1 the Colonial Palimpsest in Taiwanese Literature Supervisor

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1 the Colonial Palimpsest in Taiwanese Literature Supervisor The Colonial Palimpsest in Taiwanese Literature Supervisor: Robert Hampson Candidate: Wei-ting Liou Thesis submitted to Royal Holloway College, University of London for the degree of PhD in English 1 Acknowledgements Foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Professor Robert Hampson. Without his immense knowledge of Western literature and his steadfast support in these years, I would not have been able to complete this work. My sincere thanks also go to Dr. Margaret Hillenbrand and Dr. Lin Pei-Yin. As my examiners, they have offered me valuable opinions for the thesis, which have helped me revise this work and explore further dimensions of the topic. I would also like to thank Professor Elleke Boehmer. She inspired me to study Taiwanese literature through the lens of postcolonial thinking. I also thank the English Department of Royal Holloway, University of London, and the school administration, for their kind support for an overseas student from Taiwan. I also thank the Centre of Taiwan Studies at SOAS. Their seminars have been a significant stimulus and a valuable source of ideas. I would like to dedicate this thesis to my late father, whose wish was to see me complete this work. I also thank my mother, who has supported me through this long journey. I also thank my two sisters for their unselfish support. The thesis is also indebted to the friends who have accompanied me through the journey: Su Peikai, Guo Yangyi, Lai Chiyi, Lai Yunyi, Wang Yinhan, Liou Hanying, Kang Yinchen, Harry Wu, Yang Fan, Dr Lee Xunyong, Lan Guoyu, and especially my partner Cheung Cinyu. 2 Declaration of Authorship I, Wei-ting Liou, hereby declare that this thesis and the work presented in it is entirely my own. Where I have consulted the work of others, this is always clearly stated. Signed: Liou Wei-ting Date: 18 May, 2015 3 Abstract The thesis investigates the multi-layered colonial history of Taiwanese literature using the concept of the colonial palimpsest and drawing examples from the period of Japanese Rule to the present. The thesis concerns the construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of a Taiwanese subjectivity. I also explore relevant issues in relation to historiography, cultural nationalism, and the State powers so as to re-picture the narrative of Taiwanese literature, diachronically, and synchronically. In the Introduction, an outline of the history of Taiwan, and the theories of Pierre Bourdieu are discussed. In Chapter One, the layered cultural nationalism of Taiwan is presented and examined. In Chapter Two, I take Wu Zhuoliu's writing to exemplify how the colonial palimpsest has worked in relation to Wu during the transitional periods of the Qing Governance, Japanese Rule, and the KMT regime. In Chapter Three, I examine how the 2-28 Incident has shaped an essential part of the cultural nationalism in Taiwanese literature, and conversely, how the newly-formed 2-28 Literature palimpsestically and dialectically narrated this national trauma. The legitimate Mei chunniang is used to inspect the relationship between literary production and state power. In Chapter Four, Combat Literature, Modernist Literature, and Nativist Literature are examined, demonstrating how Taiwanese subjectivity developed in the immigrant Chinese literary field in Taiwan. The 4 Chinese diasporic writer Bai Xianyong’s highly-praised Taipei People is re-examined in regard to Taiwanese perspectives during the Taiwanese Nativist Literary Debate. In Chapter Five, the emergence of Indigenous Literature during Taiwan’s post-martial-law period is discussed along with problematic Han-centric Chinese and Taiwanese nationalism, as exemplified by the indigenous writer Syman Rapongan’s writing. Finally, Zhu Tianxin’s writing and her Juancun background are discussed in the Epilogue as another dimension of the colonial palimpsest. 5 Table of Contents Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. 2 Declaration of Authorship ..................................................................................................... 3 Abstract ................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction: An Outline of the History of Taiwan and the Research Methodology ...... 9 I. The Palimpsest ................................................................................................................. 9 II. The Research Methodology ........................................................................................... 10 III. An Outline of the History of Taiwan ............................................................................ 11 IV. Bourdieu’s Theories ..................................................................................................... 42 VI. Romanisation ............................................................................................................... 59 Chapter One: Layered Taiwaneseness and the Layered Cultural Nationalism of Taiwan ................................................................................................................................... 61 I. From Han Identity under Qing Rule to Chinese Identity under the KMT Regime ......... 65 II. The Effects of Palimpsestic Nationalism on Wu Zhuoliu and his Writing .................... 69 III. The Palimpsestic Split of the Han/Us in the Period of Japanese Rule ........................ 78 IV. Palimpsestic Taiwaneseness ........................................................................................ 92 Chapter Two: The Colonial Palimpsest in Wu Zhuoliu’s Writing ............................... 104 I. The Social Context of Wu Zhuoliu ................................................................................ 107 II. The Palimpsestic Background of Wu Zhuoliu ............................................................. 119 III. The Reaction against Colonial Homogenised Historiography: Wu’s Layered Writing, and Genre-crossing Writing between Fictional and Autobiography .............................. 141 IV. Against Colonial Historiography: Palimpsestic Language Strategies in Wu Zhuoliu’s Writing ............................................................................................................................. 151 Chapter Three: The Palimpsestic Literary Writing of the 2-28 Incident ..................... 191 I. The Layered Historicity of the 2-28 Incident ............................................................... 195 II. The Reproduction of the Forbidden 2-28 in the Literary Field .................................. 211 III. 2-28 in Literary Texts ................................................................................................ 228 IV. A Legitimate Literary Production of 2-28 during the White Terror: Mei chunniang (1964) ............................................................................................................................... 238 6 Chapter Four: The Palimpsest of Post-war Literature in Bai Xianyong’s Writing .... 259 I. The Modernist Palimpsest ............................................................................................ 266 II. The Early Postwar Literary Field 1945-1949 ............................................................. 282 III. Combat Literature and the Legitimisation of Chinese Literature in Taiwan ............ 292 IV. The Taiwanese Nativist Literary Debate ................................................................... 315 V. The Modernist Palimpsest in Bai Xianyong’s Writing ................................................ 320 Chapter Five: The Colonial Palimpsest of Taiwanese Indigenous Literature in Syman Rapongan’s Writing ........................................................................................................... 349 I. Indigenous Literary Discourse in Taiwan .................................................................... 350 II. Syman Rapongan’s Palimpsestic Profile and His Narration of the Palimpsestic Colonialism ...................................................................................................................... 379 III. Rapongan’s Palimpsestic Writing ............................................................................. 381 Epilogue: Zhu Tianxin as an Example of the Colonial Palimpsest ............................... 408 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 425 Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 431 Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 433 7 For the last three hundred years the Taiwanese have never known a government they could trust. They did not trust the Spaniards, they did not trust the Dutch. They thought they could trust Koxinga but no sooner had they begun to than they fell under the Qing. For Manchus and Japanese alike Taiwan was a colony where principled behaviour had no place. Wu Zhuoliu. The Fig Tree: Memoirs of a Taiwanese Patriot, trans. Duncan Hunter (Bloomington: 1st Books Library, 2002), p. 221. 8 Introduction: An Outline of the History of Taiwan and the Research Methodology I. The Palimpsest According to the Oxford English Dicitonary (OED), a palimpsest means: “A parchment or other writing-material written upon

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