Report by Cornards Residents Association Proposed Land Allocation Shelaa Site Ss0220, Land South of Davidson Close, Great Cornard, Sudbury

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Report by Cornards Residents Association Proposed Land Allocation Shelaa Site Ss0220, Land South of Davidson Close, Great Cornard, Sudbury Proposed Land Allocation SS0220 Land off Prospect Hill / South of Davidson Close REPORT BY CORNARDS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION PROPOSED LAND ALLOCATION SHELAA SITE SS0220, LAND SOUTH OF DAVIDSON CLOSE, GREAT CORNARD, SUDBURY The Cornards Resident Association provide this report which covers many of the sections of the local plan which is applicable to the inclusion of site SS0220 Land South of Davidson Close Great Cornard Sudbury Suffolk, this site has been listed as a reasonable alternative site in the joint plan. Our report shows a very strong set of reasons for this land not to be listed as a reasonable alternative site and we argue it is an inappropriate site for the Sudbury and Great Cornard area – arising from a number of wide ranging critical issues not least those emanating from safety outside schools, access, landscape, flood and environmental damage. In addition, there is now the cumulative impact of both the approved Chilton Woods and the proposed Tye Farm developments potentially overwhelming local infrastructure and inflicting catastrophic environmental damage. Our report shows strongly that the SHELAA document's appraisal of Site SS0220 is wholly and materially deficient to the extent of being misleading, in not identifying the range of constraints that would require consideration before a Land Allocation being made. We therefore submit in the strongest terms possible that this site must remain not only outside the Local Plan, but protected for future generations in perpetuity. INDEX • Road Traffic Safety Report • Access Report • Connectivity and Transport Report • Biodiversity Report o Biodiversity Policy Report • Flood Risk • Open Space Report • Landscape and Heritage Report o Landscape and Heritage Policy Report Proposed Land Allocation SS0220 Land off Prospect Hill / South of Davidson Close ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY ISSUES Firstly and most importantly, it is absolutely essential that readers of this Report understand that its production has been very seriously and fundamentally impaired by the advent of the Coronavirus/Corvid 19 Pandemic. It was originally intended that Cornards Residents Association conduct an extensive traffic survey in the localities affected by this proposed development. However, given the fundamental issues that arise from the lockdown, the closure of schools and the consequent impact of reduced traffic flows, this project has been postponed until normality returns. We are not prepared to put forward a skewed result and misrepresent the true facts. In this regard we reserve our position to produce such survey results when completed. Furthermore, we would make the observation that any attempt by the developer to undertake a traffic survey prior to normality returning will be vigorously challenged. Locations for any such surveys other than in Prospect Hill North of Horse Pond Close, Blackhouse Lane at both ends, and Wells Hall Road outside the schools and at each end, will likewise be vigorously challenged. As will any surveys conducted in the area of Carsons Drive, Kempson Drive and Shawlands Avenue. However, very extensive evidence exists of the problems being experienced in the locality. This has been collected from residents and compiled herein for your consideration in the meantime. 1. BACKGROUND A. THE WESTERN APPROACH The proposed site borders Prospect Hill on its Western extremity with an “All modes of transport” access road indicated in the outline plans contained on the internet. It is proposed that the Eastern access point would enter the proposed development via a new roadway into Chaplin Walk. Prospect Hill, Proposed - Western Access Route The proposed Western boundary of the site abuts Prospect Hill and although this immediate area is on the Village edge it is deeply rural in its character and the infrastructure reflects this. All traffic exiting via Prospect Hill and vice versa would be confronted with a choice of routes at the Prospect Hill/ Wells Hall Road junction; to continue straight ahead along Wells Hall Road and past the schools or turn left along Blackhouse Lane to the Bures Road. ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY ISSUES Page 1 Proposed Land Allocation SS0220 Land off Prospect Hill / South of Davidson Close ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY ISSUES Prospect Hill is a single track country lane, very narrow and deeply sunken along the edge of the proposed site with an environmentally important ancient hedgerow immediately on the opposite side of the carriageway. It is unlit and has no footways. Half way along this ancient hedgerow is a small but important gap that acts as an entrance to the Cornard Country Park. Consequently, there are limited passing places and is entirely unsuitable for large vehicles. It is exceedingly rural in absolutely every respect. Heading South up the hill there is a very sharp left hand bend where an important and picturesque public footpath joins the road that also acts as another walker’s entrance to the Cornard Country Park. This particular bend is a site of many minor road collisions witnessed by debris lying in the road or thrown into the hedgerows. The footpath here runs along an alluvial gully. Thereafter, a steep gradient takes you to the summit passing the entrance driveways of Woodlands, Prospect House and Quebec Cottage. Heading North from the proposed site (towards Sudbury, i.e., you have now turned around), you immediately come to a left hand bend after the last bungalow in Eldred Drive. At this point, to the right, is an important and well used public footpath that joins the road, as does Black Brook as it runs under the road in a culvert. Still heading North, you now have on your right the curtilage hedge of Hollowtree House of Horse Pond Close and a very narrow footpath taking users down to the junction of Blackhouse Lane and Wells Hall Road. On your left opposite the entrance drive of Horse Pond Close, you have Black Brook running parallel with Prospect Hill and immediately abutting the carriageway with an ancient and environmentally important hedgerow on the opposite bank including three veteran trees of significance. Black Brook forms the boundary of the extensive allotment gardens accessed via Blackhouse Lane. As Black Brook reaches the junction of Blackhouse Lane and Wells Hall Road, it passes through a culvert under the road and is now on the Northern side of Blackhouse Lane. Prospect Hill for all its material part is a national speed limit road (60mph). Prospect Hill and Wells Hall Road are both Suffolk CC. designated cycle routes (A2) for their entire length. Blackhouse Lane Blackhouse Lane is a narrow single track country lane with no footways and unlit for its entire length with few passing places but with many conflicting traffic issues. ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY ISSUES Page 2 Proposed Land Allocation SS0220 Land off Prospect Hill / South of Davidson Close ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY ISSUES From the point at which you access the junction of Prospect Hill and Wells Hall Road:- This junction is little more than a rural T-junction, with the Black Brook culvert compound on the left and the fence line of the Moat, with the Moat immediately behind the fence on the right. The Moat is an historic feature and also immediately abuts Wells Hall Road and has a drop to the water level of perhaps 1.5m. Slightly further along from this junction, on the left, is the National Grid/British Gas station with its entrance about 50m into Blackhouse Lane. Another 15m or so, you encounter the entrance to the car park of the allotment gardens. About 200m or so, on the right, is the entrance to the car park for the playing fields and The Cornard Country Park. Between these points are a number of unofficial passing places. Black Brook runs immediately adjacent to the Blackhouse Lane carriageway on the right (North) for about half its length before passing under the road in a culvert and then running parallel with the road but again immediately adjacent to the carriageway, now on the left side (South) before making an abrupt 90’ left turn about 150m short of the B1508 into the grounds of Little Mere and onto Cornard Mere SSSI. About 200m West of the playing field Cornard Country Park car park, on the left is the main pedestrian entrance to the Cornard Country Park. About 50m further along on the left, a public footpath joins the road on a blind bend. Just past this point there are two or three driveways serving various properties including a new development of two properties. On the left is a gateway into some cottages and immediate thereafter, another gate serving as a farm yard entrance and also serving the redeveloped Black House Farm. On the right, a footpath from the new children’s play area joins the road. Just after Black House Farm on the left, is the entrance to the stables. Thereafter on the left, is the entrance to the Anglian Water Bore Hole facility. You then have a long length of road which on your right has an environmentally important ancient hedgerow with no verge at its base. On the left there is a soft verge of about 50mm before Black Brook and a further ancient hedgerow on the opposite bank. Blackhouse Lane then runs down to the entrances of Little Mere and a newly converted property on the left and some form of elevated water pumping facility immediately on the right, just yards before the end of Blackhouse Lane as it joins the B1508 Bures Road. Blackhouse Lane for all its material length is a national speed limit road (60mph). ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY ISSUES Page 3 Proposed Land Allocation SS0220 Land off Prospect Hill / South of Davidson Close ROAD TRAFFIC SAFETY ISSUES Wells Hall Road From the junction of Blackhouse Lane heading North. Immediately on your left you have the fence line of the Moat, protecting the approximately 1.5m drop down to the water that is protected by metal sheet piling installed after the road washed out in 2014.
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