
Time: 1.5 hours 1.5 Time:

Time: 1 - 1 ½ hours ½ 1 - 1 Time:

Time: 45 min- 1 hour 1 min- 45 Time:

with this guided interpretive program. interpretive guided this with

environment. environment.

raise a family. a raise

experience winter education in a whole new way way new whole a in education winter experience

to survive in this harsh harsh this in survive to

in this relatively small place and still manage to to manage still and place small relatively this in

hibernate and migrate in order to live. Come Come live. to order in migrate and hibernate

have that allow them them allow that have

live in the marsh. Learn how everyone co-exists co-exists everyone how Learn marsh. the in live

animals make insulating shelters, store food, food, store shelters, insulating make animals

adaptations these animals animals these adaptations

the education center to find out what animals animals what out find to center education the

consin Winters. They will discover how and why why and how discover will They Winters. consin

class will learn about the the about learn will class

Educators will take your class on a hike around around hike a on class your take will Educators

- Wis harsh survive them help to have animals

creatures they catch, your your catch, they creatures

what components make up a habitat, Wildlife Wildlife habitat, a up make components what

Students will learn about the adaptations many many adaptations the about learn will Students

water. Examining the the Examining water.

What is a habitat? After a quick review of of review quick a After habitat? a is What

Adaptable for Grades: K – 4 – K Grades: for Adaptable

the world beneath the the beneath world the

Adaptable for Grades: K-8 Grades: for Adaptable

on approach to explore explore to approach on Winter Adaptations Winter

Hunt for Habitats for Hunt

Students use a hands- a use Students

Adaptable for Grades: PreK-8 Grades: for Adaptable

Time: 30 minutes 30 Time:

Pond Study Pond

Horicon Marsh, or right in your own classroom. classroom. own your in right or Marsh, Horicon

program can be conducted at at conducted be can program Time: 1 hour 1 Time:

Time: 30- 45 minutes 45 30- Time: changes disrupt the system. This This system. the disrupt changes and migratory . migratory and

right in your own classroom. own your in right system and how environmental environmental how and system practice what they learned on the area’s resident resident area’s the on learned they what practice

program can be conducted at Horicon Marsh, or or Marsh, Horicon at conducted be can program energy flow through the food web web food the through flow energy place in Horicon Marsh where your students can can students your where Marsh Horicon in place

wide array of temperatures and ecosystems. This This ecosystems. and temperatures of array wide your class will be able to look at at look to able be will class your on binocular use, they’re off! This tour takes takes tour This off! they’re use, binocular on

students learn how they survive in a state with a a with state a in survive they how learn students way. By building their own “web” “web” own their building By way. birds by sight and sound. After a quick lesson lesson quick a After sound. and sight by birds

native residents. By looking at their adaptations, adaptations, their at looking By residents. native ecosystem are connected in some some in connected are ecosystem begins with an introduction on how to identify identify to how on introduction an with begins

class learns the identities of some Wisconsin some of identities the learns class Students learn how all living things in an an in things living all how learn Students enjoying the great outdoors. The program program The outdoors. great the enjoying

Explore the exciting world of mammals as your your as mammals of world exciting the Explore Adaptable for Grades: K-8 Grades: for Adaptable Your class can learn a great new skill while while skill new great a learn can class Your

Adaptable for Grades: K - 8 - K Grades: for Adaptable Adaptable for Grades: 4-12 Grades: for Adaptable

Web of Wonder of Web

Mammals of Wisconsin of Mammals

Birding Basics Birding

Time: 1-2 hours 1-2 Time:

behind by Horicon’s resident wildlife. resident Horicon’s by behind

Time: 1 hour 1 Time: identify tracks and discover activity signs left left signs activity discover and tracks identify

classroom. your class can go on an adventure as they they as adventure an on go can class your Time: 1 hour 1 Time: chain. food

is available at Horicon Marsh or in your own own your in or Marsh Horicon at available is In winter months, when snow is on the ground, ground, the on is snow when months, winter In as play an important role in the the in role important an play as

through adaptation or behavior. This program program This behavior. or adaptation through of a track to take home. take to track a of these creatures survive as well well as survive creatures these

ways birds deal with everyday life, whether whether life, everyday with deal birds ways Finish up the program by making a plaster cast cast plaster a making by program the up Finish adaptations, and discover how how discover and adaptations,

more when your class examines the different different the examines class your when more the tracks of some common Wisconsin animals. animals. Wisconsin common some of tracks the Compare insect behaviors and and behaviors insect Compare

grass? Learn the answer to these question and and question these to answer the Learn grass? program, your class will learn how to identify identify to how learn will class your program, insects around the marsh. marsh. the around insects

go? How does a hawk track rodents through tall tall through rodents track hawk a does How go? of those animals we don’t always see. In this this In see. always don’t we animals those of sampling nets in hand, catch catch hand, in nets sampling

When an owl eats its prey whole, where does it it does where whole, prey its eats owl an When Mud and snow are fantastic places to find signs signs find to places fantastic are snow and Mud What makes an insect? With With insect? an makes What

Adaptable for Grades: 1– 6 1– Grades: for Adaptable Adaptable for Grades: 2 –8 2 Grades: for Adaptable Adaptable for Grades: PreK – 8 – PreK Grades: for Adaptable

Avian Adaptations Avian Tricky Tracks Tricky Intro to Insects to Intro

Program Information Horicon Marsh The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Horicon Marsh Wildlife State Wildlife Area Conservation Education Program offers a fun and exciting way for your class to explore the worlds of science and environmental Wildlife Conservation education while meeting state academic standards. Education Programs All of the programs listed can be adapted to Contact Information different age levels. We will also customize a program to your class’s specific needs. Please Wildlife Education Program notify us at least one month in advance. N7728 Hwy 28 Horicon, WI 53032 Registration (920) 387-7893

Wildlife Educators are available for programs during regular office hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

If these hours don’t suit your needs, please call us for alternatives. Program Fees Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources All of our wildlife education programs are offered to you free of charge. Our salaries, Bureau of Wildlife Management dnr.wi.gov keyword search Horicon supplies, and program services are paid by the license fees that DNR collects from The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources provides equal opportunity in its employment, programs, services, and functions under an Affirmative Action Plan. If Wisconsin’s hunters and anglers. Donations you have any questions, please write to Equal Opportunity Office, Department of In- are accepted and VERY MUCH appreciated! terior, Washington, D.C. 20240. This publication can be made available in alternative formats upon request. Please call 920-387-7893 for more information. Public Events For a detailed list of Horicon special events please visit the Friends website at www.horiconmarsh.org or call 920-387-7893. WM-556-2014 Animal Habitats and their Horicon Marsh Monitoring Aquatic Management Amateur Tracker Ecosystems Adaptable for Grades: 5-12 Adaptable for Grades: 5-12 Adaptable for grade 9-12 How is it possible for a large number of animals Hike into the ice-covered marsh by foot or By testing a series of to co-exist in a small space? After a quick review snowshoe (snow permitting). Investigate how physical, chemical and of what components need to be present for different plants and animals use adaptations to biological parameters of quality habitat, our Educators will take you on survive winter in an icy marsh. Search through Horicon Marsh students a hike around the education center to find out the cattails for tracks and other signs or clues will learn to appreciate what animals reside in Horicon Marsh. Through left by winter wildlife. Make a plaster cast in the the foundation of life in a discussion, your class will learn how Wildlife classroom to take home. wetland, their interactions Managers work with the land so everyone can Time: 1 – 1 ½ hours. and methods for studying co-exist together in this relatively small place. these. Time: 1 – 1 ½ hours. Dabblers and Divers: Time: 1 – 1 ½ hours. Exploring the World of Wisconsin Waterfowl Adaptable for Grades 7-12 Ice & Snow Wisconsin is home to more than 20 different Adaptable for Grades: 5-12 species of ducks. Through the use of taxidermy Take a guided interpretive hike on specimens and a habitat hike, students will come the frozen marsh with snowshoes. to understand Wisconsin’s waterfowl and their Learn the history of snowshoeing in management. Wisconsin. Gain an understanding Time: 30 – 45 minutes of the value many cultures placed on snowshoes to survive harsh winters. Discover walking Managing our Wildlife techniques and the structure of snowshoes and Adaptable for Grades 5-12 how to dress appropriately for any winter outdoor Nature has always taken care of our wildlife. activity. Time: 1 – 1 ½ hours. So why do we need to do so today and how is this accomplished? Walking among grassland, History of Horicon wetland and woodland habitats, students will , Mink and other Adaptable for Grades: 5-12 learn what wildlife management is and how it is Marsh Mammals Through a PowerPoint of historic photographs, being applied at Horicon Marsh and other similar learn the fascinating story of how, over time, areas. Time: 30 – 45 minutes Adaptable for Grades 5-12 Horicon Marsh was completely destroyed Due to their secretive nature, mammals are rarely and then painstakingly re-built to its present Geocaching observed in the wild. By examining mammal pelts students will explore their life histories, condition. Through this program, students Adaptable for Grades 7-12 distribution, population dynamics, wildlife will study the impacts of people and their Explore the world of geocaching. Learn how to use a developments on an ecosystem both past, and GPS and the proper techniques for down a survey methods and management. present. Time: 30 – 45 minutes cache. Time: 60 – 90 minutes Time: 30 – 45 minutes

Wildlife Olympics (3-8) Horicon Marsh on DVD Every four years the world gets to witness the Olympics. Join us to learn about some of the dif- The Friends of Horicon Marsh in collaboration ferent athletes right outside your window. Who with Wisconsin DNR have created “The is the fastest in the world? Who can jump the Horicon Marsh Story.” This 20-minute farthest? Who has the best sense of smell? See film highlights the history, wildlife, wildlife which animal athletes will take home the gold in management and recreational opportunities the Wildlife Olympics! *Outdoor and indoor ver- at Horicon Marsh. T If you are interested in sions available. Mammal Mania (PreK-K) viewing the film during your field trip as an Birds By Color (PreK-3) Do you know what makes a mammal so unique? introduction to the marsh, please inform a Birds can add a lot of color and fun to backyards. This program will explore mammals that live in the wildlife educator. Learn what makes a different from other crea- wild and near our homes. Play a game and use your Horicon Marsh Explorium tures and make your own binoculars to spot many imagination as we discover mammals. colorful birds! Migration Challenge (1-8) Schools groups are encouraged to experience Critter Camo (PreK-2) Through interactive games students will explore the new hands on, interactive exhibits that tell While participating in challenging games students effective migration strategies that waterfowl use and the story of Horicon Marsh. Walk through a will discover some of the amazing adaptations that what struggles they encounter during both spring , crawl through a hut or drive animals have which help them survive. and fall migration. an airboat simulator! Scatology(5-12) Fees: Group rate of $2 per person C.S.I. (K-12) The Education Center is open to the public Calling all animal detec- It’s kinda gross and smelly but it is a great way to year round; tives…Help investigate the see who is living in the marsh. Students will learn clues that animals leave be- how to properly identify common animal scat. This Weekdays: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. hind. Tracks, scat, feathers, is a great tracking skill that is sure to impress. Weekends: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. fur, and lots of other evidence found at a “critter- scene” can be revealing and helpful. Can you crack Slippery, Slimy, Scaly(K-8) Interpretive Trunks Often overlooked, reptiles and amphibians play an the case? essential role in the marsh ecosystem. Students will You and your class can begin exploring the Discovery Hike (PreK-12) have chance to learn about these amazing creatures world of wildlife by checking out and opening Students will get an overview of interactions within and examine them in their natural habitats. up three wildlife education trunks: the marsh community. They will discover the won- ders of nature that can only be experienced when Wetland Sort (PreK-K) Wisconsin Mammals Trunk Many creatures call wetlands home. Discover what they use all their senses to explore. World of the Whitetail makes these creatures so unique. Be prepared to get Whooping Crane Truck Laws of Nature (K-8) your hands wet! Students will discover the 4 laws that govern nature Trunks come complete with skulls, bones, through various fun and active ecology games. Wonders of Wetlands (K-8) While enjoying a hike through the marsh students hides, tracks, and a complete curriculum. Call From there is no such thing as a free lunch to ev- will learn about the many important functions of today to reserve your trunk for a two-week erything must go somewhere students will have the period with your class. wetlands. chance to act out the 4 laws.