AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULA’nON WEATHER tor the Month of Jaaaory, IMS Foieeast of D. S. Weather


6,0 4 8 Ocoosloiial rain tonight and prah- Meoiber of tha Andit ably Thoniday loonUngi sHghtly Boreaa of Cbeolatiaas iiattrIjrHtrr lEurttittg Ifpralh eoMer Thnnday.



They’re A-Workingr On the Levee ICKFS SPEECH FRANK LASHES




s Appeal Over Radio For Warns Nation’s Poor Wifl

Anglo-American Unity Not Remam Silent In Pres- ON FOREIGN POLIGIE

Against Fasdsm Thonght ence Of Plenty Kept From

FDR’s Wreath at Washingrton Shaft Issues Manifesto Saying To Be Government’s View Them By Absnrd Laws.

eminent Had No M andalii

Washington, Feb. 28— (A P )—Sec- Waterbury, Feb. 23.— (A P )—Con- retary Ickes’ call for Anglo-Ameri- necticut Republicans pondered today For Vital Change h Vic can unity against Faaclsm and a warning by Dr. Glenn Frank that

Coramunlam—avowedly made in the the “poor not forever stay docile role of a private cltizen-r-recelved Political Circles te the presence of potential plenty Immediate InterpretaUon by Wash- ington obeervera today as a general kept always just beyond their reach Early Approach To expression of official hopes. by blind absurdities.’’ These obeervera pointed out that “This is why our choice between Britons who heard a radio speech the economics of scarcity and the FoBorring Rome Ts by Ickes yesterday necessarily economics of plenty will determine would judge these words against a the social stability ot instability of background of hla position as a the nation in the daya ahead,” as- serted the chairman of the Republi- member of President Roosevelt’s London, Feb. 23.— (A P). can program committee In an ad- The British Labor Party cabinet: dresa at a banquet of the McKinley '•Tho conununlty of Interest that Association of Connecticut here laat trades union council issued exists between Britain and America, night manifesto today dema as well as, between other peoples “ Science and the machine," he who believe in democracy, should be that the government sut said, “have brought us to Uie its foreign policy to an in strengthened. threshold of an age of prosperity, “Democracy can not live aide by leisure and security, but we have diate general election. aide In the same country with either lacked the wit to unlock the door. “The government holds Fascism or Communism, totalitar- Emergency crews tolled to place thousands of sandbags along the banka of the raging Arkansas river near Pine “Now instead of planning to ad- mandate for the vital cli tanlam, either of the RighL or the Bluff, Ark., In an effort to keep the flood-swollen river within bounds. The Red Croea waa feeding 1,600 jiut ourselves to the half-hearted and LefL la alien to the spirit that domi- famillea in the flooded area. Insecure existence of a deliberately has made in foreign poUeijr^ natea the English-speaking democ- relnduced age of scarcity, we should the manifesto declared. not rest until we have found the key raciea of the world.” (The dominantly Ickes, emphasizing that he spoke that will unlock the door Into this tive National government i only as an Individual, said the new age of prosperity, leisure and President alone is "charged with re- security which science and the ma- paigned for support in the i

sponsibility for foreign affairs." DEATH CLAIMS chine have at last made possible.’’ tion of 1935 with pledges" CHINA Vi^ARPLANES Over 800 Onesto •Already Written fidelity to the League ^ He was reported to have written Between 600 and 600 guests, in- cluding virtually every top-notch tiona, which Prime his addresa before the resignation PARKER GILBERT o f Anthony EMen, Great Britain’s Republican leader In the state, filled Neville Chamberlain yest the Hotel Elton ballroom to bear the foreign minister, but that occur- ATTACK FORMOSA; accused of "sham and addresa of the nationally known edu- rence and the general European NOTE^ANKER cator, hla first before a political tence” in ita efforts to situation served to arouse special gathering te New Etegland since he guard European peace.) Interest in hla comments. assumed leadership of the commit- Hla speech was carried by the The demand that Chamli MANY CASUALTIES tee which will chart long-range na- British Broadcasting Company to Morgan Partner Who Played tional policies for the p ^ y . lain’a Cabinet go to the the greater part of the United King- Dr. Frank told hla audlenca that tiy followed two conaeqne dom aa the first of several programs only by the production of more by Americans. The Leading Role In Set- wealth through the recreation of a of the resignation of Fo Seven Machines Appear Secretary Anthony Eden President Roosevelt and Secre- DU BOSE OUTLINES 'true economy of free enterprise’ tary HuU remained alMnt on Euro- could the “ much-heralded abundant tfing World War Repa- the substitutieh of pean developments, but both were Over Japan’s Island CoL life" come to pass. True free enterprise waa not re- diplomacy” for hla “ ide known to bo studying them closriy. NEW NAVAL FLEET SoBotor Borah (R-lda.) aoM hs ritikiit. Ptiymeiitir Dies. spoosible for the 198%4eMaa([^Ba, ho. They were:___ believed England, by asserted, and neither la It d y ^ . And Drep T ei Bombft 1. Failure yesterday of friendship to Germany and Italy, "The thing that is proving h In President RoeMVelfs aboenoo ftorn tha city, the White Hoom Army opposition in the House ' had abandoned any hope that ahe workable, the thing that Is dying, the aide. Captain W. 'L. Ritchie, laid the President’s wreath at the fqot of the New York. Feb. 23.— (A P )— 8. Waahlngton monument, oommemoratlng the 206th birthday anniversary Commons to pass a motion : could depend on America aa an ally In First Raid On Empire. thing that provokea legitimate criti- of tha Father of Hla Country,' In wstr. Parker Gilbert, partner In J. P. cism is a perverted something mas- censure on Chamberlain’s querading under the name of free American Reaction Morgan ft Co., and former agent elgn policy. Warsinps Along Atlantic enteipriae,’’ he said. He declared American reaction to Tokyo, Feb. 28.— (A P )— Seven general for reparations, died at the 2. Forecast in political the question raised by Senator John- doctors hospital today. Becreate True Economy Chinese warplanes raided Japan’s Dr. Frank then aaaerted that the cles today of an early ap. son (R-Caltf.) aa to whether the Island cr ;y of Formosa today. In- Would Cost Three Billions An announcement from the Mor- “supreme responsibility'' of business to Germany on the lines ei ' United States had a naval under- flicting ’’numerous casualties,’’ gan offices said death wea caused and Industrial leadership at the pres- GEN. PERSHING BETTER

stand with England was so adverse by cardlo-nephritia. ent time “ la to renounce this perver- prime minister’s “resHatie” 1 Dome! (Japanese Newra Agency) re- to the Ides that the British govern- Washington, Feb, 23.— ( A P I - Gilbert was born at Bloomfield, N. sion of free enterprise and to re- for the friendship of It ment realized It would have to look ported. Rear Admiral William B. Du Bose, J., October 18. 1892, and graduated create a true economy of free enter- Premier Mussolini. slaewbere for friends. It was the first time since 1864, from Harvard In 1915. He was agent priae." SAYS BULLETIN TODAY when a Britlsh-French-Dutch fleet chief of naval construction, told REICH ENVOY OOMIRO (Secretary HuU has denied that genera] for reparations paymenta The speaker warned that great Joachim von Klbbentna>, any naval understanding exiata) boml>ardment. It was the empire’s Congress today a separate fleet to from Germany from Oct. 30, 1924 to concentration of power In any gov- fuehrer Hitler’s new fo re i^ While foreign affaire continued to tory of the Japanese empire had ernment haa "Invariably ended In defend the Atlantic coast would May 17, 1930. ter and ratiring ambassador to : be one of the principal topics in been subjected to boatile foreign coat 63,200,000,000. Such waa hla success in this diffi- tyranny." Had Better Night After Sod* Congressional circles. Senators bombardment. It waa the empire’s’ In order to cure what he termed tain, was reported In unofflelal i TesUfirlng before the House Na- cult and hectic field that In two man circles to be coming to : drafting a proposed "war referen- first air raid. years be became assiatant secretary the "dlaeaaea that Infect our political LATE NEWS val committee, Du Bose said an and economic life," it la necessary. den Relapse Late Yester- shortly. dum" amendment to the Oonstltu- An hour before noon, the raiders Independent Atlantic fleet would re- of the Treasury, in charge ol fiscal swumg over the Japanese air base Dr. Frank asserted, “ to preserve Ostensibly this would be to quire 166 fighting ships costing affairs, and. In 1921, under aecreta.y hla formal farewell to King i (Dontloued on Page Two) on the outakirta of Taiboku, For- of the Treasury—before he bad day; Has Been ID From mosan capital, and dropped ten about 62,800,000,000 and S3 aux- (Uoattnoed on Page Two) FLASHES! but with Anthony EMen out cC. 1 iliary vessels at a coat of approxi- reached the age of thirty. bomba. A city of 276,000, Talhoku way os foreign aecretary it was i mately 6400,000,000. After two mere years he asso- la near tbe northern tip of the iaiand Heart AHment For Week. Ueved he would have "useful i Such a fleet, he said, could be ciated himself with a leading Wall HINT AT SABOTAGE approximately 120 mllea east of the built in about 10 years If the factli- cl anges of views" with Britiah I HIGHER PAYMENTS southeastern coast of China. street firm then known as Cravath, era. tlea at both navy and private ahlp- Hendereqn ft De Oersdorff. COMPLETE REPORT Saint Naxaire, France, Feb. 2ft— There was only alight damage to }rsrds were expanded sufficiently. Tucson, Arlz., Feb. 28— (A P)— (AP) — Shipyard workers, agreed Meanwhile the oppoeition in the field. Among those with whom he bad Du Bose outlined the sixe and Phyaicisna attending Gen. Jo)in J. that three fires aboard tbe F m cb Uament marsop.Ued forcee for FOR STATE FARMERS The raiders then bombarded hod extensive personal contact dur- battleahlp Strasbourg, nnder i»n- ing, this period were the late Secre- tlnued attacks on Cbamb points la Sblnehiku province, on tbs (ConttniMd on Page Two) 0NPU6LIGSCH00LS Pershing said today, following a struction here, were doe to labot- new policy of seeking Ebiropeoii < weatera coast of tbe Island. tary of the Treasury Andrew W. lengthy consultaUon, that the 77- age, today demanded the dlictorge An army communique charged Mellon, and Montagu Norman, gov- peaaement outride the League J of an foreign-born employee. that tbe Chinese planes killed or ernor of the Bank of England. yesr-old World War leader “la defl- Nrtions, while the prime SmaUer Farms To Benefit nltaly better.’’ ,,4 Repreaentfitlvee of 6,000 otalpyaid wounded women and children at Take* Over Big Job called the first meeting of the ' Edocators Ask Federal Ap- A statement issued by Dr. Roland workers announoed they would ap- since EMeu’s resignation. Talhoku and Sblnehiku city. FRANCO’ S LEGIONS In the fall of 1924 he arrived peal to the government if tbe sblp- Were Flying High. . quietly in Berlin to take over what Davison after he and Lieut. Col. S. Chief business of tbe aesaloa Under New Law As An- U. Marietta had completed an ex- bulldteg company refused to oust R said that “an obscure number’’ some experts predicted would be a propriations Of 885 Mil- the foreign-born *qvbo have no place to draft instructions for the amination said tbe condition of his of planes appeared over the colon- DRIVE TOWARD SEA hopeless Job—agent general for In shlpyaide working for the nation- of Perth, ambaaeador to Rome, fbr | nounced By Administrator ial capital, f l ^ g at such an altitude heart, which caused considerable his conversations with D Otioe'S; reparations under tbe Dawes plan. anxiety yesterday and last night al defense." that anti-aircraft guns were unable It waa his job to extract from Ger- lions For Next Six Years. • • • foreign minister and son-in.laW,l to reach them. “Ckinsequently the following a sudden relapse, "ia en- Count Galeozxo Ctano, for bomba landed far from the local many the huge amounts ahe bad tirely aatlafactory." CHILDREN SAVED Hartford. Feb. 23— (AP) —High- been assessed by victorious nations Anglo-ltalian accord. ^ er paymenta for small co-opei%tlng airdrome, hitting private houses and Planes And Warships In Washington, Feb. 23 —(AP) — "Ool. Marietta and myaelf h.iva Newport News, Va., Feb. 28 — causing several casualties among after tbe war, and apportion them Just completed an examination of Lord Perth la coming to Londd*-^ farmers are provided in the new amongst the powers. He had to do President Roosevelt transmltt^ to (A P )—^Thinking they were perform- to receive the Inathietlona, then r#;*; Agricultural Adjustment Act of wromen and children. There was Spectacular Battles; Two (Ikingresa today a report of the ad- General Pershing,” said the bulletin. ing a fire , blind and deaf no aerioua damage." this without crippling Germany, visory ' committee on education “There Is very definite improvement turn Immediately to Rome fOr 1 9 ^ wditcb contteu s in effect the without upsetting international negro children filed quietly out of a talks, to be held under D Duoe’e i BOlI conservation alma of the old The communique said Shlncblku recommending new Federal grants In bis condition since tbe last bul- Virginia state school building here law, W. S. Mlddaugb, in charge of city wraa bombed In the same man- French Vessels In Danger financial equilibrium. of 68&S,000,000 to states during the letin issued last night. today before fire razed It. None was Makes No Pledgee Connecticut admlntatration, said to- ner an hour later. At that time Gilbert waa just next six years to Improve their pub- “His lungs are perfectly normal. tejured. ' Chamberlain, answering que (The Japanese eonoulate-general thirty-two. day. lic schools. Hla blood pressure la definitely bet- • * • In the H O ^ of , Commons, said The Increase In small benefits will at Hongkong announced several cl- As extra jobs during that period The grants, to begin a yesu* hence ter. The condition of bis heart is vlllana were killed at Talhoku. It Hendaye, France, at the Spanish WEIGHTS OF BOXERS would not “pl^ge myaelf la be of particular interest to farmers Frontier, Feb. 23— (AP) — Com- entirely satisfactory. vance’’ concerning the quesUon in Connecticut, Mr. Middaugh stat- said ten bombs were dropped on (OoDtlnoed on Page Ten) . (Oontlnaed on Page Two) 'He had a much better night and New Vork, Feb. 28 — (AP) — bined land, sea and air attacks have Ethiopia In the negoUatkma ed, because the average payment Shlnchiku. but the raiders wrere Hea\'ywelght Champion Joe Louis driven off by Japanese planM. cairried Spanish Insurgents toward is entirely free from pain. He ate Italy. Asked when tbe House v laat year waa approximately 160. good breakfast and is mentally weighed In at 200 [Wiindit even to- There were a few casualties - n the government's Mediterranean day for his 18-round title bout with be consulted “ on tbe terms to The majority of farmers, other than seaboard atrongholda. alert.’’ made with B Duce," he tolMCco growers, will ehare in the Shlnchiku, but no serious damage. Nathan Mann of New Haven, Conn., (A general air alarm waa sound- The movements, following tbe Dr. Davison said the next bulletin "later on." higher benefits during tbe coming would be Issued around 7 p.m. te Madison Square Garden tonight. ed throughout the laland, and the falltof strategic Teruel on the east- Tax Informer Claims Mann scaled lOS'/^. Geoffrey L. Mender, op year. ern fronL threatened to develop (Bktetem standard time). “all clear" signal was not given un- • • * Liberal, suggested that If tha Production of Connecticut vaUey to S;4S p. ra.) into the dectaive action of the Span- dgar leaf tobaccos, other than lU Over a Week Emperor HaUe Selasria of Bthiop ish civil war. Reward of Four Millions General Pershing, III more than a .MARKETS AT A GLANCE ahadegrown, will not be rest.icted The 1864 bombardment of Shlm- Military dispatches said Insurgent were given Jurisdiction over this year by a quota aet by Secre- week from rheumatism and a heart New York, Feb. 23— (A P )— tain territory" that might “leave 1 onosekl, at the eastern entrance to troops drove eastward, w a r^ p s complication, waa removed from hla Stocks—Firm I steels and air- tary of A ^cultu re Wallace, be- Japan’s island sea, was In reprisal ranged the coast,'aind planes roored- Philadelphia, Feb. 23— (AP) — A, with some shred of honor.” cause the AAA baa ruled that no By escheat, auch funds revert to hotel quarters to the deeert sana- crafts lead rally. for Japanese etaore batteries firing over cities behind the lines after a Philadelphia attorney who btmts tbe state when citizens fall to claim torium yesterday afternoon, and C2iamberlau> parried quesUoae' surplus of the commodity exiata. en foreign merchant ships, Includ- triple action yesterday brought oc- hidden with a law book In- Bonds— Strong; ralla do best. the Nazi advance in Auatrla. More to Particlpato them after seven years, but ordi- Colonel Marietta, heart specialist ing American vessels. cupation o f ’Teruel, sea bomtard- stead of a Qiade expected today to narily no action la token until the Curb—Ulghei: metals, spectaU- Because of poor returns on the waa ordered here bj the War De- tlca bead upturn. Tbe Ctablnet eession also gave < In 1863 a British flotilla bom- ment of Sagunto and Valencia, and add nearly 64,000,000 to hla bank original owners die. partment as a consultant. ministers opportunity to study 1937 crop, however. It is expected barded and partially deatro3red Kag- sir raids on coastal Barcelona and balance as an “ Informer’’ under Foreign Exchange — -Mixed; , many more tobacco farmers Tarragona. “ We were tbe first to take ad- Shortly before midnight Colonel French franc drops. official French reaction to oshima, in the southern iaiand of Pennaylvanla'a escheat law. vantage of a clause In the flacal ~t participate In the soil conservs- Kyuahu, In reprisal for the killing While Insurgent Spain hailed At Michael IBdelmsui'a behest the Marietta and Dr. Davison ended —Ah rad; trade buys here berlaln’s “talk with the I features of the new law, thus code of 1929 indicating that facta, their flrat consultation with the an- policy. of an Englishman by warriors of Teruel’s fan with street celebra- Dauphin county court yesterday or- and abroad. d u rin g some reduction in cultiva- other than a lack of heirs because nouncement that they were "not en- 'French Ambaaeador Charles i the Satauma clan, of which Kago- tions, government troops hastily dered State Secretary of Revenue J. of death, are Involved in such an Sugar —Improved; stead) spot tion. with the hope of better prices shima was tbe capital. formed lines between tbe dty. 160 Griffith Boardman to collect 616,- tirely satisfied with his heart," but market. bln called at tbe foreign office ' and demand on the harvest eecbeat," Edelman said. The last enemy to attempt Inva- miles east of Madrid, and tbe coast. 000,000 in unclaimed corporation expressing optimism over his gen- Coffee—Narrow; trade buys. what was believed to be next fall. sion in force o f Japan was the great The government onfiqimced that funds. He and hla law partner and at- eral condition. They said his con- that Premier CamlUe Chau ^ The following system of hiking Mongol conqueror Wo Armadas in Insurgent worships and govenunent Tbe court' ruled a 1929 law en- torney In the caae, A. Jere Creakoff, diUbn waa serious "merely because would continue In olRce at I payments to small operators who spent four years coUecUng tha tn- be is getting on in years." 1274 and 1281 to tbe rescue of the planes I, engaged in on olr and sea titled Edelmsn to 28 per cent of net PATIENTS FLEE FLAMES the preeent and was pre cooperate Is provided in the new buttle yeoterday in which two In- collections because be filed tbe in- foimation. Today's consultation of the law: give Britain’s new orlentatkB-j on Fag* Twa) surgent vessels were believed to formation on which the state can The data was presented to tbe de- physicians lasted almost an hour. Wetumpka, Ala., Feb. 23— (AP) aupporL When payments at the regular have been disabled. base Ita claim to the “ lost" money. partment of revenue in 1988, but His Son On Wsy rate ore not more than $20, the —Tlte Alabaina atate prison tuber- Sir Samuel Hoare, home Two aOem Bhdied Edelman estimated that collection department officials argued tha in- An only son, Warren Pershing, culosla bospltal burned today. total wriU be Increased by 40 per TREASUBT BALANCE The battle atartad after Valencia would cost 6640,000, leaving him a formation was Insufficient. The boarded a plane at Palm Beach, tary, speaking at a Natloael i cent; paymenta of 120 to |40 will be Guards herding the 101 convicts ber of Tsade lunebeon, and Sagtmto were ahelled by four split of approximately 68,840,000— case was taken to the court last Flo., this morning to rush to hla into a corner of the bigb-wlre prison increased by 68. plus 20 per cent of Wsahlagton. Feb. 23.— (A P )^T be defended Chamberlaht’a eouraftj insurgent ohlps. The government to be paid him after the money May. fathers’ bedside. Another aister. enclosure and none was Injured or amount over 620; paymenta of 640 poaltloo of the Treasury on Febru- reported beai^ property dosoage actually la In the atate treasury. repreeenM the governmMit; to 680 will be incretteed 612, plus lU A 1937 law doaed the door May Pershing, also remained escaped. Kry 19: and one dead to the bosnbardmenL The funds. Including unclaimed tog two dburaes. ' ' per cent of the amount over 640; Reeeipta, 8Y1414.114.8I; axpeBdi- against further informeto’ suita to close to the general. H ra p Draper, chief of the atate “We could accept the In Boredono. tho govenunent dividends, stock and debts on which escheat funds held by railroads, OoL Uoriatta. Miss Pershing and codvlct department, said be waa paymenta of 660 to 6186 writl bs tursa. 616.180,009.68; balance, 68.- charged that insurgents were able Interest baa matured, are held by view that war is toevtt ' folaed 614; aad U M to 6200 wUl bs utUiUea and insurance componlss George A. C. Chrlstiancy of New investigating the possibility the one- could mmke our utmost i 008,095,883JSS; aistoms receipts for 150 corporations, some of them rail- by requiring them to report ^ un- ia c r a e ^ to 8200 e iw . Um 8U>74U0SjM. story woodep structure waa fired 1 X » > 1 - roads and aBaJoar utUitlea. claimed funda direct to Iba atatow I M B a g * I W I IQT : ■


tacking aircraft while the bombing MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTTER, (X)NN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,198f PAcns struck west of Pengpu toward the and for health and walfiare atr- THREHtp [ALCORN NEARING HOME araa in progTsaa. Lunghal corridor waa held up Li. Currently, toe navy bM estimated BADLY HURT, 4 CARS then piwhed back by stiff ^ in ea e Th* ooinmittee recommended an it would require 900 bombthg planes ICKFS SPEECH CkmnecUcut” today by vote ot to* dressen' show to Detroit to October. hand grsnada and bayonet attseka. equitable distribution ot the Feder- FRANK LASHES and Miss Helen Nbvaclc ot Vt/ts, TO TAKE IIP PROBE to dtoeharge toe same amount of NAME HAR1T0RD GIRL judges at the convention of the A t the three-day convention which Britain, third place. The hairdreai|i>.^ explosives as a battleship. w tos northwaaten ftlaga of toa al funds between white and negro New Hampshire Honors CHAPTER MASONS Manchester Hairdressers Guild o f (tonaectlout. corridor, however, Japanese have re- closed last night at the Garde hotel, era who dressed the three coiffurafl-.j Since the life of a battleship to SEEN OFFICIAL schools in states whsre separate For two hours the judges deteted the hundreds o f members and lAMAGED, IN A MIX-UP His Ship Dae To Dock In New portedjm dual advances to positions negro sciiools exiat vritoout redue- OUT AT POUCY 1W1SS c o N N E c n c i r were introduced by I. F. Rene, pci; 26 years and that o f a plane aix Date Book in the charms, poise and halrdrese guests applauded as Miss Stanley from which they could attempt a mg tos proportion of state and Woman Accused As Witch ident o f the Hartford GuUd York. Tomorrow; Anditing yeara, navy offlolato flgura Ukat southward croaaing of the YeUow GIVE 3RD DEGREE of the nine contestants to toe received a large arm bouquet and a car was seen by PoUceman Prentice local funds spent on negro schoola. Finn Engaged By His Office eompmtlve aircraft ^Mrength river. Tonight Guild’s atmual beauty and hair style gold cup. Detroit, Mich., su llen k loss to be approaching at a rapid rata, STA N ^F 0. S. The CIvlUaii Conservation Corps Sttm ?. Ladoer Of Warcester wrouid be 14 tlmea aa coatly as bat- They also asserted threa Chinese OF DEAL H . H. 8. cage finale against Rock- Hartford. Feb. 33.— (A P )—Mis* show. Miss Stanley will represent Miss Bunioe Uarahall o f Stam- $12,000,000 a year In destructSM and th* National Youth Admlnis- Hampton Beach, N. H „ Feb. and, on coming closer, to be headed Hartford, Feb. 23— (A P ) — The Ueshlpa. 28.— A ed In an urn and reverently placed ville at State Armory. Arlene Stanley of Hartford la "Mies Connecticut at the national bair- ford. was selected for aoaond place (Oowttmied rran Page One) divisions were trapped la Shansi traUon, to* eomralttea aal^ should (A P )— Nearly 800 years after caused by rata. for the polios car. Prentice shouted auditing Arm o f OrUfenbagen and Aircraft proponenU hava sug- Provinoe mountains to th* w est In (Oootiniied frem Page Oaa) In the ground at such place In the OfRcers Of Delta Chapter This Week gested tost modern science will be ba placed under the direcUon of a Eunice (Goody) Cole was Imprison- SerioBsly hjored, Police to iadner to jump up on the run- Associates has been engaged by aouthem Shaatuag Provtaos. J6P»- town of Hampton as the Selectmen Feb. 35.—Annual Masonic Ball at ning board of toe police car in able to keep airplanes up to dkte tfoo dselared they bad obtained toe singl* Fedaral aganey to be known ed here In 1686 for witchcraft, _ - ^ .1 State's Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn's signatures o f 14 members neae tald thay had drivaa Chines* ouraelves aa a aelf-governlng dama*- shall dealgnaje.” Masonic Temple. effort to avoid barm. The oncoming | office to continue working on the more cheaply than will aver be pos- MM 00- as toe Federal Youth Service Ad- Hampton Beach voters have been authors. southwest^ from Tslng, where they ministration. racy at whatovar coat." The “ Society in Hampton Beach Wm Praise Of Big Gather- Also 3-act comedy, "Remember Car hTohred h Storm Ac- machine, however, hit the police | municipal records of the city of sible In the esae of dreadnaughts. Among theae "dlseaoaa" b* Uatad naked to approve in town meeting Ity Their proposal an a compromise had been deRdloekad for live wM kk Ir> addition to the grants the com for the apprehension of too** false- the Day,” by Sock and Buskin club machine, pinning Ladner between Waterbury following completion of They pointed to losses Incurred In war unemployment, "a smotharlng an article declarln.Y her "unjustly ly accusing Eunice (Goody) Cole at High school baU. toe two cars. scrapping obsolete ablpe. between four verslonc previously in' mltte* recommended creation of l Its present contract for toe city of blanket of debt." ” a baok-breafcing socuaed” and restoring "her right- of having familiarity with toe ing In Masonic Temple. Coming Events cidenl Ob Dennog Street John H. Stewart of 7 Kensington What tbs Army and Navy think troduOed by Senators LaFoUett* resaafob fund of $1,860,000 for the Waterbury, it was understood today. taxation,” "poverty In the midst of ful place sa a dtizen,” devil," .poneon of toe article, told March 1.—Rural comedy, "Simple strest, Arlington, Mass., operator ot toe “aerial mine" of Lester P. (D-Mo .), Nye SEASONAL SLUMP IN fiscal yaar baginning naxt July and Don’t Forget The Exceptional Values Meanwhile Mr. and Mrs. Alcorn plenty," "tha lashing o f elaoa hatred The article,, to come before toe thj: Selectmen Eunice wa* bounded Simon Simple,” at North Methodist of toe car which struck Ladnsr, was Barlow, Stamford, Conn., Inventor, (R-N. D.) and Capper (R-Kana) Incraaalng to 88,005,000 for later to a new fury," and th* "black apeo- were nearing New York on the yaara. town on March 8, orders Selectmen as a witch for years, and when she Officers of Delta Chapter, Royal church. Om man, ptnned between two arrested on a charge of reckless cruise ship Britannic, due to dock baa not been dtselosed. Arm y oifl- "Aj toe amendment now la BUILDING OPERATIONS tre of dlctatorahlp." Th# committee was composed of to "publicly burn certified copies ot died a frenzied mob burled her Arch Masons, exemplified the Mas- Also, lecture, "Prejudices Prefer- •MomobllM, WM wrloualy hurt, a driving. Stewart said that bs saw tomorrow morning, whan toe atate'e dals during the World wrar gave drawn,” N ye explained, 'i t would Other Addtasaes ' poBea patrol car and four other ears the parked cars and applied his little encouragement to his pro- call for a referendum vote of the toaebsrs. government officials, labor I all c ^ cia l docunienta relating to the bixly In a shallow trench and Im' ter Mason degree to full,, form at red," by Mrs. Lewis Rose at Y. M. attorney Is expected to return to The current investigation o f mu C. A. wm damacod laat night In a aerlea brakes, but skidded across Into toe Hartford to take over the Water- ected “ flying torpedo," with which peopU when toe queeUon ot gtflng Decrease Noted Here In Jann laadera, onurchmen and business ji false accuaationa.'' paled It with a atakp "to make ccr tha Temple last night and earned In Clothing, Furnishings And Shoes For cipal financing In Waterbury dr March 11.— Epworth League play, Mddcnta on Oeming atreet near police patrol. bury Invaetlgstion in which be ie iIS asserted "we can bit Chicago 00 to war does not find any attack be- sry With Only Two Dwdling It Inotructa that toe ashes of th* tain she could not rise again and re- toe plaudits of a large gathering . IMDaad turapUce. The Injured man, Ladner waa hurried to toe hospi- times a minute from Waahlngton." ing made on too United States or fh* attention of other speaker* Fanned document*, together with vlait her usual haunts.” "W aiting A t .the Church," at South aMigned as epecial prosacutor to* dinner, among tiiem City ^ for a beautiful presentation of the Methodist church. Jtaaaph V. Ladner, 46. of >8 Brook- tal. the Superior Court. its poaseaaiona, or on any naUon on Permits Issued. ' from the reputed laat resting The proposed reparation to Eunice troUer Sherwood L. Rowland, Masonic third degree. The degree Mm ETemM, Woreeater, Alaaa., taken Collision In One-Way the North or South American con- FRANCO'S LEGIONS I and fro u the site of the home would be made part o f the tercen' In hto absence the prosecutor's A marked deereasa la dwalllag tiam J. Pape, National (jommlttee- work was performed by toe Chap- to Maacheater Memorial boapttal, The plle-up machines formed a aides have ammaesed at the Hart- tinents.” o< Eunice (Goody) Col# be gatoer- tenary celebration of Hampton. The Balance Of The Week During woa found to have auatained several barrier across toe road, and police, 2D CHURCH FOLK HATE eonatruotlon la aotad la tha rapor; woman Katosrina Byrne ena Nation- ter officers to the full regalia of ford county building an array of Th* amendment thus would apply al Committeeman Samuel F. Pryor, their degrees and with the embel- Mnetured riba, cuts, bruises, an iO' in itraigbtenlng out toe jam, kept financial records, copies of the dis- only In to* ease of what might be for Jaauary, aubmlttad by Bulldiag DRIYE TOWARD SEA A Thought Inepector Edward C. BUlott to tha Jr., o f Gresnwloh. Uahmenta that CSiapter ceremonial JdrM baek and internal Injurleli. one way traffic moving paet toe puted Waterbury election record*, termed "aggresMve” wars, Nye said. BIG TIME O N‘BIRTHDAY’ Board o f Selectmen. Only two per- Pryor asserted ha wttoed to con- being held In Rockville today with work affords. - Driving west on Tolland turnpike, cars. Policeman Casaells algnaled affidavita, and information obtained He said he believed much th* Cursed he he (hat takelh reward ot mits for tha sreetkm houtas war* (Ooattaned from Pag* One) gratulate Pape, publishet of th* Judge Robert L. Hunger o f Ansonla This was the first occasion to toe . Rfaigarette Merrick, of Holyrood car driven., . by - . C. . E. „ Mtley s of . 233 I many Waterburlane and other ot to slay .an tonooent person. And opposition to previous proposals, In- Issued during last month. It la Waterbury Republican and Ameri- presiding. There are nine cases on history o f Manchester lodge that this IM d, Morehead, Penn., started the Waehington street, Hartford, to individuals in New Haven county cluding the Ludlow amendment to enter Tervel only beeeuse of I R O C K V m E all Umi people shall say, .Vmen.— chain ot accidents when she swung Large Party Finds Plenty Of vealed, oaa for a struetura ooatlnf can, and his fellow Republicans In the docket for this term-with two type of ritualistic work was ren- paae. An approaching machine. The inveitlgatore have not d'to- which was shelved by to* House, superiority o f arms supplied to them Waterbury "for what they have done assigned cases from the winter term Deuteronomy 27:25. ' hM ear into Deming atreet. which is c o ^ g from the other direction, closed whether they have found anv Fun And Flooring Fund $6,388, and toa othar for a coat of dered and those who witnessed the had been circumvented by terms of by Italy and Germany and aatd the for decent government" still to be heard. crowned at this point, and and•na operated k..by John i„k _ Morgan - of-- rocord* Including vouchers, Gains Substantially. $4,500. Mlacellanaoua building dur- exemplification praised the Royal Murder itself is past all expiation to new measure. President Roose- city'* fall was without strategic "They have benefitted th* entire Held Patriotic Program Arch officers for their accomplieh- FEBRUARY WM slippery at the time. According 840 Park avenue. New york City, * and warrant book* which ing tos month totallad 8700, whU* si^floance. the greatest crime, which nature to her statement, Mias Merrick's velt, Secretary Hull and other ad- ■tate," he said. Following the meeting of the ments. Elspeclally good to their narrowly mtoaed the policeman, and Waterbury City Controller Sher- alterations amounted to aa axpeadi- Inaurgenta said their troops ad- MAYOR SOON TO NAME doth abhor.—Goffe. ear skidded slightly to the l ^ and rammed Into the MUey car. Members o f the Second Congr*' mlnlitratlon officials opposed Lud' tur* of 17,800. State Senator J. Kenneth Bradley Ladles Auxiliary of the A. O. H. roles were Hayden Griswold, os wood L. Rowland reported were gatlonla Women's League, and mem- vancing from Teruel, to* southern ^edged support of State Chairman : w u struck by the machine of lA d. Morgan told police he did not see low's proposal. Th* total building authorlaed dur- held on Tuesday evening a patriotic master, and Louis Vanderbrook as mtoslng from the office of hto pre- bers who hava given considerable of Up o f an Insurgent epearhead aimed Benjamin IE. Harwood in his stand gw, who was driving east on the Caaaella directing traffic, and, on Any amendment to to* Constitu- ing January, 819,068, brought In -to program was enjoyed with toe fol junior warden, who bore the brunt deceeasor, Daniel J. Leary. their time to prepari^tlon for the At toe govemmant'a Madrid-Val- against factlonallam in th* party. SIX CITY OFnciALS MBS street. No one was Injured suddenly meeting with the : MUey tion must be ratified by Congreae to* town 841 In fees, wbil* licenses lowing ia charge. Miss Agnes Jack' of the ritualistic worlc. Before Mr. Alcom'a entry Into Washington’s birthday party last and by toe Legislatures o f three- ends communleaUona, had pro- "I heartily endorse th* remark* Thoee In CXialrs. Spe nd Millions to . to this coDiaion, and the cars, slight- car, be applied hi* brake*, and the picture, Qrlffenhagen and Aa- granted to tradesmen during to* son, Mrs. Rosa Hanniui, M ra Nellie night, were well pleased with the fourths of the states before It can gressed to El Castollar, 18 miles dt- that he (Harwood) mad* laat week Those who filled the chairs last to damaged, ware parked to await skidded. aoctotes were engaged to audit the month gave tha town an InoonM of Win Be Submitted At Next Hunt, Hiss Naomi Kearns, Mrs. toe arrival o f a policeman. results. Th* vestry was filled writh take effect recUy east, and through Oastralvo, in which he stated that ha waa not night were: R e l i e v e P i l e s Police nude no arreaU axcept in 1086 and 1937 book* in addlUon to $263.60 from that aouroe, a total of tore* mllea aoutbeaot Meeting Of Council— Half Mary Kennedy, Mies Mary Kelley, BARGAIN DAYS Hit by Fast Car m Am mm m# SAmMem mS M.W _ .... - » s __ ... young and old. Bags provided for a member of any so-called faction, Hayden Griswold, master; Fred It is estimated that over a million the case of Stewart, who was notl' th« regular audit of Kingsley * Co., $298.80 In fees for tha month which 88 Miles from Coast wing or group of the party," Brad- Dozen Petitions Acted On. Mrs. Josephine Lee and Mra. Mary Bbortly afterward. Policemen fled to appear in court tonight. pennies representing each year of •I Ackerman, senior warden; Louis dollars annually Is spent for various which ha* done the work for 10 age, were found to contain bills In have been turned over to th* town Those posiUons would place the ley, who as retiring president of tha Ellen Plan t i':, ^aaph Prentice and Walter Cassells treasurer by Mr. EUlott Vanderbrook, junior warden; John remedies for relieving Piles. Yet year* Including the eight year* of many cases. The party was given Insurgent front tine leas than 62 association introduced the apeakere, F. CulUn, secretary; Ray Warren, 'i antoed. parked, and, as it was Leary'* regime. CHINESE AIRPLANES Th* drop In dwelling construction thousands of sufferers know for the benefit of the flooring fund miles from to* Mediterranean coast said in presenting the state chair- Six petlUone were presented at senior deacon; John Trotter, junior L Mewing, the policemen invited Mrs. Is laid partly to a seasonal alacklng that cooling Petereon's Ointment It to now understood that the of the auditorium. between the key government cities man. the meeting of the Council on Tues- deacon; H ertert Leggett, senior can allay Pile torture to a few riRairlek to sit in the police car Oriffenbagen auditors, after com- of constructional lines, and pkrtly to DOUBLE GAMES PU Y E D whUe the accident was being ex- BUCiONGHAM The decorations were small Amer- BOMBARD FORMOSA; ot Valencia and Barcelona. "Factionalism inplles an effort by day evening with Mayor Claude A steward; L. Raymond Smith, junior minutes. Stops itching promptly, pleting the Waterbury contract, will uncertain business eondlUoM High a minority to seize party control for alained. Ladner stood at the left ican flags. Herbert L. Tenney was A TCvernment communique as- Mills presiding. John E. and Wal- steward; John Pickles, marahal; and brings quick soothing relief. work for toe state's attorney in co- master of ceremonies. The program price of materials and labor la not irted, however, that government their selfish ends. We all gladly ter P. Zabner petitioned to remodel Willlam Bray, tyler; Ernest Kjell- (3et Peterson's Ointment today, 38c nOBt of the police car, beside the There wlU be a bridge and whist “P'l^Uon with the Hartford certi- MANY CASUALTIES thought to influence general c$m' join Chairman Harwood in support IN FIREMEN'S SETBACK WE ISSUE •iO.'?/.’ GREEN DISCOUNT STAMp T ftoat door. opened with several numbers by the troepa were holding El Coatellar a garage at 11 Davis avenue, and son, s. g.; T. W alter Relchard, w. g.; size or 60c to tube with hard rub- party In the church vestry on Frl- PuWle accountant, Warren M struction ao much as uncertainty, of a united Republican Party." •uddenly, police report, another full choir, with Organist F. A. W il- and Castralvo, with new lines run- also to build a brick house on Grant Robert Boyce, e. g. ber pile nozzle. I f not delighted, day, Feb. 28, at 8 p.m. It will be ptown, who baa been engaged by bur at the piano. Percy Cooley, bass (Continued from Page One) according to building trades jour- ning from Villa Elspeaa, three miles Hugh M. Alcorn, Jr„ of Suffleld, qjreet, 28 by 30. Both were grant- Leo Stiles, active to (Tbapter your druggist will refund your in charge of Mrs. Maud 1. Rsed. Alcorn in tola and other famous nal*. waa unanimously elected to aucceed Valvoline Team Pushed From soloist of the choir, sang, "A Sol south o f Teruel, to the northeast ed. First To Third Place; Two work, spoke to the gathering after money. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell of Bell | ufl“ *ual Inveetlgatlone. dleris Life," composed by Mr. W il- Japanse In the 1281 repulse of the through the two contested positions. Bradley as president of th* asaocla- The American Ck>rporatlon toe ceremonies, giving a clear and I T IS D A N G E R O U S street, Addison, will observe their bur. Annette Casanova, 11 year greet Khan's forces. The engagement off Valencia and tloil. presented a petition to erect two Of Teams Tied For First. concise explanation and resume of ; W Is i sagareae to sail a SUBSTl- 60th wedding anniversary next Sun- old Wethersfield soprano, sang twro Mostly Chinese. COMPLETE REPORT Sagunto, neighboring ports, began liquified petredeum storage tanka at the work that Chapter Masonry ac- Peanut oil la 98.3 per cent dt> WINTER DRIVING HINT IV TB tor 6M Jbst to make three or day. They will be at home to their numbers, and Clarence Sadrozlnskl Most of Formosa's 8,500,000 In- i^th bombing and shelling of the 103 East Main street. *^8 was re- complishes. Refreshments were |DU BOSE OUTLINES cities by three iDsurgfent Warplanes gesttble; more so than any other D o ^ Ie the usual number of aaato morou Oostomers are friends from 2 UU 4 o'clock In toe sang the solo In toe pouplar song, habitants are racially Chinese, for ferred to the Public Works commit gamel were played at the sitting of Mrved to the banquet ball later to ON PUBUC SCHOOLS and toe insurgent cruleere Carariaa, oil. tee. No. 23 bast atsstot loss tosn and yoa afternoon and 7 to 9 o'clock in toe 'Ten ^ t t y Olrls." The flnal num the island was Chinese territory un- the Firemen’s Setback League list The evening. evening. Baleares and Almtrante Cervera and A. F. Ludwig petitioned to erect . INC. psor baataaat. 688 to worth her by the choir was a medley. til 1898, when it was ceded to night. This was In order to bring Manchester lodge will confer the or to w ttraes aa much aa NEW NAVAL REET another vessel. sign on the brick wall of the Monitor To start easily O irl Sebonhoar passed hto 8lst The Sunday school was represent Japan as on* of toe fruits of her (Uonttnoed (rom Fags Oaa) about the closing o f the league entered apprentice degree on two birthday, Feb. 16. He vividly re- ed by Barbara Sadrozlnskl and During the bombardment toe block, at the west end on West Main in xero weath- victory In the Chtneee-Japaneee war early In AprU. There are now 18 candidates at Its next communica- calls his visit to toe exposition In (Oonttniied from eage une) Marion Derby, who gave readings, French freighter Prado was struck street, sign to be 8H by 19H. This , p u n c h o k e of 1804-98, In which a Japanese nt $70,000,000, would be increased TODAY and TOMORROW teams in the league. When it was tion, March 8. Pblladelphle In 1876. , and Doris Christensen, who played and shells fell close to the Gaulola. was also referred to the Public A L L T H E W A V O3UT(nnle t army occupied It. approximately $30,000,000 each of made up of 16 teams there was no The women of the Buckingham f? * ' “ Atlantic fleet In reaponse a piano solo. another French ship.' THE NEW Works committee. your car h u an automstla The Japanese population of For- the two following yeara and $30,- apparent neocesity o f playing dou- choke). Wnth ignition key OFF, Congregational Church will meet Propounded several ^ e Christian Rndeavor society Three squadrone of government George and Josephine Devlin pre- mosa, which Its rulers call Taiwan, 000,000 each year thereafter until ble eeasiona, but last night the •tep on starter. Next, push Setback and Scopa wrlth toe Women's L«ague of toe Brew- pi^ented a farce entitled "Two Is was only 271.000 in 1938, when the planes took off to meet the attack, sented a petition to demollah a shed CURB QUOTATIONS they reach $109,000,000 in 1944-45 scheduled seventh and eight games choke H A L F W A Y IN . turn Olvoe Dado’ Ansphsea of a Crowd." The players were Helen last census was taken. However, one of them swooping low to drop a CIRCLE 30 by 14 feet at 68 Grove street Olestonbury Congregational Church T h e ^ m i™ i ..i,* v. - These grants would be In addition to which was granted. were played. ignition key ON, step on starter Santa Lnela Society on Thursday, for an all day sawing keen “ ■ ®8:“ rM had Hohl, Betty Park, June Yeomans; Talhoku. the raided capital, has a bomb on one of the insurgent ves- the permanently authorised Federal ANOTHER GREAT John E. Zahner asked for permis- There were several upsets. The *nd~8TARTI Bernice Pohiman. Harry Elliott much higher percentage of Japan- sels. Columns o f smoke arose from By ASSOCIATED PRESS AT SUB ALPINE CLUB program. Mrs. Theodore Frank of Aton^ winum grants of more than $80,000,000 a the ship— believed to have been the sion to build a playhouse, to be port- Valvoline team that a week ago -AND FOR QUICK WINTM START$ Richard Smith, Stuart Wolcott, e.se population than the island as a year for vocational education. PROVEN PICTURE! Windsor, chairman of the aoclal re- SJJS of ® Almirante Cervera. able, 7 by 8 feet, on Tolland ave- fought its way into first place after \m EMridga Straat Frank Oallnat. whole. Tha report said the recommenda- The Comedy Hit of a Lifetime: Am Gen ...... lauons and ChrleUai. CltlxenshlpLumbw v ^ ^ A French destroyer went to the nue. Granted. a bad start, was found to be in Ark Nat G as...... SWITCH TO RICHER committee of toe Hartford Dtotrlct(fleet w u ld iwoul^ vegeels such a The sketch was directed by Also In Formosa are about 150,- tions were based oh "more than a THURSDAY EVENING Geraldine Tenney and was unusual- aid of the Prado. GARY COOPER The auditors’ report was read and third place while second place waa Am Sup P o w ...... Council of CMgregatlonal Women. I ^ Bom ^ d the flvhtinv 000 Malay t)q3e aborigines, whose year of exhaustive study." Mr. Fab. 24, 1938, At 8 P. M. ly funny. The entertainment furn- Government planes scouting tor placed on the table until the next taken by the Buckland team that Can M arcon i...... ancestors held the Island before the Roosevelt appointed the committee meeting on March 8. At the next ished by the Married Couples Club Chinese came in centuries ago. raiders several hours later encount- came from eighth position. Manches- Cent States El . . . RICHFIELD Prizas Awarded! in 1938 uncler th* chairmanship of ered two sblpa, one towing the meeting Mayor Mills will name the the Atlantic would Include 12 ba!r. and arranged by a committee head- After the cession In 1895 the resi- Floyd W. Reeves of the University ter Green-dropped back to third CSta S e r v ...... THE lleehipe, six aircraft carriers, 17 ed by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keeney, other, 38 miles offshore. The gov- ««M R . D E E D S following city officials: Corporation place from second and the (Colonial cats Serv., pfd .... Refreshments Served! Olrle and boys between 18 months dent Chinese objected and declared of Chicago. counsel, health officer, superintend- Ip b n ia n i heavy cruisers, 18 light cruisers carried off the honors, however. Men ernment communique said the planes team which bad lead in the first flve E3 Bond and Share and 4 years o f age average about republic. The Japanese army In. its general conclueiona, the ent o f public works, tax collector,, Admission...... 25 cents 77 destroyers and 36 submarines. and women of the club in grotesque bombed the vessels, striking the goes to sittings went from third place to Ford Lim ited...... G A S O L I N E 38 miniiitea of crying every 24 put down disaffection. In recent committee found: towing ship. treasurer of reserve fund and rata Three More Battleehips. costumes, marched around the room years the only revolts against Jap- "The public school system in the fifth poslUon. The Tobacco Grow- Nlag Hud Pow .... AIK YOUR DiAUR FOR lOOKUT | ' hours, teats have revealed. tneurgent dispatches esUmatad maker. It ia not expected that ON WINTBB BflIVINO MINTS 1 The 20 per cent Increase In naval playing on all sorts of kitchen uten- anese rule have been by the abori- United States greatly needs Im- TOW N^^ there will be any changes from th* ers and Hose No. 1 were found tied Penn Road ...... I strength being studied by the com- sils, with Mrs. John Derby at the gines In the Interior, all quelled by to* government suffered 60.000 for sixth place and the Reid team Unit G a s ...... provement Glaring inequalities during toe 68-day Teruel batUe. In------ALSO ----- lireAent office holders. HYGRADE OIL CO., INC Better Bedding mittee wrouid give the navy only piano. They took their places at the conquerors. went from the cellar position up the Unit L t and Pow A characterize educational opportuni- surgent losses were not calculated ‘EXPENSIVE HUSBANDS’ Card Party Thursday 22 Charter Oak A v e , H a rtfo rd three more battleships and brings one side of the platform and played ties and expenditures for schools Sacred Heart Circle, Daughters of ladder three places, sending toe U til Pow and L t .. Its total In this category to 18. at intervals during the stage per- but were believed to have run ex- Remember: VALUE makes the BAIIg AIN not throughout the nation. tremely high. Isabella, will hold a whist party on Porterfield team into the last place. the PR IC E ! Comparison is the true test of value. Du Bose's testimony was received formance of "The Professor's Magic Jap Commanders Below toe Standard Tburaday afternoon in Red Men’s The standing: ' when toe committee resumed hear- Box." * We invite comparison with the conOdence you wUi Relieved of Posts "The level of educational service hall. These weekly events are prov Buckland ...... 1653 find our prices lower, quality considered. SniL TOPS— ings to inquire Into the cost o f an Howard Keeney aa the professor, that can be maintained under the Ing most popular. __ Manchester Green ...... 1642 additional 1.000 airplanes. adorned with goatee and upward- Shanghai. Feb. 23.— ( A P ) —Recall of three of the highest Japanese com- present circumstances In many To Hold Dance Valvoline ...... ' 1813 The navy already Is authorised curling mustache, for the small fee localities is below the minimum nec- St, Michael's Benefit society will Frank’s ...... 1611 to acquire approximately 2,000 of $30 rejuvenated old men and manders was announced today In the midst or reports that Japanese had essary for the preservation o f demo- hold a public dance at the Princess Colonials ' ...... 1608 Other— planes— the number considered nec- women, turned brunettes Into cratic institutione. hall on Village street, Monday eve- essary for a fleet built up to the suffered a sharp setback on the Tobacco Growers ...... 1593 1 .0 . 0 . P . B IN G M ) blondes and vice versa, and per- front north of Nanking. "Federal aid- Is the only way In ning, February 28. Music will be Hose No. 1 1S93 S£gBlNGO limits of the absindoned Washington formed many marvelous transforma- which the difficulties in this wide- Bushnell AAemonal furnished by the Tarnowska Broad- and London arms treaties. tions with hU potions and a few Japanese army headquarters an- K. of P ...... 1588 nounced officially that General Bhun- fpread and complex situation can HARTFORD, CONN. casting orchestra. This orchestra Yankees ...... 1570 rv.- The administration proposes to cranks bf hla magic box. Exceeding- be adequately corrected." has played over numerous radio sta- give the navy 1,000 extra skv fight- roku Hata. inspector of military edu- Ramblers ...... 1566 ly funny waa Mrs. Howard Clark, cation in Japan, was stepping Into The committee proposed division tions in this vicinity and always Thursday Night TOMORROW NIGHT ers. which would raise the cost of whose wish to become an opera make a hit with dan(M crowds. A Royal A. C...... 1543 the shoes of General Iwane Mataul of the new grants Into six major Hose Jre...... 1537 the blgger-navy program to well singer waa granted, and who dem- categories, as follows, the first sum ONE NIGHT ONLY large attendance is looked for as the as commander-in-chief of Japanese Improv. Club ...... 1536 I over $1,000,000,000. onstrated the results; Mrs. James being for the starting year of 1930- proceeds wni help to build up the forces In the Shanghal-Nanklng Midways ...... 1522 _ T U I 1 ^ H A L L 8 : 3 0 Du Bose already has estimated Cummings as the bride in full re- area. 40 and the second for the maximum treasury of this well known Polish Odd Fdlbws Hall the government would have to galia/with shower bouquet of car- in 1944-46: benefit society. Aircraft ...... I609 spend $877,000,000 for the 47 com- Matsui's recall because of the suc- Sat Eve., Mar. 5 Reid's Auctioneers ...... 1475 rots, .George F. Borst as her bride- cess of Chinese counterattacks, 1— Genera] aid to elementary and Banqnet Tonight batant vessels and 22 auxiliaries groom, Mr. Clark who desired to be secondary education, $40,000,000 — President Albert N. Jorgensen of Trojans ...... 1474 proposed In a bill by C2ialrman Vin- breaches of discipline In the Japa- changed from a country bumpkin nese army, and friction with other $140,000,000. the (3onnectlcut State College at Porterfield ...... ;.... 1454 IP O C iW T B O O K S ^ ~ son (D.. Oa.) of the naval commlt- Into a young woman; Mrs. F. V Storrs, will be toe speaker at the MATTRESSES I tee. nations, became known unofficially 2— Improved preparation of Williams, who would rather peer iMt week. teachers, $3,000,000— $6,000,00(). P A U L annual banquet of the men o f St. CUPID'S PICKETS 25 GAMES Would Cost More. k j y** ^fl^flro than anything else, 8— Construction of school build- John's Episcopal church to be held The army "has adopted a revised this evening In the church social Up to $44-50 Should additional auxiliaries be h ^ her wish gratified, all passed ings to facilitate district reorgan- Philadelphia—Joe Rock, best man- MERCHANDISE organization designed to meet the rooms. This Is the first banquet to built In line with recommendations through the magic bo* with many new situation under the command of ization, $20,000,000—$30,000,000. to-be, declared he wouldn’t wear a be held at the churoh by the men Sealy “Sleep Ensemble” $59.50 TWO CARD BINGO With Yonr Choice of of Admiral William t.,eahy, chief of others until finally Mrs. George General Hata," the announcement 4— Adralnlstration of state de- r W H IT E / A A N top hat and talle for hla brother's naval operations, Du Bose said the w r s t appealed to the professor to said. "Thus the second phase of partments of education, $1,000,000 since 1934, and a large attendance is wading. 25 DOOR PRIZES Imagine, the convenience o f a mattress so light A n y of the Regular Gaines. shipbuilding program alone would change her to a man and the ap- hostiUties has begun on the baaia of —$2,000,000. And His World Famous expected. The Cross society a child con flip it over! N ext to your body, com- will serve a turkey supper. The sec- Six ushers who sympathized with I cost $1,080,000,000. paratus broke dow*n. the government's Arm policy of real- 5— Educational service for adults, pletely separate. Is a feather-like pod of eoft, fluffy ond speaker will be Rev. Frederick the prospective bridegroom retali- Doors Open 7 p. m. Some members of Congress have Adjournment was made to the izing Ita objectives In the dispatch $5,000,000— $18,000,000. Orchestra cotton. Underneath, a resilient tonersprtog construc- Lorentzen o f St. James's Episcopal ated by picketing Ihe Rock borne Indicated they might attempt to ob- luncheon. One of expeditionary forces to (aina." tion. plus a sturdy box spring unit. The "SLE E P 6— Library aervlce for rural areas, church In Winsted. Committee in with signs reading; tain an authorisation for fewer bat- of the tables had for a centerpiece a $2.000,000— $8,000,000. Ansp!ce8 Hartford Smith Coilege Club. Games Start Promptly at 8:30. ENSEMBLE" actually saves you money, too. be- The other two high officers ordered charge Is R. Earl EUlott, chairman "Joe Rock la unfair to organized DOOR I tieships and more aircraft. large, beautifully decorated cake back to Tokyo were: Lieutenant cause it's a complete sleeping imit—it needs no other The report emphasized that the MAIL ORDERS NOW! Frederick EUiott, Kerwln Little, WU- nuuTiage.” Their efforts have revived Argfi- General Prince Yaahuhiko Asaka, spring. m first item should be distributed llam Kuhniy, WUIlam NuUand, A. H. *No top hat, no wedding.” I ments on whether planes or ships tian Christensen, ami sold in sec- commander o f Japanese expedition- -mong the states in proportion to 75c — $1.00 — $1.50 — $2.00 — $2.50 Admission 25c. With the White Ticket. are more effective In modern war- tlons lator to help swell the flooring Hewitt, Rev. H. B. Olmstead. PRIZES ary forces, and Lieutenant General their financial needs. The share of SEATS TAX FREE Legion Anxlllary To Meet NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT I fare. fimd. Cut flowers and candles were Helsuke Yanagawa, commander of wealthy states, it said, must to Leahy has testified that a battle- also used in decorating the tables. Hangchow Bay landing force. Many 'vlaitors are expected to at- MEN LOVE GIRLS IN BEDS OR BEDDING small if the schoola are to be tend the meeting of Stanley Doboaz I ship could be destroyed from above Drives Are Blocked IT WILL PAY YOU TO ATTEND THIS SALE materially improved in poorer Unit, American Legion AuxUiary, to PLENTY OF SEATS AND TABLES "provided It Is hit often enough In General Hata faced the task of re- states. •MaUremeo 'Beds •Springs »Box Springs •Pillow* I the right places." but that It could be held in the G. A. R. haU, this W ITH PEP •Comforters •Blankets sAII Specially Selected for Vain* rganlztng Japanese Central China Aid for Other Schools evening. I Inflict "terrlflc losses" on the at- TOWN WILL SECURE forces to provide fresh Impetus for If 9M Bf* papnr *ad fun of foBe am to- BRING THE FAMILY FOR AN Among the more significant There wUl be both a National De> drive* against the vital Lunghal cor- vH* yea to d *a e« aod p*rtia*. I ll roa EVENING. recommendations were proposals ------TODAY------fense and Americanism program. oa’t Men’i and Women’s Watidies ridor. Chinese have blocked the that pupils of parochial and other DOROTHY LAM OUB In •'Thrill of American made. Buy American watches and help keep It costs leas to bring your STATE ROAD FUNDS __ a Lifetim e” Mrs. Anna Dunkelberger of Wethers- For thrss gsawstioBS sas woaau iiaa tsM drives In gome sectors and In others non-public schools share to a limit- PLUS . . ‘TThe Invisible Menace” sleep up-to-date during oui they were floundering. field, department of national ainUiw bva to so "ssdUas thraath" with American factories working. 30 GAMES 40 CENTS ed extent In to* grants. DISHES TO THE LAD IES fenoe, will be the speaker and guest lordls K PloUiaBs’s VststaGU Coeapoaod. It February Sals I T b i * fine Foreign military observers drew Part of the general aid fund, it o f the evening. Qther gueata are ex bsliM Nstara teas ap tha snUss. thaa kasto- Hamilton Strap (DQ*? Crfc and Sealy Mattress and Sofa LESS THAN IVi CENTS A GAME. Incomplete Report Requires this picture of the military-situation U s Ihs dkaoadorts (roa ibs faBctioasl dU- said, should to spent In such atoools peeted from unite In Ellington, Som' scM •bleb wosmb mast sadaia. Watches ...... / a v \ / up Range Oil Clarification; $17,500 State -hich has developed since the fall of Bed are foalurod values... for textbooks and reading materials, on , Stafford, and South Coventry. . Msbs a apta NOW to is ta bottto vxoifr/ABU t OOUPODMOT Ita state dlotment for care o f local Bumbers by the Juniors. Mrs. AUce between the Pengpu column and ...... $21.001 !U?s Coal ■dreeta roads, it Was stated by ANOTHER ENTERTAINMENT SCOOP TNK MMHTiKST THRILL Baekofen, Americanism chaJrman, ia T o ^ 'n-easurer George H. Wad- Japanese In southern Shantung •tlRM Province. ADVINTURK lo th* bUim9 In charge of the program and re- Btandard American dell today. Misunderstanding of freahmenta wUl be served at the ...... $27.50 8C7VU $21.85 VILUEI Iwfetr hi* notation to the Board o f Select- In Central Anhwei Province Chi- RORMNIM I V n oloaa o f the program. This bsautihil new in- Coke nese and Japanese ore deadlocked in STATEJ|![S}| , forUth*pir«f« Waltham Strap <|M Q CA and men Monday night prompted Mr PILMKDI hliigdeml Dr. Brookes to Speak neiepiing mattress has Eieyelopedia .VYaddell today t “ aay that toe town a series o' bitter engagements, with HARTFORD'S ACE SHOW VALUE TYPEWRITERS all custom-built Sealy Japanese unable to make an appre- THRILL Dr. George S. Brookes, pastor ot W*i5u** W,’,'...... V K O e O v I up will receive all of the $17,500 credit th* UBkw Oongregatlonal church, ALL MAKES isstursa including the Wood granted each town annually by the ciable advance north o f the Hwal 4 Days Beg. WED. F A 23rd H th* gallant •xclusiv* "Duzoliie" to- VoliM-a-Week river. bMtl* *f Naw has two very Important engags* SOLD _ REPAIRED wSSS" ...... $25.00 “p state for oiling, patching and over- hMots as a lecturer on Sunday and anspting unit.., sc/en- I Japagese columns have captured Orl**fi6afl*ma SPECIAL CONCESSION The Fuel You Want hauling roads. It was pointed out 8 GREAT ACTS 8 Ifonday next. On Sunday evening he RENTED — EXCHANGED UHcally balanced to that the misunderstanding was Wuhu, up the YangtM from Nan-I with plratofl give psrfect support to COUPON When You Want It! ^ caused by Mr. Waddell’s statement king, and Hangchow, important sea- ^ THRILL wUl speak at the noted forum of to* $8.95“'$12.95 any body weight I that the town had better not depend port south of Shanghai, but have CHESTER FREDRICKS tothfmarehof Waterbury Oongregatlonal church, 1-JeweL ^ ______XWa eeapon (with flve others, been unable to advance farther be- I — a oefflmunity program for au COMFABIOM aerially numbered, six In For Dependable Service on ita ability to secure from toe and C O M PAN Y p«r*t*i through cause Chinese guerrilla bands have D e M ILLE and eieeda ia pieamted. On sox SFSOia AT all from No. 1 to No. 6, state any funds prior to the actual I’ ROM th* boyout of Ladies' Croton Wrist A o / \ O E? bothered them continually. Guerrilas PHOUUt TION K»6*y at noon. Dr. Brookes wUl TBX SANK •Mppod from The Evening Call date on which these funds become BILLY "JUMBO" ROSS'S LoutiUa*! available, which July 1. have been active in the entire H on g-' at to* Hartford Caty Rotary ...... $Z0.85 nOUdOFFICEl Bsrald) oatKIeo the bolder to TEXAS BXPOW nON THRRX 17-JeweL ^ ______Previously, the town has gone chow - Nanking - Shanghai triangle; i -T riix L _ ONE VOLUM E o f toe stand- holding up supply shipments a n d ' to th* du*l to ard Aamrieaa E neydope^ BhMd early In the spring and has ABBOTT & ROBEY th* d**th In * YVhM Tonight New Haven Strap a o P* 6320 had work done on roads, anticipat- forcing Japanese to use part of their j When praeentod at The forces to garrison conununloatlon No. 1 r duogooiiprlto*. Th* troop opminlttee of toe Fine Watches...... MT.VERNON OOFA RED ing the state fund payment. ’This Troop o f Girl Scouts will hold 2ZlSr with ^ lines. Westelox Strap a ire gv mt year. Mr. Waddell saH it la uncer- DONNBTELLE BROS. i MARCH a public card party tola evening, at to the past 10 days, Japanese have *8 44 coata*^*** tain whether or not the town can Cl CARMEN the rooms of tbs Clvio Betterment Watches...... gbOdyD get any state money for use earlier suffered a distinct reversal in tha B O LA N D Hwal river area. After oroaalag and Other AlkStm Association tat tha DobaonvlUe Westelox a T !3 i.“ I than to* actual du* date. The Bchoolhouae. A large attendane* is Small Weekly or Monthly th# Hwal with haavy loasao, Japa- ^et Du ...... «h leZ5 M MTML $58.58 VUSEI town la, however, assured ot leeelv- VMi€l«vlll«r«atiirM urged. /T (Da Loxfl Edition ^ staU funds, Mr, WaddeU said nese reached a point 28 mliee north Payments Will Pnrehafle Westelox I M /\ Oil of Pengpu 10 days ago. Today, how- Held Meeliag You esn scsrosly belisv* rtfoa Par Volume I today. Any Maddne. Pocket Ben...... Jp X * 5 U that sud: a beautiful Uv- ever, both Chines* and Japanese ra- MADOINC C*MI0lLmnKaT lUaSNAa BUCCAMEER The Trinity Past Noble Grands <• Cants) porta said heavy fighting again was ing-room piece oonvsrts In Jamaica, natives nm 18 Ie 1 W*$ A swr . m4 CAFIAluai ■'.kmiinMIROFF M.ngot GRAHAM! o f Mandiaster bald a mabting with SERVICE quickly into superbly Company mllea uphill, earrylng freah flah to in progrere along to* banka o f to* Mayflower Rebekah Lodge tat Rock- ^ I stream, with Chlnea* boldlag th* — CX>MINO SOON — !VAIT!R BRINNAN oomfortsbl* douols oc 369 Center S t , Mancheatar to# markets. Th# runner vrtio viUe at Odd FeUowa HaU on Tuee- TYPEWRITER CO. twin bsda You ssv* si- illkea on toa north bank oppoalta 186 Traaabsril 86. Hartforfl, Conn. reach** market flret gets th* beat pRngpu. PINKY TOMLIN day afteraooa. R. DONNELLY saost $20 during this piloe for bis FANOia STACE.iCBIIM. aADW STAB PLUS KENT TAYLOR in -Tha Lady rtehl* Baek’'. ^ spadal avaatl Battsi A alRD "B fiW - jeweler — 515 Blflip street Manchester P A G E ff V Z MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHBETER, OONN„

beautiful little village, 45 minutes office ia concerned every time he ap- other university officials who spoke South African campaign with. long ago had determined to help there's no question about its being copied but the alr-cooditloniiig ajv- drive from the Adriatic sea where ing o f Radio City or that building Chinese restaurant in the FUtlea SISTERS OF iONG pears In concert. And Paul White- at the Sprague hall meeting. Unction, receiving- promotion boom-boom McNutt for the Presi- a big one, with lots of zip. tem being installed in the capttol la on 49th Street and Broadway, pois- thu former King Edward VIII took PAUL WHITEMAN’S man more than any individual has YALE TO ADVANCE The new freshman dean outlined LEGION’S DINERS meritorioua conduct in tha floIlL ! no raapecter o f placea; it reachea two minutes before A rt Jarrett en- dency in IMO. ed with pen and pencil. ters alone. Mrs. Wallla 'Varfleld Simpson on a brought jazz Into Us current res- some of the steps to be taken next enlisted oa a private and at everywhere. yachting cruise a few months be- pectability, and In the Interim of year to give freshmen a better in- close of the war held a The Other day McNutt came boom- In Ne w Y o r k I ^ Statisticians at thaae points claim Sir Cedric Hardwicks, ateppuig that 86 peroaat of the local and SEEK RICH MATES fore his abdication last year. CONCERT MARCH 5 many years has made himself a ITS SCIENCE SCHOOL troduction to Yale life. TO HEAR AUTHOR commission. He is the aut booming back from the Philippines WORSE AND WORSE We have a Japanese newspaper out o f the btaga door of the thea- foremost figure in modem Ameri- Among them, he said, will be the visiting stars ply through these two ter where he ia playing and ad- Set . in the heart of green-clad 40 novels, principally on Indio. ': in which ia a picture allowing the can dance music. - housing of all the freshman class on South Africa, and baa written i with a date to attend a boom-boom An interested citizen called us up By aE O M E BO^S lobbies on their way to song pub- dreuing bis female admirers. "W ell, mountains, Tirana has its own elec- Chinese ambaaaador to Japan wav- <^>among the average lot and Mr. Mc- the old campus, the inauguration of movie and radio plays.. He- McNntt dinner at Indianapolis last to express his disagreement with lishers’. managsra’ anc. agents' tric light plant, but so far no run- in. a handkerchief to Japanese Cllntic has given the lines to a girls," be murmurs wrill'e hs obliges a program o f Intramural athletics, a personal friend o f the lata Saturday, His ship bad been de- our expression of belief, yesterday, New York, Feb, 38.—In a lean capable cast including Katherine offices in these structures. with his signature. ‘T m glad to Three Albaman Princeeses ning water. The two main boteu Win Be Heard Id Program At Alumni Told It Will Be Made Talbot Moody To Be Goest crowds as he prepares to return to pump water from wells. a new system of freshmen advisers, yard Kipling and by many is layed by bad weather and the only that Manchester was trying to gov- China. Japan has ordered Uro to thaatrical week, the sole new offer- Locke, the girl from "Having Won- For example, during a ten-mm- glvt you my autograph, but Pm DeMILLE EPIC PLAYED and important changes in the fresh- garded aa Kipling's successor OS i ute wait in the RKO lobby the other warning you, I ’n. not one of these Aa a brother-in-law, an American chance of getting to Indianapolis In leave. But he and his staff are ing has been u play mirroring the derful ■nme” . and Myron McCor- man curriculum. authority on India and its loro. Pabllali«4 Bt « i7 Kvanlns KzMpt ern itself on the basis of a farming afternoon, one could'have caught a glamor boys, you know." Doe To Arriye h New husband of one of the three BoshneD Memorial For "Second To None” By Of Post At Baoqoet Io and BollOars- Bat«r«4 at tha smiling gayly as if* the whole affair class suuggie. The UUt U "How to mick, who runs the danger of be- The Freahman Year Major John Q. Mohonty ia time for the event lay in flying. So community of 500-or 1,000 people. gllmpae of Eddie Uarr George princesses would perhaps first meet BY A BRILLIANT CAST , VMt Omea at Maaekaalar, were all in fun. Such are the Oet Tough About It"; its author is coming aa good as Burgess Mere- Nino Martini standing on nis Dean Buck asserted the univer- ersl chairman of the banquet t.laaoad Claaa Mall Kattar. McNutt went to Hamilton field and The citizen pointed out that we usages o f diplomacy. dith. Olsen, Bob Ripley, Eleanoi Powell, bead near the threshold ot a mid- York On Next Monday. the aetf-msde King Zog sitting on sity must make of the freahman mittee and Jock Sansoa is eba' Robert Ardrey, who is being hailed the magnificent golden throne in his Smith CoDege Chib. ^ Dean Of Sheffield. Sheridao Next Toesday. 'iuBSCIUPTIOM KATES explained his piWllcament to Lleut.- haven’t even as well centralized a aa a playwright of considerable But the -troubie is that the play- Gertrude Lawrence, Judy Garland, town club to prove to bis friends Fredric March In Colorful Role year "a structure so sound that one In charge o f entertainment, Lillian Gish, Jed Harris, Buigesa *1,000,000 palace—a turreteo tor- Om Taar br Wall Oolonel Davenport Johnson, field government as the' co\intry towns promise and talent: and Us producer wright still ia mixed up bimaelt that tt Is his miitutlnal exerclae be- who passes through It will, tn later affair will be held in the Par Woatb. br Mafl .M about the clacs atruggl< and m Meredith. Katharine Oomeli, Gary fore taking vocal practice. treaa with secret subterranean pac- A s ; New Gla- years, look back upon bis year on EgypUan Room of the Sher <»mmandant and noted aviator. He Is Guthrie McCUntlc, who strayed New York, Feb. 28.— (A P )— With Paul Whiteman, King of Jazs and New Haven. Feb. 28.—(A P)— ■■ ■ ‘ I .•* that operate under the general lawa straddling the fence to be on both Cooper and Phil Baker pasaldk in Lupe Velez exhibiting Mexican, sagea ready for fligbL mour Girl Playa Opposite. the old campus not as a year of Talbot Mimday, internationally Hotel. • • • • • » « »m*•> $ t .M wanted Johnson to fly him to Den- which place the administrative Health and Diet from hla own theatrical metier when names' curiously reminiscent of Has Big Bodyguard dean o f American dance music will Yale Alumni, here for their annual disappointment or frustration but known author, whose home is at 27 he put this ona on. Bides o f a labor dispute, he has and out. folk dances to the people in a new KEWBKA o r raw abbo ciatko Eugene Flelde’ fabled Wynken, For Zog, once sentenced to death, arrive in'Hartford on March 5 with "mid-winter reunion,” were told by rather as one of fulfillment of hopes Pitkin street, will be the guest ver, where he could make connec- functions in the hands o f three se- For "How to Get Tough About his dramaturgic pants caught on a Parks For a Ticket Broadway show and expostulaUn.g One of tbe greatest casts ever WRONG PEW PRES* was fo r c ^ to flee the coimtry just a brought together for a motion pic- Dean (%arle® R. Warren of the and dreams, as a year of enlarged speaker at the Legion banquet at tions for Indianapolis. lectmen, one of whom la not only Advice It’- la not s genteel play. Its partici- nisty tenterhook. He not only ap- Incidentally, that determined fan that they ar. the true progenltons ,Bl3mken and Nod, who also aet hla orchestra and talented group of the Hotel Sheridan Tuesday eve- Topena, Kas.—“Members of ■- Tha Aseoelsted PrM* la axolaslrely year before he waa elected the first ture appears in Cecil B. DeMIlle's vision and renewed enthusiasm." : ntlUetf t* tha oaa of ropnhlleatlon By UR. FRANK HotXJI pears not to know where he stands, who rods the fender ot Grace of ’The Big Apple." ' te th to sea, three royal Balkan entertainers to give a concert in Sheffield Scientific School yeaterday ning, March 1. Prominent De- Kansas Day C2ub—" began St Army regulations permit of the known as first selectman but has pants are the dlainjierlted o f this President o f tbe Albanian Republic epic production of An,erica's strug- A crowded program was arrang- of aU a«wt iiapauiiao oroditad to It but where be aits. When he learns Moore’s car fiom the O pen House fnMuttes— maiden staters of King Busbnell Memorial hail under the that Prraldent CSiariea Seymour Is partmental and county officers of Senator Joe McDonald, addi'iimln^^ : or oet ethorwloo erodltod fo tbit fl>-ing of high oftlcials In military many powers specifically reposed in earth, the labor racaeteers, the —four years before he proclaimed it gle for survival during the War of ed for the returning alumni, many muddlebeada; and the oiay tells how to get tough about it, you may to her hotel the other day and in- PLOW REAPS DEATH „«>* L of Aliianla—were on ths auspices of the Hartford Smith Col- determilied to moke the unlveralty’s the Legion will attend the annua) a dinner of Kansas Demperoto. C por oDd oloo tho loeol aowt oob* planes but not out of one corps area him by law. OONSTIPAnON a Monarchy— and he has narrowly lege (3ub for the benefit of the 1812, "The .” opening to- of whom sat In on classroom lec- bod borcin. how two young softies caught in the expect an important play from this sisted upon a three-hour interview Elizabeth, Pa.—The plow that fhd fh seas today en route to the science dlvlaton ^.'second to none.” affair. Everyone groaned. The Kan escaped aasaaainatloii at least five scholarship fund. With him will morrow at the State Theater. tures and visited laboratories to re- liirbto of ropobllcattono of Into another without special per- Our critic’s point was that when ambitious dramatist. with the dl'va, finally settled for a 72-year-old farmer Clarence Stoner United States. He spoke at a meeting in Sprague Talbot Mundy is a veteran of the Day Club ia a Republican or ' opoetal dtopotcboo borofo oro oloo ro* Slugglshness of the Intestlnai middle of the\ hard-boiled class Umes. Now, however, he has « high- come Teagarden, LaVere and Tea- March as “ Lafitte” capture the spirit of their student mission from the War Department. we made the only Important change struggle, find out how to get tough Autograplier's Uarveat pair of tickets to one of Miss also indirectly caused his death. Bound on a broadly-hinted quest ball wblcb officially opened observ- days. Boer taur and served throughout the tlon. oorvod. elimination, or constipation, is one ly trained bodyguard of 350 men. garden the new "swing wing" of the Fredric March, the lead, por- ...... I. ...i;.; about i t I f autograph bounds were wise Moore's opera performances. As his plow turned the earth, it for American husbands, the ^hree ance of Yale’s twenty-fifth In honor of the graduates, the Johnson wired, asking the permis- that ever has been made in our form of the most common disorders found A blond, slim figure, wicn delicate Whiteman , orchestra which has trays one of the most colorful and Toll oorrleo eltont of N. strategists, Jiay would save them- Gotham Chop Snej cut a guide wire to a telephone pole. princesses from the so-called "Pow- annual Alumni Day for which Peabody Museaum of National his- loo Ibo. sion. No answer came and McNutt in present-day civilization, although Robert Ardrey writes with an made an enormous hit on l(ts Friday important, but least known, char- of local management, shifting from selves a lot u> shoe leathsr by tak- Around thf Town: Eleanor Holm The pole fell, fracturing Stoner’s derkeg Kingdom” of Europe are features, an aquiline nose and Wispy more than a thousand gradu- tory opened two new exhibitions, it hae also been well known as far authentic ear for what Jie hears cbestnut-colored moustache, Zog is night broadca-sts. acters of American history, Jean ates returned to tho campus to re- iiOBBbor Amortcoo Kowopopor Fob* became nervous lest he lose the three selectmen to seven, the act ing up posittona ia the RKO Build- and Billy Rose emerging from a skull. .1 Myseyen, 28. Ruhlje, 27, and Mox- Lafitte, tbe pirate king of the ear- both of which will be kept on dis- tioboro Aosoolotloii. back as we have any recorded reputedly the hardest-working Mon- The music planned for the Hart- live their undergraduate days and boom-boom event altogether. creating that change also definitely hlde, 26. ly nineteenth century who held play as part of the museum’s per- knowledge. arch still practicing. He tolls 18 ford appearance of Paul Whiteman see their Alma Mater In Its “ every- Fobltobora Rdix'ooontotlvoo: Tb# They are scheduled to arrive in tbe entire Caribbean In his grasp. manent collection. ‘T,’’ he told Johnson, “will as- abolished the office of first select- The i'emedies which have been hours a day at his desk, planning day working clotbes." Jolioo Matbovo SpoetaJ Aroney—Now New York next Monday on the DeMIlle’s glamorous Importation One Is a new "Hall o f Man," Torh. Cbleaffo. OMrotf and Bootoo. sume all the responsibility. You'll man without creating any other to used in relieving this s}rmptom pre- and executlni, the modernization of "CHiarles Seymour, accomplished which Prof. cv>rnellus Osgood,^ cura- SHORT OF CASH sent an almost infinite variety, Italian liner CXute dl Savota. from tbe stage and screen of Bud- just have to take me to Denver." take its place. The chairman of the bis "vest pocket” KIngi'om. historian that he is, knows and ap- tor of anthropology, said Illustrates MXlfBKR AUXm BHRSAO o r ranging all th way from rolling a King Zog hlmcelf baa plainly In- apest, Franciska Gaal, makes hbr This sh o r t m o n t h ? catxonuATioNB. In trying to reform his backward preciates full well tbe role that “The fundamental similarity of Johnson knew the reguiatloiui, all Board of Selectmen In this town Is heavy caiUion ball over the abdomen U m aM that the continued spinster- debut In American pictures as hood o f the trio, the youngest of six and sometimes violent people, Zog March's leading lady. She plays science has played and must con- mankind throughout the world." with ooly *2 wnUag days la Pebroorr, yea amy Tho Rorold PiiatlD t OooipaBy loo., right. Also he knew McNutt for a merely a presiding officer and under to using a spoonful of sand after sisters, has been a soi-.rce of grow- substituted a western code of jus- a Dutch girl, "Gretchen," whose tinue to play tn the affairs of this The other Is the mounted skeleton ooovoioo ho inanolal rooponolbtllty every meal. Generally those who de- world," said Dean Warren. nui tboil el cosh, lot the b®el plooniag lor typorropbloal orrort appoorlng Hi big sbot. Also the boom-boom In- the so-called charter has no more ing concern. tice for the ai,e-oId blood feuds wide-eyed charm and Innocent of a relatively small plant-feeding velop this complaint try one remedy "It 1s, I know, his firm determina- always taka oan ot unazpaetad ezpinaza. Ool a odoorttoonoBts Ih tho vahohootor fluence was all over the place. So authority in any respect than any Strikingly attractive, with wide- which for centuries settler' disputes. loveliness turn Lefittc from an out- dinosaur which lived and died some •to a lB f Borald. after another but are aeldom able tion to buUd up and maintain a 120,000.000 years ago. Pwrsoaal Loan hoa PERSONA). PINANCE. whsia he did take McNutt and his aid to other member. Only 3 More Days! set luminous e}es and luxuriant But he knows that many of tus law into the hero of . to secure more than temporary re- subjects are still "honor oound” to Akim Tamlruff Featured science division In the best Yale you have a choteo o( aU loaa piaao. Only ONE Denver. Our critic’s point Is well taken. lief. dark bair, each has bad suitors kill him, under the old feudal code The seasoned character actor who tradition, whose contributions to FIFERS' CONVENTION Ihlaq D®ad®d;— the abtUly to lopoy la wocdl, logw WKDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 aplenty, but— knowledge and to educational ser- However, his plane hadn’t been Whereas In any of the little towns The food which is eaten should which gbllgea relatives of a mur- came to Hollywood from the Mos- lor anouBls on tho loaa you atlacL Plaaty ei poa® along the digestive tube ac- While eligible bachelors among vice shall give It a place second to oft the ground more than a few- the first selectman Is empowered by the royal bouses of Europe have dered man to kill the slayer or his cow A rt Theatres and won world- Greenwich, Feb. 23.— (A P )—The UiBS to repay ia oiaounti you oaa hoadla eoavo- NEW DIPLOMAT cording to a regular schedule. A nearest relative, in endless proces- wide fame as the general In "The none. annual meeting of the Connecticut minutes when ther® came a reply law to decide numerous matters paid the sisteni marked attention, "For my colleagues in science I ni®ady. Chargea ooly oa oaoual yea otUl ewe meal placed in the stomach should General Died at Dawn” , Akim Flfers and Dn:mmer» Association without even consulting his asso- FURNITIfllE inevitably they have shied at Unk- sion, down the years. pledge him our most loyal and A t this extremely critical junc- to his telegram; "Request denied." reach the small intestine In about ..... Tamlroff, is seen as Lafltte’s stead- will be held In the fire house at (dtot waklag each payaeat Quick, privoSs aor- ing their ancieat lineage with Al- vlgortma support." ture In world alTaira it is gratifying ciates, and in a very real sense is four hours, the splenic flexure In fast lieutenant, Dominique You, the Milford Sunday, April 3. rios. Aak lor FREE BooUeL Coa» la a pheoa. Evidently no one relayed the mes- bania's Parliament-created princess- Makes Address the bead of the town government, about ten hou-a, and the evacua- one-time cannoneer of Napoleon, to the] that we are sending to Lon- sage to Johnson, or else McNutt did ea-sisters of the newcomer King Dr. Seymour, appearing before The Greenwich American Legion lO A m ap la 8*05 — A U PUNS tion of the remainder should occur who has gone dawn In history as Fife, Drum and Bugle Ctorps, which lion an ambassador who wili not be, some more boom-booming. So the town government of Manches- among reigning Monarchs. TOLLAND the alumni as • body for the first In from fourteen to twenty hours the leader of the futile attempt to will act as host for the meeting, I ter ho.s no more head than an egg. For it was not imtil 1927 that time since his election as president like so many this nation has had in Johnson flew the plane right more. In other wuids. It should have rescue the Ejnperor from St. voted on the time and place at a 2k>g. a one-time tribal chieftain Joseph Regan baa been confined of the university. Introduced Dean that particular post, either a stupid through to Denver, Four selectmen must agree on passed through about thirty feet ot Helena. meeting last night. PEBSONU FINANCE COMPANY from the Baikal bills, an erstwhile to his home for several days with Warren and other speakers at tbe ■eamtity or a currier of favor even the smallest detail of town digestive tubing In about thirty-six foot infection. Margot Grahame, the beautiful The Greenwich unit also was host Hoorn Then McNutt boom-boomed on to revolutionary firebrand, proclaimed meeting. He made his first official |7A8 Mala • tre«i« 3, Stata Thaatav hours. Mason Parker has returned from English star who scored In "The In- for the association’s anual mid-sum- ' with the BHtiah statesmen with Indianapolis and was boom-boomed management before it Is given ac- bimself King. former", plays the tragic role of the address before the graduates at a TaL MM It is often true that this timing a vacation in Florida and attended mer competition here last year. Whom he must be officially and so- at the dinner as per program and tual legal effect-^and since there Wealthy Husbands New Orleans belle who loves Lafitte luncheon today. is unduly dciryed and food which tbe morning service Sunday at the : ______Rafa of lataraaf par east oMptlilf mi are many hundreds of these details, Now that the 42-year-oId bache- and whose sister Is killed by his Norman S. Buck, dean-elect of eialiy associated. Joseph P, Ken- Colonel Johnson flew bark to Ham- should have been thrown out as long Federated church. the freshman year; and Wllmarth Pali prfarlpal aot aseaailap api pav* lor Monarch has ^eluted the daugh- pirate crew. In addition to Walter More births and deaths occur nedy is an American and we may be ilton Field. Only to learn pretty which should be at the dLsposItion as two days before may remain in Henry Pero, a student at a col- S. Lewis, newly-elected member of m**ntklr om aar ramalaiar. ter of an American for bis bride, Brennan and Ian Keith, the cast In- at night than In the daylight o f individual administrators under the colon. Many people do not con- lege in Lowell, Mass., spent the the Yale Corporation, were among hours. 'O ilta confident that neither the quick that instead of staying at with the weddmg ceremony set tor cludes Hugh Sothern, a direct de- sider that they are constipated be- week-end os guest of his parents giaamr o f the Court o f Bt. James’s Hamilton Field for two years more, the law, it is obviously impossible May, he hae let it be known that he . V scendant of General Jackson, in the cause they have a regular move- in the River district, Tolland. nor the lofty patronizing of the for the part-time governing body to would consldir American husbands Mrs. 2k>e BecUey of Tolland and role of the hero of New Orleans. in command of one of the finest and ment each day, but the trouble is Paul Whiteman deal with all or even a majority of —preferably with heavy bankroUs New York city is spending some British Foreign Office will have any most modern aviation posts In that the passage Is gotten rid of two to bolster the unances of his tiny time at the Sea Eklge, near Delray. effect o f making his Americanism them Intelligently. It Is never easy or three days later than Is normal- and his world famous dance orches- America, he has been relegated, so mountain Kingdom— as "suitable" Florida, where she is busy with her tra will be along the line o f sym- to get four out of seven persons to ly the case, during which time toxic leas sturdy. to ^>eak. to the goats— assigned to matches for the U. S.-bound sisters magazine and newspaper work for phonic rhythm Including "The material may be absorbed. WAKE UP YOUR It there bad bean at London In a scurvy, dilapidated old dump in agree absolutely upon anything, three. which sl)e is a noted writer in both Rhapsody tn Blue" which George It Is significant that constipation . World War days an ambassador like particularly upon something con- Zog himself, in 1935, indicated he magazine and newspaper articles. Gershwin wrote for his friend "The minols, left over from war time and is present In many diseases, and Is cerning which none of them la very would like an American heiress Mias Florence Meacham Is en- King of Jazz.” There will be some Mr. Kennedy instead o f the late hardly touched since, known as probably the greatest single cause of LIVER B ILE- bride with about *5.000,000, saying joying her school vacation from new swing numbers and “ On The rsknl CdMHl-*i4 Tm IIJia* Oil •( M h W alter Hines Page, It is entirely particularly Informed. disease. Some of the most Common Chaniite Field. be thought a o'estern queen at his teaching at her Tolland home. Trail,” a part of the Grand Canyon tW Mmisi Karia’ It (U. We will try not to repc-’.t the er- disorders In which It appears as a The young men from the Wes- Mneelvable that we might never There Isn't any legitimate way of side would be a greater aid tn,hls Suite by Ferde Grofe will be played T h « llvec •houM. pour out two pounds of symptom are t*-e following: Catarrh, leyan University C^irlstlan Associa- fo- the first time in this vicinity. No liquid bll* into four bowols ^U y. I f this bUe have gotten into that war at all; or making a kick at the disciplining of ror o f declaring our form of town plana for modernizing the country. !• not flowing freoly, your food doMn't digest liver trouble, acne, rheumatism, tion who were guests Sunday at the program today would be complete that, if we did. It would have been government to be like that of a lit- He is now betrothed to the Countess It just decays In ths bowels. Gas bloats up Colonel Johnson. What he did was arthritis, neuritis, etc. Federated church services were ac- without “ Bel Mir Blst Du Schoen" your stomach. You t * t constipated. Your SB a footing o f much clearer under- tle rural community. It is worse, Geraldine Apponjri, whose mother tive participants in the full program and Whiteman and hie boys will wholo system Is poisoned and you feed sour, distinctly against regulations. It’s Constipation may range all the sunk and the world looks punk. more inapplicable than, that would was Gladys Virginia Stewart of New of the day, helping tu to imderstand. "swing It.” 1 standing and not at all, as was the just that ho was sap enough to foil way from mild cases o f .occasional . .... Yarl-, A mere bowel movement doesn't get st be. clogging, to very severe cases in more fully, the thoughts of youth Thousands have danced to tbe the cause. It takes those good* old Cnrtcr'* ease, with the British government for the McNutt boom-boom. Sporte EathosiasU Little Liver Pills to get these two poundb which a natural evacuation seldom in the sphere o f religious thinking Whiteman music in all states of the and military authorities And ^even if there were something The three sisters are sports en- and life. of bite flowing freely and make you fee) occurs. While it may begin in m' ^ .... Union. Radio sends him over a “ up and up.*' Harmless, gentls. yet amat that we were going In pretty much that ths administration could do to fai.cy it is found at all agee and is thusiasts and excellent horsewomen, The Reading club met Monday nationwide hookup every week. He Ing ia making bile flow freely. Ask fo? aometlmee appearing In tha glltiar- afternoon at ths home o f Mrs. Carter’s Little Liver Pills by name, tik on the basis of a British colony. one o f the problems among the aged. Is a record beater aa far as the box fHubbomly refuse anything else. McNutt for procuring a violation of ing uniform of officers of Albania’s Frits Gomez. Inasmuch as a sedentary occupation Many unfortunate situations that military regulations that same ad- lone cavalry reglmeiit. William Senk, jr., is unable to at- W ashin g to n especially favors the development arose during the war, and after- ministration wouldn’t dare do it, Thus garbed, they receive and re- tend to his work on account of of constipation, It Is particularly turn the nation's military salute— a serious illness with laryngitis. ward, might thereby have been dearly as It might love to, because frequent among bratn-workeri. D ayb o o k sweep of the .igbt arm and hand Emil Ehvald had the misfortune avoided. it would be boom-boomed ail over Constipation may be roughly di- ' B j P r M o m G ra vtr—— Fine across the chest, palm downward. to se'ver a portion of his thumb One does not forget at this time vided Into two main types. In the Dinin g Rooms while assisting In sawing wood at the country as the result of pollticsl Lost year, they led a move to Washington—Whisky regulations first type the colon is lazy and flab- bis home, his thumb being caught that, within five years after the jealousy: s emancipate Albanian women from now brewing (excuse it, please) put by and In the second type It Is Irri- (f you're one to enthuse over a perfectly tail- while handing wood to the sawyer. the centuries-old Turkish custom of narltlm e pact of I»ndon, to which But somebody has to pay for a a new Interpretation in the time- table ana touchy% The "treatment to W. Hoyt Hayden who has been ored chair, exquisitely designed and construct- wearing veils, startling their broth- both Britain and the United SUtes flagrant infraction of the rules. So honored phrase, "aged in the wood be used must depend to some extent confined to his home for several ed dining and bedroom pieces . . rare woods er's subjects by appearing in public were signatories and which estab- Johnson goes to the sticks to think For a number of generatlon.s upon the type which is present. In days with neuritis Is somewhat Im- there has been a dispute over what so finished as to bring their richly figured and at social events not only bare- proved. IkCied definitely the rights of neu the spastic or Irritable type, tt It over under a |eaky roof for a cou- constitutes whisky, DistIUera and Fine Bedrooms grains into glowing relief; If you always Uke faced but in modish European Mrs. Joseph Du Four has been 111 often advisable to provide a sooth trals in time of war, defined contra- ple of years, while McNutt boom clotbes. the government haven’t agreed Ing bulk for the colon by using agar- the finest . then these last four days of the for several days with an attack of Today, few Albanian women wear band and distinctly limited the au- booms along toward the Democratic wholly yet. The newest raid on the agar, mineral oil, psyillum seed or February Sale are your^daya! Many o f the grip. government for a redefinition of yells. ’ thority of belligerents on the seas, nomination for tho Presidency. •some similar preparation. In the de luxe pieces and groups on our floors . . of whisky comes from those operators An American, returning with one Cheat Britain violated practically lazy type of colon, the eating ot which we have only one-of-a-kind . . are of the husband-seeking princesses —the largest are in Illinois— which large amounts of vegetablec will Fine Sofas every section o f that agreement, dramatically reduced. You can own these ss his bride to Albania, would find wish to age their whisky in old bar- generally prove helpful.- over and over again, at the expense WATERBURrs BIG SHOW rel.®. a strangely medieval little country, I f in seeking a remedy for con- "finest" St ordinary, everyday prices! Under present regulations no lying on the west coast of the Bial- o f America's freedom of the seas. Even the tremendous implications stipation you have tried bran and whisky made In the United States kan peninsula^ with an area ot only One does hot forget that, with ail found it irritating then you prob- of the European crisis fall to whol- can lay claim to any aging what- 11,000 square miles (smaller than S Don't put up with the administration's natural sympa- ably have spastic constipation; Fine Ch airs ly put tn the shade general Connec- ever unless It has aged In new Maryland) and a population just the bran piovlded beneficial results an inadequate, old- thies with the allied cause, it again ticut Interest in the affairs of Wa- charred-oak barrels. The charred over the million mark. Interior of the barrel, fresh from then you probably have the flabby Prindtlve People ACOLDS^ fashioned refrigerator and again became imperative that terbury. The bringing of a *600.000 type of colon. our State Department should protest the burning, is reputed to give He would find a primitive people CO UG HS D UE TO C OLDS any longer. taxpayers’ suit against former City special tang of whisky and to neu- I suggest that you look for my who still use archaic wooden plows those outrages. And one does not Controller Daniel J. Leary, to re- tralize certain deleterious extracts article in this .lewspapei tomorrow, to scrape the soil, and every house- which will outline some of the com- at Ordinary Everyday Prices target that our presumably Ameri- cover for Bome *550,0000 of over- which sizzle over from the distilling hold attempting to produce all the m mon causes of constipation. ' G’ E. H first dioks ean ambaaaador to London, when he drafts for which It Is alleged the pots. necessaries of life for their own pur- MANCHESTER $440.26 Six Piece Chinese Chippendsle Bedroom Group o f fill mahogany { poses, including flax, and leath- of millions is now handed those protests to the Brit- former controller was responsible, qUESTTONS AND ANSWERS $79.00 Small Queen Anne A m Chair ish government, did so with a wink, Special ProoesB Claimed rope and fret-work carvings. Bed, dresser, chest, vanity, 0 O O A in coral matelasse with hair-filled cush- er for clothing. The rainfall is one TAXI loses any appearance of an empty (Soda) o f the highest in Europe. _ pofNiknly prkodi U. S. whisky aged in old barrels Question: W. W. writes: *'1 see table and bench...... ,'i,...... vO s5 5/ sion. < nd Rapids and that he wrote to President Wil- gesture when half a dozen pieces of must be branded "aged less than The capital city of Tirana is one aotia mentioned so much that I have PHONE 6588 aon threatening to resign If Lansing one month," no matter how long It m ade...... of the smallest in the world, with a More people bought real estate valued at more than wondered from what root the word $364,26 Seven Piece Sheraton Bedttxim in genuine mahogany. Grand $29. 24-HOUR SERVICE h , been exposed to the second- population of about 30,000— a did not atop sending those "Insult- *30,000 are placed under attach- Is derived. Can you tell m e"? Rapids quality. Twin beds, dresser, chest, dressing table, $69.50 Chippendale Period Club Chair General Electric Re- tng" notes. hand charcoal In old barrels. ment and the defendant Is restrain- But now comes a distilling com- Answer: There Is reason to be- bench, bedside ta b le ...... ^ibO ^s in brown matelasse with down-and- frigeraton last year We are not, fortunately, sending ed by court order from disposing p-ny which insists that by a spe- lieve that our word eoda has come feather seat down from the Arabic, "suda, ^162.00 Three Piece 18th Century Bedroom in genuine mahogany with than ever before. And A Page to England now. We are of any stock in half a dozen corpo- cial distilling process the barrel cushion ...... aending a capable, self respecting which has made one batch of whis- meaning splitting headache. The satinwood bandings. Bed, dresser, chest; ^ 1 O C $34.75 tbia year they’re rations In which Mr. Leary Is be- Medieval Latin term for soda was $55.00 Chinese Chippendale Occasion- citizen who n-lU keep his head on ky can be used to make another. Grand Rapids m ade...... iSOe T H U R S D A Y A N D F R ID A Y even a bigger buy. lieved to be heavily Interested. The sodanum", meaning headache al Chair with solid mahogany frame. his shoulders, who will "yes" nobody To old line whisky makers this is court order even appears to have rank heresy. They insist that once remedy. $320.00 Four Piece Late Colonial Bedroom in genuine ma- Plain Empire green cover; SP EC IA LS A T tn Europe— neither will he be crude tied up *130.000 worth of the stock the charred Interior of a barrel has hogany. Bed, dresser, chest and van ity; Grand Rapid quality nor betUcose nor narrow. b"pn used In the aging process the (Ventilation) $269. of a Waterhury bank which the de- Question: Mrs. K. T. states; "W e It is at times like this that the barrel Is no good except for fire- $195.00 Three Piece 18th Century Bedroom in genuine mahogany with .... $39.50 EVERYB O D Y'S M A RKET fendant was supposed, la.>>t week, to often argue over the question ot wood. satinwood bandings. Serpentine front dresser, panel bed, ^ 1 A FREE DELIVERY! DIAL 5721! CALL IN! nation should be represented abroad have sold to a business associate whether the window should be open- (2) $69.50 Pjllow-back •Cogswell type These old line illstlllers produce and chest. Grand Rapids q u a lity ...... V A 4 i / e Lounge Chairs with down-and-feather by Its ablest and Its bent. And the' who halls from Texas. about 97 per cent of the United ed or closed in the winter. My hua bond la a fresh-air fiend and wants backs; choice o f blue or burgundy dam- lass training they have bad In the The signers of the complaint, States' output. They say that any $424.00 Five Piece Louis XV Bedroom Ensemble in acacia and mahogany Sh e ffield M ilk 4 ca ns 2 5 c tsehnique of professional diplomacy liquor which is aged tn used bar- it open. He complains that when ask ; solid mahogany ^ y f O *7 C! r T f ^ gerator who are pledged to turn back to the close the window the air seems with inlaid marquetry designs. Bed, dresser, dressing table, ^ 1 Q Q tbs better they will be likely to rep- rels Is not truly whisky and ought frames. E a c h ...... • f D city any sums they msy recover as not to be permitted to compete vith stuffy. Perhaps you will help us out bench and bedside table. Grand Rapids q u a lity ...... vX ^O s M ax w ell H ouse C o ffe e, lb. co n 2 5 c resent their country. If they have result of the suit, leas the coat of whisky aged and mellowed in new by suggesting what to do with the (2) $69.50 Queen Anne A m Chairs 1 —Bigger Dollar-for •Dollar Vela* at ones character and brains. windowrs during cold weather.” $221.26 Four Piece Colonial Bedroom in solid maple with Ogee bracket with pleated backs; solid mahogany than ever. ..2'~X4>wCurreotCoit.®a the action, are members of a newlv barrela Answer; The best way of provid bases. Poster bed, dresser, chest and dressing table. ^ 1 yfl Q knuckle a m s and cabriole legs. Gold La n d O 'Lo k es B u tter lb . 3 5 c 3Long Life; organized Citizens Good Govern- Oddenda ing for adequate ventilation during or rose damask covers. ^ A ^ ment As.sociatton. Things like this seem almost too the. winter months is to keep the O il COOLING / er enduring ttnnemy, BOO.M-BOOM M cNUTT Each ...... rhia, so far as memory sen-es, la pat to be true, but we were sitting window open at both top and bottom. $337.75 Six Piece Modem Bedroom in blonde birdseye maple ^ O y| Q Jh 4 S l.7 5 C a m p b ell's Pork an d Beans Paul V. McKutt, who is good- This allows tho stale, wrarm air to $150.00 Sheraton Barrel Chair with the first time that any municipal o f- in a bureau executive’s office the veneers. Bed, dresser, chest, vanity, bench, and bedside table other day while ho told a story escape through the top opening and looking enough to offset any dls- ficial In Connecticut wa.a ever sued plain back; down-and-feather seat cush- 4 ca ns 2 5 c oouragement that otherwise might about a series of regulations' that allows the fresh air to enter $206.00 Eight Piece New England made Maple Dining Room with farm- ion ; green matelasse cover having moss for the recovery of public funds al- had just been issued. Omcluding, through the bottom opening. How lh€ J W H A U C O R E FZ'j arise from bis slightly odd patro- house reproductions in new light “ collector’s” color. 60-inch Chippendale , trimmed edges. ( /I O *7 C leged to have been Illegally spent as be said: wide the window should be opened K rasd a le A p rico ts 3 ca ns 2 5 c MANCHeSTen C onh- buffet; 161/^x60 inch drop-leaf Chippendale table. Windsor * 4 Grand Rapids quality.. $ 4 ® / ® / Of E T| uymic, is anyhow no victim of the a consequence of the official’s dere- 'I called in our economist and depends to some extent upon the ' * Inferiority complex handicap. liction o f duty or illegal act— at acked him to prepare an economic wishes o f those using the room. $175.00 Queen Anne Wing Chair Lib b y's Sa u erk ra u t Burgeoning upon public notice basis for the course we had taken. When the window is kept open all patterned . Down-ar 2 1 ca n 10c least, in anything like so large a He came in next day with his thesis of the time as I have deaerthed, $903.00 Nine Piece Early Empire Dining Room showing Sheraton and not so long ago as a commander of -feath er seat cushion; solid * 4 sum. but It was just opposite to the one sufficient aid should be provided U Duncan Ph yfe influence. Genuine mahogany, hand made. Grand R a p i^ the American Legion, he boom- which we were proce#ding. and walnut l e g s ...... ^ X Larg e Lo cal Eg gs ^ d o z:3 2 e Of course th^ mere bringing of a the opening is from two to four quality. Buffet, table, com er cabinet, arm and ■1 t ; tMOmed his way to be governor of suit proves nothing whatever. It I told him to. He said: inches wide, especially when tbs $79.00 Chippendale OccasioniU Chala i-tn dlana. then, because* his boom- “ 'Why didn’t you tell me you weather is extremely cold. Thoae certainly la no guarantee that It in dusty rose moquette-hgured veloiin M ilk or G ra h a m C ra c k e rs, lb. 10c tMoming seemed to be directed to- were on that side. Now I ’ll have to who are ardent believera io freah $280.00 Nine Pie<» Early New England Dining Room Group in solid maple. will bring back to the people of Wa- do It oyer.’ " air will probably want the opemng Solid mahogany frame; ' ward the . White Houae, a discreet terbury any part, subatantlal or oth- Next day. It aeomz, the econorolat much wider, both at top and bot- Hutch buffet, 32x80 inch refectory table, Welsh cupboard, ^ 1 *7 C Grand Rapids q u ality...... ^ i ■TYealilent aent him the very kmg Windsor a m and 5 side chairs ...... v X # D s M cIn tosh A p p les 1 6 q t .b sk t .3 9 c erwise, of the wastage which has came In with a thesis on the op- tom. When the air teems eepeclally $69.50 Chippendale Occasional Chaic ' dtotanee to the Phillppinee as Unlt- posite side and everybody was hap- stuffy, open all windows as wide as. apparently beeo going on under the $4p6.00 Nine Piece 18th Century Dining Room in genuine mahogany. with w in ^ back; down-and-feather at* , cd States High Commissioner. py- possible and open one door. I f you Larg e Iceb erg Le t tu ce h d. 7 c Hayea regime. But it does indicate Heppelwhite buffet; chairs and china, Duncan Ph yfe ^ O A O tached pillow seat: blue ^ C A ’ There he boom-boomed the Presl- have any amail children in the fami- that there ia in the Brass City a George Washington’s sepulchre Is ly. they should help to keep the air ta b le...... damask cover...... [-^Stnt o f the Philippine Oonunoti'e firm determination to hold some- being ^r-oondltloned by indirection. as your husband desiree, for they Fa n cy T e x qs Sp in ach EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES PITTED lith smack Into a corner and Take that with a grain of aalt $69.00 Antique Victorian A m Chairf p k .1 5 c body to strict accounUbiUty for are likely to leave the doore open BMAIX. WEEKLY PAYMENTS Zyou’fffind MORE PlAsUR E ^ilMiinii'd the entire spotlight, to the Waahlngton’a body la In a vault at to much that you are bound to get solid walnut frame; restored A i that wastage if such a thing la pos- Mount Vemoo but In tha capttol, plenty o f cool air Into the room. in; figured mulberry damask. 9 < 2 9 ^ fCiwat unease o f the Watfiington sible. See dless O ran g es (G e t 1 D o z. Free!) RICHARD STONE exactly under the peak of the dome, When the air seems very dry It is stlon but to the great de- $125.00 Antique Victorian Love S ea i OPTICIAN , Anyhow, whether tha Waterhury la a spot which once was prepared often a good plan to set a pan ot in C heste^elds m ilder beUer taste bt o f the Indiana D enoocr^, who for the bodiea at George and Mais with solid walnut carved frame. Re® E. JL Optoaaetrftt a show U exaeUy edlfytng or not. water on the beater, so that the 2 9 e n o Blala S t State Theater Bldg. tha Waahingtoa I t n a ^ was oc- . W A T KIN S stored and covered in - ^ A Q TeL 4TS0 moisture wiU saeape Into the air. I95t» iMonrik MyimTo gROTHCtlS I N e plain mulberry ...... >Cok NINE HORSES DIE Attempting To Find Jobs BOOZE DEALER HELD Teruet A Heap o f Ruths

AT EAST HAMPTON For All Workers Ov^r 45 FOR DRUNK DRIVING After Weeks of Warfare / V

a r c a i n o u n d Washington, Feb. 33— (AP) —Ahimself bv acquiring mors skill, by Temet Spain, Feb. 28.— (A P )—*yesterday, shouting, singing, and S H Are Trapped As Riding Acad- Secretary Perkins suggssted todayay closer attentfOB to Ihis health, by A savan-ycar-old girl can’t find her confident that they were protected , 1-,^ that labor, industry and government Joining a union and by efforts to at- father and mother. by rings ot troops 'In tiw outskirts tach himself to a steady buslnesa. Thby occupied Teruel, which govern- emy Boms; Worker In- needed more figures before they 3. Educational programs to Main Street; Pronoimced A tired, white-haired man, ment forces had captured last De- could successfully'atack the problem “break down the prejudices” wotmded In the shoulder. Is glad the cember, after the trapped govern- fighting is over. One day be came SPECIAL CARLOAD of how to find more Jobs for work- He -waa one of thoM natural muai- Warm Cream Won't Whip jured; Damage $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 . against older worksta. Unfit To D rife. ment garrison of 1,(HM) men raised a My Neighbor Says: ers over 46. 4. Adjiutment of various Insur- home and found hla wife shot dead. white flag over the seminary ruins. lana trom whom music gushed like “None of the studies made so far ance plana to prevent discrimina- He stayed through weeka of siege The surrender ended oostly street Niagara Tails—most surprising as When cream la warm It will not and says be won’t leave home now. whip. When chilled the fat congeals appears to get at the cause of the tion. fighting which began when Insur- neltber his mother, father nor any East Hampton, Conn., Feb. 33.— problem,” Miss Perkins said. In an 5. Preference for older workers In Thomas Brennan, 44, of 38 'G ar- Two boys sing when they see the gents penetrated Teruel’a outaUrta ancestor boasted any trace of such and cream thickens with whipping. (A P )—Nine horses perished and a address prepared for a committee Federal, state and municipal Jobs. den street was arrested on Main food trucks, They had been eating Monday. talent. George Friedrich Handel waa she appointed to consider a solution. To glare doughnuts while they man was severely Injured In a lire 6. Modification of civil service mule meat. The elghty-flrat Insurgent dlvlskm horn In Saxony two hundred and fif- She said seven remedies had been laws. street yesterday and charged with ty-three years ago today. His father are still piping hot from the deep which razed the stables of the Fly- operating an automobile while be Except for a cleanup of snipers under CJolonel Munoz Grands waa suggested: 7. Special attention tor older which victorioua insurgents think the first to enter the city proper wlahed him to study law and notfi- fa t dip them quickly into a thin ing Duck riding.' academy here, 1. State legislation forbidding em. paste made by mixing 1-3 cupful of workers In employment aervlcM. waa drunk. A police doctor, called may be hidden In the ruins of caves and put down scattered reslstano^ • Ing else, so study law he did but se- causing a loss estimated at 82U.OOO. ployers to discriminate against old- As the emplojrment situation'now In to examine the man, pronounced IA cretly taught himself to play on a hot water wiUi 1 cupful of powder- imdemeath this once-proud Aragon Before giving up, government troop The injured man was Harry Mc- er workers, such as that enacted stands. Miss Perkins said, “there city, the batUe of Teruel la ended. had machine-gunned the beslege- muffled harpstebord smuggled Into ed sugar. Drain on wax paper. last year in.Msasacbusetts* him unfiL to drive a car. Brennan Laughlin of 187 Park street. West seems to be a tendency to limit a was apprehended by Policeman Ar- Last nl|^t pack mules of the in- from behind sandbag barricades. the attic. After his father's death Haven, who waa kicked by one or 3. Urging the worker to protect workeFs life to the ages IS to 46.’’ surgent sanitary corps plodded he applied for a position as harpsi- Before baking potatoes, cut an thur Seymour, after Seymour bad General Jose Varela, command /l\)i I oval-shape opening lengthwise several other borse.s he was leading followed him down Main street to through the streets, carrying dead the Insurgent army west and soi chordist in the Hamburg Theater to safety as the (ear-crazed animal and wounded. Squads of Insurgent and almost lost his life in a duel through, the skin. When baked this Maple itreet. According to poUee, then vvent Into Teruel and tnspaetad oval-shaped piece la quickly peeled lashed out wildly with its hooves. covered the bus at 8 o’clock this Brennan had stdewlped another ear soldiers pushed over tottering walls damage to the Cathedral and the with a jealous actor who wanted the earlier In the day, and a complaint and cleared away debris. job also—but a button on bis waist- off, making stuffing easier. The blaze was discovered In an DECISION IS D E A YE D morning parked partly on the side- hlatoric Plaza del Torlco. upper part of the stables at 9 p. m„ walk on Green street near Fair- re.suttedMn his being trailed 1^ po- Shell-splintered trees Uttered Yeatorday insvirgent llnea ex- r^: coat saved the day. Up to hts fiftieth lice. year he wrote opera endlessly. Un- Bacon should always be cooked last night, and for a time endanger- mount street. Police could not get roads leading Into the city. Most of tended two and a half miles east of slowly as a hlgb temperature causes ed a large, two-story clubhouse ON LADD’ S SANTTY it started. Brennan waa said by police to bb the buUdings which had been Teruel, compared with nearly seven like most musicians be not only the operator of the American Pack- wooed the public favor but shrewd- it to smoke and smoking fat Is nearby. Terual’s pride before the dvrll war miles before the government’s Do- age store here, and at the time of were in ruins. REFRIGERATOBiiflE burning fa t Pour off fat as It accu- The flames spread to the kitchen cember advance. ^ calculated commercial gain so New Haven, Feb. 23.— (AP) — Ex-President Theodore Roose- the arrest he waa driving a car be- that he became wealthy. AS an mulates. Ham and sausages are also roof of the larger structure, and Although damaged, the tower of Lines south of the city, howavor, Judge John Rufus Booth postponed velt formed an organization known longing to Mrs. Haxel H. Geas, the famous CMtbedral stlU was opera director In London he failed better cooked at a low temperature. East Hampton volunteer firemen, as the American Legion some years were much deeper than befora. In- Prices cut as high as ^30 on some models-also includes floor samples and demonstrators as.slsted by hundreds of spectators today until Feb. 25 anouncement of dental hygienist in the schools of standing. The Aragon hotel, the surgents also held approximately Which drove him to the writing of the decision of (our psychiatrists before the World War, in conjunc- Manchester. The accused man will oratorios. So beautiful were they attracted to the scene, had a stiff seminary convent and the mlUtary 800 square miles of new territory In who examined Duncan H. Ladd of tion with some of his Rough Rlden be presented at tonight’s session of barracks vlrtusUy were destroyed. the Alfambra river valley north of that be earned the title “Master of hour’s battle before they were of Spanish war days. the Town .Court. the Oratorio.” When the “Hallelujah 0, brought under control. Wallingford, acquitted shot gun Insurgents marched Into the city TerueL Chorus" from the Messiah pealed McLaughlin was taken to the slayer of a Meriden Barber. .forth for the Orst time, the audi- Middlesex hospital In Middletown The Superior Court Jurist said In ence swayed by an irresistible Im- ONE YEAR SENTENCE where attendants said he ba(f suf- court that he had received the Wl Rtoss i.RniSi I^.ss ..yiM lY 'Y — .y ~ ..y..,. y — .y,, - pulse rose spontaneously to Its feet fered possible Internal injuries. psychiatrists’ report only five min- as id] audiences for two centuries After be was kicked, he continued utes before court opened and wanted since then have done. In bis spare FOR ANSONIA U W Y E R to rescue other horses until he was time to go over It and also that the time be tossed off innumerable forced to stop by the intense pain. state desired to look into the legal weeks for flute, violin, organ—no New Haven, Feb. 23.—(AP) — Eleven saddle horses and Jumpers end of it DO wonder that he occasionally helped Walter M. Kullkowski, Ansonia at- were led to safety, but several ot Ladd, who had been brought to himself to other composers' themes torney and former clerk of the them were so badly burned that the county courthouse about 9 a. —needed them. No wonder court, eras found guilty of embezzle- their ownprs believed it would be m.. was kept In the prisoner's pen either, that his health finally failed ment today and was sentenced to necessary to destroy them. Two even when Judge Hooth announced and his last years were spent In SOME one }rear In county jail by Judge goats, a police dog and a litter of the postponement and waa returned WHY hUndness and paralysla, and on John RufUs Booth of superior to the county Jail. PEOPLE bounds also were burned to death. Good Friday In 1759 he breathed his court. The riding academy, located on The Judge had ordered the sanity , last—saying that he saw “all HeaV' Kullkowski. who had pleaded Inno- the Elast Hampton-Marlborough test after a Jury acquitted Ladd last SPEEDY FREEZER.. . an before me—even the great God cent previously, changed it to nolo road, was owned by Mrs. Elizabeth Friday of the first degreq murder Makca ice faster. 10-cpeed Himself.” contendre today. of Michael DlLeo, on the ground ot temperature e o n t r o L The Judge also ordered the An- Wadsworth, who has exhibited her horses in most of the leading show insanity. GET M ORE O U T O F LIFE Automatic rseet, defrost- sonia attorney's disbarment. For Dressy Kitchen rings of the east. A four-man commission appointed ing switch. Quick trey Sheer white curtains, or white Kullkowski waa charged with em- by Judge Booth examined the 87- rtlease. The whole town With a small bright design, edged bezzlement of 13,600 from the > es- year-old Wallingford “honor-slayer” ? ? with colored ball fringe, will ef- tate of Agnes Gajewskl of which he yesterday. Ladd was reported to .foctlvely dress up your kitchen. was executor. is talking about Judge Booth, In Imposing sen- MESSENGER BOY AIDS have appeared self-confident and at ease prior to Jie examination. MORE ENJOYMENT FROM PLAYS Keep Stove dean. tence, said: Do not expect good results from “Ordinarily In a ease of this na- CAPTURE OF BANDITS a dirty oil stove. Clean the wicks ture, the penalty would be state's C ' f ' j 5 K I I ' ! , V The FOOD FROSTER and burners at least once a week. prison. In view of all the circum- STOLEN BUS LOCATED 81 Cu. Ft. SUPREME stances. however, the court will or- New York, Feb. 23.— (A P )— A Tha grestest development in refrigeration In the last der his disbarment and Impose a courageous 22-year-old telegraph 3 years. Fine tor cvutsrds, gelatines, all sorts of Avoiding Tarnish penalty of one year In the county messenger who pursued two fleeing ON HARTFORD STREET smooth, chiUod deassrts, and dsllcloua salads. Consists A teaspoon of vinegar added to REDUCED Jail.” bandit suspects on his bicycle de- of 10 Ivory ovenwsre pottery molds with matching deep ISO the water when boiling eggs In spite threats of death waa credited glass dish. See It demonstrated, learn Its economies an aluminum pan will prevent the Hartford. Feb. 23—(A P )—Bos- 16995 ARRESTED FOR FRAUD. today with their capture. ton's “biggest individual theft,” a ' • . I _i •h H ' i h ^ ’ 3 ' i ; s J. ( I and many other uses! - utensil from turning dark. Waterbury, Feb. 23.— (A P )— Robert Bottcher saw three men One of the flneet refrigerator bargains bus, was found in Hartford early aver offered! Full featured! 18.85 Harold B. Ray, 44, of Waterbury, enter an automoblU at a Brooklyn today. Wedding Gift waa arrested yesterday on a war- •q. ft. shelf area. Makes 128 Ice cubes stoplight and slug and rob the Yesterday the Norwood (Mass.) FOOD GUARDIAN. . . . . 13 lbs. per freezing! Dulux ex- Cocktail napkins make a charm- rant issued by Danbury police dilver, John Gallagher, 37. Bottcher ing, but inexpensive gift to the charging Ray with obtaining money Taxi Company took a group of Alarays on guard to prove terior. followed the car until the men school children to a Washington atfe temperature la con- bride whose invitation came in by false pretenses. Two state abandoned it. and then pursued two the morning mall. troopers of the Ridgefield barracks birthday party In two buses. After tantly maintained. Ideal- took Ray to Danbury later in the of them as they fled together on the party waa over one bus was ly p l a ^ tor quick vislhU- day. Inspector Joseph P. Stevens foot. missing. H E R E I S Y O U R ity. Only 8 Days More “Beat it, kid, or we'll biow your At 9:33 p.m., Boston police In- In which to take advantage o f the said. The amount Involved In the al- head off,” Bottcher said one of the formed Hartford police of the theft KEENER DELIGHT FROM MUSIC famous February Furniture sale at men told him as he rode up. over the teletype. Radio broadcasts 'Watkiiu. Why waste time and leged offense, was not stated In the O P P O R T U N I T Y police message to Waterbury, In- The messenger continued to fol- from Boston described the robbery money by looking further when you spector Stevens said. low them, however, until he sighted as the "biggest individual theft In have right at your doorstep one of The accused Is believed to have two patrolmen, who captured the the city" and a case on which ace T O S E C U R E T H A T . the finest furniture stores In New come to Waterbury from Washing- suspects, one of whom carried a re- detectives went to work. Xngland. Sensationally low prices ton, D. C. volver. on these deluxe pieces makes It pos- Policeman Jerry O’Connell dis. K N O W L E D G E A T Blhle for you to own the best to be had in furniture. Why be satisfied with Inferior grades when for the AL M OST NO . same money you can have these su- perior pieces. Come down and look around and be convinced. But do so COST at once as these prices are only = = = = = ^ =WALK RIGHT IN! guaranteed for the next three shop- ______o »:. fin fft if VEGETABLE ping days. Don’t Let the Alterations Keep You from Saving at the Popular! . i ''"i FRESHENERS., wider, deeper, porcelain Continuing our questionnaire on Inside and out. Ivory plas- “How do you rate as a parent?” tic handles - Deep enough would suggest that you mark to held a large head of let- yourself on the following questions: BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF NEWS tuce. Home Home is the place toward which POPULAR the children turn In spite of dis- ’ ' V r tance, time or circumstance. ’T t ; ,'tV. I > Do you contribute to the happi- I * r 6i Cu* Ft. DELUXE ness of home by: ‘iir. ' tc U'- Making it comfortable for living •; '.1 REDUCED Suitable for growing children.... MARKET 110 13995 In good neighborhood for them. .. 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING Attractive in appearance...... A fine refrigeraterl You can’t beat It Help make good times for them ______“WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP”______T H E NEW 1937 -J ' - '' J'C/ at the price tor quality, 'features, and economy! 90 Ice cubes, 8 lbs. per freez- Welcome their friends...... ing! Dulux exterior. Afford time and place for the chil- Standard American ...... - ” • dren's activities...... a ''. '.'Ji' . 1*7 Present at meals...... THURSDA Y SPECIAL DOUBLE ACTION Observant of special occasions DOOR LOCK ...... holidays...... birthdays...... MORE SUCCESSFUL SOCIALLY Bbepress appreciation of home and Fresh or Smoked Fush-pull action. Door family...... opens In a Jiffy. A touch of the hand or elbow Add Ar Extra Day To Your Week quickly releases It A day to do things that >-ou like! Each model backed Send your laundry to the Manches- SHOULDERS ter Laundry, dial 8416, and know IN 15 V OLU M ES by Wards 5-Teav that the work w-ill be done as you F^tectton Plan. wish it and that the rates will be By starting today anjrons may secure all IS vmlumes In this almost reasonable. glve-swsy offer of the new and conjpletely revised Standard Amer- Roasting Veal ican Encyclopedia. Under this low-cost Book-a-Week Plan a few y. You Who I.«ve Spring I d " ’ pennies a day will suffice to place this complete library of worid . Hold high the vision In your heart. knowledge In your home. One book is released eadh week and FULL FEATURED 6§ c«. Ft. SUPREME You, who love most the spring. here la hovyyou may start your set today through thla simple And wrben the winter's blast blowrs plan: ' chill SUCED BACON 4 P ^ c BUTTER Each day an Individually numbered coupon win appear in The Hug close In picturing Herald. These wlU be consecutively numbered, with Number On# WHILE THEY LAST! SUPER POWERED appearing on Saturday and Number Six on Friday. Any set of consecutive numbered coupons, plus the modest price of 44c, will Was $169.95 IS DOWN The violet's blue, the Jonquil's gold. PORK SAUSAGES M PhM Oerrjrlag Chargs The peach ttW's rpsy glow; entitle any person to ONE volvime. ADVANCEMENT IN BUSINESS The dream of this will help you bear FRANKFURTS Clip Special Concession Coupon On Page 2 “ 'ft.*' CU. FT. SIZE 10495 A world of Ice and snow. 149 of Today’s Herald! l&DOWN . Tbs season will not seem so long regular low price! Get an e ^ large 6i/i en. ft. refrigerator! See !tl - i » ; V. - . ’ Mas Osnytef Chargs If BOW and then you think C o m i^ Itl You va never ^ n so many convenience features at such a low price! Interior is gen- How lovely arc the apple trees fO e COLD STORAGE EGGS f Qe With Six Consecutively Shrff,™ I. 14.S ft.! targe SpeeSr l K - See this extra big refrigerator whfle price is at rock-bottom! Has aH the^ 6i Cu. Ft. DELUXE -.ii Arrayed in whits and pink. nXf. ^ freeing! Interior is finished in lifetime porcelain. Ex^ features needed for dependable refrigeration! Shelf area is 12.6 sq. ft.! ' GEORGE ELLISTON. • ^ cuAfTT nrD oTrkirc * ^ Numbered Coupons tenor i s ^ M u x ! Don t wait »nother day, if you need a refrigerator! Here’s your buy at a Fast freezer provides 68 ice cubes, 6 lbs. per freezing! Super Powered unit REDUCED t a s Bedortloo And Then Another— From The Herald reduced pnee It s one of the finest bargains offered I See it demonstrated today and operates silently, efficiently, economically 1 A $16 reduction saves you even 110 And that means a bargain that la more than Wards regular low prica I 14995 Also available at' fl9e each and a bargain! A few weeks ago Mont- BONELESS six oooaecative nombered eoo- Foroslsla inslds sad out! One ot the gomery Wards made some very pons. In a luxury Utottane bind- grestest vslues evsr offered! See it now : 4lraMic reductions on prices of fur- ing In rich red, levaat-giataMd while price le cut! 14.5 aq. f t shelf sreSi i Blture for their February sale. For FILETS SW O R D FISH 1 44 simnlated leathers. 90 tee cubes, S lbs. per freesing! ^ths remaining few days of thU sale, . they offer you reductions so stafi- ' tKng that they seem almost unber 2 *5s. 2 5 ^ ' Usvable. All of this furniture if 21« |i> > their standard merchandise and you may never again be able to buy It st andar d AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA at this low price. If you have been STRINGLESS i f FLORIDA y. thinking o f refurnishing any room, BEANS, 2 qta. . . . i O C ORANGES. 2 doz. 4 b 3 C SIT!®...... 15c |‘’ l>«fUUag a chair or table here or .'n s ic , or maybe getting married TANGERINES. O C FRESH PEAS. O C - . CARROTS AND C ^ I , ' ^-aad going housekeeping, then be 2 dox...... ZO C Tmms to look over the furniture sale 2Iba...... a OC BEETS, bunch . . . < ’ U4-828MONTGOMERY MAIN ernOEBT WARD * / j. Mrt Hostgomery Warda TELEPHONE 516f M mAPUmESrCR CVSMIMG HISRAUD, MANCHESTTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28.1988 fAPPING PUPILS LEARN RffRESRHENT PLAN Canoe Radns: in Tank at Sportsmen’s l^ow MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23,1988 FAGS FOR MASONIC B A U Over; 8:18 Eastman musleale; 6 guilt or innocence of particular at- IIACMB. MAOt Rakov’s orcheitrA fefi^’ers, the 'fommissloner states Some Thuisday Biort waves: JZJ CmZENS PATROL that the existence of the patrol ' NONE BETTER FOR THE MONETt ^3 AS THEY ENJOY LETTERS DALY RADIO PR0(»AM JT* Tokyo 4:46 p.m. orchestra; OSC brings home to the poeslble offender Main Lodgre Room To Be Util; OSB G8L London 9:20 "Count of the realization that when he la on OAST or CBAIUCTBBS ' wig. And I looked up and there WEDNESDAY^ FEBRUARY 2S (C«ntr«l And E u t«n i SUmdard Tlm «) ired. Avoiding Need Of Sne- POLLY OHEL8BY. heroine; Monte Crtsto" and 7:10 The Way of PROVED SUCCESS the highways of Connecticut his be- UBBARY GETS VOLUME was that smuggler sUndlng in the Nott: An procrams to ksr and basic cliains or craoM thsreof iintsss spset- Peace; 2RO Rome. 7:30 Selections AFTER 32 YEARS PASS cessive Group Service. stranded In London when wnr riadi coast to coast (s to c) dssicnatloBt Include alt availabis ataUons. havior must be such as to merit tbe Stu dio Co uches $19.95 breaks ouL______door, staring at me. He said, ‘So from Operas; E R A Madrid 7:30 h Mrs. Roth Ander* you’re a young one, after all!' . . . Froorams subjsst tc ehsncc by stations without provleut notlco* F. M. approbation o f his fellow citizens. Program tn English; DJD Berlin New Haven, Oonn., Feb. 23.— JEBBV WUITBFIELD, here; the Then he tied on a striped sUk bead NBC-WEAF (RED) NETWORK MOUNT__ kror Ms koh ksl krro kfbb The person who operates In a. reck- A new plan of serving refreeh- Yaafcee who seen her through. COAST-^nskotn kol l ^ y kviitsfo key New York, yeb. 23—(A P)—W. C. 7:30 Hello Ksnsas; YVORC Caracas CAP)—Workers in the Tale uni- scarf and said his name was Jaan BASIC ‘— Bait: woaf irnao wile wjar Not Designed As Reprimand less manner under the misappre- ’s Chsses Have Al- ments during Intermission o f the CABELL BANKS, wtac wesh kyw wfbr wro way wbon CenL EssL Fields la to make a return to broad- 8:30 W alU Hour; OSD G8C GSB hension that his actions have gone versity library were amazed re- a itte and that Jie was French, 4:40— 6:30—**Stepmother.** Sketch — Masonic Ball has been Initlsted this captain. wcao wtam wwj wsal wdol; Mldwost: casting. But it will be only for a GSL London 9:50 Military Band; unnoticed, will, with the co-opera- cently when a student abashedly year by the committee. Refresh- but not my kind. Tell me Jerry,” ksd wmaq who~wow wdaf wlro kstp; basic: Kathryn Craven Talk-west returned a book which had been Mountain: koa kdyl; Bcutht wmbe: 4:40— 6:40—Hilitep House, Skit—to o one-night stand. JZJ Tokyo 12:45 Popular songs. But As Educating Factor; tion of a citizens' patrol, be awaken- Imiiy Conbded 40 Oth- ments will be served in tbe main PoUy paused to giggle, “do I look 6:0(k- 4:00—*'Dear Teacher** Program Issued to the borrower March 23, Yesterday: Jerry and Banka nr- like one of Marie Antoinette's Faeifle) kfl kew komo khq kpo kcu; ed to the fact that be can no more lodge room where all attending may rite at cutter eove and strangely OFTIONAL BTATION8 (oporato Inter- S)10— 4:16—Oeorga Hall A Orehestra The comedian o f the movies who I 1906. cousins?” 6 :4 ^ 1:40—Frtea*Radle News Faried “get away with It." be served at the one time. Unsatis- they observe CUtte lo e U ig kis chaaccably on either REI> or BLUE 6:46— 6:40—Barry Wood A Hla Muale took a similar role in the 12 weeks Declares Colonel Connor. er Sbtes, Sereral Coon- - Jerry laughed, softly and ar- networks): BA0IC Satti wlw wfaa be appeared last fall In the Charlie Distinguishing window stlekera I The student explained be was factory arrangementa existed at the cabla door after Mm! waan work wool: Ididweat: wood wal 4:00— TiO^Foetro MaledlM — eaat; FINE BALANCED BILL ! rummaging through his father's state armory making necessary the dently, but with uneaslnees too. **ObblT|ate'* from Chlaage—weat M c i^ tb y hour, will take the lead have been furnished to members of CHAPTER XDC w fbf wbow waM koeo kana, OTHER lilO — 7 :l^ H e b ^ Lobby—eaat; Har* t| tries Throninfa The Mafl. ; library recently when he dis- serving of guests In groups. "You look better than that to me.” OFTIONAL BTATIONB — Canadlini bert Foote'i Orfan Caneari—west lu a radio play, his first such micro- the patrol, who. while they have no I covered tbe volume, a copy of Mrs. William Bray will have Polly C?helsey, locked away in the She eeemed so young and reckless cret ofcf; Cantral: wcfl wtmj wiba wday 4}40— 7:40—Tha Aeolian Trie—wait phone portrayal. He is to be the AT STATE, HARTFORD A statewide Citizens’ Motor Patrol power of arrest, may lodge com- m % 't fc dreary cabin ot the smuggler'e boat, standing there, her beautiful fea- I c ^ koam: Boutht wtar wptf wia 4 :4 ^ 7:40—Beake Carter^a Commant that today numbers some lO.OUU , 'The Vicar of Wakefield'', which charge of the refreehmente and tbe wfla-ruum wlod waoc wfbo wwao wcae 7:00— 4:00 ■■ Amarlaa Cavaleade—to a ’’professor’’ in the comedy ’’Poppy,' plaints against individual drivers n 1 the parent bad borrowed more was finding the cfiioppy vcm ge al- tilrea smudge^ chlldlsbiy, her wave warn wmo wab wapi wniab wldz which are investigated and dealt ISCn. RuU) Anderaon. teacher at menu wlU consist of chicken salad, 7:40— 4:30—Bddio Cantor'a Program the same part he played when members, a total reached without j than SO years ago and had most unbearable. She was frl^ te n - shorn hair curling about ber face, kroo wky wfaa wbap kpro woal ktha 4:00— 4:00—Lawranaa Tlbbett—also e served home style, with pastries kebx ktba kark kene: Mountain: kclr ‘’Poppy” was on Broadway and was Eight Act Program Starts To- use of Inflationary methods, is the with by the Motor Vehicle Depart- Rye street sebool In the Wap- j neglected to return. ed and on the verge o f being sea- ber eyes ehinlng. No wonder tbe 4:40— 4:4(^Ban Barnia A Lade—to e section of South Windsor, has .and coffee. kcbl ktar koh; Paciflei kfbk kwg kraj 4:01^10:00—Tha Qanf Buatara—o to e done by the movies. day At Rig Vaudeville goal that haa been reached this year meot. An Inc easlngly large number John Pickles, chainnsn of the sick. Moreover she was angry with smuggler had toad adventure in'" kem 4:4. ,-V ^ we come back to you. I must dTOO^-Amarlaa'a Behoeltt Drama baalo: O* Tuckar's Orohaat.—west balanced bill o f variety seen tn any I been contacted by the children to suspect her o f being a French • i l ^ t :l^ T e p Hattara Oanet Band IliiO—12:40—Hanry Kino Oreheatra— greater New York campaign fund. lessness and careleas operators from tained from lodge members and will make a plan . . . That man over S:S0—Freea« Radio Nawe Faried vaudeville house during the 1938 Accorded national Interest in an tifrs. Anderson's classes, and they lectlng stamps, and all are anxious- r. aristocrat stealing Imme was there te roy friend. Cabell Banks basic: H. Handareen Orehee— west A feature of the program is to be article carried in the Saturday Eve- Connectirut highwra3rs, and in 'th is now making letter-writing ac- also be on sale at the door on the Ba Anneunoad (10 m.) NBC WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK season. An eight act program of ly looking forward to the arrival of worse. Polly, like everyone else, from Boston. W e escaped together •:40— 0:4B—Bongo by Jean Babton— the NBC s}rmpbony with .both Dr. ning Post and written by J. C. Fur- regard the Citizens’ Patrol la one 711-713 Main StrMt Johnaon ! Btances in many foreign coun- sofne from Peru. They also expect evening of tbe bail Friday night eaat: Orphan Annia-nnldw repeat BASIC — Bast: wjs wbs^wbsa wbal ace-high entertainment opens at had heard those stories (unfortu from a British ship at Rams- W alter Damrosch and Fritz Reiner nas. Connecticut’s experiment in the of the chief aids, Ui-'' Commissioner tb4m' from Australia, New Zealand, A large number o f reservations 4:00^ 7:0B—Amea 'n* Andy—aaat; Hal wham kdka wear ways wjtn wsyr wmal the State for four days, starting to- have been made by Masons of towns nately true) of "Bourbonl" who gate—” Tottan and Bperta Commant—waat wfU waby weSr wol^ wind wean wteo conducting. use of car driving cltisene, who do states. Anderson believe that this England and Scotland. They are day features: Chester Fredericks, adjacent to Manchester. had tried to sUp back into France He stopped, confused. "You •ilB— 7:1B—Uncle Ezra Radio Btatlen wleu: MldPrast: wenr wls kwk koll wren The schedule provldee that WJZ their owm highway patrolling in iv o t only a most practical method getting a fair collection of Canada 7ilB—Handrik Van Leon, Talk w m tk jm ^w o wetn; Seuthi wrtd wnbr late dancing star from Billy to recover money and Jewels they knew I was taken by a press gang, 4:49. . 7i44- -Henry Burblf, Cheer Up krgr kfdm wrol kiia wibo wdou waga WOR W ABC as weU as WHN large measure, is thtz state's effort etaacbing the young students geo- sts.mps. had buried there before their es- ’’Jumbo” Rose’s Texas Exposition; Polly? . . . You got that girl's let- 7 :0 ^ 4:00—One Man*a Famlly—o to o wagn kxys: Mountain: kle krod k|h(; transmit from 9 to 10:30, while to make the i^Lwrsys safer by this phy, history, spelling, and Ehig- They’ve certainly earned a.vaca- cape. It was good sport for the ter?” 7:10— 4:40—Tommy Dereey Oreheetra Faelheillm kfsd kes Iwa keCa kir Abbott and Robey, American comics compoaition, but It is an un- 4:00— 4:00—Fred Allen at Town Hall (NOTE: Bee WEAF-NBC (or optional W E A F and WMCtA wlU be on unUI whose rib-tickling antics have made means is proving a continued suc- tion which they are now having un- rabble to catch these unfortunates ‘‘Vee," said Polly, "or I ’d not be 4:00—l0:0(^Hollywoed Parade—to eat Hat of atattons.) 10 only. While this program is un- outlet of expression and en- til Feb. 28, though they will miss in their rash and desperate efforts 10:00—11:00—Beianoe va. Crime—east; them leaders tn the art of fun-mak- cess. In a departmental bulletin. The youngsters thrill to OPEN FORUM beaming at you now. I ’d be hating CenL East. der way the regular network fea- their dally work and learning and seize the property themselvek Ames Andy—west repeat ing; Donello Brothers and Sally in Motor Vehicles Commissioner _ acquaintances with children you. I ’m no angel of forgiveness. 10:1^11:10—Dick Oseperre Orchestro 4:40— 6:40—The Singing Lady east; tures will be going forward aa usual ’ 'Birds O f a Fefcther", direct from through letter writing. This smuggler who was obvious!' Remember,- Jerry? You told me 10:40—11:4(^Hersee HeldVe Brigadiere Johnnie Johnston, Bsritone—west Michael A. Connor notea that the ' own age in distant states and BENEFIT PAYMENTS of fow French blood (mixed witL 11:00—12:00—Louis Armstrond Orehss. 4i4S— 6:40—Tern Min, tketeh -hssla; to outside stations. sensational triumphs at the Roxy purpose of the patrol Is not to repri- On Friday next, Mr. Frink, tbe once I was nobod3r's angel." 11:40-12:40—^'Lights Out.” Orsmatle The Throe Remeoa In Voeslo—west Several years ago we said that in a world of rapidly atrles and enthuse in their de- evil *8cotch) evidently thought he 6:(N^ 4:00—Newsi H. Nagel OrohesL theater, Kew York City; Tom Barry, mand careless drivers, but to gen- ons of the wonders of their bus driver for Rye street children, "There must have been days February 21, 1938 bad caught Just such a bird In Ms CBB-WABC NETWORK BjIO— 4:40—OeorM Creek at Organ Listening tonight: the boy with tbe stiver voice - erally educate the public so that the 'native heaths. will take them on a trip to Hartford Editor of The Herald: when you did hate me?” Jerty 1:46— 4:46—The Revelers — wjs only; celebrated master of ceremonies; changing ideas of government and economics the M u- places of Interest. cage. Bad luck Indeed for Polly. speculated. "Before you got the BASIC — Esstt wabo wado woko woao Clark Dannit, Taner Benge—chain Championship heavyweight fight roads will be used by considerate liOtter From Peru Enclosed please And an official To Nuisance, lying on her feet, letter?” weei WIT wkbw wkrc whk wjr wdro 6:40— 4:4^Lowall Themaa — eaat; the Lockwells, In thrilling spins and drivers. wcau wjas wpro wfbl wJsv wgar; Mid- Concert—w; Tom Mix—raldw rpt —WJZ-NBC 10. Joe Louis va. twirla; and nwny other outstanding > A letter was received from Caaa- letter from the State Department of she cried out Impatiently: "You’re "There were. I can'tS, bear to Citizens be eligible for patrol tual Savings Banks of America remained a steady and west: wbbm wfbm krobo kmox whas 4:00— 7:0(^Easy Aeoa, Skit—also cat Nathan Mann, 16 rounds. acta of variety entertainment. Peru, in South America yes- Labor which we request be printed the cause o f this, you horrid Uttle think of them, I suffered eo. I kfab krnt 4;1S— 7:1S—Mr. Kaon A Lost Parsons memberahip must have a record of Ifellta Wheeler, the writer, in your "People's Forum." 4)4A— 7:S(^»Lum A Abnar—eaat only; Talks—WABC-CB8 10:46, Lieut On the screen, the State presents to Canoe racing in tbe big tank at the Sportsmen's Show, now on In tbe Hartford StaU Arm ory la poe- beastt But for your barking I’d must say you were an awful fool, ■AST—wbns WPB wbp when wore efrb five years of car operation without constant part of our life— providing people with a safe itbed the Andes mountain re- GILEAD W e are receiving numerous re- slble by the use of an ingenious device for recording the distance traveled by the canoeroen. Here aM ekao wlbz wmaa wesg wnbf Wlbs wkbn Marie Cent, Baritone—network Hanaon Baldwin, naval expert on Herbert Marshall and lovely Made- not have lost my w4g!” darling, to get out in tbe dark to whlo wkbl 4 :4 ^ 7:46^cienee on the March involvment In any accident for where she lived and went to questa for information concerning two contestants paddling hard at one of the other sportsmen's shows this season. The little dog Icwked ao shamed 7 : ^ tiO ^R oy Shlald*a Radio Ravue ’’Military Lessons of Wars In Spain leine Carroll In " I Was A Spy” and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fogll and help a pretty woman you didn’t DIXIE west wafa wbro wqjun wdod 7 :4 ^ 4:J^Harriet Fareona, Movies and China” ; W EAF-NBC (eastern other screen hits. which they were responsible. place to deposit money. Today we re- It la 13,800 feet above sea benefit payments under the Uncm- and hurt at ber sharp voice and know . . . (fouid you reach up and klra wreo wlao wwl wtoo krld ktrh ktsa 7 :4 ^ 4RS—Jimmy Kemper and Ga. Not so much concerned with the children, Patty Phyllis and Albert waco koma wdbo wbt wdae wblg wdbj network) 11, Sir Wlllmot Lewis, Their main mining camp Is spent the week-end and Monday at ploirment Compensation A ct Sud accusing face that she broke Into kiss me norw?” 8:00— 4:00—Tha Clavoland Oreheetra and together. It is necessary wwva wmbf waja wmbr wala ktm kgko 4:00—10:00—Joe Louie va Nathan Mann Washington correspondent of tbe the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert wish to take this method of answer- mand that the personnel be increas- also. And there Is nothing peculiar send plan and the principles em- a relenting laugh. "Poor Nuisance. He could and did. Until Cabell wcoa wdno wnqz kwkh know wmmm 10:00—11:00—Nawai Ink Spots Ouarlot BEAR STORY peat this statement with confidence in sa the Continental Divide at ing them. wjno wohs wpMT wmas Weoo wnra London Hmes, on "The Press and Durau in Wallingford. ed to meet an emergency, the divi- in Ireland's having its minority. bodied in its proposed legislation You’re only an ignorant Uttle dog, Banks cleared his throat and sang 1Q:1Sf-11:1S—Louis Famae A Orahaatfa » little Indian town of Tichio, 16,- I mustn’t blame you.” her fingers midw e st ^ wmbd wlaa^ ^ b w Itfh 10:i0Ull:IO—Eddy Duohln A Oreheatra Crime." Mrs. Charles Fish and son Calvin We wish to thank you for your sion must wait for Washington ap- When the word "Ulster’’ occurs to may be commended for their acts. out, "Land, ho!” and brought them Des Moines, I a —When WtlUsm feet above sea level. There In absently scratched his grateful to' their lenses. wkbb wtaq wkbh weoo want keej wnaz 11:00 12:00—Under the Woatam gklao WEAF-N!BO-7:18 Uncle Eara; 8 the face of momentous questions c

ItlM ABMiicui Talapbooa and Tel«> beginning any Italian friendship coO' Rusaan Stokao^ who has been con- I graph Company in New Tork City. versatlons. ENT SILENT I She alao leaves several grandchll- nected with the Manchester store of f DEATH CLAIMS The United States was injected ABOUT TOWN Montgomery Ward Oo„ as an I dren. Another son, Louis Moot- briefly into the debate by Winston FLOOD THREATENS Igomery, died several years ago, siatant manager was today notified Local Stocks High Mermen Defeat Hillhouse and West Haven Churchill, former Cabinet mlnleter, Andrew Ferguson, «f Brookfield I his wife surviving him as well as one from the New Tork office of the EUROPE STATUS! who eald "millions of people there etreet. who euffered a broken wrist company that he bad been named os I daughter. PARKER GILBERT who are our enemies have been in a fall In hia oIBce at tte Aetna OLD TRADING POST manager of the Putnam store of Furatabed by Bd^y Brothen B 0>. Funeral services will be held at S Fire Conmany’s buUdlng in Hartford armed with the means to mock the the company; his appointment » Lewto St. I o’clock on Friday at the South sincerity o f British Idealism x x x.' Friday, FebrMry 4, returned to Us STAGEHAND UPSETS manager to take effect on March 1. Hartford, Cora. M. H. S. Ends Cage Season Slirl T a Bplscopal church here. NOTED BANKER Likewise, he aeserted, Americana work there yeeteiday morning. Mr, William R. Martin * TAKE TRIANGULAR MEET M i l D a u l IQ Rev. Eari B. Story, pastor, will of- Ferguson sUpped from a window nie supenrioor of the company's ALAN GOULD NAMES LEADING “working for closer cooperation of stores in this part of the country Local Repreecdtatlve Waters Widdii Few Inches is « * a e w luciate. Interment will be In the (OmUnoed from Page One) the two countries on parallel Urn ledge when tr3rlng to open the wte' 1:00 p. ID. Quototloas ‘M Ia Ta K A rtM W M Q * lA iB a a t Cemetery. Friends of Mra dow and struck the giaoa top of hla was in Manchester during the past With Rockville Tonight TURF DOPE TO WIN L * * * • “ * M IIW A O U A ; Montgomery ^ y call at the Wat- are downcast, baffled and bewilder- Bid Asked he undertook to be; Chairman of the ed.” desk. few days and notified Mr. Stokes of bsuraaee Bteeka Of Top Of Levee But HERE AS BAREISA SETS kins Funeral Home Thursday eve- a coming advancement, but waa not co-ordinating board, chairman of From the continent came these Aetna Casualty...... 88 88 RING FIGURES OF ALL 'HME Although tbeyTl b* without ning. The Ooamopolltan club wilt meet and Taggart at guards, the See Sec Roll Tomorrow. the transfer committee, chairman reactions in the wake o f the British then able to say what It would be. Aetna Fire ...... 43% 45% THE ANITA DERBY Mrs. Montgomery was a member Friday afternoon at 3:80 at the T. Residents Refuse To Flee. aervlcea o f the aensational Ed Koee Clarliemea should not have too of the trustees of the German eX' policy of realistic dealing: This morning a letUr came from Aetna U fa ...... 35% 27% of the South Methodist Episcopal M. C. A., with Mrs. Horry Straw aa for tha first Ume this season, Man- much trouble in gaining their 15th temal loan o f 1924. 1. Nazie in Berlin were confident headquarters notifying him o f the Automobile ...... 28 38 RECORD IN FREE STYLE church, a charter member of Tem- hostess. The guest speaker win be assignment Mr. Stokes is a naUve cheater Hlgh’a cagera are favored to triumph (n 17 starts. The great I’ark, Feb. 38.—(AP)— | Such was his tact that be made an Engllah-German i "cord wrould Ctonn. General ...... 25% 27% emerge vlctorioua over RockvlUe plis Chapter No. 53. O. E. S., and L«w ls H. Piper of the High school o f Maaaachusetta and has been con- Fulton, Ark., Feb. 33.— (AP) — array of 1930-31 compiled a record :t Roosevelt, still silent on many friends In -Germany during follow settlement of British and Hartford F ire ...... 67 69 High at the local State Armory to- of 14 wins and one defeat for a per- Sande-Trained Howard En- Past Noble Grand of Sunset Re- faculty, whose topic will be current nected with the Montgomery Ward HE SELECTS CORBETT Local Sport E uropean sltnatloa after a cdh- w o n Lodge. this period. He was exceedingly Italian differences, and that, by the Hartford Steam Boiler 54% 56% Raging watera of the Red river to- night in the closing encounter of centage of .933 oa compared to .882 events. Oempany for seven years. During National F ire ...... 57 59 Red And White Gains Triple With bis new ambassador to Mrs. Montgomery contributed to modest, and while he liked to talk time Premier Mussolini plays host day threatened to force evacuation tbe most successful Red and White tor the 1937-38 edition if It wins Us stay in Manchester he has made Phoenix ...... 72% 74% try Races To Half LengA Britain, will return to Wash- papers and magaxines In her early of the Dawes plan, Joumallsta found to Der Fuehrer Hitler In Rome next Rehearsals for the three-act do- of this little southwest Arkansas S BOXINGS NO. 1 cage campaign in eight years. The tonight. tonight. him silent to any personal questions. May, Germany would regain war many friends Travelen ...... 415 435 Chatter prdim is set for 7:30 o'clock with Rockville held Manchester to a life and was the author of two mestic comedy, "SimplwSimon Sim- towm, where more than a centurj’ Victory h Aquatic Meet; a ilve-day stay at his books. Her husband, Charles P. He resigned in 1930, and the follow- lost colonies and the 3,500,000 Ger- PubUo Uillltles <> the main contest at 8:30 or there- 28-22 victory In the first game at ple”, which the Elpworth League will The Ladies Aid society of the Zion ago French and Spanish traders By ALAN GOULD Victory After Slow Start; home, be planned to board Montgomery, was for a number of ing year became a Morgan partner. mans of Czechoslovakia would be present at the North Methodist Conn. Lt. and Pow. .. S3 56 BOXOfO The Pollah-Americans advanced abouts. tbe Windy City but that was several Lutheran church wUl serve a sauer- bartered to the Indians goods'' train late in the after- years emplo3red by Colonel Frsmk Gilbert's few triendships became free to pursue Nazi ocUvlUes if church, Tuesday evening, March 1. Conn. Pow...... 43 H 45H New York (AP)—Boxing’s "Hall another step closer to the State Coach Will Clarke la expected to months ago and tbe locals have Im- Local Ace Breaks 100 I for a da^lght trip down the W. Cheney as coachman and was fast ones. He was a Southampton they chose. kraut supper at the church on HUd. Elec. Lt...... 56^ 68^4 brought upstream from New Or- o f Fame" echoes with arguments, 1 . James J. Corbett Polish L e a | ^ ebampionahip tbe aend promising young Ted Brown proved vastly since then. Coach To Reap $42,775. will be held Thursday and Friday lAns. He will be back in the later driver of horse drawn Are ap- neighbor of Mcllor< when the latter It waa believed by the Nazie that evening, with a drass rehearaal Sim- Cooper street tomorrow evening IHuminatlng Shs. . . . 49 51 most of which it I* quite Impossible 2. Robert Fitaslmmons other night without the necessity into the center berth In place of Clarke, In all likelihood,“ will also around p. 10 , . ,1 paratus at No. I ’s house and also passed away. He waa deeply moved. Premier C?hamberlain would not day afternoon. from 5 to 7 o’clock. Mra. Selma New Britain Gas ... 26 29 A few townspeople departed last .to settle. The many factors Involv- 3. John L. Sullivan of Uftlng-as much aa an eyebrow Kose, who is out for tbe rest of tbe give his reserves a chance to snap Mark For Fourth Tone; So. New Elig. Tel. Co. IM » driver of the lirst motorized fire ap- Flnanrial Connections permit Nazlfication of Czechoslo' Kamm, president o f the eoclety, and 145 night but roost remained, hopeful ed, for which few yardsticks of 4. Joe Gans ....th e New Britain Holy Cross 3rear aa tbe result of. tbe severe out o f their slump with Gavello and Los Angeles, Feb. 23.—(AP) — for him at the WJIU „,e company, all members will have eomc part In Western Mass...... 26 29 that the giant protecting levee ogam measurement or comparison are 5. Jock Dempsey ankle Injury he suffered In the de- Green In the forecourt, Savilonia at He was a director of Bankers vakia, in a manner similar to the Mias Freda Roth would like to came to tbe assistance of tbe P A 's Winner of tbe $50,000 Santa Anita be may see Secretary Hull p ^ Industrials available, make any flatlc honor roll 6. Benny Leonard feat at Bristol last Friday. With center and Harry Squatrito and 7th Wm In Ten Starts. Tnist Co., Braden Copper Oo„ Ken- recent changes In Austria, to block hear as soon as possible from young the preparations. The menu will In- would perform the task for which with a 40-29 triumph over the to go over the latest Eu-1 Acme W ir e ...... 29 32 a matter of conjecture. We have 7. <3eorge L. (Tex) Rickard (Jole and Schleldge at forwards and Winzler at guards. derby, the Maxwell Howard racing necott Copper Co., Lehigh Valley any accord with Germany that people of the Concordia Laitheran ,clude roast pork with sauerkraut It was built more than 30 years ago. Meriden St. Stans, the flfth defeat .fMann diplomatic happenlaga upon Am. Hardware...... 22 24 consulted the oracles, shadow-box- 8. Gene Tunney tn 16 Stan for the SUvar City___ stable nm by turfdom’s famous Earl FUNERALS Coal Corp., and Lehigh Valley Sales would assure peace. church who plan to go to TertyvUle maabed potatoes and turnips, car- The stream, at an all-time high .iMIch be declined to comment at a | rota and peas, applesauce, breads, trrow H and H, Com. 38^ 40H of 35.7 feet, was several feet higher ed with the records. 9. Jock McAuUffe as an the PA rivals have suffered Sande, set quietly about tha teak Manchester High's powerful m a eonference 3resterday after- Co. 2. In Paris, French Foreign Min- Saturday evening. Automobiles will Jillings and Spencer . 4H 10. Sam Longford. swimmers achieved a brilliant triple Mrs. Joseph Blake ister Yvon Delbos hinted that leave about 6 p. m. from the church. apple pie and coffee. 6% than the town itself, snuggling be- Our top ten la confined to the five losses or more, tbe Amerks today of trying to ring up a victory The funeral of Mrs. Antonia He was a member o f the New Bristol Brass ...... 33’.i 36 H need only three more victories to in Santa Anita's other rich event— triumph at the Bast Side Rec pool In a p h P. Kennedy, who sails to- York Bar. Phi Beta Kappa, Delta France might herself enter Into ne- hind the dike, and lapped within a Marquis o f (Jueensbury era. Obvi- ■ ' f yesterday afternoon by defeating Biske, 'sife of Joseph Blske was Colt’s Pat. Firearms. 59 62 few Inches of the top of the levee. ously, to go back to the old bars assure a Ue for the Utle and four the $100,000 Handicap. to take over his new ambassa- Phi, Century, Metropolitan, Uni- gotiations for an understanding Evan Nyqulst of Stephen street, Eagle Lock ...... 16H JOE LOUIS 3-1 CHOICE New Haven Hillhouse and West held at her home, 187. Hackmatack 18 V4 knuckle days, to compare Tom Say- our honor list. Champion from 1901 wins to clinch the diadem___ Tha Earl, once America's premier _____ aaaignment at London, re- versity, Harvard, City, Midday, In- with Italy, rather than adopt an Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kohla and Wal- Fafnlr Bearings ___ 96 The previous hlgft stage, in 1937, Haven in the first triangular meet street, at 8:30 this m m ln g follow- 106 was 35.6. ers, Richard Heenan, John Morriscy, to 1907, when he yielded to Battling Jockey and now trainer for the M l t i ^ hia final Instructions at a dia House and River clubs of New Isolationist policy. Delbos, address- ter Kohls are en route to Miami, Gray Tel Pay Station 5 wealthy Daslon, O., paper manufac- ever beld here. The Red and White ed by a solemn mass of requiem In 6 Believe Levee Will Hold the great Bendigo and Jem Mace Nelson and to the ravages of illness, Bristol High’s defeat of Manches- hauii conference at the Roose- York; Meadow, In Southampton: ing the Chamber of Deputies for- FIs., for a winter vacation. Hart and Cooley .... 180 200 turer, aaddled Stagehand for hia piled up a total of 41% points to 31 boma Just before the press in St. James's church. Rev. William P. N. Y . Stocks Why the majority of the 593 In- with the stalwarts of the gloved fist Gans waa a model of fistic skllL ter last Friday night evldenUy left TO KEEP nSTIC CROWN eign affairs committee, named two Hendey Mach. B...... 7V4 for Hlllhoute and 16% for West Ha- Reldy, pastor o f the chu.'ch, was Creek, In Locust Valley: Chevy period, would merely Invite further Leonard, who retired undefeated In the Men of Monahan so cocky that smashing triumph In the Derby yes- He stood beside the chief conditions: The League of Nations Landers, Frary A (Jlk. 23'4 babitMts did not flee was summed terday—a race that saw Ekauber ven as Captain W alter Barelsa fea- celebrant. Rev. Thomaa Stack, Chase In Washington: and Union A food sale of home baked bread, 25 *^ trouble. Our research, therefore, has 1924, came closest among all suc- they were UtUe noore than puah ive as reporters pressed must recognize Italian sovereignty Adam Ehep ...... 10 <4 New Brit. Mch'., Com. 18 up by Ben A. Wilson, a resident for run second, Sun Egret third. Legal tured tbe meet with his fourth rec- deacon and Rev. J. Vincent Hlnea, Interallle in Faria. He maintained biscuit*, doughnuts, pies and cakes 20 concentrated upon fistic history of ceeding lightweights to tha Gans oven for a N ew Britain quintet more. Anybody who can do that, after question about events In Ethiopia before France took such A ir Reduc ...... 55 do., pfd...... 90 the past 29 years: o f course, has a chance. Light fourth and such big names ord-breaking performanve of the sub-deacon. Organist Charles Pack- homes at 30 Sutton Place, Manhat- will be held in the J. W. Hale Com- 100 tha last half-century, with a bow of standard. Benny out-bmeed and out- that’s lost more games than it has Risks Heavy Title Tonight nad, only to receive a “no com- action; Italy must retire her volun- Alaska J u n ...... liAA North and J u d d ...... 25 "Moat of the people have lived There's no thought in Mann's as Tiger, Sir Raleigh and Can't season In the 100 yard free style. ■ * " reply. tan, and at Locust Valley. pany's store Saturday morning by 27 recognition only to two heroes who fought a formidable claaa o f rivala. won this sssaon . . . . the Sbeamen ard presided at the organ and the teer troops from Spain. Allegheny ...... Peck, Stow A WUcox 5 7 here so long they are not afraid— mind, or anyone's else, that be can W alt finish out o f the money. Two Dual Wins in the 320 free, Leary in the 100 M determined was the President masa waa sung by Mrs. Margaret International orden. Included: the Daughters of Isabella. The eale spannei^ the transitional period, The fighter who rounds out our came off with a 80-23 tftumpb to The German Frankfurter Zeltung, Allied Chem ...... 170 Russell Mfg. Co. . . . . 24 28 They Just can't believe that the end Bristol’a winning streak at outbox the rangy young champion Now Sands baa Sceneshifter, full The meet was also figured on a free and Schaller in the 100 breast, ^aMdntaln silence he even refused Sullivan and Miaa Helen Olskey, the Gland Officer of the Legion ot will start at 10 o'clock In the morn- John L." Sullivan and Jack McAu- top ten, Sam Langford, never held a Bot Few Believe Nate dealing with Italian-German desires Am C an ...... ScovUI Mfg. Co...... 24 H 26*4 levee won’t hold." eight straight. Ita fourth setback for 15 rounds. Mann's only effort In brother of the flashy black Stage- dual tiaaia that gave Manchester a while Bruncttl tied for fourth ta the talk off the record as be la ae- latter singing A ve Maria at the Honor, of France; Grand Officer ot ing. Mr*. John Holden la chairman Itffe. title but few will dlopute the Boston for a four power peace understand- Am Home Prod Stanley Works...... 3714 39*4 A levee break three miles east ot in 17 starts. a long siege of training has been hand, groomed to shoot into the 42-33 victory over Hlllhouie and a 40 free. to doing at times. offertory and Mra. Sullivan tinging the Order of Leopold, of Belgium; of the committee in charge of the Sullivan belongs close to the top. "Tor Baby's" claim to greatness. He ing, made the editorial point that; Am Rad St S . do., pfd ...... 27 >4 29*4 here aggravated Fulton’s situation. la considered by many competent Mann Can Take It Away toward perfecting a terrific right to Handicap March 5. Stagehand 64-30 triumph over West Haven, Take Both Belays Kennedy also refused to talk, ex Pie Jesu at the elevation. Grand Officer of the Order of Saints sale and the baking will be done by not because he was the last of the Notwithstanding the "wild tumult Am Smelt _____ Torrin^on ...... 24 >,4 26*4 W ater pouring through the break Judges tbe hardest bitter o f all the head and under the heart. He waa nominated for the mile and one while the latter lost to Hillhouse by Manchester captured both rdaya to Joke with the reporters The burial was In St. James's Maurizio and Lazzaro, of Italy, members of S t Margaret’s Circle. great hare-knuckle belllgerenU but F ln t announcement had it that quarter grind, but Sande Indicated 45-29. It waa the sixth and seventh os Hozzer, Schaller and Dentao of emotions In France” caused by Am Tel and Tel Veeder Root, new ... 47>,4 49*4 started backing up toward the town. heavj'weights. with the possible ex- doesn't think any fighter has given the President expressed the because the Boston Strong Boy be- the ConnecUcut InterachoIosUc In 15”Ronnder; Expect A he may give the colt a rest before dual wins for Coach Nate Oatcbell’s cemetery. Father Reldy conducting the swift chEingo in British policy. Am Tob B ____ New York Bonks Two hundred and fifty W P A work- ception o f Fitzsimmons. His career Louis’ body a real testing. He's go- splashed out in front In th* 110 - he would escape a rough trip, A large party of Manchester peo- came an American legend. He link- AthleUc Conference waa to meet getting him ready for a fling at the charges In tan starts, one of the best " t ’a all Inclusive.” the red- the aervlcea at the grave. The bear- It was aa Important to remember Am Wat Wka ., Bank of New York .. 46 48 eri- and scores of volunteers threw covered years but he was in his yesterday to figure the ratings and ing to throw that right and hope. yard medley and the OrfltelU broth- ple will see the Joe Louis-Nate ed the fugitive days of pugilism 21 Kentucky Derby. records oompUsd by Manchester in en, Trotter and Denton dupUeatsd former maritime commission ers were Frank Hw.raburda, Alexan- BRITISH LABOR PARTY England is and will remain a Anaconda .... Bankers T ru s t...... 46 48 up an emergency *levee in an at- prime in the days when Jack John- pairings for tbe state cage tourns- Schmeling did it, didn’t he? Mann heavyweight bout In Madison with the reform'period. He became Near-Sellont Crowd. Aa an entry, however, the two the aquatic sport. The Oatehellmen the feat In the 160-yard styla. put in with a smile, der Haponik, Jacob Mlruckl, Charles friend of France” as it was "to re- Armour, 111 .... Central Hanover . . .. 93 97 tempt to halt tbe backwater. menta but a later report sets the free Square Garden In New York to- htmaelf an advocate of piety and son was a fugitive champion, and would be a terrific threat, even to will face Bristol at the Bell (?lty on first waa only time the President came Obuchowski, Henry Leslter and member "Italy and Germany are Atchison ...... Chase ...... 30 V4 32*4 Two Other Breaks • meeting for this afternoon.... West Haven's onfy DEMANDS REFERENDUM night Mann baa always been popu- CHiemical ...... 41 died a aymbo) o f solid citizenship, thereby a victim of the handicaps tbe big gun of tbe encounter, Sea- March 7 at 4 o'clock. i),ered by J. Dahlgard In the to expressing himself was Adam Mosher. thinking and acting together. For Aviation Corp . 43 Two other breaks to the west In- associated with tha fistic fortunes lar with Manchester sport fans who Baldwin, CT ... City ...... 2314 2714 fa r removed from but still best re- New York. Feb. 33.— (A P )—Any- RAMBLERS TURN BXc K biscuit and Pompoon, hia closest Bareisa In Double yard breast stroke. , someone sought his comment It Is precisely the existence of undated thousands of acres of rich or misfortunes of his race. The weekly diet of wrestling at have watched him since be fought in Balt and Ohio , Continental ...... ll^ 13 H membered-for the days when he of- thing, or practleaBy nothing, can rival. Barelsa cllpjied two-tenths of a The summary: Aaerstary Hull's statement m- Joaeph RainvlUe ON FOREIGN POUCIES these two friendships which will farm lands and caused closing at fered, from the stage, “ to lick any It is a commentary upon tha Foot Guard hall In Hartford tomor. Undertaker William P. Quish amateur bouts tn and around New Bendlx ...... Com Ehichange ...... 49^ happen at Madison Square Garden Seablscuit goes Into the race with second off his previous best mark 120-yard medley relay—Won bjr the principles outlined by contribute so vitally to welding to- 6U4 index of the trunk line highway man In the house.” heavyweight champions o f the dec- row night marks tbe return of Al THE INDIANS BY 4-1 it Ortiz of Argentina in hla | who has charge of the burial of Jo- Haven and later on professional Beth S t e e l...... First National...... 1740 1800 top weight of ISO pounds, Pompoon, as he churned his way to victory in Manchester (Mosser, Schaller, Dsh- gether of the two axis— the Franco- through western Arkansas from McAuUffe, who only recently Join- ade since Tunney’a retirement that Gets of Manchester to tbe mat wars tonight, when Joe Loula exposes hia _____ U address. seph Ralnville, who died at the ((Jontiniwd rriuD Page One) cards at Savin Rock and in the New Beth Steel, pfd Guaranty T ru st...... 236 244 120. Sceneshifter drew 112, and tha 100-yard free style In 57.4 sec- ton). West Haven, secood; HUl- Biitlsh and the Italian-German—In- Texarkana to Fort Smith. ed Sullivan in Flstlana’s Valhalla, not one comes close to a place on . . . Gets is slated to tangle with heavyvveight Utle for a maximum of Stagehand, which packed 118 over B bll had called attention to Or-1 Manchester Memorial hospital Mon- Haven arena. Included In the party Borden ...... Irving T ru st...... 12 14 onds. Since the start of tbe eprrent bouse, third. Time, 1:18 to a useable chassis for a new Eu- going to the fight from here are: Manhattan ...... 23 In tbe adjacent flooded lowlands, waa tbe first of a great line of the honor roll, save perhaps for Jim Jim WalUs, former Holy O oss foot- 15 rounds against NaUe Mann, a Sprin^eld Six Points Out Of the mile and one-eighth Derby dis- campaign he's shaved seven-tenths 220-yard free style— W ooon bf fimphaslt on the 'ideal o f con- I day morning a few days after be tricate the world from the vicious Can Pac ...... 25 ball star, In the opening Ume limit rope." Jack Pentland, Elarl Ballsieper, Case (J. I.) . . . . Manufact. Trust .... 37*4 39 H operators of patrol boats expressed American lightweights. Their ranks Braddock, on the basis o f courage rugged, resolute young fighter from Third Place With Ten More tance, waa assigned a mere 100 of a second off his standard for the Slabocsewskl, H, 3:30.8; 08 one of HOWITZERS NOSE OUT were quartered In nearby rooms at match somewhat casually a couple down to play at home a while. Un- hand la a great horse." a g o ^ race to place third. Orlando 1:15; Hamer, WH. 4th, 1:31.4. Ism o f Anthony Eden, who resigned fair treatment o f German minorities Bridget's church hall to the niem- Hudson Motors .... the greatest punchers of all time. of months ago, but nobody appeared the desert sanitorium four miles Thursday Only! CORBETT DEFIES AGE less they make a fair showing on Kiaurlce Peters, on Dauber, said Orfltelll grabbed second in the 320- (Winning time new pool record). the foreign secretaryship rather outaide the Reich. bera of St. James’s and St. Bridg- Int Harv ...... Ctorbett’s original claim to fame to take much notice unUI the last the road they probably will be too he opened up at the half mile post, DEATHS east of Tucson. Dr. Davison or- than pursue Italian friendship talks et's Holy Name Society setback Int Nick ...... rests, ot course, upon bis knock-out SUEX OF HARTFORD jrard free style, a fine comeback aft- 160-yard free style relay—Won by few days. All of a sudden it seems far behind to stage a recovery on but "just didn’t have enough for er his weak showing at Crosby lost dered Pershing brought there after under circumstances which he held teams and the team representing Int Tel and Tel ... For Boys! o f SuUivan In 1892— an exploit for TO WALLOP APOSTOU Manchester (O. OrfiteUI, M. Orfltelfl, WUUain B. Martin to have dawned that Loula actually tbelr own rink. Stagehand." week, while Mooser account^ for Trotter, Denton). Time, 1:354. Sec- be suffered his first relapse shortly would indicate Britain was yielding Campbell Council, K. of C. The din- Johns Manvllle .. . »1.50 and $1.79 which many on old SuUivan idolater ta risking his crown against one of The Hornets, who have won three Sande gleefully kissed Stagehand WllUam B. Martin, a reaident of INVITE A U SECTS The Howltsers defeated the Biles second in the 100-yard back stroke. ond, Hillhouse, 1:36; third, W eet after noon yesterday. to pressure from the Fascist PrC' ner la being given to the S t Bridget Kennecott ...... WOOL KNICKERS never forgave him—but the one- the better young fighters. games and tied two against the In- smack on the nose. It was hts er and vicinity for over Five of Hartford last night by a Third places were taken by Trotter Haven, 1:3S. Master Sgt. C. G. Shaeffer, the mier MussolinL team as winner of the setback tour- Lehigh Val Rd .... time , San Franclaco bonk clerk There has been lltUe ballyhoo, dians so far, are booked up In a first major purse win and amount- died this morning at the $ 1.00 score of 35-29. It was the 20th Fresno’s Atring Southpaw general's secretary, chauffer and Chamberlain, who held It his duty nament played between the teams, U g g and Myera B w le ld ^ great Influence along two partly because of a brooding uncer- tight duel with the Syracuse Stars ed to $42,775 gross. Foxcatcher er Memorial hospital, TO Aim-GOD SHOW Loew's ...... victory of the season for the Guards- traveling companion for a number to seek peace with Mussolini and having won over the K. of Gl team Just 10 of Them Left. lines o f fistic development. Scores Stunning Upset Over tainty In the minds of the flgbt for second in the western division. Farm, whose Fairy Hill won the due to pneumonia, al- of years, also was on hahd. Germany's Hitler and avoid "the Lorillard ...... men. by one point In five aitUngs. The V By showing what clean living Tbe game was very close Middleweight Star. writers. The story first went They're a point behind but. have 1937 Derby and Roaemont the _ 1 Mr. Martin had been in poor Ool. Marietta and gt. Shaeffer frightful question" of war, was re- Plans were furthered at the meet- Mont Ward ...... 3— Reg. $2.95 Maroon 8 dinner will be served by the Com- could do, Corbett helped raise stand- throughout but the Howltsers main- around that Louis would "loan” hla played fewer games than Syracuse. $100,000 classic, took $10,000 for ilth for several years. He was were the only military men admit- assured in his policy of practical ing of St. Margaret's Circle, Daugh- Nash K e lv ...... Three Star •Final munity Lunch tonight. Arrange- ZIPPER JACKETS $1.69 ards o f competition as well as con- tained Oiclr lead through the entire championship to Mann for a time, Philadelphia's triumph last night Dauber’s second. Run Egret won litted to the hospital last Thurs- ted to the bedside of Pershing, one dealings by a 330 to 168 vote of ters of Isabella, last night for the Nat Blsc . , ...... duct. In pugilistic circles. Hla career San Francisco, Feb. 23— (A P ) — Bight from his home on 1163 ments have been made for 60 to be Sizes 16 and 18. game. ' thus relieving himself of tbe neces- Increased the Ramblers' lead over $5,000 for third and Legal Light of only six men In history to hold confidence from the House of Com' showing here next Monday o f the present Nat Cash Reg .. .. not only helped lift the game from San Francisco's biggest boxing up sity of ngh'-ing Max Schmeling. Providence in the eastern division to $2,500 for fourth. " die Turnpike, East. mbns. Nat Dai^ ...... A I Cbirlpy featured for the How- the rank of general of the armies of Antt-God Show, under the sponsor- Reg. $1.50 and $1.95 Sllp-on disreputable atmosphere but bis set In years today left Young Cor- next June. But It’s been rteetded three points but the Reds have an Bora in Canada on May 24, 1852. The Conservative party premier Nat DlstlU ...... itzers cutting the nets for a total the United States for life. ship of the Circle. Officials of the State Labor De- boxing skill stimulated Its .scientific of 13 points. Hank McMahon now that that wouldn’t make sen.se, extra game to play. The Ramblers llMli B youth of 17 years he came planned to confer tomorrow with Invitations have been extended N Y O n tra l...... SWEATERS ...... $1.00 bett. Fresno’s aging southpaw, a Last Three |kD New Haven. From New Haven Shaeffer was worried seriously by partment will be at the State A r- side. stood out for the SIlex, also scor- because who Is Mike Jacobs to kick gave Springfield the first goal, Pershing's sudden turn for the Viscount Halifax, acting as tern to all church organizations and mory again tomorrow to receive ap- N Y NH and H ... Two Other 'Successea' 10-round victor over Fred Apostoll, a raiUion-doIIar gate out the win- Moved to Hartford and entered ing 13 points. uncrowned middleweight king who when rookie Fred Thlrcr scored In- HARVARD R E M S worse. But the man who has shar- porary foreign secretary, and with fraternal societies In Manchester, pllcattona for unemployment Insur- North A m ...... 3—Regular $7.45 Two other studies in fistic sue- dow? side of three minutes, tljen they employ of Heublein Brothers, Packard ...... Coach BycholskI requests that all was a 2% to 1 favorite to wallop ed "Black Jack's" travels of late the Earl of Perth, British ambas- In addition to individuals and civic ance grants, and to review pay- BOYS’ OVERCOATS ...... $3.97 npsey ai players be on time foi: the game Dead On the Level turned Charley Mason loose. He Days of iMving their employ to en- sador to Rome who was called back groups, to attend the shosvlng In Param Plot ...... hiB Idol. ' years seemingly retained complete ments now being made. ney, are included tn our list. No Thursday night. No, the best belief now is that registered a goal in eaeh period, the ia the saloon and restaurant to London for Instructions on the High School hall next Monday Penn ...... Corbett, who won and lost the confidence In his ability to rally. matter bow you think they would Howitzer Co. they are going at It dead on the last on a spectacular unassisted BIG GREEN 1HREAT I in Hartford. In the latter Italian talks. night. At the meeting last night Phelpa D o d g e ...... welterweight title while Apostoll Pershing's Illness was oonsidored Tax collections will be made to- have fared In combat with the Im- P B F T level tonight, and that if Mann does play, and took time out while pf 1887 be became the pro- Lord Perth was expected to rC' repIieH were received from many Phil Pete ...... sUII was aa amateur, took five Our Great or of the so-called "H alf Way serious, said the physicians' Tues- morrow night at the office of the mortal Big Three or, for that mat- 1 C u r l e y . I f ...... 4 5-7 13 score an Improbable victory he will Normle Mann scored once. turn to Rome Immediately after see- accepting the invitation. There Pub Serv N J ...... roimda of yesterday's outdoor bat- ’ on Sliver Lane in East Hart- day night statement, “ merely be- tax collector up to 9 p. m. It was ter, with Jim Jeffries or Jack John- 1 Lupaochlno, If . .0 0-0 0 have to do It the hard way. He ing his chief and at once to open ne- win be no admiasion charge. , Radio ...... tle. Apostoll battered hla way to a New York. Feb. 22—(A P )—Harv- Just over the Manchester- cause he is getting on In years.” announced today by tbe collector. son, they must be conceded to be 0 ^cholsky. If ... .2 0-0 4 looks like a pretty tough one for goUatlons with the Italian foreign Assurance of help was ^ven for Rem Rand ...... pair, and three were even. ard's basketball team moved out of L Hartford line. The general, spending his sixth Late hours are for the convenience the last of the "great heavy- 0 Kerr, r f ...... 1 2-2 4 Loula to be taking on this close to the long shot class today and loom- minister. Count Galeazzo Clano. the proper setting up of the ex Repub Steel ...... The Fresnan, Ms right eye closed Last Night*s Fights Sale of Ho was conducting that place at winter here, was ordered to bed In of persona who find It difficult to weights." Jack and Gene drew the 1 Shorts, r f ...... 0 0-0 0 the Schmeling engagement, but ed as a definite threat to Dart- To Keep Up Attacks hibit when It arrives here from Rey Tob B ...... and bis mouth and nose battered, ““ time of the blizzard of March his hotel suite a week ago when he get to the town ball at other times. two biggest gates in prize-fight his- 1 T l e f n e y , c ...... 2 0-0 4 Joe's managers' declare the champ mouth’s aspirations for the eastern Some members of the opposition Waterbury. where It will be shown Safeway Stores ... Manchester Public Market appeared near tbe end of bis resist- New Tork—Milt Aron, 148, Chi- i and gave shelter to many per- tory. Dempsey's purses aggregated 3 Anderson, c ...... 0 0-0 0 Insisted be didn't want a set-up. complained of rheumatic pains as Indicated former co-operation with the day before, and also such other Schenley D i s ...... cago, outpointed Vince Pimplnella, Intercollegiate league title. I overtaken by the storm. The Trees on East Center street in nearly $3,000,000 from 1910 to 1927. 3 Judd, rg ...... 2 4-6 8 ance In a punishing tenth round. "Honest, he told us If he couldn’t MEN'S SHIRTS he prepared to attend a charity ball government policies^ would be assistance aa may be needed. Sears Roebuck .... 148, B rooklyn, ( 8). The Crimson moved one step that there were many at the with Miss Pershing. He was report- front of tbe residence of Michael J. Tunney collected tbe biggest individ- 1 Salmonson, rg .. .0 0-1 0 Referee Toby Irwin awarded him lick Mann or anybody else around changed to constant attacks In The exhibits, number over 3,500, Shell U n io n ...... the dedston. San Francisco— Young Corbett. closer to the leading Indiana when Regular $145 Whitney and Shirtcraft IS became known In Elaat Hart- ed to have been making steady Moriarty are now all felled, and ual end, $990,000, for tbe famous 1 B erk, I g ...... 0 0-0 0 this country he wouldn't have any Parliament with questions like: are to be placed on display boards workmen will next cut those which Socony V a c ...... A Fine Shipment Of 160, Fresno, Calif., outpointed Fred- they whipped Cornell 40 to 30 on end Manchester and parties progress until .the first relapse yes- "battle of the long count” and re- 0 Simmons, Ig . . . . .1 0-0 2 •After the fight Apostoli’s mana- business fighting Schmeling", said is Mussolini delivering the set up around the hall. The lec- stand In front o f tbe old Jenney South P a c ...... ger, Larry White, groaned: die Apostoll, 159 1-2, San Francisco, the Big Red’s court last night. It SHIRTS...... $1.39 I formed In both towns and men terday. South R w y ...... tired a millionaire In 1028. Jiillsn Bbu^. I^uis has given the i oxen and abovela went to their goods?" ture will be given by Rev. Paul B. residence, which also are scheduled 11 13 11-18 85 "W e was robbed. W e gave Cor- (10). waa Harvard's second victory over After that setback, Pershing ral- St Brands ...... Both fought tbelr way to the top same answer to anybody who aaked Regular 31,65 Whitney and Shirtcraft ue. It waa one of the high Eden's friends said be would Ward of New York. to go in order to make way for tbe SEAFOOD SDex. bett tbs fight to bdp the old man Coral Gables, Fla.— CHarence Ckirnell and its flfth against two de- lied for a few hours. A fter the showing here the ex- St Gaa and El . . . . by tbe hard route, Dempsey aa him about It in training camp. in the story of the blizzard plain fully his position on Friday widening of East Center street this DIRECT FROM BOSTON FISH PIER P B tF T earn a few doUars and this Is what "Red" Burman, 181, Chicago, out- feats In loop competition. Last week ho was cheered by hibit Is to be sent Into the West and St OU Cal ...... a fleiy youth with dynamite in Mann, who la about three Inches The game was the first of four SHIRTS...... $1.09 William Bradley, at that time before his Warwickshire constitu- spring. 0 Caaale, tt...... 0 0-0 0 happens. B ow Irwin ever reached under the Bomber’s six feet, two pointed Johnny Rlako, 198, Cleve- visit* from two war-time associates, ents. It will be several weeks before It Is St OU N J ...... either flat, Tunney as a riqg student successive tilts that tbe Crimson Ig in Hlllstown and known as LAMB SPECIAL! 2 W . Welch, r f . . . .1 8-8 5 bis dedston Is beyond me.' Inches and weighs a dozen pounds land. ( 10). Gen. Charles O. Dawes and Gen. Premier Chamberlain, In Parlia- back East again. The ahowrtng Tex C orp...... who took Corbett for his model. must win on the road If they want $1.00 S H IR T S ...... 79c •HUistnwn Poet," wrote a long Lieutenant Hudson Lyons and Fancy Rib Lamb Chops...... The man who had moot to do 3 LeaU. e ...... 8 1-1 7 Said Cbrbett: less, will carry a good record into Houston, Tex.—Al Bernard, 158, i In which the rescue work waa James G. Harbord, who see him here ment yesterday, rejected aa a that has been going on In New York Lieutenant Walter Hooper of West Timken Roll B ...... 29c lb. 4 M uipby, r g ...... 0 1-1 1 New York, knocked out Cowboy to stay within striking distance of annually. has attracted many visltorB. A s It Trans America ... Fresh Made Lamb Patties...... with helping Tunney and Dempsey " I waa surprised at Freddie’s lack the ring tonight. He hasn’t dropped "sham” the League of Nations Idea Haven will lead the meeting o f the ...... 5 f or 19c 2 L. Welch, r g . . . . .1 1-1 3 of power.’’ ^ a flgbt in 18 months, hla roost nota- Owens, 169, Wichita Falla, (7). the Indians who lead the league We sold ’em right and left hut Saturday — could hardly keep Pershing and bis sister arrived of fighting aggression by force. la Intended to show the antl-rellg- Union Carbide . . . . to make ring history as well as fan- In 18W he came to Manchester Young People’s Legion tonight at Kidney Lamb Chops...... ; ...... 39c lb. 2 McMahon, Ig . .. :4 5-6 18 ApostoU, recent winner over Mar- ble win In that period having been Lacroase, Wls.-Quentin "Baby with eight wins and one defeat. The before Christmas. Although not as lous propaganda of both Commu- Union P a c ...... tastic profits— Tex Rickard— cer- up with the customers. Better get here at onoe and get yean. conducted a beer bottling HI* statement "I still have faith 7:45 at the Salvation Arm y citadel. Lamb for Stewing .. n..... a...... 15c lb., 2 lbs. 23c cel Thil of Franc* and middleweight a 10-round decision over Bob Pas- Face” Breese, 139 1-2, MUwaukee, greatest obatacle in their way at active os on previous visits, when the League may be reconstituted” , nists and German Nazis it Is be- Unit A ircraft...... tainly belongs in our fistic "Hall of In a building west of the Fine Sugar Cured Bacon ...... 12 9 li-14 39 champion Freddie Steele In a non- tor. , knocked out Eddie Jackson, Los the moment is Pennsylvania's up- he frequently rode horseback over raised the question whether a new lieved to be of deep Interest to peo- Unit Corp ...... 33c lb. Fame.” The old Klondike gambler Score at half, 16-11, Howitzer. at Cloak company mill on Pine Mr. and Mrs. George E. Smith of UUe bout, was virtually unscathed. Baa Perfected Bight Angeles, (4). (Jackson’s weight un- setting Quakers whom they meet in the desert trails or went on long conception of the League might ple o f idl creeds. Unit Gas Imp . . . . Tender Calves' Liver ...... 39c lb. began hia career as a promoter in Referee, E. Jolley. ;. He carriM on a large bus- East Center street are spending Corbett, who at 33 has had 17 The record, though, won’t mean a'vailabla). Philadelphia Saturday while Dart- , using eight two horse delivery automobile drives, he appeared to emerge from the Italian-Britlsh some time at Cleeuwater, Florida. U S Rubber...... Our Home Made Pure Pork Sausage Aleat.. 1906, at Goldfield, Nev. He bid ...... 19c lb. years ring experience, presented much tonight. Mann essentially la Los Angeles—Jack Roper, 198, moifth faces C3o1umbla In New York. be in good general condition., agreement. U S Smelt...... $101,000 for the Jeffries-Johnson TM CA SENIOR LEAG U E ot Small Link Pork Sausage...... 29c ib. a left-handed offense that ApostoU, a stand-up, aggressive fighter and Los Angeles, and. Chuck Crowell, In another league game, Yale GLENNEY'S H s later moved to Gla-stonhury. During the past year, however, Chamberlain, fighting a vote of HOSPITAL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Burr o f Main U S Steel ...... hea'vywelgbt match, which he pro- Schedule for this evening. Vick Chem ...... I.«an Rib Corned B e e f...... 12c Ib. moted at Reno In 1910. Coming 34, his former sparring partner, not a fancy Dan. He Isn't such a 315, Los Angeles, drew, (10). shoved Princeton's Tigers deeper “*4ce being on South Main his rugged constitution began to de- censure In a hectic Parliamentary street have returned frona Florida 6:45—Celtics vs. St. Johns. hit-and-run expert as either Pastor New York—Maxle Berger, 189 1-2, into tbe cellar with a 41-34 triumph. Just over the Manchester- session, avowed his wish that Brit- where they have been spending the Western Union ... Special on Grote & Weigel’s Frankfurts ...... 29c Ib. East ha took over tbe old Madison 7:45— Highland Park vs. BSaglea could rwt maater. • mand almo.st constant attention. He Admitted yesterday: Mr*. Ernest Both fighters were slugging furl-; Tommy Farr, each of whom gave Montreal, outpointed Irish Eddie I t was Yale’s third win against ___ ibury line. For a number w-as 111 in London, where he went atn "stay In the League because I R. Peterson. 239 East Middle Turn- major part of* the winter, with West El and M fg . Grote & WeigeFs Polish R in gs...... 3,3c lb. Square Garden, put boxing on its 8:45— SouU) Methodhrt vs. C^vits. Woolworth ...... oualy at the final boll in a closing Louis an^ exasperating evening. Brink, 188 3-4, Scranton, Pa., ( 8); ■even losses and Princeton's fifth ysara he conducted a saloon on last May as an American represen- have faith that it will be reconsti pike: Joseph Ladner, 98 Brooklyn headquarters at Lakeland. Fresh Cut Up Fowl for a nice chicken soup feet as a sporting business and Elec Becta- Mann figures to get hit plenty, and Abe Denner, 130, Boston, outpoint- defeat In six starts. The Tigers street. Later he moved to tative St the coronation of King tuted." street, Worcester, Mass.; Miss Mar- "Y» WEDNESDAY IXAGDll Scotch Ham, our own cure, nice and mild, sweet . .39c Ib. tors standing on their feet cheering. everything depends upon whether he ed Frank dl LlUo, 135, New York, held a 24-15 lead at the Intermis- Turnpike, building a bouse George \T and was visibly exhaust- But. he warned, “ we must not try garet Donohue, 394 Porter street: Rev. CJharles G. Johnson o f East the ringside. Schedule for this evening: Corbett considered the 'victory can absorb Joe's b la ^ and aak for (fl). sion but tbe Ells moved out in front the Bolton-Mancheater line and ed after attending the dedication of to delude ourselves, and still mote Althea Melnke, 151 Maple street: Middle Turnpike gave an Illustrat- Never A C&lon , Second Cbngregationol church vs. the occupation of farming, we must not try to delude small, ed talk on Norway during the GROCERY VA LU E S Tw o great Ughtweigbta, Joe Gans Tall Cedars. the first atop in an attempted come- shortly after the second session got the memorial monument at Mont- Mrs. Grace Tucker, 78 Alton street. RAYMOND STRICKLAND underway. rscsnt years his only surviving faiicson, France. weak nations that they will be pro- Discharged sresterday: Mr. and assembly hour at the Manchester Butter, Fairmont’s Creamery Better Butter . .2 lbs. 67c ^and Benny Leonard, rate high on Bryant A Chapman vs. ’Vernon. back as a mlddlewelghL He weigh- ^sr. Miss Ella Marlin, has made ed 160 pounds to 159% fo r Apostoll. Tbe fight for tha runner-up pcel- But when he returned to the tected by the league against ag- Mrs. Raymond W . Bldwrell, 9 Plano Green school this ifftemoon. The Eggs, Native, Strictly Fresh, Extra L a rg e ____2 doz. 67c home with him on Middle Tum- lecture was made possible through tion to the Temple Owls, who al- United States and was called upon gression. We know that nothing of Place: John Clapp, 12 Haynes Pea Beans, fancy hand picked...... 2 lbs. l i e the kind can be expected. The the Manchester Green Community INJURED IN ICE F A U ready have clinched tbe eastern In- to take part In the nationwide fight street; Edward Stephens, South Ahraitis Wins One-Ball; yiaie. Martin Is survived also by a League is unable to provide collec- club and 6th grade pupils made ar- Gorton’s Ready-to-Fry Codfiah Cakes____10-oz. can 12c CONNECTICUT’S torctdleglato conference champion- PHILCO her. who lives in Providence, a against syphilis he responded read- Coventry; William H. IJunatone, 24 ship, oontinuas tonight with Car- tive security for anybody." rangements. Raymond A. Strickland, of 30 Grapefruit Juice, sweet or unsweetened .. .No. 2 can 10c Robert B.. of 168 South Main ily. and broadcast two radio ad- Strong street: Mrs. Mary Doolittle. nei^e Tech’s tangling with CLEARANCE He denied hotly former Prime 11 Edwards street; Mrs. Charles Golway street, a truck driver em- Ovaltine, Chocolate or P lain ...... sm. can 33c, Ig. can 59c I e U E A T E S T HOCKEY Boost Prizes A t Farr*s and a grandson. William R , dreases from hia El Conquistador Miss Florence M. Seelert of 129 \ Georgetown in Washington. The hotel quarters. Minister David Lloyd George's ac- Filler, 35 Chestnut street. ployed by the W. G. Glenney Com- Prune Juice, Royal , pure...... qt, bot. 17c [-43 IfoDla s tr e e t cusation o f withholding an Italian Weet Center street spent the holi- LAST NIGHT’S HOCKEY Hoyos, with four wins and as many funeral will be held Batur- Birth; Yesterday, a daughter to pany, North Main street, suffered a Fruit ^ k U i l , Royal Scarlet...... No. 1 i/j can 15c SALE telegnun until EMen resigned last day In New Tork and waa regtstered RESULTS Victor Abreitis, who this aeason^eys announced today he has boost- defeats, con move within a half JBCcniiig at 8:30 at the W. P. Mr. and Mrs. Max Rubacho, 64 fracture o f his left knee cap this Floor Models and Sunday. St the Hotel Algonquin. Wheaties, the favorite breakfast cereal...... 2 pkgs 21c ' SPORTSMEM’S is looming as a real threat to od blB caoh awards to $39 for to- game o f the second place NIttany funeral home. 225 Main street North street. noon In a fall at the company's plant Avowing he had done nothing Admitted today: Rairmond A Premium Crackers, N. B. C...... Mb. pkg.' 17c ASSOCIATED PRESS Charlie Kebart's local supremacy on morrow night's one-biui sweep- Lions of Penn State, who have won Demonstrators. 'eit A t Bridget's church at 9 PUBUCRECORDS Margaret daughter of Mr. and at 1:15 this afternoon. He wraa taken Naflimal Leagae "disgraceful," Chamberlain said he Strickland, 20 Golway street. the polished lanes, captured flret stakes. He Inaugurated the event five and lost three. Carnegie, with Burial win be in St. Mrs. Joseph Donahue of 394 Por- to tbe Memorial hospital for exami- Boston 3, Toronto 0. 3 Dajrs Free Trial ’» cemetery. Bin o t Bale merely had learned of the tele- Discharged today: Mrs. Ernest SPECIAL AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT f place In the one-ball sweepstakes at lost Thursday and attracted a large two victories and four losses, can ter street sad a pupil at S t James’s nation and treatment. BOATS Chicago 6, Montreal Maroons 5/ Ids may view the body at tha Wmiara Krah has sold to Russell gram's, Import from a friend of the Panders and Infant daughter. 326 Conran’s alleys at Depot Square entry and expects another banner Us Pittsburgh for fourth place if In Your Own Home. parochial school, underwent an ■trlckland, who has long been Chocolate Layer Cakes with Mocha icin g...... 29c ea. ‘ Montreal Canadiena 3, N ew Tork undertaking home aftM 1 Fotterton the Krah interest In the Italian ambassador, Count Dino Parker street; Mrs. EUaabetb last night when be rolled a three- turnout tomorrow night. Maurice they win. Grand!. He told the Cabinet o f Its emergency operation for appendici- employed by the company aa a truck JeUy Doughnuts...... d o r 27^ Rangers 1. game total of 235 with single Temple steps out of tbe confer- tomorrow afternoon. mercantile firm o f Potterton and White, 15 Ridgewood street; Lor- tis last night at the Memorial hos- driver, slipped on a patch o f ice Correntl won lost week with a 338 EASY purport, acceptance o f the British Fig SQuares doz. Irtssnntliinnl A w rton n Langns counters of 72-74-79. Abreitis won total but this figure may be eclipsed ence tonight to meet Albright, Krah, located on Main street, ac- raine Pillard, 256 Hackmatack pltaJ. Her condition la oatlsfac- while passing through an alleyway !ECREATIONAL formula for removing foreign volun- sPhfladslphto 4, Sy ln g fleld 1. tbs Connecticut Talley sweepa at which took a 49-31 licking from St. M is . Una Montgomery cording to a bill of sale filed today street tory. Sugar Buns 19c doz. tomorrow. TERMS and struck his knee heavily on the aiastonbury a few weeks ago and 'J in . Una Montgomery, widow of M the office of the Town Clerk. Mr. teers from Spain but said he did Death; A t 1:45 a. m., today, W il- Ginger SQuarcs 18c doz. A prise of $13 is offered for high Joeeph’s in Philadelphia last night. For Service On Any not get the telegram Itself until Ice In falling. An X-ray examination Ksnsss atj 8, St. Paul 3. is rated a comer in tbe alley sport three string, $8.(M for second high Pittsburgh’s Panthers also engage P. Montgomery and a real- Potterton assumed sole charge of liam B. Martin, 1163 Middle Turn- Mrs. John Learned o f Hartford of the knee will be taken to de- Radio— CaU 3535 ; ot this town for many yeAr% the firm according to the terms of Monday. pike East road Is a guest at the Vassar chib. AT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT SHON ^ Kebort finished a single {dn be- and $5.00 for third high with on a non-ct^erence foe when they tan- Eden declared be had no "official termine the extent of the injury. asTOiand (I-A) 4. SL LouU (A A ) hind Ahraitis with a total o f 334 on awmrd of $4.00 for high single. Avar- gle with Duquesne. I Tuesday night oftar a short ni- nl#e Census; Slxty-nlns patients. New Tork dty. Fresh Green Beans...... 2 qta. 17c ida the Windham Community QaitoUlm Intimation” ,ot the Italian govern- Within the past 34 hours 17 od- single games of 75-73-78. The town age* of the ten highest bowlers will Wisconsin, of the Big Ten, meets ment's capitulation on this point HOOVER’S MOTHER DIES Fresh Green Spinach...... peck TONIGHTS SCHEDULE champion alao copped high aingto Hospital in WnUmaatie. at ux bava trana* miaalona and IS dischatgea hav* Parker Boren o f Cbmstock road STATE ARMORY F E B . 22*° MAR. 1 be kept each week and the ten high- Psnnsjlvaiiia - in Philadelphia to- BENSON I Je uondred by a oon, Thomas until after he resigned, but that it ^ c y Fresh Green P e a s...... '. .2 qts. 29c with a mark o f 85. J. Jonaon and est at tha close o f ten weoks will be night whlla \TUanova, trounced at rerrad to Annie Ball certain realty been recorded at Memorial hospital plans to leave Friday for a tan Waohington, Feb. 38.—(API— '(entgomery, who win bs re- would bars mads ne dlfferaacs la offio*. The otnous at on# tlma ye»- vacation at Nassau, Bpafacflald a t PtttaiMirgli. Jack Saldella ware elosest to the admitted free in U>e grand sweep- City College by a 46-27 count lost FURNITURE AND RADIO 0* Middle Tumptks according Mrs. Anna M. Hoover, mothw of J. ************ doz- H A R T F O R D I N C L U S I V E A nme Iqmi AssotSstSse 711*118 Ma Ib ta Jobnsoa Block s a vrell known l o ^ his decision to quit. Eden' bad de- tsrday afternoon cams within one Mr. Boren is manager o f the Man- leaders with triplas o f 313 each* ■. stakes that is being planned oa tto night, faces the sturdy S t Francis 8 to a qultcUlm deed recorded today manded withdrawal o f tha volun- Edgar Hoover, director of the Fed- St Paul at WkUta. Jo* Parr ot tha Charter Oak al- now oennected at tha Temu Oarifa efftos patient of reaching the all time rec- chester Electric Company dMMoa DIAL 5187 — WE DELIVER ssasoa’s windup. , ot Brooklyn flva. tsan os a pcattiniaaxy polaMbsfim, ord o< 65. eral Bureau ef Inveatigatlon, died at .1 o f tha Opanertlcut P o w w aoaaanF. " r home hare last aigiiL WANCHESTER EVENTNC HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEONE5DAT, FEBRUART 28,1988

BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Cecil Bothers Willie

_ v t*4 o w . O ut wtvv. - iVv. BOBH' I Jot, can’t BTAMO Y'BMftH SENSE and N O N SE N SE v&hil n e iA U T W o L ? V A . BM tVPtW ! \ NEAR YHKt »< X •. W OA V4WX COMEfe 60MU TO etAY lBoT\ 6CrrTA^ CAASTUX. M' A woman needs three pets In I Dr. SUtcher—Ah, you ore look- evov UsY eoOTfc BWt HOvrt 1 -T llv ' place of a husband— ing very much better today, Mr. I VMCRVTHtNa A .d o g that growls la the morn- Ray. ing. Mr. Ray— Yaa, Doc, 1 followed A parrot that swaars In tha tha InstnieUona on that bottla of | afternoon, ' medicine you gave me. And a cat that stays out sU Dr. SUtcher—Indeed. That la I FACTS AND nOUBBS night AOIOMOBILBS FOR SALE 4 PA1NT!NG-4»APERING 21 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 11 the Manchester Rod and Gun Club fins. But, let me sac — what were BRUINS BOOST LEAD they? OHEVItOLET eooTettllile PROPERTY OWNERS —Attdnttoa HUNDREDS OF USED Furniture New York, Feb. 23.—(A P )— R a cin g Notes CMICHAIWDIES; win be held next Saturday night at the Club House at the Lake here. Kind Old Lady— I beg your par- Mr. Ray—Keep the bottle well I «OBp«L Vtm top, Urw , radio, and I6F8 repapdia room, oaUlng paper* bargalna. 8 rooma fnmltura 878. Facts and fla r e s on tonight's don, but you are walking with one corked. Venaclo Nodarse la only an ap- Harry McCormick la chairman of hMtar. Fhod* 6771. ad or kalsomlnod. Maforiai, laboc Easy terms. Phone or write for a BY BLANKING LEAFS Joe Louia-Nathan Mann heavy- foot in the gutter. prentice jockey but today he looked WELL KNOWN ADTHOR the committee. oompieta. inaida, outaidd painting. “Courtesy Auto”. Alberta Furni- weight championship fight. Absent-Hinded—Bo I am; mercy We’ve Shortened The Working I back on a performance that would Mias Elizabeth White and two LAtga aavtnga. Work guaranteed. ture Co., Waterbury, Conn. Gain Sevcntli Straight 'nctory Prlnclpals-^oe Louis, Detroit, I thought 1 was lame. Day, But It’a No Eaolar To Wake AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 lAUig. Phone 8692. do justice to an) full fledged rider. Native Of Waterbury Suc- friends from Hartford have return- world's heavyweight champion, Riding at the Fairgrounds, be Up At Eight O'clock Than it Uaed j Ta Pact National Hockey ed from a motor trip to PInkham Some People's Idea Of Helping To Be To Wake Up At Six. S6M FORD OOUFE, 1986 Ford MACHINERY AND TOOLS 52 v a Nathan Mann, New Haven, brought home four popuIo> winners cumbs A t Hartford; Had I League By Nine Pirfnta. Notch, N. H. and vicinity, where You Out Of A Tight Place Is To eoaah, 1886 C b«rrol«t eoaeh, 1982 Conn., challenger. yesterday. Tw o of them. Powers Long Newspaper CarMr. REPAIRING 88 FORDSON PARTS IN STOCK at Place— Madison Square Gar- they spent several days at , the Give You A Good Solid Scolding Drinking together doesn’t pro-1 Chevrolet eedan, 1988 Ford coupe, Gouraud and Sadie F., plaid 8*.80 winter sport ground. all Umea. Used Farmalla, John By ASeOOlATEO PRESS For Getting In. mote friendship. You can't loi 1888 Chevrolet coach, 19S5 Pontiac RADIO REPAIRINO.—My knowl- den, New York. each while Little HIg and Transen Hartford. Feb. 28.—^AP)—Carl J. Albertine Bralnard wilt .(Wag.iassPT me. T.st.ssQ.i>.s.raY.bw, Deere, Caterpillars Fordaoiu, new Although Improvement hardly Time o f main bout— 10 p. m.. anybody who saw jrou making • | eoach. Cole Motore, 6463. edge and new equipment for radio returned 86.20 and 86.40, respec- Mattison Chapin, 58, widely known First Aid instnicUon at the and used apresdera, etc. Dublin Eastern Standard Time. Aunt Maria— Do you know that fool of yourself. servicing cuts doim the repair seems possible in a team out of Brst tively. author and newspaperman, died House on Monday evenings to JUm - Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox 1885 DODGE SPORT coupe. Good Tractor Company, Providence Length— 15 roiuids to a de- It Sunday will be the twenty- cost. For service call 3366, Joseph place only two days since the aea- during Uie night at the home of his bers of the fire company, 'Tiavlng fa anniversary of our wedding? tirea attd paint, haa heater. Tlila Dubanoakl, 163 Birch street. Road, WllllmanUc. cision. ii, sister, Mrs. Barbara C. Russell, car haa tid excellent care. Price soD started, the Boston Bruins ac- Dewitt Page, owner of the Mae- completed the Red Cross Flrpt Aid Unelc John— You don't say so! ProhEbla attendance— 18,000. mere form, has a likely looking whom he was visiting. Course In Hartford, and received What about It? right for ^iilck sale. Messier Nash, ROOFING AND BIDING esUmates tually look as if they were getting OUR BOARDING HOUSE Probable receipts— 8120,000. A former editor of the Waterbury his instructor’s certificate. Aunt Maria—Nothing, only S T O R I E S I N 7386. freely given. Years of experience. WANTED—TO BUY 58 better as the* National Hockey candidate for Hialeah's juvenile I ! Division of receipts—Louis 40 championship In Hireling, an un- American, Chapin had been retired A crew Is at work clearing the thought we ougl)t to kill those two Workmanship guaranteed. Also League campaign wanes. from active newspaper work for the HOUSE CLEANING? Moving? Wd per cent. Maun 12 1-2 per cent. beaten son of Higher. The juvenile way for the high power tension lino ehlekena carpentry. A. A. Dion, 81 Welle When they licked the Toronto past ten years and made his home it ' s tm' wav *th ' I'M WONDBWM' buy your saleable junk. Live poul- Broadcast — NBC-WJZ net- championship will be decided on the of the Connecticut Light and Power Uncle John— But. Maria, how STA M PS street. Phone 4860. Maple Leafs, the team they prob- In Manchester, V t„ where he devot- 6CM06 S AHB BOerrSD try also bought Call William work. closing day, March 6. Company, which will cross the land oan -you blama tham two ohiekana )| *«s WH8TWBIATWW ably will meet In the playoff from Ih'eUmlnarles: Johnny wnit- ed his time to writing mysteries and OstiinsRy 5879. 182 Blssell. The bay gelding cLalked up hla of several property owners on for something what happened 25 AROUMD TH eSS MILLS • PROPBflBOR Mandiester HARNESSES, coUara, luggage and the league title, 2 to 0 last night. ers, Detroit v a Bud MIgnault, short stories. years ago ? harness repairing, sport tope and third straight victory In Account- Ripley HIU. G row •thatis cerr oupk PaATTLH O It was the Bruins' seventh straight Brockton, Hass.; Jim Robinson, He was bom In Waterbury on £¥6111118: Herald curtains repaired. 00 Cambridge ing for the colta and geldings’ sec- The February edIUon of "Real ROOMS W nH U U T BOARD 59 victory. That b the longest winning Philadelphia, vs. Dick Hogan, July 30, 1879, and began his news- Read It Or Not— (SU ARD U P-«^TH SR E ^ PBALIKJ* *BM street. Telephone 4740. tion of the nursery stakes yester- News,” issued monthly by pupils o f streak o f the Besson and put them Boston; Dave Clark. Detroit, va. IMper career following his gradua- The standard staa for a profet- SQAABTWIwa ROTTBW OPP TM'TOP CLASSIFIED FOR R E NT—ROOM for gentleman, just nine points ahead o f the second- day by a length over Hugh W. Jack- tion from Yale university In 1904. the Center School, calls attenUon to LET US HELP YOU with your Buddy Ryan, Newark, N. J.; Phil tlonal baseball diamond la 90 fast IKi PSKIAVARK WMBKJ C8i-TH' O eC K -^ ADVERTISEMENTS reasonable rate. 46 Cboper street. place New York Rangers. son’s Ariel Toy. Hireling began nts the fact that the paper Is four range— burner troubles, cleaning, Sommese, vs. George Nicholson, He was employed for a short time square; that Is, tha dlatanoe ba- A PORK CHOP Telephone 8332. Up to a few days ago Boston was career at Hialeah under the banner on the staff of the Torrington Reg- years old this month. Other Items tween bases Is M fast. H6^ A KiBW adjusting, repairing. Tel. 6462. Ex- six rounchs each; Elser Thomp- Oeant ala avataca worda la a Uaa. lucky to have a two or three point of Herbert M. WoolTs WooUord ister, and then went to the Boston, o f Interest indude the announce- STARTS A SOUBAK IKITH' talUala Dambara aa4 abbravlationa pert service. Satisfaction guaran- son, Chicago, vs. Gene Bonin, ment of the establishing o f a School aaab eoaot aa a word and eompeund lead, but two victories over the farm of Kansas City, Mo. He won Mass., bureau of the Associated H e—1 know dosons of girls who'd CONVERSATIOM OLP COORAKIO teed. P. H. Babb A Sons. FOR . RENT—FURNISHED room four rounds. his debut in a U.500 claiming race. Court, wherein minor offenses worda aa two worda Itlnlranm ooat ta Rangers erased that worry and the ------^ Press where he remained for three bend over backwards to pleasa ma. WITH VOU t prlea of thraa llnaa at 429 Main street Purchased by Fvge for a reported years. among pupils are settled. Four o f- She----- You certainly hats your- W UKB TO Idea rataa par day for traaalant New Yorkers took a third straight price of 86,000 on Feb. 4, Hireling He returned to his native city in ficers have been elected,' a judge, •elf, don't you? KNOW WHICH ada BUSINESS setback last night when they drop- he tours almost any course In the ■XaaflTa Karafe IT. IMT ped a 2-1 decision to the Montreal won the next day In hla new . 1907 to become sports editor of Oio court clerk, prosecuting attorney, He—No, I'm donee dlreotor for APARTMENTS—FLATS— low 80's . . . Jimmy Johnston, the and a cqurt bailiff. The first four Cash Charas OPPORTUNITIES 32 Canadiens, second In the Interna- Yesterday he was the second choice American, and In later years was the new show. f CeDseoatlve Days .,1 7 eta) •t au TENEMENTS 63 earstwblle "boy bandit” of Eight grades at the school are preparing tional division. to Artel 'I'oy, paying 2 to 1 In the telegraph editor and associate edi- S CaaeMOtlTe Days ..I • etal U sta FOR RBNT—IN BUSINESS aeo- Avenue, la In mourning because of an operetta, "A lice In Woifacriand.” 1 Day ...... ,| 11 ota| U eu FOR RENT—TW O ROOM furnished The Bruins even made It look mutuels. tor under his father, Charles Fred- Correct This Sentence; ‘This Is IpLAMINO, exotic UttU~ tion, brick marcantlls building Don Burge's decision not to turn Mention Is made of the recent an- a land of equality,” said tha big tha orchid has fasetnaUd men All ardsrs tor Irrsaolar Insaittona with 3000 ft. of ground Ooor apace, apartment, private bath. Grube, easy as they showed another sellout eric Chapin. He succeeded to the wIU ba eharaad at tba ona Ubm rata pro . . . down at Hot Springs they editorship upon bis father’s death. nual visit of Mr. Bochman to the ■hot, "and I don't expect any bet tor 800 yaara alnos tta discovery buttable for tight manufacturing. 109 Foster street. crowd of 15,381 what they Intend to want to know what's become of The principal contenders for Sat- apaelaJ rataa tor loog urm avsry urday's running of the 820,000 Besides his sister, be leaves his school, when he spoke on "Playing ter servloe than you giva others.” in tha New World and for cen- day advartlaioa ft«aa apoa raqusat. Apply Edward J. Holl. do In the playoffs. Cooney Welland pitcher Walter Brown's size 62 the Game to Win.” The paper has turies before that In the Old. Men Ada ordarad bsfara laa third or dtth scored the first goal at 8:30 of the breeches . . . lost enroute .... Flamingo stakes at Ulaleah have re- widow, Mrs. Edith Adams Chapin, day will ba abarsad sniy tar tba ao> HOUSES FOR SALE 72 ceived their “preps” and Indications a daughter, Mrs. Burnham S. Haw- a "Did You Know” column, and Diner— Walter, ita been half an have died that milady might wear tasl aaaabar at Uaias tbs ad app< second period after a passing bout Walter h w to do his training In contains several timely articles, also hour sinos I ordered that turtle civilian pants . . . experts call Joe are a big field of three-year olda will ley of New Britain, and two grand- one on her-shoulder; that a new ad. abaratns at tba rata aaniad bat HELP WANTED— FOR SALE—54 HUDSON street « with Roy Goldsworthy, and BUI children. an editorial on ''Courtesy.” Tho ■ 0^! and more beauUful bloom might ) ao allowaaea or ratonds ean ba mada MALE 36 room house, all Improvements. On Cowley ekated through the Toronto Medwick and Johnny Mlzc the best go to the post. Walter— Tea, air, but you know 0 aa ala Ubm ada stoppad attar tba league . . . Freddie Steele la due on Norman W. Church’s Bahamas Real News” staff'follows: Editor In be brought back from the jungles attb day. lot extending through from Hud- team alshe for the second in 10:36. how turtlas are. WANTED—EXPERIENCED meat the coast. Handicap winner, Lavengro, went chief, William Graham; Assoclato to dvlUsatkm. No *^111 torbids'i dtsplay Itaas aot son to William street. Width 99 ft., Only some spectacular work by Editors, Kathryn Grady, Janet Mul- Tor tbs tropics Is the orchid's aold. cutter and counter man Thursdaye length 165. Poone 7900. goalie Turk Broda kept them from the full mile and an eighth In 1:65 U ttla Glabra—Mother Dear, dees Tba Barald arlll aot a# rasponatbla to Saturdays, Inclualve. Manches- 3-5 yesterday. Herbert M. Woolf’s SOUTH GENTRY len, Bernice White, Ralph Kelley; astural hems. And usually it Increasing the score while their Davie Day of Chicago and Charlie Ehcchange Eklitor, Helen Flaherty; on appla a day keep the doctor la found on trao tops! lor aiora than oos laeorraat Inaaitloa ter Public Market. Corner of Baltimore have been book- Lawrin, which was slated to oppose away? I own netmlnder,- Tiny Thompson, at any adTartlasmaDt ordarad tor Mrs. Albert E. Harmon la a pa- Poetry Editor, Charlotte Allen; Coata 'Rlea U tha moat notable ■era tbaa oaa tiraa. T egal no tices rang up his sixth shutout to threat- ed in the Hippodrome. March 2 . . four older horses today, worked five Mothar—Well, yes, dear, I have Tba iBBdvartaBl emlialOB et Inoor- MEAT MEN WANTED—Cuttere Jack Britton, battle-scarred former furlongs In 1:01 1-S. George Odom tient jSt the Windham Cbmmunity Compositors, Eleanor Strede, Elea- heard It sold. But why? orchid country In the world. There GEORGE E. MARTIN en the lead of the Rangers’ Dave rset PBblloatloD of adrsrUalBs wlU ba and counter men State experience. welterweight champion, showed up sent Pasteurized a sharp three fur- Memorial Hospital as the result of nor Graham. Louise CHiappell, Ho-te U tU e Gladys—Well. I think you the blooms range from some of rsetUlad only by eaaeallatloa et tba Vi. Kerr In this respect. Write Box X, Herald. In Chattanooga the other day ped- longs In 35 4-5 while Co-Sport breez- a broken ankle due to a fall at her Eckner, Rose Shlrsbac, Margaret hod better give me one, oa I ’va just the largest blossoms ever seen to Oharas mada tor tba aanriea raadarad. MARY BROWN MARTIN In spite of their defeat, the Rang- home. Champlln, Catherine Oour, Harriet those so small as to be almost tm- All adrarUaaratnts bibsi ooBtoriB ers virtually have clinched second dling books . . . Is Buck Shaw, ed the same distance in :39. broken tha dooter’a window. la styls, copy and typoprapby with Superior Court, State of Connecti- Santa Clara coach, ambitious? . . Miss Mabel Tlllinghast la visiting Hoff; Printers. Earl Clark Edmond percepUbls except by closest ot^ cut. County o f H artford, the 16th day place as neither Chicago nor Detroit Postemsky, Joseph Shlrsbac; A s- raculaUons anforead by tba pobllab- FUEL AND FEED 49-A just look at this year's Intersection, A large number o f horses are at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Elderly RelaUve—Remember, my servation. Generally the orchid is -s ^ - ait srs aad thay raaarva tba risbt to of February, 1938. can do better than tie them. The semblers, Fred Twerdy, Everett Col- found with its roots fastened Into OllllER OF MOTICR al schedule: Arkansas, Detroit U., leaving Florida these days—some dron;,£(ennott In Stapleton, Staten boy. that wealth does not bring ^ TILL THE adit, ravlaa or rajaet any aopy eoa* FOR SALE— 15 CORDS of dry hard Blackhawks maintained that status Island. burn; Distribution Manager, Ther- the mossy bark of tha tallest sidarsd eblaetlonabla Upon complaint in aatd cause Texas A. and M. and Michigan for the north to prepare for the happiness. wood, 4 ft. length. Telephone Man- by conquerinfc the Montreal Ma- esa Kelly. trees, set amid a growth of ver- PKOPE5SOR CUMINQ HOURS—aasalBad ads brought to aald Coqrt. at Hartford In State . . . Max Macon, a southpaw spring season, others to Kentucky Anne; small daughter of Mr. and Young Man—I don't expect It to. iC ta ba pnbllabad asms dan mnat ba ra> chester 8868. aaid County, on the flrat Tuesday of roons, 6 to 5, In a game marked by from Coliirabiis who ,wlll go south Mrs. Alfred Staebner of Ripley Hill, I merely want It. so that I may bo dant ferns and tropical plant life. • R E A L L V - March, 1938, claiming a divorce, it to get ready for the opening at oaivad by U e'eloek nooni datnrdays three goals In the last two minutes. with the Cardinals, ,1s called a left- Is spending a weeks vacation with DECIDE CONVENTION SIXF. able to choose the kind of misery More recently orehlds have been OET5 OOiNJOa Id Ad. FOR SALE!— W E LL seasoned hard appearing to and being found by the Keeneland and others to Hot Springs cultivated In the United States. wood. Apply Edward J. Holl, tele- aubicrlbing authority that the where- handed Dizzy Dean '. . . omlgosh! her grandmother Mrs. F. W. Staeb- that Is most agreeable to me. ubouta of the defendant Mary Brown for the Oaklawn Park meeting. They are started In test tubes TELEPHONE YOUR phone 4642 or 8025. . . It was the flu apd not worry ner, In Jackson Heights, L. L She New London. Feb. 28.— (A P )—• A2M Martin'In unknown to the plaintiff over 1938 prospects that sent Bcmle There will be no shortage for Tropi- Ona Good '^ I n g About Telling from powder-like seeds and they ORDERED:—That notice of the In- cal Park’s 30-day spring meeting, accompanied her uncle, Emerson The executive board of the Young WANT ADS Bterman, Minnesota coach, to the Staebner, and family, o f Salem, The Truth Is That You Never Have sre watched through seven years stitution and pendency of said com- Sports Roundup however, every stall has been re- Democratic Clubs o f Connecticut Ads ars aooaptad ovar tba talapboaa HOUSEHOLD GOODS 5t plaint shall he given the defendant hospital. Mass. To Remember What You Have before they finally burst into full at tbs CHAROB RATB sWsn abova by some proper officer by publishing Bv EDDIE BRIETZ served. will meet here tomorrow night and Bold. egorgeous bloom. Shown here Is SCORCHY SMITH as a eonvanlanea ta advartlaars, bnt Mias Evelyn Beebe has returned Squaring the Vicious Circle FOR SALEl— ROUND dining room this order In The Manchester Eve- New York, Feb. 23 — (AP) — to Providence after a brief visit decide In what city the annual con- Pete—When 1 arrived In Wash- the purple orchid on a new Costa By JOHN a TERRY tha CASH RATES will ba aooaptad aa nin' Herald, a newspaper published FOUR SAFES RIFLED • !««• n s A. F . 41 SsOTssS SV U . PATMENT It paid at tba butl. table, and 5 chairs. Must be sold In Manchester, Conn., once a week, Nathan Mann is a good strong kid, with her mother, Mrs. Ina P. Beebe. vention. scheduled for April, will be ington I didn’t have a single cent Rica stamp, depicting native In- aaaa offloa aa ,or bafora tba savtntb at once. Reasonable. Mrs. L. Schal- for two Huccenslve weeks, commenc- but If he lasts longer than six W R EST L I N G Tha cboir rehearsal this week will held. . In my pockets. In fact, I didn't dustries. day tallawlns tba Srst Inaartloa at ler, 427 Center street. Rear. Tele- ing on. or before February 17, 1938. rounds tonight Joe Louis will have Danbury, Conn., Feb. 23.— (A P )— The New London county group even have any pockets. .(Copyright. ISSI, NEA Sorvlcv, Inc.) aaeb ad atbarwlaa tba CHARGE Yeggs broke Into four places In this be at the home of organist William phone 7257 L.UC1U8 V. FUIdLEU gone back plenty . . . Edward F. By ASSOCIATED PRESS has a.skcd that the committee con- George— How on earth did that RATE wUl ba eoUaolad. N# raaponal* Clerk of said Court. vicinity during last night, Leo F. J. Smith in WllllmanUc, on Friday happen? blUty for artora la talsphonad ada H-2-26<38. Rozmarynoskl, trainer o f the Mar- evening. sider a resolution asking the next Portland, Me.— Dick Stahl, 191, Carroll, lieutenant of state police, Pete—Oh. 1 wa bom there. will ba aaanmad aad thalr aeeeraoy quette athletic team Is a good sport Germany, won over Abe Rothberg,- Paul Llsicke, an engineer at the Legislature to investigate power samiot ba anarantasd. , , . when on the road with bis Ridgefield, reported today. rates In the state. 1931, New York (Rothberg disquali- In the office of Morrison' A Dun- Mansfield State Training School, The greatest fallacy In the world charges he always earns votes of fied for roughness.) was the only member of the local INDEX OF thanks from hotel clerks by In- ham, feed and grain dealers. In the WINS AYRES’ AWARD is that there Is anything free, such STATE FAIRS GROUP Reading, Pa.— Bronko NagurakI, center of the village of Bethel, they Fire Company to attend the meet- as school books, free medical at- CLASSIFICATIONS variably registering as ''Rosy” . Ells- 220, International Falls, Minn., ing of the Windham and Tolland Middletown, Feb. a 23.— ( A P ) — EMERGENCY worth Vines and Fred Perry are blew open the safe, obtaining less The Ayres’ prize tolAthe Wesley- tention, free this and free that. Births . . threw Glno Martlnelll, 220, New (bounty Firemens Association In making plenty o f dough for them- than eight dollars. an freshman who attains the high- Nothing is free. Some one haa to Basadrema RE-ELECT OFHCERS York, 16:45. The safe of the Newtown feed Danielson. iTie next meeUng will pay for it all. J^rnagae selves, but how about their back- est average during the first semes- Indianapolis ^— Stove Casey, 224, company, Newtown; the safe of the be held May 21st In Echo Grange ••••eeeaeeeeeeew#e*ie*e era? . . . Prof. Billy McCarthy, the Ireland, threw Milo Steinbom, 226. ter was'awarded today to Myron W. CRrd of ThMMks «m»8b*6bs«**»« CALLS suave New York fight manager, la Shepaug feed company, Washing- HaU, Mansfield, with Chief Earl A church where President Roose- White of Hartford, a graduate of u MRnortRm ae**************! Hartford, Feb. 23.— (A P )— Offi- S ' Louis, 11:16; Abe Coleman, 204, ton and the strong box of the rail- Moore of that town in charge of the velt frequently worships recently shaking hands with himself for get- the Hartford Public High school. C«Rt Attd ro aa d New York, won on foul from John road station In Washington, also pregram. erected the following sign: 'The AttattttttotmtnU ...... cers of the Association of Connecti- ting 815,000 as Steve Dudas’ share White headed the dean's list with Katan, 218, Canada, 27:00. were ransacked. The annual Ladles Night Party of President’s Church.” Underneath a • • a a a a e a • a a • • • • • « • • P O LICE for that tune-up with Max Schmcl- an average of 92.84. cut Fairs were re-elected today at Lincoln, Neb.—John Pcsek, 200, The safe In Newtown was left un- the sign on Irreverant wag wrote; ABtaaaabnas Ing. Ravenna, Neb., defeated Bbu Pinder, ABtomobUas, ter Bala the 24th annual meeting at the City locked last night; the other safes "Form erly God’s,” ABtOBobllss tor Baebanga Club. 226, India, two falls. were blown open. Auta Aoeaasortas—Tiraa 4343 The big town seems to go In for They are president, Boyd R. first sackers . . . a few Broadway Aato Rapalrlng—PalDtlna — Grand, Melrose; Flrat Vice Presi- ▲tttQ debo oU . a ...... ••*•••• Y*A haa turned out are Lou Gehrig of FRECKLES A N D HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Aotott— Ship bjr Tnick •••••««•• dent, F. R. Nelson, Pomfret; Second the Yankees; Hank Greenberg, of WASHINGTON TUBBS Atttott—For BJr« ...... FIRE Vice President, Marshall J. Fiink the Tlgera; Buddy Haaaett of the By Crane OUT OUR WAY By WiUiams Oansas-^ndoa—Btorsga ...... Brooklyn; Secretary, Randolph W. Dodgers and Frimk McCormick of F L A P P E R F A N N Y B y Sylvia 60ZV"^ no t o nvo ub.^ Idpternrala*—Bleyslas ...... U South Wbaples, Glastonbury, and Treiu- 'W aatad ABtea—lletarsyelM . . . U the Reds . . . keep your eyes peel- -coeiL i»i« sv NtA etsvict. me. r. m. sea a a mt. eez.- HAVBE \ UPE! N0.6IRK! ^taadaaaa aad r rstiaaliaal lan l urer, Richard H. Erwin, Newington. ed on a bosketbu player named MXfO KTTEBATMATS WHAT BBataaas >ar*teaa Offarad ...... It 4321 New dlrecto.a are Herman Walk- Don Timmerman on the Wisconsin t ^ . ^ o a a b o ld Barvtaaa Offarad .„ .1 | .A er, Goshen; Ray L. Harding, Lyme; squad next season . . . he stands B b IMIbe—ODBtraatlBf 14 Vi MS Trt o n VYl ITortaia—Nursarlas ...... u North and Rose E. Goodale, Glastonbury. 6:10 and can go to tovm when he Foovral Wraotora ...... la Delegates from more than a score gets warmed up . . . Sonja Henie BaatlBg—Plomblnr—RoodBg ... it of fair associations of the state banked almost 8600,000 last year LSMONAIO 3 ^ iBsorsBea ...... n 5432 gathered for tlie bualueaa seaalona . . . Joe Gould will cut In on 25 MlUlBary—Oraaamaktna It per cent of all Tommy Farr’s earn- Uo*lns--TrB0klna—Storaaa . . . M in the morning, the luncheon and PBblle Psaasnaar Samoa ...... M -A the afternoon 2>rogram of speechea ings except the dough he gets from Mntlnir—Papartoa ...... —.... >1 Scheduled to talk were President writing for a British newspaper FrofttMlonA) StnrIOM *ea«aa*«w* IS A M B ULA N CE syndicate . , . flllum producers ^palrlnt ...... it Grant, State Agriculture Commis- sioner Olcott F. King, ^‘What's New just won't let Maxle Rosenbloom TallorlDS—Dytlpg—Claablaa ... 14 (Doufran) fight for acting In the movies. fOllRt Ooodt and Servle* aa«««M8 16 In Reference to the'" XZkinnectlcut W AO U d>-Baitn«t« 8«rvtett « • • • l< Building at the Astern States Ehc- BdttisaltottAl 5630 Don't be surprised If Stub Allison eonrsM and Classes ...... rt posltloii"; Earl S. Carpenter, secre- comes up with another sweet foot- tary o f extension, Massachusetts PriVat* InttrUCtlODI Me«eaw»eea 26 (H olloran) ball team at California next fall Dancing ...... aea*aa*«ae»e«al8*A State college, "What Shall We Have . . . Alabama, which turns out Uutleal— Draraatle ...... z» for a Program"; Mrs. Marlon C. Waoted^Initruotlon* M football champions just like that, Mattoon, Tenyvllle; H. P. Demlng, FlD«aelal 3060 never had a ring champ until Bond«~-Btoeka—Mortgaktfl tl Riverton; Miss EDsle Trabue, Storrs Arthur Fowler won the southeast- BoRloMi OrportunttlM •••••••« 61 (Q uiah) and Ray Harding, Hamburg. ern conference featherweight title Money to U.an ...... u MAttlLlAfie.My BOY 18 A STRUtSfiLE TO" at New Orleans . . . trotting PftESEItVE ONE’S MOIVIOUAUTY BECAUSE B«ltt and gitaatlatta ’O.ANSETT RACING DATES horses get but one ludreut during Help Wanted—FomaU M 4340 I LOVE THE 6000 OLD OAVS, WHEN WE Help Wanted— MaU ...... |« the racing season. . . . ao wras- Providence, R. I., Feb. 23— (AP) WtOE CAttPREB VA6AB0NDS TD6ETHE>^ gaUsm eo Wanted ...... ||-a slers are dumb, eh? . . . well Sam W ife 16 JEALOUb— SHE PVCKb A Help Wanted—Male or Femaltaa 61 —Thomas E. Harrop, secretary of Arllch o f the Michigan State squad ^ a a u Wanted ...... i a . a ^ . l l - A the Rhode Island division of horse Is the smartest athlete In collltch NIOHT UKE TIM TO SEND ME SUnatlooe Wanted— Feraafr* |g H OSPIT AL Sttoatlone Wanted— Male ..••••• 69 racing, today announced the formal . . . every year he comes up with Smplnyment Agenelee ...... «o granting o f 1938 racing dates to a straight “A” grade . . . Young 'C’> Narragansett Park. The dates are Stribling’s kid brother now stands c Idlw ttock— Pete—Pealtrr— FekfeUe 5131 p p g e —BIrde— P eU ...... « Aug. 1 to Sept. 10 and Oct. 10 to five feet, ten Inches and weighs 175 Live Stock— VebleUs...... 42 Nov. 12, as was announced on Mon- pounds but they still call him Pooltrr and Sappllea ...... 46 day night by William E. Ames, di- "baby." Wanted— Pete— Poultry—^tock 44 W A TER DEPT. rector of publicity at the track. Far lilaeellaaeetts Artlelee For Sale ...... 46 Narragansett originally asked for Lou Gehrig mode a big hit with Boate and Aeceaeoriae . « .• • • • « • 4t 72 days with a fall meet closing coast sports writers and almost to Building Materlala ...... 4T 3077 Nov. 19 but the racing division cut a man they’rs backing him In his (fSTSr^ ^ w fetYP*- Dlafflonde—Waiche»--4awelrT •• 48 a week from those dates by setting salary demands from the Yankees 4-19 Eleotrleal Appllaoeatt— Radio •• 49 (A fter 5 P.M .) (*>*»♦ a-25 Poo] Attd Food ...... Nov. 12 aa the closing date in the . . . big time pros are boosting fall. ITie flrat meeting Is for 80 "Very well. I’ll take a dozen for eveninff wear. And be sure, Oordotr— F aivo— Dairy ProducU 60 Bobby Rosburg, 11-year old San ‘T h ’ price is three centa an’ no less— th’ government ain’t Houaahold^ Ooodi ....a . ll 7868 days and the second fo r 80. Franclaco kid, as a real comer » . there’r* no knotholes in them.*' MAOhlaenr and Toola It gonna interfere with MY business 1" Mutleal ittatruffliaU...... ft Oiflee aad Storo Equlpmaat •••« 64 e ^ l a l a At tbo s u r e ! ...... •< M A N C H ESTER HEI^OeS MADE’ NOT BOf^ WoAilBg Apparol—Fora ft MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Now, What? iWAatod— To Boy ...... ff By THOMPSON A N D COLL ALLEY OOE Get Itp Eeny W A TER CO . By HAMLIN '.'fj fUataaraato gooay WlUoat Board *»••»•» fg IS A MUPFLEO S C n eA M '”* ’.! /I HEARD NO AND, IN ARNOLDS OaRKEMEO ROOM7 7—A F T ER I'VE W^EN 'EM Boirdora W intod • ••••«*6Ljai*aBEfl*A ’ M scReAM.snt* MNRA AND DB. JASON WATCH THE ,T 0 T H ' CLEA N IN 'V D U H EV / M V 609 H ,^ O D a ir y Beard— RooorCg mm.*. fO YOUR NERVES WINDOW M SUPPRESSEP EkCfTEMEMT ' Hetele-^BasUarAau gi MUST BE A LL H A VE 6 0 T C3UEEN U M P A - CO M IW '/.' T H A T'3 M O TT H 'W A /1 h O LfRE SU PP O SED ^ TO A C T - ”, j. . . ^ . wsvncsi/AX, rtsmvAnr aS, IfS S

IRanrlrratnr !Etmt{ttit Vrralb

Boy Scouts who wish to obtain On account o f the supper tonight Jnstructloa In flremanahlp for in St. Bridget's pariah ball, for men Scouting merit badges are Iw e d to o f the eburefc and members of the —;— .A- report at the Hoee House N a 8, Knights o f Ooiumbus, the usual A meeting of St Bridget ■ Spruce stneeti tomorrow afternoon Wednesday evening card party will Hale*s Self Serve 18th Anniversary DnunnUc Club wlU be held Thura- at 8 o’clock t o Inatnictloa. be omitted. dny evening at 8 o'clock at the pariah ball instead of at the borne lira. Herman B. Montle and son lynchers o f the Second Congre- ^ one of the members, as had been Robert of Bigelow street have re- announced on Sunday,, All members turned home after spending the gational church school are reminded o f the session In the training course Continues With These Specials of the club are urgently requested week-end and holiday tai New York to be present. d t y and New . tomorrow evening at 7:30. Jack Frost Brand. Spaady New . . deUdoos, easily digested . . Youma Date Confectionery Sugar SEE Pinehurst Meats! and Nat Bread . . 100% Malted whole wheat . . starches changed Into Soluble sogsrs . . non-fattening . . 28e loaf. Tender, Gen nine. Fresh " REMEM BER CALVES* LIVER Golden Flake Butter Gem R o lls ...... 6 t o 15o LIN K SA USA GE Fresh Reymond's and Back's Donats...... 0 for 18o Pk«. 7 e 3 Pkgs. 1 9 c Vz l b. 36c Bye. and Cmeked Wheat Bread. T H E D A Y " Jaek VYest or Domlae Breaded Veal Chops served with Bine Label—Special FR A N K FU RTS Friday Night Brill’s Hushroom Sanoe . . . WHOLE GREEN BEANS...... can 20c A fancy strtogiees bean • eaas $1.08. Dozen 81.98. SU G AR 10 Lb. B a g Feb- 25 RIB VEAL CHOPS 5 1c lb; 35c FRESH FISH— Haddock and Solo Fillets; Cod and PoUoek. Hall- BEEF LIV ER bat and Salmon; Oysters, Clams, Scallops; Bed Perch Fillets; .Bonsweet HIG H SC H O OL SwonUsh, MackereL CHICKEN CHOP PRU NES 2-Lb. Box A U DIT O RIU M SUEY, lb. 29c 1 5 c C A LV ES' LIV ER Sock and Bnskin 8:00 P. M. Lean cuts of Stewing Lamb and ncfiuTjt Givcen/.mc. Van Camp's your choice of a bunch o f Car- \ L4I5I ' 302 MAIN STREET fAdmission ...... 35c rots or a vegetable A C t * : f POST OFF!CL ONE BLOCK FROM STATEAPMORY RMerved Seats .... 50c baneb—both t a r...... M ILK 4 ^ 2 6 c

SPRY 3-Lb. Can 4 9 c


HALE’S FEB. BARGAIN DAYS Cream Cheese 3 2 5 c

Short Shank, Sugar Onred, Smoked

Feature These Values For Thursday

Shoulders Ik- I T c

Kelrette Sngar Cored, Siloed, BIndlees

UNDERWEAR B A CO N 1-Lb. Pkg. 2 7 c Smartly tailored garments In vests, ,, hales .

panties, step-ins, bloomers, chalk fin- Fine Qnallty Creamery ish materials. February Bargain

Days— Tint spun' B U T TER 31 e


The Counterpart 3 0 c ea.

Bleaching W a ter, cd. 1 5 c of Aunt Jemima (Contents Only.) 2 f o r 75c In Person Tomorrow at HALE*S.

The Lowest Ready Mix tor

Cocomolt 1-Lb. Can Prices in Years! 3 7 c P A N C A KES

HOSIERY Hale's Qnallty Red Bag 2 packages 2 1

Ready Mix for BARGAINS Hale*s Finespun Sheets C O FFEE ___ Lb. 1 6 c

Hale's 69c M. K. M. First Quality 811k Hosiery, ringless sheer chlffona and serv- 2 H ” hem on both endz of the sheet. 5t4” extra Ung'th, Cellophane BU CK W H EA TS wrapped. Guaranteed at leant four years' wear. Hale’s Orange Pekoe ice weight, new nattering Spring shades

In cruise tan, tropic tan, plaza beige, 81”xl04

C pair February Bargain D ays...... 89c Son shine 5 9


M artini Crockers 2p kgs.25c 42”x36”, reg. 33c; 45”xS6”, reg. 35c Quaker For Confirmation Or Parties Sanshlno Bing February Bargain Days— 4 for .... $1 00

Puffed W heat 9 c 20” x40” Heavy Weight Butter Crackers 2 2 9 c Girls* White Dresses Cannon Miracle

Sanshlno CANNON TOWELS DISH TOWELS OF RAYON Real heavy quality towels thst SPECIA L DEM O N STRA TIO N GRA H A M S wUl wear for years. White with colored borders In gold, green, Y O U R C H O ICE 6 tor 79c Sizes 7 to 16. peach, blue, orchid and red. A few heavy weight all-over checked Regularly 6 for $1.00 2-lb. box M Y-T-FIN E DESSERT $ 2 . 9 8 — $ 3 . 9 8 towels In green and gold only. A real value! Dries more Sunshine Reg. 29c. February Bargain dishes and dries them faster.

Leaves no lin t Colored borders A ny Flavor 3 14 c CREA M LU N C H

fr:...... $1.00 In blue, gold, green, and red.

Any Kind Moeller's BASEMENT SPECIALS 2-lb. box

$1.49 Innerspringr or Beautyrest Sunshine

p*,. hub. TABLE OF GIFT WARES Mattress Covers Macaroni 9 c 2 17 c KRISPY SA LTIN ES I I .00 to $1.49 values, in chrome ware, glassware Made of heavy quality unbleached cotton with seams aU bound,

and with rubber buttons. Full, % and a a a a and novelties. February Bargain D a ys...... 07 C slngla bed size...... vl»*y W orcester Salt l

$1.25 D E S K A N D R E A D I N G L A M P S All Our New Spring Patterns OAliO Snnbenm Orange Blossom with flexible arm. Q t i In Fast Color

February Bargain Days...... 07 C 1-Lb. Jar Dog Food 3 c™ 2 1 c H O N EY 2 1 c

VctmontMold 50c and 69c UPHOLSTERED CHAIR SEATS Wash

to clamp on. q Q Bart Olney's Tender Sweet Special!

February Bargain Days...... NO.S SYRU P Bottle 1 9 c Cana

Fabrics Peas 1 5 c 2 for 2 9 c 8 Oonee Battle Snnbeam

Table of Odd Pieces Aluminum ware 86” Pre-Shnmk Fine Printed Mnalln. Reg. 29c yard Priced for T’ebruary Bargain 1 5 c $ 3 0 8 SL Lawienee Very Good P A N C A KE SYRU P 9 c 86” Printed D im ltlea Reg.

29e yard Quart Bottle 38” Hollywood Prints. Reg. O’CEDAR OIL .MOPS S9e yanl Peas 1 0 c 6 f o .5 5 c

Triangular shape with February Bargain Daya—

bottle of O'Cedar Floor Polish...... No. 2 Can Burt Olney's GoMea Bntifnm $ 1.00 FRESH FRU ITS A N D VEGET A BLES

O’CEDAR DUSTING MOPS Fresh, Jnley, Sweet, Florida Can for ^ Triangular shape with A w /\/> yards Corn 1 2 c 5

bottle of No Rubbing Furniture Polish... $ 1 «UU ORA N GES Doz. St. Lawtenee Golden Bantam 1 4c

la rg e , Jnley, Sweet, Seedleso TABLE OF POLISHES, CLEANERS, ETQ $1.00 Can Priced for February Bargain 1 O to ^ ^ A A Corn 9 c 5 (..4 3 c

Bays oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaa JL G R A PEFRU IT 6 4 .2 5 c Fast Color

No. 1 Ton Ona Smibeam


New Decorations. a « /\/\ Beets or Carrots Bunch For February Bargain Days...... $ 1 ^UU Wash A PRIC O TS 1 0 c 2 ( » 1 9 c

...... r ------No. 1 Oiasn Moimtala

Pint and S Oonee Con Bart fHasr

Potatoes Fabrics

Tomato Juice 3 c™ 2 5 c


