The Church and the Second Gex, Daley
BIBLICGFl.APHY ON VIOMEN /The Church and the Second Gex, Daley,}{.ary, New York:Harper&Row,1968 .:./~ 01-IEN''S LIB:E3.ATION AND THE CHURCH ,Doely, Sarah Bentley, ed.; Few York1Association Press, 1970 L/ :HEN THE MINISTER IS A WOY.AN,Gibson, Elsie;NewYonks Holt, Rinehart 1970 v.:~OMEN OF THE CHURCH,McKenna, Sister Mary I.a.wrence.N.Y.:P.J. Kenedy1967 IA'HZ BIBLE AND THE ROLE OF WOMEN ,Stendahl, Krister. Phil. 1Fortress,1966 vCONCIBNING THE ORDINATION OF WOMEN ,/orld Council of Churches. Geneva1World Council of Churches, 1964 '-1('nAM'S FRACTURED RIB, Margaret Sittler Ermarth. Phil.: Fortress Press, 1970. VVOICES OF THE NEW FEMINISM,Mary Lou Thompson,ed. Boston:Beacon Press FEB. IOD ICAI.S : VCONCERN. May-June 1971 vGENESIS III. &-;c '.l-1 ?- /~~ · 1J ~- ~c) ii'rturg~. October 1970 Vl?RESBYTEB.IAN LIFE, February 1, 1971 vST. ANTHONY MESS ENG EB., Yi.arch 1971 WORD, December 1969 '-8efCIAL ACTION, April 1971. WONEN"S EMANCIPATION, Mary Mclarty CHALLENGE TO WOMEN Marie Lydia Grant IN PRAISE OF A NAME Or, Variations Upon the Martha-figure Within the Differing Christian Traditions Martha, when I renamed you Martha/Mary I was focusing upon your strengths: your hardnosed realism, your scientific and logical mind on the one hand and your mystical, religious and theological interests on the other hand. You represented to me a strong woman, Martha, who was also rooted in a deep mystical faith, Mary. I was drawing upon two traditions within Christianity which began with Jesus relations with the sisters, Martha and Mary. But I am aware that malestream Christianity has put down Martha at the expense of Mary.
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