Berachos Chapter 8
51b3 EILU DEVARIM CHAPTER EIGHT BERACHOS Misfinali n1~v1p:,;, '11;?::i n,:,;, 1,;,, ,xi.pW n,~ 1,~w a,,;1 ~~,te - These are matters of dispute between Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel with respect to meals:Ul The first dispute pertains to the Kiddush recited on the Sabbath and Festivals:r21 a,"'))?1X ,xi.p1q n,~ - Beis Shammai say: Oi'tt ?l7 ':}'1;)? - One first recites the blessing over the sanctity of the day, T!!tt ?l7 ':}'1;)? ':}!,;I ir,,te7 - and afterwards recites the blessing over the wine. a,"'))?iX ,l;?::i n,;,, - But Beis Hillel say: T!!tt ?l7 ':}'1;)? - One first recites the blessing over the wine, tli'tt ?l7 ':}'1;)? ':}!,;I ir,,te7 - and afterwards recites the blessing over the sanctity of the day.mi The second dispute pertains to the custom of drinking wine prior to the meal:f4l a,"'))?iX , n,~ - Beis Shammai say: tl!'I?? l,?\'1l - We first wash our hands for bread, i:,t;:i;:t n~ 1,~y,n ':}!,;I ir:.i.te) - and afterwards pour the cup of wine and drink it.r51 a,"'))?iX ,l;?::i n,;,, - But Beis Hillel say: t,i;,i;:t n~ 1,~y,n - We first pour the cup and drink it, a,'l?? 1,?\'il ':}!,;I ir:.i.te) - and afterwards wash our hands for bread. The third dispute: a,"'))?iX ,xi.p1q n,:,;, - Beis Shammai say: n~i.p:,;, ,,,? IJ~?-1? - After one washes for bread, he wipes his hands with the napkin lr:t?~tt ?lJ r.i,:i,~i,~ - and then places it on the table.f61 a,"'))?iX ,l;?::i n,;,~ - But Beis Hillel say: ?l7 -n9~;:t - He places the napkin on the cushion upon which he reclines.
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