Abbreviations of Chemical Warfare Agents, 152 Acetylcholinesterase
Index Abbreviations of chemical warfare agents, Blood ChE inhibition, nerve agent critical 152 toxic effect on, 23 Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition, Blood ChE inhibition, nerve agent species nerve agents and, 18 variation of, 21 Acetylthiocholine iodide, RBC-ChE activ Blood cholinesterases, nerve agent effects ity and, 22 on, 20 AChE (acetylcholinesterase) inhibition, Butyrylcholinesterase (plasma-ChE), nerve agents and, 18 nerve agent effects on, 20 Acronyms for chemical warfare agents, 152 Acute inhalation toxicity, CK and, 114 Carboxylesterases (aliesterases), nerve Acute toxicity, CK (cyanogen chloride) agent effects on, 21 and, 113 Carcinogenicity, CK and, 122 Acute toxicity, GA and, 68 Carcinogenicity, GA and, 73 Acute toxicity, GB and, 78 Carcinogenicity, GB and, 90 Acute toxicity, GD and, 94 Carcinogenicity, HD and, 38 Acute toxicity, HD and, 30 Carcinogenicity, HN2 and, 53 Acute toxicity, HN2 and, 51 Carcinogenicity, HT and, 49 Acute toxicity, HT and, 49 Carcinogenicity, lewisite and, 107 Acute toxicity, lewisite and, 103 Carcinogenicity, VX and, 61 Acute toxicity, T sulfur mustard and, 50 ChE (cholinesterase), nerve agent effects Acute toxicity, VX and, 54 on, 20 Agent CK, see CK or cyanogen chloride ChE inhibition, nerve agent potency on, Agent GA, see GA or Tabun 23 Agent GB, see GB or Sarin Chemical warfare agent disposal tech Agent GD, see GD or Soman niques,3 Agent HD, see HD or Sulfur mustard HD Chemical warfare agent non-stockpile Agent HN2, see HN2 or Nitrogen mus- sites U.S., 4 tard Chemical warfare agents, 1 ff. Agent HT, see HT or Sulfur mustard HT Chemical warfare agents, acronyms/abbre Agent L, see L or Lewsite viations of, 152 Agent T, see T Sulfur mustard Chemical warfare agents, air exposure lim Agent VX, see VX its of, 7 Aliesterases (carboxylesterases), nerve Chemical warfare agents, environmental agent effects on, 21 cleanup of, 3 Anticholinesterase agents, 18 Chemical warfare agents, environmental Army chemical destruction, 3 ff.
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