Western Great Lakes

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Western Great Lakes Pte.Mouillee 27 Jun (p.a.,AMB). Refound throughat least13 Jul wasa Tricoloredat Horicon27 Jun+ (p.a., AM et al.). Cattle Western Egretspeaked at 17 in Wayne,MI 12 Jun (WGP,m.ob.), 20+ at Horicon26Jul (BW), and 38 in Grant,MN 16 Jul (DAB). Yellow- crownedNight-Heron was found in all three Great Lakes states,including an ad. and imm. at last year'slocation in Jackson,MI 17-20 Jul (p.a.,m. ob.) and one in Jefferson,W1 3 Jun (p.a.,LZ). ThirteenPlegadis in LacQui Par- le, MN 2 Jul (BU) weremost likely White- is•aenllt••s Gunflint faced. WATERFOWLTHROUGH RAILS A Greater White-fronted Goose at Salt L., LacQui Parle26 Jun-17Jul (BU,JMJ, PHS, M t rest• fish PCC) wasone of veryfew everfound lin- geringinto Jul in Minnesota.Reflecting late •othsa ß ' •au•e. migrationand/or poor conditions on their Arcticbreeding grounds were SnowGeese ) S•ur• • n NicoletN.•a ' • _ in seven Minnesota locations and 3 Rossg ( Big•t•.•R.= Stk •e•eadows•.• ....... • ' ' Geeseat BlackRush L., Lyon,MN 10-11 K Mmneapol• • • • •'• •. uuenaVista n ..... • • •uron Jun (RJS,ph. JGW). ProvidingMinnesota's I • • •lac•%•. GrasslandsB•. • Traverse 4th summerrecord in the pastfive years • • ..............•'• L •nne•,o• Nayanquing•. wasa drakeCinnamon Teal in Lac Qui Par- -. • 7-' I '•;¾e•k •Crosse • •egon • le 1 Jun (ph. BU). Uncharacteristicof the •,,.a• II ' I ValeyS.R 1 I HoriconN •R 1 • Wastewater ..... I Dewl•Lake S.R m Ozauk•: • roSystun seasonwere a HarlequinDuck in Door,W1 S.R Murp•- Pod 5 Jun (T&IB) and a drake Red-breasted HahrenanPark •usingS.R Madison-.. mwauKee Co.' ••' .mAgegan -GrandS.G.A.R•ids Hum Pre•me • •bm• •tmit. Merganserat Pte. Mouillee 20-27 Jun /•e (AMB). Uew' ou,t. SingleMississippi Kites in Milwaukee, • errran o. no a•h- W1 5 Jun (p.a., MK) and at Muskegon S.G.A.,Muskegon, MI 26 Jun (p.a., CF) werepresumably spring overshoots; Michi- necked Grebes nested at Horicon (JBa, gan'sfirst summer record of thisspecies PederH. $vingen m.ob.). Single Eared Grebes visited was from 2003. Rare enoughin summer Muskegon20Jun (BJ) and Columbia, W1 28 was an ad. FerruginousHawk in Yellow 2602East 4th Street Jun(p.a., MP). A WesternGrebe showed up Medicine,MN 9 Jul (BU), but even more at Hodcon27-28 Jun (p.a.,m.ob.). Clarkg unusualwas the imm. Rough-legged Hawk Duluth,Minnesota 55812 Grebewas reportedfrom traditionalMin- in Cottonwood,MN 23 Jul (BRB). This nesotalocations in BigStone, Lac Qui Parle, speciesis casualin summer,and previous ([email protected])and Todd. A few American White Pelicans records have been from areas much farther wandered as far e. as Mackinac and White- north.Spruce Grouse were found in Alger fish Pt. in the U.P and Pte. Mouillee in se. and Chippewain the U.P.and Forest (ST) Michigan.A BrownPelican in Sheboygan, and Vilas(JAB) in n. Wisconsin.Michigan's throughJune, with localized flood- WI 13Jul (p.a.,J&FS) may have embarked onlySharp-tailed Grouse report was from '.ing.uch Julyof thewas Region relatively was cooldry andbut wetstill on a circle tour of the Great Lakes. Algerin the U.P.Northern Bobwhite was cool. Shorebird habitat was excelllent in Sno?yEgrets were at Pte.Mouillee 5 Jun reportedin only 11 Michigancounties vs. westernMinnesota but verypoor in Michi- (SJ),Brown, W1 11Jun (T&IB), andHoricon 20 lastsummer; this species is now consid- gan. 27 Jun-10Jul (TW, DG, MP,TP). Thirteen ered extirpatedin Minnesota.Wisconsin Snowy Egretsin w. Minnesotawas excep- had Bobwhite in Dane, Marquette,and Abbreviations: Horicon (Horicon Marsh, tional for summer but followed an excellent Rock.Providing Michigan's 3rd recordand Dodge,W1); Mud L. (Traverse,MN); Mur- springshowing there. The onlyLittle Blue first for the U.P. was a Black Rail at Munus- phy-Hanrehan(Murphy-Hanrehan Park Heronswere an ad. in Big Stone,MN 2 Jun congW.M.A., Chippewa 3-4 Jun(p.a., BJ). Reserve,Dakota/Scott, MN); Muskegon (BU) and an imm. in Berrien,MI 25 Jul+ KingRail was not reportedin the Region; (MuskegonWastewater System, Muskegon, (m.ob.).Furnishing Michigan's first summer Minnesota'slast acceptedrecord was in MI); Pte. Mouillee (Pointe Mouillee State record since 2000 was a Tricolored Heron at 1992.A pair of CommonMoorhens pro- GameArea, Monroe,MI); Shiawassee(Shi- ß awasseeN.W.R., Saginaw, MI); U.P.(Upper Peninsulaof Michigan). [stump inhis family's backyard near'Grand Marais,Cook 17Jun. He exclaimed tohis father,"Papa, there'sa really big LOONSTHROUGH IBISES :birdoutThree-and-a-half-year-oldthem." Lynden's fatherlooked Lynden oUt•Biotaberg Win•low,discoveredgrabbed Minnesota'shiscamcotaler, first andb•nWoodStork videotaping perched onastopLynden of a said, tree ] TwoHorned Grebes on L. Superiorin Lake, "tie'sintrouble, papa." Thebird stayed forat least 45minutes andwas seen byother family members beforeit flew away. MN 19 Jun (RSF) were apparentlynon- Thisspecies haslong been anticipated inMinnesota, butno one could have predicted thisscenario! breeders.Despite massive flooding, Red- VOLUME 58 (2004) ß NUMBER 4 531 duced8 youngin Brown,MN (PH et al.); GULLSTHROUGH HOIVIIVIINGBIRD5 speciesin ninecounties (17 lastyear), while Minnesota'sonly other reportwas one in Presumablythe sameLaughing Gull visited Wisconsinand Minneota managed only one Stearns16 Jul (BU). Milwaukee,WI 9 Jun (SL), 25 Jun (KJ), and reporteach. Red-breasted Nuthatches ranged 28 Jul 0I); an apparentLaughing Gull x farthersouthward than usual in Michigan SHOREBIRDS Ring-billedGull hybrid was also reported on and provideda 2nd breedingrecord for The only southboundBlack-bellied Plover thelatter date 01). An ad LaughingGull fre- Berrien;also unusualwas a Red-breastedin reportedwas at Floricon30 Jul (SF).Eleven quented the beachesin Berrien,MI 26 Milwaukee, WI 12 Jun (MB). Northern AmericanGolden-Plovers at Mud L. 3 Jul Jun-13Jul (m.ob.).Franklin's Gulls stayed Mockingbirdswere in eightMichigan coun- (PCC) possiblyattempted to summer;the in threeMichigan and four Wisconsin loca- ties,including Marquette in the U.E, but only Region'sfirst unequivocal fall migrant was in tions.Wisconsin hosted the Region'sonly halfthat many Minnesota and Wisconsin lo- Green, WI 24 Jul (ME). Minnesota's8th Little Gulls in Manitowoe26 Jun (RH) and cations.Adroitly photographed in flight was SnowyPlover was at AlbanyW.T.E, Stearns Brown10 Jul (PS).Small numbers of mostly Minnesota's11th SageThrasher at Dodge 4-5 Jun (ph. tKJB,m.ob.), the first to be imm.Bonaparte's Gulls normally summer in NatureCenter, Ramsey 26 Jun (DN). found since one at Lake of the Woods in n. Minnesota,but the flock of 216 in Roseau 1982!Piping Plovers fared well in Michigan, 27 Jun (PHS)was extraordinary. Amazingly WARBLERSTHROUGH FINCHES with 55 pairsproducing 93 fledglings(fide earlywas a Sabine'sGull in Sank,WI 28Jul TennesseeWarblers in Sheboygan,WI 15Jun JTW); nestingwas not documentedin Min- (p.a., AH). EstablishingMichigan's 10th (SB)and at Shiawassee25Jun (LA, BG) were nesota or Wisconsin. recordwas a pair of LeastTerns at NewBuf- apparentlystill northbound.Fall migrant TwoBlack-necked Stilts lingered at Hori- falo,Berrien 8 Jul (p.a.,TR). Tennesseesnormally first appear in lateJul, conthrough 17Jul 0Ba et al.), and2 more Eurasian Collared-Doves were at six Min- e.g.,one in Portage,WI 17Jnl(JSc). Unusu- visitedJefferson, WI 28 Jul (p.a.,JBi). Amer- nesotalocations, including nesting in Dako- ally latewere Black-throated Blue Warblers icanAvocets nested again in BigStone, MN ta (TN) and Houston(ph. FZL, KAK). In in Anoka,MN 16Jun(PG), Dane,WI 19Jun (PCC,PHS). Difficult to classifywas an avo- Wisconsin,single collared-doves cooed in (CM), and Sherbnrne,MN 23 Jun (P&JG). cet at New Buffalo,MI 29 Jun 0TW), but 2 Columbia8 Jun-10 Jul (KB, TP), Green11 Wisconsinhad severaltardy Blackburnian near St.Joseph 13 Jul (WEJ) and 2 in Mil- Jul (QY), and Milwaukee28 Jul (BA). Visit- Warblers,including one in Ozaukee7 Jul waukee30-31 Jul (m.ob.)represented first ing a feedernear Duluth 16Jun (CE et al.) OF). Yellow-throatedWarblers were con- fallmigrants in Michiganand Wisconsin, re- wasMinnesota's 6th White-wingedDove-- fined to Berrien,MI (m.ob.) and Grant, WI spectivelyA SolitarySandpiper was late in alsothe 3rd for thestate this year. Another (MP,TW, Jl). Michigan's1341 singing male Ozaukee,WI 25 Jun OF); 42 in BigStone, White-wingedstrayed to Kenosha,WI 26 Kirtland'sWarblers was the highesttotal MN 18Jul(PCC, H-IS) was a recordhigh for Jun(p.a., EH). A pairof BurrowingOwls in since the first census in 1951 and included 9 Minnesota.Willets peaked at 9 in Berrien, Watonwan,MN disappearedafter their bur- malesin fourU.E counties.Inexplicable was MI 13 Jul (fideJTW), followingmany re- rowwas dug out by a fox(fide AXH). Michi- a maleBay-breasted Warbler in Berrien,MI 8 ports 20 Jun-31 Jul. Wisconsinreported gan'sfirst Great Gray Owl nestingwas con- Jul (MW). Encouragingwere Cerulean War- Willets in Milwaukee25 Jul (SL) and Sank firmednear Seney N.W.R., Schoolcraft (RB, biersin 12 Minnesotacounties, including 28 Jul (AH). Anotherhigh countwas 132 KA). More widespreadthan usual were oneas far n. as Todd(BU). A Worm-eating SpottedSandpipers at Muskegon26 Jul Grea! Graysin nine Minnesotacounties. Warbler visitedWarren DunesS.E, Berrien, (PCC).Rare in fall,up to 4 HudsonianGod- TwoChuck-will's-widows from spring were MI 1 Jun 0TW). EarlyJun Kentucky War- wits transitedMud L. 30-31 Jul (KJB,PCC still in Vernon,WI 6 Jul (DJ, DT, MP, DB). bierswere in all threestates. Out of range et al.). Marbled Godwits visitedBerrien, MI Poor-qualitydigital imagesof an alleged wasa Kentuckyin Big Stone,MN 24 Jun 14Jul US) and Floricon8Jul (DT, MP). MagnificentHummingbird in Anoha12 Jun (BU). Wisconsin had Hooded Warblers in Unusual for Michigan was the Semi- (CR) wereastutely recognized as Minneso- Ozuakee13 Jun and Fond du Lac 20 Jun palmatedSandpiper summering at Pie. ta's first Green Violet-ear. (both WM).
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