Dr. Kevin Cawley: [email protected] Director of theIrish Institute of Korean Studies Head of the Department of Asian Studies University College Cork, Ireland

Korea's Modern History and Economy

Summer 2017 @ HUFS

Module Content: This module will introduce students to the turbulent history of in the Twentieth Century: Japanese Colonialism, independence, the and a divided peninsula, military dictatorships, but also trace the road to economic development and democracy

Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the various topics studied in this course Assess the legacy of the colonial period and the Korean War Describe the economic development of Korea and its social outcomes Analyse the movement for democracy in .

Readings Essential readings for each class are listed below and will be freely accessible to students online.

1 In general we will cover TWO topics each day: Articles will be available online in easily accessible formats.

Class Participation is required.

WEEK ONE: Monday 1. Korean history overview: Change during the late Chosŏn Dynasty. 2. The Hermit Kingdom Opened Up: The Seeds of Nationalism

Readings: Overview: http://www.korea.net/AboutKorea/History/The-Beginnings-of-the-Countrys- History Cawley, Kevin (2014). “Korea‟s history of ideas: An Overview”. In Glimpses of Korea(pdf).

Deuchler, Martina (1992), The Confucian Transformation of Korea: a Study of Society and ideology, Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University: Harvard. Pp: 88-179 http://0-quod.lib.umich.edu.library.ucc.ie/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=acls;idno=heb02402 Robinson, Michael (2007), Korea’s Twentieth Century Odyssey, University of Press: Honolulu. Chapter 1.(pdf).

Tuesday 1. The Early Colonial Period 2. Colonial Policies, National Resistanceand Liberation


Kang Man-gil (2005), A History of Contemporary Korea, Changbi Publishers: . Chapter 1 (pdf). Han-Kyo Kim, The Declaration of Independence, March 1, 1919: A New Translation, Korean Studies, Volume 13, 1989, pp. 1-4 http://0-muse.jhu.edu.library.ucc.ie/journals/korean_studies/v013/13.kim.pdf

Comfort Women - Herstory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CmWdrlv3fI Jun-HyeokKwak and Eon-joo Park (2010), Reconsidering the Comfort Women Case: Inherited Responsibility as Civic Responsibility, in Korea Observer, 41(3): 329-349. http://www.iks.or.kr/English/aboutko/ko_current.asp

Chunghee Sarah Soh (1996), “The Korean Comfort Women: Movement for Redress” In Asian Survey, 36(12). pp. 1226-1240: http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/2645577.pdf?acceptTC=true

The Impact of Japanese Colonial Development on the Korean Economy Korea Journal: Vol.17 No.1 Jan. 1977 , pp.12 ~ 21

2 Wednesday 1. Division of Peninsula and the Outbreak of War 2. The Korean War

Readings: Ohn Chang-Il, (2010), The causes of the Korean War, in International Journal of Korean Studies, 14(2):19-44. http://www.icks.org/publication/pdf/2010-FALL-WINTER/3.pdf Kwang-Soo Kim (2001), The North Korean War Plan and Opening Phase of the Korean War, in International Journal of Korean Studies, 5(1): 11-34 http://www.ciaonet.org/journals/ijoks/v5i1/f_0013333_10829.pdf Korean War Special edition of International Journal of Korean Studies: http://www.icks.org/publication/pub_2010_f.html

Thursday Student Presentations and Discussions

Friday: Field Trip

Week 2

Monday 1. Post War SK: and the April Revolution 2. Post War NK: Kim Il Sung - and NK Economy


C. I. Eugene Kim and Ke-soo Ki (1964), The Korean Student Movement, in the Western Political Quarterly, 17(1): 83-92 http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/445373.pdf?acceptTC=true Syngman Rhee in Encyclopedia of modern dictators: http://books.google.ie/books?id=gTv99LBYSL4C&pg=PA256&redir_esc=y#v=onepage &q&f=false Yang Sung-Chul (1972), Student Activism and Activists: A Case of the 1960 April Revolution in Korea, in Korea Journal, 12(7): 7- 16.http://www.ekoreajournal.net/issue/view_pop.htm?Idx=897

ByungChul Koh, Political leadership in : Toward a conceptual understanding of Kim Il Sung's leadership behaviour, Korean Studies, Volume 2, 1978, pp. 139-157 http://0-muse.jhu.edu.library.ucc.ie/journals/korean_studies/v002/2.byung.pdf Kim Yu-Taek (1962), Five Year Economic Plan, in Korea Journal, 2(10):6-8

3 http://www.ekoreajournal.net/issue/view_pop.htm?Idx=96 Peter Graham Moody (2013). „Chollima, the Thousand Li Flying Horse: Neo- traditionalism at Work in North Korea‟ in Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol 13, No. 2 . pp211-233.

Time Asia: http://www-cgi.cnn.com/ASIANOW/time/asia/magazine/1999/990823/park1.html

Tuesday 1. 1960s: Park Chung Hee and theEconomic Boom 2. 1970s: Modernisation, Urbanisation and theSaemaeulMovement


Oh Myung-Seok (2011), Peasant Culture and Modernization in Korea: Cultural Implications of Saemaul Movement in the 1970s, in Korea Journal, 38(3): 77-95 http://www.ekoreajournal.net/issue/view_pop.htm?Idx=3018 http://saemaul.net/background.asp

Park Chung-Hee, Unification/Goal of the '70's, in Korea Journal, 1010 41 ~ 43 http://www.ekoreajournal.net/issue/view_pop.htm?Idx=716 Time Magazine, Aug 1999, Park Chung Hee: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2054405,00.html Park Chung Hee assassinated: http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/october/26/newsid_2478000/2478353.st m

Achievements and Failures of the Korean Economy in the 1970's Korea Journal: Vol.20 No.1 Jan. 1980 , pp.12 ~ 17

Wednesday 1. 1980s: The Chun Doo Hwan Regime and Kwangju Uprising 2. 1980s People Power and Steps Towards Democracy: Minjung

Readings: Tim Warnberg, The Kwangju Uprising: An Inside View, Korean Studies, Volume 11, 1987, pp. 33-57 http://0-muse.jhu.edu.library.ucc.ie/journals/korean_studies/v011/11.warnberg.pdf Chung Chulhee (1997), Social Movement Organizations and the June Uprising, in Korea Journal, 37(1): 81-97. http://www.ekoreajournal.net/issue/view_pop.htm?Idx=2939

Goo Mook Chai (1996), Intellectuals in the South Korean Labor Movement in the 1980's, in International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 10(2): 273-290. http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/20019888.pdf

4 Thursday Student Presentations and Class Discussions

Friday: Field Trip

Week 3

Monday 1. 1990s: A peninsula in crisis: North Korea‟s Nuclear Plans 2. 1990s: IMF Bailout – Economic Crisis

Readings: 1994 Agreed Framework: http://www.armscontrol.org/system/files/agreedframework.pdf http://rich-ward.suite101.com/north-korea-during-the-1990s-a168018 Kim, Seung-Kyung and John Finch, Living with Rhetoric, Living against Rhetoric: Korean Families and the IMF Economic Crisis, Korean Studies, 26(1):120-139 http://0-muse.jhu.edu.library.ucc.ie/journals/korean_studies/v026/26.1kim_s_k.pdf New York Times North Korea Files: http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/northkorea/index .html

Tuesday 1. The Sunshine Policy and Kim Dae-Jung 2. Roh Moo-Hyun Presidency

Readings: Moon Chung-in (2000), The Sunshine Policy and the Korean Summit: Assessments and Prospects, in East Asian Review, 12(4): 3-36. http://www.ieas.or.kr/vol12_4/12_4_1.pdf

Recovering from the Crisis: Where Does the Korean Economy Stand? Vol.39 No.3 Autumn 1999 , pp.179 ~ 197

Kim Dae-Jung New York Times, Aug 2009: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/19/world/asia/19kim.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&page wanted=all Nobel foundation on Kim Dae-Jung: http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2000/dae-jung-bio.html

Hong Nack Kim, (2006), South-North Korean Relations Under TheRoh Moo-Hyun Government, in International Journal of Korean Studies, 10(1): 37-59. http://www.icks.org/publication/pdf_2006_s/2_Kim.pdf

5 Chang Hun Oh and Celeste Arrington (2007), Democratization and Changing Anti- American Sentiments in South Korea, in Asian Survey, 47(2):327-350 http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/10.1525/as.2007.47.2.327.pdf http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/2777931.stm

Wednesday 1. Lee Myung-Bak‟s Economic vision and its reality 2.The Rise ofAnti-Americanism

Readings: Who is Lee Myung-Bak, : http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_national/230316.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7150806.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7202161.stm Hong Nak, Kim (2008), The Lee Myung-Bak Government‟s North Korea Policy and the Prospects for Inter-Korean Relations, in International Journal of Korean Studies, 12(1): 1-24. http://www.icks.org/publication/pdf/2008-FALL-WINTER/chapter1.pdf Presidential Apology and Level of Acceptance: The U.S. Beef Import Negotiation

Upheaval in South Korea Korea Journal: Vol.52 No.3 Autumn 2012 , pp.119 ~ 147

Chang Hun Oh and Celeste Arrington (2007), Democratization and Changing Anti- American Sentiments in South Korea, in Asian Survey, 47(2):327-350 http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/10.1525/as.2007.47.2.327.pdf Lee Young-Shik (2003), “The Rise of Anti-Americanism in South Korea,” UCLA International Institute: http://www.international.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=3367

Thursday Student Presentations and Class Discussions

Friday: Field Trip

6 Week 4

Monday North/South Korea today: Kim Jong-Un/ Park Geun-hye

Readings: North Korea articles in The Guardian: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/ Taehyun Kim (2010), Gathering Storm or Silver Lining Out of the Clouds? The North Korean Nuclear Issue and the Case for Coercive Diplomacy, in Korea Observer, 41(3): 439-469. http://www.iks.or.kr/English/aboutko/ko_current.asp

Kim Jong-Un: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/12/26/world/asia/kim-jong-un---fast-facts/ http://koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2012/12/113_127197.html http://koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2012/12/113_127266.html http://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/kim-jong-un-media-moments/

Park Geun-hye: http://nwww.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20121220000884 http://nwww.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20121220000980

Sewol Tragedy: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia- 27342967http://www.reuters.com/article/us-southkorea-ferry- idUSKBN0NJ07R20150428

Latest Scandal: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-38259984 https://www.theguardian.com/world/park-geun-hye https://www.wsj.com/articles/south-korean-lawmakers-vote-to-impeach-president-park- geun-hye-1481267500

Tuesday Legacies of the History of Division: Towards Reunification

Readings: Chung Youn-tae (2002), Refracted Modernity and the Issue of Pro-Japanese Collaborators in Korea, in Korea Journal, 42(3):18-59. http://www.ekoreajournal.net/issue/view_pop.htm?Idx=3215 Fixing NK problem (Jan 2016): http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/01/485_195007.html Comfort Women (Jan 2016): http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/archive/ksearch.asp

7 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35193432 http://www.dokdonews.net/

Byung-Ho Chung, Between Defector and Migrant: Identities and Strategies of North in South Korea, Korean Studies, Volume 32, 2008, pp. 1-27 http://0-muse.jhu.edu.library.ucc.ie/journals/korean_studies/v032/32.chung.pdf North Korea Cracks down on the Korean Wave: http://www.rfa.org/english/news/in_depth/korea_wave-20070717.html

Wednesday Korea‟s Economy – and Modern Problems


Political Economy of Korean Development after Liberation: A Critical Reflection Korea Journal:Vol.46 No.3 Autumn 2006 , pp.49 ~ 79 http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2012/04/daily-chart- 16?zid=295&ah=0bca374e65f2354d553956ea65f756e0 http://www.focus-economics.com/countries/korea http://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-innovative-countries Further Reading:

Important Online Journals: Korea Journal: http://www.ekoreajournal.net/search/index.htm ActaKoreana:http://actakoreana.org/back/back.php Korean Studies (project Muse): http://0-muse.jhu.edu.library.ucc.ie/journals/korean_studies/ Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies: http://sjeas.skku.edu/backissue/issue.jsp