


"^ -r ££#»< fWiaeia!^,,. irajy l"\ aplas ___• i s

. *•- ^ „•<. 7. „ -


VOL, X^ III. 'CO^l^fi.'k^VlXIBAT. APBIL % t92£ ^To. 7 _~ r the genial Charlie at the head, of the' performed, during which it was found Mli&hmnmt? v-l wm&IOwkimWM »rf,# ,^'fc » ba^eballclob. und alsp to lead them at he. wasr suffering* from meningitis of the light fantastic at "which he is such * "-, •' ' 'j-r - Inspector Manning <"•" of Cranbrook the brain", from whieh no hope for flnrAcnflvt ' - ' Mrs. *Wf7 Percjvai and young dough* recovery was held out by the physic' Matt, ^Prosea, > who is - worKinrki g at made an official inspection to Kitchen-, -—--——• —^ . —._. ter, accompanied __uj^ Mrs. B. Dodds. '*_-___.i~i__*_«s_ mananwi. ians, and his father -was at once con* anntjHiwr m , house C«r John ei? school on Thursday and Friday last Mr. and Mrs. ,B; Johnson -and A. G. returned tb Yahk last week. " . Huscroft,- was a weekend visitor at Strudwicke were., visitors atr the Lead-' muuicated and arrived in Calgary on Carl- Carlson of .Wynndel was* a Paul Stiujs»n-7*?hSth b has spent - the the Sunday.' At that time deceased bis home here. **" ,e • business Visitor here , between trains ville mine £n Sunday* They. hiked it, wintevat "V^aehington points, returned Quite a large crowd from here took and very much enjoyed the 4r*p. " , y was %uite rational 'but on. Monday he on Saturday. home last week, ffoj*7§fpringwork , "* sank into unconsciQ'usness and passed in the Alice Siding orchestra, dance in- Chas* Brickson _f Spokane was _. Ernest and Omer Geroux left on -, A. L. McOullaaigirr. left on Sunday .away about Q p.rp.,' the Wednesday the Compton packing shed last Friday, visitor rhere on Mor-day, the guest of following. The* funeral service "was and all report having a "tvhale of a Friday for "Boss JBpur, where they his daughter, Mrs. 3> Johpsbn, at' the for ^eteon and yexp^ete to return-in a have secured a job. They .made, the f&wj&Byspi* ^unleti rfche Arrow Creek taken by Bev. J. Herdman*r^iirh"o epolre good time. " Kitchener Hotel. * - \ ** v - - trip b;y motor.' _ •>. Irrigation sUrt-ey.~ 3$" briefly but feelingly on ~ the-^ woi^Ss," •- Mrs. R. Price of Riondel is spending * *>- \ -. '"" . Alex. Bills, who sprained hia\ knee Done forget tjhe>w hiriwinds whist "He is not nere; he is risen*;*? .with the HU"S "" *S«myter ^ holidays here with her " MiasOtoAe-BasdaU was * a weekend choir ^furnishing --appropriate music visitor at Creston with Miss Louise while skidding poles on Thursday last* and dance, at Long's' packing shed^ oi# parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hagen. Went to Cranbrook to have the Injury Interment was made in Creston cemef *f - — Bevan*. who was home for & weekend April 9th/ . * 7 V- tery, Messrs. 'Harold Gobbett, Bert visit with her patents in that town.* looked after by Dr. Green. - Victor Carr of Alice Siding is here _Cnas* Kelson, C.P.R. section fore­ Louis Roy of-_EdBbontonr is spending Boffey, Bobert Crawford, Vem Cook with.his tf^m doing some ploughing M-la*^ ^Myrtle ^ Wicfcholsh went^ to man, has been transferred to Cran A fe"W days hei-e the Ifuest of Mr. a-std Herb Gobbett, and H. Nicholsonr a and other work-on the Andestad farm.- Canyon on .Friday^ for a short' visit brook* where he is in charge "bf an l_a*s. Ralph Byrnefr, close friend of the* deceased, who came, >. ^7. 15. Johnson, who is on the pay witb fVlends, getting back oh Sunday; fro 01 Fernie for the funeral, acting as: .extra Rang, leaving here.on Tuesday Spencer I_*toi6 off^pBastporfc, Idaho, roll bf "the J B. Winlaw firm at Cres­ r pallheitrers. In addition to the, turn O. Senesael &Co. have .taken '"She** 't*-Ktake*©~er his new job. spent a fe w days, |ast week at his ton. witts a&weekehd visitor at his borne* out of sympathizing friends the manyy contract from Continental Lumber, 3s -ranch here, doing #me pruning, ete. here* He was accompanied by Ben " - Mrs.- C. Fransen of Creston arrived floral "tributes eloquently bespoke the j Hanuem. - - 1 Pole Conipaay,* Limited, making poles boTMonday-on a visit with "Mr. and They will also Ha the skidding. They "N." N. Bentley "returned from Nelson high esteem in which deceased and hit- Mrs. K. P, Molander. _, •on "Wednesday wM^fr he has been on a --.Mrs. R? Sinclair Smith of Wes*t have engaged a cook. parents are held here, as Well aa at few days-hnsinessT -= -- Fernie, fn which", town - the late Mr. Oreston is here on a visit with her . A baseball j-ame „was played on mother, Mrs«. Nathorst, who is laid up Harvey Joyce, w;ho has been away 'Sunday between the - married and - " ' "_** Davies had "resided since com&ig back for the past si*c months, working' in J. B. Holder is paving •«, visit^this from the .Cariboo country where be with a back attack of flu, but we are. single men, the score being a tie. The glad to know she is recovering nicely. Bepd, Oregon, returned on Friday on battery for tbe'single- men, was L. week from his brother Fred, whom Was with the B.C.M.P., and later on a visityei-ith his father, Richard Joyce many -will remember as a visitor here >Anderson and E. Hardy, whilst the his homestead, from ~" 1919 until about - ,Word coming from the Nelson hos with Continental. Lumber & Pole buttery work for the benedicts_ wa8 abfc-ut two years" f£f&t*Z since when betw o years ago, being latteily employed" Company, Limited. -_ _ fcfafethpen working "at points on .the pital ia to'the effect that Mrs.* Leslie taken tare of by E. McGonegol and R. on line work with the'East Kootenay! Mclnnis is making as satisfactory a Pacifi*: coast, . l~k Telephone Company. In their sudden Things are a bit brisker at Kitchener St. Eloi, with C. Bush doing the '^•~* - -,-" . "Recovery as can be looked for consider­ now. Continental , Lumber -"& Pole catching. The game was thoroughly ^- Miss Audrey Cr&igie.. an April bride, and trying bereavement Mr. and Mrs.: ing the serious operation she under­ Company." Limited, are'busy hauling, enjoyed, the excitement running high was guest «»fihoBiorlat an at home at Davies and family have the very sin*' went about ten days ago. poles and shipping poles, and lumber. at times between the ittarried' women the residence , of" Mrt*. McKelvey on cere sympathy of the .community^ and. unnt&i-ried young ladies.^ -* Friday night wKiciftoo k the forin of a The . floral remembrances included Mr." and Mrs.~T. Dunseath and chil­ Quite a few improvements are being linen shower at *&hicb a. host of friends wreaths from the family and Creston dren got back the latter part of the made around the McConneljr 'Hotel Biding, Liberal Association. Sptays week from a. three months holiday rf'tnemberedarjp._,*.aa»awr.«.«* .*5;»/v_i#.__w.-sjffA*^ the --brid" e elect with a y^. uv.vaao ww.m*. m*..*.^Mmm m*M with A. Hogette in charge. BUI Arb «_-"_f*-_»_•»- liueu from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ksinisay, "visit witb friends in and around the ' is also at work making some ioftprove* goods, for- the new home; and for Nelson; Telephone operators. Fernie; oldjiome at Lindsay; Ontario. Mr. ments at the Devlin store. Mrs. G. Cam was calling on Creston which the recipient expressed a deep J. E." Terrili. Lethbridge; 'Mrs. Nichol­ Dunseath .states that part of Canada Frits Molander and Ales. Mennie friend-j between trains on Friday. appreciation."-A t^ery pleasant eve­ son and" family. Fernie; Air. and Mrs: experienced at least an average winter» came tip, from - Putnam, Paicper & ning was .passed at' whist, with lunch Harold Wilson.'M>*. and Mrs. Chas, and that when he left about the middle Mrs. C. M.Goodma n served just us-the-leathering broke up Davis, Porthili; Art Soper, Mr. and of March there was still much snOw in Staples on Saturday, going back on of .Cranbroo-M^_ A 1UT«wck_ Sunday by auto. ' -• - woo «t v,o,w\p_* here with a,V^'U>> uiiuiUKiin. Mrs. S; Hendren, "'MTV. -arid* Mrs.~""G. [evidence. PrOctrtr over the Weekend, then going Hendren, Mr. aud. Mrs. "S. C. Gibbs^i The "Wynndel Girls Club are putting Tom Kmme&y and Geo. Cowan OS? to "Nelson to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mr.; aiid N Went to kelson on Saturday on a bus Frank 'Bstenford for a fewdsiys.' on a 'variety concert and dance in the stae-ss trip. Mrs. J« D, Spiers, Mr. and Mrs. E. N* -_ --s -"--'- to look>aR»r the spring work", osilfee included. ^ Eveiybbdyy' wel«-om©*7and to be called, last -'week. She is. now 'total contribution was most creditable, V everybody guaranteed a good tsaoie. " making a very, satisfactory. recovery. atndnnting, to -about J&15. *-- rahchi . . - 7 - *> . • Mrs* J.. Langlois of the, Bussell Tom^Yerbifry ii home from Kimber­ Alio® SMIes0 Hagen was taken to Cranbrook ' There will he no Church of England hospital on Hotel was an auto visitor at Creston service . here on " Sunday moaning - iey for a few weeks, being amongst Tuesday for medical treat­ ou Saturday* '' With the roads in suclTfineshape it is quite a large crew of men. ->hat have Jfm Churchill, who has been. a. ment for a. stroke brought on by a been temporarily laid off at ~theinine business visitor hen* this month, left hemmorbagn of -the brain. He wae- O. R» Ward of Cranbrook was a expected Sirdar church goers will* be at Creston for.evenlng worship. - there. „ * for his home in Vancouver on Thurs­ accompanied-byhis wife and daughter, business-visitor here on Monday. - Mrs. -. V Johnson, as well as. his Radio users who picked up - station day fast. Mrs.' Hopwood of Creston was a -** -• ' -*- * brother^ Matt. Hagen. Mis. VPm Evans of' Bed Deer,* Alta..'Saturda. y visitor here» returning the KHQ. Spokane, on Friday night last- is here on a visit with her brother-in- hud the pleasure of hearing Mrs, John " Ge

-*t*- MM— World Championship Dog Derby WiirTlun- From .Calgary' to the G,r«*4.t Z^/MmMMK^^Mi 7: . >-Diyfaiute' freedom iu trade, is to tel! her". But the wrong advice because he is in trouble as a result of having to soi- '"- products cheaply in is ."vvorsc than" no advice at, all." of the cost to the government of the tin open, world -market, but obliged to buy at high pMces iu a protected and , ."That," says Mrs. Florence Glebe, last general .election and taking, the Still Enjoying restricted home'market. Other issues arc the outcome of racial, religious, or 31L Royal: Apts., Merrick Street, Ham­ estimated popular vote, that is the other troubles. ilton, Ont., is why i it my duty figure arrived"-at. The estimate uf Life at 84 to give women a little Information cost is. about $2,100,000. T*tje popu­ At the present time, as noted iu a recent article, the rubber users of the concerning Dr. Williams'*"" Pink Pills \ - world, ahd particularly of the United States, are making an Issue of the lor Pale People. Tn tho first place I lar vote was)roughly 3,157,545. Offi­ Thanks Ter cial figures ai-e not yet available. regulations governing ,th0 production of crude rubber in the British posses­ may say that I am a graduate nurse sions, and solely because tho prevailing'"high price of crude rubber is giving ot" one of our Hamilton schools of In the .general election of 1921.'. the That . nurses, having had a number of ':yHgAF(t&:q them trouble. But the rubber issue is paling into .insignificance in the United popular vote totalled about 3,121,844. years' experience -in nursing nervous The. cost of the election to the gov­ Wonderful States Congress in the face of the campaign being waged by the farmers and other cases of women. " ernment was. "about $1;700,000. This across the line ..and which threatens to drag the tariff," and possibly other "I may .state that for the last three Remedy- issues, into the limelight. years I hai'i not been feeling as I; means that the cost iter voter in that year was just under 55 cents, or about Mrs. F. K. Miller, 1343-llth Ave. JUnited States farmers are in serious trouble. - They have for many years [ should. I have been under the care? 11 cents per voter less than hvfl925. East, "Vancouver, B.C., writes: — bqen producing larger crops than are .required for home consumption, and, I 2a?Tw" u^?^f Improve^n™I%»_Sk •-Five years ago my husband suffered while the size of the surplus is diminishing with growth of U.S. population, a change of climate. My symptoms terribly with severe attacks of pal­ «"*- the farmers are now in rather desperate straits.- They are forced to sell their t were that I- w&s tired out easily, pal- Duchess Of Norfolk pitation of the^hoart and smothering . U sl fc ol tor at n spell;*, and two doctors stated that lie surplus in foreign markets, aud at a price fixed In those highly competitive I J. i^ . f $* ° ec-ing up­ Will Visit Canada could not possibly live six months. market*. The result is that the foreign pi-ice regulates the domestic price.S ^ai: feelta^."* If Ienterld a° wtrm -A friend T€£ommended Milburn's H. and, as the foreign price is frequently below the cost of U. S. production, the room I became hot and clammy, "~.— * / Trip to Dominion is For Education of end N.- Pills, with the result that my farmer is in trouhle, and especially so as the high protective tariff "maintained j Black spots would float, before -my husband is -still, .enjoying life at the by the United States compels him to pay high prices for all that he has to buy. #?*** anf*r,had sharp pains in ay head. Her Children „age of 84 years. *"Che Duchess ot Norfolk is expect­ Western, Canadian farmers well understand the situation. They have Ij^a'oundlS Ei! ^Sy appetltlwas He has improved so wonderfully been confronted with exactly the same problem. They have advocated, and j fickle and poor. I tried a number of ed, ..in accordance with plans -. an­ * tliat , he can "now climb the "stairs still advocate, lower tariffs in order to bring down "the cost of production, but! medicines that were advertised," with nounced several months agq£ to visit without having those awful pains in the* have also learned to appreciate the fact that there is a point" below wliich j no S°od results. I began to feel des- Canada and -the United States early bis heart." 4 production costs cannot be brought in this country if a decent standard of liv- wouW sa^"_Ty?%u this year, with her children, including Put up only by The T. Milbura ing is to be maintained. They, therefore, in recent 3*ears. turned tlieir at- j lost' in " woigh't a5nd lu spirits. " My the Duke, who is & minor/ and his eld­ Co.. Limited, Toronto, Oat,"™ tention more and more to finding a solution of transportation and marketing husband came home one evening ask est sister, I.ady "Rachel Howard. problems with a view to realizing a higher return from tlieir surplus crops ini£- as he usually did, howl was feel- - This is part of the Duchess' scheme Shears for cutting- cloth were In­ and not be forced-to accept any price that might be offered in a demoralised ? gS'J?andTe^lnded^ TooV'of forythe education ot her. children," and vented in Italy about- 400 B.C., but it world market as a result of the dumping of enormous quantities of grain on she is a great believer in tho educa­ was two or three centuries. later be- DryWilliams*-Pink Pills. He said try* the market in one short period. - tional value of travel. "Last year the [j foro scissors were -made by fitting to them anyhow, .tliey may-help you. I family .toured Italy and Spain. Hence in Western Canada there has been created and successfully de- did try them and they surely gave me the fingers. quick* results. By the time! imd tak- The young Duke, who, succeeded to veloped huge co-operative undertaking-- by the farmers themselves, such asrf ou j;owr boxeg j can honest,y say x felt the title upon the death of the flfcto.fci*'thI ^ —:— tlie Miller's Worm \ Powders" attack _ the United "Grain Growers, the Saskatchewan Co-operative Eleva,t?>rs, like a different person,. I could Duke, his father, in 1917,- is 17 years Grain Pools, Co-operative Creameries, and co-operative marketing associa­ old. *"'..• Al-orma in the stomach and intestines hardly realize ' it myself. People I at once, and no worm can come in tions of various kinds. The position of the Western Canadian farmer, has met would say, "'Why* you look splen­ contact with them and live. They been vastly improved as a 'result of their own co-operative enterprise?*, man: did. ' What have 3*ou been taking?" also correct the unhealthy conditions My reply would be that I had been Minard"© Liniment used by "Veterin- aged by themselves apart from Governments, but, where necessary, with iri the digestive organs that invite and j taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and aries Government assistance in the form...of ..guarantees or loans. ~ • _ encourage worms, setting up reactions N their answer usually was, *'Wel_L_they .that are most beneficial tyo the growth The United States farmers have not shown the same self-reliance and certainly have helped" you.".'_ i no*r Russia's New Stamps of; the child. ~^tl\sy havfe: attested initiative, and today they ai*e demanding that the United States Government sleep well yand eat well. The terrible - _•' • r. ' '. -'• ' •«•_.*"-—',•__, _-I_.J -. their power in hundreds of cases and sharp pain has left rxiy head. I do shall embark ujion a policy of "price-fixing" or its equivalept—some sort of at all times aVo thoroughly trust­ my work and feel toned up. My color Commemorate Institution of Academy worthy.; . ' •' '»' kj:'-~''.Z :':i'A-.k'-' :.'7"»': export device to get rid of the farm surplus. They argue that prices are low has return ed, and the pills have given Of ScfjfWfce at Petrbgrad because all the farm produce in-which there is a. surplus is sold at European ipe. new vitality. I afri deeply thank New stamps have just been Issued -Some people, can't gee what pleas­ price.s. Tu«*r say let-a harrier b put up to maintain a high pi-ice In the £ul' tlJat my £,WB^25|!-., 'bvo^} ,m^»?e , , ..,.-.. e .__ .n, . ,""•,. .7* ' .-" nrsti box oB f Dr. Williams Pink- PHIS by Russia- in. commemoration of the ure those who mind their own "business domestic market, and take a loss, if necessary, on the surplus sold abroad, j m _ i diy . tell anyone what these w & a ,20th anniversary of the institution of find in living. ; '.y. ... •..-._.. To this the U. S. Government answers•: If the farmers profit on their product, pills did for ine, and you have full per- the Acadeniy of Science at PetrogradJ. they will produc-* more; the surplus will grow larger until the loss -on the misslo'.gy'tp publish this, statement in T.he design of the new stamp gives h No child should be allowed to BuXTer surplus will eat up the domestic profit. the hope that my experience may help view of ( tho academy, with a portrait aii hour from worms .when prompt re­ someone else-" lief can bo got in a simple but strong Then there is rhe proposal that the tariff ho reduced by bringing down the If yotr-wlll send 3rour name and ad­ of Ioiiaonosof, a famouii Russian scien­ level of domes tie prices until the farmer can buy at prices in proportion to re, medy—Mother Graves' Wormy Exter­ dress tcMThe Dr. "\Villiams' Medicine tist, . who was associated with the minator.. . .-•-,.. '".-..••• • v-Jt :.,y;'- .',• what he sells. To this proposal the U. S. Government and industry in general Co., Brockville, Ont., a little book, academy,ill its early days. object vigorously—they do not want the price lev«51 torn down. "Building Up the Blood," will b> mail­ ed you postpaid. This little book Now stamps are also to be .'issued Gerald: ."Money talks." Th.; other alternative urged in some quarters is to go about direct re- contains many usoful -health hints. shortly with a portrait'of* the Rus­ Geraldine: ". "Anybody ever "have a •.-.•"Let-ion of farm production™to'get rid'of the problem of the surplus by get­ You can get the Be pills through sian radio expert, M. Popoff. speaking acquaintance with yours?" ting- rid of ilu- surplus. In other words, .and as previously noted in Uils ahy medicine dealer or by* mail at 50 column, to adopt the same policy in regard to TT. S. farm products as has been cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville; Out. ;..i.'.t>i>Eed In certain British possessions in regard to crude rubber production. It i*. however, interesting to Western Canadian farmers to note that Tlobfrrt. Bingham, chairman of the National Council of Farmers' Co-operative A-sso-eiations*, ha.-- .-mph&tically declared that only in co-operative marketing, -aid nor in tariff jugglinK or federal handling of crop surpluses, lies tho solu­ WORLD HAPPENINGS tion o-f the farmer*"' problems. -In maldug this declaration, Mr. Bingham contrast*:'! the courage and virion oi" Canadian farmers In organizing their own BRIEFLY TOLD co-opera* iv.-- "n-'-rj-rlse.-. and solving their own problem out of their own "-Rfrength and courage, with r.h,, attituiU' of V. S. farmers "faltering before their own picked remedy, kicking it aside, ami running to Washington to ask the A referendum on ,tho prohibition of Great F-uher to guide their little feet in the path ol" prosperity." He urged spirits is proposed in the spooo.h from them to emu* ate the example ol" Canadian farmers, give co-operation a trial on tho throne, read at tho formal' open­ a lar-."* seal**, nor to be peasant-minded arid Hf-k somebody else to work out ing of pai'Uument at Oslo, Norway. for th**-n what They could do iln.tuselvj'i-, hut to remain independent, re- Eourc-yu' American f.-irtin*)•_•. The North West Territories import­ ed .under -permit hist year.320/gaiIona Sporting Duke Visits America of Intoxicants. Forr.iittf issued total- The lMik'* ot* r_einHtfM*, "lierortltary i leid 154.

king of Ireland.- known on bnt'l'i. wldos I Moi*n Brlllj-h pcer.ngDS "becanio ox- IAD PIMPLES A of the Atlantic for hlrf many Hportlng j Un^- itt :10i;r» LUan in ftny twentieth fulVHiiture** including ono of racing an Pf,ntWT y(,iu, oxeppt 1915, .nine .titles

aiii.orjiohlhj from Aberdeen lo T.oiukm .nlJOV0 tUo burouotcy rank passing. lu 1.1'a liourri,. boating lhn h-a'iin time j AtlmltiBlon. clmrges to tho nuiaouma On Face and Neck. Lost urj'l '.vlnr.lnr' a. wagm* of <>0i"i pountls, controlled by tho city of Paris, includ­ h»< arrivt-'d in America uudei ihn ln- ing the cariuivfclo't, havo been raised '.05*11 ho of "IO, Plt/agerald," Rest. Cuticura Healed, from ihri'f tn «lx. centa. N ""• h»d w britaking out of Utile. Don't Submit to Aathm.i. If* you Fully 2.000 pi.*rHona' losl. Ihoir HVOH red pluiplea on my face and rusck. . ' The ph*npl«* fentered *rvd »<:»lard rfufiYT wlrbour. hope (»>' breaking lhn | "•"••* IhoUHaiida of families are hoiue- ovdf couaini; diBBguremeni:. Th«y rhriiii-- v.-hi-h bind yoif, do not put ofi'jlesH »s thn re." ult of the' mo ent flood H itched aiui burnc-i CAUJSSIJ^ me to ! Proved safe by millions and prescribed by-physicians for :utot|,.»r* d.-iv Mi*- purrhiiHo of IV. J. l>7 . .5 ,-,. , . . „ Xayaj-n., • "<••- -.cratch, and thf. ncratching c«ua«d K'-llo*?«'.-.- |{i ificily. A fi-litl will drive v hU ; ;iY p1 tu tUull r eruptionB. The irritation caused m ;iV.;t.y ;ill doubf UH u> 1»,M 'dllrl-'iK.y. Tho 1 Mexico. Headache -Colds Neuralgia Lunibago lot of discomfort, ond I lout my la-lie I" i.liut r..iine,. -vjll eoiivirifiat ! Thn appointment ol* John IJOHHH HH rr il ut night. I had the tumble m -on IHO!"''' tli-iii 'in.- rIsItijct th'it *-fin he. '.- i«:e-i«ri.'idd«Mit und eoiuplrolh-r ot the Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism it;-,, ,, i-...r., • . .,. -.,..;•,,_ v,--,.- ' *VJa(-jlc* aUa"l.talCi". UaniulUuu .I'l-iuiiLt-. J{.iill\vi.i,v, ir> uuiiouuu- " l WM treated without nw.tr.e.%n. MUfft'l*'.' Thli iniiif:lil»").H rj'iiM'dv- IH I I read an advertii-j-nK-nt iS.*.. n u\\i\ Ir,-' H'lth nnly II vo members of 1.1m Uti w4mtqrm*immimm44m4imi4mMim44mm4mmMimmt0immm4mmimMmmww4Mimmm j • . M " f ' •' Cutlcura Ointment and two cak*# of r-i I.IIIMI* <>( .-''fir..- wit . ..!' ^filing 11.10110;.'. lawii-' Unemployed At<-'0<.iut.lou. having CntiCTirn Bnop I waa completeIy W '"*'* »li>u'i I ry tn think f»l i.nnn" U.J. of imid tlii'lt- I'lniiUily fee of 10 eenl.H und Accept only "Bayer" package healed." (J-Si^ne-i) Mr*, f^tfut inifoi -[-[.")--]-1 - _ -r f wmiaial m mmmmtmmmmmmwmmmt \mmmmmmmuMwmmm Rricle. R. R. 4, Rock ford, Ohio. o;i.Miim: likonov. lhi'i>d'im, ••Ih.lhli* to vole, I be anHMC.la- which contains proven directions. One Cuticora to cl«*f your akin. Hon voted JlHiill' out of evlstenet- by Handy "Ilnycr" lioxn« of 12 tabb-t*.

*tf« «».p» 4 V» |1t |*#.tl.* %m,4q* lUfaff t 4 Jhwitrft * (r*j« ^u%Jlf«. *» I MijI.Jf'ft'B l.irvimi-nt'. f<-.r frr>h¥-Mt*. ih| rr»»iai> • rfa 1 v.'n A!«o bottlftB of 24 find 100—Drugglut*. Da>pu< '-JJl_.«.«i_«aaw. f.tal. S__ft*JNwi,* P«iA«, 0asw_,p w'fti_^>.i^'nr-n,"^il"^"-" i'r-'ia-r,-—r-i—rr"rr-r"trar—„rlrJwT.iiii_iinj,-._,i_^ar^aiwaiiif.aaa. Anplrlu Iw «.<• irmle .mark (rftlfal<-.rr»l in Ol 11 ml it. of U*y«r Mcinif»clur« of Monoaeetto- t*J-.. ()l.»lan*aaf t& .tut CU-aa. J >!»___, ttUl. •cl.U-*l^r nt H«ll<-yll«*ji--lr.W *>Ha-. Cbal JL«)-lrl» mr*r.n itayer ta*»»3fjt.c8«r*. to as*'*.* tTue fublli: jBjf*tu«t."Is-alt'ntJci-iJ", tha- T«b3ela 1 .i—W****" '*!"* iia.'aiiWiii.i*.^wa_.w»ia«_..Maiw_.ti.l.«w.'^ii.i»*. ia— m.fiiw r*m*n *I^M»-,^>I_I,— •» r. Minaj»rd"» Liimmei.t for Grippe ftf BBJC. Coi»|>Biiiy -wrlll It* ntauiuc-1 witb tbujlr gcaeral tr*fl« wArk, 1U« "Bsjf.r Crown." \

THE REVIEW, CRESTON. B. CL y Saskatchewan Butter Production Gartiet iv^hcat Has Created , , * '• . - T*"— - \Vesterii \^keat Straw Total Value of Dairy Products For V r •-- ;.]^^n7 J^^^•t^'^VltK Farmers Province in 1925 Was $20,943,648 Miay. Soon Be AJsed For Creamery butter production Sn Sas- katchewan. during 1925 showed an in­ ;. x^hrau^ Canada crease of more", than 2,200,000 pounds The ^aanufactur^ Of Paper as compared" with the .production Jn •& 1; . • • ' "• '• '. • j"' • "'• • • ". -i

" *""-'' *• - — The satisfactory results of tests, to (ty|$y Admit Some 1024, jvhile dairy "products showed an That the straw, annually burned on j approval , of architects and builders which Garnet wheat'has "been subject-j > p ..| increased value of-more than 3*1,500;.- the western, prairies to the extent of {who have had th§ opportunity of see- Rr*f ain ed has aroused kee'n interest througb-7} > . —-.<.—•• 'ram 000 Jn comparison with 1924. r,JaM-r - _ as _,.. ,.. 1 . _. I j- --__ ._. " ~ JJJI-'J-J-JU CM. IOJJ-S wJiii soon Become oij me *c out Western Canada. ' 'Garnet Ottawa ! Reports received at the dairy Department of Agriculture Consider­ the utmost value as tlie raw product" branch of the provincial' department 652, is the latest variety of wheat de-j from Which paper is manufactured J ing Modification of Embargo Sweet Dover Benefits Land r of agriculture show the total value of i. velooed at the central experimental - riv»*. .iAH-,^M..nj. —•« i .i_.. *__ seems now almost an accomplished _5" J-*»V ucj/aatuicHi. mjt. a&L iv.iuiui *z as dairy products J.n the province during farm at OLtawa. fact. - *--''" Crop Every Five Years - Followed 'By - '• A, prairie* - Ai•*•. [".considering slight modifications to tlie 1925 was -$20^945,648. farm-' . embargo ^against breeding cattle from Fcij* several" months experiment's Summerfallow is Beet Plan According to reports, During the year 15,850,000 pounds of 1 Scotland. -. * - - . have been conducted both, on behalf The sweet clover benefits the land ers, ' anxious to 'try " out the" new creamery "butter were manufactured i_n The embargo has b e'en \ in effect for of private individuals and also on • in at least three ways. First, It adds wheat, are flooding the government ex­ Saskatchewan compared with 13,555,- two years against all cattle from Bri­ behalf of provincial governments to root fibre to the soil as the root svstem' perimental stations serving their re: 902 in 1924, an Increase-of 2,266,098 tain, because of the prevalence 6f foot, ascertain the practicability of making ] is quite larg^ and decays rapidly after spective districts with applications pounds. The" total 1925 output* is for test seed. Although preliminary and mouth disease,*whlcM, at th*i pies paper froan straw. It has be«sn. d'em-: ihe land is plowed. Next, It renders more than double the production ot onstrated beyond a doubt that almostj.tke* soil more permeable to moisture, milling and bakings tests have-been ent time,"is" affecting cattle iii three-jl921. . * , every kind of paper can be manufac­ the decaying roots are of a spongy made, more thorough tests willjbe 'coife' fourths of England^according to olfi^7 .VThe increased production is attrib- ducted before tbe seed Js released -for' clalsphere ,ute^"prIncipali3r..to an increased Inter tured from straw, and negotiations are nature and, as thej- extend down at general distribution*' -',Q limited,, quan­ Scotland and England are regard­ est in dairying, "coupled "with the use under way both in ii-*' provinces of feast,, two feet, there is a tendency to tity of seed has bee'n'sent to an_ihbe5_"' ed as one ui/it so far as agricultural, of/better- cows and improved feeding Alberta ancj. ia Manitoba looking to permit the soil to -absorb water more of the experimental stations, which, regulations are concerned. ' Although. methods on the part of producers," the establishment of mills. rapidly tlian it'would otherwise do. I however, hasvCafiedto meet the de­ cattle In Britain cannot be . moved states . _£."" C. " Ktddj provincial dairy More than one process has been think that this feature of soil improve­ mand.""" "-- - . — , from fin Infected area jto a'free area," commissloner. .. evolved, said to be satisfactory,, and ment through j&weet clover is-one of y Giving details of the development the department xof agriculture "has * "Cheese-making, also, while still a experiments dealing with, 'straw ac­ very great importanco in this prov­ ; of Garnet wheat, G. E. De Long, taken all precautions by refusing. ;to very, small/branch ^f the dairy indus­ tually raised' ^>n the prairies have, ince. Finally the sweet clover works U.S.A., assistant superintendent of admit any cattle fromJBritain. "C Some?.. try, has taken a decided step forward been successfully carried, out. The in very close association, with nodule" the "Dominion experimental - farm, changes , aro being cpnteiiiplated at and* promises soon-to become an. im­ process, which, has, been the subject forming bacteria. - It provid.es these JLaeombe, Alta.y states that the new the present time,.-' l>t"£ no definite portant factor. During 1925 Jthe out­ of Investigation by the Alberta Gov­ nodules or little bunches on Its-i'oots wheat , has been grown at the Al­ steps „ave been £aKen to fallow any put of cheese was 223,137 pounds as ernment, is^_ known as the Bache- for the purpose of housing the^nitrogen bert^ station since 1919. During that cattle from the Old; Country. compared., with 165,000 pounds during Wilg" process. . gathering bacteria. -_« period,^he says, it required an average 1924,' and the value of cheese made In a recent bulletin issued by the In order to get the most benefit from of 113 days tfb mature, while the aver­ has increased by $17,15S. Alberta Government - it Is stated in­ sweet clover a system of crop rotation age for Marquis wheat Was 123.days. Many; Inquiring About Canada should be planned so that lhe sweet •• » • - _ --*•- •'Favorable conditions fo_t^ the con­ vestigations viere "made into all In further comparing these two varie­ * -, - . • sumption of ice cream during the known . experimental processes for clover occurs on the land once Injive ties, Marquis gave an average yield of Queue's] of" intending Settlers Form summer season caused a net increase the manufacture of pulp from straw, or six "years so that "summerfallow fol­ 46 bushels 7 opurids an acre, against f. D'ai'y-.in Trafalgar Square of approximately 40,000 gallons, in the and finally about two years ago the lows the sweet clover. This sum-. 45 bushels 17 pounds an-acre for Gar­ *Clie success of \1\& reduction of,emi­ quantity manufactured and sold government made arrangements for merfalloTving after, .sweet clover is net Ottawa 652. _. gration rates %tb Canada.is already as­ 11116 m sured., * 'Queues '?oftn" daily in Trafal­ "One'feature during the past sea- laboratory tests of the Bache-Wile-P? * P«M*ta«t »s it permits time for Continuing. Mr. De Long says: the rots to 'decay and for the ground gar Square, at the Canada Building, .^jBonr has" been the increase in butter process in the P-lp and paper division "Garnet Ottawa is somewhat*similar to soak up moisture and also gives one "composed of men anxious'to emigrate, exported frqm Saskatchewan to the ot the forest.--pr'oducts laboratorie to Baby Ottawa '623, -in length and a chance to kill- out any stray plants strength of straw: Garnet straw also*; while'the number of.'written Inquiries British -markets."' During, the year - Montreal, Hinder the joint supervision more^than 10,500,000" pounds of cream­ -st-hich may survive- These stray shows a tendency to develop the ruby have surpassed all expectations. of E. Parke Cameron, superintendent, ery butter has been graded for ^export plants of- sweet clover are somewhat coloration, distinctive of Ruby*. „" The -- "Three young', farmers walked the of the. division, and John Bache-Wilg^ undei"- the Dominion of Canada grad­ objcctionabl.-i .when growing in a -»erop shape of its head gives the standing whole distance fromr-Sccaland to L.OH- who was co-inventor with his father ing regulations. This represents a of jgrain. ** crop the-appearance of'being a . very-j don to * apply .for immediatey sailings, in the process. quantity more "than double that grad­ Seme farmers have attempted to use heavy ylelder." • while, the number"rot womenapplying The. government has studied care­ ed under -these regulations last year. sweet clover as a summerfallow sub­ "Garnet appears to be abput mid-" for permission to sail under the>new fully the results of these tests, and .It is difficult to give the ultimate des­ stitute, but I think it is better to plan way between Marquis and .Ruby .In. low ratp issue is. surprising, the trade commissioner has spent tination .of* this butter, but it is safe to 3Ununerfalto*vv- a. year after the tendency to shatter if allowed to be-'.' Applicants , are of all, classes : considerable time in the laboratory to say that most of it found. Its way to sweet clover. The onlv way that- come too mature before harvesting. ' "• Te*friers, dressmakers, clerks and: getting information at first hand. * "V the British market, where i*t enjojyed ;'The experimental station at La- stenographers, but theS** all recognize sweet clover ci.n bs used as a sum­ a strong defmand throughout the sea­ - Carl Bafche-"Wiig, senior, was con- combe \has never, had 'Garjnet Ottawa' that domestic work will b their first merfallow substitute" is fo plow .the e son dao fro dependable -quality in each nected with the, first wood-pulp and crap under about the 10th of June be- 652 subjected to frost during the six' duty when tne%-arrive in Canada, grade.-** -,.....-- paper mill in Norway, built - by. Msjforo lt getfi too h|g3l u the ploving years it ha** been ' grown, i -_ For -this I ^The, London -Tlm>s has given the father. He owned the,-fcecond ground |4s delayed the sweet clover grows ^reason no definite ."information is , fullest J ~publicity^ "tp "" the*. Alberta wood mill "cons-U'ueted-in Norway; and .^^ rapidiy so that tliere as too great Available "Soncernlng- the frost resist- j scheme" under wliich 30,000" ju*rt's of Feed' For Livestock was long Identified"*as an expert with a mass of material plowed inio the ance of this variety, as compared laml in the -Vermilion" district of Al- X, | many of the best known wood pulp land. This causes the soil to dry out wilh the others." . jberta is^o. be set aside for emlgrnnts," fey-products of . Ha'ym6nd Sugar and paper mills of*the TJjTlted ^States and delays'the decay - of the sweet In the opinion of Mr. De Lobg, Gar- Most of these " are expected to be Factory to be Put to Use and Canada, "having been, employed In By-products of the $1,500,000 be-tet f clover' itself and the result is a poor' net Ottawa has a place In Central Al-' Roman Catholics, an expert capacity to. Increase the efll- year.—Professor Manley ^ sugar factory at Raymond, Alberta, crop- next berta and other districts where Mar- \ 'ciency of the obtaining of higher Champlin. quis is subject'to injury from carjvJ'Mennonites Buy Land will make that district the great feed­ yields and lowering costs of, produc­ fall frosts. Whether advancing the ing ground of Canada, it-Is declared. tion. -*" In Saskatchewan These by-products, include pulp and harvest one week in districts where In 10 OS Mr: Bachc-AViig a-econi- Canada's Mineral Production **** molasses which wiiji alfalfa and grain Marquis is uot menaced by ru§A- or Will Start Under Nearly" Same Condi­ mended his experiments with straw make "the ideal feeding combination One of the Greatest Factors In early frost would justify growing Gar­ tions As Homsteaders pulp . in his laboratory !n_.the United for-cattle, it is stated*--- Negotiations "Canada's Industrial Life net Iu preference to Marquis, has not Fifty-five quarter, sections, totalling States. - He continued experlmenting- are now In progress between the sugar Great' progress was made In Can­ been demonstrated, y 7 $",800 acres of land No>th of Speers^ vmtil he had found that by his;process company and'"•' a _blg packing concern ada's mineral industry during 1025. ^'Tbose farming in, such districts! g^. f in _tho Battleford distrlct, have he could .very materially increase tfie for the••experliiiental*fe'e'd^ng^b;f a'-1'arge Metal mining experienced a boom should keep in mind that Marquis is ; -purchased by Mennonite-settlers' cellulose yield from wheat stnd other } boen bunch of steers near the factory. The which carried production in this flelcf yaccopted as the standard milling "wheat' the Canadian Pacific Railway. cereal'straw. ''•'•'.:••'••' ' •<••-•' Jrom total .tonnage of beets sliced at the far above all previous records. In a' throughout Canada and the yUnited | h«-purchase marks a new'depai- T RxiymoniV factory this,_!*\1! .was about N "Midler's": analysis of straw gives statement i.s sued from the Dominion States," Mr.- Do Long advises. . "They effects of ihe Mennonites, lure in the 45,000ZtonsZ which.,.-*wiu7 be increased tho cellulose "as 48. per cent.; -"Heyer" bureau of statistics the total valuo of vBhoulil also remember that Garnet is JporirinB Iritcj. tho country from. Russia mat-iriaiiy iaext yotik yyThero will be gives, the • cellulose content of straw Canada's mineral output, 3n 1923 is •.. a new variety anfl has yets to prove its*' f the 6losc,bf the war, to become s uco about 2,000. tons of'^yruipi and ti; large as 51 per cont., while a German estimated at. -$:22S.-H0,000, an increase r worth under varying'conditions; to the estalrtlslied here quantity of :pulp.. available this winter analyst gives tbe cellulose in atraw of $J8,S57.000 abovfr.lhe touU of §209.- ,same>oxtent Marquis has. A considerable number of large for stooltmen. _. ;• as 49,17 per cent,, *but "Mr. Ba'che- 5S3.406 for 30?4, and ra-u-e than .the ki "There Is Httlo doubt Garnet Ot- farms, under cultivation, lutve already Wilg obtained ijis high as 75 per, cent. j previous record of ..•"-227,$?».">8'_>, at tain *- ytawa ,652 will. replace lUiby Ottawa been purchased by the Mimnpnites, Of. untfle-ichiatl, fibre from r.-heat straw, • ed ln 1020 when m.o-tayprices vrero ap­ 623. ' These two wheats ihat. ire In Soldier Settlers Doing Well and have been operated during the last but found that the eommorcial yields proximately SS per cent, biglier than yjlpprojcimatcl^ Hie- Skinb - time, but Gar­ two'crop seasons with success.'' gave the followSng results: ' in the 'year just closed. _ AmoiiR the net , will out-yield Ruby by severjil^ Prosperous Conditions in Farming The Mennonitef"", numbering about Wheat straw, id to 45 per'' cent. metals, iho^C'inarkv.blo advances li­ bushels pet* acre and does not'-sliat-- Communities in Alberta •10 families, will enter upon t|Leir farm­ commercial cellulose. the production of gold, lead aknd; "eliic ;ier tti. th© name exterij,." A: sr-fiisonablo indication of the pros­ ing cureors In **v\*estorii Canndii under perous conditions of many of the farm­ Corn., stalks, 40 to 45 per cent. were, most out-siaindlng'; iuiproytnupnty practically tho same eondltions na ing communities in Alberta is reveal coinmercIwiceUuloso. •__• * " In ou t puts m ai*k <•, d the totals for Finding Farm Loans Costly those attendant "upon the early years ed^.the fact, that at tho land setUo-- 33*lax straw,. 25 to 30 per cent, com nickel, copper .'..nd cobalt; -silver show­ of the first homesteader'?. The pur- ^"' _.....-'.". 1' _ ' • /"--"".J .->.._,.•_._.*) "nivllt.l'.vnn ,,-,,. *• ''"FTural: CredltB Act Has: Cost Manitoba nient board at. Calgary, pity nients,from'- 'inorchil COHUIOBO.. ed little change; there was an in­ chusers will move onto the land on,or • $650,000 Since Its Enactment soldier sett leva are coming ln nt the The "Oache-WHg proccs.*. dp.es not in­ crease in tho tonnage of Iron ore ox- before .Tune 1, 1920. y Since euiu*Ttment of liie provinelal rate ol from four thousand to five thou­ volve any radical depaiy'tu-e freww atan- ported i.'rom fctock.s ;il tho n-lues. Rural Credits Act, Manitoba lias suf­ sand dollars a day. *" This is,regard­ dnrd aulphlt.Ti practice, which gives it Mining, now third In rank among fered a loss of nioroytliau "f650,000, ac­ Woollen Mill For Manitoba ed as most ^ncouraglnK-y and . shows the advantage of being able to utillsr-e Canada's primary dudut-lrU-s, contrib­ cord lug to-a report submitted to Pro- that the men are doing reasonably preseni-dny standard wood pulp equip­ utes extensively to the wealth and mier J. Bracken. .._, . ., Stated Tbat British and American .well. Oiiu mini came iu-n_.nl;paid up ment In the manufacture of.straw pulp prosperity oi" thL- llominlon. Largo Th^ report, which .wart prepared by Capital Is Interested in Project ilia Indebtedness In -full, turnJnE... in to At tho Bftnie 1lmc It requiroK very tonnages of freight move from ahd to ^Zfohn ; Wylie. BUperintondi^ii. of* rural ,. Assurance that a. woollen mill own­ tho hoard iho sum of $2,000, much lo&H power than is necessary in the mltief-; innny stibiddiary industries credits Iu the province,• indicates that ed by United .States and English In­ the preparation of wood pulp fo'r tho depend upon tho mining Industry for the outsianding principal nnd Interest terests will be erected Iri Wlnnip&g, ";, Never Had a Crop Failure i'eason that 1 he marking, chippi^K and their prosp-irisy. Cannda'p. progress owing tlio provinces by the 7-i ruutl |waa filvcnVut,'a u*i«olIu« of the new •r Hoiaco .I'o'luiHt'ir; un old-timer oi* AJ- Ki-iudlng proceitos aro «j3Jml^aLtd. iu the produeilon. «»l luinernl wealth • erudit HOciai'loH' was reduced during JnduHt,rii>» comhilttee,, Manitoba Indus- btir.H, has farmed fgi"* moro than livery vavloty of papor Is capable hai* been norablo pariicularly In recent v tvial dovelopniont .board, when an­ twenty years' In the -Champion dis­ pf manufacture-from-..Btraw.pulp, und yt'drs and the developnioni-i in estab­ :lhe eight luoni-liH flseal year l.y about nouncement -was made that,a tentative trict, and according to the figuros bo tho .HomL-commcrclul tosta haro dem- lished fields, the discovery of new •'"1380,000. . • - site hail been selected. .Socks, caps, IUIH Js.ejik,' hun i-'vortiistsdh a •"yhoii.l.^yleld piiiatrated that thc>*" quality i& fully unCnt-ral areas «jul tin ally iho surpa.se- The bal.iue.' aut.ii.and ing was coat llnlugHv rdbfia and practically nil of Iwenty-oiKht, bushcdH Ui-1.he aero equal to thaLpfoduccd from wood pulp. ItiK of all p/evlous record a stamp the nhovvu at- $.2,836,531, with an addi­ woollen articles.• will be ,-fnanufactured. during tbat entire period. .'Ho, lias In addition to nownprint epocia] atten­ mineral industry as one of tho Rreat- tional iutereHt unpi'id nt ? 175,**.71. novor exporienced a crop failure tion was, paid to tU<- mcuiutJacturo of! 0H\. factom in Canada'* iwdu^triul and Curing Northern WhiUfis'i WhaJi'ifl industry i\\ B.C. though he bain sintered Himilai* to olher wrappisiK yaprr, isheu.lilus; paiier, luini j cotumeixy]i«J Mfe. and bottle wrapper.** and carton boards, The MrliiiitA' FIHII Coihimny are now Some 30.K00 barrel.- of oil were put larmcrs from nn tural cnuaos. o-mmilug'ti jaetory.i'or the curing nnd [up by,the {'onsolldated AVluUing Com-. for alJ of which, 1 hern in arondy mar­ lreland-N*v«fffundl-ind A.Jr S-crvIce Btnolvln-i; uf noi thorn wlUtofish. Thlrfipuuy. of Vic-loila, an a resull: of oportt- jnterect In Western C-utadlnn Farmn ie ot in -Western Canada. There waa The Irish paper-B are tnll'lug of a developed alsjo tmdci.* the process an U tlu. nrf*i nttump.t or thiij kind to be j tionH of'foui^'stutlouB from lyray'fo Oc-, /ru'ere i« further ovWci*co,of u re- lioa-ilblo tranB-Atlnnile atr ner\Iee be- mud.*;'in ilVUiiMuli'm and U.l'ii repoit.-d .tobor hxat. yoan. Tho oil will bo u.sed' liiwaUiinlnB nf inl.ere.Ht lik.Vi'oateru Catv In-HUlatInf? board hnvlnK u jlla-tlnct ad- twt-en Uulway and 8t. Johns", New­ thai Lhe Expert client:'l» pi'ovltig to lie|ioi* the liianuraeture of iollot Houpn. adUiu'faim liuidH on the pari of United vnntage over anything at present on foundland, a •dlHtnni'M of 1,700 mile"}*. »nic(.'i'n:M*ul iiiul ihat there Is a* large tunning, tempeving y ttteel, rruit und StntOH pitlzenii. Tbe Edmonton board the market, in that it Jn nurfaccd and The whole question of aviation Jn the d»-i.i.inil H'.II* ili.lr pro.luid 'other ..pruj-^. whlhi blood unit "hon.•- nl" Irwde hUH ree«"Iv<*d four hundred Tn- e«ii be uiMi'd in-, n xviill >H>*ird: 11 iw also Vr-M* SirttoH M>»H1 8IH d.-v.-lniaiiu-ni «»u a Jiui.'iil HIV nit.o u«ed. for the oultur** ofjquIilcB in responwe to it;a advertising both waLot-and lire ivBtstnnt. Thin elvil bani.9 Is*, to b-» dlscuj-sed at a coi»- jrmterii.,1.. tufA vavi >vjth the e«il!a«sSaj,'ih" U". X. V 1 Ct 2 •il^V.-'-I',-- lit;*} fj-altti. I of Cfiitral and Northern Alfcortu, f»iit:iicc tlAh tnoatU. / - THE CBESTOlf REVIEW •v-.

And for nineteen centuries' this thing from" Gups and saucers to THE CRESTON REVIEW tremendous fact of a tenantlesa rtfgs, and even* sticks of dynamite. tomb in the garden lias never been Kimberiey citizens' dug up about Issued every Friday at Oreston. B.C. Nelson Protective Association --. Subscription : $2.50 a year in advance* successfully; assailed, * ahd" "the $1200 to finance the trfp of the 83.Q© to "U.S. points." town hockey, te&ro to Vancouver, IA 1SOO 'Christian hope of the life beyond where they ~ won the intermediate O. F. HA.ES, Editor and Owner. remains, unshaken. - * ' - championship of B.C. last week. And the significance of Easter is OSITIVELY YGURLAST CHANGE to become a member of this — ^—; -—z ' In a recent series of language Club,' as the Government has stated that no more Clubs may ORESTON. B.O.. FRIDAY. APR. 2 that we are assured that no. viotory teste'in the schools of Boundary P ,may be incorporated., Applications are_ coniingjn freely, j Why of tyrannical evil can be permanent. county- pupils from Porthili' school not send*in yours. Age limit 55/ Entrance fee $8. Persons of either sex eligible. For applicatioAit n forfus apply to The "Holy Victim is alive^forever stood highest iii Grades six and R. J. STEEL, Secretary. more. eight. The report states that in Easter Greetings eyery - grade, the girls averaged - Box 158. NELSON, B.C. " ' a Jt M Today no name is so great as the jrvm iii{j;hei- thanf.the hoys. name, of the crucified, and from the Creston Pastors emp'-.y sepulchre comes forth the triumph of life eternal. - - "*He lis risen!" Glorious Easter "Now-let the heavens be joyful;- Let earth her, song begin. firantl Thealw Fri ft Sat message! On Golgotha Christ died Let tlie round earth keep triumph. for our sins. Of the work of And all that is therein." f redemtiou. He there declared, It IR W. E. "DALY, LL.D. finished!" Still tha disciples la mented. "We trusted it had been The resurrection of Christ is one He that should" have redeemed of the foundation truths of christi Israel." It required the resiirrec anity. " The cornerstone of chris­ tion of Christ to furnish the crown­ tian life and faith. It is tbe central ing evidence that the Father had ground for our belief in immortal* accepted the sacrifice of His Son. ity. . The pillar upon which •' the "He is risen V* Your sins are whole structure of Christianity rests. atoned for; your reconciliation with Remove it and the whole system God ia a fact.' Your redeemer totters to its fall. Paul staked the livethl His promise is, "Because I whole gospel on it. 4Tf~ Christ he live ye shall live also.*• "" "I am the not risen then is .our preaching resurrection and the life; he that vaiif.** Take away the resurrection believeth in me, though he were and- you take away the divine dead*, yet shall he live." i *0 death Christ. Z&. risen Jesus means a -.where is" thy sting? O grave, divine Lord and a mighty Saviour. where is thy victory? Thanks be The evidetioe in favor of the resur to God which giveth us the victory rection becomes overwhelming through our Lord Jesus Christ!" whenNsre eonsid er the means taken A. APPELT. to prevent it. .The soldiers, the seal, Ithe stojaiev The Eastertide celebration is the But how easily G-od can over­ second great festival of the Chris come the stratagems of men. All tian. year. It is an institution through the stillness of that solemn running back without interruption night they watched for any attempt for nearly nineteen hundred- years at fraud or deception, but nothing It~ commemorates an event of unusual happened. Midnight pass­ transecendant importance, which ed, and then just as the dawn of has changed for, millions the whole the first Easter morn flooded the outlook upon this life, and espeei eastern sky with golden' sunlight ally given us a revelation of the life came the earthquake, the angel beyond. - .aud Jesus, y J, HERDMAN. In the ancient book of Job we read these plaintive words, "Man Easter provides many avenues dieth and wasteth away; yea man for meditation. . Qne is the eleva­ '«•*_**/• giveth up tbe ghost and where is tion of thought. Thoughts may be he," This hopeless wail represents beautiful : or bae, determining the pre-Christian view of death but character and destiny. They must the resurrection of _ the Incarnate be made prisoners; they must be one has changed our purview. •analyzied and differentiated—great He that raised up Christ from ones maintained.for service, and the dead shall quicken your mortal small ones chartered for oblivion. A diuma-of fierce, vivid colored am^ through which bodies. That is*the great message P. J. Bailey says, ''We live in stalks one of the truly gce^t^n'i-5*^^ figures of romance. of the Easter morn. It is the cele­ thoughts.*' bration of the great victory. Easter's thought suggests the Small wonder that we deck our Victory of Life, though it maybe REGULAR J>R]k2ES7 Showing Two Nights; churches with bright flowers on through suffering. World builders faster day and ransack the World achieve greatness only through of music to find anthems full of much toil; they have thought hard. praise, and hymns to voice our Christ thought to suffer to oonquer. triumph for death is crushed and Easter sunli mates "Nil desparan- . hell is conquered. dnm." Consequently, circumstan­ Let us bear in mind that the ces, which be our masters, become festival of Easter is not only the our servants. "'Set your affeotions celebration of a great fact; it is the on things above.? 3. NEWBY. inspiration of a great doctrine, and once admitted it will take the other Eemie police*1 have .ust tracked Christian doctrines in its trair. down one of the bands of juvenile theives operating in that town. In Have you the cache they found most every- We would specially call yonr attention to the beauty .and seen all the Easter Sale! good wearing qualities of * ^ Milk! Cream PENMAN'S SILK HOSE Hats and IN COLORS. 7 • mW _f__L _h*'*__._____i ^H**___kt_dk The Ladies' Aid of Trinity 'A ' ' " '"•''• I „ ' , Windsor Tan, Chicle, Toast, Bran, Black, Grey...... , $1>50 United Church are having Having just purchased the their Easter Sale of Crawford Jersey herd wo have Ribbed Silk in Crash, Fawn, Windsor Tan, Suede...... 75 ' •, to make a change in our bus­ ,60 Plain and Fancy Sewing iness and in future will supply Silk and Lisle^in Black and colors..... our customers with Milk , from All the early Easter Novelties Jersey** or Holstein Ayrshire*- as Spring Stylet*! Home Cooking desired, at th*> following- revifiod in stock. \ %*andy schedule of prices. PURE JERSEY MILK in the 7 Quarts $1.00 Black Peter* Pan, heavy, well made, good wearers, sizes from 7 to 11, prices from...... ;. 50 to 65c Unite*] Church Basement HOLSTEW-dYRSIIIRE MILK 10 Quarts $1.00 Heavy Ribbed Cotton in Black and Sand, sizes 7 to 10J- '. 35 to.60c CREAM ff Hatf-Plnt, ISc. 8 to 5.30 p.m. Pint. 30c. Quart. 50c. We guarantee, our Milk and Cream first quality, and oa.ii sup­ ply in small or large quantitioy as nr i cnwuun i oi doivizii dm\red delivered dally. LIMITED Everybody Welcome 1 A. & R. A. COMPORT.! fJMMIMMl m

~X'liXj'^: ;-:.*7'«*. 3?H_S CBBS5PQN REVIEW m

evening will be given later in the' concert at the Coznni unity E-ill on Local and Personal month. Monday evening. • Stale at 7; concert r a*i 8 p.m* * POR SAX.-;—Hatching Eggs, ajgoov d Experts with the gun will have AkZyMBMAW^Z". laying , strain of , purebred VFhite opportunity during April and May to leghorns, TfSc. -^setting; $15.00 per [ profitably employ their spare time at rCr^ubrotok Gyro? Club netted 1G0.: * John Garfield. -Creston. crow hunting. A tfbunty of ten cents over' $600 on itq. musical comedy Miss Elsie -and'Mr. Edward Davies a head wilt be paid on~these-birds for | shp-w. -The "Beauty^ Shop," last : bf Pernio *ere visitorshere a few days the next two. month*, acfor^ng"to| week, ^e money *^U be spent on i^B^^tfliiiiii^v7; -y "<"-- " l .._.-* «_ '_L-»~,- _L^_s-. _ ._:___._-5 >•*.*--, L—a ' announcement from Victoria. •4 y* this week-with tb«-r^pa*rent8, 'Mt. and community improvements. v __»—__ * -,"-,ii, ,"-r" ,a. ,••••,, ..,,..,,••,. Mr-s.; A. "E^.0i*vi|E»,- attending, "the "•.•"• a... !•• a . . I ^ „ I, Ml ^ . i . 1 The provisional trustees bf the i.^MWi®lo1i funeral k of their * brothe*iv Arthur; Arrow Creek Irrigation District had a POTATOES FOR SALE* which took place on Sunday. session op.We&nesday night when the j y, "Windermere District Potato Grow~ Easter morning >nd evening .ser-.. finishing"- touches were put on the ers! AssttciBtion offer for sale Certified vices- in the Cwlsion yPresbyterian formal>applicaticr-rr a fo„_r incorporatio. n Hette$Ctem Potatoes .at $8Q pertoji Church at 11.30 and 7.30. Young and this bas gone forward to Victori-i..Ldelivered tgh. nearest depot. Pota- BUY YOUR -i-u„„_.m._._.S™«_i km. «„„n. ^« s_„^Jl toes-frpm thus, district "twice carried people's' choir and special Easter ThfiaCe acreagrP_iCee __imeditsigned ini favor of mcorincor­- L0fl^ district cup at the;B.C. Ero- numbers. • Preacher. Rev. Dr. Daly, poration is very' much in excess of the vfncial Exhibitions. /Write Secretary B^A. Usual school will not meet. 51 per cent, "required- by. the Water "Windermere District Fotal5n Growers* .Act and it is expected the application AssociatioE, Itsyer~-""«» -*^"*"- Due-to a E^ least- one- other counter will .receive speedy, attention. attraction in town the turnout at the - ^Z~ - --' ' NOTICE C - FLO0R 'and FEED popular price dance at the Compton The'curlers ' wound up the season ? ? packing shed on Friday night,'under with a meeting at the Fraser bakery ' "JS,"" "Nongul^'hasjBaken possession of on "".Friday night.. The treasurer's the purebredtyGos-erhiaent bull- from Field aed Garden. Seeds Alice- Siding-orchestra auspices, was rGamp-Ijisfer, ftnd -.sill stand for service •:_r statement showed aK the season's | not as largely attended aa formerly. at hi%place at Canyon* from April 1st, expenses paid' and a balance of "$3 on 1826. " He haa also good seed potatoes School Supplies -The weal her "is somewhat cooler this hand. . Votes of-thanks' were tendered for sale E. NODGULER. Canyon. week, and the first: March rain was the officers and executive,-' and Secre­ encountered on Tuesday night, when tary Joyce was '«sk«»d* to keep an eye| WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BBINGS about a $i&Leeti'tb-of-an inch of moisture on next winter*s-operation8*§b'y calling ,- '": YOU THE MOST! MTSLBreceived.; About three inches of a meeting.in the early fall to make rain would be most* welcome "fight arrangements to secure "rink accom­ now. . * . -; modation to t'tke care of at least two -The H_ritiersTu-&Js Square of Trinity sheets of ice. JJnited Church had a very busy session on Friday night last, including the initiation - of Harvey Gobbett and Card of Thanhs MAIL CONTRACT Creston Valley Co-uperaiive Assii Harry Smith into .tht-club. 'The club a .»»_____•«_ - Sealed, tendere addressed to the Postmaster had its' meeting on Wednesday of this Mr. and Mrs. A. IS. Davies take this General will be received at Ottawa until noon means' of ' expressing their sincere on I*rida& the 23rd April. 1928, for the coavey- ERICKSON CRESTON week. ' - - * " : ance of His Majesty^ Mails, on a ptopoeed appreciation of the ma n't* kindnesses -Conta-actforr '-a—"• """ English Lutheran service*- this week and sympathy shown . them in their six times j recent bereavement. TER and 1 are as follow'.:'' Good Friday ut 11 a.m. from tbe 1st July next. " - Easter" Sunday at 7.45 p.m. All are jPtinted notices contatoing further informa- tion as te conditions of proposed Contract may invited to the Lutheran services which Toe seen and "blank Forms of Tender mayfbe GMyGBB &It& obtained at the Postofflces of Cre3toit, Erick- are held in-'quartei-s - nicely equipped son. Camp .Ldster and. Canyon and at the office ad joining^-the" residence of" Mr. *Rein- of the Uifitslct Superintendent of PoatalCSer- ANNOUNCESVIENT wald.~ ~^; * Mrs. Moherg. whb has been a vice, Calgaiy, JiJbetta. - - patient at Cranbrook hospital for tbe District Superintendent of Postal Service. 7*\; -'-Members,,,of. the curling club are District Superintendent?s Office. Just to let you know that I have taken over my past month, arrived home on Saturday I CaJgaiY, Alberta, March 15,1928. v asked to-attend a^speciai meeting on and is rapidly regaining" her former former Butcher business, and am making the rounds . _ -"Tuesday night, April Gth, at "8 o'clock, good health. regularly with a very choice line of FRESH BEEF at the Fraser" bakery at which plans for a bowling .Club will be made, and Johnson- brotheis and Moberg. who mU@M mntf §§emf& AND PORK. the promotion of pother outdoor sports have- *been" taking off the timber on As usual I am this -spring well stocked - up with Implements considered". "7 '' the "Huygens & VanAckeran land foi- bf every description, Democrats, Wagons,'Harness, etc :r~*" - .-•_ - J.- Ba-a-ClVsnlaw, have Qnished .their The Ladies" Ai4-of Ttiinity United contract. They handled* about a Also have a few head of Horses and Milch Cows, which I jphurch. invite all .to* their Easter sale quarter million feet. to OM»dtBP am"sellingon favorable terms. -. _^-.- - - of 7plain ~a_rd-~ and isa -- "All tbe;'n*sce^ary~papers 'and fees tuVnoMtr^lfor'*Ct"heTr^^8^W ^-d Shoe and. Harness Repairing the course of fifty years Branches have been were'sent to -Victoria on Tuesday for the incorporation under the Societies* established .from time to time at carefully Act of (Dieston Valley Bod and* Gun chosen points. The service at all Branches is Olub, and as /soon" as the charter local and personal, but it is also world wide in arrives steps will be taken to get on scope. A moderate sized Bank—not too mach­ with the erection of the clubhouse. - - , AUCTION SALE—II'you are look­ ine-like,—with a friendly interest in its clients. _ ing for horses, cattle; poultry, imple** ments or household effects watch for posters announcing Ahe safe at the-M. Churchill ranch'at Alice Siding, on IMPERIAL. BANIC Saturday, April IQth, at 2 p.m. There OB C/VN*I^__J__ will be no reserve, and the terms are cash. GRESTON BRANCH, CS« W» A1XAN, Manager. The Junior Girls Club at Wynndel aie having a concert and dance in tbe old shoolhoule at. that point on Satur­ day night, April^IOtb, at wbich they will be pleased to we a large delega-v tion .from Creaton. A vety fine programme is being prepared and lh*> a i !tadmission i*« 50 cents. •' •-*: v. - •' "••'•• "•-'; - •• •'::'.:-•'•'••-- •••. •' "••" There was^a good turnout at the auction sal« of household cfiCectS at tbe Jobu'^IJarg ";'•'residence ou , S tturday: afteri^>pi^ and'•;auctioneer J. F. Itiihe got 8iitiflfrji*?t-*!ry '.prices on • iu t ist of' the articles. Mr. and Mrs. Berg and son, New Improved Models George, are. leaving today for Ooeur d' mm tmm fqm * Alone, Idaho, where they will reside : In .future. - Z:ZJA,-..,'. k '4- . out festncl9,..&IHC1 • • more '.- Aa will be seen from official notice /: ,; mmWmmWmmW BaBaWB yy"y:cbmmgl- ^-A elsewhere -in this 7issuo» ' ^ next, .Apvil 7th, IH clean up tl-iy for the village. It ia usked that ah.; refuse that can bo burned bo thus disposed rs of. W. Hendy wiUJ8tart; bis garbage t> BURNS & CO., Ltd. Sensible Car collection service on > the 12th, and thoBO having refuse to remove can MEAT MERCHANTS want a make arrangements -with him.; s~ Tho WomenV Iniitttutb had quite a JTRY OUlt # BucccHHfu) tag diiy on Saturdajr-ln the InterQBtH of the Crippled Chddrcu's SHAMROCK PORK SAUSAGE

,i«(!S»«*(<«iiS«i»s Hospital at Vancouver, a grand total C^MS23 An economical dish, easy to serve. of 81)0 being gnthcMjd iu uat all points between Sirtlaf nnd Kitchoner. The Shamrock Brana HAM, BACON ana\LARD \'T showing at tbe former point- was par ticnlarly good, almost $15 being GLENDALE CREAMERY BUTTER secured from tho terminal city. *a<.v«'vnttt£*at graded,. WpjSicSt q*s*_1tly_ ' *_• a * " Only routine business was conducted FRESH and CURED FISH at tho Mavcli session of Creaton Wom­ , all varietlc-a. en's Conservative Club which met in VAN'S GARAGE Trinity United Ohiurch basement on Choicest BEEfr, PORK9 MUTTON, VEAL, LAMB Friday afternoon. There was agbod 9 ExeifS3tve Ford U^saier • . CRESTON turnout, nnd at U19 cloac refreshmcntGi BURNS IDEAL POULTRY F€tOD were served. Mrs, Compton presided. InoYcnees egg production and produces better poultry. Buy the best. Jl I antl it la announced than, an open woci-il i 1® >.,


American Road Adopts Radio a.black,rock in the .snow,- watching the cahin. Then slowly he began cir­ cling about.it, drawing nearer and Follows the Leatf, of th* Canadian Children's Colds - Are butt tr**te4 ex- * nearer, until at last he was sniffingvat Nati-onal'in Broadcasting tmrnmlly: Cheek thecu the threshold. ..No sound or simell-of. • Follownig 1he lead of t3iTOa.t «-n4 sioell tho old smell-.of McTaggart. cheat jit bedti-n*). transportation company in tlio world Then he -faced the" ^wilderness—the tb adopt radio as a means of strength­ direction in which the trap-line ran ening its relations with tlie public and \ff9%m9W%& b^ck to Lac Bain. He was" trembling. of- bringing- its employees into closer W VA*-* ctR.ua His muscles twitched; He whined. T this season every­ contact with its officers and executives, Pictures were assembling more and body needs the Peps the "fllinois Central system, one of the more vividly in his mind—"-the fight} in breatheable tablets fo inost. Important' lines In the United McTaggart's "post Avent back only as ward off cold andchill dangers. far as. tho groat-grandfather end of it, the cabin, -Nepeese, the wild chase As Peps dissolve in the, n*,outh^ States,- operating from Chicago to gull* ihe older evidence oi ownership being through the snow- to the chasm's edge their t rich medicinal 'fume*' carrsr ports and serving considerable terri­ —even.the memory -or that^__.Age-old sOothi&K and healiag bessbtt direct at OhurchHl. It was tlie finest game 1 "into ch«*t and lungs. tory, has now .added radio to its activi­ struggle when McTaggart had " caught country between Reindeer Lake and , Inflammation and _B0rene«» in tbr-Mt ties, taking over WGES at Chicago, v the Barren Lands. It was 'in Decem­ him _,in the rabbit snare," In his "*on bronchials. is quickly ajlaj'ed. by operated by the r Coyne Electrical ber" that Baree came (o it. * whine there was a gresit- yearning, al­ - P«pt; coughs and colds are*nipped in " School from the Baldwin Fiona Build­ most expectation. . tho bud, and tbe entix* breathing; .Again he was travelling southward *s ing, and broadcasting on a wave length --Slowly he. followed the trail and. a •y»tem is wonderfully strengthened in a slow and wandering fashion, aod fortifijftd. All 4ruaei»tm 23c bo*. of-250 metres. quarter o& a jnile from the cabin seeking food in the deep snows. The struck the first trap" on lhe line. "Hun­ Kitisevr" Kestin, or Great Storm, had' ger had caved in his sides until he1 was come earlier i.ian usual this winter, like a starved wolf. In the first trap- forCOUGHl and for" a. >ree*o. after it, scarcely a house McTaggant had. jplaced as bait *EE,S0NOF „_ hoof or claw was moving. Baree, un­ the hindQuarter-of -a snowshoe rabhit. like the other creatures, did not bury Baree reached ln cautiously^ lie-had J<™ AM mWAmW AWzMw __. himself in. the snow and wait for the James Oliver Curvftsxi learned mans* things on 's line; skies to clear and crust to form. He he had learned what* the snap of a £ LOVE EPIC OF THE FAfc KQSmt was big, and., powerful, and restless. trap meant; h© had felt the cruel pain ' • Copyright, 3 917, by Doubleday, Pago & Co. Less than two years old, he weighed The distinction of being the first . of steel Jaws; h*e knew,-better than •BAREE, SOX OF KAZAN," a Vilagraph Picture, With Wolf, the'War pof. a good eighty pounds. l^Is pads were woman barrister of title is likely to the shrewdest fox what "a deadfall 1B an Adaptation of This Story hroad and. wolfish. Ills chests" and fall to Lady Clifton of Leighton- would do when the trigger was sprung shoulders, were like a Malemute's, Bromswold, a baroness in her own —«.nd Nepeese herself had taught him eyes had a sick look in. them, and heavy and yet muscled for speed. He right. ' , , SYNOPSIS that he was never to touch a poison- some of her wild beauty h&d gone since was wider between the eyes than the For months, Baree. tlic_\voli'-dog, bait. So he closed his teeth gently In carried on a ceaseless search for Ne­a year ^go. wolf-breed husky, and his eyes -were tlte rabbit flesh "nnd- dfew it forth as peese, the Indian, girl who had been larger, and entirely clear of the Wut- THOUSANDS OF MOTHERS "•He was like—-that!*' "Lerue was cleverly as McTaggart himself could his best friend. Over all the old trails tooi, or ,blooni-fllm, that marks the and by the familiar pool he searched, day ing, with a snap of Ids'" lingers. He have done. He vIslt-ed'Tfi.ve, tr&ps he- saw. Marie, and stopped. wolf and also to an extent the husky. USE NO OTHER MEDICINE for he well knew that something had fore dark, anti ate the "live baits wLtli- -. > * » , * gone out of his life. lie did not know His jaws were like Kazan's^, perhaps "Black, you say " McTaggari. saitb out springing a, pan. The sixth, was Baby's Own Tablets Are the Ideal "that Nepeese*, in escaping the unwel­ even more powerful. Through, all carelessly, without "lifting his eyes a deadfall: He circled about this -un­ Remedy for Babies and Young come attentions, of McTaggart, lhe that week of the Big Storm he travel­ from his writing "Did he not hour til he had beaten a path in the snow. brutal factor, had cast herself to tlie led without food. There were four Children bottom of a deep abyss. L-ome dog mark?" Then he went on into a-warm balsam Canadian mothers are noted for ihe days of snow. With driving blizzards - Leslie ..shrugged his shoulders. awanip and found himself a bed for care, they/-give....their little ones—tho y ahd fierce winds, arid' after that three health of :-the- baby -Is^mbst; jealously |. CHAPTER XXIV.—Continued "lie was gone .like.tho wind. M'sieu the night. " days of iht-inse cold in which every guarded and thejnotliexv'iis; always on y At the thresholds of the cabins he But he Was "a wolf. living crOatureykept to its warm Q\ig- the lookout for;a,remedy which is efa- | (To hecontinued) cient ahd "sit •tHef.'6|tme*'.tita-_. absolutely i sniffed; outside'-of the tepees he cir­ out in the snow..'.Even the birds had cled close, gathering ihe wind;- the safe. Thousands 7 df>" mother's have 7; burrowed themselves in. One might Corns cannot exist when HollowEuy's found such a remedy In Baby's Own - cailoes he watched with eyes in which have walked on-the backs 6£ caribou Corn Remover Is applied to them, "be­ Tablets and ihany- of themyuse. notli- y there was a hopeful gleam. -Once he a-id moose and not have guessed It. cause it goe* to the root and kills the ing else tor the- Ailments "of their little . thought the . wind brought him the growth. ones. Among thorn is Mrs. Howard 7 Baree sheltered himself during the King, of y TriiroV ^Sv who says: —-"I '$ scent of Nepeese, and all at once his worst**-©? the storm but did not allow can strongly recoinmendy Baby's J Own y legs grew weak under his body, and tlie snow *to gather over Jbim. Tablets to mothers of young -children - his heart seemed to stop beating. It •^'• Every trapper from Hudson's Bay as I know of nothing to equal thfcra * was only for a moment or twOi. She for little ones." " i to the country of the "Athabasca came out of"the tepee—an-Indian girl' Baby's Ovrn~ Tablets are sold byV knew that after the Big Storiju the medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 cents - with her hands full—of willow-work— famished fiir, animals would be" seek- Be content*.—Luke iii., 14*. a box from "'The Dr. Williams Medicine and Baree slunk away, unseen. . tog food, and thaty traps and deadfalls Be thou' content; be still before' Co., Brockville; Ont IZ ' " "y It was '•. almost ,.December when properly set and baited -stood the big­ His face, at whose right hand doth "**? I.eru-o, a haU'breed from Lac Bain, saw gest chance of the7year of ."being fill­ reign _ - Occasionally one meets a man J] Fullness of joy for evermore, Baree's footprints in freshly fallen ed. Some of them sot out over tfielr -whose mind is so wea*n_ 'that 5l* caiTt Without whom all thy tori is vain: even wander. snov,', and a littlo later caught a flash trap-lihes on the sixth day; some,on He Is thy living- spring, thy .sun, of him in the. hush. the seventh, and others on the|. eighth. whose rays, - : '• y Z% 1 "Mon JDieu. I tell you liis feet -are It was on the seventh day that Bush Make glad with life and light- thy- dreary" days. 7yy' as big as my hand.-and he is as black McTaggart started oyer Pierre Bus- Be thou content. as a raven's wing with ihe sun on ii.!" tach's line, which was now his own: 7 —-Paul Gerhardt. /*1 he exclaimed in the Company**, store for the season. It took him two days I do not think the road to content­ nt Lac Bain. '"A fox? Xou! lie is to, uncover the traps,, dig the snow ment lies In despising what we have Re0&h^^e^^^ half as his. a:* a hear.- A;wolf—-o'ui! from them, rebuild the fallen "trap- not got. Let us acknowledge all good, •His hand stopped so suddenly; that **"*-_IteKit -Iner- ..Chl£.-.80,foj.EveCftrcBook And black «« the devil, "M'.sieu.s." houses/* and re-arrange the baits. On all deligb-t that the7.-w6rldi.-'holds,- and^ drop of ink spattered on ythe McTaggart vr.i.s one of those who the third day he was back i).t Lac Bain. be content .without It." But this, we letter." heard. II•• was puuin;. his ssigna- It was on this-day tha£.' Baree came can never do but by possessing the one to the cabin at the far end of McTag­ ture in ink ro a letter In- had written Witli scarcely a .sound •th&t.ythe thing—without'-which I do not merely gart's line.* McTaggart's trail was to'; the Comxiany when Larue's words | others could hear Marie had whisper- say we ought to be content, but no one fresh in the snow about the cabin, •*$• C€HMS came io him. Ills hand stopped so. e(1 into Mac Factor's car, and folding can be cpntent-~-the Spirit of the and tho Instant .Baree 'sniffed of it sudd,'nl:. ihni a drop of ink spatteredS leUer.WcTaRgart'-i'osc quickly and Father.—George > MacDonald. Are Just Thcet l£s every drop of "blood in. his body seam­ on the ktier. Through him there j ]eft the store. He was gone' an- hour. ed to leap suddenly with a strange ex­ Th© Family Physician.—The good j an a ciu-lous .-silver a.; he lookt-d over.. I^erue and the others were -jni-szledy; It POMT *•!... th..- UaFfbrced. Jnst iher. Marie citement. It took perhaps half a min­ doctor la always worth his fee. But was jiot often that Marie came into ute for the-scent that filled his no Sr lt is not always possibie.to get. a doc­ came ir*.. MeT'-£.j-:u r. liad brought hei- tor just when you want him. In such voun HEAimi the .store; it waa- not often that they trils tb associate itself with wliat had TO PIWOTHE hack fro ni. her trihe. H-.-r big, dark saw- her at all. She remained hidden cases, common sense suggests the use gone before, and at tho end of that of reliable home, remedies, such as HMO in the Factor'.-! log house, and each half-minute there rumbled In Baree's Pr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which is time that, he .saw her Lerue thought cheat a deep and sullen growl. For wonderfully effective in easing in­ flammatory pains and healing cuts. that, her face \va,s-a little thinner tlian many minutes after that he stood like FOR GIRLS the lust, and her eyes bigger and hun­ scratches, braises and sprains. The ©rcsenco of fflils remedy In the family grier looking. Jn hi.-3 own heart there medicine chest saves many a fee, was a great yearning. Many a night -^ ..,,,•.„ '-•• xt^^-'s^j^m WHO WORK : ; ; he 3)a««ei.l the little window beyond Manitoba Fox Industry f^R E'*D7^'p;rm*_' E'" 'G:w Which he knew that she was Hlooping;. How Robert M tCofeiug Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Manitoba as a foxrraistag province lMi,,,:(r:r.ii.l:::. 0,>VAT5'' *N *".! CO,, kk^Y.^A often he looked lo catch a glimpse- ol' Is coming- Into the limelight. In Van­ Compound 1% a Great Friend— her pale J'ace. and he lived in the;one Found Remedy for couver's first annual fox show, out pf hajipine.«B of 'knowing thai. Marie un­ It Stops Pain and Restores Health Pimply Skin ten open entries Winnipeg foxes secur­ Copk's Regelating'.;Compound derstood, and Unit into her eyes there ed nlno first prizes and one second, rn A *-)te. Rel.Bb!*, reKulollnR Tore.**Ii- Ontario. - **J work in a cam I-* for an inrdant a different: light r addition to four championships «nd m'dlclllO loi svnturn. - Sialal in factory and [ would have to pel away when Iheir glances met. No one else 'il..-'i""tni.r<'Hi| i.in"U|(i|r Ni.,l,-,$-V;' three special trophies. , t-a'cj,,.,-^Ji Nn.l ja'», S,,,|,l |,y ,.ll' l"roi;i iny work i .*i*ry tirr.*> I was .-*ick. ,, kn«:-.v. 'ihi. secret, lay beUv*e-.ii them Tr," th*;»prsTin*;-*i'iU'ri pai*i?. and crump** --aj« UV.M.I»,»«,. went f^«|«KUanf,. <- WI.T.* v<i*l ooif.^n." Mi**.-! Itoi.l.o, 'A] Uowi«» ! «n,J_,jcCi.r.«c M-P1. Co, Huvaratacli n_trN.W.i..l.t>i'"lo-l Avi*:un*, Toronto, Ontario. line ]iaib-i_!_\ tiuhired. Now thej- Bcalds, cwtfi, bruises and npialnB, •TM-alini. lO'roi-tTl, KxnWTWT. K..TO-JUM ia. OM« laf M, USKKUJ-M ar'lRNT, N«W VOMM ClTw. "The Advice of a Friend!" T.aje hoih KII.V.'.'V lo the in-Ironing n.-Uiover, (Jjit-i-ti-io..- "'J wuis UTriuiy i'*j-.\ • > . IiiJl* ,NOIJHII;J.V Mineral Produs-tlditi In B.C. mmmnmsm |tnin«*d and a ("'*•.'" o«i. t times 1 almost Mineral production in MrklBh Colum­ faint.*'!. I lined to do houf.-"W<»rk un­ bia for l»2t" la estimated at $C2;OO0,00O, til a*t few :jj,»n1iii'. ago and .''-•_Ti.*t.im<-*' CHAPTER XXV. For year, my wltSn -.vonld l>renk out an increa«o of 3"> per cent, over 3 024, I had '.«- le.'V** my work and go to bed. '"*!•'• ':•.•;• !1r." '•,:' !"5'-r:-'-' I•*.•'.. *:;i-h my* *v#ry nnc4» In a wlillf—-»->'! r»lrumentfi hy iho 31rJJi>3i Co3u4jibi_u L-hambof of i am now a iiii-adaT in i.i.,- unit.t.n.^, - did very little to brlp mc, - i ihlriy nil)"". Hiraii'ht V.'J«,M of l.ae Jlriln. *,;"J1. I ;n; If. •!*'•'. Ilvi' or .'i\' ;,v.ir.. (Von. II re.i(I a iWifir'-. article «.tni»nfj ihat milieu. The laiK-'fit. Individual metal pain fill [n'ri'id.*" \>v,u>r»> 1 t.».ok i,_ydiaj Jr «;o, noi i.ai U>i(*t', a Uim a.*-. IMerrol'H pimply tiUln uuually comes from the production i« Jn loud, which ran up to K I'ii:!:b»itj'.-i "v'e-r.-tnljl" * V.mponnd ! Lrnl I.•'•!., hu* it u-:.«. lilt, a ni.tiii nr-.' »i->mn<-li-~niut bowela not getting rid iieurly 510,000,000, /Am: wn.s practi- by tin* ridvlco of' a friend. 1 j^ot re­ ler.-. i iinrjiiij.; rhroii'.h the b«ait of it| of tbe poi-nns. lief rili-V'-l. iiromi'dint.'-lv. nnd f rvl? eally 10(1 per "cent. moi*o Iri 1025, being \ r\r\\ lur «(»iKi»r,v. If had h('lon|r/e«l lo*' 3 tried f yeur. l'.la:io>. er, Ontario. C •*•_#•(-.•-«•.*»•-*-• rt\f4- *m #m.4 • S..0- ,• . .. *..•,,.;„<.._•*, v.. • I MJ.Jv4 •irlr hcadarlir. Caricr'i arc all you I'lia.^l lilaaiul 111 l''i;al.,f. Thf hool;" til •Claim I'or them. , Mttvard'-*- Llnlii-ent rtlleve*. htailnc^c*

M u _j-,_1b_a-a^_^TOiaiMiu_^k.M»i^ ^,_^J_rf_^^,.,__i_b._M__^a»aj.^w~o^..>i^...j .J^,^,.^ .^^ ^••'--MiiHii^.^rffifr-irr&iiWiflittiiiitf^ -"-"•• • >-<* ™ MifrHlifrlMI'm^ .^a.jJ^.^^UM^*!^ V

^£**** e£>" !"' •) **•«, THE ^VIBW,, .CBESTOST, B. C

* -Prosperity . Por Canada • Be-es&abBishss Streugtfi . ? "» **• ^"__-**"-*fe*"••**__• 9 __•__. •"__» No Doubt That* Corner of Repression ,*^ Has Been Turned ;>* The Vitamin-rich Food-tonic For some time past business men li'sCod-livWOil Pleasaet io'Take "and economic observers in Canada have^ been'/saying- that trade is on the .up grade and that the corner* of de­ pression since th'e war has been turn­ ON THE AIR ed. Now" there seems no doubt of.itr figures to the end of November have . I What Is Doing In 't"ie World of been issued at Ottawa and they show Radio * ~ that; Canadian exports arc sixty, mil­ . - _, ~ i=lift!!% lion dollars more than In the proious Straight advertising over'.Hie radio year, and about "-four hundred and sev­ Is selling coffee, paint, women's frocks enty millions inorp than in 1922. There and a dozen other commodities every is this/year a favorable balance of trade of ^3-16,000,000. in exports bver day in Seattle. imports... That is a trensiendous con­ -_. >,.•*•_. . The only kind o£_. radio receiver tribution to national prosperity and found useful- In mountainous Switzer­ means a substantial amount in individ­ land is tho many-tubed set. Cheaper ual comfort and happiness. s*sts can't combat xhe,( interference Much of thi.* is due to the' big field offered by mountains and vgrtleys. crops, the second largest on record, In 1899 tlie first, -wireless communi­ and, of c®ur,se, when the farmers of cation was established "between Eng­ the west have money, it follows that land and Franco. Tpday'c'TOgular Industry in general is going to boom. radio commanieation Id possible, not -The"* real results pf-the fine harvest only between England and France, but, will be felt in the manufacturing sec­ also between America" and Europe. tion n<_gct year. A Canadian Gove**-nm'*nt radio sta* tion opened at Aklayik, within 60 ,joiiles_of rhe Arctic Ocean, is in touch Burmese Ex-Queen OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE with Edmonton; Alberta. This.' makes Was Sinister Figure the fourth station in a chain to link the Arctic region with civilization. - ^5aid To Be'lnmienqe Behind Ma'ndalay , Following restoration of atrophied Massacre in 1879 oral nerves in two deaf- mutes through A romantic, and sinister figure was listening in on" three-tube radio sets, removed^from Burmese life when, at Thos. Rod,well, superintendent of tlie "her ^bungalow at Rangoon, the ex- Two-Piece Costume -Approved By Queen, Supayaiat, - widow of King Manitoba*-School for the Dogf," has or­ Smart Women ' Theebaw, died from heart failure at dered .Several instrument's and an­ Two-piece sports anjj tailored cos­ .the age of 67. nounces encouraging progress with tumes are things of much more elab­ ___ _ ! "Upon the death of King Mindoon In younger mutes. - oration as far as fabric is concerned, than those -worn earher'in the season',] 187*8, one of his wivfis schemed sue-'. laye7 Calgard fally meetinrecenlljg *o f witnessethe Albertd ath Radio deo- j which were usually developed in jer- j cessfully for her daughter, Supa3:alat, Experimenters* Association, an orgim. t seys and crepes. Now the modish at-y{0-raa- Theebaw. There followed mi. _ - - . * , . ;-titude is toward making these/cos-'. ._._._ .. - , „, . , . Ization to promote" radio research in tumes in crepe satins and velvet, or a'iu 1879 the massacr""""" e of Mandalay^«-«-«— , -• how to put the dress together, and No. Avoided Expense Of War Office Demands Use of Iron' 1243 is in sizes"*:! 6, '3 8 and 20 years ' Stirrups For Cavalry (34, 36 and iS inches bust)... Size 18 Going To Hospital British cavalry officers* have "been .years (3*5 bust) requires 4% yards "36- inch, or 2 5« yards 54-inch material. trembling in their hoots because, of an Thev bodice top of bkirt requires lVi That's Why Madame L. Genoud economy wave .which has swept yards 36-inch additional lining, or with Recommends DcddTs Kidney - through the-war department.- ribbon- straps over the shoulders % ^ rPiHs:: „- -" Horizonta! "-. 45—Famous. 10—=FoundaeIoni?i "J Spurs have been 'toned down yard. Price 20 dents. ^" -7 1- 47—Guided.- J 12—Apportions. a bit -Damp. 48—Since. 14—Leg. "Our.Fashion Book", Illustrating the- Alberta Lady Relieved of Anaemia*, 4- -Lost one's footing. in thei$. shine and polish, but their newest and mbstTpra ctical styles, will 50—Distant. 16—Little. -">\ ' ' -' jingle -has not been int- rferred With. , Gastritis, of the Stomach and Neur­ 8- -Be' afraid. v . -- IS—Refusal. be of interest to every homo dress­ asthenia. II- -Surround by. -53—Public notice. : 20—Precipitous. Spats in the ' came under the maker. Trice of the book 10 cents Charron, Alta.—=-(Speeial).—*T have 13- -One who cures. 53—Stuff. ban some -weeks ago as unnecessary. the copy. * - ' "** 55—Assumed parts. 22—Dutch Inhabitant. of suffered for twenty years with bad kid­ 15- ^Partakes "oE food. South Africa. _ Now the nickel stirrups, of which the neys. Have been treated from, time 17- -Eager. » 56—Strip df wood used to' fasten edges of a tar­ 24—Number. cavalrymen have been proud.' aro be­ How To Order Patterns to time for anaemia, gastritis of the 18—Act. stomach and neurasthenia and no doc­ 19—Imagines. paulin. 26-MSither. — ing replaced by iron stirrup.--, which . tor succeeded in relieving--me. I ar­ 21—Part of "to he." 58— Tidy..- 2S—Annoye&. ' - are cheaper, and the officers' spurs to Address-Winnipeg Now-paper Lnion. rived at the most critical period of my 22—Wager.' 59—Horned ruminant. 3")—^Male singer. be handed out by the department are j -75 Mc.termot Ave., \\ innlpeg life and felt very sick. " A good neigh-- 23—Thin boards. 60—Sufficient . 33—Measure of distance bor told me about Dodd's Kidnoy Pills. 25—Privileges. 61—Arid. 35—Af ter, a while. """ to be of a steel substitute-, which will j Pattern -No. /. Size, 37—Splendor. In eight days I was on my feet again, 27—-JPrefix meaning in. Vertical still shnle bat not cost Lhe government, avoiding tho expense of going to hos­ 29—Rain mingled with 39—Point of compass. ""so much money. pital. "I can recoinniend your .mar­ snow.' 1—Walks In a clumsy 41—An add fruit. vellous" pills to all persons who suffer 31—Portuguese coin. mm. manner. 43—The Cape elk. like;-1 did." " """ . 7"7''--....' ;,.,,,- 32—Speak. • • . ' 2—"Mohammedan prince. 44—-Pastry des.s--.rt. .. .VV;. 46—Dealt cut sparingly. Ham© This, statement was sent to us (bj* 34—Smooth. 3—Parts of a fork. Mme, 17 Gennud, a well-known resl- 36—Forpedn. 'A 5—-I il t e "rogatory ei- 49—Satisfy the appetite. Town . , . • * aa i ..dent of this place.. •, ...' ..'„• •'. 38—Foolish talk (slangD. _ clamatlon. 51—Bttp'.- .' '-vy7 ••"..--7 6—;*"Vl"eadow. Dodd's *-Kidnoy PilTs •.strengthen 10—Pertaining to punish­ x 53—Vo-hlcle. - Province ...A. weak kidneys and, put, them.in shape ment.- '" 7-—Molten roek. 54—Human bemgs. Send 20c coin or stamps (wrap coin to do their full work of straining tlio •12—Sixth note of- dia- •g—Nourished. 3— Suflls: signifying 56—Exist. * carefully) impurities out ol* the blood. 7 tonic scale. -• Dodd's Kidnoy IMUs can be obtained 43^—Species of heron. agent. 57—Nfegative. ... everywhertr or ThC';"Dodd'BrMcraicln<> Co.,-J_td„ "Toronto.j'---'A.\yA;x\ •• • ;Want ^^leap Year" Week Answer to Last Week's Puzzle The Island pf Yap. which has suffer­ ed from a severe' storm, is by Car tho German Spfa-stni-a Want More Chances* Must Trade Mark Goo-Is W VS- I & most important cable station In tho S RBSft .**• To Secure Husband N R •M'sa E. Pacific. It lias a branch of the Amer­ Turkey Takes Steps Xp'i Safeguard ?-" Gtirninn spinsters weary of indirect N O W •uO ican Paciftn cable to tho Philippines, Fbrelgrt Trad©-, .,- HS methods oi"-•^ii'-rltag-'.'''thciy elusive male M A R u cSts and has branch "lines radiating to aro agitating yfor a ; rocogulzed "I^eap '.'•'• ACtory tln'bo.y months"! kill,, goods pro­ ?ES w Japan, to Slinngltai and to tho 1 Hitch duced In Turkey nmat' boar, rogtstorod-- n 21 Year*' week J n each V.o» i\' .< Itirl ng which N N Bast Indies! —.• trade marks.,,.-; Thia order in the out­ A it shall be their priviiogo to propose. G £__i; ^N Tlio Idea has boon presented, to. the growth ot a^'situation- that haa been B m.P R government marriage bureau 'antf*"pi"h- dot ri mental "-0 Uio country's trade. It m M m r* Syposea thjit tlioroljo each year not one, /appears that Ortxdc. • and, '-'Armenian s s ]cC6ld s Are Not refugetfly living;;.'iti* •.Greece and Hul- 1*2. but days dedicated to St. Cath- iai "J5 Necessary Evils] 01*1 no; the' patroness; oC. unmarried wo- gariii havo been sending to foreign k .markets Silks, Hgn' alid v'l-algs.In-a' ot a^ M Saxewr *y011. • •:,,",.; -; -j, • ym~{\\"-'y;...,l Z%^ A OTD Obsetvaikce of One Fun.da-1 u r iufoiior quailLyV but marked "Tnrkisili." Ms • ' Several •spinstors"' brganlKatloiiaS nro xxientat Rule of Health Pro­ •ff*"t'r>Mi Seltciol *TcacIie_" backing the pi'oposal. tects Ag-Cinst Them. : "CWget" tho good -you have doho to Saskatchewan Hog Pool *X"0 C3 treat' ISmiiicnce Ofltclal« of tho marriage bureau say Whether ouc^catclies cold easily i*» ... othern ^and . Iho evil, tliey luivo done i - A young man who was broiijjht up nsi' r.hat when a /firI, In, t'ermany. Is 2"? Send DeleQAtlon to Europe to lair-jely a question of physical condi­ i\ farm in. WcBtcrn Pen nsy.lv ah iu.. studle K tatos Constipation is frequently the cause Saska.tpon. MeeUng« arc being hold Aitvr the"Oivil "VV-ir, he began the pnicticc' ftgtiroH,; It Is np-tablo that tlio.so.be- combined, , of such a state of health, with ita atten­ of medicine In the new oil section of Pa.v at various points throughout ""the prov- dant listlessncsa.lnliouencss, !ft|adachct. smil of leu lode lior-ie-back thrii thewooils, tweon.middle aged nieii and compara­ Inco nnd volunteer organlzors arc now and a general lack of vitalit5%J_*oisons to reach and relieve' those .v|i> were seri- tively young glrlR ui'e inorejmd moro froiu the -wraiste matter tliatTrciiiainH ouuly ill. lie waa :i ntudent pf nature, In tlio Hold. A fund Ja-betng uup- behind after lmproi>crf irregular bowel knew and "could easily recognize roost of jfrofj.u-1-nt, portod by tho Farmers' Union to send elimination arc picked up by the blood lhe inctliciiiiil plant-* gnnvtiig HI the wooda. ' FROST BITES Prevnnl; RornplloatlonR by rub­ ii detagnlIon* to Oroat. Britain, Irelaml and carrierl to every part of the.body. Later, he aiK.ved to HulFalo.N.Y. where Queen Alexandra Memorial i-jf. !a*.ir.fh*-.d hi*- i-tvnrste Tr'^etliei, r.wf, in bing * lhe aWootrirl parl.H with Anil "jno-aniartc 1o rtvt*!y t!».,c?',*1*--''*->-"i f*>-' Tliey weaken your resi«tancc tod isease. si short tjinc, they were pohl by every clnif;- A t'uud oC about $50,000 in to bo HUb- Minard's. It drawn out liillani- 'l"hou»4»«dj« c»f j>eO|jle Mho have Buf­ diifltr3* t.htj-r*'. " I fered from aelf-poiaonuig in this way jilist in the lurid. 'I'oday, the name of tin* Merlbed ior a national .memorial to the mitliou, Bootluui und heal«. r liave found that ,JS, u}o}, the internal -linri, l>r. tt. V, Pierce, la knovm througU- lato l'-o-jvager Out-en Aloximdra. The out tlie world. Hi« ciM does not permit3 thorough and regular elindn-i- nell the *** Diticoveiy,'' itv Hijtim or tablets* rest was because sovoa days of solid j tion without overtaxing; the intestinal you can ohi.'-ti a mi»1 pkg. of the tablets Manitoba Government Phonem labor would havo mado one weak. muscles. Niijt>l cxn be taken for any by seiiding lw'l-i 3>r. Pierce's Brunch The Manitoba CJoveinnioht tolophono length of time with no Ut elTecta. 1 'alinfi'i.r*. ?.f» f"fii|<,*fb»»F«1". '-t !*r'** li vou take cold easily, ask your ' j^" v ' *. .., a •— - ^ B IH I^^B BS _t H Bi JL^ jM Wk\ 2EH Bw !^B8| t^BIg druggist tor JSujol to-day —and rt* 11 icm- a firodt ftf;$lG0,0(.0, a. mirplUH ofnear- B l^B ^^^ffl HI f—Wk S9 &« B^M^H BS ^^^_M BS8|t _SB_B E_SI_M • of tlieir HVOB trying to forgot what ber, look far the name "NnjfiV in red W nil-: ly -jfaHr^OOU ovor I Bio oHtimatod revenue. thev learm-d thn llrsl baltf. on both txjtaleii-id package. Eees FOB KATC^MG—Select White Wyandotte Eggs, $1.25 per setting. "White Pekin Duck eggs, $1 setting.— Mrs.R.Stewart (Alice Siding) Creston. Mrs. Billy,. Hall, who has been, a visitor with hey parents, Mr. and! Mrs; J. Bell, since Ohristma§, left on Friday Cedar 0«1 * to join her husband at Kellogg, Idabo.

EASTERN FLOWE;R8—For sale at Cedar Oil! Cook's Greenhouse, a nice collection of JLillies and other'Pot Plants suitable for Easter. Make your choice in good Cedar Oil! time. F. H. Pym.of Cranbrook, who will be in charge pf the forestry depart­ ment Work in -East Kootenay,. made his fir-1.official visit of the ^ year on i CRESTOI DRUG & BOOK STORE v Monday. '. \JmT* arai_nk -TOT, mvrvmr.-ryv Orin Hayden left on Thursday last gDCMKizvcea for Spokane, making the trip by auto. jcsse ti**** He disposed of the car in that city, N and has gone, to Pittsburg, -PH., to Efl- take a position. i r* The Bishop of Kootenay is expected 9 -> V.1 to visit Oreston on April 27th, when" Burns Standard Fertilizer $3 a sack he will officially induct Bev. S. New-" while they last. About 25 bags on hand. by as rector of tbe parish, and conduct a confirmation service. Dr. and Mrs. LilHe left .on Sunday Implements and Repairs on an Easter week visit with- friends at Spokane and Blainnore, * Alberta. We are taking" orders fop Repairs NOW. STAGE STRUCK. Mrs. Iallie will also visit, at Edmonton, Spring work Avill soon be here- and it takes time to Ret Repairs. * -' . m AUJWM imm PBDDvcriom Attn., before returning. ' *• Hector F. Nicholson of Fernie was PLOUGH POINTS, to fit any plough, in stock. All are invited to the united service a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Davies - i •«• *i*. *- __ over the weekend; coming to Creston in the ParishIf all Good Friday night, Local and Personal ±4ubnoa.in« Oil andJSrease, Coal OiL WHITE ROSE GAS April 2nd, at 8 o'clock, which will be to attend tlie ftnierai of his friend, addressed, by Pastorp, Daly. Herdman Mrs. A. L. Cameron is visiting with Arthur Davies, on Sunday. and Newby on "The Seven Words Cranbrook friends this week. A childrenta ma-squei-ade party will froth the Cross.* be' held on Friday, April 23rd, from Cow FOR SALE—Due to freshen end ^.30 to 0.30 p.m., at. the -Parish Hail. of Apiil. 4 years old. W. Hendy, Prizes for the best costumes. Admis WANTED—iu.OOOVanSan straw berry sioti 25- cents. ESyes-y body ***e!come* plants, state price. P. H. Martin, CHRIST CliUilGH, Greston Creston. * All the-ehlldrcn^are invijted to the children's service at Christ Church on WWW Keith Lidgate left on Sunday for Sunday afternoon at 2."_$0. The collec­ l Nelson, where he has secured a GOOD FRIDA Y—April 2 position. tion will be made of eggs which-ai-e to 9 10.00 a.m.—Children's 'Service. be sent Jto either the Nelson or Cran­ 11.00 a*m.—Matins, Ante Communion BULL FOR SALE—Purebred Ayr­ brook hospitals." * - on $ Buy Car and Address. shire; 12 months "old, $60. T. M. 3.00 p.m.—-Evensong. Edmondson. -Mr. and Mrs. Whitney and family, -— ——-—***** T-— 8.00. p.m.—TJnited Service in Parish / " " who have occupied «the Brousson resi­ Hall.- Addresses on the "Seven Until yon have seen y*>he ISTew 1926 OHEVROIHBT George Busii left on Wednesday last dence the past few tho^nthish, left oil "Words from the Cross,? by the Models.. Both Models—open, and closed cars—are - for Whitewater, where he is working Friday .for Stavely,;'Alberta,' where Kevs. Dr. Daly, J. Berdcuan, S. lower in price than last year. They will he in for - Newby. in tbe concentrator. they are to make their home in futi*.re«. yonr inspection in a few *'ays.

Mrs. Dave Dow left for Cranbrook ______*• ' - Remember theclosingLenten service Easter Eve—April 3 on Saturday, after a few days* visit SPECIAL—Kb. reasonable offer refused for a 5-tnbe Afcwater- on Good Friday night at 8 o'clock, in Morning—Gifts Of flowers for Church with -Mrs. J. W. Dow. Kent Radio, which we will install for you at once. - , decoration. the Parish Hall, when He vs. Daly, Afternoon—Ladies invited to decorate. FOK SALE—Auto knittei"(3 cylinder) Herdman and Newby will each give a Now is ihe time to have sour Overhaul and Repair work looked 7.30 p.m.—Evensong and Address, knitting machine, almost good as new. "MV Communion." Enquire Review Office. five minute talk on the "Seven Words after. The^season is early. Have it done before the rush. from the Cross." International Collegiate Orchestra EASTER DA Y-April 4 Members of the Women's Institute will be at the Grand Theatre ballroom. 8.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. are.reminded of the-Apiil session- on 10.45 a.m.—Matins. I Wednesday, April 21st. PRKMl ER GARAC%Z 11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion (Choral) Friday afternoon, 0t_h, ut 3 o'clock, in PALMER '*& MAX WELL -"'"*• and Sermon. Miss Selma Anderson left on Satt-r- Trinity United Church basement. 2.30 p,m.—-Children's Service—gifts of day on a visit with her sisters, Olga Arrangements are to be made for the I eggs for hospital. and Anna, at Winnipeg. Man. bulb show, and those wishing to secure 7.30 p.m.—Evensong, Sermon, and V TeDeuin. FOB RKN-JC*—7 room' house, free a supply of the experimental farm seed watet and poultry house, $10 a-month. potatoes should turn in their names at Easter Monday—April 5 App.y A. N. Couling, Createn. this meeting. 7. ^ Printed Butter Wraps at The Review 10.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. FOB SALE—Team of woH*k horses, SYDNEY NEWBY, B.A., "_.Th. weight about 1100 lbs., aged 4 and 0 (Durham), Vicar. years. Robt. Moore, Crest on. Pom? FOB SALB—Buckskin pony, good for saddle, puck work and general Loyal Orange Lodp.No. 2095 use. Mrs. dory, ('amp Lister. 11 Meets THIRD THTJKSDAY of PIGS FOB SALE—Young Chester each month at Mercantile Whites, ready April 7th, $0. K. Dlllilf Hall. Visiting brethren cord i- Stewart (Alice Siding), Oreston. ally invited. S W.H. CBAWFORD.W.M FOR SALS*—Asparagus plants. $1.50 per 100. Will buy Parson's Beauty strawberry pis tits.' R-.bsun, Wynndel. A car of silver lead ore from the Alice mine was loitdfd out on Wednes­ knnfsnM w day for shipment to the smelter at Trail. ^ \ \A . ••'' Fon SALS:—Breeding p^ri heavy ia Watkins Cocoa is a. PUKE laying strain White Leghorns, all Cocoa prepared from choicest laying, $15. Mrs. Vaness I Alice Siding)* n selected Cocoa beans Imported Creston. direct fcpm the Cocoa planta­ Wm. I'limsay, district engineer. d tions. A special process of roust­ ing produces a tine flavor and Nelson, was a visitor here on Sunday, muki'-i it easily digestible. Con­ attend iiVg the funeral of the late tains no fillers, no lidded chem­ Arthur Davies. icals, jno artificial cocoa oil, no Simmons Steel Beds in Walnut and White, 2~inch Round and Square coloring matter and none of the MILK GOATS Von SALO—Fresh in wmimti. shell** m- ...laka found In few dny«. Also y-"tinji- nt«*ek. Prloes in 4-foot andyt-foot 6~inch widths. cheap cocoa. Watttlns Cocoa is right More room needed. P. G. superfine quality. Ebbutt, Creston. Simmons Slumber King and Banner Springe in different widths. HATCIUNO Boos Poit SALK—8In«lo 1 BSSm V3tv&0 &Oc» Comb Rhode Island Reds, $1.60 per Simmons Cotton Felt Mattresses, made of White Lagcrcd Felt; Fancy TitMng setting, imported t»tock. M«*s, X. SPECIAL OFFER Trevelyan, Creston. FoV limited time SIMMONS' Have manufactured only Beds, Mattresses and Springs.far To every purd-maor of one "Nlbbs" Bosh* who hss been a p-stind -of W«.t*1*;lri"i" fVvofi, yr***.-> patient at the Ht. ISuftf-ne hospital, the past thirty yearsand occupy a pre-eminent place in the industry. . •*. Watkins Denier is authorized to Cranbrook, for the past two nooks. give a arrived home on Monday. We are anxious that yau see our range. Watkins* Cook Book Cow« FOB & ALIC—Choi™ milch cows, containing eighty selected re­ 8 years old, two Just freshened rt**»d one cipes. Ask for ono next time Ui freshen in a few days, Mrs. Q, your Watkins De-ilcr calls. Thompson, West Creston. QThe HorvJccis nt Christ Church on Dry Goods Furn Hiiro Easter Sunday will be at 8,10,46 and "a* 0 tUftl HI 0k fft 0k 0 4^^ l#H* UkR Groceries WW g Mi kUg>|gj mm^m. ^.^WltomWit JL' **«HMfe M__L J___f __• '«•_•___ MM. M.H.. tm ».«»l»k«» »a»» »a I fri JF**1 WW *S3'*«tar I w p.m., and evening wor-thfp nt 7.80.