
GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY — REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY _____ I AMONG THE CHURCHES teachrs* rri.ectihg,-.? ;p. m.;: Gold- ALL NATIONS APOSTOLIC 1 en Rule' 8 m. True Liberty Club, p. Friday, CHURCH Howard’s School Illinois CHURCHES Dr. Watts’ chorus, 5:30 114 N. Baptists p. m.; Leavitt Street EXPERIENCES OF the Pil- ( c usher 7:30 m. board, p. ELDER C. POOLE, Pastor illustrate Of Proud “Sacrament” was the subject of the THEgrim Fathers the de- Religion CHICAGO CHOIR WINS PRAISE AT To Hold 26th Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of sire to find true freedom where WESLEY CHAPEL a. Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, July 14. Sunday school at 9:30 m.:; alone it can be found, namely, in Of Fine Library Convention Here CHURCH at spirituality. In the days Of the The Golden Text “The hour preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. was, 1325 So, Loomis Street early settling of the CHURCH OF LIVING GOO service at 7:30 MEETING cometh, and now is, when the true Monday night p. WASHINGTON, D. C., 18 REV. J. W. Pastor brave pioneers sought liberty to July The Illinois Baptist State con- worshippers shall worship the Father STEVENSON, m., Rev. Green in charge; Wed- worship God after the dictates of —The School of Religion of How- vention with the Women’s Mis- in and in truth : for the Father The citizens of Decatur, 111., One of the outstanding fea- spirit nesday night services at 7:30 p. their conscience, and this they ob- j seeketli such him” school at 9:30 a. ard University has now one of the ! sionary and Educational conven- to worship (John Sunday in.; m., Rev. M. C. in measure. were pleasantly surprised last tures of the group is its 100 Cullough charge. tained in a per will 4:23). at 11 a. Bible a tion, open the 26th annual preaching m.; class, Missionary meeting, Thursday, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer finest library collections for Sunday while attending the an- | cent cooperation with the direc- '* 5 session with the Star the citations which com- p. m.; night service, 7:30 p. m.; Sister H. Williams in and Founder of Christian seminary cf its size to be Morning Among charge. Science, nual district convention of the | tor. Ths aione is a work worthy was choir at 7 a descendant of Puritan Baptist church, Tuesday, July 2. prised the Lesson-Sermon the Thursday, meeting p. ancestors, found anywhere in the United of praise, but the spirit of love Church of the God. Dele- B. T. U. will hold all ses- following from the Bible: “And as m. found that the consummation of States. Living and day FIRST BORN CHURCH OF cooperation that exists be- sion. they did eat, Jesus took bread, and Watch the Bee. such a hope as theirs must finally gates from five states who com- THE LIVING GOD Two years ago, when it was ; tween pastor and director is one blessed, and brake it, and gave to come from understanding God convention went wild Wednesday 24, 1432 W. 14th Street known that the Auburn posed the that morning, July eat: this is my on one Theologi- many larger churches could the them, .and said, Take, aright. Speaking occasion, with enthusiasm over the J parent body and the auxil- SOUTH SIDE CHRISTIAN ELD. M. C. GROVES, Pastor as cal New type I well after. body.-Anti he took the cup, and when on Independence Day, observed Seminary, Auburn, copy They plan and will both si- CHURCH of musical program rendered by iary open sessions he had given thanks he gave it to in the United States of America, York, would merge with Union j work together as two brothers 436 East 46th Place the from Chicago. multaneously. Wednesday eve- them: and they all drank of it. And Order of service: Sunday school, Mrs. Eddy said (Miscellaneous Theological Seminary, in New delegation should. Together they have Pastor The minister who was j ning, 8:00, Mayor Edward J. he said unto them, This is my blood REV. R. E. LaTOUCHE, 9:30 a. m.; services, at 11:30 a. m. Writings, p. 176), “The day we cel- York respon- shown a to City, the School of Religion | way abolish the term will the of the new which is shed ebrate reminds us of the heroes and sible for the spi- Kelly say words of wel- testament, and 8 p. m. Weekly services, began communication with the arousing great often heara in the church- heroines who counted not larger come and Dr. T. of for many” (Mark 14:22-24). The services of the South Side and their own ritual elation was the Rev. Wm. Herring Wednesday Friday at 8 p. m. Auburn officials. The Auburn li- es—that is—“The choir is the war lives dear to them, when they sought Carr of 210 of Chicago. Springfield, 111., will respond. At The Lesson-Sermon also in- Christian church were well at- All are invited. contained- a collection of Temple department of the church.” the New England shores, not as the brary the same John and cluded the following passages from It was his choir who paved the [ hour, Rodgers tended cn last Sunday, July 14 = flying nor as conquerors, but, stead- fifty-three thousand volumes. Un- Mrs. Emma the Christian Science textbook, way for the scattering Glover, will present MILLER ST. fast in faith and to build ion is re- angels by The morning worship service METHODIST love, upon Theological Seminary an of “Science and Health with Key to the gems of God’s praise in songs of evening music ably assist- was conducted the CHURCH the rock of Christ, the true idea of fourteen thousand vol- to by Mary Baker Eddy: by eight young ceiving Playgrounds ed by Mrs. Marie Johnson and Scriptures,” 1235 Miller Street God—the supremacy of Spirit and Zion. His choir also took the “Are all who eat bread and drink people who attended the Inter- umes which they do not have in Miss Arilee associate choir REV. the nothingness of matter.” highest honors paid any of the Nave, racial held in Des C W. WHALUM, Pastor their and a wine in memory of Jesus willing conference, library collections few In directress. The com- Her words remind us that human attending musical groups. The Participate chorus is truly to drink his cup. take his cross, Plaines, III. this stir- duplicates of rare books. The re- Following limitations are due, primarily, not choir in turn of hon- posed of 200 voices. and leave all for the Christ-principle? the Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.; paid highest ring and effective worship, to forms of government or to cir- maining thirty-nine thousand Field Meet Dr. J. H, L. Smith and Mrs. If all who seek his commemoi-ation Morning at. 11:30. Eve- ors, respect and appreciation to Track, young people men gave factual worship cumstances of environment, but to volumes have been purchased by Belle E. material will take its most efficient and talented di- Hendon, presidents, are I through symbols their ac- ning service from 8 to 9 p. m. basic error repot ts on conference the of materiality. the School cf Religion of Howard More than 0,000 are both a up the cross, heal the sick, cast out rector who has worked with them spectators planning large attendance tivities. Those who attended the Tuesday night, meeting. | When anyone begins to reckon ex- which Howard to evils, and or Truth, University, gives expected attend the third an- and the four days will be filled preach Christ, We are and cross- istence from the basis of God’s faithfully for the past two years. conference were Ethelene Mc- leaving Egypt all- School of a nual track and to the poor,—the receptive thought,— University Religion Too field meet to be with information and inspiration, ing Jordan July 28. Come and ness, affirming His utter goodness much cannot be said about they will bring in the millennium” ones, Vivian Bradley, Eunice | collection of approximately for- held at Madden Park, 3800 Rhodes reports will be for the join us. i as the one cause and the resultant this God-fearing young man who givten ( pp. 33,34). Coleman, Nancy Simpson, Fan- ty-seven thousand volumes. avenue, at 1 work. S. security and harmony of man, as devotes his whole life to teach-1 Sunday, July 21, p. year’s nie Sue Williams, Bertha Wil- Whalum, reporter. The to The effect, the limitations of matter are Auburn collection was and voices m., according K. A. Bristol, pastor, Rev. Ira M. Hen- Vera and Jua- ing preparing people’s QNINN CHAPEL A. M. E. liams, Yarbrough, giving.way. built up over a period of one hun- park supervisor of recreation. don, and the com- COPPIN so that they may sing God’s entertaining CHURCH nita Yarbrough. CHAPEL A. M. E. On' page 106 of “Science and dred The South mittee has twenty years where, up to We of Professor Central Recreation- every minute detail next 1he Health with to the praises. speak 24th and Wabash On Sunday message CHURCH Key Scriptures,” some the the Bureau of for the 1939, of ablest religious C. Edwin our director. cation, City Parks arranged visiting delega- Pastor will be delivered Rev. 5633-35 Mrs. Eddy says, “God has endowed Brown, REV. T. DEAN SCOTT, by Cyril Michigan ave. scholars in America were on its and and other This man holds a bache- Playgrounds local tion. ordained min- REV. J. L. man with inalienable rights, among young Robinson, recently ROBERTS, Pastor faculty. The collection em- sdpiial agencies are Mrs. Truddie which are self-government, reason, lor’s degree in music and also a cooperating Trim, reporter. Dr. Martin Beckham is the ister. with the Park and conscience.” Inseparable from braces every field of religion—the bachelor’s in social sci- Chicago District in at Visitors are welcome. degree Sunday morning speaker Quinn always Sunday, July 21, is Ladies Day these are such other as best books on the Old Testament the promotion of this event which rights ence. n'is ability as a music di- on the celebration. Roger M. Flowers, Jr., reporter. at We has the Serving committee in Chapel’s anniversary Coppin Chapel. extend to health, opportunity, joy, and prog- New Testament, Theology, Church rector is sanction of the Central unquestionable and his charge of the events are: K. A. He will be supported by the three you a very cordial invitation. ress. These spiritual privileges Bi- A. A. U. may History, Religious Education, work in the church field in Chi- Bristol, choirs with music. business and be utilized in the that The chairman; Roy Lucas, special Quinn Many professional proportion ography, Homiletics, Philosophy is of the program will be preceded UNITY 3APT. CHURCH their divine is dis- cago highest type. He Mauldin Gibbs, Freddie Gay, Fos- Chapel is 93 years old. women of our city will be pres- ever-availability of Reli- by a drill and the 3621 Federal Street Religion, Psychology of has been highly commended sev- flag commun- ter Rev. T. Deans Scott is ent. Mrs. cerned, for as the Bible says (John Branch, Buster Lofton, Lee pastor. Albert George will be gion, Philosophy, Sociology, Lit- eral times ity singing of patriotic songs. REV. F. M. McCALL. Pastor 3:27), “A man can receive nothing, by quite a few well Umbles, Laurent Turner, Thomas the guest speaker. Music fur- and other allied Helds Competition will except it be given him from heaven,” erature, known music critics. Also sev- consist of L. V. nished the Watts, Blanchett, Malcolm by women’s chorus. men are found in this collection of eral standard track and field events WILL HOLY Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. At Conversely, receive everything up- well known pastors whose Robert GOOD Mrs. Ella for and Christian, Anderson, Na- Mitchell, mistress of essential to happiness as they look to-date. living material choirs have from time to boys girls of the midget, TRINITY BAPTIST 11:30, the pastor preached from time poleon Blueitt, Jack Brooks, ceremonies. A very beautiful to God, the Giver of “every good been junior, intermediate and senior di- CHURCH Acts 1:8, “A Real Witness for under his capable guidance Mrs. Delia Osby, Ruth Reese, service will also be shared in me- gift and every perfect gift” (James visions. 1049 Roosevelt Road Jesus.” At 3:30 the usher board and leadership highly commend Virginia Willis and mory of our dead. To 1:17). Doctrinal theology has re- Medals will be Beulah Pastor had a appreciate Tour his work. presented to Woods. J. M. ROYSTON, quartet program. B.T.U. garded God as as thoueh Chicago j this very well planned you partial, first, second and third met at 6 m. day, We thank God for at least one place win- p. Singing program. ners will have to be present. lie were a finite in each event and a The pastor preached from the Sunday, July 21, testifying and person; but Chris- With Experienced young man who has seen the ne- trophy BEE's weekly Radio Forum: Minister’s theme: “Great Wo- tian Science reveals God to will be awarded the team v. on be the cessity for a in the church scoring Tune in 4th chapter of Phil., 13, Communion beginning at 5 p. change the Tues., 1:15 p. m., WHIP men of the Bible.’’ Mrs. Lucille infinite divine Principle of all true music. After most points. “Victory”. Last week we had a m. Visitors always welcome. WPA Conductors beng permitted an 14M on your dial. Thomas, chairman of committee. being, whose laws may be under- each Rev. T. P. Sister L. audience while he was rehears- program night. Roderick, reporter. Dcleta stood and demonstrated. This teach- Wells, reporter. his group, we were able to Tyson preached for the baptismal ing is based upon that of Christ SUNDAY IN COLUMBUS PARK ing secure service at 8:30 p. m. He also as- j Jesus. Visit Chicago’s newest Greek a statement from him. It Blount’s CALVARY The enslaver of seems that his chief desire has Personal Service sisted in the service of the Lord’s BAPTIST BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH j mankind is ig- Orthodox Church, designed in Bureau norance of God’s or false be- been since one of 320 EAST Supper. He preached on “God CHURCH 729 Oakwood Boulevard law, real basilica style. Tour the leaving the 58TH STREET, INSIDE “L” STATION 4726 S. State Street lief. Superstition and partial knowl- larger churches whose choir he One-half Year the Shield”, from Gen. 25. The A. WAYMAN WARD, Minister pleasure spots of nearby Colum- Auto Stickers'and License Now REV. D. C. KIRK, Pastor edge accompany this ignorance. En- to to AvailliS subject of “Righteous Living” was bus Park and learn of the many directed, present Chicago UFFEURS’ LICENSE lightenment, based upon a recogni- and its OPERATORS’ LICENSE discussed by the BYPU. Visi- activities conducted in the environs something new Gigantic Youth program July tion of God as absolute good, de- park AUTO PLATES CITY * * * Sunday. July 21, at 8 p. m.,lit- and worth while in choir and STICKERS MONEY ORDERS tors are welcome to visit with us 21. at 6 p. m. The Star stroys the fearful thinking charac- and fieldhouse. tle will Morning chorus This GAS, ELECTRIC, PHONE, each Donny Young preach. teristic of false en- Sut 21. Meet at 3 singing. seems to WATER, RENT, ETC, ARE Sunday. Baptist church Ensemble will belief, thus lay, July p. 1 This p;ght year oid wonder is a men to have about been for we PAYABLE S. A. Bailey, reporter. iuinr h the music, abling judge their fellows m., at 5555 W. Harrison street. done, t HERE powerful speaker. Be sure t» fairly and to estimate the heard a new type of CHARTERS Mrs. Marie Moore, the sister correctly DE PAUL UNIVERSITY arranging SECURED FOR ALL CLUBS .hear ipm. trend of the times. en- and of the cf Mrs-. Marva Joe Spiritual Visit one of Catholic singing songs of God. Louis, will be makes for Chicago’s NOTARY UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs.' Burke, sponsor. lightenment patience, tol- This choir (we say) is one of PUBLIC the guest speaker. Miss Connie univei’sities, conducted by the —PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 1213 So. Morgan Street erance, poise, and hope, because it Moore Vincentians. See the Chicago’s best, although in num- will render a piano solo; penetrates the seeming of fine liberal REV. T. W. COOK, Pastor GOOD SHEPHERD reality bers they are rather small. WENTWORTH 2126 Miss Barbara Mullen, Howard disturbances and reveals the ever- arts department and the new CHURCH Walker, and Master Thurman presence of God, good. It acknowl- Science Hall. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m, 5700 Prairie Avenue His Peppers will also on edges omnipotence, and so it Tuesday, July 23. Meet at 2:30 Work- appear the At 11:30 a. m., the Willing REV. HAROLD KINGSLEY fears no lesser power; His omnis- program. at 2235 N. Sheffield ayenue. ers club rendered a program. Mrs, cience, and so it dreads no ! Miss Curtis unwis- SOUTH SIDE LIFE Jewell Hamilton dom of His Bettie Davis, president. Rev. J, Four young people of the mortals; omnipresence, will act as mistress of ceremonies. and so Visit a large south side Davis the sermon. A1 it rejoices that in all park preached church attended the Leader’s con- Bred reality ! Ellis, president; Mrs. Louise men are eternally in and fieldhouse. See the Chicago G p. m., BYPU; at 8 p. m., ser- ference at the Congregational enwrapped j Alien, secretary. God’s great love. Housing Authority’s new Ida B mon Rev. Davis. by Wednesday, Camp at Tower Hill last week. From this it is Business apparent that the Wells project nearing completion. July 17, at 8 p. m., services were were They Raymond Williams, substance of human liberty is spir- Visit the oldest fire rendered the ministers. At 8 CHRISTIAN HOPE BAPT. ctiy’s com- by William Cash, Misses Nona Dav- itual freedom. This freedom is DJirector^ CHURCH pany and a picturesque old police p. m. on Friday, George Jemison is, and Anna Louise De Ramus. found in reflecting God, the origin 3872 So. State of station. will appear in a dramatic recital. The pastor, custodian and four Street all real being, thus proving that 23 Meet 8 at the REV. II. B. BRADY, Pastor one’s actual selfhood is Tuesday, July at p. 8 merchaEd'se- Sunday, July 21, 11, pastor boys went up to Camp Good Godlike. and -Your *»*« with them will prove The basis of demonstration is m.„ at Fieldhouse, 3800 S. Rhodes satisfying. both thrift* will- preach. Baptizing will be Shepherd at Idlewild, Mich. the fact that creation avenue. held at the Little Zion Sunday school—9:30. is good, that it Baptist The pastor will occupy the ~ pul- cannot be different in 1940 LIFE church. All are wlcome. Pleaching—11:30. quality from HOUSE IN LA --—--|-- pit the remaining two in its creator. Sundays At 7 When one gives this GRANGE PARK George Patterson, reporter. Sunday afternoon the mar- July. subject his fullest attention, he con- Spend your 4th of July with MORE riage of Miss Eliza Clark to Mr. Visit the new model home, MONEY FOR YOU!! I MARQUETTE RHODFS j Miss Helen C. Cook of the Un- cludes that nothing save the testi- Joseph Wills was witnessed built, from shown in Life PLEASANT RIDGE BAFT. ion of by a mony of material sense pictures plans Sel'in* Hai/rrep.: host of and hXnD^AUNDR^^ friends and relatives man as Magazine exhibited the — ration for CHURCH Montreal, Canada, was received in ol mortal. Its claims must be by spent at Live Agents. Phone Fairfax 9444 the Mrs. corrected. Its Chicago Maternity Center. Ram- * 1082 W. 14tti Street the last young couple. Wills is accusing suggestions “Palmers ’on Pick up and membership Sunday. Eagle Lake, Paw, nilnt Deliver the daughter of Deacon Clark, and must be silenced by the ble along Salt Creek. HAMILTON^Trite ALL REV/ A. T. TILLY, Pastor Visitors last Sunday were Mrs. knowledge Paw, Midi. For information COMPANY FINISHED Mr. Wills is the that one’s fellows and oneself—all BUNDLE® Mamie of brother of Rev. Wednesday, July 24. Meet at call Mrs. 5953 Gray Bloomington, 111.; that exists—are Palmer, Atl, 3250. Michigan Avenue AND SHIRTS Brady. The will really Godlike. An 11 a. m., at Stone Bur- school at 9 a. m., W. P. Mrs. E. M. Holloway of Union couple reside unself ed avenue, 6558 Rhodes Ave. Sunday with the bride’s endeavor to express spirit- III. Chicago a. m. father, 628 Oak- lington Station in LaGrange. ___Chicago, I Eosley, supt* At 11 the Springs, Ala.; Miss Charlotte ual reality by availing oneself of wood boulevard. A Park “L” to Oak Park a wonderful ser- Blesse, Central Y. M. C. A. col- reception one’s normal power to think (Douglas pastor preached followed spirit- Monday at the avenue. Extra fare on La ^ mon from Heb. ?0:9. At 6 p. m., 'iege; Miss Helen De Vault, so- evening, ually, kindly, healthfully, is the only Grange father’s home. sure to electric to end BYPU met. H. Hardy, president. cial director at Indiana univer- way enduring emancipa- of line.) Sister tion. us Clarkston, reporter. CHINATOWN ^ Erother R. Bateman was with sity, Bloomington, Ind.; Misses WANTED FOI^ WATCHMAN Progressive spiritual thinking Visit Chicago’s most colorful MAKR.E.I 3700 cn Sunday. At 7:30 p\, m., the Laura and Susan Hutchinson, and SERVICE ^MARKET | Federal St. living are evidence of a meek oriental Sec — pastor served the Lord’s Supper. Mrs. Hazel Goodyear, Mrs. community. the On Good Paying Jobs Reliable W« Deliver Ruby Teachers and mighty assurance of infinite Only HONEY CREEK'sMOKRf PsI?7 at choir meting; Huggins of Madison, sister- Assn. Life. Leong Tong, the Temple Shrine, Tuesday, 7:30, Ark., May we echo the Scriptural 229 E- 47TH STREET ? in-law of the Hall of Justice, and Chinese WILLIAMTPTA^rerV T, DAVIS«dA RED Wednesday, 8 p. m., usher board; William Huggins, teach- To assurance (Joel 5:21), “Fear not. O Drexel 0654 3RtP ASH 8 er in the senior Meet In Pine land; be and stores and museums. DETECTIVE SERVICE. Inc. (, M ^ Thursday, p. m., Pastor's Aid; department; Miss glad rejoice: for the SAM«AIVf TENTZOW,TFNT70U Prop.Pr„„ LOAD LOT?fT.** Lord will do 4258 VINCENNES AVE. “0r* * * Friday, 7:30 p. m., choir meeting. Ethel May Williams, Minneapo- great things.” Wednesday, July 24. Meet at 8 J rNDlANALUMpTtnS) C. L. Miss 23-26 —The Christian Science Monitor p. m., at 22nd St. “L” station. —-o^L-3^--- —- Bosley, reporter. i lis, Minn.; Elizabeth Strain,! Bluff, July -Salesmen Wanted | Decatur, Ala.; Mrs. J. M. Robin- j MIGRATORY WORKERS STONY HILL BAPTIST Ison, Bethel A. M. E. church, Lit-1 MONTGOMERY, Alabama, Ju- ) Visit West Madison street, the CHURCH Pe Rock, Ark.; Mi’s D. K. Jen- ly 18—A stellar array of speak- largest center of migratory work- Oakland 0444 1080 West 14th Street kins of Columbia, S. C.; and MrJ ers and officers of state and na- Sunday School, ers in the country. See em- RUCKER PEERLESS AUTOMATIC REV. C. H. Pastor and Mrs. E. L. Powell of Charles-! tional professional organizations ployment agencies, hotels, mis- PjJ. KING, A. C. £. Rousseau & COAL STOKER ten, W. Va. will assemble at Pine Ark- League sions, shops, movies and other Maker of Home-Made Cake. Douglas Bluff, lh* Best « «*« Lowest Price ansas and Pies. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. with July 23-26 for the 37th an- < institutions which serve these the in nual meeting of the American Meet in men. Visit the historic Des- general superintendent LITTLE ZION BAPTIST Chicago 4634 S°’ SUt* St* ^Oal Bill 40% charge. Devotional service at CHURCH Teachers Association. plaines street police station and mLrST^ISVTa«sBLowestnpricensd In of the The school and A. C. E. the scene of T„. 8857 11:30 a. m., with communion. REV. J. M. FOSTER, Pastor development pertinent Sunday Haymarket Riot. KENwood CHICAGO convention annual convention of Rev. Pickett was with us. theme The League the Thursday, July 25. Meet at 8 _ Every 3120-22 So. Wells Street “Improving ______Geo. Williams Went. 1261 is Home Education of A. M. E. church of the South Chi- at 120 N Tuesday night Mission — Negroes Through p. m., Desplaines St. Circle at 7:30. We are run- The Coordinated Utilization of cago District was held at St. LEWIS INSTITUTE night Services were well attended! a revival all this week with Available Resources.” President Stephen, 2000 W. Washington An to see a -“--- ning throughout the day last Sunday. opportunity college IT PAIS TO TRADE AT U. D. DAVIDSON \ Rev. M. of L. boulevard, July 11 and 12. Rev. with a Hendley Brookhaven, Rev. J. W. Weston from Birm- Carrington Davis, curriculum emphasizing wjt WHAT YOU CAN GET I AU Phones principa^of B. U. f LOOK, Oakland 0845 Miss., in the Dunbar High School of Balti- Taylor is elder and chai-ge. ingham, Ala., preached a power- presiding engineering home economics. more, has and Rev. Eugene is Mattie Smith, reporter. ful sermon a. scheduled for the gen- Thompson Visit one of the fine classes in to EDWARD C. BUNCK at 11 m. The Lord's pot- — pastor. — Braids^20 ^VLches^ong— eral sessions, contributions from tery design and production. See ITERATE Supper was administered by our ,Alt,TS’ GLASS AND such The convention was well at- an »Rugs & WALt ST. MICHAEL BAPTIST a wonderful ser- outstanding personalities as exhibit of student work in liquors pastor following tended , Dr. Ira De A. Reid and showed from the en- this * CHURCH mon by him. of Atlanta field. X‘* any .ample of liair. PAPE* thusiasm of the youthful dele- 35lh Al ^tlesS. Park—Calumet r_Sa 4680 1453 West 14th Street Last we the 22nd University, Administrator Friday, July 2G. Meet at 2:30 S53S s.. Sum Stu.1 Monday began Aubrey that /, „ , Williams of the gates the church has noth- n. Phone ATLantic 0868 4645-47 South Parkway REV. G. W. CONNER, Pastor anniversary of our church. The National Youth m.. at 1951 W Madison street. FREE DELIVERY ing to fear for its future. Sunday school and B. Y. P. U. Administration, Dr. Charlotte There CZECH CALIFORNIA Hawkins Brown were many helpful problems dis- Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.; rendered the program. Rev. N. of Palmer Me- morial cussed. Among the speakers who LUMBER—MILLWORK preaching at 7:30 p. m.; B. Y. P. C. Lunford was guest speaker. Institute, President Felton The departmental conferences -„____— G. Clark of addressd the convention were BUILDING MATERIAL UNITED LOAN BANK U. at 6 p. m. Sunday night serv- The Provident choir, of which he Southern University, to be held on Wednesday and Rev. U.i S. Robinson, W. W. Har- BARGAINS IN ices at 7 p m. Prayer is the rendered music. Dr. Ambrose CalivCr of the Unit- INSULATION FURS, CLO- meeting, pastor, Thursday mornings of the con- Rev. ed States ris, Maguinez* Conference THING AND LUGGAGE Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Our anniversary will close Sun- Office of Education, vention week will be directed Uvnnc RhaIKa— to- Supt. James W. Fisher and Con- dealers m watches, dia- Brother A. at 8 m. President Ben Williams of nynes orotliars Johnson, reporter. day, July 21, p. the ward the development of MONDS. ETC. specific ference President, Mrs. Ida J. icoa cctitp gT JEWELRY, Miss our Arkansas Education 00^4 30. STATE Maney Loaned on All *1 Dorothy Murdock, pi- Association, aspects of the major convention Anderson. ST. Good* M. B. anist, died at President J. E. Walker of the Na- Established 1881 Value. SHILOH CHURCH Monday, July 15, theme. The presidents of eleven The local tional church entertained BOUlevard 1503-4-5 HAROLD LOWI3 1257 Roosevelt Rd 12:45 a. m., at the People’s hos- Negro Business League, national organizations will pre- the delegates with a fine program CHICAGO 224 E- St. Drexel 1114 REV. T. CARTER, Pastor pital, following a brief period of Joseph H. Deans of the Farm Se- sent their in *\ organizations sym-. and a reception eve- ^ ______Thursday illness. Funeral service will be curity Administration, Cornelius .at <■ the ------pqsium Wednesday morn- ning. Mrs. Rosetta P. Wright, the -— a. ■ Sunday school, 9:30 a m.; 11 held from the church Saturday, King of the Farm Credit Admin- session of the --- —.. • > " ing Department of retiring superintendent of Sunday ...<.'■»-' j" b "—ij. m., preaching service; B. Y. P. U.. July 20, at 11 a. m. Our pastor istration, Dr. Charles C. Hawkins Education. :• College schools, who had iven valuable ALL FLAT WORK phone englewood «ho 6 p. m. Silver Leaf, 7:30 p. m. will officiate. of The Institute For Edu- Officers of state Safety teacher organ- service for three was G* A G. J. years suc- Refrigeration Musical every first Sunday night Rev. W. Washington will cation, James A. Atkins of the izations will a w H. POWE, TAILOR stage special two- ceeded in office by Mr. WearinIR?NEI?.ng ppare r at 8 m. Communion sec- the sermon Works Galloway D«»p p. very preach Projects session for 35 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Reliable Sales and — anniversary Administration, conference the con- of St. James. Baney who Service ond at 8 m. Sil- next at 3 m. O. J. Page, rer ID* Sunday night p. Sunday p. Thomas of Prairie View sideration of of and On And techniques state has proved himself to be a splen- Cleaning, Pr*«ing, Dyeing Refrigerators ver Leaf, 7:30 p. m.; Tuesday eve- Our sick are Mrs. J. M. Foster,1 State Dr. Charles CASH AND Alteration* Radios.WojV College, L. association operation. Proposals did leader in the Endeavor work CARRY ning, senior choir, 7 p. m.; Wed- Mrs. N. Huff, Mrs. R. Hayes, Mrs. Franklin of "the Social WE C*LL for and delivfr Security; will? frer1 developed for a pattern of will serve for another term. Both Mid-City Laundry Co. nesday evening, Shiloh Busy Beee, P. /Johnson, Mrs. D. fi. Jackson Board, and R. 5325 S0UTH PARKWAY 532 E. 43rd St. Ph. ATL. 0148 O’Hara Lanier of apticiil'ation: and affiliation of the district* heads thanked, all who 4645 Langley Ave. I>4x. 4215 7 8 m.. Mrs. G. i p. m.; prayer meeting p. and Crawford. the National Youth ■ Administra- several -state and 'national teacher had contributed -to the success of --—;-I ——;-——:—rr—i——1-- Home 1 are welcome. Thursday, Mission, p. m.; Visitors tion. crgawadtioag. .the convention. >*^l,lw**Wg!"iggpmampsmwa^wmnamMmnnnewwppmw6MWiwemwrt»r»WP»wwBRnMmmMmMmMgMgiiijl Ii,w*rwnn ■ . .. *»l umai m Iiniiwu v. f ■ a ■ ... '.a im.mm- "* '• St * -i