
Map of City Centre p.2

W alking Tours of Florence – Itinerary 1 p.3

W alking Tours of Florence – Itinerary 2 p.4

W alking Tours of Florence – Itinerary 3 p.6

W alking Tours of Florence – Itinerary 4 p.8

Museum and G allery opening tim es p.10

Shopping in Florence p.13

Eating in Florence p.14

U seful num bers p.15

A fternoon trips from Florence

Fiesole p.18

Siena p.19

San G im ignano p.20

Pisa p.21

Lucca p.22

D esigner Shopping Outlet p.23

Useful Italian w ords & phrases p.24



1st Itinerary: Santa Maria N ovella A rea

CH UR CH A N D OF SA N TA MA R IA N OV ELLA B egun in 1246 for D om inican friars, the church w as com pleted in 1360. The w hite and green m arble G othic- Rom anesque façade w as com pleted by Leon B attista Alberti w ho designed the upper part. Inside the church there are splendid m asterpieces including "The Trinity" by Masaccio, frescoes by Filippino Lippi and G hirlandaio in the , a Crucifix by G iotto and a w ooden Crucifix by B runelleschi. The Museo di Santa Maria N ovella is adjacent to the church. H ere you can adm ire the splendid G reen Cloister frescoed by Paolo U ccello and his school. In the Chapter Room , know n as the "Cappellone degli Spagnoli" is a fam ous fresco by B onaiuto. J ust a short distance from the church is the Officina Profum o Farm aceutica di Santa Maria N ovella, w here perfum es, soaps and fragrances are m ade and sold in a N eogothic setting.

PA LA Z Z O D A V A N Z A TI MUSEUM This building dates from the m id-14th century. In the early years of the 20th century it w as purchased by the antique dealer E lia Volpi, w ho restored and furnished it to recreate a period Florentine hom e. The m any room s, several of w hich are decorated w ith frescoes and fine coffered ceilings, contain carved and inlaid furniture, chests, benches, , tapestry, , ceram ics, item s used every day and in the kitchens.

PA LA Z Z O STROZ Z I Filippo Strozzi the Elder com m issioned B enedetto da Maiano to build this palace. H e began w orking in 1489 and w as replaced by Cronaca w ho built the cornice and courtyard. is one of the finest expressions of Renaissance architecture.

CH UR CH OF SA N TA TR IN ITA ' This church, built in the second half of the 11th century, w as enlarged and m odified according to the G othic style in the early 14th century. The pietra forte façade w as m ade to designs by B uontalenti tow ards the end of the 16th century. The m ajor artw orks inside the church are the w ith the fresco cycle depicting "Scenes from the Life of St. Francis of Assisi" and the panel of the "Adoration of the Shepherds" by D om enico G hirlandaio (1483-86).

CEN A CLE OF GH IR LA N D A IO The form er refectory of the m onastery adjacent to the Church of Ognissanti is graced by D om enico G hirlandaio's painting of the "Last Supper", of w hich even the synopia is visible.

 2nd Itinerary: San Giovanni A rea

CA TH ED R A L, B A PTISTER Y , MUSEO D ELL'OPERA D EL D UOMO Santa Maria del Fiore, the G othic cathedral erected over the ancient basilica of Santa Reparata, w as designed by Arnolfo di Cam bio w ho began construction in 1296. B runelleschi com pleted it in 1436 w ith the elegant dom e, the inside of w hich w as entirely frescoed by Vasari and Z uccari. The final phase in the construction of the cathedral, that is the com pletion of the façade, dates from the m id-19th century. To the right of the cathedral rises the B ell Tow er, or Cam panile, designed by G iotto in 1334. The square tow er is covered w ith red, green and w hite m arble inlays, decorated w ith panels and carvings, and m ade graceful by double- and triple-w indow s. Opposite the Cathedral stands the green and w hite m arble B aptistery of San G iovanni (1128), a m asterpiece of Florentine Rom anesque architecture. The interior of the dom e is decorated w ith m osaics. The splendid bronze doors (including the D oor of Paradise) w ere m ade by Andrea Pisano and Lorenzo G hiberti. The Museo dell'Opera del D uom o houses artw orks from Santa Maria del Fiore, the B aptistery and the Cam panile, including sculptures that had been m ade for the cathedral façade. The m ost im portant w orks in the m useum are by Michelangelo ("Pietà"), D onatello ("Mary Magdalen", "Cantoria"), Arnolfo di Cam bio ("B oniface VIII"), Luca della Robbia ("Cantoria").

CH UR CH OF OR SA N MICH ELE Originally this building, a loggia designed by Arnolfo di Cam bio (1209), w as a granary and m arket. Only later did it becom e a house of w orship: the loggia arcades w ere closed off by Sim one Talenti and the exterior em bellished w ith Florentine G othic sculptures and ediculas.

B A SILICA OF SA N LOR EN Z O A N D TH E MED ICI CH A PELS The original church that stood on this site w as consecrated by Am brose, B ishop of Milan in 393; Cosim o the Elder had it enlarged and rem odeled by B runelleschi. Inside there are w orks by Rosso Fiorentino, D esiderio da Settignano, D onatello and B ronzino. The church is flanked by the splendid, square-shaped Old Sacristy by B runelleschi and the N ew Sacristy, by Michelangelo (1524), that houses the Medici fam ily tom bs. Along w ith the B aroque Chapel of the Princes, the N ew Sacristy com prises the m useum of the Medici Chapels. To the left of the church is the , also designed by Michelangelo, by order of the Medici fam ily w ho w anted a place to conserve their fine collections of books, papyri and m anuscripts. N ot far from the San Lorenzo com plex is the Mercato Centrale, or central m arket, a fine exam ple of late 19th century steel and glass architecture.

 GA LLER Y OF TH E A CCA D EMIA This is one of the best know n m useum s in Florence, because it houses fam ous sculptures by Michelangelo, including the "D avid". There are also m any paintings, collected by the G rand D uke Peter Leopold to help the young artists enrolled in the Accadem ia d'Arte, w hich is still next door to the gallery.

Practical Inform ation

Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday: 8.15 - 18.50 Closed on: Mondays, 25th D ecem ber, 1st J anuary, 1st May Address: Via Ricasoli 60, Tel. +39 055 294883 - fax +39 055 264406 Ticket price: Euro 6.50; booking (optional): Euro 3.00; 50% reduction for 18-25 year olds from the European U nion and for regular state teachers.

CON V EN TO D I SA N MA R CO Michelozzo rebuilt and expanded this convent for Cosim o the Elder, and it still contains the splendid frescoes that B eato Angelico painted to decorate the m onks' cells. Inside there is also a beautiful library that Michelozzo designed in 1448; this, the first public library of the Renaissance, contains m any fine illum inated m anuscripts. The church of San Marco that stands alongside the convent w as redesigned by Michelozzo.

Practical Inform ation

Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday: 8.15-13.50; Saturday: 8.15-18.50; 2nd, 4th Sunday: 8.15-19.00; 1°, 3°, 5° Monday: 8.15-13.50 Closed on: 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday Address: Tel. +39 055 294883 - fax +39 055 264406. B ooking is com pulsory for groups (both Italian and foreign, school and non-school). Ticket price: ¤ 4,00, booking (optional): Euro 1.55; 50% reduction for 18-25 year olds from the European U nion and for regular state teachers.

B A SILICA OF TH E SS. A N N UN Z IA TA Founded in 1250 and then expanded over the centuries, this is one of the m ost im portant churches in Florence. The Cloister of the Voti and the Cloister of the Morti contain frescoes by Andrea del Sarto, Rosso Fiorentino, Franciabigio and Pontorm o. Inside the tem ple of the Annunziata, designed by Michelozzo, there is an im age of the Virgin Mary that is considered m iraculous.

SPED A LE D EGLI IN N OCEN TI This building w as designed by Filippo B runelleschi, w ith a fine loggia decorated w ith glazed terracotta roundels by Andrea della Robbia. Originally a foundling hospital, it hosts activities for children even today, along w ith the G alleria dello Spedale that contains m any fine paintings such as the "Adoration of the Magi" by G hirlandaio.

 3rd Itinerary: A rea

PA LA Z Z O V ECCH IO A N D PIA Z Z A D ELLA SIGN OR IA This is the m ost im portant civil building in the city; construction, to plans by Arnolfo di Cam bio, w as begun in 1299. It w as the seat of the Priori delle Arti, of the Signoria and the ducal residence; over the centuries it w as rem odelled several tim es. The 14th century courtyard, graced w ith the fountain w ith the "putto", a copy of Verrocchio's original, w as later m odified by Michelozzo. Inside, it is w orth seeing the Salone dei Cinquecento, the study of Francesco I, the room of the E lem ents and the Sala dei G igli. The Loggia della Signoria or "dei Lanzi" overlooks the square; here there are several im portant statues including "Perseus" by Cellini and the "Rape of the Sabine W om en" by G iam bologna. W orks by im portant 20th century artists are housed in the Raccolta d'Arte Contem poranea A. della Ragione, w hich is also located in Piazza della Signoria.

Practical Inform ation

Opening hours: 9.00 – 19.00 9.00 – 14.00 on Thursdays

Ticket price: ¤ 6,00, reductions ¤ 4,50

UFFIZ I GA LLER Y, V A SA R I COR R ID OR A N D PON TE V ECCH IO The U ffizi G allery is one of the greatest m useum s in and the w orld. It w as founded in 1581 by Francesco I de' Medici, w ho collected num erous artw orks in the building designed by Vasari. Today the U ffizi contains m asterpieces by Italian and foreign artists from 13th to 18th century such as Cim abue, G iotto, Masaccio, B eato Angelico, Leonardo da Vinci, B otticelli, Michelangelo, Piero della Francesca, Raphael, Caravaggio, along w ith Rubens, Rem brandt, D ürer, G oya and m any others. The that connects the U ffizi G allery w ith the Pitti Palace hosts a rich collection of self-portraits by past and present artists. B uilt by Vasari in 1565, it passes above the , the oldest bridge in the city, w ith its m any jew elry shops.

MUSEO N A Z ION A LE D EL B A R GELLO This building dates from 1255, w hen it w as built as the seat of the "Capitano del Popolo", the com m ander of the local m ilitia. Later it becam e the seat of the "Podestà" and then of the Capitano di G iustizia (the m agistrate) or "B argello", from w hich it gets its nam e. Since 1859 it has been the hom e of the N ational Museum dedicated to and the m inor arts. It contains m asterpieces by B runelleschi, Michelangelo, Cellini, G iam bologna, and D onatello along w ith priceless ivories, enam els, jew els, tapestries and w eapons. The B adia Fiorentina, the city's oldest m onastery (978) is just a short distance from the m useum . H ere there is a m asterpiece by Filippino Lippi. And nearby in the Palazzo N onfinito is the rich Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology, w hile the Museo Casa di D ante (D ante's house) is right behind the B adia.

Practical Inform ation

Opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday: 8.15-13.50; 2nd, 4th Sunday: 8.15-13.50; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday: 8,15-13,50

 Closed on: 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday Address: Via del Proconsolo, 4, Tel. +39 055 294883 - fax +39 055 264406 Ticket prices: ¤ 4.00; booking (optional): ¤ 3.00; 50% reduction for 18-25 year olds from the E uropean U nion and for regular state teachers.

B A SILICA OF SA N TA CR OCE A N D MUSEO D ELL'OPER A D I SA N TA CROCE This Franciscan basilica w as begun in 1295 to plans by Arnolfo di Cam bio. It contains countless artw orks, including G iotto's fam ous frescoes in the Peruzzi and B ardi chapels, and it is universally fam ous as the final resting place of several great . The m ost im portant m onum ents include the tom b of Alfieri by C anova, the tom b of Leonardo B runi by Rossellino and the tom b of Carlotta B onaparte by B artolini. The Museo dell'Opera contains renow ned artw orks such as the "Crucifix" by Cim abue, frescoes by Taddeo G addi and Andrea Orcagna and the graceful designed by B runelleschi.

H ORN E MU SEU M The Museo H orne, containing a collection donated to the city of Florence by the English art historian and collector H erbert P. H orne, is located in a fifteenth-century palace. The collection consists of w orks by artists such as G iotto, Filippo Lippi, and Sim one Martini, as w ell as antique furniture and dom estic objects.

Practical Inform ation

Address: Via dei B enci, 6. Telephone: 055 244661 Opening hours: 9.00 - 13.00 Closed Sundays.

4th Itinerary: Santo Spirito A rea

CH UR CH OF SA N TO SPIR ITO The district of Santo Spirito in Oltrarno, the picturesque neighborhood populated by craftsm en, restorers and antique dealers, gets its nam e from the Church of Santo Spirito. D esigned by B runelleschi and begun in 1444, it is one of the m ost beautiful exam ples of Renaissance architecture. The interior, in the shape of a Latin cross w ith three naves, is pure B runelleschian style. The sacristy w as built to plans by G iuliano da Sangallo. N ext to the church is the Cenacle of Santo Spirito, w here there is still a fragm ent of the "Last Supper" by Andrea Orcagna.

B R A N CA CCI CH A PEL This chapel is fam ous throughout the w orld for its frescoes by Masaccio, a m asterpiece of Renaissance painting; it is located in the 13th century church of Santa Maria del Carm ine. Masolino w as com m issioned to do the frescoes and he began w ork in 1424 w ith the help of Masaccio. W hen Masaccio left Florence, the frescoes w ere com pleted after 1480 by Filippino Lippi

PITTI PA LA CE A N D TH E BOBOLI GA R D EN S This palace w as com m issioned by Luca Pitti in 1448. The original plans, attributed to B runelleschi, called for a m uch sm aller building than the one w e see now : it w as enlarged in 1549 w hen ow nership passed to the Medici fam ily. The beautiful courtyard by Am m annati dates from that period. The Pitti Palace w as enlarged and m odified m any tim es over the centuries: it w as the seat of the Lorraine dynasty and, w hen Florence w as capital of Italy, of the Court of Savoia. Today it houses several m useum s and galleries the m ost im portant of w hich is the Palatine G allery, containing the private collections of the G rand D ukes, w ith m asterpieces dating from the 15th to 17th centuries, including paintings by Titian, G iorgione, Raphael, and Rubens. The other m useum s are the G allery of Modern Art, the Silver Museum , the Costum e G allery, the Carriage Museum , the Porcelain Museum , the Contini B onacossi Collection, the Royal Apartm ents and the Apartm ent of the D uchess of Aosta. One of the m ost beautiful Italian gardens extends on the B oboli hill betw een the Pitti Palace and Forte B elvedere. It w as designed by Tribolo in 1549 and then enhanced by Am m anati and B uontalenti. The 16th century fortress, Forte B elvedere, dom inates the gardens and the entire city; it w as designed by B uontalenti for the G rand D uke Ferdinando I.

Practical Inform ation

Opening hours: April, May, Septem ber and October from 8.15 to 18.30 Closed on: 1st and last Monday of the m onth.. Address: Piazza Pitti, 1, Tel. +39 055 294883 - fax +39 055 264406 Ticket price: ¤ 2.00, booking (optional): E uro 1.55; 50% reduction for 18-25 year olds from the European U nion Inclusive tickets: B oboli G ardens + Silver Museum : full price ¤ 3.00, reduced price ¤ 1.50. Pitti Palace Inclusive Ticket including the Palatine G allery, Silver Museum , G allery of Modern Art and B oboli G ardens: full price ¤ 10.50, reduced price ¤ 5.25

Entry to the Palatine G allery after 4.00 p.m .: full price ¤ 8.00, reduced price ¤ 4.00. The inclusive ticket is not available w hen exhibitions are being held in either of the tw o m useum s.

PIA Z Z A LE MICH ELA N GELO A N D SA N MIN IA TO A L MON TE w as built in 1869 to plans by G iuseppe Poggi; it offers a splendid panoram a of the city. In the m iddle of this plaza stand bronze copies of Michelangelo's "D avid" and the four statues on the tom bs in the Medici Chapels. J ust above Piazzale Michelangelo is the basilica of . Its green and w hite m arble façade is considered one of the finest exam ples of the Florentine Rom anesque style. B uilt betw een the 11th and 13th centuries, it contains fine artw orks such as the chapel of the "Crucifixion" by Michelozzo and the chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal both decorated by Luca della Robbia and the splendid frescoes by Spinello Aretino, depicting "Scenes from the Life of St. B enedict".


Museum / Gallery Opening hours What to see Entrance Fee Archaeological Museum Monday: 14.00-19.00; Contains a vast collection Euro 4,00, booking Via della Colonna, 36 Tuesday and Thursday: begun by the Medici fam ily (optional): Euro 3.00; Tel. 055 2478641 8.30-19.00; W ednesday, and continued by Lorena, 50% reduction for 18- Friday, Saturday and including pieces from the 25 year olds from the Sunday: 8.30-14.00 Etruscan civilisation and a European U nion and section dedicated to the for regular state G reek and Egyptian teachers. civilisations. It is classed as one of the m ost im portant archaeological m useum s in Italy.

Silver Museum Tuesday-Sunday: 8.15- The Museo degli Argenti ¤ 2.00; booking 13.50; 1st, 3rd and 5th displays silver, gold, stone, (optional): ¤ 3.00; 50% Entrance on left of Sunday: 8.15-13.50; 2nd glass, and crystalw are, as reduction for 18-25 courtyard and 4th Monday: 8,15- w ell as precious china. year olds from the 13,50 European U nion and for regular state teachers. H orne Museum Opening Tim es: Monday - A collection of art and ¤ 5,00 Via de' B enci, 6 Saturday from 9 to 13 handicraft from 1300 to Tel. 055 244661 1500. It w as donated by the English antiquarian H erbert Percy H orne. Of great interest is the tablet of Saint Stephen attributed to G iotto.

Stibbert Museum Open from Monday to Frederick Stibbert left his ¤ 6,00 Via Stibbert,26 W ednesday from 10 to 14 collection to the city in Tel. 055 486049 -Friday Sunday from 10 to 1906. The section dedicated 18 - Closed on thursday to ancient arm s and arm our is of particular interest. N ational B argello Museum Tuesday-Saturday: 8.15- B uilt in 1255 as the seat of ¤ 4.00; booking Via del Proconsolo 13.50; 2nd, 4th Sunday: the Captain of the People, it (optional): ¤ 3.00; 50% Tel. 055 210801 8.15-13.50; 1st, 3rd, 5th then becam e the seat of reduction for 18-25 Monday: 8,15-13,50 the Podesta and finally the year olds from the Captain of J ustice or European U nion and B argello from w hich it took for regular state its nam e. teachers.. It now houses the N ational Museum w ith im portant m asterpieces of sculpture and art.

Cathedral Museum Opening Tim es: Everyday H ouses w orks of art from ¤ 6,00 Piazza D uom o, 9 9,00 - 19,30 Santa Maria del Fiore, Tel. 055 2302885 great w orks of art such as the fam ous "Pieta" by Michelangelo and the Pulpit  Sunday: 9,00 - 13,45 by D onatello.

Palazzo Pitti Palatine G allery and Royal It w as built in 1448 for Palatine G allery and Tel 055 287096 Apartm ents: Tuesday- Luca Pitti. The first plans Royal Apartm ents: ¤ Sunday: 8.15 - 18.50 w ere supposedly by 6.50, booking B runellesco. It passed to (optional): ¤ 3.00; 50% G allery of Modern Art and the Medici fam ily in 1549 reduction for 18-25 the Costum e G allery: and underw ent num erous year olds from the Tuesday-Saturday: 8.15- alterations over the years. European U nion and 13.50; 1st, 3rd, 5th Today it houses various for regular state Sunday: 8.15-13.50; 2nd, m useum s and galleries: The teachers. 4th Monday: 8,15-13.50 G allery of Modern Art, The W inter quarters and Palatine G allery, The G allery of Modern Art apartm ent of the D uchess Argenti Museum , The and the Costum e of Aosta: by appointm ent Costum e G allery, The Coach G allery: ¤ 5,00; only Museum , The Ceram ics booking (optional): Musuem , the Royal Euro 3.00; 50% Appartm ents and the reduction for 18-25 Appartm ents of the year olds from the D uchess of Aosta. European U nion and for regular state teachers. B oboli G ardens From N ovem ber to The B oboli G ardens can be ¤ 2.00, booking February from 8.15 to found behind the Pitti (optional): Euro 3.00; 16.30; March from 8.15 to Palace, the m ain seat of the 50% reduction for 18- 17.30; April, May, Medici grand dukes of 25 year olds from the Septem ber and October at Florence. They European U nion and from 8.15 to 18.30; from are som e of the m ost for regular state J une to August from 8.15 fam iliar form al 16th teachers. to 19.30. century Italian gardens. Porcelain Museum (Casino del Cavaliere): Monday- Saturday: 8.30-13.50; 1st , 3rd, 5th Sunday: 8.30- 13.50; 2nd, 4th Monday: 8.30-13.50 U ffizi G allery Tuesday - Sunday: 8.15 - The largest m useum in Italy B asic ticket: ¤ 6.50, Piazzale degli U ffizi, 6 18.50 and perhaps in the w orld, it booking (optional): Tel. 055 218341 houses w orks of art from Euro 3.00; 50% the X III - X VIII centuries. reduction for 18-25 Cim abue, G iotto, Masaccio, year olds from the B eato Angelico, Leonardo, European U nion and . B otticelli, Michelangelo, for regular state Piero della Francesca, teachers Raffaello, Caravaggio, Rubens, Rem brandt, D urer and G oya are only som e of the artists of the m ost beautiful and fam ous w orks of art ever produced, housed in this m useum . Palazzo della Signoria / Opening Tim es. Monday to The m ost im portant public ¤ 6.00 Friday 9 -19 , Sundays and building in the city. Piazza Signoria holidays 8 - 13. D esigned by Arnolfo di

 Closed on Saturday. Cam bio, it has often been restored. Inside are the Cinquecento H all , Fancesco I 's study the Q uartiere degli Elem enti and the G igli H all. Facing the square is the Loggia dela Signoria or Lanzi w ith its im portant sculptures. Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral: Open to G othic Cathedral built on Free of charge (Cathedral) tourists 10 - 17 during the the site of the ancient w eek and in the afternoons Santa Reparata follow ing on Sundays the plans of Arnolfo di B aptistry: Opening Tim es: Cam bio in 1296. E very day from 14 - 17.30

G alleria dell'Accadem ia Tuesday-Sunday: 8.15 - One of Florence's m ost Euro 6.50; booking Via Ricasoli 60 18.50 fam ous m useum s, seeing as (optional): Euro 3.00; Tel. 055 214375 it houses Michelangelo's 50% reduction for 18- sculptures, including the 25 year olds from the fam ous "D avid" . European U nion and for regular state teachers. The Medicee Chapels Tuesday-Monday: 8.15- The N ew Vestry ( ¤ 6,00, booking Entrance from Piazza 13.50 Michelangelo 1524 ) and the (optional): Euro 3.00; Madonna degli Aldobrandini. Princes' Chapel form the 50% reduction for 18- Tel. 055 213206 Museum of the Medicee 25 year olds from the Chapels in San Lorenzo. European U nion and for regular state teachers

For advanced booking for m useum s and galleries in Florence please call Firenze Musei:

+39 055 294883


R estaurants offering traditional Tuscan dishes:

Z à –Z à Piazza Mercato Centrale, 21 Tel: 055 21 54 11

Trattoria dei 13 G obbi Via del Porcellana 9r Tel: 055 213204

Osteria de’B enci Via de’ B enci, 13r Tel: 055 2344923

Cantinone via Santo Spirito, 6/r Tel: 055 218898

D a il Latini via dei Palchetti, 6/r Tel: 055/210916

Osteria Antica Mescita San N iccoloò Via San N iccolò 60r Tel: 055 234 2836

L'osteria Pepò Via Rosina, 4/6r (near San Lorenzo Market) Tel: 055-283259

The Good Pizzerie:

Y ellow Pub Via D el Proconsolo, 39/r Tel 055 211766

I Tarocchi Via dei Renai, 12-14r Tel: 055 234 39 12

Caffé Italiano Via Stinche 11/13 (The Pizzeria is next door to the m ain restaurant, you cannot book so you m ay have to w ait – but the pizza is w orth it!)


Shopping A reas

VIA TORN ABU ON I This w here the fam ous nam es such as G ucci, Prada, Versace, B ulgari and Arm ani can be found.

PIAZ Z A D ELLA REPU B BLICA AREA H ere you can find both good departm ent stores and very good shops

VIA MAG G IO AREA H om e to several antique shops.


Mercato Centrale di San Lorenzo (food) Piazza del Mercato Centrale Mon-Sat 7-14 in w inter open also on Saturday afternoon.

Mercato di San Lorenzo Piazza San Lorenzo and surrounding streets Every day In w inter closed on the Sunday and Monday.

Mercato di Sant’A m brogio Piazza Sant’Am brogio Mon-Sat

Mercato del Porcellino Loggiato del Porcellino via Porta Rossa every day

Mercato delle Cascine Viale Lincoln Tuesday m orning




Radiotaxi tel. 0554390 – 0554499 – 0554798 – 0554242

There are taxi ranks in several points of the city. Y ou should read carefully the inform ation about fares show n inside the taxi. H ere are taxi fares for destinations inside the city of Florence:

Starting rate: ¤ 2,38 Starting rate for night trip (from 6 a.m . to 10 p.m .): ¤ 5,16 Starting rate for Sunday/holidays trip: ¤ 4,03 Luggage (m ax 4 pieces): ¤ 0,57 per piece Rate fare from Florence (center) to Am erigo Vespucci Airport: about ¤ 15,00

Other charges besides fare depends on the destination and supplem ents.

B uses: Public urban transport: orange buses (ATAF and LI-N EA). Tickets and B us passes can be purchased at B ox Ataf in Piazza Stazione, bars, new stands, tobacconists. Tickets m ust be stam ped on the m achines on board. At night, from 9 p.m . to 6 a.m ., tickets can be purchased aboard from the driver at ¤ 2,00.

Tickets/Fares Ticket valid for 70 m inutes ¤ 1.20 Multiple ordinary (four 70-m inutes tickets) ¤ 4.50 AG ILE card 10 euro (10 journeys) ¤ 10.00 AG ILE card 20 euro (20 journeys) ¤ 20.00 Ticket valid for 24 hours ¤ 5.00 Ticket valid for 3 days ¤ 12.00

B us tickets can be bought from at a tobacconists (Tabacchi) or at a new spaper stand (Edicole) and m ust be stam ped in the m achine once on board the bus.

Renting bikes or scooters Alinari Via G uelfa, 85r - tel. 055280500

Florence by bike Via S.Z anobi, 120/122r tel. e fax 055488992

 Em ergency num bers

Police: Tel: 113

Carabinieri (m ilitary police): Tel: 112

Q uestura (police station): Tel: 05549771

U rban police Em ergency calls: Tel: 055328333

Medical em ergency service: Tel: 118

H ospital of Careggi - Viale Morgagni, 85. Tel: 0554277111

H ospital S. Maria N uova, Piazza S. Maria N uova, 1 Tel: 05527581

24 hours Medical Service Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 59 Fee-paying service Tel: 055475411 surgery open: lun-ven / m on-fri: 11-12 17-18 fax 055474983 English, G erm an and French speaking practitioners and specialists on call 24 hrs (specialists by appointm ent).

Chem ists open 24 hours a day : Farm acia com unale , 13 interno Stazione S. M. N ovella Tel: 055289435 / 055216761 Molteni Via Calzaiuoli, 7r Tel: 055289490 All’Insegna del Moro - Piazza S. G iovanni, 20r Tel: 055211343 Tourist inform ation can be found at the follow ing offices:

• Piazza Stazione Opening hours: 9.00am – 1.45pm Mon-Sat • Via Cavour 1 (near Il D uom o) Opening hours: 8.15am – 1.30pm Mon-Sat • B orgo Santa Croce 29 Opening hours: 8.15am – 1.30pm Mon-Sat


N estled on a hill overlooking the Arno valley, in a splendid panoram ic setting, Fiesole dates back to ancient tim es as w e can see from the vast archeological area w ith ruins of the Etruscan tem ple and w alls, the Rom an am phitheater and baths and the Museo Civico that contains m any excavated item s. The G othic Cathedral of San Rom olo (12th century) and the Basilica of Sant'Alessandro, the oldest in the city, are places of interest. The Museo Bandini, w ith its collection of paintings by Italian artists from the 13th to 15th century and the Museo Prim o Conti, w ith oils and draw ings by the recently deceased Florentine artist, are both w orth a visit.

Getting to Fiesole Take bus no 7 from the m ain train station. Buses leave every 15 m inutes and the journey tim e is about 30 m inutes. (Y ou just need a regular bus ticket)

B uses no. 7 leaves from this side of the station


Siena preserves its m edieval character to a rem arkable degree, and has been largely unspoilt by new buildings. Its beautiful G othic buildings include the Cathedral and Palazzo Pubblico, as w ell as num erous churches. The delightful Sienese school of painting produced, in the first half of the 14C, m asterpieces by D uccio di Buoninsegna, Sim one Martini, and Pietro and Am brogio Lorenzetti, all of w hose w ork is w ell represented in the Pinacoteca, Palazzo Pubblico, and Museo dell'Opera del D uom o. The Cam po is one of the m ost rem arkable squares in Italy. The seventeen Contrade or w ards into w hich the tow n is divided still m anage to play an active part in the life of the city, culm inating in the fam ous Palio horserace w hich has survived as perhaps the m ost spectacular annual festival in Italy, in w hich the w hole city participates. The tow n is built on a Y -shaped ridge and spreads into the adjacent valleys; the streets are consequently often steep, and to pass from one part of the city to another it is often necessary to cross a deep valley.

Getting to Siena Buses leave for Siena from the SITA bus station in Via S. Caterina da Siena 17 R (very close to the m ain train station). Ask Anna at Pixel for the bus tim etable.

Main Train Station

B us station Via S. B us stops for Caterina da buses 29, Siena 17 R 30, 35

Pictures of Siena

Information about Siena: (the website is available also in English)


San G im ignano is a charm ing hill tow n of 7000 inhabitants, w hich has preserved its m edieval appearance m ore com pletely than any other tow n in Tuscany. It stands 334 m ts above the sea level on the site of a sm all Etruscan settlem ent dating from the H ellenistic period (third to second BC). Its history begins around the Tenth Century.

The tow n is fam ous for its num erous tow ers w hich m ake it conspicuous from a great distance and provide one of the m ost rem arkable sights in Italy. It is possible to w alk along the 13C w alls from w hich there are fine view s of the rich agricultural farm land w hich surrounds the tow n

Getting to San Gim ignano Buses leave for San G im ignano from the SITA bus station in Via S. Caterina da Siena 17 R (very close to the m ain train station).

Main Train Station

B us station Via S. B us stops for Caterina da buses 29, Siena 17 R 30, 35

Pictures of San G im ignano

Information about San Gimignano:: (the website is available also in English)


The Leaning Tow er is the m ost fam ous im age of the city, it is one of m any w orks of art and architecture in the city's Cam po dei Miracoli or "Field of Miracles", to the north of the old tow n center. The Cam po dei Miracoli also houses the D uom o (the Cathedral), the Baptistry and the Cam posanto (the m onum ental cem etery).

Other interesting sights include:

Knights' Square (Piazza dei Cavalieri), w here the Palazzo della Carovana, w ith its im pressive façade designed by G iorgio Vasari m ay be seen.

The church of St. Francis, designed by G iovanni di Sim one, built after 1276. In 1343 new chapels w ere added and the church w as elevated. It has a single nave and a notable belfry, as w ell as a 15th century cloister. It houses w orks by J acopo da Em poli, Taddeo G addi and Santi di Tito. In the G herardesca Chapel are buried U golino della G herardesca and his sons.

The Borgo Stretto, a neighborhood w here one can stroll beneath m edieval arcades and the Lungarno, the avenues along the river Arno. It includes the G othic-Rom anesque church of San Michele in Borgo (990). Rem arkably, there are at least tw o other leaning tow ers in the city, one at the southern end of central Via Santa Maria, the other halfw ay through the Piagge riverside prom enade.

Getting to Pisa

Trains from Florence to Pisa run every half hour. The journey tim e is just over one hour. For inform ation about the train tim etable please check: http://w w w

Pictures of Pisa

Information about Pisa: (the website is available also in English)


Lucca w as founded by the Etruscans and becam e a Rom an colony in 180 BC. The rectangular grid of its historical center preserves the Rom an street plan, and the Piazza San Michele occupies the site of the ancient forum .

W orth seeing are the churches San Michele in Foro and San Frediano, the cathedral San Martino, the shopping street via Fillungo, Palazzo and Torre G uinigi (14th c.), the latter is one of the few still existing, plant w ith stone oaks, clan tow ers (at the heyday of Lucca in the city there w ere, inclusive church tow ers, about 170 tow ers) and the Piazza Anfiteatro. On the ruins of the Rom an am phitheater, churches and houses w ere built, w hich now form a beautiful oval square.

Getting to Lucca

Trains from Florence to Lucca run every half an hour. J ourney tim e is 1hr 15 m ins / 1 hr 35 m ins. For inform ation about the train tim etable please check: http://w w w

Pictures of Lucca

Information about Lucca: (the website is available also in English)


Shops Abital, Adidas, Baldinini, B lack Box, Bose, Bottega Verde, Bric's Store, Brooksfield, Bruno Magli, Calzedonia, Caractère, Carlo Pignatelli, C'è Bassetti, CK J eans, CK U nderw ear, Clan International (Belstaff/Capalbio), Coccinelle, Colom bo Collezioni in Cachem ire, Com pagnia delle Pelli, Corso Rom a, Cotton Belt, D avid m ayer, D ocksteps, Elena Mirò, E redi Pisanò, Fila, Flannel B ay, Fornarina, G as, G olden Lady, G riogioperla, G uess, G uess Accessories, G uess Kids, G uru, Il Lanificio, J ohn Ashfield, K.I.D .s, La Casa Italiana, Lagostina, L'Altram oda, Les Copains, Levi's-D ockers, Lovable Playtex Planet, Malloy, Mariella Burani, Marlboro Classic, Massim o Rebecchi, Maui Bear, Missoni, Moreschi, Motivi, N autica, Officina di Ricerca, Pal Z ileri, Pinko, Piquadro, Pollini, Prada, Pum a, Pupa Outlet, Q Com e Q uore, RCR - Royal Crystal Rock, Rifle, Robe di Kappa, Rocco Borm ioli, Segue, Sergio Tacchini, Sia, Slam , SPT - Société Pour Le Tricot, Stefanel, St.D iego-A-Style, Sunglass Tim e, Tailor Club, Tezenis, The Bridge, The End, U go Colella, U nited Colors of Benetton, Vestebene, W rangler-Lee

Getting there: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays There is a Turistic Bus w hich leaves from the Auto Stazione Sita, located in Santa Maria N ovella Square, at 9.30 AM, 2.00 PM, and 4.30 PM.

Returning buses from the Barberino D esigner Outlets depart at 12 PM, 3.00 PM, and 7.00 PM.

Price is 9 Euro return ticket.

Getting there: Every day The SITA Bus service runs every day. Buses depart from the Autostazione Sita in Santa Maria N ovella at 9.00 AM, 1.30 PM, 1.55 PM, 2.30 PM, 5.10 PM, 6.45 PM.

Buses depart from the Barberino D esigner Outlets at 11.30 AM, 3.30 PM, 5.30 PM (Saturdays 4.45 PM), 9.30PM.

Price is about 3 Euro

Opening Tim es Tuesday – Sunday 10 -21 Monday: February, March, April, May, October and N ovem ber: CLOSED J anuary, J une, J uly, August, Septem ber and D ecem ber: OPEN 14-21

Pictures of B arberino D esigner Outlet

Information about Barberino Designer Outlet: : (the website is available also in English)



ENGLISH Italian Hello! Ciao! Good morning! Buongiorno! Good afternoon! Buona sera! Good evening! Buona sera! Good-bye! Arrivederci! See you soon! A Presto! Good night! Buona notte! Bye! Ciao! Welcome to ... Benvenuto/a in Italia!


ENGLISH Italian My name is... Mi chiamo…… What is your name? Come ti chiami? May I introduce myself? Posso presentarmi? Let me introduce my friend ... Posso presentare il mio amico Pleased to meet you! Piacere! Where are you from? Da dove vieni? Are you from Holland? Vieni da Olanda? No, I am from Belgium. No, sono di Belgio What are you? Che cosa fai? Are you a teacher? Sei un professore? No, I’m a social assistant. No, sono un assistente sociale.

03.General questions and answers

ENGLISH Italian Do you speak Romanian? Parli italiano? Do you understand me? Mi capisci? I understand very little. Capisco poco

 I don’t understand at all. Non capisco Do you know? (formal) Sa? Do you know? (informal) Sai? I don’t know. Non lo so Say that again, please! Puoi ripetere per favore? Speak louder, please! Puoi parlare più forte per favore! Speak more slowly, please! Puoi parlare più piano per favore!

04.Giving and receiving things

ENGLISH Italian Here you are! Tieni! Thank you! Grazie! Please (formal sg.and pl.) Per favore Please (informal sg) Per favore Would you like some coffee? Vorresti un caffé? Yes, please! Sì, grazie! No, thank you! No grazie!


ENGLISH Italian House Casa Airport Aeroporto Railway station Stazione Travel agency Agenzia di viaggi Hotel Albergo Bank Banca Street Strada Shop Negozio Hostel Ostello Museum Museu Avenue Viale Market Mercato


 ENGLISH Italian Where is the post office, please? Dov’è la posta per favore? Go straight ahead! Sempre dritto! Turn right! Gira a destra! Turn left! Gira a sinistra! Go up to the crossroads! Prosegui fino al incrocio Cross at the traffic lights! Attraversa al semaforo! How do I get to the station? Per andare alla stazione? Is it far? E’ lontano? No, it is near. No, è vicino.

07.Means of transport & travelling

ENGLISH Italian car macchina plane aereo train treno bus autobus underground metropolitana tram tram taxi taxi Two tickets, please! Due biglietti per favore! How much is it? Quanto costa? Where is the booking-office? Dov’è la biglietteria? Sold out (no tickets left) Non ci sono più biglietti! What time is the train? A che ora è il treno? The train to Florence is leaving from Il treno per Firenze partirà dal binario 3. platform 3.


ENGLISH Italian Entrance ingresso Exit uscita Open aperto Closed chiuso No Entry! ingresso vietato

 Departures partenze Arrivals arrivi No smoking! Vietato fumare!

9.Numbers and quantities

ENGLISH Italian 1 uno 2 due 3 tre 4 quattro 5 cinque 6 sei 7 sette 8 otto 9 nove 10 dieci 11 undici 12 dodici 20 venti 30 trenta 40 quaranta 50 cinquanta 60 sessanta 70 settanta 80 ottanta 90 novanta 100 cento 200 duecento 300 trecento 1,000 mille 2,000 duemila 3,000 tremila 10,000 diecimila 100,000 centomila 1,000,000 un miliardo

 1/2 metà 1/3 un terzo 1/4 un quarto 1 kilo un kilo 1 liter un litro a packet un pacchetto one bottle una bottiglia one box una scatola

10.Days of the week

ENGLISH Italian Monday lunedì Tuesday martedì Wednesday mercoledì Thursday giovedì Friday venerdì Saturday sabato Sunday domenica