Washington, Bowdoin, and Franklin
WASH ING T 0 N, BOWDQIN, AND FRANKLIN, AS PORTRAYED IS 0CCASI0NAL AD L) RESSES. WashnQ ton JVitz.o nal Jtioimm ent Proposed heLght in clotted lines, 48.5 fi Completed, shown by dnrk lznes, 174 fi Stone Terrace, 25f* hzgh dLarneter 2OOfS WAS HIN G T 0 N, BOWDOIN, AND FRANKLIN, AS PORTRAYED IN OCCASIONAL ADDRESSES: BY vxi ROBERT C. WINTHROP. I WITH A FEW BRIE-F PIECES ON KINDRED TOPICS, ASD WITH NOTES AKD ILLUSTRATIONS. LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY. 1876. 7 /' Entered according to Act of Congress, in the pear 1876, by LITTLE, BROW6, AND CONIPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Vashington. Cambridge : Press oj 70hWilson and Soti. PREFATORY NOTE. I ‘&VE so often, of late, been called on for copies of some of these productions, -no longer to be found in a separate or convenient form,-that I have ventured to think that they might prove an acceptable contribution to our Centennial Literature. They deal with two, certainly, of the greatest figures of the period we are engaged in commemorating; and BOWDOIN,I am persuaded, will be’ considered no un worthy associate of WASHINGTONand FRANKLINin such a publication. The Monument to Washington, to which the first pro duction relates, is still unfinished. It may be interesting to recall the fact that the Oration, on the laying of its corner-stone, was to have been delivered by JOHNQUINCY ADAMS. He died a few months before the occasion, and it was as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, of which he had long been the most illus trious member, that I was called on to supply his place.
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