
Verzeichnis der Schallplatten und Compact Discs der Vergleichenden Musikwissenschaft an der Fachbereichsbibliothek Musikwissenschaft

Inhalt: Erwerbungen bis 2004

SV = Schallplatte (vergleichende Musikwissenschaft) SV […] CD = Compact Disc (vergleichende Musikwissenschaft)

Schallplatten 1-500

Beschreibung: Sigel des Kontinents Land bzw. Stamm. – Gattung. Ensemble, Instrument. – Liedanfänge. - Interpreten, Komponisten

Die Zuordnung der einzelnen Länder und Stämme zu den entsprechenden Kontinenten orientiert sich nach den Angaben des "Fischer Weltalmanach '83".

Innerhalb der Kontinente sind die Länder bzw. Stämme nach dem Alphabet gereiht. Diesem Ordnungswort können zur näheren Bestimmung weitere Ortsangaben folgen. Daran schließt die Aufzählung der Musikgattungen der jeweiligen Tonaufnahme an.

Der Aufzählung von Ensembles ist die der Musikinstrumente angefügt, welche in ihrer Reihung der Hornbostel-Sachs'schen Systematik folgen. Zusätzliche und einheimische Bezeichnungen von Musikinstrumenten sind den deutschen Oberbegriffen in Klammer beigesetzt.

Nicht deutschsprachige Namen von Gattungen, Ensembles und Musikinstrumenten sind grundsätzlich klein geschrieben.

Die Erfassung der Liedanfänge unterliegt keiner systematischen Gliederung.

Nach den alphabetisch geordneten Liedanfängen folgt jeweils die Angabe des Landes (soweit dies möglich), der Gattung, des Interpreten und eventuell des Komponisten.

Die Namen der Interpreten und Komponisten sind nach dem Alphabet gereiht.

Im Stichwortverzeichnis sind die Gattungsbegriffe alphabetisch, die Musikinstrumente systematisch angeführt, die Ensemblebezeichnungen wurden der besseren Übersicht halber teils gegliedert, teils alphabetisch aufgezählt.


73 Akustik. - Bioakustik.

76 Akustik. - Formantton. - Residualton.

77 Akustik. - Lautstärkeempfindung.

79, 80, 81, 82 Akustik.

92 Akustik. - Glocke.

96 Akustik. - Kombinationstöne. - Konsonanz.

111 Akustik. - seashore test.

117 Akustik.

182 Akustik. - Händeklatschen. - Gegenschlagstäbe. - Aufschlaggefäß. - Becken.- Trommel.

186 Akustik. - Bioakustik. - Tierstimmen.

191, 192 Akustik.

379 Akustik. - Bioakustik. - Fischlaute. - Rotes Meer.

384 Akustik.

438 Akustik.

440 Akustik. - Trommel. - Schlagwerk. - europ"ische Hochkultur.

441 Akustik. - Flöte. - . - europ"ische Hochkultur.

493, 493 Akustik

2 Afrika

451 AF Ader. - Niger. - tribale Musik. - Schlagring (zari). - Trommel (douma).

214 AF Afrika. - tribale Musik. - Instrumentalmusik. - Gegenschlagst"be (ngbengbe). - Schlitztrommel (mgungu). - Xylophon. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Trompete. - Harfe. - .

21 AF Ägypten. - arabische Musik. - Liebeslied. - Trommel (darbukka). - Laute (ud).

112 AF Ägypten. - Volksmusik. - Hochzeitsmusik. - Becken. - Trommel (darbukka).- Laute gestrichen ().

335 AF Ägypten. - Volksmusik. - Trommel (). - Flöte (nay). - Klarinette (argul). - Zither (). - Laute (ud). - Laute gestrichen (rebab).

339 AF Ägypten. - arabische Musik. - Instrumentalmusik. - Trommel (tabla). - Flöte (nay). - Zither (qanun). - Laute (ud).

413 AF Ägypten. - arabische Musik. - taqsim. - layali. - Trommel (darbukka).- Tambourin (req). - Flöte (nay). - Zither (qanun). - Laute (ud).

414 AF Ägypten. - Hochkultur. - arabische Musik. - maqam. - taqsim. - layali.- Trommel (darbukka). - Rahmentrommel (). - Flöte (nay). - Hackbrett (). - Laute (busoq). - Laute (ud). - Laute gestrichen (rebab). - Spieálaute.

458 AF Ägypten. - rituelle Musik. - islamische Musik.

16 AF Algerien. - arabische Musik.

458 AF Algerien. - rituelle Musik. - islamische Musik.

463, 463 AF Algerien. - islamische Musik. - Klapper.

26 AF Angola. - Humbi. - Handa. - tribale Musik.

474 AF Angola. - tribale Musik. - Reibetrommel. - Schwirrholz. - Musikbogen.- Bogenlaute.

256 AF Ankole. - . - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik. - epischer Gesang. - Tanzmusik. - Flöte. - Musikbogen. - Schalenzither. - Laute gestrichen.

28 AF Äthiopien. - Spieálaute. - Leier.

109 AF Äthiopien. - Kopten. - rituelle Musik. - religi" Musik. - Glocke.- (tsenatsil). - Trommel (koboro).

161 AF Äthiopien. - Amharas. - tribale Musik. - Flöte (washint). - Leier (krar).- Laute gestrichen (masinko).

278, 279 AF Äthiopien. - tribale Musik. - boltsetsiu Ensemble. - awasa Ensemble.- bolnegro Ensemble.


458 AF Äthiopien. - islamische Musik.

1 AF quatorialafrika. - Bantu. - tribale Musik. - Händeklatschen.- Gegenschlagst"be - Rassel. - Xylophon. - Glocke. - Lamellophon. - Trommel.- Flöte. - . - Musikbogen. - Stabzither.

27 AF quatorialafrika. - Xylophon. - Horn.

28 AF quatorialafrika. - tribale Musik. - Harfe.

257 AF Bafia. - Kamerun. - tribale Musik. - Tanzlied. - Lamellophon (sanza).

114 AF Basutoland. - Südafrika. - tribale Musik. - Maultrommel. - Flöte.- Musikbogen.

470 AF Bavuma. - Uganda. - tribale Musik. - Arbeitslied. - Totenlied. - rituelle Musik. - Kirchenlied. - Kinderlied. - Trommel. - Horn. - Erdzither. - Leier.- Spieálaute.

238 AF Bemba. - Zambia. - tribale Musik. - Tanzlied. - Totenlied. - Rassel.- Trommel. - Zither. - Gitarre.

139 AF Berber. - Algerien. - Volksmusik. - Hochzeitslied. - Liebeslied. - Trommel.

490 AF Berber. - Marokko. - tribale Musik. - Hochzeitslied. - Trommel.- Rahmentrommel.

451 AF Beri beri. - Niger. - tribale Musik.

362 AF Dahomey. - Bariba. - Somba. - tribale Musik. - Hofmusik. - Totengesang.- Trommel. - Flöte. - Horn. - Trompete. - Laute.

475 AF Dahomey. - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik.

106 AF Dan. - Elfenbeinküste. - tribale Musik. - Tanzmusik. - Arbeitslied.- Jagdlied. - Kinderlied. - Händeklatschen. - Rassel. - Glocke. - Schlitztrommel. - Lamellophon (sanza). - Trommel. - Trompete (Antilopenhorn). - Trompete

(truta). - Harfe (ko). - Mirliton.

278, 279 AF Desana. - Äthiopien. - tribale Musik. - Totenlied.

451 AF Djerma. - Niger. - tribale Musik. - Trommel (ganga). - (alghaita).

341 AF Dogon. - . - tribale Musik. - Trommel.

454 AF Dogon. - Mali. - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Hochzeitslied. - Totenlied. - Trommel. - Schwirrholz. - Trompete.

341 AF Elfenbeinküste. - Koulango. - Malinke. - tribale Musik. - Hochzeitslied.

4 26 AF Ewe. - Togo. - tribale Musik.

28 AF Gambia. - tribale Musik. - Laute.

271 AF . - tribale Musik. - Trommel. - Trompete.

453 AF Guere. - Elfenbeinküste. - tribale Musik. - Arbeitslied. - Kriegslied.- Rassel. - Xylophon (gbo). - Trommel. - Leier (do). - Harfenlaute (duu).

26 AF Guinea. - tribale Musik. - Totenklagen.

68 AF Haussa. - tribale Musik. - Trommel. - Trompete.

451 AF Haussa. - tribale Musik. - Horn (kongue). - Trompete (kakaki). - Laute (garaya).

83 AF Hukwe. - Südwestafrika. - tribale Musik. - Musikbogen.

452 AF Idoma. - . - tribale Musik. - Trommel.

458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463 AF islamische Musik.

26 AF Kamerun. - tribale Musik. - Rassel. - Trommel. - Flöte.

27 AF Kamerun. - Bulu. - tribale Musik. - Händeklatschen.

172 AF Kamerun. - tribale Musik. - Lamellophon (sanza). - Xylophon. - Flöte.- Klarinette. - Mundbogen. - Harfenlaute.

257 AF Kamerun. - Bafia.

340 AF Kamerun. - Kirdi. - Mvet. - tribale Musik. - Instrumentalmusik. - Rassel.- Schellen. - Trommel. - Harfe.

340 AF Kirdi. - Kamerun. - tribale Musik. - Arbeitslied. - Totenmusik. - Trommel. - Harfe. - Bogenharfe.

26 AF Kongo. - tribale Musik. - Tanzlied.

27 AF Kongo. - tribale Musik. - Lamellophon. - Schlitztrommel.

255 AF Kongo. - Mpangu.

341 AF Koulango. - Elfenbeinküste. - tribale Musik.

95 AF Krobo. - Ghana. - tribale Musik. - Wiegenlied. - Tanzlied. - Hochzeitslied. - Liebeslied. - Arbeitslied. - Trommel (ka ma).


201 AF Kuschiten. - Äthiopien. - tribale Musik. - Tanzlied. - Trommel. - Flöte.- Horn.

252 AF Luba Shankadi. - tribale Musik. - Arbeitslied. - Tanzlied. - Totenlied.

15 AF Madagaskar. - tribale Musik. - Röhrenzither (valiha).

235 AF Malawi. - Popular Musik. - Rassel. - Maultrommel. - Flöte. - Gitarre.- Kachamba Brother's Band.

341 AF Mali. - Volksmusik. - Laute.

341 AF Malinke. - Elfenbeinküste. - tribale Musik. - Trommel.

237 AF Mandinka. - Gambia. - tribale Musik. - Harfenlaute (kora).

451 AF Maouri. - Niger. - tribale Musik. - Rassel (djandama). - Halslaute (gogue). - Halslaute (gouroumi).

16 AF Marokko. - arabische Musik.

67 AF Marokko. - Volksmusik. - Laute (guenbrit).

90 AF Marokko. - Volksmusik. - Rahmentrommel. - Flöte.

347, 348 AF Marokko. - Volksmusik. - arabische Musik. - Trommel. - Tambourin. - Flöte. - Oboe. - Laute. - Laute (ud).

459 AF Marokko. - Volksmusik. - Laute (gunbri).

461 AF Marokko. - islamische Musik. - Trommel. - Trompete. - Schalmei.

26 AF Masai. - Ostafrika. - tribale Musik. - Kriegsgesang.

375, 376 AF Mauretanien. - Volksmusik. - Harfe (ardin). - Laute (tidinit).

255 AF Mpangu. - Kongo. - tribale Musik. - Hochzeitslied. - Wiegenlied.

230 AF Mvet. - Kamerun. - tribale Musik. - Rassel.

340 AF Mvet. - Kamerun. - tribale Musik. - Harfe.

451 AF Niger. - tribale Musik.

271 AF Nigeria. - tribale Musik.

6 461 AF Nigeria. - islamische Musik.

456, 457 AF Nubier. - tribale Musik. - Hochzeitslied. - Liebeslied. - Tambourin. - Akkordeon. - Laute.

56 AF Pygmäen. - tribale Musik. - Jagdlied. - Jodeln.

107 AF Pygmäen. - tribale Musik. - Jagdlied. - Wiegenlied. - Jodeln. - Händeáklatschen. - Gegenschlagst"be. - Rassel. - Schellen. - Trommel. - Flöte.

419 AF Pygmäen. - tribale Musik. - Kinderlied. - Flöte.

271 AF Rhodesien. - tribale Musik.

26 AF Ruanda. - tribale Musik.

108 AF Ruanda. - tribale Musik. - Tanzmusik. - Hirtenlied. - Liebeslied. - Hochzeitslied. - epischer Gesang. - Händeklatschen. - Lamellophon (sanza). - Trommel (ngoma). - Flöte. - Zither (inanga). - Schalenzither. - Musikbogen.

341 AF Senufo. - Elfenbeinküste. - tribale Musik. - Xylophon. - Laute.

271 AF Sierra Leone. - tribale Musik. - Harfenlaute (kora).

451 AF Sonrai. - Niger. - tribale Musik. - Halslaute.

251 AF Swaziland. - tribale Musik. - Arbeitslied. - Hochzeitslied. - Tanzlied. - Wiegenlied. - Musikbogen.

253 AF Swaziland. - tribale Musik. - Musikbogen.

254 AF Teda. - tribale Musik. - Körperschlag. - Trommel. - Klarinette.- Halslaute. - Laute gestrichen.

57 AF Togo. - tribale Musik. - Totenklage.

388 AF Tschad. - tribale Musik. - Trommel.

68 AF Tuareg. - tribale Musik. - Trommel. - Laute gestrichen.

99 AF Tuareg. - tribale Musik. - Hochzeitslied. - Jagdlied. - Liebeslied.- Tanzlied. - Händeklatschen. - Wassertrommel. - Trommel (tendi). - Laute (imzhad).

340 AF Tuareg. - tribale Musik. - Trommel (Blechkanister). - Flöte.

278, 279 AF Tukana. - Äthiopien. - Rassel. - PanFlöte.


7 AF Tunesien. - arabische Musik.

26 AF Tunesien. - Volksmusik. - Flöte.

110 AF Tunesien. - arabische Musik. - religiöse Musik. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Oboe. - Zither (qanun). - Laute (ud). - Laute gestrichen (rabab).

340 AF Tunesien. - Volksmusik

256 AF Uganda. - Ankole.

271 AF Uganda. - tribale Musik.

461 AF Uganda. - islamische Musik.

470 AF Uganda. - Bavuma. - tribale Musik.

28 AF Watutsi. - tribale Musik. - Zither. - Schalenzither.

203 AF Westafrika. - tribale Musik.

271 AF Westafrika. - tribale Musik. - Xylophon. - Lamellophon (sanza). - Trommel. - Trompete. - Harfenlaute (kora).

253 AF Xhosa. - tribale Musik. - Maultrommel. - Musikbogen.

258 AF Yaka. - tribale Musik. - Tanzlied. - Wiegenlied. - Xylophon. - Trommel. - Flöte.

26 AF Yaounde. - tribale Musik. - Trommel.

27 AF Yoruba. - tribale Musik. - Trommel.

340 AF Yoruba. - tribale Musik. - Trommel.

342 AF Yoruba. - Popular Musik. - Oper.

374 AF Yoruba. - tribale Musik. - Trommel. - Trompete.

473 AF Yoruba. - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik.

475 AF Zaire. - Lunda. - tribale Musik. - Kriegslied. - Lamellophon (sanza). - Reibetrommel. - PanFlöte. - Mundbogen.

477 AF Zaire. - Tshokwe. - tribale Musik. - Hochzeitslied. - Kriegslied. - Wiegenlied. - Totenlied. - rituelle Musik. - Lamellophon. - Xylophon. - Reibetrommel.

8 271 AF Zambia. - tribale Musik.

253 AF Zulu. - tribale Musik. - Musikbogen.

9 Amerika Nord

249 AMN Algonkian Indianer. - Kanada. - tribale Musik. - Jagdlied. - Trommel.

190 AMN Alonquian Indianer. - tribale Musik.

442 AMN Amerika. - Popular Musik. - Unterhaltungsmusik. - Orchester.

259, 260 AMN Bella Coola Indianer. - Kanada. - tribale Musik.

26 AMN Cree Indianer. - Kanada. - tribale Musik. - Trommel.

259, 260 AMN Coast Salish Indianer. - Kanada. - tribale Musik.

173, 174, 175, 176, 177 AMN Doukhobor. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Hymne.

26 AMN Eskimo. - Kanada. - tribale Musik.

27 AMN Eskimo. - tribale Musik. - Rahmentrommel.

36 AMN Eskimo. - Alaska. - tribale Musik. - Jagdlied. - Tanzlied. - Tambourin.

27 AMN Flathead Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Flöte.

141 AMN Flathead Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Liebeslied. - Tanzlied. - Wiegenlied. - Trommel. - Flöte.

190 AMN Great Lake Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Tanzlied. - Rassel. - Trommel.

259, 260 AMN Haida Indianer. - Kanada. - tribale Musik.

27 AMN Haiti. - Trommel

136 AMN Haiti. - rituelle Musik.

157, 158 AMN Haiti. - Volksmusik. - Arbeitslied. - Tanzlied. - rituelle Musik (voodoo). - Stampfr"hre (ganbo). - Gegenschlagst"be (ogan). - Lamellophon (). - Rassel. - Trommel. - Trompete. - Erdbogen. - Gitarre.

26 AMN Hopi Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Totenklage.

26 AMN Huichol Indios. - Mexiko. - tribale Musik.

190 AMN Iroquois Indianer. - tribale Musik.

10 33 AMN . - rituelle Musik. - Hymne. - Rassel. - Triangel. - Trommel.

259, 260 AMN Kanada. - Westküsten Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Kinderlied. - Liebeslied. - rituelle Musik. - Tanzlied. - Totenklage. - Händeáklatschen. - Rassel. - Trommel.

259, 260 AMN Kwakiutl Indianer. - Kanada. - tribale Musik.

27 AMN Mexiko. - Schraper.

28 AMN Mexiko. - Harfe.

182 AMN Mexiko. - Volksmusik.

140 AMN Mexiko. - tribale Musik. - Tanzmusik. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Trompete. - Musikbogen (mitote). - Harfe. - Gitarre. - Violine.

218, 219 AMN Mexiko. - pr"columbianische Instrumente. - Flöte. - Okarina. - Mirliton.

274 AMN Mexiko. - Volksmusik. - rituelle Musik. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Oboe. - Harmonium. - Harfe. - Gitarre. - Violine. - Violoncello. - Kontrabaá.

434 AMN Mexiko. - europ"ische Hochkultur. - Klavier. - elektronische Orgel.

2 AMN Navaho Indianer. - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Rassel. - Trommel.

27 AMN Navaho Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Wassertrommel.

83 AMN Navaho Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Arbeitslied.

259, 260 AMN Nootka Indianer. - Kanada. - tribale Musik.

350 AMN Papago Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Rassel. - Korbtrommel.

26 AMN Pawnee Indianer. - tribale Musik.

437 AMN Peyote Indianer. - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Rassel. - Trommel.

189 AMN Plains Indianer. - Kanada. - tribale Musik. - Kriegslied. - Tanzlied. - Rassel. - Trommel.

26 AMN Salish Indianer. - tribale Musik.

248 AMN Seminole Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Tanzlied. - Trommel. - Flöte.


11 AMN Sioux Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Liebeslied. - Rassel. - Wassertrommel. - Glocke. - Trommel. - Flöte.

28 AMN . - .

236 AMN USA. - Popular Musik. - . - Count Basie. - George Wallington.

431 AMN USA. - Volksmusik. - Kirchenlied.

432 AMN USA. - Volksmusik. - Hymne. - Spiritual. - Gitarre.

12 Amerika Süd

35 AMS Amazonas Indianer. - Chamas. - Campas. - Cocama. - tribale Musik. - Wiegenlied. - Kriegslied. - Totenklage. - Trommel. - Flöte.

66 AMS Amazonas Indianer. - Bora. - Iawa. - tribale Musik. - Liebeslied.

66 AMS Bora Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Rassel. - PanFlöte.

397 AMS Bora Indianer. - Kolumbien. - tribale Musik. - Flöte. - Okarina.

35 AMS Campas. - tribale Musik.

35 AMS Chamas. - tribale Musik.

415 AMS . - Mapuche. - rituelle Musik. - Klapper. - Trommel. - PanFlöte. - Horn. - Trompete.

35 AMS Cocama. - tribale Musik.

436 AMS . - Jivaro. - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik.

26 AMS Feuerland. - tribale Musik.

40 AMS Guatemala. - tribale Musik. - Xylophon (marimba).

66 AMS Iawa Indianer. - tribale Musik. - Liebeslied. - Flöte. - Trompete.

436 AMS Jivaro. - Ecuador. - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Liebeslied. - Wiegenlied. - Rassel. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Trompete. - Musikbogen. - Violine.

397 AMS Kolumbien. - Bora. - Witoto. - tribale Musik.

26 AMS Makuschi. - Brasilien. - tribale Musik.

27 AMS Peru. - Volksmusik. - Trommel. - PanFlöte.

34 AMS Peru. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Händeklatschen. - Trommel. - Tambourin. - Flöte. - PanFlöte. - Harfe. - Mandoline (charango).

131 AMS Peru. - Volksmusik. - Trommel. - Flöte (kana). - PanFlöte. - Trompete (Muscheltrompete). - Laute (chillador).

250 AMS Selk'nam. - Argentinien. - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Totenklage. - Wiegenlied.


13 AMS Witoto. - Kolumbien. - tribale Musik. - Flöte. - Okarina.

14 Asien

463 AS Abu Dhabi. - islamische Musik. - Kriegstanz. - Becken. - Trommel.

101 AS Afghanistan. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Trommel (). - Trommel (zerbarhali). - Flöte (tula). - Oboe (sornai). - Laute (tumbur). - Laute (dotar). - Laute (dambura). - Spieálaute (ritchak). - Laute gestrichen (rabab). - Laute gestrichen ().

215 AS Afghanistan. - Volksmusik. - Trommel (dhol). - Trommel (zerbarhali). - Tambourin (doirah). - Maultrommel (cheng). - Flöte (tula). - Oboe (sornai). - Laute (dambura). - Laute (dotar). - Laute (tumbur). - Laute gestrichen (rabab).

224, 225 AS Afghanistan. - tribale Musik. - epischer Gesang. - Laute.

458 AS Afghanistan. - Volksmusik. - Liebeslied. - Trommel (zerbarhali).- Tambourin (daira). - Laute (tambur).

459 AS Afghanistan. - Volksmusik. - Hochzeitslied. - Becken (tal). - Laute (tambur).

463 AS Afghanistan. - islamische Musik.

126 AS Anatolien. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Laute.

147 AS Arabische Musik.

150 AS Arabische Musik. - maqam. - Laute (ud).

69 AS Armenien. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Liebeslied. - Flöte. - Laute.

51 AS Azerbaidjan. - Hochkultur. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied.

120 AS Azerbaidjan. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble.

416 AS Azerbaidjan. - Hochkultur. - arabische Musik. - maqam. - Laute ().

472 AS Babylon. - Hochkultur. - Leier.

458, 462, 463 AS Bahrain. - islamische Musik.

3 AS . - Hochkultur. - .

15 AS Bali. - gamelan.

22 AS Bali. - gamelan.


15 AS Bali. - gamelan.

28 AS Bali. - gamelan.

272 AS Bali. - Hochkultur. - gamelan. - gandera.

336 AS Bali. - Hochkultur. - gamelan. - gamelan angklung. - gamelan kebjar.

420 AS Bali. - Hochkultur. - Theatermusik. - Tanzmusik. - Becken (tjeng-tjeng). - Gong. - Metallophon (gender). - Xylophon. - Trommel. - Flöte (). - Zither. - Laute gestrichen (rebab).

425 AS Bali. - Hochkultur. - Hofmusik. - gamelan.

478 AS Bali. - Hochkultur. - gamelan. - Metallophon (gender)

443 AS Balucestan. - Volksmusik. - Hochzeitslied.

91 AS Beduinen. - Syrien. - Jordanien. - tribale Musik. - Flöte (). - Laute gestrichen (rabab).

100 AS Beduinen. - Südarabien. - tribale Musik. - Kriegslied. - Liebeslied.- Flöte. - Laute.

458 AS Beduinen. - Jordanien. - tribale Musik. - Hochzeitslied.

144 AS Bhil. - Indien. - tribale Musik. - Wiegenlied. - Tanzlied. - Ballade.- Trommel (). - Trommel (dhol). - Flöte (bansri). - Flöte (satara).- Stabzither (jantar). - Laute gestrichen (ravanahattha). - Laute gestrichen ().

344, 345 AS Bhutan. - buddhistische Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Tanzmusik. - Gong.- Becken. - Glocke. - Trommel. - Rahmentrommel. - Oboe. - Schalmei. - Trompete.

346 AS Bhutan. - Volksmusik. - Becken. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Laute. - Laute gestrichen.

25 AS Borneo. - tribale Musik.

65 AS Borneo. - Dayak. - tribale Musik. - Maultrommel (odeng). - Mundorgel (kediri). - Wölbbrettzither (lotong kawat). - Halslaute (sampeh).

25 AS Burma. - Theatermusik.

27 AS Burma. - Gong. - Trommel.

28 AS Burma. - Orchester. - Harfe.

58 AS Burma. - Hochkultur. - saing Orchester. - Becken. - Gongspiel. - Glocke.- Xylophon (pattala). - Trommel. - Trommelspiel. - Flöte. - Oboe. - Harfe (saung).

16 58 AS Burma. - Volksmusik. - Arbeitslied. - Volkslied. - Becken. - Trommel.- Gitarre. - Violine. - Klavier.

25 AS Ceylon. - religiöse Musik.

130 AS Ceylon. - Hochkultur. - Becken. - Xylophon. - Glocke. - Standglockenspiel (jaltarang). - Trommel (tabla). - Trommel (mrdanga).-

130 AS Ceylon. - Volksmusik. - Oboe.

15 AS . - Hochkultur. - Theatermusik. - Oper

17 AS China. - Hochkultur. - rituelle Musik. - Gong. - Becken. - Glocke. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Mundorgel. - Laute. - Spieálaute.

25 AS China. - Volksmusik. - Theatermusik. - Mundorgel (). - Flöte.

28 AS China. - Spieálaute (hu chin).

54 AS China. - Hochkultur. - Theatermusik.

97 AS China. - Hochkultur. - Instrumentalmusik.

113 AS China. - Sin Kiang. - Hochkultur.

165, 166, 167 AS China. - Hochkultur. - Oper.

210, 211, 212 AS China. - Hochkultur. - Wölbbrettzither (cheng).

221, 222 AS China. - Hochkultur. - Klapper (pai-pan). - Flöte (ti-tzu). - Flöte (hsiao). - Laute (). - Laute (sanhsien). - Laute gestrichen (erh hsien).- Mondlaute. - Wölbbrettzither (chin). - Wölbbrettzither (cheng).

234 AS China. - Hochkultur. - Wölbbrettzither (cheng).

337 AS China. - Hochkultur. - Instrumentalmusik. - Flöte. - Zither (cheng).- Laute. - Laute (pipa). - Laute gestrichen (erh hu). - Laute gestrichen (nan hu).

349 AS China. - Hochkultur. - Oper. - Gong. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Oboe. - Laute gestrichen.

351 AS China. - Hochkultur. - Instrumentalmusik. - Zither (ch'in). - Zither (cheng)

148 AS Hakkari. - Kurdistan. - tribale Musik. - Tanzlied.

29 AS Hanunoo. - Philippinen. - tribale Musik.

17 8 AS Indien. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Tanzmusik. - Hochzeitslied. - raga. - Händeklatschen. - Rassel. - Trommel. - Horn. - Oboe. - Sackpfeife. - Harmonium. - Laute. - Mandoline.

10 AS Indien. - raga. - Trommel (tabla). - Laute ().

11 AS Indien. - Südindien. - raga. - Hochkultur. - Standglockenspiel (jaltarang). - Trommel (tabla). - Trommel (mrdanga). - Laute (sitar). - Laute (tampura).- Laute (vina).

12 AS Indien. - religiöse Musik. - Hymne. - kirtana. - raga. - Becken. - Trommel (mrdanga). - Trommel (tabla). - Flöte. - Laute (tampura). - Röhrenzither (vina).

13 AS Indien. - Hochkultur. - raga. - Standglockenspiel (jaltarang).- Harmonium. - Röhrenzither (vina).

16 AS Indien. - Volksmusik. - Arbeitslied.

16 AS Indien. - Hochkultur. - Trommel (tabla). - Laute gestrichen (sarangi).

25 AS Indien. - Klarinette (tiktiri).

27 AS Indien. - Standglockenspiel (jaltarang). - Schlagtopf. - Trommel.

28 AS Indien. - Stabzither (vina).

42 AS Indien. - Bengalen. - Volksmusik. - Becken. - Zupftrommel (gopijantra).- Zupftrommel (). - Flöte.

86 AS Indien. - religiöse Musik.

102 AS Indien. - Hochkultur. - rituelle Musik. - vedischer Gesang. - Hymne.

103 AS Indien. - Südindien. - Hochkultur. - Theatermusik. - Tanzmusik. - bharata natyam. - kathakali. - Gong. - Zimbel. - Triangel. - Maultrommel. - Trommel (mrdanga). - Flöte.

104 AS Indien. - Hochkultur. - dhrupad. - raga. - Trommel (). - Laute ().

144 AS Indien. - Bhil. - tribale Musik.

18o AS Indien. - Madras. - Hochkultur. - Becken. - Rassel. - Sanduhrtrommel.- Rahmentrommel. - Kesseltrommel. - Faátrommel. - Horn. - Trompete.

182 AS Indien. - Sackpfeife.

202, 203 AS Indien. - Hochkultur. - Trommel (tabla).


18 AS Indien. - Trommelrhythmen. - Trommel (dhol). - Trommel (tabla).- Zupftrommel (anandalahari).

280 AS Indien. - Hochkultur. - raga. - Laute (sitar).

288 AS Indien. - Südindien. - Hochkultur. - raga. - kerala. - Liebeslied.- Händeklatschen. - Gegenschlagst"be. - Becken. - Trommel. - Reibetrommel.- Horn. - Musikbogen (villu). - Laute (vina).

338 AS Indien. - Hochkultur. - raga. - Trommel (tabla). - Laute (tanpura). - Laute (sitar).

359 AS Indien. - Hochkultur. - raga. - Trommel (mrdanga). - Laute (tanpura).- Röhrenzither (vina).

363 AS Indien. - Hochkultur. - raga. - Trommel (tabla). - Röhrenzither (vina).- Laute (tanpura). - Laute ().

386 AS Indien. - Nordindien. - Hochkultur. - raga. - Liebeslied. - Laute (tanpura).

423 AS Indien. - Nordindien. - Hochkultur. - raga. - khyal. - Trommel (tabla).- Flöte. - Laute (sitar). - Laute gestrichen (sarangi).

426 AS Indien. - Nordindien. - Hochkultur. - raga. - dhrupad. - khyal. - Trommel (tabla). - Trommel (pakhavaj). - Laute (tanpura).

458 AS Indien. - islamische Musik. - Trommel (tabla). - Harmonium.

460, 461, 462, 463 AS Indien. - islamische Musik. - Tanzmusik. - Trommeln. - Flöte.

27 AS Indonesien. - Hochkultur. - gamelan.

39 AS Indonesien. - Java. - gamelan.

202 AS Indonesien. - Volksmusik.

460 AS Indonesien. - islamische Musik. - gamelan.

462 AS Indonesien. - islamische Musik.

489 AS Indonesien. - Panji. - Hochkultur.

16 AS Irak. - arabische Musik.

18 AS Irak. - Volksmusik. - Laute.

414 AS Irak. - Hochkultur. - arabische Musik. - maqam. - taqsim. - layali.- Trommel (darbukka). - Rahmentrommel (daf). - Flöte (nay). - Hackbrett (santur). - Laute (busoq). - Laute (ud). - Laute gestrichen (rebab). - Spieálaute.


19 AS Irak. - islamische Musik.

459 AS Irak. - Hochkultur. - maqam. - taqsim. - Laute (ud). - Laute (tar).

460 AS Irak. - islamische Musik. - Zither (qanun).

480 AS Irak. - Syrien. - Hochkultur. - maqam. - Laute (ud).

60, 61 AS . - Hochkultur. - Trommel (dombak). - Flöte (nay). - Zither (santur).- Halslaute (sethar). - Halslaute (tar). - Spieálaute (kamantche).

193 AS Iran. - Hochkultur. - dastgah. - Trommel (zarb). - Flöte (nay). - Zither (santur). - Halslaute (kemantche). - Laute (tar).

459, 460, 461, 462, 463 AS Iran. - islamische Musik. - Oboe. - Klarinette. - Zither (santur).

479 AS Iran. - Volksmusik. - Liebeslied. - Trommel (dombak). - Flöte (nay). - Oboe (). - Laute gestrichen (kemantche).

482, 483, 484, 485 AS Iran. - Hochkultur. - Hackbrett (santur). - Halslaute (tar).

458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463 AS islamische Musik.

16 AS Israel. - jüdische Musik. - religiöse Musik. - Hymne.

18 AS Israel. - religiöse Musik. - Hymne. - Horn (schofar).

19, 20 AS Israel. - Volksmusik. - Trommel. - Flöte.

93 AS Israel. - rituelle Musik. - jüdische Musik.

93 AS Israel. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikinstrumente. - Trommel (darbukka).- Flöte (nay). - Klarinette. - Doppelklarinette ( saghir). - Zither (qanun). - Halslaute (tar). - Spieálaute (kamanja).

281 AS Israel. - jüdische Musik.

411 AS Israel. - jüdische Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Totenlied. - Hochzeitslied.- Horn (schofar).

14 AS . - rituelle Musik. - buddhistische Musik. - Hymne. - Gong. - Glocke. - Schlitztrommel. - Trommel.

16 AS Japan. - Hochkultur. - . - Wölbbrettzither ().

27 AS Japan. - Glocke.

25 AS Japan. - Hochkultur. - Laute ().

20 28 AS Japan. - Hochkultur. - Laute (shamisen).

44 AS Japan. - Hochkultur. - gidayu bushi. - .

87, 88, 89 AS Japan. - Hochkultur. - Volksmusik. - shomyo. - no Theater. - gagaku.- Trommel. - Flöte (shakuhachi). - Wölbbrettzither (koto). - Laute ().- Laute (shamisen).

181 AS Japan. - europ"ische Musik. - Kinderlied.

202, 203 AS Japan. - Hochkultur. - Trommel (kakko). - Wölbbrettzither (koto).

264 AS Japan. - buddhistische Musik. - shomyo. - Gong (han). - Becken (ngohachi). - Glocke. - Gegenschlagst"be (bangi). - Trommel. - Laute (mosobiwa).

356, 357 AS Japan. - europ"ische Hochkultur. - Klavier.

360 AS Japan. - Hochkultur. - buddhistische Musik. - shomyo.

401. 402. 403. 404 AS Japan. - europ"ische Hochkultur. - Klavier. - elektronische Orgel.

427, 428, 429, 430 AS Japan. - europ"ische Hochkultur. - Klavier. - elektronische Orgel.

445 AS Japan. - Hochkultur. - no. - Trommel.

3 AS Java. - Volksmusik. - gamelan. - Zither (katjapi). - Violine.

22 AS Java. - Sunda. - gamelan. - Schüttelidiophon (angklung).

55 AS Java. - Hochkultur. - gamelan.

118 AS Java. - Hochkultur. - gamelan.

202, 203, 204 AS Java. - Hochkultur. - gamelan. - Metallophon (gender).

217 AS Java. - Hochkultur. - gamelan.

387 AS Java. - Volksmusik. - Gong. - Trommel. - Zither.

455 AS Java. - Sunda. - Hochkultur. - retjak Ensemble. - ketuk tilu Ensemble.- Schüttelidiophon (angklung). - Trommel. - Flöte (suling). - Oboe. - Zither (katjapi). - Halslaute (tarawangsa).

100 AS Jemen. - tribale Musik. - Hochzeitslied. - Becken.


21 AS Jordanien. - arabische Musik. - Hochkultur. - maqam. - taqsim. - Trommel (darbukka). - Laute (ud).

460 AS Jordanien. - islamische Musik. - Laute (rabab).

15 AS Kambodscha. - Hochkultur. - Wiegenlied.

105 AS Kambodscha. - Hochkultur. - rituelle Musik. - Hochzeitsmusik. - Totenmusik. - Gongspiel. - Xylophon. - Trommel. - Oboe (sra lai). - Laute (cha pei).- Laute gestrichen.

105 AS Kambodscha. - Volksmusik.

194 AS Kambodscha. - Hochkultur. - Hofmusik. - pinpeat Orchester. - mohori Orchester. - khlangkhek Orchester. - phleng kar Orchester. - Zither (takhe).

286a AS Kaschmir. - Volksmusik. - Liebeslied. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Zither (santor). - Laute (sarinda). - Laute (rabab).

63 AS Kazakstan. - Volksmusik.

159 AS Kazakstan. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Sinfonieorchester.- Laute ().

113 AS Kazakstan. - Volksmusik.

63 AS Kirgisen. - Volksmusik. - Laute.

133 AS Kirgisen. - Volksmusik. - Liebeslied. - Halslaute ().

128 AS Korea. - Volksmusik. - Trommel. - Brettzither. - Flöte.

151, 152, 153, 154, 155 AS Korea. - Hochkultur.

422 AS Korea. - Hochkultur. - Hoforchester. - chui ta Ensemble. - Flöte (taegeum). - Wölbbrettzither (kayageum).

27 AS Kurdistan. - Volksmusik. - Klarinette.

409 AS Kurdistan. - arabische Musik. - maqam. - Trommel. - Flöte (pik).- Klarinette (zorna). - Laute (tanbura).

458 AS Kurdistan. - islamische Musik.

15 AS . - Hochkultur. - Instrumentalensemble.

62 AS Laos. - Hochkultur. - Liebeslied. - mohori Orchester. - phat Orchester. - Becken. - Gongspiel (khong vong). - Xylophon (rang nat). - Trommel. - Flöte. - Oboe (pei). - Mundorgel ().


22 AS Laos. - Hochkultur. - rituelle Musik. - pi phat Orchester. - Gong.- Becken. - Xylophon. - Trommel. - Oboe. - Mundorgel (khene). - Spieálaute.

21 AS Libanon. - arabische Musik. - Trommel (darbukka). - Laute (ud).

3 AS Malaisia. - tribale Musik. - Trommel.

27 AS Malaisia. - Flöte. - NasenFlöte.

223 AS Malaisia. - Hochkultur. - Theatermusik (mayong). - Gong (tawak-tawak).- Trommel (gendang). - Laute (rebab).

462 AS Malaisia. - islamische Musik.

287 AS Manipur. - Indien. - rituelle Musik. - Becken. - Glocke. - Trommel. - Laute gestrichen.

407 AS Mittlerer Osten. - Hochkultur. - Hymne. - Liebeslied. - Laute (tanbura).- Laute gestrichen (rebab).

113 AS Mongolei. - Volksmusik.

408 AS Naher Osten. - islamische Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Händeklatschen.- Trommel.

163 AS Nepal. - Volksmusik. - Hochzeitsmusik. - Hymne. - Becken. - Trommel.- Sanduhrtrommel (hudka). - Oboe (sahanai). - Trompete (karnal). - Trompete (narsinga). - Laute gestrichen (sarangi).

469 AS Nepal. - Volksmusik. - rituelle Musik. - Becken. - Gabelbecken. - Triangel. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Oboe. - Trompete.

113 AS Ouigour. - Volksmusik. - Laute (ma ya-li). - Laute (tam po-euhr).

9 AS Pakistan. - Hochkultur.

9 AS Pakistan. - Volksmusik. - Liebeslied. - Arbeitslied. - Trommel. - Flöte.- Klarinette. - Laute. - Mandoline.

41 AS Pakistan. - Volksmusik. - religiöse Musik. - Liebeslied. - Händeáklatschen. - Trommel (tabla). - Trommel (dholak). - Harmonium. - Laute (sarinda).

460, 461, 462, 463 AS Pakistan. - islamische Musik. - Trommel. - Maultrommel. - Laute (saroz).- Laute (dambura).

26 AS Pal"stina. - jüdische Musik.

489 AS Panji. - Indonesien. - Hochkultur. - Instrumentalensemble. - Becken. - Gong. - Xylophon (gender). - Trommel. - Maultrommel. - Flöte. - Klarinette.

27 AS Philippinen. - tribale Musik. - Gegenschlagst"be. - Gong. - Maultrommel.


28 AS Philippinen. - tribale Musik. - Röhrenzither (valiha).

29 AS Philippinen. - Hanunoo. - tribale Musik. - Liebeslied. - Wiegenlied.- Gegenschlagst"be. - Gong (). - Maultrommel. - Flöte (lantuy).- Röhrenzither. - Laute gestrichen (gitgit). - Gitarre (kudyapi).

63 AS Rußland. - Volksmusik.

71 AS Senoi. - Malaisia. - tribale Musik.

488 AS Senoi. - Malaisia. - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Maultrommel.- Flöte. - Zither (kereb). - Röhrenzither.

25 AS Seram. - Indonesien. - tribale Musik. - Trommel.

195 AS Sikkim. - rituelle Musik. - buddhistische Musik. - Becken. - Trommel.- Oboe. - Trompete. - Laute.

3 AS Sumatra. - Batak. - tribale Musik. - Händeklatschen. - Becken. - Xylophon. - Tambourin. - Flöte. - Violine.

22 AS Sumatra. - Toba-Batak. - tribale Musik.

25 AS Sumatra. - tribale Musik. - Oboe.

45, 46 AS Syrien. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Orchester. - Chor.

481 AS Syrien. - Hochkultur. - Laute (ud).

412 AS syrisch orthodoxe Kirche. - Türkei. - rituelle Musik. - Messe.

164 AS . - Hochkultur. - Oper.

171 AS Taiwan. - Volksmusik. - buddhistische Musik. - Oper.

63 AS Tajikistan. - Volksmusik.

224, 225 AS Tajikistan. - tribale Musik. - epischer Gesang. - Klapper. - Flöte (tula). - Halslaute (dambura). - Laute gestrichen (ghichak).

226, 227 AS Tausug. - Philippinen. - islamische Musik. - Ballade. - Wiegenlied.- kulintangan Ensemble. - Gong. - Xylophon (gabbang). - Trommel (gandang).- Flöte (suling). - Klarinette (saunay). - Violine (biola).

15 AS Tibet. - rituelle Musik. - Hymne.

86 AS Tibet. - Volksmusik. - rituelle Musik. - Legendenlied. - epischer Gesang.- Tanzlied. - Becken. - Glocke. - Trommel. - Flöte (KnochenFlöte). - Oboe.


116 AS Tibet. - Volksmusik. - Tanzlied. - Arbeitslied.

198, 199, 200 AS Tibet. - rituelle Musik. - buddhistische Musik. - Becken. - Gong. - Glocke. - Trommel. - Horn.

343 AS Tibet. - buddhistische Musik. - Glocke. - Becken. - Trommel. - Oboe.- Schalmei. - Trompete.

346 AS Tibet. - Bhutan. - Volksmusik.

424 AS Tibet. - rituelle Musik. - Becken. - Glocke. - Trommel. - Oboe. - Horn.- Trompete.

28 AS . - Hochkultur. - Orchester.

59 AS Thailand. - Hochkultur. - Volkslied. - pi phat Ensemble. - Holzblock.- Gong. - Xylophon. - Metallophon. - Schüttelidiophon (angtalung). - Trommel. - Oboe. - Mundorgel (can). - Halslaute (chakay). - Spieálaute (sausamsai).

187, 188 AS Thailand. - Hochkultur. - pi phat Ensemble.

16 AS Türkei. - arabische Musik.

64 AS Türkei. - Volksmusik. - Trommel. - Flöte (). - Oboe (zourna). - Laute (saz). - Laute (kemence).

125 AS Türkei. - Volksmusik. - Laute (cumbus). - Laute ( saz).

178 AS Türkei. - Volksmusik. - Oboe (zurna).

179 AS Türkei. - Hochkultur. - Instrumentalmusik. - Becken (halile). - Trommel (kudüm). - Flöte (). - Zither (qanun). - Halslaute (ud). - Halslaute (tambur). - Laute gestrichen (rebab).

94 AS Türkei. - Volksmusik. - Liebeslied. - Sackpfeife (). - Laute (kemence).

196 AS Türkei. - Hochkultur. - maqam. - Pauke. - Flöte (ney). - Zither (qanun).- Laute (ud). - Halslaute (). - Laute gestrichen (rebab). - Laute gestrichen (kemence).

406 AS Türkei. - Mevlevi. - rituelle Musik. - Becken (zil). - Pauke (kudüm).- Flöte (nay). - Laute (tanbur). - Laute gestrichen (rebab).

407 AS Türkei. - Mittlerer Osten. - Hochkultur.

412 AS Türkei. - syrisch orthodoxe Kirche. - rituelle Musik. - Messe.

459 AS Türkei. - islamische Musik.

461 AS Türkei. - islamische Musik. - Flöte (nay).


468 AS Türkei. - Pontos Griechen. - Volksmusik.

63 AS Uzbeken. - Volksmusik. - Tambourin. - Flöte.

134 AS Uzbeken. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble.

162 AS Uzbeken. - Volksmusik. - epischer Gesang. - Hochzeitslied. - Tanzlied.- Becken (tal). - Tambourin (doira). - Halslaute (dambura). - Halslaute (). - Laute gestrichen (ghitchak).

37 AS Vietnam. - Hochkultur. - Wölbbrettzither. - Laute. - Röhrengeige. - Zither (). - Trommel.

38 AS Vietnam. - tribale Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Liebeslied. - Händeáklatschen. - Xylophon. - . - Gong. - Gabelbecken. - Glockenspiel. - Trommel.- Trompete (Bambustrompete). - Stabzither.

129 AS Vietnam. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Arbeitslied.

197 AS Vietnam. - Hochkultur. - rituelle Musik. - Unterhaltungsmusik.- Theatermusik. - Klapper. - Gong. - Becken. - Trommel. - Flöte . - Oboe. - Horn. - Zither. - Halslaute. - Laute gestrichen.

334 AS Vietnam. - Hochkultur. - Hofmusik. - Theatermusik. - buddhistische Musik.- Unterhaltungsmusik. - dai nhac Ensemble. - nha nhac Ensemble. - Klapper.- Sanduhrtrommel. - Flöte. - Monochord. - Laute.

364 AS Vietnam. - Hochkultur. - Volksmusik. - Arbeitslied. - Klapper. - Zither.- Monochord. - Spieálaute.

417 AS Vietnam. - Südvietnam. - Hochkultur. - Unterhaltungsmusik. - Holzblock (song lang). - Wölbbrettzither (dan tranh). - Laute (ty ba).

26 Australien

31 AU Arnhem Land. - Northern Territory. - Yirrkala. - Brinkin. - tribale Musik.

- rituelle Musik. - Liebeslied. - Gegenschlagst"be. - Flöte. - Trompete (didjeridu).

325 AU Arnhem Land. - Northern Territory. - tribale Musik.

330 AU Arnhem Land. - Northern Territory. - tribale Musik. - Trompete (didjeridu).

27 AU Australien. - tribale Musik. - Gegenschlagst"be. - Trompete. - Holztrompete.

325, 326, 327, 328, 329 AU Australien. - Northern Territory. - tribale Musik. - Kinderlied.- Tanzlied. - Gegenschlagst"be. - Trompete (didjeridu).

329 AU Beswick. - Northern Territory.-

31 AU Brinkin. - Northern Territory. - Arnhem Land. - tribale Musik.

325 AU Darwin. - tribale Musik.

326, 329 AU Groote Eylandt. - Northern Territory. - tribale Musik.

327, 328, 329 AU Milingmbi. - Northern Territory. - tribale Musik.

329 AU Roper River. - Northern Territory. - tribale Musik.

326 AU Rose River. - Nordostküste. - tribale Musik.

332 AU Torres Strait. - Northern Territory. - tribale Musik. - Tanzlied.- Totenlied. - Aufschlaggef"á (Büchse). - Trommel. - Sanduhrtrommel. - Flöte.- PanFlöte.

331 AU Yarrabah. - Northern Territory. - tribale Musik. - Gegenschlagst"be (bibara).

31 AU Yirrkala. - Northern Territory. - tribale Musik.

327, 328 AU Yirrkala. - Northern Territory. - tribale Musik. - Totenlied.

27 Europa

305 EU Albanien. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Ballade. - Wiegenlied. - Hirtenlied. - Totenklage. - Flöte. - DoppelFlöte (cyladyjare). - Klarinette (zumare).- Sackpfeife (gajde). - Laute (lifteli).

492 EU Auvergne. - Volksmusik.

322 EU Barra. - Schottland. - Volksmusik. - Arbeitslied.

156 EU Bayern. - Volksmusik.-

304 EU Bosnien. - Volksmusik. - Hochzeitslied. - Liebeslied. - Becken (tepsija).- Laute gestrichen ().

232, 233 EU Bulgarien. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Flöte. - Sackpfeife.- Laute.

297, 298 EU Bulgarien. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Sackpfeife.

496 EU Bulgarien. - Volksmusik. - Sinfonieorchester.

497, 498, 499 EU Bulgarien. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble.

149 EU Deutschland. - Volksmusik. - Legendenlied.

380 EU Deutschland. - Hochkultur. - Holzblasinstrumente. - Flöte. - Oboe.- Klarinette. - Fagott.

433 EU Deutschland. - Hochkultur. - Computermusik.

306, 307, 308, 309 EU . - Volksmusik. - Ballade. - Arbeitslied (307). - Liebeslied (306).

373 EU England. - Volksmusik. - Flöte. - Sackpfeife. - Violine.

310, 311, 312, 313, 314 EU England. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Ballade. - Soldatenlied.- Weihnachtslied. - Frühlingslied. - Kinderlied. - Tanzlied.

85 EU Estland. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Wiegenlied. - Arbeitslied.

98 EU Estland. - Volkslied.

442 EU Europa. - Popular Musik. - Unterhaltungsmusik. - Orchester.

27 EU Frankreich. - Provence. - Trommel. - Flöte.

28 EU Frankreich. - Volksmusik. - Drehleier.


142 EU Frankreich. - Volksmusik. - Flöte. - Sackpfeife.

491, 492 EU Frankreich. - Volksmusik. - Sackpfeife. - Harmonika. - Zither. - Drehleier. - Violine.

25 EU Georgien. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied.

24 EU Griechenland. - rituelle Musik. - religiöse Musik.

27 EU Griechenland. - Volksmusik. - Klarinette.

468 EU Griechenland. - Pontos Griechen. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik.- Hochzeitslied. - Trommel. - Flöte. - Klarinette. - Sackpfeife. - Laute.- Halslaute. - Violine.

304 EU Hercegowina. - Volksmusik.

27 EU Irland. - Volksmusik. - Sackpfeife.

306, 307, 308, 309 EU Irland. - Volksmusik. - Ballade. - Arbeitslied (307). - Liebeslied (306).

310, 311, 313 EU Irland. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Ballade.

315, 317 EU Irland. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Ballade.

316 EU Irland. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Ballade. - Flöte. - Harfe.

318 EU Irland. - Volksmusik. - Instrumentalmusik. - Tambourin. - Flöte.- Flageolett. - Akkordeon. - Sackpfeife. - Klavier.

324 EU Irland. - Volksmusik. - Sackpfeife (irish uillean pipe).

313 EU Isle of Man. - Volksmusik.

243, 244, 245, 246, 247 EU Italien. - Volksmusik. - Ballade. - Tanzmusik. - Akkordeon.

245 EU Italien. - Volksmusik. - Blasmusik. - Kastagnetten. - Triangel. - Trommel. - Tambourin. - Reibetrommel. - Maultrommel. - Oboe. - Akkordeon. - Sackpfeife. - Gitarre. - Violine.

25 EU Komi. - Rußland. - Volkslied.

444 EU Kreta. - Volksmusik.

304 EU Kroatien. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Hirtenlied. - Sackpfeife. - Flöte (dvojnice). - Violine (lijerica).

391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396

29 EU Litauen. - Volksmusik. - Arbeitslied. - Hochzeitslied. - Kinderlied.- Liebeslied. - Totengesang.

304 EU Macedonien. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Flöte (kaval). - Klarinette.- Sackpfeife (gajda). - Violine.

410 EU Mechitaristen armenische. - Venedig. - rituelle Musik. - Hymne.

28 EU Norwegen. - Volksmusik. - Violine (hardangerfele). - Zither.

115 EU Norwegen. - Volksmusik.

50 EU Osseten. - Rußland. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik.

146 EU Österreich. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Jodeln. - Akkordeon.

239 EU Österreich. - Bucklige Welt. - Volksmusik. - Hochzeitsmusik. - Tanzmusik.- Blasmusik. - Zither. - Klarinette.

464, 465, 466 EU Österreich. - Wien. - Volksmusik. - Akkordeon. - Drehorgel.

467 EU Österreich. - Hochkultur. - ekmelische Musik. - Orgel. - Harfe.- Streichquartett.

352, 353, 354 EU Osteuropa. - Volksmusik. - Vokslied. - Legendenlied.

244 EU Piemont. - Italien. - Volksmusik. - Blasmusik. - Tambourin. - Oboe (piffero). - Klarinette (launedda). - Sackpfeife (zampogna). - Akkordeon.

365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371 EU Polen. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Hochzeitslied (368). - Blasmusik.- Trommel (368, 369). - Tambourin (369, 370). - Reibetrommel (369). - Akkordeon. - Flöte (370). - Klarinette. - Trompete. - Sackpfeife. - Hackbrett. - Violine. - Violoncello. - Kontrabaá.

216 EU Provence. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Trommel. - Flöte (galoubet).

6 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Totenklage. - Flöte (fluier).- Trompete (). - Sackpfeife (cimpoiu). - Violine.

28 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble.

205, 206, 207, 208, 209 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik. - Sinfonieorchester.

290, 291, 292, 293 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik. - PanFlöte. - Gitarre. - Violine.

294 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Flöte.

295 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Violine.


30 EU Rumänien. - Macedonien. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied.

389 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Flöte. - PanFlöte. - Oboe.- Schalmei (tarogato). - Hackbrett.

390 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik. - PanFlöte.

447 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik. - Ballade.

486, 487 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble.

495 EU Rumänien. - Volksmusik.

23, 24 EU Rußland. - religiöse Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Hymne.

47 EU Rußland. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Tanzmusik (lesginka). - Blasmusik.- Blasorchester.

50 EU Rußland. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Blasmusik. - Blasorchester.

52, 53 EU Rußland. - Ural. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Tanzlied. - Akkordeon.- Laute gestrichen (gusle).

119 EU Rußland. - Volksmusik. - Halslaute (domra).

122 EU Rußland. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Akkordeon. - Zither.- .

220 EU Rußland. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Instrumentalmusik.- Akkordeon. - Hackbrett. - Laute (domra). - Gitarre. - Balalaika.

137 EU Sardinien. - Volksmusik. - Klarinette (launedda).

284, 285, 286 EU Sardinien. - Volksmusik. - rituelle Musik. - Wiegenlied. - Kinderlied.- Tanzlied. - Totenklage. - Triangel. - Tambourin. - Maultrommel. - Flöte.- Akkordeon. - Gitarre.

306, 307, 308, 309 EU Schottland. - Volksmusik. - Ballade. - Arbeitslied (307). - Liebeslied (306).

310, 311, 313, 314 EU Schottland. - Volksmusik. - Ballade. - Tanzlied.

319 EU Schottland. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Sackpfeife.

320, 321 EU Schottland. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Ballade. - Arbeitslied.- Liebeslied. - Hymne. - Mundharmonika. - Violine.

143 EU Schweden. - Volksmusik. - Flöte. - Horn.

25 EU Schweiz. - Volksmusik. - Jodeln.

31 138 EU Schweiz. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Jodeln. - .

304 EU Serbien. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Zigeunermusik. - Flöte (frula).

323 EU Shetland. - Schottland. - Volksmusik. - Harmonium. - Klavier. - Violine.

265 EU Slowakei. - Hochkultur. - Sinfonieorchester. - Chor.

372 EU Slowakei. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Violine. - Hackbrett.

439 EU Slowenien. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikinstrumente.

4 EU Spanien. - Volksmusik. - Kastagnetten. - Trommel. - Tambourin. - Flöte (flaviol). - Sackpfeife (gaita). - Gitarre. - Violine.

28 EU Spanien. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Gitarre.

182 EU Spanien. - Volksmusik. - Sackpfeife.

242 EU Spanien. - Volksmusik. - Trommel (pandero). - Sackpfeife (gaita).- Klarinette. - Saxophon. - Trompete.

352, 353, 354 EU Südosteuropa. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Legendenlied.

232 EU Thrakien. - Bulgarien. - Volksmusik. - Flöte.

273 EU Tirol. - Volksmusik. - Xylophon. - Klarinette. - Akkordeon. - Hackbrett.- Drehleier. - Harfe. - Violine. - Kontrabaá.

358 EU Tschechoslowakei. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Sinfonieorchester. - Harfe.

7 EU . - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Hochzeitsmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Flöte. - Sackpfeife (). - Zither (bandura). - Laute (balalaika).- Violine.

121 EU Ukraine. - Volksmusik. - Volksmusikensemble. - Zither (bandura).

182 EU Ukraine. - Volksmusik. - Sackpfeife.

5 EU Ungarn. - Volksmusik. - Flöte. - Sackpfeife.

145 EU Ungarn. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Zigeunermusik. - Flöte (furulya).- Sackpfeife (duda). - Zither (citera). - . - Violine.

282, 283 EU Ungarn. - Volksmusik.


32 EU Volksmusik. - Sackpfeife.

306, 307, 308, 309 EU Wales. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied. - Ballade.

313, 314 EU Wales. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied.

25 EU WeiáRußland. - Volksmusik. - Oboe. - Schalmei.

48 EU WeiáRußland. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Sinfonieorchester.

49 EU WeiáRußland. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Akkordeon.

471 EU WeiáRußland. - Yakuten. - Volkmusik. - Volkslied. - Chor.

213 EU Wien. - Volksmusik. - Schrammelquartett. - Harmonika.

471 EU Yakuten. - Volksmusik. - Volkslied.

27 EU Yugoslawien. - Volksmusik. - Flöte.

28 EU Yugoslawien. - Laute. - Laute gestrichen (gusle).

275, 276 EU Yugoslawien. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Volksmusikensemble.

304 EU Yugoslawien. - Volksmusik.

361 EU Yugoslawien. - Kosovo. - islamische Musik. - rituelle Musik. - Becken.- Trommel.

377, 378 EU Yugoslawien. - Volksmusik. - Flöte.

435 EU Yugoslawien. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Hochzeitslied. - Trommel (tapan). - Flöte (dvojnice). - Flöte (kaval). - Flöte (sopila). - Oboe (zule).- Sackpfeife (gajde).

240, 241 EU Zigeuner. - Frankreich. - Volksmusik. - Tanzmusik. - Händeáklatschen.- Gitarre. - Violine. - Kontrabaá.

304 EU Zigeuner. - Serbien. - Volksmusik.

33 Ozeanien

418 OZ Baegu. - Salomonen. - tribale Musik.

418 OZ Fataleka. - Salomonen. - tribale Musik.

27 OZ Maori. - Neuseeland. - tribale Musik. - Stampfen.

30 OZ Maori. - Neuseeland. - tribale Musik. - Liebeslied. - Klagelied.- Totenklage. - Wiegenlied.

26 OZ Melanesien. - tribale Musik.

383 OZ Melanesien. - tribale Musik. - Totenlied. - Gegenschlagst"be.

22 OZ Molukken. - tribale Musik. - Flöte. - Muschelhorn.

25 OZ Neuguinea. - tribale Musik.

27 OZ Neuguinea. - tribale Musik. - Trompete. - Muscheltrompete.

32 OZ Neuguinea. - tribale Musik. - Arbeitslied. - Tanzlied. - Totenklage- Stampfr"hre. - Rassel. - Xylophon. - Reibeholz (lounut). - Schlitztrommel.- Maultrommel. - Schwirrholz. - Trommel. - Flöte. - PanFlöte. - Zither.

123 OZ Neuguinea. - Whagi. - tribale Musik. - Trommel. - Flöte.

124 OZ Neuguinea. - Sepik. - Telefolmin. - tribale Musik. - Flöte.

160 OZ Neuguinea. - tribale Musik.

26 OZ Salomonen. - tribale Musik. - Jodeln.

418 OZ Salomonen. - Fataleka. - Baegu. - tribale Musik. - Bambusr"hre. - Flöte.- PanFlöte. - Musikbogen.

26 OZ Samoa. - tribale Musik.

333 OZ Samoa. - tribale Musik. - Wiegenlied. - Tanzlied. - Hochzeitslied. - Hymne. - Schlitztrommel.

15 OZ Tahiti. - tribale Musik.

25 OZ Truk. - tribale Musik. - Liebeslied.

34 Schallplatten und Compact Discs 501-3638

Beschreibung: 1. Zeile Signatur Kontinent Land Art ab 2. Zeile Platten Titel, Interpreten Stichwörter (Instrumente in regionaler und überegionaler Bezeichnung) letzte Zeile Reihe, Label, Labelnummer (Mono) Signatur : SV ##### Kontinent: Abkürzung mit 2 Großbuchstaben, zusätzlich ev. Nord, Süd z.B.: EU (Europa), AM (Amerika), AMN (Amerika-Nord), OZ (Ozeanien) Land: Land und/oder Stamm Art: HOCHkultur, TRIBalkultur, VOLKskultur, POPularmusik Eventuell zusätzliche Klassifikationen wie Country usw. Familienname,Vorname (Instr)

@SV 501 EU Bulgarien Volksmusik Sackpfeife, , kaval - Balkanton

@SV 502 EU Bulgarien ??? kyrilisch - Balkanton

@SV 503 AM POP Jimmy Lyons-Altsaxophon, RaphŠ Malik-Trompete, Ramsey Ameen-Violine, Sirone-Baá, Ronald Shannon Jackson- Schlagzeug New World Records, Recorded Anthology of American

@SV 504 AMN POP Songs of the civil war: Tony Randall-narrator, John Aler-Tenor, Alan Baker-Bariton, Bonnie Hamilton-Sopran, Lawrence Skrobacs-Klavier New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 505 AM Popularmusic Loxodonta africana-The Jazz Sound of Ricky Ford, Dannie Richmond-Schlagzeug, Richard Davis-Kontrabaá New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 506 AMN USA White from the Sacred - 4-stg.Gesänge New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 507 AM in the modern era 1940-1970 - , Lefty Frizzell, Ray Wells, , , , , Jim Reeves, Marty Robbins, , , , , , , Kristofferson New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 508 AM Arthur Farwell: Navajo War , Pawnee Horses, Inketunga's Thunder Song, Song of the Deatless Voice, The old mas-s / Preston Ware Orem: American Indian Rhapsody / Charles Wakefield Cadman: Four American Indian Songs, Op.45 / The New Wold / John Miner-Dirigent, Peter Basquin-Klavier, William Parker-Bariton, William Huckaby- Klavier New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 509 AM Popularmusik Follies Scandals and other Diversions from Ziegfeld to the Shuberts New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 510 AM Popularmusik Mirage, Avant-Garde and Third-Stream Jazz

35 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 511 AM Popularmuik Jammin' for the Jackpot - Big Bands and Territory Bands of the 30s New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 512 AM Popularmusik I wants to be a actor lady and other hits from early Musical Comedies New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 513 AM Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition - Songs of World Wars 1 & 2 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 514 AM I'm on my Journey Home - vocal styles and resources in New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 515 AM Brighten the Corner where you are - black and whit urban Hymnodie New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 516 AM Popularmusik Hills & Home, Thirty Years of Bluegrass - and his Blue Grass Boys / , , and the / The Stanley Brothers and the Clinch Mountain Boys / Don Reno, Red Smiley and the Tennessee Cut Ups / and the Country Boys / The Lonesome Pine Fiddlers / Bill Clifton and the Dixie Mountain Boys / Dave Woolum and his Kentucky Mountain Boys / Billy Baker / and the Sunny Mountain Boys / Jim and Jesse and the Boys / The Osborne Boys / Emerson and Waldron / The Newgrass Revival / Bluegrass All-Stars / New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 255

@SV 517 AM Popularmusik That's my Rabbit, my dog caught it- Traditional Southern Styles New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music

@SV 517a AM Popularmusik The Mighty Wurlitzer, Music for Movie-Palace Organs, Ann Leaf & Gaylord Carter New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 227

@SV 518 AM Popularmusik Come Josephine in my Flying Machine, Inventions and Topics in popular Song 1910 - 1929 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 233 Mono

@SV 519 AM Popularmusik Mample Leaf Rag - in Rurale America, 1914-1938 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 235 Mono

@SV 520 AM Populamusik Going Down the Valley - Vocal and Instrumental Styles in Folk Musik from the South New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 236 Mono

@SV 521 AM Popularmusik The Vintage Irving - Carol Bruce / Ruth Etting / Al Jolson / Ethel Merman / Grace Moore / Leo Reisman & his & Clifton Webb / Harry Richman / Ginger Rogers / John Steele / Van & Schenck / Lupe Velez / Ethel New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 238 Mono

@SV 522 AM Popularmusik Brave Boys, New England Traditions in Folk Music New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 239 MO/ST

@SV 523 AM USA Popularmusik Where have we met before - forgotten songs from Broadway, Hollywood and Tin Pan Alley / Frank Luther & Leo Reisman's Orchestra / Lew Sherwood & Eddie Duchin's Orchestra / Joey Nash & Richard Himber's Orchestra / Jane Harvey & 's Quintet / Frank Munn & Arden & Ohman / Ethel Shutta & Paul Small & George Olsen's Orchestra / Lois Lee & Mark Dawson & Orchestra directed by Milt Rosenstock / Jack Leonhard & Tommy Dorsey's

36 Orchestra / Frank Luther & Arden & Olman Orchestra / Smith Ballew & 's Orchestra / Clare Hanlon & Fred Waring & his Pennsylvanians / Jan Clayton / Judy Garland & George Stoll's Orchestra / Ramona & Paul Whiteman's Orchestra New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 240 Mono

@SV 524 AMN Popularmusik Nica's dream - small jazz groups of the 50s and early 60s A1. Woody'n you () Modern Jazz Quartett A2. Donna Lee (Charlie Parker) Leekonitz with Warne Marsh A3. Nice's dream ( Silver) The Jazz Messengers B1. () -Benny Golson Jazztet B2 .Now's the time (Charly Parker) & Co. B3. War gewessen ( Baker) George Russel Sextet B4. Original faubus fables (Charles Mingus) Charles Mingus Jazz Workshop New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 242 MO/ST

@SV 525 AM Popularmusik, Folk Caliente = hot - Puerto Rican and Cuban Musical Expression in New York New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 244 STereo

@SV 526 AM Popularmusik, Folk Oh my little Darling - Folk Song Types A1. Chick-a-li-lee-lo (Trad) Almeda Riddle A2. Ling William was king George's son (Trad) Mr.andMrs.Crockett Ward A3. Sweet William (Trad) Fields Ward A4. The lexington murder (Trad) Wesley Hargis A5. Lily Schull (Trad) Mrs.Lena Bare Turbyfill and Mrs.Lloyd Bare Hagie A6. The farmer is the man that feeds them all (Trad) Fiddlin' John Carson A7. Come all you coal miners (Trad) Sarah Ogan A8. Cotton mill blues (Trad) Daddy John Love A9. Whoopee-ti-yi-yo (Trad) John White and Roy Smeck A10. Mon cherie bebe creole (Trad) Dennis McGee and S.D.Courville B1. Oh my little darling (Trad) Thaddeus C. Willingham B2. Been on the job too long (Trad) Wilmer Watts and the lonely eagles B3. Dr. Ginger Blue (Trad) Arthur Tanner and his Ridge Cornshuckers B4. Crawling and creeping (Trad) Asa Martin and James Roberts B5. road blues (Trad) Tom Clarence Ashley and Guinn Foster B6. The village school (Trad) Nelstone's Hawaiians (Herbert Nelson and James Touchstone) B7. The poor drunkard's dream (Trad) Wade Mainer and Sons of the Mountaineers B8. If the light has gone out in your (Trad) Ernest Philipps and His Holiness Singers B9. I'm a long time traveling away from home (Trad) J.T.Allison's Sacred Harp Singers New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 245

@SV 527 AMN Songs of earth water fire and sky - Music of the American Indian New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 246

@SV 528 AMN The music goes round and around - the Golden Years of Tin Pan Alley:1930-1939 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 248

@SV 529 AMN Shake, Rattle & Roll - Rock `n`roll in the 1950s New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 249

@SV 530 AMN Little Club Jazz - Small Groups in the 30's New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 250

@SV 531 AMN Where home is - Life in Nineteenth-century / Crossroads of the East and West New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 251

@SV 532 AMN

37 Roots of the Blues New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 252

@SV 532a AMN Make a joyful Noise - Mainstreams and Backwaters of American Psalmody 1770-1840 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 255

@SV 533 AMN Sweet and low Blues - Big Bands and Territory Bands of the 20s New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 256

@SV 534 AMN Cuttin' the Boogie - Blues and Boogie Woogie 1926-1941 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 259

@SV 535 AMN Sissle & Blake's Shuffle Along New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 260

@SV 536 AMN Straighten and Fly Right - Rhythm & Blues from the close of the Swing ERa to the dawn of Rock'n'Roll New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 261

@SV 537 AMN Old-Country Music in a New Land - Folk Music of Immigrants from an the Near East New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 264

@SV 538 AMN Don't give the Name a bad Place - types & stereotypes in American Musical Theater 1870-1900 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 265

@SV 539 AMN The Hand that holds the Bread - Progress and Protest in the Gilded Age - Songs from the Civil War to the Columbian Exposition New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 267

@SV 540 AMN Steppin' on the Gas - Rags to Jazz 1913-1927 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 269

@SV 541 AMN Brother, can you spare a dime? - American Song During the Great Depression New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 270

@SV 542 AMN New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 271

@SV 543 AMN ...and then we wrote... - American Composers and Lyricists Sing, Play and Conduct Their Own Songs New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 272

@SV 544 AMN Jive at five - the Style-makers of Jazz 1920s-1940s New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 274

@SV 545 AMN Introspection - neglected jazz figures of the 1950s and early 1960s New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 275

@SV 546 AMN Sea Island Songs New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 278

38 @SV 547 AMN Yes Sir, Thats my Baby - The Golden Years of Tin Pan Alley: 1920-1929 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 279

@SV 548 AMN The Sousa and Pryor Bands - Original Recordings 1901-1926 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 282

@SV 549 AMN 'Spiew Juchasa/Song of the Shepherd - Songs of the Slavic Americans New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 283

@SV 550 AMN Jazz in Revolution - The Big Bands in the 1940s New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 284

@SV 551 AMN Country Music - South and West New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 287

@SV 552 AMN Let's Get Loose - Folk and Popular Blues Styles from the Beginnings to the Early 1940s New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 290

@SV 553 AMN Old Mother Hippletoe - Rural and Urban Children's Songs New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 291

@SV 554 AMN Dark and Light in Spanish New - Music of the Alabados from Cerro, New Mexico - Music of the Bailes from El Rancho, New Mexico New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 292

@SV 555 AMN Come and Trip ist - Instrumental 1780s-1920s New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 293

@SV 556 AMN Gospel Ship - Baptist Hymns & White Spiritual from the Southern Mountains New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 294

@SV 557 AMN When Malindy Sings - Jazz Vocalists 1938-1961 New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 295

@SV 558 AMN Songs of Love, Luck, Animals & Magic - Music of the Yurok and Tolowa Indians New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 297

@SV 559 AMN It had to be You - Popular Keyboard from the Days of the Speakeasy to the Television Era New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 298

@SV 560 AMN Music of the Federal Era New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 299

@SV 561 AM Oku Shareh - Turtle Dance songs of San Juan Pueblo New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 301

@SV 562 AMN Cecil Taylor - 3 Phasis New World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 303


@SV 563 AF The music of Series - Musical Instruments 1. Strings - by Hugh Tracey Kaleidophon KMA 1

@SV 564 AF The Series - Musical Instruments 2. Reeds () - by Hugh Tracey Kaleidophon KMA 2

@SV 565 AF The music of Africa Series - Musical Instruments 3. - by Hugh Tracey Kaleidophon KMA 3

@SV 566 AF The music of Africa Series - Musical Instruments 4. and Horns - by Hugh Tracey Kaleidophon KMA 4

@SV 567 AF The music of Africa Series - Uganda 1 - by Hugh Tracey Kaleidophon KMA 10

@SV 568 AF The music of Africa Series - 1 - by Hugh Tracey Kaleidophon KMA 9

@SV 569 AF The music of Africa Series - Rhodesia 1 - by Hugh Tracey Kaleidophon KMA 8

@SV 570 AF The music of Africa Series - Musical Instruments 5. - by Hugh Tracey Kaleidophon KMA 5

@SV 571 AF The music of Africa Series - Musical Instruments 6. 1 - by Hugh Tracey Kaleidophon KMA 6

@SV 572 AF The music of Africa Series - Musical Instruments 7. Guitars 2 - by Hugh Tracey Kaleidophon KMA 7

@SV 573 AS Nuristan - Musik aus Afghanistan Adevaphon [o.N.]

@SV 574 AS Kirghisen - Musik aus Afghanistan Adevaphon [o.N.]

@SV 575 AS Favorite Korean Traditional Folk Songs

@SV 576 AF Kamerun Messe Ewondo CAM 02

@SV 577 AF Africa - Soul from the beginning

@SV 578 AF Africa - Soul from the beginning

@SV 579 Donald Kachamba's Band 1978


@SV 580 AMN The Art of the Mountain Banjo - Art Rosenbaum Kicking Mule Records KM 203

@SV 581 EU Bulgarien Bulgarian Folk Musical Instruments Balkanton BHA 1156

@SV 582 EU Jugoslawien Slovensk‚ l'udov‚ hudobn‚ n stroje - Slovak Folks Music Instruments Opus 91170746

@SV 583 EU D"nemark Glimt af Danks Folkemusik Crow Records Kragen DFS 1

@SV 584 @SV 585 @SV 586 AS Korea The Selection of Korean Jigu Record

@SV 587 AMS Brasilien Enciclopedia da musica Brasileira - erudita folclorica popular

@SV 588 AMS Brasilien Enciclopedia da musica Brasileira - erudita folclorica popular

@SV 589 @SV 590 @SV 591 @SV 592 AS Asian in an Asian Perspective - Asian Trad. Performing Arts 1976 His Masters Voice Victor SJL 133-6

@SV 594 AF Ägypten Sono Cairo

@SV 595 AF Ägypten Sono Cairo

@SV 596 AF Ägypten Sono Cairo

@SV 597 AF Ägypten Sono Cairo

@SV 598 AS Bengal Musical Atlas Bengal EMI Odeon C064-17840 Unesco Collection

@SV 599 AS Kambodscha Musical Atlas Cambodia EMI Odeon C064-17841 Unesco Collection

@SV 600 EU Portugal Musical Atlas Portugal EMI Odeon C064-17843 Unesco Collection

@SV 601 AS Syrien Musical Atlas EMI Odeon C064-17885 Unesco Collection

41 @SV 602 EU Griechenland Musical Atlas EMI Odeon C064-17966 Unesco Collection

@SV 603 AS Musical Atlas Hongkong EMI Odeon C064-17968 Unesco Collection

@SV 604 AS Japan Musical Atlas Japan EMI Odeon C064-17967 Unesco Collection

@SV 605 AF Algherien Musical Atlas (Sahara) EMI Odeon C064-18079 Unesco Collection

@SV 606 AS Thailand Musical Atlas Thailand EMI Odeon C064-18080 Unesco Collection

@SV 607 EU Rumänien Musical Atlas Rumania EMI Odeon C064-18120 Unesco Collection

@SV 608 AF Musical Atlas The Peuls EMI Odeon C064-18121 Unesco Collection

@SV 609 AF Musical Atlas Dahomey EMI Odeon C064-18217 Unesco Collection

@SV 610 AMS Chile Musical Atlas Chile EMI Odeon C064-18218 Unesco Collection

@SV 611 AF Marokko Musical Atlas EMI Odeon C064-18264 Unesco Collection

@SV 612 AF Kamerun Musical Atlas Cameroon EMI Odeon C064-18265 Unesco Collection

@SV 613 AS Pakistan Musical Atlas Pakistan EMI Odeon C064-18266 Unesco Collection

@SV 614 AS Vietnam Musical Atlas Vietnam - Ca Tru and Quan Ho EMI Odeon C064-18310 Unesco Collection

@SV 615 AS Jemen Musical Atlas North Yemen EMI Odeon C064-18352 Unesco Collection

@SV 616 AS Java Musical Atlas Java - Sundanese Folk Music EMI Odeon C064-18369 Unesco Collection

@SV 617 AS Irak Musical Atlas Irak EMI Odeon C064-18370 Unesco Collection

42 @SV 618 AS Japan O-Suwa-Daiko / Japanese Drums Philips 6586029 Unesco Collection / Musical Sources

@SV 619 AS Java Music from Sunda / Philips 6586031 Unesco Collection / Musical Sources

@SV 620 AF Banda Polyphony Philips 6586032 Unesco Collection / Musical Sources

@SV 621 EU Frankreich Korsika Religious Music of Oral Trad. from Rusiu, Corsica Philips 6586033 Unesco Collection / Musical Sources

@SV 622 AU Aboriginal Music from Australia Philips 6586034 Unesco Collection / Musical Sources

@SV 623 AS Vietnam H t ch‚o / Vietnamese Trad. Folk Theatre Philips 6586035 Unesco Collection / Musical Sources

@SV 624 AMN Kanada Inuit Games ands Songs / Chants et Jeux des Inuit / Canada Philips 6586036 Unesco Collection / Musical Sources

@SV 625 AS Israel Jewish-Yemenite Diwan / Sung Poetry Philips 6586037 Unesco Collection / Musical Sources

@SV 626 AS EU Türkei Meditation on the Ney by Kutsi Erguner / Instr. and Vocal Trad. of the Mediterranean XIII-1 Philips 6586039 Unesco Collection / Musical Sources

@SV 627 AS Japan A musical Anthology of the Orient / Japan 1 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2012 Unesco Collection

@SV 628 AS Japan A musical Anthology of the Orient / Japan 2 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2013 Unesco Collection

@SV 629 AS Japan A musical Anthology of the Orient / Japan 3 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2014 Unesco Collection

@SV 630 AS Japan A musical Anthology of the Orient / Japan 5 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2016 Unesco Collection

@SV 631 AS Japan A musical Anthology of the Orient / Japan 6 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2017 Unesco Collection

@SV 632 AS Indien A musical Anthology of the Orient / India 4 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2021 Unesco Collection

@SV 633 AS A musical Anthology of the Orient / 1 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2024 Unesco Collection

43 @SV 634 AS A musical Anthology of the Orient / Georgia 1 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2025 Unesco Collection

@SV 635 AS A musical Anthology of the Orient / Malaysia Musicaphon BM 30 L 2026 Unesco Collection

@SV 636 AS Marokko A musical Anthology of the Orient / Morocco 1 Musicaphon BM 30 SL 2027 Unesco Collection

@SV 637 AS A musical Anthology of the Orient / Kurdish Music 1 Musicaphon BM 30 SL 2028 Unesco Collection

@SV 638 AS Pakistan A musical Anthology of the Orient / Pakistan 1 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2029 Unesco Collection

@SV 639 AF Nigeria A Anthology of African Music / Nigeria-Hausa Music 1 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2306 Unesco Collection

@SV 640 AF Nigeria A Anthology of African Music / Nigeria-Hausa Music 2 Musicaphon BM 30 L 2307 Unesco Collection

@SV 641 AF A Anthology of African Music / The Music of the Senufo Musicaphon BM 30 L 2308 Unesco Collection

@SV 642 AF A Anthology of African Music / (Kanem) Musicaphon BM 30 L 2309 Unesco Collection

@SV 643 AF A Anthology of African Music / Central African Republic Musicaphon BM 30 L 2310 Unesco Collection

@SV 644 AS Bali Bali / Joged Bumbung Ocora 558501 Harmonia Mundi

@SV 645 AS Sunda / Musique et chants trad. Ocora 558502 Harmonia Mundi

@SV 646 AS Indien Inde du Sud / Concert de Vina, par E.S.Sastry Ocora 558503 Harmonia Mundi MU 241 K

@SV 647-49 AS Java Java / "Langen Mandra Wanara" Op‚ra de Danuredjo VII Ocora 558507/9 Harmonia Mundi

@SV 650 AS Bali Bali / Le Gong Ged‚ de Batur Ocora 558510 Harmonia Mundi

@SV 651 AF Burundi Burundi / Musiques trad. Ocora 558511 Harmonia Mundi

44 @SV 652 AS Georgien G‚orgie / Chants de travail Ocora 558513 Harmonia Mundi

@SV 653 AF Ägypten Egypte / Les Musiciens du Nil Ocora 558514 Harmonia Mundi

@SV 654 AS / Chantres du quotidien / Chantres de l'‚pop‚e Ocora 558515 Harmonia Mundi

@SV 655 AMS Brasilien Br‚sil / Musiques du Haut Xingu Ocora 558517 Harmonia Mundi

@SV 656 AS China Chine Populaire / Musique classique Ocora 558519 Harmonia Mundi

@SV 657 AS EU Türkei Turquie / Musique Soufi Ocora 558522 Harmonia Mundi MU 218

@SV 658-60 AS Anthologie de la Musique des Pygm‚es Aka / Centrafrique Ocora 558526/27/28 Harmonia Mundi MU 219

@SV 661 AS Israel Israel / Trad. Liturgiques des Communaut‚s Juives / 1 Les jours du Kippur Ocora 558529 Harmonia Mundi

@SV 662 AS Seychelles 1 / et Romances de l'Ancienne (Kamtole des Iles Seychelles) Ocora 558534 Harmonia Mundi MU 218

@SV 663 EU Irland Irlande 1 / H‚ritage gaelique et trad. du Connemara Ocora 558541 Harmonia Mundi MU 218

@SV 664 The Gentle Sound of the Dulcimer / Roger Nicholson Argo ZDA 204

@SV 665 EU Österreich Volksmusik Fein sein, beinander bleiben / Walter Deutsch

@SV 666 EU Österreich Volksmusik Das K"rntner Volkslied / 1. Folge: Liebeslieder in S"tzen von Anton Anderluh Help Records HAS VM 151

@SV 667-669 EU Tschechoslowakei Authentic Folklore from Czechoslovakia Supraphon SUA 12458/60

@SV 670 EU Island Fold Songs of Iceland Lyrichord LLST 7335

@SV 671 EU Norwegen Fra Fjell og dal / i kvardag of fest / Norwegian Folk Music RCA FLP 2

@SV 672 EU Großbritannien

45 Musique Celtique / Iles H‚brides / from Scotland Ocora Ocr 45 MU 241

@SV 673 EU Großbritannien Schottland The Voice of Scotland EMI ONCR 525 OC 054-07 057

@SV 674 EU Großbritannien Schottland Scottish Pipes! Pipe Major Donald Shaw Ramsay Capitol SP 10081

@SV 675 EU Großbritannien Schottland Festival / Dudelsackmusik 2001 Metronome 40029

@SV 676 EU Großbritannien Schottland Pipes & Drums / Of the 1st Bn. The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders EMI MFP 50221

@SV 677 EU Irland Jimmy Power / Irish Player Topic 12TS306

@SV 678 EU Irland The Voice of EMI Capitol DT 10010

@SV 679 EU Spanien Festival Gitano Ballaphon LR 44.003

@SV 680 EU Frankreich Bombardes et Binious de Bretagne Arion 30 T 089

@SV 681 EU Chants & Dances / Provence Languedoc Le Chant du Monde LDX 74391

@SV 682 EU Les Fiances d'Auvergne / Les Belles de Sint-Flour per Bian lo Dansa / Christian Boissonnade Polydor 2482311

@SV 683 EU Italien Canti Popolari della Val d'Enza e della Val Cedra [ohne Label]

@SV 684 EU Italien Folk Music and Songs of Sicily / Work Songs Vol.1 Lyrichord LLST 7333

@SV 685 EU Jugoslawien Slowenien Porabje / Slovene Music / a selection of Oroginal Recordings of Folk Music Helidon FLP 03-008

@SV 686 EU Rumänien Roumanie / Le MonastŠre de Putna / Musique trad. vivantes / 2. Musiques rituelles et religieuses Ocora 558505 Harmonia Mundi WE 641

@SV 687 EU Rumänien Roumanie / Musiques de mariage de Maramures / Musique trad. vivantes / 5. Musiques populaires Ocora 558506 Harmonia Mundi WE 641

@SV 688 EU Bulgarien

46 Student Chamber Choir - Plovdiv Balkanton BXA 10167

@SV 689 AS Japan Sounds of Japanese Trad. Drums Vol.4 CBS 22AG530

@SV 690 AS Zen, Goeika et Shomyo Chants / in actual Buddhist temple Services Lyrichord LLST 7716

@SV 691 AS Music for Zen Meditation MGM 2332052

@SV 692 AS Japan Koto Kumiuta / Classical Song Cycles by the Great Master Composers of 17-18th Century Japan / Namino Torii (Voice & Koto) Lyrichord LLST 7304

@SV 693 AS Japan / Nagauta Music Lyrichord LLST 7134

@SV 694 AS Japan Japanese Folk Music Lyrichord LLST 7163

@SV 695 AS Japan Japanese Temple Music / Zen, Nembutsu & Yamabushi Chants Lyrichord LLST 7117

@SV 696 AS Japan Japanese Noh Music / The Kyoto Nohgaku Kai Lyrichord LLST 7137

@SV 697 AS China China's Treasures / Lui Tsun-Yuen plays the Pipa & Chin Lyrichord LLST 7227

@SV 698 AU Iles Marquises et tuamotu / Chants et musique Selaf Orstrom CETO 755

@SV 699-701 AS Musical Voices of Asia / Asian Trad. Performing Arts 1978 Victor SJL 209-11

@SV 702-704 AS Tailand Music of Minorities in the Northwestern Tailand / Supervision Recording and Photography: Uchida_Ruriko Victor SJ-1010-2

@SV 706 AS Tibet Tibetan Folk Songs from Lhasa and Amdo Lyrichord LLST 7286

@SV 707 AS Tibet Musique et Theatre Populaires Tibetains Ocora OCR 62

@SV 708 AS Tibet Ache . Th‚ƒtre musical tib‚tain "Prince Norsang" (=Traditions classiques de l'Orient, Tibet vol.1) Disques Esperance ESP 8433


@SV 709 AS Vietnam Musique Mnong Gar du Vietnam / enregistrements de Condominas_Georges Ocora OCR 80 Collection Mus‚e de l'Homme

@SV 710 AS Music from the Himalayas / produced by Bhattacharya_Deben Argo ZBF 40

@SV 711 AS Indien Musica popolare e religiosa dell'India del Nord Vol.1 / Canti e musiche dei contadini Thatipur e Banhera, area di Gwalior / edited by Navoni_Pierluigi, Meazza_Renata, Kudaisya_J.K. Albatros VPA 8249

@SV 712 AS Indien Musica popolare e religiosa dell'India del Nord Vol.2 / Theatro e festa popolare nel Rajastan / musica urbana di Datia e Gwalior / edited by Navoni_Pierluigi, Meazza_Renata, Kudaisya_J.K. Albatros VPA 8266

@SV 713 AS Indien Musica popolare e religiosa dell'India del Nord Vol.3 / Musica religiosa dei Sikhs / edited by Navoni_Pierluigi, Meazza_Renata, Kudaisya_J.K. Albatros VPA 8268

@SV 714 AS Indien Le Chants profond del'Inde / Musique traditionelle du Nord Arion ARN 33409

@SV 715 AS Indien Inde du nord / Santur / Sivakumar_Sarma Ocora OCR 77 Harmonia Mundi MU 217 B

@SV 716 AS Indien Inde du nord / Pandit Ram Narayan Sarangi / Raga_bairagi-bhairav / Raga_kirvani / Raga_madhuvanti Ocora OCR 69 Harmonia Mundi?

@SV 717 AS Indien Music from the Shrines of Ajmer amd Mundra / Rec. by Levy_John Lyrichord LLST 7236

@SV 718 AS Indien Prestige de la musique extraeurop‚en. L'Inde Vol.4 / Le Sarangi de Ram_Narayan Esperance ESP 155538

@SV 719 AS Indien Prestige de la musique extraeurop‚en. L'Inde Vol.6 / La Vina de S.Balachander Esperance ESP 165510

@SV 720 AS Indien India's master musican / Shankar_Ravi: Sitar / Lal_Chatur: Tabla / Mullick_N.C.: Tamboura EMI Liberty LBS 83078

@SV 721 AS Indien Two raga moods / Shankar_Ravi: [Sitar] / Dutt_Kanai: Tabla / Mohan_Gopi & Roy_Niren: Tanpura EMI Capitol SP-10482

@SV 722 AS Indien Raga_Jogeshwari / Shankar_Ravi: Sitar / Rakha_Alla: Tabla Deutsche Grammophon 2531 280

@SV 723 AS Indien Lower caste religious music from India / Monks, Transvestites, Midwives & Folksingers / rec.by Schlenker_Rosina Lyrichord LLST 7324

48 @SV 724 AS Indien Lower caste religious music from India / Muscians, Dancers, Prostitutes & Actors / rec.by Schlenker_Rosina Lyrichord LLST 7323

@SV 725 AS Indien Karnatic / a panorama of South Indian Music Nomad SRV-73011

@SV 726 AS Indien Batalju_Narenda / Govinda_Krishna / Malavika_Kumari / Ed. Surugue_Bernard Collection: Tradition_Orale CETO 751

@SV 727 AS Indien Pattamal_Damal_Krishna / Le chant de raga Arion ARN 33 425

@SV 728 AS Indien Folk (Orissa) Lyrichord LLST 7183

@SV 729 AS Indien Rajasthan / Les musiciens du d‚sert / Musiques traditionelles vivantes V. Musiques populaires Ocora 558 523 Harmonia Mundi MU 218 Y

@SV 730 AS Indien Musique populaire du rajasthan / music from the indian desert Ocora OCR 47

@SV 731 AS Indien Folk Music of India (Uttar Pradesh) Lyrichord LLST 7271

@SV 732 AS Bali Bali / divertissements musicaux et danses de transe Ocora OCR 72

@SV 733 AS Indonesien Les musiques de c‚lŠbes Indon‚sie / musiques toradja et bugis AMP_7_2906

@SV 734 AS Indonesien L'indonesie / le groupe Angklung Arion ARN 33 353

@SV 735 AS Indien l'Hindustan / Pramod_Kumar, Sitar - Prakash_Wadhera, Flöte - Ustad_Zamir_Ahmad_Khan, Tabla Arion ARN 33 332

@SV 736 AS N-Indien Hindustani / a panorama of north Indian Music Everyman - Nomad SRV 73010

@SV 737 AS Afghanistan Music from Kabul Lyrichord LLST 7259

@SV 738 AS Sikkim Music in Sikkim Command COMS-9002 / New Series Premiere Recording Music of the Earth

@SV 739 AS Türkei Chant des Derviches de Turquie / Musique Soufi / La C‚r‚monie du Zikr Arion ARN 33446

49 @SV 740 AS Türkei Musique traditionelle Turque / Pieces instrumentales Ocora OCR 56

@SV 741 AS Türkei Chants sacr‚s d'anatolie par Ashik_Feyzullah_Tchinar Ocora OCR 65

@SV 742 AM Mexico Musiques Mexicaines / zapotŠque huichol n huatl s‚ri pur‚pecha tarahumara maya chontal mixtŠque lacandon Ocora OCR 73

@SV 743 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.1 / an introduction 1930-1960 Folklyric Records 9003

@SV 744 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.2 / Corridos Part 1: 1930-1934 Folklyric Records 9004

@SV 745 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.3 / Corridos Part 2: 1929-1936 Folklyric Records 9005

@SV 746 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.4 / Norte¤o Acordeon Part 1: The first recordings Folklyric Records 9006

@SV 747 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.5 / The String Bands / End of a Tradition Folklyric Records 9007

@SV 748 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.6 / CancionŠros de ayer - Part 1 / Songsters from the Past 1920's/1930's Folklyric Records 9011

@SV 749 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.7 / CancionŠros de ayer - Part 2 / Songsters from the Past 1920's/1930's Folklyric Records 9012

@SV 750 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.8 / CancionŠros de ayer - Part 3 / Songsters from the Past 1920's/1930's Folklyric Records 9013

@SV 751 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.9 / CancionŠros de ayer - Part 4 / Songsters from the Past 1920's/1930's Folklyric Records 9016

@SV 752 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.10 / Narciso_Martinez "El Huracan del Valle" his first recordings 1936-37 Folklyric Records 9017

@SV 753 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.12 / Norte¤o Acordeon - Part 2 / San_Antonio The 1940's & 50's Folklyric Records 9019

@SV 754 AM Mexico - Texas

50 Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.13 / Norte¤o Acordeon - Part 3 / South Texas & Monterrey,N.L. The 1940's and 50's Folklyric Records 9020

@SV 755 AM Mexico - Texas Una historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.14 / The Chicano Experience Folklyric Records 9021

@SV 756 AMS Peru Musiques du P‚rou / Paucartambo Indiens Q'eros Ocora OCR 30 MU 241

@SV 757 AMS Musica Folklorica de Venezuela Ocora OCR 78 WE 641

@SV 758 AMN USA Folksong of the Luisiana Acadians Arhoolie 5009

@SV 759 AMN USA Folksong of the Luisiana Acadians Vol.2 Arhoolie 5015

@SV 760 AMN USA of the Romanian Immigrants Staff BP-3319

@SV 761 AMN USA American Favorite Ballads / sung by Seeger_Pete with 5-string banjo, and 12-string guitar FOLKWAYS FA 2320

@SV 762 AMN USA American Favorite Ballads / sung by Seeger_Pete with banjo & 12-string guitar FOLKWAYS FA 2321

@SV 763 AMN USA American Favorite Ballads / Tunes and Songs / sung by Seeger_Pete with 5-string banjo & 12-string guitar FOLKWAYS FA 2322

@SV 764 AMN USA American Favorite Ballads / Tunes and Songs / sung by Seeger_Pete with 5-string banjo & 12-string guitar FOLKWAYS FA 2323

@SV 765 AMN USA American Favorite Ballads / sung by Seeger_Pete with 5-string banjo & 12-string guitar FOLKWAYS FA 2445

@SV 766 AF Musique Gouro de Cote d'Ivoire Ocora OCR 48 MU 241 K

@SV 767 AF Obervolta musiques du pays lobi Ocora OCR 51 WE 641

@SV 768 AF Bahrain EMI Odeon 3C 064-18371 / Unesco Collection

@SV 769 A Jemen Luth au Yemen / Classique 'ud / Jamil_Ghanim / recitalalbum 6 Arabesques 2S062 53.229 SP 231

51 @SV 770 AF Ägypten Cithare en Egypte / Le Caire / Qanun / M.'Atiya_'Omar / recitalalbum 7 Arabesques 2S062 53.230 SP 231

@SV 771 Armenien Armenie / musique des Achough Ocora OCR 59

@SV 772 Armenien Chants liturgiques du Moyen-Age Ocora OCR 66

@SV 773 Music from the Middle East / / prod. by Bhattacharya_Deben Argo ZFB 42

@SV 774 AS Syrien The Syrian Maqams / The living Tradition / prod. by Bhattacharya_Deben Argo ZFB 58

@SV 775 AS Afghanistan Folk Music of Afghanistan Vol.2 Lyrichord LLST 7231

@SV 776 AF/AS Pecheurs de Perles et musiciens du Golfe Persique Ocora OCR 42

@SV 777 AS Irak Makamat par l'ensemble al Tchalghi al Baghdadi et Yusuf_Omar (Chant) Ocora OCR 79

@SV 778 AS Iran Baxtyari / nomades de la montagne CETO 747

@SV 779 AF Chants berbŠres de la meule et du berceau / Amrouche_Taos Arion ARN 34278 CB 271

@SV 780 AF Burundi Music form Brundi Albatros VPA 8137 / Original ethnic music of the peoples of the World

@SV 781 AF Gaboni / Musica da un microcosmo equatoriale / Musica Fang Bwiti con esempi musicali Mbiri / Fernandez,James_W. [Hrsg.] Albatros VPA 8232 / Original ethnic music of the peoples of the World

@SV 782 AF Äthiopien Music of Etiopia / Lerner,Lin & Wollner,Chet_A. [Hrsg.] Albatros VPA 8230 / Original ethnic music of the peoples of the World

@SV 783 AF Äthiopien Musiques Ethiopiennes Ocora OCR 75 MU 241

@SV 784/85 AF Äthiopien Musik der Hamar / Süd"thiopien Museum Collection Berlin (West) MC6

@SV 786 AF Mauretanien Musique Maure Ocora OCR 28


@SV 787 AF Algerien Hauts-Plateaux d'Alg‚rie avec les Ouled-Nail / aufgenommen v. Daniel,Jean_Fernand Arion ARN 33437

@SV 788 AF Musik der Nubier Museum Collection Berlin (West) MC9

@SV 789 AF Cote d'Ivoire musique Baoul‚ KodŠ Ocora OCR 34

@SV 790 AF / Baule Vocal Music EMI Odeon 3C064-17842

@SV 791 fehlt

@SV 792 AF Kamerun Bamileke CETO 746

@SV 793 AF Uganda The blind musicans of Salama / Uganda 1959-1962 AIT/GK 02

@SV 794 AF Marocco The Rwais / Maroccan Berber / Musicans from the High Atlas / rec.by Schuyler,Philip Lyrichord LLST 7316

@SV 795 AF Marocco Maroccan Folk Music Lyrichord LLST 7229

@SV 796 Kachamba's_Donald_Band / Simanje-Manje & Kwela from Malawi GKA 1 / 2 Exemplare

@SV 797 fehlt

@SV 798 AMN Usa The Skillet Lickers / McNichen,Clayton - Tanner,Gid - Puckett,Riley - Norris,Fate / Old Time Tunes rec. 1927-1931 County 506

@SV 799 AMN Usa Poole,Charlie & the North_Carolina_Ramblers / old time songs rec. from 1925-1930, Vol.2 County 509

@SV 800 AMN Usa The legend of Poole,Charlie County 516

@SV 801 AMN Usa Baker,Kenny / Early Recordings County 521?

@SV 802 AMN Usa The Skillet Lickers / Tunes & Songs from North Georgia County 526

@SV 803 AMN Usa Poole,Charlie & the North_Carolina_Ramblers Vol.4 County 540


@SV 804 AMN Usa Acuff,Roy & his smoky_mountain_boys / Hand clapping / Gospel Songs Hickory LPM 117

@SV 805 AMN Usa Old-time southern dance music / The string bands Vol.1 Old timey LP-100

@SV 806 AMN Usa Poor Man, Rich Man / American country Songs of Protest 1026

@SV 807 AMN Usa Mainer's_J.E._Mountainers / the legendary family from the blue ridge mountains Arhoolie F5002

@SV 808 AMN USA VOLK Folk Western Carl T. Sprague. "The first popular singing cowboy". Folk Songs of the West Carl T. Sprague 1: Home on the range - It is no secret what God can do - Following the cowtrail - The Girl I loved in Sunny Tennessee - When the work's all done this Fall - KissingLThe Club Meeting 2: Badcompanions - Rounded Up in Glory - Red River Valley - Roll On Little Dogies - The Last Great Roundup - The Last Fierce Change - The Bear Family Records BF 15002

@SV 809 AMN USA, Canada POP Country Cowboy Songs by Wilf Carter. Popularly known as Slim Wilf Carter (Montana Slim) 1: Rattlin' Cannonball - The Preacher and the Cowboy - The Fate of old Strawberry Roan - Twilight on the Prairie - It's a Cowboy's Night to howl - Red River Valley Blues - It's all over now (I won't worry) - My Little Swiss and Me 2: My Old Lasso is headed straight for You - He left the One who loved Him for Another - Pete Knight's Last Ride - The Golden Lariat - Roll Along Kentucky Moon - Rose of My Heart - My Little Yoho Lady - Lucky Strike presents: Montana Slim - Medley of Folk Songs: Blue Ridge Mountain Blues, Birmingham Jail, Rootin' Tootin' Cowboy Wilf Carter Edition WCE 1

@SV 810 AMN Usa The best of Country and West Vol.4 / Bare,Bobby - Atkins,Chet - Reeves,Jim - Davis,Danny - West,Dottie - Skeeter,Davis - ,Jerry - Jennings,Wylon - Lee,Dickey - Snow,Hank - Brown,Jim_Ed - Smith,Connie REC Victor SRS 570 26.21189

@SV 811/12 AMN Usa Southern Feelings / Boone,Pat - Clark,Roy - Drake,Pete - Flatt,Lester - Jackson,Wanda - Jim&Jesse - Price,Ray - Wilkin,Marijon - Rogers,Roy & Evans,Dale DJM Records DJD 28037

@SV 813/14 AMN Usa Country Hits Polydor 1B 2664_302

@SV 815 AMN USA POP Country Western The Hits of . Country Club Hank Snow 1: North to Chicago /Les Pouliot - Hijack /Jack Cloe - Come the Morning /Dick Feller - That's You and Me /Glaser, Martin - Merry-go-round of Love /R. L. Floyd - Easy to Love /D. Burgess - I just wanted to know (how the wind was blowing /Walker, Cam Mullins 2: The Name of the Gane was Love /Cy Coben - The Late and Great Love (of My Heart) /Walker - Colorado Country Morning /, Duncan - Vanishing Breed /Eldridge, Stewart - Rome wasn't built in a Day /Y. DeVancy - Hello Love /Robinson, Mnich - Who will answer? (Aleuya No. 1) /Davis, Aute RCA Victor PPL 1-8093 26.21718

@SV 816 AMN Usa The Hits of Jennings,Waylon RCA PL42211


@SV 817 AMN Usa The Best of Owens,Buck EMI Capitol SM-11827

@SV 818 AMN Usa The Best of Ritter,Tex EMI Capitol DT 2595

@SV 819 AMN Usa The New_Lost_City_Ramblers 2 Le Chant du Mont FWX-M 52397

@SV 820 AMN Usa Chuck_Wagon_Gang / Down The Sawdust Trail Columbia C 31043

@SV 821 AMN Usa The Travis,Merle guitar Capitol SM 650

@SV 822/23 AMN Usa Monroe_Brothers / Feast here tonight RCA AXM2-5510

@SV 824 AMN Usa Super Country Hits Vol.1 / Jennings,Waylon - Parton,Dolly - Rich,Charlie - Reeves,Jim - West,Dottie - Snow,Hank - Redd,Jerry - Pride,Charley - Davis,Sketter - Smith,Connie - Stuckey,Nat - Dean,Jimmy - The Pridesmen RCA CL 42844

@SV 825 AMN Usa Super Country Hits Vol.2 / Parton,Dolly - ,Don - Atkins,Chet - Wagoner,Porter - West,Dottie - Locklin,Hank - Dottsy - Young,Steve - Snow,Hank & Carter,Anita - Brown,Jim_Ed & ,Helen - Wiseman,Mac - Flatt,Lester RCA CL 42845

@SV 826 AMN Usa Super Country Hits Vol.3 / Bare,Bobby - Parton,Dolly - Jennings,Waylon - West,Dottie - Milsap,Ronnie - Smith,Connie - Lee,Dickey - Stewart,Gary - Dave & Sugar - Oxford,Vernon - Cramer,Floyd - The Danny_Davis_Singer RCA CL 42840

@SV 827 AMN Usa Super Country Hits Vol.4 / Pride,Charley - Gibson,Don - Parton,Dolly - Reed,Jerry - Reeves,Jim - Davis,Skeeter - Snow,Hank - Locklin,Hank - Wagoner,Porter - Flatt,Lester - Dottsy - Young,Steve RCA CL 42847

@SV 828 AMN Usa Super Country Hits Vol.5 / Jennings,Waylon - Parton,Dolly - Milsap,Ronnie - Bare,Bobby - Reeves,Jim - Atkins,Chet - Rich,Charlie - Smith,Connie - Lee,Dickey - The Danny_Davis_Singers - West,Dottie - Dave&Suger RCA CL 42848

@SV 829 AMN Usa Super Country Hits Vol.6 / Pride,Charley - Jennings,Waylon - Snow,Hank - Gibson,Don - Reed,Jerry - West,Dottie - Locklin,Hank - Hall,Tom_T. - Stewart,Gary - Brown,Jim_Ed&Cornelius,Helen - Smith,Connie&Stuckey,Nat RCA CL 42849

@SV 830/31 AMN Usa The Baez,Joan / Country Music Album Prisma 134 CRY 63 214/15

@SV 832 AMN Usa Country Festival 1980 / The Best Taste in Country Music / Harris,Emmylou - Owens,Buck - Bellamy_Brothers - Fargo,Donna - Hunley,Con - Gosdin,Vern - Tillis,Mel - Ronstadt,Linda - Everly,Phil - Walker,Jerry_Jeff - Parton,Stella - Rabbitt,Eddie - Sheppard,T.G. - Head,Roy WEA 58099


@SV 833/34 AMN Usa Greatest Hits Vanguard VSD 15/16

@SV 835 AMN Usa FOLK The Weavers at Carnegie_Hall / Seeger,Pete - Hays,Lee - Hellerman,Fred - Gilbert,Ronnie Vanguard VSD 6533

@SV 836 AMN Usa POP Slow Train Coming / Dylan,Bob CBS 86095

@SV 837 AMN Usa POP Dylan,Bob 's Greatest Hits 2 / I Want you - One of us must know - it takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry - just like Tom Thumb's Blues - Masters of war - Chimes of freedom - just like a woman - obviously 5 believers - rainy day woman 12 & 35 - gates of eden - leopard-skin pill-box hat - absolutely sweet Mary CBS S 62911

@SV 838 AMN Usa 19th-Century American Ballroom Music / Waltzes, Marches, & other Dances / Smithsonian_Social_Orchestra & Quadrille_Band / Ltg.: Weaver,James Nonesuch H-71313

@SV 839-41 Jazz / Opus Musicum / Sandner,Wolfgang [Hrsg.] Arno Volk Verlag, K"ln

@SV 842/43 Masters of Jazz Vol.15 / Blues Giants RCA CL 42858

@SV 844-49 The Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz / ,Scott - Johnson,Robert - Smith,Bessie - Oliver,King - Morton,Jelly_Roll - Bechet,Sidney - Armstrong,Louis - Hines,Earl - Johnson,James_P. - Beiderbecke,Bix - Henderson,Fletcher - Waller,Fats - Lewis,Meade_"Lux" - Holliday,Billy - Tatum,Art - Fitzgerald,Ella - Lunceford,Jimmy - Hawkins,Coleman - Eldridge,Roy - Carter,Benny - Hampton,Lionel - Moten,Benny - Basie,Count - Wilson,Teddy - Young,Lester - Goodmann,Benny - Christian,Charlie - ,Duke - Byas,Don - Gillespie,Dizzy - Parker,Charlie - Garner,Eroll - Powell,Bud - Vaughan,Sarah - Konitz,Lee - Davis,Miles - Navarro,Fats - Dameron,Tadd - Gordon,Dexter - Monk,Thelonious - Rollins,Sonny - Modern_Jazz_Quartett - Mingus,Charles - Brown,Clifford - Roach,Max - Taylor,Cecil - Coltrane,John - Coleman,Ornette Smithsonian Inst. & Columbia P6 11891

@SV 850 AMN Usa Vol.2 / Tune_Wranglers,The - Revard,Jimmy_&_his_Oklahoma_Playboys - O'Daniel,W.Lee - Brown, - Light_Crust_Doughboys - Hofner,Adolph - Bruner,Cliff - Rangers,Rambling - Wonders,Washboard - Wills,Bob Old Timey LP 116

@SV 851 AMN Usa Western Swing Vol.3 / Wills,Bob - Brown's_Musical_Brownies - Modern_Mountaineers - Hofner,Adolph_&_his_San_Antonians - Cooley,Spade - REvard,Jimmie - Bar-X_Cowboys - Alley,Shelley_Lee - Penny,Hank - Owls,Nite Old Timey Lp 117

@SV 852 AMN Usa Western Swing / historic Recordings by Wills,Bob - Lightcrust_Doughboys - Boyd,Bill - Brown,Milton - Hackberry_Ramblers - Vhoats,Harry Old Timey LP 105

@SV 853 AMN Usa Western Swing Vol.5 / The 1930s / Light_Crust_Doughboys - Tune_Wranglers,The - Universal_Cowboys - Skyles,Bob - Nite_Owls,The - Jones,Buddy - Davis,Jimmie - Stockard,Ocie - Brown,Milton - Farr_Brothers Old Timey 120


@SV 854 AMN Usa Carlisle,Cliff Vol.1 / Hobo Blues - Shot the innocent man - Two little sweethearts - Trouble minded blues - The hobo's fate - Payday fight - Waiting for a ride - a Wild cat woman & a tom cat man - The rambling yodler - Sugar cane mama - Mouse's ear blues - Tom cat blues - It ain't no fault of mine - Shanghai rooster yodle #2 Old Imey LP 103

@SV 855 AMN Usa Mainer's,L.E. / Crazy_Mountaineers Old Timey LP 106

@SV 856 AMN Usa Mainer's,L.E. / Mountaineers Vol.2 Old Timey LP 107

@SV 857 AMN Usa Mountain Music Bluegrass Style / Hobbs,"Smiley" - Logan,Tex - Don_Stover,B.Lilly - Anthony,"Chubby" - Taylor,Earl & Stony_Mountain_Boys - Baker,Bob & County,Pike_Boys - Stuart,Jerry - Roberts,Pete - Yellin - Seeger - Weissberg Folkway Records FA 2318

@SV 858 AMN Usa Music of Joplin,Scott played by Levin,James RCA RL 12243

@SV 859 AMN Usa Rollini,Adrian & his friends featuring Nicholas,Albert / Vol.2 / 1935-36 / "Truckin' at the tap room" RCA FXM1 7108 / Black & White Serie Vol.139

@SV 860 AMN Usa Calloway,Blanche & her Joy_Boys (1931) / Jackson,Andy (gtr.) - Cole Cozy (drums) - Frazier,Charles (tenor sax) - Moore,Alton (tbne.) - Battle,Edgar () - Smith,Clarence (trumpet) - Mason,Henry (trumpet) - Boyd,Roger (alto sax) - Baker,Abbie (bass) - Hart,Clyde (piano) - Purce,Ernest (alto / baritone) RCA PM 42392 / Black & White Series Vol.185

@SV 861 AMN Usa Ragtime / "Cake-Walks, Military_Bands, Ragtime_Orchestras, Coon Contents, Blues & Jazz" Vol.2 (1900-1921) / Metropolitan_Orchestra - Sousa's_Band - Victor_(Dance)_Orchestra - Victor_Minestrels,The - Victor_Military_Band - Conway's_Band - Six_Brown_Brothers,The - Europe's_Society_Orchestra - Earl_Fuller's_Famous_Jazz_Band - Blake,Eubie & his "Shuffle_Along"_Orchestra RCA PM 42402 / Black & White Series Vol.190

@SV 862 AMN South,Eddie (1927-1933) / Caceres,Emilio (1937) / "No more Blues" RCA PM 42420 / Black & White Series Vol.197

@SV 863 fehlt

@SV 864 fehlt

@SV 865 AMN Hawaiian Steel Guitar 1920's - 1950's Folklyric Records 9009

@SV 866 AMN Original Recordings Made by Guthrie,Woody Warner Bros. WB 56335

@SV 867 AMN Cooley,Spade / King of Western Swing Electronic Stereo #00103

@SV 868 AMN Bluegrass The golden Hits of Skinner,Jimmy Rich R Tone Records


@SV 869 AMN Shelby County Country 1948 - 1947 Redita LP - 110

@SV 870 Brown,Less & his Orchestra / 1949 Vol.2 Records HM-A 5059

@SV 871 fehlt

@SV 872 AMN Usa Crosby,Bing / Vol.3

@SV 873 AMN Usa Country Hits of the '50s EMI SN 885

@SV 874/75 AMN Usa Reeves,Jim Songs RCA CL 42209

@SV 876 AMN Usa The Best of Reeves,Jim / Vol.2 RCA AHL1-3482

@SV 877 AMN Usa The Best of Reeves,Jim / Vol.3 RCA AHL1-4187 / 2 Exemplare

@SV 878/79 AMN Usa Folk Blue recorded live! / Festival 1972 Bellaphon LS 42.018

@SV 880 AMN Usa Seeger,Pete / Where have all the flowers gone? XTRA 1112

@SV 881 AMN Harris,Emmylou / Warner Bros. WB 57 796

@SV 882 AMN Ronstadt,Linda / Elektra/Asylum Records

@SV 883 AMN The Best of Baez,Joan_C. A&M Records CB 271

@SV 884 AMN Nelson,Willie / The Sound in your mind CBS 81252 Lone Star

@SV 885 AMN The Carter Family on Border Radio Consolidated Radio Dorp. ov Mexico JEMF 101

@SV 886/87 AMN This is Eddy Arnold RCA VPS-6032

@SV 888 AMN Rockin''cross the Country / The Earl Scruggs Revue

58 Columbia KC 32943

@SV 889/90 AMN Silver Anniversary Series / Chet Atkins / Now and ... Then RCA VPSX-6079

@SV 891 AMN The Best of George Hamilton 4 Vol.1 RCA LSA 3005 (LSP 4265)

@SV 892 AMN Johnny & June Bear Family Records BFX 15030

@SV 893/94 AMN 's All-Time Greatest Hits Columbia CG 31364

@SV 895 AMN / Visions Ariola / Abc Records 28553 XOT

@SV 896 AMN Don Williams / I believe in You Ariola / MCA Records 202597-320

@SV 897/98 AMN The World of Johnny Cash CBS S 66237

@SV 899 AMN Johnny Cash CBS 31495

@SV 900 AMN / me and bobby McGee Monument MNT S 64631

@SV 901/02 AMN on Stage / Featuring Merle Watson Vanguard VSD 9/10

@SV 903 AMN Commander Cody and his Lost Airmen Warner Bros. Rec. WB 56158

@SV 904 The Best of and the Brazos Valley Boys EMI / Capitol SM 1878

@SV 905 AMN sings Leadbelly Folkways Records FTS 31022

@SV 906 AMN 's Greatest Hits Columbia CS 1034

@SV 907/08 Yamaha / Junior Original Concert '74 YL 7403J

@SV 909/10 Junior Original Concert '75

59 Yamaha Music Foundation 19-229

@SV 911 Concert in Europe by Yamaha Music Scholl Children YL-7510J

@SV 912-14 EU Ungarn Ungarndeutsche M"rchenerz"hler 1 / Die Rosib"s aus Hajos / Authent. Tonaufnahmen 1967 aus Hajos v. Johannes Künzig und Waltraud Werner

@SV 915-17 EU Ungarn Ungarndeutsche M"rchenerz"hler 2 / Die "Blinden Madel" aus Gant im Schildgebirge / Authent. Tonaufnahmen 1958 und 1960 v. Johannes Künzig und Waltraud Werner

@SV 918-21 EU Ungarn Lied- und Erz"hlgut der Resi Klemm aus Alm skamar s im ungarischen Banat / authent. Tonaufnahmen 1952-61 gesammelt und herausgegeben v. Johannes Künzig und Waltraut Werner-Künzig

@SV 922-24 EU Liebeslieder vom B"hmerwald bis zur Wolga / authent. Tonaufnahmen 1953-76 v. Johannes Künzig und Waltraut Werner- Künzig

@SV 925-27 EU Ungarn, Jugoslawien, etc Schw"nke aus mündlicher šberlieferung / authent. Tonaufnahmen 1952-70 v. Johannes Künzig und Waltraut Werner

@SV 928-30 EU Udssr Aus dem Liedgut des dobrudschadeutschen "Singers" Paul Ruscheinski / authent. Tonaufnahmen 1956-73 v. Johannes Künzig und Waltraut Werner

@SV 931-34 EU Ungarn, Deutschland, Udssr Volkslesestoff in mündlicher šberlieferung / authent. Tonaufnahmen 1959-66 v. Johannes Künzig und Waltraut Werner

@SV 935-38 EU DDR Balladen aus ostdeutscher šberlieferung / authent. Tonaufnahmen 1952-68 v. Johannes Künzig und Waltraut Werner

@SV 939-941 Gottscheer Volkslieder. Aus mündlicher šberlieferung / Authentische Tonaufnahmen 1954-1966 v. Johannes Künzig und Waltraut Werner

SV 942-945 Künzig, Johannes: Ehe sie verklingen... Alte deutsche Volksweisen vom Böhmerwald bis zur Wolga.

SV 946-949 Volkslieder aus Deutsch-Mokra einer Waldarbeitersiedlung in der Karpaten-Ukraine. Authentische Tohaufnahmen 1956- 1976 v. Johannes Künzig und Waltraut Werner-Kkünzig Volkskunde-Tonarchiv Freiburg

SV 950 Reden zur Einführung des allgemeinen gleichen und direkten Wahlrechts (1906). Tondokumente aus dem Phonogrammarchiv, PHA EP2

SV 951 American Labor Songs of the Nineteenth Century: 1. "Labor's Ninety and Nine","Ring the of Freedom","Eight Hours". 2. "Storm the Fort", "Modern Missionary Zeal","The Future America","When Labor Has Come to lts Own"; Buch C 11 620 University of Illinois Press, MAL 751

SV 952 Kiem Pauli Gruá und Dank an seine Volkss"nger und Freunde. Buch B 11 724 Resco 66.10 191-01-1


SV 953 Harmonist Music (Excerpts); Buch C 11 931 EVA-TONE 47766 A & BX

SV 954 John I. White: 1."Whoopee-Ti-Yi-Yo","The Little Old Sod Shanty". 2."Great Grand Dad","Strawberry Roan" University of Illinois Press, MAL 752

SV 955-958 z.Buch C 11 730

SV 959-960 Dirk und Madih. Gesänge und Zeremonien. Islamisches Brauchtum im Sudan. Museum Collection Berlin(West),MC 10

SV 961 Voodoo Trance Music. Ritual Drums of Haiti Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7279

SV 962 The Songs of Milarepa Mahayana Buddhist Nunnery, Tilokpur Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7285

SV 963 Music From Around the World The Far East, Vol.1 Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7287

SV 964 Tibetan Mystic Song Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7290

SV 965 Music From Around the World The Near East, Vol.2 Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7288

SV 966 Folksongs of Kashmir Srinigar on Lake Dal Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7260

SV 967 The Cheng Two Masters Play. The Chinese Zither / Lous Chen - Professor Liang Tsai-Ping Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7262

SV 968 A Tibetan Buddhist Rite From Nepal Padmasambava Chupa with the Mahakala Uffering Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7270

SV 969 Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7188

SV 970

61 Chinese Classical Music played on ancient instruments by Professor Wei Chung Loh Lyrichord LL72

SV 971 Gagaku The Imperial Court Music of Japan Lyrichord LLST 7126

SV 972 Japanese Koto Orchestra Five Kotos, Hoteki, Shamisen and Shakuhachi, Koto Ensemble of the Ikuta School Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7167

SV 973 Scintillating Sounds of Bali Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7305

SV 974 Ritual Drums of Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7307

SV 975 Sounds of West Africa The Kora & The Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7308

SV 976 Music and Musicians of the Angolan Border The Tschokwe Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7311

SV 977 Amazonia Cult Music of Northern Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7300

SV 978 Java: Music of Mystical Enchantment Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7301

SV 979 The Chinese Cheng Ancient and Modern. Professor Liang Tsai - Ping, master of the 16-stringed zither Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7302

SV 980 Morocco Original Ethnic Music of the People of the World Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7336

SV 981 Vietnam Tran Quang Hai & Hoang Mong Thuy Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7337

SV 982 African Rhythms and Instruments Original Ethnic Music of the Peoples of the World, Vol.2 Congo - Chad - Cameroon - Sudan - Zambia - Tanzania - - Zimbabwe Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7338

62 SV 983 African Rhythms and Instruments Original Ethnic Music of the Peoples of the World, Vol.3 Morocco - Algeria - - Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7339

SV 984 Exotic Music of The H. Aram Gulezyan and his instrumental group Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7303

SV 985 Santur Recital , Vol. 3, Nasser Rastedgar-Nejad Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7166

SV 986 Moroccan Sufi Music Islamic Mystical Brotherhood Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7238

SV 987 Tibetan Songs of Cods and Demons Ritual and Theatrical Music of Tibet Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7291

SV 988 Greek Music From the Island of Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7293

SV 989 Esotic Music of Ancient China Lui Tsun-Yuen "lays the Pipa and Chin Lyrichord LLST 7122

SV 990 Shantung Music of Confucius' Homeland The Shantung Music Society,Professor Liang Tsai-Ping Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7112

SV 991 Music of the Greek Orthodox Liturgy The Ascension Choir of the Greek Orthodox Church, Oakland Tikey Zes, Conductor Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7159

SV 992 Chinese Drums and Sung Tso-Liang Orchestra of Hong Kong Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7102

SV 993 The Indians of the Gran Chaco Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7295

SV 994 Music of the Incas " Ayllu Sulca" Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7348

SV 995 South Indian Strines Prersenting the art of Dr.L.Subramaniam with Palghat T.S. Mani Iyer

63 Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7350

V 996 The Forgotten Ireland The Irish Harp - Mary Murphy Demers Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7349

SV 997 Music of the Rain Forest Pygmies Of the North-East Congo Lyrichord LL 157

SV 998 Japanese Koto Music with Shamisen & Shakuhachi performed by master musicians oflkuta-Ryu Lyrichord LLST 7131

SV 999 Chinese Masterpieces for the Cheng Professor Liang Tsai-Ping and David Ming-Yueh Liang Lyrichord LLST 7142

SV 1000 Chinese Folk Songs Sung in Cantonese by Lui Hubng with Chinese Orchestra Lyrichord LLST 7152

SV 1001 Chinas Instrumental Heritage Professor Liang Tsai-Ping and His Group Lyrichord Stereo LLST 792

SV 1002 Basque Songs and Dances Stella Maris Chorus of San Sebastian, Maria de los Angeles Usuz,conductor Lyrichord LL 778

SV 1003 Argentine Folk Music the Chauquenos in song an dance Magic rituals of the Chacos Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7254

SV 1004 AF Äthiopien Ethiopian Urban and Tribal Music Gold from Wax - Vol.2 Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7244

SV 1005 Argentina: The Guitar of the Pampas Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7253

SV 1006 Merengues from the Guayo - - Marimbula - Tambora Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7351

SV 1007 The Soul of The Koto Kudan - Kumoi Rokudan - Midare - Sagano Aki - Daigo No Hanami - Shiki No Shirabe Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7218


SV 1008 Korean Court Music Recorded by John Levy / Orchestra of The National Music Institu te, Kim Ki-su, Director Lyrichord Stereo LL 7206

SV 1009 Japanese Shamisen Chamber Music (Jiuta) With Koto and Shakuhachi Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7209

SV 1010 The Oud Music of the Near and Middle East H. Aram Gulezyan and his instrumental group Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7160

SV 1011 Chinese Classical Masterpieces For the Pkipa and Chin performed by Lui Tsun-Yuen Show in Sunny Spring - Moonlight Over Spring River - Chinese Sol diers' March - A Buddist Chant - Plum Blossoms - The Lament of Em press Chen - The Running Brook - Song of the Frontier - The Hero's Defeat Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7182

SV 1012 The Hiroshima Masses Missa Pentatonica (A Pentatonic Mass - Kazunori Nagai Missa Japonica (A Japanese Mass) - Rev. Jose I. Tejon Yamato no Sasageuta (An Offerin to Japan) - Saburo Takata Cantus Mariales Jaonici (Hymns to Our Lady) - Saburo Takata Chorus, Koto Orchestra and Soloists of Elizabeth University of Mu sic, Hiroshima, Japan Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7180

SV l013 Viracocha Legendary Music of the Andes Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7264

SV 1014 Ancient China Melodies 1. Ni Shang Yi Chu 2. Sai Shang Chu - Pip'a Solo - Si-Sum Cheng - Spring River by Mo onlight Grand Chinese Orchestra, Cheng Si-Sum, Conductor Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7352

SV 1015 Africa, New York Masterpieces Ladji Camara, Master Drummer 1. Lamban - Saa - 2. Koma - Nofoule Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7345

SV 1016 Ancient Composed and Performed on Traditional Near Eastern Instruments by Ali Jihad Racy 1. The Lamentations of Isis - The Land of the Blessed - Hymn to Osiris - The Boat of Millions of Years 2. The Holy Lotus - Funeral Procession - Hymn for Sunrise - The Triumph of the Deceased

65 Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7347

SV 1017 Music of the Cmeroon The Fulani of the North 1. Raba Kaya - Kulee le cekee - Bombore - WaynaaBe - Nyawala worBe Recreational music 2. Usuman Mai - MbaDDa - FilooBe pila - Ndeyyaha - Jam Bago - Ndab za Gole Nyabaka Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7334

SV 1018 Ghana... Music of the Northern Tribes Recorded by Verna Gillis with David Moises Perez Martinez 1. Mamprusi (Muslim) - Grunshi - Frafra (Christian) - Kusasi (Mus lim 2. Dagarti (Catholic) - Dagarti Gyil - Kasena (Christian) Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7321

SV 1019 Mali Epic, Historical Political, and Propaganda Songs, Vol.1 Socialist government of Modibo Keita (1960-1968) Original Recordings by Radio Mali 1. Sunjata - Canto per L'indipendenza del Mali - I Grandi Aerei Sono Arrivati 2. Canto di Circoncisione - Tara - Assolo di Cora - Canto Epico - Canto Epico Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7325

SV 1020 Fantasie Arabe Oud and Harp Music of the Near East H. Aram Gulezyan, oud / David L. Shaul, harp 1.Fantasie Arabe - Hejaz - Essence Arabe - Round Dance - Tchym Dour ov Jovag Yev Bulboul 2. Caucasian Folk Song & Dance - Partzer Sarer - Naz Bar - Gouszhun Arah - Fruit Harvest Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7318

SV 1021 Javanese Music From Surinam Recorded by Verna Gillis with Dabid Moises Perez Martinez 1. Djaran Kepang - 2. Selendro - Ande-ande Lumit - Koepoe Koepoe - Kumbang Sarie Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7317

SV 1022 Lotus Lantern The Chinese Classical Orchestra Lui Pui-Yuen, conductor and Pipa Soloist 1. Dance Music of Hua T'iao Tzu - Lotus Lantern - Bow Dance - Pre lude to Dance and Song - Horseback Riding in a Spring Field 2. The Dance of Happiness - Han Palace by Autumn Moonlight - Play ing in the Garden - Without a Song - The Cowherder and the Country Girl Lyrichord Stereo LL 7202

SV 1023 Buddhist Drums, Bells and Chants Recorded at actual services in the temples of Kyoto, Japan 1. Drum - Hannya-Shingyo - Goeika - Aki-Wasan - Goshugyo Wasan 2. Chosi - Shomyo: Shichi-Kango - Godai-Gan - Temple Bells Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7200

SV 1024 Tibetan Folk and Minstrel Music

66 Recordings and Notes by Peter Crossley-Holland 1. Folk Music From Tibet: Pastoral and Nomadic Airs - Agricultural Songs -Other Occupational Songs 2. Musicians' Tunes From Ladak: Band of and Kettle-Drums - Song Accompanied by Single-Headed Drum - Airs for Double - Songs Accompanied by Instruments - Dance Music for Shawm and Single- Headed Drum Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7196

SV 1025 Spirit of Smurai Japanese Chant Reikin (Steel-Stringed Koto) / Shakuhachi ( Flute) / Hoteki (Japanese Flute) 1. Shungyo - Shunya - Nankashu - Meiso Nippongo 2. Fugaku o Nozomu - Yuki Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7346

SV 1026 AF Äthiopien Ethiopian Urban and Tribal Music Mindanoo Mistiru, Vol. 1 Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7243

SV 1027 Chinese Opera Lisa Lu as Lady Precious Stream in "The Reunion" a K.S. Chen as Hsüeh Ping-Kuei Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7232

SV 1028 Afghanistan Folk Music of Afghanistan, Vol.1 Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7230

SV 1029 Japanese Treasures Performed by Master Musicians of Ikuta-Ryu with Shamisen & Shakuhachi Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7228

SV 1030 Chinese Buddhist Music Recorded by John Levy 1. Precious Lotus Monastery, Lan Tao Island, Hong Kong. 2. Good-fortune Monastery Lyrichord Stereo 7222

SV 1031 Chinese Taoist Music Recorded by John Levy Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7223

SV 1032 Japanese Masterpieces for the Koto Performed by Master Musicians of Ikuta-Ryu 1. Sakura - Soran-bushi - Kuroda-bushi - Niwa no Sanshu no Ki - Utsukushiki Ten-nen - Sakura Variation - Kojo no Tsuki - Hamachidori 2. Banshu - Kyo no Insho - Improvisations for the Reikin

SV 1033 Music From Yemen Arabia: Sanaani - Laheji - Adeni 1. You Said That You Would Forget Me. - Wa Seed Ana Lak Min Al Kho dam - Ana Mush Areemak 2. Tabal Samar - Wa Mogarred Bi Wadi Aldoore - Ya Sabooh al Enab.

67 Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7283

SV 1034 Music From Yemen Arabia: Samar 1. Leish Teguib - Al Sabah - Keef Faiah 2. A'Zaffer Sanaa Wedding Song Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7284

SV 1035 Tibetan Buddhist Rites from the Monasteries of Bhutan Vol.3: Temple Rituals and Public Ceremonies Recorded by John Levy Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7257

SV 1036 The Traveling People of Ireland Irish Tinker Music collected by Alen MacWeeney with the assistance of Artelia Court 1. Jigging With Oil Drum - Cod Liver Oil - The Cliffs of Duneen - and Platter - The Black Velvet Band - The Bold O'Donohue - Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes - Billy Boy - The Bold Fernian Men - Willy Reilly - Tin Whistle and Spoons 2. The Patriot Game - The Little Beggarman - Tin Whistle - Pat From Bolaneer - Long Time A'Growin' - Jigging - William Scanlon - Tin Whistle and Sheet Steel Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7178

SV 1037 Muranao Kakolintang: Philippine Gong Music From Lanao Vol. 1: The Villages of Romayas and Buribid 1. Kapromayas - Kapminitupad - Katitik Panday - Kasulan dung(Kapupanok) - Kanduyodayo - Kapmagondakan - Kandima'ampao 2.Kapagonor - Kanduropampang - Kambukpi - Katitik Panday - Kanduyo dayo - Kasinirigan - Kangginawagawi'i - Kapmamayog - Kambina lig/Kasinamar - Kapmuragat - Kasinolog Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7322

SV 1038 Muranao Kakolintang: Philippine Gong Music From Lanao Vol.2: The Villages of Taraka, Molondo and Bagoaingud Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7326

SV 1039 Australia Songs of the Aborigines An Original Albatros - Italy Recording Edited by Wolfgang Laade Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7331

SV 1040 Folk Songs of Nepal An Original Albatros - Italy Recording Edited by Stefano Castelli Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7330

SV 1041 Meringues and Fold Ballads of Haiti Seite 1: Respecte Respecte - Cockito - Troubador - Belle Congo - Angelico - Papa Chede bel Garcon - Gaille Paille Seite 2: Carolina Cao - Vertulese - Pese Cafe - Pas Quitte M'alle - Ba Li Chaise Pou Moin Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7340

SV 1042 The Bagpipe European Popular Instruments Seite 1: Irland: - Composizione di/Composition by Turlough Ca rolan (1670- 1738) - The Lark's Song;

68 Brittany: Marcia per le Nozze/Nuptial March - Melodia e Bal lo/Melody and Dance - Tralalalaleno - Noel/Christmas - Ballo/Dance Seite 2: Galicia: Muineira Scotland: Marcia /March - Mackintosh Lament - - Tre Arie Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7327

SV 1043 African Rhythms and Instruments / Vol.1. Seite 1: Mali: Xilofono, Percussioni e Voci Femminili - Tamburi e Sonagli - Kono, L'Uccello Sacro dei Bambara Niger: Orchestra del Sultano di Zinder - Danza delle Ragazze di Ou allam Ghana: Voci e Percussioni Seite 2: Nigeria: Musica Tiv - Wurukaduwai Alto Volta: Xilofono, Tamburi, Sonagli, Fischietto e Voci : Danza Peuls Liberia : Danza Acrobatica dei Giovani - Dai Balli delle Stagioni Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7328

SV 1044 Folkmusic of Cyprus. Traditional Songs and Dances of the Greek, Turkish and Maronite Communities Seite 1: Musica Greca: To Maheri - Mandra - Zimbekikos - - Arodhaphnousa - Paralimnitiki Phoni - Kartsilamades - Mikrokonstan tinos - Tsiftetelli - Arapies Seite 2: Musica Turca: Kazancu - Azize - Kadife Gibisi - Uzun Hava - Canto Dell'Asik Karacaoglan - Abdaligu Zeybegi - Gelin Havasi - Gü res Havasi - Cicek Dagi - Pastirma Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7329

SV 1045 Divine Horsemen The Voodoo Gods of Haiti Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7341

SV 1046 AS China HOCH Chinese masterpieces for the ch'in. Ancient and modern David Ming-Yue Liang / chin 1: Three Varaiations of Plum Blossom/Mei-hua san-nung - Prelude for Huaxe/Huaxe yin - Mist and Clouds of Dunting Lake/Xiao-xing shui-yuen 2: In Mountainos Seclusion, Recalling a Friend/San-zhung ssu-you-ren - In Memory af An Old Friend/I gu-ren - Roaming in Zhagan/Zhagan vou Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7342

SV 1047 The Bagpipe in Italy Seite 1: Meodies - Saltarello - Pastorale - - Ca troregio, You're Beautiful - Christmas Carol - Tarantella - Taran tella Seite 2: Litany and Pastoral - Dances - Christmas Eve Pastoral - Dance - Accompaniment for the Procession - Furlana - Song with Bag pipe - Monferrina - Piana - Wedding Music Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7343

SV 1048 The Bagpipe in Canada Triumph Street Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7344

SV 1049 Music From Jamaica The Roots of Seite 1: Linstead Market - Oh Carolina - Crackdown - Sarah - Fat Wife Seite 2: Water the Garden - Pomp and Pride - Joy Bells - Build on the Rock - Thousands of Children - Beautiful Garden Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7314

SV 1050

69 Music of the Bena Luluwa of Angola and Zaire Sanza and Guitar Seite 1: Fetival Dance of the Bena Luluwa of Angola - Kabibobo - Brith Song - "Issanji" Orchestra - Ntambwe mwalula - Moya mae - Bya mwenya - Nadifwilabiani Seite 2: Dance Command - Issanji-orchestra - Melanda an nwambamba- Kanuayi - Kabwalala Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7313

SV 1051 Afro-Brazilian Religious Songs Cantigas de Candomble/ Candomble Songs Seite 1: Avaninha - Oshossi - Oshumare - Ogum - Adarrum - Agolona Seite 2: Ogum - Ogum - Oxala - Oxala - Exu - Saida de Yawos - Drum Baptism Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7315

SV 1052 Japanese Masterpieces for the Shakuhachi Played by the masters of Meian-ryu, Kimpu-ryu, Tozan-ryu, and Kikusui-ryu, at Darumaden of Nanzenji and Meianji, Kyoto, Japan Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7176

SV 1053 Japanese Koto Consort Kotos, Jushichigen, Shamisen, Shakuhachi and Voice Seite 1: Yachiyo Jishi - Aki no Kyoku - Seite 2: Kyo no Warabeuta - Marboroshi o Otte - Sasurai - Oedo Nihonbashi - Kojo no Tsuki Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7205 3 SV 1054 Seite 1: Hey Mount Karlik - From a tyrant's work the world was made - That bloody tyrant's works - Düdük - Seite 2: Are the fields oval? - My affection goes to my lover - Gelin aglatmasi - The rivers of paradise - Evenling came, the sun set - -zurna Lyrichord Stereo LLST 7289

SV 1055 Nearer My God To Thee Richard "Rabbit" Brown - Sister Mary Nelson - Blind Joe Taggart - Rev. F.W.Mc Gee - Arizona Dranes - Washington Phillips - Mississip pi John Hurt - Blind Willie Johnson - - - Bozie Sturdivant - Barbecue Bob Limited Edition, ROOTS RL- 304

SV 1056 Tommy Johnson - Ishman Bracey Session The Famous 1928 Seite 1: Cool Drink of Water Blues - Big Road Blues - Bye-Bye Blues- Maggie Campbell Blues - Blues - Lonesome Home Blues - Lonesome Home Blues - Big Fat Mama Blues Seite 2: Saturday Blues - Left Alone Blues - Leavin' Town Blues My Brown Mamma Blues - Trouble-Hearted Blues - Trouble-Hearted Blues - The Four Day Blues Limited Edition, ROOTS RL -330

SV 1057 Washboards Jugs Seite 1: Apaloosa Blues - Peaches In The Springtime - Feed Your Friend -

70 I Whipped My Woman - I Packed My Suitcase - Believe I'll Go Back Home - Ko-Ko-Mo Blues - Jazz Gypsy Blues Seite 2: Nobody's Business If I Do - Mistreated The Only Friend You Had I Can Deal Worry - Sweet Potato Blues - Blues - Pig Meat Blues - Black Cat Bone Blues - Dirty Guitar Blues Limited Edition, ROOTS RL-311

SV 1058 With Dan Sane and Will Batts Seite 1: You Shall - Sweet To Mama - Half Cup Of Tea - Beale Town Bound - Mr.Crump Don't Like It - Chicken You Can Roost Behind The Moon - Bedtime Blues Seite 2: Mistreatin' Blues - Nehi Mama Blues - Stomp That Thing Ain't Goin' To Do Like I Used To Do - South - Bunker Hill Blues - Memphis Rounders Blues Limited Editon, ROOTS RL-308

SV 1059 Blind Lemon Jefferson /Vol.2 Seite 1: I Want To Be Like Jesus In My Heart - All I Want Is That Pure Religion - Jack O'Diamond Blues (take 1)- Old Rounders Blues- Easy Rider Blues - Match Box Blues (take2) Match Box Blues (take4) See That My Grave is Kept Clean (No.1) - LKectric Chair Blues Seite 2: Piney Woods Money Mama - Low Down Mojo Blues - Competition Bed Blues - Sad News Blues - Christmas Eve Blues - Happy New Year Blues - Yo Yo Blues - Fence Breakin' Yellen' Blues - Cat Man Blues Limited Edition ROOTS RL-306

SV 1060 Texas Country Music /Vol. 1 Henry Thomas, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Bernice Edwards, J.T.Smith, Texas Tommy, Ramblin' Tohmas, Billiken Johnson, String Band Blind Willie Johnson, Texas Alexander, Jesse James Seite 1: Arkansas- Sunshine Special-take 1 - Hot Mattress Stomp Before Long - Jail Break Blues - No Job Blues - Back Gnawing Blues Frisco Blues Seite 2: Sweet Mama Blues - Dallas Rag - When The War Was On - Praise God I'm Satisfied - Section Gang Blues - No More Women Blues- Sittin' On A Log - Sweet Patuni Limited Edition ROOTS RL-312

SV 1061 Texas Country Music/ Vol.3 Little Hat Jones, Jesse "Bybyface" Thomas, Blind Percy, Lewis Black, Texas Alexander, Texas Bill Day, "" Jones, Bernice Ed wards, Black Ace, Oak Cliff T-Bone, Joe Pullum, a.o. Seite 1: Cross The Water Blues - Cherry Street Blues - Blue Goose Blues - No Good Woman Blues - Fourteenth Street Blues - Corn Liquor Blues - Awful Moanin' Blues Seite 2: Water Bound Blues - Goin' Back To My Baby - Back Door Blu es - Leavenworth Prison Blues - Ninth Street Stomp - Christmas Time Blues - Trinity River Blues - Black Gal-No.2 Limited Edition, ROOTS RL-327 (r)AE0,3¯ SV 1062 Louisiana Cajun Music /Vol.4 Joe Werner - Riverside Ramblers - Hackberry Ramblers - Harry Choates - Oaklahoma Tornadoes - Nathan Abshire - Iry LeJune - Austin Pete - Lawrence Walker Seite 1: Wondering - Dissatisfied - Jolie Blonde - Ma Chere Belle - Austin Special - Saturday Night - La Prison Seite 2: Chere Te Mon - Bayou Pon Pon Special - Waltz of the Mulberry Limb - Prison two Step - La Valse de Chagrin - Evangeline Playboy Special - Mamou Two Step

71 Arhoolie /Old Timey Records 19031

SV 1063 Louisiana Cajun Music /Vol. 5 The Early Years 1928 - 1938 Includes the First Rcording of Jole Blonde Amadie, Ophy & Cleoma Breaux - Soileau & - Dennis McGee -Breaus Freres - Bind Uncle Gaspard & Dela Lachney - Angela LeJune - Dudley & James Favor - Amade Ardoin - Walter Coquille Seite 1 : Ma Blonde est Partie - Vas y Carrement - Ma Cherie Tite Fille - Easy Rider Blues - Madame Young Donnez Moi Votre Plus Jole Blonde - One Sep a Marie - Baoille Seite 2: Bayou Pom Pom One Step - Valse de Pointe Noire - T'es Petite a Ete T'es Meon - de la Louisiane - La Turtape de Saroied - Mayor of Bayou Pom Pom-Part 1-2

@SV 1064 Louisiana Cajun Music /Vol.2 The Early 30's Cleoma Breaux Falcon - Foseph Falcon - Amadie Breaux - Lawrence Walker - Guidry Brothers - Leo Soileau & Mayuse Lafleur - Alleman & Walker Seite 1: Prenez Courage - Les Tracas du Hobo Blues - Mon Couer T'appelle - Alberta - La Valse du Mariage - Mama, Where You At? - Ellem'a Oublie Seite 2: What's the Matter Now - La Femme qui Jovait les Cartes - Mon Dernier Bon Soir - La Fille a Oncle Elair - Ils la Volet Mon Trancas - Fais Do-Do Negre - Blues Arhoolie /Old Timey Records 19029

@SV 1065 Lousiana Cajun Music /Vol.3 The String Bands of the 1930s Miller's Merrymakers - J.B. Fuselier - Leo Soileau - Hackberry Ramblers - Cleoma Falcon - Rayne-Bo Ramblers Seite 1: Elton two Step - Ma Chere Basett - Ponce a Moi - La Valse de Guedan (Jolie Fille) - Une Pias ice et une Pias la Bas - Quitter la Maison - Hand me Down my Walking Cane Seite 2: Hackberry Hop - La Blues de Port Arthur - Just Once More - Vain Ton Don a ma Mort - Lake Arthur Stomp - Oublies Mois Jamais Petit - Aux Bal se te Maurice Arhoolie/Old Timey Records 19030

@SV 1066 AMN USA POP Folk, Country Old-Time Southern Dance Music. Ballads and Songs Grayson & Whitter - Coon Creek Girls - Ephraim Woodie - Byrd Moore's Hot Shots - Cliff Carlisle - Wade Mainer - Lewis McDaniel & Gid Smith - Bill Cox & Cliff Hobbs - Mimmie Tarlton - Dixon Brothers - Lone Star Cowboys - Darby & Tarlton - Blue Sky Boys 1: Rose Conley - Pretty Polly - Little Maggie - That Fatal Courtship - Frankie Silvers - Black Jack David - Old Ruben - Handsome Molly 2: It's Hard to Leave you, Sweet Love - Franklin Roosevelt's Back Again - Roy Dixon - School House Fire - A Little Love - Deep Elm Blues - Frankie Dean - On the Old Plantation Old Timey Records X-102

@SV 1067 The Earl Scruggs Revue Strike Anywhere Seite 1: Muhammad Ali - Pick Along - Wind - Bring it on Home to me - Dreaming as one Seite 2: Love Them all - Landslide - Get Along - I Think of you - You Really Got a Hold on me Columbia BL 34878

@SV 1068 ...Act 2 John Duffey - - - - Seite 1: Last Train From Poor Valley - Gardens and Memories - Paradise - Small Exception of me - Train Leaves Here this Morning - Keep me From Blowin' Away Seite 2: Hello Mary Lou - Lara's Theme - I've Lost you - Sweetest Gift - Reason for Being - Smokin' Hickory - House of Gold Rebel Recording CO SLP-1520

@SV 1069

72 Silm Richey's Jazz Grass Seite 1: Gravy Waltz - Back Home Again in Indiana - To Linda - There'll Never Be Another - Boppin' at the - Angel Eyes Seite 2: Jazz Grass Waltz - Rose Room - Summer Time - The Preacher - Stompin' at the Savoy - Night in Tunisia Ridge Runner Records RRR 009

@SV 1070 Krontjong Music From Seite 1: Krontjong Moritsko - Nina Bobo - Stambul djampang - Bulan purnama - Krontjong Mawar sekuntum - Rudjak uleg Seite 2: Djiko untuang - Nasib tambangan - Ronda malam - Krontjong Air laut - Bengawan solo - Krontjong Penawar duka Philips 831 229 PY stereo

@SV 1071 Ostern auf dem Berg Athos Karfreitag und Karsamstag /Vol.2 zelebriert und gesungen von Abt Alexios und den M"nchen des Klosters Xenophontos auf dem Heiligen Berg Athos Archiv Produktion STEREO 2533 443

@SV 1072 Bluegrass Chubby Wise Plays... W.C. Averitt Sings.. Seite 1: Shackles and Chains - I Like to hear 'Em Preach it - Highway of Sorrow - Diesel on my Tail - The Old Floks of Home - Corina Seite 2: Rolling in my Sweet Baby's Arms - Give Mother my Crown - Lost Indian - Sunny Side of the Mountain - Big Silver Eagle - Stoneway STY -108

@SV 1073 Johnny Cash Seite l: Wanted Man - Wreck of the Old 97 - I Walk the Line - Darling Companion - Starkville City Jail Seite 2: San Quentin - San Quentin - A Boy Named Sue - Peace in the Valley - Folsom Prison Blues Produced by Bob Johnston CBS S 92 768

@SV 1074 The best of Johnny Cash Seite 1: San Quentin - Folsom Prison Blues - Ring of Fire - Kate - Man in Black - Orange Blossom Special Seite 2:A Thing Called Love - A Boy Named Sue - Bonanza - Jackosn - I Walk the Line - Give my Love to Rose CBS S 65846

@SV 1075 Black on Black Seite 1: Women Do Know How to Carry On - - Just to Satisfy You - We Made It As Lovers (We Just Couldn't Make It As Friends) - Shine Seite 2: Folsom Prison Blues - Gonna Write a Letter - May I Borrow Some Sugar From You - Song for the Life - Get Naked With Me RCA AHL1-4247

@SV 1076 Blue Grass Favorites Earl Taylor und Min McCall with the Stone Mountain Boys Seite 1: Little Maggie - The Suns Gonna Shine - Pretty Polly - Wondering Boy - Home Across the Blue Ridge Mountains - False Hearted Lover - Foggy Mountain Top - John Hardy - Over the Hill to the Poor House - Lonesome Road Blues Seite: Wreck of the Old 97 - Old Joe Clark - Down in the Willow Garden - Two Dollar Bill - Gathering Flowers From the Hillside - Ain't Nobody Gonna Miss Me When I'M Gone - Cripple Creek - Darling Corey - Roll in m Sweet Baby's Arms - Worried Man Blues Lou Ukelson Productions RRET 188

73 @SV 1077 Rural Rhythm presents Don Reno and Bill Narrell with the Tennesse Cutups Seite 1: Under the Double Eagle - I'm a Man of Constant Sorrow - Long Journey Home - Red Rockin Chair - Hot Corn - Cold Corn - Fototprints in the Snow - Gotta Travel on - Little Pal - Nine Pund Hammer - I Don't Love Nobody Seite 2: Poor Ellen Smith - The Great Speckled Bird - Limehouse Blues - Molly and Tenbrooks - Whitehouse Blues - When the Roses Bloom Again - Nobody's Business - Dill Pickle Rag - Keep on the Sunny Side - Worried Man Blues RRDR 171

@SV 1078 La Musique des Paysans de Grece SFPP FP 6.2909

@SV 1079 La Notation des Langues Phonetique et Phonologie/ I-II Seite 1: Exercices paratiques par Andre G. Haudricourt et Jacqueline M.C. Thomas. I. anlais - 2. allemand - 3. espagnol - 4.arabe Seite 2: Exercices paratiques par Andre G. Haudricourt et Jacqueline M.C. Thomas, 1. berbere - 2. peul Universite de , Institut D'Ethnologi DR 31

@SV 1080 La Notation des Langues Phonetique et Phonologie /III-IV Seite 1: Exercices paratiques par Andre G. Haudricourt et Jacqueline M.C. Thomas 1. haoussa - 2. bamileke Seite 2: 1. ewe - 2. vietnamien Universite de Paris, Institut D'Ethnologie DR 33

@SV 1081 Blind Lemon Jefferson ( 1938-1929) /Vol. 3 Seite 1: Lemon's Worried Blues - Mean Jumper Blues - Balky Mule Blues - Long Lastin' Lovin' - How Long How Long - Oil Well Blues - Tin Cup Blues - That Black Shake Moan No.2 - Big Night Blues Seite 2: Peach Orchard Mama - Mosquito Moan - Southern Woman Blues - Bakershop Blues - Pneumonia Blues - Long Distance Moan - That Crawlin' Baby Blues - Bootin' Me 'Bout Roots Limited Edition RL 331

@SV 1082 The King of the Cowboys Roy Rogers with the Queen of the West Dale Evans... Wait for the Wagon - Born Free - The Best Things in Life Are Free - Who Taught you everything? - Down Canyon Square Dance - Sinde by Side - The Other man's Grass - Bumming Around - Roy's Hoedown - Along the Navajo Trail - The Bible Tells me so - Tumbling Tumbleweeds - Don't Fence me in - Blue Shadows (others) Ghost Town RR 181

@SV 1083 "Cross Cut Saw Blues" Tommy McClennan (1939-1941) Seite 1: Baby, Don't You Want To Go? - I'm Goin', Don't You Know - She's Just Good Huggin'-Size - My Little Girl - My Baby's Doggin' Me - She's A Good-Looking Mama - New Sugar Mama - Down To Skin And Seite 2: Katy Mae Blues - Love With A Feeling - Drop Down Mama - Black Minnie - Elsie Blues - Cross Cut Saw Blues - You Can't Read My Mind - It's A Cryin' Pity RPPTS RL-305

@SV 1084 An Anthology of North / Vol.1 Vokalmusik: SEite 1: Alap: Raga Ahir Bhairava - Dhamar: Raga Ahir Bhairava, Tala Dhamar Seite 2: Khyal: Raga Sujani Malhar - Tala Ekatala and Tintala Thumri: Raga Bhairavi - Tala Dipachandi Musicaphon BM 30 SL 2051

@SV 1085

74 An Anthologie of North Indian Classical Music / Vol.2 Vokalmusik: Bhajana-Tappa Seite 1: Bhajana: Raga Kaushi Kanada - Tappa:Raga Adana-Vasanta - Tala Khaharava - Sarangi: Raga Mishra Khammaj - Tala Dipachandi Seite 2: Vina: Raga Vasanta, Jhampa Tala - Pakhavaj: Chautala - Tabla: Tintala - Tabla: Tala Dadra Musicaphon BM 30 SL 2052

@SV 1086 An Anthologie of North Indian Classical Music / Vol.3 Saiteninstrumente: Sitar-Surashringar--Vichitra Vina Seite 1: Sitar: Raga Marva (Alap, Jog, Jhala) Sitar: Raga Marva (Gat - Jhala) Tala Tintala Seite 2: Surashringar und Surbahar - Raga Miyanki Malhar - Tala Chautala - Vichitra Vina - Raga Todi - Tala Tintala Musicaphon, BM 30 SL 2053

@SV 1087 An Anthologie of Nort Indian Classical Music / Vol.4 Saiteninstrumente: Sarod-Dilruba Blasinstrumente: Flöte-Shahnai Seite 1: Sarod: Raga Vasanta Mukhari - Tala Tintala Dilruba: Raga Kalavati - Tala Tintala Seite 2: Flöte: Raga Desh - Tala Jhampa Tala Shahnai: Raga Yaman - Tala Tintala Musicaphon, BM 30 SL 2054

@SV 1088 North India Seite 1: Banaras Kajri - Hori - Virha - Qawali - Dhun on the Shahnai Seite 2: Bihar Province Flute and Mandar - Sitting sadly in the forest of Chitrakute Bundelkhand Phag - Khanjri - Gari Religious Music Bhajana - Sufi Song EMI C064-17859

@SV 1089 AMN USA POP Folk, Country Steel Guitar Classics Jimmy Tarlton - Tom Darbey - Sol Hoopii - Lemuel Turner - Kanui & Lula - Jenks "Tex" Carman - Cliff Carlisle - Jimmie Davis - Roy Acuff - Clell Summey (Cousin Jody) 1: Slow Wicked Blues - Sweet Sarah Blues - Country Girl Valley - Farewell Blues - Way Down Yonder Blues - Tomi, Tomi - Hillbilly Hula 2: You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone - Pan American Man - Sewing Machine Blues - Red Nightgown Blues - Down at the Old Country Church - Steel Guitar Chimes - Steel Guitar Blues Old Timey Records OT-113

@SV 1090 Musiques oubliees "des Iles" Seychelles 2 Seite 1: Moi Wilison - Pardon mon mari pas battre moi comme ca - Faida - Rosalie content capitaine - Dodo baba - Clementine - Lulu lumulaka Seite 2: Mutia - Mon moulin pas moulin a coprah (mutia) - La bouette finie tomber(mutia) - Nambat la sizani(tsinge) - O Silhouette (tsinge) - Alitoto (chant de piroguiers) - Dzindzin kololo (chant de piroguiers) - Sokwe Ocora 558 554

@SV 1091-1092 Franz Richter Herf Odysseus

75 Oper in ekmelischer Musik Mitwirkende: Pamela Hamblin - Chris Merritt - Walter Raninger - Walter Gabriel - Klaus Wallprecht - Barbara Bonney - Friederike Seywald-Baumgartner - Gabriele Zierk - Helene Johansson - Gabriele Stadler - Bernhard Adler - Reinhard Salamonsberger - Monique Villers - Huber Berger - Signe Seidel Salzburger Studentenchor, Orchester der Hochschule "Mozarteum" DIESES VR -5003-4

@SV 1093 Maori Song and Rhythm Ma-Wai-Hakona Seite 1: Powhiri - Haere Mai - Nekeneke - Poi Manu - Haka of te Rauparaha - E Hine e Hine - E to e te ra - E Moe ra Seite 2: Hoki mai e Nga Iwi - Kimi Kimi - Tu Mai ra - Hinemoa - Hoea ra e Maui ki te Moana - E Hine e te Tau - I Nga ra o Mua - Po Atarau Reed Pacific Records Ltd, SLC 106

@SV 1094 Festival music from Tonga Seite 1: Faha'iula - Tukipotu 'a e tu - Seite 2: Tau'a'alo - 'Otuhaka Reed Pacific Records Ltd, HLS-74

@SV 1095 Paumotu Style in Tahiti Tipi and Simon at the Princess Heiata Seite 1: Toriri Mai Tena - Ua Rekae - Cherie Itie Ite Tahua - Tatahi Mai Koe - Iatae Toru Te Mahana - Einia io Toua Seite 2: Ovau Anake Taku - E Moko Kiri Puna - Matai Makaamu - E Ite te Hopea Fenua e - Nate Mahana Vau - Na Piri Piri Mai Hibiscus Records HLS-29

@SV 1096 Cook Islands National Arts Theatre /Vol.1 Musik of the Cook Islands Seite 1: Ceremonial Chant - Mariri Ariki - The Legendo of Tapetu Kura - Drum Dance for Men and Women - The Legend of Miru Seite 2: Drum Rhythmus of the Cook Islands - Ute - Taku Manu e - Fast Drum Dance of the Men - Coconut Grating Dance - The Lord's Prayer Hibiscus HLS-38

@SV 1097 Traditional Song-Poetry of the Maori Nga Moteatea Sung by Rangi Te Kura Dewes Seite 1: E Timu Ra Koe e Te Tai Nei - 'Ore Te Mokemoke Te Tuohu Noa Nei, e - Erangi Ra Ia Ki Te Ratorua - Whakaarahia - Haere Ra, e Hika, Koutou Ko o Matua - He Mea Pai e Te Hoa - E Kui Ma! E Koro Ma! Seite 2: E Rere e Te Ao Ra Runga o Nga Hiwi - Ka Riro Ra, e Te Momo o Te Tangata - Tera Te Haeata Kowae Ana Mai - Po! Po! - Angiangi Hauraro - E Muri Ahiahi Takoto Ki Te Moenga - Haere Ra, e Hika, Ke Te Kainga Rua Reed Pacific Records Ltd, SLD-33

@SV 1098 Songs and Dances of the Maori Combined Concert Parties of St.Joseph's and Hato Paora Colleges Seite 1: Action Songs: Me He Manu Rere - Tahi Nei Taru Kino - Pa Mai - Taku Patu Poi Dances (Girls onlyl): Hoki Hoki Tonu Mai - E Rere Taku Poi - Medley of Songs Seite 2: Song: Pokarekare Ana Haka (Boys only): Utaina e - Poutini - Ka Mate - Ringa Pakia - Stick Games: Titi Torea - Hoea te Waka Farewell Song: Po Atarau Kiwi/Pacific Records Ltd. SLC-65

76 @SV 1099 Caroline Dreams Seite 1: Fly Like an Eagle - Heard it in a Love Song - I Should Have Never Started Lovin` You - Life in a Song Seite 2: Desert Skies - Never Trust a Stranger - Tell it to the Devil Capricorn Records 2429149

@SV 1100 - 1101 The Legends of Rock Seite 1: Wake Up Little Susie - Should We Tell Him? - Leave My Woman Alone - Long Time Gone - Lightin' Express - When Will I Be Loved - Put My Little Shoes Away Seite 2: All I Have To Do Is Dream - Let It Be Me - Maybe Tomorrow - This Little Girl Of Mine - Rip It Up - I Wonder If I Care As Much - Roving Gambler Seite 3: (Till) I Kissed You - Claudette - Who's Gonna Shoe Your Pretty Little Feet - Barbara Allen - Devoted To You - Brand New Heartache - That Silver Haired Daddy Seite 4: I'm Here To Get My Baby - Oh So Many Years - Down In The Willow Garden - Kentucky - Rockin' Alone In My Old Rockin'n Chair - Bird Dog - Keep A Knockin' Strand LC 5830 6.28561 DP

@SV 1102 After the Ball A Treasury of Turn-of-the Century Popular Songs Joan Morris - William Bolcom Seite 1: After the Ball - Good Bye, My Lady Love - A Bird in a Gilded Cage - Under the Bamboo Tree - On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away - Those Wedding Bells Shall Not Ring Out! Seite 2: "I've Got Rings on My Fingers" - Come Down Ma Evenin' Star - I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard - Will You Love Me in December As You Do in May? - Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis - Love's Old Sweet Song - "Waltz Me Around Again Willie" - "Wait 'till the Sung Shines, Nellie" Nonesuch Records H-71304

@SV 1103 Volksweisen aus dem Salzkammergut Simon Geigenmusi - Goiserer Viergesang SEite 1: s'Toifl-Polkerl - Wannst den Fink h"rst - Lenz'n Steirer - Sandlinger-Jodler - n' Beni seiner (Boarisch) - Ei wie sch"n is's Gebirg - Der Gemüatliche (Walzer) - Der Hahnpfalz Seite 2: Vier alte Schleunige - Auf'n Sarstoaspitz - Gupfleit'n-Landler - Sch"nberger Jodler - Ausseer Schottisch - Müaá ma heut no ins Birig - Der Lustig (Walzer) - Sarstoaner-Jodler - Geigenjodler mit Schleunig ROOTS SL-516

@SV 1104 - 1105 Die Volksmusikinstrumente in der Schweiz Seite 1: : Chlefeli - L"ffle und B"sne - Dreschen - Küferstreich - Fyraabe-Topple - Maz"" - Tablech - Ratsche - Ratatac - Flaschenspiel - - Suonare da allegria Seite 2: Schelle - Sch"llesch"tte - Talerschwingen - Rollschelle - Schelle, Rollschelle - Chapeau Chinois - Trümpi - Singende S"ge : Trommel und Pfeife - Basler Trommel - Grosse Trommel Seite 3: Chordophone: Rebogne - Schwyzer Zither - Glarner Zither - Walliser Hackbrett - Appenzeller Hackbrett - Toggenburger Halszither - Krienser Halszither Seite 4: : Schwyzer Geissle - Schnurre - Grashalm - Kerbelpfeife - Blatt - Furzere - Primula - Waldhorn - Eichelpfeife - Schüblot da marmel - Meiepfiiffe - Schw"belpfiffli - BlockFlöte - PiccoloFlöte - Basler Pfeife - Hausorgel - Mundharomonika - Schwyzer"rgeli - Klarinette - Tierhorn - Muschelhorn - Alphorn - Büchel - Volkstümliche Blechblasenembles D 8012/13

@SV 1106 - 1107 Buddhist Chant a recorded survey of actual temple rituals Zen - Shomyo - Goeika - Nembutsu - Yamabushi Chants Instrumente:

77 Kei - Taiko - Kakegane - Shakujo - Nyo - Horogai - Mokugyo - Hansho Lyrichord LLST 7118

@SV ~1108 EU Ungarn VOLK Living 1: Muzsik Együttes Mih ly Sipos - S ndor Cs¢ri Jr. - D niel Hamar - P‚ter Eri - J¢zsef Zelnik - Gy"rgy Martin - Imre Olsvai 1: L¢ra csik¢s (Szatm r) - Elment az ‚n r¢zs m (Szlan¢nia) Uccu, tedd r (D‚l-Dun nt£l) - Sz‚ki t ncrend - Duda¢t k (Eszak-Magyarorsz g) - H‚jsza (Gyimes) 2: Indulj el egy £ton (Moldva) - Vir gok k"zt vir g voltam (Mez"s‚g) - Gyimesi dallamok - Bonchidai rom n forgat¢s (Mez"s‚g) - Doromj-j t‚k - Egyedem, begyedem (gyermekj t‚kok) Hungaroton SLPX 18037

@SV ~1109 EU Ungarn VOLK Living Hungarian Folk Music 2: Budai Ilona Ilona Budai - L z r Katalin - Muzsik s Ensemble - Antal Fekete - P‚ter Eri - V¡z"nt" Ensemble - J¢zsef Zelnik - Imre Olsvai - B‚la T"rzs"k Hungaroton SLPX 18038

@SV ~1110 EU Ungarn VOLK Living Hungarian Folk Music 4: T nch z 1. Folk-Dancing Room Mih ly Sipos - B‚la Halmos - S ndor Cso¢ri Jr. - D niel Hamar - P‚ter Eri - M rta Sebesty‚n - Ferenc Seb" - B‚la Bartok Folk Ensmble 1: Szatm ri T ncok - Sz‚ki F‚rifit ncok 2: Sz‚ki T ncok Hungaroton SLPX 18041

@SV ~1111 EU Ungarn VOLK Living Hungarian Folk Music 5: T nch z 2. Folk-Dancing Room S ndor Cso¢ri Jr. - Mih ly Sipos - P‚ter Eri - D niel Hamar - B‚la Halmos - Ferenc Seb" - M rta Sebesty‚n - B‚la B rtok Folk Ensemble 1: Dun nt£li T ncok 2: Mez"s‚gi T ncok Hungaroton SLPX 18042

@SV ~1112 EU Ungarn VOLK Hungarian Folk Music. Presented by the Budapest Conference of the ICTM 1964 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Qualiton LPX 1187

@SV ~1113 EU Ungarn VOLK Folklore Ecseri Lakodalmas. Wedding at Ecser L szl¢ Berki - M rta Szobek - Erzs‚bet Varga - Mikl¢s P szti - Rezs" Lantos - Hungarian State Folk Ensemble Qualiton LPX 18008

@SV ~1114 EU Ungarn VOLK Folklore Tanz Muzsik l¢ T jak K roly Csap¢ - M ria Horv th - J¢zsef Horv th - L szl¢ Berki - Tam s Dar¢czi B rdos - Rezs" Lantos - Hungarian State Folk Ensemble Hungaroton SLPX 18020

@SV ~1115 EU Ungarn VOLK Folklore Tanz Ugorjunk a T ncba ... magyar n‚pi t nczene M ty s J¢n s - B‚la Vavrinec - B‚la B rtok Ensemble - L szl¢ Ma cz Ensemble Qualiton LPX 18007

@SV 1116 Egypte. Les Musiciens du Nil Ocora 558514

@SV ~1117 AS Iran HOCH Musique Persane Jalil Shahnaz /tar - Abdolvahhab Shahidi /ud - Asqar Bahari /Kamanch‚ - Hasan Nahid /Nay - Hoseyn Tehrani /Tombak 1: Dastagh Mahur 2: Dastagh Segah Ocora OCR 57


@SV ~1118 EU Griechenland RELIGION Easter in Mount Athos - Ostern auf dem Berg Athos 3: Vesper on Easter Sunday - Die Vesper am Ostersonntag (1978) Abt Alexios - M"nche des Klosters Xenophontos 1: Oster-Trop rion mit Zwischenversen - Fürbitten - Psalmen mit Stichir - Einzug des Zelebranten und Ankündigung des Prok¡menon 2: Prok¡menon - Evangelium - Fürbitten - Segen und Verneigung - Ap¢sticha mit Oster-Stichir - Entlassung Archiv Produktion 2533446

@SV ~1119 - 1121 EU Italien VOLK Documenti dell'Archivo etnico linguistico-musicale della Dis~coteca di Stato. Presenza del Consiglio dei Ministri 1: Documenti etnico-musicali 2: La rapresentazione popolare 3: Documenti etnico-linguistici: /1: La parabola del figliuol prodigo nei dialetti /2: Aneddoti, filastrocche, favole, etc. SIAE 2G3KP 19321

@SV ~1133 EUO, AS SU Melodie

@SV ~1134 - 1135 EU Rumänien VOLK Nunta la Romƒni - Wedding in 3: Bihor EPE 01482/01483

@SV ~1136 EU Rumänien POP In Micul Orasel. Ioana Radu. Romante Iona Radu - Nicusor Predescu - Victor Predescu - Orchestra de muzica populara a Radioteleviziunii EPE 01010

@SV ~1137 EU Rumänien POP Aneta Stan. Badita, dragostea noastra Aneta Stan - Orchestra Paraschiv Oprea EPE 01959

@SV ~1138 EU Österreich VOLK kritische Lieder Der Dreschflegel. Aufsässige Volkslieder aus Österreich Martin Auer - Rudi Tinsobin - Reinhardt Honold 1: Die Schiffsleut' vortragen den ganzen wahrhaftigen Grund - Mei Haus steht auf sechs oder siebm Spreizen - Mag i koa Baur neame bleibm - Das Spinnradl - Der Habernsack - Das Rodenecker Offertorium - Die Kindstauf - Es wollt' ein Bauer früh aufstehn 2: Ur-Wiener Ausdrücke - Der Deserteur - I bin Soldat, doch nin ich es nicht gerne - Das Blutgericht - Der Staat ist in Gefahr - Georg Weissel - Neues Fohnsdorfer Bergmannslied - Na juris (Zum Sturm) Extraplatte 3 0120267

@SV ~1139 EU Österreich POP Jazzrock kritische Lieder Krallelujah. Wiener Dialekt Blues Heli Deinboek - Harald Cuny-Pierron - Gerhard Wunderl - Hans Weiland - Christian Rabitsch - Hermann Schopf - Josef Krulis - Rosalia Eichinger 1: Schpüt's eich - Lintschi - Krallelujah! - šber Ich Blues - Da Teife hod mi g'riddn - Blues 2: Mau is Mau - Zeigefinger Blues - Grüá Gott i kriag an Stempe - Raf'm midn Rotz - A unhamlich lockara Blues - Mei Zeit wiad kumma Extraplatte 12 120/80

@SV ~1140 EU Österreich POP Jazzrock kritische Lieder Buji - Brew. Gemma Krowodn schaun Jasko Vlasic - Rudi Berlakovic - Berti Solic - Toni Perusic - Josef Sari - Helmut Gr"ssing 1: Koliko smo, to smo - Hrvati smo - Mislis da je bilo - I wü net erwochsn wearn - Wochenende - Na Stinjaki 2: I bin so tolerant - Steh stramm - Samota - Gemma Krowodn schaun Wextraplatte 17 170080

@SV ~1141 EU Österreich POP kritische Lieder Auflauf. Nix ver"ndert si von s"ba Georg Albert - Helmut Gr"ssing - Wolfgang Grünzweig - Gerhard Krill - Fritz Schindlecker - Gerahrd Wunderl

79 1: Nix ver"ndert si von s"ba - Auf d'Nocht - Der Hansi - Der Tierfreund - Unterbewuátsein - Leichenhaus- 2: Ein richtiger Mann - Kunstlied - Are You Lonesome Tonight - Herr Direktor! - Du sogst, du haust in Huat drauf - Wie schon so oft Extraplatte 1 0120238

@SV ~1142 EU Österreich POP kritische Lieder Auflauf. Problemlos!. Die Platte für kritische Tage Georg Albert - Helmut Gr"ssing - Wolfgang Grünzweig - Gerhard "Scherah" Krill - Fritz Schindlecker - Gerhard "Equo" Wunderl - Erich Demmer - Wolfgang Puschnig - Herbert Tampier 1: Immer nur arbeiten! - Aber ja! - Disco Depresser - Haben Sie Probleme? - Jugendlich - Das Krisenm"rchen 2: Jeder Mensch braucht ein Hobby - Modenschau - Ausgstiegn wurn - Der Maáhalter - Forderungslied - Nur hoffen und warten Extraplatte 11 109/79

@SV ~1143 EU Österreich POP kritische Lieder Erich Demmmer. Ollas gaunz aunders Erich Demmer - John - Paul McCartney - Randy Newmann - bina - fuá - gr"ssing - grünzweig - markl 1 - markl 2 - nagl - neundlinger - niedermayer - pistracher - prassl - w"lzl 1: ollas gaunz aundas - koit-woam -waunst do net aus da haut foast - ein mann-ein wort - sie haut o von z'haus 2: weu do wea i zun john wayne - traum - ten years after - plastiktatur - ausblick Extraplatte 19 190081

@SV ~1144 EU Österreich POP kritische Lieder Gib Bussi. Wiener Lehrlingslieder Verein Kritische Liedermacher - Erich Demmer - Auflauf - Heli Deinboek - Reinhard Liebe - Rudi Burda - Gebrüder Grimmig - Minisex - Linde Prelog - Roter F"ustling - Reinhart Sellner - Fritz Dürauer - Christian Rabitsch - Helmut Gr"sing - Harry Pierron - Robert Julian Horky 1: Hawedehre Hockn! - Er woa sechzehn - Mei Hasse und i - Gib Bussi - En Lehrnuam sei Himme - Ballade von den Pichlinger Lehrlingen 2: (V)erziehungsrock - Freak - Blitzkrieg im Maschinenraum - Des is ned nua wos fia de Grossn - Kantinen Blues - Des wa' scho wos! Ell-Pie (Extraplatte) Austro Mechana 268181

@SV ~1145 EU Österreich POP Folk kritische Lieder Gust Maly. Lieder Gust Maly 1: Ich weiá, Du willst das alles - nicht h"ren - Tschin"ula - Poesiealbum - Der Vermessungstrupp - Für Ernesto - Die Herren mit den weiáen Westen - Wanderlied 2: Papa erz"h (Lied vom Kameradschaftsbund) - Bam im Novemba - Vision - Das Lied vom Kriechen - Jeff L"ssig - Das Sprachenlied Extraplatte 14 140080

@SV ~1146 EU Österreich POP Folk kritische Lieder dankesch"n. Reinhart Sellner Reinhart Sellner - Robert Julian Horky - Herbert Kopecky - Helmut Kurz-Goldenstein - Rainer W"lzl - Tommy B"r"cz - Heino Fischer - Harry Pierron - Dick Sells - "Equo" Wunderl - Linde Prelog 1: Der Ma-daz"ht-da-so-vüü-in-da-Schui-Reggae - Am Staahof - Hawedehre/Lied vom Alltag - I denk an deine Hoar - Kind schlof ein/Mitternachtsschlaflied 2: I steh auf dem Lennon sein - Neutralit"tswalzer - DANKESCH(tm)N/Lied vom Selbstbewuátsein - Des waa scho was Extraplatte 20 Austro Mechana 200081

@SV ~1147 EU Österreich POP Folk kritische Lieder Künstler gegen Zwentendorf. Ausschnitte aus der Veranstaltung vom 24. Oktober 1978 im Wiener Konzerthaus Wolfgang Ambros - Auflauf - Georg Danzer - Erich Demmer - Sigi Maron - Eva Pilz - Schmetterlinge - Richard Eybner - Heinz Holecek - Erika Pluhar - Lukas Resetarits - Peter Schratt - Werner Schneyder - Wolfgang Teuschl - Alexander Trojan - Heinrich Schweiger 1: Nix ver"ndert si von s"ba - Auszüge aus einem Brief der deutschen Reaktorsicherheitskommission an das Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung - Fliederbusch - Conf‚rence - Ballade von der Retnerin Anna Mack - Conf‚rence - Elektron jagt Positron - Regen rinnt - Zwententod - šberwcht - Conf‚rence Marie - Hände über H"nnepel I mecht, daá di wehrst Extraplatte 2 Austro Mechana 0120266

@SV~ 1148 EU Österreich POP Folk kritische Lieder

80 ... mit kollegialen Grüáen. Rudi Burda Rudi Burda - Heino Fischer - Bobby Lichtenstern - Michael Tischler - Alfred Winter - Gitti Burda - Tone Rutar - Franc Serajnik - Herbert Steinb"ck - Helmut Gr"ssing - Andi Haun 1: Kuzer Bericht - Lehrlingslied - Ich will ein braver Partner sein - Semperit-Lied - Mister X - Der Goldene Mittelweg - Volksdümmliches Lied - Roz, Podjuna, Zila (Fragment) 2: Für Nina - Daá wir und heute schwach sind - Ein Mann namens J. Caesar - Es ist ein Schnitter - Vietnam 1979 - Für die Unidad Popular - Trinklied Extraplatte 13 Austro Mechana 128/80

@SV ~1149 EU Österreich POP Folk kritische Lieder Halten Verboten. Lieder für Zeitgenossen Heino Fischer - Herbert Kopecky - Helmut Kurz-Goldenstein - Reinhart Sellner - Rainer W"lzl - Gerhard "Equo" Wunderl 1: Der Wecker - Von Paradies - Blues vom weiáen Hemd - Ballade vom kleinen Hund - Frau am Flieáband - Halten verboten - Nartnerlied - Mir raubt nix mei Ruah 2: Das graue Haus-A neues Haus - Lied von der Schwierigkeit freundlich zu sein - Mama - Wien, Jahrgang 1924. Ein Lebenslauf - Österreichische Feierstunde. Ein Festlied Extraplatte 5 Austro Mechana 81/79

@SV ~1150 EU Österreich Werner Pirchner. Ein halbes Doppelalbum. Was wir über das Leben nach dem Tode wissen und fast 22 andere Lieder Werner Pirchner - Josef Binder - Bert Breit - Heinz Cabas - Hansj"rg Maringer - Peter Mayrhofer - Dieter Merth - Vladimir Navratil - Christine Pedarnig - Florian Pedarnig - Günther Pollak - Franz Reuwart - Hanno Str"ker 1: Prolog - Das Land der tausend Tr"ume - In dem Bestreben, edlere Werte als Heimat, Scholle und ... - Mein Gewissen erlaubt mir - Lasset uns singen - Lied über nicht gesellschaftsf"hige T"tigkeiten - Manchem Lehrer hinters - Ein halbes Kilogramm - Das steinerne Geischt - An die ungestümen Weltverbesserer - Wir haben ja unsere .. Ende der ersten Seite - Bitte wenden ... - Ein merkw... 2: Lob - Fürchtet Euch - Das Lied vom guten ausl"ndischen Kameraden - Bundeslied der Trad.-Verb.... - Wo das Büchserl knallt - Das Mühlenrad, welches ... - Bescheidene, in Mittelk. - Ein ungew"hnlicher blues-Text oder das Zusammentr. - Gschamsta Diena ... - šber verschiednen Institutionen - Ein Vorschlag zur Unblutigen - Eisenk"ppchen - Was wir über das Leben - Epilog - Coda - Ein hinterfotziger Streich Preiser, Hannibal Austro-Mechana WP Numero Eins

@SV ~1151 EU Österreich POP Folk kritische Lieder Linde Prelog. Umst"nd - Zuast"nd - Aufst"nd Linde Prelog - Uli Scherer - Mischa Krausz - Gog Weinberger - Joris Dudli - Tommy B"r"cz - Wolfgang Puschnig - Christian Radovan - Peter Mutter - Andi Radovan - Alfred Winter - Anne Thübinger 1: I bin so aunpassungsf"hig - Den Traum loá i ned no amol Wirklichkeit wern - Hallo sch"nes Fr"ulein! - Wie w"r's, meine Herrn ... - Waun die Kinder ned warn ... - Daham 2: I suach mi - Alaunge Nocht - Loá mi einischaun in dei S" - Momente - I füh mi anfoch guad - Fliagn Extraplatte 15 Austro Mechana 150080

@SV 1152 Burundi. Musiques traditionnelles. Ocora 558511

@SV 1153-1154 AFO Äthiopien HOCH Religiöse Gesänge Ethiopie 1 & 2. Liturgie de l'Eglise Chr‚tienne Orthodoxe Ethiopienne, rec. Jean Jenkins = Musiques traditionelles vivantes. II. Musiques rituelles et religieuses 1/1: Pr‚-Anaphora - PriŠre L'Absolution du Fils - PriŠre (en Amharic) Pour que toutes choses soient sanctifi‚es 1/2: Pr‚-Anaphora - PriŠre Saint, Saint, Saint, Tu es - PriŠre R‚jouis-toi, O Toi qui gu‚ris non blessures - Chant B‚nissez- nous, Seigneur - PriŠre ,pour la paix de l'Eglise - Credo de Nic‚e 2/1: Pr‚-Anaphora - Anaphora de Saint-Gr‚goire II 2/2: Anaphora de Saint-Gr‚goire II - PriŠres de P‚nitence (en Amharic) - Credo - PriŠre "O Dieu Tout-Puissant ... monde sans fin. Amen Harmonia Mundi Radio France Ocora 558558/59

@SV ~1155 ASW Bahrain, Oman HOCH VOLK Bahre‹n et Shardja. Pˆcheurs de Perles et Musiciens du Golfe Persique, rec. Poul Rovsing Olsen = Musiques traditionelles vivantes. I. Musiques de tradition orale Kafur Moubarek 1: Chants des pˆcheurs de perles Muharraq (Bahre‹n) 2: Taqsim (maquam rast) - Musique de maraiage Baloutchi - et Chant - Musiquepour cornemuse et tambours Musidisc Europe Radio France Ocora 558583


@SV ~1156 EUO Rumänien, Siebenbürgen VOLK Roumanie - Roemeni‰. La Vraie Tradition de Transylvanie, rec. Herman C. Vuylsteke = Musiques traditionelles vivantes. I. Musiques de tradition orale Gheorghe Covaci - Neculai Covaci - Ion Covaci - Anica Filip - Gheorghe Tisalita - Ion Mutiu - Dimitru David - Alexa Sigheartauy - Iovlan Covaci "Babut" - Alexandrin Covaci "Sandu" - Babut Covaci - Cornel Bumb - Sava Negrean - Ion Marchis - Doral Codoban - Tecdor TŒrla~Dumitru Galea - Florean Dume - Emilion Popovici - Floare Solomie - Andrei Poa - Mihai Ungur - Mariora Mut - Augustin Pogan - Nicolae Nemse-Munteanu - Gheorghe Cernescu - Nicolae Nemes- Munteanu 1: Joc Batrinesc ~- CŒnta, cuce, cŒnd ti-di duce (Hora Œntornata) - Din Zori de zi si Joc Barbatesc - In VŒrfutu nucului (Hora Œntornata) - Joc de sarit - Melodie ciobanul - De unde-i Pintea de Feli (Pintea viteazul) - Noi mergem dupa mireasa - Romaneste (de a-lungul) 2: Bate vint de la Oradea (Cintec de joc) - Trocutro dori codru - tropotalu din Rosia II - Dantu turcii - Draga mea, sor mea (Vaiet) - Amortitu (Joc) - Nu-i motru ca stiu cŒnta - Tarina de la Gaina - Cununa la seceris - BrŒu si SŒrba din Cornreva (Jocuri) - CŒntecu lu Baba Dochia cŒnd si-a pierdut oile Musidisc Europe BRT Radio France Ocora 558596

@SV ~1157 EU Österreich Stimme Stimmportr"ts Anton Wildgans. šbertragungen von Grammophonaufnahmen aus dem 1931 = Tondokumente aus dem Phonogrammarchiv der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Anton Wildgans 1: Österreichisches Lied - Letzte Erkenntnis 2: Das L"cheln - Der Schmarotzer Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften PHA EP 4

@SV ~1158 EU, ASSO, AFW, ASZ, AFZ Italien (Sardinien), Salomon Islands, Gabon, Tibet, Tschad, Benin TRIB, VOLK Ethnomuscologie et repr‚sentations de la musique. Etudes r‚unies et pr‚sent‚es par Gilbert Rouget, rec. F. Giannattasio, H. Zemp, P. Sall‚e, M. Helffer, M. Brandily, G. Rouget = Le Courrier du CNRS, Nr. 42, Octobre 1981 1: Sardaigne (Danse du Campidano) - Iles Salomon (Solo de Fl-te de Pan) - Gabon, Pygm‚es (Jodel ... deux voix) - Ladakh (Choeur de moines) - Tchad, Kanembou (Chant d'homme) 2: B‚nin (Chant initiatique) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique D‚partment d'ethnomusicologie Mus‚e de l'Homme CNRS ER 165

@SV ~1159 Stimmung Guida sonora attraverso i sistemi musicali antichi e moderni. Pietro Righini, Guiseppe Righini = Collana di studi muicali, Nr. 9, Seettembre 1974 G. Zanibon 5424

@SV ~1160 zu B 10932/29 Chowning: Computer Synthsis of the singing Voice - Benade: Wind instruments and music acoustics - Hutchins:The nwe family 1: Soprano voice (natural and synthesis) - Six voices in polyphonic textures - Voices in close voicing - Four pitches of "a2 and "e" vowels - Amplitude scaling - Synthesis in steps~Basso profondissimo - Normal and single-response- peak - Pitch grouping - Multiphonics - Register changes 2: Isospectrum clarinet - Clarinet (normal and with flute head joint - Hosanna, Benedictus, Hosanna (G. P. Palestrina: Mass l'homme arm‚) MAK 801

@SV ~1161 zu B 11529 ASO Japan HOCH, VOLK Traditional Musical Instruments of Japan. A publication of Haags Gemeentemuseum 1979 1: koto - shamisen - sankyoku (koto, shamisen, shakuhachi) 2: shakuhachi - biwa - folk musical ensemble WEA Records Hilversum

@SV ~1162 EU Ungarn A N‚prajzi M£zeum N‚pzenei Gyütem‚nye I. Szant¢ P l, Margit T¢th KMI rotaüzem

@SV ~1163 EU Polen VOLK POP Blasmusik Kapele Rzeszowskie. Rzesz"w Folk Bands = Polkski Folklor Muzyczny. Polish Folk Music, vol. 2 Kapela Ludowa w ¢rzu - Kapela Ludowa w Piatkowej~Antoni Bober - Kaplea Ludowa w Trzcianie - Kapela Ludowa w Wysokiej Strzyyowskiej - Tadeusz Prajzner - Tadeusz Kaszowski - Kaplea Ludowa w Siedlecze - Michal Mroz - Kapela Ludowa w Krosnie - Filip Fafara - Kapela Ludowa w Bobowej - Jan Lisik - Kaplea Ludowa w Roztokach

82 1: Marsz weselny - Zalecal sie mlodzieniec dziewcynie - Szatajerek - Hetta wista albo jedz - Nie chodz do konika - Wolny od Piatkowej - Chodzony - Gacok - 2: Sztajerek - Zaszlo slonko zazslo - Beidny ten jest beidny - Polka - Za Wislokiem gorka a potem dolina - Polka - Mine jo se mine niejedna doline - Hej hasal jo se hasal - Hura Polka - Polki rzeeszowskie: Polka przez noge, Polka w lewo, Polka szalona Muza Polskie Nagrania XL 0876

@SV ~1164 Cadenzas et Variations. Debut Recording by Violonist Gergory Fulkerson = Recorded Anthology of American Music Gregory Fulkerson - Alan Feinberg - Robert Shannon 1: Duo for Violin and Piano /Aaron - Violin Solo Music from Einstein on the Beach / 2: Sonata for Violin and Piano op. 31 /Leo Ornstein - Cadenzas and Variations II /Richard Wernick New World Records NW 313

@SV ~1165 AMN USA VOLK POP The Yankee . Music from Mid-Nineteenth Century America, presenting The American Brass Band = Recorded Anthology of American Music Raymond Mase - Robert Lang - John Aley - Lee Soper - David Wakefield - Roland Ulmer - Robert Sheldon - Ronald Borror - Benjamin Peck - Robert Biddlecome - Toby Hanks - John Stevens - Benjamin Herman - Daniel Druckman 1: Arizona Quickstep - Bond's Serenade - No One to Love - Blondinette Polka - Mabel Waltz - Helene Schottisch - American Hymn - Red Stocking Quickstep 2: Mockingbird Quickstep - "Memories of Home" Waltz - Schottische - The Moon is Above Us - Brin d'Amour Polka - Goodnight My Angel - Fireman's Polka New World Records MW 312

@SV ~1166-1167 AMN USA VOLK Country Back in the Saddle Again. American Cowboy Songs = Recorded Anthology of American Music Harry "Haywire Mac" McClintock - Harry Jackson - Van Holyoak - Carl T. Sprague - John G. Prude - Marc Williams - Jules Verne Allen - Powder River - Kiity Lee - Arizona Wranglers - Ken Maynard - Glen Rice - Berverly Hill Billies - John White - Jimmie Rodgers - Wilf Carter "Montana Slim" - - Patsy Montana - Tex Owens - Sons of the Pioneers - Texas Rubey - Girls of the Golden West - - Rex Allen - - Texas Playboys - Slim Critchlow - Sam Aigns - Glenn Ohrlin - Chris Le Doux - Riders in the Sky 1/1: The Old Chisholm Trail - The Pot Wrassler - The Gol-Durned Wheel - When the work