A Compact and Portable EMP Generator Based on Tesla Transformer Technology
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Loughborough University Institutional Repository A compact and portable EMP generator based on Tesla transformer technology This item was submitted to Loughborough University's Institutional Repository by the/an author. Additional Information: • A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fullment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy of Loughborough University. Metadata Record: https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/10902 Publisher: c Partha Sarkar Please cite the published version. This item was submitted to Loughborough University as a PhD thesis by the author and is made available in the Institutional Repository (https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/) under the following Creative Commons Licence conditions. For the full text of this licence, please go to: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/ •• LO';1ghh.orough .,UmverSlty University Library AuthorlFiling Title ........... ?A8.~f.H:?, ... .e................. I ~;~~~.~~;~.::::::::::::::::::~:!.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Please note that fines are charged on ALL overdue items. ~il~~lli\iU~1 I'11 II II IIll' I11'11111 A Compact and Portable EMP Generator based on Tesla Transformer Technology by Partha Sarkar B.E (Hons) MIEEE, M/ET A Doctoral Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment ofthe requirement for the award ofDoctor ofPhilosophy ofLoughborough University, UK July 2008 © by Partha Sarkar, 2008 Ace No. / Dedicated To My Father ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude and to acknowledge the assistance and continuous support received from my supervisor, Professor Ivor Smith. I am grateful for his efforts even before I began my studies at Loughborough, in being instrumental in helping me to obtain Departmental funding, without which it would not have been possible for me to undertake the research described in this thesis. I am also grateful to him for his reviews and advice during the writing of the thesis. Special thanks are due to Dr. Bucur Novac, who was a constant source of inspiration, expert advice and assistance during my research work. I am very fortunate to have been associated with him. I am very grateful to Mr. lon Brister and Mr. Charles Greenwood for their technical assistance in designing and constructing the experimental systems. Without their help none of the systems described would have been built. Mr. Greenwood also deserves special mention as he not only helped me with his technical inputs but also in various other matters as well as being a constant source of encouragement. I am also grateful to Dr. Sean Braidwood for his assistance in the initial phase of the research work and for his readiness to help me with his expert advice even after he returned to Australia. I would also like to thank Dr. Marko Istenic, Mr. Peter Senior, Dr. ling Luo and Mr. Rajesh Kumar colleagues in the Pulsed Power Group at Loughborough University for providing friendly help. Finally, but most importantly, I would like to thank my wife Sweta, our son Saumil and my entire family for their constant support and patience during this period. ii Abstract ABSTRACT High power electromagnetic pulses are of great importance in a variety of applications such as transient radar, investigations of the effect of strong radio-frequency impulses on electronic systems and modem bio-medical technology. In response to the current trend, a simple, compact, and portable electromagnetic pulse (EMP) radiating source has been developed, based on pulsed transformer technology and capable of producing nanosecond rise-time pulses at voltages exceeding 0.5 MY. For this type of application pulsed transformer technology offers a number of significant advantages over the use of a Marx generator, e.g. design simplicity, compactness and cost effectiveness. The transformer is operated in a dual resonance mode to achieve a high energy transfer efficiency, and although the output voltage inevitably has a slower rise-time than that of a Marx generator, this can be improved by the use of a pulse forming line in conjunction with a fast spark-gap switch. The transformer design is best achieved using a filamentary modeling technique, that takes full account of bulk skin and proximity effects and accurately predicts the self and mutual inductances and winding resistances of the transformer. One main objective of the present research was to achieve a high-average radiated power, for which the radiator has to be operated at a high pulse repetition frequency (pRF), with the key component for achieving this being the spark-gap switch in the primary circuit of the pulsed transformer. Normally a spark-gap switch has a recovery time of about ten milliseconds, and a PRF above 100 Hz is difficult to achieve unless certain special techniques are employed. As the aim of the present study is to develop a compact system, the use of a pump for providing a fluid flow between the electrodes of the spark gap is iii Abstract ruled out, and a novel spark-gap switch was therefore developed based on the principle of corona-stabilization. For simplicity, an omnidirectional dipole-type structure was used as a transmitting antenna. Radiated electric field measurements were performed using a time-derivative sensor, with data being collected by a suitable fast digitizing oscilloscope. Post-numerical processing of the collected data was necessary to remove the ground reflected wave effect. Measurements of the radiated electric field at 10 m from the radiating element indicated a peak amplitude of 12.4 kV/m. Much of the work detailed in the thesis has already been presented in peer reviewed journals and at prestigious international conferences. iv Contents CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................... ii ABSTRACT ............................................................................. iii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................... X LIST OF ACRONYMN ................................................................... xvi 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1 References .............................................................................. 7 2. COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUE .................................................. 9 2.1 Introduction .................................................................... 9 2.2 Filamentary Modelling ........................................................... 10 2.3 Electrical properties of B-current circuits ........................................ 13 2.3.1 Magnetic vector potential of a circular current loop ...................... 13 2.3.2 Magnetic induction ofa circular loop ............................... 14 2.3.3 Forces between two parallel coaxial loops ............................... 15 2.3.4 Mutual inductance of two parallel and coaxial circular loops ........... 16 2.3.5 Self-inductance of circular loop ........................................ 17 Finite circular cross-section conductors ...................... 17 Finite rectangular cross-section conductor ..................... 17 Ribbon cross-section conductor with finite width ............. 18 2.3.6 Resistance ................................................................... 18 2.4 Electrical properties ofz-current circuits ........................................ 19 2.4.1 Magnetic flux density of a long straight conductor ...................... 19 2.4.2 Self-inductance of coaxial structures ............................... 20 v Contents 2.4.3 Inductance of straight conductors ........................................ 20 2.4.4 Resistance of cylindrical conductor geometry ...................... 20 2.5 Skin and proximity effects .......................................................... 21 2.6 Lumped inductance and resistance calculation ............................... 22 2.6.1 Energy method .......................................................... 22 2.6.2 Using simple formulae ................................................. 23 2.6.3 Resistance calculation ..................................................23 2.7 Stray capacitance modelling of an inductor ............................... 24 2.7.1 Stray capacitance calculation using Maxwell 2D electrostatic field solver ................................................................... 25 Capacitance computation ............................... 28 Lumped equivalent stray capacitance by node reduction method ..................................................................... 29 2.8 Modelling of high-voltage pulse transformer ............................... 30 2.8.1 Helical winding .......................................................... 30 2.8.2 Spiral winding .......................................................... 36 2.9 Results and discussions ........................................ 39 2.9.1 Inductance and resistance calculations ............................... 39 2.9.2 Stray capacitance calculation ........................................ 45 2.10 Summary ................................................................... 46 References ............................................................................ 47 3. TESLA TRANSFORMER DESIGN ................................................. 49 3.1 Introduction ................................................................... 49 vi Contents 3.2 Briefreview of previous work on Tesla transformers ...................... 50 3.3 Circuit theory ...................................................... : ...........