39 144 14 54 23 ANNUAL REPORT 2018-2019 HELPLINE: +44 845 868 2708
[email protected] The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Airports Council International Europe concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city of area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Photos: copyright belongs to the airport(s) listed in the captions (when applicable). TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to the Annual Report 4 1 Executive summary 6 2 The global context 8 What is Airport Carbon Accreditation? 8 10 years of Airport Carbon Accreditation 14 How is Airport Carbon Accreditation governed? 16 What are the benefits from accreditation? 18 3 Trends 20 Global 20 Europe 23 Asia-Pacific 25 North America 27 Latin America & the Caribbean 29 Africa 31 4 Carbon neutrality 33 5 Year 10 programme developments 39 6 Case studies 42 7 Outlook 52 8 Methodology 54 9 Accreditations list 56 WELCOME TO THE ANNUAL REPORT Airport Carbon Accreditation is the global standard for carbon management in the airport industry. The programme was launched in Europe in 2009 and since 2014 it covers all ACI regions. As part of the global efforts in climate mitigation, Airport Carbon Accreditation supports the airport community in reducing its carbon footprint, demonstrating its achievements and sharing knowledge and best practices. The Annual Report, which is published in the fall of each year, covers the previous reporting year (i.e., mid-May to mid-May) and presents the programme’s evolution and achievements.