AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULA’nON WEATHER tor the Month of Jaaaory, IMS Foieeast of D. S. Weather Haitfont 6,0 4 8 Ocoosloiial rain tonight and prah- Meoiber of tha Andit ably Thoniday loonUngi sHghtly Boreaa of Cbeolatiaas iiattrIjrHtrr lEurttittg Ifpralh eoMer Thnnday. MANCHESTER — A Q TY 0 ^ VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVIL, NO. 123 (Ctaaelfled Advertising ea Page U). MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23,1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEi They’re A-Workingr On the Levee ICKFS SPEECH FRANK LASHES BRITISH U B O R PAR SEENOFHCIAL OUTATPOUCY STAND OF U. S. OF m DEAL DEMANDS REFERENDU] s Appeal Over Radio For Warns Nation’s Poor Wifl Anglo-American Unity Not Remam Silent In Pres- ON FOREIGN POLIGIE Against Fasdsm Thonght ence Of Plenty Kept From FDR’s Wreath at Washingrton Shaft Issues Manifesto Saying To Be Government’s View Them By Absnrd Laws. eminent Had No M andalii Washington, Feb. 28— (A P )—Sec- Waterbury, Feb. 23.— (A P )—Con- retary Ickes’ call for Anglo-Ameri- necticut Republicans pondered today For Vital Change h Vic can unity against Faaclsm and a warning by Dr. Glenn Frank that Coramunlam—avowedly made in the the “poor will not forever stay docile role of a private cltizen-r-recelved Political Circles te the presence of potential plenty Immediate InterpretaUon by Wash- ington obeervera today as a general kept always just beyond their reach Early Approach To expression of official hopes. by blind absurdities.’’ These obeervera pointed out that “This is why our choice between Britons who heard a radio speech the economics of scarcity and the FoBorring Rome Ts by Ickes yesterday necessarily economics of plenty will determine the social stability ot instability of would judge these words against a background of hla position as a the nation in the daya ahead,” as- serted the chairman of the Republi- member of President Roosevelt’s London, Feb. 23.— (A P). can program committee In an ad- The British Labor Party cabinet: dresa at a banquet of the McKinley '•Tho conununlty of Interest that Association of Connecticut here laat trades union council issued exists between Britain and America, night manifesto today dema as well as, between other peoples “ Science and the machine," he that the government sut who believe in democracy, should be said, “have brought us to Uie strengthened. threshold of an age of prosperity, its foreign policy to an in “Democracy can not live aide by leisure and security, but we have diate general election. aide In the same country with either lacked the wit to unlock the door. “The government holds Fascism or Communism, totalitar- Emergency crews tolled to place thousands of sandbags along the banka of the raging Arkansas river near Pine “Now instead of planning to ad- mandate for the vital cli tanlam, either of the RighL or the Bluff, Ark., In an effort to keep the flood-swollen river within bounds. The Red Croea waa feeding 1,600 jiut ourselves to the half-hearted and LefL la alien to the spirit that domi- famillea in the flooded area. Insecure existence of a deliberately has made in foreign poUeijr^ natea the English-speaking democ- relnduced age of scarcity, we should the manifesto declared. not rest until we have found the key raciea of the world.” (The dominantly Ickes, emphasizing that he spoke that will unlock the door Into this tive National government i only as an Individual, said the new age of prosperity, leisure and President alone is "charged with re- security which science and the ma- paigned for support in the i sponsibility for foreign affairs." DEATH CLAIMS chine have at last made possible.’’ tion of 1935 with pledges" CHINA Vi^ARPLANES Over 800 Onesto •Already Written fidelity to the League ^ He was reported to have written Between 600 and 600 guests, in- cluding virtually every top-notch tiona, which Prime his addresa before the resignation PARKER GILBERT o f Anthony EMen, Great Britain’s Republican leader In the state, filled Neville Chamberlain yest the Hotel Elton ballroom to bear the foreign minister, but that occur- ATTACK FORMOSA; accused of "sham and addresa of the nationally known edu- rence and the general European NOTE^ANKER cator, hla first before a political tence” in ita efforts to situation served to arouse special gathering te New Etegland since he guard European peace.) Interest in hla comments. assumed leadership of the commit- Hla speech was carried by the The demand that Chamli MANY CASUALTIES tee which will chart long-range na- British Broadcasting Company to Morgan Partner Who Played tional policies for the p ^ y . lain’a Cabinet go to the the greater part of the United King- Dr. Frank told hla audlenca that tiy followed two conaeqne dom aa the first of several programs only by the production of more by Americans. The Leading Role In Set- wealth through the recreation of a of the resignation of Fo Seven Machines Appear Secretary Anthony Eden President Roosevelt and Secre- DU BOSE OUTLINES 'true economy of free enterprise’ tary HuU remained alMnt on Euro- could the “ much-heralded abundant tfing World War Repa- the substitutieh of pean developments, but both were Over Japan’s Island CoL life" come to pass. True free enterprise waa not re- diplomacy” for hla “ ide known to bo studying them closriy. NEW NAVAL FLEET SoBotor Borah (R-lda.) aoM hs ritikiit. Ptiymeiitir Dies. spoosible for the 198%4eMaa([^Ba, ho. They were:___ believed England, by asserted, and neither la It d y ^ . And Drep T ei Bombft 1. Failure yesterday of friendship to Germany and Italy, "The thing that is proving h In President RoeMVelfs aboenoo ftorn tha city, the White Hoom Army opposition in the House ' had abandoned any hope that ahe workable, the thing that Is dying, the aide. Captain W. 'L. Ritchie, laid the President’s wreath at the fqot of the New York. Feb. 23.— (A P )— 8. Waahlngton monument, oommemoratlng the 206th birthday anniversary Commons to pass a motion : could depend on America aa an ally In First Raid On Empire. thing that provokea legitimate criti- of tha Father of Hla Country,' In wstr. Parker Gilbert, partner In J. P. cism is a perverted something mas- censure on Chamberlain’s querading under the name of free American Reaction Morgan ft Co., and former agent elgn policy. Warsinps Along Atlantic enteipriae,’’ he said. He declared American reaction to Tokyo, Feb. 28.— (A P )— Seven general for reparations, died at the 2. Forecast in political the question raised by Senator John- doctors hospital today. Becreate True Economy Chinese warplanes raided Japan’s Dr. Frank then aaaerted that the cles today of an early ap. son (R-Caltf.) aa to whether the Island cr ;y of Formosa today. In- Would Cost Three Billions An announcement from the Mor- “supreme responsibility'' of business to Germany on the lines ei ' United States had a naval under- flicting ’’numerous casualties,’’ gan offices said death wea caused and Industrial leadership at the pres- GEN. PERSHING BETTER stand with England was so adverse by cardlo-nephritia. ent time “ la to renounce this perver- prime minister’s “resHatie” 1 Dome! (Japanese Newra Agency) re- to the Ides that the British govern- Washington, Feb, 23.— ( A P I - Gilbert was born at Bloomfield, N. sion of free enterprise and to re- for the friendship of It ment realized It would have to look ported. Rear Admiral William B. Du Bose, J., October 18. 1892, and graduated create a true economy of free enter- Premier Mussolini. slaewbere for friends. It was the first time since 1864, from Harvard In 1915. He was agent priae." SAYS BULLETIN TODAY when a Britlsh-French-Dutch fleet chief of naval construction, told REICH ENVOY OOMIRO (Secretary HuU has denied that genera] for reparations paymenta The speaker warned that great Joachim von Klbbentna>, any naval understanding exiata) boml>ardment. It was the empire’s Congress today a separate fleet to from Germany from Oct. 30, 1924 to concentration of power In any gov- fuehrer Hitler’s new fo re i^ While foreign affaire continued to tory of the Japanese empire had ernment haa "Invariably ended In defend the Atlantic coast would May 17, 1930. ter and ratiring ambassador to : be one of the principal topics in been subjected to boatile foreign coat 63,200,000,000. Such waa hla success in this diffi- tyranny." Had Better Night After Sod* Congressional circles. Senators bombardment. It waa the empire’s’ In order to cure what he termed tain, was reported In unofflelal i TesUfirlng before the House Na- cult and hectic field that In two man circles to be coming to : drafting a proposed "war referen- first air raid. the "dlaeaaea that Infect our political LATE NEWS val committee, Du Bose said an years be became assiatant secretary den Relapse Late Yester- shortly. dum" amendment to the Oonstltu- An hour before noon, the raiders of the Treasury, in charge ol fiscal and economic life," it la necessary. Independent Atlantic fleet would re- Dr. Frank asserted, “ to preserve Ostensibly this would be to swumg over the Japanese air base quire 166 fighting ships costing affairs, and. In 1921, under aecreta.y (Dontloued on Page Two) on the outakirta of Taiboku, For- hla formal farewell to King i about 62,800,000,000 and S3 aux- of the Treasury—before he bad (Uoattnoed on Page Two) day; Has Been ID From FLASHES! but with Anthony EMen out cC. 1 mosan capital, and dropped ten iliary vessels at a coat of approxi- reached the age of thirty. bomba. A city of 276,000, Talhoku way os foreign aecretary it was i mately 6400,000,000.
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