74 Overholtzer Nancy Pardue Jerry Patterson John Patterson Jay Patterson Molly Patterson Katie Pattillo Kathlyn Peace Fred Pedersen Royce Pedersen Jessica Penfold Lauren Perkinson Ginny Pfeffer Kate Poirier John Polashock Vicky Polito Sarah Powell Carol Pray Amelia Price Cari Prowell Ryan Rainey Chris Rainey Jodi Reece John Reeves Katharine Rich Brittany Riley Chris Robey Kate Rogers Lindy Rolader Ric Rooker Gil Rooker Wendy Russell Dean Sabulis Tom Sabulis Jill Schilling Diana Schilling Lee Schneider Lori Schreiner Blaine Schreiner Leslie Schulte Liz Seward Paula Simmons Scott Simmons Brad Simmons Elizabeth Simmons Betsy Sliwinski Sarah

75 Smith Blant Spalten David Spalten Sharon Spetnagel Elizabeth Sprague Chuck Sprague Mary Sprinkle Don Stegin Jenna Stewart Jill Stewart Julie Stoeber Elizabeth Stoll Cindy Strayhorn Gregory Swensson Ellie Tanner Leslie Thomas Tadd Thompson Rob Thompson Lisa Turner Nelson Turville Ed Turville Jo Utterback Douglas Vadnais David Vadnais Alexandra Ventress Blan Vepraskas Marc Vepraskas Nancy Verduce Valerie Vesely Bill Veysey Cooper Wailes Marvin Wailes Serena Wainwright Lesley Wallace John Waters Dave Waters Mary Ellen Watters Elizabeth Weitz Carol Westerfield Walter Westigard Ona White Michael White J.R. Williams John Williams Steve Williams Brad Williams Ridley

76 Williams Allen Williams Julie Williams Merrie Wing Elizabeth Wood Sally Wright Elizabeth Yamada Mina Yamakawa Keiko Yntema Betsey Young Rachael