
12 Radu Florian Bruja UDC:   ³/1935´



Ⱥɧɨɬɚɰɿɹ Ɋɟɨɪɝɚɧɿɡɚɰɿɹ Ɂɚɥɿɡɧɨʀ Ƚɜɚɪɞɿʀ ɩɨɡɚ ɡɚɤɨɧɨɦ ɬɚ ɜɿɞɧɨɜɥɟɧɧɹ ɞɿɹɥɶɧɨɫɬɿ (1933-1935) ɍ ɫɬɚɬɬɿ ɚɜɬɨɪ ɪɨɛɢɬɶ ɫɩɪɨɛɭ ɩɨɹɫɧɢɬɢ ɧɚ ɩɪɢɤɥɚɞɿ Ȼɭɤɨɜɢɧɢ ɹɤɢɦ ɱɢɧɨɦ ɥɟɝɿɨɧɟɪɫɶɤɨɦɭɪɭɯɨɜɿɜɞɚɥɨɫɹɜɢɠɢɬɢɜɬɨɣɩɟɪɿɨɞɤɨɥɢɜɨɧɢɨɩɢɧɢɥɢɫɹɩɨɡɚɡɚɤɨɧɨɦɿɛɭɥɢ ɩɿɞɞɚɧɿ ɪɟɩɪɟɫɿɹɦ ɩɿɫɥɹ ɜɛɢɜɫɬɜɚ ɪɭɦɭɧɫɶɤɨɝɨ ɩɪɟɦ¶ɽɪɚ ȱȽȾɭɤɢ Ɋɟɡɭɥɶɬɚɬɢ ɞɨɫɥɿɞɠɟɧɧɹ ɞɨɜɨɞɹɬɶ ɳɨ ɪɭɦɭɧɫɶɤɢɣ ɭɪɹɞɧɟ ɭɫɜɿɞɨɦɥɸɜɚɜ ɡɚɝɪɨɡɭ ɹɤɭ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɥɹɥɢ ɥɟɝɿɨɧɟɪɢ ɭ ɩɟɪɿɨɞ ɤɪɢɡɢɚɬɚɤɨɠɚɧɬɢɭɪɹɞɨɜɿɧɚɫɬɪɨʀɛɭɤɨɜɢɧɰɿɜȼɢɹɜɢɥɨɫɹɳɨɜɊɭɦɭɧɿʀɿɫɧɭɜɚɥɢɩɪɨɛɥɟɦɢɿɡ ɜɥɚɫɧɨɸ ɥɟɝɿɬɢɦɧɿɫɬɸ ɿ ɧɟ ɛɭɜ ɧɟɣɬɪɚɥɿɡɨɜɚɧɢɣ ɧɚɫɬɭɩ ɤɪɚɣɧɶɨ ɩɪɚɜɢɯ ɫɢɥ ɇɚ Ȼɭɤɨɜɢɧɿ ɜɚɠɥɢɜɭɪɨɥɶɜɿɞɿɝɪɚɜɚɜɧɚɰɿɨɧɚɥɿɫɬɢɱɧɢɣɪɭɯɹɤɢɣɪɨɡɝɨɪɧɭɜɫɹɜɑɟɪɧɿɜɟɰɶɤɨɦɭɭɧɿɜɟɪɫɢɬɟɬɿ ɋɬɭɞɟɧɬɢ ɡɚɥɢɲɚɥɢɫɶ ɜɿɪɧɢɦɢ ɥɟɝɿɨɧɟɪɫɶɤɨɦɭ ɪɭɯɨɜɿ ɿ ɩɪɨɩɚɝɭɜɚɥɢ ʀɯ ɪɚɞɢɤɚɥɶɧɿ ɿɞɟʀ ȼɚɠɥɢɜɢɦ ɱɢɧɧɢɤɨɦ ɫɬɚɥɢ ɬɚɤɨɠ ɩɿɞɩɿɥɶɧɿ ɨɪɝɚɧɿɡɚɰɿʀ ɋɟɪɟɞ ɧɢɯ ɜɢɞɿɥɹɥɢɫɹ ©ɯɪɟɫɬɨɜɿ ɛɪɚɬɫɬɜɚªɹɤɿɜɢɩɚɥɢɡɩɨɥɹɡɨɪɭɩɪɚɜɨɨɯɨɪɨɧɧɢɯɨɪɝɚɧɿɜɁɿɝɪɚɥɢɫɜɨɸɪɨɥɶɿɬɚɽɦɧɿɜɿɡɢɬɢ Ʉɨɪɧɟɥɿɹ Ɂɟɥɿ Ʉɨɞɪɹɧɭ ɜ ɝɨɪɚɯ Ɋɚɪɟɭ ɉɪɚɤɬɢɱɧɨ ɦɿɠ  ɿ  ɪɪ ɥɟɝɿɨɧɟɪɫɶɤɢɣ ɪɭɯ ɩɪɨɞɨɜɠɢɜ ɫɜɨɽ ɿɫɧɭɜɚɧɧɹ ɡɚɜɞɹɤɢ ɧɚɰɿɨɧɚɥɿɫɬɢɱɧɨ ɧɚɥɚɲɬɨɜɚɧɿɣ ɦɨɥɨɞɿ Ȼɭɤɨɜɢɧɚ ɛɭɥɚ ɨɞɧɿɽɸ ɡ ɩɪɨɜɿɧɰɿɣ ɜ ɹɤɿɣ ɿɞɟʀ ɥɟɝɿɨɧɟɪɿɜ ɤɨɪɢɫɬɭɜɚɥɢɫɶ ɩɿɞɬɪɢɦɤɨɸ ɿ ɞɟ ɿɫɧɭɜɚɥɨ ɛɚɝɚɬɨ ɩɪɢɛɿɱɧɢɤɿɜɄɨɞɪɹɧɭ Ʉɥɸɱɨɜɿ ɫɥɨɜɚ ɥɟɝɿɨɧɟɪɫɶɤɢɣ ɪɭɯ ɫɬɭɞɟɧɬɢ-ɧɚɰɿɨɧɚɥɿɫɬɢ ɜɛɢɜɫɬɜɨ ɤɪɚɣɧɶɨ ɩɪɚɜɿ ɩɪɨɩɚɝɚɧɞɢɫɬ

Ɋɟɡɸɦɟ Ɋɟɨɪɝɚɧɢɡɚɰɢɹ ɀɟɥɟɡɧɨɣ Ƚɜɚɪɞɢɢ ɜɧɟ ɡɚɤɨɧɚ ɢ ɜɨɡɨɛɧɨɜɥɟɧɢɟ ɞɟɹɬɟɥɶɧɨɫɬɢ -1935) ȼ ɫɬɚɬɶɟ ɚɜɬɨɪ ɞɟɥɚɟɬ ɩɨɩɵɬɤɭ ɨɛɴɹɫɧɢɬɶ ɧɚ ɩɪɢɦɟɪɟ Ȼɭɤɨɜɢɧɵ ɤɚɤɢɦ ɨɛɪɚɡɨɦ ɥɟɝɢɨɧɟɪɫɤɨɦɭ ɞɜɢɠɟɧɢɸ ɭɞɚɥɨɫɶ ɜɵɠɢɬɶ ɜ ɬɨɬ ɩɟɪɢɨɞ ɤɨɝɞɚ ɨɧɢ ɨɤɚɡɚɥɢɫɶ ɜɧɟ ɡɚɤɨɧɚ ɢ ɛɵɥɢɩɨɞɜɟɪɝɧɭɬɵɪɟɩɪɟɫɫɢɹɦɩɨɫɥɟɭɛɢɣɫɬɜɚɪɭɦɵɧɫɤɨɝɨɩɪɟɦɶɟɪɚɂȽȾɭɤɢɗɬɨɩɪɨɢɡɨɲɥɨ ɩɨ ɩɪɢɱɢɧɟ ɬɨɝɨ ɱɬɨ ɪɭɦɵɧɫɤɨɟ ɩɪɚɜɢɬɟɥɶɫɬɜɨ ɧɟ ɨɫɨɡɧɚɥɨ ɭɝɪɨɡɭ ɤɨɬɨɪɭɸ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɥɹɥɢ ɥɟɝɢɨɧɟɪɵ ɜ ɩɟɪɢɨɞ ɤɪɢɡɢɫɚ ɚ ɬɚɤɠɟ ɚɧɬɢɩɪɚɜɢɬɟɥɶɫɬɜɟɧɧɵɟ ɧɚɫɬɪɨɟɧɢɹ ɛɭɤɨɜɢɧɰɟɜ ȼɵɹɫɧɢɥɨɫɶɱɬɨɜɊɭɦɵɧɢɢɫɭɳɟɫɬɜɨɜɚɥɢɩɪɨɛɥɟɦɵɫɫɨɛɫɬɜɟɧɧɨɣɥɟɝɢɬɢɦɧɨɫɬɶɸɢɧɟɛɵɥɨ ɧɟɣɬɪɚɥɢɡɨɜɚɧɨ ɧɚɫɬɭɩɥɟɧɢɟ ɤɪɚɣɧɟ ɩɪɚɜɵɯ ɫɢɥ ɇɚ Ȼɭɤɨɜɢɧɟ ɜɚɠɧɭɸ ɪɨɥɶ ɫɵɝɪɚɥɨ ɧɚɰɢɨɧɚɥɢɫɬɢɱɟɫɤɨɟ ɞɜɢɠɟɧɢɟ ɤɨɬɨɪɨɟ ɪɚɡɜɟɪɧɭɥɨɫɶ ɜ ɑɟɪɧɨɜɢɰɤɨɦ ɭɧɢɜɟɪɫɢɬɟɬɟ ɋɬɭɞɟɧɬɵ ɨɫɬɚɥɢɫɶ ɜɟɪɧɵɦɢ ɥɟɝɢɨɧɟɪɫɤɨɦɭ ɞɜɢɠɟɧɢɸ ɢ ɩɪɨɞɨɥɠɚɥɢ ɩɪɨɩɚɝɚɧɞɢɪɨɜɚɬɶ ɪɚɞɢɤɚɥɶɧɵɟ ɢɞɟɢ ɇɟɦɚɥɨɜɚɠɧɵɦ ɮɚɤɬɨɪɨɦ ɫɬɚɥɢ ɬɚɤɠɟ ɩɨɞɩɨɥɶɧɵɟ ɨɪɝɚɧɢɡɚɰɢɢ ɋɪɟɞɢ ɧɢɯɜɵɞɟɥɹɥɢɫɶ©ɤɪɟɫɬɨɜɵɟɛɪɚɬɫɬɜɚªɤɨɬɨɪɵɟɜɵɩɚɥɢɢɡɩɨɥɹɡɪɟɧɢɹɩɪɚɜɨɨɯɪɚɧɢɬɟɥɶɧɵɯ ɨɪɝɚɧɨɜ ɋɵɝɪɚɥɢ ɫɜɨɸ ɪɨɥɶ ɢ ɬɚɣɧɵɟ ɜɢɡɢɬɵ Ʉɨɪɧɟɥɢɹ Ɂɟɥɢ Ʉɨɞɪɹɧɭ ɜ ɝɨɪɚɯ Ɋɚɪɷɭ ɉɪɚɤɬɢɱɟɫɤɢɦɟɠɞɭɢɝɝɥɟɝɢɨɧɟɪɫɤɨɟɞɜɢɠɟɧɢɟɩɪɨɞɨɥɠɚɥɨɫɜɨɟɫɭɳɟɫɬɜɨɜɚɧɢɟ ɛɥɚɝɨɞɚɪɹ ɧɚɰɢɨɧɚɥɢɫɬɢɱɟɫɤɢ ɧɚɫɬɪɨɟɧɧɨɣ ɦɨɥɨɞɟɠɢ Ȼɭɤɨɜɢɧɚ ɛɵɥɚ ɨɞɧɨɣ ɢɡ ɩɪɨɜɢɧɰɢɣ ɜ ɤɨɬɨɪɨɣɢɞɟɢɥɟɝɢɨɧɟɪɨɜɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɥɢɫɶɩɨɞɞɟɪɠɤɨɣɢɛɵɥɨɦɧɨɝɨɫɬɨɪɨɧɧɢɤɨɜɄɨɞɪɹɧɭ Ʉɥɸɱɟɜɵɟɫɥɨɜɚɥɟɝɢɨɧɟɪɫɤɨɟɞɜɢɠɟɧɢɟɫɬɭɞɟɧɬɵ-ɧɚɰɢɨɧɚɥɢɫɬɵɭɛɢɣɫɬɜɨɤɪɚɣɧɟ ɩɪɚɜɵɟɫɢɥɵɩɪɨɩɚɝɚɧɞɢɫɬ


Abstract: The present study tries to explain, for , how the Iron Guard managed to ensure its survival in the times of out outlawry and oppression/repression after the assassination of the Romanian Prime-Minister I.G. Duca Practically, after its outlawry, the Legionary Movement PDQDJHGWRVXUYLYHEHFDXVHRIWKHSROLWLFLDQV¶LJQRUDQFHRIWKHGDQJHUWKH\H[SRVHGWKHPVHOYHVWR but also because of the erosion of in the context of an extended economic crisis along with the dissatisfactions and frustrations of the people from Bukovina. showed problems with its own lawfulness and did not understand how to block the rise of the far-Right movement. In Bukovina, an important role was played by the nationalist movement DWWKH&HUQăXĠL8QLYHUVLW\7KHVWXGHQWV remained faithful to the Legionary Movement and redefined its radical message. The clandestine organizations were also significant elements; they continued their activity, even when the Legion was outlawed. Among these, quite prominent were The Sworn Brotherhoods which slipped away from the DXWKRULWLHV¶VLJKW3UDFWLFDOO\VSHDNLQJEHWZHHQDQGWKH/HJLRQDU\0RYHPHQWFRQWLQXHG its activity through the nationalist youth, and kept intact its trust. Due to this, Bukovina was one of the provinces with the greatest interest in legionary ideas and, consequently, it was one of the most LPSRUWDQWILHIVRI&RGUHDQX¶VIROORZHUV Key terms: The Legionary Movement, nationalist students, assassination, Far-Right movement, propagandist

The present study tries to explain, for Bukovina, how the Iron Guard managed to ensure its survival in the times of out outlawry and oppression/repression after the assassination of the Romanian Prime-0LQLVWHU,*'XFDRQ6LQDLD¶VUDLOstation platform. The outlawing of the Iron Guard and the SROLWLFDO WULDO LQ ZKLFK WKH *XDUG¶V OHDGHUVKLS ZDV LQYROYHG ZHUH QRW RQO\ D WRXFKVWRQH IRU WKH Guardists. It also involved a new leadership tactics. The repression following the outlawry of the Guard and the assassination from Sinaia did not avoid Bukovina. The authorities arrested the activists belonging to the Iron Guard since the last days of 1993. The trial of the Nicadori (in Romanian: Iron Guard death squads) took place in June 1934 and underlined the end of the tense period after the RXWODZLQJRIWKH*XDUGDQG,*'XFD¶VDVVDVVLQDWLRQ This produced various changes to the law referring to the National defense. Thus, uniforms were banned and public meetings of the political groups were dissolved. The authorities created clandestine organizations which restricted the freedom of the Iron Guard. scarcely showed up in public, being present only at great manifestations, or surrounded by his most important collaborators. CodreDQX¶V VROLWXGH ZDV FRQVLGHUHG D ³FDUHIXOO\ WKRXJKW SURSDJDQGLVW VFHQDULRZLWKWKHSXUSRVHRIHQVXULQJWKH/HDGHUZLWKDQD[LRPDWLFZHLJKW´1. For the moment, the activity of the Iron Guard was paralyzed. The Romanian politicians of that time took opposite sides concerning the attitude towards the Guard. If the liberal government adopted harsh measures, such as arresting the most important leaders of the Guard from the entire country (which sometimes led to the death of some Guardists, the opposition members had various opinions. Vaida Voevod noticed that the Guard leader could not hold DVSHHFKLQWKH3DUOLDPHQWDQGODEHOHGKLVDFWLYLW\RQSDUOLDPHQWDU\JURXQGDV³KDUPOHVV´2 Another 7UDQV\OYDQLDQ SROLWLFLDQ 9DOHU 3RS ZDV VXUH WKDW ³-15 Guardist deputies that were publicly ZRUNLQJXQGHUWKH3DUOLDPHQW¶VFRQWURODQGWKHSXEOLFRSLQLRQZHUHOHVVKDUPIXOWKDQDFODQGHVWLQH RUJDQL]DWLRQ RXWVLGH WKH ODZ´3 ,Q KLV GLVFXVVLRQ RQ WKH 1DWLRQDO 'HIHQVH /DZ $UPDQG &ăOLQHVFX declared on April 17th 1934 that it was easier for the Government to keep an eye on the Guard while it 14 Radu Florian Bruja ZDVOHJDOWKDQE\RXWODZLQJLW³)URPWKLVSRLQWRIYLHZ&ăOLQHVFXVDLGWKH,URQ*XDUGVSUHVHQFHDW the national elections was the best way for the State authorities to acknowledge their own UHDOIRUFHV´4 6LPLODUWR&ăOLQHVFX¶VRSLQLRQ&RQVWDQWLQ$UJHWRLDQXDSSUHFLDWHGWKDW³WKHPRUHWKH*XDUGLVWVZHUH SXWRQWKHVFUHZWKHPRUHSRSXODULW\ZRXOGJURZ´5. had also a moderate opinion regarding the Iron Guard, considering that bUXWDOLW\ ZDV QRW WKH ZD\ LQ ZKLFK ³WKH QDWLRQDOLVW DQG \RXWKIXOPRYHPHQW´FRXOGEHVXSSUHVVHG,QUHJDUGVWRWKH*HUPDQLQYROYHPHQWLQ5RPDQLD¶VVWDWH policy through the Far-Right movement, he considered the following: ³D QDWLRQDOLVW PRYHPHQW QR matter how related through its methods with similar movements from Germany or , in the end it does not and cannot follow but the national interests of the country in which it dwells. The Iron Guard is either an undermining movement, supported by the Germans and following German tenets - but then it cannot stir the Romanian masses and remain a public movement with little threat and fearing anyone - or it is a pure national movement and thus, as it deepens, it loses all contact with the foreign movements and streQJWKHQVLWVLQGHSHQGHQWQDWLRQDOFKDUDFWHU´6 ,*'XFD¶VDVVDVVLQDWLRQVXUSULVHGDQXPHURXVSDUWRIWKH%XNRYLQDOHJLRQQDLUHVHVSHFLDOO\ the ones who did not accept the terrorLVWPHWKRGVRIUHIUDLQLQJWKHSROLWLFDODGYDQWDJHV7KH&HUQăXĠL Police Inspectorate wrote down in the first report from 1934 that the murder produces a lot of disapproval in the province. Besides, many intellectual sympathizers the far-Right disapproved the murder.7 0DQ\OHJLRQQDLUHVGLVRULHQWHGE\WKH,URQ*XDUG¶VQHZGLUHFWLRQH[SUHVVHGWKHLUGLVWUXVWLQ this organization and chose other political views.8 $ UHSRUW UHJDUGLQJ WKH SRSXODWLRQ¶V VWDWH RI PLQG IURP -DQXDU\  XQGHUOLQHG WKH disappointment that embraced the rural population after the outlawing of the Guard, and Bukovina SHDVDQWU\¶VODFNRIHQWKXVLDVPUHODWHGWRRWKHUSROLWLFDODFWLRQV There was still an alarm signal regarding the anti-6HPLWLF SRWHQWLDO ³ZKLFK ZDV KLJKO\ developed amongst the Bukovina peasantry and this could be directed by other order political RUJDQL]DWLRQV´,QZKDWFRQFHUQVWKHVWXGHQWVWKHVDPH UHSRUW RXWOLQHGWKDWHYHQ LIWKHUH ZHUHIHZ PHPEHUVWKH,URQ*XDUG¶VSRSXODULW\LQWKH&HUQăXĠLDFDGHPLFHQYLURQPHQWZDVTXLte high. 7KHUHSRUW¶VDXWKRUVHPSKDVL]HGRQWKHQHFHVVDULO\RIFDQDOL]LQJWKHVWXGHQWV¶LQWHUHVWLQWKH GLUHFWLRQGHVLUHGE\WKHVWDWH³LQRUGHUWRUHPRYHWKHFDXVHVWKDWJHQHUDWHGDQDWPRVSKHUHIDYRUDEOHWR WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI WKH ,URQ *XDUG´9. The students were carefully supervised. In the archives one could find the list of the Police informers from the county of Storojinet, with cheques attached. This proved that the authorities were carefully supervising the Iron Guard.10 &RGUHDQX¶VDFWRIVXUUHQGHULQJ to the authorities to be investigated in the Duca case stirred positive reactions among the Guardist VWXGHQWVIURP&HUQăXĠL7KLVJHVWXUHDOVRHQGHGWKHGRXEWDPRQJWKHOHJLRQQDLUHV$WHOHJUDPRIWKH 3ROLFH,QVSHFWRUDWHPHQWLRQHGWKDW³RQHFDQQRWLFHIHZHU DQGIHZHUPHPEHUVDURXQGWKHROGFKLHIV´11 7KHUHZHUHDOVRFDVHVZKHQVRPHOHJLRQQDLUHVDIWHUEHLQJDUUHVWHGDGPLWWHGWKDWWKH\ZRQ¶WDFWLYDWH in the Iron Guard and asked the press to publish their denial.12 On the other hand, some Guardists from Bukovina manifested their satisfaction in what FRQFHUQVWKHNLOOLQJRIWKHOLEHUDO3ULPH0LQLVWHU6XFHDYD3URVHFXWRU¶V2IILFHLVVXHGDQDUUHVWZDUUDQW IRU)HUGLQDQG+HOEDZKRSXEOLFO\DSSURYHG ,*'XFD¶VDVVDVVLQDWLRQ13 On February 5th, 1934, the Court of Suceava issued an arrest warrant for two students, Radu and Modest Lesan because they DSSURYHG,*'XFD¶VDVVDVVLQDWLRQZKLOHEHLQJGUXQN)UHTXHQWO\WKH\ZHUHEHLQJGLVFKDUJHGDQG similar to the two brothers, they were fined with 500 lei for disturbing the public peace.14 On February WKDWWKH&RXUWRI5ăGăXĠLWRRNSODFHWKHWULDORIDQRWKHUVWXGHQW3HWUH*KHRUJKLXIURP0DQDVWLRDUD The Court of Suceava gave 15-day suspended sentences for a few peasants from Bosanci who prevented the constables in applying the anti-Legionary laws of the new Cabinet.15 On February 26, WKH FRQVWDEOHV IURP &XSFD 6WRURMLQHW  KDQGHG &RQVWDQWLQ 3OHYDQ WR WKH 3URVHFXWRU¶V 2IILFH IURP &HUQăXĠLIRUWKHVDPHDFFXVDWLRQ16 'XFD¶VGHDWKZDVFRQVLGHUHGE\VXFKSHUVRQVDJUHDWYLFWRU\RI the Legionary 0RYHPHQWZKLFKZDVEURXJKWWRWKHSXEOLF¶VDWWHQWLRQDVPDQ\WLPHVDVWKH\FRXOG 7ZR \HDUV DIWHU LQ  WKHUH ZHUH VWLOO YRLFHV WKDW SXEOLFO\ PDQLIHVWHG WKHLU MR\ RQ 30 'XFD¶V death. Thus, on February 23 1936, a clerk from the Storojinet Judicial Court locally sold a gazette, ³&KULVWLDQ5RPDQLD´SXEOLVKHGLQ%HVVDUDELDZKLFKDSSURYHGWKHFULPHDJDLQVW'XFD17 After the investigations, most of the persons suspected of killing Duca were sent to prison XQWLOWKHHQGRIWKH,URQ*XDUGOHDGHUV¶WULDO7KHµ1LFDGRUV¶DFWDQGWKHVXIIHULQJRINQRZQSHUVRQV that were arrested in the Duca trial set an example for many youngsters.18 The outlawing of the Guard DQG WKH UHSUHVVLRQ RI WKH OHJLRQQDLUHV ZHUH D JRRG RFFDVLRQ IRU &RGUHDQX WR YHULI\ HDFK DFWLYLVW¶V loyalt\ DQG DELOLW\ WR UHVLVW 3DSDQDFH XQGHUOLQHV LQ DQ DSRORJHWLF ZRUN ³%HOLHI LV SURYHQ WKURXJK endeavor. The prosecutions were a good occasion to verify the resistance and brought new and healthy THE REORGANIZATION OF THE IRON GUARD 15 HOHPHQWVLQWKHSODFHRIWKHIDOOHQRQHV´&RGUHDQXZDVRFFDVionally heard on the resistance to the RSSUHVVLRQLQWKHPHHWLQJVRQWKH5DUăX0RXQWDLQV19 2WKHUZLVHDIWHUWKHGLVFKDUJLQJLQWKHWULDORIWKH3ULPH0LQLVWHU¶VDVVDVVLQDWLRQFRQVLGHUHG ³WKHJUHDWHVWSROLWLFDOYLFWRU\IURPWKHIRXQGDWLRQRIWKH,URQ*XDUG´&RGUHDQXZHQWWRJHWKHUZLWK VRPH FROODERUDWRUV DW WKH 5DUăX FRQYHQW20 In February 1934, Codreanu sent to the abbot an anonymous letter and 200 lei as a donation to conclude the works at the convent. In the letter, &RGUHDQXZURWH³0D\ZHIXOILOODIWHUIive centuries, sons of Moldavia, carry out the unfulfilled wish of our Lord [Petru Rareú@LQKLVUHPHPEUDQFHDQGWKHUHVWRIKLVVRXO´21 His gesture subscribed to the prior adopted relationship with the Orthodox Church, while the special relationship with WKH 5DUăX convent showed clear goals. 7KH,URQ*XDUGLVWVGLGQRWZDLWIRUWKHYHUGLFWLQWKH'XFDWULDODQGFUHDWHGDµPDQ-to-PDQ¶ for the organization.22 Beneath the acts condemning or approving the assassination of the Prime Minister, the ways in which the legionnaires manifested in the same way, although they were excluded from politics. History mentions various legionnaire manifestations, right after the assassination of I.G. Duca. On January 13 1934, a pupil from Suceava, Nicolae Teuteanu, provoked an LQFLGHQW+HDWWDFNHG,RVLI.XUOLFRYVFKLDQG%UXQRùWHIDQVFKLEHFDXVHWKH\ZHUHVSHDNLQJLQ*HUPDQ :K\GRWKH\WDONLQ*HUPDQGLGQ WWKH\NQRZWKDWKHLVDVWXGHQWLQWKH,URQJXDUG"´KHLURQL]HG23 On February 8 1934, Ion Secrier from Burla &RXQW\RI5ăGăXĠL ZDVDUUHVWHGLQWKHUDLOZD\VWDWLRQRI $GkQFDWD +OLERND  IRU OHJLRQDU\ SURSDJDQGD24 /RFDOV VXFK DV 3HWUX &RURDPD DQG 6DQGX &kUGHL ODXQFKHGUXPRUVWKDWµWKH,URQJXDUGZLOOEHUHRUJDQL]HGRQPRUHVROLGJURXQGV¶25 A report made by the CeUQăXĠL3ROLFH,QVSHFWRUDWHLQ0DUFKRXWOLQHVWKDWWKH*XDUGLVWVKDGQRQRWHZRUWK\DFWLYLW\ in the first months of the year. They just carefully listened to the echoes of the Iron Guard trial and the involvement of the leaders in the assassination of I.G. Duca, waiting for a verdict which could lead to a possible reorganization of the Legion and it's new appearance on the political stage.26 From peasants to active officers, everybody received with great satisfaction the discharge of the Legion's leaders in the Duca Trial.27 In the same times, people adhered to the structures of the Guard, even if this was illegal. The headquarters of the LHJLRQDU\ 0RYHPHQW IURP &HUQăXĠL ZDV dissimulated by the Polisportive League, a legal structure led by Constantin Lupu. Chirila Ciuntu recalls that this is the place where the teacher Radu Dragomir, a legionnaire propagandist was brought up in the Guard.28 The legionnaire propaganda existed even behind bars. After being set free from in $SULO3HWUX&RURDPDUHFDOOVWKDW³WKHWLPHVSHQWLQSULVRQZLWKRWKHULPSRUWDQWPHPEHUVRIWKH ,URQ*XDUGSURYHGWREHEHQHILFLDOWRDVFKRRORIWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ´29 The *XDUGLVWVIURP&kPSXOXQJ County started an intense campaign in the spring of 1934, especially through the industrial workers IURP'RUQDDUHDRU*XUD+XPRUXOXL7KHVHZHUH³WZRFHQWHUVLQKDELWHGE\SDUWLVDQVRIWKH)DU-Right PRYHPHQW´30 Many quarrels happened around the Jewish holidays31. Under the leadership of Sebastian Erhan, Saghin Lazar and Vale Danilesccu, the activists of the former Guard were under in a full reorganization.32 ,Q WKH 5ăGăXĠL &RXQW\ WKH OHJLRQQDLUH SURSDJDQGD GHFUHDVHG GXULQJ VXPPHU33 but KDGDSRZHUIXOFRPHEDFNLQDXWXPQ7KHDFWLYLVWVRIWKHIRUPHU*XDUG³UHFHLYHGZLWKV\PSDWK\WKH publishing of the anti-6HPLWLFMRXUQDO³7KH&RPPDQGPHQWRI7LPH´$XWKRULWLHVQRWHGWKDWLQ5ăGăXĠL WKHPDJD]LQHZDVVROGRXW$W*K&DUDXVX¶VQHZVVWDOOSeople would buy postal cards with The St Nicholas Church from Cotiugenii Noi (Soroca County), repaired by the legionnaires34. Nevertheless, Codreanu asked the legionnaires to be careful about the Cuzist gazette, which was considered only µKDOI 5RPDQLDQ¶ &RGUHDQX DOVR DVNHG KLV PHPEHUV WR UHDG µ7KH $QQXQFLDWLRQ´ ZKLFK ³ZDV QRW D OHJLRQDU\SDSHU´EXWµDIULHQGRIRXUVZKLFKZHVXSSRUW¶35 $IWHU&RGUHDQX¶VUHOHDVH9DVLOH,DVLQVFKLYLVLWHGKLPLQ%XFKDUHVWWRUHFHLYHLQVWUXFWLRQVRQ the reorganization of the Iron Guard from Bukovina36. In May 1934, Iasinschi wrote a report in which he shows that in sympathy with the Legion was growing in Bukovina and the population wished to HQUROO LQ WKH *XDUG )URP KLV GLVFKDUJH WKH OHJLRQQDLUH OHDGHU IURP 5ăGăXĠL VKRZHG DQ Lntense activity. He forwarded 29 petitions of the arrested legionnaires, asking to bring to account the Ministry RI-XVWLFH9,DPDQGLWKHSUHIHFWRI5ăGăXĠLDQGWKHFKLHIRIWKHORFDO*HQGDUPHULH37 Between May 26 and 29, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, along with his father and General Cantacuzino-*UDQLFHUXYLVLWHG%XNRYLQD7KH\FOLPEHGWKH5DUăX0RXQWDLQVZKHUHWKH\FHOHEUDWHGD requiem for a comrade who died in , Sterie Ciumetti.38 Here, on May 29 1934, Codreanu donated an icon to the wooden conYHQW ZKHUH KH OLYHG ZLWK 0RĠD LQ 39 The UHRUJDQL]DWLRQ RI WKH *XDUG DW &HUQăXĠL VWDUWHG ³VHFUHWO\ DQG VXEYHUVLYH WKURXJK QHZ PHWKRGV´ LQ %XNRYLQD¶V FDSLWDO VWUDLJKW DIWHU &RGUHDQX¶V YLVLW40 ,Q -XQH &RGUHDQX¶V EURWKHU 'HFHEDO YLVLWHG 16 Radu Florian Bruja Bucur Orendovici, the chief of the Suceava county organization. His goal was to make propaganda for the reorganization. 41 7KHOHJLRQQDLUHOHDGHU6kUEXYLVLWHG%XNRYLQDLQ$XJXVWDQGHQWHUHGLQ connection with the chiefs of the Storojinet County, Dumitru Curuleac and Nicolae Flondor.42 In Suceava county Cuzism lost ground as more and more followers of Cuza enrolled in the legionnaire nests. $OVR WKH HQWLUH QHVW VWUXFWXUH IURP &kPSXOXQJ DQG 6WRURMLQHW ZDV UHRUJDQL]HG 7KH legionnaire propaganda from Bukovina also took into account the Hotin County where more marches were organized and led by law students.43 Since October 1935, the two counties from northern were attached to the region of Bukovina and were led by Vasile Iasinschi with the aid of some students IURPWKH &HUQăXĠL8QLYHUVLW\(YHQ DW%ăOĠLZKHUH 31&ZDVYHU\VWURQJVWXGHQWV IURP&HUQăXĠLZHUHVHQWWRFRRUGLQDWHWKHOHJLRQQDLUHDFWLRQV44 $FLUFXODUOHWWHUDVNHGDOOOHJLRQQDLUHOHDGHUVQRWWRUHODWHWKHLUDFWLRQVZLWK&RGUHDQX¶VQDPH or to change the name in certain situations. The decision was to mask any trace of the of personality dedicated to the Captain.45 Codreanu established a set of decorations to honor the members ZLWKJUHDWPHULWVµWKH*UHHQ&URVV¶µWKH:KLWH&URVVZLWKURVHWWHV¶ DQGµWKH%DJZLWK(DUWK¶µWKH Annunciation 3ODTXHWWH¶DQGµ0DMDGDKRQGD¶7KHDXWKRULWLHVEDQQHGVXFKPHGDOV$Q\RQHZKRZRXOG wear in public these decorations was deprived of freedom for one or three months.46 Politically constrained to remain in the shadows, the legionnaires looked for various solutions WRLQVXUHWKH*XDUG¶VVXUYLYDODQGSRSXODULW\,QWKLVFRQWH[WWKHKXPDQUHVRXUFHDYDLODEOHWRVXSSRUW the legionnaire actions was found in universities. The call for help addressed to the students was not something new for the Romanian Far-5LJKW PRYHPHQW 7KH VXUYLYDO RI &RGUHDQX¶V LGHDV ZDV VXSSRUWHG LQ  E\ WKH VWXGHQWV¶ PRYHPHQW WKXV WUDQVIRUPLQJ DOO WKH PHHWLQJV RI WKH VWXGHQW societies, conferences or congresses in a pro-legionary political tribuQH7KH FRQJUHVVHV IURP%ăLOH +HUFXODQH 5kPQLFX 9kOFHD &UDLRYD DQG 6XFHDYD LQ -1935 were a tool in the hands of the legionnaires to confirm the existence of the organization, in the context of an absence on political grounds. The students started to DJLWDWH IRU WKH /HJLRQDU\ 0RYHPHQW 7KH VWXGHQWV¶ OHDGHUV IURP &HUQăXĠL FULWLFL]HG WKH OLEHUDO JRYHUQPHQW DQG SURYRNHG ULRWV LQ FDPSXVHV $W WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI &HUQăXĠLWKHOHJLRQQDLUHVWXGHQWVEHJDQDQDWWDFNLQWKHERVRPRIWKHVWXGHQWV¶FXOWXUDOVRFLHWies with the intention of dominating them. Until November 1934 they managed to infiltrate into the student organizations, including the academic society Dacia, known as being politically neutral.47 On December 10, the students gathered around Professor who held a conference in the FDSLWDORI%XNRYLQD$OWKRXJKWKHHYHQWZDVµGLVFUHWH¶LWH[FLWHGKRSHLQQDWLRQDOLVWVWXGHQWV48 The legionnaire students met once before winter vacation, on December 19 1934, and set up propaganda methods during winter holidays. The traditional legionnaire carols had to raise 12.000 lei to fund a magazine.49 At the end of February 1935, a group of about 25-30 students organized an ostentatious PDUFKLQIURQWRIWKH*HUPDQ&RQVXODWHLQ&HUQăXĠLJUHHWLQJWKHFRQVXOIRUWhe favorable result at the Saare referendum.50 Former Iron Guard activists held speeches and conferences to high school pupils to attract sympathizers. Although the Police authorized the conferences as cultural activities, they turned up in pro-legionary propagandist meetings.51 However the most important action focused on teenagers was the rebirth of the Sworn Brotherhoods. The youngest legionary unity was as important as any structure created in the Guard. The first Sworn Brotherhood dates back since May 1, 1924, and it was led by Ion 0RĠDHQWLWOHGZLWKWKLVIXQFWLRQLQ6HSWHPEHU2Q1RYHPEHU*KHRUJKH,VWUDWHZDV entitled by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu leader of the organization. He also elaborated a manual for the Brotherhoods. Such a Brotherhood was identical with a secondary school, in its activity and organization. It contained the following structure: the Brotherhood, the Bundle of Friends, the Bundle of Little Brothers, the latter being annexed to Brotherhood. All these formed a Unity.52 In these unities, teenagers activated at least three months and were obliged to participate to least 13 meetings. A bundle comprised 7 to 30 pupils aged 16 to 21. Those who were under 16 were organized in unities QDPHG µ/LWWOH %URWKHUV¶ 7KH UHODWLRQVKLSV EHWZeen them based on an oath of allegiance and Brotherhoods had distinctive marks. The oath was usually made in the presence of a delegate from and the county commander. The moment was symbolic, because the one who would become a Brother received a wormwood leaf ± µVLJQ RI EHOLHI DQG OR\DOW\ WR WKH /HJLRQDU\ 0RYHPHQW¶53 These Brotherhoods and their rituals recalled Eugen Weber of the orthodox practice of christening, correlated with the Balkan historical tradition of Sworn Brotherhoods.54 Each Sworn Brother had to pay a subscription and every Brotherhood would bring to the local THE REORGANIZATION OF THE IRON GUARD 17 headquarters of the Legion a monthly pay of 10 lei. There is no research on the amount of money raised in Bukovina, but a simple calculation can show that these subscriptions were a serious support for the Movements funds. The chief of a Brotherhood held a notebook with the account, along with marks and observations for every member.55 There were also distinctive signs for every hierarchic GHJUHHIURPWKH%URWKHUKRRG¶VVFKHPH7Kese were crosses, aligned in five rows, based on the length of service in the organization.56 The youth education in these unities had to be a multiple one: Christian, national, social, sanitary and physical. In All these components completed the legionary education, according to the leaders of the Movement.57 The given tasks were not discussed by the members of the Brotherhood, their goal being that of physically and psychically strengthening the young sympathizers of the far-5LJKW PRYHPHQW ³/RRN DW PLGQLJKW \RX ZLOO JR WR WKH 5DUăX KXW :KHWKHULWZDVQLJKWRU\RXZHUHDIUDLGRIZROYHV«WKHUHZDVQRQHJRWLDWLRQ7KLVZDVSDUWRIWKH PHPEHUV¶VWUHQJWKHQLQJ´58 Alexandru Bancescu talks about the education received by a member in WKH&kPSXOXQJ%URWKHUKRRGµWKere were physical exercises for the tempering of the body, there were QLJKWV VSHQW LQFDPSV LQWKH 6ZRUQ %URWKHUKRRGV WRZDUGV 5DUăX DW 0RDUD 'UDFXOXL DQG LQ RWKHU parts where others came from all Moldavia. We met there and sang, and talked about the nation, our KLVWRU\$YUDP,DQFXDERXW7XGRU>9ODGLPLUHVFX@DQGDOOPDUW\UVDERXWRXUYRLYRGHVùWHIDQ0LKDL DQGDOOWKHJUHDWSHUVRQDOLWLHVRIRXUQDWLRQDQGKLVWRU\´59 According to another testimony, the Sworn Brothers were allowed no vices, smoking included.60 $XWKRULWLHVIHDUHGWKHLQIOXHQFHRIWKH/HJLRQ¶V LGHRORJ\RQ \RXQJVWHUV ,QD UHSRUWIURP$SULOWKH DXWKRULWLHVDGPLWWHGWKDWµHOHPHQWV RIWKH former Iron Guard, to draw the teenagers from school in their political manifestations, announced various cultural conferences but transform them into political meetings where songs were played, DORQJZLWKJUHHWLQJVDQGFRPPDQGV´61 The legionnaires were fully aware of the propagandist value of WKHVH UHSHUWRLUHV µZKLOH WKH\ ZHUH VLQJLQJ TXLWH XQXVXDO Ior a propagandist organization, people would get into the road, out of the courtyards, listen to the song and take notice of the Legionary 0RYHPHQW¶VSUHVHQFH´62 7KH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI &HUQăXĠL KDGD VLJQLILFDQW UROHLQ&RGUHDQX¶V SODQ IRU WKH %URWKHUKRRGV Thus, he asked the member students to take care of the organizations, established not on places, but on schools. Each student had to coordinate a group of seven schools, which represented seven Brotherhoods. Bukovina was part of one of the five Sworn Brotherhood Inspectorates. This LQVSHFWRUDWHKHOGPHHWLQJVZLWKDOOWKHFRRUGLQDWLQJVWXGHQWV DWWKH&HUQăXĠL8QLYHUVLW\(YHU\WZR ZHHNVDFRRUGLQDWRUKDGWROHDYH&HUQăXĠLDQGJHWLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKH%URWKHUVRQWKHILHOG7KH members of the Brotherhoods were usually the best students, but students with a developed spirit of sacrifice were also included. The meetings with the teenagers aimed at their preparation for school ± µLQRUGHUWRGLVSHOWKHIDOVHPHQWDOLW\WKDWOHJLRQQDLUHVKDYHORZJUDGHVDWVFKRRO¶± literary circles at schools, sports, and mountain marches, and the preparations of schedules for holiday carols. Each Brotherhood engaged itself in taking care of a poor student or an orphan. Also, the coordinating student concerned himself with the studeQW¶VIDPLOLHVUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKWHDFKHUV$OOWKLVZDVZULWWHQ GRZQ LQ D EULHI UHSRUW ZLWK WKH %URWKHUKRRG¶V DFWLYLW\ 7KH UHSRUW ZDV VXEPLWWHG WR WKH %XNRYLQD Inspectorate. There was also a subscription of 1 Leu per week for every member of the Brotherhood. 7KHVWXGHQWVKDGWRSDUWLFLSDWHWRWKH%URWKHUKRRG¶VFRQJUHVVHVWKHILUVWRQHWDNLQJSODFHLQ$UDG63 The Sworn Brotherhoods made propaganda, masked by the student societies in Bukovina. The ³&LSULDQ3RUXPEHVFX´VWXGHQWFLUFOHOHGE\DVWXGHQWIURP,DúLFDOOHG%OăQDUXKHOGDUHJLVWU\RIWKH money sent to the Brotherhood in March 1935.64 The authorities were surveilling the activity of teachers involved in legionary politics but also SXSLOV¶DWWLWXGH$VHWRIUHJXODWLRQVIRUWKHVHFRQGDU\VFKRROVZDVused to watch over the activity of WKH 6ZRUQ %URWKHUKRRGV DQG WKH GLVFRYHU\ RI FODQGHVWLQH RUJDQL]DWLRQV ³$OO SXSLOV SURYHQ WR EH members of such Brotherhoods, will be brought in front of a school conference, and suffer sever SXQLVKPHQWV´65 stated the regXODWLRQV *DYULO ,RQHVFX D WHDFKHU DW ³ùWHIDQ FHO0DUH´ +LJK 6FKRRO from Suceava was carefully verified and supervised, without being accused of propaganda in the school.66 The growing popularity of the Legion is shown in a high number of students at the CHUQăXĠL University coming from the Brotherhoods. More exactly, there were 122 students. The creation of a charity center for poor children was quite an original initiative. The Legion proposed to raise 40 kids ZKLFK³ZLOOUHFHLYHWKHSHUIHFWHGXFDWLRQWRFUHDWHDSKDODQ[RIILJKWHUVLQWKHLUILHOG´0LUFHD6WUHLQX PDGHDSXEOLFDSSHDO³WRWKHZHOO-off people to send whatever they can, at the address of the legionary KHDGTXDUWHUV´67 Beyond any historical resemblance, the idea also had a good part, of mutual aid. Still, as for many other ideas, there is no information on the success of this action. The organization of the old Guardists continued on all levels. In a report issued by Vasile 18 Radu Florian Bruja Iasinchi in February 1935 and submitted to C.Z. Codreanu on the activity of the Guard in Bukovina, KHZDVRSWLPLVWLFDQGVDLGWKDW³WKHVLWXDWLRQRIWKH*XDUGLVWRUJDQL]DWLRQVLQ%XNRYLQDLVVDWLVIDFWRU\ «  +H DOVR PHQWLRQHG WKDW µDPRQJVW WKH %XNRYLQD VWXGHQWV /HJLRQDULVP JDLQHG JURXQG GD\ E\ GD\´68 The reorganization of the Guard was also hurried by the rumor of the fall of the liberal government and its replacement with a cabinet led by , from whom the Legion wanted support.69 A circular letter was sent to all legionary chiefs after New Years Eve, 1935. It was a letter that outlined the results of the former year.70 2Q0DUFKWKHµ(YHU\WKLQJIRUWKH)DWKHUODQG¶SDUW\ was officially created, the new form creating the lawful frame for the Legionary Movement. Gheorghe Cantacuzino-*UDQLFHUX¶VOHDGLQJSositions is vindicated by Traian Braileanu through the collaboration between generations in a movement which started from the students. Such justifications were not necessary but they showed the degree in which some members of the Romanian intellectual elite sustained the legionary cause. In June 1935, the leadership of the Legionary Movement decided to divide the country in regions. Each region had a chief and local headquarters to ease the mail between the territorial branches and the main headquarters. Thus, the first region, led by V. Iasinschi, had its KHDGTXDUWHUV LQ5ăGăXĠLDQGLQFOXGHGWKH FRXQWLHV RI&kPSXOXQJ&HUQăXĠL5ăGăXĠL6WRURMLQHWDQG Suceava from Bukovina, and Botosani, Dorohoi, and Hotin from northern Moldavia, respectively Bessarabia. Simultaneous, Ion Mota who visited Bukovina, confirmed the good organization in this area.71 2Q KLV YLVLW LQ  LQ %XNRYLQD¶V FDSLWDO ,RQ 0RWD KHOG D FRQIHUHQFH RQ WKH /HJLRQDU\ Movement at the National Theatre.72 The discipline proved by the legionnaires from Bukovina in the re-organization actions, linked with the statute gained in the Legion, allowed some members from &HUQăXĠL WR OHDG VWUXFWXUHV RXWVLGH WKH UHJLRQ $FFRUGLQJ WR 1DH 7XGRULFă WKH PDQDJHPHQW RI WKH legionary organizations was not always handed to the locals. This explains why Professor Barbu 6OXVDQVFKLIURPWKH&HUQăXĠL8QLYHUVLW\OHGWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQIURP5RPDQ&RXQW\73 Practically, after its outlawry, the Legionary Movement managed to survive because of the SROLWLFLDQV¶LJQRUDQFH RIWKH danger they exposed themselves to, but also because of the erosion of democracy in the context of an extended economic crisis along with the dissatisfactions and frustrations of the people from Bukovina. Romania showed problems with its own lawfulness and did not understand how to block the rise of the far-Right movement. In Bukovina, an important role was SOD\HGE\WKHQDWLRQDOLVWPRYHPHQWDWWKH&HUQăXĠL8QLYHUVLW\7KHVWXGHQWVUHPDLQHGIDLWKIXOWRWKH Legionary Movement and redefined its radical message. The clandestine organizations were also significant elements; they continued their activity, even when the Legion was outlawed. Among these, quite prominent were The Sworn Brotherhoods ZKLFKVOLSSHGDZD\IURPWKHDXWKRULWLHV¶VLJKW&RUQHOLX=HOHD&RGUHDQX¶VVHFUHWYLVLWVRQWKH5DUăX Mountains maintained an open attention on the legionary ideas. Practically speaking, between 1933 and 1935, the Legionary Movement continued its activity through the nationalist youth, and kept intact its trust. Due to this, Bukovina was one of the provinces with the greatest interest in legionary ideas DQGFRQVHTXHQWO\LWZDVRQHRIWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWILHIVRI&RGUHDQX¶VIROORZHUV References:

1 Chistol, Aurelian Romania in the Years of the Gheorghe 7ăWăUHVFX/LEHUDO*RYHUQPHQW(1934-1937). ± 7kUJRYLúWH: Cetatea de Scaun Printing House, 2007, p.416; 2 Vaida Voevod Alexandru Memories., vol. III / HGLWHGE\$OH[DQGUXùHUEDQ. ± Cluj Napoca: Dacia Printing House, 2006 p.162; 3 Pop, Valeriu Political Memories / edited by Sanda Pop. ± %XFXUHúWL: Vestala Printing House, 1999, p. 200; 4 &ăOLQHVFX$U0Parliamentary Speeches, Volume II 1934-1937. ± Bucharest: Romania's Official Monitor and the State's Printery, 1938, p. 61; 5 Argetoainu, Constantin Daily Notes / edited by Stelian Neagoe, vol. I. ± %XFXUHúWL: Machiavelli Publishing House, 2003, p. 16; 6 Gafencu, Grigore Political Notes 1929-1939 / edited by Stelian Neagoe. ± Bucharest: Humanitas Printing House, 1991, p. 311-312; 7 A.N.I.C. Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, 1/1934, f. 21; 8 Ibidem, 2/1934, f. 1; 9 Right-Wing Ideologies and political parties in Romania, vol. III. ± %XFXUHúWL: National Archives of Romania, 2002, doc. 136, p. 276; 10 $65&7KH&HUQăXĠL3ROLFH,QVSHFWRUate, d.162, f. 16; 11 Ibidem, doc. 154, p. 312; 12 Nicolenco, Viorica Extreme Right in Basarabia, 1923-1940. ± &KLúLQăX: Civitas, 2000, p. 81; 13 A.N.I.C. Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, 1/1934, f. 52; 14 Ibidem, f. 103; 15 Ibidem, 2/1934, f.4; THE REORGANIZATION OF THE IRON GUARD 19

16 Ibidem,1/1934, f. 148; 17 Ibidem, 233/1935, f.208; 18 Popinciuc, Mardarie For the Holy Cross For the Country. ± Buenos Aires, 1985, pp. 46-54; 19 Papanace, Constantin The Legionary Fighting Style. The Captain's Strategy. ± Bucharest: Lucman Printing House , 2004, p. 55-56; 20 Ibidem, p.324; 21 ***Right-Wing Ideologies and political parties in Romania, vol. III, doc.148., p.298-299; 22 A.N.I.C. Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, 2/1934, f. 66; f.79; 232; 250; 23 Ibidem, f. 1; 24 Ibidem, 2/1934, f. 4; 25 Ibidem, f. 5; 26 Ibidem, 1/1934, f. 148; 27 Ibidem, f. 193; 28 &LXQWX&KLULOăFrom Bukovina to the Oder. ± &RQVWDQĠD: Metaphora Publishing House, 2004, p. 10; 29 A.N.I.C. Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, 4/1933, f. 28; 30 $16&kPSXOXQJ3ROLFH$UFKLYHVI 31 Ibidem, f. 13; 32 Ibidem, f. 18; 33 Idem5ăGăXĠL3UHIHFW V2IILFH$UFKLYHVI 24; 34 Ibidem, f. 26; 35 Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea The Legionary Doctrine. ± %XFXUHúWL: Lucman Publishing House, 2003, p. 183-184; 36 A.N.I.C. Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, 102/1933, f. 42; 37 Ibidem, 2/1934, f. 425; 38 Ibidem, f. 76; 39 Timeline regarding the Legionary Movement in Ä7KH+LVWRU\RIWKH,URQ*XDUGZULWWHQE\DOHgionary". ± %XFXUHúWL: Roza 9kQWXULORU3ULQWLQJ+RXVHS 22; 40 A.N.I.C. Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, 117/1933, f. 75; 41 Ibidem, 2/1934, f. 76; 42 Ibidem, f. 231; 43 Nicolenco. Viorica, op. cit., p. 88; 44 Ciucanu, Corneliu The Romanian Inter-War Right-Wing. ± ,DúL: Tipo Moldova, 2006, p. 192; 45 Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea, op. cit., p. 188; 46 $167KH5ăGăXĠL*HQGDUPHU\/HJLRQI 140; 47 A.N.I.C. Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, 2/1934, f. 387; 48 $65&&HUQăXĠL3ROLFH6WDWLRQ; 49 A.N.I.C., Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, 102/1033, f. 34; 50 Ibidem, 232/1935, f. 362; 51 $65&&HUQăXĠL3ROLFH6WDWLRQ$UFKLYHV1RG 194, f. 11; 52 5RúFD 1LFRODH What is the Cross Brothership. Issue/Organization/ Doctrine. ± 7LPLúRDUD: Gordian Publishing House, 1996, p. 42; 53 Conovici, Mariana; Iliescu, Silviu; Silivestru, Octavian The Country. The Legion. The Chaptain. The LegionaryMovement in Oral History. ± %XFXUHúWLHumanitas, 2008, p. 45-46; 54 Rogger, Hans; Weber, Eugen (coord.) The European Right, Historical Profile. ± %XFXUHúWL: Minerva Publiching House, 1995, p. 401; 55 $65&&HUQăXĠL3ROLFH$UFKLYHVGI 56 5RúFD1LFRODHop. cit., p. 93-95; 57 Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea, op. cit., p. 57-58; 58 Conovici, Mariana; Iliescu, Silviu; Silivestru, Octavian, op. cit., p. 37; 59 Ibidem, p. 76; 60 Ibidem, p. 73; 61 $65&&HUQăXĠL3ROLFH6WDWLRQG 194, f. 11; 62 Mariana Conovici, Silviu Iliescu, Octavian Silivestru, op. cit., p. 120; 63 A.N.I.C. Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, 102/1933, f. 12-14; 64 Ibidem, 232/1935, f. 357; 65 $16ÄùWHIDQFHO0DUH´+LJK6FKRRO$UFKLYHV6XFHDYDI 155; 66 Ibidem, f. 215; 67 Ä7KH$QQXQFLDWLRQ´ September, 12, 1937, p. 1; 68 A.N.I.C. Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, vol. I, f. 401; see also vol. II, f. 82; 69 Ibidem, 2/1934, f. 300; 70 Chistol, Aurelian, op. cit., p. 430; 71 A.N.I.C. Ministry of Interior Archives, The General Police Department, 232/1935, f. 84; 72 0RĠD,RQ0DULQ9DVLOH25 Years after Death. ± Madrid: &DUSDĠLL3ULQWLQJ+RXVHS 247; 73 7XGRULFă 1DH Confessions in the Spirit of Truth. ± %DFăX: Plumb Printing House, 1993, p. 179; see also Conovici, Mariana; Iliescu, Silviu; Silivestru, Octavian, op. cit., p. 43.