
4.9. Area 5: and St Ann’s

This area is located towards the south of the , with the Great North Railway to its west and Seven Sisters area to the east. is the main route through the area connecting and with the north of the borough and is a renowned cultural destination. The neighbourhood consists of the Harringay Ladder to the west of Green Lanes and residential and industrial areas to its east.


Town Centre and Growth District centre Local shopping centre AAP Area of Change Site Allocation

Heritage and Conservation bury Statutory Listed Buildings ins Par F k p Conservation Areas la y g r Employment Land o Locally Significant Industrial Site (LSIS) u n

Local Empoyment Area - Regeneration d

Other Green space

51 | New Local Plan First Steps Engagement Housing People Place

Key Characteristics Key Characteristics Key Characteristics The Harringay ladder forms a large component As with much of Haringey, this area’s population To the south the area is flanked by of the residential area of this part of the borough, is very diverse with significant Turkish and other to the west Green Lanes and the to the with uniformity of terraces creating a distinctive European and Middle Eastern communities. There east. The area is served by the at and legible character to the area. These provide are clusters of young creative people attracted to Manor House Station to the south and Turnpike valuable family housing, and the area is popular with Green Lanes and Harringay warehouse living areas, Lane Station to the north. It is also served by young creative people. To the east of the area, away with families living along many of the more suburban Overground at Harringay Green Lanes Station and from the industrial areas there are quiet residential streets. The area has the highest proportion of the Great Northern trains at Harringay Station. streets. This area also contains the Harringay private renters in the borough. warehouse district which is a unique area where St Ann’s Hospital defines the eastern end of the many former warehouses have been converted to area along with Chestnuts Park. The park is a well- used community space characterised by impressive provide a communal way of living and working, and Opportunities is recognised as producing creative communities, open views. This area is also home to the St Ann’s being an affordable way for people to find housing, ÎÎ Improve the public realm / lighting along Green Conservation Area. and makes a positive contribution to employment. Lanes to help safety and security The Woodberry Down estate in Hackney forms a ÎÎ Improve connectivity through new green landmark defining this edge. Just north of this, to the links through parks and street-side green east of Green Lanes, the late Victorian and inter-war Opportunities interventions to support active travel by walking industrial buildings form a key part of the area and are and cycling important economic hubs. The Harringay warehouse ÎÎ A key redevelopment opportunity exists at district falls within part of this area. St Ann’s hospital site with the potential for a ÎÎ Create mini green space and civic space to help significant number of well-designed new family balance out the highly urban development form and affordable homes in the central part of this area Opportunities ÎÎ New homes could also be delivered as part of mixed use, employment led redevelopment in ÎÎ Significant redevelopment opportunities exist designated employment locations, and along at the St Ann’s hospital site and in certain Green Lanes on other strategic sites close to employment areas, with opportunities to public transport improve legibility and walking and cycling opportunities in the area ÎÎ Potential to improve paths and extend them such as the Harringay passage and New River Parks ÎÎ Address parking and traffic congestion and the poor areas of public realm along Green Lanes

52 | New Local Plan First Steps Engagement Economy

Key Characteristics Opportunities The retail parades along Green Lanes ÎÎ New creative industries and are vibrant and a noted destination for What do you think? flexible workspace through food, with many restaurants situated redevelopment within the five along them. Some shop fronts, identified Local Employment Area: however, are in poor condition with N16. Do you agree with the challenges/ Regeneration Areas, alongside the cluttered facades. The ‘box’ style retail potential for additional housing opportunities that have been identified park south of Harringay Green Lanes for Harringay & St Ann’s? Why/ why not? Station and the railway is popular, but ÎÎ Support new industrial and opportunities exist to redevelop. employment floorspace opportunities through N17. Are there any additional challenges/ The area is also home to six industrial redevelopment of older units at and employment areas, which opportunities that the New Local Plan can the Vale and Tewkesbury Road provide redevelopment potential to help address and how? Locally Significant Industrial Site accommodate new, flexible workspace and add to the creative energy and ÎÎ Potential for improvements to N18. We would like your views on sites vibrancy of the Harringay warehouse the public realm, street frontages in the area that could support new district where many creative people and vitality along Green Lanes to live and work . These areas also improve its attractiveness as a development in the future. Please refer house many small to medium destination to section 6.2 where we are undertaking sized businesses with storage and distribution prominent. ÎÎ Redevelopment of the Green a ‘call for sites’ and section 6.3 where Lanes retail park we are seeking views on sites that are already allocated for particular uses in our existing Local Plan.

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