Tactical Transparency SHEL HOLTZ and Tactical Transparency

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Tactical Transparency SHEL HOLTZ and Tactical Transparency Holtz Havens Praise for tactical transparency SHEL HOLTZ and tactical transparency tactical transparency “I think this book spells out this new form of online communication in an extremely clear and valuable tactical transparency JOHN C. HAVENS way. It drives home the point that social networking and blogging are only as useful and effective as the energy you put forth. As CEO, if you are sincere in your belief that the consumer of today deserves the authors an opportunity to be heard, and you believe in your mission and direction for the company you lead, tactical transparency then this kind of communication is appropriate and necessary for future success!” —Cindi Bigelow, president, Bigelow Tea ORGANIZATIONS ARE UNDER A MICROSCOPE “Being better engaged with the marketplace than your competition is an advantage; transparency and as never before, and thanks to the Internet and the authenticity are vital to that engagement. Engaging in an authentic conversation with the markets you growing use of high-speed connections, word of serve brings nothing but opportunity.” tacti-tactitaacctc - misdeeds and mistakes can spread to millions with —Jonathan Schwartz, CEO and president, Sun Microsystems how leaders can unprecedented speed, causing untold damage to leverage social an organization’s reputation and share price. No “Social media is transforming our culture. Smart companies value social media as a cultural pathway to longer just a “nice-to-know” concept, transparency creating more trustworthy relationships with customers. Holtz and Havens have crafted an impressive media to maximize has become a state of mind for thousands of CEOs, blueprint on how to be successful in this new age.” value and build managers, employees, and customers around the Shel Holtz, an accredited business communicator, —Jackie Huba, coauthor, Citizen Marketers and Creating Customer Evangelists globe. The fl ood of social media has brought in an is a principal of Holtz Communication + Technology. their brand age of digital transparency that is putting the power His clients have included Intel, Sears, PepsiCo, Aetna, “Using effective scenarios and real examples, this book will help corporate leaders visualize and cal to create or destroy a reputation into the hands of John Deere, General Mills, USAA, Applied Materials, practically achieve the positive results coming from embracing authenticity in communicating to consumers. Every business today must speak the Symantec, Raytheon, World Bank, Petrobras, Disney, customers, partners, and internal employees.” language and meet the expectations of a new FedEx, Freescale Semiconductor, and more. He is the —Paolo Tosolini, new media business manager, Microsoft Corp. digital population. author of fi ve communication-related books. While exposing the risks inherent in maintaining a “In a world of transparency, consumers cut through the bull, the fl uff, the noise, and the decoys to see nontransparent relationship with customers, Tactical what’s really at the unvarnished core. This excellent book—written by two experts who have never Transparency provides a methodology that will taken off their own transparency goggles—is part warning shot and part blueprint for the future.” help organizations create their own unique plans to —Pete Blackshaw, EVP, Nielsen Online, and author, Satisfi ed Customers Tell Three Friends, Angry bring greater authenticity to their companies and Customers Tell 3,000 trans-transans-- brands. Drawn largely from interviews with leaders in companies that have achieved measurable success in this arena, authors Shel Holtz and John C. Havens how provide step-by-step details on how executives and leaders can leverage professional communicators can create a transparency social strategy that will keep their organizations competitive media to John C. Havens is vice president of business in the twenty-fi rst century. The authors show how Jacket design by The Design Works Group BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT maximize development for BlogTalkRadio.com. His About.com organizations can evaluate their readiness for U.S. $34.95 | Canada $37.95 value and papparen-arrForewordene by Lynnen- d Johnson - Guide to Podcasting show has featured interviews with build their transparency, what they need to do to get ready, and brand Director, Social Media hundreds of new media’s leading minds. Previously, he www.josseybass.com how to effectively communicate their transparency FastCompany.com was a professional actor, appearing in such fi lms and strategy to their customers and employees. They also TV shows as The Thomas Crown Affair, Law & Order, identify aspects of blog/new media “netiquette”—an and Spin City. important but often misunderstood part of engaging cyy in transparency. ffirs.indd iv 9/8/08 7:53:10 PM Praise for Tactical Transparency “Imagine the challenge of learning the tactics of communicating in a world where technology renders instantaneous, unscripted experiences, where the will of the people is spoken loudly across multiple immediate distribution points, and where the world has easy access to much more of the data and facts. Holtz and Havens deliver a book that starts a whole new conversation, one around the business impact of transparency and how corpo- rate communications must change today to adapt, or risk much more down the road.” —Chris Brogan, social media strategist, chrisbrogan.com “Does your organization host an online platform for open col- laborative conversation? Even if your answer is no, understand that there are a number of web destinations where your employ- ees and stakeholders are likely engaged in discussions already, forming networks of relationships and representing your brand. Communications professionals are no longer in control of the message, and your fi rewall is losing bricks. Understanding how to communicate in these new and very popular social spaces—and understanding how to represent your brand and values through transparent and meaningful actions— have never been more important. In Tactical Transparency, John and Shel not only encourage but educate on how you, your employees, and all of your stakeholders can be true brand ambassadors in this new world.” —George Faulkner, author, Blueprints: Social Computing at IBM ffirs.indd i 9/8/08 7:53:10 PM “This is not a book about new technology but about new atti- tude. ‘Tactical transparency’ is about loosening up, lightening up, shutting up, and joining the conversation. Holtz and Havens make a convincing case for how to use social media to rethink and transform communications. Packed with case studies from successful companies, this book provides a road map to success in the new age of transparency.” —Anders Gronstedt, president, Gronstedt Group “Nothing is more important to building and sustaining a com- munity than transparency. People won’t listen to you in the world of new media if you’re fake. Authenticity is the currency of social networking, and John and Shel provide great case stud- ies and insights on how to maintain your brand’s integrity while still speaking your truth.” —Alan Levy, CEO, BlogTalkRadio.com “Nothing is more vital in the world of business today than authentically communicating with clients. Monologue has given way to dialogue, and listening to the people who support your business builds the trust that will sustain an organization more than your stock price. Holtz and Havens clearly demonstrate the value of articulating a strategy for transparency that can effec- tively transform your organization to become aligned with the mindset of modern media.” — Michael Port, author, Book Yourself Solid and Beyond Booked Solid ffirs.indd ii 9/8/08 7:53:10 PM “Everyone knows that technology is changing the way we get and share information, what role the media and organizations play in our lives. What people don’t understand is what their role is and what they need to know to be successful. Havens and Holtz know, and they are sharing their wisdom. You will be smarter having read this book.” — Brian Reich, author, Media Rules! Mastering Today’s Technology to Connect with and Keep Your Audience “Anyone can say anything about you in the freewheeling nooks and crannies online. That’s scary for many companies, and they have a tendency to shut up or shout out (neither effective strate- gies). John and Shel dive deep into the nuances of transparency and provide you with everything you need to know. Companies no longer control the message (maybe we never really did). But following the advice in Tactical Transparency, we have some- thing even better—the ability to successfully infl uence millions of people by showing what we really are.” — David Meerman Scott, author, The New Rules of Marketing and PR “Honesty is the start of all success in a word-of-mouth world. This book will teach you how to openly embrace it, enjoy it, and expand your business.” — Andy Sernovitz, author, Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking ffirs.indd iii 9/8/08 7:53:10 PM ffirs.indd iv 9/8/08 7:53:10 PM Tactical Transparency How Leaders Can Leverage Social Media to Maximize Value and Build Their Brand Shel Holtz John C. Havens Foreword by Lynne d Johnson ffirs.indd v 9/8/08 7:53:11 PM Copyright © 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1741—www.josseybass.com No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600, or on the Web at www.copyright.com.
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